------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUL CALIBUR II (Nintendo GameCube) Weapon Master Mode Walkthrough, version 2.02 / March 13, 2005 By American Arsenal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Transcending history and the world..." _____________ _,.--. __________ / ___________/ ,' ,-'` \_____ __\ \\ __ ,| ,| ,| / ,' /\ ,| ,| ______ ,| ,| || // \\ .'__`. || || || / / / \ || || | ___ / || || ||// \\// \\ || || || ! ! / /\ \ || || ||__/( || || ||\\ //|| || || || || | | / / \ \ || || | ____\ || || || \\ // \\____// \\___|| ||___! ! / / \ \||____ || ||____\\\\___|| || \\ // `.__,' \___ | |_____\ \ \/ \/|_____\|| |______| \___ | || \\ // `' \ \ _______ |/ `' `' \\ |/ \ `. '-..-..-' \| `. `-._||_||_.' `-.__||_||-` || || || || || || _||_||_ '-------' "... a tale of souls and swords, eternally retold." -- ASCII BY OSREVAD -- =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. Introduction II. Main Walkthrough a. Regulus b. Thuban c. Benetnasch d. Mizar e. Altair f. Aldebaran g. Rigel h. Merak i. Algol j. Antares III. Subchapter Walkthrough a. Schedar b. Alioth c. Pollux d. Procyon IV. Extra Chapter Walkthrough a. Castor b. Cepheus V. FAQ VI. Revision History VII. Legal Disclaimer VIII. Closing WHAT'S NEW? Finally got around to adding in many reader contributions. If you're stuck on the Merope Monastery Extra Mission, check out the various new strategies that my awesome readers contributed! =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= I ------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Welcome, one and all, to AA's latest monstrosity of an FAQ. After having looked over this old guide of mine recently, I couldn't help but ask myself: "What was I smoking when I wrote this?". Honestly, the original version of this FAQ defined terrible, and especially after seeing that 300-400 people look this over every day, I had no choice but to redo the entire thing, from the ground-up. What you see before you is the product of much hard work, frustration, and more than a few late night writing sessions. I sincerely hope that this guide is able to help you hurdle any problem you might encounter; from digging your way through the depths of the Hero's Tomb to the difficulty difficult escapades in Merope Monastery, I'm there to help. Enjoy the guide, hope it helps! - American Arsenal americanarsenal4 (at) gmail (dot) com =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= II ------------------------------------------------- MAIN WALKTHROUGH =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Before the actual game begins, you will be prompted to select a name for your character. It doesn't matter what you choose, so go ahead and pick whatever tickles your fancy the most. Afterwards you'll be treated to a short cinema which provides a basic premise for Soul Calibur II's storyline. When that fades away, you'll get to read about the basic, essential knowledge that will prove important as you play. Finally you're allowed to choose a fighter. Pick whoever you want--each character has their own strengths and weakness, so try everyone out in one of the other modes first to see who you like best. Keep in mind that the fighter you select here CAN be changed at any time, so don't feel too pressured. With that, it's time to begin! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Regulus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= First, the stuff available for purchase from the get-go... REGULUS SHOP ================================================================== ITEM NAME ----------------- PRICE ------------ USED BY... --------------------- Epee 800 Raphael Wind Guide 600 Talim Machete 800 Yunsung Spiked Shield 800 Cassandra Korefuji 800 Mitsurugi Kunai 600 Taki Cat Claws 600 Voldo Flamberge 600 Nightmare War Hammer 600 Astaroth Mirage Blade 600 Ivy Quarterstaff 800 Kilik Kard 600 Xianghua Tetsuryu 600 Maxi Lemures 600 Necrid Razor Sword 600 Link Shiranui 600 Yoshimitsu Weapons Gallery 2000 -- New Costume 21600 Mitsurugi And onto the missions... == PROVING GROUNDS ============================================================ Opponent - Mitsurugi Difficulty - * Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Clear all the exercises! Since this is your first battle, you shouldn't expect it to be very tough. In fact, it's nothing more than a tutorial to show you the basics! Your opponent, Mitsurugi, will give you some instructions and you'll get to try them out. Here is a blow-by-blow description of how the "battle" plays out: * The first move is simple - just press A to strike with a horizontal attack. Horizontal attacks provide a great way to damage a circling foe. * Secondly you need to try out the vertical attack. Press Y. These kinds of attacks are especially useful to counter an enemy's horizontal attack. * The third thing you'll learn about is the kick, which can be performed by pressing the X button. Kicks tend to be a bit on the weak side, but their quickness allows you to catch a foe off-guard. * Next up is guarding. Wait for Mitsie to begin his attack, then hold either B or one of the two triggers to block his move. You'll soon learn that guarding is absolutely essential if you plan on becoming good at this game. * Now you're told to practice moving around. Simply circle around your foe a few times. This is a great way to evade enemy attacks. * The next move you'll be taught is called a throw. You can pull one of these flamboyant moves off by approaching your opponent and pressing one of the guard buttons in addition to either A or B. Throws are very powerful, so it's a good idea to go for one when you're up close to your enemy. * Another form of the guard is called a Guard Impact. To see how it's done, attack Mitsie and watch as he deflects your strike with the greatest of ease. It seems you can execute this maneuver by pressing one of the guard buttons and either left or right on the control pad. It may take a few tries to get it down, but you'll learn the timing soon enough. * Finally we get to learn all about the Soul Charge. There are several ways to perform one of these, the easiest being a simple tap of the Z button (you can also press up on the C-Stick or A, Y, and X all at once). So, what's the purpose of Soul Charging? Well, for one thing, it looks pretty darned cool. Ah, but that isn't the best reason, now is it? It also increases the power of your attacks. Quite spiffy, I say! And with that, this so-called battle ends! Rewards - * 400 Experience * 600 Gold * Extra Practice Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Combatants are launched high into the air when knocked against the wall or ground. Both combatants' health recovers. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! The goal of this battle is, more or less, to repeatedly knock your foe against the ground or wall and nail them with an air combo to offset the constantly recovering health. Although normal attacks are perfectly useful here, I suggest going instead for the air combo. Try some of these moves to send your foe flying against the wall / ground: Kilik - * Back + X-Y * Forward-Forward + A Nightmare - * Forward-Forward + A * Forward-Forward + Y * Back-Back + X * Back-Back + Y Cassandra - * Back + X Simply pepper your foes with moves such as those, then hit them with anything as they fall to score some huge damage. Rewards - * 800 Experience * 1200 Gold == BULWARK RUINS ============================================================== Opponent - Kilik, Xianghua, Maxi Difficulty - * Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Utilize all that you learned to defeat all the enemies! Your first real battle! Fortunately, this three-stage battle is pretty simple and serves to hone your skills before letting you loose on some of the more difficult missions out there. Your opponents--Kilik, Xianghua, and Maxi--are fought in succession, but none of them are especially difficult and you recover health between fights. Apply the basic knowledge you learned in the previous mission and you shouldn't meet much trouble here. The toughest opponent in this battle is probably Maxi, due to his lightning-quick speed. Be sure not to forget about guarding, as it's certain to help take him down more easily. Rewards - * 400 Experience * 900 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Ivy, Astaroth, Nightmare Recommended Character - Anyone quick Objective - Defeat all the enemies! What we've got here is a simple ladder match against three fighters who are at least somewhat difficult-to-deal-with. Unless you're _really_ skilled with a certain character by this time (in which case you probably won't be reading this guide anyway, but whatever), I really suggest going with a fast fighter, such as Maxi or Taki. Ivy is always troublesome, but being able to match her speed will help to level the playing field. Following her defeat are two slower yet much more powerful guys in Asty and Nightmare. Although you won't be able to go toe-to-toe with them in terms of brute force, someone speedy can dash in with a quick combo or two, then back off throughout the whole battle for an easy win. Rewards - * 800 Experience * 1800 Gold == WARRIOR'S TRIAL GROUNDS ==================================================== Opponent - Character specific Difficulty - * Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Overcome the enemy to clear the trial! Depending on which character you're playing as you'll be pitted against a different opponent here, as well as in many battles that have yet to come. From this point onward, this enemy will be referred to as "Character specific", since not everyone will be facing off with the same opponent. As for the actual battle itself, there isn't a whole lot to it. One round, one opponent, pretty standard stuff, really. Just toss together some nice combos, mix things up with horizontal and vertical attacks, kicks, et cetera, et cetera, and you're golden. Nothing to worry about! Rewards - * 400 Experience * 1500 Gold * Lakeside Coliseum Stage -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Sophitia, Seung Mina, Necrid, Link Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemies have strange weapons. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Beware the Broom of Doom! This mission is pretty fun, given that each and every foe is equipped with a joke weapon, ranging from Seung Mina's broom to Link's bug-catching net. Know that these hilarious weapons don't make your enemies any less dangerous, although it does make them a wee bit less intimidating. In any event, there is nothing special about any of your enemies in this mission, so dispatch of them with a simple mix of kicks, throws, and weapon attacks. Rewards - * 800 Experience * 3000 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Thuban =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The item listings... THUBAN SHOP =================================================================== ITEM NAME ------------------- PRICE ------------- USED BY... ----------------- Wind Guide 600 Talim Spiked Shield 800 Cassandra Kunai 600 Taki Mirage Blade 600 Ivy Kard 600 Xianghua Stiletto 1100 Raphael Tonfa 900 Talim Khanjar 1100 Yunsung Dark Blade 1100 Cassandra Two-Handed Sword 1100 Mitsurugi Slicer 900 Taki Tofana Scissors 900 Voldo Great Blade 900 Nightmare Terror Moon 900 Astaroth Wiseman Mace 900 Ivy Ling-Sheng Su Bo 1200 Kilik Northern Star 900 Xianghua Chained Kozuka 900 Maxi Morphos 900 Necrid Armos Series 900 Link Kastane 900 Yoshimitsu Reiterpallasch 1500 Raphael Xiao Lan 1500 Yunsung Shamshir 1500 Mitsurugi Shame & Blame 1200 Voldo Iron Staff 1600 Kilik Battle Theater 4000 -- New Costume 4200 Taki And the missions... == THUBAN FERRY =============================================================== Opponent - Voldo Difficulty - * Recommended Character - Link, Maxi, Yunsung, Ivy, or anyone else fast Objective - Land 20 hits on the enemy and survive the round! Okay, so we've got a mere 20 seconds to bust out 20 hits on that quick little devil Voldo. What to do? Well, if, by chance, you're any good with one of the quicker characters (e.g., Maxi, Ivy, and the like) then you should be able to just lay down some pain. But you wouldn't be here if you could do that. So. What to do? You can always try to string together some lengthy combos using any of the recommended characters listed above. Or button-mash. If all else fails, use fire... wait, this ISN'T Zelda II. Link does a surprisingly useful move for the mission, however. Press Forward + Y and continually press Y to stab with your sword over and over, racking up plenty o' hits. Do this for the entire battle and you shouldn't have much trouble. Kinda cheap, but totally effective. However, if you happen to be playing the Xbox or PS2 version of SCII, then the above strategy just isn't gonna cut it. No need to worry, folks--I've come prepared with some sweet moves for everyone to enjoy. Raphael's got a quick three-hit combo that works very well. The commands? Forward + Y-Y-Y. Mix in some additional sword strikes/kicks and you'll do well, I should think. Just avoid throws, as they consume far too much time. If you're one of those people who just hates the French, though, then everyone's favorite samurai (that'd be Mitsurugi) has two nice moves to use, also. First off is a combo similar to the aforementioned one (used by Raphael). Forward + Y-Y-Y will execute it. The second move is a little trickier to perform, but just as useful, if not more so. First of all you need to enter the correct stance by pressing Forward + AY (with A and Y being pressed at the same time). Once you've done that, repeatedly press A to rack up some major hits. * If you cause a ring out during the battle, you can move on as if you'd won the battle according to the objective. You'll even get the normal amount of experience! So what's the catch? No gold will be awarded. Bummer. :/ Rewards - * 500 Experience * 400 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Taki Recommended Character - Someone fast, or Link Objective - Land 20 hits on the quick enemy and survive the round! The tricky thing about this battle is not racking up 20 hits on Taki, who is devilishly quick, but rather avoiding your foe wipe the floor with you. See, unlike the regular mission, you're pitted against an insanely agile foe and are expected to land 20 hits in as many seconds. Quite the difficult task, wouldn't you say? There are a few ways to go about this battle 1) repeatedly use Link's Forward + Y-Y-Y... move 2) select a fast character (Talim, Maxi, Ivy, etc) and try to string together some combos or 3) choose Kilik and strike quickly with moves like his A+Y and Forward +AY. Using the third option, I was able to amass 28 hits in one go. Translation: if all else fails, Kilik will help you. For sure. Rewards - * 1000 Experience * 800 Gold == VILLAGE OF ARCHE =========================================================== Opponent - Yunsung Difficulty - * Recommended Character - Kilik, Mitsurugi, Raphael, Cassandra Objective - Strong gusts constantly push you and prevent you from stopping at the edge of the stage. Defeat the enemy under this condition! This battle isn't too bad. If you like, you approach it as if it was just a normal battle with no special conditions and try to beat your foe silly. However, I find that it's a lot easier to go for the ring out. Just be sure to stay away from the edge of the stage yourself and use an attack that knocks your foe back. Don't know of any such moves? Try some of these: Kilik - * Forward + A * Back, back + X * Back + X-Y Mitsurugi - * Back + X Raphael - * Back, back + X * Back, back + Y Cassandra - * Back, back + X Most characters also have a throw or two that work well here. If none of the above listed moves don't work for you, then feel free to tell the mafia that I'm the one who ratted them out. :P Rewards - * 500 Experience * 800 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Mitsurugi Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Strong gusts constantly push you and prevent you from stopping at the edge of the stage. Furthermore both combatants speed is increased. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! The obvious choice in this mission is to aim for the ring out. It's also the easiest and quickest method to end the battle. Basically, from the beginning of the battle try to stay on the inside (e.g., keep your opponent between yourself and the edge of the stage) and strike with whatever you've got. As long as you can keep yourself away from the edge, this battle should be over in a matter of moments. Rewards - * 1000 Experience * 1600 Gold == MINKAR MINE ================================================================ Opponent - Boss: Yoshimitsu Difficulty - ** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! Welcome to your very first dungeon! It may seem like a cool concept now, but you'll be singing a different tune when you see some of the later dungeons, trust me. In any event, I walk you through the dungeons differently than I do normal missions. I'm not going to describe every possibly battle that you may encounter in a dungeon. Instead, I'll warn you of any particularly tricky battles or aspects of the dungeon, give you a map of the entire place, and tell you how to send the boss crying for his mommy. Sound good? Then let's get goin'! Here's that map I promised you: [*]-[ ]-[ ] Key | --- [!] * - Entrance ! - Boss Pretty small, but it's only the first dungeon, so what'd you expect? ;) In any event, the battles here aren't too difficult, as there are no special conditions or anything of the sort to spice them up. Nevertheless, if you do find yourself having trouble defeating your opponents, it's never a bad idea to go for the ring out. Many of the moves listed in the previous mission strategy are great for getting one. Try 'em out! As for the boss, there isn't much to worry about. Yoshi's fighting style borrows a lot from Mitsurugi's, so it isn't a big deal that you haven't fought him before and don't know how to go about beating him down. As with any other battle, try to mix together a nice variety of weapon strikes, kicks, and throws. Of course, if things don't go smoothly, a ring out is always a healthy alternative (just like sliced apples!). Rewards - * 400 Experience * 1600 Gold * Yoshimitsu character -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Raphael Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! After navigating through the dungeon, which mirrors that of the normal mission, you'll encounter the boss--Raphael. You've dealt with him a number of times before, I'm sure, so apply some basic strategies; attack when you're open, guard when he's on the offensive, and try to knock him out of the ring if he's near the edge. Rewards - * 800 Experience * 2200 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Benetnasch =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= List of items, first and foremost... BENETNASCH SHOP =============================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Stiletto 1100 Raphael Khanjar 1100 Yunsung Two-Handed Sword 1100 Mitsurugi Ling-Sheng Su Bo 1200 Kilik Chained Kozuka 900 Maxi Reiterpallasch 1500 Raphael Side Harpe 1200 Talim Xiao Lan 1500 Yunsung Metesashi 1500 Cassandra Shamshir 1500 Mitsurugi Kagekiri 1200 Taki Shame & Blame 1200 Voldo Steel Paddle 1200 Nightmare Battle Ax 1200 Astaroth Dream Blade 1200 Ivy Iron Staff 1600 Kilik Fatibal 1200 Maxi Orcus Claw 1200 Necrid Megaton Hammer 1200 Link Zantetsuken 1200 Yoshimitsu Double Crescent Blade 1600 Talim Spine Blade 2000 Cassandra Yoroitoshi 1600 Taki Chained Flail 1600 Ivy Kopis 1600 Xianghua Ignis Fatuus 1600 Necrid Cane of Byrna 1600 Link New Costume 22000 Voldo ... followed by the mission strategies... == CARNIVAL =================================================================== Opponent - Charade Difficulty - ** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - You cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! This battle isn't too tricky. The idea is to knock your foe off the edge of the stage, so naturally you'll want to lure him toward the perimeter. From there, most characters have a throw that works well to send someone flying off the edge, and kicks tend to have a similar effect. Kilik's Back + A is a fantastic move to use in this situation, as is Mitsurugi's Back + X-Y. If you are using a different character, try pressing Back + X, Y, or A and you're sure to come up with something useful for ring outs. Rewards - * 700 Experience * 1000 Gold * Charade character -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Berserker Recommended Character - Astaroth, Nightmare, Berserker Objective - You cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage, and the gravity is weaker. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! An interesting aspect of this battle is that normal attacks hardly scratch your foe, absolutely forcing you to win with a ring out. Unfortunately, the same doesn't apply to the enemy. :/ Additionally, since the gravity is weaker, it's possible to knock your foe high into the air. To win this battle, I suggest grabbing someone that can match Berserker's sheer brute force, namely either Nightmare or Astaroth. Either character can knock Berserker around and drive him to the edge of the stage, where a single blow can seal the deal. Rewards - * 1300 Experience * 2000 Gold == TALITHA GAMBLING DEN ======================================================= Opponent - Character specific Difficulty - ** Recommended Character - Link, Mitsurugi Objective - Receive heavy damage when knocked against the ground or wall. Defeat the enemy under this condition! In this fight, damage received and dealt from normal attacks is drastically reduced, so you'll need to take advantage of moves that knock your foe to the ground. Since being knocked against the wall also causes mass damage, you'll want to do whatever you can to stay toward the inside--move around a lot and don't be afraid to use throws to switch places with your foe. Hit your enemy hard with moves such as Link's Forward + Y or Mitsurugi's Back + X and you should be able to make it through. If at all possible, try to get your opponent's back to the wall, then go crazy with almost anything to garner the win. Reward - * 700 Experience * 1000 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Three random fighters Recommended Character - Lizardman Objective - Combatants receive heavy damage when knocked against the ground or wall. Furthermore, your appearance has changed. Defeat all the enemies under these conditions! Simply put, this mission is hard, mainly due to the fact that you're forced to play as Lizardman, a difficult character to get the hang of. As for you're actual objectives, you've seen battles like this countless times before, so all you need to know is some decent moves to knock your foe to the ground or wall. Try these: Knockdown moves --------------- A + Y Up + A Near the wall moves ------------------- Back-Back + X Forward-Forward + AY Forward-Forward + X Even with these moves, it may still take a few tries, so persevere and don't get discouraged. Rewards - * 1300 Experience * 2000 Gold == DIPHDA TEMPLE ============================================================== Opponent - Raphael Difficulty - ** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Throws are more effective. Defeat the enemy! Repeatedly pummeling your opponent with throws is the name of the game in this battle. That's not to say that normal attacks are completely useless here, so toss a few in to mix things up and keep Raphael on his toes. However, predominantly using throws is the easiest way to finish off this battle. Just beware of the relatively short time limit (30 second) that you're given; since throws tend to take a few seconds each, you'll want to be quick about things. Rewards - * 700 Experience * 500 Gold * Subchapter 1 -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Charade Recommended Character - Nightmare, Astaroth Objective - The enemy will continually guard. Cause a Guard Break and attack while the enemy's defenses are down. The gist of this mission is that you've got a good 20 seconds to take down Charade, who'll be guarding the entire battle, making it near impossible to land a hit. Select a heavy, powerful fighter such as Nightmare and, if possible, equip a weapon with guard-breaking capabilities. From there, enter the battle and go to town on Charade with anything you've got. Repeatedly blows from Astaroth's axe or Nightmare's sword will be more than enough to break through Charade's guard. Rewards - * 1300 Experience * 1000 Gold == BENETNASCH HARBOR ========================================================== Opponent - Maxi, Ivy, Voldo, Cervantes Difficulty - ** Recommended Character - Maxi, Ivy, or anyone else quick Objective - The enemies' weapons have poison, so you will go numb if you are damaged! Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Although this may seem like little more than a simple ladder match, there's actually a lot more to it. Every time you get hit your character will be temporarily stunned, and there's limited health replenishment between battles. Be sure to guard often to avoid being stunned, go for ring outs if you can. If you're decent with a fast character such as Ivy or Maxi, you'll definitely want to use them to prevent your foes from planting strings of attacks on you. It may sound cheap, but if you're really having a tough time, button-mashing with Maxi is a possible solution. It's rather easy to string together an endless string of moves by hitting a few random buttons with Maxi, albeit being a cheap alternative. Additionally, if you've got a weapon that replenishes your character's health with each hit, be sure to equip that, as you're going to need as much recovery as possible. Rewards - * 800 Experience * 2500 Gold * Cervantes character -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Ivy, Raphael, Cervantes, Voldo Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat all the enemies! After the last few grueling missions, it seems Namco decided to throw us a bone and let us off the hook (temporarily, at least), as this mission is nice and simple. It consists of a simple ladder match versus four opponents (three of whom tend to be difficult to deal with in all situations, however), devoid of any tricks or special advantages. Also, your health will be fully restored after each battle. Rejoice! Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 5000 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= d. Mizar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The shop listing... MIZAR SHOP ==================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Side Harpe 1200 Talim Metesashi 1200 Cassandra Kagekiri 1200 Taki Dream Blade 1200 Ivy Wo Dao 1600 Raphael Double Crescent Blade 1600 Talim Giant Butcher Knife 2000 Yunsung Spine Blade 1600 Cassandra Basilard 2000 Mitsurugi Yoroitoshi 1600 Taki Iron Ram 1600 Voldo Glam 1600 Nightmare Great Maul 1600 Astaroth Chained Flail 1600 Ivy Kunlun Bamboo 2100 Kilik Kopis 1600 Xianghua Raimei 1600 Maxi Ignis Fatuus 1600 Necrid Cane of Byrna 1600 Link Dha 1600 Yoshimitsu Acheron 1600 Cervantes Heavy Jur 2200 Voldo Requiem 2200 Nightmare Tabar 2200 Astaroth Lambent Viper 2200 Necrid Phlegethon 2200 Cervantes New Costume 22800 Nightmare And the battles... == AL GIEBA RUINS ============================================================= Opponent - Assassin Difficulty - ** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Force the bomb off onto the enemy with your attacks! You win if the enemy has the bomb when the timer runs out. Here's a really fun mission! Basically, you're playing a game of hot potato, only it's a lot more dangerous, what with the swords and bombs and whatnot. Anyway, the gist is that your foe starts with the bomb, but when he hits you with an attack it becomes yours. You will, of course, want to return the favor and hit him back, returning the bomb to it's original owner. When the 20 second time limit expires, whoever has the bomb will be the loser. After transferring the bomb to your enemy, nail him with some throws to quickly wear down the timer, and don't forget to block! Rewards - * 800 Experience * 1200 Gold * Money Pit / Top Tier Stage -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Force the bomb off onto the enemy with your attacks! You win if the enemy has the bomb when the timer runs out. A carbon copy of the regular mission. Get the first hit to transfer the bomb to your foe, then run down the timer with combos and throws. Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 2400 Gold == WINDMILL =================================================================== Opponent - Yoshimitsu, Taki Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Kilik Objective - Your health is low. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Since we've only got half our life gauge to take down two opponents, it's a good idea to play it safe in the first battle. Block often, strike when you have to chance, and even go for the ring out if you've got the chance. If you can make it through the first battle without minimal damage, you'll regain a good amount before the second, helping to level the playing field. Additionally, if you can play as Kilik, I highly recommend buying and equipping a weapon called the Kunlun Bamboo--every time you connect with a hit you'll have a small portion of your life refilled. Cool beans! Rewards - * 800 Experience * 1200 Gold * Double Crescent Blade (Weapon for Talim) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Assassin, Assassin Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Your health is low. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Right from the get-go you'll be at a disadvantage--you've got half of a health gauge and two enemies to take down. The first thing that should pop into your mind is ring out. If you can quickly push Assassin No. 1 toward the edge and knock him off, it'll really make the second round easier. If you aren't able to do this, try equipping your character with a health-restoring weapon (e.g., Kilik's Kunlun Bamboo or Cassandra's Red Crystal Rod). Although these weapons won't win the battle for you, they'll most certainly help to soften the blows received from your opponents. Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 2400 Gold == MEROPE MONASTERY =========================================================== Opponent - Yunsung, Ivy, Mitsurugi, Astaroth, Nightmare Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. Defeat all the enemies before time runs out! A few things you should note about this fight: you need to defeat the first couple of foes quick, otherwise you'll be left with little time to take out the others. Also, as you should already know, ring outs tend to save a lot of time, although they're a bit difficult to achieve in this stage. Even so, try your best to knock your foes off the edge. That aside, the foes in this mission have no advantages over you, so it should be a straight fight. One last thing: your health will be completely restored between every battle, so there's no need to worry about conserving it. Rewards - * 800 Experience * 3200 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Mitsurugi, Voldo, Taki, Nightmare, Cervantes Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. Figure out the best way to defeat all the enemies before time runs out! Hands down, this is THE most frustrating mission in the game. Ring outs will making the later battles significantly easier, although actually getting one is a bit difficult. However, if you can, try to lure the first few opponents, Mitsie and Voldo especially, toward the edge and knock them off if at all possible. Another hurdle you've have to leap, however, is that each foe has an increased defense and some, Taki especially, refuse to stop guarding. Keeping that in mind, you'll want to equip a weapon that can penetrate your enemy's guard. Also, look in your character's movelist for anything marked with a "GB" next to it. Those moves can break through a guard, so they'll definitely help out in this situation. * Reader Strategies! - M Thomson suggests using Nightmare's forward + A move to ring out the first two opponents, then using A-A-B to deal with Taki. - Pelend sez: "Equip Talim with her joke-weapon. RO both Voldo and Mitsurugi. With Taki, just keep doing Talim's 8A+B at her. It KO'ed her with three hits. Proceed to ring out Nightmare and Cervantes." - Patrick sez: "Use Link. His simple front on A throw move grabs the opponent and throws them behind him. To beat this level then all you need to do is get your back facing the ring out area and then simply A throw the enemy behind you for an easy ring out. Try it and you'll see." - Neil Goodall sez: "After 20 or so unsuccessful attempts with Cervantes I switched to Link, because although not a great character overall, he does have one very useful attribute, a very long throw. Using A+G (Link's Arm Twist Throw) is very effective at scoring ring outs because not only does it throw the opponent a significant distance (i.e. over the ledge) but it throws them opposite to the direction Link is facing which means you don't have to try and corner your opponent, you can walk yourself to the edge and wait for your opponent to follow you. This is especially useful against constantly guarding enemies. Using this tactic I went from not being able to get past Taki, to completing it with 50 seconds left! The only slight danger is that by walking yourself to the edge, you risk being Ring Outed yourself, but for any player at this stage, this should be a minor draw back. The only other bad point is that this strategy can only be used on the Gamecube version of SC2." - John Ho sez: "There's a secret method to beat Taki almost instantly with Nightmare(haven't tried other characters, and I don't want to). Nightmare's A-A-B attack has two versions -- a delayed one, and the normal one. The delayed one has this blue flame about the third hit. If you hit Taki with the blue flame, she'll die almost instantly. I managed to cut off 3/4 of her life just by doing that as she blocks." Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 6000 Gold == DESERTED VILLAGE =========================================================== Opponent - Mitsurugi, Raphael Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Kilik, Link Objective - The enemies favor Vertical Attacks and are armed with weapons that excel in Breaks. Defeat all the enemies under these conditions! Since both opponents in this mission, Mitsurugi and Raphael, use vertical attacks almost exclusively and can easily break your guard, the best way to avoid taking damage is to stay on the move. The moment you see your foe tense up or move his arms, sidestep around and quickly retaliate with a fast blow. Also, to help conserve health throughout the two fights, you may be interested in using Kilik (equipped with the Kunlun Bamboo), Link (equipped with the Cane of Byrna) or anyone else who was a weapon that replenishes life. These items tend to be life-savers, and really shine in missions like this one. Of course, your life is restored in it's entirety between the two battles here, so using such a weapon is far from necessary. Rewards - * 900 Experience * 1200 Gold * Schweizer (Weapon for Raphael) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Necrid, Astaroth Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemies favor Horizontal Attacks and are armed with weapons that are strong against Breaks. Defeat the enemies under these conditions! This mission is the exact opposite of it's predecessor--instead of using Vertical attacks often, your foes stick to horizontal blows for the most part. To combat this, you'll want to stay on your guard and strike quickly in spurts before backing up, preparing yourself, and dashing in to attack again. Truth be told, this battle isn't too far removed from your basic match with no tricks to make it any more difficult, so don't over think it and screw yourself over. Rewards - * 1800 Experience * 2400 Gold == CHARON'S PASS ============================================================== Opponent - Boss: Sophitia Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! The interesting thing about this dungeon is that many of the battles take place in stages with unorthodox terrain, such as ice or fire. Generally, the best strategy for battles that take place on ice is to go for the ring out. Try to keep yourself in the center of the ring, and give your opponent a powerful blow or two. However, try to stay away from large combos, as you might accidentally carry yourself off the edge. Not cool. As for the fire stages, you'll find a circle of lava around the perimeter of the ring. The idea here is, obviously enough, to lure your foe into the fire. If either you or an enemy stands in the lava for about a second, that fighter will take damage and become an easy target for a powerful retaliatory attack. Additionally, some battles take place in quicksand. Basically what you want to do in such cases is stay on the move to avoid getting swallowed up and losing mobility. Other than that, the quicksand doesn't pose too much of a problem, so don't worry too much about it. One last thing to remember is that the foes in certain stages will automatically regain health throughout the entire battle, meaning that you need to dispatch of them as quickly as possible. [W] Key | --- [ ]-[ ]-[!] * - Entrance | ! - Boss [*]-[I]-[Q]-[F]-[ ] I - Battle on ice Q - Battle on quicksand F - Battle with fire ring W - Win this battle to gain a new weapon The boss fight is against Sophitia who, like most everyone else in this dungeon, is constantly regaining health. Because of that, you'll want to hit her quick in an attempt to take her down ASAP. If you can fight well against Cassandra, then Sophitia shouldn't offer anything new, as their fighting styles are strikingly similar. Anyhoo, you needn't worry about ice, fire, or quicksand bothering you in this fight, as the stage takes place on normal ground. Another great way to counteract the health-restoration is to go for the ring out, which is quite easy in a smaller stage like this one. Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 3000 Gold * Sophitia character -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Maxi Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! As with the normal version, the dungeon is still infested with unique terrain that you probably aren't used to; ice, quicksand, and lava. Even so, all of this can just as easily be used to your advantage as it can be used against you. On icy stages, the most obvious course of action is to go for the ring out--the slick surface makes sending your foe flying off the edge no problem. The quicksand slows both combatants down, whilst lava will temporarily stun anyone who stands in it for about a second. When boss time rolls around, be prepared for a bout with that nunchuck-wielding Elvis-wannabe pirate Maxi! You've dealt with him many times before, so I'm gonna assume you know the general tidbits about his style--he's quick, he breaks into combos often, and once he gets going it's hard to stop him. To prevent him from doing this, guard a lot and try to beat him to the punch and attack before he gets the opportunity. Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 6000 Gold * Fuzoroi (Weapon for Maxi) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= e. Altair =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The shop listings... ALTAIR SHOP =================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Reiterpallasch 1200 Raphael Xiao Lian 1500 Xianghua Iron Staff 1800 Kilik Fatibal 1500 Maxi Megaton Hammer 1200 Link Wo Dao 1600 Raphael Double Crescent Blade 1600 Talim Giant Butcher Knife 2000 Yunsung Spine Blade 1600 Cassandra Basilard 2000 Mitsurugi Yoroitoshi 1600 Yoshimitsu Iron Ram 1600 Voldo Glam 1600 Nightmare Great Maul 1600 Astaroth Chained Flail 1600 Ivy Kunlun Bamboo 2400 Kilik Kopis 1600 Xianghua Raimei 2000 Maxi Ignis Fatuus 1600 Necrid Cane of Byrna 1600 Link Blue Crystal Rod 1600 Sophitia Dha 1600 Yoshimitsu Acheron 1600 Cervantes Chaqu 2200 Talim Katzbalger 2200 Cassandra Fumakugi 2200 Taki Viper Edge 2200 Ivy Qi Xing Sword 2200 Xianghua Art Gallery Hi-Res 8500 -- New Costume 17000 Astaroth And the missions... == NEREID GORGE =============================================================== Opponent - Three random fighters Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Three random fighters Objective - Team up with the fort's soldiers and defeat all the enemies! Depending on your skill with the three provided characters, this mission can prove either very easy or a nightmare. Basically, it's a three-on-three match in that once a character is defeated, the next fighter from that side will be put into battle. Hopefully you can fight well with at least one of the three characters you're required to use. Providing a strategy for this battle isn't easy, since everything is so random. If you can't win, just keep trying until you end up with a group of fighters that you're best with. Rewards - * 900 Experience * 2100 Gold * Extra Time Attack Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Three random fighters Recommended Character - Assassin, Berserker, Lizardman Objective - Control a special team and defeat all the enemies! Unfortunately, this mission requires you to take control of Assassin (aka the Yunsung reject), Berserker (aka the Astaroth reject), and Lizardman (who just sucks) to defeat three random opponents. Luckily, your foes are simple enough that they can be defeated with basic moves and throws, so apply what you know for the easy win. Rewards - * 1800 Experience * 4200 Gold == PARADISE OF ALTAIR ========================================================= Opponent - Yourself Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - You are your worst enemy... Defeat yourself! Except for the fact that you're pitted against whoever you're playing as, this is a straight-up battle with no tricks. At this point, you should be at least decent with a character, so use that fighter to win here. If you still aren't too great, try going for the ring out, as the stage isn't too large and there are no barriers on the perimeter whatsoever. Rewards - * 900 Experience * 1400 Gold * Soul Calibur [Evil] (Weapon for Xianghua) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Your character, Mitsurugi Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemies have excellent speed and health. The ability to knock back the enemy has increased. Defeat all of the enemies within the time limit! Thanks to several attributes of this mission (the stage with no walls, being able to knock foes way back with a single hit), the best way to end this battle quickly is to aim for the ring out. In both battles. Rewards - * 1800 Experience * 2400 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= f. Aldebaran =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The shop listings... ALDEBARAN SHOP ================================================================ ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Double Crescent Blade 1600 Talim Spine Blade 1600 Cassandra Chained Flail 1600 Ivy Kopis 1600 Xianghua Schweizer 2000 Raphael Chaqu 2200 Talim Cheng Ying 2700 Yunsung Katzbalger 2200 Cassandra Gassan 2700 Mitsurugi Fumakugi 2200 Taki Heavy Jur 2200 Voldo Requiem 2200 Nightmare Tabar 2200 Astaroth Viper Edge 2200 Ivy Rokushakuboh 3300 Kilik Qi Xing Sword 2200 Xianghua Fuzoroi 2700 Maxi Lambent Viper 2200 Necrid Mirror Shield 2200 Link Fire Blade 2200 Sophitia Kagekiyo 2200 Yoshimitsu Phlegethon 2200 Cervantes Karma & Mara 3000 Voldo Faust 3000 Nightmare Nanbanfu 3000 Astaroth Hex Luminae 3000 Necrid Magic Sword 3000 Link Pakayun 3000 Yoshimitsu Art Gallery 5500 -- New Costume 22500 Ivy And the missions... == CASTLE OF THE DEAD ========================================================= Opponent - Berserker Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Ivy, Talim, Maxi, anyone quick Objective - Defeat the enemy within the time limit! While this battle may at first seem to be nothing special, with no gimmicks or anything to spice it up, you'll soon find that your blows aren't doing nearly as much damage as they should be. Now, the 50 second time limit really isn't anything to worry about, but Berserker is a powerful opponent who is best dealt with by a speedy character. To avoid getting smacked around too much, you'll want to keep the combos coming at him. Also, if he crouches and looks like he's charging up an attack, either back far away or quickly run in and nail him, as he's prepping for a devastating move that you don't want to be caught in. Fortunately, Berserker isn't the most mobile fighter, so you can pretty easily run circles around him, dodging attacks. Even so, be wary of him, since his axe can cut you down surprisingly fast. Rewards - * 1000 Experience * 800 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Assassin Recommended Character - Taki, Ivy, or anyone fast or Nightmare, Astaroth Objective - The enemy has excellent