______________________________________________________________________ / \ |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Soul Caibur II-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| \______________________________Necrid FAQ______________________________/ GameCube Version 1.0 By Matt "SpacePirate" Perez Nintendomaster@comcast.net 2-6-04 ================================== Table of Contents ================================== 1. Introduction 2. Why be Necrid? 3. What's up with Necrid... a. Profile b. Stage c. Ending d. Movelist 4. Weapons/Costumes 5. Tips for fighting with Necrid 6. FAQs 7. Contact Information 8. Credits 9. Copyright Info ================================== 1. Introduction ================================== Hello and welcome to my guide on the sick Soul Calibur character, Necrid. Necrid was created by Todd McFarlane, the creator of Spawn. Necrid was first featured in this game. He wasn't included in the Arcade version but exclusively for the home console. There's not much background on Necrid. But that doesn't really matter since Necrid is so fun to play with. Necrid is a strange character. He uses other characters moves and he is very strong. Though slow, Necrid can beat someone in a few seconds. Since Necrid was made by Todd McFarlane, I wanted to try Necrid out immediately. He can be kind of cheap but he still is a great character. Like my Yunsung guide, I'll tell you everything you need to now about Necrid! There's one thing I didn't include in this guide. The quote list. For one reason, someone thought that a person could think that it was filler and all of Necrid's quotes are just grunts. So, what's the point!? ================================== 2. Why be Necrid? ================================== There may not be as many reasons to play with Necrid as Yunsung, but Necrid still has some reasons to play as him. One is, he has a large variety of attacks. Why wouldn't he, Necrid has other peoples moves. That's what makes his moves pretty unpredictable. All of his moves aren't other peoples moves though. He has his own mix of attacks that are just as good as the other ones. He is also extremely strong. So, with his great moves that are unpredictable and strong, that's one good reason to play as Necrid. Another reason that'll appeal to many of you, is that Necrid was made by Spawn creator, Todd McFarlane. Necrid is a crazy looking character (like Spawn). He's also very lethal (like Spawn). Actually, Necrid has many similarities to Spawn. For you people with XBoxes, treasure the moment when you watch a battle with Necrid and Spawn. So, if you like Todd McFarlane or Spawn, you'll love Necrid. There are other reasons to be Necrid but I'll just give one more. If you like Todd McFarlane and you don't have a XBox, than Necrid is the only McFarlane character you'll be playing with in a fighting game for a while. I have no idea if anymore McFarlane characters will be in anymore fighting games soon. So, savor the moment. Well, those are a few reasons to play as him. Necrid is a good character to play with him. If you don't agree with any of this stuff, try him any way. You never know... ================================== 3. What's up with Necrid... ================================== -=-=-=-=-=-=- a. Profile -=-=-=-=-=-=- Necrid Age: Unknown Birthplace: Unknown Height: 6'5" Weight: 238 lbs. Birth Date: Unknown Blood Type: Changed by the void Weapon: Enigma Weapon Name: Maleficus Discipline: Self-taught Family: Does not remember (Actual parents long deceased) He was a warrior that managed to reach Soul Edge. The energy of the evil blade, however, poisoned his body and mind, and he became something other than human. The warrior, now a bloodthirsty abomination, sought the one thing that gave solace to his constant pain--the fragments of Soul Edge. His only thought was to collect every piece he could find. -=-=-=-=-=-=- b. Stage -=-=-=-=-=-=- Lakeside Coliseum This place is a revival of the splendor that is ancient Rome. The dreams of those in power are always connected to that place, regardless of the ages. This place exists in a lakeside cavern somewhere in Europe. This is a place where duels to the death are fought. The special privilege of witnessing the battles are only offered to a small number of the upper class. It is a place both elegant and gruesome--it is a place ruled by glory, praise, curiosity, blood, and money. This place of duels and battles looks just like the ancient coliseums. Warriors fight here for different reasons: Some fight for glory or money, while others hope for freedom. And the affluent watch the battles from their special seats or the boats floating on the lake, enjoying the spectacle that they see as the ultimate entertainment. -=-=-=-=-=-=- c. Ending -=-=-=-=-=-=- His soul yearning for repose, Necrid sought the pieces of Soul Edge. At long last, Inferno appeared before him. A warrior's blood and his honor... long forgotten memories and reason reawakened within him. Victorious against the heinous Inferno, Necrid solemnly closed the opening to the void. And thus he disappeared into that darkness, taken with him Soul Edge. -=-=-=-=-=-=- d. Movelist -=-=-=-=-=-=- Here are all of the moves for Necrid. A, B, K and the rest of the letters are button commands like Kick and Vertical attacks. The numbers are directions. I explain it below. 