Spider-Man 2 (PS2) FAQ/Walkthrough- A walkthrough, from start to finish, on how to beat the main game part Spider-Man 2. This document is copyright 2004 by Aargh! Ahoy, mateys, and should NOT be anywhere other than www.GameFAQs.com. Just so you know. Table of Contents: (Have trouble finding something? Well, my lost friend, just press CTRL + F to bring up the FIND box, and then type in the NUMBER of the section that you want! It's so easy!) ------------- I: The Basics ------------- 1.1: Introduction 1.2: Version History 1.3: Controls/Basics 1.4: Hero Points 1.5: The Spidey Store 1.6: Battle Strategy --------------- II: Walkthrough --------------- 2.1: Chapter 1 2.2: Chapter 2 2.3: Chapter 3 2.4: Chapter 4 2.5: Chapter 5 2.6: Chapter 6 2.7: Chapter 7 2.8: Chapter 8 2.9: Chapter 9 2.10: Chapter 10 2.11: Chapter 11 2.12: Chapter 12 2.13: Chapter 13 2.14: Chapter 14 2.15: Chapter 15 2.16: Chapter 16 2.17: Chapter 17 ----------- III: Bosses ----------- 3.1: The Rhino 3.2: Doctor Octopus 1 3.3: The Shocker 1 3.4: Mysterio (*) 3.5: The Shocker 2 3.6: Doctor Octopus 2 3.7: Doctor Octopus 3 (*) - This is the HARDEST BOSS not only in the game, but probably... ever. His difficulty is such that I felt I must star it and warn you of the trauma you'll surely endure during this classic clash of David (you) and Goliath. ------- IV: End ------- 4.1: End ============= I: The Basics ============= Gotta know these. ---------- 1.1: Intro ---------- Welcome, true believers and newcomers alike! Oh, wait; wrong Spider- Man game. Ahem: Welcome, true believers and newcomers too! This is Aargh! Ahoy, Mateys, a regular Spidey FREAK, with an FAQ for Spider-Man 2, the game! It's the second one I've ever made. There's no reason to explain why I decided to write this, if you can read. I just SAID I'm a regular Spidey freak, come on! Spider-Man 2 is unlike any other Spider-Man game, but a lot like some other games. With more web-slinging. A LOT more web-slinging. It's like other games and unlike other Spidey games because of the free-roaming capabilities. Yep, you, Peter Parker AKA Spider-Man, are thrown into a half-scale replica of... gasp... MANHATTAN, to swing around and fight bad guys at your leisure! Plus, it's also unlike other Spider-Man games mainly because of the Web-Swinging system. This time around, your webs actually have to STICK to stuff (gasp!). And you get to control when and where you shoot your webs! It's more realistic, and plus, it adds a bit more strategy (no more throwing yourself out over the ocean and expecting Spidey to somehow swing back to shore! You have to THINK before you leap!). Sadly, it takes away some of the Air-Fighting, but Spider-Man never really did much of that in the comics anyway. Anyway, this guide aims to go into COMPLETE detail on how to beat just about every mission of this game, to take your hand and tell you what button to press, when, and for how long. Okay... maybe not that detailed, but reading this SHOULD help you get out of some of those tough spots. And it's only for the MAIN GAME, no Boss Arenas or secrets. Sorry. But be aware: Whenever (or should I say wherever?) locations are concerned, I might give you a few tips along the way, but I am NOT going to tell you to turn on Elm street and jump over building x to get to point a. First of all, it's too confusing, and second, this is a FREE ROAMING game, you can pick any number of paths to get to wherever you're going. Find a way yourself, it's more fun! Oh yeah, and I'm also too lazy to actually record exactly what path I took (forgive me! I'm only human!). But enough talk! See that building you're standing on? Of course you do. Jump off of it. No, really, jump. I wouldn't tell you to do anything you'd regret, would I? ^_^ -------------------- 1.2: Version History -------------------- No updates as of yet. What you see is the latest version. -------------------- 1.3: Controls/Basics -------------------- Oh, boy. You may not need this, because of the FUNNY in-game tutorial, but still... --- Left Analog Stick- Move Move it, bucko! --- Right Analog Stick- Fix Camera If the camera's giving you a beautiful view of Spidey's boot, use this. --- Down on D-Pad- Lock on Lock on to the nearest enemy with this! The camera will center on your unfortunate target. --- X- Jump/Trick This is common sense. Press x to jump. But what is NOT common sense is that if you hold x, you'll charge your jump. A fully charge jump propels Spidey up some thirty feet, while a tap makes him jump a mere 5 feet (just make us mortals feel bad about our jumping power, why don't ya?). There is a jump charge meter beside your health bar. Also, when web slinging, this makes Spidey let go of a web and (maybe) jump up to shoot a new one, if you hold jump long enough. But the best part of this button is the trick part. Once purchased at the Spidey-Store, you can execute death-defying tricks among the skyscrapers of New-York at your leisure! --- O- Dodge/Wall-Crawl Whenever your head flashes a purple color and you hear a shrill ringing sound, that's your Spider-Sense. Press O WHILE your head flashes(about a half-a-second window of time) to dodge whatever attack is coming. Also, when beside a... er... stick...able surface, (for lack of a better word) press this to... well, stick to it. --- Triangle- Web The good news: YOUR WEB DOESN'T RUN OUT! The bad news: You're only limited to trap webbing (triangle), impact webbing (L2 + Triangle), and web-slinging (R2). Sure, you can buy upgrades that involve webbing, but they just make you use these three things in different ways. Trap Web is great when countless enemies are pounding on you and you need a breather. Web slinging is great when you need to... well... go somewhere, and impact webbing is good when you want to see it go SPLAT against a building, (its fun!). --- Square- Attack! Yeah! The best button in the game besides R2! Press this and Spidey will unleash a fierce punch. Press it again, and he'll unleash an even MORE fierce punch. In fact, keep pressing it, around a lot of really, REALLY tough bad guys, and you'll be dead in 30 seconds flat. YOU NEED TO KNOW THE COMBOS. Combos: Square, Square: Left Hook Square, X: Hop-over Head Punch Square, Triangle: Web Trip Square, Square, Square: Knockdown Punch Square, Square, X: Jump-off Kick Square, Square, Triangle: Web Hammer Square, X, Square: Air Kick (At airborne enemies) Square, Triangle, Square: Double Fist Uppercut Triangle, up on left analog stick: Yank Up Triangle, down on left analog stick: Yank To U Triangle, Left on left analog stick: Yank Left Triangle, Right on right analog stick: Yank Right Triangle, 360 left analog stick: Web Rodeo Triangle, Square: Yank Kick Triangle, Square, Square: Thrust Kick Triangle, Square, Triangle: Web Blast Square: Roundhouse Kick (Spider reflexes) Square, Square: Drop Kick (Spider reflexes) Square, Square, Square: Mule Kick (Spider reflexes) L2 + Square: Sprint Uppercut (Use it!) Circle, Up on left analog stick: Dodge back (Spider Sense) Circle, Down on left analog stick: Dodge back (Spider Sense) Circle, Square: Counter Flip Kick (After Dodge) Circle, Left on left analog stick + Square: Counter Elbow (After