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From the day we first saw the game at Spaceworld 2000 (which I still consider one of the greatest days for a Nintendo fan) until November 18th when we were able to play it fully, Rogue Leader has made me drool all the way. The graphics, control, ships, and gameplay are all equaled out in a neat little game for your new Nintendo GameCube. This FAQ covers the basics(controls, storyline), gets you used to your crafts you'll be flying in, and will also stand by you for all 11 plus missions of the game. From start to finish, Rogue Leader is a crowd-pleaser, and surely a must-have for any Star Wars fan. It should be the reason you pick up a GameCube. And this is only a launch title- what's next? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2) Version History =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Final Version -------------- Added all the new codes that have surfaced for ships and missions in the game. This is the complete version. Version 1.0 ------------- Everything is completed. Walkthroughs for all 15 levels, sections on all playable crafts, locations of all upgrades, and all the secrets so far. Updates will be made when new questions are to be put in the FAQ section and new codes for the codes section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3) Story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= It is a time of great civil war in the galaxy. The Imperial Empire's strong gasp on the universe is begin attacked by the rebels, the Republic. They claim to be fighting for galatic freedom, however the blinded followers of the Empire seem to not know the Republic exists; thus leading to many hardships for the struggling Rebels. Their princess has been kidnapped, a giant machine that may destroy their whole base is looming in the horizon, and the Empire has countless numbers of squadrons patrolling the galaxy. Thus starts Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2. Taking control of Luke Skywalkers and Wedge Antilles, leaders of Rogue Squadron, you will fly through over 11 daring missions on a quest to thwart the Imperials' plans, protect the Rebel Alliance, and free the galaxy once and for all. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4) Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Start Button-Pause the game, confirm selections on menus, resume game. A Button-Fire primary weapon (lasers). B Button-Fire secondary weapon(proton torpedos, bombs, missiles, etc). X Button-Cockpit View. Y Button-Switch Targeting computer on/off. Listen to craft description. C Analog Stick-Look at inside ship when in cockpit view. Look at the ship's exterior when not in cock-pit view. Analog Stick-Move your fighter around the screen L Button-(Regular)Brake (Clicked in)Full brake. R Button-(Regular)Accerlerate (Clicked in)Full throttle accelration. Z Button-Used to sideways roll your ship in conjunction with the analog stick. D-Pad-Control your wingmen and teammates. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5) Vechicles =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= X-Wing ======================================================================= Vechicle Overview ------------------- The X-Wing is the current backbone of the Republic. It is an extremely well balanced aircraft, and is average in the speed, armor, firepower, and turning catergories. The X-Wing's speed can be increased while the S-Foils are closed, but it can't fire in that position. Weapons --------- Primary: Laser Cannons Secondary: Proton Torpedos Upgrades --------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Proton Torpedos, Advanced Shields, Homing Proton Torpedos, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= A-Wing ======================================================================= Vechicle Overview ------------------- The A-Wing is the Republic's answer to the TIE Interceptor. It's fast, has good turning, but is very weak in the shields department. You'll have to find a way to use it's speed to avoid crossfire. Weapons -------- Primary: Laser Cannons Secondary: Concussion Missiles Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Concussion Missiles, Advanced Shields, Advanced Concussion Missiles, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Y-Wing ======================================================================= Vechicle Overview ------------------- The Y-Wing was the backbone of the Rebel fleets before the X-Wing, and it's easy to see so. The Y-Wing is armed with front lasers, an ion cannon to disable ships, and a certain number of bombs to take out stationary targets. The Y-Wing also comes with terrific shielding, and can "take a beating" in many cases. The only thing that makes it worse then the X-Wing is it's speed. Weapons -------- Primary: Laser Cannons Defense: Proton Bombs Additional: Ion Cannon Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Proton Bombs, Advanced Shields, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Snowspeeder ======================================================================= Vechicle Overview ------------------- The Snowspeeder was designed specifically to defend the Republic's Hoth base from the Empire. It comes equipped from primary lasers, and also a tow cable to take out large units such as AT-ATs. It has tight control, and flies faster the closer to the ground it is. Weapons --------- Primary: Laser Cannons Secondary: Tow Hook Upgrades ------------ Advanced Lasers, Advanced Shields, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= B-Wing ======================================================================= Vechicle Overview ------------------- The B-Wing is a new vechicle to the Rogue Squadron series of games, and it's a welcome addition to the game. The B-Wing looks more like a T from the backside, with four boosters in the middle of it. Weapons --------- Primary: Blast Cannons Secondary: Proton Torpedos Additional: Ion Cannons Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Proton Torpedos, Advanced Shields, Seeker Proton Torpedos, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Millenium Falcon ======================================================================= Vechicle Overview ------------------- The Falcon is a cargo ship piloted chiefly by Han Solo and his wookie friend, Chewbacca. It has bee illegaly modified with several hidden cargo compartments, two laser cannons, and an extraordinary hyperdrive generator, to name a few. The Falcon is one of the most deadliest vechiles in the galaxy. Weapons --------- Primary: Laser Cannons Secondary: Concussion Missiles Upgrades --------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Concussion Missiles, Advanced Shields, Seeker Concussion Missiles, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Tie Advanced X1 ======================================================================= Vechicle Overview ------------------- The TIE Advanced is Darth Vader's fighter of choice. It was issued to him from the Empire and is specifically modified to have cluster missiles as a secondary weapon. The TIE Advanced is still a new model, and much is not known about it. Weapons --------- Primary: Blaster Cannons Secondary: Cluster Missiles Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Shields, Advanced Cluster Missiles, Seeker Cluster