Spider-Man: The Movie Playstation 2 Copyright 2003, Andrewfreak1 all rights reserved! Version 2.1 ==================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ==================== 1. Spidey is back...In a new adventure! 2. Version History 3. Training 4. The Story 5. Classic/Enhanced Controls/Combo List 6. Items 7. Gallery 8. Specials 9. Walkthrough/FAQ A) Search For Justice B) Warehouse Hunt C) Birth of a Hero D) OsCorp's Gambit E) The Subway Station F) Chase through the sewer G) Showdown With Shocker H) Vulture's Lair I) Vulture Escapes J) Air Duel With Vulture K) Corralled L) Scorpion's Rampage M) Coup D' Etat N) The Offer O) Rage Against Time P) The Razor's Edge Q) Breaking and Entering R) Chemical Chaos S) OsCorp's Ultimate Weapon T) Escape From OsCorp U) Mary Jane Kidnapped V) Face-off at the bridge 10. Costumes/Secrets 11. Glitches/Cool Stuff 12. Cheats/FAQ 13. Secret Character a. Goblin Controls 14. Review 15. Special Thanks/Game Credits 16. Goodbye! Alright, Let's move on... ------------------Spidey's Back, In a new adventure!---------------- Alright, this is my first spidey guide, I'm ready to tell you some Green Goblin kickin' tips! This game is so awesome, That I wanted to write this guide. You can E-mail me at rubes2@earthlink.net If you have any questions. I promise I will answer any of you questions!! Do not advertise, either, I don't care what your selling! Also, make your subject: Spider-Man: The Movie to help me know what your talking about. Some people HATE this game, I don't know why, But I guess they DON'T like spidey or something. I think Treyarch and Activision did a very good job on this game, because you play as Stan Lee's misunderstood wall-crawler. Why? Because Spidey is one of the most famous super-heros around. Too bad you couldn't see any of your alleys (Fantastic Four, etc.) and some other stuff. There are some very funny things in the game, that will make you laugh so hard you will fly up into the air and end up smashing into the ground, laughing! Like when your in the tutorial, and Bruce Campbell says he'll grab a ham sandwich, and also he says some pretty funny stuff. Also, Spidey's the main star of the game, so he says some funny quotes. This game is the best Spider-Man game, it RULES! ---- Andrew -------------------- Version History ------------------------------ 3-7-03 10:15 A.M. Finally Started The Guide! 3-7-03 8:38 P.M. Finished 'Introduction' Section! 3-8-03 9:19 A.M. Finished 'Training' Section! 3-8-03 9:47 A.M. Finished 'The Story' Section! 3-8-03 9:57 A.M. Started 'Classic/Enhanced Controls' Section! 3-8-03 11:43 A.M. Finished 'Classic/Enhanced Controls' Section. 3-8-03 11:44 A.M. Started 'Walkthrough/FAQ' Section. 3-10-03 7:55 A.M. Finished 'Search For Justice' 'Warehouse Hunt' 'Birth Of A Hero' 'Oscorp's Gambit' and 'the subway station' walkthroughs. 3-10-03 7:57 A.M. I'm going to do a spelling-check, before I go on with the guide! 3-10-03 8:03 A.M. Finished the spelling-check, I'm going to write up more of the guide. 3-10-03 8:50 A.M. I'm going to take a break from writing in a little while... My fingers are getting sore. 3-10-03 9:04 A.M. Going to start my break... I have to do my schoolwork also! 3-10-03 10:09 A.M. Done with my break...Finished some homework also! 3-10-03 1:21 P.M. I already wrote up half of the 'Walkthrough/FAQ' Section. 3-10-03 1:39 P.M. Doing nothing... Going to take a break of writing... Might do some more homework and/or rent a game. 3-11-03 2:21 P.M. My birthday is in 4 days! Yay! I also wrote more of the guide! 3-13-03 8:54 A.M. I added some stuff to the table of contents! 3-14-03 8:46 A.M. My birthday is tomorrow! Yay! I'm going to also write more of the guide! 3-14-03 9:08 A.M. Finished the Walkthrough/FAQ section! 3-14-03 9:38 A.M. Ate some breakfast, and also added a lot more to the guide! 3-14-03 9:46 A.M. Finished the entire guide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3-28-03 9:33 A.M. Even though I've finished the entire guide, I've made some changes: - Made some blurbs about the costumes in the secret store section. - Going to make a combo list of all of Spidey's Combos - Going to add 'Goblin Controls' to the secret character section. - Going to add 'FAQ' section (Frequently Asked Questions) - Added 'Goblin Tips' To the secret character section - Edited the whole thing - Edited my review - Made some descriptions about the controls, after it tells the controls (in Basic Controls section) ********************* * NEW VERSION: 2.1 * ********************* *Started: 4-9-03 *Completed: 4-22-03 NEW STUFF: -Added 1 cool thing in the glitches/cool stuff section. -Made the 'Spidey's Back, In an new adventure' Section longer. -Added one question to the 'FAQ' section. ---------------- Training ----------------------------------- (Note: This is took from the manual! BASIC TRAINING: Follow the question marks throughout this level to get an overview of many of Spider-Man's abilites. BASIC COMBAT: Go mano-a-mano with thugs