Dodge) Circle, Right on left analog stick + Square: Counter Uppercut (After Dodge) Whew! These combos all work well in different situations; you might try testing them out on weak groups of thugs. --- L2: Sprint/Burst The fast button. Use this with the Left Analog Stick to sprint on the ground, and to swing faster when web-swinging, or "TURBO SWING." --- R2: Swing Start swinging! Press this to shoot a web at... well, anything, if it's close enough and above you. But that's not all! The best button in the game HAS to be more complicated, right? Right. Well, once you have a web attached to something, you'll be swaying around like a pendulum unless you do something. RIGHT as you start the swing, hold the x button. As you're at the lowest point in the swing, hold the L2 button. This should boost you to the near-highest point in your swing- release that x button! WHOO HOO! But you're not done yet! Before you plunge too far, press R2 again to shoot another strand of web! Repeat forever (until you get to where you need to)! --- L1: Spider-Sense Mode This is cool. It, first of all, slows down time (you stay the same speed), powers up your attacks, has a slow-mo blur effect, and, best of all, MAKES EVERYTHING BRIGHTER!? This move rocks! This is for when you need that extra advantage over those dang crooks that are swarming you. However, you have a blue meter for this, and it depletes FAST. Fill it up with web-slinging tricks, dodges, and successful hits. --- R1: Center Camera Center the camera behind Spider-Man. --- The Map The Map is very useful. Press select and the game zooms out WAAAAAAY up to show you a real-time view of Manhattan! Zoom in/out with O and X. Use the analog stick to move. The icons on the map show you places where you can go. You also have an in-game map right on the bottom of your screen. However, it's always from your camera's perspective, so sometimes, when crawling or swinging, building can look smaller or shorter than they really are. But it's really helpful, still. There are lines at different heights that tell you EXACTLY where objects are and how high they are. ---------------- 1.4: Hero Points ---------------- Ah, Hero points. In every chapter there is usually a "Collect Hero Points" goal. Beating up enemies and doing some special tasks nets you these. But the main source is from civilians on the street. Talk to the ones that are shouting at you (and have big, green question marks over their heads), and they'll give you goals. These goals range from stopping a robbery to saving people from a sunken boat, and they'll net you big points! But why all of this collecting? Because you need to buy upgrades, of course! --------------------- 1.5: The Spidey Store --------------------- Unlike the name suggests; there are MANY of these stores around Manhattan. Spend Hero Points here. You can buy anything from web-swinging upgrades to new fighting combos! You can even buy air tricks and FULL HEALTH! Wild! -------------------- 1.6: Battle Strategy -------------------- I'll give it to you straight- throughout the entire game; I seldom used any of those tricky web/grab spin-around kick combos. Why? I DIDN'T NEED THEM. NO, I'm not saying don't use combos, I'm saying use only the ones you NEED. First of all, BUY all of the counterattack combos. Sometimes, the only way you'll damage someone is to counterattack, and so you'll need to make the most out of it! And second, the multiple-web shooting combos are great for taking a rest in the middle of an intense battle. But sometimes, someone has the ability to dodge or... if you can believe it... ABSORB your webbing, so that pushes this type of combo back in the priority meter. And last, the air combo extenders are a MUST. Usually, enemies are most vulnerable while airborne, you'll want to take advantage of this fact, I expect. Anyway, whenever you're in an actual battle, LEARN TO LOVE THE O BUTTON. Whenever your head flashes and you hear that sound, learn to mash it by reflex, even if you're in the middle of an attack (can't hurt ya, might even help ya!). You wouldn't know how much life you can lose from little tiny pokes by other enemies or those nasty stray bullets while you're whaling on someone. The O button will prevent much of this life loss. Also, if some common crook seems to be blocking your punches that are able to smash cinder blocks, this seems to be the only way to get through their defenses. (NOTE: For fun, when enemies are shooting at you, deliberately try and dodge all of their gunshots without attacking them. Or, even better, climb up onto a low wall and do this. Matrix!) Also, if you can't seem to get the edge, DON'T FORGET YOUR L1 BUTTON. It'll slow down time while you stay the same. You can kill a lot of enemies in less time with this and it's easier to dodge attacks. If you're desperate, you COULD let it run out and then count on dodging attacks to fill it back up, but that's a bit risky. Overall, the increased damage and slow-mo capabilities of this trick make it a PRIORITY in just about every boss/mass enemy battle. And last, if you need to take out an easy enemy the quickest way and with style, just sprint up to them, and press square. You should launch them into the air with one mean punch. Now jump up after them, and land PUNCH AFTER PUNCH on them, over and over. About 75% of the time, they'll be defeated before they hit the ground. =============== II: Walkthrough =============== Finally, the walkthrough of the main game! Anyway, each section of the game is divided into chapters. Each chapter has a goal. Beat all the goals to advance to the next chapter. Goals can be found at the START screen. -------------- 2.1: Chapter 1 -------------- What Might Have Been Tasks: Learn the Basics Well, here you are, Web-Slinger. After a nifty cut-scene, you find yourself in... A tutorial! Yeah, you have to complete this, it's mandatory. Luckily, it's funny. Anyway, first you have to climb the wall by you with circle. Do it. Then, you'll learn how to jump. After this, a blue target will appear, and you'll have to follow it. Now let me explain about these targets. These targets are location markers; they show EXACTLY where your destination is. The numbers on top of them are NOT time limits; they show how far you are from the actual location (in meters? Feet?). The object is to keep the markers in the center of the screen, because then you'll know that you're heading STRAIGHT towards the target. It's possible, however, for the target to be off to just about any side of the screen, including up and down, which happens when you turn away. But if you have to turn to avoid something, don't sweat it; you can easily get back on track once you've passed your obstacle. Anyway, once you reach the destination... you've beaten the chapter. Huh? Cut the game some slack, its chapter 1! -------------- 2.2: Chapter 2 -------------- A Day in the Life Tasks: Fight Crime Buy Swing Speed Upgrade from Store The beginning, by my opinion, is the FUNNIEST PART OF THE TUTORIAL yet. The narrator tells you to jump off of the building. And, to try to make you trust him, the game gives you a huge green arrow to follow. So... if the game