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FAQ/Walkthrough for X-Wing 1.01: Death Star Attack 1.02: Ison Corridor Ambush 1.03: Battle of Hoth 1.04: Razor Rendezvous 1.05: Vengeance on Kothlis 1.06: Raid on Bespin 1.07: Battle of Endor 1.08: Strike at the Core 1.09: Endurance IV. Last Words -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- I. Introduction -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Hiya, and welcome to the X-Wing FAQ. The purpose of this guide is to show you how to use the X-Wing well. We will try not to change ships too much. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- II. X-Wing Info -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- An excellent multipurpose fighter, the X-wing is fast enough for fighter-to-fighter attacks and carries enough weapons to attack, in groups, a wide range of targets. Specialized craft are usually more capable in specific instances, but the X-wing can still perform well in most roles. As a result, the starfighter was favored (and popularized) by the Alliance, which didn't have the resources for construction or purchase of a variety of combat vessels. Full Name: Incom T-65 X-Wing Type: Starfighter Length: 12.5 meters Weapons: 4 quad laser cannons* 2 proton torpedo launchers* * = used in the game How to Unlock: Play and Beat mission #1: Death Star Attack -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- III. FAQ/Walkthrough for the X-Wing -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- In this, I'm gonna assume that you have the following upgrades: Advanced Proton Torpedoes (found: Ison Corridor Ambush) Homing Proton Torpedoes (found: Vengeance on Kothlis) *************************OPTIONAL******************************** Advanced Lasers (found: Battle of Hoth) Advanced Shields (found: Death Star Attack) Advanced Targeting Computer (found: Strike at the Core) Advanced Proton Bombs (found: Razor Rendezvous) Spread Proton Bombs (found: Imperial Academy Heist-night) -=3.01: Death Star Attack=- Objective: Blow up the Death Star before it blows up Yavin IV At the beginning of the level, take out all of the deflector towers. Send your wingmen after the guns. Once all of the deflector towers are gone, you'll have a section in which you take out the TIE fighters. Send your wingmen after the TIEs. The TIEs will go down quickly. If you are having trouble finding them, use your targeting computer. They will be yellow. Once they are gone, it is time for the trench. Here, navigate the crossbars. You might want to have your brakes down if you are unconfortable with going through here. You can avoid or destroy the guns. Once you pass the crossbar section, a group of TIEs will come up behind you. When this happens, close your S-Foils, brake, duck, come back up, and shoot the TIEs down. Repeat this process for the next group. Now Vader's TIE will come up behind you. Do the same process, but don't bother shooting--he is invincible. On the third pass, don't worry about anything. Captain Solo will come along, and shoot Vader down ("You're all clear, kid! Now let's blow this thing and go home!"). Now, use your targeting computer to find the exhaust port. It will be yellow. When it is in sight, shoot the proton torpedoes at the exhaust port. If you hit it, the mission will be complete! If not, shoot again. -=3.02: Ison Corridor Ambush=- Objective: Get the caravan safely through the Ison Corridor At the beginning of the level, fly forward until the TIES are detected. Then, send you wingman after them, and fly after them yourself. Use the radar to your advantage, as well as your targeting computer. Save your proton torpedoes. Once you've killed off the first wave of TIES, another wave will come in. Then, Wedge will suggest that you change ships in to the A-Wing. Ignore him, and continue this dogfight, using the same tactics as before. Also, if you see TIES attacking a transport, go attack those TIES, instead of those just flying around in space. Once this wave of TIES is killed off, the caravan will enter the nebula. In here, use your advanced homing proton torpedoes to take out the TIE interceptors. Easy! -=3.03: Battle of Hoth=- Objective: Provide cover for the escaping Rebel transports **********THIS STRATEGY CAN BE USED TO GET THE GOLD MEDAL******************* At the beginning (you start in the Speeder), shoot down ALL of the probe droids. 