SOUL CALIBUR... II! 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WWMBBXVVVYVYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYVVXXXVVVVVVVVXXVVVVXVVVVVVYVVVVYYY Xianghua In-Depth Character FAQ Hello, The Seabiscuit here with a character FAQ for Chai Xianghua from Soul Calibur II. This file is copyright 2003, 2004 The Seabiscuit. This file should *NOT* appear anywhere else other than If you find this file hosted elsewhere, please contact me at This file is to be used for personal use only. You may link to, but please donot link directly to this file. Version notes: This is the first version, I'm going to call it version 0.74, and it contains Xianghua's profile, weapons information, miscellaneous information, character ending, and collections. The only incomplete part is her movelist (sorry, but that takes the longest to transcribe from the game!). Also still to come is Xianghua's quote list, and anything else I can think of. Update, 11-06-03: Version .90 completed movelist Update, 11-12-03: Version 1.0 added dialogue, ASCII picture Update, 11-18-04: I can't believe it's been over a year already. Wow. Anyway, I noticed that this had an email address that I don't use anymore, so I put in a new one. Sorry if you've been trying to contact me. The new address is and should work just fine. No other changes have been made to the guide. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Profile 2. Moves A moves B moves Kicks Throws Misc Signature Quick Powerful 3. Weapons 4. Costumes & Collections 5. Ending 6. Voice Acting 7. Misc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. PROFILE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Chai Xianghua Age: 20 Birthplace: Ming Empire/Peking Height: 5'0 Weight: 101 lbs. Birth Date: April 2 Blood Type: B Weapon: Chinese Sword Weapon Name: No Name Discipline: Sword Play passed down from her mother Family: Mother/Deceased Father/Deceased, according to her mother Xianghua became a member of the royal guard with her skillful swordsmanship nurtured since childhood. She was then assigned on a mission to find Soul Edge. Unfortunately, the Emperor's hand-picked search party failed to produce the "Hero's Sword." Truthfully, Xianghua had found the sword, but she disobeyed her orders and destroyed the demonic weapon after learning its true nature. Falling into disfavor with the Emperor, Xianghua was stripped of her rank and reassigned to a menial position. One day, news reached Xianghua that the Emperor attacked a castle that supposedly housed a member of the search party who had found the Hero's Sword, but refused to hand over the weapon to the Emperor. Soldiers were dispatched and the castle fell, but the sword was never found. Xianghua was summoned, for they required her knowledge and experience. Xianghua had destroyed the evil sword. Soul Edge did not exist in this world. But the investigation proved otherwise. Xianghua heard rumors of Soul Edge fragments that existed in this place. If this proved to be the truth, she had to find every single fragment and crush them down until nothing remained! Xianghua left on a journey, words of her mother echoing in her mind. "Cut your path through an uncertain future..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. MOVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A moves Move Name Press Hits Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Beautiful Rhythm A A B HHM 2. Beautiful Rhtyhm~Bea Her Hua A A 2 (8) HH SP/GI 3. Swallow Blade (During Bea Her Hua) A H 4. Rhythm Blade (During Bea Her Hua) B H 5. Tzao Lan Hua Rhythm A A 4B B HHMMM 6. False Tzao Lan Hua Rhythm A A 4B B B HHMMH 7. Tzao Lan Hua Rhythm (cancel) A A 4B B G HHMM SP 8. Cross Lian Hun 6A H 9. Striking Lian Hua 66A H 10. Angry Shui Shan 3A K LH 11. Angry Shui Shan (cancel) 3A K G L SP 12. Rhythm Halt 2A SM 13. Chai Hua 1A L 14. Storming Lian Hua 4A M 15. Lan Hua Slice 44A M 16. Lan Hua (Hold) 44[A] MH 17. Muu Jiann A+B MM 18. Muu Jiann (Hold) [A]+[B] MM GB 19. Muaa Jian Advance 6A+B MM 20. Great Wall 44A+B MM 21. Lian Hua Cannon 3A+B M 22. Yann Divide 2A+B L 23. Reverse Shui Shian 1A+B M 24. Reverse Shui Shian (cancel) 1[A]+[B] SP ~Downed position 25. Guei while down on ground A+B L 26. Muu Jiann Retreat 4A+B MM GI 27. Ma Chiueh 44A+B H 28. Lian Hua Kicks 2A+K K LMM 29. Lian Hua Sweeps 2A+K 2K LL 30. Lian Hua Twist Left aB M 31. Feng Yun Feint aK B MML 32. Feng Yun Feint (Side Movement) aK 2(8)B MML SP 33. Double Feng Yun aK K MMM 34. Striking Lian Hua [6]B H 35. Li [3]([9])A M 36. Spinning Lian Hua [2]([8])A