Soul Calibur II --------------- Weapon Master Mode FAQ Based on the Japanese Xbox version of the game Version 0.75 April 4, 2003 Copyright 2003 Jeff "CJayC" Veasey. Any unauthorized use is a violation of copyright law. This guide is an exclusive to GameFAQs ( and may not be publicly distributed otherwise. For more information, see the copyright notice at the bottom of this guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction II. Chapter Walkthrough III. Chapter Walkthrough - Second Missions IV. Subchapter Walkthrough V. Subchapter Walkthrough - Second Missions VI. Extra Chapter Walkthrough VII. Extra Chapter Walkthrough - Second Missions VIII. Character Classes IX. Shop Lists X. Collection Data XI. Administrivia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I put together this guide by myself while going through the game for my own knowledge (so I'd know where the big money is, and since I had to translate some of the win conditions as well). It's still missing a lot, and I know I've left out some conditions and gotten some things wrong, but it should be helpful to those with little or no knowledge of Japanese who can't figure out how they're supposed to win some of the conditional battles. Version History: 0.40 (4/1/03) - Just completed the first 10 chapters for the first time, skipping the subchapters. 0.45 (4/3/03) - Through the normal Chapters a second time, working on the subchapters now. 0.50 (4/3/03) - Three stages to go... 0.75 (4/4/03) - Walkthrough 100%, Added Shop List and 90% of the Collection Data. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ II. Chapter Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== =Chapter 1: Regulus= ==================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: - Samurai of the Fire Mitsurugi Diffuculty: 1/5 Exp: 400 Gold: 600 Unlocks: Extra Practice, Stage 2 Type: Tutorial Battle Notes: Press Start to advance between tutorial screens. There are nine steps to go through to complete the tutorial battle: 1) Attack with A 2) Attack with B 3) Attack with K 4) Guard an Attack 5) Circle around enemy using 8-way movement 6) Throw (A+G or B+G) 7) Weapon Attack (you'll be Guard Impacted) 8) Guard Impact (Forward + G to block high, Back + G to block low) 9) Soul Charge (A+B+K) Stage 2 ------- Versus: N/A Kilik - Xianghua - Maxi Diffuculty: 1/5 Exp: 400 Gold: 900 Unlocks: Stage 3 Type: Ladder Battle (3, Regain Limited Health) Notes: Your first Ladder match. Piece of cake. Stage 3 ------- Versus: - Emperor of the Ixion Astaroth Diffuculty: 1/5 Exp: 400 Gold: 1500 Unlocks: New Stage (On water, in front of palace), Chapter 2 Type: Single Battle Notes: Your first Single match. Not a complete piece of cake, but not too hard. ================== =Chapter 2: Spain= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: N/A Voldo Diffuculty: 1/5 Exp: 500 Gold: 400 Unlocks: Stage 2 Type: Successfully hit 20 times in 20 seconds Notes: Your first match with special conditions. Avoid knockdown strikes, unless you can juggle effectively. Stage 2 ------- Versus: N/A Yunsung Diffuculty: 1/5 Exp: 500 Gold: 800 Unlocks: Stage 3 Type: Single Battle + Wind Notes: The wind will blow you off the stage if you're not careful. Stage 3 ------- Versus: - Chief of Minkar Yoshimitsu Diffuculty: 2/5 Exp: 400 Gold: 1600 Unlocks: New Character (Yoshimitsu), Chapter 3 Type: Dungeon Explore (Taki, Maxi) Notes: Your first Dungeon. Go through the Dungeon, fight a battle in each room, move on. You can lose a battle without failing the entire stage, which makes things a bit easier than a Ladder Match. You gain 100 gold for each win. There's only one way through this Dungeon, making it a bit simple. E - F - F E: Entrance | F: Fight B B: Boss ========================= =Chapter 3: Benet Nights= ========================= Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Charade Diffuculty: 2/5 Exp: 700 Gold: 1000 Unlocks: New Character (Charade), Stages 2 and 3 Type: Win by Ring Out Notes: You can lose by loss of health, but you can only win with a Ring Out. Learn your character's knock-up moves. Charade mimicks a different character each battle, so coming back again after a loss will give you a completely different battle. Stage 2 ------- Versus: - Emperor of the Ixion Astaroth Diffuculty: 2/5 Exp: 700 Gold: 1000 Unlocks: Stage 4 Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Raphael Diffuculty: 2/5 Exp: 700 Gold: 500 Unlocks: Subchapter 1 Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed * 3 - King of the Pirates Maxi - Ivy - Voldo - Cervantes Diffuculty: 2/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 2500 Unlocks: New Character (Cervantes), Chapter 4 Type: Ladder Battle (4, Regain Limited Health) Notes: N/A =================== =Chapter 4: Mizeel= =================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Servant of Veral Assassin Diffuculty: 2/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 1200 Unlocks: New Stage (Money Pit), Stage 2 Type: Hot Potato Battle (20 seconds) Notes: The Assassin is another limited-move character, like the Berserker. See the glowy yellow stuff around your weapons? It changes players with each successful hit. Don't be holding the hot potato when time runs out. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Yoshimitsu - Taki Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 1200 Unlocks: New Weapon (Kilim, Crescent Blades), Stages 3 and 4 Type: Ladder Battle (2, Start with 1/2 Health, Regain Limited Health) Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Yunsung - Ivy - Mitsurugi - Astaroth - Nightmare Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Quick Ladder Battle (5, Regain Limited Health) Notes: You're working against the clock here. Begin with 30 seconds, gain 15 after each win, and you lose when you're defeated or run out of time. As you might expect, quick, damaging attacks are the way to go, and a Ring Out is always a bonus. Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed Mitsurugi - Raphael Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 900 Gold: 1200 Unlocks: New Weapon (Raphael, Shuvaisha) Type: Ladder Battle (2, Regain Limited Health) Notes: N/A Stage 5 ------- Versus: Paladin Knight of Charon Sophitia Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1500 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: New Character (Sophitia), Chatper 5 Type: Dungeon Explore (Talim, Xianghua, Cassandra, Taki, Ivy) Deadly Edges, Wind, Quicksand, Health Restore Notes: Lots of new stage types here: The "Deadly Edges" consist of a moat of lava, which drains health. Quicksand, if you don't remeber the first Soul Calibur, drops you lower and lower if you stand still or get hit. We've seen Wind before, but if you notice a green glow around your enemy, they're constantly gaining health back. F | F - F - B | E - F - F - F - F =================== =Chapter 5: Altail= =================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Yoshimitsu - Cervantes - Cassandra Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 900 Gold: 2100 Unlocks: Extra Time Attack (Standard), Stage 2 Type: Team Battle (3 on 3, you w/ Talim - Cervantes) Notes: Your first Team Battle. Nothing you haven't seen in other games... Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Maxi Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 900 Gold: 1300 Unlocks: New Weapon (Xianghua, S Calibur Eagle), Chapter 6 Type: Single Battle Notes: A very tough battle; The AI has been tuned way up on this one. ====================== =Chapter 6: Aidebaran= ====================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Berserker Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1000 Gold: 800 Unlocks: Stage 2 Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1000 Gold: 300 * Double Unlocks: Stage 3 Type: Money Ladder Battle (5, Double Up Gold) Notes: At the end of each battle, you can choose to take the current money and run, or go on to the next battle for double or nothing. However, you don't regain health. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Halberdier of Seginus Seung Mina Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1000 Gold: 800 Unlocks: New Character (Seung Mina), Stages 4 and 5 Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed Cassandra Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1200 Gold: 800 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Guard Impact) Notes: A Guard Impact can take off half damage; otherwise, it's going to be a long and tough battle unless you can manage a Ring Out. Stage 5 ------- Versus: Guardian of the Empire Yunsung Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1200 Gold: 800 Unlocks: Extra Survival (Standard), Stage 6 Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 6 ------- Versus: Servant of Veral - Maurader of Slaughter Assassin - Astaroth Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2300 Gold: 3800 Unlocks: New Stage (Labyrinth), Chapter 7 Type: Dungeon Explore - (Single Timer, Random Opponents) Notes: You get 200 seconds to get through this dungeon. Luckily, the AI is poor, so you can cheap your way through it fairly simply. The timer is reset to its previous battle if you lose, so if you're squandering too much time, take a dive and try again. The boss battle is a ladder, and you don't regain full health. F | E - F - F | F - F - F | F | B ================== =Chapter 7: Rigel= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Maxi Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1200 Gold: 1800 Unlocks: Stage 2 Type: Single Battle (Down/Wall Damage) Notes: Knocking your opponent down or into the wall where it's grated gives a big damage boost; otherwise, there's almost no taking him out. Stage 2 ------- Versus: - Emperor of the Ixion Astaroth Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1300 Gold: 1800 Unlocks: New Stage (Yin/Yang), Stage 3 Type: Single Battle (No Guard) Notes: No Guard = Attack Constantly. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Fragment of Souledge Inferno Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1300 Gold: 900 Unlocks: New Weapon (Nightmare, Soul Edge Demonic), Chapter 8 Type: Single Battle Notes: No style changes for Inferno here, just a single one, and it's random, so you can come and try again if he's a character you're weak against. ================== =Chapter 8: Mirak= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Yunsung - Cassandra - Raphael - Ivy - Xianghua Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1300 Gold: 5000 Unlocks: Stages 2 and 3 Type: Timed Ladder Battle (5, Regain Full Health) Notes: Time is your biggest enemy here; keep a close eye on the clock. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Berserker Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1400 Gold: 2000 Unlocks: Subchapter 3 Type: Single Battle (Poisoned) Notes: You lose health throughout the battle, so be quick about it. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Voldo Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1400 Gold: 2000 Unlocks: Stage 4 Type: Single Battle (Wall Damage) Notes: Voldo only takes serious damage when hit hard into a wall. Time-out wins are allowed. Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed Kilik Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1400 Gold: 2000 Unlocks: Stage 6 Type: Single Battle (Juggle Damage Only) Notes: Kilik only takes damage off of juggle (i.e. mid-air) hits. Time-out wins are allowed. Stage 5 - Unlocked by Subchapter 4, Stage 2 ------------------------------------------- Versus: Knight of Oblivion Lizardman Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 3100 Gold: 6200 Unlocks: New Stage (Egypt), Path to Stage 4 Type: Dungeon Explore (LizardMan, Various Conditions) Notes: Final battle is in the cage with lava border. E - F - F - F - F - F | | F F | F | F | F - F - B Stage 6 ------- Versus: Dark Knight of Souledge Nightmare Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1400 Gold: 1200 Unlocks: New Costume (Nightmare, Armored w/o Helmet), Chapter 9 Type: Single Battle (Healing) Notes: Nightmare is constantly healing up; a quick ring-out is your best bet here. ================== =Chapter 9: Alcor= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Astaroth Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1500 Gold: 2200 Unlocks: Stage 2 Type: Single Battle (Invisible) Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Cassandra - Yunsung - Raphael - Mitsurugi Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1700 Gold: Bonus Unlocks: N/A Type: Quick Ladder Battle (4) Notes: 15 second battles, with bonus gold for each hit you land. No health regain between rounds, so conservative play is best here. Just be ahead on health at the end of 15 (or knock/ring them out). Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unknown Charade (legs only) Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1700 Gold: 2200 Unlocks: Chapter 10 Type: Single Battle Notes: Sounds simple, but it's not. Stick with B attacks (or low A/K if you've got the control). Stage 4 * Unlocked by Extra Stage 2 * ------------------------------------- Versus: Unnamed Cassandra - Sophitia Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1700 Gold: 2200 Unlocks: Extra Time Attack (Alternative) Type: Ladder Battle (2, No Health Regain) Notes: N/A ===================== =Chapter 10: Antares= ===================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Talim - Xianghua - Seung Mina - Taki - Ivy Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1800 Gold: 6000 Unlocks: Stage 2 Type: Ladder Battle (5, Start with 1/2 health, Minor Health Regain) Notes: Tough. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Emperor of the Ixion Astaroth Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 4200 Gold: 3700 Unlocks: Stage 3 Type: Dungeon Explore - (Various Characters) (Poison Guard, Poison, Healing) Notes: Not too long, not too tough. Final boss should be very familiar by now. E - F - F - F - F - F | | F F - F - F | | F - F | | B - F - F | F Stage 3 ------- Versus: Bringer of Despair Inferno Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2500 Gold: 1200 Unlocks: Weapon Master Opening, Extra Missions Type: Inferno Battle Notes: Same as the Arcade battle; Inferno morphs twice. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ III. Chapter Walkthrough - Second Missions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ==================== =Chapter 1: Regulus= ==================== Stage 1 - Extra Mission ----------------------- Versus: Unnamed Mitsurugi Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 1200 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Both Healing) Notes: N/A Stage 2 - Extra Mission ----------------------- Versus: Unnamed Ivy - Astaroth - Nightmare Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 1200 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (3, Regain Limited Health) Notes: N/A Stage 3 - Extra Mission ----------------------- Versus: Unnamed Sophitia - Seung Mina - Necrid - Spawn Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (4, Regain Full Health) Notes: N/A ================== =Chapter 2: Spain= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: N/A Taki Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1000 Gold: 800 Unlocks: N/A Type: Successfully hit 20 times in 20 seconds Notes: Much tougher than the first one; Taki will dodge and counter quite a bit. Stage 2 ------- Versus: N/A Mitsurugi Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 500 Gold: 800 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle + Wind Notes: The wind will blow you off the stage if you're not careful. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Raphael Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 800 Gold: 2200 Unlocks: N/A Type: Dungeon Explore (Talim, Yunsung) Notes: Identical to the first dungeon. ========================= =Chapter 3: Benet Nights= ========================= Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Berserker Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1300 Gold: 2000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Win by Ring Out Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Opponents Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1300 Gold: 2000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle AS LizardMan (3) Notes: LizardMan returns! W00T! Watch for the "Danger Zones" around the edge and walls of the stage that can knock you up for extra damage. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Charade Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1300 Gold: 1000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed Ivy - Raphael - Cervantes - Voldo Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1500 Gold: 5000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (4, Regain Limited Health) Notes: N/A =================== =Chapter 4: Mizeel= =================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1500 Gold: 2400 Unlocks: N/A Type: Hot Potato Battle (20 seconds) Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Assassin - Assassin Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1500 Gold: 2400 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (2, Start with 1/2 Health, Regain Limited Health) Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Mitsurugi - Voldo - Taki - Nightmare - Cervantes Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1500 Gold: 6000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Quick Ladder Battle (5, Regain Limited Health, 20 seconds) Notes: This battle is next-to-impossible to beat "normally". All characters are extra-armored, and with only 20 seconds to start with (plus 15 for each extra round), you'll need to resort to Ring Outs to win. Start by luring Mitsu to the edge, then get behind him and start the chain. Each new battle begins almost where the last left off, so you'll be close to the edge each time. My own personal cheap method is using Maxi; Back up to the edge, throw (G+P) to get behind, then G+A+B to knock 'em off. Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed Necrid - Astaroth Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1800 Gold: 2400 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (2, Regain Limited Health) Notes: N/A Stage 5 ------- Versus: Warrior of Prophecy Maxi Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1500 Gold: 6000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Dungeon Explore (Various Characters) Deadly Edges, Wind, Quicksand, Health Restore Notes: N/A =================== =Chapter 5: Altail= =================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Taki - Cervantes- Ivy Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 1800 Gold: 4200 Unlocks: N/A Type: Team Battle (3 on 3, you AS LizardMan, Assassin, Berserker) Notes: Have fun playing as the surprisingly limited extra characters... Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed - Samurai of the Fire Maxi - Mitsurugi Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 1800 Gold: 2400 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (2) Notes: High AI and thick skin, but not so high and thick you can't ring 'em out. ====================== =Chapter 6: Aidebaran= ====================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Assassin Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2000 Gold: 1600 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Poisoned, High Armor) Notes: Ring 'em out. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2000 Gold: 1000 * Double Unlocks: N/A Type: Money Ladder Battle (5, Double Up Gold) Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Seung Mina Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2000 Gold: 1600 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed Sophitia Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2300 Gold: 1600 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Guard Impact) Notes: A Guard Impact can take off half damage; otherwise, it's going to be a long and tough battle unless you can manage a Ring Out. Stage 5 ------- Versus: Unnamed Taki Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2300 Gold: 1600 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Health Restore, Danger Zones, Earthquakes) Notes: Rough & Tumble. Ring out is a quick way to end it all, unless you can manage smacking her into the DZ. Stage 6 ------- Versus: Sword Master of the Hornet - Halberdier of Seginus Xianghua - Seung Mina Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 4600 Gold: 7600 Unlocks: New Weapon (Seung Mina - Halbard) Type: Dungeon Explore - (Single Timer (250), Easy Ring Out, Danger Zones, Random Opponents) Notes: Final Battle is 2-Match Ladder F | E - F - F | F - F - F | F | B ================== =Chapter 7: Rigel= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2300 Gold: 3600 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Down/Wall Damage) Notes: Knocking your opponent down or into the wall where it's grated gives a big damage boost; otherwise, there's almost no taking him out. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2500 Gold: 3600 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (No Guard) Notes: No Guarding, but you both have high armor, so go for the RO. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Fragment of Souledge Inferno Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 2500 Gold: 1800 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle Notes: No style changes for Infernom and you both have high armor, so it's going to be a long one. ================== =Chapter 8: Mirak= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 2500 Gold: 10000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Timed Ladder Battle (5, Regain Full Health, Restore Health) Notes: Time is your biggest enemy here; keep a close eye on the clock. With the enemy contstantly healing, ROing is a good strategy. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Charade Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2800 Gold: 4000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Danger Zones) Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2800 Gold: 4000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Wall Damage) Notes: N/A Stage 4 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2800 Gold: 4000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Juggle Damage Only) Notes: N/A Stage 5 - Unlocked by Subchapter 4, Stage 2 ------------------------------------------- Versus: Knight of Oblivion Lizardman Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 6200 Gold: 12400 Unlocks: New Weapon (Necrid, Fajiwisp) Type: Dungeon Explore (LizardMan, Various Conditions) Notes: Final battle is in the cage with lava border. E - F - F - F - F - F | | F F | F | F | F - F - B Stage 6 ------- Versus: Unnamed - Guardian Knight of the Soul Ivy - Necrid - Kilik Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 2800 Gold: 2000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (3, Healing, Regain Very Minor Health) Notes: Extremely tough. I suggest using the cheapest tactics available. ================== =Chapter 9: Alcor= ================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Berserker - Cervantes Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2800 Gold: 4400 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (2, Invisible) Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3000 Gold: Bonus Unlocks: Stage 4 Type: Quick Ladder Battle (4, Death by Knockdown) Notes: 15 second battles, with bonus gold for each hit you land. Best way to earn cash, if you can avoid being knocked down - 37500 possible per match. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unknown Charade (legs only) Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 3000 Gold: 11000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 4 ------- Versus: Dual Knight of the Sun - Dual Knight of the Moon Cassandra - Sophitia Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 3000 Gold: 4400 Unlocks: Extra Chapter 1 Type: Ladder Battle (2, No Health Regain) Notes: Both use Soul Edges. Tough. ===================== =Chapter 10: Antares= ===================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Raphael - Taki - Mitsurugi - Xianghua - Talim Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 3000 Gold: 12000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (5, Start with 1/2 health, NO Health Regain) Notes: No one will fault you for using your cheapest tactics here. Beat 5 characters with 1/2 health bar. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Emperor of the Ixion Astaroth Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 8400 Gold: 7400 Unlocks: New Weapon (Mitsurugi #11) Type: Dungeon Explore - (Various Characters) (Poison Guard, Poison, Healing, Danger Zones) Notes: Not too long, not too tough. Final boss should be very familiar by now. E - F - F - F - F - F | | F F - F - F | | F - F | | B - F - F | F Stage 3 ------- Versus: Bringer of Despair Inferno Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 3500 Gold: 2400 Unlocks: Weapon Master Ending Type: Inferno Battle Notes: Same as the Arcade battle; Inferno morphs twice. This time, with Soul Edges for each transformation, plus extra armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IV. Subchapter Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================== =Subchapter 1: Sedal= ===================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Phalanx of the Lion Berserker Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 1100 Gold: 1000 Unlocks: Extra Team Battle Type: Dungeon Explore (Berserker * 19) Notes: This Dungeon features nothing but Berserkers, which are sort of a heftier yet slower and less lethal version of Astaroth. Nothing too much to worry about, until you get to an invisible one. The final battle is against a very powerful Berserker who takes little damage, and there's also a stage hazard; every few seconds, a countdown will begin, and at the end of it, both characters are hit by flames, freezing them. Go for quick and heavy attacks; a Ring Out is a nice way to end the battle against a slower and dumber foe such as this one. F - F - F | | F F - F - F - F | | | F - F - F F - F | | F F | | F F | | E - F - F B ===================== =Subchapter 2: Arios= ===================== To unlock: Be at Edgemaster rank, complete all other chapters, beat Stage 3 of Chapter 4 at least three times (path opens upon beating it again if you hadn't met the other requirements earlier). Stage 1 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Galahad Xianghua Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3800 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: New Weapon (Xianghua, Soul Edge), Stages 2, 3 Type: Hot Potato Battle (20 Seconds) Notes: None Stage 2 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Lionel Voldo Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3800 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: New Weapon (Voldo, Soul Edge), Stage 4 Type: Single Battle (Magnetism) Notes: Stage 3 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Tristram Taki Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3800 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: New Weapon (Taki, Soul Edge), Stage 4 Type: Single Battle (Poison) Notes: Taki is very tough, and you're dying slowly. Go for the RO if you can manage, otherwise keep fast and heavy attacks going. Stage 4 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Elaine Cassandra Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3800 Gold: 6000 Unlocks: New Weapon (Cassandra, Soul Edge) Type: Single Battle (Danger Zones, Wind) Notes: Wind blows away from the edge, making a Ring Out next to impossible. The DZ is anything in red, so go for those. ====================== =Subchapter 3: Pollux= ====================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Talim Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2200 Gold: 1500 Unlocks: Stage 2 Type: Single Battle (Knockdown Damage) Notes: First knockdown wins. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Voldo - Ivy - Yoshimitsu - Taki - Assassin Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2200 Gold: 7500 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (5, Poison, Health Regain) Notes: Be quick. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Soothsayer of Destiny Kilik Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2300 Gold: 8400 Unlocks: Subchapter 4 Type: Dungeon Explore (Various Characters including hidden/special) Quicksand, Wind Notes: Final Battle has a lava moat. F - F - F - F | | F F | | E - F - F - F F - F - F - B | | F F ======================= =Subchapter 4: Procyon= ======================= Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Necrid - LizardMan - Charade - Astaroth Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2000 Gold: 7500 Unlocks: Stages 2, 3, and 5 Type: Ladder Battle (4, Easy Ring Out) Notes: No "barriers" to ring out, any normal hit will do. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Charade Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2000 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Danger Zones, Wind, Ring Out) Notes: Charade has high armor, need a RO to beat quickly. It'll probably happen without trying. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Yunsung Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2000 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: Extra Survival (Death Match), Stage 4 Type: Single Battle (Danger Zones) Notes: Real damage is only scored on a down into the DZ, and it's not much at all, so why not go for the RO? Stage 4 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Tristram Taki - LizardMan - Sophitia - Talim - Spawn Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 2000 Gold: 800 * Double Unlocks: Extra Chapter 2 Type: Double or Nothing Ladder Battle (5) Notes: N/A Stage 5 ------- Versus: Siren of Calamity Ivy Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 4300 Gold: 8100 Unlocks: Type: Dungeon Explore (Random Characters, Random Conditions, Minor Health Restore) Notes: If you're getting beat-down (especially if there's poison involved), just die, so you can try again with a shot at a better health bar. Some of the enemies are invincible, forcing you to RO them. F - F - F - F - F | | F F | | F F - F - F - F | | | F - F - F F F | | | F F F | | | E - F - F F - F - F - F - B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ V. Subchapter Walkthrough - Second Missions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ===================== =Subchapter 1: Sedal= ===================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Berserker Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 2200 Gold: Bonus Unlocks: New Weapon (Astaroth, Tomahawk) Type: Dungeon Explore (Berserkers, Sophitia) Limited Health Restore, Danger Zones Notes: Final battle is short with a Gold bonus. F - F - F | | F F - F - F - F | | | F - F - F F - F | | F F | | F F | | E - F - F B ===================== =Subchapter 2: Arios= ===================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Galahad Xianghua Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 7500 Gold: 17000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Standard Battle (Poison Block) Notes: None Stage 2 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Lionel Voldo Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 7500 Gold: 20000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Magnetism, Healing, Wall Damage) Notes: Voldo will take some extra damage against the wall; that's the only way you're going to beat him, thanks to think hide and healing. Very tough. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Tristram Taki Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 7500 Gold: 24000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Poison) Notes: Be quick and as deadly as possible. Stage 4 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Elaine Cassandra Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 7500 Gold: 17000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Danger Zones) Notes: Tough as nails. She's armored like mad, with a stunning AI. The wind has died down, but she's still extremely hard to RO. Your only saving grace is her weapon, which makes her take block damage. ====================== =Subchapter 3: Pollux= ====================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Maxi Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 3000 Gold: 3000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Voldo - Ivy - Yoshimitsu - Taki - Assassin Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 2200 Gold: 7500 Unlocks: Stage 3 Type: Ladder Battle (5, Poison, Health Regain) Notes: Again, be quick. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Guardian of Arcturus Voldo Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 4600 Gold: 16800 Unlocks: N/A Type: Dungeon Explore (Various Characters including hidden/special) Quicksand, Wind, 1/4 Health Notes: Final Battle has a lava moat, Voldo only takes significant damage against the wall. F - F - F - F | | F F | | E - F - F - F F - F - F - B | | F F ======================= =Subchapter 4: Procyon= ======================= Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Assassin - LizardMan - Berserker - Necrid Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 4000 Gold: 15000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (4, Wind, Easy Ring Out) Notes: No "barriers" to ring out, any normal hit will do. Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Charade Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 4000 Gold: 6000 Unlocks: Chapter 8, Stage 5 Type: Single Battle (Danger Zones, Ring Out) Notes: Charade has high armor, need a RO to beat quickly. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unnamed Talim Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 4000 Gold: 6000 Unlocks: New Weapon (Maxi, Stone) Type: Single Battle (Danger Zones) Notes: Real damage is only scored on a down into the DZ, and it's not much at all, so why not go for the RO? Stage 4 ------- Versus: Platinum Edgemaster of Tristram Taki - Berserker - Assassin - Seung Mina - Spawn Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 4000 Gold: 1200 * Double Unlocks: N/A Type: Double or Nothing Ladder Battle (5) Notes: N/A Stage 5 ------- Versus: Light of the Shadow Taki Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 8600 Gold: 16200 Unlocks: New Weapon (Cervantes, Wooden) Type: Dungeon Explore (Random Characters, Random Conditions, Minor Health Restore) Notes: If you're getting beat-down (especially if there's poison involved), just die, so you can try again with a shot at a better health bar. Some of the enemies are invincible, forcing you to RO them. F - F - F - F - F | | F F | | F F - F - F - F | | | F - F - F F F | | | F F F | | | E - F - F F - F - F - F - B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VI. Extra Chapter Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= =Extra Chapter 1: Castor= ========================= Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Cervantes Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3200 Gold: 5000 Unlocks: Extra Time Attack (Extreme), Stage 2 Type: Single Battle (Earthquakes) Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Xianghua... Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3200 Gold: 600 * Double Unlocks: Type: Double or Nothing Ladder Battle (5) Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Purveyor of Darkness Necrid Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 6800 Gold: 11500 Unlocks: Type: Dungeon Explore (Various Characters, Quicksand, Ice, Lava Moat) Notes: Long, long, long. F - F - F - F - F - F - E | F | F - F - F - F | F - F - F - F | F | B - F - F - F - F - F - F ========================== =Extra Chapter 2: Cepheus= ========================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed - Shrine Maiden of the Wind Ivy - Taki - Sophitia - Seung Mina - Cassandra - Xianghua - Talim Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 3800 Gold: 17500 Unlocks: Stage 2 Type: Ladder Battle (7, Minor Health Regain) Notes: All-Girl Battle Stage 2 ------- Versus: Guardian Knight of Amy Raphael Diffuculty: 3/5 Exp: 3800 Gold: 5000 Unlocks: Extra Survival (No Recovery), Stage 3 Type: Single Battle (Easy Ring Out) Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Slayer of Heroes Charade Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 7300 Gold: 18600 Unlocks: Type: Dungeon Explore (Various Characters) Notes: Tough AI. If I counted right, you face each and every character except Inferno. F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - E | F | F | F | F | F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VII. Extra Chapter Walkthrough - Second Missions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================= =Extra Chapter 1: Castor= ========================= Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed Cervantes Diffuculty: 4/5 Exp: 6300 Gold: 10000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Single Battle (Earthquakes) Notes: N/A Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 6300 Gold: 1500 * Double Unlocks: New Weapon (Kilik, Green w/ Orange Stripes) Type: Double or Nothing Ladder Battle (5) Notes: N/A Stage 3 ------- Versus: Unknown Spawn Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 13600 Gold: 23000 Unlocks: New Weapon (Nightmare, Galleon) Type: Dungeon Explore (Various Characters, Quicksand, Ice, Lava Moat) Notes: You thought the first time through was tedious? Now it's just a bit harder, as all of the characters are using special weapons. F - F - F - F - F - F - E | F | F - F - F - F | F - F - F - F | F | B - F - F - F - F - F - F ========================== =Extra Chapter 2: Cepheus= ========================== Stage 1 ------- Versus: Unnamed - Shrine Maiden of the Wind Seung Mina - Voldo - Mitsurugi - Sophitia - Taki - Cervates - Nightmare Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 7500 Gold: 35000 Unlocks: N/A Type: Ladder Battle (7, Restore, Minor Health Regain) Notes: All-Originals Battle Stage 2 ------- Versus: Unnamed Random Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 7500 Gold: 10000 Unlocks: New Weapon (Ivy, P. Ivy Blade) Type: Single Battle (Easy Ring Out, Earthquakes, Stun Hits) Notes: A nice, simply exp and money maker. Quick battle, good payoff. Stage 3 ------- Versus: Slayer of Heroes Charade Diffuculty: 5/5 Exp: 14600 Gold: 37200 Unlocks: New Weapon (Sophitia, Purple Shield + Sword) Type: Dungeon Explore (Various Characters) Notes: Tough AI. All charcacters use special weapons. Things can get dicey about halfway through, as normal tactics fail against better and better AI. F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - E | F | F | F | F | F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - F - B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VIII. Character Classes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Level 1: Newcomer 0 Exp Level 2: Iron Peasant 1500 Exp Level 3: Bronze Peasant 2500 Exp Level 4: Silver Peasant 