--- Soul Calibur 2- For Playstaion 2, Xbox, GameCube, and arcade --- Soul Charge Enhancements FAQ guide: version 1.21 By RoyalFlush (edval89@hotmail.com) Copyright 2004, Edward Valdez. --- *Table of Contents* 1. Intro 2. Legend 3. Soul Charge Notes 4. Characters (In alphabetical order) ~Assassin ~Astaroth ~Berserker ~Cassandra ~Cervantes ~Heihachi ~Ivy ~Kilik ~Link ~Lizardman ~Maxi ~Mitsurugi ~Nightmare ~Necrid ~Raphael ~Seung Mina ~Sophitia ~Spawn ~Taki ~Talim ~Voldo ~Xianghua ~Yoshimitsu ~Yunsung 5. Other Stuff -Soul Charge Glitch -Soul Charge Cancels 6. Legal Stuff, Acknowledgements, and Credits 7. Revision History --- *Intro* Welcome to the Soul Charge Enhancements FAQ! This is a complete guide for everything you need to know about the Soul Charge ability and the added on abilities for each character. Take advantage of this FAQ by using everything you learn from it. Also, if you find any problems or if you want to contribute to the FAQ in any way, please contact me. Enjoy! P.S. If you know anything that's not in my FAQ, please send the information to my e-mail or post them in the message boards and I will put you name in the acknowledgements list. Also, you may e-mail me about any errors, suggestions, and/or feedback. Thanks! --- *Legend* (Can also be found at guardimpact.com) Direction notations (Character Facing right) 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 7= Up-back 8= Up 9= Up-forward 4= Back 5=Neutral 6= Forward 1= Down-back 2= Down 3= Down-forward *Button Notations* A= horizontal attack B= vertical attack K= kick G= guard *General Notations* FC= while Fully Crouched WS= While Standing from a crouch 8WR= 8-Way-Run (hold or double-tap the direction) WL= While Landing from a jump[ ]= hold command += Press at the same time _= either/or ( ) = optional input , = followed by GB= Guard Break GB-SC lvl= Guard Break after a certain SC level GI= Guard Impact (performed by 6G or 4G) RC= Recovers Crouching BT= Back turned *= Delayed input SC= Soul Charge (performed by A+B+K [Level varies]) AC= Air Control ~= immediately after xY= roll from button X to button Y(examples: bA, kB) NC= Natural Combo RCC= Recover Crouching Cancel G-cancel= Guard cancel (cancel by pressing G) SCUB= Soul Charge Unblockable := Just Frame timing iFC= Instant Full Crouch WJ= Wall Jump ([G]7 when character's back is near a wall) *Hit Properties* RO= Attack can Ring Out enemy CH= Counter Hit AT= Attack Throw (An attack that is modified into a throw on hit) GI-h= Attack will Guard Impact horizontal attacks GI-v= Attack will Guard Impact vertical attacks BT= Back Turned OB= Forces opponent's back to face you OS= Forces opponent's side to face youOSB= Forces opponent's side to face you when blocked FrCH= Forced crouch on hit FrC= Forced crouch on block c= CH modifier co= crouching opponent modifier cco= CH on crouching opponent modifier *Stuns* DOS= Double Over Stun CS= Crumple Stun THS= Toe Hop Stun FS= Fall Back StunBN= Bounce Stun BS= Block Stun/Stagger uDOS= unbreakable Double Over Stun LS= Lift stun QS= Quake Stun SPS= Spin Stun TS= Thrust Stun CFS= Crumple Fall Stun HS= Hunch over Stun *Hit Ranges* l= hits low m= hits mid h= hits high L= Hits low and grounded opponents M= Hits mid and grounded opponents H= hits high and grounded opponents Sm= hits special mid UB-h= unblockable high UB-m= unblockable