------------------ |STARFOX: ASSAULT | |FAQ/Walkthrough | |By SaiyanPureheart| ------------------ TIP: Press Ctrl+F to find whatever it is you're looking for in this game. ~*Table of Contents*~ ================= I. Version History II. Introduction III. Characters IIII. How to play V. Tips VI. Title screen A)SINGLE MODE B)VS. MODE C)OPTIONS D)BONUS GAME VII. Walkthrough A)Mission 1 = Fortuna: A New Enemy B)Mission 2 = Katina: Frontier Base Battle C)Mission 3 = Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited D)Mission 4 = Fichina: Into the Storm E)Mission 5 = Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace F)Mission 6 = Sauria: Reunion G)Mission 7 = Corneria: War Comes Home H)Mission 8 = Orbital Gate: Incoming I)Mission 9 = Aparoid Homeworld: Breaching the Defenses J)Mission 10 = Homeworld Core: The Final Battle VIII. Rewards earned IX. Boss Battles X. Frequently Asked Questions XI. Contact Me XII. Credits/Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================== |I. Version History| ================== 1.25 (05/09/06)- Missions 9 and 10 have been added to the walkthrough; Boss Battles section updated. Rewards section also complete. The guide is finally finished. Yay me! 1.00 (05/08/06)- Missions 7 and 8 have been added to the walkthrough; Boss Battles section also updated. 2 missions left! 0.75 (05/07/06)- Big update. Missions 3,4,5, and 6 have been added to the walkthrough; boss battles section also updated. 4 more missions left! 0.50 (05/05/06)- Missions 1 and 2 have been added to the walkthrough; Boss battles section updated. 0.25 (05/04/06)- Guide commencement; game basics, characters, and how to play sections added. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ |II. Introduction| ================ Welcome one and welcome all to my guide for SFA! I really enjoy this game and it had gotten to a point where I decided I should start my next FAQ dedicated to this game. And here it is, right before you! I recommend getting this game whether you're familiar with Star Fox games or not. If you utilize your time playing this game, I can almost guarantee that you'll enjoy it :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- =============== |III. Characters| =============== Star Fox members: ---------------- Fox McCloud - The main character in the game. You get to play as him. Fox is the leader of the Star Fox squad. He has great valour, strength, and determination. These qualities are more than enough to ensure his great leadership. Fox is the top ace pilot of the Star Fox team (mainly because he's with the player!) Falco Lombardi - Falco is the cocky hotshot. He has been a member of the Star Fox team for a long time, but there was a time where he decided to discard his team members since he needed some time of his own. He eventually returned and helped Fox defeat Andross (prequel: Star Fox Dinosaur Planet) and now he's back on the winning team! He is the second best pilot of the Star Fox team. Slippy Toad - An intelligent, yet dopey frog. Slippy is the brains of the team, but during action, he CAN be a major distraction since enemies just love to engage him in battle. You'll have to take the time out of your busy schedule inorder to save the poor little frog. Methinks Slippy would make a perfect decoy =/ Krystal - The newest member in the Star Fox team, Krystal is the character from Star Fox Dinosaur Planet. She was saved by Fox from a catastrophe. Like Slippy, Krystal can also be a distraction when in battle so be sure to save her from enemy threat. Krystal's love interest is Fox, although Fox himself will not acknowledge this. Peppy Hare - He has been a member of Star Fox since the day it was established by James McCloud. Now too old to fly an Arwing (or any other utilities for that matter), Peppy is now the advisor of the team. He will brief you through the missions and give you helpful tips throughout the game. Although he has retired, Peppy is still part of the Star Fox team. R.O.B - He's the robot who is Peppy's assistant. He'll also appear throughout the game and give you advice. General Pepper - He briefs you through missions and dictates commands to Fox and his sqad. The villains: ------------ Andrew Oikinny - Ah yes, back from the good ol' days on Star Fox 64, this guy made his first debut. He was formerly a member of team Star Wolf but he disbanded from the group inorder to divulge his own plans. He wants to avenge his uncle Andross, who was killed by Fox and Falco. Pigma - Just like Oikinny, Pigma was once a member of Star Wolf but the pig abandoned the squad inorder to set out his own agenda. But before a member of Star Wolf, Pigma was a member of Star Fox but he had betrayed the team by siding with Andross against James McCloud and Peppy Hare. Wolf O'Donnel - He is the leader of the Star Wolf sqad, who are the rivals of Star Fox. Wolf and Fox were good friends when they were young, but something soon changed their relationship and now Wolf strives to defeat Fox and his Star Fox team. He is the best pilot out of Star Wolf. Leon - Falco's rival, Leon is also a hotshot. He is the second best pilot of the Star Wolf team. Panther - The newest member of the Star Wolf squad. His Wolfen has the picture of a red rose. Krystal is his rival, although Panther does have a thing for her.. Other Characters: ---------------- Tricky - The cute little triceratop from Star Fox Dinosaur Planet is back! You'll get to see him in the Sauria level. James McCloud - Father of Fox McCloud, James was a top ace pilot. He fell in love with the arwing and decided to pursue his career on honing skills flying one. He was the original leader of the Star Fox team as well as the founder. James McCloud was killed by Andross when he embarked on a mission to Venom with his 2 team members, Peppy and Pigma. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================= |IIII. How to play| ================= This section is easy enough to understand. I'll show you the controls of this game. On foot: ------- Left analog stick = Move your character around Right analog stick = Switch weapon Directional pad: left/right = Displays the map of the level (interior) Y = Jump A = Fires a weapon B = Back/Cancel Z = Taunt/Get on Arwing or Landmaster Left trigger + left/right (analog stick) = Making your character roll over; useful for dodging attacks from enemies. Hold down left trigger + Left analog stick = Make your character starfe; useful maneuever for dodging and retaliating simutaneously. In other words, defensive and offensive. Right trigger + left analog stick = Making your character look in desired directions; useful for targetting enemies that are up high. Start/Pause = Pauses your game; you have the options to either continue the mission that you're playing or quit the game. On Arwing: --------- Left analog stick = Flying the arwing around Right analog stick = Up: Arwing does a loop Down: Arwing somersaults and flies to the opposite direction of where you were going Directional pad = left/right = Displays the map of the level (exterior) Y = Boost, which makes the Arwing go faster but there is a certain limit. The boost meter is below the number of lives you have remaining, so watch it carefully when utilizing this. B = Fire a bomb; also to cancel when pressing Start/Pause. A = Fire Arwing lasers; hold down A button until meter reaches red. Let go of the A button to execute a powered-up laser blast. X = Land Arwing (only works if you're in a planet/base that has a landing surface; will not work in outer space). Left trigger = Arwing does a barrel roll Right trigger = Brakes, which makes the Arwing come to a complete stop but has a limit. Likewise boost, check the boost meter that's below your lives. Start/Pause = Pauses your game; you have the options to either continue the mission that you're playing or quit the game. On Landmaster: ------------- NOTE: The Landmaster's controls are a bit more complex and may take some time adjusting to. Left analog stick = Make the Landmaster move around Directional pad = left/right = Displays the map of the level (exterior) Y = To make the Landmaster float temporarily; also known as hover. Watch the boost meter to see the limit. A = Fire B and X = Boost; also the cancel button Left trigger + left/right (analog stick) = Making Landmaster perform a barrel roll; useful for dodging attacks from enemies. Right trigger + left analog stick = Making Landmaster look in desired directions; useful for targetting enemies that are up high. Start/Pause = Pauses your game; you have the options to either continue the mission that you're playing or quit the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ======= |V. Tips| ======= On foot: ------- - Starfe. This is an excellent maneuever. It's both a defense and an offense, dodging enemy attacks and retaliating. - Roll over to avoid enemy gunfire, although this maneuever isn't as reliable as starfing. - When using the blaster, make sure you charge it to the max most often inorder to take out enemies faster. - Press the jump button to stay out of harms way, such as a falling object about to impact you or enemies trying to ambush you. - Use your custom weapons wisely. Your blaster is the default/primary weapon but it will not serve as your greatest asset. Utilize weapons such as Gatling Guns with great care, making sure that you'll be using it for a good cause. - Almost all the times, Grenades don't work. Depending on how you throw them, they could end up missing the target. Do not use Grenades at all, unless you have the skills to calibrate. - Use the sniper to pick off far away enemies. The sniper is a VERY useful weapon and you definetely do not want to waste away this weapon's ammo. There will be a certain mission where you'll have to utilize the sniper, so whether you like this weapon or not, I suggest you get used to handling it. - Do not pick up any health unless you absolutely need it. Getting health while you're at full health, or nearly full, means that you may not see the health again. Health comes in first-aid kits, so pick them up wisely. On Arwing: --------- - Barrel roll. This is a very effective maneuver. You can dodge enemy fire and repel against other threats, making the situation more advantageous to your favor. - Boost only if your teammates are in trouble or if you want to kill a certain enemy but you're too out of reach from him. Normally under these conditions should you use the boost trick, but you can use it as long as you're using it with care. - Likewise brake, make sure you handle it with care. If you're about to hit an obstacle that's right in front of you, use the brake to slow down/come to a stop so you can avoid that danger. - If enemies are behind you, press right analog up for your Arwing to loop, making the enemy the new target for your sensors! - Utilize your bombs carefully, especially during boss fights. Don't just fire your bombs away on enemies you know you can beat with laser blasts. That will be an utter waste. There will be a certain level where you'll have to use bombs as your secondary weapon. On Landmaster: ------------- - You can run over most enemies with the landmaster, since it's a tank after all. This makes easier kills and you can ramp up points much quicker than pressing the fire button. - Barrel roll to dodge enemy attacks. As the Landmaster, I think this maneuever will be used more often than other tactics. - Since the Landmaster isn't versatile, handle it carefully. Do NOT go up an obstacle and press the fire button, otherwise you'll get damaged because of the Landmaster's powerful armament. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ |VI. Title Screen| ================ When starting out the game, you'll see the title screen which has the following aspects: A) SINGLE MODE: If you just got this game, then you'll have to create a new file for yourself. You can do this by selecting "New User". Enter your name and there you go. Then you'll have to select the controller settings, which are "Single Stick", Dual Stick", or "R Button Run". For new players (or experts), I would recommend picking the Single Stick controller since it's easier to handle and you can learn the controls of the game faster. After picking it, an option will pop up asking if you want to invert Y-Axis for the Arwing, Landmaster, and Pilot. You also have the choice to add the rumble feature or not. All the options are default "YES", so keep them that way. If you play as "Guest", then you cannot save the game in between. After creating a new file, you'll see the STORY option which allows you to play the main game. MISSION and SURVIVAL are also there, but are inaccessable at the moment until you have beaten the STORY mode of this game. The MISSION option is available after beating the game, allowing you to play any of all the levels you have beaten in STORY mode. SURVIVAL is also unlocked as soon as you beat the STORY mode of the game. This mode allows you to play all the missions again without saving. It's kind of like playing as "Guest". It's a good mode since you can perfect your gaming skills and see how good you can be without saving in between. When you're just beginning, you'll notice 5 symbols on the bottom. I will explain what each of them mean: The gold star symbol is earned when you beat a level with all your teammates alive. There are 10 levels in this game, so there are 10 of these star symbols to earn. The next symbol is called a Special Flag. There are 50 flags to find in total, with 5 found in each of the 10 levels. Unfortunately I am not willing to devote my time into explaining where exactly the flags are, even though I found all 50. But there is an awesome guide here in GameFaqs that situates where exactly all the flags are. I believe it's kirbyroks' guide, so please check that out. The last 3 symbols are the badges: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Depending on what difficulty you're playing the game in, you can earn that particular type of medal. There are 10 to earn for all 3. These are earned by beating a level and earning the right amount of points required to earn that medal. And that is all for SINGLE MODE. B) VS. MODE: Here you can play against your friend/s in an all-out battle. You can play up to 4-players. You can select stages, set out your own rules for versus mode, and you can even earn rewards after playing versus mode a certain number of times. I won't be explaining what those rewards are, and you won't find it on the rewards section of this guide. But you can check out other SFAssault guides here in GameFaqs so they can fill out your inquiries. C) OPTIONS: The following 3 options are displayed after selecting OPTIONS from the title screen: USER SETTINGS is where you enter player names and select Controller configurations. When you created a new file, you were given a choice on selecting what kind of control configurations you wanted. You can change the Controller configurations here if you feel like it. PLAY DATA is where you can View game records. You can view SINGLE or VS. MODE records. For SINGLE, It will display your scores from all the levels you have played and will show your accumulated score. Your Survival score will also be recorded here. For VS. MODE, it will display records such as "Beat by Landmaster" or "Items used". SOUND is where you can adjust your audio settings from either Mono or Stereo. Test em' out both and pick which audio is best to your liking. D) BONUS GAME: Just as the title says, you can play a bonus game. But you will have to unlock it. To unlock the bonus game, you'll have to earn the 10 silver badges by playing the levels under the SILVER difficulty. The game is Xevious by the way, a game that was pretty popular back in 1982 if I recall... ------------------------------------------------------------------- ================ |VII. Walkthrough| ================ Time for us to engage in battle. We have to stop all the aparoids! Before starting off, you'll be given a choice on which difficulty of the game you want to play - Bronze (easy), Silver (medium), Gold (hard). For beginners, I suggest playing Bronze just so you get an easy experience of this game so you can try out the latter difficulties. Are we ready to begin the assault? Let's go then! ---------------------------------- A)Mission 1 = Fortuna: A New Enemy ---------------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 450 points SILVER = 1100 points GOLD = 2300 points ------------------ ~*Part One*~ -------- Whee an arwing level! What a perfect way to start out an awe-inspiring Star Fox game! This level is very easy and a sterling opportunity to get used to the arwing's controls. As you move forward, you'll spot an enemy ship flying by. Destroy it with your laser. 4 enemy ships will appear afterwards as Slippy gets cocky... Quicky destroy the 4 enemy ships, then assist Slippy who will be chased by 1 enemy ship. After destroying it, another enemy ship will appear so destroy it. Slippy will give you his thanks after saving him. As you move on, you'll a bunch of enemy ships who are firing laser blasts at you. You can easily dodge them by moving your arwing around at steady angles or by using the barrel roll. Destroy many of these enemies as you can because it is key for whichever badge you're going for. You'll soon see a laser powerup in front of you after wiping out some of the enemies. Fly to it and your single laser will become double laser. After getting it, 2 enemies appear and they fire a thick laser at you. Dodge the attacks and destroy them quickly. More enemy ships will appear so destroy as much as you can. You'll see a silver ring that replenishes a portion of your shield, so fly to it. More enemies will fly by shooting laser blasts at you, so destroy as much as you can. You'll spot a battleship that has a purple node. Shoot that node to blow it up. You'll see a bomb in front of you so pick it up, then you'll spot another battleship that has a purple node. Shoot at it like before and it will blow up. An enemy will fly by so destroy it. Now destroy the last battleship that you see, then pick up the silver ring to restore shield. A LOT of enemies will appear, firing lasers at you. Dodge them, then take out as many as you can. Now comes a tough enemy. He will fire a beam at you that does good damage, so you'll want to avoid that. Just keep firing your lasers at him, dodging his beams, and he should be destroyed soon. You'll see more enemy ships on the left and Slippy will fly by, giving you a silver ring for your troubles. Destroy the enemy ships then pick up the ring. You'll spot another battle ship from a distance so fire at the purple node to destroy it. A few enemy ships will appear afterwards, so take them out. Another battleship will be seen so take it out like you did the others. Falco will fly by, giving you a free bomb. Destroy the battleship that you see in front of you. A few enemies will fly by so kill them quick. Slippy will detect something on his radar soon. It is discovered that they are stealth squadrons. Slippy will prompt you to try out your bombs. You COULD try out one bomb, but that'd be a waste. Just use your laser blasts at it. Watch out for the missles that it launchs. Barrel roll to avoid them. After destroying it, another stealth squadron will appear so defeat it like you did the last one. Afterwards, more enemy ships will appear so take out as many as you can. 2 enemy ships will appear, firing thick laser blasts at you so destroy them quick. 2 more stealth squadrons will appear so defeat them like before, making sure to watch out for the missles that they launch. A few enemy ships appear so take them out. More will appear so decimate them quick. 6 enemy ships will appear and start firing at you so destroy them. A bunch of enemy ships will appear so destroy as many as you can. 5 enemy ships will appear and they fire missles at you, so barrel roll to dodge and destroy them. Part one of this level is complete. Watch the cutscene until part two begins. ~*Part Two*~ -------- Now you are at planet Fortuna, in the wilderness. Fly through the opening and destroy the enemies that you will see. Keep following the path by flying low, destroying the enemies that you see. You'll see a silver ring soon, so pick it up to restore shield. Falco will soon be in trouble and asks you for help. Do note that you have to keep all your teammates safe and sound, otherwise you won't earn the gold star symbol. Take out the enemies that are giving chase to Falco, then destroy the 2 tanks that you see on the left. Now you're at a wide-open area in a forest. Destroy as much enemies as you can, particularly the tanks. You'll see a laser powerup in front of you. Pick it up and your lasers are now upgraded to hyper lasers, the most powerful laser. Continue destroying enemies that you see as you advance forward. After exiting the open area, you'll see stationary turrets that are on the left side so destroy them all. Watch out for the missles that they fire. A few enemy ships will appear, so destroy them as well. You'll see more stationary turrets so take them all out quickly. Falco will fly by, giving you another bomb. You'll see a couple of tanks that are riding across a bridge. Destroy them all, making sure to dodge their lasers. You'll be approaching a closed door, but Krystal exclaims that there are enemies about to attack you behind that door. Nonetheless, she is right. A few enemy ships will try to blast you, so destroy them quickly. Flying over a base of some sort, you'll see a few tanks and enemy ships so destroy them. A few obstacles will be in the way, so destroy them because you earn points if you do. One of the obstacles contains a silver ring. Slippy will be in trouble once again, so assist the poor frog by destroying the enemy ship. Now you'll see a few more tanks as you advance, so destroy them. A few enemy ships will appear so take them out. You'll spot a life vest item so fly to it and you'll receive a 1UP! Destroy the enemy ships that you see, then shoot the obstacles that are below you. You'll see 2 tanks, left and right, so destroy them. Do not focus on the enemies that Krystal is chasing because she will destroy them herself. Now you'll encounter a bunch of tanks. Use your bomb to take out a large number of them, or just use your laser blasts. The door in front of you will open and Oikkiny will rush by. Watch the cutscene. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Oikinny +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Being the first boss in this game, Oikinny is VERY easy. He's very much similar to Andross, who was the final boss in SF64 and Star Fox Adventures. Anyways, Oikinny will try to slap you with his right hand. Quickly shoot the node that you see then quickly fly your arwing up before Oikinny slaps you. He will try to slap you with his left hand, so shoot at the node, then fly up quick. Oikinny will now unveil both of his hands, so shoot whichever hand you want and it will get destroyed. You'll probably see a silver ring after his hand is gone, so pick it up to restore shield. Oikinny will now try to punch you with whichever hand is remaining. If you destroyed his left hand, then quickly move over to the left side of the screen. If right hand, quickly move over to the right side of the screen. Oikinny will unveil the hand once again so shoot it quickly and you'll defeat him! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the cutscene. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Aparoid Moth +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hmm.. this boss is slightly harder than the fight with Oikinny was, but it's still very easy. Shoot the eyes it has on its wings and chip them all off with your hyper lasers. Avoid the ring blasts that it fires at you. With each wing that you destroy, you'll probably see a silver ring. After taking out all the wings, the aparoid will fly up to the screen, firing an inbound meteor shower at you. This part might be tricky since you'll have to move your arwing from the raining meteorites, making sure not to get hit by one. The meteors drop on you fast, so barrel roll away to dodge em'. After it finishes raining meteorites at you, the aparoid will reveal a pink node which is its weak point! Shoot at the pink node, getting as much hits as possible. Be sure to watch out for the projectiles it fires at you and keep firing at the node. Now it will try to spray flames on you, so fly from left to right inorder to dodge. The boss will repeat its same tactic, as it goes up in the air and fires a meteorite shower at you. Once again, watch out for those and dodge diligently. After that, it will reveal the pink node again so fire at it. Keep firing and you will defeat this boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE. Watch the cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it will be hard to earn the badge as you have to constantly keep firing and destroy a LOT of enemies. ------------------------------------------ B)Mission 2 = Katina: Frontier Base Battle ------------------------------------------ Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 400 points SILVER = 1100 points GOLD = 2300 points ------------------ ~*Part One*~ --------- This is your first mission on foot. As soon as you begin, destroy the many aparoids that you see before you. Go forward and you'll encounter a few more. As you destroy more, a batch of them will spawn out of nowhere. Keep attacking them. Move forward and you'll see a machine gun. Switch your blaster for the machine gun and Use it to destroy more of the aparoids. Suddenly a target number will be displayed on the right side of the screen. There are 2 targets that have to be destroyed. Move east and you'll see a tank drone. Use your machine gun to destroy it, or a charged laser blast. Go forward and you'll spot more aparoids. Destroy them and you'll see some tank drones. Destroy them as well from a distance. Move west and go forward. More aparoids will be in your way so shoot them all. You will see the first target, which is a giant aparoid spider. Watch out for the energy ball that it fires, as it does heavy damage. Switch your machine gun to blaster and use a charged blast inorder to destroy it, preferabbly from a distance. One more target remains. Go forward and you'll see a Hi-launcher, which is a rocket launcher basically. Switch your blaster for the laucher and go west. You will spot the final target, so use your Hi-launcher to destroy it in one go. Watch the cutscene. You'll see another hi-launcher in front of you so go pick it up for more ammo. Now quickly run over to the Landmaster, which is near you. Look for it on your radar if you can't find it. There are 8 targets now, so destroy the aparoids that you see, or run them over. You'll spot the first target right near you, so destroy it. 7 targets left. On your right, you'll see a blocked passageway. Destroy the blocked passageway, then you will be given entry. Boost up the slope. Krystal will be in trouble, so save her. This is hard when you're using a landmaster, since the targetting sucks and you have limited movement. But since you are at the top of the base, after going up the slope, this should be easy. Just look up and look for Krystal's arwing. Destroy the 3 enemy ships that you see chasing her. Hover if you're having troubles targetting them. After you're done saving her, you'll spot another target near you so destroy it. 6 targets left. Destroy the aparoids that get in your way. The landmaster should be able to give you auto target, so you'll see another target from a far-off distance. Shoot your laser at it and the target will be destroyed. 