SoulCalibur II (Namco, 3D Fighting Game, PS2 (+XB +GC)) Secrets FAQ V1.6 9/27/04 Written by: Richard Uyeyama (ru e ama ru e ama best vwh net)* * Instances of the letter "y", the "at" symbol, and all periods have been removed (replaced with spaces) from the above e-mail address in order to prevent unscrupulous UCE (unsolicited commercial e-mail) bot processes from adding to the amount of e-mail I already get... IMPORTANT - BEFORE E-MAILING ME: Please please PLEASE run a Virus Scanner on your computer. During the latter half of 2003, very soon after I received a batch of SCII e-mailings, someone (probably in that batch) began spamming me (repeatedly) with an e-mail Virus. If you cannot afford a Virus Scanner, at the very least, download and run the latest version of McAfee's free "Stinger" utility (or any other trustworthy free utility that does the same thing), which will get rid of a good number of the most common Viruses out there. Your friends will thank you. Stinger utility: Info about the Sobig worm: The latest version of this file can be found at: Even More Heroes in a Warlike Age Document formatting, organization, and wording Copyright 2003, 2004 by Richard Uyeyama. Permission granted by author to duplicate (unaltered) this document in its entirety for NON-PROFIT purposes only. All other rights reserved. Author reserves the right to rescind specific or general permission, if he sees a reason (such as loophole abuse) to do so. Unauthorized duplication of this document is a violation of all applicable national and international laws. This document is protected by International Copyright Law. It is a criminal act to use this document (or any derivative work (including translations)) in any way that makes you (and/or your company) money; you MAY NOT sell this document, host this document on a website with an ad banner and/or membership fee, give this document away as a "purchase bonus", and/or use this document in any other manner which profits (financially) you (and/or your company) either directly or indirectly. If you are unsure as to whether you can use this document, or if you wish to apply for specific rights not granted to you by the above, send a polite, detailed, and clearly phrased inquiry to me at the e-mail address listed above. Note, however, that due to the amount of e-mail I get, I may not be able to reply to every query or request I receive (also note that the lack of a reply will NEVER constitute legal permission). GameFAQs ( has been granted permission to host this document. The following webpage contains the most recent version of the above copyright notice. If there is a discrepancy between the above copyright notice and the one located on my current webpage, the information on my webpage will be treated as authentic: SoulCalibur II is Copyright 1995, 1998, 2002, 2003 by Namco Ltd. All rights reserved. "You shall find your place in history and become a legend... A legend that will never die..." -- SoulCalibur II credits Table of Contents: 0. Document History I. Basic Stuff 1. What is this document? 2. What is SoulCalibur II? 3. Notation and stuff II. Characters and Stuff 1. Hidden Characters A. Unlockable Characters (5) B. Non-unlockable Characters (4) C. Charade notes D. Inferno notes 2. Sub-bosses 3. Outfits and stuff A. Outfit selection B. 3rd outfits C. Weapons 4. Quotes and poses and stuff A. Character selection quotes B. Vs. screen taunts C. Pre-match poses/quotes D. Win poses/quotes III. Weapon Master Mode Stuff 1. The Locations 2. The Missions A. Chapters 1-10 B. Subchapters 1-4 C. Extra Chapters 1-2 D. Quick reference charts 3. Buying Stuff A. A note on inflation B. Earning Gold from other game modes C. Shop Inventories D. More charts and stuff E. Calculating the cost of everything 4. WMM Classes IV. Miscellany 1. Collection Data list and conditions 2. The replay camera 3. Character Profile stuff 4. The title screen(s) 5. "SoulCalibur Two" and "Namco" voices 6. Wall-assisted flip-jumps 7. Pre-battle announcer quotes 8. Auto-load and auto-save 9. Soft reset V. Thanks and Stuff ------------------- 0. Document History ------------------- V1.6: 9/27/04 GC (U/C) version info added throughout document In WMM 5-1, Assassin can appear on Player team Xianghua ub+[K] wall flip added Detail and clarity editing in several sections V1.5: 3/27/04 Some weapon stats/properties changed for U/C version (Basic Stuff) Some differences between J and U/C weapons documented (Weapons) V1.4: 1/27/04 U/C Stage 14 special properties in Ex.VS & Ex.VS Team (Basic Stuff) EU version notes (nothing new, compared to U/C) added to Basic Stuff Detail and clarity editing in a couple sections V1.3: 11/27/03 Wall impact quick recovery (kabe-ukemi) info added to Basic Stuff Some of Necrid's borrowed moves don't have wall bounce properties Wall-assisted flip-jump info added to Basic Stuff W10 Necrid vs. W10 Necrid notes added to Outfits/Weapons section Pre-match and win pose/quote info added for Spawn (XB) Pre-match and win pose info added for A/B/LM (U/C). U/C mission 4-3e completion tips added to WMM section Wall flip move listings added to Miscellany Detail and clarity editing in a few sections (9/26/03: EU (PAL) version PS2/GC/XB SoulCalibur II now on sale) V1.2: 9/7/03 U/C (XB) version info added throughout document WMM Classes section added to Weapon Master Mode Stuff Conditions for title screen 2 quantified Typo fixes in a couple of sections Detail and clarity editing in a few sections (8/27/03: U/C version PS2/GC/XB SoulCalibur II now on sale) V1.1: 7/27/03 Wall jump and wall jump attack info added to Basic Stuff More details on Inferno's styles, weapons, and weapon effects Inferno battle time is 150% of normal More info on Inferno stage invisible walls added to Inferno notes More info/details on pre-match pose/quotes More info/details on win pose/quotes Display Chapter-opening text on WMM World Map Pre-battle announcer quotes for Link and Spawn added Thanks section added Detail and clarity editing in a few sections V1.0: 5/27/03 Launch version (3/27/03: J version PS2/GC/XB SoulCalibur II now on sale) -------------- I. Basic Stuff -------------- I.1 What is this document? This document is an English language informational resource for the PlayStation2 version of SoulCalibur II (SCII), a weapons-based 3D fighting game by Namco. In this document, I'll be covering codes, secrets, details, clarifications, and other such information which may be of interest to SCII fans. This is a Secrets FAQ (side note: I'm using "faq" herein with its more colloquial definition of "document of organized information", rather than its more traditional definition, which implies organizational headings in the form of questions...), and not a moves list or strategy guide, btw, so I won't be including any complete moves/combo lists, or detailed character strategies, or anything like that in this document... This document was written for the J version of the PS2 SCII, but it seems likely that at least some of the information contained herein may apply to other versions of the game as well... SoulCalibur II (PS2, J) basic info: 1 DVD ROM Disc (SLPS-25230) 1-2 Players Works with: PlayStation2 8MB Memory Card (137 KB) 6800 (y)en U/C note: I've also gathered data from the XB U/C (United States / Canada) and GC U/C versions of the game. Supplementary information in regards to the U/C version of SCII has been added to sections of this document. Such notes about the U/C version will be preceded by the phrase "U/C note" or "U/C notes". XB note: Supplementary information in regards to the XB (U/C) version of SCII will be preceded by the phrase "XB note" or "XB notes". GC note: Supplementary information in regards to the GC (U/C) version of SCII will be preceded by the phrase "GC note" or "GC notes". I.2 What is SoulCalibur II? SoulCalibur II (SCII) is a weapons-based 3D fighting game by Namco. It's the sequel to SoulCalibur (SCalibur), which is the sequel to SoulEdge (SE). The SCII story takes place four years after SCalibur. (Side note on Nightmare's age: Although Nightmare's age is listed as "Unknown", being that Siegfried was 19 in SCalibur, he's probably 23 in SCII (unless the SoulEdge stopped his aging, like it (presumably) did for Cervantes)). What's new in SCII gameplay (compared to SCalibur): The Guard Impact technique has been made simpler, but less versatile. Instead of a choice of Repelling or Parrying any attack, now all High and Mid attacks are Guard Impacted with Repels (f+G), and all Low attacks are Guard Impacted with Parries (b+G). Some arenas now have walls as partial or total borders. A wall can cause damage to a character that is knocked into it. Wall impact quick recovery (kabe-ukemi). Much like a ground impact ukemi (press G (or be holding G) upon ground impact for a quick recovery), a wall impact ukemi can be used to recover quickly from wall impact stun. After being knocked into a wall, press f to roll towards your opponent, press d to roll towards the foreground, or press u to roll towards the background. Note: This can also be done for high wall impacts (i.e. when your feet are not touching the ground). Wall jumps and wall jump attacks. After jumping (backward) into a wall (ub+G / G(ub) / ub(G)), hold the jump command (hold G and hold ub) or execute another jump command (any direction (u/uf/ub) jump) as you hit the wall, and you'll execute a wall jump. Press an attack button during a wall jump, and you'll execute a wall jump attack (some of which are different from their normal jump attack equivalents). Special wall jumps. With some special moves, you can bounce off a wall, either by holding the attack button(s) used to execute the move, or by pressing the button(s) again as you hit the wall. Some examples: Cervantes' d,db,b,B, Taki's A+B, Talim's f+B+K... Side note: Necrid's f+B+K and d,db,b,B do not have wall bounce properties... Special wall-assisted flip-jumps. Some characters can utilize a wall to perform a backflip or forward flip. Consult the wall flip section (Miscellany) of this document for more information. 