mid UB-M= unblockable mid that can hit grounded opponents UB-l= unblockable low UB-L= unblockable low that can hit grounded opponents *Glossary* -Buffer= The act of entering the command for a move during the execution of another move. -Wake-up= The art of pressuring a downed opponent -Mix-up= A simple series of attacks, which is designed to keep your opponent guessing. -Whiff= A failed or missed strike. -Tracking= A move's ability to stay locked on target. -Frames= Soul Calibur 2 runs at 60-frames a second. Frames express the speed of all of animations. -Counter Hit= Interrupting an enemy's attack with your own attack. CH's inflict more damage and produce added effects like knock-back ability or stuns. -Natural Combo= A canned (or guaranteed) string that combos on normal or counter hit. (Thanks to zigmover21 for definition)-Clean hit= When an attack hits at very close range. -Shallow hit= When an attack hits from mid to far range. -Post Guard Impact= An unsuccessful, missed GI. -Step= Performed by tapping 1_2_3_4_6_7_8_9 once. Sometimes it'll evade incoming attacks if timed correctly. Afterwards, you should strike with a quick attack. -Instant Full Crouch (iFC)= A special technique that'll allow you to access the FC mode by pressing 2G mainly during a G-cancel or right after you're attack has been GI'd. *Notes* -You can only AC after any time you've been hit while in the air. -DOS: The stun that'll cause your enemy hunch over and then slowly fall to the ground. It has many good follow-ups, but there's one disadvantage. DOS's can be escaped by holding G and then inputting five directional inputs. -After you GI your opponent, you have the advantage in attacking them first, but they can still reverse GI your attack. When you are the one being GI'ed, you cannot immediately block the incoming attack, but can still reverse GI. -8-Way-Run= There are two different ways to perform an 8WR. You can hold the direction you want to run or double-tap the direction. Both have the same animations, but holding it is better suited for the actual movement of running in the direction, while double-tapping will allow you to both run around faster and execute 8WR attacks much faster (which adds to the amount of combos you can do). --- *Soul Charge Notes* -To do a normal Soul Charge, press A+B+K. -There are 3 different levels of Soul Charges. Each level has a different color and each level has special abilities. Soul Charge level 1 (light green): The quickest of the 3 charges. Press G immediately after pressing A+B+K. Any attack you do does normal damage, but several attacks in this charge level have a Guard Break ability. The charge lasts 3 seconds. Soul Charge level 2 (darker green): Press G or interrupt the charge with an attack when your character's weapon is a darker green. Anything you could do with a level 1 charge you can do in a level 2 charge. However, there are several attacks ONLY in a level 2 charge that gain a Guard Break. The charge lasts about 3.5 seconds. Also, all attacks are 15% stronger. Soul Charge level 3 (blue): The slowest of the 3 charges. You have to wait until the charge is over in order to use a level 3 charge. Anything possible in lower charges can be done in a level 3 charge. However, there are a few attacks that become unblockable (SCUB). Also, all attacks are 40% stronger