============================================================================== || ~~~~Star Fox: Assault~~~~ || || ~~~~Multiplayer FAQ~~~~ || || ~~~~By: TheManaLord~~~~ || || ~~~~themanalord@gmail.com~~~~ || ============================================================================== ============================================================================== || Table of Contents || ============================================================================== 1. Introduction 2. Frequently Asked Questions 3. Character Stats 4. Ships 5. Weapons 6. Items 7. Levels 8. Updates and Versions 9. Thanks 10. Copyrights ============================================================================== || 1. Introduction || ============================================================================== Hey, I noticed there was alot of confusion about all the different things and what they mean and do on the Star Fox: Assault messageboard. I just wanted to make this FAQ to clear some things up and create a simple and easy reference for all your multiplayer needs. I think I also have to admit, that this is my first FAQ. I hope I don't make too many mistakes and I hope you enjoy! ============================================================================== || 2. Frequently Asked Questions || ============================================================================== None as of now, just go ahead and contact me on AIM: The Mana Lord, or MSN: themanalord@gmail.com. Or you can just go ahead and e-mail me any questions. ============================================================================== || 3. Character Stats || ============================================================================== All stats are out of 5 stars, the format will be as follows: Name: The full name of the character History: Characters background information How to Unlock: How to unlock the character Health: The health of the character Speed: The speed of the chracter when on foot Jump: The jumping ability when on foot of the character Arwing Skill: Targeting reticle size when in an Arwing Wolfen Skill: This must be unlocked, in most cases it is the same as arwing, but in some it is not, due to research by The Great Gonzales, who is thanked in my section, these stats have been found by comparison Landmaster Skill: Targeting reticle size when using a Landmaster Pilot Skill: Targeting reticle size when on foot Special: The special ability of the character Author's Notes: What I think the uses of the character can and should be Let's get going, shall we? ------------ Name: Fox McCloud How to Unlock: Default character Health: 3/5 stars Speed: 3/5 stars Jump: 3/5 stars Arwing Skill: 4/5 stars Wolfen Skill: 4/5 stars Landmaster Skill: 4/5 stars Pilot Skill: 4/5 stars Special: None Author's Notes: Fox is perfect for beginners, he can hold his own on the ground, but he really shines when he's in any vehicle. ------------ Name: Slippy Toad How to Unlock: Default character Health: 4/5 stars Speed: 2/5 stars Jump: 4/5 stars Arwing Skill: 2/5 stars Wolfen Skill: 2/5 stars Landmaster Skill: 5/5 stars Pilot Skill: 3/5 stars Special: Charge speed is twice as fast than the normal charge speed Author's Notes: Slippy is a tough little guy when on foot, although he's not too fast. He's the master of the land in a landmaster tank, his main priority should be to get to one as soon as possible! ------------ Name: Falco Lombardi How to Unlock: Default character Health: 1/5 stars Speed: 4/5 stars Jump: 3/5 stars Arwing Skill: 5/5 stars Wolfen Skill: 2/5 stars Landmaster Skill: 2/5 stars Pilot Skill: 3/5 stars Special: None Author's Notes: He's an ace pilot, and with his speed it shouldn't be a problem getting to an Arwing as quickly as he can. ------------ Name: Krystal How to Unlock: Default character Health: 2/5 stars Speed: 3/5 stars Jump: 3/5 stars Arwing Skill: 2/5 stars Wolfen Skill: 2/5 stars Landmaster Skill: 2/5 stars Pilot Skill: 3/5 stars Special: Gets two barriers upon revival Author's Notes: Krystal is a sub-par character, she's not very effective and if possible should not be used. Her special is a perk but it doesn't make up for he awful stats. ------------ Name: Peppy Hare How to Unlock: Complete 15 versus mode matches Health: 2/5 stars Speed: 1/5 stars Jump: 5/5 stars Arwing Skill: 3/5 stars Wolfen Skill: 3/5 stars Landmaster Skill: 3/5 stars Pilot Skill: 4/5 stars Special: Charge speed is four times as fast as the normal charge speed Author's Notes: Peppy is rather slow and doesn't have much health. But he is a formidable jumper and his pilot skill is high. He is average in all