3500 Exp Level 5: Gold Peasant 4500 Exp Level 6: Platinum Peasant 6000 Exp Level 7: Iron Apprentice 8000 Exp Level 8: Bronze Apprentice 10000 Exp Level 9: Silver Apprentice 12000 Exp Level 10: Gold Apprentice 14000 Exp Level 11: Platinum Apprentice 16000 Exp Level 12: Iron Squire 19000 Exp Level 13: Bronze Squire 21000 Exp Level 14: Silver Squire 23000 Exp Level 15: Gold Squire 25000 Exp Level 16: Platinum Squire 27000 Exp Level 17: Iron Infantryman 30000 Exp Level 18: Bronze Infantryman 32000 Exp Level 19: Silver Infantryman 34000 Exp Level 20: Gold Infantryman 36000 Exp Level 21: Platinum Infantryman 38000 Exp Level 22: Iron Soldier 41000 Exp Level 23: Bronze Soldier 44000 Exp Level 24: Silver Soldier 47000 Exp Level 25: Gold Soldier 50000 Exp Level 26: Platinum Soldier 53000 Exp Level 27: Iron Knight 56000 Exp Level 28: Bronze Knight 59000 Exp Level 29: Silver Knight 62000 Exp Level 30: Platinum Knight 65000 Exp Level 31: Iron Lieutenant 68000 Exp Level 32: Bronze Lieutenant 71000 Exp Level 33: Silver Lieutenant 74000 Exp Level 34: Gold Lieutenant 77000 Exp Level 35: Platinum Lieutenant 80000 Exp Level 36: Iron Captain 84000 Exp Level 37: Bronze Captain 88000 Exp Level 38: Silver Captain 92000 Exp Level 39: Gold Captain 96000 Exp Level 40: Platinum Captain 100000 Exp Level 41: Iron Colonel 104000 Exp Level 42: Bronze Colonel 108000 Exp Level 43: Silver Colonel 112000 Exp Level 44: Gold Colonel 116000 Exp Level 45: Platinum Colonel 120000 Exp Level 46: Iron General 125000 Exp Level 47: Bronze General 130000 Exp Level 48: Silver General 135000 Exp Level 49: Gold General 140000 Exp Level 50: Platinum General 145000 Exp Level 51: Iron Champion 150000 Exp Level 52: Bronze Champion 155000 Exp Level 53: Silver Champion 160000 Exp Level 54: Gold Champion 165000 Exp Level 55: Platinum Champion 170000 Exp Level 56: Iron Lord 175000 Exp Level 57: Bronze Lord 184000 Exp Level 58: Silver Lord 191000 Exp Level 59: Gold Lord 198000 Exp Level 60: Platinum Lord 205000 Exp Level 61: Iron Overlord 212000 Exp Level 62: Bronze Overlord 219000 Exp Level 63: Silver Overlord 226000 Exp Level 64: Gold Overlord 233000 Exp Level 65: Platinum Overlord 240000 Exp Level 66: Iron King 250000 Exp Level 67: Bronze King 260000 Exp Level 68: Silver King 270000 Exp Level 69: Gold King 280000 Exp Level 70: Platinum King 290000 Exp Level 71: Iron Edgemaster 300000 Exp Level 72: Bronze Edgemaster 320000 Exp Level 73: Silver Edgemaster 340000 Exp Level 74: Gold Edgemaster 360000 Exp Level 75: Platinum Edgemaster 380000 Exp Level 76: Grand Edgemaster of the Wolf 400000 Exp Level 77: Grand Edgemaster of the Basilisk 500000 Exp ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IX. Shop Lists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 1: ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Epee (Lv 2) 600+ Talim ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Yangsung Machete (Lv 2) 600+ Cassandra Spike Shield (Lv 2) 600+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Taki ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Voldo ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Nightmare Flamberge (Lv 2) 600+ Astaroth War Hammer (Lv 2) 600+ Ivy Mirage Blade (Lv 2) 600+ Kilik Quarter Staff (Lv 2) 600+ Xianghua Kald (Lv 2) 600+ Maxi ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Necrid Merry Dead (Lv 2) 600+ Spawn Despea (Lv 2) 600+ Sohphitia Sword Breaker (Lv 2) 600+ Seung Mina Defender (Lv 2) 600+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Cervantes Falchion (Lv 2) 600+ Weapon Gallery 2000 Mitsurugi 3P Costume 18000 Chapter 2 ------------------------------------------------ Talim ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Cassandra Spike Shield (Lv 2) 600+ Taki ??? (Lv 2) 600+ Ivy Mirage Blade (Lv 2) 600+ Xianghua Kald (Lv 2) 600+ Raphael Stiret (Lv 3) 900+ Talim Tonfa (Lv 3) 900+ Yangsung Cufangel (Lv 3) 900+ Cassandra Break Blade (Lv 3) 900+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Taki Slicer (Lv 3) 900+ Voldo Tofani no ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Nightmare Giant Buster (Lv 3) 900+ Astaroth Teraman (Lv 3) 900+ Ivy Wiseman Flail (Lv 3) 900+ Kilik ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Xianghua Northern Star (Lv 3) 900+ Maxi ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Necrid Morpheus (Lv 3) 900+ Spawn Maris (Lv 3) 900+ Sohphitia Cushy Sword (Lv 3) 900+ Seung Mina ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Yoshimitsu Kastane (Lv 3) 900+ Cervantes Firange (Lv 3) 900+ Raphael Reitel Parash (Lv 4) 1200+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Mitsurugi Shamshil (Lv 4) 1200+ Voldo Shame & Blame (Lv 4) 1200+ Kilik ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Battle Theater 4000 Taki 3P Costume 42000 Chapter 3 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Stiret (Lv 3) 900+ Yangsung Cufangel (Lv 3) 900+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Kilik ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Maxi ??? (Lv 3) 900+ Raphael Reitel Parash (Lv 4) 1200+ Talim Side Helper (Lv 4) 1200+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Cassandra ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Mitsurugi Shamshil (Lv 4) 1200+ Taki ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Voldo Shame & Blame (Lv 4) 1200+ Nightmare ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Astaroth Battle Axe (Lv 4) 1200+ Ivy ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Kilik ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Maxi ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Necrid Okasnail (Lv 4) 1200+ Spawn Torment (Lv 4) 1200+ Sohphitia Owl Shield (Lv 4) 1200+ Seung Mina ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Cervantes ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Talim ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Cassandra Scratch Comb (Lv 5) 1600+ Taki ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Ivy Guten Tag (Lv 5) 1600+ Xianghua Copis (Lv 5) 1600+ Necrid Ignus Fatuas (Lv 5) 1600+ Spawn Misery (Lv 5) 1600+ Voldo 3P Costume 22000 Chapter 4 ------------------------------------------------ Talim Side Helper (Lv 4) 1200+ Cassandra ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Taki ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Ivy ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Sohphitia Owl Shield (Lv 4) 1200+ Seung Mina ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Raphael ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Talim ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Cassandra Scratch Comb (Lv 5) 1600+ Mitsurugi Basilard (Lv 5) 1600+ Taki ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Voldo Iron Ram (Lv 5) 1600+ Nightmare Gram (Lv 5) 1600+ Astaroth Great Maul (Lv 5) 1600+ Ivy Guten Tag (Lv 5) 1600+ Kilik ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Xianghua Copis (Lv 5) 1600+ Maxi ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Necrid Ignus Fatuas (Lv 5) 1600+ Spawn Misery (Lv 5) 1600+ Sohphitia Break Luster Rod (Lv 5) 1600+ Seung Mina Keze (Lv 5) 1600+ Yoshimitsu Da (Lv 5) 1600+ Cervantes Akeron (Lv 5) 1600+ Voldo Heavy Gul (Lv 6) 2200+ Nightmare Requiem (Lv 6) 2200+ Astaroth Tabel (Lv 6) 2200+ Necrid Ruminas Septent (Lv 6) 2200+ Cervantes Pregeton (Lv 6) 2200+ Nightmare 3P Costume ? Chapter 5 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Reitel Parash (Lv 4) 1200+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Kilik ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Maxi ??? (Lv 4) 1200+ Spawn Torment (Lv 4) 1200+ Raphael ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Talim ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Cassandra Scratch Comb (Lv 5) 1600+ Mitsurugi Basilard (Lv 5) 1600+ Taki ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Voldo Iron Ram (Lv 5) 1600+ Nightmare Gram (Lv 5) 1600+ Astaroth