satc fire Sir Virgil II ==================================================== Pohsyb's Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II Glitch FAQ ==================================================== | -+- | /|\ \|/ === | | | | |_| (___) (_____) ================================== Summary: This FAQ is not really going to help you play Rogue Leader any better or get Gold Medals. This is a FAQ for people obsessed with the game who want to knitpick over every little detail. It is also a FAQ for people with WAY too much time on their hands. This FAQ is not intended in anyway to rip on or degrade the fine programmers at Factor 5. They only had 9 months, while most major games have at least 18 months, and they still created an absolute masterpiece. This FAQ is just something for for fun and giggles. Also, I hope, when someone has a strange experience, they can check this FAQ to see if they are unique or if has happened to other people. ================================== Game Description: See other FAQ's. Game Play: See other FAQ's. Ship Information: See other FAQ's. Bonus Items: See other FAQ's. Hints, Tips and Cheats: See other FAQ's. Everything else that is not a glitch, bug, quirk or mistake: See other FAQ's --------- Index ================================================ I don't like indexes, just scroll down Version ----------- 1.0 -- 1/11/02 -- Wrote this FAQ 1.1 -- 1/18/02 -- Added glitches, Added a bit to the intro, and gave credit where needed. 2.0 -- 2/16/02 -- Added categories and some glitches Credit ----------- The person that first pointed out a glitch is in parenthsis behind each glitch. If I found/noticed a glitch before someone pointed it out to me I use (self). If I couldn't find the original poster of a glitch I used (??). An asterisk by the credit means I took a direct quote. If you were that poster or know who that poster was please email me: I've gleaned this information from countless sources and some frome experiance. If you are one of the may who has posted about a glitch...thanks! Definitions --------------- GLITCH -- A mistake in gameplay (like being able to fly through a wall) ERROR -- A logic mistake or something in disagreement with the official Star Wars Universe HUMOUR -- Anything that just seems funny QUIRK -- Anything that just seems weird ---------------------- GENERAL ======================================================== Glitches ----------- If you crash immediately before any cutscene, when the scene is over your ships shields are restored, but you will not lose a life. (??) Sometimes after a mission is over, the game will freeze. The screen will go black and the music will keep playing, but nothing else. This seems to happen more often on the longer missions like Endurance and Kothlis. (lots of unlucky people) Periodically (and especially on endurance) R2-D2's repair cross will get stuck on (sometimes by crashing as soon as it appears). When it gets stuck you will be able to call on R2 for a full repair any time but afterwards the cross will continue to annoyingly blink (even on later lives) and R2 will no longer repair the ship until you die and respawn. (??) In the hangers you can pass through walls by pressing up against one and holding the control stick and the C-stick up and at the same time tapping the X button. (The Asp1327) Flying low to the ground during bombing runs will result in a sever frame rate drop. (??) If you pause the game immediatly before a death, the pause screen music will continue when you re-spawn. (Zonno2) NEW - When you close the foils on the X-Wing the reticule will disappear, but it will not return when you are using the targeting computer. (Mariofett) Errors ----------- In the credits after beating the game Luke Skywalker is spelled "Luke Skwalker." (PuPz) Throughout the game, the bubble on the bottom of the Imperial Star Destroyer (ISD) is referred to as a sheild generator, while it is actually the main reactor. (self) UPDATE - Dracard writes: Anyways, I'd like to point out that also the top two globes on the top of the ISD are sensor globes, not shield generators as said. Several SW sites seem to confirm this. Many SW games (Not just RL) have this, too. The cockpit of the B-Wing is supposed to stay level as the ship rotates, but it rotates with the ship instead. (BabyLarva) UPDATE - Roach writes: The B-wing was developed shortly before the battle of Endor, that's probably why Factor 5 didn't make it the default ship for many missions. Snow speeders only have one tow cable, but on several levels you are required to take three of them down. (BabyLarva) On any level where you have wingmen in slower ships, they will still be able to match your