*********************************************************************** __________ __ _____ _ _ _ __ _____ ______ / ___ __|/ \ | \ \ \ / \ / // \ | \ / ____| \ \ | | / /\ \ | |> / \ \/ _ \/ // /\ \ | |> / \ \ ___\ \ | | / ¯ \ | \___ \ / \ // ¯ \ | \___\ \ |_____/ |_|/_/¯¯¯¯\_\|_|\_____| \/ \//_/¯¯¯¯\_\|_|\________/ ********************************** *Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike* ********************************** An FAQ/Walkthrough by Jedi Master Moon Sey Version 1.0 E-mail: sey_me@msn.com Table of Contents 1. Intro 2. FAQ 3. Starting up - Menu & Controls 4. Craft 5. Characters 6. Mission Walkthroughs and Gold Medal Strategies A. Training Mission - Tatooine Training B. Mission 1 - Revenge of the Empire C. Luke's Campaign D. Mission 2 - Defiance on Dantooine E. Mission 3 - Defenders of Ralltiir F. Mission 4 - Extraction from Ralltiir G. Mission 5 - Battlefield Hoth H. Mission 6 - Trials of a Jedi I. Mission 7 - The Sarlaac Pit J. Wedge's Campaign K. Mission 8 - Raid at Bakura L. Mission 9 - Relics of Geonosis M. Mission 10 - Deception at Destrillion N. Mission 11 - Guns of Dubrillion O. Mission 12 - Fondor Shipyard Assualt P. Endor Epilogue Q. Mission 13 - Speeder Bike Pursuit R. Mission 14 - Triumph of the Rebellion S. Bonus Missions T. Mission 15 - Death Star Rescue U. Mission 16 - Escape from Hoth V. Mission 17 - Flight from Bespin W. Mission 18 - Attack on the Executor X. Mission 19 - Rebel Endurance 7. Co-operative Mission Walkthroughs and Gold Medal Strategies A. Co-operative Mode B. Mission 20 - Death Star Attack C. Mission 21 - Ison Corridor Ambush D. Mission 22 - The Battle of Hoth E. Mission 23 - Prisons of the Maw F. Mission 24 - Razor Rendezvous G. Mission 25 - Vengeance on Kothlis H. Mission 26 - Imperial Accademy Heist I. Mission 27 - Raid on Bespin J. Mission 28 - The Battle of Endor K. Mission 29 - Strike at the Core L. Mission 30 - Death Star Escape M. Mission 31 - The Asteroid Field N. Mission 32 - Death Star Endurance 8. Game Secrets A. Arcade B. Tech Upgrades C. How to Unlock Secrets Without Codes D. Passcodes 9. FAQ Epilogue A. Legal B. Eeeeeeeeee-mail C. Versions 10. Finale A. Credits B. Closing Comments *********************************************************************** 1. Introduction Hey Guys! This is my first FAQ ever, I always promised myself I'd only start with a near-perfect game. And here it is! Many of you will know me better as Sey, I'm a legend on some websites. But we're not here to talk about me, we're here to talk bout Rebel Strike! In the FAQ, I'll refer to Rogue Squadron as RSq, Battle for Naboo as BFN, Rogue Leader as RL, and Rebel Strike as RSt. This guide does NOT include a versus walkthrough, because, frankly, there's no point. The options are incredibly straight-forward. But, my guide does include a full co-operative mode walkthrough. *********************************************************************** 2. FAQ Q: Rebel Strike? Geh? A: Rebel Strike is actually the fourth Star Wars game made by Factor 5 so far. Rogue Squadron came in the middle of the lifespan of the Nintendo 64. It was a fantastic no-holds-barred arcade flight shooter. It was was well recieved by most people, although some players complained it was too hard, and their weren't any missions in space. A couple of years after that, Battle for Naboo was released. It used the same basic engine as Rogue Squadron, but was set at the time of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, instead of the Classic Trilogy setting of Rogue Squadron. With the launch of the Gamecube came the launch of the 'actual' sequel to Rogue Squadron, Rogue Leader. The engine was improved over RSq, it was much finer, there were levels in space, it was easier, and it had levels taken straight from the Classic Trilogy. Now the third main entry to the series has arrived in the form of Rebel Strike. Q: What's so special about Rebel Strike? Is it just more of the same? A: Nope. Rebel Strike has an improved engine and more than half of the single player game has ground-based gameplay. This is a first for the RS series, and a welcome one. Also, for the first time, you can now go head-to-head in a fantastic VS Mode. And last but a helluva long way from being least, Factor 5 have included 13/15 levels from Rogue Leader, upgraded, and available for co-operative play. This means that the stages have been made harder, but funner! Q: What are all the passcodes? A: These can be found in the secrets section. You should always check the index before you ask a question. Q: How do I unlock bonus stages? A: There are 5 bonus missions; Death Star Rescue, Attack on the Executor, Flight from Bespin, Escape from Hoth, and Rebel Endurance. Details on how to unlock them will be in the level descriptions. *********************************************************************** 3. Starting up - Menu & Controls *** Menu *** Single Player: Takes you to the file select screen. You can have up to 5 files. Choosing your desired file will send you to the Mission Select holonet. Versus: Takes you to the versus menu. This guide does not cover versus modes. Co-operative: Takes you to the co-op file select screen, with a maximum of 5 files. Choosing your desired file will send you to the Mission Select holonet. Options: This takes you to the options menu, where you can tweak video, screen, music, and game settings. You can also enter passcodes and access the Special Features Menu from here. Special features: You can unlock many features in this game including Arcade, Documentary, Trailer, Audio Commentary, Music Hall, and Ace Mode. --- *** Displays *** Command Cross: You can wait for one of your wingmen to call you, or tap the D-pad to get this up. Each direction is a command that corresponds to a D-pad direction. Map: The 3D map is quite easy to use. Red blips are enemies, green blips are allies, blue blips are structures of craft not related to either side (neutral). An orange cone will guide you to your objective, should you need the help. Shields: As you lose health, the shield will become smaller, and go from green to red. If you have an astromech droid, it'll rebuild the shields after a while, but don't get too cocky. Button Meter: The B-button meter on the screen will show what secondary weapon you currently have equiped. The A-button meter will show the number of rapid-fire blaster bolts you have. --- *** Flight Controls *** Control Stick: Steer your ship. D-Pad: Give orders to your wingmen. Up is to form up, Left and Right are various commands depending on the situation, and Down is to flee, but it must be confirmed. If you have an R2 unit in your fighter, you can regenerate your entire ships' shields once. When they're very low, the command cross will indicate this. C-Stick: Control the Falcons' lower gun, or look around your cockpit. Start Button: Bring up the pause menu during gameplay. A Button: Holding the A button fires continuous lasers, but tapping it repeatedly links your lasers for more damage and better accuracy. B Button: Fire your secondary weapon. If you're using an Ion Cannon in a mission, you need to hold the button down and fill the meter, before letting go. X Button: Press to enter the cockpit mode. Press again to revert back to the Chase Camera. Y Button: Pull up the targeting computer (TC). This will be your worst enemy if you're looking to achieve a Gold, but can help some newer players get to grips with the game. L Button: Decrease speed, although you cannot actually 'stop'. R Button: Increase speed. If you're in an X-Wing or a B-Wing, click the button all the way in to close you S-foils. Tap L, R, or A to open them again allowing you to use your weapons. Z Button: Hold down Z and pull left or right on the Control Stick to roll. *** On-foot Controls *** Control Stick: Move around. D-Pad: Order your men using the Command Cross, the same as when you're in ship. C-Stick: Action. For example, when walking underneath an AT-AT, tap the C-stick to attach your tow cable. Start Button: Bring up the pause menu during gameplay. A Button: Fire your primary weapon, which is usually your blaster. B Button: Fire your secondary weapon. X Button: Jump. Y Button: Electro-Binoculars. Almost exactly the same as the TC. L Button: Lock-on to targets, hold to strafe around them. R Button: Crouch, or roll in conjunction with the Control Stick. Z Button: Keep your finger on Z and hold the stick in a direction to continue rolling. *********************************************************************** 4. Craft Every single craft your can in the game... --- "T-16 Skyhopper" This hunk of junk is used by all rookies on Tatooine. It's pretty slow, and the thrusters take quite a while to reload after boosting. On the plus side it incorporates many different secondary weaponery and erm... that's it. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedos, Proton Bombs, Ion Cannon R2 Unit: No --- "X-Wing" Probably the best Rebel Craft in the game. A perfect balance of speed, maneuverability, and power. Primary Weapon: Quad Lasers Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes R2 Unit: Yes --- "Y-Wing" This ship is usually only used when heavy bombing is required, as it's quite sluggish, and its lasers aren't the most acurate in the galaxy... But it still has some nice shields. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapons: Proton Bombs and an Ion Cannon R2 Unit: Yes --- "A-Wing" Officialy the fastest fighter in the galaxy, this ship is a fan-favourite. Its only major downfall is the lack of an R2 unit. So basically, if you're very good at evading TIE fire, this might just be the ship for you. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Dual-fire Concussion Missiles R2 Unit: No --- "B-Wing" Admiral Ackbar fans love this ship, as it's his proud and joy. It's probably only second to the X-Wing as the perfect starfighter. When the S-foils are closed, it changes into a completely different shape, which can be very useful to some. Primary Weapon: Triple Lasers Secondary Weapons: Proton Torpedoes and an Ion Cannon R2 Unit: Yes --- "Jedi Starfighter" Used by the Jedi in the times of the Old Republic, this ship was designed with both defense and attack in mind. It's like a safer A-Wing, but with a little less manuverability. It carries 6 RECHARGABLE Sonic Mines, which only increases its coolness. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Sonic Mines R2 Unit: Yes --- "N-1 Naboo Starfighter" Naboo technicians knew what they were doing with this beauty. Think an X-Wing with no S-Foils, but faster manual speed. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapons: Cluster Missiles R2 Unit: Yes --- "Snowspeeder" You use this speeder a fair few times in the game, and it's pretty good. It can travel a maximum of about 150 meters in the air before the air becomes too thin for a speeder. It has good shields and its tow cable is the only way to take down an AT-AT whilst flying. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Tow Cable R2 Unit: No --- "Landspeeder" A simple speeder in which you travel around the wastes of Tatooine. R2 Unit: No --- "Cloud Car" A cool car for a cool city in some cool clouds. Basically a speeder with no height restrictions. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers R2 Unit: No --- "Millenium Falcon" The most famous ship in the Star Wars universe to regular fans. This hunk of junk is a mixed bag, really. If you master the Falcon, it can be a real killer. But some of the time it's just a pain, especially on missions such as Strike at the Core, where one player is FORCED to use it. Primary Weapon: Quad Laser turrets are mounted at the top and bottom. A lower tracking laser can be fired by the pilot. Secondary Weapon: Concussion Missiles R2 Unit: Yes --- "Slave One" This ship belongs to bounty hunter Boba Fett. But... it's pretty damn slow. Fortunately though, it carries rechargable 20 Sonic Mines, which is ultra-cool when used correctly. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Sonic Mines R2 Unit: No --- "Imperial Probe Droid" A Simple little droid used by the Empire for extra protection, and keeping an eye on territory. Primary Weapon: Single Laser Secondary Weapon: Self-destruct R2 Unit: No --- "Missile Droid" These are advanced Probe Droids which fire missiles. They're only a real danger in ground missions. Primary Weapon: Concussion Missiles R2 Unit: No --- "Tie Fighter" The classic Imperial fighter, this was the first fighter ever seen by the public in the original Star Wars (Episode IV: A New Hope). It has fantastic maneuverability, but no secondary weapons and not much shielding. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers R2 Unit: No --- "Tie Interceptor" This is similar to a Fighter, but is more manuvarable. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers R2 Unit: No --- "Tie Hunter" First introduced in this very game, the Tie Hunter is a cross between an X-Wing and an Interceptor. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedos. R2 Unit: No --- "Tie Bomber" RSt is the first game where you can actually control this beauty, and it does not dissapoint. Primary Weapon: Homing Concussion Missiles Secondary Weapon: Proton Bombs R2 Unit: No --- "Tie Advanced X-1" The Tie that Darth Vader used in the Battle of Yavin, this is probably the best of all Imperial fighters. Fantastic secondary weapon, gret shield, fast, and reliable. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Cluster Missiles R2 Unit: No --- "Imperial Shuttle" A pretty good ship that is playable only once in the game. It wouldn't last long in an intense battle such as Endor, but it's good for a dogfight. Anyway, it was originally created for transport, not fighting. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Rear Singular Laser R2 Unit: No --- "AT-ST" That's an All-Terrain Scout Transport vehicle. This Imperial walker is used in areas where agility is required. It stands at about 8 meters, and can fit 2-3 people in the cockpit. It has limited range, but can still be quite helpful. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Concussion Missiles R2 Unit: Yes --- "AT-PT" That's an All-Terrain Personal Transport vehicle. It's basically a smaller version of an AT-ST, but it can only fit one person. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Concussion Missiles R2 Unit: Yes --- "AT-AT Guns" That's an All-Terrain Armoured Transport vehicle. You get to control one in Guns of Dubrillion, but you can only fire the forward guns and move the head. Primary Weapon: Forward Guns R2 Unit: No --- "Submarine" You'll see these on Dubrillion, and they're pretty tough, so stay clear. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers Secondary Weapon: Heat-seaking Missiles R2 Unit: No --- "APC" That's Armored Personal Carrier. Nothing special, it has lasers and shields, and is used to transport Imperials. Not much more to say about it... Primary Weapon: Dual lasers R2 Unit: No --- "Imperial Escort Carrier" These are used by the Storm Commandos. They're stronger than your average Imperialcraft, but they're not TOO much of a threat. They look like huge arrows. --- "Imperial Star Destroyer" One of the most recognizable symbols of the Empire. A mile in length and 600 meters wide, these ginourmous cheese wedges contain legions of Ties and Stormies, and loads of guns. There are also 8 Ion Cannons and 2 Shield Generators. --- "Imperial Super Star Destroyer" Created after the Battle of Yavin, only 4 ever made it out of the factories, but it's rumored that more were in production. These are 10 times bigger than Star Destroyers, and much better equipped. You'll destroy 2 in RSt. --- "Imperial Speeder Bike" Only usable in a few situations, this is an amazingly fast bike with little maneuverability. Primary Weapon: Dual Lasers R2 Unit: No --- "E-Webb (Tri-Pod) Cannon" These cannons are layed down by Imperial drop-ships during ground battles. It may take you a while to get used to, but don't worry, they're pretty effective, and you won't need to use one for long. Primary Weapon: Laser R2 Unit: No --- "Imperial Guard Transport" These deliver Ties and Stormies to various locations. Primary Weapon: None R2 Unit: No --- "Republic Gunship" These were created a few months before the Clone Wars, and were used to transport Clonies around and for back-up. Sarkli highjacks one at Geonosis, so be prepared to face one. Primary Weapon: Laser Pods Secondary Weapon: Concussion Grenades --- "Taun-Taun" These sexy beasts can be found on Hoth. They're pretty fast, and it makes killing Storm Troopers even easier. Primary Weapon: You can auto-fire your blaster whilst riding one R2 Unit: No *********************************************************************** 5. Characters There are many characters involved in the game, and here's a summary of the more important ones... --- Luke Skywalker The son of Padme Amidala and Anakin Skywalker, better known as Darth Vader. He's strong with The Force and has learned much from Ben 'Obi-Wan' Kenobi, and Jedi Master Yoda. He is a major player in RSt's story, and he'll be the character you control the most in the on-foot portions of the game. Primary Weapon: Blaster or Lightsaber Secondary Weapon: Thermal Detonators --- Wedge Antilles This lucky Rebel pilot has been part of practically all major battles post-Yavin. He always pulls through and has come up with some killer strategies. He even has his own campaign in this game. Primary Weapon: Blaster Secondary Weapon: Thermal Detonators --- Han Solo Raised on Corellia, Han Solo is a lovable Rogue smugglar. He met Luke and Ben in the stingy Mos Eisly cantina on Tatooine, and agreed to take them to Alderaan. Through strokes of good and bad luck, he eventually ended up as a general in the Rebel Alliance, and married Princess Leia Organa. Primary Weapon: Blaster --- Sarkli After Biggs was shot down in The Battle of Yavin, Sarkli was a temporary replacement as Lukes' wingmate. He showed real skill, but he didn't get much praise, his efforts usually being overshadowed by more important matters. This annoyed him greatly, so he defected to the Empire. Before leaving, he led the Rebellion into 2 traps, which further proved his talents. He was one of the officers in charge of the shipments at Bakura, and when Rogue Squadron tried to save some Rebels captured at Hoth, Sarkli lured the Rebels into yet another trap. He ultimately met his maker during The Battle of Endor, where he was shot by Han Solo in the shield generator. --- Lando 'Da Mando' Calrissian Lando spent his younger years in the shady underworld of the galaxy, similar to Han Solo. He owned the Falcon before Han and had quite a few adventures before eventually settling down on Bespin. He owned Cloud City for a while and became a responsible leader, before Vader used him as a pawn in one of his evil plans, and left an Imperial Garrison to take over the city. After that Lando joined the Alliance and led the attack on the Death Star Mark II, assuring his place in history. --- Darth Vader This much feared Dark Lord of the Sith was once a Jedi Knight during the times of the Old Republic. Named Anakin Skywalker, he was trained by Obi-Wan Kenobi. He fought in the Clone Wars, and was actually the very Knight who finished the war, by slaying Darth Tyranus and rescuing Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. But Palpatine turned out to be a Sith Lord (Darth Sidious), and he seduced Anakin using the Dark Side of The Force. After a stunningly epic duel with Obi-Wan, he was left for dead as a volcano erupted around him. His injuries mean he is now always fitted with a respiration suit, which only adds to his ominous presence. --- Chewbacca Chewbacca, better know as Chewie, is a very strong Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. He was first introduced in the original Star Wars, and has subsaquantly appeared in 4 of the total 6 films. He is best known as Han Solo's co-pilot on the Millenium Falcon. Han rescued Chewie whilst he was a slave for the Imperial Navy, and thus Chewie owes him a lifedebt. And that debt was paid off in The New Jedi Order Book 1, Vector Prime. --- Princess Leia The beautiful Princess Leia Organa is a lead member of the Rebel Alliance. When the Empire found out she was double-crossing them, they blew up her home planet Alderaan in an attempt to find out where the Rebel base was. She didn't spill the beans, so they gave her a life sentence. Luke, Han, and Chewie managaed to rescue her, and they've been best friends ever since. After the Rebels finally overthrew the Empire, Leia and Han got married and had three children, Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin. --- Yoda The only known surviving Jedi Master after Obi-Wan Kenobi died, Yoda trained Luke to use The Force properly. His training was quick and rough, but suprisingly effective. Luke had to dash off to save Han & Leia during his training, but he promissed he'd return and finish what he had begun. Return, he did, but finish? He did not. Primary Weapon: The Force --- Boba Fett The cloned son of Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. Boba is like him in almost every way, he's also a Bonuty Hunter, has similar armour, and has the same firespray ship (the Slave One). It was originally thought that he was eaten by a Sarlacc on Tatooine, but he escaped in classic Bounty Hunter fasion. Now 60 years old (at the time of The New Jedi Order), he is sharing his legacy with certain young Bounty Hunters and has a group of Mandalorians. --- Storm Trooper Donning white armor and in high numbers, Imperial Storm Troopers are the main bulk of the Empire. 