and are considered Counter Hits. The charge lasts 4 seconds. -When using a Soul Charge, any attacks done to your character count as Counter Hits, so try blocking attacks instead of fighting back with your own when you're about to get hit. -Soul Charges can be used as bait for attacks from your opponents (and also the other way around, which makes the Soul Charge rather risky). -Quick level 1 charges are good for an unpredictable offense. -There's a big gap that allows you to do a level 2 charge while charging. -The charge effect goes away if you block an attack, hit the enemy with your own attack, your enemy blocks one of your attacks, or if you get hit by an enemy attack. -You can move in any direction while charging. -If your character jumps up and gets hit in the air while in the Soul Charge state, the Soul Charge will still be in effect, but there's a high chance that the charge will be gone by then. -If you GI an attack while in the Soul Charge state, the charge will still be in effect.-SCUBs cannot be blocked, but they can be repelled with a Guard Impact. -Certain (probably unlisted) attacks can be done only during a Soul Charge. -Soul Charges can either help you win the battle or lose, so use this ability wisely! --- Characters Lay-out: SC lvl.1, 2, or 3 -Attack (GB, SCUB [lvl.3 only], SC enabled attack, and/or side note) -Etc. *Assassin* SC lvl.1 -9B (GB) SC lvl.2 -WS A+B (GB) -3B+K (GB) SC lvl.3 None *Astaroth* SC lvl.1 -9B (GB) -3[A+B] (GB) -8WR 1_7[B] (GB) SC lvl.2 -66B (GB) -8WR 2_8B (GB) -8WR 1_7B (GB) -[B] (GB) -2B (GB) -4A+B (GB) -44[B] (GB, must hold B for 1 and a half seconds then release) -44[B],2_8 (GB, must hold B for 1 and a half seconds, then press 2_8) SC lvl.3 -8WR 1_7B (SCUB) -44B (SCUB) -44B,2_8 (SCUB) -2[B] (SCUB) *Berserker* SC lvl.1 -9B (GB) -3[A+B] (GB) -8WR 1_7[B] (GB) SC lvl.2 -66B (GB) -8WR 2_8B (GB) -8WR 1_7B (GB) -[B] (GB) -2B (GB) -4A+B (GB, first hit only) -44[B] (GB, must B for about 1 and a half seconds then release) -44[B],2_8 (GB, must hold B for 1 and a half seconds then press 2_8) SC lvl.3 -8WR 1_7B (SCUB) -44B (SCUB) -44B,2_8 (SCUB) -2[B] (SCUB) *Cassandra* SC lvl.1 -214B (GB) -214 5 B (GB, SC enabled attack) -7_8_9A+B (GB) -8WR 3_9B (GB) SC lvl.2 -236B (GB) -66B+K (GB) -7K,B (GB, SC enabled attack) SC lvl.3 -66A+B (SCUB) -44B+K (GB) -7_8_9A+B (SCUB) -44A,B (SCUB, 44A must miss) -44[A],B (SCUB, 44[A] must miss) -WJ A+B (SCUB) -7K,B (SCUB, SC enabled attack) *Cervantes* SC lvl.1 -4B+K (GB) -44A+B (GB) SC lvl.2 -B,B,4B (GB, B,B must miss) -7_8A+B (GB) -1B+K (GB) -8WR 1_7B (GB) SC lvl.3 -7_8A+B,B (GB, SC enabled attack) -(facing wall) 7_8A+B,B,B (GB, SC enabled attack) -Dread Charge B (SCUB) -1A,B (SCUB) *Heihachi* SC lvl.1 None SC lvl.2 -A,A,B (GB for last hit only, A,A must miss) -4A+B (GB) -236B (GB) -623[B] (GB) -8WR 6A+B (GB) -8WR 6B+K (GB) -3K,B,A,K,K,B,K,B,A,K (SC enabled 10-hit combo) -3K,B,A,K,K,B,K,B,A,B (SC enabled 10-hit combo) -3K,B,A,K,B,B,B,B,B,B (SC enabled 10-hit combo) SC lvl.3 -kB (SCUB) -4A+B+K (SC enabled attack) *Ivy* SC lvl.1 -1_2_3B+K (GB) -1[B] (GB) SC lvl.2 -44B (GB) -44[B] (GB) SC lvl.3 -6[B+K] (SCUB) -236B (SCUB) -4A+B,B (SCUB,4A+B must miss) -Serpent's Embrace 6B+K (SCUB) *Kilik* SC lvl.1 None SC lvl.2 -66B (GB) -66[B] (GB) -4B (GB) -Monument A+B (GB) -Monument B+K (GB) -B+K (GB) -Down on the ground A+B (GB) SC lvl.3 -66[B] (SCUB) -4B (SCUB) -Monument A+B (SCUB) -Down on the Ground A+B (SCUB) *Link* (brought to you by dyse and TooHectic) SC lvl.1 -66B (GB) -Somersault Stance B (GB) SC lvl.2 None SC lvl.3 -4[B] (SCUB) -44[B] (SCUB) *Lizardman* SC lvl.1 -7_8_9A+B (GB) SC lvl.2 -66B (GB) -7K,B (GB, SC enabled attack) -4A,A,B (GB, 4A,A must miss) -4[A],A,B (GB, 4[A],A must miss) SC lvl.3 -66A+B (SCUB) -8WR 3_9B (SCUB) -8WR 2_8[B] (SCUB) -7K,B (SCUB, SC enabled attack) -7_8_9A+B (SCUB) -8WR any (but4_6)B+K (SCUB) -4A,A,B (SCUB, 4A,A must miss) -4[A],A,B (SCUB, 4[A],A must miss) *Maxi* SC lvl.1 -66B (GB) -66B,G (GB) -8WR 3_9B (GB) -Left Inner B (GB) SC lvl.2 -44B (GB) SC lvl.3 -B2 (SCUB) -66B (SCUB) -66B,G (SCUB) *Mitsurugi* SC lvl.1 -4[B] (GB) -1[B] (GB) SC lvl.2 -236B (GB) -236[B] (GB) -8WR 2_8B,B (SC enabled attack) SC lvl.3 -66A+B (SCUB) -[G]9A+B (SCUB) -WJ A+B (SCUB) *Nightmare* SC lvl.1 -B4 (GB) -44B (GB) -44[B] (GB) -Night Side Stance A+B (GB) -Night Side Stance [A+B] (GB) -Night Reverse Side Stance A+B (GB) -Night Reverse Side Stance [A+B] (GB) -Night Lower Stance A+B (GB) SC lvl.2 -6B (GB) -6B:B,B,B (GB) -3A+B (GB) SC lvl.3 -B4 (SCUB) -2A+B (SCUB) -66B (SCUB) -4[B] (SCUB) -1B (SCUB) -44B (SCUB) -44[B] (SCUB) -66kB (SCUB) -Night Lower Stance A+B (SCUB) -Night Lower Stance 6B (SCUB) *Necrid* SC lvl.1 -FC A+B (GB) -2B+K (GB) -Wind Drake B (GB) SC lvl.2 -aK,B (GB for last hit only, aK must miss) -6B (GB) -66B (GB) -44B (GB) -1A+B (GB) -6A,[B] (GB for last hit only, 6A must miss) -FC 3A+B (GB) -8WR 2_8B (GB) -8WR 2_8[B] (GB) -Back facing enemy B+K (GB) SC lvl.3 -A+B (SCUB) -66A+B (SCUB) -Elder Topaz B (SCUB) -Back facing enemy A+B (SCUB) -Back facing enemy [A+B] (SCUB) *Raphael* SC lvl.1 -236A+B (GB) -214[B] (GB) SC lvl.2 -236B (GB) SC lvl.3 -236B (SCUB) -1A+B,B (SCUB) -1A+B,B,B (SCUB) *Seung Mina* SC lvl.1 None SC lvl.2 -66B (GB) -B+K (GB) SC lvl.3 -4[B] (SCUB) -7_8_9B (SCUB) -1B+K (SCUB) -7_8A+B (SCUB) *Sophitia* SC lvl.1 -7_8_9A+B (GB) SC lvl.2 -4B (GB) -66B (GB) SC lvl.3 -44B+K (SCUB) -44B (SCUB) -8WR 3_9B (SCUB) -8WR 2_8[B] (SCUB) -7_8_9A+B (SCUB) *Spawn* (Thanks to Wasabi X for confirming that this data is correct) SC lvl.1 -66aB (GB) SC lvl.2 -8WR 1_7B,A (GB) -8WR 1_7B,B (GB) -8WR 1_7B,[B] (GB) SC lvl.3 -66aB (SCUB) -Levitation B+K (SCUB) -Levitation B (SCUB) -44B (SCUB) -44[B] (SCUB) -8WR 2_8[B] (SCUB) -Levitate A+B (SCUB) (thanks to sayow from ign.com) *Taki* SC lvl.1 -Stalker B (GB) -B2 (SC enabled attack) -B[2] (GB on last hit only; first 2 hits must miss, SC enabled attack) -B2,A (SC enabled attack) -B[2],A (SC enabled attack) -7K,B (SC enabled attack) -(back to wall) 7K,B (SC enabled attack) -(wall to side) Possession 22_88,B (GB) SC lvl.2 -66B (GB) -Possession B (GB) -7K,B (GB, SC enabled attack) SC lvl.3 -Possession B (SCUB) -(wall to side) Possession 22_88,B (SCUB) -(wall to side) Possession 22_88,K (SCUB) *Talim* SC lvl.1 -8WR 1_7B (GB) -Wind Sault B (GB) SC lvl.2 -236B (GB) -6A+B (GB) -66B (GB) -B+K,G,6B (GB) -6B,B (GB on second hit only, 6B must miss) -4B,B (GB on second hit only, 4B must miss) SC lvl.3 -A+B (SCUB) -B+K (SCUB) -236[B] (SCUB) -6A+B (SCUB) *Voldo* SC lvl.1 -Blind Stance 6B (GB) SC lvl.2 -3A+B (GB) -6A+B (GB) -66A+K (GB) -66B (GB) -Blind Stance 66B (GB) SC lvl.3 -Blind Stance 66A (SCUB) -Blind Stance 66[A] (SCUB) -Blind Stance 6B (SCUB) *Xianghua* SC lvl.1 None SC