Boss Strategy guide for Starfox Assault. (Nintendo Gamecube) Last updated 02/23/05 Version: 1.0 Project started: 02/22/05 Project completed: 02/23/05 Total development hours: 03 File size: 23.2 kilobytes (0.022 MB) Written by: Josiah Herrington Status: Complete This FAQ is of course copyright (c) 2004 Josiah Herrington ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contents [TOP] ~~| [W0.1] |~~ |__________| Table of Contents Use the above box to keep the 1: [010] Intro Search code for your current 2: [020] Legal stuff/Updates Location in so you can jump 3: [030] Overview right back to where you were 4: [040] Frequently Asked Questions in the walkthrough without 5: [050] Boss strategies having to search! [W0.1] Fortuna: A New Enemy [W0.2] Katina: Frontier Base Battle You can access any area in [W0.3] Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities the table of contents by [W0.4] Fichina: Into the Storm Pressing CTRL+F and copy [W0.5] Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace and pasting the code into [W0.6] Corneria: War Comes Home the find box and it will [W0.7] Homeworld core: The Final Battle take you right to it! 6: [060] Credits 7: [070] Contact Info =============================================================================== 1: Intro =============================================================================== [010] Y halo thar people. While, some of you are too good to use a guide like this, for the petty bosses that Starfox throws at you, others of you aren't. And even those of you who are, why are you here? The only reason I can think of is that you need help with a boss, are stalking me, or are bored. So anyways, this here is a guide to help you out with the bosses in Starfox: Assault. It will cover all the bosses, and the changes the undergo depending on the level you play on. I hope this helps you out in your honorable quest to save the lylat system from the evil that looms over it, and I claim 10% of all rewards you may or may not get! ARRR! GET YE GONE NOW! =============================================================================== 2: Legal stuff/Updates =============================================================================== [020] This FAQ is mine and is copyright(c) 2002 Josiah Herrington. This FAQ, as of now, can only be displayed at: - Gamefaqs ( - Gamespot( - IGN( - Though I require IGN to E-mail me and let me know that they are putting it up, so I know when to update. This document is only for personal use. You may not sell this FAQ or distribute it. Otherwise you may not under any circumstances host this FAQ unless I give permission. I still reserve all rights to discontinue any site's hosting of this guide. =============================================================================== 4: FAQ =============================================================================== [040] Q: Are the bosses on gold difficulty much harder than on bronze? A: Yes, they are. While many posses retain the same attack patern, the bosses on the higher difficulty levels have higher HP, more powerful attacks, and, in some cases, new attacks. Q: What is the bosses "Node?" A: When I say something such as "shoot the bosses node," it is refering to the boss's weak points, which more often than not in this game, are pink nodes. Q: How come for some bosses you only have one strategy, Bronze? A: This is the case if the boss on all the difficulty levels is exactly the same, just with more HP and attack. Q: Did u kno ur guide sucks!!! A: No I wasn't aware of any such fact. Q: Hey man! You do know your guide pwns all right? A: Yes! Thank you! Have an ego cookie! Q: There's an enemy on your tail! A: THATS IT! NO MORE Q&A JUNK! =============================================================================== 5: Boss Strategies =============================================================================== [050] ==================== Fortuna: A New Enemy [010] ==================== Boss name: Andrew Oikoney Boss name: Aparoid drone? (If you know the name, E-mail me!) Boss name: Andrew Oikoney Okay, for those of you who have played Starfox 64, this will be a breeze. There is no brain or eves to shoot, you just have to blow up his hands. From the begining he will let you know that he is going to show you his true power, and make a "come on" gesture at you. BEfore he finishes this, have a charge shot ready. His right hand (On your left.) will start to charge, which will expose the palm, and the node in it. Fire the charge shot at the node, and then pound it with your lasers. If you have hyper lasers, you will be able to kill it before he can even attack, if the charge shot hits and you shoot his hand with normal lasers also. Once his hand has attacked you, his other hand will charge, also exposing the palm. You should fire a charge shot and lasers at that also. After that attack has taken place, he will charge up both hands and attempt to squash you between them. At any time, you can interupt his charge by blowing up his hand. Once the first hand is destroyed, he will have a fit and slam his other hand on the ground. After that, be prepared to pull up, and away from the surviving hand, as he will punch strait at you, without a charge. This does massive damage, and is very quick. Once both hands are destroyed, he will be toast. Summary: Weak spots: - Palm of Left Hand - Palm of Right Hand Attacks: - A leftwards horisontal swat with the right hand - A Rightwards horisontal swat with the left hand - A hand-clap attack with both hands meeting