says it; there must be some sort of padding or something below, right? Loser. Now, while you're falling to your death, the game slows down and the Narrator gives you a lecture. Well, even though the game HAS slowed down, you're STILL FALLING! Follow his advice. Use R2 and SWING! *** TRIVIA: In the comics, Spidey had a MUCH easier time getting used to swinging. Curse him. *** Anyway, soon enough, there will be a robbery. Oh, boy! Follow the target to their car, and then fight them. You can use any moves that you wish, but the sprint uppercut suggested to you is probably your best bet. Anyway, return to the Arcade, to complete your objective, and then follow the blue target to the Spidey Store. Buy your swing upgrade. Chapter complete. -------------- 2.3: Chapter 3 -------------- Punctuality is the Thief of Time Tasks: Go to Pizza Parlor Earn 2,000 more Hero Points First, you'll have to make it to Curt Connors' class. Follow your blue target. *** TRIVIA: Curt Connors is actually THE LIZARD in the comics, for all of you Spider-Man fans out there! *** However, on the way, you'll here a cry for help. It seems that a bunch of thugs are robbing a woman! Beat up the thugs, and return the woman's case to her. Well, don't you feel good! Yeah, you should, but you're still late for class. Continue following the marker into an icon on top of a building, and press square to change into civilian clothes once you get there. You'll sit through a short cut-scene. After it's over, start earning your 2,000 Hero Points by fighting crimes that civilians alert you to. Eventually, Spidey will remember his meeting with Mary Jane and Harry. You can head there if you like, but it's best to finish getting your hero points. Once you have them, follow the blue target. After another cut-scene, you'll have to get to the Pizza Parlor. Follow the (white!) target, and go inside. You'll start a short Pizza mission. It's simple, and if you use L2 to get bursts of speed, it's almost too easy. Deliver all of the Pizzas to the hungry customers. Afterwards, Spidey will have to meet MJ again. But sadly, almost immediately after meeting her, you'll have to chase after some bad- guys. Aw. Enter the building that you saw the guys run into, and you'll immediately learn that this may be more than you've bargained for. There are bad guys everywhere! But you can survive easily if you just use dodge. Watch out for the ones with the guns! Afterwards, you'll meet up with... Black Cat! Curse that sexy burglar! You'll have to follow her, as it turns out. There will be a meter on the top of the screen that shows your proximity to her. Here's a tip: DON'T rely on web-slinging. IN fact, try and follow the Cat's example- hold down x, sprint, and JUMP from building to building! It's much, MUCH easier for you to not lose track of her. However, if there's a particularly high building, you might have to web-sling towards it, jump, stick to it, and then crawl up it. Do this quickly. In any rate, you have an arrow attached to you that tells her location, and she leaves white trails. Between the arrow and the trails, this should be a cinch. *** TRIVIA: In the comics, Spidey actually developed a CRUSH on the Black- Cat, AKA Felicia Hardy! But it seems like he kind of has one in this game... *** Anyway, once you catch up to her, the chapter ends. -------------- 2.4: Chapter 4 -------------- All in a Day's Work Tasks: Complete Daily Bugle Assignment Buy Level 2 Swing Upgrade form Store Earn 3,000 More Hero Points All right. First, start swinging towards the Daily Bugle, the white target. There's a vent on the roof that'll automatically open once you get to it, walk inside and fall down. You'll find yourself as Peter Parker in the men's room. Walk to the blue target located in the Daily Bugle main office and talk to Betty Brant, your boss' secretary. *** TRIVIA: In the comics, Betty Brant was the first girl Spider-Man had a true passion for! *** Your first assignment from that old skinflint of a boss, J. Jonah Jameson, will be to get a few pictures of the city from high places. You, of course, will be doing this as Spider-Man. Exit the main room and go back outside to the Men's Room. Change back into your costume back there, and then set off after the first yellow target. When you get there, there should be an icon with a camera on it. Press square while inside the icon to take the picture. Now you'll have to go higher. Follow the yellow target yet again (you can check your in-game map for the height), again press square once inside the icon. Now you'll have to get to yet another target, higher up again. All you have to do is keep following the yellow target, higher and higher each time. The highest target is on top the building, and you might want to stop for a second and take in the low- rendered view. Once you have all of the pictures, follow the target back to the Daily Bugle. After a short talk with Robbie Robertson and Mr. Jameson, you'll get to change back into Spider-Man and finally get back to the fun part of the game. In fact, soon enough, you'll hear an explosion! Go investigate. Hey! It looks like it's the Rhino! Get ready for a kind of easy boss battle! SEE SECTION 3.1 FOR THE RHINO STRATEGY *** TRIVIA: The Rhino's covering is artificial, as if you didn't know. However, it's actually BONDED to him, meaning he couldn't get it off if he wanted to! But Spidey has been able to get it off in the past, thanks to extreme heat... *** Afterwards, you can punch the Rhino while he's hanging upside-down for fun, but you'll need to get back to work soon enough. Finish earning those Hero Points and visit a Spidey-Store to buy the 2nd Swing Level at some point and the chapter will end. -------------- 2.5: Chapter 5 -------------- A Meeting of the Minds Tasks: Go to Dr. Octavius' Apartment Buy Grapple Attack Upgrade from the Store Earn 2,000 More Hero Points All right, you can start earning Hero Points right off of the bat, to get that goal out of the way. However, you may have enough in stock to buy a Grapple-attack right away! But just finish those two goals first if you can. At some point, you'll have to follow a white target to Dr. Octavius' apartment. Hmm, I wonder who that guy could be. Change clothes, and sit through a cut-scene. *** TRIVIA: Ever notice that, in an enhanced-graphics cut-scene, Peter appears sans glasses, and in the game, he wears them? Hmm... *** Once you've completed all of the goals, the chapter should end. -------------- 2.6: Chapter 6 -------------- Cat and Mouse Tasks: Find the 5 Photo Op Tokens Go to Mary Jane's Apartment Buy Level 3 Swing Upgrade from Store Earn 2,000 more Hero Points All right, the narrator addresses you at the beginning of this chapter, and tells you that he's given you 5 tokens to find and take pictures from (all marked on your map). Luckily, they're all together in one area. But first, you should get the Hero Points and the level 3 swing upgrade. Once you're done, follow the yellow target, and when you get close enough, the tokens should all become visible. Take pictures from them like you did at the Bugle, except without pressing square. Afterwards, you'll meet up with the Black Cat