in Bone Saw McGraw's wrestling ring. This level will teach you the basics of ground-based combat. BASIC AIR COMBAT: It's one thing to swing around the city at your leisure. How about fighting villians such as the Green Goblin from those dizzying heights? This level will teach you the basic skills necessary to do just that. Follow your compass from target to target, attacking stationary objects along the way. How fast can you take out all the targets? TARGET SWITCHING: When in Camera Lock mode, the right analog stick allows Spider-Man to cycle through nearby targets. When a target pops forward, use the right analog stick to cycle that target. Shoot impact webbing to knock out the target. How many targets can you hit? BASIC SWING TRAINING: Swing through this maze avoiding walls, floors and ceiling. Hold down the swing button in straight-aways to gain extra speed. Landing on red areas costs a five second penalty. How fast can you swing through the course? ADVANCED SWING TRAINING: How fast can you traverse this complex maze? Remember, Landing on red areas costs a five second penalty. EXPERT SWING TRAINING: Follow the green laser and green arrows to make it through this roller coaster ride of a maze. Remember to steer Spidey higher and lower using the analog controller. BASIC ZIP TRAINING: Use your zip-lining skills to make it through this maze. ADVANCED ZIP TRAINING: Mastered the basics of zip training? Try to navigate your way through a more complicated course in this advanced training level. EXPERT ZIP TRAINING: The ultimate zip-line training course. See if you can go against the clock and rise to the top of the leader board in this fiendish maze. SWING RINGS: Large red rings are hovering all over the city. Follow your spidey compass and swing through each ring turning it green. How fast can you swing through all the rings? PLATFORMS: Follow the Spidey compass and jump on the platforms placed throughout the city. BIG BRAWL: Wage battle against various enemies in this vast virtual environment. Use your webs, fists, feet and cunning to stay alive. OBSTACLE COURSE: Can you make it through an obstacle course without landing on any of the red areas? You'll need all of Spidey's web swinging and zip-lining abilites to do it. ----------------- The Story --------------------------- Orphaned at a young age, Peter Parker lives in Queens, New York with his beloved Aunt May and Uncle Ben. Peter leads the life of a good-hearted, yet solitary, teenager making his way through high school. On a school trip to a research institute, Peter Parker's class ic given a demonstration of genetic research conducted on spiders. Peter is bitten by one of the genetically altered spiders. The next morning, Peter discovers that suddenly his vision is perfect and his previously scrawny body has become muscular- he now has incredible strength, and his hands mysteriously adhere like glue to everything. Peter gradually teaches himself to gain better control of his powers. Initially, He uses his ESP-like "Spider-Sense" and superhuman strength, speed and agility to make money in order to impress the lovely Mary Jane. However it is only through the tragic death of his uncle that Peter learns that "with great power comes great responsibility." It is these words that transform Peter Parker from a teenager with extraordinary powers into the amazing Spider-Man, a super-hero out to protect the city from a never-ending supply of perils. Meanwhile, in a lab at OsCorp, Spider-Man's ultimate nemesis is about to be born... Are you up to the challenge? ---------------Classic/Enhanced Controls------------------------ CLASSIC CONTROLS: Square: Punch/Action - Will pick up an object - or perform a punch Circle: Kick - Will launch an object - or perform a kick Triangle: Web - Will shoot a single shot of web X: Jump - Jump, you can tap X twice to do a front flip/double jump Triangle + Left: Web Gloves - Will wrap your hands in webbing, this comes very useful Triangle + Right: Web Dome - Will wrap a whole sheild over you - Is very useful Triangle + Up: Impact Web - Will fire a ball of webbing at baddies Triangle + Down: Web Yank - Will yank a baddie that's from a long distance R2: Web Swing - You will start swinging web R1: Zip-Line - You will zip onto the ceiling R3: Look-Around mode - A little spider-target will appear. Look around and target where you want it, then zip toward that place. L1: Camera Lock - Will make two arrows go on baddies - so you can see where they are. Triangle + R1: Yo Yo Spidey! - Very, very stealthy! Spidey will shoot a web to the ceiling, and hang onto it upside-down! X: Ride Enemies - This will make you jump onto an enemies head and you will start beating him L3: Force Spider-Man to crawl on ground - Will make Spidey crawl on ground, now he kinda looks like a baby! START: Pause - Pause the game ENHANCED CONTROLS: Square: Punch/Action - Will pick up an object - or perform a punch Circle: Kick - Will launch an object - or perform a kick