5 targets left. Now turn to the opposite direction of where your landmaster is facing. You will see another target that is right below you, so jump off the base with your landmaster and destroy it. 4 targets left. Go west and you will spot another target. Pick it off and 3 targets are left. You'll see a silver ring on top of the left mini-base. Pick it up if you need to restore some shield. If you need health for Fox, exit your landmaster then go inside the right mini base. You can find it there. If you don't need any recovery right now, then let's continue. Go west, destroying the aparoids that get in your way. You'll see a passageway blocked by a wall. Use your laser to destroy the wall, revealing 2 more targets. Destroy them both and 1 target will be left. Go forward, then west. Look on your radar for a red dot. That is your final target, so go there and destroy the last aparoid spider. Watch the cutscene until part two begins. ~*Part Two*~ -------- There are 8 targets once again, but this time they are not aparoid spiders. They are aparoid hatchers, which spawns more and more aparoids. Check your radar to find them all. The red dots are your targets, so go to each one and destroy the hatchers that are clinging to the walls. It's very easy to find them. More enemies have appeared this time around, so be on your guard. After destroying 2 hatchers, Slippy will be in trouble. Look up in the sky with your landmaster and locate Slippy's arwing. Hover up if you need to and destroy the enemies that are giving him chase. Yeah it's pretty hard when using the landmaster, but do your best to keep him out of harms way. Use a charged laser blast to get an auto target, which will make things easier to kill the enemies in the air. Now follow your radar and look for more of the red dots, which are your targets. You'll probably see a snail-like aparoid. Watch out for it, as it does good damage to your landmaster. The head is its weak point so keep firing at it. But you'll have to get close inorder to kill it since the snail likes to cover its weak point and lob bombs at you from a distance. After destroying 3 more targets, Krystal prompts you to check inside the buildings for more targets. Ignore her and destroy the 2 remaining targets that are outside the base. You will see a target that's right in front of an elevator, so destroy it. Now only 1 target remains so exit your Landmaster by pressing Z, then board the elevator. Be sure to have your blaster ready since you're about to enter a snakepit of aparoids as you elevate down. Destroy the many aparoids that you see here, then pick up the health that you see in front of you (if you need it). Now get to the target and se charged laser blasts to destroy it. Wait hold on... there's still 1 target remaining! You'll have to find that last one, but first exit the base. DO NOT board the elevator yet because an aparoid spider is occupying it. Use a charged laser blast to destroy it. After doing so, board the elevator. Get on your Landmaster and look for the final target on your radar. Ignore the snail enemies if you see them, or you can destroy them but make sure to hit fire at their heads at a close range, but not TOO close. When you find the final target, destroy it. Watch the cutscene. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Giant Aparoid Spider +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- On bronze and silver, this boss is pretty easy. But on gold, this boss is almost impossible to defeat. I lost my landmaster 7 times before defeating this guy with very little health left as Fox. During the cut scene, you saw a pink node on top of the spider, right? That's its weak spot. As soon as the boss fight starts, go up to the spider. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT GET STEPPED ON BY ONE OF ITS LEGS! On Bronze and Silver, it doesn't do that much damage to the landmaster, but on Gold, it's hell... But in any case, just don't get stepped on. Watch out for the multiple blasts that it fires at you. Barrel roll away to dodge. You will see a pink node on the bottom of the boss, so shoot at it until the boss falls over. QUICKLY hover to the top of this beast because if you don't, then the spider will recover and get back on its feet. When you're on top of it, the pink node, which is its actual weak spot, will reveal itself. Quickly get in as many shots as you can. As soon the node is covered, GET OFF of the spider because if you don't, it will increase its external temperature which does heavy damage if you stay on it too long. Repeat the process. Blast the spider's bottom node first, until it falls over. Hover on top of the spider, revealing the pink node. Fire at the node and get off of it as soon as the node disappears. Repeat again and you will defeat this boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE Watch the cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it will be hard to earn the badge as you have to constantly keep firing and destroy a LOT of enemies, even the ones on the air. I haven't earned the gold badge for this stage since it's very hard to get it. -------------------------------------------------------- C)Mission 3 = Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited -------------------------------------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 400 points SILVER = 900 points GOLD = 1500 points ------------------ Another on-foot mission, but this time you have an enemy guage on the top left of the screen. If the guage rises higher and higher, then that means enemies are attacking and Falco and Krystal will want your help. The arwing is located on your radar, so get on it only if the guage rises near its peak. If it rises to the max, then game over. Soon as you begin, you will be ambushed by several enemy troops. Take them out with your blaster. Starfe or jump to dodge their laser attacks. You'll see a machine gun nearby so pick it up. Go forward and you'll see the first of the 6 targets that you have to destroy. Kill the enemies that are surrounding the target, then used several full-charged laser blasts to destroy the first target. After destroying it, pick up the sensor bomb. 5 targets left. There are more enemies nearby so kill them off quickly. Use the radar to find the targets. Remember that the red dot means it is a target. Go north west and you will spot another target, along with 2 enemies that launch missiles. Use charged laser blasts to kill both, then kill the enemy troops. Do not pick up the health yet (assuming you're playing the game under Bronze difficulty, otherwise you'd need it). Now go up the slope on the right. Watch out for the exploding barrels. Use your jump to evade them. Once you get to the top, destroy the 2 machines that are sending out the barrels using charged laser blasts. You'll see Slippy in front of you. If you go right, you'll see a 1UP on top of a platform. Get it for an additional life. Before going up the next slope that you see, pick up the sniper rifle that is next to 2 giant explosive containers. Now go up the slope that you see, making sure to watch out for the barrels. When you make it to the top, take out the enemy that launches missiles using a charged laser blast. Now switch your blaster to sensor bomb and place one in the middle of the barrel dispensers. Move away from the bomb and wait for a few seconds until the bomb sets off, destroying the dispensers. Now switch to your blaster. Go left, down the slope, and you'll see another target. Take out all the enemies here first, then use your charged laser blasts to destroy the target. 4 targets left. Pick up the sensor bomb and some grenades. Destroy the 2 barrel dispensers that you see using charged laser blasts. Now go back up the slope that you came from, where you destroyed the 2 dispensers using sensor bombs. Go up the slope that you see on the right, making sure to watch out for the barrels. Destroy the barrel dispenser, then destroy the 3 stationary turrets using charged blasts. Jump on the platforms and navigate carefully, making sure you don't fall off. Pick up the barrier and the sniper rifle. On the platform, take out your sniper rifle. Zoom in and you'll see a couple of enemies. Take them out with your sniper. You'll also see a barrel dispenser if you look around with your sniper, so destroy that too. Keep picking off the enemies that you see on your sniper until you can't find anymore. Switch back to your blaster when you're done. Cross the platform that you're on by going left. Now cautiously hang a left and you'll see multiple enemies in this area, as well as a target. Starfing is REALLY useful here so utilize it. You'll see an explosive container near the enemies so fire a charged laser at it and it will blow up, taking out a majority of the enemies. Take out the remaining enemies, then the target. 3 targets left. You don't have to pick up the grenade that you see, but if you want you can. Make sure you check the enemy guage on the top left. If it has risen almost to a max at this point, then stop whatever it is you are doing and quickly board your arwing to repel the enemy forces that are overwhelming Falco and Krystal. If you're on your arwing right now, then destroy the battleships. They are the same battleships from level 1, so fire at the purple nodes to destroy them. As you destroy each one, the enemy guage will be lowered. Keep destroying more of them until the guage has subsided to a less-endangering amount. When you feel the situation is under control, fly back into the base. If not on your arwing, follow your radar. You'll see a target that's right near an elevator. Destroy it with your charged laser. 2 targets left. Kill any other enemies that get in your way. Now get on the elevator and it will take you to the top floor. You'll encounter a bunch of enemy troops here. Starf or roll over to dodge their lasers and fight back using your blaster or a machine gun. Destroy the stationary turret that's in front of you, then move forward. You'll see a lot of enemies here and they can damage you badly. You should have a barrier right now so use it for temporary invincibility and pick off the enemies here. You'll see another barrier after destroying a missile-launching enemy. Pick it up, then move forward and destroy another missile-launching enemy. You'll spot another one on the right, along with another target. Destroy it first, then the target. 1 target left. Keep moving and you'll see another missile-launching enemy. Take it out like you did before. Keep proceeding and you'll see a bunch of enemies. Use your barrier for protection, then pick off all the enemies as you move on. You'll see a barrier in front so you can't go past it. Go right and enter the door. You'll see a bunch of enemies in this room and the final target. Kill all the enemies here, then quickly destroy the last target. Now get the 1UP that you see on the right of a platform. Watch the cutscene. Star Wolf has appeared and they are attacking outside the base, so you'll have to get to your arwing to combat them. Get out of the room, then go right. Go right again and hop on the elevator. After coming to the ground level, hop on your arwing. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Star Wolf +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Krystal is probably in trouble right now, so help her out first. After taking out the enemies for her, Krystal will give you her thanks. After that, fly around the corner of the base and look for a laser powerup. Pick it up to get twin lasers. Now concentrate on Star Wolf. These guys are NOT hard. Infact, they're pathetic even if you're playing this on the gold difficulty. Wolf will focus his attacks on you, so watch out. Leon and Panther won't do much but they will attack you if you come across them. Take out Wolf first. Think of him as a normal enemy ship, that can be destroyed easily. Wolf will keep flying away from your assaults, so follow him wherever he goes. Don't bother using charged laser blasts, since all 3 of them can dodge easily. Track down the coward and kill him. Remember to use the radar. The red means they are your targets. Concentrate on Panther next. He'll be flying around, not doing much. But he will attack you if he gets the chance. Take him out like you did Wolf. Falco will probably ask for your assistance since he'll be tailed by a couple of enemy ships. Help him out first before finishing off Panther. After helping him, focus on Panther. With 1 target left, Leon, track him down and dogfight him with your armament. Just like Wolf and Panther, Leon should go down in a snap. