___________ ____________ ,' ______/__________ ____ _____ \ _____,'____ ___ ____ | ( /___ ___// / \ _ `. / /___ ,-'__ \\ \ ,' ,' \ `. / / / /| | / / | | / ____// / / / \ ' ,' `. \ / / / /_| | / /,' / / / / / / / , \ _______) | / / / ___ |/ / | | / / / /_/ / ,' ,\ \ ,'___________,' /___\ /__\ /_| / |__\/___\ \____,-',' ,' /___\ _,..--~``''~--...,____________,.-' ,' _,-'` ,' ,'_,.-~``'~--..,__ ,-' /,-'___ ___ `'~-.,________,.-'` _ _____ /\ / __| / __| /\ | | | | | | |_ _| / \ \ \ \ \ / \ | | | | | | | | / /\ \ \ \ \ \ / /\ \ | | | | | | | | / / \ \ _\ \ _\ \ / / \ \ | |_| | | |__ | | /_/ \_\ |___/ |___/ /_/ \_\ \_____/ |____| |_| ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== STAR FOX: ASSAULT ----------------- FAQ/Walkthrough Copyright (c)2005-2013 DomZ Ninja ============================================================================== Author: DomZ Ninja E-mail: domzninja[at]hotmail[dot]com Updated: 04/08/13 Version: 1.3 NOTE: This guide does contain spoilers! ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== See that series of numbers to the right of each section? If you want to find a specific section in the FAQ, press CTRL + F to open a search box. Type in the series of numbers for the desired section that you're trying to find and press Enter. Whabam! The search function will take you there in an instant. [1] VERSION HISTORY.................................................. [0100] [2] CONTROLS......................................................... [0200] [3] CHARACTERS....................................................... [0300] [4] WALKTHROUGH...................................................... [0400] Mission 1 - Fortuna: A New Enemy................................ [0401] Mission 2 - Katina: Frontier Base Battle........................ [0402] Mission 3 - Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited.......... [0403] Mission 4 - Fichina: Into the Storm............................. [0404] Mission 5 - Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace................... [0405] Mission 6 - Sauria: Reunion..................................... [0406] Mission 7 - Corneria: War Comes Home............................ [0407] Mission 8 - Orbital Gate: Incoming.............................. [0408] Mission 9 - Aparoid Homeworld: Breaching the Defenses........... [0409] Mission 10 - Homeworld Core: The Final Battle................... [0410] [5] BOSSES........................................................... [0500] [6] FLAGS............................................................ [0600] [7] ITEMS............................................................ [0700] Power-ups....................................................... [0701] Weapons......................................................... [0702] [8] STAR FOX HISTORY................................................. [0800] [9] THANKS/CREDITS................................................... [0900] ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [1] VERSION HISTORY [0100] ============================================================================== FAQ/Walkthrough #1 ------------------ Version 1.0 (02/24/05) - Finished the Walkthrough up to Chapter 6. Version 1.1 (07/01/05) - FAQ/Walkthrough complete and submitted. Version 1.2 (02/14/06) - Almost a year! Updated the format and added some new ASCII art. Version 1.3 (04/20/07) - Added a flag section... cause I felt like it. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [2] CONTROLS [0200] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEFAULT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - ARWING - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | Control Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | D-Pad | Toggle Radar (All Range Mode) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause Game | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Shoot (Hold to Charge Up) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Fire Bombs | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | X Button | Land (All Range Mode) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Y Button | Boost | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Z Button | Exit Arwing | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | L Button | Barrel Roll | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | R Button | Brake | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C-Stick | Somersault (Up), U-Turn (Down) | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' - LANDMASTER - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | Control Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | D-Pad | Toggle Radar (Left and Right) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause Game | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Shoot (Hold to Charge Up) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Boost | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | X Button | Boost | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Y Button | Hover | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Z Button | Exit Landmaster | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | L Button | Barrel Roll | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | R Button | Aim | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C-Stick | N/A | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' - PILOT - .-----------------------------.----------------------------------------------. | Control Stick | Move | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | D-Pad | Toggle Radar | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Start | Pause Game | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | A Button | Shoot (Hold to Charge Up) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | B Button | Activate Barrier | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | X Button | Enter Scope (Weapon) | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Y Button | Jump | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | Z Button | Enter Vehicle, Taunt | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | L Button | Roll, Strafe | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | R Button | Aim | |-----------------------------|----------------------------------------------| | C-Stick | Toggle Weapons | '-----------------------------'----------------------------------------------' ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [3] CHARACTERS [0300] ============================================================================== =========== Fox McCloud =========== The loyal hero and the main character of the Star Fox series. He's the leader of Team Star Fox, and his bravery and integrity has always had him on top of Andross's plans. You'll take control of Fox in this game. ============== Falco Lombardi ============== The vet of the team; Falco Lombardi is the cocky, trash talking member of the group. He's as good or even better than Fox when it comes to piloting an Arwing, so he has the skills to back up his cocky reputation. =========== Slippy Toad =========== Slippy is the brains of the team. Well...kinda. Slippy Toad is the mechanic of team Star Fox, but he finds himself throwing himself in the heat of battle and coming out being chased by an enemy or two. You will have to save Slippy a few times in the game, but his Landmaster skills and enemy identification proves that he is a helpful member. ======= Krystal ======= Krystal is the newest member of the team. Hailing from the planet Sauria, Krystal was first met by Fox back in Star Fox Adventures. She has helped Fox back then, but now she has an Arwing of her own. Her telepathic powers have proven to be quite useful in the battle against the Aparoids. ========== Peppy Hare ========== Peppy is the oldest member of the team. Back in the day, he was side by side with Fox in an Arwing. In present day, he has grown quite old and has taken his place outside of battle in the Great Fox. He advises the team and helps them out in a sticky situation. ============= Wolf O'Donnel ============= Fox's longtime rival, Wolf is back with his own crew. His team is back and flying the Wolfen, the equivalent of an Arwing, and likes to give team Star Fox a hard time. Wolf is a bery crafty and sly character, but he knows when to make the right decisions, such as helping Fox and his crew to defend against the Aparoids. ============= Leon Powalski ============= The very mysterious and cunning member of team Star Wolf, Leon is back with as much attitude as before. Longtime rival of Falco, Leon's perilous Wolfen skills have proven to be quite a threat to Fox and his gang. ============== Panther Caroso ============== Just so Star Wolf wouldn't be outnumbered with Krystal's arrival, their newest member is Panther Caroso, a sleek and cocky member who is quite the ladies' man... or so he thinks. He's more full of himself than Falco is, but he doesn't slack off when it comes to a fight. ============ Pigma Dengar ============ The longtime member of Star Wolf, Pigma, has depareted from the group in an effort to put his greedyness to the test. Things weren't working out between him and his former team, so he has gone freelance to get an Aparoid bounty. The selfish swine still has a bone topick with Fox, so don't expect the two to make peace. ============== Andrew Oikonny ============== Pigma isn't the only enemy flying solo. Andrew has also broken away from team Star Wolf in an attempt to recreate Andross's fleet. After the destruction of Andrew's uncle, Andross, he takes the force under his own hand and sets a full out attack on Corneria. The only problem is that there isn't enough room for the Aparoids and Andrew's fleet. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [4] WALKTHROUGH [0400] ============================================================================== NOTE: The targets that you see on the map are only ones on Bronze difficulty. ============================================================================== MISSION 1 - FORTUNA: A NEW ENEMY [0401] ============================================================================== Well, look who it is. People may remember Oikonny, formerly known simply as Andrew, back in Star Fox 64. It looks like he's a little bummed about his uncle's death, and decided to take Andross's fleet for himself and try to finish what his uncle started. Andrew has resurrected Andross's fleet and rages war on the Lylat System. Team Star Fox, which is a collection of Fox, the leader, Falco, the veteran, Slippy, the mechanic, and Krystal, the telapathic. Peppy has had his times in the arwing, and now resides in the Great Fox, where he and ROB leads the crew through their missions, while giving tips and leaving information to the team. Our first mission starts outside Fortuna's atmosphere, where the war between Corneria's army and Oikonny's army has begun. At the start of this mission, you are automatically thrown in this raging battle between Andross's fleet and the Cornerian army. People new to Starfox games will soon realize that you aren't the only ally on the field. Fox (you) will be accompanied by Falco, Krystal, and Slippy. They will all communicate with each other. Sometimes, an ally will need you to shoot enemies chasing them, or help you out by giving you helpful itmes. Once you start the mission, continue going straight until you see an item. Pick it up; it's a laser powerup. Now instead of firing one laser, you fire two, which increases the damage dealt to enemies. Destroy the two enemies that come across your path. Right off the bat, Slippy will call for help. Charge up a blast, and once Slippy comes onscreen, target and shoot the foe that's following him. Continue blasting enemies until groups of them come towards you. Destroy all 5 of them and you recieve a group bonus. Destroy three groups and collect the silver ring if needed, then immediately aim towards the far right of the screen. Multiple ships come out of the flagship, so aim where they come out and blast them before any of them have a chance to reach you. You will reach your first flagship. The enemy ship is yellow; you cannot target the red ones. Aim for the purple orb in the center and rapidly fire at it A charge shot works nicely, too. The ship will crumble so move on. Pick up the bomb and destroy the approaching ship. A large group of enemy fighter will fly towards you. Lock on to the front one, but instead of firing a charged beam, use your bomb. The bomb will home on to the targeted enemy and blow up the whole lot of enemies. Move along, and a prototype robot will come in your way. His beams are lethal; do a barrel roll (I had to...) to dodge it's blast while charging up. Hit it with a charged blast, and repeat until destroyed. Slippy will give you a silver ring after the robot is destroyed. Approach the first of three flagships and blow it up. Destroy the second and pick up the bomb that Falco gives you. | Flag #1 | | Once the second ship is destroyed, aim for the rear end of the third | flagship. DO NOT BLOW IT UP. Fire at the rear section of the ship, and a | portion will blow up, revealing your first S-Flag. Pick it up and continue | past the ship. Stealth squadron robots will appear onscreen once you pass the last flagship. Destroy it with a charged shot. They shoot missiles out of their arms, so fire at any that come your way. Destroy the last couple of ships and approach Oikonny. The coward will turn and flee towards the planet up ahead: Fortuna. Hurry after the madman and into Fortuna's atmosphere. You will be on the planet Fortuna, a dense jungle filled with not only wildlife, but more of Andross's army. Head over the first couple or arches, destroying ships in your way. | Flag #2 | | After the first or second arch, look to your left. You will see a tunnel up | ahead to the far left. Continue through the tunnel instead of the normal | path. Pass over the first enemy while charging up a shot. Release your | charged laser at the enemy at the very end of the tunnel. He will drop a | flag. Pick up the flag and continue out of the tunnel. Right out of the tunnel, Falco will signal for help. Charge a shot, then fire when he's onscreen. Take out any stragglers if needed. Don't waste anytime, because you will need to prepare yourself for the third flag. | Flag #3 | | Right after you help Falco, you will arrive in a clearing with many trees. | Head towards the middle of the screen before entering the clearing, and aim | for the first tree's left branch and fire at it. The branch will fall, | revealing the S-Flag. Continue through the woody area whie picking off tanks at the forest floor. Pick up the laser upgrade at the end of the forest and enter through the canyon. You can see a building attached to the left side of the canyon. Send out a bomb at it to destroy most of the turrets stationed on it. Proceed through and destroy the canisters on top of the trolly to reveal a red laser upgrade. Send out another bomb towards the next building to destroy the turrets. Head into Fortuna's base. If you have more than enough bombs, simply continue forwards, destroying canisters on the ground and tanks stationed on the floor also. If you want a bomb, quickly fly to the top right and above the platform where a bomb is waiting for you. Pick it up, then swoop down to collect a silver ring. Once again, Slippy will call for help, so destroy his pursuers, then quickly continue to fire at the ground forces. A closed door will be in your way, and Krystal warns you that there is an enemy ambush waiting for you. Charge up a shot, and when the door opens, let the blast fly towards the center of the group of enemies to destroy them. You will reach two rails with trolleys rolling by. Follow them until you reach a narrow path with two sets of columns on both sides. | Flag #4 | | Pass through the first set of columns, then veer left to the opening between | the first and second colum. Now, you will be on the left side of the left | column. Destroy the lone canister on the ground to reveal a flag. Right when the rails end, you will see a 1-Up in your path. Pick it up and the silver ring a bit farther down the road. Blast enemies on the ground until you reach a section where there are two platforms on the high right and left of you. | Flag #5 | | Once you reach that section, fly upwards towards the platform on your high | right. A lonely barrel will be waiting on the end of the platform. Destroy | it to uncover your final flag! There will be a giant mass of tank-like robots at the end of the base. Use one or two bombs to clear them out of your way, then exit the base to watch Oikonny continue through a ravine. Oikonny reaches a dead end, and is corned while Team Star Fox catches up to him. They exchange words, and Oikonny's ship changes into a familiar looking robot mech... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Oikonny Mech ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oikonny is pathetically easy, even if you haven't played any Starfox games. The only thing is, if you're new to the series, you may have a hard time damaging him. The only thing that can hurt Oikonny is his palms. See that red orb in the palm of his hands? Shoot it so damage the mech. Be careful though, as when he exposes his palm, he will either slap you, claw at you, or punch you. Either way, hightail out of the way to the other side of the screen to avoid it's attack. Charged up shots and bombs work wonder if you want to finish off the ape in a hurry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once you destroy both hands, Oikonny will be defeated. Or is he? The simian sounds pretty confident, even though his robot is toasted. What's that?! A beam comes out of the sky and destroys Oikonny's mech. A giant moth-like robot flies out of the sky. ROB shouts "Aparoid, Aparoid". The "Aparoid" takes aim at Krystal and fires a beam, damaging her ship. Whatever this thing is, it's not friendly! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Moth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This boss has two stages, but the first one is very easy. Target the wings. Fire blasts at the orbs at the end of each wing and continue fire to destroy the wing. When you see an orb glow, quickly target the wing and destroy it. If you can't blw up the wing in time, hurry out of the way, because the insect will shoot sonic booms at you. Take out all 8 of the moth robot's wings to go into the final stage. The moth will shoot at the ground with its rear and the ground will blow up into chunks of rock that spew into the air. You can't destroy the rocks, so simple move out of the way or use barrel rolls to avoid the falling boulders. Once the boulders have been dodged, the alien will come to ground level and reveal a pink orb in it's mouth. That's the target. Launch a bomb or use charged shots to damage the creature significantly while moving out of the way of the yellow projectiles. Two bombs will put this bot to rest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Upon the crashed ruins of the Aparoid menace, Peppy spots something in the wreckage. He tells Fox to gather it up and bring it to the Great Fox. Peppy says it's a Core Memory, which when analyzed, will give the team a little more information about this mysterious race. ============================================================================== MISSION 2 - KATINA: FRONTIER BASE BATTLE [0402] ============================================================================== Legend ------ START - Starting Point T - Target S - S-Flag * - Inside of a building ** - This hatcher only appears once the others are destroyed _ ______ _____________________| |_ | | _______ _/ \_ | |_________/ |_ _| |______| ___ ___ \_ _/ | _ | | | | | | |_| | | _| |_ ______ ___ ________ _____________ _|__|_ | | | | | | _/ \_ ____| |________| |_____| |_ |___| |___| / | |_ _| |___| |__ __| | _| / | | \_ _/ _| |_ |______| _____ | | | | |_| | | | | _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | |_|_|_| |_____| | | | \ | | | | |_|_|_| _____ | | | | T|_| |_| |_|_|_| | S| | | | | | | |_____| |__| |__|___ T | | | | | | | \____/ \____ |___| | |__| \_/ \_ | | | ||| _/ ___S___ \_ | | | |||__ | | / / \ \ | | | | | | | _| |_/ / T*\ \_| |_ ___|__| |___|__| |S | |T S| | | | | | |_ _ | | _ S _| |__| | | | | | \ \ / T/ | | ||| | | | | | \_ \_______/ _/ | | ||| | |__|__ T** \_ _/ __||| | | | \____ _T__/ \ | | | |_____| \ / \ T |__|___| | | | | | / | | _____|T|_____ ____ _|_| | / | |___________________| | | | _____ _____ |____|___________________|____| | | _| |_ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ |_| |_| | | | |_| |_ __| |__ START | | |_/ \_ _________________| |___________|_|_ |_ _|_________________|_______|__________| | \_ _/ |____| |_| Team Star Fox, while busily analyzing the Core Memory, recieves a distress signal from Katina. Aparoid forces are invading a base stationed on the planet, and the team must infiltrate the base and take out the Aparoids. Fox enters the base on foot, while his friends accompany him in arwings. You will start off with a blaster, but you will soon recieve a machine gun. When the mission starts, blast the small Aparoids with your blaster. One or two shots will do. An Aparoid will drop a machine gun. Pick it up, and hold down the "fire" button to unleash a swarm of bullets and take down groups of Aparoids. | Flag #1 | | Go to the eastern side of the base (where the two purple baddies reside). | Face the small wall that's inbetween the two staircases. Use a charged shot | and fire towards the wall. The wall will break apart, revealing a storage | room. Look around using your target, and aim above one of the crates inside | the room. Your target will turn red. Shoot where the target turns red | several times, and a flag will appear. Soon after, two large purple Aparoids drop down. Your machine gun can't hurt them, so switch to your blaster. You must use a fully charged up shot to defeat them. Hold down the "fire" button, and wait until the little car next to the targeting reticule is red. Let go and let the beam fly towards one of the Aparoids, killing it. Use the same tactic to the other one. They will drop a homing launcher, which is another way to destroy more of the purple Aparoids. After the two are defeated, Peppy will drop a Landmaster down. Hop into the Landmaster and head for your second and third flag. | Flag #2 | | Right from where you defeated the two purple Aparoids, head north until you | come to the first bunker. Go inside, destroy the few Aparoids inside, and | aim towards the far end of the bunker. Your target will turn red. Shoot | there a couple of times, and collect the S-Flag that appears. | Flag #3 | | Go to the west end of the base and destroy the wall (just like the first | flag), and head into the storage room. Aim your gun between two crates in | the back, and shoot when the target is red. Collect your third flag. Hop back in your Landmaster and continue to target out the large purple Aparoids. Krystal will signal for help. This can be somewhat annoying, because it'll take a while to seek her out. Don't even bother. Let Krystal come to you, charge up, and let go to take out the ships chasing her down. Resume to taking out the purple guys once Krystal is safe. Once you've destroyed all the purple Aparoids, ships drop down spherical Aparoids that latch onto the ground and walls. These are called hatchers, which spawn more Aparoids for you to handle. I've shown the location of all of the hatchers that you need to find on the ASCII map above. You can easily take out the hatchers that are clinged to walls and the ground. Use your Landmaster to run them over or shoot them as well as the surrounding enemies. If you're feeling low on health, look around the base, and you can find two 1-Ups and a bunch of first aid kits. Once 7 of the hatchers are destroyed, Krystal will tell you that the 8th one is inside a building. Go up the ramp towards the central structure and jump on the platform that stretches across the side. Walk to the side with the doorway on it. That's an elevator used to get inside the base. Hop down with either a machine gun or gatling gun equipped. Down here, a swarm of Aparoids will come forward. Use your gatling or machine gun to mow down the oncoming enemies, then head down the corridor. Turn right, then look behind you. The last hatcher is on the wall. Destroy it, then take out the purple Aparoid waiting for you at the elevator. | Flag #4 | | While on the top part of the base, go to the eastern part of the stage. | There should be an opening in the base. Aim your targeting reticule towards | the opening, and it should turn red. Shoot to where the target is red and | collect the flag. | Flag #5 | | From the fourth flag, continue straight, then turn right when you're at the | central structure. Using the Landmaster, hover onto the ledge in front of | you. Once on top, get out and aim to the left side of the ramp. Shoot when | the target is red, and collect the last flag once it has appeared. The Aparoids will send down one final hatcher. use your Landmaster to target it out. On your way, you may encounter giant spherical tank-like Aparoids. Use a charged shot to the head, then finish off the bug with a quick burst of fire. They will ram you if you're not quick enough, and they can deal quite a bit of damage to your Landmaster. If your tank is destroyed, Peppy will simply send down another one for you to use. Destroy the final hatcher that is located on the west side of the base, behind a flight of stairs. Well, what do we have here? Once the final hatcher is destroyed, an Aparoid ship lands on the base. It has four legs, a giant circular body, and a mean looking cannon on it's underbelly. It looks like the hatchers weren't the Aparoid's final plan, so you know what to do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Ship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Aparoid has a bunch of attacks at it's disposal. The giant ship will launch missiles and beams towards the Landmaster. Use rolls to dodge the firepower; you can't destroy them. Fire at the orb located on the ship's underbelly. Keep shooting at the orb, and the Aparoid will collapse. Once collapsed, Slippy will inform you that the Aparoid ship's weak spot is at the top of the ship. Hover onto the circular part of the ship when the ship is collapsed. On top, there will be a spire on the center of the ship. The spire will open, revealing another pink orb. Use bombs and charged shots to deal massive damage to the Aparoid ship. The panels under you will start glowing after you've deal a significant amount of damage. Move out of the way as quickly as possible and make sure that you're not standing on a glowing panel. All the glowing panels will be bombarded with the ship's missiles. If you do happen to fall or get blasted off, simply repeat the process of attacking the orb on it's underbelly and hovering on up once collapsed. One you destroy the orb on the central spire, the ship will be destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A core memory will be left in the ship's wreckage. As Fox is about to go after the prize, guess who shows up? Pigma. The former member of Star Wolf is now on his own, and the greedy swine is looking for any way to make some money, whether or not he has to steal to get his way. Pigma spots the core memory, and takes it with him, thinking it's a valuable prize. Pigma speeds away in his ship with Fox left in the dust. ============================================================================== MISSION 3 - SARGASSO SPACE ZONE: HOSTILITIES REVISITED [0403] ============================================================================== Legend ------ START - Starting Point T - Target S - S-Flag * - Inside of a building ** - This hatcher only appears once the others are destroyed Back at the Great Fox, the team tries to hunt down the location of Pigma. They are told that he was last seen at the Sargasso Space Station, a dangerous station that is inhabited by widely known criminals from all over the galaxy. Once Team Star Fox heads there, they are told that this is Wolf O'Donell's territory, and they better beat it or else. I doubt Fox is going to listen to a ruffian, so they head in without care. Fox and Slippy infiltrate the base, whereas Falco and Krystal will stay outside and destroy the oncoming ships. 1st Floor: ---------- | | | | | | __ _ ___| |________ | |B| | | | | | | | | | | | |_______________ | _____ | | | | | __/ \ | | | | | __ | | |__|_| | |________|A |_____ / _ _ |_______| | |________ | | \ / |_|_| __| | _| | S \ | | | | |_ | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | | | | \\______// | | | \ | ____| / \ |____ \_____ | | | | START | | | _ _ | | | | | | | | |_|_|_ _ | | | | \_ _/ | | |_|_| | | |____| // \__/ \\ |____| | |_______________ | | | | | | | |__| | | | ________ | | | | | | | | _______________| | |__| | | | | | | | ________ | \ | |____ ___| | | _ _ _ / \__ | | | |__| |_|_|_|__/ \ \ |____T | | ____| T / / \ \ | | | | | | /S/ \_\ | | | | | | /_/ \___ | | | | | | ___/ \____C|____|________| | |____| __/ | |__________|D_/ | | | | See the little bar in the top left-hand corner? That's called a might meter, and it shows the prescense of enemies outside the base. If the bar is filled, then the enemies overwhelm you and it's too much to handle. In short, if the bar is filled up, then you fail the mission. Falco and Krystal will decrease the meter by destroying enemies outside, and if you think the bar's getting a little too high, then you can go in your Arwing parked at either dock and help out your fellow teammates. The cruisers are your main target, as when they are destroyed, the might meter will decrease significantly. From where you start, kill the guards in front of you simply by shooting them several times with your blaster. Go straight, then start heading towards the corner to the right. | Flag #1 | | On to your first flag already. Go under the ledge near the right-hand corner | of the floor, and take out the enemies. Mover your targeting reticule around | the corner until it turns red. Shoot until the flag appears, and collect it. Now start moving straight towards the back of the room. If you keep going straight from the first flag, you should end up next to a ramp. Go up it and stay behind the row of boxes. Charge up a blaster shot, then jump up on one of the boxes, and aim for a robot. Shoot it with a charged shot to defeat it. The others will shoot missiles at you, so quickly jump down behind the boxes before you take damage. Repeat that tactic until the robots are defeated. You must act quick now. Charge up a shot, and jump on top of the boxes again to shoot the Transfer Device (the thing that is attached to the ground) to take out your first target. | Flag #2 | | After destroying the target, aim your gun towards the computer on the side | wall. The target should turn red, so you know what to do. Shoot until the | flag appears, and pick it up. In order to take out your next target, you must go to the ledge opposite of the one that you found the first target and the flag on. It's directly across the room. Jump down while charging up a shot, and destroy the next target along with the robots guarding it. Go up the ramp, and collect the 1-Up. Hurry off of the computer where the 1-Up was found, and shoot the canister- type things on the side of the ledge. They will explode, taking out the turret. You will find a sniper rifle in the turret's place. Start to go up the ramp, while either jumping over or destroying the barrels that roll down. Once up, destroy the machine that is creating the barrels to make things easier. 2nd Floor (Lower Level): ------------------------ ______ ______ |A | | B| |___ | | ___| | | | | | | | | | | | | __| | | |__ | | __________ | | | | | | | | | __| ___|__________|___ |__ | | | _/ |__________| \_ | | | | _/\ _/ \_ \_ | | | | / \ \/ \ \ | | | | | \| | | | | | |______| | |____|______| | |_________| | |____|_________| |____| | | |____| | | \_ \_ _/ / \_ \_ _/ / \ \__________/ / \________________/ | | ____________|______|____________ | _ _ | |E | | | | F| | |_| |_| | \ / \ / _________\ /_________ |C____________________________________________D| There isn't much to do on the lower level of the second floor. If you are playing on Gold, destroy the target in front of you. Take out the turret to obtain more sniper rifle ammo, then maneuver around the boxes to find a 1-Up. 2nd Floor (Upper Level): ------------------------ ___________________________________ / | | | | \ __/ | |__________| | _ \__ _/ |__________________| |_| \_ / _|_| \ | |_|_| | __| |____ __/ G________ ________H \__ __/ | | | | \__ / ____ _ | | | | _ _ ____ \ | | || | | | | || | | | | | | _ __/ ||_| | | | ||_| |I| \__ _ | | | |_/ | / | | \ T |_| \_| | | | | _ |__ / |__| \ __| _ | | | | | \ | |_________/ \_________| | / | | | | | |_/ | ________| F |________ | \_| | | | | | | \____/ | | | | | T | ___ | | | | ___ | | | || \ | | | | / || | | ||___/ \ \ / / \___|| | | | \ \ __ / / | | | | _ \ \ | | / / _ | | | | | \ \ \______| |______/ / / | | | | | |_/ \_ __________ _/ \_| | | \ \ | | | | / / \ \________________ | | | | ________________/ / \ E| | | | | |S / \_____ ___________| | | | | |____________ ____/ | | | | | | | | __| |_______________| |__________| |________________| |__ \_______________________________________________________/ Upon entering the upper level of the floor, go through the side corridors. Equip a gatling gun or a homing launcher, because the one with the Transfer Device has a lot of robots. Strafe in, fire a homing launcher or a stream of bullets, then take cover before they nail you. Grenades also work well. You will probably take out the target in the barrage, but if not, simply destroy it with any weapon. | Flag #3 | | Your third flag is in the dead center of the floor. Proceed onto the | walkways, then head into the center. Shoot the box containing the flag with | a charged shot, then pick it up. There are turrets and guards stationed on both sides of the floor that will probably damage you if not quick enough. Fire a homing launcher from afar, or if you're more daring, jump onto the platforms while taking out guards on the way. You can destroy the turrets up close, but it isn't recommended. The last turret is stationed next to the elevator, and it's surrounded by guards and robots. Chuck a couple grenades and fire a homing launcher into the mess for good safety to take out the whole load. Step onto the elevator platform to proceed to the third and final floor. 