in the center - A Quick, powerful, punch attack; only after one hand destroyed. =================== Alternate strategy: =================== If you have saved up at least three or more bombs, you would be wise to use one on him. This is particularly effective when both his hands are charging, if you shoot it in the middle. Both his hands will receive massive damage. Remember to save at least one, if not two for the boss battle right after this. Another thing to note is that you cannot kill both his hands at one time. If both his hands are charging and you fire a nova bomb and it smashes the crud out of both of them, one will still have .00000001 HP left and will continue to attack you. One attack of any kind hitting that hand will kill it though. Moving on o the second boss battle! Boss name: Aparoid drone? Okay, from the start of this, idealy, you should have at least two bombs left after the last boss fight, though one is acceptable. What you need to do first is take out all it's wings before they start firing laser cannons. To do this, basically you will want to fire your bombs at it's body so the blast catches all the wings. Any wings left over usually die in one hit with your lasers. It can only fire laser blasts while in wing mode, so you don't have to worry too much right now. After all it's wings are gone, you will have depleted two-thirds of it's health already! Sweet! Now it will fly ahead of you and start spraying lava on the ground. This will cause a mini-volcano to erupt, spewring boulders in the air. You have to dodge the boulders. You can shoot him while he is hovering in the air, if you can hit his node without your targeting recticle, while dodging asteroids, while the camera is at a funny angle. If you can manage that, this is a prime opportunity for dealing damage. don't worry, it isn't as hard as it sounds. His other attack is to hover in front of you and then suddenly open up, showing his weak spot, but launching four homing plasma shots at you. The best way to counter this is to fire a charge shot at his node just as he opens up, which will shoot down the plasma shots, and damage him. If for some reason, you hoarded bombs as you have one left over, now is an awesome time to use them. Once you hit him enough, he will die. Summary: Weak spots: - The orbs on the end of all eight wings - The node in it's face. Attacks: - Fire many laser-gloops at you. (Only while at least one wing remains) - Fire four laser-gloops at you. (When wings are destroyed) - Meteor Strike; Many meteors from the ground are hurled at you. - Ribbon 'o Death; will draw a strait line agross the screen either vertically from either top to bottom or bottom to top, a line horisontally from either direction, or a diaginal line from the top Left ot top Right. ==================== Katina: Frontier Base Battle [020] ==================== Boss name: Giant spider robot. (If you know the name, E-mail me!) Okay, you are going to be using the Landmaster to battle here; It's the only thing that hirts the boss. what you will want to do is get on the ground near it and hit the node on it's underside with the Landmaster's cannon/charge shot until it is stunned and collapses. When that happens, simply hover up on top of it. When you are on top, he will get back up and continue to stomp around. Now, the node on top will open and close, so you will have to shoot it during it's open stage. But it's not as easy as all that, now it is? Of course not, so, how can you be damaged by this boss? Okay, here are the bosses attacks. - He will shoot fireballs at you while you're on the ground, which you should roll to avoid. - He will stomp on you if you are right next to him. - If you are far away, or on top of him, he will charge up energy on his top, then fire it at you in the form of green lasers. If you are on the ground and he does this, roll and boost to avoid the lasers, as they cause some good damage. If you are on top of him, drive around his top, in a clockwise, or counter clockwise way, to get out of the quadrant that the energy is charging in. But remember, if you start going counter clockwise, stick with it and go counter clockwise. Don't change your mind and decide that you will start going clockwise. - If you are on top, your own shots will hurt you if you are closer than halfway towards the middle. Stay near the edge. Once you deplete his health to lower than 25%, he will start rocking and bucking in an attempt to throw you off. Don't worry, as you haev to be by the edge to be trrown off, and it mostly just throws off your sense of aim. Continue to pound on him when this happens, and he will soon drop. If you fall off, use the the few seconds of delay it takes to shoot the node on the bottom a couple quick times. If you're accurate and quick, you will bring him down again before he has the chance to attack! Summary: Weak spots: - Node on top of body. - Node on underbelly(Stuns only) Attacks: - Shoots green laser-gloops at you (Only while on ground) - Shoots fast green lasers at you. (Only while on ground) - Stomps you (Only while on ground) - Charges damaging green energy on top of self (Only when on top) - Shakes and bucks wildly to throw your tank off (Only when on top) ==================== Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited [W0.3] ==================== Boss Name: The Starwolf Team. Okay, this boss is fairly straitforward; Shoot down the Starwolf team. First off, if you havn't already done so, fly around the station, and through the tunnel on the top, and collect