Triangle: Web - Will shoot a tiny shot of webbing X: Jump - Make Spidey Jump. Tap X twice if you want to do a front flip/double jump height L2 + Square: Web Gloves - Will wrap your hands in webbing - very useful L2 + Circle: Web Dome - Will wrap a whole dome of web around your body! This comes very useful if thugs gang up on you. L2 + Triangle: Impact Web - Will fire a ball of webbing at baddies. L2 + X: Web yank - Will yank an enemie from a long distance R2: Web Swing - You will start swinging web R1: Zip-Line - You will zip up to the ceiling R3: Look-Around Mode - A little Spider-Target will appear, target what you want, then press R1 to zip to that point. L1: Camera Lock - Two arrows will go on an enemie so you can see where he's going. L2 + R1: Yo Yo Spidey! - Spidey will hang upside down on a web line! X: Ride Enemies - You will jump on an enemies head and start beating it. L3: Force to crawl on ground - Spidey will crawl on the ground - He looks like a baby! START: Pause - Pause the game. L2 + X: Instant Swing Turns - Turn super-fast if your on sharp turns or something. /////////////// / C O M B O S / ////////////// Note: This is a list of all the combos. Dual Fists Mule Kick Elbow Slam Feild Goal Web Hit Backflip Kick Handspring Scissor Kick High Web Hit Dive-Bomb Adv. Web Gloves Adv. Impact Web (Must be on enhanced mode) Uppercut Gravity Slam Sting Dive-Kick Adv. Web Dome Tackle Low Web Hit Flip Mule High Stomp Palm Head Hammer Haymaker I PERFER: I perfer enhanced mode. Even though I got used to the controls from the old games, I just wanted to test t- he new scheme out. I perfer this mode because it has Adv. Impact webbing that can easily subdue foes, and it has twirl yank to make some thugs dizzy (hehe)! -------------------------Items-------------------------- These are the different items in the game. Not much though... RED SPIDER ICON: Will increase half of your health RED AND BLUE SPIDER ICON: Will increase all of your health BLUE SPIDER ICON: Will increse half web fluid BLUE AND SILVER SPIDER ICON: Will increase all web fluid GOLDEn SPIDER ICON: Will unlock attack combos ~~ COLLECT IT FAST IF YOU SEE IT! Those are all the items in the game. For some reason, I haven't ever found the red and blue spider-icon, so If you found it, please E-ma- il me at: rubes2@csiway.com -----------------------Gallery------------------------------------ Ok, I didn't copy this out of the manual or anything, so yeah. PRODUCTION ART: You can view some cool art and some pics from the movie, and you can also view some awesome art that some people drew. I usually check this section out all the time! MOVIE VIEWER: You can view mini-movies that you've viewed during gameplay. ~ If you've gotten 20 000 bonus points, you will get a cool Vul- ture FMV sequence. If you get 30 000 points, you will get Sho- cker FMV sequence. ---------------------Walkthrough/FAQ-------------------------------- #1 SEARCH FOR JUSTICE Perfect: Don't Loose any health! Combat: Defeat all 18 thugs. Secret: Find the woman and get her purse. Style: Showoff some of your combos Golden Spider #1: Under the eagle statue you start on! Golden Spider #2: On a building with a lot of vents and stuff. Level Hints: Alright, Uncle Ben has just been murdered. Your ready to kick some bootay! Uncle Ben's killer is going...Down! Alright, finish watching the video and follow your compass and height meter to the building with the two thugs, beat them up. Follow your compass and beat up the thugs until you reach a scared Skull Member. He'll say Uncle Ben's killer is at the warehouse. Follow your compass over to the warehouse to finish the level! #2 WAREHOUSE HUNT Stealth: Use stealth in the room with the two cars. Secret: After the first big room, look for crates clanged up together. Inside is the secret! Style: Use some of your fancy combos Golden Spider #1: In the first hallway, you can't miss it. Level Hints: Alright, Drop off the ceiling and go through that door. go through the hallway and go into the big room. You will see some thugs waiting to ambush you. Web yank them all over to you. As soon as they all get up, tie them up with webbing, then beat them up! Then go through the door over near the grey car. Some thugs will get surprised and turn around and start to go after you. Kill them, then some more thugs will come out of a roller door and come to attack you. The one with the red shirt has a gun, though so watch out! Tie up the guy with the red shirt, then take care of the two normal ones. Then start beating up the one with the gun, as soon as your done beating him up, go through the roller door and watch the cut scene. Drop down from the wall and kill the skulls. (Incase you've lost health, there is a health spider on top of the crates!) Then, go behind the blue truck and your Spider-Sense will go off. GET AWAY FROM THERE! One of the skulls will try to run you over with his truck! As soon as the truck blows up, beat up the skull and go past the fire, Zip-Line