| This guide has a 40% GameFAQs approval rating. | o---------------o o---------------o | 10 Yes / 15 No | (04/06/2017) o----------------o ,,'''''''''''',, ,''',,,''''''''''',,''',, ,' ,,'' '',, '', |\, ,' ,'' '', ', , / \ /.,' ', ', | \__/ | / ,' ,, ,, ', \ ,__,/ ,-----,,/ / / ,_,,,,,,_ / \ / \--------,,, \ \ __,,,,_ \ / \, // / \ / \ \ \ / ', | / / / \ / \ , \ /' \ / | /| , \ \,/ / | \ |/ \ \| , / | | \ \ / |__| | _,_ \ | \ |\/ | ,/ \ / | / / \ | --\ \ | / \ / | ___/| | | | \ \ | / | | | \, | \ / / \ \ | ___,,/ | | | , '', '' / ,,, \ \| \ / | | |\, / / \ ''\ \ | | / | | | \. / \ ' \ /---/ ,-- | | , |,,,,,,| '\/ --'',,,____,' \_\ ,_,'' /____,,' |,,'''' ,,,,\ \,,,, \ ,//_/ --, '' \_\ \'' __ \ / ,, _'', /,'\ \ \ ,' ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '', / \ /,',,\ ,' ,',,' / /,,' '. | \ '''. '. '| ,' _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ', \-' / |_ |\| | |_ |_| ||-||- | \|_|/_\/ _/ \|\||_ | \| \ |_ |_ | | | |_ | \ ¯ |_/| \| |\_|\_/| || |_ / _| \ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, / ','','''' ',, ''',,,,, ,,,,,''' ,,' '''',,,',' '',, ''' ,,,'' '''''''''''' ,-------------------, | DRAGONFLY GUIDE | ,-------------------------------------------------------, |~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-TABLE OF CONTENTS-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~| |---------------------------------------------------------| | 1 - Introduction.............................[010000] | | 2 - Dragonflies..............................[020000] | | i - Dragon Realms........................[020100] | | ii - Dragonfly Dojo......................[020200] | | iii - Crop Circle Country................[020300] | | iv - Luau Island.........................[020400] | | v - Cloud 9..............................[020500] | | vi - Monkey Monastery....................[020600] | | vii - Honey Marsh........................[020700] | | viii - Thieves Den.......................[020800] | | ix - Jurassic Jungle.....................[020900] | | 3 - Frequently Asked Questions...............[030000] | | 4 - Updates..................................[040000] | | 5 - Contact..................................[050000] | | 6 - Copyright................................[060000] | |_________________________________________________________| | | | Author: dark52 | | Version: 2.0 | | Start Date: 01/12/02 | | Last Updated: 21/03/08 | | Website: http://www.darkspyro.net/ | | Email: dark52(at)darkspyro(dot)net | |____________________________________| ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[010000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-INTRODUCTION~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[010000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Welcome to my Dragonfly Guide for the 2002 game, Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly which appeared on the Sony PlayStation 2 and the Nintendo GameCube. The dragonflies are listed in the order that they appear on the Atlas. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[020000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-DRAGONFLIES~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[020000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ,-----------------------------------------, | [020100] Dragon Realms [020100] | '-----------------------------------------' 1. Hunter's Lesson Bubbles To the left of the starting point and round the corner you'll find Hunter. Simply glide after him a couple of times and he'll give you this dragonfly. 2. Front of the Castle Toons Found wandering around to the right of the starting point. 3. Buzzing Heat Fluffy In the area beyond the Ice Gate near the entrance to Jurassic Jungle. 4. Buzzing Cold Kenichi In the middle of the open area beyond the Lightning Breath Gate. 5. Flame Challenge Jeet Flame the eight scarecrows for the Flame Challenge Portal found up near where you finish Hunter's gliding lesson. 6. Ice Challenge Howie Complete the Ice Challenge Portal located in the area beyond the Ice Gate. 7. Ligntning Challenge Alex Complete the Lightning Breath Challange Portal. 8. Down by the Bay Amie Running around down on the shoreline past the Lightning Breath Gate. 9. Balloon's shadow Sandra Beneath the pavillion next to the entrance to Monkey Monastery. 10. Beyond the Gate Masa Loose in the area beyond the Ice Gate and near to the Ice Challenge Portal. ,------------------------------------------, | [020200] Dragonfly Dojo [020200] | '------------------------------------------' 1. Elder Dragons Roxie Free all five of the Dragon Senseis. 2. On the loose Steffi Directly ahead from where you start. 3. In the Mists Shellac In the righthand side of the second open area. 4. In the Corridor Cinder Wandering the corridor right after Moneybags' bridge. 5. Baby Dragons Moony Rescue all three baby dragons' kites. 6. Lonely Island Dawn Roaming on the same platform as the second young dragon with a kite, RJ. 7. Climbing Steps Cloudy Running around on the slope beneath the final Dragon Master. 