Soul Calibur II (Gamecube Version) ---------------------------------- Weapon Guide Version 0.7 Wednesday, July 30, 2003 Copyright 2003 ForteMP3. This guide may not be reproduced without the Author's strict permission. This guide has been written exclusively for GameFAQs, and should not appear anywhere else without my consent. The only exception to this is on the forums, where I will also post the most up to date version of the guide when I can. If you wish to contact me, please message me on AIM at Forte MP3. While I've stated it in the FAQ section too, DO NOT email me unless it's related to the Weapon Guide's content. I am no longer answering any unrelated questions, I've recieved far too many Ganondorf emails, and I am absolutely sick of it. In addition, this weapon guide is merely meant to tell you what the weapons do and NOT meant to answer questions about how to find weapons, or any other gameplay related matters. DO NOT EMAIL ME ABOUT ANYTHING IN THIS GUIDE UNLESS IT HAS TO SPECIFICALLY DO WITH WHAT I HAVE STATED ABOVE. DO NOT AIM ME EITHER. I AM ABSOLUTELY SICK OF HAVING TO ANSWER EVERY "WHERE DO I GET THE GREAT FAIRY SWORD?!" QUESTION I GET. STOP ASKING ME WHERE TO GET THE WEAPONS, THIS FAQ IS NOT MEANT TO ANSWER THAT QUESTION, AND I WILL NOT ANSWER IT EITHER. Apologies to those who had to sit through that needlessly, but I am getting absolutely sick of being asked by at least five people on a daily basis where something is, who my favorite character is, who to use in a tournament, and soforth. Special thanks to my pal Kirsy for helping with the weapon translations! Additional thanks to GoldenMatthias for help with a LOT of the weapon info. Thanks guys, you're the best! ^_^ -------- CONTENTS -------- I.What's New? II.Key III.Various Notes IV.Weapon List V.What's Coming? VI.Frequently Asked Questions ------------- I.WHAT'S NEW? ------------- -9/7/03- -Minor update, added new things not to email/AIM me about. -07/30/03- -VERY overdue update. -New special discovered:Level 2 SCUBs, added to all weapons that use it. -Discovered that some deteriorating Soul Charge effects can also affect speed of a character, added info on this to first confirmed victim:Kilik. -Corrected some mistranslations, fixed some incorrect/incomplete specials. -Added answers to common questions people have been asking about this game even though it shouldn't be addressing them. -Redid the Special descriptions to be simple and to the point, as many readers requested. Weapon stats are unaffected by this change. -Misc Facts are now separated from the Special data. -04/23/03- -Fixed Specials of a few weapons to include full Soul Charge details. -04/20/03- -Names for some, but not all of the weapons. Most names are translated, some are guesses. -The base stats for every weapon. -Detailed descriptions of every weapon's special properties. (This is incomplete) -Misc. facts for some of the weapons. ------ II.KEY ------ -The weapon # represents the slot the weapon appears in. Note that in the gallery, weapon #1 will have two slots, one for the 1P character, one for the 2P character. Treat the first and second slots in the gallery as slot #1. -Attack represents the base damage a weapon causes in percent. More is good and less is bad. -Defense represents the degree to which you resist damage. Add the difference of 100 and the weapon's defense to 100, this is the percent of damage you will take. For example, a weapon with 120 defense means you take 80 percent of the damage a weapon deals. If a weapon's base damage isn't 100, you'll have to also take the difference of 100 and the weapon's attack percent into account. -Special represents whatever special properties the weapon possesses. Be they gradual life recovery, block damage, etc. --------- III.NOTES --------- -You should be familiar with the basics of Soul Calibur 2 before using this guide. That means knowing what things like Counters and Soul Charges are. -Any effects that occur from a hit mean that the effect goes off when you score a normal or counter hit on your opponent. A blocked attack is not considered a hit. -A full Soul Charge means letting the Soul Charge complete without interruption. If you or your opponent cancels the charge, the effect will either be nullified, or have its effectiveness reduced. A full Soul Charge is also defined as a level 3 Soul Charge. -While it doesn't come up much, some weapons' special properties have to do with SCUBs (Soul Charged Un Blockables). Some moves become unblockable when performed during a Level 3 soulcharge, some weapons can alter this property. -If a weapon causes attacks that hit you to be treated as unblockable, it means blocking will not stop ANY attack. Even if you block, you will be hit as if you were not blocking. Disregard the rules of what a "hit" is when a weapon's effect makes any hit directed at you unblockable. Note that you can still use Guard Impacts with a weapon that cannot perform normal guards. -Weapons that cause you to deal or recieve guard damage tend to do around 10% of the attack's normal damage. Some weapons have greater or lesser percents. Also, it should be noted that damage caused to a guarding opponent will be referred to as "chip damage" in this guide. Exact amounts of chip damage per weapon are not listed in this FAQ as of this time. -If a Soul Charge boosts a weapon's attack beyond the normal 40% increase, but doesn't specify a duration, it