3rd Floor: ---------- ________________________________________________________ | |___ |____ _ _ _ ___________________________ ___|__I| |_|_|_| | |____| | | | | ____| _ _ _ _| | |_________ | |_|_|_|_| | | |__T_ | | _____ | | | | | __| |_ | | | | | | | | | |___________________________| | | |T | | | | | |____|_| |_______________________________________________|__|______|S| When you enter the final floor, equip your gatling gun. There will be a large group of guards direclty infront of you. Mow down the lot with your gun and hide behind the boxes. Defeat the foes in the corner to obtain a barrier, which will be useful a little later. Take out the robots with sniper rifle fire from afar, and destroy another target tucked away to the side of the hallway. One of the robots will drop a green first aid kit, which will probably prove useful. Head around the corner, and keep going until you meet with a metal door. Equip grenades or homing launcher, and turn on a barrier. The door will open, revealing a LARGE group of enemies guarding the last Transfer Device target. Chuck a handful or grenades or shoot a couple missiles into the fray to kill most of the pack. Knock off stray enemies with a simpler weapons, such as the machine gun. The turets are the most dangerous, so try to destroy them first. Destroying the last Transmitter device will end the first part of the mission. Well, look who shows up: none other than Star Wolf himself. Leon and a new teammater, Panther Caroso, is accompanying the wolf. The team is looking for Fox, but upon realizing that he's still inside the station, decide to attack the rest of the team. Wolf demands an apology from Fox, and isn't going anywhere without one! | Flag #4 | | Before you do anything, aim up at the hologram in the left corner of the | room. Shoot when the target is red and take your flag. The only thing now is to speed out of the base, and you must do it quickly. Soon after you take control of Fox, Krystal signals for help. This will be tough, because you have to get out of the base, get in the Arwing, find Krystal, and take out the enemies chasing her before she retires. Don't stop for anything in the way! Race out of the room and backtrack towards the elevator. Once on the upper level of the second floor, don't hesitate to jump down the central pit to the bottom floor. You won't take damage, and will save time. Jump into the Arwing, and find Krystal to take our her pursuers. I'll admit, it's hard. I didn't get it on the first try, and she ended up retiring. If you don't mind, then take your time, but if you are a point fanatic, then hurry your arse up. Well, now you're out in space, and you can take out the real enemy! Bur first, picking up your final flag won't take much time... | Flag #5 | | This flag will be really hard if you don't know where you're going. Use the | map often in the pause screen to locate it. The flag is on an asteroid | directly right from the base. On your map, the flag will be directly right | from the station, and it's on one of the last asteroid. | | Keep heading towards the right side of the map, and point your target to all | of the asteroids around you. Once your target turns red, shoot away. The | flag will appear on top of the asteroid. Swoop down and pick it up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Team Star Wolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once you get the final flag, now it's time to face the deadly team. If you have played Star Fox 64, you should have no trouble. Think of them as normal ships, just a little stronger and more intelligent. use barrel rolls often to deflect their blasts, and if a member of the team is behind you, do a loop to mess them up and get the upper hand. You can make this battle insanely easy if you take some time exploring. If you want to take off and destroy the guns on top of the asteroids, then you will get loads of powerups, bombs, and health. If you have a blue laser, around two charged shots should take out each member. It's that easy. Target Leon and Panther first though, so you don't put your teammates in jeapordy. Then go after the big cheese himself. He's a tad stronger than Leon and Panther, but maybe 2 or 3 charged shots will have him down for the count. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once the battle is over, Team Star Fox will do some interrogating. Wolf admits that they have no matters with Pigma ever since he left the team, and have no idea of his whereabouts. Panther on the other hand, after hearing Krystal's "beautiful voice", ends up trying to hit on her the whole time. He slips out some info regarding Pigma last seen on Fichina, and the enemy team speeds off. Now Fox and the gang has their eyes set on a new mission, and a new destination. ============================================================================== MISSION 4 - FICHINA: INTO THE STORM [0404] ============================================================================== Legend ------ START - Starting Point T - Target S - S-Flag * - Inside of a building ** - This hatcher only appears once the others are destroyed Fox and the rest of the team head out to Fichina, a planet where Pigma was supposedly seen recently. The planet is an icy wasteland, but is supported by a climate control system. Unfortunately, the Aparoids have taken down the climate control system and shielded the power control systems from all harm. Fox must go in and destroy the shields protecting the power control towers to set the climate control system back on. It won't be easy on foot, so Peppy sends down a Landmaster to aid Fox. _______ / \___ | ___ \_ _/ / _ \ | / | / \ | | | | |T| | / __/ \___ \___/ _/| / \ ___ | | | | | | / \ ____ _/ | | | / \__ | \_ / ___ _/ |__/ | \_________/ \__ |__/ / / ___ \ \_ _/ _/ | / \ | \ / / | |___/ | | | _| \ |____________ \_ | / _/ ___ ____________ \__ \ / | ___/ _/ / _/ \__ \ _____ \ __/ | | __/ /__/ \ \___/ \_ | | | / __/ \____ \ | / / _/ / _/ |\ S | \ / | / _ \ _____________ \_/ \ | | | / / / \ \ / \ | / | | _____ |_/ | | \ / _ _ \ \ / \ |/ _ \ S / \ \ / _|_|_|_ \ __ | | _ \ || / \ | |_ | | | / \ | | \| |/ \ | || \T/ | \ \ \ | / \ | \ | | / | |\_____/ | | | | /| |\ | \ | | | \_ | / / / | |S| | | | | / | \_ _/ _/ | | \| |/ | / \_ ____ | \ \ / _/ | \ / | __/ \___/ __\ / | |/ / ___ \ \_______/ / / _______ _/ _/ \_ | |_ | \ \ |_|_| / _ \__/ \____/ | \ S \ \ \ \______________/ / | S__ __ ___ \ | | | \ /__/ / | / \ / \ | \_START / \_ \ _/ | \_T/ / / | \ | \_| / \_ _| | / \ | | \____/ /_/ | \__ / _ / |_ \ | | \ _/ \ _| \ \ \ ____/ \_ / | \ \ __/ \__|___ _______________/ |_|_/ \____ \______________ / \___ ___/ | \_ _/ _/ | | _/ \__ \______/| \__ _/ | _| \_____/ From where you start, hop into the Landmaster. The blizzardy weather will get you nowhere, for you can barely see in front of you on foot. Blast any enemies in your way as you slowly proceed forward | Flag #1 | | Right from your starting point, get in the tank and move right. Head behind | a small pillar. Once behind it, aim low to the ground at the base of the | pillar. The targeting reticule should turn red. When it does, shoot and the | flag should appear. | Flag #2 | | Continue from the first flag towards one of the towers. Look to the right, | at the ice bridge. Aim towards the left lantern, right above it. When the | target turns red, shoot and collect the second flag. From getting the second flag, turn back to the tower. The towers are surrounded by ice, which make walking on it by foot very tricky. Stick to the Landmaster when eliminating the shields on the towers. Destroy all of the Aparoids surrounding the tower, then aim towards the top. You should find a crystal embedded in the near top of the tower. If you can't find it, look at the tower at all angles. Destroy the crystal shield by repeatedly shooting it until it breaks. One down, two to go. Head back to your starting point for the level and head across the icy ground. You will find small turrets and tiny Aparoids on your way. Shoot the turrets and boost right over the Aparoids, smashing them into tiny bite-sized pieces. If you keep going straight, look around, and there should be a tiny cave in the vicinity. | Flag #3 | | There's a reason why I told you to backtrack and took you halfway across the | level: for your third flag. Enter the tiny cave with your Landmaster. Aim at | the ground in the middle of the passage to make your target turn red. Shoot | the ground and collect the flag that appears. Proceed through the cave, and you should end up right next to another tower. Turn to the right and collect the 1-Up and the First Aid Kit. Destroy the Aparoids on the icy floor at the base of the tower. One should drop a Gatling Gun. You shouldn't need it, but pick it up anyway. Aim for the crystal shield and destroy it to restore power to the second tower. Only one more and the climate control system will be back online! Hover up onto the upper level of the planet. Continue straight and go across the narrow bridge that is in front of you. You will come to a circular platform, with another bridge to your left. | Flag #4 | | Don't head across the bridge just yet. There's still another flag to be | captured. Destroy the tank-like Aparoid and collect the 1-Up that it drops. | There will be a group of crystals in the mittle of the platform. Aim at the | base of the crystals at all angles until the target turns red. Shoot to | expose the flag, then collect it. Now you can continue over the bridge. Once you come to a fork in the road, turn right and proceed that way. You will come to a dead end with the last tower soon enough. Destroy the purple Aparoids and collect Homing Launchers if they drop any. Pick up the 1-Up next to a patch of crystals. Shoot the crystal shield on the tower to "repair" the last tower. Now you must turn on the climate control system which is in the base. | Flag #5 | | Peppy should tell you that an entrance is nearby once you've reached the | base. Look around for the entrance. Aim towards the ledge above the entrance | of the base and wait for the target to turn red. Shoot to make the flag | appear, then hover up and get your final flag. Once inside, Fox will turn on the climate control system, but something goes wrong. The alarm will go off, and you will be surrounded by security robots. This isn't good! You don't have to eliminate a certain amount of robots, just simply stay alive. Falco will come and save you once the cinema is over. You can't hurt the robots just yet. The only way to damage them is when they rear back in the air and swipe at you with their "hands". Their hands are red, so they should be easy to spot. Dodge out of the way, and the robots will crash to the ground, leaving them momentarily stunned. That's when you strike. Even one blaster fire will destroy one. Keep taking them out using this tactic, and soon enough, the whole room will be nearly filled with them. Take out the machine gun, and when a whole group strikes, dish out some bullets their way to take them all out in one burst of firepower. Falco will destroy the rest once he shows up, then gives you a ride on his wing. This will be pretty easy. You will be given a plasma cannon, which has unlimited ammo and creates a stream of fire when you hold down the "fire" button, such as the machine or Gatling Gun. You will be flying around on Falco's ship, where Aparoids will try to shoot Falco down. Take them out before they can damage Falco's ship and ultimately, you. If Falco says that someone is locked on to him, look on the ground for land enemies. If you see one with a laser reticule homed in on the ship, then shoot them down before they do the same to you. Continue blasting enemies until Falco says that he's being chased. Turn around and take out the numerous ships that are on Falco's tail. You should easily get over 100 combos in this stage. After a while of shooting baddies, Pigma will come out of hiding. He will then admit that he was the one who set the Aparoids here. He unleashes a strange beam towards one of the towers, turning it into an Aparoid! Pigma speeds away leaving that Aparoid beast to deal with you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Spider ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *yawn* I wish there was a remotely hard boss in this game. Oh well, at least they're fun. This spider-like robot will spew out little Aparoid enemies from it's "mouth". They're like flies on your windshield. Quickly eliminate the most of them. Slippy will tell you to aim for the mouth. Why so? There's an orb located in it's mouth, and that's the only way to hurt it. It will open it's mouth again; that's your signal drop a bomb or a couple charged shots, then get the heck out of the way. The Aparoid will emit a powerful beam which will leave you at critical health (if not dead). If you survived the blast, fly around the level and collect the numerous health and powerups. You can also recieve bombs from the fly- like Aparoids that the big one shoots out. Two bombs will do the trick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== MISSION 5 - ASTEROID BELT: THE APAROID MENACE [0405] ============================================================================== Team Star Fox enters an asteroid field, where Pigma is hiding. It's a dead end for Pigma, and he has nowhere else to run. As Fox, you must end this wild goose chase and put a stop to Pigma to get back the stolen Core Memory. Proceed forwards when the level starts out. Hmmm, you will see a wreckage of a Wolfen. Does this mean that Leon, Panther, or even Wolf himself was destroyed in the asteroid field? Well, you won't figure out that answer anytime soon, so continue forwards. Collect the laser which will help you out with the asteroids. Watch out for them, you will take damage if you hit one. Use your lasers to break them apart into smaller pieces. You can dodge the small pieces or destroy them. You won't get any points for taking out asteroids, though. Once you pass through, charge a shot up. Falco will zoom by with an enemy ship on his tail. Let loose the charged shot to obliterate the ship and save Falco. Ships in groups of three will race towards you. Shoot down all three to recieve a group bonus and avoid damage. You can just take out the middle guy with a charged shot, and the rest will be caught in the explosion. After a bit of time of blasting ships, a large winged ship will fly past you, then return onscreen to face you. This is a big ship, so charge up shots and release to pummel the ship. You might even want to use a bomb if you have one. It will shoot green energy shots at you. Use a barrel roll to dodge them, then keep using charged up lasers to destroy the winged ship. Tiny little spiked ships will come onscreen. Destroy them; they don't even attack you. More will come onscreen, so just take them all out to recieve a group bonus. | Flag #1 | | Purple spinning ships will slowly start to fly past you. Take out the top | one for it to drop a flag. Strange little white things will fly towards Fox and his companions. These spaghetti-like creatures will latch on and sap your health if you touch them. If you touch them, simply barrel roll to shake them off, then destroy the creatures with your lasers. Try to take them out from a distance to conserve health. When you come to the next asteroid field, the rocks look strangely different. These ones home on to you and explode on contact. Use charged shots from a distance to destroy close ones, and if any get too close, barrel roll to a side of the screen where there aren't any homing asteroids near. | Flag #2 | | Make sure to take out the LAST homing asteroid. Once destroyed, a flag | appears in it's wreckage. Pick it up and continue through. Krystal will signal for help. Quickly charge up a shot. Multiple enemies will be following her, so release your charged shot to take out two or three, then take out any stragglers. This rescue is somewhat tough, because you don't have a lot of time. She will rewards you with a silver ring a little later in the level. GIANT asteroids will come onto the screen up ahead. You may remember this