789 456 123 Imagine your Control Stick is 5. If I said do 236, it means push down, rightdown, right. +(Plus)- Push buttons simultaneously. Example: A+G means push A and G at the same time. [](Brackets)- Hold enclosed commands. Example: [A] means hold A. ()(Parentheses)- Alternate button command. Example: 1(7) means you can use 1 or 7. kK- Quickly tap the first button and then push the other. Example: kK means quickly tap K and then push K. agA- Same as kK but you are doing three buttons. Example: agA means quickly tap a, g and push A. A- horizontal attack B- vertical attack K- kick G- guard Th- Throw Misc- Miscellaneous Sign- Signature Moves Qk- Quick Attacks Pow- Powerful Attacks ------------------- Horizontal Attacks ------------------- Rage Tail AA Rage Tail (Hold) A[A] Scourge Tusk 6+AB Scourge Tusk (Hold) 6+A[B] Scourge Storm 6+AAA Dark Slash 66+A Inner Blaze 3+AK Inner Blaze (Delay) 3+AK Axis 2+AK Shadow Hook 1A or agA Shadow Hook (Hold) 1[A] or ag[A] Demonic Reaver 4AB Death Break 44A Fire Fang A+B Fire Fang (Cancel)~Back facing enemy A+B G Dragon Roar 66A+B Vulcan Sting 3A+B Leviathan 2A+B 2A or B Fiery Vine 1A+B Dark Voretx A+K Dark Vortex (Hold) [A+K] Dark Vortex (Cancel) [A+K] G Cataclysm aB Caliginous Blight aK B Dark Slash [6]A Cadmus Spade [3]([9])A Grand Valar [2]([8])AB Dragon Tail [1]([7])A Deathbreak [4]A Hell's Assassin While Crouching A+B Chaos Comet While Crouching 3A+B Chaos Comet (Hold) While Crouching 3[A+B] Chaos Comet (Cancel) While Crouching 3[A+B] G Dark Discuss While Rising AA Dark Discuss (Cancel) While Rising AA2 Luminous Wheel Back facing enemy A+B Luminous Wheel (Hold) Back facing enemy [A+B] ------------------- Vertical Attacks ------------------- Dragon Tusks BB Dragon Tornado B repeat rapidly Dreaded Horn 6B Overlord Strike 66B Overlord Dtrike (Hold) 66[B] Ember 3BB Ember (Delay) 3BB War Hammer 2B Hell Raiser 1B Hell Raiser (Hold) 1[B] Skeleton Fang 4B Soul Strife 66BA Void Cannon B+K Void Cannon (Hold) (Short distance) [B+K]4 Void Cannon (Hold) (Long distance) [B+K]6 Lost Soul 2B+K Wind Drake 6B+K Deadly Spikes During Wind Drak A Death Wing During Wind Drake B Deadly Dive During Wind Drake K Grave Caster bA Valar's Grasp bgB Overlord Strike [6]B Overlord Strike (Hold) [6B] Draco [3]([9])BA Draco (Delay) [3]([9])BA Draco (Cancel) [3]([9])BAG Chaos Reign [2]([8])B Chaos Reign (Hold) [2]([8])[B] Soul Strife [4]([1, 7])BA Vine Snap While Crouching 3BB Secret Fang Back facing enemy B+K Pyre Tusk G+9(7, 8)BB ------------------- Kicks ------------------- Horn Kick K6 Giant Roundhouse 6K Helm Drop 66K Giant Spin Kick 3K Low Kick 1K or 2K Biting Kick 4K Diving Kick 44K Raging Demon kB Amimone Spike [3]([9])K Talon Kick [2]([8])K Raider [1]([7])K Diving Kick [4]K Dragon Blaze While Rising KK Necris Dive~Back facing enemy Back facing enemy 4K ------------------- Throws ------------------- Nest of Demons Approach enemy A+G Dark Atonement Approach enemy B+G Ridicule Fiend Approach enemy from the left A+G or B+G Bain Approach enemy from the right A+G or B+G Bloodletting Approach enemy from behind A+G or B+G Valar's Grasp Against airborne enemy bgB ------------------- Miscellaneous ------------------- Elder Topaz 214 Elder Topaz (Cancel) 214 G Elder Charge During Elder Topaz 6 Elder Swing During Elder Topaz A Elder Swing (Cancel) During Elder Topaz A G Georgios During Elder Topaz 2A2A Tulisk During Elder Topaz 2AAA Tulisk (Cancel) During Elder Topaz 2AAA2 Beowulf During Elder Topaz B Beowulf During Elder Topaz 2(8)B Elder Dragon Blaze Durring Elder Topaz KKK ------------------- Signature Moves ------------------- Skeleton Fang 4B Grand Valar [2]([8])AB Chaos Reign (Hold) [2]([8])[B] Void Cannon B+K ------------------- Quick Attacks ------------------- Rage Tail AA Scourge Tusk 6AB Giant Spin Kick 3K Skeleton Fang 4B ------------------- Powerful Attacks ------------------- Void Cannon (Hold) (Long distance) [B+K]6 Chaos Comet (Hold) 3[A+B] Dark Vortex (Hold) [A+K] Chaos Reign (Hold) [2]([8])[B] ================================== 4. Weapons/Costumes ================================== _____________ |1. Maleficus | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for him. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: The Maleficus is an invisible ball with green going around it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: This weapon is a fragment from another realm, which Necrid broke | |off and brought with him when he returned to this world. It is something | |never before seen in this world--a physical manifestation of the same energy | |contained within the Soul Edge. This substance is both comforting and | |familiar to Necrid, which is why Maleficus is such a well-suited weapon for | |him. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Default weapon | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ |2. Lumures | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Powerful single strikes with Soul Charge, but lacks offense. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: Like the Maleficus, the Lemures is an invisible ball with blue | |going around it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: This luminous object appears at night near bodies of water. The | |most widely explanation for this phenomenon is that swarms of luminescent | |insects are to blame. Nevertheless, those who have actually witnessed its | |light and heard its soft hum swear that it beckons with the voices of those | |who met their end in a watery grave. It reacts to the presence of | |strong-willed individuals. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Chapter 1/600 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _____________ |3. Morphos | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Good offense and powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: The Morphos is the first visible ball in Necrid's weapon lineup.| |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: A mysterious stone that changes shape depending on its | |possessor's will. According to legend, it has the ability to transmute into a| |variety of objects, from a powerful sword to a priceless jewel. It is for | |this reason that this stone has been sought by humans. Its hardness makes for| |an excellent weapon, but its effectiveness as a defense weapon is | |questionable. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Chapter 2/900 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _______________ |4. Orcus Claw | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Offense increases with Soul Charge, but guard is penetrable. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: Yet another invisible ball. This time with yellow around it!! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: This spectral light is also known as the Nail of Hades. Often | |seen hovering above the corpses of the newly dead, the ancient Greeks | |believed the light was responsible for the harvesting of souls. It is | |unlikely that any mortal can triumph against a weapon with such strong | |associations to death | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Chapter 3/1200 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________________ |5. Ignis Fatuus | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Good defense and recovers health, but lacks offense. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: It's an invisible ball again!! It has red surrounding it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: A mysterious flame feared for its ability to confuse and lure | |humans to their deaths. Although visible to the eye, none can touch it, and | | |not even the most violent storms can extinguish this flame. Rumor has it | |that non-human entities find comfort in its presence. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Chapter 4/1600 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________________ |6. Lambent Viper | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Powerful single strikes, but lacks offense. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: It's invisible! It's also has white around it! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: A mysterious phenomenon that appears to be electrical in nature, | |it has been observed at various locations throughout the world. A notorious | |omen of death, it hovers through the air emitting a cold light, and any | |contact with it will drain all heat from its victims. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Chapter 4/2200 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________________ |7. Hex Luminae | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Penetrates defense, but lacks offense and defense. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: Thank god it's not invisible. It's actually red with red going | |around it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: A faint column of light rumored to appear only during a new moon.