vehicles. ------------ Name: Wolf O'Donnell How to Unlock: Complete all missions of the story with no allies retired Health: 5/5 stars Speed: 5/5 stars Jump: 3/5 stars Arwing Skill: 2/5 stars Wolfen Skill: 5/5 stars Landmaster Skill: 2/5 stars Pilot Skill: 3/5 stars Special: None Author's Notes: Wolf is a strong character. He can master on foot and in a wolfen. Not to mention he's just plain old cool, but his mass popularity is a bit annoying. NOTE: The Wolfen must be unlocked at 150 versus matches played. ============================================================================== || 4. Ships || ============================================================================== The format that will be used for the ships is: Name: Of the ship Abilites: Special maneuvers Weapons: Types of weapons it can use Type: Air or ground Description: General overview of vehicle ---------- Name: Arwing Abilites: Barrel roll with L and left or right, Boost with Y, Brake with R, Exit vehicle with Z, Land vehicle with X, Loop with C up, U-turn with C down Weapons: Lasers are it's default, they can be powered up. It can also use bombs, smart bombs and cluster bombs. Type: Air Description: Speed, power, and style are the Arwing's three big things. This ship is a wonderful thing to use in any multiplayer match. ---------- Name: Landmaster Abilites: Barrel roll with L and left or right, boost with B, Brake with R, Hover with Y, get out of vehicle with Z Weapons: Lasers are it's only mode of fighting Type: Land Description: A sturdy, highly defensive vehicle which can take on an entire group of enemies at one time. ---------- Name: Wolfen Abilites: Barrel roll with L and left or right, Boost with Y, Brake with R, Exit vehicle with Z, Land vehicle with X, Loop with C up, U-turn with C down Weapons: Lasers are it's default, they can be powered up. It can also use bombs, smart bombs and cluster bombs. Type: Air Description: This is unlocked by playing 150 multiplayer matches. It cannot come to a complete stop with it's break, other statistic differences are currently unknown. But it's barrel roll colour is red and not blue. ============================================================================== || 5. Weapons || ============================================================================== The format for the weapons is as follows: Name: Of the weapon How to Unlock: method to get it if needed Strength: Amount of damage dealt Speed: Rate of fire Ammo per pick up: How much ammo you get when you get the gun Decription: General overview of weapon ---------- Name: Blaster How to Unlock: Default weapon Strength: Weak-Strong Speed: Average Ammo per pick up: N/A Description: The blaster is the default weapon every character starts with, it has unlimited ammo and it can be charged by holding down the fire button. The charge gives it homing capabilities and increased power. ---------- Name: Machine Gun How to Unlock: Default Strength: Weak Speed: Fast Ammo per pick up: 200 Description: This gun gives the player a very high rate of fire and allows the player to hit their foes multiple times. ---------- Name: Sniper Rifle How to Unlock: Default Strength: Very Strong Speed: Slow Ammo per pick up: 10 Description: This is a one hit kill on most other players, only the strongest characters can take two hits from this when on foot. You use your scope with X and zoom with L, you can only fire when zoomed in. ---------- Name: Homing Launcher How to Unlock: Default Strength: Average Speed: Slow Ammo per pick up: 10 Description: This is a rocket launcher that locks onto and homes in on a target. ---------- Name: Missle Launcher How to Unlock: Play 5 versus mode matches Strength: Average Speed: Slow Ammo per pick up: 3 Description: When you fire this weapon you get a view from the missle, you then control where the missle goes. ---------- Name: Gatling Gun How to Unlock: Play 20 matches in versus mode Strength: High Speed: High Ammo per pick up: 100 Description: A very fast firing strong gun that can mow down an enenmy in seconds. ---------- Name: Demon Launcher How to Unlock: Default, only in versus Strength: Very strong Speed: Slow Ammo per pick up: 3 Description: Incredibly powerful homing rockets that kill with one hit, only available in versus mode when you respawn. ---------- Name: Demon Sniper How to Unlock: Get 50 flags in story mode Strength: Very strong Speed: Very slow Ammo per pick up: 5 Description: A sniper, that can take pretty much anything out. It can wreck both ships and no matter what it's instant kill on a person on foot. ---------- Name: Fireburst Pods How to Unlock: Play 