into the ventilation duct and crawl through. Then when you see the electricity, go into the other room to activate the switch. That will shut off the electricity. Then just get the fuse and open the door to finish up the level! #3 Birth of a Hero Time: Finish the level fast Style: Do some fancy combos (Backflip Kick, Field Goal) Secret: In the room before the big area, use stealth and before the thugs come out of that door, go inside it to get the secret (Don't get spotted, though!) Golden Spider #1: In the hallway with the steam vents. Golden Spider #2: In the secret area. Level Hints: Alright, go over and zip and crawl through the ventilation duct. Then drop into the room and beat up the thugs! Once your done, go into the big hallway and zip past the steam vents. Then go into the big room. Once your there, quickly zip up onto the ceiling and Camera Lock the thugs. Impact web them. Then drop down from the ceiling and tie the thugs up with webbing. Then make web gloves. Pound the heck out of the thugs you find, then sooner or later you will recover a key. Finish off the thugs (If you didn't get them all). Then go through the red flashing door. Then go up the stairs. Up! up! up! once you enter the tiny room, you will begin a boss battle with Uncle Ben's killer. ******************* UNCLE BEN'S KILLER ******************* Alright, Dodge all of his giant shotgun blasts. Zip up to the ceiling and you might find some health spiders. Be careful, the murderer has weapons like: A powerful shotgun, Flash grenades. #4 OSCORP'S GAMBIT Secrets: Defeat the HK's Perfect: Don't loose health Style: Beat up the Light Mech(s) using combos. Level Hints: Follow Peter's Instructions and start swinging. Then jump off your web-line and then start swinging again. The camera should take some pictures! After that, swing past the floating baloon. It should take more pictures. After that, Camera Lock the floating balloon and Impact web it. Then follow your compass to the building. After the cut scene. An army of light mechs will be after you. Just web them up and they'll blow! #5 THE SUBWAY STATION Time: Sorry, Didn't get this bonus Perfect: Don't loose any health Golden Spider #1: In a place near the stairs, go right, then jump over the wall to grab the combo Golden Spider #2: Go to the stairs in front of you. it's far, so webswing there. then go under the stairs and zip up, then look around the ceiling to find the combo. Level Hints: Alright, go forward and go towards the security guard that's getting beaten. Tie all the guys up, then start beating them one by one! After the security guard runs away, watch the cutscene. Once the cutscene is done, go over inside that place and rescue both of them! After that, you will see another cutscene where a cop is getting pounded. (Ugh, isn't one rescue a day enough?!) Alright, go over to the poor cop and beat up the baddies! Then, ANOTHER CUTSCENE will happen (gosh!) then there is two coppers getting beaten. go over there and rescue them. Then the level is complete. #6 CHASE THROUGH THE SEWER Combat: Defeat all 20 thugs. Style: Mix up some good combos. Time: Finish the level fast. Secret: After the cutscene where Vick turns the vaulve, recover it and go inside the sewer place. Then zip up, you will see a secret area. Inside there is a switch. Shoot it, then go out where Vick was, and then go down near the electricity. Inside the place is the secret. Golden Spider #1: On top of the sewer place that Shocker ran through. Golden Spider #2: In the secret area. Golden Spider #3: In the last room of the level, the left door on the lower floor is the combo. (NOTE: you have to be on enhanced mode or you won't get this!) Level Hints: Darn, our first LONG and HARD level... If only Shocker gave up! Ok, once you begin the level two thugs will be running toward you. Luckily, there is a gas container right aside you. Throw the gasoline container at the two guys. (They'll still be alive) So then do the handspring on them and they'll die. Keep on moving and you'll find one of the really tough thugs. WATCH OUT! (this thug has an uzi!) and also, the guns and really damage your health. Beat up the thug, grab the key, then go over to the locked sewer door to unlock it. Once you've gone through it, you'll see a tough current in the sewer water. Turn left and webswing to the other place and beat up the thugs. If you want, you could Web yank them into the water! Hahaha! Keep up the good work. Then go into the HUGE room and shoot the two red switches to make them green. Then go to the VERY bottom and go through that door. Some thugs will attack you but don't worry, Just do your awesome combat. Then, webswing past the water and you will see the cutscene with Vick and Shocker. After the cutscene is finished, beat up the two thugs and go through the next room across from you, Vick is hiding in there. Once you spot him, Web him up and get your web gloves out then... POW! BAM! SMACK! SMASH! He's dead. Grab the vaulve and put