-------------- Soul Calibur 2 -------------- ------------------------------------------- A Word Before We Get Down To The Real Talk: ------------------------------------------- This F.A.Q. is only for the stages. So if anybody have anything to add, please do so. Otherwise... do not bother. Added the secret stages in the Playstation 2 version (complete F.A.Q.)! ======================================================= ----- Name: Ivy (Isabella Valentine) ----- ----------------- Background Music: Maze of the Blade ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Egyptian Crypt ------------------ This crypt lies underneath the old ruins that house the murals surrounding Soul Edge. The ruins have many mysteries, such as the Pharaoh's tomb, shrine of worship, and a seal to lock away some evil being, but the true goals of these structures remain unknown. One thing is certain, however--the entire structure, including the shrine at the entrance, was created using the very best technology available to ancient Egypt. It is clear that these ruins were of vital importance. Future generations have named this place "Crypt" out of convenience, but this structure has numerous features that warrant such a name. ======================================================= ----- Name: Cervantes de Leon/Maxi ----- ----------------- Background Music: Eternal Struggle ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Pirate's Alcove ------------------ Few know of the hidden dock inside a naturally formed cave lying in the westerly seas, for nary a soul dare to venture close to the wave-beaten precipice that houses it. This place was once the stronghold of a renowned pirate and his hardy crew. But there is no one here anymore, for the captain murdered all of his subordinates. Ten years have passed since anyone has stopped foot in this cavern, but the place is still lit, and a pirate ship can also be seen. Is this the projection of the memories of the slain pirates? Or, is this the memories of the captain, who has since disappeared? ======================================================= ----- Name: Nightmare (Heihachi Mishima, Spawn and Link) ----- ----------------- Background Music: Raise Thy Sword ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Ostrheinsburg Chapel ------------------ The broken wall of the chapel reveals a somber of the castle ruin looming in the distance. The ruin is what remains of Ostrheinsburg Castle that bore witness to the clash between Soul Edge and Soul Calibur four years pervious. This chapel was the epicenter of the events surrounding Nightmare that transpired a few years before then. No one has dared to visit this chapel over since, but mysteriously, some say that the chapel bell can be heard once in a while. Rumors say that the bell rings itself in honor of the chosen warriors. ======================================================= ----- Name: Voldo/Yoshimitsu ----- ----------------- Background Music: Ordinary Pain ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Money Pit/Top Tier ------------------ This deep chasm is both the storehouse and the tomb of the Italian merchant of death, Vercci. This place, built on a nameless island in the Mediterranean Sea, is renowned to grave robbers as the Money Pit. Countless booby--traps--including a water trap based on the tides--line the pit, but the most feared deterrent is the enigmatic guardian that awaits within. None who have sought the treasures have ever returned. This platform is the top lever of the Money Pit, located near the entrance opening. But grave robbers must be wary, for one missed step means certain death down the chasm. They may get to the treasure at the bottom, but it is meaningless if they are dead. ======================================================= ----- Name: Astaroth ----- ----------------- Background Music: Evil Reborn ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Palgaea Shrine/Lowest Level ------------------ The Palgaea Shrine is the headquarters of the sinister cult that birthed Astaroth. As a result of the over thousand year-old practice of building a new temple on top of the old, the lowest level was forgotten about until the entrance was rediscovered coincidentally a few years ago. The statue found in the lowest level was that of a long-forgotten God of rebirth. The cult is studying the Lowest level in order to decrypt its secrets to gain the power of rebirth. ======================================================= ----- Name: Heishiro Mitsurugi/Chai Xianghua ----- ----------------- Background Music: Hubris ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Xiwei Siege Ruins ------------------ Xiwei, positioned near the west border of the Ming Empire, was a vital stronghold for maintaining the empire's western territories. Tragically, when the Emperor believed the castle was hiding the Hero's Sword from him, he dispatched an army to seize the castle. Ultimately, the citadel was destroyed. Sadly, the army failed to find the sword in the rubble of the stronghold. Was Soul Edge, known in this region as the Hero's Sword, really at Xiwei? Or was this place destroyed due to a misunderstanding? No one can answer these questions now. ======================================================= ----- Name: Necrid ----- ----------------- Background Music: Confrontation ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Lakeside Coliseum ------------------ This place is a revival of the splender that is ancient Rome. The dreams of those in power are always connected to that place, regardless of the ages. This place exists in a lakeside cavern somewhere in Europe. This is a place where duels to the death are fought. The special privilege of witnessing the battles are only offered to a small number of the upper class. It is a place both elegant and gruesome--it is a place ruled by glory, praise, curiosity, blood, and money. This place of duels and battles looks just like the ancient coliseums. Warriors fight here for different reasons: Some fight for glory or money, while others hope for freedom. And the affluent watch the battles from their special seats or the boats floating on the lake, enjoying the spectacle that they see as the ultimate entertainment. ======================================================= ----- Name: Taki ----- ----------------- Background Music: Brave Sword, Braver Soul ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Kaminoi Castle/Sakura-Dai Gate ------------------ The Kaminoi Castle, built on a desolate mountain plateau, is an impregnable fortress. The castle's study walls and the beautiful cherry blossoms won high praises. But during the era of Japan's unification, the ruling government felt that an accessible location was more befitting for the capital, and thus this castle was eventually abandoned. The new era had no use for a remote fortress such as Kaminoi Castle. Since the castle was in such remarkable condition even after it was long abandoned, rumors began to emerge about the grounds being haunted by ghosts. People have stayed far clear of the castle ever since. ======================================================= ----- Name: Talim ----- ----------------- Background Music: Guided By Wind ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Village of the Wind ------------------ During a time where Western culture