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 (Ion Cannon) 3 2 1 Now, take out ALL of the AT-STs in their numbered order, and the Imperial Loader that drops off #4. Order the men to retreat. Once they are all down, you'll have to take down the AT-ATs. YOU ONLY HAVE TO TAKE DOWN THE THREE CLOSEST TO THE SHIELD GENERATOR. You should do this with maximum speed. Now, fly as quickly as possible through the canyon. Here, you change ships in to your trusty X-Wing. Now, lock on to the bombers. Once you've taken all you can out, search and destroy the rest. You have now cleared the mission! -=3.04: Razor Rendezvous=- Objective: Take out the Star Destroyer that has captured the Razor As the battle starts, send your wingman out to attack the TIES, and start to use your advanced homing proton torpedoes to target 6 different targets. Once 6 targets are gone, hammer the first shield generator with linked lasers, then the other one with linked lasers. Now, ram in to the Star Destroyer. Once you start back at your starting point, close your S-Foils, and get in range of the bottom shield generator (actually, it is the main reactor, but go figure :p), shoot it with linked lasers, and ALL OF YOUR PROTON TORPEDOES. Now, get back on the top of the Str Destroyer, and close your S-Foils. At this point, you must have good precision. Ram right in to the command deck (it is sticking out) to destroy the Star Destroyer (note: this doesn't count as a life lost). -=3.05: Vengeance on Kothlis=- Objective: Protect the commando team while they attempt to recover the stolen data from the Razor You won't be using the X-Wing for long. At the beginning of the mission, keep an eye on your radar for TIEs. Take them out with your lasers, and make sure that no TIEs get too close to the transport. While the transport is on "final approach," use your advanced homing proton torpedoes to attack some of the guns on the Star Destroyer. Once the transport has landed, you'll be prompted to get in to a Speeder. Once you are in the Speeder, take down the AT-ATs starting with the closest one, and moving out to the furthest. Once all of THEM are taken down, you'll have to get in to a Y-Wing. Start out by bombing (this is much easier if you have the two bomb upgrades) the beach and part of the Star Destroyer near the water (where all of the E-Webs are set up). Then, bomb the large part of the ship (the hull) that seems to stick out (it is yellow on the targeting computer). Now, go back to the transport, and start taking out AT-PTs. If you took out a lot of guns (from the Star Destroyer, either by bomb or proton torpedo) and troops, the commando team should have no trouble, and the mission will be complete. -=3.06: Raid on Bespin=- Objective: Liberate Cloud City and its Tibanna gas from the Empire At the beginning of this mission, send your wingman after the TIEs. I have found that you can now go forward (and up a little) to the next tank and take out all of those TIEs while your wingman handle the first. Once the teammates suggest to go to the next tank, have them form up. Anyways, don't worry about using your proton torpedoes--yet. This first part is really just about destroying all of the TIEs. The next section is Cloud City. At first, go all around the city destroying the siege balloons by shooting the gas tanks. After they are all destroyed, go through Cloud City looking around (with your targeting computer) for the Power Generators (they will appear yellow). After you destroy two of them, you will hear about TIEs attacking the gas tanks. Find the third generator quickly, then head to the gas balloons. Here, use your advanced homing proton torpedoes to destroy all of the bombers and interceptors. Once they are beaten, you will win the mission. -=3.07: Battle of Endor=- Objective: Wait for Captain Solo to take out the shield generator on Endor. *******THIS STRATEGY CAN BE USED TO GET THE GOLD MEDAL*********************** !!!!! Well, if you want to participate, start flying toward the Death Star at the beginning (you'd be just as well to turn around at the beginning). Either way, you'll turn around. Now, begin to participate in THE BIG DOGFIGHT. Really, just fly around shooting down TIEs until you hear about the bombers. Here, search for them on your targeting computer (they're yellow), and hit them with your targeting computer. Now, search for and destroy the rest of the