8-way running is easier, but crouching is more difficult. The d, db, and df directions now immediately (no double-tap necessary) initiate 8-way run (8WR). Use G(d/db/df) to initiate a crouch instead. You can move while Soul Charging (A+B+K) now, but Soul Charge unblockables take longer to prepare. All characters can creep forward and backward while Guarding (when standing). A maximum distance between opponents has been implemented. If you try to move further away from your opponent than the maximum distance, the screen edge will slowly "drag" your opponent with you. There are some other new things as well, but those are the major differences... What's new in the PS2 version of SCII (compared to the arcade version): Two new characters: Necrid (a Dural-like "composite style" character) and Heihachi (from the Tekken series). In the GC version of the game, Heihachi has been replaced with Link (from the Zelda series); and in the XB version, he has been replaced with Spawn (from the Image comic of the same name). Two returning SoulCalibur characters: Seung Mina and Sophitia can both be unlocked as playable! More weapons! Similar to the weapons earned in the PSX SE Edge Master Mode, the weapons earned/purchased in the SCII Weapon Master Mode (WMM) actually have varying stats, effects, and/or abilities! Special weapons can be used in the "Extra" version of any mode, as well as in Museum modes and Weapon Master Mode itself. No Conquest Mode: Conquest Mode is apparently an arcade-version exclusive. Again, there are some other new things as well, but those are the major differences... U/C notes: What's new in the U/C home version of SCII (compared to the J version): English or Japanese voice is selectable via Sound Settings. English Subtitle option in Game Settings. Assassin, Berserker, and Lizardman are unlockable via WMM, but will only be selectable in (Original and Extra) VS, Team, and Practice modes, and Battle Theater. They don't seem to have W2-W11s, but they do have 6 costumes each (2 costumes, with 3 color variations each). Also, they don't seem to have game-internal Command Lists. =/ More Weapons can be unlocked instead of purchased: Some squares in Dungeon missions will unlock specific Weapons. Some weapons have slightly different stats/properties, compared to their J version equivalents. Most (but not all) of these changes actually improve the weapon (for the wielder). Most of the WMM rankings have been renamed for no obvious reason. Also, a new ranking has been added between Lv.29 and Lv.30 (the J version skipped from Silver to Platinum, so a Gold ranking was inserted), and the first Grand Edgemaster ranking (Wolf) appears to have been removed. Due to Lv.31-76 being displaced by 1, an extra 20000 Exp will be necessary before one can unlock WMM Subchapter 2... WMM exits back to the World Map (this can't be disabled or interrupted, as far as I know) every time a new Chapter is unlocked. Overall, the difficulty of CPU opponents (in all modes of the game) seems to have been increased; opponents seem to use defensive tactics (such as Guard, Guard Impact, Sidestep, and Throw Escape) more frequently (even in Easy difficulty). This makes a number of WMM missions (4-3e and E2-1e, for example) a lot more challenging than before. And makes Time Attack Extreme and Extra TAE that much more difficult to complete... Stage 14 variations have special properties in Extra VS Battle and Extra VS Team Battle. In those two modes, the variations will be marked with "Sand", "Fire", and "Ice" on the stage select screen. The "Sand" variation will have a pool of quicksand (if one stands still, one sinks into it and becomes slower), the "Fire" variation will have a ring of molten lava (standing on it for too long will cause one to burst into flames and take damage), and the "Ice" variation will have a slippery surface (one tends to keep moving in one's direction of travel, even after one has stopped). As far as I know, there is no way to select these special properties in any other mode with stage selection, nor is there any way to select the mundane versions in Extra VS and/or Extra VS Team modes. Significantly more Gold is earned from non-WMM modes. Attract mode high score listings scroll significantly faster. Once again, there are some other new things as well, but those are the major differences... EU notes: What's new in the EU home version of SCII (compared to the U/C version): From what I've been told, the EU version of SCII is pretty much just a PAL conversion of the NTSC U/C version (i.e. nothing significant has been added, removed, or changed). Uncomfirmed: The EU version of SCII gives you slightly more information about some (but not all) of the special weapons (W2-W11). I.3 Notation and stuff In order to stave off any potential confusion, here follow some of the standards of notation I'll be using in this document... G Guard (defaults to X) A Horizontal attack (defaults to [square]) B Vertical attack (defaults to [triangle]) K Kick attack (defaults to O) u/d/l/r up, down, left, and right (respectively) on the d-pad/stick + at the same time as , then = a quick "then" that links commands yielding a single action / or x(y) press y while holding x [x] hold x P1 Player 1: the player assigned to start on the left side; the default outfit for a P1 side character. P2 Player 2: the player assigned to start on the right side; the default outfit for a P2 side character. P3 A character's third outfit. W1-W11 Weapon 1 through Weapon 11. J Japan version (of SCII) U/C United States / Canada version (of SCII) EU Europe (PAL) version (of SCII) In denoting d-pad positions and movements, I'll also be using the following notation: n neutral Here's a visual chart: u up d down u u f forward ub uf uf ub b back b n f f n b df down-forward db df df db db down-back d d uf up-forward ub up-back (facing right) (facing left) On numbering weapons: To specify weapons, I'll note character and weapon number. I've decided to number the weapons from 1 to 11 (W1 to W11). Even though the Weapon Gallery displays 12 weapons per character (both P1 and P2 versions of each W1 are shown), on any weapon select screen, you will have a choice of only 11 weapons. If it becomes necessary to specify, "W1a" shall refer to the P1 version W1, and "W1b" shall refer to the P2 version. P3 outfits have been assigned the W1a; I don't think there's a way to select the W1b with a P3 outfit. ------------------------ II. Characters and Stuff ------------------------ II.1 Hidden Characters 15 characters are initially playable: Astaroth, Cassandra, Heihachi, Ivy, Kilik, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Necrid, Nightmare, Raphael, Taki, Talim, Voldo, Xianghua, and Yunsung. 5 other characters are unlockable as playable characters. There are also 3 characters that appear only in Weapon Master Mode and as Extra mode opponents. And, of course, there's Inferno (the Arcade Mode boss character). (Side note: Necrid and Heihachi are new additions for the home version of SCII. Necrid is kind of a Dural-like character (Dural from the Virtua Fighter series of fighting games), in that his moves list seems comprised mostly of moves originating from other characters' styles (Necrid's energy force will create whatever weapon he needs (or a close-enough equivalent) for whatever move he's doing). Heihachi is the Mishima grandfather from the Tekken series. His SCII style seems (imho) to play a bit more like his Tekken Tag style than his Tekken 4 style, but does differ in ways from both. Interestingly, he does still have 2 10-strings and a 9-string, but a Soul Charge (A+B+K) is required before initiating them.) U/C notes: Assassin, Berserker, and Lizardman are unlockable for use in some (but not all) modes of the game. See "Non-unlockable Characters" section for more information. II.1.A Unlockable Characters (5) ------------------------- Cervantes, Charade, Seung Mina, Sophitia, and Yoshimitsu are unlockable as playable (playable in all modes) via Weapon Master Mode. Each character is unlocked by the completion of a specific WMM mission, as follows: Yoshimitsu (2-3), Charade (3-1), Cervantes (3-4), Sophitia (4-5), Seung Mina (6-3). (Side note: Sophitia and Seung Mina are SCalibur characters that didn't make it to the arcade version of SCII, but are returning for the home version of the game.) U/C note: See "Non-unlockable Characters" section for information on Assassin, Berserker, and Lizardman, and how to unlock them as playable. II.1.B Non-unlockable Characters (4) ----------------------------- Lizardman, Assassin, Berserker, and Inferno are, as far as I can tell, *not* unlockable as playable characters (in the J version of SCII). Lizardman (from SCalibur), Assassin (a masked warrior whose style suspiciously resembles Hwang's (from SCalibur)), and Berserker (a masked warrior whose style suspiciously resembles Rock's (from SCalibur)) appear as opponents in Weapon Master Mode and some Extra modes. Lizardman can actually be played in two WMM missions (3-2e and 5-1e). Assassin can be played in two WMM missions (5-1 (as a Random teammate) and 5-1e (as the secondary character). Berserker can be played in one WMM mission (5-1e (as the tertiary character)). Lizardman, Assassin, and Berserker have no special weapons (W2-W11). Inferno is the Arcade mode boss character. While he was playable in the DCast SCalibur (albeit in solid form), it appears that he is not playable in the home version of SCII. (Side note: Just as Heihachi is exclusive to the PS2 version of SCII, Link and Spawn are exclusive to the GC and XB versions (respectively). It is not possible to unlock Link and/or Spawn in the PS2 version of the game, so if you want to play as one or both of them, you'll just have to purchase one or both of the other two home versions of the game...) U/C notes: Assassin, Berserker, and Lizardman *are* unlockable as playable, but are *not* playable in all modes. They are selectable only in the following modes: VS Battle, Team Battle, VS Team Battle, Practice, Extra VS Battle, Extra Team Battle, Extra VS Team Battle, Extra Practice, and Battle Theater. Additionally, they still don't have any W2-W11s. They do, however, have 6 selectable costumes each (2 costumes, with 3 color variations each), which I've designated as follows, for the sake of clarity of variation: P1-1, P2-1, P1-2, P2-2, P1-3, P2-3 (although one could certainly designate them simply as P1-P6, for the sake of numerical ease). Each costume has a slightly different variation of the character's W1 (W1a and W1b, with three color variations each), which I've designated as follows: W1a-1, W1b-1, W1a-2, W1b-2, W1a-3, W1b-3. Finally, Assassin, Berserker, and Lizardman don't seem to have any game-internal Command Lists. =/ Anyway, here are the unlock conditions for Assassin, Berserker, and Lizardman: Assassin complete mission S3-2e Berserker complete mission S1-1e Lizardman complete *all* WMM missions (normal and Extra missions, including Subchapter 2) II.1.C Charade notes ------------- Charade has no style of his/her/its own, but instead uses someone else's style for the duration of each round (like Edge Master (SCalibur) or Mokujin (Tekken series)). Charade has no voice (like Mokujin). Once all characters are unlocked, Charade can select from the following styles (17): Astaroth, Cassandra, Cervantes, Ivy, Kilik, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Nightmare, Raphael, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Taki, Talim, Voldo, Xianghua, Yoshimitsu, Yunsung. (note: This is every playable character's style except for Heihachi's and Necrid's.) Initially, Charade can use neither Sophitia nor Seung Mina style. Sophitia style becomes available to Charade once Sophitia has been unlocked as a playable character. Seung Mina style likewise becomes available to Charade once Seung Mina has been unlocked as a playable character. Charade will *randomly* choose a fighting style at the beginning of each round. In modes with weapon selection (WMM, Extra modes, Museum modes), Charade will also select a weapon randomly (from his/her/its randomly chosen style), as follows: - Any unlocked/purchased weapon is available to Charade. - All W2s and W3s are available to Charade, even if they haven't been bought yet. - Charade will never select a W1 (in modes with weapon selection). Charade vs. Inferno note: Charade will not change styles mid-round when Inferno does; the Inferno battle counts as a single round. U/C note: Assassin style, Berserker style, and Lizardman style appear *not* to have been added to Charade's repertoire of styles, even in modes in which they are selectable as playable. =/ II.1.D Inferno notes ------------- Inferno is the Arcade mode boss (final opponent). As far as I know, Inferno cannot be unlocked as a playable character. Inferno has no style of his/her/its own, but instead uses other characters' styles. Inferno does, however, have a few Inferno-only moves he/she/it can use, regardless of what style he/she/it is using. Inferno appears to have the same repertoire of styles and selection of weapons as Charade (see Charade notes, above, for more details). Any weapon effects that affect (positively or negatively) the user's health, however, appear to be ignored when Inferno wields that weapon (exception: Inferno does still seem to take block damage, if his/her/its weapon has that effect (Mina's W6, for example)). Additionally, Inferno can't even regenerate health via Yoshimitsu's B+K; I don't know if Inferno will still lose health via Yoshimitsu's self-damaging moves (d+A+K, b+B+K, etc.). The Inferno battle (Arcade mode, Stage 8) is a single round (regardless of your game settings) divided into three parts. - Part 1: Inferno will use the same style as the player character, unless the player is using Heihachi, Necrid, or Charade, in which case Inferno will use Nightmare style. - Part 2: Activated when Inferno has lost about one-third of his/her/its life. Character positions will be reset. Inferno will select a style randomly. - Part 3: Activated when Inferno has lost about two-thirds of his/her/its life. Character positions will be reset. Inferno will select a style randomly. If you lose to Inferno and Continue: if "Character Change at Continue" (Options, Game Settings) is set to ON, Part 1 will be as stated above; if "Character Change at Continue" is set to OFF (default), Inferno will select a style randomly for Part 1. Other notes about the Inferno battle: - The time limit for the Inferno battle will be 150% (rounded down to the nearest second) of your selected 1P Round Time (in Game Settings). - Inferno has high damage resistance, but throws seem to do normal (or close to normal) damage. - Despite how it may appear, Inferno's stage is not infinite in all directions. There are actually invisible walls forming borders; the invisible walls appear to form an enclosed arena the shape of an octagon (8 walls, 8 corners). Interestingly, it appears that, unlike with a normal wall, getting knocked into one of these invisible walls will *not* cause impact damage... Wall jumps, special wall jumps, and wall flips do still seem to work, however. U/C note: Assassin style, Berserker style, and Lizardman style appear *not* to have been added to Inferno's repertoire of styles. II.2 Sub-bosses In Arcade mode, your Stage 7 opponent is pre-determined, according to your character (the game calls this a "Destined Battle"). This is your character's "sub-boss". Before the sub-boss match, instead of the characters' normal pre-match "ready" sequences, there will be a special pre-match sequence with the two characters. All sub-boss battles take place in the "Cathedral" (9) stage. However, the "Cathedral" BGM is not always used; according to the battle, BGMs I've designated by theme as "rivals" and "enemies" can also be used (although as concepts, perhaps "competition" and "antagonism" might work slightly better). Here follows a listing for each character of who will appear as the sub-boss (note: even if a character has not yet been unlocked as playable, he/she/it can appear as a sub-boss), as well as which of the three BGM types (cathedral, rivals, enemies) will be used during the stage, and which of the four pre-ending sequences (SoulEdge, SoulCalibur, SoulEdge & SoulCalibur, sky) will play after you've defeated Inferno, in case anybody's interested: Character Sub-boss BGM type Pre-ending sequence Astaroth Maxi enemies edge Cassandra Charade cathedral calibur Cervantes Ivy rivals edge Charade Cassandra cathedral edge and calibur Heihachi Raphael enemies sky Ivy Cervantes rivals sky Kilik Xianghua rivals calibur Maxi Astaroth enemies calibur Mitsurugi Taki enemies edge Necrid Talim cathedral edge Nightmare Raphael enemies edge and calibur Raphael Nightmare enemies edge Seung Mina Yunsung cathedral calibur Sophitia Cassandra rivals calibur Taki Mitsurugi enemies sky Talim Yunsung rivals sky Voldo Yoshimitsu cathedral edge and calibur Xianghua Kilik rivals calibur Yoshimitsu Voldo cathedral calibur Yunsung Talim rivals edge (note: Every sub-boss is reciprocated (character is sub-boss of character's sub-boss), except for Heihachi's, Necrid's, Seung Mina's, and Sophitia's...) XB note: Spawn Raphael enemies edge GC notes: Link Raphael zelda sky Link's sub-boss battle does take place in the Cathedral (9) stage, but instead of the normal "Cathedral" or "Rivals" or "Enemies" BGM, a variation on a classic Zelda BGM is used instead. II.3 Outfits and stuff Note on using Random Select: Random select has been made compatible with outfit selection, so it is now possible (unlike in the DCast SCalibur) to randomly select a P2-outfitted character from the P1 side, and vice versa. Just toggle a character's outfit to whichever outfit number you want (P1, P2, P3) before moving to the Random Select box, and whatever character you end up with will be using that outfit (exception: if a character doesn't have a P3 outfit, his/her/its P2 will be used instead). Weapons are not randomly selected, and so must be selected by the player. U/C note: A 4th, 5th, or 6th costume (Assassin, Berserker, or Lizardman) will end up becoming a P3 (P2 for those characters without a P3) for those characters that have fewer costumes than 4. II.3.A