speed. (reggemS) When using cockpit mode with the Naboo starfighter, the blue flame of the engines is not visible. (ProtoDude) In space the Y-wings proton bombs will always fall the same direction even though there is no gravity (James94) The Y-Wings bombs will magically regenerate This is not consistant with any movie, book, or game previously released. (*STLocutus) Slave 1's lasers fire slightly below the aiming reticule (STLocutus) NEW - The narrator says the Y-Wing's ion cannon is auto-aiming, but it does not auto-aim during gameplay. (GBA180) NEW - The instruction manual shows a picture of a snowspeeder by the desciption of the A-Wing. Quirks ----------- The B-Wing has ion cannons, but on all levels where Ion cannons are required you are forced to use the Y-Wing. Why even bother? (Protodude) When you change ships (in any level) the scene showing the change doesn't show the pilot get out his old ship, I guess he just teleports. If your wingmen are with you when you change ships, they will just hover as you change ships, then instantly change ships mid-air. (Jay) Humour ----------- TIE fighters following you through a tight space (beneath an AT-AT's legs) will generally crash. Not very good pilots I guess. (self) ---------------------- Training Mission ======================================================== Glitches ------------- On some of the training items, notably braking and boosting if you brake or boost too soon, it will not register and you will have to try again. (self) NEW - Sometimes a severe slowdown will occur for apparantly no reason. (bug) Quirks ------------ You cannot go to a new training until the narrator is done yapping about a previous one. (Self) You can cheat on the Beggar's canyon race. Follw Biggs down path 1 until it says "path 1" on the screen, then pull a U-turn and go down path 2. (Vic Rattlehead) Humour ------------- If you shoot the crashed TIE fighter with the ION cannon it will roll around in the ground. (blueflame) ---------------------- Death Star Attack ======================================================== Glitches ------------- If you crash into a horizontal pylon, the scene showing your death will also show your wingmen clipping right through it. (Gsimpson25) Errors ------------- In the X-wing craft description the evil narrato says the X-Wing is the craft that destroyed the Death Star even though that is your current mission. (Darkclaw) Quirks ------------- Near the end of the trench run, the Millenium Falcon sometimes swoops overhead and sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes the Falcon will miss the TIE fighters it's supposed to pick off. (Amorphos) Darth Vader's ship can be destroyed. Some others have reported being able to destroy it, but I'm still skeptical...I think it's just the falcon doing it for you. --UNCOMFIRMED (outrider2400) If you tell your wingmen to leave they will still talk to you throughout the mission and return for the trench run. (STLocutus) NEW - Even after all of the turbolasers have been eliminated, mysterious gunfire still magically appears out of the surface of the death star Humour ------------- If the last TIE fighter in a squad dies by colliding into a tower or another TIE, Wedge will still compliment you on what a great shot you are. (*STLocutus) ---------------------- Ison Corridor Ambush ======================================================== Glitches ------------- NEW - If you win with the millenium Falcon, the ending cutscene will show the inside of the falcon. (SeaSerpent) Quirks ------------- In the cutscene showing the docking with the Redemption, the Redemption is flying backwards. (Necromancer001) If you use the TIE fighter, the begining cutscene will show it coming out of hyper-drive even though the narrator explicitly says there is no hyperdrive in the craft description. (BenKitsune) Humour ------------- After the first cutscene, there is a buick floating around in the Nebula. I haven't devised a failproof way to locate this but if you follow the direction the convoy is going it is slightly to the right and down. bcole23 writes: There is a way to see the car in the Ison Corridor every time. At the beginning of that part, just turn around 180. Do not speed up or slow down(unless you're in the N1 or A-wing). Your craft will automatically turn around. Now just center your craft on the Medical Frigate and the car will come from below it flying toward you. The captain of the first frigate to be attacked will scream 'They're all over us!' even if you've destroyed all but one of the TIE fighters in the area. (*STLocutus) ---------------------- Battle of Hoth ======================================================== Glitches ------------- There is a flying rebel soldier in the first section. The best way find him is to fly towards the main battle area then head over to the lead group of AT-AT's that still have AT-ST escorts. Coming from behind, the flying soldier is almost directly behind the rightmost AT-AT. He is not flying very high so don't look too far up. Laser shots will not affect him ( you can even fly right through him). Try this in cockpit mode and he will even clip right through your cockpit. (Self) When holding on the brakes and flying towards an AT-ST, they will sometimes slide forwards as if they have ice skates. (bcole23) Errors ------------- All of the lasers are pink on hoth instead of the customary red and green. (Self) UPDATE - Matt writes: ... I don't agree that the pink lasers in the battle of hoth should be considered a glitch. If you listen to the audio commentary during this level, the developers refer to the pink lasers as something that they did on purpose to reflect what was done in the movie. Even if the effects crew involved in the original movie made an error (which I believe they did), the designers of the game clearly did it on purpose to remain true to the scene. Quirks ------------- After the long cutscene where Luke's snowspeeder goes down, you supposedly switch to controlling Wedge. However, you actually end up controlling the same speeder you left off with, in the same location you were in before the cutscene began. (*STLocutus) NEW - The downed AT-AT will mentioned above will not be anywhere on the battlefield. (GBA180) Humour ------------- If you choose a speeder with the right viewpoint, you can see that the hanger doors never open. (Oni1ink) After you complete the first part, if you don't go near the transports you can linger around the battlefield as long as you want. If you wait long enough the rear AT-AT's will eventually make it to the rebel defense line and stop (kinda cool to see). However, when the second and third waves catch up, the leftmost AT-AT's (from the back) will pass right into the one already stopped and eventually mearge with it completly. Although, the shadow of the 3-in-1 AT-AT will be much darker than the solitary ones. Only try this if you have no life. (self) ---------------------- Prisons of the Maw ======================================================== Quirks ------------- In the first section, even after you make a hole in the sheild blocking your path if you try to fly past there area where the sheild was you will still blow up. (Self) If you destroy the train tracks, the train will still magically fly over the destroyed section. (Cracker Farmboy) Humour ------------- After you dismiss your wingmen, they will fly offscreen and play ring-around-the-rosey in a crater out of bounds. (bcole23) ---------------------- Razor Rendevous ======================================================== Glitches ------------- If you suicide into the command deck after the sheild generators have been destroyed you will end the mission and not lose a life. (CyricZ) The raised panel on the bottom of the ISD and closest to the front can be clipped. (self) Quirks ------------- If you destroy the ISD fast enough (it has been done as fast as 19 seconds) the Razor will not fall to Kothlis with it, thereby negating the need for the Vengence on Kothlis mission. (outrider2400) Humour ------------- If you use the TIE fighter, the begining cutscene will show it coming out of hyper-drive even though the narrator explicitly says there is no hyperdrive in the craft description. (BenKitsune) ---------------------- Vengence on Kothlis ======================================================== Quirks ------------- The reflection of the AT-AT's vanishes a second before the AT-AT goes completely underwater. Also, while the AT-AT and your ship are properly mirrored, the tow cable is not. (*STLocutus) Humour ------------- The AT-AT's get out of the ISD and make it halfway to the transport in only a few seconds, but then hardly move. (??) During the mission, Admiral Madine mistakenly refers to the ISD as a 'Store Destroyer.' Wal-Mart's everywhere cringe in terror and alarm. (*STLocutus) ---------------------- Imperial Academy Heist ======================================================== Glitches ------------- There is a TIE interceptor inside a mountain. Complete the sensor canyon and do almost a 180 turn. The TIE will actually shoot out through the anyon wall. (warreneng) At night time, when the AT-AT's are prowling about in the large valleys, if you fly close to their legs you can see they levitate where the ground drops in front of them. (self) Errors ------------- When playing in the daytime, after