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More to come. Version 0.2 (11:49 PM EDT 4/11/2005) - Mission 2, Katina, is done. Version 0.3 (12:17 AM EDT 4/12/2005) - Mission 3, Sargasso, is done. Version 0.6 (9:27 PM EDT 4/12/2005) - Completed through Mission 6, Sauria. Version 1.0 (8:55 PM EDT 4/13/2005) - Walkthrough is finished, as well as Characters. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 - Basic Info ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 - Characters Fox McCloud - The leader of Star Fox, Fox is an excellent pilot of all three modes of transportation and generally has the battle plan for each mission. His latest challenge, defeating the aparoids, will prove a real test of his skills. Slippy Toad - The local Star Fox mechanic isn't too great in an Arwing, but his technical know-how and Landmaster skill almost make up for you always having to save his sorry butt in an Arwing. Falco Lombardi - The newly reunited member of Star Fox is an excellent pilot, but his attitude is usually a little worse for wear. Nevertheless, he's thrilled to be able to conquer the bad guys once again. Krystal - The mysterious new recruit has telekinetic abilities, a mystery of her parents' death, and an obvious thing for our hero, Fox. Her skills will aid you in your quest time and time again. Peppy Hare - Peppy was a member of the original Star Fox with James McCloud and Pigma Dengar, but he's retired now, and generally works with the robot ROB on the Great Fox, transporting vehicles and dispensing advice. General Pepper - The leader of the Cornerian army is forced time and time again to call on the Star Fox team to stop the likes of Andross and save the galaxy. Pigma Dengar - Kicked out of Star Wolf for his incredible greed, Pigma spends all of his time thinking of nothing but himself, which ultimately lands him in big trouble in this adventure. Wolf O' Donnell - The leader of the Star Wolf team is older and much more experienced than his rival, Fox. They are generally diametrically opposed, but who knows what will happen with a new enemy to face... Leon Powalski - This cold-blooded killer is able to do any task without any remorse at all. He has a clear rivalry with Falco Lombardi. Panther Caroso - The new guy of Star Wolf has some mad fighting skills, and is an incredible playboy, as is indicated by his action around Krystal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 - Walkthrough Note: this walkthrough is not spoiler-free. Indeed, it is spoiler-full. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 - Mission 1: Fortuna: A New Enemy With the wars of Andross over, his nephew, Andrew Oikonny, has left Star Wolf, taken control of his army, and is attacking the Lylat System. Defensive armies are failing due to excellent planning from Oikonny. Enter the Star Fox Team! -- Part 1: Space Above Fortuna -- At the beginning, you'll have to shoot some enemies off of Slippy's tail. For the rest of the level, though, just shoot down anything that gets in your way. For the giant battleships, shoot the purplish multi- colored spot until it goes down. About halfway through, a prototype robot enemy will attack you; spin and dodge to avoid its fire, and shoot until it goes down. For the stealth squadron, you can shoot at its missile holders for a point each, but shooting the middle will net you five points anyway and will take out the whole thing at once. Once you get to the end of this level, Oikonny will retreat to the planet's surface. Naturally, you will give chase. -- Part 2: Fortuna -- Here in the jungle, shoot down the enemies in your way. You'll need to get some enemies off of Falco's back, and get down low to remove the enemies on the ground. Once you reach the canyon, you've entered the base. Shoot at the containers throughout this area, some hold silver rings. Once you get through the huge door, the real fight will begin. Shoot down everything you can (containers!), do rolls frequently, and save Slippy's worthless butt again. Near the end, you can use a bomb down low to take out some of the walker enemies before the second door. After a while, you'll catch up to Oikonny's flagship, and he'll prepare for battle. -- Boss 1: Oikonny's Flagship -- If you've played Starfox 64, you'll get Falco's in-joke. This first boss is essentially an Andross clone. He'll be punching you with his fists and such, so when he winds up, move up to avoid. Your laser targets are the weak spots in the middle of the hands. Shoot at them until each hand is down. Looks like after your battle, Oikonny's ready for more, but a mysterious laser will destroy his ship. The giant bug enemy responsible is known as an aparoid, and according to Peppy, it means big trouble. -- Boss 2: Aparoid -- For the first part, the aparoid will fire beams from the circles on its wings; shoot at all of those until its wings are decimated. It'll then shoot some rocks at you; dodge them, then move away from it when it lunges forward. It will then open its mouth to fire missiles; fire into its mouth to damage it, and shoot the missiles away to save yourself. Eventually, it'll go down. After the aparoid is destroyed, it'll leave behind something that, according to Peppy, you must get. Do it quick before those other aparoids get you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.2 - Mission 2: Katina: Frontier Base Battle According to General Pepper and Beltino Toad, the aparoids are preparing to take over the galaxy, and they're pretty darn powerful. In the meantime, a distress signal is coming from Katina. Time to investigate! Once you get down there, however, we find that it's a trap... -- Part 1: Battle The Aparoids -- Your first mission on