again (yes)! She'll jump off, and you'll have to follow the blue target to find her. Now, you'll start a chase sequence with her like you did before. Make sure not to fall too far behind! As said before, rely mostly on your jumping and crawling skills. Keep up the heat and you'll eventually catch her. Now, you can finish all of the other objectives, but you'll eventually have to get to MJ's apartment. Once you get there, you will find out that you're due at the movies... now! Hurry up and swing, you have a short time limit. Luckily, the theater is close, and if you already have the level 3 upgrade, you should get there easily. Change your clothes in the icon. *** TRIVIA: Peter seems to be late a lot, doesn't he? *** After this, if you got everything else out of the way, the chapter should be over. -------------- 2.7: Chapter 7 -------------- Pride and Prejudice Tasks: Complete Daily Bugle Assignment Earn 3,000 More Hero Points First things first. Make your way to the Bugle, and enter through the rooftop vents (you really can't use the door? Guess not). It looks like a certain Quentin Beck (I was shouting "I know who he is!" at this point) has challenged Spider-Man to prove that... he's not a fake!? Wow, he saved the city once, who cares? But still, J. Jonah Jameson wants pictures, and you'll have to get pictures! Make your way to the sports arena. Soon enough, you'll be suckered into a challenge by this Beck character. You'll have to collect more criminals than him in the allotted time, and drop them off in one of three containers. (One of them happens to be the Shocker, the guy you beat in the last game, but without his shock units, thank goodness!) Now, the containers are all emitting lights, and you can only drop criminals in when the lights are green. When the lights are red, criminals won't count towards your score. However, before turning red, the lights will turn yellow, and criminals still count at this point. Only one container is green at a time. Criminals are all released in clusters, and there are three clusters for the challenge. The way you capture criminals is to web them, and then press O when they reach you. Learn to do this in one fluid motion- it helps greatly. Anyway, the way to win is to attack the clusters at the start. This will give you a slight advantage, because you have acted first. Sprint up and web a criminal right away. Run to the only green container and JUMP in. Press circle to put him down, and then do a charged jump to get out. After this, if a criminal is near you, web them right away, but if not, run at another one, web him, and then drop him in the nearest green container. Repeat this as fast as you can. In my game, Quentin got 16 criminals, and I did too, so we went to a tie-breaker, where whoever got a certain number of criminals first would win. Now, after you win, you'll have to participate in an obstacle course. The objects here are simple- press all of the switches, and don't get seen. If you expose yourself AT ALL, Quentin will fire a cannon which you CANNOT dodge. Three hits and you lose! The way NOT to get seen is to always, ALWAYS be behind a block, so Beck can't see you. He is always at the other side of the field, and never moves forward, so you don't have to worry about angles. Just stay on one side of the blocks. When you first start, SPRINT forwards as the blocks fall down beside you. When you get to the switch block, use it to block you from Quentin's view, and press the switch with square. Stay on it, it'll now move. Now, you'll move to an area where you cannot be seen if you just stand. However, the floor will move, and if you fall, you WILL be seen. You can easily walk behind the spinning floor blocks (standing on a stationary one) and make it to the next switch without getting tossed over. Press the next switch. Now you'll be on rotating WALLS. Every other wall will spin around at once, so what you have to do is climb onto one wall while the other set spins, and then climb onto the next while the previous set spins, and so on. Press the switch when you get across. Next, there will be a section where the walls MOVE up and down. Stick to the first wall, and then time it so that when the next wall crosses in front of your wall's path, you're crawling forward onto it. Last, climb onto the switch platform, crawl down onto its floor, and then press the switch. Afterwards, you'll have to get through a section where platforms are all rotating straight towards Beck's cannon! First, from the switch platform, make a slightly-charged jump towards a platform coming towards you BEFORE it starts to turn towards Beck. Keep going forward without hesitation, (and without fully-charged jumps) until you reach the switch platform. Press the switch. You win! Yeah, now get the hero points! *** TRIVIA: Notice that criminal that escaped...? *** -------------- 2.8: Chapter 8 -------------- Sugar and Spice Tasks: Go to Dr. Octavius' Apartment Buy Level 4 Swing Upgrade from Store Earn 3,000 More Hero Points Okay, first, you may want to buy the upgrade first, you probably have enough Hero Points to do it. It'll help you later. Now, get to Otto's apartment by following the target like you did last time. After a cut- scene, you'll remember something, yet again. MJ's play! See why you should've gotten the swing upgrade? Hurry up, there's a time limit. Use turbo swing, it's easy if you do. However, when you reach the target, you'll find that you have to take a stop to beat up some bad-guys. Great. Beat up the gunman on the roof, and then hop down to take out the rest of the bad-guys. They have some firepower, so try to jump around and stay out of the way of bullets. Also, use your Spider-Reflexes to give yourself the edge. Afterwards, some of them will escape in a car. There is a gunman in the back, take him out first. Jump up into the air over the car, and when you're landing, combo him before you hit the ground. Now continue chasing the car (using L1 if you need to catch up on foot). Beat up the frame of the car, and it'll stop. Whale on the guys coming out, and then head towards the target for MJ's play. Anyway, after that, Black Cat will come again, tempting you with a lead she has. You'll have to follow her... again! Don't fall behind, it's possible here. Just follow her by jumping from roof-to-roof and crawling/web-slinging when you must. Finally, you'll come to a hideout with lots of baddies around! Black- Cat will fight alongside you, too! Now, to avoid much hassle, instead of jumping in and getting hit, stay high on the side of a wall, web- yank criminals up to you, and then BEAT THE STUFFING OUT OF THEM before they fall back down (and take more damage!). With Black Cat helping, this should be a cinch. *** TRIVIA: Black Cat doesn't have any super-powers (at least not at this point of the Spidey Time-line). So why doesn't SHE get all beaten up and die? *** Get those hero points! -------------- 2.9: Chapter 9 -------------- When Aliens Attack Tasks: Complete Daily Bugle Assignment Okay, this time around, your assignment is to get to Mr. Beck's press conference. Get to the Daily Bugle for details. Afterwards, change back into Spider-Man