Outfit selection ---------------- Every character in the game has at least two outfits: P1 outfit: default for P1 side P2 outfit: default for P2 side (side note: When choosing your Practice Mode *opponent*, the default outfits will be reversed, in comparison to your Practice Mode character (your opponent is on the other side)...) Here's what each button does on the character select screen (functions seem to be assigned to fixed buttons on the controller, btw): O Select character/weapon X Cancel (where applicable) [square] Select character/weapon [triangle] Outfit toggle (P1, P2, and (if applicable) P3) START Options menu (character select screen) (Notes: In mirror matches (same character on both sides), both characters cannot use the same outfit, though they can both use the same weapon. P3 outfits and non-default weapons must be unlocked/purchased in Weapon Master Mode.) II.3.B 3rd outfits ----------- 12 of the 20 playable characters have a P3 outfit: Astaroth, Cassandra, Ivy, Mitsurugi, Nightmare, Raphael, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Taki, Talim, Voldo, and Xianghua. P3 outfits must be unlocked/purchased in WMM (see the Weapon Master Mode section of this document for more details). GC note: In addition to a P3 outfit, Link also has a P4 outfit. Both are purchasable in WMM shop E1, though the P4 outfit only becomes available for purchase after the P3 outfit has already been bought. II.3.C Weapons ------- Each non-Charade playable character has two weapons initially available: the P1 version of his/her default weapon (W1a), and the P2 version of his/her default weapon (W1b). It is not possible to select the W1b when using a P1 outfit, nor is it possible to select the W1a when using a P2; the P3 outfit will default to the W1a. The W1a and W1b differ only in how they look; use of one over the other does not, as far as I know, affect damage (or damage resistance), speed, range, or anything else that can affect a battle. Ten more weapons (W2-W11) per non-Charade character can be unlocked/purchased via Weapon Master Mode. Like the weapons in the PSX version of SoulEdge, these weapons do have varying stats and abilities! Once all weapons are available, each non-Charade character will have a choice of 11 weapons (W1-W11) (W1a/W1b variation determined by outfit), in any mode where weapon selection is available (WMM, Extra/Museum modes). Some general notes about weapons: The W11 is the most expensive weapon, but is usually the weakest. The W10 is sometimes (though not always) the best weapon (most powerful/useful), but depending upon your personal style of fighting, you may find another weapon to work better for you. See a SCII Weapons FAQ (note: make sure to check which release the Weapons FAQ is based on (see U/C note, below)) for more details about each weapon's strengths and weaknesses. Side note about Necrid's W10: Necrid's W10 takes on the properties of his opponent's weapon. In a Necrid vs. Necrid match, if both players select the W10 (thus resulting in no weapon template to copy), both weapons will take on the properties of Necrid's W1. U/C note: Some weapon stats/properties have actually been changed for the U/C version, so do be aware that which version of the game a Weapons FAQ is based on can affect how accurate it is when applied to your version of the game (i.e. if you have a U/C game, consult a Weapons FAQ based on the U/C version of the game; if you have a J game, consult one based on the J version...). Here follow some of the changes I noticed, in comparing the J version PS2 weapons with the U/C version XB weapons (note: this is not a complete list of changes, but merely a list of some of the ones I happened to notice): Key (stats/properties will only be listed if changes were noted) W# J: Damage given Damage taken Special properties U/C: Damage given Damage taken Special properties (Special property notation notes: -l/Att: Lose a little life every time you attack (whether you hit your opponent or not). BD given: When opponent Guards against your attack, he/she will still lose a little life (block damage). BD taken: When you Guard against an opponent's attack, you will still lose a little life (block damage).) Cervantes W10 J: 150 100 U/C: 150 80 Ivy W10 J: 100 100 U/C: 130 100 Kilik W10 J: 100 130 U/C: 100 100 Maxi W2 J: 70 100 U/C: 85 100 Nightmare W5 J: (no BD given) W10 J: 100 100 U/C: BD given U/C: 100 75 Seung Mina W10 J: 120 100 U/C: 110 100 Sophitia W4 J: 60 100 W10 J: 120 130 U/C: 60 75 U/C: 120 100 Taki W10 J: BD taken U/C: (no BD taken) Talim W3 J: 70 100 U/C: 85 80 Yoshimitsu W10 J: 120 120 U/C: 130 100 Yunsung W3 J: 100 100 W8 J: 70 100 W10 J: -l/Att U/C: 100 80 U/C: 85 100 (no BD given) U/C: BD given (no -l/Att) II.4 Quotes and poses and stuff II.4.A. Character selection quotes -------------------------- On the Character Select screen, when a character is selected, he/she/it will go through a selection pose and quote (except Charade, who poses, but does not speak). The selection quote a character uses is determined by his/her outfit. As each character has either two or three outfits, each character equivalently has two or three selection quotes... U/C note: Assassin, Berserker, and Lizardman also have one selection quote per outfit... II.4.B Vs. screen taunts ----------------- With the exception of Charade (who doesn't speak), each character can say one of four things on the pre-battle Vs. screen. These four quotes can be selected with the G, A, B, and K buttons. If more than one button is held down, the button with the highest priority will determine the quote used. In order of descreasing priority: A, B, K, G. Vs. screen taunts cannot be used for Destined (sub-boss) battles or Inferno battles. II.4.C Pre-match poses/quotes ---------------------- Each character appears to have at least two, and as many as five pre-match "ready" sequence poses, and can have up to eight quotes per pose, for a total of 40 possible basic pose/quote combinations (although none of the characters (well, aside from Charade) has anywhere near that many...). These can be selected via a combination of buttons (pose select) and d-pad directions (quote select). Hold down a button and a direction while your character's "ready" sequence is loading in order to select a specific pre-match pose/quote. If more than one button is held down, the button or button combination with the highest priority will determine the pose used. In order of descreasing priority: GA, G, A, B, K. Note that the sub-boss battles get special pre-match sequences, instead of the normal "ready" sequences. Also, preliminary testing suggests that the pre-match pose/quote for Inferno battles cannot be chosen: it seems always to be a specific pre-determined pose, and silent. Key: Pose command special conditions quote # quote command Various notes: G+A will be represented as GA, for the sake of brevity; quote numbers are taken from the Voice section of the character's Character Profile (Museum); special conditions include (but are not necessarily limited to) character outfit and opponent gender. Gender notes: There are 7 female characters (Cassandra, Ivy, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Taki, Talim, Xianghua), and 13 male characters (Astaroth, Cervantes, Charade, Heihachi, Kilik, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Necrid, Nightmare, Raphael, Voldo, Yoshimitsu, Yunsung). Necrid and Voldo notes: I haven't bothered to compile quotes for Necrid and Voldo; while quotes are listed in their respective Voice lists, neither is actually speaking in an intelligible language, so... Astaroth pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B G/K B 1 u/n 17 u/n 2 r 18 r 3 d 19 d 4 l 20 l 5 ur/dr/dl/ul 21 ur/dr/dl/ul A P1 P2 P3 6 n/u n n 7 r - - 8 d - - 9 l l l 10 ur ur ur 11 dr dr dr 12 dl dl dl 13 ul ul ul/u/r/d 14 - u - 15 - r - 16 - d - Cassandra pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K P1 P2 P3 A (vs. female opponent) 1 u/n n n non-Sophitia Sophitia 2 r r r 10 u/n - 3 d d d 11 r u/n 4 l l l 12 d r 5 ur ur ur 13 l/ur/dr/dl/ul d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 6 dr dr dr A (vs. male opponent) 7 dl dl dl 14 u/n 8 ul ul ul/u 15 r 9 - u - 16 d 17 l/ur/dr/dl/ul Cervantes pre-match poses (5): G, A, B, K, GA G K 1 u/n 13 u/n 2 r 14 r 3 d 15 d 4 l 16 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 5 ur 6 dr/dl/ul GA 17 u/n A 18 r 5 u/n 19 d 6 r 20 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 7 d 8 l/ur/dr/dl/ul B 9 u/n 10 r 11 d 12 l/ur/dr/dl/ul Charade pre-match poses (49): (varies) Heihachi pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K male opponent female opponent A 1 u/n u/n 4 u/n 2 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul - 5 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 3 - r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Ivy pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B G/K B 1 u/n 9 u/n 2 r 10 r 3 d 11 d 4 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 12 l 13 ur/dr/dl/ul A 5 u 6 r 7 d 8 l/ur/dr/dl/ul Kilik pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B G/K B 1 u/n 7 u/n 2 r 8 r 3 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 4 d 9 l/ur/dr/dl/ul A 4 u/n 5 r 6 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Maxi pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B G/K B 1 u/n 16 u/n 2 r 17 r 3 d 18 d 4 l 19 l 5 ur/dr/dl/ul 20 ur/dr/dl/ul A P1 P2 6 n/u n 7 