you ionize the first sensor you can blow it up immediately. This will not work for any other sensors. (self) During nighttime, if you destroy the cages around the AT-AT's you can still trip then even though they are not walking. (SkiDragon) Quirks ------------- During the daytime the second sensor does not neet to be ionized. (self) Flying into or shooting the pools of water will not effect it...not even a ripple. (Eidostherocker) Humour ------------- If you trip certain AT-AT's at night, when they fall, they can clip through the ground and bury their heads like an ostrich. (self) The Academy alarm sound seems more and more like an animal in pain as it continues to play. (*STLocutus) ---------------------- Raid on Bespin ======================================================== Glitches ------------- NEW - After a gun baloon begins to fall, you can clip it. (Madmaniac27) Quirks ------------- Sometimes after destroying all of the generators in the main city, the turbolasers will continue firing, sometimes they will stop. (self) While in the cockpit mode of the cloud car, the right-hand half of the ship will not collide with anything; you can fly extremely close to walls without worry. (This is pretty much true for any ship in the game, actually, including the Falcon) (*STLocutus) NEW - After destroying every turbolaser in the entire city, you still have to destroy the generators to complete the mission. (self) NEW - Even after all of the turbolasers have been eliminated, mysterious gunfire still magically appears out of nowhere. (self) ---------------------- Battle of Endor ======================================================== Glitches ------------- You can crash into and destroy the command decks of both imperial star destroyers without taking out the shield generators first (does not work with A-Wing, TIE, or TIE advanced). (bleh) Use the above trick and ram the first ISD, then wait till it falls and stops moving. Ram the command deck again and the ISD will fall a little bit further, teleport back to its starting position, then crash again as it nears Home One. (Nicolas) In the first part, if you die at the right moment (while the fleet is turning around) you will re-spawn INSIDE of a transport ship....which will procede to destroy you again. (self) If you take out the left ISD at the right time it will actually bob Home One. The ISD however will just pass through home one without destroying it. (self) A TIE will fly into the bottom of the medical frigate and then back out. --UNCONFIRMED (mariofett) There is a floating B-wing, way way below the action. UPDATE - To find it, do the mission as normal, but once home one reaches the star destroyers, turn around and use your radar to find the isolated friendly (bcole23) You can fly through the hollow lower portion of the Mon Calamari's wing by the engine. (Fly straight down between the engine and the solid part of the wing.) (Gsimpson25) --UNCONFIRMED Errors ------------- Most of the cutscene dialogues get cutoff before they end. I will outline all of these in detail later (self) If you choose the Millenium Falcon, there will be two falcons in the level. The one you are flying and the one Lando is flying. (self) Wedge will tell R5 to "lock down that stabilizer" even if you are flying a non-droid equipped ship like the TIE fighter. (pokegurl) Quirks ------------- Sometimes after destroying one or both ISD's, a large squadron of TIE interceptors will fly away (towards the SuperSD in the background). The fly in a straight line, ignore you and make excellent targets. I'm not sure what triggers this, but it is rare. (self) NEW - After the cutscene showing the destruction of the Liberty, all the remaining TIE's in the area will be gone. (GBA180) Humour ------------- After Lando reports that the medical frigate is 'not gonna last much longer', it can survive for about 2 minutes. (*STLocutus) If you turn around as the mission is just beginning, the TIEs will attack early. You can start dogfighting them almost immediately, in order to rack up kills, while the rest of the dialog is occuring. Lando will still tell you to accellerate to attack speed and engage the fighters, even though you've been doing it for the past 30 seconds. (*STLocutus) ---------------------- Strike at the Core ======================================================== Glitches ------------- You are able to clip through some of the towers on the surface (DavidMWarrior) Humour ------------- When you reach the Death Star core, you can only fly extremely slowly. This is probably done to give the impression that you're in a huge space, but just ends up looking really cheesy. (*STLocutus) ---------------------- Death