and you'll see a cut-scene where Quentin Beck reveals his new identity... MYSTERIO! *** TRIVIA: Yes, Quentin Beck was Mysterio in the comics, but he didn't sound so... well... crazy. He just sounded fake. *** Now you'll have a time limit to get to the conference! You'll actually have to go INSIDE a building for this one, and run up some stairs to get into a room, so don't go looking on roofs to find the target you're chasing. Uh oh. Looks like this Mysterio means business! Reporters are in trouble! There are two reporters dangling from balconies, about to fall, one that's... on a balcony and not dangling, and three others right where Mysterio's hologram (yes, hologram) is standing! Not to mention the countless robots that attack. But first things first. Save those dangling reporters! The balcony that you entered onto is, essentially, the "safe spot." When you rescue a reporter (who's represented with a yellow target over his head), take him and set him down here. Oh, and ignore the robots (for now), they'll just slow you down. First, hurry up and save the two reporters (there's a time limit). You are kind of vulnerable while picking them up, remember this. Set them down on the balcony you entered from. Now, swing down onto the stage (don't worry about the hologram). There are three reporters there, get them one by one. Make sure that when swinging upwards from the stage level, that you don't hit the lava. It hurts. Last, a reporter is on another balcony, save him. After all of that, it's time to take out the robots! Lock on to each of them, one by one, and use air combos to finish them off (it's helpful if you have an air combo extender). *** TRIVIA: These look a lot like the HK robots from the last game, don't they? *** Now, with his puny army defeated, Mysterio says that his next target is the Statue of Liberty!? Wow, going straight for the big time! Swing over to the shores of Manhattan (following the target, of course)! Uh oh, we have a problem. How is Spidey going to swing out over the water? Oh, wait, those big UFOs floating about should be of assistance. Swing from UFO to UFO (turbo-swing and charge jump to aid yourself), and you'll eventually reach the Liberty Island. Now, you'll have to destroy 8 green-and-black orbs all around Lady Liberty... a very, very messed up version of her, that is. Do a charged jump, and start swinging on those UFOs again! Once you get to the huge orb support system (a bunch of beams sticking out from each side of Lady Liberty's head with the orbs at the ends), swing around and around on them, doing FULLY CHARGED JUMPS each time. Always aim for the orbs. If you come RELATIVELY CLOSE to any orb, MASH THE SQUARE BUTTON. If you're lucky, you'll get "sucked" into the orbs and be able to destroy them! In fact, this magical sucking is the ONLY way to destroy the orbs! Once you destroy one, immediately attach another web to a beam and repeat. Oh, and don't take a detour to Ellis Island, it's a PAIN to get back. Anyway, once you've destroyed every orb, HURRY UP AND GET ON TOP OF THE ORB SUPPORT SYSTEM. There is a huge brain on top, and you have about a minute to destroy it before the orbs recharge themselves (and you have to destroy them again)! Use Spider-Reflexes, and beat the living stuffing out of the brain. It should die in about 5 seconds. Yay, you saved The Statue of Liberty! But the chapter's not over yet! You'll have to track down Mysterio! Follow the blue target. When back on land, follow the target to a building, and then climb into a window. After a FUNNY cut-scene, you'll end up in front of some fun-house, along with a... clown? With an axe? That can't be good. Now, to beat this bouncing foe, all you have to do is wait until your Spider-Sense tingles, dodge its attack, and then COUNTER attack. You may be able to sneak a punch or two in while it's lying on the floor! But don't get all confident and keep punching while it's down, it may get up and teach you to be patient. Okay, enter the house. The room turns upside-down here, but it hardly affects you. There are three more of these bouncing foes now, and, it seems that if you counter them once, they get a bit passive, allowing you to punch them out without dodging first. But don't count on this fact, try to be safe. After you beat them, jump up into the new doorway and then fall down. Okay, this is kinda hard. Mysterio has very messed-up Spider-Man clones in his army, and it seems that they have a nasty habit of spawning from mirrors! And you're in a room surrounded by mirrors! Oh, boy. Don't waste time fighting the clones, (just watch out for their webbing) instead, start breaking the mirrors. A few combos should do it. As soon as the mirror breaks, WATCH WHAT HAPPENS. If a bright beam connects to it, you're in luck! If not, break another mirror. When the beam appears, count the mirrors from the just broken mirror. Every THIRD mirror should be broken to reveal the exit. If another beam appears when you've broken the mirror, you know you're counting right. After every THIRD mirror is broken, the exit will be revealed. Exit, and then follow the blue target to escape this accursed funhouse. ---------------- 2.10: Chapter 10 ---------------- When Good Men Go Bad Tasks: Buy Level 5 Swing Upgrade from Store Earn 3,000 more Hero Points Start collecting Hero Points. But of course, at some point, Spidey will remember he's late for an appointment with Dr. Octavius! Swing over to his apartment (must I tell you to follow the target?). Wow, nice cut-scene. But now you have the job of setting all of the chaos right! There are four switches around the room, and each are in a different corner of it. The first one is right near you, press square to press it. The others aren't so easy. You see, the field of energy in the center of the room is very powerful (and unstable), so it will keep pulsating outwards in every direction from far to medium to short range, in a different pattern for each switch press. It's possible to get to another switch in another corner while the pulsating field is at medium or short range, near-impossible at far. Oh, and if you're hit by it, you go flying (looks cool, very painful). Oh, one other thing. There are PLASMA BLASTS firing out at random. Whenever Spidey's head flashes, press O, and he'll spectacularly dodge one with no problem. Annoying, but NEVER neglect to press O. Make sure to memorize the pattern of each energy field pulse, so you don't get caught in it when it lashes out at far range. When it's at medium/short range, SPRINT to the next switch (you may be able to use L1 to make it easier). However, it changes every press, or just plain gets faster, don't forget. After you get all 4 switches, you win this challenge! But what will happen to Otto? *** TRIVIA: By now, you probably know that Otto Octavius is Dr. Octopus. So, I might as well tell you, that in the comics, Otto became Octopus because... well, of a much LESS advanced reason. The metal arms were simply to handle chemicals at a far range, and they got bonded to him when the chemicals, along with a whole lot of other wacky stuff... exploded! Yep, that's it, no Rosie involved. *** Okay, finish earning