r - 8 d d 9 l l 10 ur ur 11 dr dr 13 dl dl 12 ul ul 14 - u 15 - r Mitsurugi pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B G/K B 1 u/n 9 u/n 2 r 10 r 3 d 11 d 4 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 12 l/ur/dr/dl/ul A 5 u/n 6 r 7 d 8 l/ur/dr/dl/ul Necrid pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A Nightmare pre-match poses (4): G, A, B, K G B 1 u/n 5 u/n 2 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 6 r 7 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul A 3 u/n K 4 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 8 u/n 9 r 10 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Raphael pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K P1 P2 P3 A P1 P2 P3 1 n/u n n 11 n/u n n 2 r - - 12 r r r 3 d d d 13 d d d 4 l l l 14 l l l 5 ur ur ur 15 ur ur ur 6 dr dr dr 16 dr dr dr 7 dl dl dl 17 dl dl dl 8 ul ul ul/u/r 18 ul ul ul/u 9 - u - 19 - u - 10 - r - Seung Mina pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K A 1 u/n 7 u/n 2 r 8 r 3 d 9 d 4 l 10 l 5 ur 11 ur 6 dr/dl/ul 12 dr/dl/ul Sophitia pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K A 1 u/n 9 u/n 2 r 10 r 3 d 11 d 4 l 12 l 5 ur 13 ur/dr/dl/ul 6 dr 7 dl 8 ul Taki pre-match poses (4): G, A, B, K G B 1 u/n 11 u/n 2 r 12 r 3 d 13 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 4 l 5 ur/dr/dl/ul K 14 u/n A 15 r 6 u/n 16 d 7 r 17 l 8 d 18 ur/dr/dl/ul 9 l 10 ur/dr/dl/ul Talim pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K P1 P2 P3 A P1 P2 P3 1 n/u n n 10 n/u n n 2 r r r 11 r - - 3 d d d 12 d d d 4 l l l 13 l l l 5 ur ur ur 14 ur ur ur 6 dr dr dr 15 dr dr dr 7 dl dl dl 16 dl dl dl 8 ul ul ul/u 17 ul ul ul/u/r 9 - u - 18 - u - 19 - r - Voldo pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B Xianghua pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B G/K B 1 u/n 12 u/n 2 r 13 r 3 d 14 d 4 l 15 l 5 ur/dr/dl/ul 16 ur/dr/dl/ul A 6 u/n 7 r 8 d 9 l 10 ur 11 dr/dl/ul Yoshimitsu pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B G/K B 1 u/n 13 u/n 2 r 14 r 3 d 15 d 4 l 16 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 5 ur 6 dr/dl/ul A 7 u/n 8 r 9 d 10 l 11 ur 12 dr/dl/ul Yunsung pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K A 1 u/n 9 u/n 2 r 10 r 3 d 11 d 4 l 12 l 5 ur 13 ur 6 dr 14 dr 7 dl 15 dl 8 ul 16 ul XB notes: Spawn pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K A 1 u/n 7 u/n 2 r 8 r 3 d 9 d 4 l 10 l 5 ur 11 ur/dr/dl/ul 6 dr/dl/ul GC notes: Link pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A G/B/K A 1 u/n 3 u/n 2 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 4 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul U/C notes: Asassin pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A Berserker pre-match poses (3): G/K, A, B Lizardman pre-match poses (2): G/B/K, A II.4.D Win poses/quotes ---------------- Each character appears to have at least four, and as many as eight win poses, and up to eight quotes per pose, for a total of 64 possible basic pose/quote combinations (although none of the characters (well, aside from Charade) has anywhere near that many...). These can be selected via a combination of buttons (pose select) and d-pad directions (quote select). Hold down a button (or combination of buttons) and a direction while your character's win sequence is loading in order to select a specific win pose/quote. Note: If more buttons than necessary are held down, the button or button combination with the highest priority will determine the pose used. In order of descreasing priority: GA, GB, GK, AB, K, B, A, G. Note on sub-boss and Inferno battles (Arcade mode stages 7 and 8): There seem to be pre-assigned win pose/quotes for the winning round of sub-boss and Inferno matches. Also, if the sub-boss wins, he/she may have a specific pose/quote as well... Key: Pose command special conditions quote # quote command Various notes: G+A, G+B, G+K, and A+B will be represented as GA, GB, GK, and AB (respectively), for the sake of brevity; quote numbers are taken from the Voice section of the character's Character Profile (Museum); special conditions include (but are not necessarily limited to) character outfit, weapon used, and opponent gender. Note on using neutral (n) as a win quote command: If you select a win pose, but don't select a quote (keep the d-pad/stick in neutral position), the game will select a quote (from the quotes available for that pose) in a specific repeating order, which I've designated as the "neutral select order". The first time during a match that n is used for a pose, the first quote in the neutral select order will be used; the second time (during the same match) n is used (for the same pose), the second quote will be used; etc. After the final quote is used, the neutral quote select will start over with the first quote. Win quotes listed below will be listed in neutral select order. Gender notes: There are 7 female characters (Cassandra, Ivy, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Taki, Talim, Xianghua), and 13 male characters (Astaroth, Cervantes, Charade, Heihachi, Kilik, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Necrid, Nightmare, Raphael, Voldo, Yoshimitsu, Yunsung). Necrid and Voldo notes: I haven't bothered to compile quotes for Necrid and Voldo; while quotes are listed in their respective Voice lists, neither is actually speaking in an intelligible language, so... Astaroth win poses (6): G, A, B, K, GA, GB G GA 22 u 34 u 23 r 35 r 24 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 36 d 37 l A 38 ur/dr/dl/ul 25 u 26 r GB 27 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 39 u 40 r B 41 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 28 u 29 r 30 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul K 31 u 32 r 33 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Cassandra win poses (4): G, A, B, K G B (vs. any female opponent) or K (vs. Sophitia) 18 u 22 u 19 r 30 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 20 d B (vs. male opponent) 21 l 31 u 22 ur 32 r 23 dr 33 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 24 dl/ul K (vs. non-Sophitia opponent) A 10 u/r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 25 u K (vs. Sophitia): same as B (female) 26 r 27 d 28 l 29 ur/dr/dl/ul Cervantes win poses (6): G, A, B, K, GA, GB G K 21 u 28 u 22 r 29 r 23 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 30 d 17 l/ur/dr/dl/ul A 7 u GA 24 r 31 u/r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 3 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul GB B 32 u 25 u 33 r 26 r 34 d 27 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 35 l/ur/dr/dl/ul Charade win poses (93): (varies) Heihachi win poses (5): G, A, B, K, GA GA G 6 u 14 u 7 *d 15 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 8 *r 9 l/ur/dr/dl/ul B 16 r A 17 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 10 u 11 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul K 12 u 13 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Ivy win poses (5): G, A, B, K, GA G (using W1) B 14 u 25 u 15 r 26 r 16 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 27 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul G (using W2-W11) 17 u K 16 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 28 u 29 r A 30 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 18 u 19 r GA 20 d 31 u 21 l 32 r 22 ur 33 d 23 dr 34 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 24 dl/ul Kilik win poses (7): G, A, B, K, GA, GB, GK G GA 3 u 17 u 10 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 18 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul A GB 11 u 19 u 12 r 20 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 9 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul GK B 14 u 13 u 3 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 14 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul K 15 u 16 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Maxi win poses (5): G, A, B, K, GA G K 21 u 31 u 2 r 32 r 22 d 33 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 23 l 24 ur/dr/dl/ul GA 34 u A 35 r 25 u 36 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 26 r 4 d 27 l/ur/dr/dl/ul B 28 u 29 r 30 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Mitsurugi win poses (6): G, A, B, K, GA, GB G K 13 u 4 u 14 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 19 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul A GA 15 u 20 u 16 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 21 r 22 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul B 17 u GB 18 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 23 u 24 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Necrid win poses (4): G, A, B, K Nightmare win poses (5): G, A, B, K, GA G K 11 u 9 u 12 r 6 r 3 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 8 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul A GA 13 u 21 u 10 r 22 r 14 d 23 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 15 l 16 ur 17 dr/dl/ul B 18 u 19 r 20 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Raphael win poses (4): G, A, B, K G B 20 u 73 u/r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 21 r 22 d K 23 l 5 u 24 ur/dr/dl/ul 30 r 14 d A 31 l 25 u 32 ur 26 r 33 dr 27 d 4 dl 28 l 34 ul 18 ur 29 dr/dl/ul Seung Mina win poses (6): G, A, B, K, GA, GB GB B 13 u 24 u 14 r 25 r 15 d 26 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 16 l 17 