it back in it's place to stop the crazy sewer water. Go through that place, then beat up the thugs there. Then hop over the metal fence and a baddie should spot you. Web yank him, then start pounding him for good! Then, climb up the other tiny metal fence and go over to the two baddies. Beat them,then enter the last room of the level. After you've beaten up enough thugs, another giant squad of thugs will be after you. Once you've beaten up the entire crew, one of the thugs on the higher ledges will have a key. Beat him up, recover the key. Go to the REALLY low floor of the room and open up the right door, shoot the switch, go back up to the locked door (which you just unlocked, it's not locked anymore) and once you've gotten inside there, watch the cutscene and level complete. #7 SHOWDOWN WITH SHOCKER Perfect: Don't loose any health Secret: Get the golden spider Style: Use the web dome to block the blasts in the tunnel, when you fight after he does a tornado grab out your web gloves to pound him. Golden Spider #1: In the fast river. Spidey's going to have a final showdown with the Shocker, so get ready to be blasted (or not) by giant shockwaves. Ok, once you start the level hide behind the pillar so Shocker cannot blast you. Then, the way I did this level is do block the shockwaves with the web dome. There are two ways to do this level when you first start: 1: Block the shockwaves with the web dome 2: Webswing through the tunnel quickly. Pick your choice and this is the stragety when you fight: ******************* S H O C K E R ******************* Ok, dodge all of Shocker's blasts (when you fight) and when he does tornados, get as far as you can away from him... He can suck you into the tornado and you can loose health... Just do all of Spidey's special moves to defeat him! #8 VULTURE'S LAIR (OH NO!) Perfect: This one is horrible to try to get...NEVER GET HURT IN THIS LEVEL!!! Time: Finish the level quickly! Golden Spider #1: Some place near a blocked entrance. This is the ultimate challenge, especially if your on the harder difficulties. OK, head forward and then go up the stairs Vulture should throw a couple bombs down the walkway, so watch for that. Keep on going up, when spidey stops, watch the cutscene and head forward. You see the crazy log that swings left and right. Make sure you be on the lookout, because some robot-spiders will start chasing you, and they'll blow up once they're close enough to you. Right when you get to the broken off part of the stairs, zip up above the log. Make sure you don't press X, because then you'll detach and get wacked by the log. Go and crawl over the short fence and then begin the next floor, you aren't in danger anymore, so don't fret. Once you've got to a blocked entrance, some of Vulture's bombs will blow up the block-off. Go backward, then go forward and jump high onto the walkway and then walk through the big hole in the wall. Once your inside, zip-up and then crawl forward and drop down. You've made it past that part. Sooner or later, you should reach a part where Vulture get's mad and throws A LOT of bombs. Be sure to do all of your webswinging and zip-lining abilites to get past this tough area, as well as the bombs and robot-spiders can kill you pretty fast. Once Spidey comes to a complete stop, LEVEL COMPLETE. #9 VULTURE ESCAPES Vulture Proxitimity: Get close enough to Vulture to attack him. Time: Beat the level Perfect: Don't Get hurt Golden Spider #1: NONE Alright, just stay as close as you can to Vulture, and once you get to the part where he blows the billboard, web both of the damaged parts up quickly!! Later, he should blow up a water tank and claims that the citizens below are "thirsty". Web up the water tank and follow him to finish the level! #10 AIR DUEL WITH VULTURE Time: Beat the level fast. Perfect: Stay away from Vulture and Impact web him. Style: Get him with Impact Web in the air, then on the ground use special combos to defeat him. Golden Spider #1: On the lowest portion of the building. Golden Spider #2: On the very top of the pointy part of the building. Ok, the way I did this level is to always get Vulture when he's up close and to stay away from him when he's dangerous. When he's hurt and down on the building, get out your advanced web gloves and pound him. Rinse, Repeat... Omigosh Patrick no andrew ha ha #11 CORRALLED Secrets: Get the golden spider. Protected Scorpion: Just beat the level. Style: Mix up some pretty good combos. Golden Spider #1: On the 2nd floor going to the 3rd. First defeat the spider in front of you, and go over to the car near the Web Icon, and throw it...KA-BOOM! That will blow up some more HK's (hunter killers). Then just stay by Scorpion. If your trying to beat the game on Hero, this level is going to be pretty tough. Easy: 10 HKs Normal: 20 HKs Hero: 30 HKs Super Hero: 40 HKs #12 SCORPION'S RAMPAGE No Pickups: Don't collect any pickups in this level (except the golden spider!) Style: Use some good attacks on