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE Watch the cutscene (it's funny regarding Falco and Panther, XD!) Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's not that hard to earn the badge. You'll have to destroy a lot of enemies inside the base and outside with your arwing. Also you have to finish the level quickly because there is a time bonus. ------------------------------------- D)Mission 4 = Fichina: Into the Storm ------------------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 600 points SILVER = 2000 points GOLD = 3900 points ------------------ ~*Part One*~ -------- Soon as you begin, ride on the landmaster that you see in front of you. There are 3 targets to destroy. Peppy will prompt you to check your radar because the red dots on it represents the targets. They are very easy to find. Go forward and you'll see a bunch of aparoids. Run them over or blast them. You'll see the first target in front of you, but first take care of the apariod spiders and other enemies. After clearing them out, go up to the target. You'll have to shoot at the node that's at the top. Make your landmaster look up and fire at the node a few times. As you damage the node, Peppy exclaims that it is the power supply. After it's destroyed, 2 targets are left. Now follow your radar to find the other 2 targets, or follow this guide. After destroying the first one, go west. A bunch of aparoids will come across your path so destroy whatever you see. As you move forward, you'll see a giant slug. Remember to get close to it and fire at its head inorder to kill it. Keep moving forward, killing all the enemies as you go. You'll see a silver ring at north west, and also 2 stationary turrets. Destroy the turrets first (the landmaster has auto target, so that's cool). Collect the silver ring to restore shield as you boost up the slope. A few aparoid spiders and tank drones will greet you but take them out quick. Move forward and you'll find the second target, along with a bunch of aparoid spiders and tank drones. Destroy them first, then take out the target like you did the previous one. 1 target left. After destroying it, you'll see a 1UP on your left so pick it up for an extra life. Now go forward (use your landmaster's auto target to pick off enemies from a distance). Kill enemies that get in your way as you move on. You'll see the main base of Fichina, but it is covered by a forcefield so you can't enter yet. Go west and keep moving. You'll spot a giant slug so kill it by shooting its head. Keep moving forward, down the gap, and you'll spot a few tank drones. Run them over, then turn your landmaster around and you will see a tiny cave passage. Go through it and you'll find the last target. A giant slug along with a bunch of aparoid enemies will accompany the target so take them out first. Now take out the last target and you are done. After destroying it, go left and you'll see a health kit and another 1UP. Pick up the goods, then head over to the base that was covered by the shield, which has now been disabled. If you can't remember where it is, it's at the center of the stage. You can destroy the many enemies that are left if you want, so you can earn whatever medal it is you are going for. If not, then head to the base. On the bronze difficulty, you'll see a health kit on of the base entrances. You'll have to get off of your landmaster first, then enter the base. Keep moving forward and a cut scene will begin. After the cutscene, you will be ambushed by sentry bots. Pay attention to your radar. Locate the sentry bots that are in the circular base. To kill them, get close to them first then move away. They will try to hammer you with their attack, but their armor will be open. Fire your blaster immediately and they will be destroyed. Repeat this with the other sentry bots, until the first group has been destroyed. More sentry bots will spawn so repeat the process on shooting their vulnerable spots like before until you have cleared out the second group. Even more sentry bots will spawn afterwards, so just shoot down as many as you can until Falco enters the scene. Watch the cutscene. ~*Part Two*~ -------- You are riding on the edge of Falco's arwing! This gives you access to the most powerful weapon in the game - the plasma cannon. Why? Because this baby has not only unlimited ammo, but it can take out a large number of enemies. Just hold down the A button and it will keep firing. Basically just kill whatever things you see, in the air or at the ground. As Falco moves his arwing, enemies will be attracted by his presence so you'll have to shoot down the many aparoids that get in his way. Look at your radar. The triangle means there are enemies right near you. The first enemy ship will appear so shoot it down. Look at the ground and you'll see a bunch of aparoids. Shoot them to earn good number of points. 2 enemy ships will appear so kill them. Look at the ground and you'll see a bunch of aparoids and a target that can damage Falco's arwing badly if you don't destroy it. Destroy the things on the ground. 3 enemy ships will appear so shoot them down. Another target will be spotted so shoot it quickly. You'll find another one on the ground. Take out the enemy ship that appears in front of you first, then destroy the target. Another target will be seen so destroy it. 3 enemy ships will appear so shoot them down. Now look at the ground and you'll see a target along with more aparoids. Shoot the target first, then the aparoids. 3 enemy ships will appear so shoot them. You'll see another target on top of the base so shoot it. More aparoids will be seen on the ground so kill them. 3 enemy ships will appear so kill them. 3 more will appear so kill them. More aparoids will be seen on the ground so destroy them. Destroy the 2 targets that are below you. You'll see another target so destroy it. 2 more will be seen so get rid of them. 2 enemy ships will appear so get rid of them. Slippy, at this point, is going to need your immediate assistance since he's being tailed. Shoot down the enemies that are behind him first, then kill the other enemy ships. 3 targets will be seen and a few aparoids will be seen on the bottom. Destroy them all. Kill the pair of enemy ships. Another pair will appear soon so kill them. Now a bunch of enemy ships will appear, but no biggie. Just shoot em' down. Aparoids will be on the ground so shoot them. Now you'll see 8 targets on the ground so shoot them quickly. More aparoids will be on the ground so kill them. Another target will be seen so kill it. 3 enemy ships will be seen so kill them. Missiles will start chasing Falco's ship now. Shoot them down quickly, otherwise you're a goner. 2 aparoid ships will appear and a target will be seen. Destroy them all. More enemy ships will appear so shoot them. More missiles will appear now from the rear, so shoot down each one and don't let them near Falco's arwing. A bunch of enemy ships will appear so kill them all. Keep killing the many aparoid ships that you see and Peppy will soon say he's finished the arwing transfer preparations. Watch the cutscene. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BOSS FIGHT: Aparoid Spawner +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Get on your arwing, which Peppy dispatched. This boss will spawn out a lot of aparoid enemies as you destroy each one. But as you destroy them, they leave bombs for you to collect. The bomb is the key weapon inorder to defeat this boss. You have 7 minutes to defeat this boss if you're playing on Bronze. On Gold, you have about 2 minutes. Soon as you get on your arwing, get the laser powerup. Shoot down the enemies first, collecting the bombs after their destruction. When Slippy says the boss is spitting out bad guys, that's your chance to attack. The boss will open its hatch, which is its vulnerable spot. Go up to it and fire a bomb to damage it significantly. When Peppy says it's charing energy, then get out of the way because the boss will fire an energy beam at you. After it's done attacking, keep shooting down the baddies, collecting the bombs. When the hatch is open, go to it and fire off one. Use your brakes to slow your arwing down so you can have an easier time targetting the bomb. On bronze, 2 bombs will defeat this boss. If you're playing on a latter difficulty, then keep repeating the strategy of deploying bombs until this boss falls. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE. Watch the cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's pretty hard to win the gold. I've never won it because it takes long to clear out all the enemies. And time is a very important key because it gives you bonus points. ----------------------------------------------- E)Mission 5 = Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace ----------------------------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 400 points SILVER = 1000 points GOLD = 2100 points ------------------ As you move forward, you'll see debris of a Wolfen. Shoot the many asteroids that you see to clear some path. Avoid some of the asteroids since there are many throughout the beginning of this level. Fly to the left and you'll see a laser powerup. Pick it up and you'll have twin lasers. 3 spinning aparoid enemies will appear. Make sure you kill them quickly, otherwise they'll try ramming your arwing. More enemies will appear so shoot them, otherwise they'll try ramming you too. Falco will be chased by 2 enemy ships so shoot them down. You'll encounter more spinning aparoid enemies so shoot them quickly. 3 pairs of enemy ships will appear as you move forward so shoot them. Now comes a tough enemy. Falco will fly by, giving you a bomb. Take the bomb and fire one off at this enemy. Barrel roll to dodge its attacks and keep firing your laser at it until the enemy is destroyed. 5 groups of enemy ships will appear afterwards so shoot them all. Shoot whatever enemies you see as you move forward. You'll encounter more spinning aparoid ships so shoot them down. Now you will see a whole bunch of razor enemies that WILL damage your arwing if you don't dodge. Peppy will prompt you to barrel roll inorder to avoid them, so listen to what the hare says. You could try shooting them down, which will earn you points. After getting out of that, a bunch of asteroid missiles will rush at you so quickly destroy them or barrel roll of the way. I suggest shooting down as much as you can and if you're unable to shoot them all, then dodge. After that, you'll see lasers that are attached to meteorites. The lasers will damage you, so destroy the machines on the meteroites. You won't be able to destroy them all since Krystal will need your immediate assistance. Destroy the enemies that are behind her quickly. After saving her, Krystal will thank you. You'll see a 1UP in front of you so pick it up for an extra life. Be careful on this part of the stage because there are a lot of meteorites here that will squash your arwing if you move too quickly. Use your brakes to slow down to avoid them. When you come across 2 meteroites that are about to close, quickly hit your brakes. When the meteroites spread out, you can safely fly through. Krystal will give you a silver ring, so pick it up to restore some shield. Now you'll soon be entering a base. Destroy whatever enemies you see. Get the laser powerup that you will see in front of you after clearing out a bunch of enemies. Your arwing will fly up the base since the door on the bottom just closed. Falco will need your assistance so shoot down the enemies that are behind him with your hyper lasers. Shoot the other enemies that you see. Now you're about to enter the base. You'll encounter an aparoid robot, just like the one from Mission One. Destroy it the same way you did last time, by shooting at it constantly. Avoid its thick laser blasts as you shoot. There are no enemies now at this point as your arwing moves forward. You'll eventually encounter 2 spinning aparoid enemies so kill them. Slippy will be in trouble right now, so destroy the enemies that are chasing him. Collect the silver ring that will appear after clearing out the enemies. After that, now you're inside the base. Destroy most of the enemies that you see here. The door in front of you will close, so quickly turn left through a small passageway. Watch out for the walls by the way. Quickly hang another left and you'll be in another part of the base. Kill whatever enemies you see, especially ones on the ground. Watch out for the mechanical arms, as they'll try hitting you depending on if you're flying your arwing high or low. Avoid them to the best of your ability and keep shooting down enemies. The door in front of you will be closed so you'll enter through another small passageway. Kill the enemies you see as you move onward. After getting out of the passageway, a cut scene will begin. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Pigma +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- If you ever played Star Fox 64, then you'll notice that this boss is very much similar to the boss from Area 6. Well anyways, Pigma has been infected by the aparoids so you'll have to destroy him. He has 8 steel claws, which you can't damage just yet. When you see one of the claws that reveals a red spot, quickly shoot at it. If you don't, then Pigma will use that claw to fire missiles at you. After destroying it, a red claw will unveil. Quickly shoot this red claw until it gets destroyed. If one of his claws start glowing, quickly move out of the way because he'll try to ram you with it. When you see a claw that is launching missiles, dodge them and quickly shoot that claw until it disappears. Any one of the red claws will appear, so shoot whichever one you see. After destroying 2 or 3 claws, Pigma will start hurling meteorites at you. Dodge them and shoot at the red claws. Just repeat the process until you've destroyed all the claws. It's not over yet though. This time Pigma's face will be revealed so you'll have to aim your lasers at his face. Dodge the missiles that he fires at you and keep blasting his face. Under the bronze difficulty, it won't take you long to defeat him. But in the latter difficulties, if you didn't whittle his health down to zero, then Pigma will close his face. When ROB says he detects a massive energy, QUICKLY PERFORM BARREL ROLLS because Pigma will fire a very nasty energy beam at you. After he's done doing that, just repeat the tactic of shooting his face until Pigma is defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE Watch the cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's not hard to win the gold. Since there will be even more enemies added under the gold difficulty, all you have to do is keep shooting a lot of them. ----------------------------- F)Mission 6 = Sauria: Reunion ----------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 350 points SILVER = 1000 points GOLD = 2300 points ------------------ The guage on the top left means enemy strength in the skies, so be wary of that. When it's nearing full, quickly hop on your arwing and blast down the enemies inorder to lower it. When you begin, jump down the rock you're standing on and move forward. You'll see some enemies so destroy them. Pick up the rocket launcher one of them leaves behind after being destroyed. Go inside the cave. There are a bunch of enemies here and an aparoid spider. Beat the aparoid spider by using charged laser blasts and destroy the rest of the enemies normally. Pick up the machine gun afterwards. Follow the path until you come to an area where there are a bunch of powerups, such as health, Hi launchers, grenades, etc. Except for the health, collect all the weapons. Follow your map. Remember that the red means that it is a target. You have 5 targets to destroy (under the Bronze difficulty). Destroy whatever enemies that you see and take out a target using charged laser blasts. Watch out for the ball enemies, as they open up spikes and can hurt you. Destroy them as soon as their spikes are revealed. As soon as you destroy 2 targets at the cave that you're in, Slippy will need your assistance since the poor frog is being, yet again, chased by enemies. Exit the cave, destroying the enemies that get in your way, and get on your arwing. Get to Slippy and kill the enemies that are behind him. If the enemy guage on the top left is atleast less than halfway filled up, then just land your arwing and proceed with your main mission. If the guage is nearing full, blast all the giant enemy ships that you see inorder to lower the guage significantly. Back on foot, just follow your map. There should be 3 targets remaining. One of them can be found inside a small building so get to your landmaster and ride on it. Get rid of whatever enemies that get in your way and get to the next target. Do note that your landmaster has auto target, so you'll be able to take out enemies from a distance. Destroy the enemies that are being spawned out by the hatcher first, then go inside the building and destroy the target. 2 targets left. Keep following your radar. Another target can be found outside. Destroy whatever enemies get in your way, then destroy the target. 1 target left. Falco will soon need your help as he is being tailed by a couple of enemies. Get off your landmaster and ride on your arwing. Track Falco down and kill the enemies that are chasing him. After saving him, land your arwing and get back to your mission. Get to your landmaster and ride on it. Now use your radar to find the final target. Once again, kill any enemies that get in your way. The final target is on top of a building, where there are also a few stationary turrets. Destroy the turrets and the enemies first, then take out the final target. MISSION COMPLETE ------------------------------------------------------------------- Watch the *romantic* cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's real hard to win the gold. There are many enemies and it takes a long time to clear them all. Plus you have to defeat the level at a quick timing, otherwise your points will be degraded and you can't earn the gold badge. I've never won it for this stage, but I'll keep trying until I do win it someday. -------------------------------------- G)Mission 7 = Corneria: War Comes Home -------------------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 350 points SILVER = 800 points GOLD = 1600 points ------------------ This is a VERY HARD stage if you're playing on Gold. Infact, I've never ever made it through this level once under the Gold difficulty. But on Bronze or Silver, it's pretty simple. Your objective is to destroy the 6 radar jammers, which are located up high. ~*Part One*~ -------- Soon as you begin, pick up the sniper rifle that's in front of you. The first radar jammer is right in front of you, so take out your sniper rifle and aim at the jammer. When the red eye opens, fire your rifle to destroy it. 5 targets left. Oh and by the way, if you take too long to shoot the jammer, it will fire a sonic wave at you which really hurts. Switch to your blaster and get ready to take out whatever enemies you see. You'll see a Hi Launcher on top of a platform, so go up to it, climb the stairs, destroy the enemies and stationary turret, and get the launcher. Do note that there will be aerial enemies attacking you, but your blaster should be more than enough to take them out. A couple of charged shots will do. After getting the Hi Launcher, turn around and destroy the stationary turret that you see from a distance. Make sure you are facing east now. Jump off of the platform you're on and go north. You'll see a 1UP nearby so pick it up for an extra life. Kill the enemies that come in your way. Now just Follow your radar. You should know by now that the red dots means those are your targets. Pick off any enemy threats that you see, on ground or in the air. Remember that you can only destroy the radar jammers with your sniper rifle, so make sure you don't waste it. I should let you know that as you come close to one of the radar targets, the red dot turns into a green colour. That means you are near to the target. So use your radar and destroy more radar jammers. After destroying 2 more targets, which just leaves 3 radar jammers left, Krystal will be in trouble. Now this is very hard. Playing on foot while trying to save one of your teammates, who is flying in an arwing. Take out your Hi Launcher and look up. Krystal should fly by above you, giving you ample opportunity to take out the enemy ships that are chasing her. The Hi Launcher will give you auto target, so all you have to do is fire. This is easier said than done however, as you may not be able to take out all the enemies at once and Krystal might fly off out of your shooting range. But she'll come back to you again, so you'll have another chance to shoot the enemies down. Some people can't get this right and often lose Krystal, which prevents them from earning the gold star token for this level. Do the best you can to kill the enemies. If you're successful on saving her, congrats. Now get back to destroying the last 3 radar jammers. Once again, follow your radar. As soon as one of the red dots turns green, it means you're near the radar jammer. Destroy it using your sniper rifle. Destroy any enemies that get in your way, even the ones in the air. After clearing out all 3 remaining targets, Peppy has sent you an arwing and he will prompt you to use your radar to find it. Do as he says and use your radar to get to the arwing. It should be flashing on your radar, so it's easily noticeable. Once you get to the arwing that is on top of a building, a cutscene will begin. ~*Part Two*~ -------- Woah, you'll find yourself riding on Wolf's Wolfen! This is very similar to the stage where you had to ride on Falco's arwing. You're once again armed with the plasma cannon, which is the most powerful weapon, so make good use of it. There will be those irritating targets, just like on the Fichina stage, on the ground and on top of platforms. You have to destroy them all, as well destroying whatever enemies get in the Wolfen's way. The targets will appear as red dots on your radar, so watch carefully. Hold down your A button to make the plasma cannon constantly fire. At one point, Falco will be chased by a few enemies, so quickly save him. Missiles will start chasing the Wolfen soon, so shoot them all down. You'll eventually make it to the end. Just keep blasting away all the enemies that you see and also destroy the annoying targets. Now watch the cutscene. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: General Pepper +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hmm.. ok. The general's flagship has been infected by the aparoids and you have to stop him/it. Pepper will plead for you to destroy him, but Fox is reluctuant. Nonetheless, you'll have to. Anyways, this boss can be hard if you don't know what you're doing. The weakspot is its head, so keep holding down the A button, aiming your cannon at the head at all times. One annoying thing about this guy is that he keeps moving around, making it difficult for you to shoot him. Keep following his movements with your plasma cannon and shoot the head. He'll occassionly try to ram the Wolfen with its wings and it does lots of damage in difficulties other than Bronze. He'll also fire a projectile at you, but prevent him from doing that by shooting the head. Keep shooting the head inorder to avoid him coming near you. The boss will deploy 6 laser blasters soon, so shoot all of them quickly otherwise you'll endure a lot of damage. After clearing them out, keep shooting his head while following his movements. Next he will fire missiles at you, so shoot them down quickly. Repeat the process on shooting his head until the old hound pup is defeated. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE Watch the cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's VERY hard to win the gold. You'll have to exterminate all the enemies that you see. Plus you have to defeat the level at a quick timing, otherwise your points will be degraded and you can't earn the gold badge. I've never won it for this stage and I don't know if I can ever beat it under the gold difficulty... ------------------------------------ H)Mission 8 = Orbital Gate: Incoming ------------------------------------ Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 400 points SILVER = 1200 points GOLD = 2100 points ------------------ If you've played Star Fox 64, then you'll find out that this stage is a lot like Sector Z. This time, there's a whole new twist, although same concept. Basically all you have to do is destroy many of the thousands of enemy ships that you see flying around. ~*Part One*~ -------- As you begin, fly to the laser powerup that you see in front of you. Now start destroying the enemies. Slippy will soon need for your assistance, as he will be tailed by enemies. Save the frog, then get back to destroying some more enemies. If there are enemies behind you (and there definetely will be), just do a loop then counter attack them. After destroying enough enemies, Krystal will be in trouble so go save her quickly. After that, just spend some time shooting down as much enemies as you can. You could fly at the gate's interoir or exterior to pick up items such as silver rings or a 1UP. But you'll have to destroy any enemy occupants that are keeping a close eye on the gate. A cutscene will eventually ensue. ~*Part Two*~ -------- If you found hyper lasers during part one of the mission, then this part will be easy. Remember on Sector Z, you had to stop the missiles from hitting the Great Fox? Well this is as similar as that. You have to stop the missiles from destroying the gate! For now, there is only one missile approaching, so get to it quickly by following your radar. You could continue destroying the enemies if you wish, since the missile is still quite a distance away from hitting the gate. 3 more missiles will soon appear, making it 4 targets. Get to the missiles now and blast each one down. These missiles don't have a particular weakspot, you could shoot them anywhere inorder to destroy them. If Falco offers his assistance on shooting down a missile himself, you could let him. Or you could destroy the missile he's targetting so you get the points. There'll be another missile incoming, but it's far away. 4 more missiles will be inbound, making it 5 targets. As Fox complains about the