ur/dr/dl/ul A 27 u GA 28 r 18 u 29 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 19 r 20 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul G 30 u K 31 r 21 u 32 d 22 r 33 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 23 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Sophitia win poses (5): G, A, B, K, GA GA K 14 u 27 u 15 r 28 r 16 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 29 d 30 l/ur/dr/dl/ul A 17 u G 18 r 31 u 19 d 32 r 20 l 33 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 21 ur 22 dr/dl/ul B 23 u 24 r 25 d 26 l/ur/dr/dl/ul Taki win poses (8): G, A, B, K, GA, GB, GK, AB G GA 19 u 31 u 20 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 32 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul A GB 21 u 33 u 22 r 34 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 23 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul GK B 35 u 24 u 36 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 11 r 13 d AB 16 l 37 u 25 ur/dr/dl/ul 38 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul K 26 u 27 r 25 d 28 l 29 ur 30 dr/dl/ul Talim win poses (4): G, A, B, K G B 20 u 26 u 21 r 5 r 22 d 27 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 23 l 24 ur/dr/dl/ul K 28 u A 29 r 12 u 30 d 3 r 31 l 19 d 32 ur/dr/dl/ul 11 l 25 ur/dr/dl/ul Voldo win poses (6): G, A, B, K, GA, GB Xianghua win poses (5): G, A, B, K, GA G K 17 u 29 u 18 r 30 r 19 d 31 d 20 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 32 l/ur/dr/dl/ul A GA 21 u 33 u 22 r 34 r 23 d 35 d 24 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 36 l/ur/dr/dl/ul B 25 u 26 r 27 d 28 l/ur/dr/dl/ul Yoshimitsu win poses (7): G, A, B, K, GA, GB, GK G GA 17 u 26 u 18 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 27 r 28 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul A 19 u GB 20 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 29 u 30 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul B 21 u GK 22 r 31 u 23 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 32 r 33 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul K 24 u 25 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul Yunsung win poses (4): G, A, B, K G K (vs. male opponent) 17 u 36 u 18 r 37 r 19 d 38 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 20 l K (vs. female opponent) 21 ur/dr/dl/ul 39 u 40 r A 41 d 22 u 42 l/ur/dr/dl/ul 23 r 24 d 25 l 26 ur 27 dr 28 dl/ul B 29 u 30 r 31 d 32 l 33 ur 34 dr 35 dl/ul XB notes: Spawn win poses (4): G, A, B, K G K 12 u 21 u 13 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 22 r 23 d B 24 l 14 u 25 ur 15 r 26 dr 16 d 27 dl/ul 17 l/ur/dr/dl/ul A 18 u 19 r 20 d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul GC notes: Link win poses (4): G, A, B, K G K 5 u 9 u 6 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 10 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul A B 7 u 10 u 8 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul 11 r/d/l/ur/dr/dl/ul U/C notes: Assassin win poses (4): G, A, B, K Berserker win poses (4): G, A, B, K Lizardman win poses (4): G, A, B, K ----------------------------- III. Weapon Master Mode Stuff ----------------------------- Name Entry note: The Weapon Master Mode name entry procedure, like the high score name entry procedure, does have an offensive word filter in play. So if you get an input error when entering your WMM name, you probably unintentionally (hopefully) entered something the game considers potentially offensive. Name Entry note2: The default WMM name (press START without entering anything) is "PLAYER". III.1 The Locations World Map: ------- | E1 | | | ------- ------- ------- ------- | 5 | S2 | 9 | S3 | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | | | | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- | S1 | | 7 | S4 | | | | | | ------- ------- ------- | E2 | | | ------- Note: Chapter maps showing approximate placings of the mission locations (stages) will appear at the beginning of each Chapter section, below. Note2: Display Chapter-opening text On the World Map, select a chapter with [triangle], and you'll be able to re-view (or preview, if you've unlocked the Chapter, but haven't yet entered it) the Chapter-opening text for that Chapter. If necessary, press O or [square] to scroll one page down, and [triangle] to scroll one page up. X will cancel back to the World Map. III.2 The Missions Mission Data Key: Chapter-Stage: Exp, Gold Unlockables and notes Note: Exp and Gold listed will be for 1/1; each subsequent completion will grant less Exp and Gold, up to a specific minimum (at 5 completions, I think); each loss will grant a small amount of Exp and Gold. Note2: As asterisk (*) will denote a mission that is not unlocked in the usual way. Dungeon Mission Map Key: e = entrance/exit B = Boss Battle! # = #*100 Gold earned Dungeon note: Dungeon squares (except for the boss battle) can be completed more than once without exiting the Dungeon; "maximum" +Gold listed for Dungeon missions, however, will assume that each square in the dungeon has been completed exactly once. U/C note on Dungeon square coordinates: An (x,y) coordinate notation will be used to specify any weapon unlock locations in a Dungeon, where x is the number of spaces right, and y is the number of spaces up from the entrance/exit square. Note on WMM Rival battles: For missions 1-3, 3-2, 7-2, 10-2, and 10-2e, your opponent (or boss opponent) is determined by the character you selected when you first started WMM (even if you never used that character (i.e. by switching to a different character before playing mission 1-1)). This opponent is what I'm designating a "WMM Rival". The Vs. screen of a WMM Rival battle will be accompanied by a dramatic music clip, as well as a Vs. screen taunt from the WMM Rival. Here follows a list of each starting character's WMM Rival. In all cases except for two (each marked with an asterisk (*) below), a starting character's WMM rival is the same as his/her/its sub-boss... Character WMM rival Astaroth Maxi Cassandra *Seung Mina Heihachi Raphael Ivy Cervantes Kilik Xianghua Maxi Astaroth Mitsurugi Taki Necrid Talim Nightmare Raphael Raphael *Sophitia Taki Mitsurugi Talim Yunsung Voldo Yoshimitsu Xianghua Kilik Yunsung Talim XB note: Spawn Raphael GC note: Link Raphael III.2.A Chapters 1-10 ------------- Chapter 1: ----------------------- | | | | | | | 1 2 | | 3 | | | | | ----------------------- 1-1: 400, 600 New Mode: Extra Practice (68) 1-2: 400, 900 1-3: 400, 1500 New Extra stage: Stage 12 (80) (unlocks Chapter 2) 1-1e: 800, 1200 1-2e: 800, 1800 1-3e: 800, 3000 Chapter 2: (unlock with 1-3) ----------------------- | | | | | 1 | | 3 | | 2 | | | | | ----------------------- 2-1: 500, 400 (+100/300/400 at Attack count 30/40/50) 2-2: 500, 800 2-3: 400, 1600 (+200) New Character: Yoshimitsu (3) (unlocks Chapter 3) 2-1e: 1000, 800 (+200/500 at Attack count 30/40) 2-2e: 1000, 1600 2-3e: 800, 2200 (+400) 2-3 2-3e e 1 1 e 2 2 B B Chapter 3: (unlock with 2-3) ----------------------- | | | | | 2 | | 1 4 | | | | 3 | | | ----------------------- 3-1: 700, 1000 New Character: Charade (4) 3-2: 700, 1000 3-3: 700, 500 (unlocks Subchapter 1) 3-4: 800, 2500 New Character: Cervantes (5) (unlocks Chapter 4) 3-1e: 1300, 2000 3-2e: 1300, 2000 (note: Player is Lizardman) 3-3e: 1300, 1000 3-4e: 1500, 5000 Chapter 4: (unlock with 3-4) ----------------------- | | | 3 | | | | 1 4 5 | | | | 2 | | | ----------------------- 4-1: 800, 1200 New Extra stage: Stage 13 (81) 4-2: 800, 1200 New weapon: W5 Talim 4-3: 800, 3000 4-4: 900, 1200 New weapon: W6 Raphael (cannot be purchased) 4-5: 1500, 3000 (+900-1200) New Character: Sophitia (1) (unlocks Chapter 5) 4-1e: 1500, 2400 4-2e: 1500, 2400 4-3e: 1500, 6000 4-4e: 1800, 2400 4-5e: 1500, 6000 (+1200-1600) New Weapon: W6 Maxi 4-5 4-5e 3 4 2 2 B 2 2 B e 1 1 1 2 e 2 2 2 2 U/C note (mission 4-5): (4,2) New Weapon: W5 Cervantes U/C notes (mission 4-3e): Since a lot of people seem to be having trouble completing mission 4-3e (which, while not necessary to unlock Subchapter 2, is necessary to unlock Lizardman (requires completion of *all* WMM missions), here are some tips: 1) 4-3e special condition: If you Guard Break your opponent, he/she will take a *significant* amount of damage. 2) You can find moves with Guard Break properties by consulting your character's in-game Command List. Also, some moves can gain Guard Break properties from a Soul Charge (A+B+K). 