the bombs and laser upgrades. Once that's done, head after Wolf first, as he is the only one who comes after you by default. The others, such as Panther, will come after you if you fly very close to them, so try to avoid that. Target Wolf first, and fire a Nova bomb at him while you're locked onto him. That will take a fair chunk out of his health, even on Gold difficulty. Whenever an enemy gets behind you, DO A LOOP! It will cause you pain if you let even a grunt enemy take after you. Always remember, also, that saving wingmates is top-priority. If, for instance, Krystal dies, Panther will exclusively target you, along with Wolf, which means you have twice as many problems. Once Wolf is down, head after the carrier ship. (Orange on map.) A couple charge shots, or some hyper lasers to the node will blow it up and it will no longer spawn enemies and missiles. If you start to run low on shield energy, the robots on the asteroids, marked by yellow dots on your radar, all contain health packs or silver rings. The enemy ships, excluding Star Wolf, may contain a sliver ring, and the carrier will leave a gold ring when destroyed. Once that's done, head after Panther. I've never seen Leon even touch Falco, so you can leave him and Leon alone for the time being. Panther is pretty quick, but still not a challenge. Loop when he's behind you, and if he loops when you're behind him, apply the brakes to completely stop and end up right behind him again, with his loop energy expended. Charge shots and hyper lasers to wonders, as do bombs. Once Panther is gone, just repeat the same process for Leon. As Leon will most likely not have engaged you at this point, if you need health, fly around and shoot robots for silver rings, then go kill him. Summary: Weak spots: - Anywhere attacks: - Shoots you with lasers, but only when behind you. Giant Aparoid tower enemy. ==================== Fichina: Into the Storm [W0.4] ==================== Boss Name: Aparoid infected defense tower. This boss isn't very complicated. It really only has two attacks. It can open it's hatch and release about 35 - 45 enemy ships. These ships are not a real threat as the only way you can take damage from them is by ramming your arwing into them. They are key to your victory though, so you will want to kill a lot of them. About one out of ten of them holds a bomb that they will drop when they die, and you need these bombs to beat the boss. To damage it you will need to find the side with the hatch, and wait until it opens up, and shoot as many baddies as you can before they get out, and then launch a bomb into it. Depending on your difficulty level, this will hurt it different amounts. On easy it will take off 4/5ths of it's HP, but on either gold or silver it will take between three and six shots to down. Now it really only has one active attack; It will charge up a huge beam and fire it at you. The good news is that it hardly ever aims at you, and is almost guarenteed to miss, even if you try to get hit. The bad news is that if you get hit, you're screwed, even on bronze. Summary: Weak Spots: Inside it's hatch Attacks: - Power Beam - Spawn other enemies. ==================== Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace [W0.5] ==================== Boss name: Assimilated Pigma This boss is pretty easy. Basically you need to shoot his face until he dies. If you have hyper lasers you shouldn't have a problem, on any difficulty. During this level you will get one Nova Bomb. You should save it for the boss fight, here, as it comes in handy. Okay, as the battle starts, you will have to fight his six tentacled arms. Each is only vulnerable at the head, and can only be damaged at a certain time. When the tentacle has a rocket or laser pod on it's head, shoot the pod to stun the tentacle, and then shoot the glowing head. Once you do it enough, the tentacle will die. Repeat this on all six other tentacles. Once you get to the next form, you've pretty much won for sure. The only thing he has that is a threat to you is easy to see coming five seconds beforehand and move out of the way. To damage him here you will need to "Shoot Pigma smack dab in the snout!" Do this until he dies. The bomb really comes in handy here, as it takes off a fair chunk of health at any difficulty. As attacks go here, he will just fire missiles at you, while you shoot his face. Then he will un- leash his mega-attack. It's obcenely overpowered, but this is balanced by the fact that it is rediculously east to foresee and dodge. When he retracts his head into his ship and you see some sort of energy/gas coming into his ship from six directions, circle around the perimeter of the screen rapidly. He will exhale a deadly beam of death at you, whoch you do not want to be hit by. Circle to avoid it. Summary: Weak Spots: - The end of all six tentacles. - His face. Attacks: - Launch missiles. (first form) - Throw asteroids at you. (some may be blown up and may contain an item. - Shoot mini-missiles or lasers at you from an arm mounted pod. (first form) - Mana Breath (Second form, three second charge time, and very slow moving) - Launch rocket clusters at you. (Second form) ==================== Corneria: The War Comes Home [W0.6] ==================== Boss name: Aparoid infected General Pepper This boss it your standard Shoot 'em up boss. No tricks or hidden stuff, you just blow the crud out of him. He had a lot of HP, wo the only real difficulty is to stay alove. If you can do taht, then you can beat him horribly. For those of you who have