M 37. Ing Hua [1]([7])A H 38. Lan Hua Slice [4]A M 39. Ma Chiueh [4]([3],[9],[2],[8],[1],[7])A+B H 40. Hou Lee [6]([3],[9],[2],[8],[1],[7],{4})A+K SP 41. Muu Jiann Rhythm while rising A A MM 42. Mei Hua Dance while crouching A+B A LHH 43. Mei Hua Divide while crouching A+B B LHH 44. Mei Hua Carve while crouching A+B 2B LHL B moves Move Name Press Hits Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Elegant Rhythm B B MM 2. Advancing Rhythm 6B A HM 3. Advancing Rhythm Delay 6B A HM 4. Deadly Rhythm 6B B HL 5. Deadly Rhythm Delay 6B B HL 6. Playful Rhythm~Laughing Bea Her Hua 66B4 M SP/GI 7. Playful Rhythm 66B B MM 8. Playful Rhythm~Laughing Bea Her Hua 66B B4 MM SP/GI 9. Lian Hua Upper 3B M 10. Rhythm Break 2B M 11. Shan Ji 1B A ML 12. Shan Ji Delay 1B A ML 13. Shan Ji Illusion 1B (max delay)A MM 14. Shan Ji Cancel 1B A G M SP 15. Tzao Lan Hua 4B B MMM 16. Tzao Lan Hua Dance 4B B A MMH 17. Tzao Lan Hua Feint 4B B B MMH 18. Tzao Lan Hua Cancel 4B B G MM SP 19. Vengeful Lian Hua 44B M 20. Vengeful Lian Hua~Laughing Bea Her Hua 44B4 M SP/GI 21. Twin Mei Hua B+K MM 22. Waterfall 4B+K M 23. Waterfall Cancel 4B+K G SP 24. Waterfall~Bea Her Hua 4B+K 2(8) SP/GI 25. Advancing Bea Her Hua 44B+K SP/GI 26. Lower Great Wall 3B+K M 27. Quake Step 2B+K M SP/GI 28. Quake Step Cancel 2B+K G SP 29. Hwu Dye 1B+K M 30. Muu Ling 4B+K M U 31. Muu Ling Cancel 4B+K G SP 32. Retreating Bea Her Hua 44B+K SP/GI 33. Sweet Harmony bA A MM GI 34. Sweet Harmony Delay bA A MM GI 35. False Mirror bK B MMM 36. False Mirror Feint bK B B MML 37. San Jaan [3]([9])B MMM 38. San Jaan Cancel [3]([9])B G M SP 39. Playful Slice [2]([8])B M 40. Vengeful Lian Hua [4]([1],[7])B M 41. Vengeful Lian Hua~ [4]([1],[7])B4 M SP/GI Laughing Bea Her Hua 42. Bea Her Hua [3]([9],[2],[8],[1],[7])B+K SP/GI 43. Shiang Ryh Kwei while rising B MM 44. Shiang Gyh Kwei Feint while crouching bA L 45. Shiang Gyh Kwei Feint Cancel while crouching bA G SP 46. Mei Guei Hua while crouching 3B M 47. Mei Guei Hua Feint while crouching bB L Kicks Move Name Press Hits Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Heh Kick 6K H 2. Woan Shyong Combo 44K B MM 3. Woan Shyong Combo Cancel 44K B G M SP 4. Sheau Shan Kick 3K L 5. Woan Shyong Nibble 2K L 6. Circle Breaker 1K L 7. Shan Kick 4K H 8. Ta 44K M 9. Mei Hua Circle kB B MM 10. Mei Hua Circle kB 8B MM 11. Circle Breaker Feint Divide 1kA A B MMML 12. Circle Breaker Feint Divide 1kA A K MMMM Double Feng Yun 13. Swallow's Blade [3]([9])K A HH 14. Swallow Blade~Bea Her Hua [3]([9])K A B+K HH SP/GI 15. Mei Hua Circle [2]([8])K B MM 16. Mei Hua Circle [2]([8])K 8B MM 17. Circle Breaker [1]([7])K L 18. Ta [4]K M 19. Circle Breaker Feint Divide [1]([7])kA A B MMML 20. Circle Breaker Fient Divide [1]([7])kA A K MMMM Double Feng Yun 21. Rising Shui Sian while rising K M Throws Move Name Press ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Yuen Chuei Shaur approach enemy A+G 2. Long Ling Sheang approach enemy B+G 3. Yuh Luen Shaur approach enemy from behind A+G or B+G 4. Tien E Sheang approach enemy from the left A+G or B+G 5. Yng Dyi Yann approach enemy from the right A+G or B+G 6. Wind Chime approach enemy 214B+G Misc. Move Name Press Hits Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Hou Lee A+K SP 2. Lower Great Wall First spin of Hou Lee B M 3. Hou Lee (Hold) [A]+[K] SP 4. Lower Great Wall Punishment Second spin of Hou Lee B M GB Signature Move Name Press Hits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Playful Rhythm 44B B MM 2, Lower Great Wall First spin of Hou Lee B M 3. Vengeful Lian Hua 44B M 4. Angry Shui Shian 3A K LH Quick Move Name Press Hits ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Beautiful Rhythm A A B HHM 2. Lian Hua Upper 3B M 3. Heh Kick 6K H 4. Advancing Rhythm 6B A HM Powerful Move Name Press Hits Attributes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Muu Ling 4B+K M U 2. Lower Great Wall Punishment second spin of Hou Lee B M GB 3. San Jaan [3]([9])B MMM 4. Muu Jiann (Hold) [A]+[B] MM GB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. WEAPONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --No Name 1P/2P-- Most familiar and well-balanced weapon for her. Xianghua's starting weapon. After the fight with Soul Edge four yeasr ago, an old man carrying this nameless sword paid a visit to Xianghua. He referred to himself as a master swordsman and gave this sword to Xianghua as thanks for stopping Soul Edge, then immediately left again for parts unknown. It is an exceedingly well-balanced weapon. --Kard-- Powerful single strikes with