from Star Fox 64. All you have to do is boost and brake to avoid the asteroids from colliding into your ship. You will reach an entrance to some type of base. Krystal will give you a silver ring here if you saved her. When you try to enter the base, the doors close, but Peppy redirects you to a chasm in the side wall. Fly though, then into an open space. Ships will come from behind you and fly forwards. You can pick them off for some points. Falco will signal for trouble. Once again, charge up a shot and take out the pursuers. This one is especially tough, as you only have one or two tries before Falco retires. You will arrive in another open space, similar to the previous room. A giant robot will crash out of the floor below you. If you haven't noticed, this is the prototype robot from the first mission, except it's infected by the Aparoids. Like in the first mission, roll to dodge the blasts, then return fire with charged shots. | Flag #3 | | There should be purple goo-like substance on the floor when you enter the | open room. It will be on the left side of the room, so quickly shoot it, and | swoop down to obtain the exposed flag. | Flag #4 | | After you get the third flag and destroy the prototype, more spinning ships | will come onscreen. Destroy the one on the left to obtain your fourth flag. The last member of your team, Slippy, will need help with some bogies. Take out the two enemies that follow him to avoid him from retiring. Pick up the silver ring, then go for your final flag. | Flag #5 | | You will find more purple goo on the right side of the room ahead. Like the | previous flag, shoot it to expose the flag, then go collect it. Veer a hard left to enter to what it seems is an engine room. Giant mechanical arms will come swinging at you in all directions. Stay low and either boost or brake to avoid the crashing structures. You can pick off tiny Aparoids running on the ground to score some easy points. Take out the two turrets stationed on the wall and proceed through the tunnel. You will encounter more turrets. Take them out with a bomb or individually pick them off with lasers. Exit the tunnel and you will end up in a lage open area. Fox flies around the large part of space to search for Pigma. What's that? It looks like a ruined ship. Upon further inspection, it's actually the wrecakge of Pigma's ship! Krystal alarms Fox to look over in her direction. She points to a satellite. Pigma is slowly fusing into the satellite. He seems to be strangely purple, too. To Fox's horror, he suddenly realizes that Pigma has actually been infected by Aparoids! Pigma slowly slides into the satellite, and a hatch opens up, revealing his horrifying, disfigured face. Pigma is no more, but is merely just a shell of an evil Aparoid. What was once Pigma tells team Star Fox that he has warned them. Warned them to stop interfering with the Aparoids' affairs. Fox and his gang isn't going to listen to an Aparoid anytime soon, so let's talk with our fists now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Infested Pigma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As crazy as this sounds, this boss is actually quite similar to the boss in Area 6 from Star Fox 64. "Pigma" has multiple arms which whip around and lash at you. Arms can also open up to release missiles at you. Destroy them or roll to safety. If an arm turns red and moves to the center of the satellite, then it is going to punch. Dodge, then wait for the arm to turn red. When an arm is red, rapidly strike it to destroy it. He has six arms, and you must destroy them all. The arms can also throw chunks of asteroids at you. These ones can't be destroyed with your lasers, so you must dodge them. Take out all six arms, and what was once Pigma's life will deplete. Oh, didn't I tell you? He has a second life bar. Once the new life bar rises up, you will have a new target to focus on. Now the beast will shoot out groups of missiles at you. They will shoot out in a circle, so dodging them might be a little hard. You can destroy them if you want too, but that takes too long and you will be under the risk of getting hit by another. Once the hatch opens up revealing his face, that is when you attack. His face is pretty big, so bombs will most likely hit. When the hatch retracts and it absorbs pink energy, that's the time to watch out. It will release a beam of pink fire at you. Roll to a corner of the screen; it's fairly easy to dodge. When the fire subsides, continue your assault on the face until the Aparoid menace is done for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Aparoid will unleash an agonizing scream as it implodes. The beast is no more, as well as Pigma. Fox will retrieve the stolen Core Memory and Fox and the team returns to the Great Fox. ============================================================================== MISSION 6 - SAURIA: REUNION [0406] ============================================================================== Legend ------ START - Starting Point T - Target S - S-Flag * - Inside of a building ** - This hatcher only appears once the others are destroyed Team Star Fox has recived another distress signal. This time, it's from planet Sauria. Fans of Star Fox Adventures will recognize the name; it's the dinosaur planet and Krystal's homeworld. The dinosaurs are under attack by the Aparoids and the team must rescue all of them. Outside: -------- ___ ______ ____ ____ / \ / | \ / | | | | \ |\ | \ \ \ / \_ | \ \ | | \__ _/ | | | | \ _| | | \ \ \_ __/ | | \ \ \ / ________ / / | | | ___ _/ / __ \ | | | |C__ \ _/ | | _/ / \ | | | |__| \______\_____/ \ / _/ / \ | | | | | \ | __/ / \ / | | |_ \__| \_ / ______/ | \__/ __/ / / \ \ | / | \ | | \ | | \____ / ____ _ \___| |___/ \ \ \_ | / \ / \____ \____| ________________ | | \ | \T___/ / \_____ \_______/ \______ \ \_ | \__ __| | \_______ \ \____/ \ \ / / / / ______________ \ \ | \ | START / / | / S/ | | | | | / / | / / ____ | | | \ \ __/ __ \__ A/ / /__| __ || \ _/ | | _/ _/ \ \_ | / /___||__||| | /\___T___| | __/ / _ | | \ /_____________/ |____| \ | _/S \ \ | /x\ | \ \____ ___/ / _/ \ | | | \_// | \__ ______B ___/ / __/ / _________| |______ \__/ \_ / / | | _/ \ _/ / __/ \_ \______ \__ | | / / _/ |_/ | _/ \__ \__ \__ | | | | / | / / ____ \D____ \__ \_| |__ / / | | | | ___| |___ \___ \__ / / \| |_______/ | \ / | __ __ | \_ \____/ /_ | | / / / | || | | || ___ \________| | \__/ /_____ | | | | || _| T |_ || |___| ___ \___| |______/ |_ | | ||| | | ||| |___| ______ | \_\_ \ |||_| S |_||| | ____ | \_ \ | || | | || || __ || \ | | ||__| |__|| ||| ||| \_ | \|___ ___| _ |||__||| \ \ | |____| S\ \ ||____|| | | \__ ______________\_\ |______| __| | \_____________/ \__ _____/ \_ | \____________/ \__________/ Like in Mission 3, there is another Might Meter. If it is filled, then you fail the mission. You can deplete the meter by hopping in an arwing and destroying the arial fighters. You can do it on foot or in the Landmaster, but using an Arwing is easier. From the start, turn around and head up the hill into the temple. Take out the hatcher that's inside as well as any other enemy. You can find a rocket launcher in here which will probe to be quite useful. From there, exit the temple and head down near the stream. There's another hatcher in a patch of bushes. Pick up the sniper rifle on the hill next to the hatcher. | Flag #1 | | Right behind the hatcher in the bushes is a stream. Follow the stream to a | dead end, where you can find your first flag in this level. It should be | hidden inside of a waterfall. From the S-Flag, head upstream to the rock and walk past it. Walk around the edge of the map, defeating Aparoids and tanks as you go. Go up the hill leading to the back entrance of a temple. Clear house with a machine gun or homing launcher. | Flag #2 | | Shoot at the floor in the center of the temple to discover a well hidden S- | Flag. Nab it to add it to your collection. Destroy the hatcher on the ceiling of the temple. By now, Slippy is probably calling for help. Run out of the temple and jump into your arwing which is found near your starting point. Waste the baddies on is tail and take out some large Aparoids to decrease the might meter significantly. Return on land, preferably where the last flag was, and return to flag hunting. | Flag #3 | | Head to the small temple next to the large one where the last hatcher was | and look for a pile of rubble towards the back on the outside of the temple. | Blast it to destroy the mess, revealing your thrid flag. Stop in the small temple and pick up some Health Packs if needed, then follow the trail to the largest temple. Enter the cave marked "B" on the ASCII map. | Flag #4 | | Once in the cave, head down and pick up the homing launcher ammo that the | Aparoids drop. When you reach the dead end, wait until the target reticule | turns red and blast away to expose the fourth flag. Exit the cave, drop down next to the river, and walk around the perimeter of the wall. Falco is probably signalling for help right about now. Hop inside your arwing and take to the skies. Defeat Falco's persuers and take out some enemies. Fly over to the largest temple. | Flag #5 | | Fly around the temple, aiming at the four corners. One of the corners | contains a hidden S-Flag. Aim and wait for the reticule to turn red, then | shoot and pick up the flag. You will come across another cave near the starting point (marked "A" on the map). Cavern 1: --------- ____ / C| | | \_ \ | | | | | | | | __________ \ \ / | | | \T _/ | \_ \__ | ___________ / _____ \_ | / ___________/ \___/ / \ \______/ | |A ___________ | | ___/ \___________/ \__ | | ____/ \ \_____/ / | \ _/ \___ / _______ /S \ | / \/ | | _/ \_ | ___ / / \ | / | | | | | / T \ | | | | | | | | / / \_ \__| / | | | ____/ | | \____/ |B_| Cavern 2: --------- ___ |D | / / / / __/ _/ / / | | | / / | / / _| | / | | | | / \ \ | \ \ \ \ \____ \ ___\ \_ |___|| \_____/ Head inside and defeat the Aparoids here. One drops a machine gun. Proceed into the central hub and go down the path behind the green stones. You will reach a whole mess of Aparoids here. Clean house with your homing launcher and destroy the hatcher in the corner. Return to the center of the cave and pick up the med pack. Head up the path beyond the blue stones and make a right at the fork in the road. Destroy the last Aparoid hatcher attached to the wall to end this mission. Don't worry about Cavern 2, there's just a measly med pack inside. No need to venture inside unleass you're really in need of health. Watch the cutscene where Fox and Krystal have some alone time, that is, until their old friend Tricky shows up. Star Fox Adventures players will easily recognize Tricky from that game. ============================================================================== MISSION 7 - CORNERIA: WAR COMES HOME [0407] ============================================================================== Legend ------ START - Starting Point T - Target S - S-Flag * - Inside of a building ** - This hatcher only appears once the others are destroyed It's time to Star Fox and his crew to head over to Corneria. The Aparoids have head to their home and are destroying it. They sent out radio jammers to disrupt military communications, so Star Fox is sent out to destroy them. Don't even bother trying to read your radar in this level; the jammers make it all whacked and it'll only confuse you. _____________________________ / _______________________ _ \ / / _________________ | | \ \ | | / __________ | | | \ \ | | / / | | | | \ \ | | | | _______| |_/ / \ \__________ | | | | / ______| |__/ | ________ \ ________| |__| |__/ / | | ____|_|____ \ \ / _ ________| |___/ _| |____/ _ _ _ \ \ |_ / / | | | |____ ____/ | / | | \ \ _\_ \ / / | |______ |S | \_____/| ______/ | | T\ \ | || | __________| | |_______ \ | |____/ \ |______ | | \ || || | / __ __ | \ \| | | | T___ \T | | | || S|| | / / | | | |___________|T|| | |___________| | \ \ | | | ||__|| | | | | | | ________ ___| | ___________ |____| |_| |____| |___/ / | | | | | | | | | | | | ____| |_ ____| |__ / | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | _T | | | | \ \__| |__| |________| | __| |_|_ | | | | | || || | | | \_________ _________ |/ | | S\_________|_|____| |_|_||__|| | | | | | | |\__| |___/________/ \___| |_ _/ \_/ | | | | / / | | | \___/ | | | \____/ | | | | / / | | | ___ | | | | | | / / \ \_____/ /______| | |/ \ | | | | | | / / / | || S |__ | | | | | | / / / _______________ | || \ | | | | | | / / / /\ \_/ / | | || __/ _|_|_ | | | | | | | | | _/ | | || | |_| |_| | | | | | | | | | | | | |\___/ __| |__ | | | |_____| |__ | | | | | |_|________| |_|T | | _____ _ \ \ \ \ \ | |_______| / | | | | \ \ \ \ \ \ | ______________ _____/ | | | | | | \ \__\_\________| | | | | | | | | | \ | | | __ | | | | | | \_______________ |______________| | | \ | |_____| |_/ / \ \ | ______________ | | \ | _____ __/ | | | | __ | | |S _|| |START| | | | | | _____|__| | | | |_ | | | | \ \ \ \ | | | | |____|| | / / \ \ \ \ |_____| / / | |___/ / \ \ \ \_________/ / | ____/ | | \_____________/ | | \ \___ ____/ / \__ \____________________/ ___/ \________________________/ From the start of the level, pick up the sniper rifle in front of you and look up in the sky for jammers. They are weird flying eyes that spin around in circles. Wait until one faces you and open its eye to shoot lasers at you. Quickly snipe it in the eye to destroy it. With the first down, there are only 5 more left. Well, since you're here, why don't you pick up your first flag? | Flag #1 | | Take a visit to the Lunastone Hotel, which should be right across from where | you started off. Go up the ramp and head up on the roof. Aim behind the | luminescent sign and wait for the reticule to turn red. Shoot and collect | the flag that appears. Jump off of the building and head down towards the giant red structures. It's home to a sniper rifle, homing launcher, 1-Up, and an S-Flag. | Flag #2 | | Go up the ramp of the red structure and walk on the beam that connects each | red structure. You will come to an S-Flag along the way. Alright, where were we? Yes, hop off of the red building things and continue your search. Hell, just look straight up, and you should see two more jammers, one to your right and one to your left. Take them both out with your sniper rifle. Once you've destroyed those two, Krystal signals for help. Since you don't have an Arwing, things will be tougher. There's a homing launcher next to the red structures. Pick it up and wait for Krystal to fly over you. Target the baddies with the launcher and blast them away. Head for the center of the map. Once on the central structure, face the orange building. You will probably spot another jammer. Destroy it and start looking for more. You should see two more to the rigth of the one you just destroyed. Take them out to rid Coreria of the radio jammers. Peppy will drop down an arwing, which lands on the orange building. | Flag #3 | | Look at the building to the left of the orange one. Climb up the ramp of | that building, taking out any guards you find. it should be a large green | building. Climb on the roof and aim on the roof to find a hidden S-Flag. | Target the red reticule spot and shoot to unveal it. | Flag #4 | | Go past the orange building and head straight towards the tall white | building. There are turrets stationed on the walls of the building, so be | careful going up. Head up the ramp to the roof of the building. Carefully | walk around the edges of the roof to reach the westernmost platform. Shoot | at the floor next to the wall to reveal the next flag. | Flag #5 | | Ah yes, the orange building. Not only is your arwing there, but that's where | the last flag is. Travel up the first staircase and go to the corner and | shoot when the target is red. Collect your final flag. Head on the roof to find the arwing. Incoming enemy fire unfortunately destroys the arwing and Fox is surrounded by Aparoids. Who's this? Look who swoops down and rescues Fox; it's none other than... Star Wolf. Fox is safely perched on the wing of the wolfen, and conviniently has a plasma cannon. This is similar to mission 4. Fox must destroy Aparoids while Wolf flies around. Destroy the ones that have a lock on Wolf beacuse they're about to fire. It's pretty simple. Falco needs some help about halfway through the shooting portion. Take them out and continue blasting bad guys. After a while, General Pepper's ship shows up, but something's funny... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: General Pepper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It looks like Aparoids have taken over Pepper's ship and are slowly going after the General himself. The ship's weak point is its face. Continue firing at the face while the ship flies around. Pepper's ship will occasionally send out a ring of Y-shaped guns. Shoot in a circle to eliminate all of them. If not, they will shoot at the wolfen. General Pepper's ship also shoots homing missiles which need to be shot down in order to keep the wolfen and Fox safe. It's a very simple battle which doesn't need much thought put into it. Just repeatedly shoot the face until the big man falls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ General Pepper's ship is majorly damaged and is careening towards the ground. Peppy makes a daring move by piloting an arwing under the ship and cushioning the fall as both ships hit the ground hard. Luckily, no one is hurt. Fox gives his thanks to Wolf, but he just blows it off and flies away with his crew, staying like a badass. ============================================================================== MISSION 8 - ORBITAL GATE: INCOMING [0408] ============================================================================== There is an orbital gate in orbit above Corneria. Federation scientists are preparing a bomb used to go through the gate to the Aparoid homeworld and hopefully end this war. Team Star Fox has been signalled to come to Corneria's orbit and protect the gate from incoming Aparoid attack. It's up to you to protect the orbital gate, send the weapon in, and put an end to the Aparoids. This mission is incredibly similar to Sector Z from the N64 game. At first, there will only be bogies on the screen. But boy, it's a lot of them. Let's head for the flags first before we fight, shall we? The first one is found right where you start off. | Flag #1 | | When you start the mission, you're pointing towards the gate. Aim below the | gate to an antennae and shoot below it when the target turns red. Shoot to | uncover the flag and swoop down to grab it. | Flag #2 | | Fly down to the very bottom of the space station where you should find a | satellite. Right below the dish is a lone Aparoid. Take it out and collect | the flag that it drops. | Flag #3 | | Fly above the dish towards the top of the satellite. The top part is | rotating, just to point things out. Shoot at the top when the targeting | turns red to find a secret flag. | Flag #4 | | Make your way to the top of the station where you will find a structure with | two antennae popping up. Hit the brakes to give you some time while you | shoot right above the structure, where the targeting reticule turns red, to | find the next hidden S-Flag. | Flag #5 | | Proceed to the west side of the base where you will find a tunnel leading to | the center of the space station. Give yourself some room as you aim at the | beginning of the tunnel. Your target should be red when you find it. Blast | it repeatedly to find the last flag. By now, Krystal has probably called for help. You know what to do; just chase down and shoot the pursuers. You get a distress signal from ROB telling you that Aparoid missiles are heading straight for the orbital gate. Hmm, Sector Z anyone? Anyways, check on your radar for the missile location. It's pretty slow, but don't hesitate to destroy it. Fly right to it and Use charged shots to destroy it. Once it's destroyed, more missiles come onto the scene. They will usually come in pairs of two or three. Once all the green missiles are done, two purple missiles show up. They take more damage and are only vulnerable in the front. Use a bomb or two and charged shots to destroy both. Remember to always use your breaks to get in that extra shot. Once the smaller missiles are destroyed, the Aparoids send in one humongous missile to try to take down the orbital gate. Hurry over to its location fast, because it's too big to be taken down alone. While your friends help, target and lock on to the back of the missile. The giganto-missile is divided into sections which must be destroyed individually. Destroy the back first, then work your way up to the middle. Just use charged shots on the back and middle of the missile. When you get to the front, give it all you got by launching all of your bombs (if you have any) to take it down with minimal time. If not, then just stick to charged shots. Once the giganto-missile blows up, the mission is completed. ============================================================================== MISSION 9 - APAROID HOMEWORLD: BREACHING THE DEFENSES [0409] ============================================================================== Legend ------ START - Starting Point T - Target S - S-Flag * - Inside of a building ** - This hatcher only appears once the others are destroyed After the destruction of Aparoid forces in Corneria's orbit, Team Star Fox and the Cornerian army heads through the orbital gate which takes them to the Aparoid homeworld. Fox learns that the heart of the planet is protected by a force field. Fox and the crew are given orders to infiltrate the Aparoid base and turn off the shield. Above: ------ __ / \ \__/\ / \ __ / \ / \/ \ \__/ T* \ \ / \ C/\ ____ ____ \ / \/ \ / \ ________ \ /\ /\____/ \____/ _/ \_ \/ \/ \________________/ \ ________/ \ ____/ \_ / | \ / \ ________________ | | _____| | \____/\ / \ / __ \ \ | | / \_ S | \ / \ \/ / \ \ /\ / | | /\ | | | \ / \ \__/ /| |_____|__|_____ / \ | | | / B/\ \____/ | | \/ / | / | | / /\ \__ | | H| / \______/ | | | | \ \ | | |/ | | / \/ / \T* \ ___|___|___ |______/ / | |_/_____\__A\__/ \ | / | | / \ |________/ \____/_____________| |________/ ____ ________ / | S | / \ / | | |_________| | / ______| \ START / | | / / | \___________/____________\ / |___|_ /| | | \D \ / /| | / \ / |G | | \T* \ | || | / | / /\_____ __ __________| | ____ \ _S\/ / | | | \ / | | | | / __ \ \\ / | | | | \/ | | | |/ / \ \ \/ E_ \/ \ | \ _____/ | / \/ \ \/ / \/ \ ____ | S* | | | \ \___/ / \/ \ \ |________/ |_ \__________/ \____/ \_ _/ | / \_______/ \ __________ /\ \____/ \ / \/\ \______/\ / \ / \ \/ \ \____/ /F \ / T* \__ \ / \ \ S* /\__/ \ / \ /_ \/ \ \__/ The Aparoid homeworld is a very large area with maze-like structures that are pretty confusing. They are somewhat color-coordinated, so I'll refer to the color of the buildings to help you out. First off, head into the reddish brown one to the northwest of your starting location. It's located on the ASCII map at point "A". Head inside the building and go to the top floor. Destroy the Aparoids on the stairs for a machine gun and the flying ones for a sniper rifle. You can't destroy all of the Aparoids; they keep coming unless the hatcher is destroyed. Take out the green spheres around the room. Eliminate all three to lower a shield in the center of the room revealing a hatcher. Destroy the hatcher and go through the door. Cross the bridge; killing Aparoids along the way until you reach a building. You can destroy the shield in the middle of the doorway with a couple charged shots. Destroy the Aparoids to get a homing launcher and head on inside. Destroy the sphere tucked behind the staircase on the first floor, then head up the stairs. Take out the next sphere at the back of the room. Destroy the turrets to get health kits and go up the stairs. Destroy the last sphere in the back of the third floor to lower the hatcher's shield, then eliminate that as well. Return to the starting point in the center of the base and go to the yellow building in the southeast protion. Go into the building and get ready to destroy more sphere things. Go up the stairs and take out the sphere in the corner of the room to your left. Pick up the health pack across from it and proceed down the stairs. Destroy another sphere in the far corner. Head down the stairs to destroy the last sphere and the hatcher once the shield goes down. | Flag #1 | | Go behind the stairs on the last floor and shoot at the ground once the | target turns red. A hidden flag appears. Grab it to get your first flag | here. Exit the building and go straight to find another door (marked "E"). Go inside to find another multi-floored building. If you destroy all the Aparoids on the ground here on this floor, you get a 1-Up. Do that and go down the stairs. The next floor leads to a door. Don't go through yet; instead, go down the next two flight of stairs. On the bottom floor, you will find two spheres behind the staircase. Destroy them as well as the sphere in the corner. The shield protecting the hatcher will disappear, so kill the hatcher once it's vulnerable. Return to the floor where you saw the door. Go through to return outside. | Flag #2 | | Hug the wall and go through the tunnel to your right to venture around the | outside of the building. You will reach a dead end after a bit. When the | target turns red, shoot to reveal your second flag. Well, now all the hatcher as destroyed, you get a call learning that more hatcher have appeared under the base as well. Don't go for them now; you have more flags go collect. Head back to the center of the base and go northeast down to the green area. Go up either flight of stairs once you reach the door to go on top of the building. | Flag #3 | | Go to the center of the floor and look at the ground for the target to turn | red. Shoot to find a hidden flag. Once you collect the flag, numerous | Aparoids appear out of thin air, so be prepared to take them on. | Flag #4 | | Once you've killed all of the Aparoids, go across the base to the southwest | corner to the purple building. Once inside, go trhough the tunnels and you | will find yourself in a large room with two corners jutting out. Go to the | left one. Shoot the wall when the target turns red to find the flag. | Flag #5 | | Grab an arwing and fly to the very top of the center of the base. Hit the | brakes as you shoot the very tip of the tower in the center to reveal the | last flag. Below: ------ /\ / \/\ \ | / /\ ____ ____ \ / \/ \ / \ ________ |/\ /\___T/ \___T/ _/ \_ \/ \________________/ \ ________/ \ ____/ \_ / | \ / \ ________________ | | _____| | \____/\ / \ / __ \ \ | | / \_ | \ / \ \/ / \ \ /\ / | | /\ | | | \ / \ \__/ /| |_____|__|_____ / \ | | | / /\ \____/ | | \/ / | / | | / /\ \__ | | | / \______/ | T| | | \ \ | | |/ | | / \/ / \ \ ___|___|___ |______/ / | |_/_____\___\__/ \ |T / | | / \ |________/ \____/_____________| |________/ ____ ________ / | | / \ / | | |_________| | / ______| \ / | | / / | \___________/____________\ / |___|_ /| | | \ \ / /| | / \ / | | | \ \ | || | / | / /\_____ __ __________| | ____ \ __\/ / | | | \ / | | | | / __ \ \\ / | | | | \/ | | | T |/ / \ \ \/ _ \/ T\ | \______/ | / \/ \ \/ / \/ \ ____ | | | | \ \___/ / \/ \ \ |________/ |_ \__________/ \____/ \_ _/ | / \_______/ \ __________ /\ \____/ \ / \_/| \______/\ / \ / \ \/ / \____/ | \ \/\ / \/ With your arwing, speed below the base to find a lot more hatchers down here. They are scattered variously under the base, usually sticking to the ceilings. Falco will call for help shortly after you venture underside. Catch up to him and destroy the trailing enemies. There are six hatchers under the base, and you can refer to the map and destroy them in any order you want. After you've destroyed a couple hatchers, Slippy will send out a distress signal. Find him and destroy the enemies following him. Take out the last few hatchers to end the offenses on the Aparoid homeworld. ============================================================================== MISSION 10 - HOMEWORLD CORE: THE FINAL BATTLE [0410] ============================================================================== Fox and the team celebrate as the shield leading to the core of the planet is lowered. Moments later, the crew is shocked to see that a backup shield is booted up, securing the tunnel. Arwing blasts and bombs don't do a thing, and Fox is out of ideas. They were so close to eliminating the Aparoids, but nothing can destroy the shield. Peppy, realizing there's no other way, desperately flies the Great Fox right into the shield, destroying the shield momentarily. As the Great Fox is being destroyed, Peppy tells Fox and the gang to head inside before the shield rebuilds. Resisting, Fox doesn't let in, but realizes it's the only way, and leads everyone inside... The whole level is just one big tunnel, but you have a lot of space to move around. The only thing that you can't do is to backflips; you'll hit a wall and be damaged. Go through the tunnel and collect the laser upgrade. Watch out for the force fields that build up and try to seal the tunnel. Some holes are left uncovered, letting you fly through unharmed. Avoid the pistons up ahead which move up and down. | Flag #1 | | When you approach a one-eyed enemy, shoot its eyeball to not only destroy | the monster, but to reveal the first flag. Sweet. Destroy the flying Aparoids that the eyeball monster drops out. Slippy will call for help shortly after the eyeball guys. Take out the enemies fast, or Slippy will be toast. He gives you a silver ring for helping him. | Flag #2 | | As you fly through the tunnel lined with turrets all around, put on the | brakes and shoot the turrets on the left. One of them drops your second | S-Flag. Keep going through the tunnel, passing the blue orbs, until you meet up with Star Wolf. His crew will also fly around along with your team. You will come up to a gate that opens and closes. It kinda looks like Pac Man. >_> Avoid and time when you go through before the gate closes on you. You will have to avoid several of them before you make it to the next section. Krystal will call for help. Once again, you must be quick to save her, and if you do, you get a silver ring. When you reach the area with the laser walls, you'll have to be very careful. The laser walls phase in and out of the tunnel, so either put on the brakes for smooth sailing or try to quickly boost through. Once you come out of the laser wall area, Falco will call you. He will quickly swoop by, go behind you, then come around again. When you hear his voice, charge up a blast and hit the batch when he comes around the first time. Clean up the rest the second time around, and Falco will give you a bomb. Further in, you will encounter a giant Aparoid moth. It will shoot homing missiles at you, so avoid them with barrel rolls. It will take heavy fire to destroy, so use the bomb Falco gave you to help wipe it out. | Flag #3 | | When another force field comes up, shoot the space to the right to reveal a | flag. Collect it and fly through. | Flag #4 | | When you enter the area with the fan blades, shoot the turret on the left | side to find an S-Flag. Time your movements in the fan blade territory to navigate around them. You will come to another area where the blades cover up the path momentarily, then retreat back to the edges. Avoid crashing into them by boosting when they pull back. At the end of the tunnel. Large groups of silver eye things will fill that passage. Roll to avoid their missiles and other attacks. The only way to defeat them is to shoot the one with the red eye. The red eye constantly switches to another one, so you don't have a lot of time to shoot it. When you shoot the one with the red eye, it is killed. You don't have to do this with all of them; just buy time until they leave. | Flag #5 | | One of the eyes has the flag. It's on the bottom, so try to focus on the | bottom ones when you destroy them. That was the last line of defense; so continue flying throuhg the tunnel until you enter the chamber of the Aparoid queen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Queen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1 ------ The Aparoid Queen is located in the center of a circular room. It's first defense is to drop Aparoid larvae. At first, they're only small yellow balls that float around. This is when you should destroy them. If they wait around, they hatch into a strong blue Aparoid. Don't give the larvae time to develop into blue Aparoids. The queen will stay in the middle of the room, sessile. Continue to blast larvae and wait for the queen's weak point to emerge. After a while, the queen's silver scales will rise up, revealing its red body. This is where you should direct all attack to the queen. Blast the red body as much as possible. When the body is exposed, the queen will raise its arms in an attempt to blast you with a maelstrom of energy. Get away from it, because it will most likely kill you in one hit. The queen will disguise its voice and talk to Fox with various impersonations, such as Pigma and James McCloud. Fox tries to ignore them, but the queen is getting into Fox's head. You'll experiences between Fox and his crew trying to snap him out of it. Once you've damaged the queen enough, she will flee her chamber in a metamorphasized form. Time to chase after her. Part 2 ------ The weak point for this stage is the four glowing eyes on the queen's backside. Each will open up, so blast it until it closes again. Do this with all four to close them. If you aren't quick enough, the eyes will open up again. Once all four are closed, the queen's dragonlike head will expose itself. Roll to avoid her head and shoot it to damage the queen. The head will most likely withdraw after time, and you will have to repeat the process with its eyes. Your friends will help out by using bombs and such. The queen will start dropping floating mines after a while. Dodge the mines, but don't shoot them. You'll only be caught in the blast radius. Once the queen has sustained a certain amount of damage, it will turn into one last form. Part 3 ------ This stage is the easiest by far. The Aparoid Queen will quickly dash around the screen, firing devastating beams. When she fires a hollow beam, fly inside it to avoid damage. The queen will also fire energy beams to the side. Barrel roll to avoid sufficient damage. The queen has no weak point. Simply shoot it anywhere to damage the beast. Lock on to the queen and use any bombs you have left to damage is significantly. Use charged blasts once you run out of bombs. Once you pummel the Aparoid Queen enough, it will be destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Congrats, you just beat the game! Sit back and enjoy the ending (which I won't spoil). ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== 5] BOSSES [0500] ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Oikonny Mech ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oikonny is pathetically easy, even if you haven't played any Starfox games. The only thing is, if you're new to the series, you may have a hard time damaging him. The only thing that can hurt Oikonny is his palms. See that red orb in the palm of his hands? Shoot it so damage the mech. Be careful though, as when he exposes his palm, he will either slap you, claw at you, or punch you. Either way, hightail out of the way to the other side of the screen to avoid it's attack. Charged up shots and bombs work wonder if you want to finish off the ape in a hurry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Moth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This boss has two stages, but the first one is very easy. Target the wings. Fire blasts at the orbs at the end of each wing and continue fire to destroy the wing. When you see an orb glow, quickly target the wing and destroy it. If you can't blw up the wing in time, hurry out of the way, because the insect will shoot sonic booms at you. Take out all 8 of the moth robot's wings to go into the final stage. The moth will shoot at the ground with it's rear and the ground will blow up into chunks of rock that spew into the air. You can't destroy the rocks, so simple move out of the way or use barrel rolls to avoid the falling boulders. Once the boulders have been dodged, the alien will come to ground level and reveal a pink orb in it's mouth. That's the target. Launch a bomb or use charged shots to damage the creature significantly while moving out of the way of the yellow projectiles. Two bombs will put this bot to rest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Ship ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This Aparoid has a bunch of attacks at it's disposal. The giant ship will launch missiles and beams towards the Landmaster. Use rolls to dodge the firepower; you can't destroy them. Fire at the orb located on the ship's underbelly. Keep shooting at the orb, and the Aparoid will collapse. Once collapsed, Slippy will inform you that the Aparoid ship's weak spot is at the top of the ship. Hover onto the circular part of the ship when the ship is collapsed. On top, there will be a spire on the center of the ship. The spire will open, revealing another pink orb. Use bombs and charged shots to deal massive damage to the Aparoid ship. The panels under you will start glowing after you've deal a significant amount of damage. Move out of the way as quickly as possible and make sure that you're not standing on a glowing panel. All the glowing panels will be bombarded with the ship's missiles. If you do happen to fall or get blasted off, simply repeat the process of attacking the orb on it's underbelly and hovering on up once collapsed. One you destroy the orb on the central spire, the ship will be destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Team Star Wolf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once you get the final flag, now it's time to face the deadly team. If you have played Star Fox 64, you should have no trouble. Think of them as normal ships, just a little stronger and more intelligent. use barrel rolls often to deflect their blasts, and if a member of the team is behind you, do a loop to mess them up and get the upper hand. You can make this battle insanely easy if you take some time exploring. If you want to take off and destroy the guns on top of the asteroids, then you will get loads of powerups, bombs, and health. If you have a blue laser, around two charged shots should take out each member. It's that easy. Target Leon and Panther first though, so you don't put your teammates in jeapordy. Then go after the big cheese himself. He's a tad stronger than Leon and Panther, but maybe 2 or 3 charged shots will have him down for the count. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Spider ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *yawn* I wish there was a remotely hard boss in this game. Oh well, at least they're fun. This spider-like robot will spew out little Aparoid enemies from it's "mouth". They're like flies on your windshield. Quickly eliminate the most of them. Slippy will tell you to aim for the mouth. Why so? There's an orb located in it's mouth, and that's the only way to hurt it. It will open it's mouth again; that's your signal drop a bomb or a couple charged shots, then get the heck out of the way. The Aparoid will emit a powerful beam which will leave you at critical health (if not dead). If you survived the blast, fly around the level and collect the numerous health and powerups. You can also recieve bombs from the fly- like Aparoids that the big one shoots out. Two bombs will do the trick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Infested Pigma ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As crazy as this sounds, this boss is actually quite similar to the boss in Area 6 from Star Fox 64. "Pigma" has multiple arms which whip around and lash at you. Arms can also open up to release missiles at you. Destroy them or roll to safety. If an arm turns red and moves to the center of the satellite, then it is going to punch. Dodge, then wait for the arm to turn red. When an arm is red, rapidly strike it to destroy it. He has six arms, and you must destroy them all. The arms can also throw chunks of asteroids at you. These ones can't be destroyed with your lasers, so you must dodge them. Take out all six arms, and what was once Pigma's life will deplete. Oh, didn't I tell you? He has a second life bar. Once the new life bar rises up, you will have a new target to focus on. Now the beast will shoot out groups of missiles at you. They will shoot out in a circle, so dodging them might be a little hard. You can destroy them if you want too, but that takes too long and you will be under the risk of getting hit by another. Once the hatch opens up revealing his face, that is when you attack. His face is pretty big, so bombs will most likely hit. When the hatch retracts and it absorbs pink energy, that's the time to watch out. It will release a beam of pink fire at you. Roll to a corner of the screen; it's fairly easy to dodge. When the fire subsides, continue your assault on the face until the Aparoid menace is done for. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: General Pepper ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It looks like Aparoids have taken over Pepper's ship and are slowly going after the General himself. The ship's weak point is its face. Continue firing at the face while the ship flies around. Pepper's ship will occasionally send out a ring of Y-shaped guns. Shoot in a circle to eliminate all of them. If not, they will shoot at the wolfen. General Pepper's ship also shoots homing missiles which need to be shot down in order to keep the wolfen and Fox safe. It's a very simple battle which doesn't need much thought put into it. Just repeatedly shoot the face until the big man falls. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOSS: Aparoid Queen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1 ------ The Aparoid Queen is located in the center of a circular room. It's first defense is to drop Aparoid larvae. At first, they're only small yellow balls that float around. This is when you should destroy them. If they wait around, they hatch into a strong blue Aparoid. Don't give the larvae time to develop into blue Aparoids. The queen will stay in the middle of the room, sessile. Continue to blast larvae and wait for the queen's weak point to emerge. After a while, the queen's silver scales will rise up, revealing its red body. This is where you should direct all attack to the queen. Blast the red body as much as possible. When the body is exposed, the queen will raise its arms in an attempt to blast you with a maelstrom of energy. Get away from it, because it will most likely kill you in one hit. The queen will disguise its voice and talk to Fox with various impersonations, such as Pigma and James McCloud. Fox tries to ignore them, but the queen is getting into Fox's head. You'll experiences between Fox and his crew trying to snap him out of it. Once you've damaged the queen enough, she will flee her chamber in a metamorphasized form. Time to chase after her. Part 2 ------ The weak point for this stage is the four glowing eyes on the queen's backside. Each will open up, so blast it until it closes again. Do this with all four to close them. If you aren't quick enough, the eyes will open up again. Once all four are closed, the queen's dragonlike head will expose itself. Roll to avoid her head and shoot it to damage the queen. The head will most likely withdraw after time, and you will have to repeat the process with its eyes. Your friends will help out by using bombs and such. The queen will start dropping floating mines after a while. Dodge the mines, but don't shoot them. You'll only be caught in the blast radius. Once the queen has sustained a certain amount of damage, it will turn into one last form. Part 3 ------ This stage is the easiest by far. The Aparoid Queen will quickly dash around the screen, firing devastating beams. When she fires a hollow beam, fly inside it to avoid damage. The queen will also fire energy beams to the side. Barrel roll to avoid sufficient damage. The queen has no weak point. Simply shoot it anywhere to damage the beast. Lock on to the queen and use any bombs you have left to damage is significantly. Use charged blasts once you run out of bombs. Once you pummel the Aparoid Queen enough, it will be destroyed. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [6] FLAGS [0600] ============================================================================== Here is the location of all of the flags, for easy access. If you find all of the flags in all levels, then you will unlock the Demon Sniper in Multiplayer Mode. In my opinion, the prize really isn't worth the trouble. There are a total of five flags in each level. ============================================================================== MISSION 1 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | Once the second ship is destroyed, aim for the rear end of the third | flagship. DO NOT BLOW IT UP. Fire at the rear section of the ship, and a | portion will blow up, revealing your first S-Flag. Pick it up and continue | past the ship. | Flag #2 | | After the first or second arch, look to your left. You will see a tunnel up | ahead to the far left. Continue through the tunnel instead of the normal | path. Pass over the first enemy while charging up a shot. Release your | charged laser at the enemy at the very end of the tunnel. He will drop a | flag. Pick up the flag and continue out of the tunnel. | Flag #3 | | Right after you help Falco, you will arrive in a clearing with many trees. | Head towards the middle of the screen before entering the clearing, and aim | for the first tree's left branch and fire at it. The branch will fall, | revealing the S-Flag. | Flag #4 | | Pass through the first set of columns, then veer left to the opening between | the first and second colum. Now, you will be on the left side of the left | column. Destroy the lone canister on the ground to reveal a flag. | Flag #5 | | Once you reach that section, fly upwards towards the platform on your high | right. A lonely barrel will be waiting on the end of the platform. Destroy | it to uncover your final flag! ============================================================================== MISSION 2 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | Go to the eastern side of the base (where the two purple baddies reside). | Face the small wall that's inbetween the two staircases. Use a charged shot | and fire towards the wall. The wall will break apart, revealing a storage | room. Look around using your target, and aim above one of the crates inside | the room. Your target will turn red. Shoot where the target turns red | several times, and a flag will appear. | Flag #2 | | Right from where you defeated the two purple Aparoids, head north until you | come to the first bunker. Go inside, destroy the few Aparoids inside, and | aim towards the far end of the bunker. Your target will turn red. Shoot | there a couple of times, and collect the S-Flag that appears. | Flag #3 | | Go to the west end of the base and destroy the wall (just like the first | flag), and head into the storage room. Aim your gun between two crates in | the back, and shoot when the target is red. Collect your third flag. | Flag #4 | | While on the top part of the base, go to the eastern part of the stage. | There should be an opening in the base. Aim your targeting reticule towards | the opening, and it should turn red. Shoot to where the target is red and | collect the flag. | Flag #5 | | From the fourth flag, continue straight, then turn right when you're at the | central structure. Using the Landmaster, hover onto the ledge in front of | you. Once on top, get out and aim to the left side of the ramp. Shoot when | the target is red, and collect the last flag once it has appeared. ============================================================================== MISSION 3 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | On to your first flag already. Go under the ledge near the right-hand corner | of the floor, and take out the enemies. Mover your targeting reticule around | the corner until it turns red. Shoot until the flag appears, and collect it. | Flag #2 | | After destroying the target, aim your gun towards the computer on the side | wall. The target should turn red, so you know what to do. Shoot until the | flag appears, and pick it up. | Flag #3 | | Your third flag is in the dead center of the floor. Proceed onto the | walkways, then head into the center. Shoot the box containing the flag with | a charged shot, then pick it up. | Flag #4 | | Before you do anything, aim up at the hologram in the left corner of the | room. Shoot when the target is red and take the S-Flag. | Flag #5 | | This flag will be really hard if you don't know where you're going. Use the | map often in the pause screen to locate it. The flag is on an asteroid | directly right from the base. On your map, the flag will be directly right | from the station, and it's on one of the last asteroid. | | Keep heading towards the right side of the map, and point your target to all | of the asteroids around you. Once your target turns red, shoot away. The | flag will appear on top of the asteroid. Swoop down and pick it up. ============================================================================== MISSION 4 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | Right from your starting point, get in the tank and move right. Head behind | a small pillar. Once behind it, aim low to the ground at the base of the | pillar. The targeting reticule should turn red. When it does, shoot and the | flag should appear. | Flag #2 | | Continue from the first flag towards one of the towers. Look to the right, | at the ice bridge. Aim towards the left lantern, right above it. When the | target turns red, shoot and collect the second flag. | Flag #3 | | There's a reason why I told you to backtrack and took you halfway across the | level: for your third flag. Enter the tiny cave with your Landmaster. Aim at | the ground in the middle of the passage to make your target turn red. Shoot | the ground and collect the flag that appears. | Flag #4 | | Don't head across the bridge just yet. There's still another flag to be | captured. Destroy the tank-like Aparoid and collect the 1-Up that it drops. | There will be a group of crystals in the mittle of the platform. Aim at the | base of the crystals at all angles until the target turns red. Shoot to | expose the flag, then collect it. | Flag #5 | | Peppy should tell you that an entrance is nearby once you've reached the | base. Look around for the entrance. Aim towards the ledge above the entrance | of the base and wait for the target to turn red. Shoot to make the flag | appear, then hover up and get your final flag. ============================================================================== MISSION 5 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | Purple spinning ships will slowly start to fly past you. Take out the top | one for it to drop a flag. | Flag #2 | | Make sure to take out the LAST homing asteroid. Once destroyed, a flag | appears in it's wreckage. Pick it up and continue through. | Flag #3 | | There should be purple goo-like substance on the floor when you enter the | open room. It will be on the left side of the room, so quickly shoot it, and | swoop down to obtain the exposed flag. | Flag #4 | | After you get the third flag and destroy the prototype, more spinning ships | will come onscreen. Destroy the one on the left to obtain your fourth flag. | Flag #5 | | You will find more purple goo on the right side of the room ahead. Like the | previous flag, shoot it to expose the flag, then go collect it. ============================================================================== MISSION 6 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | Right behind the hatcher in the bushes is a stream. Follow the stream to a | dead end, where you can find your first flag in this level. It should be | hidden inside of a waterfall. | Flag #2 | | Shoot at the floor in the center of the temple to discover a well hidden S- | Flag. Nab it to add it to your collection. | Flag #3 | | Head to the small temple next to the large one where the last hatcher was | and look for a pile of rubble towards the back on the outside of the temple. | Blast it to destroy the mess, revealing your thrid flag. | Flag #4 | | Once in the cave, head down and pick up the homing launcher ammo that the | Aparoids drop. When you reach the dead end, wait until the target reticule | turns red and blast away to expose the fourth flag. | Flag #5 | | Fly around the temple, aiming at the four corners. One of the corners | contains a hidden S-Flag. Aim and wait for the reticule to turn red, then | shoot and pick up the flag. ============================================================================== MISSION 7 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | Take a visit to the Lunastone Hotel, which should be right across from where | you started off. Go up the ramp and head up on the roof. Aim behind the | luminescent sign and wait for the reticule to turn red. Shoot and collect | the flag that appears. | Flag #2 | | Go up the ramp of the red structure and walk on the beam that connects each | red structure. You will come to an S-Flag along the way. | Flag #3 | | Look at the building to the left of the orange one. Climb up the ramp of | that building, taking out any guards you find. it should be a large green | building. Climb on the roof and aim on the roof to find a hidden S-Flag. | Target the red reticule spot and shoot to unveal it. | Flag #4 | | Go past the orange building and head straight towards the tall white | building. There are turrets stationed on the walls of the building, so be | careful going up. Head up the ramp to the roof of the building. Carefully | walk around the edges of the roof to reach the westernmost platform. Shoot | at the floor next to the wall to reveal the next flag. | Flag #5 | | Ah yes, the orange building. Not only is your arwing there, but that's where | the last flag is. Travel up the first staircase and go to the corner and | shoot when the target is red. Collect your final flag. ============================================================================== MISSION 8 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | When you start the mission, you're pointing towards the gate. Aim below the | gate to an antennae and shoot below it when the target turns red. Shoot to | uncover the flag and swoop down to grab it. | Flag #2 | | Fly down to the very bottom of the space station where you should find a | satellite. Right below the dish is a lone Aparoid. Take it out and collect | the flag that it drops. | Flag #3 | | Fly above the dish towards the top of the satellite. The top part is | rotating, just to point things out. Shoot at the top when the targeting | turns red to find a secret flag. | Flag #4 | | Make your way to the top of the station where you will find a structure with | two antennae popping up. Hit the brakes to give you some time while you | shoot right above the structure, where the targeting reticule turns red, to | find the next hidden S-Flag. | Flag #5 | | Proceed to the west side of the base where you will find a tunnel leading to | the center of the space station. Give yourself some room as you aim at the | beginning of the tunnel. Your target should be red when you find it. Blast | it repeatedly to find the last flag. ============================================================================== MISSION 9 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | Go behind the stairs on the last floor and shoot at the ground once the | target turns red. A hidden flag appears. Grab it to get your first flag | here. | Flag #2 | | Hug the wall and go through the tunnel to your right to venture around the | outside of the building. You will reach a dead end after a bit. When the | target turns red, shoot to reveal your second flag. | Flag #3 | | Go to the center of the floor and look at the ground for the target to turn | red. Shoot to find a hidden flag. Once you collect the flag, numerous | Aparoids appear out of thin air, so be prepared to take them on. | Flag #4 | | Once you've killed all of the Aparoids, go across the base to the southwest | corner to the purple building. Once inside, go trhough the tunnels and you | will find yourself in a large room with two corners jutting out. Go to the | left one. Shoot the wall when the target turns red to find the flag. | Flag #5 | | Grab an arwing and fly to the very top of the center of the base. Hit the | brakes as you shoot the very tip of the tower in the center to reveal the | last flag. ============================================================================== MISSION 10 ============================================================================== | Flag #1 | | When you approach a one-eyed enemy, shoot its eyeball to not only destroy | the monster, but to reveal the first flag. Sweet. | Flag #2 | | As you fly through the tunnel lined with turrets all around, put on the | brakes and shoot the turrets on the left. One of them drops your second | S-Flag. | Flag #3 | | When another force field comes up, shoot the space to the right to reveal a | flag. Collect it and fly through. | Flag #4 | | When you enter the area with the fan blades, shoot the turret on the left | side to find an S-Flag. | Flag #5 | | One of the eyes has the flag. It's on the bottom, so try to focus on the | bottom ones when you destroy them. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [7] ITEMS [0700] ============================================================================== There are tons of items and weapons in this game, and I will list each and every one of them. ============================================================================== POWER-UPS [0701] ============================================================================== ==== 1-Up ==== You may die a bunch of times in this game. Well, that's where these guys come in. 1-Ups are trickily placed in certain levels, so search wisely and keep looking for these precious life-savers (literally)! ======= Barrier ======= These are very rare items only found in certain missions. Once picked up, you can press B to create a temporary shield to reduce enemy fire. =========== Silver Ring =========== When passed through in an Arwing or a Landmaster, the vehicle's shield will regain partial health. ========= Gold Ring ========= When passed through, these babies restore much more of your Arwing or Landmaster's shield. Don't waste these ones; they tend to be rarer than silver ones. =================== Green First Aid Kit =================== Found all over the Lylat System, these trusty kits restore a little bit of Fox's health. Only found when on foot. =================== White First Aid Kit =================== Slightly rarer than the green ones, these restore more health than green first aid kits. ================== Gold First Aid Kit ================== Gold first aid kits are very rare. Once picked up, these will completely fill Fox's health. Very useful in tight situations! =================== Green Power Upgrade =================== When you move through an upgrade in the Arwing or Landmaster, your laser will increase in power until the vehicle is destroyed. Don't miss an opportunity to get these useful powerups! ================= Red Power Upgrade ================= This is even more useful than the green upgrade. The red upgrade will incrase your firepower even more than the others. This is a rare pickup, so immediately pick one up when seen. ===== Flags ===== You can obtain 5 flags in each of the 10 missions in Story Mode. These are very hard to find. Flags are held by certain enemies or found in very secrative places. Once you collect them all, you obtain a *secret* Vs. Mode weapon. ============================================================================== WEAPONS [0702] ============================================================================== ======= Blaster ======= Your standard fighting utensil. It fires small green blasts that deal minimal damage, thought a charged shot can pack a punch! =========== Machine Gun =========== A very good gun when Fox is ambushed. Whip it out, hold down the "fire" button, and let the bullets fly. =========== Gatling Gun =========== If you thought the machine gun was good, then check out this weapon. It fires faster and stronger bullets to pummel those Aparoid pests. =============== Homing Launcher =============== What can I say, it's a rocket launcher. The only con is that it has low ammo. If you conserve and save ammo for this baby, you can take out almost everything in sight. ============= Plasma Cannon ============= This mission-only weapon is very powerful. It has unlimited ammo, and is a suped-up version of the blaster. Unfortunately, you only use this weapon in Single player Mode. :( ============ Sniper Rifle ============ This is a very lethal weapon used for picking off baddies and your friends in Multipler Mode. Press X to zoom in, and then press L to soom in even more. If at a high enough elevation, you can see nearly a whole level with this bad boy. ======= Grenade ======= Your usual bombs. Throw them all over the place to take a chunk out of robots and Aparoids alike. Grenades can bounce off walls, so you can strategize with these to take out groups of enemies from a distance. =========== Sensor Bomb =========== This is a timed bomb found in various levels. Once planted on the ground or a wall, it will deactivate and take out any nearby enemies with it's lethal explosion. ========== Smart Bomb ========== This is an arwing-only bomb. If used wisely enough, one can take out a whole fleet of enemies. Lock on to an enemy in the center of a group, then let the bomb fly and detonate right in the middle of the lot. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [8] STAR FOX HISTORY [0800] ============================================================================== NOTE: Special thanks goes out to Eternal Czar Smapdi, who provided me with an absolutely wonderful write-up of the history of Star Fox. "Good luck..." - General Pepper, Star Fox Star Fox: A Brief History of Flight Star Fox has been a revolutionary game series ever since its first breakout hit back in 1993. But Star Fox's beginning was much more humble than most realize. Nintendo, always at the forefront of video game innovation, was set to revamp the video game industry by making "true 3D" possible in a console game. The concept was unheard of at the time. Before Star Fox was conceived, the SNES was only capable of "mimicking" 3D. The best example of this was the SNES's Mode7. Mode7 was a graphics mode on the SNES console that allowed a two- dimensional sprite to be superimposed on a movable 3D plane. This was best shown in games such as Pilotwings and Super Mario Kart. Rather than the object moving through an environment, the 2D plane was moved "around" the object, simulating a sort of "pretend" 3D. However, with the development of the supremely powerful SuperFX chip, Nintendo was about to change the way video games were developed forever. The SuperFX chip essentially allowed for programmers to construct 3D polygons in a true 3D environment. The result would be the first truly 3D experience on a console device. Objects would actually move and interact with other objects in three dimensions, rather than just being sprites that "faked" 3D. This technology was shown off in a tech demo simply called "Airplane Action Demo". This "demo" was essentially the first level, Corneria, of the original Star Fox, minus the music and boss. Miyamoto, the genius at Nintendo behind most of their wildly popular franchises, saw the tech demo and immediately fell in love with it. He signed on the producers of the tech demo, Argonaut, to create Star Fox for the SNES. The rest, well, is history. Star Fox to this date has sold nearly 3 million copies and is a staple of video game innovation. Today, 3D games are the norm rather than the exception, and they can all trace their roots back to this gem. There have been technically five games in the Star Fox franchise, though only three are relevant to the Star Fox plotline. The original Star Fox for the SNES was remade into Star Fox 64, which clarified the storyline and added elements from another Star Fox game we never saw on a console. Star Fox 2, which was slated for release on the SNES in 1995, never saw completion, though the game got as far as final beta and was considered by many to be almost completely playable. Star Fox 2 remains one of those Nintendo mysteries. Almost every game, with incredibly few exceptions, that got as far in development as Star Fox 2 did were released. Those few that didn't had very distinct reasons for not being released. However, to this day, Nintendo has not announced why this project was scrapped. It was a huge loss for gamers everywhere though, as Star Fox 2 had the makings to be one of the greatest games ever conceived. Using an advanced form of the Super FX chip, Star Fox 2 featured so many excellent play features that it was almost mind-boggling. The entire game was played in "all range mode", rather than the constantly moving forward style of the first game. It featured mano-a-mano dogfights, planetary assaults, missile interceptions, and tactical, real time movement, all in a single package. It was open ended to the point where it was almost a mix between a shooter and a real-time strategy game. The player could choose to move around the Lylat system however they pleased, however, as they moved, the enemy forces would move as well. The object was to defeat the advancing army before Corneria had taken significant enough damage. In addition, you could choose a character to play as, each with their own vehicle and special abilities, including two addition Star Fox Team members. Why was Star Fox 2 never released? We may never know. The "third" game in the Star Fox series is now technically the "first" plot- wise. In addition to being a masterpiece on several fronts, Star Fox 64 was a remake of the first Star Fox and the unreleased Star Fox 2, combining the games into one story to re-standardize the Star Fox plot. The game is easily the most celebrated of the franchise, and is widely held today as one of the greatest games ever made. Just as its predecessor had revolutionized 3D games, Star Fox 64 revolutionized character development. Using a phenomenal job of voice compression technology, Nintendo managed to give the characters of Star Fox 64 their own unique voices, stocked to the breaking point full of hilarious banter, catch phrases, and help requests. This marked a significant turning point in video games. Nowadays, voice acting is incredibly common in games, a tool used by designers to give an added uniqueness to their characters. But Star Fox 64 was the first such game to perfect this idea, and frankly, is one of the best examples of voice acting to date. In addition to revolutionizing voices, Star Fox 64 added an extra sense to video games: touch. Using the included Rumble Pak, players could actually feel the effects of the environment on their Arwing. The roar of the engines, the impact of enemy fire, and the destruction of their craft could all be felt by this simple attachment. The feature was such a hit that all consoles these days have built-in rumble motors, proving that games didn't have to be limited to sound and sight alone. Outside of innovations, the game was just a masterpiece of video game art. The environments were beautifully rendered, the gameplay was fast and intense, and there were enough challenges and multiple paths to give Star Fox 64 a seemingly endless amount of replay value. To this day, many consider Star Fox 64 to be the "true" Star Fox game, an opinion that's difficult to argue against. Star Fox Adventures, the fourth game in the series and sequel to Star Fox 64, could easily be considered the "black sheep" of the Star Fox family. And rightfully so: The game didn't play like a Star Fox game at all! Investigation into why the turn from a slick shooter to a game called by many "Zelda lite" shows exactly why this game was so different from any other in the series. It was never intended to be a Star Fox game! The game, developed by Rare, was originally called "Dinosaur Planet". Rare had been working on it for the Nintendo 64, and was in the process of updating it for the Gamecube. However, Rare was concerned that the game simply wouldn't be popular enough in its own right. Thus, Nintendo came along and let them use the Star Fox license. The game's normal characters were instead replaced with Fox McCloud and crew. The result was akin to playing an adventure game through a Star Fox lens: The characters were sloppily added to a game that they simply didn't belong in. While Star Fox Adventures was a decent game in its own right, gamers simply craved a "true" Star Fox game: A space shooter, not an item-collection spree. Cue the game you came here to read about, Nintendo and Namco's creation, Star Fox Assault. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Corneria, fourth planet of the Lylat system. The evil Andross turned this once thriving system into a wasteland of near extinction..." - Intro, Star Fox 64 History of the Lylat Wars Due to the chaotic nature of the period in galactic history known as the Lylat wars, solid information on the era is hard to come by, and scholars have debated for years over the exact chronology of the Lylat system's history. However, all can agree on a few key elements, one of which is that Lylat's history revolves primarily around an independent group of mercenaries known as the Star Fox team. Civilization in the Lylat system during the years leading up to the Lylat wars was at an all-time high. At the forefront of this bustling civilization was the planetary superpower, Corneria. Corneria, the fourth planet from the star Solar in the Lylat system, was a planet rich in natural resources and abundant with fertile lands. It is no wonder then that Cornerian civilization skyrocketed over a relatively small period of time. Before long, Corneria had expanded it's empire beyond it's own world, placing inter-planetary settlements on many of the surrounding worlds of the Lylat system. Holding this society together was the virtually impregnable Cornerian army. Though rarely called into action, the standing might of Corneria's fleets insured a lasting peace between Corneria and all of its newfound colonies. All the while, Cornerian research was at the forefront of scientific advancement, progressing with radical new technologies that simplified life for all of Lylat's citizens. Unfortunately, however, all of this peace was about to be shattered by the hands of one man. Chronologically, experts place the beginning of the Lylat wars at roughly twenty years before the Aparoid invasion. It was at this point two decades ago that Cornerian records show the existence of a man named Andross. Andross, according to most accounts, was a leading scientist in Cornerian research institutes, praised for his genius and known throughout Corneria as the most gifted scientist to ever be produced. However, Andross fell in love with his own legend, and began to consider his work far above and more important than that of his colleagues. He began working in seclusion, operating research stations well outside of Cornerian scrutiny. Eventually, General Pepper, commander of the Cornerian military, became privy to the horrendous experiments Andross was conducting. Andross had perfected a grizzly new technology, which he had dubbed a "bio-weapon." These bio-weapons were in essence living, sentient organisms with incredible destructive power. Most disturbing of all, these highly intelligent beings were under direct psychic control of their creator, Andross himself. Pepper commanded Andross to disarm and halt all construction on these terrifying new weapons, to which Andross replied by launching a small-scale invasion of Corneria. Pepper, having anticipated such a move, was more than prepared for this assault, and quickly quelled Andross's uprising. While casualties were few, this small skirmish marked the beginning of the incredibly violent upheaval that would be known as the Lylat wars. General Pepper, after conferring with his associates and military advisers, decided that Andross's sentence for his transgressions against Corneria would be banishment to the barren, deserted planet of Venom. For the next few years, Andross was put out of the minds and attentions of Cornerians everywhere, as most believed his threat to have been permanently quelled. It was during this time of respite that Cornerian records first begin mention of another prominent figure, an ace fighter pilot named James McCloud. While many records are conflicted onto how this legendary figure came about his position as a mercenary, it is generally accepted that it was due to a substantial debt from his purchase of a gigantic, dreadnaught-class flagship. This ship, the Great Fox, named after James' newly-born son, was apparently the object of James' desire for quite some time. Records show that James was a top cadet at the Cornerian flight academy, but that his independent demeanor was often at conflict with the rigid infrastructure of the Cornerian military. With the Great Fox finally in his possession, James assembled his longtime friend Peppy Hare and fellow prospective student Pigma Dengar, both acclaimed pilots in their own right, to create the now legendary Star Fox team. Perhaps most striking about team Star Fox was the team's choice of ship. While most single-pilot craft in the Cornerian army were heavily armored, slow moving vehicles, James apparently fell in love with a stunt craft that was being displayed at a Cornerian air show. This machine, dubbed the "arwing" by its creators, was vastly different from most craft used for combat. It was capable of moving at incredible speeds and allowed the pilot full control of the ship's lateral movements, creating a system of unparalleled control. James bought the rights to the arwing stunt craft and modified the vehicle into a fighter. The result was a single-engine craft with a nose-mounted blaster array for standard fighting, and two wing-mounted blaster cannons for secondary fire. Two wing elevators were present, one on each side of the cockpit. Most amazing of all was the ship's ability to carry a payload of Smart Bombs, a devastating ordinance capable of disabling several ships within a large radius. Even more incredible was the fact that very little of the arwing's maneuverability was compromised in order to bring these new battle modifications to fruition. Armed with the Great Fox and a small supply of his arwings, James was ready to open the mercenary team Star Fox for business. General Pepper and James McCloud became fast friends, sharing a love for space combat and aerial skill. As such, Star Fox was often called upon by Pepper for tasks that were either too small to require the might of the Cornerian army or issues that were too politically sensitive to involve the army directly. Star Fox became a hero of the people, a living legend that gave people hope. Roughly five years after Andross's banishment to Venom, reports started coming in regarding strange activity on and around the planet. Pepper, fearing the worst, commissioned the Star Fox team to investigate. The team discovered that Andross has managed to put together a small army of his nightmarish bio-weapons upon the planet and a few of the surrounding worlds. Star Fox bravely confronted this new threat, and records indicate that they came close to neutralizing it. However, disaster struck when Pigma Dengar, lured by visions of grandeur and profit with an allegiance with Andross, betrayed Star Fox. Shortly after, Peppy Hare and James McCloud were captured. During his incarceration, James was killed, yet Peppy managed to escape Venom. He returned to Corneria to inform Pepper of the disturbing news, and more importantly, inform James' son Fox of his father's untimely demise. Years passed, and no further activity was detected on Venom. Fox McCloud, memories of his father still plaguing his thoughts, took up the reins of control of the near-defunct Star Fox team, and assembled it anew. Peppy was more than willing to rejoin this new team, and Fox was able to recruit ace fighter pilot Falco Lombardi and mechanical genius Slippy Toad to the team as well. They picked up where James had left off, serving the Cornerian Army and General Pepper as Star Fox had in the past. Roughly six years of relative peace and prosperity reigned throughout Lylat before Andross reared his head once more and sounded the drums of war. This time, Andross launched a surprise attack on several Lylat worlds at once, subduing most quickly with little resistance. Those few planets furthest from Venom were struck by complete surprise at the blitzkrieg and had difficulty responding to the sheer volume of Andross's invasion. It wasn't long before the only major worlds under Cornerian control remaining were the planet Katina and Corneria itself, and the battle on those planets was not going well. In a last-ditch effort, General Pepper sent out a distress call to team Star Fox, in the hopes that a small fleet of agile fighters could penetrate Andross's invasion and save the Lylat system. Records of the Venomian war are incredibly conflicting onto just what happened next. Some records show Star Fox at different positions at the same point in time, and scholars to this day have had little success pinning down exactly which planets Star Fox managed to liberate en route to Venom. What is known is that they encountered a rival team of fighter-pilots, an outfit calling themselves Star Wolf, that was hired by Andross to remove the threat of Star Fox. Star Wolf was lead by none other than Fox's childhood rival, Wolf O'Donnel. Also present in the team was a merciless assassin known as Leon Powalski, Andross's own nephew Andrew Oikonny, and none other than Pigma Dengar himself. Despite the threat posed by both the Venomian army and Star Wolf, Star Fox managed to defeat Andross and halt the advancement of his invasion. Thanks to their heroic exploits, the Lylat system was again at peace, and Star Fox returned to Corneria to report their success to Pepper.Records show that Pepper even offered Star Fox a place within the Cornerian army following their victory, but that the offer was declined, as Star Fox preferred working on their own. While a temporary peace settled down upon the entirety of the Lylat system, the same couldn't be said for the Star Fox team themselves. Finding scarce work for a combat specialist team in a peaceful era, Star Fox found themselves again subject to incredible debt. The Great Fox fell into disrepair, and tensions among teammates increased substantially. Four years after the defeat of Andross during the Venomian war, Star Fox received a distress signal from Falco Lombardi's childhood friend, Katt, from the planet Titania. Without waiting for his team's approval, Falco rushed off to Titania to assist, while the rest of the team followed behind. The resulting turmoil would later be called the Titanian conflict. Apparently, shortly after Andross's demise, a team of researchers stationed on Titantia managed to come across a fully intact genetic sample of the now dead researcher. The team, realizing the opportunity for power that this sample allowed them, immediately began a crazed plot to resurrect Andross. Katt and her allies had come across this research, and were now being hunted down by the Titanian officials to silence them. When Star Fox arrived at Titania, they immediately contacted the Titanian research station, not knowing the foul project the station was concocting. Star Fox was deceived into believing that Katt's forces were remnants of Andross's bio-weapons, and were hired to take them down. Meanwhile, Katt had told Falco what the station had been planning, and Falco agreed to help them halt the station's work. In the resulting confusion, the two teams clashed, and Fox was forced into a dogfight with Falco. Reports indicate that both inflicted heavy damage on the other, but that Fox managed to down Falco in the end. Eventually, Star Fox became privy to the station's plans and managed to destroy it, but not after the resurrection of Andross had been completed. Somehow, Andross managed to escape the station's destruction, leaving a battered and shaken Star Fox team to decide upon their next move. Falco, needing time to himself, left the team, dealing a staggering blow to the potency of team Star Fox. Four years passed with little in the way of income for Fox and his crew. Finally, they detected an anomaly on a nearby planet, Sauria. Apparently, strange energies were tearing the planet apart. While they were on their way to investigate it, they were contacted by General Pepper. Pepper hired them to solve the conflict on Sauria, a job that promised huge monetary compensation. Fox accepted the offer and descended to the planet on foot. After communicating with the residents of Sauria, tribes of sentient dinosaurs, Fox managed to restore the planet's energies to their normal state. During this project, he freed a mysterious, telepathic woman named Krystal, who offered her assistance to the team. However, not moments after Fox succeeded in restoring the planet, the malefactor behind the entire scheme made himself apparent, and was none other than Andross himself. Apparently, the entire scheme had been an elaborate trap to lure Fox to Andross so that he might exact his revenge. What followed was a furious battle between the two foes, one in which Fox was losing. However, responding to the distress signals from Planet Sauria, none other than Falco Lombardi appeared to offer his assistance to Fox. The combined efforts of the two ace pilots downed Andross for good. After the fight, Falco apologized to Fox for his absence and asked to join up with the team once more. In addition, the mysterious telepath Krystal also offered her services to team Star Fox out of gratitude for their timely assistance. Star Fox, now newly funded after their recent lucrative venture, immediately set to work rebuilding their time-worn team. They managed to create a system of mass-vehicle production within the confines of the Great Fox, as well as developing new transportation and warp mechanics. This new Star Fox team was dubbed the Star Fox Armada for its ruthless efficiency in handling its issues and lightning-fast response to requests for aid. One year after the Saurian conflict, Star Fox had yet again become a reliable, though independent, part of the Cornerian fleet. A new threat was rising around the planet Fortuna, however. Andrew Oikonny, having been booted from Star Wolf for his obsession with his late uncle's endeavors, had managed to put together a rag-tag rebellion out of the remnants of Anross's fleets and the manpower of hired fighters. The Cornerian army was immediately sent out to quell the rebellion, and Pepper called upon Star Fox to assist. Thus brings us to the current state of Lylat affairs. It is up to the Star Fox Armada to breach the defenses of Andrew Oikonny, and effectively quell the last remnants of dissent to Cornerian rule left in the Lylat system. The end of the Lylat wars is at long last in sight. ______________________________________________________________________________ ============================================================================== [9] THANKS/CREDITS [0900] ============================================================================== Of course, this guide couldn't have been made without some extra help. Here is a shoutout to everyone who made this FAQ possible: CJayC: For being an awesome host of an awesome site. Eternal Czar Smapdi: For being the best co-author anyone could have, and for being yourself. Kitten Army and Nindramon: You know why. FESBians: Because you're cool. You: For reading this FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This document is copyright (c) DomZ Ninja 2005-2013. 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