the points if you haven't already, and buy the upgrade. It seems that you remember that you're late... again... So hurry up to good ol' college, and meet Connors there. But wait! Mysterio's robots will interrupt to attack you... again! Kill them all with your mad nice air combos (you do have mad nice air combos by now, right?) and continue. After the cut-scene, you'll have to head back to the Bugle. After a cut-scene there, you're done with this chapter, change into Spidey. And, if you didn't know, targets will lead you to all of the locations I told you to go to, but I really didn't have to tell you that now, did I? ---------------- 2.11: Chapter 11 ---------------- The Underside of Crime Tasks: Meet Aunt May at the Bank Earn 4,000 more Hero Points All right. First, meet with Aunt May at the bank (follow the white target) and then a cut-scene will start. Yep. You're actually fighting DOCTOR OCTOPUS, the main villain! Don't panic. For one, you just have to halfway beat him, and for another, his attacks are all kind of slow (for now). SEE SECTION 3.2 FOR DOCTOR OCTOPUS STRATEGY. Afterwards, you'll have to deal with three of his henchmen. They have some firepower, so, if you feel up to dodging, you can stick to a wall and web-yank them silly. But this will take long. Try webbing up/web- yanking two and then going for the third one separately. Now, you'll have a short time-limit to reach the top of a building. Use a zip-line or a wall-sprint over and over to reach the top fast. Now for the helicopter chase. Lose. That's right, stay and let it take off, or even swing away on purpose. Why? Because when you restart, THE THING WILL BE RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, BUT SLIGHTLY ABOVE YOU. Sound like your cue? Attach a web to it, if you can (it's not too hard) and just coast along. Now, Aunt may is in the path of the train! Oh no! Oh, wait, the train goes slow. Use turbo at the bottom of your swing to get to her. *** TRIVIA: In the comics, Doctor Octopus almost married Aunt May. Figures. *** ---------------- 2.12: Chapter 12 ---------------- Shocking Developments Tasks: Go to your apartment Earn 4,000 more Hero Points All right. Get to your apartment. After the cut-scene, follow the blue target. After another cut-scene, you'll meet up with... guess who? The Black Cat! In this chase, it's possible to... actually LOSE if you're trying, unless you use the run-and-jump method. But along the way, there may be a trouble-spot where you have to swing, so... do it when you need to! All right, it looks like the Shocker is back in business. And he's really mad, too! But you get to fight him... WITH black cat! *** TRIVIA: Remember the prisoner that escaped during a cut-scene in your challenge with Beck? Yep, Herman Schultz, AKA the Shocker. Funny how little things like that work out. *** Now, the shocker isn't too hard, (except for his HUGE charge attack) so don't fret. Read the boss section's section on him (SECTION 3.3). Now get some more Hero points. ---------------- 2.13: Chapter 13 ---------------- Cleaning the Slate Tasks: Complete Daily Bugle assignment. Earn 4,000 more Hero Points. Get ready. First, head to the Daily Bugle. You'll experience a cut-scene there, and afterwards, change into Spider-Man. Follow the blue target. But, soon enough, there will be a short cut-scene, and afterwards, keep on following the target. And, when you get there, be ready, though no amount of preparation could reasonably prepare you for this fight. Mysterio's back again, and this time, he's in person. Don't worry if you start crying, many people will during this ultra-hard fight. SEE SECTION 3.4 FOR STRATEGY ON MYSTERIO! Anyway, if you somehow win, head back to the Bugle, watch the cut- scene, leave, watch another cut-scene, and then... head back!? What? Don't worry, it actually makes perfect sense. *** TRIVIA: Spidey has to deal with those darn pedestrians who hate him very frequently, doesn't he? Blame Jameson! *** Anyway, when you arrive, the Black-Cat will stop you and tell you that she knows where Shocker escaped to. Follow her... yet again! You should be a pro at this now, right? Run and charge-jump! However, there is one spot where there may be some trouble. The Cat swings UNDER the bridge leading to Roosevelt Island (I think that's its name)! But don't fret... do just like her, and swing under the bridge! Oh, and don't wait until you're about to fall into the water before you shoot a web, or you'll surely lose her. Okay, now fight The Shocker, simple enough. Actually, not really. SEE SECTION 3.5 FOR DETAILS ON THE SHOCKER FIGHT 2. Hero Points. Collect them after you're done. ---------------- 2.14: Chapter 14 ---------------- Burning Bridges Tasks: Earn 3,000 more Hero Points Hey, you're late for MJ's play, you bum! You have a meaty FIVE MINUTES to make it, though. Swing under the bridge to get back to the main land, and then swing over to MJ's play. You should make it with time to spare. All right, it seems that a few baddies want MJ! You can easily take care of them in any way you wish. After a cut-scene, Spidey will remember he has a meeting with Black Cat! Follow the target to a really large building. *** TRIVIA: Anyone notice the big feathers on the building? COUGHCOUGHSPIDERMANONEVULTUREBATTLECOUGHCOUGH! *** Here's something new! You now have to RACE the cat! This will be a close race, so turbo swing all the way, and don't worry if you go a few feet past the target and leave it off to the side, you'll most likely have to swing around a corner of a building and go back to reach it, no problem. If you beat the Black Cat, smile and gloat, you have quite a challenge up ahead. Okay, you'll have to take out a lot of mercenaries AND three huge, rocket-firing machines. Kind of like the Super-Soldiers. And you now how hard Super-Soldiers are. Anyway, the Cat's helping you here, so you can rest (a bit) easier. The strategy here is to TAKE OUT all of the gunmen while taking as little damage as possible. You'll be fired at almost constantly, have your finger on that O button. You can hide behind the crates if you need a rest, but try and kill all of the gunmen right away. Now, the object after that is to defeat all three robots... without even touching them. You see, the Black Cat DOES deal damage, though not as much as you. Hide behind any box at all, and let her work. If you find she's stalling on the roof, you may be a bit too far from the action. Get closer, but stay behind a box. If you can't wait, you'll have to do it the hard way. Get BEHIND a robot, and punch away. They can't hit you while they're facing away from you, but MAKE SURE the other robots aren't going to have a clear shot at you, either. After this, finish getting the hero points. ---------------- 2.15: Chapter 15 ---------------- To save the City Tasks: Go to your apartment This is the last true chapter of the game. Before doing anything, make sure you have just about every upgrade and combo that you think you need. Also, don't waste your spider-reflexes on anything; you'll need it through this chapter. All right, go to your apartment first. You'll then have to make it to a meeting with Mary Jane. The