Missiles ======================================================================= TIE Fighter ======================================================================= The TIE Fighter is the first and most basic of a series of advanced Twin Ion Engine models, built for use of the Imperial Empire's fleets. It sports no deflector shield and no life support, making it easy to take down. However, it usually travels in numbers, so be warned. Weapons --------- Primary: Laser Cannons Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Shields, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Lamda Class Shuttle ======================================================================= The Imperial Lamda Class Shuttle is built to carry cargo and/or troops through kilometers and light years of space, and to pick up and drop off them onto planets and other surfaces. All shuttles have the proper code to enter Imperial Air Space, but it won't be easy stealing one. Weapons --------- Primary: Laser Cannons Secondary: Back Laser Cannons Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Shields, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Slave One ======================================================================= The Slave One is a modified version of the Firespray patrol ship used oh so many years ago. It features an unusual cockpit, which has the pilot standing upright controling the ship. It comes armed with cluster missiles, and it's speed matches nothing greater than a Y-Wing or a Naboo Bomber. Weapons --------- Primary: Laser Cannons Secondary: Cluster Missiles Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Shields, Seeker Cluster Missiles, Advanced Cluster Missiles, Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Naboo Starfighter ======================================================================= The Naboo Starfighter is the fighter of choice for the Naboo people. It was specially designed to carry an on-board astromech droid for inflight navigations and repairs, and sports a number of proton torpedos with twin laser cannons. It's fast, agile, well-armed, and hopefully, a deadly part of your collection. Weapons --------- Primary: Laser Cannons Secondary: Proton Torpedos Upgrades ---------- Advanced Lasers, Advanced Shields, Homing Torpedos, Advanced Torpedos, Advanced Targeting Computer =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6) Levels =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= Tatooine Training Grounds ======================================================================= Your beautiful home planet of Tatooine. Learn the ropes of the game by flying in your T-16 Skyhopper over the deserts of Tatooine with the sun beating down on you. ======================================================================= Death Star Attack ======================================================================= Take to the skies and defend Yavin Base before it's destroyed. Join Wedge and the rest of the squadrons as they take on the Imperial's most dangerous weapon yet-and hope to come out alive. ======================================================================= Ison Corridor Ambush ======================================================================= Now that the location of Yavin Base is known, the Rebel's have decided to move their base to Hoth. Guard transports carrying important people and supplies from the Empire's TIEs and interceptors ======================================================================= Battle of Hoth ======================================================================= The location of the most recent Rebel Base has been compromised. Join Dack in your snowspeeder and buy the Rebels some time to get the transports in the air and out of harm's way. Switch to an X-Wing halfway through to escort the fleeing Rebel ships. ======================================================================= Prisons of the Maw ======================================================================= A secret prison facility has been spotted in the Maw, a system approximate to Kessel. Take a Y-Wing and break through a force field to get to the prisons, then liberate the priosners. ======================================================================= Razor Rendezvous ======================================================================= Take a B-Wing to try and recapture data on a Rebel ship captured by the Star Destroyer. Take out the destroyer if necessary, and protect your medical frigate, the Redemption, at all costs. ======================================================================= Vengeance on Kothlis ======================================================================= Continuing from the previous mission, you need to escort General Madine's transports to the downed Star Destroyer and recollect the data. Use 3 different crafts in this mission for 3 different jobs. ======================================================================= Imperial Academy Heist ======================================================================= Fly your Y-Wing on a daring mission to steal an Imperial fighter. Disable sensors with your Ion Cannon, take out some TIEs, then make your escape good with your shuttle. Use a snowspeeder and a TIE at night. ======================================================================= Raid on Bespin ======================================================================= You need to protect the Rebel Tibanna gas containers on Bespin to power the fleet that is preparing to launch an attack on the second Death Star. Take out Interceptors and Bombers, and also power generators in Cloud City. ======================================================================= Battle of Endor ======================================================================= Join multiple squadrons of the Republic as they try to make their way to the second Death Star. Use your wingmates to take out the TIEs, and watch out for any ambushes. ======================================================================= Strike at the Core ======================================================================= Protect the Millenim Falcon and travel down a "trench" of the Second Death Star into the exhuats bay. Destroy the power regulator, then high-tail it out of there before you and Lando become cooked rebels. *********************************************************************** Secret Missions *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Death Star Escape ======================================================================= Protect the Millenium Falcon as it makes it's escaper from the first Death Star with Princess leia on board. Man a turrent and take out mutiple waves of TIEs as you make good your escape. ======================================================================= The Asteroid Field ======================================================================= While escaping Hoth, Han Solo learns the Falcon's hyperdrive system is damaged. He tries to lose the Imperials in an asteroid field. Take out the TIE fighters with your back laser cannon, then land on the Star Destroyer to make sure you're safe. ======================================================================= Triumph of the Empire ======================================================================= Take control of Darth Vader's TIE Advanced and shoot down 30 Rebel ships on the surface of the Death Star, then 9 more as they enter the trench and head for the exhaust port. ======================================================================= Revenge on Yavin ======================================================================= Take control of Darth Vader again as you do a hit-and-run on Yavin base and show the Rebels who's boss. Take out transports before they leave the ground and all fighters who try to resist. ======================================================================= Death Star Endurance ======================================================================= Fight 99 waves of TIE Fighters over the Death Star, each getting harder then it's precessor. Every 10 waves nets you a chance for a bonus life, but once you lose all your lives, you're done for. Good luck w/ the gold on this one... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7) Walkthrough =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= Mission 1: Tatooine Training Grounds ======================================================================= In this mission, you'll have to follow your radar to find all the discovery items, then also two bonus items. One is always the Dragon bones, and the other varies on the time of day between R2, C-3PO, or the escape pod. The lessons are the large orange Rebel icons all over the place. Follow their instructions QUICKLY, as a timer will count down the time that you have left. The races are easy, but Beggar's Canyon can be confusing. Biggs always does an extra loop than necessary, so you'll be ok in the canyon. For track one, follow Biggs until the open area at the end, then boost ahead and win. For track 2, take left turns every chance you get. The Station Race is even easier-just boost as soon as your thursters recharge. That's about it for this simple mission. Complete it in all 4 times of the day to unlock something classical.... ======================================================================= Mission 2: Death Star Attack ======================================================================= _____________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Destroy all Deflection Towers | | 2) Destroy all TIE Fighters | | 3) Shoot proton torpedos into Exhaust Port | |_____________________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1: Destroy all Deflection Towers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as the mission starts, take a look at your radar at the top- right of the screen. This will lead you to the first deflection tower. After you destroy the first one with a barrage of laser fire, the same radar will lead you to the second, third, etc. You will hear your wing- mates go: "Two more to go", and "One more to go!" when you are almost done destroying them all. The deflection towers are the big large towers on the Death Star, not the tiny little gun turrents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2: Destroy all TIE Fighters ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is easy. Just fly around and shoot down the squadrons(about 3-5) of TIEs that are trying to shoot rebel ships down on the Death Star. If you have to, pull down your targeting computer to find a lone TIE in yellow, since they tend to blend in with the backdrop quite nicely. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3: Shoot proton torpedos into Exhaust Port ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Fly down the trench and avoid the large crossbars that hang out from both sides of the trench. Take out some turrents on your way, but don't make it the top thing on your list. After a while, TIEs will get on your butt. Speed up, then brake hard and they'll fly over you. Shoot them down. Do the same for Vader, and soon enough, Han will shoot down Vader and the TIEs, leaving you clear to blow the joint. Fire a torpedo near the bottom portion of the wall that ends the trench, and that should do it. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 6:05 Enemies Destroyed : 91 Shot Accuracy: 39% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 100% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 3: Ison Corridor Ambush ======================================================================= __________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Defend the transports against Imperial forces.| | 2) The Frigate Redemption must survive. | |__________________________________________________| This mission can be quite easy if you know what you're doing. Immediately send your wingmen after the TIE fighters to help you out. Now, use your radar and/or targeting computer to find a squadron of TIE fighters, then shoot them down. Repeat this for until the next cutscene plays. You'll see Wedge suggest using modified stunt fighters(A-Wing) for better speed to take out the TIEs. Fly into the blue rebel symbol at the medical frigate, Redemption, and you'll switch crafts to an A-Wing. Using it's superb speed, chase down the TIEs as you did before until Luke says, "No more enemies on sensors. Good job, guys". You'll now be brought to a cutscene, showing the transports moving through the nebula. For this part, pull down the targeting computer for the best view on fighters and interceptors. Shoot down all the TIEs, which will appear yellow, and soon you'll hear "We fought them off!" from Luke's mouth. After that, you'll be treated to an ending cutscene of the level. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 4:11 Enemies Destroyed : 40 Shot Accuracy: 19% Friendlies Lost: 2 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 72% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 4: Battle of Hoth ======================================================================= __________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Defend Outpost BETA and the Ion Cannon | | 2) Slow the advancing Imperial Walkers | | 3) Defend the fleeing Rebel transports | |__________________________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1: Defend Outpost BETA and the Ion Cannon ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as the mission starts, boost forward and tell your wingmen to go after the guns. As soon as you enter the large clearing, take out the three AT-STs in front of you. Then turn right and go forward, taking another three out, then turn left and high-tail it to a box an Imperial shuttle just dropped. Destroy the box, then the AT-ST that should be beside it. Now turn left again and take out the remaining three AT-STs to accomplish Objective 1. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2: Slow the advancing Imperial Walkers ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After the cutscene where Luke goes down, take Wedge and head to the middle walker that's apporaching the shield generator. Rope it with your tow cables, then do the one on the right, followed by the last one on the left. It shouldn't be too hard, just accelerate(don't brake, don't boost) and you should get through this without losing a life. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3: Defend the fleeing Rebel transports ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Boost back to Echo base as quickly as possible, and fly into the blue Rebel symbol to take control of an X-Wing. Immediately turn 20 degrees to your left, and you'll see 3 TIE figters and two bombers coming in. Take out the two bombers, then turn around and find the six other bombers that have just recently descended on the transports. Once you kill all the TIE bombers, you'll be treated to a cinema scene that shows the end of the mission. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 5:00 Enemies Destroyed : 43 Shot Accuracy: 53% Friendlies Lost: 22 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 100% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 4: Prisons of the Maw ======================================================================= __________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Disable 3 shield projectors | | 2) Destroy all objectives marked by prisoners | | 3) Escort the train to the platform | | 4) Escort the Imperial loader out | |__________________________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1: Disable 3 shield projectors ----------------------------------------------------------------------- As soon as the mission starts, just fly forward. When TIE fighters approach your position, tell your wingmen to take that out, and continue heading to those groups of three lights, which are freighters. Fly by them until you reach the large shield. Charge up your Ion Cannons, and disable three of those shield porjectors quickly, or else you'll be mince meat. Soon after, you'll view a cinema, taking you into the compound. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2: Destroy all objectives marked by prisoners ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You're first task is to knock out guns around a prison building, so they can liberate more prisoners. Bomb each turrent when your bombing crosshair is on it, and move onto the next objective. Here, you'll have to bomb even more turrents, this time around an armory. A lot of them vary in altitude, so be careful when dropping your bombs. After this is done, you'll get a message to take out Comms Relays before ISDs come back from patrolling. At this place, take out all turrents first, and you might even want to take out the AT-PT cluster near the train. Then, drop no less then 2 bombs on each satellite, and make sure they're all wiped out. After that, follow your radar to the hangar. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3: Escort the train to the platform ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I never go with the train through all those turrents and AT-PTs, cause the train is too fast and you'll never catch up in your Y-Wing. So, just follow your radar to the hangar. Destroy all the turrents here and maybe one or two AT-PT clusters, and wait for the prisoners to board the Imperial loader, or armored shuttle. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 4: Escort the Imperial loader out ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is reeeeeeeal simple. You can let the interceptors pound on it until it leaves, and you'll still be fine. So, what to do? I suggest heading back to the area the train went through to get to the hangar. There is a bunch of turrents and AT-PT clusters here, so bomb the heck out of them to rack up accuracy and kills. Get your wingmen on the TIEs to give them something to do. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 9:19 Enemies Destroyed : 63 Shot Accuracy: 75% Friendlies Lost: 2 Lives Lost: 1 Targeting Computer effiency: 75% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 6: Razor Rendezvous ======================================================================= __________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Protect the blockade runner | | 2) Protect the frigate Redemption | | 3) Destroy the Imperial shield generators | | 4) Destroy the Imperial command deck | |__________________________________________________| When the mission starts, tell your wingmen to go after the TIEs, and quickly take out those two large turrents hammering the Redemption with white missiles. After that, start charging up your Ion Cannons. Hit one of the shield generators on the top(looks like metal balloons) with your ion cannon, and then shoot 5 torpedos at it, destroying it. Do the same to the one next to it, and then head underneath the star destroyer. Freeze the large circle thing with your ion cannon, but only shoot with your lasers if you're still on the life with only 2 torpedos left. If you do, use as many torpedos as needed to take out the last generator. Now head up above the ISD again, and pull down your targeting computer if you need to. Find the large window thing on the platform that the first two generators sat on. It should be in the middle. Shoot a torpedo at it, and it should knock it out, ending the mission. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 1:19 Enemies Destroyed : 10 Shot Accuracy: 60% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 1 Targeting Computer effiency: 85% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 7: Vengeance on Kothlis ======================================================================= ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Protect the transport from the TIEs | | 2) Defend the commandos as they recapture the data| | 3) Destroy ALL AT-ATs | | 4) Bomb a hole in the destroyer for the commandos | |___________________________________________________| When the mission starts, send your wingmen after the TIEs, and make sure you do the same. There are two pairs of 2 interceptors, and they can cause some damage to you, so make sure they go down. Go all out, since you probably won't use the X-Wing again for the whole mission. Soon, the transport will land, and the star destroyer will send out AT- ATs to catch you off guard. Well, the Rebel Alliance has some tricks up their sleeves too. Switch to snowspeeders at the transport, and rope those AT-ATs before they can do any harm. You also might wanna take out the squadron of TIEs flying around. With the bitter defeat of the AT-ATs, the star destroyer sends it's massive group of AT-PTs towards you. However, they weren't too smart; all the AT-PTs are clumped together. Switch to a Y-Wing at the second rebel symbol, and bomb the heck out of all the AT-PTs. Now, the commandos will ask you to bomb a hole on the ISD. Turn on the bombing crosshair and targeting computer, and get over the bright yellow spot, and drop a ton of bombs on it(about 12). Now pull out of your bombing crosshair and targeting computer, and focus on the second bunch of AT- PTs and TIEs that are coming. Soon, the commandos will tell you that they have found the data, and then upload it, and your mission will be completed. Mind you, it's much longer than it sounds, because of how slow the commandos move. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 9:55 Enemies Destroyed : 100 Shot Accuracy: 27% Friendlies Lost: 2 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 85% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 8: Imperial Academy Heist ======================================================================= ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Disable/evade Imperial sensors in the canyons | | 2) Steal an Imperial shuttle | | 3) Meet at rendezvous point | |___________________________________________________| *********************************************************************** Day Mission-Y-Wing *********************************************************************** Charge your ion cannon, and disable the base of the sensors. Hug the ground extremely well, or you'll be picked up. Once you take out all 7 sensors, follow the orange cone on your radar, and reach the base. High-tail it to the back of the base, and take out the four turrent platforms around the shuttle, or else you'll take some major damage. High-tail it out of there with the shuttle, following the orange cone to the rendezvous point. You'll see Y-Wings come in and blast the heck out of the TIEs following the shuttle, saving your butt. *********************************************************************** Night Mission-Snowspeeder *********************************************************************** Fly low and stay in the fog, and avoid the sensors extremely well. A bit easier if your skill is greater. After you reach the seventh sensors, take the left branch and follow it to an outpost, where you'll be treated to a nice little cutscene. Kill the imperial pilt(the black thing running around) and fly into the blue signal over the TIE Fighter. Take off, and fly toward the academy, with nobody suspecting you. Get to the shuttle platform, and take out the turrent platforms around it. Now steal the shuttle and leave, and head to pick up your co-pilot at the rendezvous point. Much easier, but some people find the beginning part tougher than the day's beginning. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 4:11 Enemies Destroyed : 51 Shot Accuracy: 49% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 100% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 9: Raid on Bespin ======================================================================= ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Secure the tibanna gas platforms | | 2) Destroy the city's power generators | | 3) Defend the tibanna gas platforms from TIE | |___________________________________________________| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 1: Secure the tibanna gas platforms ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here, you'll have to take out the gas balloons that hold turrents shooting at the platforms. When approaching them, fly low, then fly upwards and shoot the fuel holders(that have fire coming out the top) and the balloon should go down. You'll do this in 3 areas; 1 balloon in the first area, two in the second, and four in the third. Take them out in a left-to-right order, and move onto Cloud City. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 2: Destroy the city's power generators ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the canal of the city, you'll find power generators. Use your targeting computer if you must to locate yellow targets in the canal, then blast them. However, most canals can be close to each other, so the computer may be misleading. You can even switch to the Cloud Car to fit in the canals better. Once you take out all the generators, the city will lose electricity. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Objective 3: Defend the tibanna gas platforms from TIEs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here, take out the two balloons between the two platforms, then focus on the five TIE bombers. If you have homing missiles, use them here for just the TIEs. It shouldn't be too hard, but take them out quickly, before they can do lasting damage. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 6:40 Enemies Destroyed : 110 Shot Accuracy: 65% Friendlies Lost: 29 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 72% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 10: Battle of Endor ======================================================================= ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) The frigate Redemption must survive | | 2) Destroy all TIE Bombers | | 3) The Home One must survive | | 4) Destroy both Imperial Class Star Destroyers | |___________________________________________________| Tough mission first time through, but one of the funnest in the game. When it starts, close your S-Foils and pull up, turning around to face the Calamari cruisers and the star destroyers in the background. Speed toward the star destroyers, and you'll soon see two groups of about 100 stars twinkling. However, they're not stars; they're fighters. Follow some squadrons around and blast the heck out of them, and after you take out about 30-50, you'll hear a wingmate tell you Bombers are coming in. Bombers in space? They're useless! Ah, you're wrong. They're loaded with concussion missiles, and are in a squadron of about 35. Plus, they will all hammer the Redemption. See the threat of Objective 1? Ah, yes. Take out the bombers quickly. You can take about 6 out if you're good before they reach the redemption. Use the targeting computer if you can't find them. After you take all of them out, forget about the Redemption for the rest of the mission. You'll now be treated to a cutscene that gets cut off short, and will approach the two star destroyers. Close the S-Foils, and fly low. Tell your wingmen to go after TIEs, and take out one of the ISD's bottom generators first, then the top two, then the bridge. You have just cut off half of the fire that will hit Home One hopefully before it gets there. Now focus on the other star destroyer, using the same strategy. Once they're both gone, fly as far away as you can, so you don't lose a life or take unnecessary damage while the destroyers go down. Soon, Admiral Ackbar will tell you to commence the attack on the Death Star, and off you go. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 10:00 Enemies Destroyed : 60 Shot Accuracy: 31% Friendlies Lost: 6 Lives Lost: 1 Targeting Computer effiency: 80% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Mission 11: Strike at the Core ======================================================================= ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Protect the Millenium Falcon | | 2) Reach the power core entry | | 3) Destroy the power core | | 4) Escape with the Millenium Falcon | |___________________________________________________| This level is such a pain in the butt the first time, you'll want to stop playing the game. However, it's one of the more easier golds, believe it or not. When the level begins, close your S-Foils to reach the Falcon, then open them and fly high above it. Pick off the TIEs from up there, closing yuor S-Foils between waves to catch up with it. When you see the large opening to the rench, close your S-Foils and rush for it, starting the more deadly part of the stage. As soon as this part starts, fire your lasers to take out the three fighters already on Lando's butt. Continue to take out more TIEs in this incredibly small amount of space, and close your S-Foils on straight-aways to keep up. Soon you'll reach a HUGE room with the power core. Shoot the small add-on tower at the top and you'll be treated to an exit cinema. Here, close your S-Foils and rush ahead of the Falcon, then open them to go up the slope. Close them on straight-aways, and open them on turns so you don't lose a life. At the end, close the foils and speed toward the opening quickly, then sit back and watch the credits.......well done, you've beaten the game......or have you? *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 5:05 Enemies Destroyed : 41 Shot Accuracy: 32% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 1 Targeting Computer effiency: 95% *********************************************************************** =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= Secret Missions =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= ======================================================================= Secret Mission 1: Death Star Escape ======================================================================= Points to Unlock: 20 Location: Above Death Star Attack ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | 1) Destroy all TIE Fighters | |___________________________________________________| This is an eeeeeeeeeassssssy mission. Just hold down the button if you want to get through it, and tap it for medals. The TIEs always fly in the same pattern, so after a while, you'll just memorize it. After Leia says "We've lost lateral control!" you're at the 1 minute mark. Just keep shooting, and you'll get through, even though the last two TIEs can be a bugger. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 1:20 Enemies Destroyed : 35 Shot Accuracy: 16% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 100% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Secret Mission 2: The Asteroid Field ======================================================================= Points to Unlock: 30 Location: Above Battle of Hoth ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Escape the TIE Fighters | | 2) Secretly land on a Star Destroyer | |___________________________________________________| Another very easy mission. Fly forward and shoot your lasers, which will also fire your backwards lasers, killing the TIEs behind you. When you try to land in that monster's hole(cinema scene), you'll be halfway through the level. After a while, you'll find a star destroyer. Fly toward the orange rebel symbol near one of the top shield generators, and land to end the level. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 4:34 Enemies Destroyed : 50 Shot Accuracy: 10% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 1 Targeting Computer effiency: 75% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Secret Mission 3: Triumph of the Empire ======================================================================= Points to Unlock: 30 Location: Above Strike at the Core _____________________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Destroy all rebels over the surface | | 2) Destroy all rebels before they fire their proton torpedos| |_____________________________________________________________| Quite an easy mission. If you have seeker clusters, fire them all over the surface, but if you don't, you'll have to tail the rebel ships and shoot them down with your own lasers. Once you kill all rebels on the surface, you'll go into the trench. This is even easier, since they all fly in a straight line. Just keep firing your lasers or clusters, and you'll soon end this easy mission. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 4:00 Enemies Destroyed : 32 Shot Accuracy: 35% Friendlies Lost: 3 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 100% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Secret Mission 4: Revenge on Yavin ======================================================================= Points to Unlock: 40 Location: Right of Triumph of Empire After Getting at Least Bronze ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Don't allow more than two transports to escape | | 2) destroy as many rebels as possible | | 3) Destroy as many convoy craft as possible | |___________________________________________________| When the mission starts, fly straight and take out the two convoy craft on the ground. Look to your right in the sky, and fire clusters at the convoy craft trying to make it's escape. Now fly straight to another clearing with 3 transports. Take these out, then fly west and take out the 4-5 there. Soon, you'll be treated to a cutscene, which shows the rebels launching ships from the Great Temple. Hmmmmmmm..... Wait til the doors open again to launch more X-Wings, then fly inside the temple. Unload ALL your clusters on the five transports here, then finsih them with lasers. You may also want to take out some A-Wings and X-Wings that are grounded here with some clusters beforehand. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 4:19 Enemies Destroyed : 36 Shot Accuracy: 65% Friendlies Lost: 15 Lives Lost: 0 Targeting Computer effiency: 100% *********************************************************************** ======================================================================= Secret Mission 5: Endurance ======================================================================= Points to Unlock: 20(all gold medals) Location: Right of Revenge on Yavin, After Getting at Least a Bronze ___________________________________________________ | Objectives: | | | | 1) Destroy as many TIEs as possible | |___________________________________________________| 99 waves of pure dogfighting goodness! Choose the X-Wing or the Naboo Starfighter, and use a simple strategy. Fly staright past the incoming wave until they're on the bottom of your radar, then turn around and fire at as many as possible with your targeting computer on. After the 99th wave, Vader will come out to play-a simple homing torpedo will finish him. May the force be with you-for 4 hours. *********************************************************************** Gold Medal Requirements *********************************************************************** Completion Time: 400:00 Enemies Destroyed : 1300 Shot Accuracy: 8% Friendlies Lost: 0 Lives Lost: 12 Targeting Computer effiency: 0% *********************************************************************** GAME COMPLETE =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 8) Miscellaneous =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= In this section is everything else you'll need to know about Rogue Leader. Read carefully! ======================================================================= Controlling your Wingmen ======================================================================= In the middle of any level, you may find the need to call upon your wingmen to help you out. Whether it be to take somebody off your tail, take out a critical stationary turrent, or just to form besides you, it's important to know how to control them. Hit the D-Pad once to bring up the menu, then hit it again in the direction that represents your order. A brief rundown on them: Form/Defend _ _| |_ Guns|_ _| TIEs/AT-STs/AT-PTs/Attack |_| Flee/Retreat Form makes your wingmen join you in a tight formation, while Guns lets them take out those immobile bitches. Choose TIEs/AT-STs/AT-PTs/Attack to take out the most dangerous threat, or flee to let them run and give you friendly saves. ======================================================================= Unlocking Bonus Stages/Medal Info ======================================================================= If you meet certain requirements in a mission, you will be awarded either a Bronze, Silver, or Gold medal. Each medal is worth the following points: Bronze: 3 points Silver: 6 points Gold: 10 points Once you have enough points from the medals, you can unlock the secret levels at the end of the game. ======================================================================= Using the Advanced Targeting Computer ======================================================================= Switch on the advanced targeting computer, and if a diamond crosshair isn't there, tap the D-Pad to make it appear. Make the crosshair over enemies, then hit the direction "Attack" to have your wingmen attack those specific targets. The computer will only switch off when you hit the Y Button again. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 9) Upgrades =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Rogue Leader upgrades are little white cones that are found on all 10 regular missions of the game (including both day and night Academy Heist missions). You need to find most of them to have a chance at getting golds and unlocking some of the better secret missions. ======================================================================= Death Star Attack ======================================================================= Upgrade: Advanced Shields As soon as the Objective 2 part starts(the TIE fighters) fly about 17 degrees to your left and look for it near a gun turrent. It's hard to spot since it'll camoflauge with the surface really well, so keep you eyes open. Tell your wingmen to flee so they don't kill the TIEs, giving you more time to find it. ======================================================================= Ison Corridor Ambush ======================================================================= Upgrade: Advanced Porton Torpedos As soon as you start the mission, look for a piece of large debris in the middile or slightly offcenter of your view. Fly through it and pick up the little white cone, then fly out and carry on with the mission. B-Wing not suggested for getting the upgrade. ======================================================================= Battle of Hoth ======================================================================= Upgrade: Advanced Lasers As soon as you destroy the 3 AT-ATs approaching the shield generator and the scene appears where the generator gets blown to bits, fly back to where it was and pick up the nice little Advanced Lasers. The easiest to find, and the most useful. ======================================================================= Prisons of the Maw ======================================================================= Upgrade: Advanced Cluster Missiles After the weapons depot, you'll find a beacon on your radar to go to the Comms Relay to knock out communications. On your way there, you'll find a satellite dish and a dome. Blast the dome open with some ol' bombs, and snatch up the upgrade. ======================================================================= Razor Rendezvous ======================================================================= Upgrade: Advanced Proton Bombs As soon as the mission starts, high-tail it to the back of the ISD(Imperial Star Destroyer). You'll see a shuttle trying to save it's hide. Shoot it down, and out pops the white cone of joy for your squadron to snatch. ======================================================================= Vengeance on Kothlis ======================================================================= Upgrade: Homing Proton Torpedos When you reach the downed Star Destroyer, look around the old brdge area for a hole. Fly into it and try to spot the tiny white cone in the wreckage. Pick it up, and try to get out without hitting any walls. Best to do as the transport is landing, or even try it while in the speeder. ======================================================================= Imperial Academy Heist ======================================================================= Upgrades: Day-Advanced Concussion Missiles Night-Spread Proton Bombs Daytime ---------- There will be little buildings that look like the hangars from Battle for Naboo. The Imperial Shuttle is north, so fly through the hangar in the "east" direction for the upgrade. Nighttime ----------- Look for the hangars again, having the shuttle as north, but this time, the upgrade is in the west hangar. Best to do as the TIE Fighter, when nobody's firing at you. ======================================================================= Raid on Bespin ======================================================================= Upgrade: Seeker Concussion Missiles In the second area, with two Tibanna gas platforms and two balloons of turbolasers shooting at them, destroy the fuel tanker when it's next to the platform. It'll take out a bunch of tanks, one of which that has the upgrade in it. ======================================================================= Battle of Endor ======================================================================= Upgrade: Homing Cluster Missiles As you approach the Star Destroyers in the second part of the mission, go to the left ship, then turn 90 degrees left and fly down. You're looking for a bright white mark somewhere in space. You may have to turn around to get it, which usually happens to me. ======================================================================= Strike at the Core ======================================================================= Upgrade: Advanced Targeting Computer In the large "trench" run of sorts, after the slope part, head to the bottom right and under sets of pipes. Keep flying there and you'll eventually run into it. If you run into the white and black walls before the core area, you've gone too far. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 10) Secrets/Codes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= Black and White Mode ======================================================================= To open the useless Black and White mode, type "Lionhead" in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= Art Gallery ======================================================================= To unlock the Art Gallery, type "Exhibit!" in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= Music Hall ======================================================================= To unlock the Music Hall, type "Composer" in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= Documentary ======================================================================= To view the making of documentary for Rogue Leader, type ?INSIDER in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= Audio Commentary ======================================================================= To get the Audio Commentary for each level, type BLAHBLAH in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= Ace Mode ======================================================================= To unlock Ace Mode, get a gold medal on all of the 15 missions. Then the feature will be unlocked under Special Features in the Options menu. An alternative way to unlock Ace Mode is to type U!?!VWZC then GIVEITUP in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= Millenium Falcon ======================================================================= To unlock the Falcon, get a bronze on all of the missions(everythign but Tatooine) and it will be unlocked in the hangar. Another way to get the Millenium Falcon is to input MVPQIU?A then OH!BUDDY in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= TIE Fighter ======================================================================= To unlock the TIE Fighter in normal missions, steal it in both the daytime and the nightime Academy Heist missions(the location differs in each one). To unlock it in Triumph of the Empire, beat the mission with the TIE Advanced first. Another way to get the TIe is to put ZT?!RGBA then DISPSBLE in the passcodes section under options. ======================================================================= TIE Advanced X1 ======================================================================= To unlock Darth Vader's TIE Advanced X1, get a gold medal on the 15 missions(of course, not Tatooine) and it will be ready in the hangar. The much easier way to claim the XI is to type NYM!UUOK then BLKHLMT! in the Passcodes section under Options. ======================================================================= Slave One ======================================================================= To unlock the Slave One(Bobba Fett's ship) get a silver on the regular 10 missions and on the Death Star Escape and Asteroid Chase missions. Typing PZ?APBSY then IRONSHIP will also get yout the Bounty Hunter's slow fighter. ======================================================================= Naboo(N1) Starfighter ======================================================================= To unlock the Naboo Starfighter, beat the Tatooine Training Grounds Missions in all 4 times of the day (morning, day, evening, and night). To save yourself mindless training time, merely type CDYXF!?Q then ASEPONE! in Passcodes under Options to claim your Nubian escort. ======================================================================= Unlock All Regular Missions ======================================================================= If you don't want to waste your time or effort unlocking all the missions, just type in !??QWTTJ then CLASSIC in the Passcodes section. ======================================================================= Unlock "Death Star Escape" Secret Mission ======================================================================= To unlock the Death Star Escape, you need 20 points. The mission is above the Death Star Attack mission, and you can buy it one you do have 20 points. To unlock Death Star Escape without using any points, just type PYST?OOO then DUCKSHOT to get the hidden level. ======================================================================= Unlock "The Asteroid Field" Secret Mission ======================================================================= To unlock the Asteroid Chase mission, you need 30 points. The mission is above the Battle of Hoth mission, and can be bought with 30 points. Another way to unlock the asteroid chase level is to type in TVLYBBXL then NOWAR!!! in the Passcodes section. ======================================================================= Unlock "Triumph of the Empire" Secret Mission ======================================================================= To unlock the Triumph of the Empire mission, you need 30 points. The mission is above the Strike at the Core Mission, and can be bought with 30 points. An easier way to unlock the first Vader mission is to input AZTBOHII then OUTCAST! in the Passcodes section. ======================================================================= Unlock "Revenge on Yavin" Secret Mission ======================================================================= To unlock the Raid on Yavin mission, you need 40 points. The mission is to the right of the Triumph of the Empire mission, and can only be bought and found after you get a silver medal on the Triumph of the Empire mission. To get the Yavin Imperial mission, type in OGGRWPDG then EEKEEK! in the Passcodes section. ======================================================================= Unlock "Death Star Endurance" Secret Mission ======================================================================= To unlock the Death Star Endurance mission, you need 20 points. You must first conquer all levels and get golds on all prevous 14 levels, then buy it with your remaining 20 points. To get the 100-wave endurance mission, type ?WCYBRTC then ??MBC??? in the Passcodes section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= Imperial Shuttle in Triumph of the Empire and Revenge on Yavin ======================================================================= To get the Imperial Shuttle without earning any medals, just type in AJHH!?JY then BUSTOUR and the pokey shuttle is yours. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= Infinite Lives ======================================================================= To get all the lives you need for those hard missions like Endor and Endurance, just type JPVI?IJC then RSBFNRL in the Passcodes section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ======================================================================= The Car ======================================================================= To unlock the hidden car with "S-Foils", cluster missiles, rechargable shields and more, type !ZUVIEL! then !BENZIN! in the Passcodes section. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 11) FAQ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Q: I hit the Targeting Computer button, but then it goes right off! A: You have to hold the targeting computer button down as long as you want to use it. The only way around this is to find the Advanced Targeting Computer upgrade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: No TIEs are on the Falcon's back on Strike at the Core, but it blows up anyway! A: You must stay near the Falcon, even if no TIEs are firing at it, to keep it alive. Close your S-Foils between waves of TIEs to keep up with it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: I'm shooting at the core piece, but it won't explode! A: Aim from the tower at the tower of that pillar, that looks like it's attached on by two metal pipes. Shoot at that. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Where do I fire my torpedos in Death Star Attack? A: Aim for the bottom part of the wall at the end of the trench. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I steal the TIE Fighter during the day in Imperial Academy Heist? A: After disabling all the sensors with your Ion Cannon, fly over the right canyon wall and follow that path until you reach a large area with a single TIE Fighter and a communications dish. Disale the dish, then shoot your Cannon at the fighter to disable it. Wait for it to take off, and soon it will land, with the Rebel symbol over it. Fly into that symbol and take control of the TIE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do I kill the TIEs in the Asteroid Field? They never go in front of me! A: If you shoot the Falcon's lasers forward, a turrent gun also shoots backwards, wiping off tail-gating TIEs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 12 Copyright Information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This document is copyright 2001-2002 John Misczak. All rights reserved. You may not reproduce or use this guide without seeking my permission first. All characters and logos are trademarks of Lucas Arts and Factor 5. Please email me at john@nintensity.com or contact me on AIM at NintensityJohn if you have any questions. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=