foot. Shoot out all the aparoids that you find on your radar until you get the machine gun. Use the C-stick to switch and take out hordes of enemies. For the target enemies, though, you need to use a fully charged-up shot from your blaster; remember to sidestep their shots. Once they're gone, Peppy will send you a Landmaster. Head for it and climb in, then resume taking out aparoids. The Landmaster's guns can take out the doors in this area, as well as target enemies in one hit. For smaller enemies, you'll probably have to use R to target them. Remember to help out Krystal. Once the targets are gone, some hatcher aparoids will land to spawn more aparoids. You've got to take them out. -- Part 2: Destroy The Hatchers -- There are eight hatchers here; seven are outside at various spots. Take them out (help out Slippy), then get out of the Landmaster and climb up to the high point in the center of the base. Go around until you find the elevator in. Defeat the enemies here, then use a charge shot on the hatcher. One more hatcher will appear outside, so defeat the enemy on the elevator and head out. Get back into the Landmaster and destroy the hatcher to reveal the head honcho. -- Boss: Aparoid Ship -- For this enemy, you need to shoot the weak point on the underside, then hover (Y) onto the top and shoot at the weak point up there. Continue until you win. Simple, really. It'll leave behind a complete Core Memory, but Pigma Dengar will snatch it up and fly away. Gotta go after him! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.3 - Mission 3: Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited Pigma's led you into pretty hostile territory, and they don't like Star Fox. Looks like you've got some work to do. -- Part 1: Destroy The Transfer Gateways -- There are six gateways around the station, and you need to destroy them before the enemy gauge is full. The station has a convenient structure, with one set of ramps leading from floor to floor (it starts with the ramp in the corner that barrels are flying down, and a transfer device is immediately in front of you after going up). This means that you can do a clean sweep of every floor before moving up. There are four gateways to destroy in this main area, then you need to find the elevator at the top (it has a colored, mesh floor). Here, you'll want to switch to the machine gun to take lots of enemies out. Go through this area and finish off the last two gateways, then some guests will drop in. -- Boss: Star Wolf -- Get back into your Arwing and get outside. Almost right away you'll have to help Krystal out, then you can take on the Star Wolf team. Lock onto them with some charged shots and they'll go down fairly quickly. Loop and/or U-turn when they get on your tail. Once you're done, Wolf will reveal that Pigma is no longer with them, and Panther will hit on Krystal, luckily revealing that Pigma was on Fichina last. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.4 - Mission 4: Fichina: Into The Storm Fichina has frozen over since the climate control generator is out of control. You'll have to take out the shield generators and fix it before you can find Pigma. -- Part 1: Entering The Generator -- Go forward to the Landmaster and hop in, then head over to one of the targets on your radar, taking out aparoids along the way. Once you get there, back away from it a bit, then look up and shoot at the colored power supply. After a couple of hits, it'll be destroyed. Do this to the two other supplies (look at your map to figure the terrain and drive accordingly), and the shield will disappear. Head to the center and move around it until you find an entrance. Get out of the Landmaster and head inside. Here, you'll adjust the planet's climate, but you're trapped inside, and the sentry bots aren't too happy about your presence. -- Part 2: Survival -- You'll start with three sentry bots. To defeat these guys, let them get close to you, and they'll jump at you and unfold their armor. Back off and shoot them then to destroy them. After you defeat the three, there will be six more to destroy. After that, they'll appear in countless numbers. Keep destroying them until Falco flies in and takes out the lot. After the sentry bots are gone, you'll climb onto the wing of Falco's ship to take out some things. -- Part 3: Airborne Combat -- Switch your weapon to the plasma cannon for this section. Here's a bit used in SFA: use your plasma cannon to shoot away any enemies that come near. The blue arrows are airborne enemies, easy to clear. The yellow dots are lasers that have locked onto Falco, so take them out as soon as you can. If you see ships on the ground, you can get rid of them. Don't forget to help out Slippy the Worthless. This will continue for a while, then Peppy will deliver you an Arwing, and Pigma will reveal himself as controlling the aparoids around here. He'll then unleash a giant machine on your unsuspecting butt. -- Boss: Aparoid Machine -- You've got seven minutes for this battle. Get in the Arwing and begin taking out the enemies that the aparoid is spitting out. You can only damage this thing when its hatch is open, by firing into it. Luckily, some enemies leave bombs behind, and two bombs will finish the machine off. Make sure to clear the enemies in front of the hatch before firing. You'll all wax philosophical for a bit, then watch a scene where Pigma seems to be slowly turning toward the aparoids. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5 - Mission 5: Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace Pigma's moved off to the asteroid belt. -- Part 1: Empty Space -- You can shoot away the asteroids at the beginning, but you'll all take notice of the stray Wolfens lying about; looks like Star Wolf jumped ship. A little ways in, the aparoids will show themselves, and you'll have to save Falco. You can get a lot of G-Bonuses from destroying whole groups of enemies. Partway through, you'll face a more difficult enemy that shoots green missiles; fire away at it until it's gone. Destroy more enemy groups and you'll encounter a huge number of ships, followed by attacking asteroids. Destroy the laser enemies and save Krystal, then use your brakes when Peppy tells you to until the road is clear. You'll come by a base. -- Part 2: Aparoid Base -- Numerous enemies lurk around here, so fire at will. When the door closes, you'll start heading up; save Falco as you do. After that, you'll face the prototype enemy from Mission 1; roll and dodge its fire as you shoot at it. Save Slippy, then enter the base and begin dodging and returning laser fire. Carefully avoid walls in the shortcut, then dodge the moving arms. Shoot away at the blue when you head down, then you'll head out. You'll find Pigma being absorbed by a giant machine, and he'll end up a giant aparoid. -- Boss: Aparoid Pigma -- For the first part of the battle, you'll have to shoot down missiles headed your way, then fire at the arms when they are red to destroy them. Be warned, he throws asteroids sometimes. Take care of all six arms in this manner. After that, shoot at Pigma's face while destroying missiles to finish him off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.6 - Mission 6: Sauria: Reunion Home base had deduced the location of the aparoid queen, and we're ready to strike, but Krystal will receive a distress signal from Sauria, AKA Dinosaur Planet. Looks like the aparoids have come by it and planted their hatchers, and we've got to take care of them. -- Liberate Sauria -- There are five hatchers planted around Sauria, and they won't be easy to get at, since they're heavily guarded. In addition, if the Might Gauge starts getting high, you'll need to hop into your Arwing and take out some airborne enemies. One of the hatchers is destroyable from the Arwing; it's at the south end of the map, on a building. Another is in plain sight in the southwest corner of the map. The rest will have to be taken out on foot. The third is in the northwest corner of the map; you'll have to hit pause to find the small path that can lead to it. It's inside a temple that's guarded by two turrets and many aparoids, so I would break out a machine/gatling gun if I were you. Once they're gone, aim for the ceiling and take out the hatcher. For the last two, head into the general center of Sauria, then find the hole that leads to them; just head for the targets on radar. In this main chamber, you can get lots of powerups, and there are two side paths. Each leads to one of the two final hatchers, so go down, preferably with a rapid-fire weapon to take out aparoids, and destroy the hatchers to finish this mission. For the path that splits, take the one the goes up to find the hatcher. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.7 - Mission 7: Corneria: War Comes Home After a scene with Krystal, Fox and Tricky, you'll get back to the Great Fox to find that the Aparoids attacked Corneria while you were out. You've got to defend the capital now. -- Part 1: Fixing The Radar -- First, grab the sniper rifle right in front of you, since you'll need it. Try to remember where it is, too, because you WILL reload. There are six jammers around the capital, and you need to take each out with a few shots from the sniper rifle. Press X when the target becomes green stuff on your radar, then look up at it and fire. Beware of its beam, it hurts. Also, it's unusually easy to miss, so keep sharp. You'll also end up helping Krystal out with your sniper rifle - not easy by any means. Once they're taken care of, Peppy will send you an Arwing. Go to it on your radar and head up the ramps to it, but the aparoids will destroy it. Luckily, Wolf will show up in time, and you'll be destroying things from his wing. -- Part 2: Wolfborne Combat -- This works the same way as if you were on Falco's ship again. Shoot away at any lasers targeting you, and destroy all of the aparoid ships. Once you're done with your run, you'll see a familiar face. Pepper's been taken by the aparoids, and he wants you to finish him off. -- Boss: Pepper's Flagship -- The quickest way to defeat Pepper's flagship is to continually shoot at the aparoid part, especially when it's charging an attack, since it will drop the attack. It will occasionally fire missiles that you have to destroy, or release other aparoids. It won't be too long before he goes down. Right as Pepper's going down, Peppy flies in on an Arwing to save the day. He's right, his retirement's shot. Wolf will offer Fox advice - don't hesitate. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.8 - Mission 8: Orbital Gate: Incoming Apparently, aparoids have self-destruct cells, and they can be destroyed in such a manner. If the queen goes down, so do all of the aparoids. They're working on a program, but you need to defend the gate until it's done. -- Part 1: Defend The Gate -- Shoot down as many enemies as you can get your hands on. Help out teammates as well, when necessary. Eventually, you'll obtain bigger problems. -- Part 2: Destroy The Missile -- Shoot away at all of the missiles that appear. Eventually, Star Wolf will come in and help out, but you don't really need it. They're not that difficult this time. For the larger missiles, you need to fire only at the front end to damage them. -- Boss: Large Missile -- For this last one, you need to fire at the tail end first; utilize your brakes. Once that breaks off, you'll need to fire for the weak spot in the middle. The third part is vulnerable in front. Once that's taken out, you've won. The gate will open. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.9 - Mission 9: Aparoid Homeworld: Breaching The Defenses Star Fox will finally be transported to the aparoid homeworld. The path to the queen is blocked, though, so you need to defeat the hatchers and shield generators. -- Part 1: Storming The Base -- There are two main areas here. One is the building in front of you as you start, the other is the building behind. Each holds two hatchers. Use a charged blaster shot on the electric ball in front of you, then head inside to start. Head up the ramp, destroying aparoids and turrets, to the top floor. Use your machine gun on the enemies here, then use some charged blaster shots on the barrier generators. After that, take out the hatcher. Go around and go through the door on this floor, then destroy the electric balls and aparoids along this path. In the next room, you'll be in a room with many floors. Destroy the aparoids and barrier generators on each floor, then destroy the hatcher on the top. Exit this building completely to get back to where you started. Destroy the door with a charge shot and head in. In the first room of this building, you need to go down to the bottom floor. Destroy the aparoids along the way and at the bottom (machine gun!), then take out the barrier generators and the hatcher. Go back up all the way to the top floor and go in the door, then use the machine gun on the turrets here and destroy the other electric ball. Here's another floor room; sweep each one and destroy the final hatcher at the end...and then there were six more. -- Part 2: The Final Hatchers -- This is very easy. Head back to your Arwing and hop in, then destroy the hatchers underneath the base to complete the mission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 - Mission 10: Homeworld Core: The Final Battle The shield that leads to the core is still up, so you can't get in. You'll soon discover worse, however; the Great Fox is infested with aparoids, and Peppy will use it to crash into the shield and break it. Everyone will fly in right before the Great Fox is destroyed. At the last second, Star Wolf will fly in to help you out. -- Part 1: Homeworld Core -- Laser fire is bloody everywhere. Roll and shoot like a madman until it clears some, then head through the open part of the shield. The second one will close on you, and you'll change course for a small tunnel. Watch out for the moving walls here and you'll get out on the other side okay. Coming out, a large thing will release bad guys, so destroy everything you can see. When you curve, destroy the blue balls and avoid their paths. Watch out for more moving walls later, then you'll have to avoid the appearing walls. Save Krystal afterward and she'll give you a silver ring. Here, walls will appear according to what appears on the sides, so keep watch. Help Falco after that, then fire like mad at the many enemies. Slip through the holes in the shield, then grab the laser powerup and defeat more enemies. Another shield, then some fans and clamps (brake is your friend, not boost). After that, the really difficult enemies will come in a huge clump. Roll around to survive until Star Wolf takes them out. Head forward to the aparoid queen. Once you get there, the queen will use the voices of Pigma, Pepper, Peppy and Fox's father - everyone she's ever absorbed - to try and convince you to stop. You're not falling for it, though. Time to end this. -- Boss: Aparoid Queen -- Shoot away at the queen's lower armor until she stops spinning, then fire at her weak spot, possibly with bombs. When the weird enemies appear, shoot them, and when she uses a disorganized beam, boost away. Once it's gone, you'll fire the self-destruct program inside. But...she'll resist, and fly away. Better follow her! This time, you need to fire at the four weak spots until they're fully closed, then a head will pop out. It'll fire a beam, then try to swing at you. Shoot at the helmet to remove it, then keep firing away at the head. Once it goes back, repeat until that form is gone. Beware, she can fire missiles and summon large electrical fields for you to dodge. The final form can be damaged most of the time from the front. She'll fire tunnel beams, just stay in the center. She also has a bright orange beam you really shouldn't touch. After enough hits, she'll be done. The homeworld will be destroyed, and the aparoids are gone. After you evacuate, you'll find that Peppy, Pepper, and the Star Wolf team are all okay after all. Lucky them, it's a happy ending. Congratulations! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 - Frequently Asked Questions Q: When are you going to finish the FAQ? A: I don't know. Please don't ask. Q: Can I host your walkthrough on my website? A: E-mail me that question and I'll give you my answer. Q: You forgot to mention this./I have a tip for doing this./How do I do this, because it's not in your FAQ, but should be? A: E-mail me concerning any of the above situations. Remember to put 'Starfox: Assault' somewhere in the subject line so I know what you're talking about. Always double-check to make sure my FAQ doesn't answer your question, because 90% of the time, based on what I've seen, it does. If you e-mail me asking a question that's not in my FAQ because that particular section is incomplete...just don't, because the odds are my answer is 'I don't know.' Soon I will know all, and you can e- mail me then. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - Legal Info This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.