bombers. After that, you will get to take on two Star Destroyers. If you haven't died yet, and want a way to cut down on time, close your S-Foils, and go to the second Star Destroyer. There, crash in to the command deck. It won't look like you destroyed it, but it should be destroyed (if you hit it). Now, go to the left ISD. Go behind the shield generators, and take them out one at a time with lasers. Now proceed to the bottom, and take out the main reactor-turned-shield-generator. Once this is done, get in range of the command deck, and fire off all of your proton torpedoes at it. DO NOT RAM IT, AS THERE IS A LITTLE MORE TIME AFTER THIS STAR DESTROYER GOES DOWN BEFORE THE END OF THE MISSION. It should be destroyed after all of this. Now, if you are hurting, close your S-Foils, and go back toward the Death Star. Soon, the shield will be down. -=3.08: Strike at the Core=- Objective: Fly in to the superstructure of the Death Star II, take out the main reactor, and escape. *************THIS STRATEGY CAN BE USED TO GET THE GOLD MEDAL******************** Do you remember the strategy with the TIEs in the trench of Death Star Attack? That is what we're gonna do to protect Lando. At the start, close your S-Foils, and fly above (and past) Lando. Wait three seconds after you've past him, brake, descend, come up, and fire at all the Interceptors following him. Repeat this pattern until you arrive at the entrance to the superstructure. While you are in the air, shoot down some turrets. Once you get in to the superstructure, take out all of the TIEs in front of you. WHILE THE FALCON CANNOT BE SHOT DOWN, IF IT GETS TOO FAR AHEAD OF YOU, IT WILL BLOW UP. STAY CLOSE. Anyways, keep going through the superstructure until you reach the reactor core. Now, close your S-Foils, and fly toward... ------------------------------------- \ / | | \ / / / \ / / /-#1 \ /---/--/ \ / \ / \ / \ / \/#2 In that graph, it is the top of the reactor core. #1 is the north tower--your target. #2 is the main reactor--Lando's target. Once you have shot your proton torpedo at the north tower, and it hits...you aren't out of the woods yet. On your way out, it doesn't matter how far ahead of Lando you get. So, close your S-Foils, and go out the way you came in. Don't be afraid to break. Once you see a sort of black wall with white dots (space), you are almost there. Once you get there, you are finished! -=3.09: Endurance=- Objective: Live through all 100 waves ...at least you have trusty ol' R2, right? Anyways, just use the method most commonly used on Endurance (the Chicken Method), and you will win easily. If you start to take a lot of damage, then get away from the TIEs until you are repaired. I recommend taking a break every 10-30 waves. Good luck! (You're gonna need it!) -=-=-=-=-=-=-= IV. Last Words -=-=-=-=-=-=-= *************************Revision History******************************** Version 1.0: I did everything. Again, I'm not releasing this until ALL of the FAQs are completed, just so no one steals my idea. HA! Version FINAL: Changed some stuff around Version FINAL: I added some ASCII art Version 2.0: See others. I now see why Devin never does this. ***********************COPYRIGHT INFORMATION************************* This FAQ is copyright 2002 Trace Jackson. All ships, and other things in this FAQ are copyright Factor 5 and LucasArts. This FAQ is ONLY to be posted on GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com), only because they are the best site as far as keeping updates goes (plus the only site I remember to send updates to :p) If this is found on any other site, please contact the author ASAP. This guide is not to be used in any way for profit. This guide is to be used for personal use only, and is not to be redistributed, in part or in whole, anywhere. *************************Credits*************************************** -Devin (DMorgan), Colin (CMoriarty), Alex (pop), Steve (Psycho Penguin), AstroBlue, and Matt (MHulbert) for being so nice, and talking to me a lot. These are my favorite authors on the site because they are excellent authors, and talk to me a lot. =D -CJayC for making my online home (GameFAQs), and being a great guy **********************Conclusion************************************* I hope you enjoyed reading this guide, and are now an X-Wing Master. Good luck with all of your future missions, and may the Force be with you.