*********************************************************** Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike Enemy FAQ Written by: Grenade Guzzler *********************************************************** #VERSION HISTORY# 1.0: First submission of FAQ. All enemies submitted. 1.1: Fixed some errors. Added the Cloaking Device and Republic Gunship (thank you, Majin Jekku!) 1.2: Fixed a mistake about the Republic Gunship. 1.3: Removed the non-existent "Special Thanks" section, added a detail in the Star Destroyer. +TABLE OF CONTENTS+ 1. How to read the guide 2. Imperial Fighters 3. Imperial and Other Foot Soldiers 4. Imperial Walkers 5. Imperial Transports 6. Imperial Capital Ships 7. Other Enemies 8. Contact Information and Legal Notice =========================================================== = 1. How to read the guide = =========================================================== Values are on a scale from 1 to 10, 1 being very weak, 5 being average and 10 being very strong. Appearance: What the enemy looks like. Strength --------- How strong the enemy laser cannons are. Shields ---------- How strong the enemy shields are. Speed ------------ How fast the enemy is. Secondary -------- Which secondary weapons the enemy can use. Threat to you ---- How much of a threat the enemy is to your character. Threat to others - How dangerous the enemy is to friendly units (overall throughout the game). -A description on how to beat the enemy.- And yes, I know there are enemies here that have other weapons (the Super Star Destroyer has a lot more than laser towers), but I'll only mention the stuff they use in the game. If you want to flame me, tough luck, you'll be doing it for a lost cause. =========================================================== = 2. Imperial Fighters = =========================================================== +TIE Fighter+ Appearance: Imperial fighter with hexagonal solar panels connected to a central cockpit. Strength --------- 5 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 6 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 4 Threat to others - 7 The basic enemy fighter, these can be easily taken out with a single laser blast. They will often try to attack Rebel transports or other friendly targets, so destroy the TIE Fighters before they make you fail the mission. === +TIE Interceptor+ Appearance: Imperial fighter with two wide two-pronged solar panels attached to a central cockpit. Strength --------- 6 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 8 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 7 Threat to others - 2 Unlike the TIE Fighter, the TIE Interceptor will often go after you instead of friendly units. They are faster and more manuverable than TIE Fighters, so take care against them. A single laser blast is still enough to shoot them down. === +TIE Bomber+ Appearance: Imperial bomber with two bent solar panels attached to a cockpit and weapons chamber. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 4 Speed ------------ 5 Secondary -------- Proton Bombs, Concussion Missiles Threat to you ---- 1 Threat to others - 9 The TIE Bomber has no lasers, but it has something far worse: bombs and missiles. These are used to blast the heck out of Rebel forces, so destroy them as quickly as possible. They pose little threat to you. Their shields are somewhat stronger than the standard TIE Fighter. === +TIE Hunter+ Appearance: Imperial fighter with two thin two-pronged solar panels attached to a central cockpit. Strength --------- 7 Shields ---------- 1 Speed ------------ 9 Secondary -------- Ion Cannons, Proton Torpedoes Threat to you ---- 6 Threat to others - 3 Similar to a TIE Interceptor, the TIE Hunter is a bit stronger, a bit faster and carries Ion Cannons (if they hit you, your speed and manuverability will be weakened for a little while) and Proton Torpedoes (although they never use them). They often gun for you. Their shields are dismally weak however, so one shot is enough to put them in flames. =========================================================== = 3. Imperial and Other Foot Soldiers = =========================================================== +Stormtrooper+ Appearance: Imperial soldier in white armor. Strength --------- 2 Shields ---------- 1 Speed ------------ 4 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 6 Threat to others - 5 The basic Imperial foot soldier, the Stormtroopers will shoot at any Rebel force. A few shots with your blaster is enough to kill them. === +Scout Trooper+ Appearance: Imperial soldier in white armor. Different looking helmet from the Stormtrooper. Strength --------- 2 Shields ---------- 1 Speed ------------ 4 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 8 Threat to others - 2 Almost identical