Star Escape ======================================================== ?? ---------------------- The Asteroid Field ======================================================== Glitches ------------- You can pass through all the asteroids near the last ISD (weggy). If you fly too high or too low you get the ship turnaround scene, but then continue flying towards the objective. In most levels if you go to high/low you will be forced to level out. (??) Errors ------------- After you attach to the back of the ISD, the cutscene will show all the lasers still firing at you. Which does not make any sense in the context of the movies. If they know your attached, why would they just fly away? (self) In any turnaround scene, the Millenium Falcon can pass through asteroids in its way, but TIE fighters in pursuit will crash into them. (self) NEW - When you play as the Millenium Falcon, the objectives say, "Protect the Millenium Falcon" while you are actually supposed to protect Wedge's X-Wing. (SeaSerpent) Humour ------------- If you use a lot of patience and the infinite lives code, you can destroy all the sheild generators and command deck on the last ISD. They take a ton of hits and even after you take them out the ISD will still just sit there. (self) NEW - Get shot down as you go flying into the rebel icon on the Star Destroyer at the end of the stage. You'll go flying down, into the rebel icon, and the stage will end and the life loss won't even be registered. Even funnier about the death is that you will still land properly onto the Star Destroyer, and the Millenium Falcon acts as if it wasn't badly damaged! (*Dont Ask) ---------------------- Triumph of the Empire ======================================================== Errors ------------- If you use any other ship the cutscenes will still show the TIE advanced. (self) Quirks ------------- The hanger has a TIE bomber on the ceiling which goes unused. Darth Vader and the other ships don't have reflections. If you use the walk through walls trick, you can how the reflection effect was really implemented. (self) If you tell your wingmen to flee it will count in the "friendlies lost" category. Not to mention Vader will still tell them to follow him into the trench (which they never actually do anyways). (snoozer) UPDATE - the wingmenthemselves do not count as firendlies lost, but you always lose more friendlies if they do flee. Humour ------------- NEW - Shoot at your wingmen and listen to their reaction. It is hard to disagree with the boss man (self) ---------------------- Revenge on Yavin ======================================================== Glitches ------------- The walls on the outside of the great temple that extend radially can be clipped. (bootlegger6) NEW - A Corellian Corvetter will pass through a transport. (SeaSerpent) --UNCOMFIRMED Errors ------------- NEW - If you don't destroy the very last transport and wait for it to leave, once it goes into hyperspace you will still get the cutscene showing the transport being destroyed in the hangar. (SeaSerpent) Humour ------------- Inside the rebel hanger you can blow up the rebel luggage (boxes and stuff stacked by the walls) but it will not count for kills. (Self) NEW - When you lose the mission Vader out of frustration will kill one of his own men, very funny. The cutscene is wierd though and Vaders lasers will remain stationary (self) NEW - Why bother destroying each transport individually when you could just blow up the whole planet with the Death Star? (Bulzeeb...and a bunch of other people) ---------------------- Endurance ======================================================== Errors ------------- After destroying Vader the count at the top of the screen says 100 waves completed, but the result screen says 99 waves. (self) Quirks ------------- When you fly high, you can see where the level ends. The edge of the death star? (self) Humour ------------- The narrator states in the level description not to shoot at friendly rebel ships. If that is a joke it is not funny. Not funny at all. (self) If Slave 1 is chosen a tower blocks it path at the beginning of the level. If you don't press A it will just sit there motionless. After pressing A you must pull up HARD to avoid being destroyed, but it's still a bumpy ride. (evstein7) NEW - Mysterious gunfire still magically appears out of the surface of the death star, but there are no turbo lasers. (self) ============================================================= Legal --------- and both have explicit permission to use this FAQ Otherwise, I don't care. Use this all you want. Don't even give me credit if you don't want to. ============== Contact ---------