played Starfox Adventures, you will find a bunch of similarity between this boss and the one from Dragon Rock, whose I will not spoil for you. He only has a few things he can do to you; He can pause in the air and charge up energy to attack you with. This can be devistating, so watch out for it. All you have to do do block this attack is nip it in the bud. Shoot him enough before he's done charging and he'll stop charging. He can charge right next to your arwing, or farther away from it. When he's close, his attack is way more powerful, but when he's far away, you may have trouble aiming for him. The second attack he has, is that he can spawn six charging probes. These probe enemies will charge indefinatly until you kill them and they will keep shooting you until they die so kill them off ASAP when they are spawned.Once you shoot them he'll fall back stunned a little, and the boss fight will be over. Summary: Weak Spots: - Face/Chest/Head area. Attacks: - Launch attack probes that must be destroyed. - Charge energy Blast for 5 seconds and then fire at you. ==================== Homeworld core: The Final Battle [W0.7] ==================== Boss Name: Aparoid Queen This boss is harder than all the rest. The boss has three stages so I will list them all in different sections. Okay, form one. In this form you will be in an Arwing in all range mode. You have to fire and hit the node on the Queen Aparoid, by first blasting away the armor that covers it, and then drilling it with your lasers until such time as the armor is regenerated. When the armor is regenerated, you will have to break it again to damage the node. Fire on the node several times, defending on which difficulty you're one, and the node will pop and Fox will launch the Virus into it. But the Queen holds off the virus, she means business. (Not "buisness". That's a pet peeve) Once the queen flees, you will fight the Queen Aparoid on rails. What you need to do to beat it is wait for it to turn around, and then just shoot the four pink nodes on the bottom until they click shut. Once the nodes are all shut, the actual attacking boss, a dragon like entity. This form has several powerful attacks. First off, it has a heelmet on, so you'll need to take care of that. Once the helmet breaks, you have a free shot at the boss's Eye. This can pay off actually, as, after it recovers from ramming you and effecting you with whatever fate it's bed breath attack is good for, you can shoot it's eye, as it's eye won't move until it's hit. Once you have depleted the HP of this boss, then comes the final form. This form of the boss has a mana beam like Pigma did, only it's more accurate. This boss will also lay down mines and you will have to shoot them down before your allies get butchered.and they will reward you with rings. All you have to do to this form is shoot it, but it will follow a random path and within the on rails section, and you will have to navigate that path, by memory, to or else die a painful on a pokemon board. Remember it's Mana Beam attack and avoid it. It's just as easy as Pigma's, if not easier. Once you shoot this boss enough, you win! Summary: Weak Spots: * 1st Form - Armor Plating (Does not hurt the boss when detroyed) - Orb in chest. * 2nd Form - 4 nodes on the underside, as it turns around.(Stun only) - Head & Helmet * 3rd Form - Anywhere Attacks: * First form - Mana Beam - Flying dirty bubbles. * Second Form - Rocket Launch - Bad Breath Attack - Head Ramming attack * Third From - Forcefield generator - Mana Beam Congratulations! That's the last boss in this game! =============================================================================== 6: Credits =============================================================================== [060] Credits go here in the event that I deem anybody worthy of credit. Jeff Veasey AKA CJayC For the wonderful site to put it on. My best friends Josh and Emily for being the most awesome people on the planet. I love you guys! =============================================================================== 11: Contact information =============================================================================== [070] Before I give you my E-mail Address: ******************************************************************************* * FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ON THIS GOOD EARTH * ******************************************************************************* R E A D T H E F R E A K I N G W A L K T H R O U G H ! ! ! That is what it's here for! I have get several dozen E-mails a week that are promptly deleted because the answer was in the FAQ. I'm Not your private gaming nerd! Read! Please don't abuse the E-mail and make sure I haven't answered your question in the guide. With that said: If for some reason or other you wish to E-mail me, My E-mail is: Kirbyroks @ gmail . com Also, be sure to put "Walkthrough Question" in the title or it will get deleted by my spam filter, and be sure to mention which guide it is. I have many guides out and asking me questions about how to do something in "Game X" aren't going to be answered. =============================================================================== And that wraps up this literary masterpiece. Thanks for reading! Josh and Emily, you own! I love you guys so much! \^^^/ \^^^/ \m/(-_-)\m/ Those who have seen my rose shall die! \m/(-_-)\m/ ( . ) [Hugs]----<(^_^)>----[Hugs] ( . ) _/ \_ (>^_^)> <(^_^<) (>^_^)> <(^_^<) _/ \_ **********************************END OF FILE**********************************