to a Stormtroopers, Scout Troopers almost always gun for you. Beat them in the same way you would a normal Stormtrooper. === +Snowtrooper+ Appearance: Imperial soldier in white armor for cold climates. Strength --------- 2 Shields ---------- 1 Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 3 Threat to others - 2 Almost the same as the normal Stormtrooper, but they're found on Hoth. They're a bit slower than the normal soldiers and less of a threat. === +Imperial Officer+ Appearance: Trooper in black clothing, head is not covered. Strength --------- 2 Shields ---------- 3 Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 8 Threat to others - 3 Again, the Imperial Officer is like the Stormtrooper. It has a bit more health than the Stormtrooper and are more of a threat since they can fire more quickly and they're more accurate. === +E-Web Trooper+ Appearance: An Imperial foot soldier manning an E-web blaster cannon. Strength --------- 4 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 7 Threat to others - 4 This enemy is a Stormtrooper or Snowtrooper who's manning an E-Web blaster cannon. They never leave the cannon. Shoot to kill and watch out for their shots since they hurt more than standard blasters. === +Storm Commander+ Appearance: Trooper in black armor, helmet has a partial cone shape. Strength --------- 5 Shields ---------- 4 Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 10 Threat to others - 0 The most feared Imperial foot soldier, the Storm Commanders only gun for you with good accuracy and a powerful blaster. Take out by any means possible. === +Biker Scout+ Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 4 Speed ------------ 10 Secondary -------- Ramming Threat to you ---- 7 Threat to others - 0 These are Scout Troopers who are on swoop bikes. Shoot them a couple of times with your forward cannon to roast them, or once when you're driving an AT-ST. Occasionally, one will come right next to you and will try to ram. Ram him back and send him (hopefully) into a tree in the Speeder Bike Chase. === +Probe Droid+ Appearance: Black droid with an odd shape. Strength --------- 3 Shields ---------- 7 Speed ------------ 2 Secondary -------- Self-destruct Threat to you ---- 6 Threat to others - 0 A droid that is always found near the ground, the Probe Droids will blow themselves up if you get too close. Shoot them down from a distance. They can take a lot more punishment from an ordinary trooper. === +Battle Droid+ Appearance: Tall brown droid. Strength --------- 2 Shields ---------- 5 Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 5 Threat to others - 0 These are the old battle droids that were seen in Episode 2. Their shots aren't very accurate and their rate of fire is sluggish, but they do come in vast numbers. Shoot them several times with your blaster, or once with an E-web cannon. === +Hover Droid+ Appearance: Shperical droid that can float. Strength --------- 2 Shields ---------- 3 Speed ------------ 2 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 3 Threat to others - 0 Found on Death Star Rescue, the Hover Droids will come out and fire a laser at you. A few shots will bring them down. === +Rifle Trooper+ Appearance: Trooper manning a small barge cannon. Strength --------- 3 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 8 Threat to others - 1 Found on the Sarlaac Pit level only, the Rifle Troopers will shoot you with a mounted cannon. Block their shots with your Lightsaber and slash them to death when you can get close. === +Gammorean+ Appearance: Large green biped pig. (heh) Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 2 Secondary -------- Axe Threat to you ---- 6 Threat to others - 0 Found on the Sarlaac Pit, the pig-faced Gammoreans will swing at you with an axe. Slice them with your lightsaber. === +Dagobah Spider+ Appearance: Small brown creature. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 1 Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- Swipe Threat to you ---- 2 Threat to others - 0 Found on Dagobah, these guys are simply begging to get slashed with a lightsaber. You can also destroy the formation it lives in. =========================================================== = 4. Imperial Walkers = =========================================================== +AT-ST+ Appearance: Walker on two legs with the appearance of a chicken. Strength --------- 4 Shields ---------- 5 Speed ------------ 2 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 7 Threat to others - 4 The most common walker in the game, AT-STs post little threat to a fighter, but they'll be trouble for any walker missions. Take then out with laser fire or with your secondary weapon. While in the walker, it's best to destroy them in the cockpit view. Your