75 versus matches Strength: Very high Speed: Slow Ammo per pick up: 1 Description: NUUUUUKE. This is one huge explosive, you set it, and then fly like a bat out of hell. ============================================================================== || 6. Items || ============================================================================== The format for the items is as follows: Name: Of the item Type: What is does, health/upgrade/barrier etc Description: How much health it restores, what it does, etc ---------- Name: Grenade Type: Explosive, pilot item Description: You get five per pick up, they can be thrown far and have a large powerful blast radius. ---------- Name: Sensor Bomb Type: Explosive, pilot item Description: You get five per pick up,Press the fire button to set these mines, when something passes by they will detonate. ---------- Name: First Aid Kits Type: Health, pilot item Description: There are three levels of healing, green kits, silver kits, and gold kits. ---------- Name: Barrier Type: Effect, Pilot item Description: Creates a shield around the user for a short period of invincibilty. ---------- Name: Stealth Suit Type: Effect, Pilot Item Description: Only in versus mode, makes the user invisible for a short period of time. ---------- Name: Rings Type: Health, Landmaster and Arwing item Description: Silver and gold and platinum, both restore health, silver about 25% and gold about 50%. Platinum heals 100%. ---------- Name: Laser upgrades Type: Upgrade, arwin and landmaster item Description: Green ones increase the firepower of the vehicle by one level, red ones increase it by two ---------- Name: Smart Bomb Type: Explosive, Arwing item Description: You can lock them onto a target to home in on them, or just fire and then hit the button again to detonate them. Large blast radius. ---------- Name: 1-Up Type: Upgrade, awring, landmaster, and pilot item Description: Gives the player and extra life. ---------- Name: Cluster Bombs Type: Explosive, Arwing item Description: Like a smart bomb but fires numerous smaller explosions instead of one large one. Unlocked at 200 matches of versus play. ---------- Name: Booster Pack Type: Effect, pilot Description: Woohoo, this is a fun baby. Unlocked at 90 play matches this thing is pretty much a jet pack. You use Y to go up, your energy meter drains and recharges just like when in a vehicle. ============================================================================== || 7. Levels || ============================================================================== The format I will use is as follows: Name: of the level How to Unlock: Obvious one Size: of the whole level Type: Pilot, Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen General Description: Obvious, general description Strategy: Useful ways to win ------------ Name: Simple Map #1 How to Unlock: Default Size: Small-Medium Type: Pilot(must have), Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: A center bulding that has four buildings surrounding it, as the title says, it's rather simple. The outlying buildings are home to many numerous weapons and vehicles. Strategy: The center should be avoided unless you're looking for death. That is where most of the battles, on foot, in the tank, and in air will take place. It is a good idea to stay on the outer buildings and snipe or you could go totally gung-ho and gatling gun up everyone in the center. ------------ Name: Simple Map #2 How to Unlock: Default Size: Small-Medium Type: Pilot(must have), landmaster, arwing, Wolfen Description: A center building that has four buildings surrounding it, just like #1 just differently shaped. Strategy: As I recently said, this is practically the same as #1, just a different shape. But, this time the buildings are slightly more, uh, I don't know how to say this, varied? Y'know, nice outcrops to hide behind, this level is perfect for duck and cover figthing. ------------ Name: Simple Map #3 How to Unlock: Default Size: Medium Type: Pilot(only) Description: A three story building, prone for some intense close quarter gunfights, flat levels, not much variation. Strategy: This comes down to the character you selected, and if you can handle the more powerful weaponry. It's a bland fighting arena, but there is room for some craftiness. Try planting some mines on the upper and lower parts of the stairways, or just scatter them all over the place. With all the running around and fighting not a single person will notice the mines. ------------ Name: Simple Map #4 How to Unlock: 60 matches of versus mode played Size: Medium