time is short, but not that short. Change clothes and then watch the scene taken straight out of the movie... but with less special effects. *** TRIVIA: Notice that the car thrown was... black? Just like in the movie? No? Oh... *** All right, now follow the target yet again. Once you reach your destination, you'll experience another cut-scene. Now, swing after the train and jump onto it. You'll have to fight Doctor Octopus... AGAIN! SEE SECTION 3.6 FOR THE DOCTOR OCTOPUS 2 FIGHT. Now, you'll have to get to another location. It's not that far, but you'll have to go FAST to make it in time. Try and land on the roof of the building you're aiming for, crawling from the walls will take up time. Enter to watch a cut-scene. Oh, and be ready... for the final boss battle! First, you'll have to press switches again, like in chapter 10. There's an energy field, and it pulsates, but this time, I don't think it has a pattern. But even if it does, you won't have any time to memorize it. Why? Because Doctor Octopus, with a shield around him, is chasing and attacking you! And watch out for those nasty plasma blasts, press O when your head flashes. And don't fall into the water; it's an automatic game over. Anyway, to do this, when you start, ignore the control right next to you. Instead, SPRINT past Dr. Octopus, forward (and slightly to the left) off of the ledge you're on, and fall to the ground. There should be a hole in the floor. Waste no time (because the energy field should pulsate soon) and jump into the hole. Now, quickly, ATTACH TO THE CEILING OF THE HOLE, and crawl forward, towards the red switch. Stop right where a thin white beam blocks your way, and wait. The energy field should pulsate soon enough, but you shouldn't get hit. Keep crawling forward, and hit the switch. Get back up out of the hole. Now, you'll want to clear out the lower level. There are three rooms on the lower level, and there is a switch in each room. Sprint to each of the rooms, hit the red switches, and sprint out. Don't dawdle in the rooms, because the good Doctor will follow you and possibly trap you. If he does get into the room you're in, jump straight past him. Afterwards, JUMP back up to one of the high ledges. There are four switches in each corner of the room, hit them all. And watch out for the energy pulses and plasma blasts, turbo-swing to each ledge to avoid them. The last switch is high on the wall, near the ledge you started on. It's a good idea to hit that switch once you hit the one below it, on the ledge. Make sure you're on the actual SWITCH part to activate it. Switch Checklist: 1 in hole under the floor 3 on the floor of the room 4 on the higher ledges of the room 1 high on the wall After you activate them all, rest easy, a cut-scene begins, and then you must endure the last boss of the game, Doctor Octopus (again), of course. This means that if you die, you get to retry with full health! But if you used up your spider-sense mode, it won't refill automatically, so either don't use it, or refill it during the battle (by doing tricks or dodging attacks and such). You'll need it. Good luck! SEE SECTION 3.7 FOR DOCTOR OCTOPUS 3 STRATEGY! Then... you're done! Wait a second... not really... ---------------- 2.16: Chapter 16 ---------------- The first day of the rest of your life Tasks: Earn 50,000 More Hero Points Yes, you read that right. FIFTY-THOUSAND HERO POINTS. And there are no huge missions to help you out. You're going to have to get them clean and honest, son. Well, this is really the game's way of giving you freedom, so you can either slave over the game for a few days, or have fun and earn them eventually. Your wish. After you get them... you get ANOTHER CHAPTER!? ---------------- 2.17: Chapter 17 ---------------- The second day of the rest of your life Tasks: Buy Level 8 Swing Upgrade Surprise! This level 8 upgrade costs... 50,000 Hero Points! This must be the game's way of making you buy all of the upgrades. Everything else doesn't cost nearly as much, so it has to be. And yes, this is the last chapter of the game. After this chapter, you can just relax... AND SPEND MONTHS FINDING ALL OF THE SECRETS AND COMPLETING ALL OF THE EXTRA MISSIONS! Perfect... =========== III: Bosses =========== Fight! Fight for your life! -------------- 3.1: The Rhino -------------- Difficulty: Very Easy General Strategy: When he charges, go into L1 mode, dodge, and then counter-attack. The Rhino, being the first boss in the game, is... (Gasp) EASY! But he cannot be taken out just by running up and punching, you do need some strategy. First of all, don't try web on him, it won't work. Now, when the battle starts, put a bit of distance between him and you. He will eventually charge at you. Whenever he charges, he will either smack into you, or use that metal beam to hit you. Use L1 when he gets near. RIGHT as you see your Spider-Sense go off (your head will flash), press O. Be prepared for more than one press, it's possible. Usually, he'll either be vulnerable or dizzy after you dodge, so, while still in L1 mode (if you have some juice left in it), pound him. After a few combos, press L1 to get out of that mode, and back away. Rinse, repeat. If in need of more Spider-Reflexes, you may have to actually dodge WITHOUT going into the Spider-Reflex mode. Makes sense. So, if you're bad at this, don't waste your Spider-Reflexes, and turn them off when you go to pound him after a dodge! --------------------- 3.2: Doctor Octopus 1 --------------------- Difficulty: Easy General Strategy: Ignore his gunmen, and concentrate on giving him a beating. This fight will last shorter than normal, because you only have to get Dr. Octopus' life down to half before he runs off. Ignore his gunmen, because they only will slow you down. It's not too hard to avoid them, but if you're having problems, you might want to try taking them out first. Anyway, Doctor Octopus is not one to be rushed up to, because his tentacles will almost ALWAYS intercept you. You could web them down when they're yellow, but I never needed that strategy. I always waited for him do go through a wave of tentacle-swipes, and whenever he paused, or whenever he wasn't paying attention to me, I went into Spider-Sense mode immediately and started pounding on him. He's usually more vulnerable to attack when in the air, if you manage to get through his tentacles. Two or three good, solid Spider-Reflex mode combos and this battle should be over. ------------------ 3.3: The Shocker 1 ------------------ Difficulty: Easy General Strategy: Lock on to him, pummel him whenever you can get near, especially when he's jumping, and watch out for that huge charge blast! Alright, The Shocker is a relatively easy boss, because his shock blasts almost always miss you. However, he does have a few very, VERY powerful close-range attacks... When the battle starts, lock onto the Shocker. Now, whenever you can get near him, start pounding away. However, watch how he's taking your beating. If he's just limp and being moved around, you can feel safe. However, if he either curls up or brings his hands together, RUN AWAY, far and fast. He will unleash a HUGE shock attack that