lasers will be more accurate. === +AT-AT+ Appearance: Large four-legged walker. Strength --------- 7 Shields ---------- 10 Speed ------------ 1 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 5 Threat to others - 8 The AT-AT's shields are impenetrable to your blaster fire, so you must find another way to beat them. When in your speeder, you can always use the cliched method of the tow cable around the legs (get close to one, press B and circle him three times), but you can also grab a bomb with your tow cable and fly so that the bomb touches the walker(don't crash!). In one mission, you'll have to take them out on foot. Rope up to the AT-AT's underbelly, slice open a hatch and throw in a thermal detonator to destroy it. === +AT-PT+ Appearance: Walker on two-legs. Smaller than an AT-ST. Strength --------- 4 Shields ---------- 3 Speed ------------ 4 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 2 Threat to others - 3 These only appear in Defenders of Raltiir. The thing about AT-PTs is that they're really weak. Although faster than an AT-ST, they pose almost no threat to anything, and a few laser volleys is usually enough to smash one. However, they still must be destroyed. =========================================================== = 5: Imperial Transports = =========================================================== +Imperial Transport+ Appearance: Very large box-shaped transport. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 7 Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 0 Threat to others - 0 A large transport that are sometimes intergral to destroy, Imperial Transports can deploy walkers or foot soldiers. It can take some punishment before getting destroyed, but since they're such a big target, they'll be gone very quickly. === +Imperial Shuttle+ Appearance: Small transport with three wings. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 3 Speed ------------ 6 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 0 Threat to others - 0 Significantly smaller than the basic transport, Imperial Shuttles often carry boxes which hold AT-STs or foot soldiers. They can't take many hits before going down. If you destroy the transport when it's still holding the box, both will be no more. === +APC+ Appearance: Ground vehicle with front-mounted guns. Strength --------- 4 Shields ---------- 5 Speed ------------ 2 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 4 Threat to others - 6 Unlike the other transports, the APC is capable of attacking. These have more armor from the shuttle, but they can only carry foot soldiers. They are sometimes integral targets, and it takes several laser voleys to destroy one. === +Lambda Shuttle+ Appearance: Small transport with three wings. Lighter color from the Imperial Shuttle. Strength --------- 3 Shields ---------- 5 Speed ------------ 5 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 2 Threat to others - 0 These are only found in the Death Star Rampage (multiplayer). Shoot them with several laser blasts to kill. They pose almost no threat, but don't get careless and smash into one! =========================================================== = 6: Imperial Capital Ships = =========================================================== +Escort Carrier+ Appearance: Large transport with many mounted cannons, four wings. Strength --------- 7 Shields ---------- 9 Speed ------------ 5 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 2 Threat to others - 9 These ships are very annoying. The Escort Carriers will often target transports that you're trying to protect. You can destroy the mounted cannons on top and on the bottom. However, the Escort Carrier will take a ton of shots before it will be destroyed. Sonic Mines seem to work well against it, although several Proton Torpedoes will weaken it substancially as well. === +Star Destroyer+ Appearance: Huge dagger-shaped ship. Strength --------- 5 Shields ---------- Impenetrable Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- ION Cannons Threat to you ---- 6 Threat to others - 9 The Star Destroyer can put fear into almost any Rebel pilot. Armed with many turbolasers and eight ION cannons, the Star Destroyers can take down capital ships with ease. You can destroy their turbolasers and ION cannons for extra kills. To destroy this goliath, destroy the three shield generators (the two golf-ball shaped ones on top, and the bulge on the underside), then shoot the command deck (a bunch of white windows). While you can only truly destroy them in the Escape from Hoth mission, you can still completely ravage them in the Attack on the Executor mission. === +Super Star Destroyer+ Appearance: Massive dagger shaped-ship (and you thought the normal Star Destroyer was big) colored dark gray. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- Impenetrable Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- Laser Tower, Cloaking Device Threat to you ---- 10 Threat to others - 6 These capital ships are so massive (the Executor being the most famous) that you can manuver through large trenches in its hull. While you do, laser towers and TIE Fighters will attack you. You can destroy them for extra kills. If there are cloaking devices on the ship, destroy them to set off a chain reaction that will take down the whole ship. If not, you'll have to assault its main command deck. =========================================================== = 7. Other Enemies = =========================================================== +Laser Tower+ Appearance: Box-shaped tower with a laser turret on top. Strength --------- 4 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 4 Threat to others - 3 Commonly found on Super Star Destroyers, these just simply sit around, turn and fire. A couple of laser blasts is enough to decimate one. === +Laser Turret+ Appearance: Simply a laser turret lying somewhere. Strength --------- 4 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 4 Threat to others - 5 These are the turrets found on the Bakura station. They're almost identical to the towers, but they can shoot your rescue transports. A couple of laser blasts will destroy it. === +Republic Gunship+ Appearance: Similar to the gunships used by the clone army in Episode II. Strength --------- 5 Shields ---------- 7 Speed ------------ 5 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 6 Threat to others - 1 Found on Relics of Geonosis, this is the ship Sarkli chases you with on the foot portion. Your standard blaster doesn't even scratch it, so take control of an E-Web cannon to shoot it down. The only threat it poses to others is that if you're REALLY slow and R5 reaches the Jedi Starfighter first, he will be destroyed by the gunship. === +Cloaking Device+ Appearance: Large tower with a blue beam in the middle attached to a Super Star Destroyer. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 6 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 0 Threat to others - 0 Found on Fondor Shipyards Assault. Destroy all 3 cloaking devices on the Super Star Destroyer and it will cause a ship wrecking chain reaction. The device itself poses no threat, but take care of the Laser Towers surrounding it. === +Missile Droid+ Appearance: Small flying droid with three wings and a blue light in the middile. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 1 Speed ------------ 3 Secondary -------- Homing Missiles Threat to you ---- 3 Threat to others - 0 Found on Guns of Dubrillion, these will launch weak missiles at you. One shot and they're toast. Take care that the missile doesn't impact with a canister that happens to be near you or you'll lose a life. === +Submarine+ Appearance: Ship emersed in water. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 2 Speed ------------ 1 Secondary -------- Homing Missiles Threat to you ---- 3 Threat to others - 2 Found on Deception at Destrillion during the Y-wing section, the Submarines will shoot missiles at you. It's best to just ignore these pests, but if you want, a bomb or a laser blast will destroy one. === +Box+ Appearance: Gray box that carries AT-STs and/or foot soldiers. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 4 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 0 Threat to others - 0 These are just the boxes that the Imperial Shuttles drop to release their cargo. If you can destroy a box near to an AT-ST, the resulting explosion will take down the walker as well. === +Camera+ Appearance: Black box hanging from a wall. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 1 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 0 Threat to others - 0 Found on Death Star Rescue. One shot and they will explode. === +Relay Dish+ Appearance: Brown dish protected by a shield. Strength --------- 0 Shields ---------- 5 Speed ------------ 0 Secondary -------- None Threat to you ---- 0 Threat to others - 0 Found on Deception at Destrillion. Deactivate their shield with your Y-wing's ION cannon, and use some bombs or laser blasts to destroy the dish. =========================================================== = 8. Contact Information and Legal Notice = =========================================================== If you know any incorrect or missing information, or even just a spelling error, don't hesitate to inform me. My email is kingsrook12@yahoo.ca This guide was done by myself, Grenade Guzzler, with no help from an outside source. ***Star Wars Rogue Squadron: Rebel Strike is (c) LUCASARTS & FACTOR 5, including any other Rogue Squadron games in the series***