01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 Soul Calibur 2 Seung Mina FAQ version 1.0: By XCTU Disclaimer: I don't own her, even though i wish i did. I don't own Namco...or Soul Calibur...hell, i don't own anything... Dont steal this. If you want to use it on a website, just give me credit. If you're gonna use it for profit, then give me money, and credit me. 0: Wanted 1: Acknowledgments 2: Intro 3: Movelist, including New moves 4: Strategy 4.1: Combo's 5: Top 10 moves 6: Short RO strategy 7: Links --- 0: Wanted -I want frames if anyone wants to give them to me. Probably not gonna happen. -If any of you feel like taking her profile and translated story and sending it to me via e-mail, then i'll put that up. -Anything you think would be good to add. My e-mails are: xctu1@aol.com or xct_u@yahoo.com -Any mistakes on my part to be pointed out to me --- 1: Acknowledgments I would like to thank first off, Namco for being great and making an awesome game. Jason Arney/WCMaxi for tons of reasons having to do with Soul Calibur. Fury for running the tourneys when WCMaxi was away and being one of the coolest guys i know. fLoE for not leaving Soul Calibur 2 and being a highly skilled opponent in such a short time. Seven for being one of the few Good Talim Players out there and for being a funny guy. Kageh for winning Nats and being the nicest guy in the world. Wyzt for being my sparring partner and one of my best friends. Trinity for being hot and being the best female gamer ever. Fetz for his bad directions, placing so well at SBO, and having the most inspirational Cass ever. Shouji for being my absolute best friend in the world and my Wadaiko buddy FOR LIFE!!!! Inferno for laughing at my lame jokes. Vesther for being a great guy and giving me the inspiration to everything i ever did and wanted to do in life. Mekkimarru for actually helping me with the FAQ by giving me the auto-GI info. -=The Jesster=- for also helping me out with Mina in her soul arena. Omnislash, Botsu, and Zigmover for being my AIM Soul Calibur 2 Buddies from out of Town ^_^ And the rest of Team Mighty Chi and everyone in Chicago. You guys kick ***. Thanks also to the cool guys that acutally travel to Chicago to play against us, such as WI, MN, MO, Tulsa, Pittsburgh, Iowa, MI, and the East Coast. Gamefaqs for being the home of the scrubs i make fun of, and CJayC for creating it soulcalibur.com for being the best board ever. Again, thanks WCM. soulcalibur2.com for being another fun site. Thanks JMan. guardimpact.com for being the board that started my getting into SC2 like i do...Toohectic gets credit for this one. THe artists that made the music that i listened to while writing this to actually keep me sane. Moving On... --- 2: Intro I'm not gonna waste time with her story and profile. Lets cut to the chase. I'm only doing Mina because i used her in SC1, and i had way more fun than i thought with her in SC2. w00T. Plus, she's actually GOOD in this one. --- 3: Movelist (this is actually comprehensive, not just the move and properties) Its gonna look like this: notation (in guardimpact and such notation, if you don't know it, go here:http://www.guardimpact.com/legend.php) Properties (high (H), low(L), mid(M), special mid(SM), unblockable(U), special(S)) Damage notes and comments (NC- Natural Combo, NCC- Natural Combo on Counter hit, RO's- This move can Ring Out the opponent, G to cancel- Press Guard to cancel the move) Any move with 3 stars (***) is a new move that is in SC2 but NOT SC1, (**) means a move is G cancelable when it previously wasn't (will still have G-cancelable marked), or any other small change to a move it didn't previously have. ### Normal attacks: A H 18 G to cancel AA HH 18 21 NC AA2_8 HHS 18 21 NC AAB HHM 18 21 31 NCC, RO aA HH 17 9 NC aAB HHM 17 9 38 RO, NCC 66A HH 23 23 RO's, NC 6A H 14 6AK HH 14 19 NC 3A M 38 RO's *** 3aA M 14 3AA M 14 2A L 23 RO, Recovers Crouching 1A L 19 Recovers Crouching 4A L 15 44A M 23 44AA ML 23 24 Recovers Crouching B M 20 G to cancel BB MM 20 20 NCC *** bA M 24 Unrecoverable DOS on CH ** bK HM 19 19 Parries horizontals, WHen the second hit is a CH, it causes an unrecoverable DOS, NC [B] 3K L 28 66B M 20 Hunch over Stun(HS) on CH, GC lvl2 6B M 20 6B2 L 30 RO on CH 6BA ML 20 23 6BB MM 20 38 Natural Combo if the opponent is crouching 3B M 33 RO's 1_2B M 26 Recovers Crouching 4B M 35 Fall Back stun on hit. *** 4[B] M 38 GC, SCUB, RO's 44B L 19 if close 23 if far away ** 2_8*B M 19 K H 14 G to Cancel kB HL 14 14 NC 66K M 21 RO ** 66KK MM 21 14 (10 if in air) RO. Delayable, NC ** 66KKK MMH 21 14 (10 if in air) 28 (17 if in air) RO. Delayable ** 6K M 24 RO. Parries Verticals. 