lvl.2 -6B+K (GB) -A+K,B (GB) -3A+B (GB) SC lvl.3 -[A+B] (SCUB on second hit only; first hit must miss) -A+K,B (SCUB) -[A+K],B (SCUB) -3B+K (SCUB) *Yoshimitsu* SC lvl.1 -Pogo [A+B] (GB) -K+G (SC enabled attack) SC lvl.2 None SC lvl.3 -66A+B (SCUB) -7_8A+B (SCUB) -Pogo B_4_6_8_2 (SCUB) -Pogo [6]A+B (SCUB) *Yunsung* SC lvl.1 -4A+B (GB) -66A+B (GB) -Land Walk B (GB) SC lvl.2 -9B (GB) -B4 (GB) -Crane 7_8_9K,B (GB) -6A,A,G,B (GB, 6A,A,G must miss) SC lvl.3 None --- *Other Stuff* -Soul Charge Glitch: To do the Soul Charge glitch first, do any FC or WS attack, then Soul Charge, and then press 2A+G_2B+G. It will look like your character is doing a Soul Charge, but it doesn't stop charging. The bad thing about this is that it doesn't act like an actual Soul Charge because you don't get any advantage out of it (GBs, SCUBs, SC enabled attacks, and added attack power aren't active), but you still take all hits as counter hit damage. Commands: Any FC or WS attack, A+B+K, 2A+G_2B+G -Soul Charge Cancels: Soul Charge Cancels vary from character to character. As the name implies, a SCC cancels the lag of an attack or cancels the attack completely. Some SCCs require accurate timing of input commands. Here's a list of some Soul Charge Cancels (mainly only telling you what attack to use- inputs for Soul Charge vary[some are JFs]): Lay-out: Character's name -Attack's commands~A+B+K = Soul Charge Cancel -Etc. *Assassin* None available at the moment *Astaroth* -4K~A+B+K *Berserker* -None available at the moment *Cassandra* None available at the moment *Cervantes* -Dread Charge 2A~A+B+K -Dread Charge 2A,A~A+B+K -Dread Charge~A+B+K *Heihachi* None available at the moment *Ivy* None available at the moment *Kilik* -6A,A~A+B+K -8WR 3_6_9K~A+B+K *Link* None available at the moment *Lizardman* None available at the moment *Maxi* -4A+B~A+B+K *Mitsurugi* -4B~A+B+K -1[A]~A+B+K -1[B]~A+B_K -44B~A+B+K *Nightmare* None available at the moment *Necrid* None available at the moment *Raphael* -6B,B~A+B+K -FC 3A,A~A+B+K -8WR 3_9A~A+B+K -3B~A+B+K *Seung Mina* -4B+K~A+B+K *Sophitia* None available at the moment *Spawn* None available at the moment *Taki* -3K,K,K~A+B+K -3K,K~A+B+K *Talim* None available at the moment *Voldo* -236[1]~A+B+K -23632[1]~A+B+K *Xianghua* -8WR 2_8K~A+B+K -6B+K,2_8~A+B+K -66K,B,2_8~A+B+K -8K,2_8~A+B+K -kB~A+B+K *Yoshimitsu* -9B+K~A+B+K -9B+K,K~A+B+K -66A+B~A+B+K -8WR 1_7B,A,B~A+B+K -4B+K~A+B+K *Yunsung* -4B~A+B+K -Land Walk B+K,G~A+B+K --- *Legal Stuff, Acknowledgements, and Credits* -Notable Websites- soulcalibur.com- You'll learn a lot from this website for just about any character so go there. guardimpact.com- This is still under heavy construction, but you can still find the complete Legend and move lists for most of the characters. sc.relaxism.com- This is a Soul Calibur video archive website. It has some great videos from various tournaments like the Nationals. -Acknowledgements- dyse- Thanks for providing information on where to find Link's SC enhancements. Wasabi X- Thank you for confirming Spawn's Soul Charge information is correct and finally bringing my FAQ to 100% of any necessary Soul Charge information! TooHectic- Thanks for posting Link's move list at guardimpact.com. Feiwong (from soulcalibur.com) - Thanks you for giving me permission to use the Soul Charge Cancels from the thread started at soulcalibur.com. CJayC- Thanks for posting this FAQ on gamefaqs.com. Namco- For creating this incredible game. All of the great people in the gamefaqs.com message boards. All of the great people of soulcalibur.com. And you for taking the time to read this my FAQ. -Disclaimer- Copyright 2004 Edward "RoyalFlush" Valdez Soul Calibur 2 is Copyright of Namco. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Any unauthorized use is a violation of copyright law. This guide is exclusive to gamefaqs.com, gamespot.com, neoseeker.com, and supercheats.com, and may not be publicly distributed. --- *Revision History* 0.85: Finished SC enhancements list for every body except Voldo, Xianghua, Yoshimitsu, and Yunsung. I had lots of time to do this. (7-21-04) 0.90: Finished SC enhancements list for all characters except Link and Spawn. (7-22-04) 0.95: Found Link's SC enhancements at guardimpact.com. (7-26-04) 0.96: Added Soul Charge Glitch. (7-29-04) 0.96: Just fixed a few errors. Will somebody please tell me Spawn's SC enhancements? (8-4-04) 0.96: Found out new SC enhancement for Talim and fixed a couple of errors. (8-10-04) 0.99: I had to search for Spawn's SC enhancements myself because nobody would show them to me. I'm not sure if the GBs for Spawn's stuff are in the correct level, so try them out in case I'm wrong. (8-11-04) 0.99: I haven't had internet access for more than a week since I just moved, so if anybody has had questions or comments that haven't been responded to, I'm sorry for the inconvenience. All that's new here is Talim's 4B,B Guard Break. (8-15-04) 0.99: Grrr... School... I discovered a Guard Break for Astaroth and Berserker today. At least it's new to me... (8-16-04) 1.0: This FAQ is now 100% complete! Thanks to Wasabi X on making sure the data I obtained was correct. However, this doesn't mean that I won't add other things in the future, so if there's anything that needs to be added or changed, please let me know and I'll give you credit! Have fun using SC Enhancements! (8-17-04) 1.01: Added one Soul Charge Enhancement provided by sayow of ign.com. (8-24-04) 1.02: Added some Yunsung Guard Breaks today. (8-25-04) 1.03: Added a SCUB for Astaroth and Berserker. (9-7-04) 1.04: Added a lvl.2 GB for Astaroth and Berserker. (9-25-05) 1.05: Added a lvl.2 GB for Astaroth and Berserker...Again. (10-2-04) 1.06: Heihachi's lvl.3 SC enabled attack is 4A+B+K. Oops. (10-16-04) 1.07: Fixed minor errors and added a little bit of data to the Soul Charge basics. (11-27-04) 1.08: Fixed a couple of errors, and most of all, I've read the message from Feiwong (from soulcalibur.com) for allowing me to use the Soul Charge Cancels from the thread started at soulcalibur.com. However, this message has been up since September 19, 2004. Oops. I'll begin adding them to this FAQ very soon. (12-4-04) 1.18: Added Soul Charge Cancels part under "Other Stuff" section. There are still many undiscovered Soul Charge Cancels out there, so I'll to find some to add into this FAQ. (12-12-04) 1.20: Fixed a few typos and added more space between each character's set of Soul Charge Enhancements to make things easier on your eyes. (12-29-04) 1.21: Added more space between each character's set of SCCs. (1-4-05) "The sooner you fetch me a forklift, the sooner I may lift a fork to my lips." "Don't get eliminated!" ---