speed and health. Furthermore, your health decreases over time. Defeat the enemy within the time limit! The name of the game in this mission is finishing off the battle ASAP. Take into consideration that you're facing a quick and deadly foe with your health actively decreases the entire time and you'll see why. There are two solid choices to go for the victory here: by speed or by power. With the former, you'll want to choose a quick fighter such as Taki or Ivy and constantly chain moves into Assassin, preventing him from getting back at you and quickly ending the battle. In the latter, select a character who relies on brute force, like Asty or Nightmare, and can easily smack little Assassin around all battle long. Rewards - * 2000 Experience * 1600 Gold == CITY OF NASHIRA ============================================================ Opponent - 5 random fighters Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The prize money doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! The structure of this mission entails that you fight until you either defeat all five opponents and take home the cash prize (4800 gold) or that you play it safe and walk away with your money while you can. Every time you win a battle, you'll be asked to either put it on the line and fight another round or back away and quit while you're ahead. The latter is a simple way to complete this mission, but hardly fun. I highly recommend trying to win all five battles so you can get the full reward. To do this, you'll need to conserve one life gauge throughout five battles, so equipping a healing weapon such as Kilik's Kunlun Bamboo or Link's Cane of Byrna is a very good idea. In addition, you'll want to use the character you're most familiar with, even if that fighter does not have a healing weapon. Rewards - * 1000 Experience * However much you win (ranges from 300-4800) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Five random fighters Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The prize money doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! As with before, it's not absolutely necessary to win the entire tournament--you can pussy out and walk away with a lesser prize. However, should you decide to go for the gold, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, ring outs are terrific for ending these battles before you take excessive damage, but don't focus on getting one so much that you end up losing the battle. Next, don't be afraid to guard often; it's better to take a bit longer ending a battle and come out with full health than end it fast and be left with only half of your gauge. Rewards - * 2000 Experience * However much you win (ranges from 800-16000) == SEGINUS TEMPLE ============================================================= Opponent - Seung Mina Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemy's weapon has the ability to Guard Break. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Granted you don't rely too much on guarding, this battle shouldn't prove too difficult. Just bust out some nice strong moves and try to stay on the move moreso than usual to compensate for the inability to guard. Although you've never fought Seung Mina before, you should know her style because she fights very similarly to Kilik. Rewards - * 1000 Experience * 800 Gold * Seung Mina character -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Seung Mina Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemy's weapon has the ability to Guard Break. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Granted you can go a single battle without guarding and still come out on top, this one won't be trouble. Rewards - * 2000 Experience * 1600 Gold == CRYTOMERIA RIDGE =========================================================== Opponent - Cassandra Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Guard Impact the enemy's attacks! Since normal attacks do next to no damage here and there's not enough time to whittle Cassie's life down like that, we'll need to find an alternative solution. If you can block one of her attacks with a Guard Impact (block + left or right on the Control Stick), she'll take a hefty amount of damage. Watch for her movements and try to predict when she's gonna strike, then hit the Guard Impact. Two should be enough to end the mission. Rewards - * 1200 Experience * 800 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Sophitia Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemy excels in Guard Impacts. Reverse the Guard Impacts back at the enemy! Same deal as with the regular mission. Anticipate Sophie's attacks, then hit the Guard Impact and she'll take heavy damage. Perhaps she can't stand the sound of swords clashing? In any event, two Guard Impacts should seal the deal. Rewards - * 2300 Experience * 1600 Gold == SIAM RUINS ================================================================= Opponent - Yunsung Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemy's weapon absorbs life. Defeat the enemy under this condition! The premise of this mission is rather simplistic--you need to slap Yunsung silly. The trick is that his weapon not only hurts you, but it also helps to recover Yunsung's life. A great way to counteract this is to equip a weapon like that for yourself (Kilik's Kunlun Bamboo comes to mind, although I've been suggesting that you use it for the last ten or so missions :/). Either way, Yunsung isn't too difficult of an opponent here; just toss together some nice moves and add in a throw or two to spice things up. Next! Rewards - * 1200 Experience * 800 Gold * Extra Survival Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Taki Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Crouch or jump to avoid the effects of the frequent earthquakes. Furthermore, the enemy's health recovers over time. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! Although your foe in this battle will be constantly regaining life through the battle, you've got a trump card of your own, so to speak. Every so often, there will be a 3-2-1 countdown, leading into an earthquake that will stun both you and your opponent for a moment. However, if you jump or crouch as the quake hits, you'll dodge the blow, allowing for a free go at you're enemy. These earthquakes occur so often that you'll be able to win the battle based on the freebies you get from them alone. Rewards - * 2300 Experience * 1600 Gold == UNDERGROUND JUNO =========================================================== Opponent - Bosses: Assassin, Astaroth Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss within the time limit! In this dungeon, you've got a mere 200 seconds to make your way through the rooms and find the boss. With this in mind, you'll want try to finish off the minor battles as quickly as possible, especially if you're going for the prize weapon in the top corner of the dungeon. [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[W] Key | | --- [*]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] * - Entrance | | ! - Boss [ ]-[ ]-[ ] W - Win this battle to gain a new weapon | [ ] | [!] As for the bosses, neither one has any tricks up their sleeves that you haven't seen before. As long as you've made it through the dungeon quick enough, defeating them should be easy enough. If not, try restarting the dungeon and heading straight for the boss, even if that means forgoing the prize weapon, it'll help you complete the mission. Rewards - * 2300 Experience * 3800 Gold * Labyrinth Stage -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Bosses: Xianghua, Seung Mina Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Very much like the original mission, you've got a time limit this time around, as well. However, you've got an extra 40 seconds now. Additionally, as you venture through the dungeon, be wary of the booby-traps in each individual room. Sometimes the floor is mined and sometimes you can knock your foe further, so be aware! As for the bosses, neither one has any obvious advantages over you, so slap them silly in whatever manner pleases you most. Rewards - * 4600 Experience * 7600 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= g. Rigel =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The shop listings... RIGEL SHOP ==================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Wo Dao 1600 Raphael Giant Butcher Knife 2000 Yunsung Basilard 2000 Mitsurugi Kunlun Bamboo 2400 Kilik Raimei 2000 Maxi Schweizer 2000 Raphael Chaqu 2200 Talim Cheng Ying 2700 Yunsung Katzbalger 2200 Cassandra Gassan 2700 Mitsurugi Fumakugi 2200 Taki Heavy Jur 2200 Voldo Requiem 2200 Nightmare Tabar 2200 Astaroth Viper Edge 2200 Ivy Rokushakuboh 3300 Kilik Qi Xing Sword 2200 Xianghua Fuzoroi 2700 Maxi Lambent Viper 2200 Necrid Mirror Shield 2200 Link Fire Blade 2200 Sophitia Bardiche 2200 Seung Mina Kagekiyo 2200 Yoshimitsu Phlegethon 2200 Cervantes Cao Ankana 3000 Talim Red Crystal Rod 3000 Cassandra Silent Edge 3000 Taki Alraune 3000 Ivy Krita-Yuga 3000 Xianghua Art Gallery (Special) 4700 -- New Costume 24000 Xianghua And the missions... == UNDERGROUND PRISON ========================================================= Opponent - Maxi Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Receive heavy damage when knocked against the ground or wall. Defeat the enemy under this condition! You've seen a mission like this before. The only tricky thing is that you're fighting in an enclosed arena, meaning that you need to always need to be moving to try to avoid getting caught with your back to the wall. Since normal attacks cause scarce damage, instead you'll need to use moves that either knock your foe to the ground or against the wall. Try some of these moves for assorted characters: Kilik - * Back + X-Y (great when you're foe's back is to the wall) * Forward + AY (also good for a wall hit) Mitsurugi - * Back + X * Back + AY-Y Yunsung - * Circle around by pressing up or down, then hit X * Forward + A-A * Back-Back + X Talim - * Forward + Y-Y * Forward-Forward + Y (awesome move when near a wall) Nightmare - * Forward-Forward + A * Forward-Forward + Y * Back-Back + Y Even if you aren't particularly adept with any of the above characters, the aforementioned moves are simple to execute and work wonders. Rewards - * 1200 Experience * 1800 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Knock the enemy against the wall and utilize wall combos to defeat the enemy! Pretty much the same ol' mission as before; no new twists have been added in to spice things up and piss you off. The various moves listed above still work terrifically, so apply them as you did before. Rewards - * 2300 Experience * 3600 Gold == RIGEL, SPIRITUAL CITY ====================================================== Opponent - Character specific Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Neither you nor the enemy can guard against attacks. Defeat the enemy under this condition! While not being able to guard may seem like a huge handicap, keep in mind that your opponent is unable to block, as well. With that in mind, go pell-mell on your enemy with whatever combos you've become accustomed to using in battles like this one. Just try not to rely on guarding, as it won't do you any good whatsoever! Rewards - * 1300 Experience * 1800 Gold * Hwangseo Palace / Phoenix Court Stage -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Neither you nor the enemy can guard against attacks. Defeat the enemy under this condition! So long as you remember not to fall back and guard when in doubt, this battle will be a cinch. Just keep in mind that it'll take a bit more than usual to defeat your enemy, as his/her it's defenses seem somehow reinforced. Rewards - * 2500 Experience * 3600 Gold == FORBIDDEN GROUNDS ========================================================== Opponent - Inferno Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy! Since you've never dealt with Inferno before (unless you've also been playing Arcade mode, that is), allow me to explain about him. Much like Combot from Tekken 4 or a wealth of other fighting game characters, he doesn't have his own distinguishable fighting style. Instead, he borrows his moves and everything from a random character. With that in mind, the first thing you'll find to find out is who Inferno is impersonating. The weapon it's holding along with some of the moves should be enough for you to determine who you're really fighting. Once you know that, you can figure out how to approach the fight. That aside, there's little strategy I can impart here; pull no punches and use all your best moves. Rewards - * 1300 Experience * 900 Gold * Soul Edge [Growth] (Weapon for Nightmare) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Inferno Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy! A perfect mirror of the regular mission. Remember to find out who Inferno is masquerading as before rushing into battle, otherwise you may be caught off guard by an unexpected fighting style. Other than that, simply break out with everything you've got and hope for the best. Rewards - * 2500 Experience * 1800 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= h. Merak =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The shop listings... MERAK SHOP ==================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Chaqu 2200 Talim Kaztbalger 2200 Cassandra Fumakugi 2200 Taki Viper Edge 2200 Ivy Qi Xing Sword 2200 Xianghua Holy Antler 3000 Raphael Cao Ankana 3000 Talim Ramdao 3600 Yunsung Red Crystal Rod 3000 Cassandra Tulwar 3600 Mitsurugi Silent Edge 3000 Taki Karma & Mara 3000 Voldo Faust 3000 Nightmare Nanbanfu 3000 Astaroth Alraune 3000 Ivy Amud 4500 Kilik Krita-Yuga 3000 Xianghua Modified Flail 3600 Maxi Hex Luminae 3000 Necrid Magic Sword 3000 Link Gladius 3000 Sophitia Halberd 3000 Seung Mina Pakayun 3000 Yoshimitsu Cocytus 3000 Cervantes Estoc 4000 Raphael Blue Thunder 4800 Yunsung Masamune 4800 Mitsurugi Duel Rod 6000 Kilik Falcon 4800 Maxi Biggoron's Sword 4000 Link New Costume 19600 Raphael And the missions... == SIRIUS, CITY IN THE SKY ==================================================== Opponent - Yunsung, Cassandra, Raphael, Ivy, Xianghua Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. However, the enemies' weapons penetrate defenses. Defeat all the enemies before time runs out! The trickiest thing about this battle is not the time limit, but rather the fact that enemy attacks damage you even when guarding. Indeed, you've got more than enough time for each battle, so you don't need to force yourself to hurry through. Because guarding is useless, however, playing a defensive game is a wee bit difficult. As long as you can focus on the offensive, this mission shouldn't prove too tough, especially since you're health meter is completely restored after each individual fight. Rewards - * 1300 Experience * 5000 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Five random fighters Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The timer increases with each enemy you defeat. However, the enemies' health recovers over time. Defeat all the enemies before time runs out! We begin with 50 seconds on the clock and, although we only regain a measly 10 seconds per win, it's nothing to worry about unless a battle really drags on. You'll want to finish the battles off as quick as possible anyway, in an attempt to stave off the effects of your enemies' health recovering status. Fortunately, you don't have to worry about conserving your own health too much, as it recovers in full following each fight. Rewards - * 2500 Experience * 10000 Gold == CRYSTAL MINE =============================================================== Opponent - Random Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Mitsurugi Objective - The ability to knock back the enemy has been increased, but your health decreases over time. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! The name of the game here is to dispose of your opponent as quickly as possible. Thanks to your newfound ability to send people flying with certain moves, going for a ring out is the obvious solution. Select Mitsurugi, lure your foe toward the edge of the arena and press Back + X. Blammo. We're done here. Rewards - * 1400 Experience * 2000 Gold * Subchapter 3 -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Charade Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Combatants are launched high into the air when knocked to the ground. Furthermore, the ability to knock back the enemy has been increased. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! Well, you've got two options here; ring out or pure beat down. Nabbing a ring out should be easy enough, given your newfound abilities coupled with open stage. Should you opt for the beat down method, use some moves such as Mitsurugi's Back + X or Nightmare's Forward-Forward + Y to put Charade on it's back, scoring some bonus damage. Rewards - * 2800 Experience * 4000 Gold == DUBHE ARENA ================================================================ Opponent - Voldo Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Mitsurugi Objective - Knock the enemy against the wall and utilize wall combos to defeat the enemy! What really sucks about this mission is that while we have to utilize wall combos in order to win, Voldo can just slice 'n' dice right through us without bothering with the wall combos. Lame. Anyhoo, use whatever moves you want to get him near any of the arena's four walls, then use Mitsie's Back + X move. Two of those will do the trick quite nicely, maybe even one if you link some other move into it while Voldo's on the wall. Rewards - * 1400 Experience * 2000 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Knock the enemy against the wall and utilize wall combos to defeat the enemy! As with many a mission before this, you need to find some moves that send your randomly-chosen foe flying toward the walls. Try these: Talim - * Forward + Y-Y * Forward-Forward + Y Kilik - * Back + X-Y * Forward + AY Mitsurugi - * Back + X Nightmare - * Forward-Forward + A Yunsung - * Forward + A-A * Back-Back + X With moves like those in tow, your foes may as well buy a house on the wall, since they're living there anyway! ... In any event, just deliver a few quick blows once they've hit the wall and the battle will end. Rewards - * 2800 Experience * 4000 Gold == IO'S VASE ================================================================== Opponent - Kilik Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Mitsurugi Objective - Airborne time is increased due to blasts of wind from below. Defeat the enemy using air combos! If you know what to do here, this battle can be over in a simple matter of seconds. Use Mitsie's Back + X-Y move to deplete about 9/10 of Kilik's health gauge. If you don't wanna be repetitive and cheap by using the same move again, press A+Y then use any move you want to slam your foe with as he falls from above. Easy. Rewards - * 1400 Experience * 2000 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Mitsurugi Objective - Airborne time is increased due to blasts of wind from below. Defeat the enemy using air combos! Just like before, you can bring your foe's health to a fatal level in one fell swoop by applying Mitsie's Back + X-Y move. Following that, try his A + Y to send the enemy flying high above; nail the stool pigeon as s/he falls to cause mass damage. Rewards - * 2800 Experience * 4000 Gold == GRAND SHRINE OF MERAK ====================================================== Opponent - Nightmare Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemy's health recovers over time. Defeat the enemy under this condition! The name of the game here is to finish off Nightmare as quickly as possible. Since his health is actively recovering, you'll want to hit him with a continuous stream of attacks in order to render this condition useless. With this in mind, you need to play this match with an offensive style--sitting on your heels and guarding isn't going to work. If that's something you are not quite used to, just run in guns blazing (figuratively speaking, of course) and don't back down. Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 1000 Gold * New costume (Nightmare) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Ivy, Necrid, Kilik Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemies recover their health over time. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Foes with recovering health is a hurdle that you've jumped various times in past missions, so there isn't anything new or surprising here. You'll simply have to play a more defensive game to get the most out of your life gauge. Stand back and only attack when you've got a clear opening; otherwise, sit on your heels and be ready to guard. Once you've caused a good chunk of damage, switch to the offensive and beat your opponent into the ground to try to negate their advantage. Rewards - * 2800 Experience * 2000 Gold == PHANTOM CAVE =============================================================== Opponent - Boss: Lizardman Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! First of all, you're probably wondering how to unlock this most mysteriously mysterious stage. In Subchapter 4 - Procyon, beat Stage 2: Tower of Happiness [Extra Mission]. As for the actual dungeon, there are four different types of stages: normal, ice, lava, and quicksand. All things you've dealt with before. [*]-[ ]-[ ]-[Q]-[Q]-[ ] | | [ ] [Q] | | [I] [ ] | | [ ]-[ ] [F] | | [I] [ ]-[F]-[ ]-[!] | | [ ]-[ ]-[ ] During the boss battle versus Lizardman, you've got two choices. You can either beat him down the normal way, or you can lure him into the lava for a second or two and wait for it to stun him, giving you an opening to smash him into the stage's walls. Rewards - * 3100 Experience * 6200 Gold * Egyptian Crypt stage -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Lizardman Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Everything, from the dungeon layout to the masses of Lizardman grunts you need to face en route to the boss, is the same as before. Enjoy! Rewards - * 6200 Experience * 12400 Gold * Ethereal Edge (Weapon for Necrid) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= i. Algol =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The shop listings... ALGOL SHOP ==================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Schweizer 2200 Raphael Heavy Jur 2200 Voldo Requiem 2200 Nightmare Tabar 2200 Astaroth Lambent Viper 2200 Necrid Holy Antler 3000 Raphael Cao Ankana 3000 Talim Ramdao 3600 Yunsung Red Crystal Rod 3000 Cassandra Tulwar 3600 Mitsurugi Silent Edge 3000 Taki Karma & Mara 3000 Voldo Faust 3000 Nightmare Nanbanfu 3000 Astaroth Alraune 3000 Ivy Amud 3900 Kilik Krita-Yuga 3000 Xianghua Modified Flail 3600 Maxi Hex Luminae 3000 Necrid Magic Sword 3000 Link Gladius 3000 Sophitia Halberd 3000 Seung Mina Pakayun 3000 Yoshimitsu Cocytus 3000 Cervantes Maila Kari 4000 Talim Ivan the Terrible 4000 Cassandra Kamizoroe 4000 Taki Demon Tail 4000 Ivy Blue Storm 4000 Xianghua Synval 4000 Sophitia New Costume 23600 Talim And the missions... == CORRIDOR OF THE SKY ======================================================== Opponent - Astaroth Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Only the enemy's weapon is visible. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Although you can only see his massive axe floating around, Asty is a rather massive target himself, meaning that you shouldn't have too much trouble striking him. Generally, it's pretty easy to tell where Astaroth is standing just by the position of his axe, so don't get too worried about this one. Rewards - * 1500 Experience * 2200 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Two random fighters Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Only the enemies' weapons are visible. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Very much like the regular version of the mission, except that you've got two opponents this time. Since your health is fully restored between rounds, all you need to worry about is defeating the invisible foes. Watch their weapons attack only when you know you'll connect, leaving the enemy without the opportunity to slap you silly. Rewards - * 2800 Experience * 4400 Gold == ANCIENT AMPITHEATER ======================================================== Opponent - Cassandra, Yunsung, Raphael, Mitsurugi Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Yunsung, Kilik, Link, or anyone else with a health- restoring weapon Objective - Unseen forces push the combatants together. Defeat the enemy opponents under this condition! A bonus is available during the matches! The mission is a tournament-style battle with four different matches against four different opponents. The fights are incredibly short, a mere 15 seconds each, so it's necessary to finish them off quickly. As if that wasn't enough, you're only given one health gauge to conserve throughout all four battles. As such, it's far from a bad idea to use a health-restoring weapon, such as Yunsung's Ramdao. As for the "unseen forces" pushing your characters together, it's really nothing at all, except that it makes it easier to get ring outs. Speaking of ring outs, going for one is a terrific idea in this battle; as I said before, the faster you end this thing the better. Finally, by exploiting the special bonus during this battle, you can really rack up some cash. Each time you connect a hit with a foe, you'll receive some gold. So basically, you'll want to end this battle as soon as possible while getting in as many hits as possible. Sound easy? It ain't. Don't worry about the gold bonus for now; come back to it after beating the mission. Just focus on winning for now. Rewards - * 1700 Experience * Gold winnings vary depending on how many hits you land -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Two random fighters, Link Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - There is a bomb on your body; falling down means certain death. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! A bonus is available during the matches! This mission can be extremely frustrating, given that you immediately die the moment you hit the ground. The most effective way I've found to go about this battle is to forget playing it safe (the time limit really doesn't allow for anything like that, anyway) and pull an all-out offensive from start to finish of each round. If you're busy comboing a foe, they certainly won't have the chance to knock you down, ending the mission. Also, forget about the bonus for now; you'll have plenty of time later on to return and make all the cash you want. At this point, you just want to focus on beating your opponent senseless or knocking them out of the ring. Rewards - * 3000 Experience * Gold winnings vary depending on how many hits you land == RECLUSIVE PALACE =========================================================== Opponent - Charade Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Kilik, Nightmare, Seung Mina Objective - Only one part of the enemy can be seen. Defeat the enemy under this condition! This battle is somewhat similar to the first stage here in Algol in that you can only see a portion of your foe. However, instead of a weapon, all you get here is Charade's legs. Fortunately, this limits Charade's attacks to nothing but kicks, albeit it means that you must use low moves exclusively in order to strike this unique enemy. Just throw down some low kicks or vertical slices that extend to the ground. Preferably, though, you'll choose one of the suggested characters, all of whom have some nice ground-based moves or other attacks that will work very well here. Rewards - * 1700 Experience * 2200 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Charade Recommended Character - Kilik, Nightmare, Seung Mina, Voldo Objective - Only one part of the enemy can be seen, and the enemy has excellent speed. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! Somewhat of a mirror to the original mission, except that Charade has suddenly become a lot faster. Still, the suggested fighters from before still work quite well. Kilik and Seung Mina are quick and have some terrific ground based attacks (Down + AY, for one), Nightmare's got a myriad of overhead chops that will knock Charade's legs around a bit, and Voldo's, well, Voldo. Rewards - * 3000 Experience * 11000 Gold == NORTHERN ALGOL ============================================================= Opponent - Cassandra, Sophitia Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemies! First of all, you're probably wondering how to unlock this stage, eh? Simply clear the Ancient Amphitheater [Extra Mission] and you're good to go. As for the actual fight itself, you'll soon find that the Greek sisters have no significant advantages over you, so all that should worry you is conserving enough health during the first bout to last you the second. Rewards - * 1700 Experience * 2200 Gold * Extra Time Attack (Alternative) Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Cassandra, Sophitia Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat all the enemies! Again you get face off with Cassie and Sophie, and again there's to worry about other than making it through the first battle with at least half your health meter. To do this, stand back and play it safe, only attacking when you're blatantly open to do so. Rewards - * 3000 Experience * 4400 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= j. Antares =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The shop listings... ANTARES SHOP ================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Cao Ankana 3000 Talim Red Crystal Rod 3000 Cassandra Silent Edge 3000 Taki Alraune 3000 Ivy Krita-Yuga 3000 Xianghua Estoc 4000 Raphael Maila Kari 4000 Talim Blue Thunder 4800 Yunsung Ivan the Terrible 4000 Cassandra Masamune 4000 Mitsurugi Kamizoroe 4000 Taki Full Moon 4000 Voldo Soul Edge (Growth) 4000 Nightmare Bulova 4000 Astaroth Demon Tail 4000 Ivy Duel Rod 5200 Kilik Blue Storm 4000 Xianghua Falcon 4800 Maxi Infernal Edge 4000 Necrid Biggoron's Sword 4000 Link Synval 4000 Sophitia Ambassador 4000 Seung Mina Monohoshizao 4000 Yoshimitsu Styx 4000 Cervantes New Costume 23600 Talim New Costume 21600 Mitsurugi New Costume 22000 Voldo New Costume 76500 Cassandra And the missions... == MIDNIGHT COLISEUM ========================================================== Opponent - Talim, Xianghua, Seung Mina, Taki, Ivy Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Yunsung, Kilik, Link, or anyone else with a health- restoring weapon Objective - Your health is low. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! So. We're at 75% of our normal health capacity and five angry females want to kill us. What to do? As with countless other battles, it's highly recommended that whoever you choose has a life-restoring weapon similar to Yunsung's Ramdao. Also, since a small portion of your health will be restored between bouts, you don't need to worry too much about that. Just concentrate on taking down your foes and forget about your disadvantage; it's nothing. Of course, ring outs are perfect equalizers, but don't kill yourself just to get one. Rewards - * 1800 Experience * 6000 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Raphael, Taki, Mitsurugi, Xianghua, Talim Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Your health is low, and does not recover. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! Fortunately, "low" in this case is equivalent to about 3/4 of your health meter; not too large of a deficit. Problem is, it won't recover between any of the battles. At all. As such, I definitely suggest arming your fighter with a weapon that has recovery abilities; otherwise you'll likely find yourself in a hole during the later rounds. Also, make sure that you are aware of the various styles you'll be facing through this mission. Raphael's swift with his sword, but can be easily blocked. Taki is even quicker, but can be knocked around with relative ease by almost anyone, much less the likes of hulks such as Asty and Nightmare. Mitsurugi relies more on power than either of the previous two, but he's no slowpoke. As for Xianghua and Talim, well, they're some quick chicas, but can be pushed around by a heavy fighter. Rewards - * 3000 Experience * 12000 Gold == COURT OF THE DEAD ========================================================== Opponent - Boss: Character specific Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! All of the battles leading up to the boss him/herself are pretty run-of-the-mill, so I don't see many people having too much trouble with that. Just know that there are two different rooms in this dungeon where you can gain a nice prize by winning there. Use the map below the find your way around: [*]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[D]-[ ] Key | | --- [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[W] * - Entrance | | ! - Boss [ ] [ ] W - Win this battle to gain a new weapon | | D - Your health will actively decrease in this [!]-[ ]-[ ] room | [W] As for the boss, it's your old character specific buddy again! Not much to say here as the strategy differs depending on who you're playing as. Even so, this shouldn't be too difficult of a battle and, if it is, go for the ring out! Rewards - * 4200 Experience * 3700 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Character specific Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the enemy-infested dungeon and defeat the boss! As per usual, the dungeon layout is a mirror of the original mission, so keep an eye on the map above. Granted that you've been faced with much more challenging tasks before, breezing through the regular rooms should be of small difficulty. Just be careful of the mines in the floor and try not to get knocked down too frequently. As in the normal mission, the boss is your fighter's rival whom you've encountered several times in the past. By this time, I'm sure you're accustomed to dealing with this foe, so have fun beating him/her into the ground. Rewards - * 8400 Experience * 7400 Gold * Souvenir Gift (Weapon for Mitsurugi) == TARTAROS =================================================================== Opponent - Inferno Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Unleash all of your power and vanquish the enemy! Here we are: the final battle! This fight mirrors the finale of Arcade mode; your opponent Inferno will draw upon the styles of three random characters throughout the battle. The idea is to quickly identify who's moves he's using (the weapon he's holding tends to be a good indicator) so you can figure out how to counteract him. By this time, I assume you've taken a liking to at least one character and have learned some decent moves with him/her/it. Pull no punches here and bust out with everything you've got. There's only one round, so go all out with a nice mixture of throws, kicks, and weapon strikes to garner the win! Rewards - * 2500 Experience * 1200 Gold * Weapon Master Opening (viewable in the Museum) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Inferno Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Unleash all of your power and vanquish the enemy! If you though the regular version of this mission was tough, get ready to go through hell! In all honesty, there's not much new to say here; figure out who Inferno's posing as soon and apply the proper strategy from there. Good luck! Rewards - * 3500 Experience * 2400 Gold * Weapon Master Ending (viewable in the Museum) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= III ------------------------------------------ SUBCHAPTER WALKTHROUGH =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Schedar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================== HOW DO I UNLOCK SCHEDAR? ======================== Beat Stage 3 (Diphda Temple) in Benetnasch. Easy enough, right? The shop listings... SCHEDAR SHOP ================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Exhibition Theater 6400 Raphael Exhibition Theater 3500 Talim Exhibition Theater 4800 Yunsung Exhibition Theater 5100 Cassandra Exhibition Theater 2800 Mitsurugi Exhibition Theater 2500 Taki Exhibition Theater 2800 Voldo Exhibition Theater 2600 Nightmare Exhibition Theater 2700 Astaroth Exhibition Theater 3100 Ivy Exhibition Theater 3900 Kilik Exhibition Theater 3700 Xianghua Exhibition Theater 2400 Maxi Exhibition Theater 4300 Necrid Exhibition Theater 6000 Link Exhibition Theater 1900 Yoshimitsu Exhibition Theater 4600 Charade And the mission... == STONE TEMPLE =============================================================== Opponent - Boss: Berserker Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Though most of the rooms in this large dungeon contain regular battles against opponents with no advantages, there are a few places you might want to take note of. In this dungeon you'll find a single room where your health will automatically recover the entire time, as well as another place where you can gain a new weapon for winning. Cool beans! [ ]-[R]-[ ] Key | | --- [ ] [W]-[ ]-[I]-[ ] * - Entrance | | | ! - Boss [ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ]-[W] W - Win this battle to gain a new weapon | | R - Your health will actively restore here [ ] [ ] I - Only your foe's weapon can be seen | | [ ] [ ] | | [*]-[ ]-[ ] [!] All of the battles leading up to the boss are against Berserker, and none of them are particularly difficult. This is mainly because Berserker's health will rarely start at its maximum level, so the fights will probably end rather abruptly. As you may guess, ring outs are quite useful in ending these battles even more rapidly--not that you'll need to. The boss is just another version of Berserker, whom you should have plenty of experience fighting against by now. So just apply any of the strategies you've been using throughout this place and you'll do just fine. Be sure to watch out for the countdown--every three seconds there will be a ground-shaking earthquake which will stun you unless you jump or crouch. It isn't too difficult to avoid, and it has the same effects against you foe, as well, giving you a nice advantage if you can dodge it. Rewards - * 1100 Experience * 1000 Gold * Extra Team Battle Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Berserker Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! This Extra Mission mirrors the normal mission in terms of the dungeon's layout and your opponents. However, you'll really need to conserve your health this time around, as it carries over from battle to battle, with only slight recovery between bouts. As I've said far too many times before, it's a great idea to use a weapon such as Cassandra's Blue Crystal Rod or Link's Cane of Byrna--they may not be the strongest weapons, but they provide an invaluable edge over your foes. One final thing to take note of is that during the boss battle you gain bonus gold every time you connect with a hit. Rewards - * 2200 Experience * Gold winnings vary depending on how many hits you land * Berserker character =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Alioth =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================= HOW DO I UNLOCK ALIOTH? ======================= The main requirement to unlock Subchapter 2 is that you need to be at least Level 72 (Iron Edgemaster). Once you've hit that landmark, go beat Stage 3 of Chapter 4 (even if you've already done it, you need to beat the level again). With that done, Subchapter 2 will be all yours. The shop listings... ALIOTH SHOP =================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Cane 12500 Raphael Weight 12500 Talim Child's Sword 12500 Yunsung Keepsake 12500 Cassandra Souvenir Gift 12500 Mitsurugi Tobacco Pipes 12500 Taki Tambourines 12500 Voldo Galley Oar 12500 Nightmare Rock 12500 Astaroth Prototype Ivy Blade 12500 Ivy Bamboo Staff 12500 Kilik Calligraphy Brush 12500 Xianghua Termite Snack 12500 Maxi Ethereal Edge 12500 Necrid Bug-Catching Net 12500 Link Memento 12500 Sophitia Feather Broom 12500 Seung Mina Shepard's Crook 12500 Yoshimitsu Imitation Sword 12500 Cervantes New Costume 51000 Sophitia New Costume 21000 Seung Mina And the missions... == CELBARAI FORTRESS ========================================================== Opponent - Xianghua Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! If you remember the "hot potato" battles from earlier on, you'll know just what to do here. Your foe, Xianghua, will begin the battle with the bomb, or potato, but when she hits you, you'll get the bomb. So in the end, you want to make sure you get the last hit. A good way to do this is to smack Xianghua so that she's got the bomb, then quickly run down the timer by tying her up with throws and combos. Rewards - * 3800 Experience * 3000 Gold * Soul Edge [Complete] (Weapon for Xianghua) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Xianghua Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! From what I can tell, the "unknown conditions" referred to in the objective are nonexistent, as Xianghua has no obvious advantages over you. Just approach the mission like a normal battle; throw a nice blend of combos, kicks, and throws at Xianghua and you'll do fine. Rewards - * 7500 Experience * 17000 Gold == CERES STRONGHOLD =========================================================== Opponent - Voldo Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! The added condition in this battle is that unseen forces will push you and your adversary together. Just slap a weapon that has the ability to guard break onto your fighter and slam Voldo with everything you've got (the weapon is necessary because Voldo tends to guard often during this mission). Rewards - * 3800 Experience * 3000 Gold * Soul Edge [Complete] (Weapon for Voldo) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Voldo Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! A nice follow-up to the previous mission, this is the same thing as before, except that Voldo now regains health throughout the battle. Again you'll want to grab a guard breaking-weapon and go to town on him with everything you've got. Rewards - * 7500 Experience * 20000 Gold == ANCIENT LIBRARY ============================================================ Opponent - Taki Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! During this fight, your health will SLOWLY decrease throughout. Fortunately, it moves down at a snail's rate, meaning you really don't need to worry about it and can concentrate and taking down Taki. Also, Taki blocks rather often, so you may want to arm yourself with a weapon that can break through her guard. Rewards - * 3800 Experience * 3000 Gold * Soul Edge [Complete] (Weapon for Taki) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Taki Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! Its more or less the same thing as before, except that your health decreases at a more rapid pace. If it's going down too fast for you, try going for a ring out. Otherwise, do the same thing you did before. Rewards - * 7500 Experience * 24000 Gold == TEMPLE IN THE CLOUDS ======================================================= Opponent - Cassandra Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! In this mission, the strong winds push both fighters toward the wall on the far side of the stage. Although this makes getting a ring out rather difficult, it also provides the opportunity to smash Cassie into the walls, racking up some powerful hits. Additionally, the ground seems to be mined, so you can cause some major havoc by knocking Cassie to the ground. Just be sure to avoid having the same done to you. Rewards - * 3800 Experience * 6000 Gold * Soul Edge (Complete) (Weapon for Cassandra) -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Cassandra Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! The winds from last time around are now gone, so you'll want to smash Cassie into the ground to quickly wear her down. Of course, you can also go at her with some good ol' brute force. The decision is yours. Rewards - * 7500 Experience * 17000 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Pollux =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================= HOW DO I UNLOCK POLLUX? ======================= Beat Stage 2 (Crystal Mine) in Merak. The shop listings... POLLUX SHOP =================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Schweizer 2000 Raphael Cheng Ying 2700 Yunsung Gassan 2700 Mitsurugi Heavy Jur 2200 Voldo Requiem 2200 Nightmare Tabar 2200 Astaroth Rokushakuboh 3300 Kilik Fuzoroi 2700 Maxi Lambent Viper 2200 Necrid Mirror Shield 2200 Link Kagekiyo 2200 Yoshimitsu Phlegethon 2200 Cervantes Holy Antler 3000 Raphael Ramdao 3600 Yunsung Tulwar 3600 Mitsurugi Karma & Mara 3000 Voldo Faust 3000 Nightmare Nanbanfu 3000 Astaroth Amud 4500 Kilik Modified Flail 3600 Maxi Hex Luminae 3000 Necrid Magic Sword 3000 Link Pakayun 3000 Yoshimitsu Cocytus 3000 Cervantes Estoc 4000 Raphael Blue Thunder 4800 Yunsung Masamune 4800 Mitsurugi Full Moon 4000 Voldo Soul Edge (Growth) 4000 Nightmare Bulova 4000 Astaroth Duel Rod 6000 Kilik Falcon 4800 Maxi Infernal Edge 4000 Necrid Biggoron's Sword 4000 Link Monohoshizao 4000 Yoshimitsu Styx 4000 Cervantes And the missions... == ETERNAL PALACE ============================================================= Opponent - Talim Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Mitsurugi, Link Objective - The ground is strewn with landmines; falling down means certain death. Defeat the enemy under this condition! At last a mission where the conditions apply not just to us, but to the enemy also! This battle is kind of a quick draw situation--whoever can knock down their foe first is the winner. Moves like Mitsie's Back + X-Y or Link's Forward-Forward + Y were made for this battle. The only trouble is getting around Talim's stalwart guarding, so equip a weapon that's good at penetrating defenses. Rewards - * 2200 Experience * 1500 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The ground is strewn with landmines; falling down means certain death. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Unlike last time around, a single knockdown won't kill your foe, although one will still kill you in an instant. Because of this, you need to be extra careful; don't even let your foe get the chance to attack. Stay on the offensive at all times and hit the enemy with a constant barrage of moves. Rewards - * 3000 Experience * 3000 Gold == CASTLE OF THE DAMNED ======================================================= Opponent - Voldo, Ivy, Yoshimitsu, Taki, Assassin Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Your health decreases over time. Defeat the enemy under this condition! While having your health actively decreasing over five battles may seem like an insurmountable task, there's actually a very simple solution. With a restorative weapon firmly in tow, you'll basically be able to completely negate the negative effects granted that you can keep a flow of moves going. Add to that the fact that you'll get a nice portion of health back between each round and you won't need to worry about your health. Just concentrate on defeating this five quick foes; if you're character is also fast, try to make good use of short combos. If you're fighting as someone slower but stronger, stick more to singular moves, as they've got a nice effect against these somewhat small fighters. Rewards - * 2200 Experience * 7500 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Voldo, Ivy, Yoshimitsu, Taki, Assassin Recommended Character - Someone quick Objective - The enemy is quick, and your health decreases over time. Defeat all the enemies under these conditions! Although you're doing battle with the same gang from before, they've been buffed up and made a good bit faster. As such, you might want to choose a quicker character; preferably someone who can keep up with them. Remember to use a weapon that can restore health to counteract the decreasing effects and you should be good. Rewards - * 3000 Experience * 15000 Gold * Assassin character == HERO'S TRAIL =============================================================== Opponent - Boss: Kilik Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! This dungeon revives the ice, quicksand, and lava battles you were faced with a few times earlier on. Remember, ice is great for a ring out, especially if you can knock your foe on his/her back. Quicksand just slows you down and the ring of lava around some stages will temporarily stun anyone standing in it. Use these different types of terrain to your advantage! [ ]-[I]-[ ]-[ ] Key | | --- [ ] [I] * - Entrance | | ! - Boss [*]-[ ]-[Q]-[ ] [ ]-[Q]-[ ]-[!] I - Battle takes place on ice | | Q - Quicksand battle [ ] [ ] F - Lava ring battle | | [ ]-[F]-[ ]-[ ]-[F]-[ ] The boss battle against Kilik takes place in an enclosed ring (meaning no ring outs :/) with lava around the edges (meaning you should try to lure Kilik into it). Just pummel him with everything you've got and stay out of the lava by all means. Rewards - * 2300 Experience * 8400 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Voldo Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! Much like every other dungeon, the layout is exactly the same as the regular mission. There's a new boss this time around, however, in Voldo. The catch in this battle is that normal attacks don't do much damage, so you'll need to get him into the lava for a second or two before opening fire, so to speak. One plus for you, though, is that he's equipped with his Soul Edge weapon, so every time he attacks he'll lose a tiny portion of health. Rewards - * 4600 Experience * 16800 Gold =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= d. Procyon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================== HOW DO I UNLOCK PROCYON? ======================== Beat Stage 3 - Hero's Trail in Pollux. The shop listings... PROCYON SHOP ================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Chaqu 2200 Talim Katzbalger 2200 Cassandra Fumakugi 2200 Taki Viper Edge 2200 Ivy Qi Xing Sword 2200 Xianghua Fire Blade 2200 Sophitia Bardiche 2200 Seung Mina Cao Ankana 3000 Talim Red Crystal Rod 3000 Cassandra Silent Edge 3000 Taki Alraune 3000 Ivy Krita-Yuga 3000 Xianghua Gladius 3000 Sophitia Halberd 3000 Seung Mina Maila Kari 4000 Talim Ivan the Terrible 4000 Cassandra Kamizoroe 4000 Taki Demon Tail 4000 Ivy Blue Storm 4000 Xianghua Synval 4000 Sophitia Ambassador 4000 Seung Mina New Costume 23600 Talim New Costume 76500 Cassandra New Costume 42000 Taki New Costume 22500 Ivy New Costume 24000 Xianghua And the missions... == MULIPHEIN'S CRYPT ========================================================== Opponent - Necrid, Lizardman, Charade, Astaroth Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The ability to knock back the enemy has been increased. Moreover, you cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! In case the information imparted in the objective wasn't enough to clue you in, the goal here is to go for a ring out. Thanks to your new abilities, doing so is a rather simple task. Just use some strong horizontal moves to push your foe toward the edge, then finish the job in one fell swoop. Make sure you're careful around the edge of the stage yourself, though, as you'll fall off immediately if you get too close. Rewards - * 2000 Experience * 7500 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Assassin, Lizardman, Berserker, Necrid Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - You cannot hold your footing at the edge of the stage, unseen forces push the opponents apart. Defeat the enemy under these conditions! This one's a bit similar to the regular mission, but it differs in one important way: instead of being able to knock your foes way back, "unseen forces" push you and your enemy apart. Basically what this means is that you will probably just want to beat your foes senseless instead of aiming for a ring out. Again, you'll need to be especially careful when near the stage's edge, but other than that all you need to be concerned with is your health. Rewards - * 4000 Experience * 15000 Gold == TOWER OF HAPPINESS ========================================================= Opponent - Charade Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The strong gusts increase your ability to knock back the enemy. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! Much like the previous mission you've got a nifty new ability, only this time you're required to exploit it to win with a ring out. Simply lure your foe toward the edge of the stage and deliver a solid horizontal attack, a good throw, or a nice kick to seal the deal. Rewards - * 2000 Experience * 3000 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Charade Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The ability to knock back the enemy has been increased. Furthermore, receive heavy damage when knocked into the wall or ground. Defeat the enemy with a ring out! Same deal as last time, only you can soften up Charade by knocking it to the ground or against the walls repeatedly. Just make sure the same doesn't happen to you, eh? Drive to the edge of the stage and end the battle with a swift attack. Rewards - * 4000 Experience * 6000 Gold == MOUNT PROCYON ============================================================== Opponent - Yunsung Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Mitsurugi Objective - You will be launched high into the air when knocked to the ground. Defeat the enemy under this condition! Conventional attack methods are entirely ineffective here, so you'll need to rely solely on air combos. Using Mitsurugi you can end this battle in no less than two moves: A + Y will take out a large chunk of your foe's health gauge, and Back + X-Y will finish Yunsung off. Rewards - * 2000 Experience * 3000 Gold * Extra Survival (Death Match) Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Mitsurugi Objective - Combatants are launched high into the air when knocked to the ground. Use air combos to defeat the enemy. As with before, Mitsurugi is a doll here. Apply the same moves from above, possibly tossing in some other random move to spice things up. Rewards - * 4000 Experience * 6000 Gold * Termite Snack (Weapon for Maxi) == LYNX ARBOR ================================================================= Opponent - Four random fighters, Link Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! This is one of those missions where you don't need to put up with any gross disadvantages you're given. All you have to bother with is making sure your health stays high enough for you to go all five rounds, if you're going for the big cash prize, that is. If not, you can simply whip up your first opponent and walk away. The choice is yours. Rewards - * 2000 Experience * Gold ranges from 800-12800 -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Four random fighters, Link Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemies are quick and possess weapons that excel in Guard Breaks. The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! Extremely similar to the above version, only more difficult. Again you're given the choice of going all the way to get the huge cash prize or taking the easy way out and quitting after the first few bouts. If you do plan on going the full nine yards, arming yourself with a health-restorative weapon should go without saying. Rewards - * 4000 Experience * Gold ranges from 1200-19200 == RUCHBA'S MANDIBLE ========================================================== Opponent - Boss: Ivy Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The ability to knock back the enemy has been increased. Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss before your health runs out! Welcome to the biggest dungeon you've seen yet. Enjoy your stay. The one thing that makes this mission different from the other dungeon-crawlers is that you've got one health gauge to last you for the entire dungeon. What this means is that you really need to conserve what you've got. Granted, you will receive partial replenishment between battles, but you'll still want to make an effort to end battles as quickly as possible, preferably with a ring out (which are easier to score than usual in this dungeon). [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[A]-[ ]-[ ] Key | | | --- [ ] [ ] [ ] * - Entrance | | | ! - Boss [ ] [A] [ ]-[A]-[ ]-[ ] A - Must win this battle using air | | | | combos or ring outs [ ]-[ ]-[ ] [ ] [ ] W - Win this battle to gain a new weapon | | | [ ] [ ] [ ] | | | [*]-[ ]-[ ] [ ]-[W]-[ ]-[ ]-[!] Your resident boss for this lengthy dungeon is the agile and always potent Ivy. If you're fighter of choice can't match her speed, try use some more powerful attacks to prevent her from getting into a groove with that whip of hers. Rewards - * 4300 Experience * 8100 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Taki Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Navigate through the booby-trapped dungeon and defeat the boss! The layout is the same thing as before, but you can't rely so much on ring outs during the normal battles anymore. Oh, well. Taki fights similarly to Ivy, only she doesn't have the same range and, as such, is an easier opponent to deal with. Rewards - * 8600 Experience * 16200 Gold * Imitation Sword (Weapon for Cervantes) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= IV ---------------------------------------- EXTRA CHAPTER WALKTHROUGH =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Castor =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================= HOW DO I UNLOCK CASTOR? ======================= Beat Stage 4 - Northern Algol [Extra Mission] in Algol. The shop listings... CASTOR SHOP =================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Raphael Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Talim Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Yunsung Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Cassandra Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Mitsurugi Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Taki Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Voldo Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Nightmare Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Astaroth Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Ivy Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Kilik Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Xianghua Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Maxi Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Necrid Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Link Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Sophitia Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Seung Mina Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Yoshimitsu Soul Edge [Complete] 7800 Cervantes New Costume 19600 Raphael New Costume 21600 Mitsurugi New Costume 22000 Voldo New Costume 22800 Nightmare New Costume 17000 Astaroth New Costume 21000 Link And the missions... == CASTOR'S EYE =============================================================== Opponent - Cervantes Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Crouch or jump to avoid the effects of the frequent earthquakes. Defeat the enemy under this condition! While this mission may initially seem to be no more than a regular fight, chances are that you'll soon notice the 3-2-1 countdown. At one, a minor earthquake will take place, stunning both you and your opponent. However, there is a rather simple way to dodge this bullet; if you're crouching or in the air when the counter hits one, the earthquake won't have an effect on you. So generally you'll want to crouch during the countdown to avoid the quake, allowing a free hit on your foe who just wasn't smart enough to do the same as you. Rewards - * 3200 Experience * 5000 Gold * Extra Time Attack (Extreme) Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! The "unknown conditions" mentioned in the objective entail two different ways in which this battle is different from a normal match: first, earthquakes hit every so often (exact same thing as above) and secondly, knocking your foe to the ground will cause bonus damage. Even better way to cause huge damage, I'd say. Rewards - * 6300 Experience * 10000 Gold == GATEWAY TO HELL ============================================================ Opponent - Five random fighters Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! As with several missions like this before, you've got two main choices: either bare through all five matches and go home with the gold or win a match or two and leave early with a lesser the prize. The decision is yours, but be sure to keep an eye and a half on your life gauge should you decide to go all the way. Rewards - * 3200 Experience * Gold ranges from 600-9600 -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Five random fighters Recommended Character - Taki, Ivy, Maxi, someone quick OR Astaroth/Nightmare Objective - The enemy is quick, and you cannot guard. The monetary prize doubles with each win. Gauge your strength and win the matches! Same deal as above, only this time you're foes are a lot quicker and things are even more difficult since you can't guard. There are two effective ways to go about winning this more-difficult-than-most mission: by power or by speed. The former consists of taking a powerhouse fighter in the vein of Nightmare or Asty and going pell-mell on you're foes, basically smacking them around and not giving them the light of day. The latter, on the other hand, relies on you picking out someone particularly speedy (e.g., Maxi, Ivy, Taki, Talim, or someone else of the like) and trying to smother your enemy with a constant barrage of quick combos. You need to stay on the offensive at all times here, as your defense is severely limited without the ability to guard. Rewards - * 6300 Experience * Gold ranges from 1500-12000 * Bamboo Staff (Weapon for Kilik) == SWORDSMEN'S GRAVE ========================================================== Opponent - Boss: Necrid Difficulty - ***** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! Huge dungeon alert! The (many, many) battles leading up to the boss are basically just an amalgam of ice, lava, quicksand, and normal fights. Simple stuff that you got used to a while ago. [ ]-[Q]-[Q]-[Q]-[Q]-[ ]-[*] Key | --- [Q] * - Entrance | ! - Boss [ ]-[Q]-[Q]-[ ] W - Win this battle to gain a new weapon | I - Battle takes place on ice [W]-[I]-[I]-[ ] Q - Battle takes place in quicksand | F - A ring of lava surrounds the stage [I] | [!]-[F]-[F]-[F]-[F]-[ ]-[ ] When you arrive at Big Mister Boss Man Necrid's lair, don't be too intimidated; the guy's a pushover. If you want, you can even lure him into the lava to score some massive damage, but it's far from necessary. All you really need to do is pepper the green beast with a few combos and it'll be over before it even started (if that's possible). Rewards - * 6800 Experience * 11500 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Link Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! The only thing that has changed from the original mission is the who you'll be facing as the boss (Necrid -> Link). Nintendo's tight-wearing hero isn't too difficult, as I'm sure you've realized at this point. Knock him into the lava and wait for it to burn him back to Hyrule (if that makes sense). Rewards - * 13600 Experience * 23000 Gold * Galley Oar (Weapon for Nightmare) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Cepheus =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================== HOW DO I UNLOCK CEPHEUS? ======================== Beat Stage 4 - Lynx Arbor in Procyon. The shop listings... CEPHEUS SHOP ================================================================== ITEM NAME ---------------- PRICE ----------- USED BY... ----------------------- Queen's Guard 9800 Raphael Soul Calibur 9800 Talim Han Guang 9800 Yunsung Valkyrie 9800 Cassandra Damascus Sword 9800 Mitsurugi Kris Naga 9800 Taki Guillotine 9800 Voldo Soul Calibur 9800 Nightmare Thanatos 9800 Astaroth Kaleidoscope 9800 Ivy Jingu Staff 9800 Kilik Soul Calibur 9800 Xianghua Vajra 9800 Maxi Chaos 9800 Necrid Great Fairy Sword 9800 Link Orichalcum 9800 Sophitia Hraesvelgr 9800 Seung Mina Hihiirokane 9800 Yoshimitsu Lethe 9800 Cervantes New Costume 23600 Talim New Costume 76500 Cassandra New Costume 42000 Taki New Costume 22000 Voldo New Costume 24000 Xianghua New Costume 51000 Sophitia New Costume 21000 Seung Mina Ending (Arcade Version) 5000 - And the missions... == COR CAROLI ================================================================= Opponent - Ivy, Taki, Sophitia, Seung Mina, Cassandra, Xianghua, Talim (all the ladies) Difficulty - **** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat all the enemies under unknown conditions! Although the objective suggests otherwise, this mission is really nothing more than a simple seven round ladder match versus the lovely ladies of Soul Calibur. None of the foes seem to be in control of any noticeable advantages, so beat them to a pulp with everything you've got. Between battles, you'll receive partial health restoration, so don't worry about conserving health too much. Rewards - * 3800 Experience * 17500 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Seung Mina, Voldo, Mitsurugi, Sophitia, Taki, Cervantes, Nightmare Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - The enemy recovers health over time. Defeat all the enemies under this condition! As you may have expected, this mission is the same thing as last time, only now you have to be quicker in ending the battles, as your foes' health is always recovering. However, you've dealt with this far too many times to count in the past, so I'm sure you're aware of how it works. As with before, your health is restored in part between battles. Rewards - * 7500 Experience * 35000 Gold == ER RAI ===================================================================== Opponent - Raphael Difficulty - *** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! With just a single move you can send Raphie flying way back, thanks much to the "unknown condition." Since the stage has no walls, the obvious decision here is to knock Raphael out of the ring. Lure him somewhat near the edge and deliver a nice horizontal blow the end it. Rewards - * 3800 Experience * 5000 Gold * Extra Survival (No Recovery) Mode -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Random Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Defeat the enemy under unknown conditions! The unknown factor in this battle is that every so often an earthquake will occur, stunning anyone who isn't in the air, crouching, or on the ground when the counter hits one. You know the deal, crouch during the countdown, then strike your prone foe quick and hard. Rewards - * 7500 Experience * 10000 Gold * Prototype Blade (Weapon for Ivy) == HERO'S TOMB ================================================================ Opponent - Boss: Charade Difficulty - ***** Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! Time for yet another mind-numblingly long dungeon. Fun! All of the chambers leading up to the boss are filled with normal, the-enemy-has-nothing-on-you battles, so hopefully you can breeze through them and cut down on the place's length. [ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[*] | [ ] Key | --- [ ] * - Entrance | ! - Boss [ ] W - Win this battle to gain a new weapon | [ ] | [W]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[ ]-[!] The boss, Charade, is a bit erratic, in that you never know which character it'll try to impersonate. As such, there's not much to say here. By now you should know how to deal with most of the other fighters, anyway. Rewards - * 7300 Experience * 18600 Gold -- EXTRA MISSION -------------------------------------------------------------- Opponent - Boss: Charade Recommended Character - Anyone Objective - Conquer this uncharted dungeon! Nothing's changed from before, so bare through the far-too-long dungeon and take down Charade. Rewards - * 14600 Experience * 37200 Gold * Memento (Weapon for Sophitia) =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= V --------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Answers to make-believe questions... 1. OKAY, SO I'M NEW TO THE GAME. WHO'S THE BEST CHARACTER? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honestly, there is no true best character, as your personal skill far outweighs the importance of a character's innate "goodness" (although I believe Cervantes is generally considered the "best" character, according to the tiers). Really, the best way to get good is to pick an appealing fighter and stick with him/her until you start learning some good moves, combos, and strategies. As for my personal favorite, I'm really a Mitsurugi kinda guy. However, I will concede that Kilik and Maxi serve as great backups. If you're looking to start out with a more simplistic character before moving on to someone complex (such as Ivy), you might want to try out the likes of Yunsung, Mitsurugi, or Nightmare. All are relatively simple characters who are easy to get the hang of and allow you to get a feel for the game. After practicing a bit with one of them, try out Ivy or whoever it is that you really want to play as. 2. WHAT ABOUT THE WORST CHARACTER? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not a clue. I'd guess either Link or Yunsung, since I hear a ton of crap about them. Really, though, it's quite possible to get really good with any character if you work at it. 3. WHAT'S THE EASIEST WAY TO MAKE QUICK MONEY? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Repeatedly play the second level (Ancient Amphitheater) of Chapter 9 (Algol). Either the normal version or the extra mission is sure to net you a ton of cash if you can win over and over. 4. I WANNA UNLOCK ALL OF THE SECRET CHARACTERS! HOW DO I DO THIS? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty easy, actually, beat a certain stage to unlock each character. Here's the lowdown: * Yoshimitsu - Thuban Stage 3 * Charade - Benetnasch Stage 1 * Cervantes - Benetnasch Stage 4 * Sophitia - Mizar Stage 5 * Seung Mina - Aldebaran Stage 3 * Assassin - Subchapter 3, Stage 2 [Extra Mission] * Berserker - Subchapter 1, Stage 1 [Extra Mission] * Lizardman - Beat everything in Weapon Master Mode, including all of the Extra Missions 5. OKAY, I ALSO WANNA GET ALL THE SECRET STAGES? HOW DO I DO THIS? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Same deal as with the secret fighters: * Lakeside Coliseum - Regulus Stage 3 * Money Pit / Top Tier - Mizar Stage 1 * Labyrinth - Aldebaran Stage 6 * Hwangseo Palace / Phoenix Court - Rigel Stage 2 * Egyptian Crypt - Merak Stage 5 6. I AM REALLY BAFFLED!! HOW I DO UNLOCK SUBCHAPTER 2? IT IS A MYSTERY! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main requirement to unlock Subchapter 2 is that you need to be at least Level 72 (Iron Edgemaster). Once you've hit that landmark, go beat Stage 3 of Chapter 4 (even if you've already done it, you need to beat the level again). With that done, Subchapter 2 will be all yours. 7. HOW DO YOU UNLOCK THE EXTRA MISSIONS? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simply enough, beat Stage 3 of Chapter 10 and they'll be all yours! 8. WHERE CAN I PURCHASE EVERYONE'S LAST THREE WEAPONS? I CAN'T FIND 'EM! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can purchase them in Subchapter 2 (see question number six), as well as in the two Extra Chapters (not to be confused with Extra Missions--they are two different things!). =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= VI ------------------------------------------------- REVISION HISTORY =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Care to take a gander at what can be found in this version of the FAQ? If so, this is the place to be! =============== CURRENT VERSION =============== Version 2.02 / March 13, 2005 Allowed and to host this FAQ. ============= PAST VERSIONS ============= Version 2.02 / February 6, 2005 Finally got around to adding in many reader contributions. If you're stuck on the Merope Monastery Extra Mission, check out the various new strategies that my awesome readers contributed! Version 2.01 / October 9, 2004 Many thanks to M Thomson for providing a worth-checking-out new strategy for getting past that pesky Merope Monastery Extra Mission. Version 2.0 / June 15, 2004 I took the time to completely redo everything--the format, all the mission descriptions, everything! I feel this new version is infinitely more useful than the original, so enjoy it! Version 1.1 / February 11, 2004 Added in some purty ASCII, compliments of the incredibly-talented osrevad. Version 1.0 / October 18, 2003 The first complete version of this FAQ. There probably won't be any more updates, so this is it! Enjoy! =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= VII ------------------------------------------------ LEGAL DISCLAIMER =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= This document is copyright (c) 2003-2005 Chris Noonan (American Arsenal). It is not to be reproduced in any way, shape, or form. However, feel free to download it, print it out for personal use, or send it to your buddies, as long as you leave it unaltered and do not make a profit off of it. Doing so would be very illegal, so I suggest that you do nothing of the sort. One final note: this document should absolutely *NOT* be found on any websites with the exception of , , , and . Don't even bother asking for permission to use it, as the answer will always be no. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= VIII -------------------------------------------------------- CLOSING =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= While it makes me sadly sad to give you this news, its due time to bring this so-called guide of mine to a close! Before that, however, it's necessary to give props to the people who made this FAQ possible. --- Ceej For running the best videogame-related website I've ever stumbled across. --- osrevad For creating the incredibly incredible ASCII art you see at the top of this here document. Should you be interested into bribing him into making some for you, go ahead and contact him. You can drop him a line via e-mail (osrevad [at] gmail [dot] [com]) or on AIM as nahuwe. --- The following contributors (without whom, my guide would be *incredibly* crappy instead of just crappy)... M Thomson, Pelend, Patrick, John Ho, and Neil Goodall: For providing many diverse and awesome strategies for clearing that pesky Merope Monastery Extra Mission. Meredyth and Richard Nguyen: For pointing out errors in my shop listings. Rani: For informing me of a nice reward I somehow missed in Alioth. --- Coheed & Cambria, Dream Theater, and Green Day For making terrific music that made rewriting this guide a lot less painful. ======================================= T H A N K S F O R R E A D I N G ! ! ======================================= All-righty then, it's over! That's it! Done deal! Over and out! Bon voyage! See ya next time! ... (that's all) And be sure to check out all of my other FAQs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/39691.html _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Chris Noonan. All rights reserved.