3) Your opponent must be Guarding in order to be Guard Broken (thus, Taki, who (in 4-3e) Guards more than the other opponents, may actually end up being your easiest opponent!). It's certainly possible to complete 4-3e without using a Guard Break move (I've had a good amount of success with Talim, utilizing Ring Out tactics), but Guard Breaking your opponents definitely makes things a whole lot easier. My best success rate comes from using Astaroth's f,f+A(B) (or 8WR-f,A(B)), the second hit of which is a Guard Break... Chapter 5: (unlock with 4-5) ----------------------- | | | 2 | | | | | | 1 | | | | | ----------------------- 5-1: 900, 2100 New Mode: Extra Time Attack (Standard) (60) (note: Player team is Player, Random, Random; Assassin can appear in a Random slot) (U/C note: Team is Random, Random, Player; Assassin can appear) 5-2: 900, 1400 New Weapon: W4 Xianghua (not for sale in any store) (unlocks Chapter 6) 5-1e: 1800, 4200 (note: Player team is Lizardman, Assassin, Berserker) (U/C note: Team is Assassin, Berserker, Lizardman) 5-2e: 1800, 2400 Chapter 6: (unlock with 5-2) ----------------------- | | | 4 | | | | 1 3 5 | | 2 | | 6 | | | ----------------------- 6-1: 1000, 800 6-2: 1000, 300-4800 6-3: 1000, 800 New Character: Seung Mina (2) 6-4: 1200, 800 6-5: 1200, 800 New Mode: Extra Survival (Standard) (63) 6-6: 2300, 3800 (+800-1800) New Extra Stage: Stage 15 (83) (unlocks Chapter 7) 6-1e: 2000, 1600 6-2e: 2000, 1000-16000 6-3e: 2000, 1600 6-4e: 2300, 1600 6-5e: 2300, 1600 6-6e: 4600, 7600 (+1400-3400) New Weapon: W7 Seung Mina 6-6 6-6e 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 e 1 1 2 e 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 4 4 3 4 B B U/C note (mission 6-6): (5,1) New Weapon: W7 Seung Mina Chapter 7: (unlock with 6-6) ----------------------- | | | 1 | | 2 | | | | 3 | | | | | ----------------------- 7-1: 1200, 1800 7-2: 1300, 1800 New Extra Stage: Stage 11 (79) 7-3: 1300, 900 New Weapon: W8 Nightmare (cannot be purchased) (unlocks Chapter 8) 7-1e: 2300, 3600 7-2e: 2500, 3600 7-3e: 2500, 1800 Chapter 8: (unlock with 7-3) ----------------------- | | | 2 | | 3 6 | | 1 4 | | | | 5 | | | ----------------------- 8-1: 1300, 5000 8-2: 1400, 2000 (unlocks Subchapter 3) 8-3: 1400, 2000 8-4: 1400, 2000 *8-5: 3100, 6200 (+1700-3700) (unlock with S4-2e) New Extra Stage: Stage 14 (82) (unlocks path to 8-4) 8-6: 1500, 1000 New Costume: P3 Nightmare (28) (unlocks Chapter 9) 8-1e: 2500, 10000 8-2e: 2800, 4000 8-3e: 2800, 4000 8-4e: 2800, 4000 8-5e: 6200, 12400 (+3400-7400) New Weapon: W11 Necrid 8-6e: 2800, 2000 8-5 8-5e e 1 1 1 1 2 e 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 1 3 2 6 2 1 3 4 2 6 2 3 3 3 B 4 6 6 6 B 2 2 3 4 4 6 Chapter 9: (unlock with 8-6) ----------------------- | | | 4 | | | | 2 3 | | | | 1 | | | ----------------------- 9-1: 1500, 2200 9-2: 1700, varies (tabulated per hit, by damage) (29700) 9-3: 1700, 2200 (unlocks Chapter 10) *9-4: 1700, 2200 (unlock with 9-2e) New Mode: Extra Time Attack (Alternative) (61) 9-1e: 2800, 4400 9-2e: 3000, varies (tabulated per hit, by damage) (37200) (unlocks path to 9-4) 9-3e: 3000, 11000 9-4e: 3000, 4400 (unlocks Extra Chapter 1) Chapter 10: (unlock with 9-3) ----------------------- | | | | | | | 1 3 | | 2 | | | | | ----------------------- 10-1: 1800, 6000 10-2: 4200, 3700 (+1100-2900) 10-3: 2500, 1200 New Demo: Weapon Master Opening (74) (unlocks Extra missions) 10-1e: 3000, 12000 10-2e: 8400, 7400 (+2400-6000) New Weapon: W11 Mitsurugi 10-3e: 3500, 2400 New Demo: Weapon Master Ending (75) 10-2 10-2e e - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 e - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 4 | | | | 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 2 - 2 - 2 - 4 - 4 - 4 | | | | 3 3 6 6 | | | | B - 3 - 3 B - 6 - 6 | | 3 6 U/C notes (mission 10-2): (5,-4) New Weapon: W8 Sophitia (6,-1) New Weapon: W8 Seung Mina III.2.B Subchapters 1-4 --------------- Subchapter 1: (unlock with 3-3) ----------------------- | | | | | | | 1 | | | | | | | ----------------------- S1-1: 1100, 1000 (+2700-4000) New Mode: Extra Team Battle (66) S1-1e: 2200, varies (tabulated per hit, by damage) (13400) (+5400-8000) New Weapon: W11 Astaroth U/C notes (mission S1-1e): New Character: Berserker (W11 Astaroth is not unlocked) S1-1 S1-1e 2 - 2 - 2 4 - 4 - 4 | | | | 2 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 4 4 - 6 - 6 - 6 | | | | | | 1 - 2 - 2 3 - 3 2 - 4 - 4 6 - 6 | | | | 1 3 2 6 | | | | 1 3 2 6 | | | | e - 1 - 1 B e - 2 - 2 B U/C notes (mission S1-1): (3,4) New Weapon: W4 Raphael (7,3) New Weapon: W4 Talim Subchapter 2: (after earning Lv.71 Iron Edgemaster (300000 Exp), unlock by completing *any* Chapter 4 mission (normal or extra); mission 4-3 has to have been completed (if not yet completed, use it as the unlock mission; if previously completed, use *any* Chapter 4 mission as the unlock mission), but mission 4-3e does not (completion of 4-3e is *not* necessary to unlock Subchapter 2)) (technical note: other possible conditions are: completion of mission 10-3, or completion of mission 4-5; of course, if you've earned 300000 Exp, it's likely you've already completed both, so...) (U/C note: Lv.72 Iron Edgemaster (320000 Exp) must be earned before unlocking Subchapter 2) (U/C GC note: Only mission 4-3 or 4-3e may be used to unlock Subchapter 2) ----------------------- | | | 2 4 | | | | | | 1 3 | | | | | ----------------------- S2-1: 3800, 3000 New Weapon: W9 Xianghua S2-2: 3800, 3000 New Weapon: W9 Voldo S2-3: 3800, 3000 New Weapon: W9 Taki S2-4: 3800, 6000 New Weapon: W9 Cassandra S2-1e: 7500, 17000 S2-2e: 7500, 20000 S2-3e: 7500, 24000 S2-4e: 7500, 17000 Subchapter 3: (unlock with 8-2) ----------------------- | | | 2 | | 3 | | | | | | 1 | | | ----------------------- S3-1: 2200, 1500 S3-2: 2200, 7500 *S3-3: 2300, 8400 (+2200-3800) (unlock with S3-2e) (unlocks/teleports to Subchapter 4) S3-1e: 3000, 3000 S3-2e: 3000, 15000 (unlocks path to S3-3) S3-3e: 4600, 16800 (+4400-7600) New Weapon: W11 Mitsurugi (unlocks/teleports to Subchapter 4) U/C note (mission S3-2e): New Character: Assassin S3-3 S3-3e 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 2 2 4 e 1 1 1 3 3 3 B e 2 2 2 6 6 6 B 1 3 2 6 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 4 4 4 4 6 Subchapter 4: (unlock with S3-3 or S3-3e) ----------------------- | | | 2 | | 1 | | | | 3 | | 5 4 | | | ----------------------- S4-1: 2000, 7500 S4-2: 2000, 3000 S4-3: 2000, 3000 New Mode: Extra Survival (Death Match) (64) S4-4: 2000, 800-12800 (unlocks Extra Chapter 2) S4-5: 4300, 8100 (+3600-6200) S4-1e: 4000, 15000 S4-2e: 4000, 6000 (unlocks path to 8-5) S4-3e: 4000, 6000 New Weapon: W11 Maxi S4-4e: 4000, 1200-19200 S4-5e: 8600, 16200 (+6900-12100) New Weapon: W11 Cervantes S4-5 S4-5e 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 4 4 4 4 3 1 1 3 2 2 6 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 6 6 6 6 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 6 6 1 3 3 2 6 6 e 1 1 3 3 3 3 B e 2 2 6 6 6 6 B U/C notes (mission S4-5): (6,0) New Weapon: W9 Cassandra (8,3) New Weapon: W9 Mitsurugi III.2.C Extra Chapters 1-2 ------------------ Extra Chapter 1: (unlock with 9-4e) ----------------------- | | | 3 | | | | 2 | | | | 1 | | | ----------------------- E1-1: 3200, 5000 New Mode: Extra Time Attack (Extreme) (62) E1-2: 3200, 600-9600 E1-3: 6800, 11500 (+4400) E1-1e: 6300, 10000 E1-2e: 6300, 1500-24000 New Weapon: W11 Kilik E1-3e: 13600, 23000 (+8800) New Weapon: W11 Nightmare E1-3 E1-3e 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 2 2 2 2 2 2 e 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 6 3 6 B 3 3 3 3 3 3 B 6 6 6 6 6 6 U/C note (mission E1-3): (-3,-3) New Weapon: W9 Astaroth Extra Chapter 2: (unlock with S4-4) ----------------------- | | | 3 1 | | | | | | 2 | | | | | ----------------------- E2-1: 3800, 17500 E2-2: 3800, 5000 New Mode: Extra Survival (No Recovery) (65) E2-3: 7300, 18600 (+4600) E2-1e: 7500, 35000 E2-2e: 7500, 10000 New Weapon: W11 Ivy E2-3e: 14600, 37200 (+9200) New Weapon: W11 Sophitia E2-3 E2-3e 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 e 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 e 2 4 2 4 2 4 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 B 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 B U/C note (mission E2-3): (-9,-5) New Weapon: W9 Necrid III.2.D Quick reference charts ---------------------- Exp summary: St. 1/1e 2/2e 3/3e 4/4e 5/5e 6/6e Ch. 1 400 400 400 800 800 800 2 500 500 400 1000 1000 800 3 700 700 700 800 1300 1300 1300 1500 4 800 800 800 900 1500 1500 1500 1500 1800 1500 5 900 900 1800 1800 6 1000 1000 1000 1200 1200 2300 2000 2000 2000 2300 2300 4600 7 1200 1300 1300 2300 2500 2500 8 1300 1400 1400 1400 3100 1500 2500 2800 2800 2800 6200 2800 9 1500 1700 1700 1700 2800 3000 3000 3000 10 1800 4200 2500 3000 8400 3500 S1 1100 2200 S2 3800 3800 3800 3800 7500 7500 7500 7500 S3 2200 2200 2300 3000 3000 4600 S4 2000 2000 2000 2000 4300 4000 4000 4000 4000 8600 E1 3200 3200 6800 6300 6300 13600 E2 3800 3800 7300 7500 7500 14600 Total Exp for 1/1 on all missions except for S2 missions: 281,300 Exp Ch.1 - Ch.10: 1200 +1400 +2900 +4800 +1800 +7700 +3800 +10100 +6600 +8500 = 48800 2400 +2800 +5400 +7800 +3600 +15200 +7300 +19900 +11800 +14900 = 91100 S1, S3, S4, E1, and E2: 1100 +6700 +12300 +13200 +14900 = 48200 2200 +10600 +24600 +26200 +29600 = 93200 normal Total: 48800 +48200 = 97000 extra Total: 91100 +93200 = 184300 Total = 281300 Gold summary: St. 1/1e 2/2e 3/3e 4/4e 5/5e 6/6e Ch. 1 600 900 1500 1200 1800 3000 2 400 (+) 800 1800 800 (+) 1600 2600 3 1000 1000 500 2500 2000 2000 1000 5000 4 1200 1200 3000 1200 3900 (+) 2400 2400 6000 2400 7200 (+) 5 2100 1400 4200 2400 6 800 300-4800 800 800 800 4600 (+) 1600 1000-16000 1600 1600 1600 9000 (+) 7 1800 1800 900 3600 3600 1800 8 5000 2000 2000 2000 7900 (+) 1000 10000 4000 4000 4000 15800 (+) 2000 9 2200 var. 2200 2200 4400 var. 11000 4400 10 6000 4800 (+) 1200 12000 9800 (+) 2400 S1 3700 (+) var. (+) S2 3000 3000 3000 6000 17000 20000 24000 17000 S3 1500 7500 10600 (+) 3000 15000 21200 (+) S4 7500 3000 3000 800-12800 11700 (+) 15000 6000 6000 1200-19200 23100 (+) E1 5000 600-9600 15900 10000 1500-24000 31800 E2 17500 5000 23200 35000 10000 46400 Minimum total Gold earned for 1/1 on all missions (for variable earnings (9-2, 9-2e, S1-1e), using example earning -5000, rounded to the nearest 5000): 738,400 Gold Ch.1 - Ch.10: 3000 +3000 +5000 +10500 +3500 +8100 +4500 +19900 +31600 +12000 = 101100 6000 +5000 +10000 +20400 +6600 +16400 +9000 +39800 +49800 +24200 = 187200 S1, S3, S4, E1, and E2: 3700 +19600 +26000 +21500 +45700 = 116500 15400 +39200 +51300 +43300 +91400 = 240600 S2: 15000 78000 normal Total: 101100 +116500 +15000 = 232600 extra Total: 187200 +240600 +78000 = 505800 Total = 738400 III.3 Buying Stuff Using Gold earned in Weapon Master Mode (and other modes of the game), you can purchase extras such as: weapons, outfits, galleries, demos, and modes. Each Chapter has a Shop with a unique inventory, though some items are offered at more than one shop (note: price will not vary according to location, so don't bother comparison shopping =) ). If you already have an item, it will be marked as "Sold Out". Note on shop selection: You don't have to enter an area to select its shop. Shops can actually be selected directly from the World Map (highlight an area, press the START button, and select "Shop"). Note on saving money: Some purchasable extras are also unlockables (19 weapons and 1 outfit). These will be noted below (see the Shop Inventory Lists section of this document), for those of you interested in saving some Gold along the way. III.3.A A note on inflation ------------------- As it turns out, characters that are used more will actually have higher prices for their weapons, outfits, and kata (yes, even if another character buys them)! This is based on percentage of usage in *all* modes of the game (not just WMM). These percentages, rounded down to the nearest 0.1%, can be found in the "Character Data" section of Records, in the Options menu. Character Data Price inflation for that character's items 0.0% - 5.9% usage (no increase) 6.0% - 30.9% usage +20% (rounded up to the nearest 100) 31.0% - 60.9% usage +30% (rounded up to the nearest 100) 61.0% - 90.9% usage +50% (rounded up to the nearest 100) 91.0% - 100.0% usage +60% (rounded up to the nearest 100) So, for example, if your usage percentage for Heihachi were 95%, his W2 would cost 1000 (600*1.6=960, rounded up to 1000), his W3 would cost 1500 (900*1.6=1440, rounded up to 1500), his W4 would cost 2000 (1200*1.6=1920, rounded up to 2000), etc... Technical note on percentages: The percentages listed in Character Data are rounded down to the nearest 0.1%. Thus, if a character's usage percentage were, for example, 5.9701% (4/67), that would get rounded down to 5.9%; and a character usage of 6.0241% (5/83) would get rounded down to 6.0%. A percentage of 6.0000% (3/50), however, would not get rounded down at all, and would be shown as 6.0%. Having tested the "exactly 6.0%" case, I found that it produced no inflation! Thus, technically, the above inflation ranges should probably read: 0<=n<=6, 6= 110 3) Weapons against background of stages - All weapons obtained (190, not including default weapons), and complete Collection History (83) IV.5 "SoulCalibur Two" and "Namco" voices The voice that speaks "SoulCalibur Two" at the title screen and "Namco" at the Namco screen isn't always the announcer's voice. The game characters (yes, even Voldo and Necrid and, if anybody was wondering, Heihachi too) will actually sometimes say these instead. I don't think there's a way to select a specific character, but from observation, it does seem that the character at the top of one's Character Data chart (Options, Records) may actually have a higher chance of being selected to say "SoulCalibur Two" initially after each time the game is loaded. IV.6 Wall-assisted flip-jumps For anybody who's interested, here follows a listing of the wall flip moves I've encountered: Taki d,db,b, (u/d) (towards wall), (u/d) (towards wall, when hitting wall) or 8WR(A+K), u/d, u/d - jumps 90 degrees away (directly left or directly right, depending upon which way the wall isn't) from opponent. - pressing an attack button while wall flipping will result in Taki performing an attack upon landing, as follows: A: A=f B: f,f+B K: f,f+K Talim (8WR-u/uf/ub/d/df/db)([B+K]) (8WR must be done towards a nearby wall) or 8WR(B+K), B+K - jumps 90 degrees away (directly left or directly right, depending upon which way the wall isn't) from opponent. - seems to be an evasive-only move Voldo during face-up quadripedal stance (f+[B+K] (or b+[B+K] when back is turned)): b (hit wall) (holding direction not necessary) - jumps towards opponent - even a slow b creep will trigger the wall flip - landing on opponent causes damage - bug: back turned, next to wall, b+[B+K] can result in feet in contact with wall; f will result in jumping towards the wall, instead of the opponent. Xianghua while rising from crouch, with back to wall: [K] or K, K - jumps towards opponent - landing on opponent causes damage with back to wall: ub+[K] or ub+K, K - jumps towards opponent - landing on opponent causes damage IV.7 Pre-battle announcer quotes Each character has two quotes the announcer uses to describe him/her/it. Plus, there are 7 generic pre-battle announcer quotes. I don't think there's any way to specifically choose any of these. Anyway, for those of you who are interested, here they are: Astaroth The man from the black mist bore the light... of madness. The warrior of doom brandishes his axe, and gives his war cry. Cassandra If the love for her family is power, then no one is stronger. She chooses her path like a free bird. Cervantes He lusts for the power and madness he once savored. The evil sword came back to life in his hands. Charade Beware of the evil blade's powers. Seeking to complete itself, a fragment takes on human form. Heihachi His Iron Fist is unstoppable. With an iron will, he travels his own path. Ivy A difficult journey lies ahead of her. Her resolve is stronger, and more tragic, than any other. Kilik He plunges, head-first, into the vortex of destiny. His gentle eyes reveal a man of strong will. Maxi A man rises again, for his fallen comrades. His soul burns violently, for vengeance. Mitsurugi Battles risking the soul... a man becomes a slave to his own ambition. His motivation is the thirst for power. Necrid His fate is to live with the pain of countless regrets. Will this victim of the evil sword ever find peace? Nightmare Hungry for souls, an evil force enslaves him. The delicate balance between good and evil wavers within him. Raphael A solemn madness hones his blade. Love and betrayal slowly intertwine. Seung Mina Facing her enemies head-on, her spirit cannot be repressed. Her soul knows no solace in the constant turmoil of her quest. Sophitia The grief reflected in her eyes, drives her to the battles. The holy light gave power to the soul of the valkyrie. Taki Her shadow moves with stealth, and disappears into darkness. She raises her swords to strike down demons. Talim She rides the wind, freely, singing her wind songs. To appease the stars, the last Priestess rises to the challenge. Voldo He lives only to fulfill his master's last wish. The power of darkness turns the gears of madness, once again. Xianghua Her graceful sword-dance cuts through enemies. She stands again before the start of a new legend. Yoshimitsu A man veiled in mystery, appears. His purpose is shrouded in mystery. Yunsung His desire to surpass others drives him onward. Youth and passion combine to create a hardened warrior. Inferno The seal was broken, and a new era of terror has begun. The terror known as "The Catastrophe" has revealed itself. Other A hero desires a sword, and a sword desires truth. Entrust your noble soul, in your sword. Fate conspired to arrange their battle. Now, two souls are fiercely entangled. The Almighty Ones have granted you a sword, to cut your own path. The fighters face a gruesome quest: to search for the ultimate sword. Watched over by the Almighty Ones, they unleash their fury. And for anybody who's curious, here are the pre-battle announcer quotes for Link (GC) and Spawn (XB): Link He quests for peace and harmony. His courage and faith are his greatest weapons. Spawn A messenger from Hell cometh. With sorrow and anger hidden behind his mask, he stands his ground. IV.8 Auto-load and auto-save SoulCalibur II has an auto-load process, but do note that it only works with the P1 slot (note: even manual loading cannot be done from the P2 memory card slot). SoulCalibur II also has an auto-save process, which similarly only works with the P1 slot (note: even manual saving cannot be done to the P2 memory card slot). The Auto-save feature defaults to ON (if a memory card is detected and you create a save file), and can be located in the Save & Load section of the Options menu. IV.9 Soft reset SoulCalibur II uses a simple 2-button reset, which can be done from either contrller (P1 or P2). Just press SELECT+START or SELECT(START) or START(SELECT) to reset the game back to the title screen. ------------------- V. Thanks and Stuff ------------------- Thanks to: Soul Archive (, for the pre-battle announcer quotes for Link (GC) and Spawn (XB). Felix Li's SCII page (, for information on WMM rankings Lv.96-99. The SoulCalibur II manual (PS2J) for information on the wall impact quick recovery (kabe-ukemi) technique. RoyalFlush for mentioning Xianghua's ub+K wall flip. kkeltner for being gracious enough to lend me a U/C system (and game), as well as another U/C system, so I could gather data on the U/C XB and GC versions of SCII. ------------------------------------------------ The latest version of this file can be found at: Even More Heroes in a Warlike Age ------------------------------------------------