Game: Spawn: Armageddon Guide: In-Game Data Author: David "TigerhawkT3" Muller Email: Version: 1.00 Date: 10/31/04 Version History: 1.12, 10/08/05: Updated my email address. 1.11, 10/01/05: Added to the Introduction. 1.10, 09/29/05: Added lots of extra info. 1.00, 10/31/04: Wrote the entire guide. Table Of Contents: I. Introduction II. The Manual A. The Story B. Game Areas 1. The Bowery 2. Warehouse District 3. Central Business District 4. Subway 5. Central Park 6. Hell 7. Angel Space Station C. Weapons 1. Agony 2. Chains 3. Sawed Off Shotgun 4. Semi-Auto Pistols 5. Madcap Sub-Machine Gun 6. Mini-Gun 7. Brimstone Cannon 8. Burst Missile Launcher 9. Inferno Cannon D. Hell Powers 1. Necroplasm Ball 2. Necroplasm Beam 3. Demonic Fury 4. Hell Speed 5. Necroshield E. Characters 1. Mammon 2. Malebolgia 3. Violator F. Enemies 1. Imp 2. Angel Warrior 3. Whip Demon 4. Guardian Demon III. Encyclopedia IV. Legal Stuff Introduction ------------ This FAQ is intended to provide factual information about Spawn: Armageddon to whoever wants to know. This includes data from the manual and the complete in-game Encyclopedia of enemies. Some data from the manual, including descriptions of the weapons and Hell Powers, are also available within the game's pause screen. Part II, Section F (The Manual, Enemies) contains the manual's sample descriptions of four of the game's enemies. These descriptions are different from those in the Encyclopedia entries, so they have been included. Each Encyclopedia Enemy has four entries. In the game, new entries are unlocked as you defeat each enemy. The Encyclopedia Entries are separated and in the proper order, as are the Enemies themselves. Data from the Encyclopedia are transcribed as accurately as possible. The exceptions are: 1) The font used in this portion of the game has no uppercase. I have changed the case of certain letters where appropriate. And 2) the font does not seem to have the semicolon character. I have inserted this character where appropriate. This guide will obviously contain some spoilers. My comments are in square brackets. To see this guide and a preview of the comic covers, visit my site at: Manual ------ Story: Al Simmons was a man split by his devotion to his beloved wife, Wanda, and his dedication to his job. Unfortunately, his job was as a professional assassin working for Jason Wynn, the corrupt head of the United States Security Group. Somehow, Simmons managed to balance these two contradictory drives for years, but eventually his compassion for others made him distrust and question his orders. Before he knew what was happening, Wynn had him torched to death by a fellow operative. But Al Simmons came back - he made a deal with Malebolgia, a master of Hell; a deal which has made his death far more complicated than his life ever was. For now he is a Hellspawn, destined to be a general in Hell's army when the Apocalypse comes, destined even to bring about the Apocalypse no matter how desperately he tries to escape from his future. On a decrepit rooftop above New York City's forgotten back streets, Spawn reflects on the decisions he made in life that condemned him to this wretched existence. As he bemoans his fate, a violently green shaft of light strikes down from the sky, sending a shockwave of incandescent energy flooding through the city. To Spawn's surprise, the people and structures of New York don't seem to be affected by the unexpected impact. But when the wall of green fire hits Spawn he feels his symbiotic costume writhe in pain, and he is hurled backwards. Only by grabbing a nearby water tower does he avoid being helplessly cast down into the streets below... Spawn recovers from the blast, his eyes narrowing as he contemplates the implications of this supernatural assault... Little does he realize that a chance to reverse his ill fortunes has been laid before him... [Al Simmons worked for the government. Wynn killed him. He came back, but he had to make a deal with the devil. It may not have been such a good idea. Now, he's sitting around and gets blasted by light the color of Necroplasm. That sets his "Spawney Senses" tingling.] Game Areas: The Bowery: The Bowery is the darkest, dankest area of New York City; it is here that Spawn has found a new home, among the detritus of human life. He shares the back alleys with the homeless riff-raff of the city and the vermin that feed on humanity's castaways and give the area its nickname - Rat City. Spawn has claimed this area as his own, but when hordes of lesser demons begin to scurry through the alleyways, he sets out to put them in their place... Warehouse District: Al Simmons once worked for Jason Wynn, a man with more secrets and hidden agendas than his superiors even suspect. For his own protection, Wynn keeps a private army of dedicated security guards equipped with the latest in military technology. These weapons arrive at regular intervals and are stored in nondescript, yet heavily defended, warehouses on the coast of Manhattan Island. When faced with innumerable demonic adversaries, Spawn thinks back on Al Simmons' military knowledge, and decides to arm himself with some of Jason's latest deliveries... Central Business District: The glitzier areas of New York are characterized by their shining shop windows, towering office blocks, , theatres and teeming citizens. Howerver, demonic