Type: Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: An oddly assorted jumble of buildings, there's not too much description besides that, this map is weird. Especially with it's non traditional all vehicle start. Strategy: The vehicle matters, I think it's easier to use the landmaster in this level, since it's much more simple to hide and dodge in a landmaster than in an arwing. ------------ Name: Katina Outpost How to Unlock: Complete Katina Frontier Base Battle in story mode Size: Large Type: Pilot, Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: A large Cornerian outpost on Katina, the battle centers around a large middle tower. There are several "sections" around the center tower that connect to eachother by open gates. Strategy: The best bet to do when you start off is either A. Turn around and start blasting like mad, or B. Run like crazy. Since you start out very close to eachother, it's better to just play conservative and run away to a ship or get some weaponry. ------------ Name: Inner Sargasso Hideout How to Unlock: Complete Sargasso Space Zone Hostilities Revisited in story Size: Large Type: Pilot (only) Description: A huge multileveled space station that is defineltly home for sniping and explosives. Some of the most powerful weapons are scattered on the top and bottom levels. There are several levels and there in one large empty middle spot in the stage that allows you to see acrossed to the other side. Strategy: With the many boxes, stairways, and small corridors, hide and seek blasting works wonders. But so does long distance killing. This level really comes down to knowing where the weapons are. On the lower level there is a gatling gun in a corner behind two large vertical pipes. On the upper level there is the missle launcher, and excellent long range weapon that you control the movement of the rocket. ------------ Name: Outer Sargasso Hideout How to Unlock: Complete Sargasso Space Zone Hostilities Revisited in story Size: Large Type: Arwing, Wolfen Description: The space in the asteroid belt outside of the Sargasso hideout, all dogfights all the time. There's not much cover in this area, there are powerups close to the station. Strategy: Strategy in air only maps are pretty straight forward, just out maneuver and out shoot your opponent. Coming at them from above or below the station could be a good tactic, and even useful for loosing somebody on your tail. ------------ Name: Fichina How to Unlock: Complete Fichina Into the Storm in story mode Size: Very large Type: Pilot, Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: A huge frozen wasteland with a central bunker in the middle and several natural defensive terrains around it. Many natural bridges and frozen waterways. Strategy: This land is huge, getting into a vehicle to traverse it is key to survival. The middle bunker has an open roof, so the suggested vehicle is the arwing, nothing can hide, nothing can run. But, the central bunker is also home to several weapons, including the homing launcher and since all player start there there is a chance for early damage or deaths. SO I say just run and nab a vehicle as quick as possible. ------------ Name: Planet Sauria How to Unlock: Complete Sauria Reunion in story mode Size: Medium Type: Pilot, Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: Lush with vegetation many natural duck and cover places, also several ancient ruins and several passages. There are caves under the ruins that can be entered by somewhat secret entrances. Strategy: Go down then come up packing heat. First enter the caves, the entrances are on the sides of the lower paths. The caves are home to MANY guns and items and powerups. Once below you'll have a large arsenal and have several powerups attatched to you. NOTE: There is an island just off of the edge of the map, this can be reached by arwing and landmaster only, but you have to realize there is no way back, you'll either have to wait for your opponent to come to you, or just commit suicide. ------------ Name: Corneria City How to Unlock: Complete Corneria War Comes Home in story mode Size: Large Type: Pilot, Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: Huge skyscrapers in a concrete jungle, very easy to get lost on foot. Large higways that extend high above the city, can be traversed on foot and in landmaster. Strategy: This map is anything goes. If you choose to go on foot, please to god get the homing launcher and sniper, otherwise the sheer amount of travel you'll have to do to find your opponent will deter you from killing anything. Or you could go the smart way, and take a landmaster. Ride