SC, but lacks offense. Purchase in Chapter 1 or Chapter 2 A Persian short sword shaped like a kitchen knife. It entered into use in the Mughal Empire in India starting in the sixteenth century and eventually became the most commonly used short sword in the Empire. Its small size means that it does not deliver enormous damage, but it is easy to score hits upon the opponent. --Northern Star-- Powerful single strikes, but easy to lose balance. Purchase in Chapter 2 A magic short sword bearing special markings. Some ships' crews use this sword to ritually carve a star into the mast of their ship as a prayer for safe sailing. Its sharp point makes it good for attacking, but it is not suited for defensive use. --Soul Calibur (Evil)-- Offense increases with SC, but requires energy to wield. Complete Chapter 5, Stage 2 Paradise of Altair (Defeat yourself!) After being exposed to the poisonous evil of Soul Edge for an extended period of time, Soul Calibur was eventually taken over by the cursed sword. This form of Soul Calibur contains great power, but it is incredibly unstable. --Kopis-- Penetrates defenses, but has short reach. Purchase in Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, or Chapter 6 An ancient Greek sword used extensively throughout the Mediterranean coast. Its curved blade can penetrate an opponent's defense and successfully deliver damage. In general, those that exist today are all ancient artifacts and in no shape to be used as weapons, but there are some like this one that are in good condition. --Qi Xing Sword-- Long reach and has powerful single strikes, but lacks offense/defense. Purchase in Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, or Subchapter 4 A treasured sword said to have been used by a sage who lived in the sacred mountains of Kunlun in China. It is said that he used the sword as part of a ritual to prepare the elixirs of immortality. The 'Qi Xing (Seven Stars)'of its name refers to the seven stars of the big dipper, said to govern death. Since it is not really a weapon it doesn't inflict much damage, but it has great resistive power against an enemy blade. --Krita-Yuga-- Health recovers with SC. Purchase in Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Subchapter 4 One of the three treasures of the Ling-Sheng Su Temple. It is said that it changes form based on its surroundings. It was lost into a void during the battle with Soul Edge four years ago. According to legend, it fills its wielder with overflowing vitality. --Blue Storm-- Long reach and has good offense, but vulnerable to impact. Purchase in Chapter 9, Chapter 10, and Subchapter 4 A Tang dynasty Chinese long sword passed down as a family treasure through members of the Seung family in Korea. It was carried by Korea's greatest hero on his first quest for Soul Edge and aided him greatly on his journey. It saw a number of fierce battles along the way and is somewhat worn. --Soul Edge (Complete)-- Fearsome demonic weapon said to increases in power with SC... Purchase in Extra Chapter 1 An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter -- which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discpline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It increases its cuttin power by enhancing and then devouring the spirit of its wielder. --Soul Calibur-- Legendary weapon. Wield it to discover its true power! Purchase in Extra Chapter 2 The spirit sword that has fought countless battles against Soul Edge behind the scenes of history, unbeknownst to man. It reacts to those of pure heart and gives its wielder the power to counter darkness. Just like the dark sword, it can change form. It is the true form of the Krita-Yuga. It is a blessed blade that fills its wielder with power and strikes at the forces of evil. --Calligraphy Brush-- It's not much of a weapon, but it is still a fabled item. Purchase in Subchapter 2 A tool for writing letters with ink. Among members of the Chai family in China, well-known for the number of successful military men it has produced, there is a story of a Chai ancestor that once fought off an assassin with a brush such as this one. It's not really a weapon, but perhaps that will cause opponents to let down their guard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. COSTUMES AND COLLECTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can collect 88 unlockables in the game. Xianghua's are numbers 40, 41, and 42 40 is her profile, which you get when you complete Arcade mode with Xianghua. 