6kB MH 23 23 RO, NC 3K M 22 RO *** 3KK MH 22 28 RO 2K L 9 Recovers Crouching 1K L 22 Recovers Crouching 1KK LM 22 28 (19 if in air) RO, NC 4K M 15 Parries Horizontals 4KB MM 15 40 Parries Horizontals, Delayable, NC 44K M 28 Fall Back stun on Non-CH. Can RO only on CH. A+B MMM 19 19 19 NC A+B A MMH 19 19 19 ** A+B A B MMHM 19 19 19 29 RO, G to cancel *** A+B AA MMM 19 19 14 A+B A+B MMMMMMM 19 19 11 14 14 14 14 ** 6A+B MMMMM 19 19 9 9 14 NCC, G to cancel, RO 3A+B L 9 8 8 19 A to break, Leaves Mina at an 8 frame advanatage if broken, may RO. 2A+B LLLL 9 9 19 19 NCC 1A+B L 9 10 10 20 B to break, Leaves Mina at an 8 frame advantage if broken, RO 4A+B MMMM 17 17 17 17 NC 4A+B B MMM 17 17 34 RO, NC 4A+B*B MMMMM 17 17 17 17 34 RO 4A+B BB MMMM 17 17 34 20 (15 if juggled in the air) NC 4A+B*BB MMMMMM 17 17 17 17 34 20 (15 if juggled in the air) 8A+B M 38 RO, SCUB ** 9A+B U-M 114-UB 47- GC G to cancel, Self-RO's if cancelled from behind, Can cancel into a GC using B ** B+K M 47 RO, G to Cancel, GC lvl 2, SCUB 6B+K MM 14 28 Causes a crumple stun on hit, NC 2B+K L 14 1B+K MMM 14 9 4 CS on hit, G to cancel, SCUB, NC 4B+K L 42 RO 9B+K MM 42 28 NC A+K M 33 RO 6A+K HHHHHH 19 14 7 7 7 7 CS, NC *** 3A+K M 23 *** 3A+K A ML 23 23 *** 3A+K K MM 23 33 RO 2A+K L 27 RO 1A+K L 23 4A+K LL 19 19 RO, NC G+K H 6 ### 8WR attacks: 8WR6A HH 23 23 RO, NC 8WR3_9A M 23 8WR3_9AA MM 23 33 RO. 8WR2_8A M 23 8WR2_8AA ML 23 28 Recovers Crouching 8WR2_8AB MM 24 28 RO. G to cancel, NCC 8Wr1_7A L 23 8WR4A M 23 8WR4AA ML 23 24 Recovers Crouching 8WR3_6_9B M 20 Hunch over Stun(HS) on CH, GC lvl2 8WR2_8B M 34 RO 8WR1_7B M 35 Fall Back stun on hit 8WR1_7[B] M 38 GC, SCUB, RO's 8WR4B L 19 if close 23 if far away 8WR6K L 26 8WR3_9K MM 23 23 NC 8WR3_9KK MMM 23 23 28 NCC, RO 8Wr2_8K L 21 8WR2_8kA LH 21 33 RO, NC 8WR1_4_7K M 28 Fall Back stun on Non-CH. Can RO only on CH. 8WR3_6_9B+K MM 14 28 Crumple stun on hit, NC 8WR1_7_8_2B+K M 47 Tech Crouches. RO. Cancelable. GC lvl 2, SCUB. 8WR4B+K L 42 RO ### Forward Crouching/While Rising attacks: FC A L 12 Recovers Crouching FC B M 15 Recovers Crouching FC1B L 15 Recovers Crouching FC K L 9 Recovers Crouching ** FC A+B MM 19 20 G to cancel, NC WSA M 25 WSB M 30 RO WSK M 28 RO ### Back Turned Attacks: BTA H 17 BT2A L 15 Recovers Crouching BTB M 30 BT2b M 24 Recovers Crouching BTK H 20 BT2K L 15 Recovers Crouching ### Jumping/landing attacks: 7_8_9A M 20 7_8_9B M 33 SCUB 7_8_9K M 19 WLA L 28 WLB M 22 RO WLK L 19 --- Throws: A+G 55 B+G 8 47 Left Throw: 28 42 Right Throw: 13 13 39 Back Throw: 12 15 33 3A+B: L 9 8 8 19 A to break, RO 1A+B: L 9 10 10 20 B to break, RO --- 4: Strategy First things first, I prefer her 2P outfit. But thats just me, IMO 1P makes her look too crosseyed. Alright, i've basically realized her good moves that i'm going to go in depth with: AAB 3B bA 8WR2_8B 1KK 2A 1A 3A 66A 8WR3_9A 6AK 8WR2_8A and followups 6B+K A+K 4KB 6B and followups 1_3A+B 3A+K and followups 2A+K A+B and followups 7_8_9B WSA 8B+K 6A+B 66K and followups 8A+B WSK 4A Thats a pretty solid list there, i'll start: AAB: OMG SO GOOD!! If it hits on CH, you get a free 66A, which is her best followup, plus it gives you mixups. Her A is decently fast for the amount of range it has, and for the huge reward it gives out of you get the whole combo on CH, you can also play a really amazing keep away game with AA until you see AAB come out counter hitted, and keep away is a strong point for Mina because of moves like this. it also RO's from a reasonable distance. Definetly one of her best moves, use very often. 