8. Dojo Time Trial Rashomon Complete the Time Trial in the Banzai Speedway. 9. Dojo Race Yojimbo Beat the Hang Gliding Ninja Riptocs in a race in the Banzai Speedway 10. Tank Mini-game Cub Complete the Tank Training Arena mini-game. ,-----------------------------------------------, | [020300] Crop Circle Country [020300] | '-----------------------------------------------' 1. In the Pastures Akira At the first bridge drop down into the area below it, the dragonfly should be on the right. 2. On the loose Mitnick Running around just past Farmer Dean. 3. Up the Broken Bridge Laurent At the bridge with the portal to Platform Panic climb the ladder on the side. 4. Cow Herding! Cedric Once you've freed the cows go to Farmer Dean and herd his five cows. 5. UFOs Attack! Flavie Once you've freed the cows four cannons will appear throughout the level. Use Electric Breath on each of these in order to destroy the large UFO. 6. Free the Cows Fiona Get to the end of the level and detonate the TNT. 7. Super Flame Challenge Tetsu Complete the Super Flame Challenge Portal near the barn with the portal to the Cow Abduction mini-game. 8. Cow Abduction 1 Jingles Complete the first round of the Cow Abduction mini-game. 9. Cow Abduction 2 Jdubs Complete the second round of the Cow Abduction mini-game with gold UFOs. 10. Platform Panic Rickshaw Get to the centre of the platforms in the Platform Panic mini-game. ,---------------------------------------, | [020400] Luau Island [020400] | '---------------------------------------' 1. Behind the Statue Scuttlebutt Just along from the final pig, Chili. 2. Mountaintop Daisy Climb several ladders and then glide to the platform in the middle of the third open area. 3. Chili the Pig Dill Free all of the pigs in Luau Island. 4. In the Hoosegow Socrates Head Bash a button above the prison in the second area. 5. Landslide Plato Use a cannon on a boat to smash a pile of rocks and open up a cave. 6. Tiki Fire Breath Homer Use a superflame powerup gate to smash some statues and get some platforms to rise and reach Homer high up. 7. On the loose Gary On the beach directly ahead from where you start the level. 8. Mantaray Krishnamurti Beat Hunter at collecting baby Mantarays. 9. Drum Song 1 Terral Beat the first round of the memory game. 10. Drum Song 2 Maverick Beat the second round of the memory game. ,-----------------------------------, | [020500] Cloud 9 [020500] | '-----------------------------------' 1. To Clock Tower Goose Inside the Clock Tower in the area with all the gears. 2. Around the Way Iceboy Running about near the entrance to the corridor that leads to the Thunder Cloud pool. 3. Thunder Cloud Attack Takehiro Take care of some Storm Clouds hovering above a pool. 4. Hourglass Challenge Rick Reactivate all four machines in the level. 5. Lip of the Clock Margaret Just outside the entrance to the gear area of the Clock Tower. 6. On the loose Savino Running around in the rainbow area, up high on the platforms and along the rainbow. 7. Pillar to Pillar Sylvia Sitting happily on a pillar in the first open area after the rainbow. 8. Rainbow Time Trial Tashistation Complete the Time Trial of Rainbow Speedway. 9. Rainbow Race Grayson Beat the Bed Planes in a race in Rainbow Speedway. 10. Spitfire - Sky Base Tweedle Save Puffy Palace from attack by four large flying ships. ,--------------------------------------------, | [020600] Monkey Monastery [020600] | '--------------------------------------------' 1. On the loose Foamy Close to the start of the level, directly ahead as you glide down. 2. Save the Yetis Jewelwing Free all of the yetis from their ice prisons. 3. On the Ledge Holly On the ledge above Bartholomew's house. 4. Locked in a Chest Young The key is located near the entrance to the Turret Factories and the chest near the start of the level. 5. Hunting Wiptocs Gaku Shoot three flying riptocs down. 6. On Thin Ice Shadow Up to the left in the area beyond the large doors at the start of the level. 7. Behind the Doors Damsel Behind the doors near the start of the level, you'll need to have been through the whole level before they open. 8. Ice Slide 1 Cueburt Slide down the Ice Slide before running out of time. 9. Ice Slide 2 Dancer Slide down the Ice Slide again before running out of time. 10. Spitfire - Factories John Destroy all twenty Turret Factories for Mandy. ,---------------------------------------, | [020700] Honey Marsh [020700] | '---------------------------------------' 1. Treetop Russell On top of a tree in the area with the portal to Sticky Swamp Shootout. 2. Locked in a Chest Tim The key is found a flower along the same platforms as Russell. The chest is on some platforms further along near the end. 3. Beehives Lily Spit rocks to destroy some beehives for Alex-Bob. 4. Honey Stills Taka Turn off all of the Honey Stills in the level. 5. Thief Chase Duckweed Chase down and kill a thief. 6. Around the Bend Suzuki Hiding behind a tree near the portal to the Sticky Swamp Shootout. 7. On the loose Zwan Sitting on a flower. 