Great Maul (Lv 5) 1600+ Ivy Guten Tag (Lv 5) 1600+ Kilik ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Xianghua Copis (Lv 5) 1600+ Maxi ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Necrid Ignus Fatuas (Lv 5) 1600+ Spawn Misery (Lv 5) 1600+ Sohphitia Brea Crystal Rod (Lv 5) 1600+ Seung Mina Keze (Lv 5) 1600+ Yoshimitsu Da (Lv 5) 1600+ Cervantes Akeron (Lv 5) 1600+ Talim Chakou (Lv 6) 2200+ Cassandra Kashivalgel (Lv 6) 2200+ Taki ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Ivy Viper Edge (Lv 6) 2200+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Art Gallery (Hi End) 8500 Astaroth 3P Costume 17000 Chapter 6 ------------------------------------------------ Talim ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Cassandra Scratch Comb (Lv 5) 1600+ Ivy Guten Tag (Lv 5) 1600+ Kilik ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Xianghua Copis (Lv 5) 1600+ Raphael Shuvaisha (Lv 6) 2200+ Talim Chakou (Lv 6) 2200+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Cassandra Kashivalgel (Lv 6) 2200+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Taki ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Voldo Heavy Gul (Lv 6) 2200+ Nightmare Requiem (Lv 6) 2200+ Astaroth Tabel (Lv 6) 2200+ Ivy Viper Edge (Lv 6) 2200+ Kilik ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Maxi ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Necrid Ruminas Septent (Lv 6) 2200+ Spawn Reaper (Lv 6) 2200+ Sohphitia Flameton (Lv 6) 2200+ Seung Mina Beldisha (Lv 6) 2200+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Cervantes Pregeton (Lv 6) 2200+ Voldo Kama & Mara (Lv 7) 3000+ Nightmare Faust (Lv 7) 3000+ Astaroth ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Necrid Jinx Hoe (Lv 7) 3000+ Spawn Vengeance (Lv 7) 3000+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Art Gallery (Illustrations) 5500 Ivy 3P Costume 22500 Chapter 7 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Mitsurugi Basilard (Lv 5) 1600+ Kilik ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Maxi ??? (Lv 5) 1600+ Raphael Shuvaisha (Lv 6) 2200+ Talim Chakou (Lv 6) 2200+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Cassandra Kashivalgel (Lv 6) 2200+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Taki ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Voldo Heavy Gul (Lv 6) 2200+ Nightmare Requiem (Lv 6) 2200+ Astaroth Tabel (Lv 6) 2200+ Ivy Viper Edge (Lv 6) 2200+ Kilik ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Maxi ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Necrid Ruminas Septent (Lv 6) 2200+ Spawn Reaper (Lv 6) 2200+ Sohphitia Flameton (Lv 6) 2200+ Seung Mina Beldisha (Lv 6) 2200+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Cervantes Pregeton (Lv 6) 2200+ Talim Kao Ankana (Lv 7) 3000+ Cassandra Red Crystal Rod (Lv 7) 3000+ Taki Silent Edge (Lv 7) 3000+ Ivy Alraune (Lv 7) 3000+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Art Gallery (Special) 4700 Xianghua 3P Costume 24000 Chapter 8 ------------------------------------------------ Talim Chakou (Lv 6) 2200+ Cassandra Kashivalgel (Lv 6) 2200+ Taki ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Ivy Viper Edge (Lv 6) 2200+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Raphael Oriantra (Lv 7) 3000+ Talim Kao Ankana (Lv 7) 3000+ Yangsung Ram Dao (Lv 7) 3000+ Cassandra Red Crystal Rod (Lv 7) 3000+ Mitsurugi Talwal (Lv 7) 3000+ Taki Silent Edge (Lv 7) 3000+ Voldo Kama & Mara (Lv 7) 3000+ Nightmare Faust (Lv 7) 3000+ Astaroth ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Ivy Alraune (Lv 7) 3000+ Kilik Amudo (Lv 7) 3000+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Maxi Flail ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Necrid Jinx Hoe (Lv 7) 3000+ Spawn Vengeance (Lv 7) 3000+ Sohphitia Gladius (Lv 7) 3000+ Seung Mina Halberd (Lv 7) 3000+ Yoshimitsu Pakyan (Lv 7) 3000+ Cervantes Cocytus (Lv 7) 3000+ Raphael Estoc (Lv 8) 4000+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Kilik Dual Rod (Lv 8) 4000+ Maxi ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Spawn Redeemer (Lv 8) 4000+ Raphael 3P Costume 25500 Chapter 9 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Shuvaisha (Lv 6) 2200+ Voldo Heavy Gul (Lv 6) 2200+ Nightmare Requiem (Lv 6) 2200+ Astaroth Tabel (Lv 6) 2200+ Necrid Ruminas Septent (Lv 6) 2200+ Raphael Oriantra (Lv 7) 3000+ Talim Kao Ankana (Lv 7) 3000+ Yangsung Ram Dao (Lv 7) 3000+ Cassandra Red Crystal Rod (Lv 7) 3000+ Mitsurugi Talwal (Lv 7) 3000+ Taki Silent Edge (Lv 7) 3000+ Voldo Kama & Mara (Lv 7) 3000+ Nightmare Faust (Lv 7) 3000+ Astaroth ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Ivy Alraune (Lv 7) 3000+ Kilik Amudo (Lv 7) 3000+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Maxi Flail ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Necrid Jinx Hoe (Lv 7) 3000+ Spawn Vengeance (Lv 7) 3000+ Sohphitia Gladius (Lv 7) 3000+ Seung Mina Halberd (Lv 7) 3000+ Yoshimitsu Pakyan (Lv 7) 3000+ Cervantes Cocytus (Lv 7) 3000+ Talim Maira Kari (Lv 8) 4000+ Cassandra ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Taki ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Ivy Demon Tail (Lv 8) 4000+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Sophitia Shinval (Lv 8) 4000+ Talim 3P Costume 23600 Chapter 10 ------------------------------------------------ Talim Kao Ankana (Lv 7) 3000+ Cassandra Red Crystal Rod (Lv 7) 3000+ Taki Silent Edge (Lv 7) 3000+ Ivy Alraune (Lv 7) 3000+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Raphael Estoc (Lv 8) 4000+ Talim Maira Kari (Lv 8) 4000+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Cassandra ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Taki ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Voldo ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Nightmare Soul Edge (Lv 8) 4000+ Astaroth Broba (Lv 8) 4000+ Ivy Demon Tail (Lv 8) 4000+ Kilik Dual Rod (Lv 8) 4000+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Maxi ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Necrid Ifanal Edge (Lv 8) 4000+ Spawn Redeemer (Lv 8) 4000+ Sophitia Shinval (Lv 8) 4000+ Seung Mina ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Cervantes Stex (Lv 8) 4000+ Talim 3P Costume ? Mitsurugi 3P Costume ? Subchapter 1 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Exhibition Theater 6900 Talim Exhibition Theater 3500 Yangsung Exhibition Theater 4000 Cassandra Exhibition Theater 4200 Mitsurugi Exhibition Theater 2300 Taki Exhibition Theater 2500 Voldo Exhibition Theater 2800 Nightmare Exhibition Theater 2600 Astaroth Exhibition Theater 2700 Ivy Exhibition Theater 3100 Kilik Exhibition Theater 3000 Xianghua Exhibition Theater 3700 Maxi Exhibition Theater 3200 Necrid Exhibition Theater 4300 Spawn Exhibition Theater 5000 Sophitia Exhibition Theater 3300 Seung Mina Exhibition Theater 2900 Yoshimitsu Exhibition Theater 4600 Charade Exhibition Theater 4600 Cervantes Exhibition Theater 2600 Subchapter 2 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Stick (Lv 11) 12500+ Talim ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Cassandra ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Taki ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Voldo Tambara (Lv 11) 12500+ Nightmare Greol (Lv 11) 12500+ Astaroth ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Ivy P. Ivy Blade (Lv 11) 12500+ Kilik ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Maxi ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Necrid Faji Whip (Lv 11) 12500+ Spawn Solo (Lv 11) 12500+ Sophitia ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Seung Mina ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Yoshimitsu Sheperd Creek (Lv 11) 12500+ Cervantes ??? (Lv 11) 12500+ Sophitia 3P Costume 51000 Seung Mina 3P Costume 21000 Subchapter 3 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Shuvaisha (Lv 6) 