influence is spreading throughout the city, stemming such bright happiness - time is running out for Spawn to stop the spread of Malebolgia's army before it engulfs the entire world! Now the streets are filled with a paranoid foreboding; the building facades are gloomy and overbearing. Demonic cackles herald an era of human subjugation at the hands of hellish masters - and yet the golden spire that is Angel Tower looks down upon all of this with an unearthly detachment. Can Spawn find the secrets behind the Angels' cold, uncaring surveillance? Subway: As if the filth of the Bowery was not enough, Spawn is forced into the abandoned subway system deep below New York's current thundering railways. The dark tunnels hide many secrets, guarded by loathsome creatures that try to suck Spawn's very life-essence away. But his determined nature must pull him through intact if he is ever to find the many answers he seeks... Central Park: "Spawn finds that the center of Hellish activity in New York is in Central Park. The natural haven has become a twisted nightmare of grasping branches and demonic infection. The darkness between the trees has eyes, and they watch with malice as Spawn uncovers a plot even more diabolical than he could ever have feared... Hell: In desperation, Spawn finally returns to the land of his terrible rebirth. There, surrounded by jealous Souls that are forever tormented for their sins, he confronts his creator and nemesis in a battle of the wills that could rewrite his entire future... Angel Space Station: Spawn finds himself in the last place he ever imagined he would see with his own eyes. But here he will find redemption - or eternal damnation... Weapons: Agony: The physical manifestation of Spawn's own tormented Soul. By concentrating on his own rage and utilizing his cape as a focal point, Spawn can summon this weapon and utilize its blades to cut through practically anything. While capable of incredible damage, Agony can only be wielded by Spawn, as his direct contact channels its existence into solid form. Agony has the tendency to absorb the blood of Spawn's enemies into itself. Spawn often wonders if this trait will have a prolonged effect on him after he dismisses the axe. [This is one of Spawn's most powerful weapons. It doesn't necessarily do the most damage per hit, but it has a fast attack speed and can knock enemies off balance. It also provides unique attacks to defeat certain enemies like the Claw Demon and the Fire Demon.] Chains: Two glistening metallic chains bolt out at Spawn's enemies and attack with snakelike accuracy and speed. These chains can be used singly or together. Together, they can hold an enemy in the air with incredible prehensile strength. The Chains are Spawn's default long range weapon, since they never run out of ammunition. They can also be used to pull Spawn up to otherwise inaccessible places - when a Chain Icon lights up yellow, press the L Button to pull Spawn over to it. Max: - Type: Single Action Rate: 1/Second Range: Short Damage: Low [These are powerful enough for many enemies, especially in the beginning of the game, when you can keep your distance from Imps and the like and simply carve them up without fear of retaliation. I myself have never found use for (never used) the hold referenced in the manual and options menu, but you should probably try it out anyway.] Sawed Off Shotgun: One of Spawn's most devastating close range weapons - a double-barreled, sawn-off, breech loading shotgun. Pulling the trigger looses two barrels of wrath and destruction. Capable of tremendous damage at close range, the weapon loses much of its effectiveness at further distances. Max: 20/30/40 Type: Double Action Rate: 1/Second Range: Short Damage: Medium [They would have been better off with an unmodified, semi-automatic shotgun firing solid or incendiary slugs (preferably with an extended or box magazine). As it stands, this shotgun really is a very close-range weapon. Stick it into an Imp's face, pull the trigger, and watch the body fall while Spawn reloads.] Semi-Auto Pistols: A pair of high caliber, armor-piercing pistols. Developed by a company under Jason Wynn's influence, these very effective weapons were intended for use against Spawn and other Hell-born creatures. Wholly capable of great damage, these weapons have been produced in order to outfit Wynn's personal strike force in the event of a confrontation with the Hellspawn. Max: 60/90/120 Type: Semi-Auto Rate: 8/Second Range: Medium Damage: Low [You might think that these pistols should be big, bulky, and powerful, but they're really more like a slower version of the Madcap, described below.] Madcap Sub-Machine Gun: A set of sub-machine guns that utilize a large caliber of bullet. The design of the weapon allows for higher accuracy at farther distances while the ammo maintains a high armor-piercing potential. Intended for use against lightly armored vehicles and armored personnel, these sub-machine guns excel in both aspects. The guns are known for the bulky clip attached to their underside. Max: 120/150/180 Type: Full-Auto Rate: 10/Second Range: Medium Damage: Low [These are quite useful. Spawn alternates bursts from each gun, keeping up an almost constant stream of fire. These weapons really shine when going up against an enemy that does powerful melee damage or fires