S-flag location guide for Starfox Assault. (Nintendo Gamecube) Last updated 03/03/05 Version: 1.1 Project started: 02/01/05 Project completed: 03/03/05 Total development hours: 011 File size: 25.8 kilobytes (0.025 MB) Written by: Josiah Herrington Status: Complete This FAQ is of course copyright (c) 2004 Josiah Herrington ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contents [TOP] ~~| [W0.1] |~~ |__________| Table of Contents.........................................................[TOP] 1: Intro.................................................................[010] 2: Legal stuff/Updates...................................................[020] 3: Overview..............................................................[030] 4: Frequently Asked Questions............................................[040] 5: S-flag locations......................................................[050] Fortuna: A New Enemy...............................................[W0.1] Katina: Frontier Base Battle.......................................[W0.2] Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited.........................[W0.3] Fichina: Into the Storm............................................[W0.4] Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace..................................[W0.5] Sauria: Reunion....................................................[W0.6] Corneria: War Comes Home...........................................[W0.7] Orbital Gate: Incoming.............................................[W0.8] Aparoid Homeworld: Breaching the Defenses..........................[W0.9] Homeworld core: The Final Battle...................................[W1.0] 6: Credits................................................................[060] 7: Contact Information....................................................[070] =============================================================================== 1: Intro =============================================================================== [010] =============================================================================== 2: Legal stuff/Updates =============================================================================== [020] This FAQ is mine and is copyright(c) 2002 Josiah Herrington. This FAQ, as of now, can only be displayed at: - Gamefaqs (http://www.GAMEFAQS.com) - Gamespot(www.gamespot.com) - IGN(www.ign.com) - www.neoseeker.com This document is only for personal use. You may not sell this FAQ or distribute it. Otherwise you may not under any circumstances host this FAQ unless I give permission. I still reserve all rights to discontinue any site's hosting of this FAQ. =============================================================================== 4: FAQ =============================================================================== [040] Q: What good is collecting the S-Flags? A: You can unlock Demon Sniper mode, and bragging rights. Plus, you can't fully beat the game without the S-Flags! Q: If I get S-Flags 1, 3, and 4 in one run and then I get flags 2, 4, and 5 in another, will it still count me as getting all five? A: No, you need to get all five flags in one run through to have it count. Q: Did u kno ur guide sucks!!! A: No I wasn't aware of any such fact. Q: Hey man! You do know your guide pwns all right? A: Yes! Thank you! Have an ego cookie! Q: Do a barrel roll!!! lolooolloROFMLAMO!!1 A: THATS IT! NO MORE Q&A JUNK! =============================================================================== 5: Walkthrough =============================================================================== [050] ==================== Fortuna: A New Enemy [010] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Okay Now what you want to do is continue on, and the last destroyable enemy capital ship, right after Falco drops the bomb off for you, has a secondary hull compartment on the side, to the right of the giant glowy purple orb. Blow that up with lasers BEFORE blowing up the ship and it will drop S-flag #1. Fly through it to collect it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ When you get to the planets surface, blow up the first few enemies. After you go through the arch, head to the left and you will be able to take an alternate path. Blow up the tank, and then the mech after that contains the flag #2. Blow it up and take it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Immediatly after that there will be a segment where Falco will be chased by baddies. Ignore him and shoot the tree branch to the Left of the third tree. The S-Flag #3 will pop out and you must fly through it to collect it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Later on you will come to a tank base sort of place. You will see two forking railway tracks midway in the air, with a cargo train on it. Head to the right and down to ground level, to the right of the pillars. Blow up the barrel and take the flag #4. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Now head up and right and blow up the barrel on that's on a ledge to collect the flag #5. That takes care of the S-Flags for this level. ==================== Katina: Frontier Base Battle [020] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Go about the level as usual until you get the Landmaster. Then blow up all the enemies until you come to an are with some baracks. Blow up all the nearby enemies and enter the baracks to the right of the one thats smoking. Shoot the invisible target near the end a couple times to make flag #1 appear. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Next, head in the Landmaster to the far right side of the map. Locate the large door you can blow away with The Landmaster's cannon and do so. Head inside and clear out all the enemies. There will be some three groups of blocks in here. One that is big and near the door. This is not the right group. You want thhe group in the middle thatlooks like a Tetris block. Hop on top of it and the single block furthest from the stack of two blocks has the flag on it. Shoot the invisible target to make the flag #2 appear. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Similarly, head over to the far left side and blow open the door. Clear the area of hostile presence and then in the far left corner, with the door being behind you, there will be two blocks. In between them is the invisible target. Shoot it to spawn Flag #3. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Head to the north part of the middle and hover with your landmaster up on to the ledge on the tower above the ledge. The Invisible target is there. Shoot it to make invisible flag #4 appear. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Head to the Right side of the map. Look around till you see the gigantic cannon pointing up at the sky. Head towards the front of it and at the bottom if it's front you will find an alcove with the invisible targe in it. Shoot it with your blaster to make flag #5 appear! ==================== Sargasso Space Zone: Hostilities Revisited [W0.3] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ From where you start, near the Arwings Initial position, turn to the left until you see an alcove to the right of the Arwing. Charge up your blaster and blow away the turret here. Now run up to where it was and charge up your blaster again. Point your gun at the nearby small door in the wall and fire six or seven shots into it to make the flag appear. Grab it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Now head back towards your Arwing and hop onto the platform between it and you. Now point the opposite way that your Arwing is facing and look a little to the left. See those large white tanks? Head over there. Run up the ramp and waste all of the enemies up here. Now locate the nearby shelf/computer think in the wall and note the indentation in the middle. Point there and your blaster should highlight it. Fire six or seven shots to cause it to appear. Collect it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Now head up the nearby ramp and blow up the barrel dropping enemies at the top as well as any enemies. Head up the ramp past that and make a left, then another left as you face the wall. Go a ways till you reach the next left. Take it. Hang another left when you get on the ring and then circle clockwise till you can take a right. Head to the center. Charge your blaster up all the way till it's red and blow the crate up. The S-flag will be inside Grab it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Now locate the elevator (Huge pink glowy light beams) and take it up to the top. Wipe out the army up here and head into the small room. Take out everybody inside, (Explosives will do nicely) and look at the nearby large monitor. Aim just under it with your blaster and you will notice something invisible is highlighted again. Shoot it 4 or 5 times with your blaster to make the flag appear. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Now head out in your Arwing. Head to the right-most part of the map. See the asteroid on the map in the middle vertically and farthest on the right. The one that is one left and one up from the farhest right one has a robot on it. Shoot the robot and the flag will pop out. Drive through it to collect it. ==================== Fichina: Into the Storm [040] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Okay, as you start, head towards the center bearing a little to the left. Note the grey battlement/tower looking thing. Near the base of that is an invisible target. Shoot it to uncover Flag #1 and stag it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Head back to the Landmaster. Head over ot the first Sheild generator and Destroy it like normal. Head to the nearby bridge. There should be two containers near the bridge. The invisible target is above the one to the left. shoot it to reveal the Flag #2 and claim it as your own. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Now head to the south-east portion of the map near where the shield generator was/is and there will be a tunnel filled with slippery ice that you can slide on. The invisible target is in the middle. Shoot it to reveal Flag #3 and take it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Now head to the Northeast corner and you will find another large patch of slippery ice and a shiny silver crystal in the middle. Near the crystal is the invisible target. Blast it to claim Flag #4. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Now, disable the shield, and once it is disabled head to the west side of the middle structure. Right above the entrance you will find the invisible target with your Landmaster. Use the Landmaster's cannon to shoot it until it becomes visible and then hover up to get Flag #5. ==================== Asteroid Belt: The Aparoid Menace [050] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Soon after the asteroid field at the begining of the level,Falco will give you a bomb as you are fighting a powerful ship. Use Charge shots on the ship to kill it. Soon afterwards you will be faced with a whole bunch of groups of weak enemies. Clear them out and you will be faced with four more of those spinny enemies that shoot green blobs. The top one contains the S-Flag #1. Destroy it and collect the flag. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Once you get to the end of the worm field you will be attacked by a slew of asteroids that are really aparoids. They will try to ram you, but instead of avoiding them, you need to shoot them. The one at the end on the Center-left top contains the S-Flag #2 Shoot it and fly through the flag to collect it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Continue on and you will find a base. You will be forced you to pull "up." You will have to save Falco again, and kill off the enemies on this stretch. When you get to the top that prototype enemy from the first level will pop out. Ignore it for now and pummel the purple glob of goo to the left as the S-Flag #3 is there in an invisible target. Fly through the flag to collect it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Now, just ahead Slippy will need to be saved, but there is an S-Flag on the left, inside of one of those spinny enemies that shoot green blobs. Kill it and claim the S-Flag. This makes S-Flag #4. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Directly after you save Slippy, the doors will be open and there will be a whole bunch of drone enemies on the ground. Ignore them and pummel the purple goo pile to the right with your lasers to claim S-Flag #5. ==================== Sauria: Reunion [060] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Head all the way to the south, just East of the Southern temple, and find the broken set of pillars. The invisible target is above them. Shoot it to make the Flag #1 appear and grab it. Now pull up your map and locate Krystal. She should be North of you, just a tad to the east. Head over there. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ There should be a cave entrance in the side of the wall that you come against while heading towards Krystal. Head inside there. Head inside and kill the few enemies and head to the end of the tunnel. There will be a wooden door at the end. The invisible target is right there. Shoot it to claim S-Flag #2. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Head back out of the cave and head to the Right. Continue right, around the bend, until you can turn further right into another temple. Head inside and slay the nearby enemies. Locate the stairs and get on the roof. In the eastern corner, on the ledge, is the next invisible target. Shoot it to claim the third S-Flag. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Now, head all the way to the West side of the map and locate the waterfall. At the base of this waterfall is an invisible target. Shoot it several times to claim the S-Flag #4. Okay, one more to go. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Head to the nearby temple, which would be the south one. On the ground floor there is an indentation in the center. The invisible target is in that indentation. Shoot it to claim the fifth and final S-Flag. ==================== Corneria: War Comes Home [070] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Okay, from the start, head a small bit SouthWest of where you start out, till you see a building that has a large pink holographic banner on it that says "Lunastone Hotel" Head up the ramp to the top and slay the enemies. You'll find the invisible target is located directly West from the top of the ramp. Shoot it and claim S-Flag #1. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Head back down the ramp and head North until you come up to some buildings. Curve to the west once you do. Follow the road West until you get to a building at the fork. Continut past the building, and past the building to the west of that. Now turn and you should see a ramp leading onto the building that is to the southwest of the middle building. Head up that and wipe out all the enemies on the roof. On the North end of the roof you will find the invisible target. Shoot it a few times to make the next S-Flag appear, and claim it. This is the second S-Flag. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Now, head all the way to the far Northeast area of the stage and you will find a group of red Power Plant type buildings. You can use a ramp to get onto the one that is furthest Southeast. There is a bridge from that one to the South- West one. Head over to the Southwest one and just Northeast of the top smoke stack is an invisible target. Shoot it to reveal S-Flag #3. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Now head West-Northwest of the Center and you will find a building with a Holo- graphic banner on ot that says "Persimmon's" From there head up the ramp to the second floor. Directly to the Right of the Ramp that takes you further up is an invisible target. Shoot it to make the S-Flag #4 appear. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Now, head to the building directly North. You can get onto it by the ramp on the East side, and you will know it's the right building if it has signs on it that say "Ward Offices." Head up the ramp and around to the othe side and slay the enemies here. Now there will be some orange rectangles on the ground. The one to the east has the invisible target over it. Shoot the target to make the final flag, S-Flag #5, appear and grab it. ==================== Orbital Gate: Incoming [080] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Directly as you start you will be pointed at the Orbital Gate. Point downwards and find the invisible target that is at the bottom point of the gate, as you are facing it. Shoot it repeatedly to make the flag appear, and grab S-Flag #1. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Now, turn and head towards the station in the middle, curve under the station and blast the helpless enemy that is directly under the center column to make it drop the S-flag #2. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Now, fly into the middle of the Station, and there will be a platform right in the middle. The invisible target is right above that. shoot it repeatedly to make the flag appear and take S-Flag #3. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Now, head back out to give you some flying room and then turn and head back into the center. There will be a large, dark grey, bridge area at the top on the West section of the Station. The invisible target is at it's top. Shoot the invisible target repeatedly to make the S-Flag #4 appear. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Now, head to South of the station and head North towards the station. Near the bottom of the station there will be a tunnel and at the begining of a tunnel is the invisible target covering the fifth S-Flag. Shoot it repeatedly until the flag pops out and claim S-Flag #5. ==================== Aparoid Homeworld Breaching the Defenses [090] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Okay, from the start, grab the Arwing and take to the skies. Head to the center of the level and shoot the invisible target on top of the center building. Fly through S-Flag #1 to claim it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Now, head to the Southeast area and land as close to that corner as you can. Head upwards and into the Southeast area. Now work your way down to the bottom, killing everything in your path. Once you reach the bottom, you will find the invisible target under the bottom ramp. shoot it to make the S-Flag #2 appear, and swipe the flag! ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Now, head back up and out of this area. Once you get out and are crossing the laser bridge, keep going strait through the next door and past the blue glowy pillar. Wipe out all the enemies in this next area, and head down to the next floor and there will be an exit. Take it and there will be a pink door blocking the way. Use your fully charged blaster to get it out of the way and head out. Hang a right as soon as you get out the door and kill the turret. Continue on down that path and hang another right. Directly after this right there will be an invisible target. Shoot it to make S-Flag #3 pop out. Snag it! ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Now go back and get your Arwing. Head to the Northeast part of the base. In the very center of the large green platform there is an invisible target. Blast it with your laser and fly through it to claim S-Flag #4! ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Now, fly to the Southwest corner and kill all the enemies on the platform before landing. Once you have landed, blow open the door and head inside. When given the choice, go left. When you reach the oval room with some weapons and junk in it, head left again, and then hang another left. Once you get to the end of this long area, take another left into a large room, and take a left as soon as you enter until you get near the end, then hang one final left to the alcove, and slay the invisible target for the fifth and final S-Flag! ==================== Homeworld Core: The Final Battle [100] ==================== ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 1 .| \_______________/ Okay, soon after the second or so sharp curve into a tunnel after Starwolf shows up, you will be in a tunnel with moving plates that can smash you. Past them is a thing that launches fighters that looks like a giant drill pointed at you. Shoot the center of it to get the first S-Flag. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 2 .| \_______________/ Soon after that you will reach a tunnel where there will be blue blobs of glowy goo shooting globs of green goo at you. They will be all over the top, right, and bottom, but curiously are not on the left. Near the left there is an invisible invisible target. Shoot that area on the upper left to make the S-Flag #2 appear. Snag it. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 3 .| \_______________/ Now, soon you will fight a tough enemy that takes a lot of damage, and soon a lot of groups of weak enemies. Right after them a shield will start to cover the path with only a few ways to get through. The opening on the top right(not the tiny one all the way to the top right, the full sized hexagon shaped opening to the top right.) has the flag, so apply your brakes and shoot there a lot before flying through until the flag appears. Collect S-Flag #3. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 4 .| \_______________/ Soon you will come to an area that is a tunnel blocked off by spinning blades that are spinning around walls that have three holes in them. After the first spinning blade, on the bottom left, will be a turret. Shoot it and the S-Flag #4 will pop out. Grab it and continue on. ^~~_____________~~^ |. Flag # 5 .| \_______________/ Soon you will be in a long tube filled with many three sided spinning enemies. Blow up ones on the very right and after about the third one on the right, you will find the S-Flag #5. Congratulations! You have all 50 S-Flags! =============================================================================== 6: Credits =============================================================================== [060] Credits go here in the event that I deem anybody worthy of credit. Jeff Veasey AKA CJayC For the wonderful site to put it on. My best friends Josh and Emily for being the most awesome people on the planet. I love you guys! =============================================================================== 11: Contact information =============================================================================== [070] Before I give you my E-mail Address: ******************************************************************************* * FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ON THIS GOOD EARTH * ******************************************************************************* R E A D T H E F R E A K I N G W A L K T H R O U G H ! ! ! That is what it's here for! I have get several dozen E-mails a week that are promptly deleted because the answer was in the FAQ. I'm Not your private gaming nerd! Read! Please don't abuse the E-mail and make sure I haven't answered your question in the guide. With that said: If for some reason or other you wish to E-mail me, My E-mail is: Kirbyroks @ gmail . com Also, be sure to put "Walkthrough Question" in the title or it will get deleted by my spam filter, and be sure to mention which guide it is. I have many guides out and asking me questions about how to do something in "Game X" aren't going to be answered. =============================================================================== And that wraps up this literary masterpiece. Thanks for reading! Josh and Emily, you own! I love you guys so much! \^^^/ \^^^/ \m/(-_-)\m/ Those who have seen my rose shall die! \m/(-_-)\m/ ( . ) [Hugs]----<(^_^)>----[Hugs] ( . ) _/ \_ (>^_^)> <(^_^<) (>^_^)> <(^_^<) _/ \_ **********************************END OF FILE**********************************