2200+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Voldo Heavy Gul (Lv 6) 2200+ Nightmare Requiem (Lv 6) 2200+ Astaroth Tabel (Lv 6) 2200+ Kilik ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Maxi ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Necrid Ruminas Septent (Lv 6) 2200+ Spawn Reaper (Lv 6) 2200+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Cervantes Pregeton (Lv 6) 2200+ Raphael Oriantra (Lv 7) 3000+ Yangsung Ram Dao (Lv 7) 3000+ Mitsurugi Talwal (Lv 7) 3000+ Voldo Kama & Mara (Lv 7) 3000+ Nightmare Faust (Lv 7) 3000+ Astaroth ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Kilik Amudo (Lv 7) 3000+ Maxi Flail ??? (Lv 7) 3000+ Necrid Jinx Hoe (Lv 7) 3000+ Spawn Vengeance (Lv 7) 3000+ Yoshimitsu Pakyan (Lv 7) 3000+ Cervantes Cocytus (Lv 7) 3000+ Raphael Estoc (Lv 8) 4000+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Mitsurugi ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Voldo ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Nightmare Soul Edge (Lv 8) 4000+ Astaroth Broba (Lv 8) 4000+ Kilik Dual Rod (Lv 8) 4000+ Maxi ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Necrid Ifanal Edge (Lv 8) 4000+ Spawn Redeemer (Lv 8) 4000+ Yoshimitsu ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Cervantes Stex (Lv 8) 4000+ Subchapter 4 ------------------------------------------------ Talim Chakou (Lv 6) 2200+ Cassandra Kashivalgel (Lv 6) 2200+ Taki ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Ivy Viper Edge (Lv 6) 2200+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 6) 2200+ Sohphitia Flameton (Lv 6) 2200+ Seung Mina Beldisha (Lv 6) 2200+ Talim Kao Ankana (Lv 7) 3000+ Cassandra Red Crystal Rod (Lv 7) 3000+ Taki Silent Edge (Lv 7) 3000+ Ivy Alraune (Lv 7) 3000+ Sohphitia Gladius (Lv 7) 3000+ Seung Mina Halberd (Lv 7) 3000+ Talim Maira Kari (Lv 8) 4000+ Cassandra ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Taki ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Ivy Demon Tail (Lv 8) 4000+ Xianghua ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Sophitia Shinval (Lv 8) 4000+ Seung Mina ??? (Lv 8) 4000+ Talim 3P Costume ? Cassandra 3P Costume 76500 Taki 3P Costume ? Ivy 3P Costume ? Xianghua 3P Costume ? Extra Chapter 1 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Talim Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Yangsung Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Cassandra Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Mitsurugi Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Taki Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Voldo Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Nightmare Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Astaroth Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Ivy Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Kilik Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Xianghua Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Maxi Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Necrid Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Spawn Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Sophitia Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Seung Mina Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Yoshimitsu Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Cervantes Soul Edge (Lv 9) 7800+ Raphael 3P Costume ? Mitsurugi 3P Costume ? Voldo 3P Costume ? Nightmare 3P Costume ? Astaroth 3P Costume ? Extra Chapter 2 ------------------------------------------------ Raphael Queens Guard (Lv 10) 9800+ Talim Soul Calibur (Lv 10) 9800+ Yangsung ??? (Lv 10) 9800+ Cassandra Valkyrie (Lv 10) 9800+ Mitsurugi Damascus Sword (Lv 10) 9800+ Taki Kris Niga (Lv 10) 9800+ Voldo Giroten (Lv 10) 9800+ Nightmare Soul Calibur (Lv 10) 9800+ Astaroth Thanatos (Lv 10) 9800+ Ivy Grid Scope (Lv 10) 9800+ Kilik ??? (Lv 10) 9800+ Xianghua Soul Calibur (Lv 10) 9800+ Maxi Vajura (Lv 10) 9800+ Necrid Chaos (Lv 10) 9800+ Spawn Abomination (Lv 10) 9800+ Sophitia Orhalcion (Lv 10) 9800+ Seung Mina Fresbarge (Lv 10) 9800+ Yoshimitsu Hihiirokane (Lv 10) 9800+ Cervantes Reach (Lv 10) 9800+ Talim 3P Costume ? Cassandra 3P Costume ? Taki 3P Costume ? Voldo 3P Costume ? Xianghua 3P Costume ? Sophitia 3P Costume ? Seung Mina 3P Costume ? Ending (Arcade Ver.) 5000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ X. Collection Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1: Unlock Character: Sophitia 2: Unlock Character: Seung Mina 3: Unlock Character: Yoshimitsu 4: Unlock Character: Charade 5: Unlock Character: Cervantes 6: Character Profile: Raphael - Unlock by beating Arcade mode with character 7: Exhibition Mode: Raphael 8: Extra Costume: Raphael 9: Character Profile: Talim 10: Exhibition Mode: Talim 11: Extra Costume: Talim 12: Character Profile: Yansung 13: Exhibition Mode: Yansung 14: Character Profile: Cassandra 15: Exhibition Mode: Cassandra 16: Extra Costume: Cassandra 17: Character Profile: Mitsurugi 18: Exhibition Mode: Mitsurugi 19: Extra Costume: Mitsurugi 20: Character Profile: Taki 21: Exhibition Mode: Taki 22: Extra Costume: Taki 23: Character Profile: Voldo 24: Exhibition Mode: Voldo 25: Extra Costume: Voldo 26: Character Profile: Nightmare 27: Exhibition Mode: Nightmare 28: Extra Costume: Nightmare 29: Character Profile: Astaroth 30: Exhibition Mode: Astaroth 31: Extra Costume: Astaroth 32: Character Profile: Ivy 33: Exhibition Mode: Ivy 34: Extra Costume: Ivy 35: Character Profile: Kilik 36: Exhibition Mode: Kilik 37: Character Profile: Xianghua 38: Exhibition Mode: Xianghua 39: Extra Costume: Xianghua 40: Character Profile: Maxi 41: Exhibition Mode: Maxi 42: Character Profile: Necrid 43: Exhibition Mode: Necrid 44: Character Profile: Spawn 45: Exhibition Mode: Spawn 46: Character Profile: Sophitia 47: Exhibition Mode: Sophitia 48: Extra Costume: Sophitia 49: Character Profile: Seung Mina 50: Exhibition Mode: Seung Mina 51: Extra Costume: Seung Mina 52: Character Profile: Yoshimitsu 53: Exhibition Mode: Yoshimitsu 54: Character Profile: Charade 55: Exhibition Mode: Charade 56: Character Profile: Cervantes 57: Exhibition Mode: Cervantes 58: Extra Arcade - Unlock by beating Arcade mode once 59: ? 60: Extra Time Attack (Standard) 61: Extra Time Attack (Alternative) 62: Extra Time Attack (Extreme) 63: Extra Survival (Standard) 64: Extra Survival (Death Match) 65: Extra Survival (No Recovery) 66: Extra Team Battle 67: ? 68: Extra Practice 69: Art Gallery (Hi End) 70: Art Gallery (Illustrations) 71: Art Gallery (Special) 72: Battle Theater 73: Weapon Gallery 74: Weapon Master Opening 75: Weapon Master Ending 76: ? 77: ? 78: Ending (Arcade Ver.) 79: Unlock Stage: Yin-Yang 80: Unlock Stage: Front of Castle on Water 81: Unlock Stage: Money Pit 82: Unlock Stage: Egypt 83: Unlock Stage: Labyrinth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XI. Administrivia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sources: All information so far comes from either the game itself, the manual, or my own head. Contacting Me: If you have any corrections to what has already been covered in this guide so far, please send a note to for inclusion in the next revision. Please include the phrase "Your FAQ" in the subject header to avoid my spam filter. Please do not ask if you can display this guide on your own site. The answer is no. It is an exclusive to GameFAQs. If you need additional gameplay help or advice, do not mail me about it. Instead, I recommend the GameFAQs message boards for this title: (GameCube) (PS2) (Xbox) Copyright Notice: This document is Copyright 2003 Jeff "CJayC" Veasey. It may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site outside of GameFAQs. It may not be distributed electronically outside of the GameFAQs web site, and it may not be distributed otherwise at all. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public format is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ---EOF---