damaging projectiles, as you can move around reasonably quickly when auto-targeting and/or firing.] Mini-Gun: Using multiple, spinning, air-cooled barrels, the Mini-gun is used as a support weapon capable of tearing through entire units of enemies. This particular set of guns has been highly modified - with sufficient support, the user can carry the weapon with one hand. (Developments in muscular enhancements have coincided with the development of this weapon.) Once the trigger is pressed and held, the Mini-guns power up and begin to spin rapidly. A second later they begin to fire at an incredible rate. This short initial spinning period is necessary to keep the weapons from overheating, however it can pose problems for the user if an instant response is required. Max: 150/300/500 Type: Full-Auto Rate: 15/Second Range: Long Damage: Low [A pair of awesome weapons. They take a few moments to spin up, but most (not all) of the time, it's not an issue at all. It's lucky that Spawn is at the helm, because cannons like these would be far too much for an ordinary human to handle. Spawn sets his feet shoulder-width apart, lifts the guns, and fires, with the game's auto-targeting system rotating you and tilting the weapons up and down as needed. Spawn can't move about while he fires, but it would take a brave and stupid enemy indeed to charge into this hailstorm of hot lead.] Brimstone Cannon: The Brimstone Cannon was developed by Angel Scientists to use Necroplasm extracted from captured demons as a power source and projectile. Continued use of Necroplasm was found to gradually mutate the weapon until it became a demon itself, so the Scientists developed replaceable cartridges to hold the mutagenic material and extend the life of the cannon. Spawn can wield two Brimstone Cannons simultaneously. Max: 30/50/60 Type: Double Action Rate: 1/Second Range: Long Damage: Medium [Pretty useful, powerful weapons, since they have good range and Spawn can walk around while he fires them. A respectable weapon, but not my favorite.] Burst Missile Launcher: Considered to be the pinnacle of development in anti-tank, support and air-to-ground weaponry, the Burst Fire Missile Launcher is indeed a force to be reckoned with. While boasting a triple-barrel launching assembly, the weapon can still be fired from the hip with no reduction in accuracy. Once a target has been confirmed, the user simply depresses the trigger, and with each cartridge the launcher fires three missiles in succession at its intended target. Once a missile has made contact with any solid object, it explodes, damaging everything within a radius. Max: 15/30/45 Type: Burst-Auto Rate: 3/Second Range: Long Damage: Medium [This thing is powerful. It fires a burst of three untargeted missiles at a target, with at least one of them usually firing at a weird angle and missing completely. There's no option to fire single missiles, Spawn can only walk slowly while he's carrying it, and he can't move at all while he's firing. Try to use this when your target is as large as the proverbial side of a barn.] Inferno Cannon: Another weapon developed by Angel Scientists, the Inferno Cannon is the most incredibly powerful hand held weapon Spawn will find. The Necroplasm that powers the Inferno Cannon has almost completely mutated the weapon until it resembles a bag of bones and guts, but don't let its organic appearance fool you - the Inferno Cannon is capable of tearing apart almost any adversary. The Inferno Cannon fires a projectile that takes several seconds to charge up to its full power. Press and hold the B Button to build up charge. The shot can be released at any time, but maximum damage will only occur at full charge. Max: 3/5/7 Type: Plasma Charge Rate: 1/Second Range: Long Damage: High [This weapon is something else. With such a tiny ammo capacity, it should have some spectacularly powerful effect. As it charges, the skull at the muzzle lowers its jaw, and when the skull is glowing like a lightbulb, release the fire button to let the projectile go. As cool as that sounds, it's not that great. It doesn't really do so much damage, and you can only move at a walk, although it isn't an automatic (rapid-firing) weapon, so you don't have to stop to fire. All in all, this is a weapon with flashy sound and visual effects and many disadvantages, but no real benefits. It's more of a curiosity than a weapon of mass destruction.] Hell Powers: Spawn has five different Hell Powers that he can use in the game. Each power has a different effect, and uses a different amount of Necroplasm. Necroplasm Ball: These are glowing green spheres of Hell Energy that explode on contact. They will intelligently track a locked-on target. [These do good damage and track pretty well. They do great damage to angelic enemies, except for Space Station Crew (ghostly figures with boomerang halos). They don't do such good damage to enemies from Hell, but it's a consistently useful skill. They do splash damage and you can fire them while in the air, too.] Necroplasm Beam: This is a rapidly moving blast of Necroplasm that can blow through multiple targets, causing a lot of damage. The Beam is so called because its projectile moves so quickly that it forms a beam. [Does a little less damage and fires a little slower than the Ball, but seems to do extra damage to Space Station Crew. Experiment