3B: Mina has the fastest 3B in the game tied with Taki and Yoshi. It launches, has many successful followups for a good portion of health. Its also one of her staples for mixups with a 2A or a throw. It hits grounded, and since its fast, that makes it more useful than 6B+K in doing so. It doesn't launch from the farthest you can hit it with, but when your opponent is that distance from you, you have many other options and you can launch right into her mid game and start doing AA and 3A and 11A. Its safe, and it pushes the opponent back when they're right next to you to about her weapons length apart on block. And for some reason, if your opponent is right on you and stepping or 8WRing, you will catch them with the move. It actually doesn't "hit" them, but they get launched and take damage anyways. Its weird, but i'll take it. Don't be scared to use this move a lot. Plus it breaks A's, very staple move for her game. In fact, i would go as far as saying this is her best move. Again, its insanely fast and rediculously high damaging and safe. bA: This is one of her new moves, and the best by far. It has huge range, and causes an unrecoverable Double Over Stun on a counter hit. Did i mention the huge range? Its also safe as far as i can tell. Its one of the best followups to moves that end with like, no frame loss such as 6AK or 3aA. It tech crouches, too. Which makes it strong after a 3aA, because it will usually Counter Hit, and you can followup for a great damaging combo for a fast move. If your opponent is smart and you do 3B too much after 3aA, they will start to AA or so some other fast high move, and then you do this and it will TC under that and CH, after a while, your opponent will learn to just sit there and block after it, giving you a good low/throw mixup in addition to the regular 3B and bA. If she didn't have bA, 3aA would not be as powerful as it is, but we'll get to that soon. 8WR2_8B: Its the same as Kiliks, and if you've played a decent Kilik, i'm sure they use this. So you probably already know how great this move is. Its fast, safe, avoids, and launches. Definetly awesome, and so abusable. This move is almost on the same level of 3B in terms of how good it is, your opponents rarely see it coming, and if they do, there's really nothing they can do about it unless you totally whiff it. This move is an excellent defensive and offensive move, this move can break through A's if you're interrupting an opponent, or you can use this if you think your opponent will attack, either way, the long range and the good damage that comes off of this is great. 6AK is probably the best option, as it leads to the best wakeup options since 6kB and 66A tend to miss too much because you may be at a wierd angle. 1KK: One of her mixup moves. It comes out fast, and can be compared to Mitsurugi's 2KB, even though his is better. Its not safe, but if you use it correctly as a mixup, it will hardly ever miss. And 1K is good for hitting opponents that like to roll on the ground. It also RO's well and does excellent damage. Though if you are too predictable, your opponents will block or parry almost every single time. 2A: Kilik has the same 2A, and its awesome. Its fast, RO's, damaging, and awesome after cancels or fast moves, which Mina has a lot of. It does decent damage, too, 23 for fast low with that range. Its amazing. And leaves her in a crouched state where you can mixup a WSA with a throw or FC1B, WSB, her crouched game isn't too bad, and tech crouches and RCC's can be helpful. Or just rise immediatly and cancel a move if they like to GI, and that gives you a free 3B. Either way, this move is amazing. Use often, but not too often where it becomes obvious. You'll learn as you play her how much to use. It also varies on opponents. And its VERY hard to see coming, even if you think it is going to come, you have a really hard time blocking it on reaction, and i speak of this from experience, and even if you want to block low, Mina's 3B being so fast makes this move good. 1A: This is a completely safe low thats fast and annoying, and you can do a FCA or a WSA afterwards for a small mixup. If