41 is her weapon demonstration, which you buy in Subchapter 1 of Weapon Master Mode. 42 is her 3rd costume, which you can buy in three different shops in Weapon Master Mode: Chapter 7, Subchapter 4, or Extra Chapter 2. It will cost around 24000 unless you use Xianghua a lot, in which case the price is inflated. Costume 1P: Hair color is brown. She wears light blue and purple, with a blue band in her hair. Her shoes are purple. Costume 2P: Hair color is brown. This outfit is mostly red, with some gold & blue accents. Her shoes are red. Costume 3P: Hair color is reddish brown and pulled up. She wears a short black dress, black leggings, and black shoes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. ENDING (Arcade Mode) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reunited with her sacred sword, Xianghua became an ethereal light within the evil aura. The malevolent entity perished, unable to sustain its existence against such power. Her sword then fell silent -- perhaps it knew it had fulfilled its purpose. Xianghua headed home with it in hand. To put an end to the ever-growing rumors about the evil sword, she never lie again as she journeyed home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. VOICE ACTING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the English version of the game, her character voice is provided by Wendee Lee. English spoken words: Here I come! OK, time to say your prayers! Are you sure youwant to fight? Come on! Go me! You're going to regret this! Last chance if you want to quit! We live in a dangerous world. Don't worry, it'll be over soon. There's no turning back. Show me what you've got! You're gonna be sorry! Don't cry, okay? Come and get me! Justice will prevail! Just kidding! I'm stronger than all of you! That was great! Yeah! Hope you ahve a long life! Just kidding! Here we go! I said no mercy! How's that? Do you want more?! That was fun! That's that. Oh, was I being a meany? How's that? I said no mercy! Huh? How?! What?! Sorry I'm late, I'll get you this time! I can't let you go any further, Kilik. Evil must be destroyed! It's the only way! What you're trying to do is too dangerous! Here... ...we go! Forget it! Gotcha! Shut up! Eat this! Here's another! Go away! Stay there! How's this? Sorry! Tricked ya! How's that? Dummy! Just kidding! Just kidding (this one is spoken differently) Hey! Interestingly enough, in her destined battle in Arcade mode, her lines differ slightly from what they are in her profile. It begins when Xianghua walks towards Kilik and says "Kilik." After he tells her she can't fight it with strength alone, she assumes a fighting pose and says "I can't let you go any further." In the Japanese version, her character voice is provided by Aya Hisakawa. Japanese spoken words (translated) You think you can keep up with me? OK, time to say your prayers! Are you sure you want to fight? Come and get me! Go me! You're going to regret this! Last chance if you want to quit! We live in a dangerous world! Looks like we got ourselves a fight! Don't worry, it'll be over soon. I guess there's no turning back! Show me what you've got! I'm not going to hold back! Don't cry, okay? It won't hurt that much. Last chance to apologize! Justice will prevail! Just kidding! Not bad, huh? How did you like my deadly skills? Hope you have a long life! Just kidding! How did you like that? Okay! I said no mercy! How's that? Do you want more? You asked for it! How was that? I said no mercy! Thanks, that was fun! We live in a dangerous world. That was great! That's that. You can't believe it? Too bad for you! How was that? I said no mercy! Hey! What?! That wasn't enough?! I'll get you this time! Get out of my way, Kilik! Evil must be destroyed! What you're trying to do is too dangerous! How about... ...this?! You're mine! There! I got you! Go! Here's another! It's useless! Hey! Don't even think you can dodge this! How's this? Sorry! Tricked you! How was that? You didn't expect that, did you? Just kidding! Just kidding! (pronounced differently) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. MISC. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xianghua's rival (in WMM and Arcade mode) is Kilik. Name is pronounced "Zshahn-gwa" Her stage (seen in her profile) is the Xiwei Seige Ruins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legal Soul Calibur II is registered to Namco. GameCube is registered to Nintendo. Some text in this guide has been transcribed directly from Soul Calibur II. Xianghua ASCII image by This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.