with the Ball and Beam in different situations to see which one works best where.] Demonic Fury: This power summons up Hell's fury on a single target, who is attacked by nightmarish horrors; manifestations of Spawn's pure anger. This causes a lot of damage, and incapacitates the victim for a short time. [Does a small, slight amount of damage more than the Ball or Beam, but it takes a few seconds to charge it up and for it to act. You'll probably be interrupted by enemies almost every time you try to use this. A skill with cons this bad should have better pros.] Hell Speed: This power makes Spawn move at superhuman speeds to increase the amount of damage he can cause in the same amount of "time." Spawn will appear to move at normal speeds while everything else slows down. Hit the Hell Power Button once to activate the effect, and again to deactivate it. Beware - Spawn's Necroplasm will be continuously drained. [An amazing Power, especially if you're not worried about Necroplasm. With this active, you can run circles around most enemies and hit them so fast they won't even have time to fall down! Again, an amazing skill.] Necroshield: This shields Spawn's body, reducing damage done to him while the power lasts. It will not make Spawn invulnerable, but can protect him for a short time. The Necroshield emits an unearthly green glow that has the added side-effect of revealing secrets hidden by arcane means. In certain areas of the world, activating the Necroshield will activate hidden sigils, revealing hidden areas. Open these as you would open a door. [Provides extra defense against damage, and it activates those hidden rooms. However, it doesn't provide very much protection at all. You'll probably end up only using it to locate the rooms.] Characters: There are a number of different characters that Spawn meets throughout the game. The story revolves around the following major characters. Mammon: Mammon is one of Spawn's guides and mentors. Or is he? His motives are unclear to Spawn, who isn't sure whether or not he can wholly trust this suave character. However, Mammon is extremely knowledgeable, and Spawn can and will use this to his advantage. Mammon keeps a low profile when he isn't talking with Spawn, preferring to let Spawn act for him. He wears many faces, but usually prefers to exhibit the air of a well-mannered and intelligent gentleman. ["Or is he?" He's not in the Encyclopedia, so he's not an enemy. He seems to have friends/connections in Hell, since he is able to tell Spawn why certain things do or do not happen (especially at the end of the game). He basically pops up now and again and says a few lines. He's not very fearsome.] Malebolgia: Hell has many levels, each suited to a particular kind of torment. Level Eight is governed by Malebolgia, one of the many demon lords of Hell, whose task is to prepare an army to take on the forces of Heaven in the final battle on the fields of Armageddon. A cruel and sadistic master, Malebolgia delights in hand crafting the torments of the Souls sent down to him from the world of the living. Every four hundred years, Malebolgia picks one Soul that stands out above the rest as a leader. He offers that Soul a deal - one that the unsuspecting fool cannot resist, even though it will condemn him to serve Malebolgia forever. That Soul returns to Earth temporarily, to train for its role in the final battle - as a general of Hell's army. The latest Spawn was a man named Al Simmons. [Although he's technically just one of the Devils in the game's Hell, this character can basically be seen as the Devil, because we never see any others. He's fond of torment, bargains, sighing deeply when Spawn falls off a cliff, and long walks on the beach. Of course, the beach is a shore on the Lake of Fire and he walks over people rather than with them, but those are just details.] Violator: Violator is a greater demon who is very high in the eyes of Malebolgia. Violator believes that he is the perfect choice to lead Malebolgia's army, but his master prefers generals chosen from the Souls of mankind, and Violator's bitter jealousy of Spawn has brought them together on many occasions. Now, Violator is aware that time is running out. He ventures out onto the surface to prove his mastery over Spawn once and for all. [The Violator (played by John Leguizamo in the 1997 "Spawn" live-action feature film) is jealous that Spawn gets to lead Hell's army and he doesn't. He tries to brag about his prowess to the Devil by picking fights with Spawn, but he hasn't won yet. Deep down, though, I'm sure he really just wants to be Spawn's best friend, but doesn't know how to show it (you should see how he treats his enemies).] Enemies: The game is filled with demons and angels with different powers and weaknesses. If Spawn can exploit their weaknesses, they become much easier to defeat. Here is a sampling of the different creatures that Spawn will encounter: Imp: Imps are foolish, bullying demons who are arrogant when found in packs but weak and cowardly alone. They hunt in great numbers, cackling insanely at the thought of killing and destroying. [Imps usually show up with lots of pals, but they're also "weak and cowardly" in groups - there are just a lot more of them to deal with. Kill them with Agony, the Shotgun, Spawn's Chains, his big toe, etcetera. They are really