| |Legend says that ghosts, werewolves, and witches gather under its unnatural | |luminance, and forevermore render that site barren. Humans consider it an ill| |omen and avoid it at all costs, but those who unknowingly stumble within its | |range are certain to be stricken. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Chapter 6/3000 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________________ |8. Infernal Edge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Speed increased with Soul Charge, but requires energy to wield. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: Another red ball but with green going around it. Reminds me of | |Christmas! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: A mythical object notorious for inflicting injury upon the | |living, it is made by harvesting the last breaths of the dying, and grows | |stronger with each soul that is added. One day, when it has grown strong | |enough to consume the life force of a star, the world will come to and end. | |This weapon is also able to disrupt the flow of time. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Chapter 10/4000 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ________________________ |9. Soul Edge (Complete) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Fearsome demonic weapon said to absorb life.... | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: This particular Soul Edge looks like the sun is exploding. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon| |is also known to be a shape shifter -- which form it takes depends on its | |owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the | |renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline | |can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is an evil weapon which| |saps the strength of the enemy it wounds and rends the soul of the one who | |holds it. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Extra Chapter 1/7800 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________________ |10. Chaos | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover it's true power! | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: A black ball that is radiating a red color around the ball. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: This is the substance in which all existence is comprised. | |Alchemists claim that this mysterious matter is a complex amalgam consisting | |of life, space, and even time. It's shape is constantly shifting. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Extra Chapter 2/9800 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ___________________ |11. Ethernal Edge | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |So wispy and so useless. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Description: It's just a black ball... weird. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Background: This vaporous weapon is formed from a collection of particles so | |faint, one questions whether or not it actually exists. The reflections from | |its ever-changing form are beautiful to behold, but deemed by many as nothing| |more than a mere trick of light. No weapon is more suitable, however, for | |catching unsuspecting enemies off-guard. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |How to get it: Subchapter 2/12500 Gold | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ________ |Costumes| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Costume 1: Necrid is a big green guy (like the Hulk). He has blue pants with| |armor on it and a large chest piece with stuff going on inside it. He has | |spikes around his back and his left arm. His hand on his left arm has large | |nails. His eyes are red and he wears a large iron bracelet on his right arm.| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Costume 2: This costume is similar to his first. Instead of being green, he| |red. His chest piece is a different color than the other one. He has tons of| |spikes on his left arm. He has more armor on his right arm and his pants are| |the same. He also wears a metal mask which looks scary. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ _________________ |Other Unlockables| |---------------------------------------------+ |Profile: Defeat the Arcade mode with Necrid | |---------------------------------------------| |Exhibition Theater: Subchapter 1/4300 Gold | +---------------------------------------------+ ================================== 5. Tips for fighting with Necrid ================================== - Necrid has great horizontal moves that are nice for getting opponents out of the ring. If your opponents back is toward the end of the stage, use Deathbreak or Fire Fang to send them out. Dark Slash can also get a ring out but only if your opponent is next to the edge (he/she has his or her side toward the edge). - Along with very useful horizontal attacks, Necrid also has some very brutal ones. Grand Valar not only hurts your opponent a lot but it also looks cool. Chao's Comet (Hold) is also a very harsh attack. And Dark Vortex (Hold) will deliver some damage! - Necrid has a large collection of awesome kicks. Helm Drop can get your opponent on the ground and when he's on the ground, you can use the kick to inflict more damage. The same goes for the Diving Kick. Raging Demon is a very strong attack to do. Amimone Spike is a great move to that inflicts some damage and gets your opponent on the ground. Raider might not be the strongest attack but when you use a vertical or horizontal attack right after it, it will inflict pain upon the enemy. Necris Dive is a perfect attack to use after Beowulf. When the bodies falling, use the Necris Dive. - Necrid has a full on arsenal of throws. They're perfect for Ring Outs. If your back is facing the edge of the stage, use Dark Atonement. If an opponents back is toward the end of the ring, use Valar's Grasp to painfully throw your opponent out. If an opponents left side of his or her bodies next to the end of the stage, use Nest of Demons. And when your opponents right side of his or her bodies next to the end, use Ridicule Fiend. - Using Elder Topaz moves are needed for success. These moves are some of Necrids best. When your opponents a couple feet away from you, use Elder Swing but make sure you have enough time to execute it. Tulisk is a quick move that packs a powerful punch! Elder Blaze not only looks really cool, but its a nice move for ring outs. Just make sure you don't go out with your opponent. But the best Elder Topaz move has to be Beowulf. When you execute it (try to be far away) your enemy will go straight up in the air. Now, it's time to juggle! When you're done juggling, attack your enemy on the ground. This sick move is also very useful. If you're in a tight spot, use it to get away from your opponent. Yep, without the Elder Topaz moves, Necrid would be a much weaker character. - When opponents are on the ground, its time to beat the crap out of your opponent without breaking a sweat. Use strong, and low vertical attacks and kicks. - Almost all of Necrid's Signature moves are great. The only problem is the skeleton Fang which isn't that good. Grand Valar is an incredible move to use. You can use it for major damage or for ring outs. The Chaos Reign (Hold) move is great too. It delivers lot's of damage and it makes you look good. The last move is the Void Cannon. If you can get your opponent to stay still, use this attack by all means. It's incredible. - Necrid's best quick attacks are Rage Tail and Scourge Tusk. They both deliver nice quick damage. You can also use the moves in great combos. - All of Necrid's powerful moves are great but they do require timing. When using Void Cannon (Hold) (Long Distance), get far away from your enemy. And make sure your just far enough. Chaos Comet (Hold) is a very powerful attack. A great way of using it is when your enemy is away from you a little. Start the move and you'll have enough time to get it charged and execute it. The same goes for Dark Vortex (Hold) but it's better if your opponent come after you. Then you'll get the proper amount of damage. The last move is the Chaos Reign (Hold) move. There's nothing really hard here. Just move quickly and do the move. Also, you can juggle your enemy after you did the move for extra damage. Ooh, that's gotta hurt. ================================== 6. FAQs ================================== There haven't been any FAQs yet. If you have any, email me them. ================================== 7. Contact Information ================================== You can email me at Nintendomaster@comcast.net If you have a question, please make sure that its not in the guide. And try to include the question in the topic. If your going to send me emails with complements, try to include a question or a trick in the game that'll make the guide better. Send all the hate letters you want. They're hilarious. By the way, can you not send a virus in your email just to make me mad. I never look at spam or chain letters so don't send me them. Don't send me emails that make no sense at all. ================================== 8. Credits ================================== Thanks to: CJayC for making GameFAQs Namco for making the greatest fighter ever ================================== 9. Copyright Info ================================== Websites that can use my guide: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Copyright 2003 SpacePirate