Scorpion. Golden Spider #1: Floating above a stack of crates. Scorpion has just gone major insane!!! We're facing him in the Subway Station, So just get ready to kick his butt all over the streets of New York! Ok, here's a tip: Whenever Scorpion is on the walls, use the web-yank to yank him off. Ok, when he's off the walls get your advanced web gloves out and start beating him for good! Scorpion is one of the hardest bosses (If your a beginner!) and he's a expert hand-to-hand combat fighter..So beware!! #13 COUP D' ETAT Time: Finish the level fast. Perfect: Don't let Goblin hurt you AT ALL. Style: Jump onto Goblin's Glider, then start beating him. Golden Spider #1: On top of the building you start on. IF YOU ARE ON ENHANCED MODE, It's on top of the helipad from the left of the building where the spider-warp is. The first appearence of Green Goblin! Oh Boy! Ok... Swing over to Mary Jane on the float and pick her up. Then go over to the giant Spider-Warp and start battling Goblin. Beat him. Sooner or later, after he's lost a Quarter of his life, Green Goblin should fly away with his glider. Follow him, then he should bomb a tower. Go up onto the tower and web up the four broken parts. Then, battle him some more, and he should run away again. Follow him, then he should bomb a bridge. Go webswing onto the building and Web up the two broken pillars. Then you should fight some more, he should run away, then just beat him to finish up the level. #14 THE OFFER Time: Beat him really fast. Style: Try to jump onto his glider twice, and when he is on the ground use the tackle move. Golden Spider #1: After Goblin bails off his glider, inside the place is the spider. Oh, great. Just great. Another big battle with the Green menace! Ok, you see a blue part of green goblin's life meter, right? Well, that doesn't really count as pounding his life. But hey, it gets him out of the air! Ok, keep on beating him until there is a cutscene where Goblin bails off his glider. Go inside the building he's in, then start doing some hand-to-hand combat! (NOTE: there is health icons on the windows near the roof, there is also web too!) Ok, once Gobby go's out a window and hops onto his glider again, repeat the same thing. He will bail off it again and go into a different building. Now all you have to do is beat him to finish up the level. #15 RACE AGAINST TIME Time: Get to the last bomb by 5 seconds and you should get it Perfect: AHHH!!! no, this one really bugs me! (because of those light mechs!) Don't loose health. Golden Spider #1: None Ok, the main key in this level is to jam through the level without letting any of the bombs go off. Use turbo swing if your about to run out of time. Press square to disarm the bombs. Thats it! #16 THE RAZOR'S EDGE R-Bats Destroyed: Destroy all the razor bats. (After you've killed the 50!) Style: Use an adv. web dome to blow away some bats. Pickups: Use one or two pickups in this level! Alright, in this level, Ignore Goblin as much as you can and just concentrate on the robotic bats. Land on a building and make a ADV. WEB DOME, then when all the robots catch up to you release it and... SMAASH!! it will at least blow away 30, 20 or 16!!! Keep on repeating this. Once all the robots are gone, follow your compass to the construction site to finish the level! #17 Breaking And Entering Stealth: Don't let the guards raise the alarm Perfect: Don't let the guards raise the alarm Time: Finish the level fast Secret: After the first room go straight, you will find elevators. go inside them and you'll get the secret (Note: It doesn't say: 'You've found a secret area!' Golden Spider #1: Near the first computer. Ok, on this level use stealth as much as possible, because if ANY guards spot you, they'll raise an alarm that will bring the super soilders to take you out!!! BE REALLY CAREFUL! There are also security cameras too, in this level. Once you've downloaded the five computers, follow your compass to the big blast door, and once you've completed the puzzle with the door, Level Complete! #18 Chemical Chaos Time: Finish the level really fast. Perfect: Don't loose health Golden Spider #1: On the ceiling in a place Golden Spider #2: In the room near D and C. Ok, once the doctor gives you the keycard, go to the room B and A and download those two, then go into the big room and activate the control terminal that says 'BA'. Then go into the big room with lots of lazers and then go and download C. Dr. Rue has the key for room D. There will be a cutscene where he'll walk in. Kick him, he should fall down and be knocked out. Collect the keycard then go into room D, download, then go into the big room and activate the control terminal 'DC' then you've completed the level! #19 OsCorp's Ultimate Weapon Sorry, I kind of forgot the bonuses in this level... Golden Spider #1: NONE Alright, in this level just destroy the twelve generators and if you get far from the giant robot, it'll fire it's cannon at you. Once the generators are