covers about half of the stage and that will kill you in three or four hits. This is the only thing you have to worry about, don't waste time with his henchmen on the upper ledge. Try to hit him while he's jumping, he's more vulnerable then. Oh, and if he ever runs into a small, enclosed room, DON'T follow him. He'll unleash that huge blast, and unless you have some GREAT reaction time, it'll be too late for you. Don't let the Shocker trick you into this, it feels bad. ------------- 3.4: Mysterio ------------- Difficulty: N/A General Strategy: Er... Punch him? Okay, I'll admit it. I don't have a strategy for this. Why? Because I'm not sure how I beat this guy myself. All I remember is a blurry three hours, filled with many blisters, tears, and much pain... oh, the pain... I cannot believe how evil someone would have to be to even think about putting this guy in the game. You'll lose a part of your SOUL fighting this guy; forget about the weeks trying to figure out how to beat him. Well, when you start, his life bar, which is longer than normal, fills up THREE times. Yep, THREE times. An omen of things to come. I tell you, I've had nightmares... visions of that fishbowl head... And he's taunting you all the while... that taunt... the echoing voice... it tears through your heart... pierces your soul... I can't bear to think of it... I get even more nightmares... OH, MY GOSH, NO! NOOOOO!!!! THE NIGHTMARES... THEY'RE HAPPENING! WHEN I'M AWAKE!!! I CAN SEE VISIONS OF THAT FISHBOWL HEAD... GETTING SO CLOSE... NO, DON'T TOUCH ME! NOOOO! AAAAH! HELP!!!! I HEAR HIS VOICE!!! IT'S IN MY HEAD! MY MIND!!!! MY MIIIIIIIIIIND!!!!! SOMEBODY HHEEEEEEELLLLLLPPPP!!!!! HEELP... H- H- HAHAHA... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA!!!! Sorry, I couldn't keep that up any longer without bursting into laughter. If you haven't guessed by now, Mysterio is the EASIEST boss in the game. Man, words cannot describe how EASY this guy is. One, he DOES NOT attack. Yep, that's right, even normal crooks put up a better fight. And two, ONE punch will defeat him. Just ONE. It will take out ALL three of his life bars. One kick will do it, too. A shot of impact webbing probably would, also. But the evil (and fun!) way is to sprint and then upper-cut him. ------------------ 3.5: The Shocker 2 ------------------ Difficulty: Medium General Strategy: Hide out until you can disable Shocker's shield, and then pummel him. Watch out for the huge charge attack, again. This has a bit more strategy to it. You have to disable the Shocker's shield, along with the Black Cat. First, either stick to one of the walls, and crawl around to avoid his attacks, or get up onto one of those high ledges and use the big beams in front of them to shield you. DON'T lock on to him at this point. Now, when the Cat tells you to, you have to go to the platform opposite her and press the switch. Look for her yellow exclamation point that signals her position, and then jump over to the ledge DIRECTLY OPPOSITE her. Press the switch. When the Shocker's shield is disabled, don't waste any time. Jump down, go into L1 mode, and then hurt him as much as you can. You will have to disable the shield another time, so be prepared. Eventually, Black Cat will shut it off permanently, so you'll basically have to use the same strategy as last time. This time, he sometimes uses a mini- shield to block your attacks, so don't mindlessly punch him; actually look to see how he's responding. Remember: Flailing around is good, activating a shield is bad, and curling up and charging is VERY bad. If he does this, get to the other side of the room, right away. After the shield is down for good, he tends to jump around onto platforms a lot, use this to your advantage. Try to nail him in mid- jump. --------------------- 3.6: Doctor Octopus 2 --------------------- Difficulty: Medium General Strategy: Don't fall off of the train, dodge his attacks, and when he stops, jump over and punch him. The second encounter is a bit harder than the first. His attacks are faster, and you also have to worry about being knocked off of the train (or even worse, being knocked into its path). If knocked off, don't worry, just swing back on. Anyway, he always stays in one spot, the end of the train, so if you need a rest, just retreat back a little. Now, when you're ready to attack, go up to right before that white part of the train just in front of where the good Doctor is standing. Dodge his attacks. Whenever he takes a rest of ANY KIND (for example, returning to the floor after a barrage of attacks from the air), go into L1 mode, and beat the stuffing out of him. If you land hits, don't get too confident, he can recover very quickly. Again, you COULD web his tentacles to the ground when they're yellow, but that's not what I did. Whenever you rush in, expect to get banged up, it's part of the job! But if you're getting TOO banged up, you may have to use some of your Spider-Reflexes to dodge his attacks. This time, you have to completely drain his life, so expect the full battle to be staged. --------------------- 3.7: Doctor Octopus 3 --------------------- Difficulty: Medium/Hard General Strategy: Dodge, dodge, DODGE! Go into Spider-Reflexes mode if you must (and you probably will). Whenever you see an opening, attack, attack, ATTACK! Here it is! The final battle! First of all, jump down from where you're standing and run straight into the doorway near you. You'll need this space for the fight. The Doctor will come and see you soon enough. When Doctor Octopus enters, lock onto him. Stand your ground, and wait for him to come up to you. Put your finger on the O button at this point. When he attacks, DODGE, DODGE, AND DODGE! His attacks are super-fast in this encounter, and if you don't have any Spider-Reflexes in your meter, you may have to spend a life gaining them and then die on purpose (or not so much on purpose) so you reset with them, AND a full life-bar. Or you can just dodge really well to gain them and not lose any life. After he attacks, and you dodge, know when he's pausing for a second, and then jump in with Spider-Reflexes on and COMBO him once (or twice, if he's really vulnerable), and then GET BACK. He will GRAB you if you're not careful, and squeeze the life out of you. He's most vulnerable after an attack where he uses his tentacles to prop himself up, and then swings some of them at you, around and around. If you successfully dodge all of the swipes (use Spider- Reflexes, duh), you may be able to jump up and give him a few air combos without fear of retaliation. Remember, dodging gives you back Spider-Reflexes, so you may have to just dodge and run instead of attacking if you're low on them. Also, punches in Spider-Reflexes do the most damage. A few of these combos will kill him, no problem. Well, after this... enjoy the cut-scene! You've beaten Doctor Octopus! Three times! Congrats! ======= IV: End ======= -------- 4.1: End -------- Wow, I actually wrote this whole thing? Keen! Thanks for reading it! I hope I actually helped you in at least one section in the game! If I have, I've done my job. And if not... hey, it's not like I'm getting paid! ~End.