pretty weak.] Angel Warrior: These are mid-ranked Angels who have survived several missions in hostile territory. This has a tendency to make young Angels cocky and brash. Only if they can control their ego will they advance to the higher ranks - otherwise they will get themselves killed in the field. [These Angelic enemies wear yellow armor. They can cause "very small rocks" (which are on fire) to hit Spawn on the head and deal some damage, knocking him off balance. This will disrupt your attacks against other enemies, especially if there's more than one Angel Warrior doing this to you somewhere in the room. The barrage can be avoided by constantly moving, so if you see them or feel their spells, run up to them and hack at them with Agony. They're wimps up close. Remember, though, they'll prevent you from attacking other enemies, so, in the words of Agent Smith (in 1999's "The Matrix"), "Find them and destroy them."] Whip Demon: Whipe Demons are tall female greater demons, personifications of malice, taking glee in the despair of others. They thrive on death, and bring death to all who meet them. [These things can slap you around up close and bother you from a distance. Fire while moving (with the Madcap, for example), or work your way up to them and slice them up with agony. Beware of their shield, or "chrysalis," which appears every so often. Wait for it to fade, and then continue.] Guardian Demon: When demons hunt in packs, they are often accompanied by these Guardians, which trap their prey in the hunting zone so that they can be tormented at the demons' leisure. A Guardian Demon's hard shell protects it from any attack and it opens only when the psychic link with the companion demons is broken. [It has no attack and is invulnerable to damage if you haven't fulfilled its requirement. Basically, it's a "clear the room to continue" deal. Kill else, then walk up to it and hit it to proceed.] Encyclopedia ------------ Angel Hunter: 1) Young Angels sent down to hunt lesser demons. Few of them have actually been on a field mission before, and their enthusiasm often counterbalances their inexperience. 2) Angel lances are special weapons designed for killing demons. They store necroplasm for transport to Angel station. 3) Angel Hunters prefer hand-to-hand attacks and can instantly teleport next to their enemy in order to get within range of their Angelic lance attacks. 4) However, their armor is least effective against hand-to-hand attacks levied at them. They take more damage from hits with Agony, especially if they miss with one of their attacks, which leaves them open for counterattack. Angel Warrior: 1) Having survived several missions in hostile territory before, Angel Warriors tend to get a bit cocky about their skills. Only if they can overcome their ego will they advance to the higher ranks. 2) Despite their bravado, Angel Warriors tend to keep their distance from their targets, having learned that, at close range, their armor is less useful. Beware of their prayers, which drop fire from the sky on a distant target. 3) Thanks to their speed and knack of staying far away, guns are less effective against warriors. Hell Power attacks, on the other hand, affect them normally. 4) Angel Warriors are extremely weak against hand-to-hand attacks. If an attacker manages to get close enough, he can cause them some serious damage. Angel Predator: 1) Angels who have reached the higher ranks, Predators wear the least armor to show their contempt for their enemies. They are highly skilled, and most have killed a Hellspawn of two during their career. 2) Angel Predators are constantly on the attack, showering their foe with a constant barrage of hand-to-hand and ranged attacks. 3) All Angel Predators are equipped with a Brimstone Cannon powered by the necroplasm of captured demons. If a target tries to run away from a Predator, she will bring down her kill with this weapon. 4) Like other Angels, Predators are strong against projectile attacks but weaker against hand-to-hand moves. They are sometimes too quick for an attacker to strike at close range, however. Assassin: 1) These incredibly fast Assassins are highly trained killers, even among the Angelic elite. Their speed and marksmanship make them enemies that should not be underestimated for their size. 2) When the Assassins get weak, they begin firing rapid volleys of Brimstone Cannon fire that can wipe out an entire field of lesser demons. 3) Even a Hellspawn should be wary of this barrage and avoid it. Locking onto the Assassin and then jumping sideways is an efficient evasion technique. 4) The Assassins did not believe in the orders to destroy the Earth, so they joined the Reaver the second he approached them with his plans. Berserker: 1) The Berserker is a vaguely humanoid demon with large, razor-sharp blades ending each arm. Possessed by an insatiable appetite for blood and destruction, the Berserker is a dangerous foe. 2) Berserkers can block most small arms fire, including Spawn's Chains. However, they will not move while blocking, which allows an attacker to get within hand to hand range. 3) When their health is low, Berserkers become even more aggressive still, and begin to use a very dangerous attack known as the Soul Prison. It is wise to steer clear of the demon's blades when it initiates this attack. 