destroyed, hop onto the robot and beat the heck out of it! #20 Escape from OsCorp SuperSoldiers Killed: Kill at least 10 super soilders Time: Finish the level fast Perfect: don't loose any health Style: Mix up all the combos you can think of! Golden Spider #1: In front of you when you start the level. Ok, you see the big machine guns and the giant lazer wall? Well, go to the far right and go inside the security room. Activate the panel and that should shut down the lazers or guns, I kind of forgot. Then go to the OTHER security room and activate the switch. Then solve the puzzle to finish up the level! #21 Mary Jane Kidnapped! Perfect: Dodge all of Goblin's Bombs, so you won't get hurt. Ok, your target is Mary Jane! If you loose Goblin, you'll never see her again! This is just like Vulture escapes, except Goblin never slows down by breaking a water tank or a billboard. Just keep at it! #22 Face-Off at the bridge Sorry, no bonuses in this level Alright, this is the final level in the game! It will probalby take a couple re-trys, because it took me fifteen minutes to complete this level! First rescue Mary Jane, then put her down on the Spider-Warp. Then battle goblin and beat him down until he is dead. Remember, if goblin is NOT on his glider, it will go after you anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / | ONGRATULATIONS! | | \_ _ _ _ _ _ _ You've just beaten Spider-Man: The Movie. Now that you've beaten the game, there are some prizes for you! ------------- Costumes/Secrets ---------------- 10,000 Pinhead Bowling 20,000 Vulture FMV Sequence 30,000 Shocker FMV Sequence 50,000 Unlimited Web Fluid Beat Game on Easy: Peter Parker Wrestling Costume Beat Game on Normal: Alex Ross Costume Beat Game on Hero: Green Goblin You've unlocked to play as Peter Parker! You've unlocked to play as wrestling costume! You've unlocked to play as Alex Ross! PETER PARKER: It's the amazing Spider-Man without his famous red-and-blue suit! Webswing around, but beware, now super-villians know your secret identity! WRESTLING COSTUME: Spidey's wrestling costume when he was fighting Bone Saw McGraw, And also when he was battling Uncle Ben's Killer!!! ALEX ROSS: Alex Ross's Spidey in a new cool suit! grey sparkling eyes, and cool colors!! GREEN GOBLIN: Oh no!! Who let the super-villian out? Who? Who? Who? Who? PINHEAD BOWLING: Just a little minature game thats pretty fun!! You can play up to four players, and it's pretty awesome. You have to smack thugs using a webswing kick!! VULTURE FMV SEQUENCE: Just a short little FMV that Treyarch decided to leave out. It shows Vulture inside a train, doing some stuff. Pretty Cool. SHOCKER FMV SEQUENCE: Same as the Vulture movie. It's cool, but Shocker is in a sewer doing some stuff. The only cool part in this FMV is shocker blasting the machine. UNLIMITED WEB FLUID: Ohh.. This is cool! You have unlimited webbing, which is very useful. I usually run out of webbing when I'm playing on hero (Why don't I just use the cheat code?!) like in birth of a hero or something when I'm in the big room. -----------Glitches/Cool Stuff------------ 1. Balloon! On Coup D' Etat, when your playing as Green Goblin, try to shoot Mary Jane on the balloon. You will go right inside the balloon! Try to free yourself out by flying around! 2. Stuck Thug While playing on an outside level, punch a thug off a building. He should freeze for a second, move over to the edge, and fall off. 3. Rich-Person This is not a glitch, it's just a quick-laugh you will enjoy while your playing the game. Ok, change your options to the left analog stick and then push it just a little when your in an inside/outside level. When spider-man walks, he looks like a rich person! 4. Getaway Train! In the 'Showdown With Shocker' Level, after he runs into the back room, when you have to shoot the switch to make the train roll out of your way, Quickly jump ontop of it, then shoot the switch. You will be riding until the end! Just pretend when Spidey is ontop of a subway like in the comics or something. Those are all the Glitches i've found, if you've found some, or a cool thing, please send them in at: rubes@csiway.com ---------- Cheats ---------- ARACHNID: Unlock Everything IMIARMAS: Level Select SERUM: Play as a scientist CAPTAINSTACEY: Play as a Helicopter Copper FREAKOUT: Play as Matrix DODGETHIS: Matrix Attacks! HERMANSCHULTZ: Play as the Shocker GIRLNEXTDOOR: Play as Mary Jane REALHERO: Play as Cop KOALA: All Combo Attacks ORGANICWEBBING: Unlimited Webbing UNDERTHEMASK: First Person View (Awesome!) KNUCKLES: Play as Thug 1 STICKYRICE: Play as Thug 2 THUGSRUS: Play as Thug 3 SPIDERBYTE: Mini-Spider Man ROMITAS: Unlock 'Next Level' option in in-game menu JOELSPEANUTS: Big Head Enemies GOESTOYOURHEAD: Big head and feet Spider-Man CHILLOUT: Make Goblin's Glider never overheat (when you play as him) THERE IS NOT AN INVINCIBILITY CODE! Those are all the codes I've found! If I missed one, please correct me!!! ----------------FAQ--------------- Q: What does 'HK' stand for? A: Hunter Killers, the robot spiders that chase you and Scorpion. Q: Where's the secret Golden Spider on level 3? (birth of a hero??) A: It's in a little secret room. I didn't really mention this in the walkthrough/faq, but here's my way of doing this: Once you get into the ventilation duct drop that you have to jump down to go into the first little room, be careful and climb down, web up the thugs and then crawl over to the room that the heap of thugs usually come out. If one breaks out of the spider-silk, Quickly turn back and web him up. Then go into the little room, and there is the golden spider! (Note: You get the secret bonus for doing this, and you get the golden icon) (Another note: If you miss this icon on this level, there's another chance to get it on level 11, Corralled) Q: How do i get past the burning log on vulture's lair? A: If my whole description wasn't enough of getting through the tower, which it shouldn't be, well, I guess I'll tell you how to get past the burning log part. After Vulture throws his grenade to blow up the wall, quickly dodge all of the explosions from the robot-spiders, then go to the swinging-log part. Right when you see the log, quickly zip up and make sure your on the ceiling on the next floor so you don't get wacked by it. There is a health spider on a broken walkway, which you should be able to get. Crawl on the second floor and hop over the fence. You just pasted the swinging log part. Q: When playing as green goblin on the warehouse hunt level, is there any way to get the stealth bonus? A: Yes, Actually there is. When you go past the hallway in the beginning of the level, When you enter the first big room, Just use Goblin's glider and head up to the shadows on the ceiling. I think that's the only stealth with Gobiln in the level. ------------ Secret Character ------------- The Secret character is: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * THE GREEN GOBLIN! You have to beat the game on hero to unlock him! Once you start playing as him, you have his glider and his weapons and all his controls! That's pretty cool, eh? Also, Goblin majorly kicks in combat, but for some reason I like Spidey better. GOBLIN'S CONTROLS: ON GROUND CONTROLS: R2: Activate glider, or put it away. L2+Circle: Pumpkin Rockets Triangle: Turbo Run R1: Razor Bats (You can only release five at once) L1+R1: Destroy Razor Bats L2+X: Multi Bomb L2+Triangle: Multi Homing ON GLIDER CONTROLS: Square: Machine Guns Circle: Homing Blades Triangle: Inferno Bombs R2+X: Turbo Fly (This your heat gauge go up) X: Jump off glider R2: Move Glider (Most hold button) Also, Azraelswrd told me that in my Introduction I said 'Green Goblin tips', so here I made this little section about tips about Goblin. 1) His glider can't move in reverse, if that's what your thinking. 2) Goblin cannot stick to walls like Spidey. You have to use your glider to go toward ceilings or walls. 3) Use your Razor Bats to repair damaged objects. Well, I've totally beaten the game with Green Goblin, and Spidey, so If your trying to beat the game as Goblin or Spidey please E-Mail me and I'll put your question in the FAQ section. -----------Review--------- This Spider-Man game is the best, so I'd thought I'd create this review. From fighting Uncle Ben's Killer, to wackin' the green goblin. Oh, Spidey Rules! SOUND 10/10: The Sound is great! Tobey Maguire and Willem Dafoe are good at the voice acting, and shooting web makes a cool sound, It's Awesome! When you punch a thug, it sounds like your really punching someone! Alright! STORY 9/10: The story is awesome! Alright, Alright... I won't spoil it for you... All I can say is it's really cool! GRAPHICS 8/10: These graphics are just like the other PS2 games, except the animation is like, real! Especially in mini-movies, the graphics are awesome! That's my review for Spider-Man: The Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---------------- Special Thanks! ------------------- Thanks to my dog, Willie, because he's cool! Thanks to my best friend JC! Thanks to Stan Lee for creating Spidey! Thanks to Spider-Man for saving the world! Thanks to my Mom and Dad for buying me the game for christmas! Thanks to YOU, for reading this guide! Thanks to me, for writing this guide! Thanks to Azraelswrd, because he made me fix my mistakes! Thanks to everybody else I know, as well as they helped me write this in someway. ------------- Goodbye ----------------------- Thanks for reading my spider-man: the movie guide, we've made it to the end, people! This is my third spidey guide, once again, thanks for reading it! _ / \ /___\ / \ Thanks for reading my spider-man: the movie guide once again! _ / \ /___\ / \ "Good Luck True Beilevers!" - Stan "the man" Lee Goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodbye! There will be another spider-man game coming, sooner or later... just be patient! Bye! This guide is copyright 2003, Andrewfreak1 all rights reserved. -eof-