spread its way across Southeast Asia, an isolated village hangs on to its cherished faith in the Wind Deity. The village is situated in a location that commands a view of both the mountains and the sea. The sight of many windmills lining the hamlet never cease to amaze and remind them of the profound importance the villagers place on the wind. The winds that circle the earth answer to these villagers and push their windmills along the way. At the very least, that is their belief. ======================================================= ----- Name: Raphael Sorel ----- ----------------- Background Music: No Turning Back ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: South France Mansion/Library ------------------ The master of this domicile is no longer alive. The rich lord that lived here was poisoned, and the man who lived here since left this place recently. Other than the wing where the servants and the child that the man brought reside, this mansion is in desolate silence. It is said that the man did not come out of this library until the day he left on his journey. Surprisingly, there are no traces on the bookshelves or anywhere else in the room that give a clue to what the man was doing in this place. The silent mansion awaits the return of its master... or the visitor. ======================================================= ----- Name: Kilik ----- ----------------- Background Music: Labyrinth of Moonlight ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Labyrinth ------------------ Just like the legends surrounding the island of Crete in the Mediterrgean Sea, many myths and folklores around the world refer to structures called Labyrinths. Most places people refer to as labyrinths, however, are nothing more than intricate places. This ruin is the exception. With complex corridors and chambers that run though numerous levels underground, this ruin defines the word "labyrinth." No one knows when this labyrinth was created or its purpose. The only thing that is known about this recently reawakened ruin is that it is the only structure in this area--there are nothing cities nor temples anywhere nearby. ======================================================= ----- Name: Hong Yunsung ----- ----------------- Background Music: Destiny Awaits No One ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Imperial Capital Ayutthaya ------------------ The Ayutthaya dynasty witnessed height of prosperity of the Indonesian Peninsula. This imperial villa is one of the many used by the dynasty to entertain honored guest. The beautiful white walls of the villa and the abundant nature that can be seen across the river from the garden make visitors feel as though time is standing still. Talim came to this place soon after the start of her journey. Yunsung passed through this place on his way to India only a few days before she arrived. Ayutthaya is the place Talim first came to learn that there were others searching for the evil sword. ======================================================= ----- Name: Cassandra Alexandra/Sophitia Alexandra ----- ----------------- Background Music: Unwavering Resolve ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Eurydice Shrine Gallery ------------------ This shrine is built high up a snow-covered mountain that is as beautiful as it is harsh. The scale of this temple is such that it is easy to believe that Olympian once dwelled in this place. Legends say Hephaestus, the God of fire and forge, built the main shrine on top of the summit. This is evidenced by the stairway that leads up to the shrine--the enormous steps are impossible for mortals to climb. Humans built this gallery around the giant stairway for their priests' use. In one corner of this meticulously built gallery is the place where a blacksmith couple gave an offering of a sword and a shield to Hephaestus. The arms have disappeared from the altar, however. Who could have taken them? ======================================================= ----- Name: Charade ----- ----------------- Background Music: Chasing Death ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Egyptian Ruins ------------------ This is an old, little-known underground ruin. But someone has ripped open the seal to the entrance, and we can now view the interior that only a few mortals have seen. The drawings on the wall record the events surrounding Soul Edge. The wall depicts the story of the events surrounding the evil sword's existence in Egypt many millennia ago. Who opened the seal and intruded upon this place, and what was his purpose? Everything is a mystery, save for one fact--this incident has to do with the demonic sword, Soul Edge. ======================================================= ----- Name: Seung Mina ----- ----------------- Background Music: Sword of the Patriot ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Hwangseo Palace/Phoenix Court ------------------ This imperial villa is located in the outskirts of the capital of Lee Dynasty Korea, Hanyang. The Phoenix Court of Hwangseo Palace is renowned for its impressive decorations. The platform is often used for matches in the Imperial presence. Therefore, this place is the dream and goal for those who study martial arts. Seven years previous, Hwang Sung Kyung, the leader of Lee Sun Shin's coast guard, was given the order to search for Soul Edge. He was likely chosen for this quest due to his performance on this very platform, where many naval officers and even the Chosen King Sonjo watched Hwang's matches. During the Japanese invasion, all the warriors who proved their skills in this place fought valiantly to stop the onslaught, and were feared by the Japanese army. ======================================================= ----- Name: Inferno ----- ----------------- Background Music: Hellfire ----------------- ------------------ Name of the Stage: Tartaros ------------------ The personification of hell, The Catastrophe (Inferno) was banished to this wasteland of condemned souls after his gap of the world failed him years ago. Inferno's long years within this land gives him a great advantage because of the hellfire that surrounds him. While being banded in Tartaros, Hades keeps a very close watch on Inferno which only gives him a few chances to escape and fight other souls on other lands. What people don't know about Tartaros is that its gateway is located within the Ostrheinsburg Chapel and when Inferno fights in the desolate place. He never has lost and... no one has ever been able to escape... alive... ======================================================= ----------- Last Words: ----------- There you have it. If anything is wrong, just send me an E-Mail. Hope there will be some respect for the hard work. --------------- Special Thanks: --------------- 1)Namco 2)To Gamefaqs 3)To all my friends for the encouragement. 4)To Sy Chos MatiK/MiCWreKin for the name of Inferno's stage and information. 5)To the very kind gentleman, Sean O'Rourke, for the help with everything that is related to Spawn. A very kind man indeed. ^_^ ======================================================= Soul Calibur 2 is Copyright Namco Crops. This document Copyright 2003 Basel Al-Shehab. If you need to contact me to add or ask me about anything, E-Mail me at Mr_Basel@yahoo.com or Mr_Geese@hotmail.com Credits for GameFAQs and Namco Crop.