they like to parry, then well, you've got many options. All off of a small fast 1A. This is a perfect move for any mixup because even on block, the ball is still in your court. Use wisely. The only thing bad is the really bad range, and if your opponent is not looming over you, then you should have no reason to use this over 2A. 3A: THis kills steppers to her left. Its got huge range, and it hits mid. Another part that makes this move killer is the fact that you can cancel it to an even faster Mid with close to no loss of, or even positive frames on block or hit. A good time to buffer in 8WR2_8B, or a bA, even a throw if they like to block, since her throw range was really increased since SC1. So 2 moves in one, with one coming out almost instantanously is definetly useable. 3aA also is good after another 3aA to annoy the opponent, but sometime you are going to have to attack and your opponent cant do anything except block, or try to interrupt with fast A's (since thats all that works), so bA takes care of the fast A's and gives you a CH stun, and 3B takes care of everything else. Thats only if your opponent attacks, if they dont attack, then you have an entire mixup game of them sitting there blocking to work with. They can't even GI without being sure if you're going to do a high, low, or delay attack. Scary good. One of the things that she has that is better than what Kilik has. 66A: This kills steppers to her left as well, fast, its safe on block. THe only thing you have to worry about is when the opponent ducks, which means you use this move in moderation. It also RO's really well to her right. Its got decent range, and since she takes a step forward when you do it, its pretty solid. This move and 3A (as quoted by Everlast) basically say "Sidestepping is stupid" and for the high amount of damage done by them, they will agree. 8WR3_9A: They both hit mid now...and depending on which way you do it depends on which way she swings it. From 3 on the left side, it comes from her left. From 9 on the left side, it comes from her right. From 3 on the right side, it comes from her right, and from 9 on the right side, it comes from her left. Anyways, huge range, natural combo on counter hit. And you don't always need to do both, doing one and mixing up with doing 2 is always fun. It pushes them back a bit, but if they block, the recovery time for Mina isn't too great, i think almost all the characters get free AA's, and free throws. But thats only if you do one. If you mixup doing 2 sometimes, they'll try to attack, and the second one will hit. But the second one is really easy to see coming and to GI, or just plain AA afterwards. 6AK: 6AK is her best poke. Its one of her fastest standing moves, and like a lot of other moves she has, safe on block, and you can follow it with a lot of other things to keep yourself on the offense and your opponent on the defense. But there's still negative blockstun so be prepared to sometimes have to block afterwards if it misses. If it hits, you're safe so there's no real need to stop the flow if you hit them with it. 8WR2_8A: This is excellent because its a mixup first of all, it's fast and good against step, and its a mid. The B can cancel making your opponent never want to attack after you do the 8WR2_8A in fear of another uninterruptable attack. And you can cancel the B and do whatever you please with it, which is strong. Plus, the 8WR2_8AB is a NCC, so you can do lots of damage and ring out well since this move catches enemies from all around you. 6B+K: For the same reason that Kilik's is good, hers is. Its fast, damaging, stuns, and hits grounded. It can also be a strong followup after a juggle. Its also got good range. Usable as a mix mixup. But 3B is better after moves that leave your opponent on the ground. --- As mentioned earlier, for some reason this stupid looking move has an outrageous hit box and regulates wrap-around attacks. Mad priority, somewhat safe (unless the opponent has a 10 frame move), and difficult to hit consistently unless you time a step well. Hell, this thing is better than 66B, since it's