numerous missiles, Wolf and his team will arrive to help you! They're a BIG help since they will destroy 3 missiles for you. You have to destroy the remaining ones. Do so and another one will appear afterwards. Get to it quickly. This missile has a weakspot but if you shoot it anywhere else other than its weak point, you won't damage it. See the front part of it, the glowing part? That's where it's vulnerable. Keep shooting at that part until it's destroyed. No more missiles will appear...for now atleast, so just destroy a few enemies in the mean time. Eventually another missile will be inbound, so get to it quickly. It's the same one you destroyed moments ago. Just keep firing at its weak point until it goes boom. Now watch the cutscene. ~*Part Three*~ ---------- Now comes a VERY huge missile, even bigger than the ones you've been destroying so far. Get to this missile quickly. I suggest you stop whatever it is you're doing and head for immediate action. But ofcourse if there are enemies tailing you, you'll still have to deal with them. Once you get to the missile, fly to the back of it. Fire at the missile's rear. Hit the brakes so that you can get in as many shots on the rear as possible. After destroying the first part of the missile, it'll start moving even faster to the gate. It accelerates as it loses parts. This time the weakpoint is at the center of the missile. See where it says "TARGET" in red and has a health bar? That's where you aim your laser blasts at. Keep shooting at that area. Once again if you're being tailed, deal with those enemies first before you do the missile. Once you destroy the second part of the missile, it'll start move even faster. Now you have to destroy the final part of the missile. Now the weakpoint is at the front. Look where it says "TARGET" in red with a health bar. Focus all your attacks at that part of the missile. After getting enough shots in, the missile will be destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE Watch the cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's not that hard to win the gold. But you'll have to keep shooting down as much enemies as you can. And if you're confident about the missiles' approaching time, you can keep destroying enemies until you rack up sufficient points for the gold badge. Remember that your timing on completing the level is also an important factor. -------------------------------------------------------- I)Mission 9 = Aparoid Homeworld: Breaching the Defenses -------------------------------------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 500 points SILVER = 1400 points GOLD = 2500 points ------------------ ~*Part One*~ -------- As you start out, shoot the aparoids that you see in front of you. Now use a charged blaster to destroy the energy orb that you see in front of you. Do NOT approach without destroying it, otherwise you'll suffer a lot of damage. Now go inside the base after destroying the orb. You have to destroy 4 targets if you're playing on Bronze. On the latter difficulties, there will be even more targets. Once you're inside the base, go left and you'll see a stationary turret. Destroy it with your blaster, then go down the slope. You'll encounter more enemies as you go down the slope so kill them. Pick up the weapons that they leave behind upon their defeat. Destroy the other stationary turret that you will see after clearing out the tank droids. When you've made it to the ground level, you'll see a ton of aparoid enemies. Take them all out one at a time, while not losing any momentum. You will see 2 stationary turrets as well so take them out. Once you're done clearing all the enemies here, go back up the slope, back to where you started going down the slope. Don't exit this base yet. Go up the slope this time. You'll encounter a few enemies as you move up the slope so destroy them. Once you're at the top, watch out for the yellow aparoids because they have a nasty habit on blowing up in front of your face. You DON'T want that to happen, so quickly shoot down each one before they get in contact with you. Now take out all the enemies that you see here. You will find a target here but you can't destroy it by ordinary means, so you will have to destroy the shield generators first. The shield generators are past the target; there are 3 of them. Destroy all 3, then destroy the target. 3 targets left. From here, go forward and out the base. When you're outside, go a little forward and you'll spot a lot of enemies in a passageway. First take care of the enemies from a distance. You could use a Hi Launcher or a Sniper Rifle to pick off most of them that are far away from you. Or just your blaster to deal with them all. Charged shots will makes things easier for you. When you're done clearing the enemies, go into the passageway. Keep going forward and you'll see an electric orb that's blocking the entrance. Use charged blaster shots to get rid of it. Pick up any useful weapons that the enemies have left behind, then enter the base. On your right, there is a stationary enemy that will fire energy balls at you, so use a charged shot to get rid of it. On your left, you'll see a shield generator which you have to destroy. After destroying it, you'll encounter another stationary enemy on the far left. Destroy it, then proceed up the slope. More stationary enemies will be here, so be careful. Take cover on one of the blocks that you see to prevent enemy fire. Destroy the stationary enemies first, then destroy the next shield generator that you see. After you're done, proceed up the slope. After making it up, there are a few stationary enemies here as well as aparoid enemies. Like before, take cover on one of the blocks, then start picking off the enemies. Another target will be found here, but first you have to destroy the last shield generator. Destroy the generator, then the target. 2 targets left. When you're done, you can leave this place. Pick up the barrier (which is the blue floating bubble by the way) before you exit. When you're outside, head out of the passageway. Now get back to the area from where you first started out your level. That's where your landmaster and arwing is. Get on your landmaster and destroy the aparoid spider that you see nearby. After doing so, destroy the 2 stationary turrets that you see on the entrance of the base. Shoot the door of the base and it will open up. Now get off your landmaster and enter the base. When you're inside, you'll see 2 stationary enemies firing energy balls at you. Quickly starfe or roll over to avoid their fire, then destroy both of them. Now proceed down the slope. You'll see 2 aparoid spiders and a detonation object in the middle. Target your blaster at the detonation object and it will blow up, destroying the 2 aparoid spiders. Now keep moving down and pick up the barrier that you see. There is a stationary enemy on the top after you pick up the barrier, so destroy it. Proceed downward and you're at the ground level. There are 3 aparoid spiders here, as well as a lot of aparoid enemies. Destroy the spiders with charged shots, then kill the other enemies. There is a target here by the way (as seen on your radar) so destroy the shield generators first, then the target. Once you're done, 1 target left. When you're done, go back up the slope, back to where you started going down the slope. Now go up the next slope, up to the top. There are a lot of aparoid enemies here and 2 enemies that will fire blasts at you from the ceiling. Destroy the ceiling enemies first, then take out the rest of the enemies here. Pick up all the goods here, including a 1UP. If you need health, you can find it here on the top left corner. Now go up to the exit that you see in front of you. When you're outside, you'll see a passageway similar to the previous one. Once again, the passageway is occupied by enemies so take them all out before proceeding. There are a few stationary turrets too, so make sure you get rid of them. You may have to move into the passageway inorder to clear out the rest of the enemies. When you're done killing them all, you'll see an electric orb. Destroy it with charged blasts, then pick up the barrier that you see. Now enter the base. As you go up the small slope, a few yellow aparoid enemies will ambush you. I suggest that you use one of the 3 barriers that you have collected so far. After using the barrier, you can move around and let the enemies explode into you, since they won't be damaging you. On your left, you'll see another shield generator in here so destroy it. Now move down the slope that is inside this base. You'll encounter a few aparoid spiders here and aparoid enemies so destroy them carefully. Use charged shots on the spiders to kill them. When you're done, you'll see another shield generator on the top right so destroy it. Proceed down the next slope. This is where the final target is. But first, take out the aparoid spiders and all the enemies that you see here. You'll see a detonation object on the center so shoot with a charged blast and you'll take out a majority of the enemies. Now destroy the shield generator that is on the left, and destroy the final target, which is on the right. ~*Part Two*~ -------- ROB will holler, saying that the sensors have detected a hatcher. Peppy will prompt you to get to your arwing and destroy the hatchers, which are located under the base. Well you heard what the hare said, so get to your arwing. You should be able to find it on your radar. Just look at the flashing indicator. By the time you get to your arwing, Falco will need your help. Ride on your arwing and take to the skies! Deal with Falco first, by getting rid of the enemies that are chasing him. There will be enemies on your rear, so you'll have to worry about yourself too. After helping Falco, fly under the base. You have to destroy the 6 targets, which are all below. Your radar will even point it out for you (represented by red dots). There will be enemies chasing you from the rear, so deal with them first before taking out a target. Fly to the center, underneath the base, and you'll find a 1UP. Now start destroying the targets. If you find any laser powerups while you're at it, then that'll really help. But you can do it without it too. After destroying 3 hatcher targets, Slippy will be in trouble. Fly out of the bottom of the base and get to Slippy. Get rid of the enemies that are chasing him. When you're done, fly back underneath the base and destroy the final 3 targets. If you do want laser powerups, just keep shooting down enemies until one of them drops a laser upgrade. When you're done destroying the 3 targets, the level is complete. ------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION COMPLETE. Watch the cutscene. Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's very difficult to win the badge. I've never won it since I keep on finishing the level at a much later time, which degrades my points. You have to destroy all the enemies, while keeping your combo meter at a high streak, and finishing the level quickly. ----------------------------------------------- J)Mission 10 = Homeworld Core: The Final Battle ----------------------------------------------- Badge requirements: ------------------ BRONZE = 250 points SILVER = 700 points GOLD = 1500 points ------------------ ~*Part One*~ -------- This is it...the final level. It's also very hard if you're playing under the gold difficulty. As you start out, there will be a bunch of aparoid enemies firing like crazy at you. Barrel roll to dodge and attack them back. You'll see a series of hexagons closing up. Only certain areas will remain vacant to so fly through those. Pick up the laser powerup after flying through and blast the enemies that you see coming at you. You'll now enter a small passageway that has a series of slow and fast moving shafts. Use correct judgement and fly by them carefully. If you get hit by one, your arwing will suffer big damage. After getting out of that, destroy the enemies that you will soon see. Slippy will be tailed by enemies so help him out quickly. After doing so, you'll soon encounter the annoying spinning aparoid enemies. They'll fire sonic waves at you so barrel roll to dodge, then destroy them. If you don't, they'll sneak up behind your arwing and try to ram you. If that happens, keep barrel rolling until they disappear. Destroy the stationary enemies that you will soon see. Slippy will fly by, giving you a silver ring, so pick it up to restore shield. You'll now encounter a bunch of moving enemies that shoot thick lasers at you. Barrel roll and destroy as many as you can. Watch out for the lines that they form as they move around because it will damage you. More of those moving enemies will appear so deal with them just like before. You'll be in a passageway again with the annoying moving shafts. Avoid them to the best of your ability. Once you make it out, destroy the stationary enemies. In another passageway, obstacles from out of nowhere will appear so watch out. Keep flying at a steady pace and when the final obstacle appears, immediately use your boost to get out of it. If you made it out without taking any damage, congrats. A lot of enemies will come in your range, so take out as much as you can. Krystal will be in trouble soon so help her out quick. After doing so, focus on the rest of