means that the boost is only good for one hit. This is the same as if you were using a Soul Charge with your starting weapon. -If a Soul Charge's attack bonus has (Deteriorates) added to it, it means that the attack bonus gradually goes back to the normal attack stat for the weapon. IE, first hit will do 140, next hit may do about 132, etc, until you return to 100. A full charge raises attack to the specified amount, a lower level charge will still raise attack and add the extra time, but it won't last as long, and the attack increase will not be as great. If (doesn't deteriorate) is written then it means the attack remains at the set amount until the charge ends. -Every character's #9, #10, and #11 weapons have a unique special, that can be good or bad depending on your point of view. Apparently the difficulty of the game will go up when you equip anyone's Soul Edge or ultimate, or down when you use a gag weapon and fight against the CPU. -------------- IV.WEAPON LIST -------------- -MITSURUGI- #1-Shishiou Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None #2-Korefuji Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-None #3-Seiyouryou Teken Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #4-Shamshiel Attack-100 Defense-80 Special-Reach is longer. All hits taken are counters. #5-Baselard Attack-100 Defense-130 Special-Reach is shorter. Other special is unknown. #6-Getsuzan Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. All hits dealt are counters. #7-Talwar Attack-100 Defense-65 Special-Causes chip damage. #8-Masamune Attack-130 Defense-120 Special-None. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-150 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. #10- Attack-175 Defense-150 Special-Cannot block attacks. #11- Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -LINK- #1-Master Sword and Hylian Shield Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Razor Sword Attack-125 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. Misc Facts-One of Link's swords in Majora's Mask #3-Armos Set Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). Misc Facts-Sword and Shield of one of Link's enemies, the Armos Knight. #4-Megaton Hammer Attack-135 Defense-100 Special-Reach is shorter. Misc Facts-Powerful relic used to defeat Volvagia in Zelda Ocarina of Time. #5-Cane of Byrna Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP during Soul Charge. Misc Facts-Relic that made Link invincible in Link to the Past. #6-Mirror Shield Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-All hits you take are counters. 10% of damage returned to enemy. Misc Facts-Link's ultimate shield from various Zelda titles. #7-Magical Sword and Shield Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Causes chip damage. Misc Facts-Link's ultimate Sword and Shield from the first Zelda game. #8-Biggoron Sword Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Reach is longer. Lose HP on attack. Misc Facts-Two handed sword wielded by Link in Ocarina of Time. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-135 Special-Weapon drains HP. #10-Great Fairy's Sword Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Regenerates HP. Takes chip damage. Misc Facts-Link's ultimate sword in Majora's Mask. #11-Bug Catching Net Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. Misc Facts-Used to catch bugs, could also send back magic in Link to the Past. -NECRID- #1-Maleficus Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Merry Death Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Can perform SCUBs with a level 2 Soul Charge. #3-Morphos Attack-120 Defense-80 Special-All hits taken are counters. #4-Orcus Nail Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Takes chip damage. Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #5-Ignas Fatuas Attack-70 Defense-85 Special-Recover HP on hit. #6-Luminous Serpent Attack-120 Defense-70 Special-All hits dealt are counters. #7-Jinx Hole Attack-10 Defense-20 Special-Causes chip damage. All hits taken are counters. #8-Infernal Edge Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. Soul Charge raises attack to 180. Lose HP on attack. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. Recover HP on hit. #10-Chaos Attack-??? Defense-??? Special-Copies Attack, Defense, and all specials (except reach) of opponent's weapon. #11-Fuzzy Whisper Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -TAKI- #1-Rekkimaru & Mekkimaru Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Kunai Attack-120 Defense-130 Special-None. #3-Slicer Attack-100 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-All hits you take are counters. Additional specials unknown. #4-Kagekiri Attack-100 Defense-65 Special-Causes chip damage. #5-Yoroi Taoshi Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Can perform SCUBs with a level 2 Soul Charge. #6-Fuuma Kugi Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP on attack. #7-Silent Edge Attack-80 Defense-100 Special-Reach is longer. #8-Kamizoroe Attack-80 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 120 (doesn't deteriorate). #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-140 Special-Lose HP on attack. #10-Kriss Naga Attack-140 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. #11-Kiseru Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -TALIM- #1-Syi Salika & Loka Luha Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Passing Wind Attack-100 Defense-116 (130 for combos) Special-Causes chip damage. All hits taken are counters. #3-Tonfa Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Unknown. #4-Side Helper Attack-60 Defense-100 Special-Can perform SCUBs with a level 2 Soul Charge. #5-Underhanded 16-day old moon Attack-130 Defense-130 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 180 (deteriorates). #6-Chuukou Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. #7-Kou Ankana Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. Causes chip damage. Right blade has extended range. #8-Myra Karli Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on hit. Attacks with bladed ends have extended range. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-70 Special-Recover HP on hit. #10-Soul Calibur Attack-100 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-Recover HP on attack. All hits taken are counters. #11-Kodomoyo Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -CASSANDRA- #1-Omega Sword & Nemea Shield Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Spike Shield Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-None. #3-Black Blade Attack-100 Defense-60 Special-Causes chip damage. #4-Metasashi Attack-75 Defense-130 Special-None. #5-Scratch Comb Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Reach is shorter. Causes chip damage. #6-Cuts Valger Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 150 (doesn't deteriorate). #7-Red Crystal Rod & Red Line Shield Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Regenerates HP. Misc Facts-Appeared in the Namco RPG "Tales of Phantasia." #8-Kyoutei Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. Reach is longer. Soul Charge raises attack to 150 (deteriorates). #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-162 (135 for combos) Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. All hits dealt are counters. #10-Valkyrie Attack-135 Defense-130 Special-Regenerates HP. Takes chip damage. #11-Memorial Sword Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -YUNSUNG- #1-Byakuro Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Machette Attack-100 Defense-60 Special-Causes chip damage. #3-K'Fanjar Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Unknown. #4-Shouren Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Reach is longer. Lose HP on attack. #5-Nikuridaihouchou Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Unknown. #6-Shouei Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-Unknown. #7-Ram Dao Attack-100 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-Recover HP on hit. All hits you take are counters. #8-Souheki Attack-84 (70 for combos) Defense-100 Special-All hits dealt are counters. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-135 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP on hit. Takes chip damage. #10-Gankou Attack-100 Defense-90 Special-Blade is invisible. Lose HP on attack. Reach is EXTREMELY long. #11-Kodomoyo Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -RAPHAEL- #1-Flambert Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Epee Attack-100 Defense-130 Special-None. #3-Stilleto Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Causes chip damage. Reach is shorter. #4-Reiter Pallasch Attack-130 Defense-80 Special-Unknown. #5-Watou Attack-135 Defense-100 Special-Reach is shorter. Can perform SCUBs with a level 2 Soul Charge. #6-Shuvaisha (English equivalent unknown) Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (Deteriorates). #7- Attack-120 Defense-70 Special-All hits dealt are counters. #8-Estoc Attack-100 Defense-50 Special-Reach is longer. Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates) #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-130 Special-Drains HP. #10- Attack-130 Defense-140 Special-Lose HP on attack. Reach is longer. #11- Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -KILIK- #1-Kali-Yuga Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Quaterstaff Attack-100 Defense-130 Special-Reach is shorter. #3-Rinshoukon Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Reach is longer. #4-Teppou Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. #5-Konronchiku Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP on attack. #6-Rokushakubou Attack-100 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-Reach is longer. All hits you take are counters. #7-Amudo Attack-135 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. Causes chip damage. #8-Jewel Rod Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Reach is longer. Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (Deteriorates, speed lowered for duration of effect) #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. #10-Kinkobou Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Takes chip damage. Reach is EXTREMELY long. #11-Takesao Attack-108 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly...Although it is stronger than the other silly weapons. -XIANGHUA- #1-Unnamed Sword (?) Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Kaldo Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Unknown #3-Northern Star Attack-120 (100 for combos) Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-Any attacks landed by you or your opponent will be a counter. #4-Soul Calibur (Evil) Attack-120 (100 for combos) Defense-70 Special-All hits dealt are counters. Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (doesn't deteriorate). #5-Copis Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Causes chip damage. Reach is shorter. #6-Sword of the Seven Stars Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-Reach is longer. #7-Gohouken Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP during Soul Charge. #8-Seiran Attack-120 Defense-80 Special-Reach is longer. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. #10-Soul Calibur Attack-120 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-Recover HP on attack. All hits you take are counters. #11-Fude Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. Misc Facts-This brush is used in calligraphy and sumi-e paintings. -MAXI- #1-Soryuujuu Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Terryu Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Unknown. #3- Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Unknown. #4-Fuateibaru Attack-130 Defense-70 Special-None. #5-Raimei Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #6-Fuzoroi Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-None. #7-Flail Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. Reach is longer. #8-Hien Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. Soul Charge raises attack to 150 (doesn't deteriorate). #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. Takes chip damage. #10-Vajulla Attack-180 (150 for combos) Defense-100 Special-Cannot block attacks. #11-Mushikui Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -YOSHIMITSU- #1-Youtouyoshimitsu Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Shiranui Attack-120 Defense-65 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 168. #3-Kastar Ne (?) Attack-130 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-All hits you taken are counters. #4-Zantetsuken Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. #5-Dar Attack-84 (70 for combos) Defense-100 Special-All hits dealt are counters. #6-Kagekiyo Attack-130 Defense-70 Special-Drains HP. Reach is longer. #7-Bakayan Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 150 (doesn't deteriorate). #8-Monohoshizao Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. Reach is longer. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP on hit. Cannot block attacks. #10-Hihiirokane Attack-120 Defense-80 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 210 (deteriorates). #11-Shepard's Crook Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -NIGHTMARE- #1-Soul Edge Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Flamberge Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Causes and takes chip damage. #3-Giant Buster Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. Other effects unknown. #4-Hard Edge Attack-100 Defense-130 Special-Lose HP on hit. Causes chip damage. #5-Gram Attack-130 Defense-80 Special-Causes chip damage. All hits taken are counters. #6-Requiem Attack-100 Defense-130 Special-None. Misc Facts-This was the sword Siegfried used in Soul Calibur 1. It works great with Nightmare's 3P outfit! #7-Faust Attack-100 Defense-130 Special-Lose HP on attack. Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #8-Soul Edge (Restored) Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Regenerates HP. Takes chip damage. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-140 Special-Drains HP. #10-Soul Calibur Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Regenerates HP. #11-Oar Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -IVY- #1-Valentine (Ivy Blade) Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Mirage Blade Attack-60 Defense-100 Special-Can perform SCUBs with a level 2 Soul Charge. #3-Wiseman's Flail Attack-100 Defense-55 Special-Recover HP on attack. #4-Mukenjin Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Causes chip damage. #5-Guten Tag (...Don't ask) Attack-135 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. #6-Viper Edge Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 182. #7-Alraune Attack-120 Defense-125 Special-Takes chip damage. #8-Demon's Tail Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. #10-Kaleidoscope Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. Causes chip damage. #11-Prototype Ivy Blade (?) Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -CERVANTES- #1-Soul Edge & Nirvana Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Falchion Attack-120 Defense-130 Special-None. #3-Firengi Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Regenerates HP. #4-Jiroutou Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Left sword's reach is longer. #5-Arkeron Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). Takes chip damage. #6-Buregeton Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Causes damage. Left sword's reach is shorter. Can perform SCUBs with a level 2 Soul Charge. #7-Cocutus Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-You will take damage when you hit with this weapon. #8-Styx Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 150 (doesn't deteriorate). Lose HP on attack. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-140 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. Recover HP on hit. #10-Reti Attack-150 Defense-100 Special-Both swords have standard reach of right sword. Lose HP on attack. #11-Mozoutou Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. Misc Facts-They look like the original Soul Edges Cervantes had in the first game. -SOPHITIA- #1-Omega Sword & Elk Shield Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Sword Breaker Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Reach is shorter. Other effects unknown. #3-Kushi Sword & Game Shield Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Unknown. #4-Ouru Shield Attack-60 Defense-100 Special-Unknown. #5-Blue Crystal Rod & Blue Line Shield Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP on attack. Misc Facts-Appeared in the Namco RPG Tales of Phantasia. #6-Flame Tongue Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Reach is longer. Lose HP on hit. #7-Gladius Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge doubles speed. #8-Shinvarl Attack-120 (100 for combos) Defense-65 Special-Reach is longer. All hits dealt are counters. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-135 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP on hit. #10-Orihalcon Sword & Shield Attack-120 Defense-70 Special-Instant Soul Charges. Soul Charge raises attack to 170. #11- Attack-100 Defense-50 Special-None, except that it's silly. -ASTAROTH- #1-Kurutues Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Warhammer Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #3-Terror Moon Attack-100 Defense-70 Special-Causes chip damage. #4-Battle Axe Attack-70 Defense-130 Special-None. #5-Great Maul Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-None. #6-Tabaal Attack-120 (100 for combos) Defense-100 Special-All hits dealt are counters. Takes chip damage. #7-Nanbanfu Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. #8-Prober Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Recover HP during Soul Charge. Lose HP on attack. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Your life will gradually decrease. #10-Thanatos Attack-100 Defense-140 Special-Recover HP on hit. Cannot block attacks. #11-Sekkai Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. -VOLDO- #1-Mannas & Ayus Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Cat Claws Attack-130 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-All hits taken are counters. #3-Tofanna no Hasami Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. #4-Shame & Blame Attack-80 Defense-120 Special-None. Misc Facts-These were some of Voldo's old Katars from Soul Calibur. #5-Iron Ram Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #6-Heavy Jewel Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Reach is longer. #7-Kama & Mara Attack-100 Defense-130 Special-None. #8-Full Moon Rings Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Reach is longer. #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-135 Defense-100 Special-Lose HP on attack. Causes chip damage. #10-Guillotine Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Soul Charges are instant. Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). Lose HP on hit. #11-Tambourine Drums Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly -SEUNG MI NA- #1-Kourai Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-None. #2-Defender Attack-60 Defense-145 Special-None. #3-Engettou Attack-120 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-Drains HP. Soul Charge raises attack to 180 (doesn't deteriorate). #4-Naginata Attack-70 Defense-100 Special-Unknown. #5-Kuuze Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. Other effects unknown. #6-Bardache Attack-130 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. #7-Halberd Attack-110 Defense-65 Special-Regenerates HP. #8-Taishi Attack-100 Defense-100 Special-Takes chip damage. Soul Charge raises attack to 140 (deteriorates). #9-Soul Edge (Complete) Attack-125 Defense-80 (100 for combos) Special-All hits dealt and taken are counters. Recover HP on hit. #10- Attack-120 Defense-100 Special-Drains HP. Recover HP on attack. #11-Broom (?) Attack-80 Defense-80 Special-None, except that it's silly. ---------------- V.WHAT'S COMING? ---------------- -Weapon effects I've yet to figure out...Like unknown soul charges, any weapon that would have no benefit without a useful effect, etc. -All the weapon names, properly translated. ----------------------------- VI.FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ----------------------------- Q.I've heard Ganondorf and Cel-Shaded Link are in this game! I've even seen pics of them in action! How do I play as them?! A.The pics are fake. They came from a UK Magazine that printed a joke article regarding the two. They are fake, fake, FAKE. Q.What can I email you about? A.Please keep emails related to this FAQ. I'm getting very tired of having to answer every freaking "Is Ganondorf in this game" or "How do I save" and soforth email. In other words, IF YOUR EMAIL DOES NOT HAVE TO DO WITH THE GAME'S WEAPONS THEN I WILL NOT REPLY TO IT. Q.I can't find a weapon! Where do I get it?! A.Different shops sell different weapons. Try other chapters. Also be sure to replay old missions when you reach higher levels, they sometimes unlock new paths. Q.Hey, this weapon doesn't do what you said it does! A.Oops, my mistake. Please send any corrections you may find. Q.Can I host your FAQ on my site? A.NO. I have already stated this in the copyright. Only GameFAQs and the forums should have this FAQ posted. If I decide to host it elsewhere, I shall do so on my own, I do NOT want emails regarding this. If you email me about hosting my FAQ, chances are I'll refuse on the spot.