so much harder to step and 66B has lost priority in this game. It also has simpler execution. Around here, people tend to try and back up so that it'll whiff in their face for some juicy punishment. Which makes it an ideal setup for 6B2 [thanks to Mekkimarru] A+K: This move is decent. It goes over lows, and RO's like whoa. It also has huge range. But if overused, Mina can be punished pretty heavily for it. Its best used to push the opponent away when they're far, or to RO to her left. Just be careful when using it, NEVER use it close range, use it if your opponent is stepping or if they're mid range, then this will be the best because its very hard to punish from that distance so quickly. 4KB: Its a natural combo, first off. It RO's heavily, its fast, damaging and auto-gi's horizontals. It can be easily 8WR or stepped though, so use it in moderation because you will get heavily punished if its avoided. But this is her key move when it comes to ringing out, if your opponent is rushing at you, and they whiff a move, or anything, you 4KB, you get the round. Plus, the delay catches opponents who are off guard and are too fast to attack. Did i mention that it RO's REALLY WELL. 6B: This move is a fast vertical poke which isn't to great on its own. But combined with the fact that its got 2 followups, one mid, one low, and that fact that it NC's when an opponent is crouching is really good for 6BB. And most don't block 6BA because nobody really sees it coming and they probably don't want to get hit with the 6BB either. It is also long-ranged, but punishable if stepped. --- 6B2: Super sick range low that hits on the ground, does fantastic damage, and absolutely kills a person who simply 8WR walks backward. When people look for 6B+K to whiff, just toss this badboy out and watch it CH flatten a backdashing opponent. I love this thing with a passion due to its speed and crazy range. Definitely one of my favorite and most satisfying lows to hit with. On CH, it practically sets itself up for another one unless they immediately crouch block. When normal hitting up close, it's a nice setup for 3K,K as few attacks will beat it and thus 3K,K will CH. [thanks to Mekkimarru] 1_3A+B: Well, its probably already been revealed at this point that Mina has a just frame with these. Yep, this move leaves the opponent at -20 on break, meaning that if you just frame the timing, Mina will get a free 3B before the opponent can block, GI, or do anything. Its sick. THese moves are good even without that. 1A+B gives her a back RO opportunity, but if you opponent breaks it, they eat a 3B. If they don't break it, they're dead anyways. 3A+B RO's to the front in certain stages. Mostly the ones with uneven ground near the edge, or easy RO ground. Either way, this move is a basis for Mina mixups and is hard to block on reaction. The new just frame is absolutly insane, too in addition to the high amount of damage they deal for a fast low. 3A+K: This is a fast mid thats a new move for her. The good thing is, it has 2 followups, an A, which yields an 8WR1_7A, or a K, which is an A+K. Its great for the mixup factor and its quite fast giving your opponent little time to actually think about it mid-match. Just keep mixing up which one you're doing and you should be able to get some good rewards from this. Not to mention 8WR1_7A's long range, i sometimes prefer to do 3A+KA than 11A even if i only mean to hit with the 11A because for some reason 3A+K freezes the opponent and generally makes them not block the low attack. 