4) After performing the Soul Prison attack, the Berserker will get its claws stuck in the ground. This is a good time to press the attack with Agony. Brute: 1) These huge warriors are quite slow, but are incredibly strong. Their punches are enhanced by enormous power fists, which can also fire globes of energy. 2) Sometimes, Brutes use the enormous strength in their legs to launch themselves high into the air, intending to land right on their target. For this reason, it is wise to always keep an eye on the slow moving Brutes, even if they are far away. 3) The thick armor of the Brutes makes them immune to smaller caliber weapons. They must be approached to fight at close range, or warded off with heavy weapons fire. 4) The Brutes were once kind and gentle giants until Heaven made its current plans. They were mortified by the orders of their superiors and joined with the Reaver to protect mankind. Claw Demon: 1) A quite bizarre monster, the Claw Demon has six insect-like legs that end in sharp claws with which it slashes viciously at its enemies. 2) A Claw Demon will often attempt to climb up walls to reach a safe vantage point from which it will launch fireballs from the eye on top of its body. 3) The hard shell of the Claw Demon renders it almost immune to any attacks. Its weak point is its heart, which can be seen in the exposed underbelly of the creature. 4) To get to the creature's heart, use the Uppercut attack with Agony. Cy-Gor: 1) Cy-Gor was a creation of a secret military experiment to create a super- soldier with the cyber-enhanced body of a giant ape and the controlling mind of a human. However, Cy-Gor escaped from the lab when the mind transfer was only partially complete, leaving him confused and violent. 2) All that Cy-Gor is really aware of is the scent of his target, the Hellspawn. He has led a path of destruction through the city to find and destroy his tormentor. 3) Cy-Gor's hands are the key to avoiding his attacks. He will send various forms of shockwaves down the alley, which can be dodged by predicting his moves. 4) Cy-Gor is most vulnerable to attack when he lifts boulders over his head, or after his largest, floor level shockwave. Fire Demon: 1) This emaciated creature has a tough charcoal-like hide and terrifying visage. Their horrific appearance matches their relentless attacking style. 2) Heavier hits, such as a Rocket Launcher hit, Shotgun blast or any Hell Power attacks cause the demon to ignite, at which point it can damage its foe just by making contact with it. 3) Fire Demons have the ability to rise, phoenix-like, from their own ashes. Put an end to their existence by crushing the life out of the heart they leave behind after death. 4) The heart is resistant to most attacks but can be cut in half with a Cleave attack using Agony. Flying Imp: 1) Flying Imps are large, bat-winged, airborne pests. They think themselves superior to regular imps, but are just as weak and pathetic. 2) There can be no escape from flying imps, as they can fly to any height over any distance without tiring. However, they are basically cowards, and try to attack when their victim is least defended. 3) As well as a fireball attack similar to that of a regular Imp, Flying Imps will dive bomb a target on the ground, or perform a corkscrew spin attack at targets that are in the air. 4) Like the ground-based Imps, Flying Imps are susceptible to close range shotgun blasts from airborne enemies. Frenzied Violator: 1) Having suffered defeat at the hands of Spawn, the Violator returns to Malebolgia with a plea for another chance. Malebolgia grants his wish and summons an arena in which his disgraced child can attempt to prove himself. 2) While in Hell, the Violator is no longer bound by the restrictions and limitations of the human realm. He appears in his true, warped and twisted form, seething with the full extent of his power and a thirst for vengeance. 3) Beware of falling outside of the arena, as it spells instant doom. 4) Pay attention to the skulls on the corner spires, as they may begin to vomit flame onto the platforms below. Doing enough damage to an active skull will shut it off. Imp: 1) Imps are the weakest soldiers of Malebolgia's army. They are petty-minded animals, only capable of harboring ill-will toward any other creature. 2) Imps find safety in numbers, feeling a lot more confident when there are other imps nearby to draw attention away from themselves. 3) Their main attacks are close range claw swipes and they can sometimes leap in from a short distance. From afar they will belch fireballs at their target. 4) Imps are generally weak against any form of attack, but close range shotgun blasts to the head can kill them in a single shot. Hell Leech: 1) These foul creatures feed on the tormented souls that wander, wailing, around the plains of Hell. They are utterly repulsive slug-like monstrosities with the faces of sneering babies. 2) Beware of the Hell Leech's vomit projectile; it will drain Spawn of some of his Necroplasm. 3) Hell Leeches should not be approached under any circumstances - their soft bodies emit poisonous clouds of gas when they feel threatened. 4) Normal weapons should be used to clear out any Hell Leeches in an area before taking out any other enemies that are present. Lamenting Demon: 1) This disgusting monstrosity is a fleshy amalgam of hundreds of tortured souls. Their pain causes them to lash out at anything around them; their suffering is immeasurable. 