her up to the highway and park it, fire down upon the infantryman on the ground and then shoot down the arwing from below. If you ever get locked onto just drop off the highway, it's almost guaranteed not to get hit. ------------ Name: Space Station How to Unlock: Complete Orbital Gate Incoming in story mode Size: Large Type: Arwing, Wolfen Description: Very obvious, just the space around a space station to get into dogfights with your enemies. The station can be maneuvered into, going into the nooks and crannies will get you some rewards. Strategy: Unlike the other air maps this place has a central station that can kind of be interacted with. You can fly into it which not only provides cover, but also there are many powerups in and just on the outside of the station. ------------ Name: Aparoid City How to Unlock: Complete Aparoid Homeworld Breaching the Defenses in story mode Size: Large Type: Pilot, Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: Home of the aparoids, very strange architecture, easy to get lost in the confusing eerie city. There are several "belts" on the paths that act like escalators and propel you forward to walk faster making it easy to cover land on. Strategy: Stay on foot, there's almost nowhere for the Landmaster to maneuver and trying to hit infantry when they're inside buildings from an arwing is an obvious no-no. Instead, plant sensor bombs right inside the doorways into the buildings, players seeking refuge will instead get a face full of explosive. ------------ Name: Titania Desert How to Unlock: Play 40 versus matches Size: Very Large Type: Pilot, Landmaster, Arwing, Wolfen Description: A huge place with high tech towers scattered towards the center, all of it surrounded by desert. The center is higher elevation than the rest of the land surrounding it. Strategy: It's open, and it's big. Perfect for the arwing in this stage to take down people on the ground. But watch out, the center is prone to sniping since it is higher elevated, and naturally it gives more range and ability to fire at opponents. Just be careful not to stray off too far into the desert, you'll be easy pray wide in the open. ------------ Name: Great Fox How to Unlock: Default Size: Medium Type: Arwing, Wolfen Description: Battle around the great fox in an earthlike atmposphere, easy to spot out your enemies. Strategy: Like in most air battles the only thing you can do is out maneuver and out shoot your opponent. But flying loops around the Great Fox will provide some cover and if you see anyone it'll be easy to just pick up on their trail and shoot them down from behind. If you ever get into trouble just go under or over or wherever around the Great Fox ------------ Name: Zoness Sea Base How to Unlock: 130 versus matches played Size: Large Type: Pilot(only) Description: A station just above the polluted waters of zoness, completely isolated. A few central buildings with narrow winding paths on the outside and connecting them. Drops from the edges are fatal. Strategy: Learn how to maneuver on the thin playforms that are provided, if you can master this than you can pretty much defeat any opponent. Since traditional strafe or jump methods are dangerous on the paths. Avoid the buildings, since they are prone to other players, but also guns. Learn the level, then learn how to move around it. ============================================================================== || 8. Updates and Versions || ============================================================================== 2/26/05- FAQ re-submitted and full content -- version 1.0 2/28/05- FAQ submitted for update, items, levels were added. Pretty much anything to do with the Wolfen was added. --version 1.1 ============================================================================== || 9. Thanks || ============================================================================== -The Great Gonzales for providing the information about the characters wolfen stats -I'd also like to thank all of GameFAQ's and the wonderful administrators for making the site. I'd also like to thank the Glens Falls bank for providing me the money to buy Star Fox: Assault. Oh yeah, one last thing... THANK YOU NINTENDO FOR MAKING THE BEST PRODUCTS I'VE EVER BOUGHT. ============================================================================== || 10. Copyrights || ============================================================================== This FAQ CANNOT be shown at any site other than GameFAQ's without my permission. Distributing it without my consent is a violation of copyright laws. Copyright 2005 Erik Garb