2A+K: This is a low sweep that makes Mina TC. It RO's and is semi-fast. Good range and good damage. One of her good lows that catches the opponent by surprise. It seems to have decent blockstun, too, so a 3B or 66B could easily come right after even on block and get the opponent, of course thats only in certain areas if they're left right next to you, otherwise they get pushed out too far for close-up games and then you get to mess with her mid range game. A+B: A+B is pretty good, it hits in all directions, and A+BAA is fast and leaves her with little to no recovery time, meaning she can possibly get a CHbA right after it, or a safe 1A since she's right up on them. See 3aA for that, but the thing about A+BAA is that she walks toward them unlike 3aA which goes a very short distance. --- A+B series: Crazy mid with relatively fast startup and priority. It has outstanding tracking on the second part of A+B. Not bad when used sparingly...though the second part of the A+B strings can be GI'ed the timing of the GI varies depending on which string you perform. For some reason, because she got A+B,A~A, some opponents will mistime when to GI or let go of block and sometimes take a large amount of damage from the second set of A+B,A+B. I don't know why that is, but if you get the second wheel of A+B to mostly hit on a standing opponent, it does HELLA. Definitely worth it once in a while to do to see what the opponent will do, especially if the post-GI game the opponent has is not strong. [thanks to Mekkimarru] 7_8_9B: This move is great. Avoids lows and throws, breaks A's, take only a little damage when hit by a mid, and stuns enough for a 3B for free. Its usable off of the ground, when used wisely, it can eliminate opponents mixup for minimal damage and possibly a good chunk for your side. Dont abuse, but with enough use, it can get really annoying and work well against your opponent. WSA: This move is good. Its mid, hits all around Mina, and is fast and safe. And Its got long range, too. A good followup to 2A, just don't get predictable with it. Its just a good all around move that comes from WS. --- iWS A: A fantastic mid! Not because of the damage but because of its consistency at covering radius. This is one of the few rising moves in the game that regulates step/8WR consistently. Best used at or near max range of the blade, and like iWS K the short ducking time involved and the TC of the move allows her to duck highs throughout the move. Its only real weaknesses is on whiff or to breaking B attacks. However, if your opponent starts using B attacks to break this move, it's time for you to do some stepping of your own and counter their whiff with a 3B or 6A+K, etc. [thanks to Mekkimarru] 8B+K: Personally, i like this move. It avoids almost any other move out there, it natural combo's from a distance and breaks well. It does enourmous damage and moves very fast. Sadly, its unsafe, but its a great move still for the distance it covers and the payoff has been great. A great opening move. Only a few moves beat it, like Nightmare's 66B. It even beats out Voldo's 3A+B and hits him out of it. Of course, if you're playing an opponent that backdashes or steps first thing, then this might not be the best thing to do. 6A+B: This may look and seem like the worst move ever, and it is, except for one thing. Mina can G cancel it at almost no frame loss. Meaning that she can do 6A+BG 3B and have it come out super fast. And if your opponent realizes, the only thing that can really stop it is AA, and that means a nice bA CH for you. Also, if you see the red sparks, then try not to cancel it because it'll be a counter hit for free damage and a possible RO. Even if you opponent steps the first hit of 6A+B, unless they attack right away, if you cancel, you're more likely than not going to be able to block what they throw at you. And time to duck a throw if you see it. --- 6A+B~: I personally cannot say enough about this really good move. A tad slow, but MAD priority if allowed to come out, great recovery if G cancelled, and a juicy 70+ points if all hits on counter (which is guaranteed in this game, btw). It almost sets itself up too. If your opponent blocks the first 2 hits and you G cancel it, their follow up attack better be REALLY good or they'll eat a full 6A+B on CH if you do it again. If people start stepping after blocking your G cancelled 6A+B, that's time for some 66A action from Mina. 6A+B G cancelled on block can also set up a simple run-in and throw/3B mixup as well. Either way, the whole thing is safe on block, cancelled or not. [thanks to Mekkimarru] 66K series: I'm kind of a fan of this move personally. It's nice because if you're