8. Walking the Planks Gori On a tree just before the locked chest. 9. Honey Slide Clubtail Get to the bottom of the Honey Slide. 10. Honey Tank Pliskin Complete the Sticky Swamp Shootout. ,---------------------------------------, | [020800] Thieves Den [020800] | '---------------------------------------' 1. Wizard Riptoc's Micky Kill all of the Wizard Riptocs with their own spells. 2. Locked in a Chest Racket The key is on the slope in the Pool Cleaner room, the chest on a ledge to the left of the start of the level. 3. Ice Challenge Marta Put out all of the fires for the Ice Challenge Portal near the end of the level. 4. On the loose Martin Jumping about on a high up platform in the area with the final Wizard Riptoc. 5. Over the Edge Charlotte Perched in a lantern in the area with the cracked wall. 6. Chopping Block Jordan Flying about along platforms with several swinging axes, the portal to Oasis Speedway is nearby. 7. The Lantern Perch Atsumi Over the edge and down to the right after the final Wizard Riptoc. 8. Oasis Time Trial Coppertop Complete the Time Trial in Oasis Speedway. 9. Oasis Race Neo Beat the thieves in a race through Oasis Speedway. 10. Platform Pandemonium Morpheus Kill the Wizard Riptoc in the centre of the platform puzzle. ,-------------------------------------------, | [020900] Jurassic Jungle [020900] | '-------------------------------------------' 1. Recover Lab Pieces Jason Kill seven R-1000s on the lava for Dr Kogan and pick up the beakers they drop. 2. Gem Statue Scarlett Flame the Gem Statues in the correct order; Red, Green, Blue, Purple, Yellow. 3. Ligntning Challenge Karen Complete the Lightning Challenge Portal near to the Volcano Slide portal. 4. Locked in a Chest Jean Marc The key is found on top of the yellow Gem Statue and the chest to the right of the first entrance in the level. 5. Thief Chase Bonky Chase down a thief running about on some lava. 6. Attack of the Cavemen Wonky Kill all of the Cavemen Riptocs in the level. 7. Inside the Temple Doompa Up on the platform going around the edge of the room with the Gem Statues. 8. On the Lava Mitch Running about on the lava with the R-1000s, use the invulnerability gadget to reach him. 9. Lava Slide Saji Get to the bottom of the volcano slide safely. 10. Tower Warren Get to the top of the Tower of Scary and Ridiculous Heights. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[040000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~[040000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Q: Where is Lantern Perch / Over the Edge? A: These were mistakenly mislabelled and you'll find Lantern Perch over an edge and Over the Edge perched on a lantern. Q: What's the easiest way to catch a dragonfly? A: Keep charging and breathing bubbles at intervals, make sure to only break for a moment before charging again and you should catch even the fastest dragonflies quite quickly. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[050000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-UPDATES~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[050000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Version 1.1 Well what do you know? I finally got round to finishing it! As far as I know it's all complete and I've added a FAQ section so don't go emailing me about those questions no more. I've had enough of them! Any more questions? I will try to answer the emails as long as they aren't those questions there, and ones about gems! Version 1.2 - 10th August 2004 Hello again! This is about the first actual update I've done! I've upgraded the guides to amost of the Dragonflies now because it was really just a rough version that I sent in first so here it is with most of the mistakes ironed out! I d plan to eventually upgrade the guide to an actual walkthrough, but I won't be doing that for a little while. Heh, and I've also added my Spyro ASCII artwork that's on every other Spyro guide of mine. v1.21 - 17/11/05 Removed a pointless section and updated the site listings. v2.0 - 21/03/08 Completely revamped the whole guide. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[060000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-CONTACT~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[060000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Please contact me at the follwing email address regarding the game. Make sure to state the name of the game in your email, to have read the Walkthrough and to have checked the Frequently Asked Questions section to make sure that your question hasn't already been answered. dark52 (at) darkspyro (dot) net ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, |~-[070000]~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~COPYRIGHT-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-[070000]-~| '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Copyright 2002 - 2008 dark52 All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. ,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------, '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'