the enemies that you see. If they sneak up on you, quickly use barrel rolls to avoid them. You'll see a series of hexagon again so fly through the bottom since it's safe to do so. Krystal will fly by, giving you a silver ring, so pick it up. Now you're in a room with barriers around. Avoid the barriers, which isn't hard. When you make it out, you'll be in another room with more barriers. Avoid them like before and pick up the 1UP that you see. After Wolf says "These scum are proving to be quite a handful", immediately hit your brakes. You'll see why. Falco will be in trouble and saving him is difficult due to the large number of enemies that will soon intercept you. So after hitting your brakes, you'll get a chance to shoot down all the enemies that are chasing Falco. After saving him one way or the other, deal with the other enemies. A tough enemy will appear so keep firing at it with your lasers. Do not use any bombs, since you will need them for the Aparoid Queen. Falco will fly by, giving you an extra bomb. Keep shooting at the tough enemy until it's destroyed. Afterwards, more enemies will appear so shoot them down. You'll soon see a series of hexagon and all but 4 of them will fill up. Fly through the top one and pick up the laser powerup for hyper lasers. It is EXTREMELY RECOMMENDED that you have hyper lasers at this point of the level. If not, there's very little chance that you'll make it out alive (especially on Gold!). If you die at some point, I suggest you start the level all over again. Continue destroying enemies that you see as your arwing moves forward. You'll see an electrical enemy that will fire sonic waves at you, so destroy it quickly. A couple of stationary enemies will be spotted so shoot them as well. More stationary enemies will be seen, as well as other enemies, so kill them. Keep at it with process of killing enemies that you see. You'll soon encounter spinning aparoids that will fire sonic waves at you. You will also see a series of hexagon and this time, ALL of them get sealed up, so you have to boost with PERFECT TIMING inorder to avoid getting damaged severely. Boost at the last second when one of the hexagon is about to close. After making it through, a couple of stationary enemies will be spotted so kill them. Now comes the real hard part. And this is one of the parts where you can die easily if you don't know what you're doing. There are shafts spinning around this time, but at a counter clockwise movement. This is where you should utilize your brakes and also use your boost if your timing is perfect. Do the best you can to avoid all the shafts until you make it to the end. If you made it out without any scratches, good job. After making it out, you'll be in a room that has shafts which open and close. This is the other hard part. Some of the shafts close off slowly and some will close off real quick. Utilize your brakes and boosts carefully as you get through this part. Be real careful and do the best you can to avoid all these annoying shafts. If you made it out of here without any scratches, my salutations to you. Now you're at the final part. There will be a series of enemies shooting energy blasts at you. Keep on barrel rolling. Don't try to destroy them. I don't really see the need for that. They will try ramming you after they've had enough firing energy blasts at you. Once again, keep on barrel rolling to avoid them. Wolf will eventually say that he and his team will take care of the enemies while the Star Fox team faces off against the Queen. You'll see a silver ring up in front of you soon, so pick it up while you still can. Now without any further ado, it's time for the final battle! Watch the cutscene. ~*Part Two*~ -------- +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Aparoid Queen +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- There are three parts of the queen. I will list them individually and give you strategies on how to beat them. 1)This part isn't so hard. The queen will remain stationary. All you have to do is blast her armor away, which is at the queen's bottom, to reveal the weakspot. You and your teammates are inside a huge room, with the queen at the center. This area gives you plenty of space and you can make good use of the arwing. Anyways at the start of the battle, the queen will spew out 4 bubbly oozes. Shoot each of the oozes, otherwise they'll turn into enemies. As you shoot an ooze, it will turn into tiny particles. You don't have to shoot the oozes, but it's best if you do so. When all that's done, focus on the queen. Keep shooting at the bottom part of the queen to blast all her armor away. After her armor is gone, a red node will be revealed, which is the weakspot. Get in as many shots as you can. Use your brakes so that you can approach the queen slowly and damage her heavily with your hyper lasers. When Falco says "Watch out, everyone! He's up to something!", that's your cue to immediately move out of the queen's way because it will fire a maelstrom of energy at you which does heavy damage. Fly around for awhile and look for powerups, such as extra bombs or gold/silver rings. There will be enemies chasing you and avoiding them is difficult since they'll ram you indefinetely. When you're done, get back to the queen. Ignore the oozes that she spews out. Just like before, aim at the bottom of the queen and keep firing until her armor is gone. Now fire at her weakspot and get in as many shots as you can. Your teammates will help you by damaging her a little. When the queen is about to use her maelstrom attack again, fly out of the queen's way. After it's done using the attack, get back to the queen and repeat the process until you've won the first stage. Watch the cutscene, then get ready for round 2. 2) Now THIS part is very difficult. The queen has 4 heads on its sides and 4 pink nodes on its main body. Your job is to close all the 4 nodes quickly. The problem is that if you don't close them all quick, then one of the nodes will automatically open up and you have to repeat the process again. Keep shooting at all 4 nodes until they're closed. A big ugly dragon head will pop out. This is the queen's weakpoint, the dragon head. Keep shooting at it. Watch out for the green stuff it fires at you. The dragon head will soon try to ram you, so quickly perform barrel rolls to avoid it. Keep firing at the head. Falco will attack the queen's head and the queen will start lobbing explosive bombs at him and you. Your job is to protect Falco by shooting the bombs that get in his way. It's tricky, but you'll have to do this. Don't focus on the head, even if it's still sticking out. Let Falco get in some shots while you cover him. After helping Falco out, he will give you a silver ring so pick it up. The dragon head will try to ram you again so quickly dodge. Keep firing at the head. Eventually the queen will seal off her head and the 4 pink nodes will appear. Repeat the process by closing off all 4 nodes until the dragon head appears. Shoot the head until it's over. 3) Now disembodied, the queen will just be hovering around, firing unpredictable attacks at you. This might be the most difficult part of the 3 because there's no telling which attack the queen will be using on you. She has 2 attacks. One is a hexagon wave, which you have to fly through inorder to avoid damage. The second one is a thick energy beam, which you have to barrel roll inorder to avoid. So you'll have to guess the queen basically. If she fires one of the 2 attacks, take appropriate measures and avoid whatever it is she's throwing at you. One effective strategy I have found out is that as soon as you see the queen about to launch one of her 2 attacks, hit the START button IMMEDIATELY to pause the game. Now while the game is paused, you'll see what attack the queen is about to launch at you, so that you can take the appropriate action on evading that attack. It might be a tricky strategy, but it's almost fullproof. Atleast everytime I used it. Oh and I also forgot to mention that the queen is vulnerable anywhere. Just shoot at her inorder to damage her. If you have any bombs in tow, fire them off now, which will damage her quite well. It should all be over soon. Good luck :) ------------------------------------------------------------------- When you have defeated her, congratulations because you have beaten the STORY mode of Star Fox Assault! Your score will be resulted. If you've played this level on Bronze, then surely you've earned the badge. Hopefully you also kept your teammates alive. On the Silver difficulty, it's not hard to earn the badge. But you'll have to destroy even more enemies than you would in Bronze. On the Gold difficulty, it's very difficult to win the badge. I've never won it since I keep on finishing the level at a much later time, which degrades my points. Basically you have to destroy a lot of enemies. That's all the advice I can give you. Now watch the final cutscenes and enjoy the ending! =) ------------------------------------------------------------------- ==================== |VIII. Rewards earned| ==================== These are only single player unlockables by the way: All 10 Bronze: ----- All 10 Silver: Unlock the BONUS GAME, Xevious All 10 Gold: ??? (I only won 4) All 10 gold star symbols: Play as Wolf O'Donnel on VS. Mode All 50 S-Flags: Demon Sniper on VS. Mode Beat Mission 3 in STORY mode: Inner Sargasso Hideout unlocked in VS. Mode Beat Mission 4 in STORY mode: Unlock Fichina stage in VS. Mode Beat Mission 6 in STORY mode: Unlock Planet Sauria stage in VS. Mode Beat Mission 7 in STORY mode: Unlock Corneria City stage in VS. Mode Beat Mission 8 in STORY mode: Unlock Space Station stage in VS. Mode Beat Mission 9 in STORY mode: Unlock Aparoid City stage in VS. Mode Survivor mode: Beat STORY mode atleast once ================ |IX. Boss Battles| ================ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Oikinny +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Being the first boss in this game, Oikinny is VERY easy. He's very much similar to Andross, who was the final boss in SF64 and Star Fox Adventures. Anyways, Oikinny will try to slap you with his right hand. Quickly shoot the node that you see then quickly fly your arwing up before Oikinny slaps you. He will try to slap you with his left hand, so shoot at the node, then fly up quick. Oikinny will now unveil both of his hands, so shoot whichever hand you want and it will get destroyed. You'll probably see a silver ring after his hand is gone, so pick it up to restore shield. Oikinny will now try to punch you with whichever hand is remaining. If you destroyed his left hand, then quickly move over to the left side of the screen. If right hand, quickly move over to the right side of the screen. Oikinny will unveil the hand once again so shoot it quickly and you'll defeat him! +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Aparoid Moth +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hmm.. this boss is slightly harder than the fight with Oikinny was, but it's still very easy. Shoot the eyes it has on its wings and chip them all off with your hyper lasers. Avoid the ring blasts that it fires at you. With each wing that you destroy, you'll probably see a silver ring. After taking out all the wings, the aparoid will fly up to the screen, firing an inbound meteor shower at you. This part might be tricky since you'll have to move your arwing from the raining meteorites, making sure not to get hit by one. The meteors drop on you fast, so barrel roll away to dodge em'. After it finishes raining meteorites at you, the aparoid will reveal a pink node which is its weak point! Shoot at the pink node, getting as much hits as possible. Be sure to watch out for the projectiles it fires at you and keep firing at the node. Now it will try to spray flames on you, so fly from left to right inorder to dodge. The boss will repeat its same tactic, as it goes up in the air and fires a meteorite shower at you. Once again, watch out for those and dodge diligently. After that, it will reveal the pink node again so fire at it. Keep firing and you will defeat this boss. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Giant Aparoid Spider +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- On bronze and silver, this boss is pretty easy. But on gold, this boss is almost impossible to defeat. I lost my landmaster 7 times before defeating this guy with very little health left as Fox. During the cut scene, you saw a pink node on top of the spider, right? That's its weak spot. As soon as the boss fight starts, go up to the spider. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT GET STEPPED ON BY ONE OF ITS LEGS! On Bronze and Silver, it doesn't do that much damage to the landmaster, but on Gold, it's hell... But in any case, just don't get stepped on. Watch out for the multiple blasts that it fires at you. Barrel roll away to dodge. You will see a pink node on the bottom of the boss, so shoot at it until the boss falls over. QUICKLY hover to the top of this beast because if you don't, then the spider will recover and get back on its feet. When you're on top of it, the pink node, which is its actual weak spot, will reveal itself. Quickly get in as many shots as you can. As soon the node is covered, GET OFF of the spider because if you don't, it will increase its external temperature which does heavy damage if you stay on it too long. Repeat the process. Blast the spider's bottom node first, until it falls over. Hover on top of the spider, revealing the pink node. Fire at the node and get off of it as soon as the node disappears. Repeat again and you will defeat this boss. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Star Wolf +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Krystal is probably in trouble right now, so help her out first. After taking out the enemies for her, Krystal will give you her thanks. After that, fly around the corner of the base and look for a laser powerup. Pick it up to get twin lasers. Now concentrate on Star Wolf. These guys are NOT hard. Infact, they're pathetic even if you're playing this on the gold difficulty. Wolf will focus his attacks on you, so watch out. Leon and Panther won't do much but they will attack you if you come across them. Take out Wolf first. Think of him as a normal enemy ship, that can be destroyed easily. Wolf will keep flying away from your assaults, so follow him wherever he goes. Don't bother using charged laser blasts, since all 3 of them can dodge easily. Track down the coward and kill him. Remember to use the radar. The red means they are your targets. Concentrate on Panther next. He'll be flying around, not doing much. But he will attack you if he gets the chance. Take him out like you did Wolf. Falco will probably ask for your assistance since he'll be tailed by a couple of enemy ships. Help him out first before finishing off Panther. After helping him, focus on Panther. With 1 target left, Leon, track him down and dogfight him with your armament. Just like Wolf and Panther, Leon should go down in a snap. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ BOSS FIGHT: Aparoid Spawner +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ Get on your arwing, which Peppy dispatched. This boss will spawn out a lot of aparoid enemies as you destroy each one. But as you destroy them, they leave bombs for you to collect. The bomb is the key weapon inorder to defeat this boss. You have 7 minutes to defeat this boss if you're playing on Bronze. On Gold, you have about 2 minutes. Soon as you get on your arwing, get the laser powerup. Shoot down the enemies first, collecting the bombs after their destruction. When Slippy says the boss is spitting out bad guys, that's your chance to attack. The boss will open its hatch, which is its vulnerable spot. Go up to it and fire a bomb to damage it significantly. When Peppy says it's charing energy, then get out of the way because the boss will fire an energy beam at you. After it's done attacking, keep shooting down the baddies, collecting the bombs. When the hatch is open, go to it and fire off one. Use your brakes to slow your arwing down so you can have an easier time targetting the bomb. On bronze, 2 bombs will defeat this boss. If you're playing on a latter difficulty, then keep repeating the strategy of deploying bombs until this boss falls. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Pigma +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- If you ever played Star Fox 64, then you'll notice that this boss is very much similar to the boss from Area 6. Well anyways, Pigma has been infected by the aparoids so you'll have to destroy him. He has 8 steel claws, which you can't damage just yet. When you see one of the claws that reveals a red spot, quickly shoot at it. If you don't, then Pigma will use that claw to fire missiles at you. After destroying it, a red claw will unveil. Quickly shoot this red claw until it gets destroyed. If one of his claws start glowing, quickly move out of the way because he'll try to ram you with it. When you see a claw that is launching missiles, dodge them and quickly shoot that claw until it disappears. Any one of the red claws will appear, so shoot whichever one you see. After destroying 2 or 3 claws, Pigma will start hurling meteorites at you. Dodge them and shoot at the red claws. Just repeat the process until you've destroyed all the claws. It's not over yet though. This time Pigma's face will be revealed so you'll have to aim your lasers at his face. Dodge the missiles that he fires at you and keep blasting his face. Under the bronze difficulty, it won't take you long to defeat him. But in the latter difficulties, if you didn't whittle his health down to zero, then Pigma will close his face. When ROB says he detects a massive energy, QUICKLY PERFORM BARREL ROLLS because Pigma will fire a very nasty energy beam at you. After he's done doing that, just repeat the tactic of shooting his face until Pigma is defeated. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: General Pepper +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Hmm.. ok. The general's flagship has been infected by the aparoids and you have to stop him/it. Pepper will plead for you to destroy him, but Fox is reluctuant. Nonetheless, you'll have to. Anyways, this boss can be hard if you don't know what you're doing. The weakspot is its head, so keep holding down the A button, aiming your cannon at the head at all times. One annoying thing about this guy is that he keeps moving around, making it difficult for you to shoot him. Keep following his movements with your plasma cannon and shoot the head. He'll occassionly try to ram the Wolfen with its wings and it does lots of damage in difficulties other than Bronze. He'll also fire a projectile at you, but prevent him from doing that by shooting the head. Keep shooting the head inorder to avoid him coming near you. The boss will deploy 6 laser blasters soon, so shoot all of them quickly otherwise you'll endure a lot of damage. After clearing them out, keep shooting his head while following his movements. Next he will fire missiles at you, so shoot them down quickly. Repeat the process on shooting his head until the old hound pup is defeated. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- BOSS FIGHT: Aparoid Queen +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- There are three parts of the queen. I will list them individually and give you strategies on how to beat them. 1)This part isn't so hard. The queen will remain stationary. All you have to do is blast her armor away, which is at the queen's bottom, to reveal the weakspot. You and your teammates are inside a huge room, with the queen at the center. This area gives you plenty of space and you can make good use of the arwing. Anyways at the start of the battle, the queen will spew out 4 bubbly oozes. Shoot each of the oozes, otherwise they'll turn into enemies. As you shoot an ooze, it will turn into tiny particles. You don't have to shoot the oozes, but it's best if you do so. When all that's done, focus on the queen. Keep shooting at the bottom part of the queen to blast all her armor away. After her armor is gone, a red node will be revealed, which is the weakspot. Get in as many shots as you can. Use your brakes so that you can approach the queen slowly and damage her heavily with your hyper lasers. When Falco says "Watch out, everyone! He's up to something!", that's your cue to immediately move out of the queen's way because it will fire a maelstrom of energy at you which does heavy damage. Fly around for awhile and look for powerups, such as extra bombs or gold/silver rings. There will be enemies chasing you and avoiding them is difficult since they'll ram you indefinetely. When you're done, get back to the queen. Ignore the oozes that she spews out. Just like before, aim at the bottom of the queen and keep firing until her armor is gone. Now fire at her weakspot and get in as many shots as you can. Your teammates will help you by damaging her a little. When the queen is about to use her maelstrom attack again, fly out of the queen's way. After it's done using the attack, get back to the queen and repeat the process until you've won the first stage. Watch the cutscene, then get ready for round 2. 2) Now THIS part is very difficult. The queen has 4 heads on its sides and 4 pink nodes on its main body. Your job is to close all the 4 nodes quickly. The problem is that if you don't close them all quick, then one of the nodes will automatically open up and you have to repeat the process again. Keep shooting at all 4 nodes until they're closed. A big ugly dragon head will pop out. This is the queen's weakpoint, the dragon head. Keep shooting at it. Watch out for the green stuff it fires at you. The dragon head will soon try to ram you, so quickly perform barrel rolls to avoid it. Keep firing at the head. Falco will attack the queen's head and the queen will start lobbing explosive bombs at him and you. Your job is to protect Falco by shooting the bombs that get in his way. It's tricky, but you'll have to do this. Don't focus on the head, even if it's still sticking out. Let Falco get in some shots while you cover him. After helping Falco out, he will give you a silver ring so pick it up. The dragon head will try to ram you again so quickly dodge. Keep firing at the head. Eventually the queen will seal off her head and the 4 pink nodes will appear. Repeat the process by closing off all 4 nodes until the dragon head appears. Shoot the head until it's over. 3) Now disembodied, the queen will just be hovering around, firing unpredictable attacks at you. This might be the most difficult part of the 3 because there's no telling which attack the queen will be using on you. She has 2 attacks. One is a hexagon wave, which you have to fly through inorder to avoid damage. The second one is a thick energy beam, which you have to barrel roll inorder to avoid. So you'll have to guess the queen basically. If she fires one of the 2 attacks, take appropriate measures and avoid whatever it is she's throwing at you. One effective strategy I have found out is that as soon as you see the queen about to launch one of her 2 attacks, hit the START button IMMEDIATELY to pause the game. Now while the game is paused, you'll see what attack the queen is about to launch at you, so that you can take the appropriate action on evading that attack. It might be a tricky strategy, but it's almost fullproof. Atleast everytime I used it. Oh and I also forgot to mention that the queen is vulnerable anywhere. Just shoot at her inorder to damage her. If you have any bombs in tow, fire them off now, which will damage her quite well. It should all be over soon. Good luck :) ============================= |X. Frequently Asked Questions| ============================= Q: Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to change the camera so it's from the inside of the cockpit of the arwing. It's so much easier to blow stuff up that way. Do you know how? A: Unfortunately you cannot change the view to cockpit/first-person mode. It's third-person view only. I accept this only to an extent and I hold some profanities for the designers of this game for not giving a first-person mode. But meh, it's still easy to blow stuff up! Q: The queen's third form is so hard! How do you do it?!? A: Yeah, it IS hard. When I first played this game, I had to face the queen at least 6 times (under Bronze difficulty). She's a boss like no other. As far as the difficulty of bosses go in Star Fox, the queen is the hardest I would say. Remember: she will use one of two attacks, and they both come at you in the blink of an eye. Practice the strategy I have given: Pause the game IMMEDIATELY before she attacks. It requires good timing, but once you figure it out, she's cake. ============== |XI. Contact Me| ============== If you have any questions in regards to this game, I'm more than happy to answer. But please make sure to skim through my guide and see if the question you have is not already answered. My email address is rasheed_islam@hotmail.com -I check my mail regularly, so will reply to you back. Criticisms are accepted, but absolutely NO FLAME MAILS! Like all normal people, I am NOT interested in Spyware/Adware products nor am I interested in pornography or viruses. Keep all that crap to yourselves please, thank you very much. ======================= |XII. Credits/Disclaimer| ======================= - Namco and Nintendo for creating this game - Myself for creating the guide - MetalRhynomon for pointing out to me that the bonus game unlocked is Xevious. Despite the fact it says so on the instruction booklet as well as in the game, I said it would be spoilers if I told you. Just goes without saying how stupid I can be at times >< Oh well, thanks again bud! - GameFaqs for posting this guide - You, the reader, for reading this guide -------------------------------------------------------------------- This document was built and compiled by Rasheed Islam/SaiyanPureheart. All Rights Reserved. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. In short: Do NOT take possession of this guide. You may print it out and use it as a reference tool, but you will NOT distribute it in magazines, the media, or any other public attentive. This guide will also NOT be sold for profit because the owner, in certainty, did not make any money when processing it. Also if I find you thieving this guide without my say so, don't think I won't catch you. -Copyright © 2006 SaiyanPureheart- -------------------------------------------------------------------- The end.