hit out of it, you'll be considered airborne and take less damage plus be able to air control. The first hit jumps lows and her leg has TREMENDOUS range in this game, though the damage has been toned. The nice thing is the delay between either of the finishing kicks. A simple mixup would be to do 66K by itself on seasoned players, then just repeat 66K and finish the string...or 66K and fake the delay, then run up in their face and play a throw/3B guessing game. The delay on the mids also set up her long reaching lows for people who are waiting for the other kicks to come. Basically, the delay element adds to the timing setups of additional mids or especially her lows. [thanks to Mekkimarru] 8A+B: I like to use this move as a SCUB mostly. I think its her most powerful one. Its pretty fast, has long range, hits mid, hits all around, and Tech Crouches and Tech Jumps i believe. Even on its own, its a good RO move, and pushes the opponent out a decent amount. I believe its punishable regularly, and with AG, i'm almost sure it can be punished. Thats only at close range, which i would advise not to use it. I dont think its punishable at long range though. So if you're gonna use it without it being the SCUB, make sure its acutally worth the risk since Mina has safer moves. The good thing is, if you're hit out of it during animation, you'll take less damage because you're considered airborne and you can immediatly AC. --- I kinda like this move sparingly. In SC1 it was punishable, making it rather useless since it's slow anyway. Now in SC2, it's a SCUB Lvl 3 and I don't think it can be punished. A nice way to suddenly change the pace of what you're doing when your opponent starts figuring out some of your tactics. Just pop this big space covering mid out and watch 'em kinda wonder what you're doing. May be a bit more abusable at 3 character lengths away if it turns out to be truly unpunishable. Odd startup too. [thanks to Mekkimarru] 4A: Super annoying low that recreates Mina's ideal space when lost after landing certain moves that give her minor frame disadvantage or after blocking a rush down string from faster characters (Talim, Taki, etc.). Hard to see coming and difficult to catch, it sets up Mina's high priority range 2 mids for people who want to rush in after being annoyed by a few of these or for peeps who duck. A very simple and rather effective mixup is 4A to 44A,A and vice versa. 4A, especially on hit, sets up the slow but large radius of 44A for people who want to advance or step/8WR...then you can finish the second A of 44A (which I believe is NC non-delayed). The nice thing about 44A is that 4A on hit will give her time to get the mid-range TC of 44A if people attack with high priority highs after taking 4A, thus setting up the NC 44A,A. Also, the second hit of 44A can be delayed, so you can decide to finish it if you think they'll advance after blocking 44A, or just start the mixup all over by doing 4A again...etc. It'll have people pulling their hair out for a bit, and that's not even considering her other mid follow-ups to 4A (like 6A+B; 6B+K; etc, etc, etc whatever you want) or high priority highs like AAB. [thanks to Mekkimarru] iWS K: Yeah, it's unsafe. But it's not a bad move considering its incredible speed and the slight duck from iWS will cause it to quickly interrupt strong A strings (even in between Taki's A,B). The reason it works up close more than it should (especially against fast characters that fight well in your grill) is because people tend to want to smother Mina with attacks due to her slow speed as opposed to looking for a punishable move from her. Reasonable use of this will hit unsuspecting rush down peeps rather often due to the speed and priority, causing them to slow down a bit when close. This sets up some of her slower, high priority moves when close. Also, people who are often interrupted by this punishable move will slow down a bit to look for it and punish it, again allowing you time to use her slower attacks or to get away from the opponent. [thanks to Mekkimarru] --- 4.1 Combo's CHAAB 66A (102 dmg): This is