2) The Lamenting Demon can produce giant floating eyeballs that attack independently. The eyeballs are easily defeated, but distract attention away from the main body. 3) The Lamenting Demon should not be approached or engaged with hand-to-hand attacks. If attacked at close range it will hit back extremely violently. 4) Hell Power attacks increase the souls' torment and can bring about the monster's demise sooner. But Lamenting Demons are often found with parasitic Hell Leeches, which will try to drain your Necroplasm. Hell Eye: 1) Lamenting Demons try endlessly to ease their own misery by bestowing it upon others. They occasionally release Hell Eyes through which they can observe their prey as it is hunted down and tortured. 2) Once a Hell Eye has been ripped out of the chest of a Lamenting Demon, it becomes its own entity. Even if the Lamenting Demon that spawned it should die, the Hell Eye will continue the hunt. 3) To catch the gaze of a Hell Eye is to invite pain and misery. The Hell Eye will charge up a beam of energy to burn away flesh and bone, revealing the soul to the eye's fearsome scrutiny. 4) Damaging the Eye will force it to break its gaze temporarily. Destroy the Eye quickly, or it will soon recover. Meat Puppet: 1) This unfortunate individual was taken by the first wave of demons that invaded the city, and was subjected to unspeakable torture. 2) Having been crucified and skinned alive, the poor victim died a slow and painful death to the glee of the tormentors. 3) As if that wasn't enough, the lifeless corpse was then possessed by a malicious demon and dragged around in a macabre dance. 4) Meat Puppets use only physical attacks, so dodging out of their way is the best way to deal with them. The Metatron: 1) Traditionallly "The Voice Of God," the Metatron is actually a super-powerful form that the elemental fire that comprises the Redeemer can take when bolstered by the power of Angel Station. 2) Since the Metatron is comprised of pure elemental fire, it can take any form it chooses. When it encounters Spawn it chooses a form in response to Spawn's enormous potential for destruction. 3) After taking damage, the Metatron activates a shield to protect itself while it recharges. The Razor Drones it releases while shielded will often drop power ups. Destroy the Drones quickly to end the recharging time. 4) When the Metatron is in humanoid form and harnessing energy he is vulnerable, especially to heavier attacks. Newborn: 1) Small Hellholes all over the city are releasing demons of many breeds. But the main Hellhole in Central Park is pouring out a new class of Imp, the Newborn. 2) Unlike their feeble counterparts, Newborns are phenomenally strong and menacing. They move slowly, but their close range attacks are devastating. 3) Newborns are covered in a metallic skin that is almost impervious to all human weapons. If more of these creatures make it into the city, the defense forces will not stand a chance. 4) Although it is incredibly dangerous to try, Agony's diamond hard blades can slice through the skin of a Newborn with ease. Possessed Soldier: 1) Human soldiers that have been killed and their souls possessed by malicious demons. Do not feel for these creatures. Killing them would be a favor. 2) Possessed Soldiers are very feeble. They are slow moving and have only short range grasping attacks. 3) Their attacks can be avoided altogether by keeping a distance away from them while dealing with any more dangerous enemies in the area. 4) Being so low to the ground, a Cleave attack will kill a Possessed Soldier in a single blow, freeing its soul. Reaver: 1) The leader of a band of ferocious male Angels, the Reaver is an imposing figure, standing tall in his battle armor. He wields an enormous sword capable of slicing almost anything in two. 2) The Reaver has incredibly powerful hand-to-hand attacks, but he can also hurl his sword across huge distances, cutting through any and all obstacles on the way to its target. Only by leaping over it at the right time can the sword be avoided. 3) When the Reaver gets weakened, he accelerates his attacks. In particular, he will follow up a successful hand-to-hand attack by hurling his sword while the opponent is undefended. 4) The Reaver leads the small band of rogue Angels in rebellion against their superiors, who have no wish to protect life on Earth, and are obsessed with destroying Hell at any cost. The Redeemer: 1) Whenever Hell threatens to upturn the balance of power even a little, the Angels need more than their own skill and cunning to turn things in their favor. At these times, a suitable candidate on Earth is picked, and transported instantly into the Space Station. There, the human is filled with the elemental fire and becomes the Redeemer, the anti-Spawn. 2) Under normal circumstances, the Redeemer's sole mission is the complete and utter annihilation of the Hellspawn. However due to Heaven's orders, this incarnation of the Redeemer has been ordered to capture Spawn alive. 