deadly, its so much damage and such a good move. I use and abuse this combo a lot. Front 6A+K 6BB (123 dmg): This is her power combo. Roughly 50% damage. Its easy to do, and guaranteed off a repel, unless they Re-GI of course, which still gives Mina a 50/50 chance. Just don't do this after a parry because you're facing their side which messes things up, i suggest a 3B in that case. Back 6A+K or 6A+K against a wall/edge 3B 6B+K (131 dmg): This is a simple version that allows for Mina to get a free 3B because they don't get pushed back against a ledge, and they actually go closer to you if they have their back facing you. Also highly damaging and really good. But against an edge, you just RO them. 8WR2_8B 6AK (55 dmg): There's almost no frame loss whatsoever, and this juggle gives her plenty of time to run up and bust out a mixup. And if they just want to stay on the ground, then a 6B+K will do well. Otherwise, a 1A/2A/1_3A+B or a 3B/6B+K has been working really well for me. THen again, its all about personal preference. 8WR2_8B 6bK (65 dmg): Good because its guaranteed and damaging. BUt if you do it a little to late, you lose 10 points, or you get nothing 3B/WSB/WLB 66A (64/61/52 dmg): Very damaging, and puts them right at your feet. My personal preference. 3B/WSB/WLB 6bK (63/60/52 dmg): Same as above but easier to mess up because of the slide. 3B/WSB/WLB 3B (56/53/45 dmg): The thing about this isn't about the damage, but about the pressure. If you hit the second 3B just right, the opponent will land on their feet startled and unable to interrupt your next move. Its only good around a corner or edge, and at that point, the reward that can come from doing this is much greater than a few extra damage points. Also, if you can tell by the way the 3B, or the variations launched, then you can see when a 66A or a 6kB won't work, so you do 3B for guaranteed damage regardless. 7_8_9B 3B (58 dmg): 6B+K doesn't work because its too slow and they can tech really fast, but this appears to work. I abuse this like mad. CHbA 4B+K (65 dmg): THis is the most damaging guaranteed combo after the stun since 4B+K hits on the ground. 4[B] also works but its 3 less points of damage. 44K 3B (51 dmg): This has to be a 44K NOT from behind, otherwise nothing is guaranteed. It stuns them and a 3B is guaranteed. Thats all. CH (2nd hit of bK) 4B+K (58 dmg): Same as CH bA 4B+K essentially. 4A+BB 3B (91 dmg): Since 4A+BB is a natural combo, you can combo a 3B off of the last hit since nothing else is fast enough and hits grounded. You can also do a 6AK after the 4A+BB, but you have to be really fast. CH 66B 3B (49 dmg): Self Explanitory, 3B is fast, hits grounded, CH 66B stuns. 1A+K also works but 3B does more damage. --- 5.0 Mina's Top 10 Best Moves, that i feel should be used the most: 1. 3B 2. 2A 3. 1_3A+B 4. bA 5. 8WR2_8B 6. AAB 7. 3A/3aA 8. 66A 9. 8WR2_8AB 10. 7_8_9B --- 6.0 Mina Ring Out strategy: I'm gonna make this short. Based on the concept battle tournaments and my own RO experiences with her, the most important move for this is 4KB. Its a natural combo that hits mid and RO's far. You can easily step and then 4KB if your opponent does a mid attack. Mina has some really good pressure when the opponent is near the edge. She can 2A and RO to the right. 3A+B sometimes RO's to the front, and 1A+B RO's behind. If they break the 1A+B, then she will have the advantage of the break. Some other RO moves include A+K, which will RO the opponent if the edge is to her right. 66A also RO's to the right, and is fast and useful, as is 3A. CH 22AB will RO to the front/right, and very far. So most of Mina's good RO moves are mid, meaning your opponent should stay standing if they are smart. You can use this to your advantage and 1A+B, or 2A to make them take damage. And of course, 3B 3B RO's, but its kinda easy for the opponent to air control in. And you can find her other RO moves, but the ones mentioned above are the move useful from my experiences. 7.0 Links: Soul Calibur 1/2 Message boards www.soulcalibur.com www.soulcalibur2.com www.gamefaqs.com www.guardimpact.com www.nefightclub.com