3) When the Redeemer ignites the floor of the arena, use the Chains to take refuge on top of the crystal spires that raise up. 4) Doing enough damage to the Redeemer while he is charging up his Star Fall attack will break his concentration and prevent him from casting his spell. Robot Drone: 1) These small drones are defense systems created to guard military installations from intruders. They can float, and can therefore follow their target anywhere it goes. 2) Robot drones have a basic artillery attack which a creature like Spawn can shrug off easily. 3) They also have a secondary attack, a powerful beam that auto-targets and is virtually impossible to dodge. 4) If the drone starts to power up its beam attack, it will fire after a few seconds. Hitting the drone during the build up will cancel the damaging blast. Keep an eye out for its targeting laser. Tree Demon: 1) A truly horrific creature, this is a demon possessed tree that has grown up through the corpse of a human being, filling its body with twigs and branches. 2) Tree Demons are only just beginning to infect the world, and as such have spread little farther than Central Park. But if the Hellhole remains open, all of the world's forests may be filled with these creatures. 3) Up close, the Tree Demon will attack with the branches on its head and by ramming enemies. Quick movements to the side should avoid these attacks. 4) Tree Demons are susceptible to axes, to close range, hand-to-hand moves hurt them more than other attacks. Space Station Crew: 1) These emotionless being are Angels in their most basic form, that of pure Angelic energy. They resemble nothing but a cardiopulmonary system made from dancing streams of lightning. 2) The Space Station Crew have the ability to teleport around at will. They can also link up with others of their kind and pass high energy bolts of plasma between themselves. Getting caught in these bolts causes large cell damage to other beings. 3) While the Space Station Crew's halo is above it, a shield surrounds them. This shield can only be penetrated by Hell Power attacks. Touching the shield causes searing pain and damage to Hell-beings. 4) When the halo starts to circle the Space Station Crew, regular attacks will cause damage. However, the halo becomes a deadly weapon and can fly rapidly towards a target. Spider Tank: 1) This was once a prototype for a new military weapon to be used over any type of terrain. It was possessed by a demon and has begun to mutate into some sort of hellish spider. 2) The Spider Tank tries to ram its opponents, grinding them in the treads on its feet. It also has a pair of chain guns on its turret with which it can fire hails of bullets in any direction. 3) The cannon on the front of the Spider Tank fires a powerful explosive projectile that can track its opponent and cause tremendous damage. 4) The Spider Tank is vulnerable from the rear, since its main gun cannot face that way. If Spawn can get behind it, only its chain guns will pose a threat. Violator: 1) The Violator is a greater demon who is very high in the eyes of Malebolgia. But Malebolgia prefers generals chosen from the souls of mankind to lead his armies, and the Violator's bitter jealousy of Spawn has brought them together on many occasions. 2) The Violator will try to destroy the walkways around his lair, in order to force Spawn onto the ground. The corrosive slime he has left all over the floor will gradually melt Spawn if he stands in it for too long. 3) Even though the Violator will try to break the platforms, some will leave supports that Spawn can still use to stay off the floor. 4) The platforms in the corners of the room are sturdier than the others, and the Violator will not be able to break them. Whip Demon: 1) Whip Demons are tall female demons, personifications of malice, taking glee in the despair of others. They thrive on death, and bring death to all who witness them. 2) Whip Demons are vulnerable to harm from any kind of attack, although they are very tough and take a lot to bring down. 3) When a Whip Demon has suffered damage, she surrounds herself with an invulnerable chrysalis. At this stage, it is pointless to press the attack. 4) In fact, she will not emerge from her chrysalis while she is still under attack. Back off or deal with companions, until the chrysalis disappears. Wynn Soldier: 1) Jason Wynn employs many dubious individuals for his own protection and for his own deployment when he needs to operate outside of regular government protocol. 2) Al Simmons himself was once among this list of trained killers, and performed many horrible deeds until he tried to break free from Wynn's influence. Simmons was summarily executed by another of Wynn's assassins. 3) Most of Wynn's operatives do not know one another! They are faceless and nameless. They are trained psychopaths, and Spawn harbors a powerful hatred towards them, as they remind him of why he was chosen by Malebolgia in the first place. 4) Wynn's soldiers carry weapons specially designed to harm demons, and are equipped with bullet-proof armor. They are not so well defended against the inhuman savagery of Agony. Legal Stuff ----------- I...Copyright 2004 David Muller. II..All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. III.The information in this guide is copied from Spawn: Armageddon and from the manual of Spawn: Armageddon. IV..I, David Muller, painstakingly transcribed all information from the above sources to this guide myself. I wrote this guide. V...This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. VI..Use common sense. Don't do anything illegal or unethical.