10 years before the Clone Wars, a mysterious person made an order for thousands and thousands of clones of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. These clones had growth enhancement, and so by the time the Clone Wars were about to begin, many of the clones were ready for battle. They were appropriately named Clone Troopers. After the rise of The Empire, Clone Troopers were renamed Storm Troopers, and normal people started applying to become Stormies. So now most Storm Troopers are actual humans in armor. But their aim is notoriously bad, so don't worry, they don't pose too much of a threat. There are 2 other kinds of regular Storm Trooper; Scout Troopers and Snow troopers. Primary Weapon: Imperial Blaster Rifle --- Storm Commando These guys are smarter than regular Stormies and have a better aim and more health. They also dodge your shots, instead of just standing in the same spot 99% of the time like Stormies. Primary Weapon: Imperial Blaster Rifle --- Trade Federation Battle Droids When the Trade Federation and Darth Sidious started making plans to cunningly blockade Naboo for their own ends, all of their Worker Droids were upgraded by Sidious into Battle Droids. They're not very accurate, they're even worse than Stormies, and are no match for you. It's no wonder they lost the Clone War... These malfunctioning relics of the past can only be found on Geonosis, and shoot at EVERY kind of life, and Wedges R5 unit. Primary Weapon: Blasters --- Spiders The most pathetic enemy in the game. They can't even hurt you, they're just an excuse for enemy kills on Dagobah. *********************************************************************** 6. Single Player Mission Walkthroughs and Medal Stats ================================== A. Training Mission - Tatooine Training Overview: Have fun in the Mos Eisly and Beggars Canyon area of the desert planet Tatooine. You start off on-foot at Lars Homestead, but you can pilot a Land Speeder, a Speeder Bike, an AT-ST, and a T-16 Skyhopper. This stage takes advantage (but not FULL advantage) of the Gamecubes' clock. There are 4 different time zones which relate to your Gamecubes' clock, morning, day, evening, and night. --- Objectives: -Complete all tutorial lessons -Find your way to the top of the homestead -Use the available craft to access other areas of Tatooine --- Starting Point: On-foot, inside the Lars Homestead. --- Other Available Craft: Land Speeder, Speeder Bike, AT-ST, and a T-16 Skyhopper. --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Sandpeople, Fixer, and droids. --- Walkthrough: Lars Homestead Section: This is the main hub of the training map. Whenever you finish the flying or ground training, you'll return here. Anyway, you start in the center of the Homestead, where you'll have 6 little lessons, jump, roll, et cetera. When the narrator tells you to open the door, open it, and go through to find the top of the Homestead. From here you can either choose the Land Speeder or the T-16 Skyhopper. Flight Section: You start this section flying above the Homestead, and you'll see many, many orange Rebel insignias in front of you. Each of these is a lesson, and when you pass each one, it'll turn green. Quickly whiz through all the lessons and then a cutscene should load automatically. Fixer will challenge you to a race, and then the EASY Beggars Canyon race will begin. It is pretty easy to win, but take note of the shortcut on your first run through, and remember to boost often. When you win, Fixer will get mad and start firing at you, so fight back! When you win the dogfight (which is easy enough), the narrator will say you've finished flight training. Well, you almost have, but you haven't done everything here. Now follow the orange cone back across Beggars Canyon to find C-3P0, the first of the bonus items. The cone will now point you to the entrance of Beggars Canyon, where Fixer is again waiting for you. This time the difficulty is MEDIUM, so you might want to use the shortcut. Once you've beaten him, the cone will point to the rest of the bonus items; a Sand Crawler (destroy it to find R2-D2), 2 Bantha Herds, Mos Eisly, Tosche Station, and Jabba's Palace. Finally, head back to Beggars Canyon and do the HARD race. This time you'll definately need the shortcut, as Fixer has modified his T-16 for extra boost power. Once you've one the hard race, you can finally return to the Homestead. Fly into the blue Rebel insignia to land. Ground Section: You can choose either the Land Speeder or, if you've completed the Flight Section, the Speeder Bike. The Land Speeder is useless if you have the bike, so hop on the Speeder Bike and get going! You're now travelling across the Dune Sea to reach Mos Eisly. There are 7 'jumps' along this path. Basically, 7 Rebel insignias are spread around, which you need to pass through. Use the land formations and your boost function to reach each one. Don't worry if you don't get them all on your first run, you're meant to get half of them on your way back. When you reach Mos Eisly, you'll go into AT-ST training. Learn how to move and shoot, and then you should enter the EASY Droid Hunt. You'll have 1 minute to shoot 10 droids. After you've done this, the Stormies will tell you how to join the Empire, and then you'll have the choice to leave. Instead, walk into the orange Rebel insignia in the center of the arena to enter the MEDIUM Droid Hunt, in which you'll have 45 seconds to shoot 10 droids. After this, do the HARD Droid Hunt, in which you only get 35 seconds, so be quick, and remember you can use the L button for a quick turn. Finally, hop on the Speeder Bike and leave. As you head through the Dune Sea again, finish off the jumps that you missed on your first run. Eventually you'll come across a Sand Crawler, where you'll hope off your bike. Here you'll get a few more lessons. Now, after your Electro-Binocular lesson, DO NOT fall in the canyon or jump or ANYTHING until you're told to, or you'll trigger an insanely horrible glitch which stops all lessons from appearing, thus ending the training here, so you'll have to start all over again... so just head down the path and jump when the narrator tells you to. Continue to do as he says, then head up the path to the E-Webb Cannon. After the narrator has stopped babbling, waste all the Tusken Raiders attacking the Jawas. Eventually a few Rebel insignias will appear outside the Sand Crawler, so head down there and do them. If you've done everything above, the training should finish after the Sand Crawler training. If it doesn't, you've missed something, so go do it! You had 40 minutes from the very start of the training, so you should still have about 15 minutes left. ================================== B. Mission 1 - Revenge of the Empire Overview: The day after The Battle of Yavin, The Emperor has ordered a raid on the Rebel Base. As Luke Skywalker, destroy the invading Imperials, protect Rebel transports escape Yavin IV, and rescue General Dodanna from Imperial forces. --- Objectives: -Destroy the Imperial transports -Destroy the Imperial leader shuttles -Defend the Rebel transport -Find the General and Rebels -Escape with the General and Rebels --- Starting Point: In your X-Wing, flying towards the Great Temple. --- Other Available Craft: On-foot. --- Available Craft from Hanger: X-Wing and Y-Wing. --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Imperial Shuttles, Imperial Guard Transports, AT-STs, Storm Troopers, Imperial Officers. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: There are 8 Imperial Transports landing in a clearing ahead of your starting point. Destroy all of them with your lasers, simple. Section 2: There are 6 Shuttles transporting AT-STs to the Rebel transport Luminous, so you have to destroy them all before they can land. The first 3 are directly in front of you when you start, and they're incredibly easy to shoot down. After you've taken care of those 3, turn around and follow the orange cone to the Rebel transport. There should be 3 shuttles that are about to drop the AT-ST booths on tiny little islands, destroy them all. Section 3: You're now on-foot in the hanger of the Great Temple. Wedge is with you, and he'll help you kill Stormies. Keep following the orange cone and killing Storm Troopers, and you should eventually reach the Reward Chamber, most memorable as the final scene in the original Star Wars. Anyway, you'll find General Dodanna and a bunch of Rebels. Continue to blast Stormies and follow the orange cone. Eventually you'll reach the other hanger, which contains about 20 Stormies. Blast them all with the help of Wedge, and the final cutscene will be triggered. Sarkli will come down and rescue you, mission complete! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:00 Enemies Destroyed- 60 Accuracy- 65% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 3:55 Enemies Destroyed- 64 Accuracy- 67% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== C. Lukes Campaign Here's the point in the game where the story splits into 2. You can either follow Luke on his path to become a Jedi, or you can follow Wedge on his quest to destroy new Imperial technology whilst it's in its primary stages. Most people, including myself, will go for Luke first (save the best until last), or you can just do them both at the same time... it's entirely up to you. The only notable difference gameplay-wise is that Luke is on-foot a lot more. ================================== D. Mission 2 - Defiance on Dantooine Overview: Imperial Officer Tycho has decided to join the Rebel Alliance. Luke, Sarkli, and a bunch of Rebels head over to Dantooine to pick him up. Luke decides to make the final journey alone, and jumps on a Speeder Bike to head through a canyon which leads to the Imperial Landing Zone. --- Objectives: -Reach the Imperial landing zone before the transports lift off -Stop the ground transport that's carrying Tycho -Follow Tycho back to the Rebel landing zone --- Starting Point: On a Speeder Bike speeding through a watery canyon on Dantooine. --- Other Available Craft: On-foot. --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Storm Troopers, Probe Droids, Storm Commandos, Tie Bombers and APCs. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Speed through the canyon on the Imperial Speeder Bike. Dodge rocks and shoot Probe Droids before they explode. You can use the natural ramps on corners to jump high into the air, but only do it if you're sure you can pull it off. Eventually you'll reach the landing zone. Section 2: Shoot all Stormies in your way and hop into the first E-Webb Cannon. Keep blasting the APC and the Storm Commandos that eminate from it, until it begins moving. Now head up to the second E-Webb and continue the process. Make note of the bacta lying around. When you're on the fourth E-Webb, it should only take a few shots to trigger the next cutscene. Section 3: You'll now be heading back towards Sarkli and the others, and you'll start on the clifftops. There are 3 or 4 HUGE jumps, in which you'll need to slam down the boost mid-jump, so be alert. You'll run into Tie Bombers, APCs, and Probe Droids on the way also. About 3 quaters into this section, you'll have to navigate the water canyon again, so don't think you're going off-course when you have to speed off the edge of the cliffs. Dodge the obstacles in the canyon once more, and you should soon reach the landing zone. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:10 Enemies Destroyed- 38 Accuracy- 42% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:05 Enemies Destroyed- 40 Accuracy- 56% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== E. Mission 3 - Defenders of Ralltiir Overview: Ralltiir is an extremely dusty planet, so for some reason, the snowspeeders work well when flying there. The city in this stage is kind of a cross between San Francisco, LA, and this city in Afghanistan, but I don't mind, it just makes the stage even more beautiful. Anyway, the Imperials are crossing the 3 Golden Gate Bridges to get to the city on the other side. There are some scientists hiding on the other side, who apparently aren't in the Empires' good books... You must take out the bridges and AT-ATs, no matter what! --- Objectives: -Take out all three bridges -Destroy Imperials threatening the shield generator --- Starting Point: In your Speeder, in the bay. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: AT-ATs, AT-PTs, APCs, and Tie Fighters. --- Walkthrough: Quite a simple stage if you know how. Head for the bombs resting outside of the shield, and pick one up with your tow cable. Now Head for one of the bridges and fly just above one of the supports, so the bomb smacks into it. The bridge will collapse, stopping many Imperials. Repeat the process with the 2 other bridges and any AT-ATs that have made it across. Once all bridges and walkers are down, the stage should finish. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 3:30 Enemies Destroyed- 25 Accuracy- 60% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 2:55 Enemies Destroyed- 100 Accuracy- 60% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== F. Mission 4 - Extraction from Ralltiir Overview: After saving the scientists from the Imperial grasp, it's time to escape. You have to pilot an AT-ST through the streets of the city to escape in a Blockade Runner. --- Objectives: -Clear the way to the Blockade Runner -Regain control of the Blockade Runner --- Starting Point: In an AT-ST, in the middle of the city. --- Other Available Craft: On-foot. --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: AT-STs, APCs, Probe Droids, and Storm Troopers. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: This stage can be pretty tough if you aren't used to the AT-ST, so make sure you know how it works. Head through the city destroying everything. AT-STs, Stormies, EVERYTHING. Remember you have a pretty powerful and accurate secondary weapon that recharges, so use it often. When you finally reach the edge of the city, waste all the Imperials in the square and a cutscene should start. Section 2: You're now on-foot in the Bloackade Runner, and this is a pretty short and easy section. Keep following the orange cone killing Stormies, and you'll eventually come across an E-Webb Cannon. Hop on and keep killing the approaching Stormies left & right. Once they're all done and dusted, hop off the E-Webb and the final cutscene will begin. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:00 Enemies Destroyed- 100 Accuracy- 45% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 3:50 Enemies Destroyed- 105 Accuracy- 55% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== G. Mission 5 - Battlefield Hoth Overview: After helping with a small part of the battle, Luke Skywalkers' gunner, Dak, was knocked out by a blast from an AT-AT. Luke tried to continue fighting but was quickly hit by another blast, causing his speeder to crash. Whilst Wedge has taken over the air assualt, you have to find your way to your X-Wing before you get killed. --- Objectives: -Take out the 2 lead AT-ATs -Get to the Tauntaun -Follow Derlin back to Echo Base -Destroy the 3 AT-STs -Protect the 3 Rebel Transports -Destroy the Tie Bombers --- Starting Point: On-foot, behind the AT-AT that crushed your speeder. --- Other Available Craft: Tauntaun, X-Wing. --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: AT-ATs, AT-STs, Storm Troopers, Probe Droids, Imperial Shuttles, Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, and Tie Bombers. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Quickly run under the first AT-AT (dodging the feet), tap the C-stick, pull yourself up to the underbelly using the anologue stick, and continually tap A to pull out you Lightsaber and cut a hole in the engine. Now press B to bring up the first person view, aim for the hole in the engine, and press B again to lob a thermal detonator into the engine. Quickly run to the right to dodge the impact. Now head towards the second AT-AT, wasting the Stormies on the way. When you reach it, repeat the process you used to take down the first one, and remember to run right to dodge the impact. Now keep shooting down the Stormies and the Probe Droids as you head towards Tauntauns. Section 2: Speed across the Battlefield towards the shield generator, taking down Stormies and dodging walkers. Eventually the generator will be destroyed by an AT-AT, so keep following the orange cone towards the ridge. Eventually you'll see a Rebel insignia, run into it to hop off the Tauntaun. Section 3: Blast the 8 Stormies ahead of you and hop onto the E-Webb cannon. 3 Shuttles will drop 3 AT-STs. Quickly destroy them, and shoot any Stormies that walk out of the boxes. Section 4: You're now in your X-Wing, flying towards the Hoth atmosphere. You have to protect the 3 remaining transports before they can make the jump to hyperspace. Follow your orange cone to the transport in need, and keep on taking down the Tie Bombers. You should shoot down the Fighters too, but the Bombers are your main concern. Only 1 needs to make it out of Hoth for you to finish the mission, but it's best to protect all 3, so that you can get a good medal. Eventually a Rebel will say, "thanks for the escort Luke," this means that you've succeded. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 5:30 Enemies Destroyed- 60 Accuracy- 20% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 90% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 5:20 Enemies Destroyed- 70 Accuracy- 29% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== H. Mission 6 - Trials of a Jedi Overview: Whilst on Hoth, Luke saw the image of Obi-Wan Kenobi telling him to seek out Jedi Master Yoda on Dagobah. After crashing his X-Wing in the misty swamps of Dagobah, Luke meets a strange creature who claims to know Yoda. --- Objectives: -Find your way to the strange creature's home -Complete Yoda's Double Jump Tutorial -Complete Yoda's Lightsaber Tutorial -Follow Yoda back to your X-Wing -Use The Force to raise your X-Wing from the swamp --- Starting Point: On-foot, near the swamp. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Spiders (!) --- Walkthrough: Section 1: This level is loved by some, hated by others. It's kind of like Kloana 2 for the Playstation 2, a side-scrolling platformer with 3D graphics and full-range of movement at certain times. First, hop over the rocks and stuff to cross the swamp, following the orange cone to find Yoda's hut. This section only lasts about a minute. Section 2: Practice blocking lasers and double-jumping, then head out on your second obstacle course. It's much bigger than the first part, and you'll need to utilise the double-jump now. Kill spiders only if you're going for a medal, if not, forget about it. If you fall in the water, you'll regenerate on a nearby bank, losing about 5-10% of your health. You pass R2-D2 a few times in the stage, and he is always standing next to bacta, so make sure to pick it up. Eventually, you'll come across your X-Wing. Section 3: Tap B at a reasonably fast pace to raise your X-Wing. When it gets to a certain height, Luke will lose focus, like in the movie, and the stage will end. As long as you have the right pace, there's no need to worry about the time limit. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:30 Enemies Destroyed- 22 Accuracy- 100% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:00 Enemies Destroyed- 31 Accuracy- 100% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== I. Mission 7 - The Sarlaac Pit Overview: After a failed attempt at rescuing his friend Han Solo from the clutches of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt, the death sentance has been passed and Luke, Han, and Chewbacca have been sent to The Sarlaac Pit in the desert wastes of Tatooine for their execution. Falling into a Sarlaac Pit guarentees death 99% of the time. Luke is forced to walk the gantry of a skiff... but suddenly R2-D2 shoots Luke's lightsaber into the air (a cunning plan), Luke catches it, and he gets ready to kick some scum-of-the-universe ass! There are skiffs and a sailbarge full of aliens just waiting to be sliced and diced. --- Objectives: -Protect Han, Chewie, and Lando -Get to Jabba's Sailbarge -Protect Leia until she gets to the deck gun --- Starting Point: On-foot, on the skiff with the gantry. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Wierd and wonderful aliens. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: An extremely short stage. Slice the first enemy in half, then wait for the next skiff to stop. Leap over and watch the Boba Fett cutscene. Section 2: Slice and dice the enemies on this skiff, and wait for the next one to come floating past. Double-jump over to it and kill the dudes on there. Jump over to the final skiff as it comes floating past (time your jumps well), and obviously kill the aliens on board. The gunners on Jabba's Sailbarge will be aiming for you, so block the lasers with your Lightsaber. When the skiff gets very close to the Sailbarge, jump onto it and kill all the gunners. That's it... --- Gold Requirements: Time- 1:12 Enemies Destroyed- 16 Accuracy- 100% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Platinum Requirements: Time- 1:10 Enemies Destroyed- 18 Accuracy- 100% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== J. Wedge's Campaign After travelling the path to Jedi Knighthood, it's time to go back to what makes Rogue Squadron so great; flight missions. Wedge does have some sections on-foot, but not nearly as many as farmboy. Are you ready to experience 5 of the best Rogue Squadron stages ever? ================================== K. Mission 8 - Raid at Bakura Overview: Many Rebels were captured on Hoth, so Rogue Squadron decides to raid a space station at Bakura, where many prisoners are taken before shipping off to Imperial prisons in the galaxy. --- Objectives: -Disable any fleeing Imperial transports -Provide cover for the Rebel recovery crews -OPTIONAL: Locate and rescue Hobbie --- Starting Point: In your B-Wing, flying towards the station, after ionizing a transport. --- Other Available Craft: Y-Wing, Tie Bomber. --- Available Craft from Hanger: None. --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Missile Droids, and missile turrets. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: You'll start flying towards the first ionized Imperial Guard Transport. If you're going for a medal, turn around and you'll find loads of nicely-placed Ties (around 20). Eventually Rescue 1 will tell you they've begun their rescue, so head towards them and shoot down any and all Ties in the area. Don't be scared, the AI is really low on this stage... After about 30 seconds, Rescue 1 will start positioning itself for the hyperspace jump, and you'll be free to head towards the Space Station, which has loads of easy-to-blast missile turrets with pretty low AI. After another 30 seconds or so, another transport will leave the station, so go and shoot it with 3 ION Blasts. Before Rescue 2 lands on the second Imperial Guard Transport, a third will leave the station, so go and disable it with another few ION Blasts. Soon enough, Rescue 2 will start loading prioners, so go and protect it. After another 30 seconds, Rescue 2 will be ready to leave the system, so quickly go get a few more Ties or turrets. As soon as Rescue 2 is clear, the mission will come to an end... or does it? ***OPTIONAL*** Section 2: Now, if you managed to achieve Silver Medal stats by the end of Section 1, Hobbie will crash in an ice canyon on Bakura, and you'll head down to rescue him in a hijacked Tie Bomber. If, however, you were behind on a certain stat, you'll set off to chase Sarkli to Geonosis with no taste of this lovely ship. The Tie Bomber is a fun ship to pilot, instead of having blasters, it has lock-on missiles. They're easy to use, just hold down A, set your targets, and release. Oh, and the missiles recharge VERY quickly. Now, in this canyon, just stay low, dodge the structures, and shoot down as many turrets as you want. It's very easy, but the fun holds through. Eventually, you'll see a Rebel Insignia, fly into it to rescue good old Hob-Hobs. Mission complete! If you're interested in using this ship on a whopping total of 4 other missions, check the secrets section. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 8:30 Enemies Destroyed- 97 Accuracy- 28% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 8:20 Enemies Destroyed- 115 Accuracy- 32% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== L. Mission 9 - Relics of Geonosis Overview: Geonosis is another desert-like planet. It secured its place in history when it became host to the very first battle of The Clone Wars; The Battle of Geonosis. The Rebels have chased a mysterious Imperial officer to Geonosis. In case you haven't figured it out, it's Sarkli. --- Objectives: -Find the Escort Carrier -Protect R5 -Destroy both Escort Carriers -Protect the Rebel Frigate -Find the Jedi Starfighter's hyperdrive boost ring --- Starting Point: In the asteroid belt in your X-Wing. --- Other Available Craft: On-foot, and the Jedi Starfighter. --- Available Craft from Hanger: All. --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Tie Bombers, Escort Carriers, Battle Droids, Storm Troopers, and a Republic Gunship. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Follow the orange cone to find 3 Escort Carriers. Sarkli is piloting the one in the center. Shoot it with all your torpedos, and then blast it to bits. This section is pretty damn easy, the Ties don't go for you, and the asteroids are easy to manauver. After shooting Sarkli's carrier enough times, a cutscene will show the carriers escape pods shoot down towards Geonosis. The explosion gives Wedge engine trouble and his X-Wing is headed straight for Geonosis... Section 2: Directly ahead of the X-Wing crash site is a bunch of Stormies. Lay all of them to rest, and then continue along the path. You'll soon meet up with some Battle Droids left over from The Battle of Geonosis, which took place 26 years ago. Because of all this time alone they're now just rusty hunks of junk, and very easy to take down. But make sure to take all of them down, as you're protecting R5. Continue along the path and you'll keep finiding Stormies and Battle Droids, and occasionally you'll find bacta canisters. Eventually you'll take a right turn in the canyon and see an E-Webb in the distance. Also, Sarkli will now start attacking you in his Republic Gunship. Shoot all Stormies and Battle Droids in the area (check our radar if you're not sure they're all dead), and hop onto the E-Webb cannon on the left. Shoot down Sarkli pretty fast, if you take too long he'll destroy R5. Eventually he'll scream insults, speed up around a corner, and you'll see rubble flying everywhere, giving the impression of a crash. Now hop off and run over to the Jedi Starfighter in the corner. Section 3: The orange cone will lead you to 2 Escort Carriers which need destroying. It should be pretty easy now that you have SONIC MINES!!!!! After taking down these 2 easy targets, Wedge will start babbling in his English-American-Irish-Canadian accent and the cone will point to the Hyperdrive Ring which conveniently stayed intact over the past 26 years. Oh come on Factor 5, couldn't you of at least put it OUTSIDE of the asteroid belt? Oh well, fly towards it and the mission will come to an end. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 6:40 Enemies Destroyed- 135 Accuracy- 60% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 6:15 Enemies Destroyed- 165 Accuracy- 70% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== M. Mission 10 - Deception at Destrillion Overview: An extremely strange stage. Most of the mission is flying through an amazingly constructed energy tunnel that uses wierd lighting effects. The Rebels have been given a tip-off about an Imperial opperation going on in the Destrillion area, so Wedge flies in the tunnels alone to investigate. --- Objectives: -Fly through the energy tunnels -Destroy the Tie Hunters inside the energy field -Locate the Imperial Research Facility -Destroy the targetting relays --- Starting Point: Entering the tunnel in your A-Wing. --- Other Available Craft: Y-Wing --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Hunters, Submarines, and Tie Fighters. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Your A-Wing is pretty small, but it's still very easy to slip up in this section. Some people find this easier in the cockpit view, so you might want to give that a shot. Dodge the energy beams extending from the edges of the tunnel, they can very easily kill you. It should take you about 20 seconds to reach the center-point of the tunnel. Here you'll find around 20 Tie Hunters, and, for some reason, a Gas Platform... Anyway, use your lock-on missiles to take them all down, it's much faster and more accurate than using your blasters. Be pretty evasive, they have good accuracy. When you've taken them all down, the shield will be dropped, and you can continue along the energy tunnel. It will get VERY tight now, so be very careful, and use the brake to your advantage. Eventually you'll reach the end. Section 2: You're now heading towards the Super Laser in a Y-Wing. Follow your orange cone to the first power generator. Now, shoot 2 ion blasts at the blue shielding over the top of the satalite dish, then destroy the dish with about 5 bombs and/or blaster fire. Follow your cone and repeat the process with the other 2. Whilst you're doing this, be sure to dodge the submarines, as they have heat-seaking missiles. The Tie Fighters are also pretty smart in this section, so evade them. Once you've destroyed all 3 power generators, the mission will end. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:00 Enemies Destroyed- 27 Accuracy- 36% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 3:50 Enemies Destroyed- 32 Accuracy- 50% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== N. Mission 11 - Guns of Dubrillion Overview: After destroying the generators for the Super Laser, it's become far less powerful. But the Rebel Fleet still can't leave the system until the laser is FULLY destroyed, so Wedge hijacks an AT-ST and heads inside... --- Objectives: -Locate and destroy the Super Laser --- Starting Point: In an AT-ST, heading towards the first elavator. --- Other Available Craft: AT-AT --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: AT-STs, Storm Troopers, Ties Fighters, Missile Droid, and those damn Rail Bombs. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Kill the Stormies on the floor and head up the ramp. Look at the site before your eyes... beautiful, eh? Although I wouldn't want to be one of the Imperials guarding this place, what with Wacky Wedge on a walker rampage. Anyway, destroy all of the AT-STs, transports, and Shuttles ahead of you. This stage gives you a suprising sense of fullfilment, and the enemies are really easy. When you get to the fork, turn right and nail the 2 gunners ahead of you. Keep going across the bridge, destroying all the Imperial scum in your way. Eventually you'll come across a straight walkway with a roof, lock-on to all 3 AT-STs ahead of you and lay them to rest. Continue moving as fast as you can towards the elevator. Once you finally reach the elevator, stay where you are and hold down B. When the Missile Droids pop up, lock-on to them and smash them up real fast. Remember to use your quick-turn trigger. A cutscene should play after about 6 Droids. Section 2: This section is pretty dangerous. Head left along the rail system, targetting all of the AT-STs and Missile Droids. Be careful of the rail bombs. These little suckers travel along all 3 rails and will explode on the SLIGHTEST touch. So only shoot them if you're sure you'll survive. This section is pretty much the same pattern over and over for about 2 minutes, so there's not much more I can say. Eventually a cutscene will come into play. Section 3: You're now inside an AT-AT! You can only control the head and forward guns, but it's better than the pathetic little AT-ST! It now takes litterly ONE shot to take down AT-STs, Missile Droids, and Tie Fighters. Shoot the AT-STs in your way and you'll soon step onto an elevator. Now shoot down anything you can get a good shot at on your way down, the ride only lasts about 20 seconds. At the bottom, shoot down the 5 AT-STs ahead, and then concentrate your fire on the 3 spinning turbines ahead of you. These control the Super Laser, and the fleet is dangerously weak now, so you'll have to be quick. Occasionly a Missile Droid will fly out of the turbine area, so waste them quickly. After destroying all 3 turbines, the mission is complete! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 7:00 Enemies Destroyed- 90 Accuracy- 35% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 6:30 Enemies Destroyed- 90 Accuracy- 40% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== O. Mission 12 - Fondor Shipyard Assault Overview: An attack is about to take place on the Imperial Construction yards of Fondor. Undercover in Tie Hunters, Rogue Squadron are going to pretend to deliver a Rebel Tranport to Fondor, but really it's empty and is programmed to crash directly into a shield generator which is protecting construction on a Super Star Destroyer. --- Objectives: -Defend the Rebel Transport -Use ION Cannons to disable the damaged station's doors -Destroy the damaged station's shield generator -Destroy all 3 cloaking devices --- Starting Point: Next to the Rebel Transport in your Tie Hunter. --- Other Available Craft: A-Wing. --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Escort Carriers, Turrets, and the Super Star Destroyer. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: You'll start in a Tie Hunter flying towards one of the Fondor shield generators. See that beast in the distance? That's a Super Star Destroyer under construction. Gorgeous, eh? Anyway, send your wingmates after the Ties, head for the Escort Carrier, and unload all of your torpedos into it. Finish it off with your blasters, it shouldn't take long, although you should be very careful, as you'll have lots of guns shooting at you. With that taken care of, head back up to the Ties threatening the transport and destroy them. This isn't too hard, just destroy anything that gets close. Eventually the transport will ram into the generator. Section 2: The door to the generator will now be opening and closing rapidly, and you should be able to see the huge reactor within. Head for the fleet and change to the A-Wing, then loose some missiles and lots of lasers into the reactor. It shouldn't take long to explode. Section 3: You're now in the trenches of the Super Star Destroyer, and it's VERY tough unless you stay on your toes. Waste some of the turrets if you're going for a medal, but never press the brakes unless it's to avoid death. Don't fly above the trench or you'll be shot down. Eventually you'll come across the first cloaking device, it should be destroyed after about 5 seconds of continuous blaster fire. Continue navigating the trenches and scaffolding and repeat the process on the second and third cloaking device. If you're succesful, BOOM! ALTERNATE SECTION 1: If you're using the Jedi Starfighter, head straight for the shield generator and shoot your sonic mines next to the door which leads to the reactor, in the exact right place (it's easy to find), and the reactor should blow up right away, sending you straight into Section 3. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:00 Enemies Destroyed- 50 Accuracy- 56% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 5:00 Enemies Destroyed- 63 Accuracy- 45% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== P. Endor Epilogue After completing either campaign, the story joins back up for the finale on Endor. You play as Luke, Chewie, and Han. ================================== Q. Mission 13 - Speeder Bike Pursuit Overview: Whilst on a scout mission on the forest moon of Endor, the Rebels spot a few Stormies. Han, thinking he always knows best, decides to sneak up behind them and attack. But he steps on a twig, and makes a rather loud cracking sound. A Storm Trooper turns around and attacks him, whilst a few more head off on their Speeder Bikes. Luke and Leia both hop onto a bike and head off after them. Leia gets alondside of another one, and Luke makes a spear of the moment decision... he leaps onto the other bike, knocks the Stormie off, and regains control of the bike just in time. --- Objectives: -Prevent Scout Bikers from reaching the Shield Generator --- Starting Point: Luke on the Speeder Bike, speeding through the forest of Endor. --- Other Available Craft: On-foot --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Speeder Bikes. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Many people (including myself) love this mission, whilst many others hate it. Basically, you're on a semi-linear path through the forests of Endor, and you have to stop 10 Scout Bikers from reaching the shield generator. Make sure you're very familiar with the Speeder Bike controls and you should do well. I personally find this stage easier in Third Person View, but many prefer First Person, so try both and see which you prefer. When a bike zooms ahead of you, slam down the boost and nail them with your blaster fire. Now, sometimes you'll encounter 'rammers'. These guys will stick to the side of you, determined to ram you off. Now, you CAN press B to ram back, but this makes it MUCH more difficult, as they go on a ramming rampage the second you press B. Instead, smoothly move towards the 'wall' of trees, and quickly move VERY close to them and then back out into the center of the path. If done correctly, they'll of whacked into the side and exploded. It's really very fun and easy to pull off if you know how. After about 9 Speeder Bikes, one of them will stick you at an angle to the corner of your bike. When this happens, don't try to knock him off, just stay in the center of the path and dodge trees and such. After a short while, a cutscene will play. Section 2: You're now on-foot in a clearing. There wan't much point in this section... but I guess it's kind of cool. As the Speeder Bike zooms towards you, when the A button flashes on-screen, quickly press it to slice the bike in half. That's it... if you miss, he'll come back around in about 10 seconds, and you can block his blaster fire with your lightsaber. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:00 Enemies Destroyed- 9 Accuracy- 9% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 3:20 Enemies Destroyed- 10 Accuracy- 16% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== R. Mission 14 - Triumph of the Rebellion Overview: The final regular mission. Han, Leia, and the scouts have joined up with the native creatures on Endor; Ewoks. They basically look like teddybears... many think this is a bit too cutesy, but I don't really mind that much. Luke is absent from this mission as he's duking it out with Vader and Palpatine up in the Death Star Mark II. The scout team decide to go for the back door of the bunker on Endor that leads to the shield generator for the Death Star Mark II. After walking right into a trap, the Imperials catch the scouts and take them back out into the forest... Where the Ewoks are waiting to attack. Chewie and 2 Ewoks take over an AT-ST. --- Objectives: -Fight your way to the bunker before Han & Leia are overwhelmed -Plant the explosive charges -Fight your way out of the Bunker before it explodes --- Starting Point: In an AT-ST in the forest. --- Other Available Craft: On-foot as Han Solo. --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Storm Troopers, AT-STs, Speeder Bikes, Imperial Officers, and Sarkli. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: On this mission it's best to keep moving. As you follow your orange cone, you're pretty much following a clear path, although there are some destroyable-trees in your way. Now, just keep following the cone and destroy all walkers, Stormies, and bikes in your way. You'll often come across Ewok bases, and when you do, Ewok commands will flash on-screen. These will either be Catapults, Log Roll, or Log Swing. The Catapults will be giant stones flung at Stormies and walkers, and aren't of concern to you. Log Roll will roll a bunch of logs down a hill, which will kill any Stormies in its path, and also trip up AT-STs. Log Swing will be 2 massive logs swinging from either side of the path, meeting in the middle, which will destroy an AT-ST should they hit one. After about 3-4 minutes, you'll finally see the Bunker in a clearing ahead. Head straight for it, taking down the gunners surrounding it, and you should trigger a cutscene. Section 2: Come on Han old buddy, don't let Lando down! Run down the stairs and through the corridors, nailing the typically weak Stormies, and you'll soon find a Rebel Insignia. Run over to it and tap the C-Stick in any direction to place a charge. Head out into the big-ass generator room, and go either left or right. Whichever way you go you'll find the exact same thing, a Rebel Insignia and a Storm Trooper. Nail the Stormies and place both charges to trigger a cutscene. Section 3: So Sarkli DIDN'T die on Geonosis! Chase him through the corridors continually letting off your blaster bolts into him, and dodge his fire, if he should stop to shoot you. He'll drop dead near the final staircase, what an anti-climatic ending for such a cool guy! Now run up the staircase to finish the game! Well, I doubt you've anywhere NEAR finished the game, but you've beaten the final main stage! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 5:20 Enemies Destroyed- 80 Accuracy- 28% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:40 Enemies Destroyed- 95 Accuracy- 40% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== S. Bonus Missions Just like RL, there are 5 unlockable hidden missions. By getting medals on stages, you get points. When you have enough points, you can unlock a new mission. The Gold Medals are a bit easier to get in RSt than in RL, so you shouldn't take too long getting the required points. ================================== T. Mission 15 - Death Star Rescue How to Unlock: Collect 10 points --- Overview: Han Solo agreed to fly Luke and Ben to Alderaan in the Millenium Falcon, but when they got there... it wasn't there. It had been destroyed by the Death Star. Han quickly spoted a Tie Fighter in the area and started following it. Luke noticed that the fighter was heading towards a wierd moon up ahead... that's no moon, it's a space station! The Death Star pulled the Falcon into a docking bay with its tractor beam, forcing Luke & Han to beat up a couple of Stormies and steal their uniforms. After Ben heads off to shut down the tractor beam so they can escape, R2-D2 notices on the computer that Princess Leia is on board and scheduled to be terminated. Luke convinces Han and Chewie to help him rescue Leia, and they head off to detention level AA23. --- Objectives: -Access the security elevator -Defeat the enemies in the detention center -Locate Princess Leia -Escape the detention area -Find the Millenium Falcon and escape --- Starting Point: On-foot, as Luke in Stormie armour in the Docking Bay Control Room. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Storm Troopers, Imperial Officers. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Head out of the door and down through the corridor. Turn right and go through the next door. Don't worry about the Stormies, they won't shoot you. Enter the elevator area and wait for the center one to open. Walk into the Rebel Insignia. Section 2: Keep shooting all the Stormies as they come out of the elevators. Remember that the jump button is your best friend, and there's a bit of bacta in the elevators. Eventually the cone will point towards the cell corridor. Run up there and waste the enemies. Keep opening the doors on the right until you find Leia. When you have her, head back down towards Han until you see a vent below a Rebel Insignia. Shoot it and a hole will appear, causing a cutscene to play. Section 3: Head round the corridor to find a bunch of Stormies. Han and Chewie will run off after them. Carry on down the corridor until you find the huge chasm. When Leia runs in after you the door will close. Now, Stormies will keep coming out of the 3 doors. When you've killed 9, the C-Stick icon will flash. Tap the C-Stick to bring up then first person view, target the hanging machinery and press A. Section 4: Just keep on going through the corridors blasting the Stormies. There'll be a couple of doors on the way. After the third door, you'll see Vader and Ben dueling outside of the Docking Bay. Run straight towards them to see Ben meet his maker. Now waste the 5 Stormies surrounding the Falcon, and run into the Rebel Insignia. ALTERNATE SECTION 1: If you're going for a medal, you'll have to shoot down all of the Stormies in this first section. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 3:20 Enemies Destroyed- 55 Accuracy- 45% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 3:15 Enemies Destroyed- 59 Accuracy- 50% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== W. Mission 16 - Escape from Hoth How to Unlock: Collect 20 points --- Overview: The Imperials are taking Echo Base by Force, and after they destroy the shield generator, Han convinces Leia it's time to leave. --- Objectives: -Escort Princess Leia to her command ship -Reach the Millenium Falcon -Defend the Millenium Falcon -Disable the damaged Star Destroyer and escape --- Starting Point: On-foot as Han in the tunnels of Echo Base. --- Other Available Craft: The lower Falcon gun, and The Millenium Falcon itself. --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Storm Troopers, Tie Fighters, and a Star Destroyer. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Yet another samey on-foot section, but one of the more enjoyable ones. Head down the tunnels blasting the Stormies and grabbing their weapons and you'll soon come across an E-Webb cannon. If you're confident in your skills, ignore the cannon and carry on down the tunnel shooting the 15-odd Stormies on-foot. But, if you're unsure you can handle it, hop on to the E-Webb and wait for the Stormies to show. After they're all dead, take the left turn at the fork and go straight down the tunnel to see a cutscene. Section 2: The path is blocked, so head up the other way, and you'll find the medical area. Grab some bacta and carry on following your orange cone. After blasting a few more Stormies, you'll soon trigger a cutscene. Section 3: Head left to find the metal bridges you just saw collapse. Head to the end of the first one, and jump to the one on your immediate right. Blast any Stormies causing you strife, then jump onto the hanging bridge in front of you. Before you head off into the tunnel, look down at where the camera's pointing. DARTH VADER! Anyway, now, follow the cone up the slopey tunnels, and after blasting a couple more Stormies you'll see the one and only DARTH VADER! Unfortunately another earthquake causes the path to get blocked up so you don't get to fight him, oh well. Take the other path and you'll see Threepio standing next to the docking bay. His voice actor is just... ugh. Section 4: You're now controlling the lower gun, and you have to shoot any Stormies you see. Stormies only appear directly ahead of you or from the tunnels on the right, so there's never any need to look left. The lasers can occasionally be a tad inaccurate, so don't waste any time blasting the Stormies. If 5 make it past your range, you fail the mission. After about a minute, a cutscene will finally play. Section 5: You're now controlling the actual ship and you need to take down the Star Destroyer directly ahead of you. Fortunately the left shield generator has already been destroyed, and the other 2 generators are pretty weak, so this isn't too hard. The Ties have pretty good AI here, so don't underestimate them, and don't forget the Star Destroyer's guns DO go for you sometimes here. Head straight forward and take down the shield generator on the right. Your missiles don't do much, but unload a few into it if you want. After this, head for the one underneath, which is even weaker, and then finally hit the command deck! Don't worry about crashing into the bridge after you destroy the deck, the final cutscene loads very fast, so you shouldn't lose a life. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 5:19 Enemies Destroyed- 69 Accuracy- 30% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:45 Enemies Destroyed- 75 Accuracy- 40% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== V. Mission 17 - Flight from Bespin How to Unlock: Collect 20 points --- Overview: After being lured into a trap set by Darth Vader, Han Solo was frozen in carbonyte and given to the notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett, to deliver to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. Lando Calrissian, leader of Cloud City, has been blackmailed to co-operate with the Empire, but he's now had enough. Vader keeps on changing the deal, and Lando knows it's just going to get worse. So he sets Leia and Chewie free, and after a quick strangle from Chewie, they all set off to try and stop Boba from leaving. --- Objectives: -Intercept Boba Fett before he can leave the city -Locate the Millenium Falcon and escape -Eliminate the Tie patrols -Locate and rescue Luke Skywalker -Escape Cloud City --- Starting Point: On-foot as Leia in Cloud City. --- Other Available Craft: The Millenium Falcon --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Storm Troopers, Boba Fett, and Tie Fighters. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Run into the Rebel Insignia and press up to order R2 to open the door. Run through the corridors wasting Stormies and dodging Bobas fire until you come across a second R2-openable door. This will lead you out to the Slave One. After it takes off, head back through into the building and waste the Stormies, then take the other path than the one that led you here. This will take you to 3 Stormies and another R2-openable door. Get that gorgeous little droid to open the door and run into the Insignia next to the Falcon. Section 2: You better be good in this hunk of junk or you're in big trouble now. Thankfully, the Falcons main lasers are heat-seaking, so it's not too hard to dogfight Ties. Anyway, you need to wipe out all of the Ties underneath Cloud City. If one becomes unshakeably on your tail, you can use the C-Stick to aim your lasers behind the Falcon. Remember you have 20 lock-on missiles, this can help a lot. The AI on the Ties for this section is unfairly high, so don't get cocky. When you've finally destroyed every Tie in the area, a Rebel Insignia will appear underneath Luke. Head straight for him. Section 3: Just head straight for the perimeter, following the cone. You can blast a few Ties if you want, but unless you're going for a medal, there's not much point. When Lando says, "Chewie, set co-ordinates!" you've finished the mission. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 5:45 Enemies Destroyed- 48 Accuracy- 8% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 5:30 Enemies Destroyed- 52 Accuracy- 9% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== U. Mission 18 - Attack on the Executor How to Unlock: Collect 30 points --- Overview: This stage continues where RL's Battle of Endor stage left off. Rogue Squadron and Gold Squadron have commenced attack on the Death Stars' main reactor, so you're now controlling the young Rebel, Arvel Crynyd. The Star Destroyers are overpowering the Mon Cal cruisers, so it's time to kick some seriously cool butt. --- Objectives: -Destroy the ION Cannons threatening the Mon Calamari Cruiser -Destroy the Executor's Command Deck --- Starting Point: In an A-Wing heading towards 3 Star Destroyers. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Star Destroyers, the Super Star Destroyer 'Executor', and many, many guns. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: If you're going for a medal, watch the opening cutscene, the cruiser will be much closer to the first Star Destroyer when you begin. Also, this stage is INCREDIBLY easy in the Jedi Starfighter. Now, head straight for the first Star Destroyer and take down the ION Cannons on the left. You can stay and attack the guns and generators if you want, but Ackbar will tell you to head for the second Star Destroyer. The Ties are of no concern on this stage, they have very low AI. Now, destroy all the ION cannons on the right of the second Star Destroyer. As with the first one, you can stay and attack more of the ship if you want, but the cone will be pointing towards the third Star Destroyer. When you reach the third Star Destroyer, you'll need to take down all 8 ION Cannons. Now you can do whatever you want until the Mon Cal cruiser has cleared the third STar Destroyer. When he does, a cutscene will play. Section 2: You're now in the trenches of the Executor. This is MUCH easier than the similar section in Fondor. Tell your wingmates to flee, and you can attack any turrets and Ties if you so wish. You'll need to be pretty fast if you're going for a medal. Do not fly above the trench or you'll be shot down. Pretty soon Ackbar should tell you that the forward shields are down, when he does this, you're almost at the bridge. When you can see the bridge clearly, zoom straight towards the command deck... IT'S TOO LATE! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:50 Enemies Destroyed- 55 Accuracy- 35% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:20 Enemies Destroyed- 60 Accuracy- 37% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== X. Mission 19 - Rebel Endurance How to Unlock: Collect 30 points --- Overview: You're controlling Luke Skywalker on-foot in the Death Star hanger, enemies keep coming, and you must keep on destroying them. This really is an arcadey sort of stage. --- Objectives: -Destroy all Imperials --- Starting Point: On-foot in the Death Star Docking Bay. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Storm Troopers, Probe Droids, and Boba Fett. --- Walkthrough: Survive 52 waves of enemies! There are weapons and bactar canisters everywhere, and you get an extra life for every 10 waves you destroy. Ready? GO! Remember to use the boxes ALL the time to cover yourself, and that you can jump to dodge most laser blasts. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 30:00 Enemies Destroyed- 390 Accuracy- 30% Friendlies Lost- 45 Lives Lost- 7 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 0% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 16:00 Enemies Destroyed- 460 Accuracy- 55% Friendlies Lost- 52 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% *********************************************************************** 7. Co-operative Mission Walkthroughs and Medal Stats ================================== A. Co-operative Mode When Rebel Strike was first unveiled back in early May, one of the biggest surprises, and one of the most exciting things, was that we would be getting almost every single Rogue Leader stage upgraded for a co-operative mode. And now here it is. Grab a buddy, train him up, and get ready to kick some Imperial ass! ================================== B. Mission 20 - Death Star Attack Overview: After narrowly escaping the Death Star after rescuing Princess Leia, the Millenium Falcon set off for the Rebel base on Yavin IV, unaware that a tracking device was secure aboard their ship. After checking the Death Star plan, General Dodana decides that there is only one chance, however remote, of the Alliance destroying the Death Star. He quickly briefs every single Rebel available, and he reveals that they'll need to risk their lives flying down a 5 mile trench, before aiming a Proton Torpedo for the Thermal Exhaust Port, which is 2 meters wide. The Death Star shows up on the Rebellions' tracking computer, and so a 30-man attack is quickly launched; Gold Squadron and Red Squadron. Before leaving, Luke tries to convince Han Solo to help out, but he seems pre-occupied with his huge reward... And so, the Rebels begin the greatest movie sequence of all time; THE BATTLE OF YAVIN. --- Objectives: -Destroy all Deflection Towers -Destroy all TIE Fighters -Shoot proton torpedoes into the Exhaust Port --- Starting Point Player 1: Flying above the Death Star surface in your chosen ship towards the guard towers. --- Starting Point Player 2: Flying above the Death Star surface in your chosen ship towards the guard towers. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: X-Wing and Y-Wing --- Enemies: Deflection Towers, mini-turrets, Tie Fighters, Tie Advance X-1. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: You both start on the Death Star surface, heading towards a Guard Tower. There are about 30 mini-turrets spread around, and a few Tie Fighters. Destroy all Guard Towers to advance. Section 2: As more Rebels near the Trench, a group of 30+ Tie Fighters are becoming a threat, so Red Squadron has been asked to take care of them. There are lots of mini-turrets spread around, but it's best to just concentrate on the fighters. Don't forget to order your wingmen to go after them also. Section 3: Luke, Wedge, and Biggs now get their shot at the Trench Run. The first half of the Trench is all obstacles and mini-turrets, but the AI is pretty bad. So all you have to worry about is not crashing. After making it through the obstacles, 3 waves of 3 Tie Fighters fly down to attack. Brake hard to get behind them, and destroy all 3 before they fly out and get behind you again. After they've been taken care of, Vader flies down for a shot at you. He's pathetic... just slam down the brakes again and get behind him. If you shoot him it boosts your accuracy, but you can't actually destroy him. Han will come down in the Falcon and take care of Vader and his wingmates sooner or later, and then you're on your own for the final objective. Once you can clearly see the exhaust port on the wall at the end of the Trench, hit it with a proton torpedo. Or, if you have the targetting upgrade, just target it and bombs away! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 6:05 Enemies Destroyed- 90 Accuracy- 45% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 5:15 Enemies Destroyed- 115 Accuracy- 60% Frendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== C. Mission 21 - Ison Corridor Ambush Overview: Set a few hours after the opening stage of the single-player campaign, Luke, Wedge, and the rest of Red Squadron have to protect some transports on their way to Hoth. They came out of hyperspace to meet up with the second convoy, but they could only find debris of both Rebel and Imperial ships. Suddenly Ties start appearing from all directions, and the convoy cannot go to light speed again until they're clear of all debris. --- Objectives: -Defend the transports against Imperial forces -The Frigate Redemption MUST survive --- Starting Point Player 1: Flying towards the Ties in your desired ship. --- Starting Point Player 2: Flying towards the Ties in your desired ship. --- Other Available Craft: A-Wing --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, and Tie Interceptors. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Scrap metal is your worst enemy in this mission. With only half the screen, it can get tough to distinguish Ties from scrap metal. But, if you can get over that annoyance, this is a pretty cool mission. Use your radar or targeting computer (if you're not going for a medal) to locate the Ties and take them out! All you have to do is protect the transports from being destroyed. This mission is VERY easy in the Tie Advanced, Slave One, and Jedi Starfighter, due to their immensly helpful secondary weapons. If you destroy the first wave fast enough (actually it's hard not to on co-op mode), you'll get a second wave of fighters and the oppertunity to swop your craft for an A-Wing. You need to wipe out every single Tie to trigger the second Section. Section 2: This is basically the same as Section 1, but with less metal, and a huge-ass cloud. This isn't a problem if you're a pro, but this could leave a lot of newer players stumped, so don't forget about the targeting computer. Take out all Ties before they can destroy the transports to finish the mission! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:30 Enemies Destroyed- 60 Accuracy- 24% Friendlies Lost- 2 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 72% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:27 Enemies Destroyed- 70 Accuracy- 42% Frendlies Lost- 1 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== D. Mission 22 - The Battle of Hoth Overview: The Rebels have had success hiding from the Empire for 3 years in Echo Base. But now some Imperial Probe Droids scouring Hoth have discovered some signs of life, and Vader is sure that the Rebels are there. A full-scale Imperial ground assualt is unleashed, with transports dropping off AT-ATs and AT-STs. Imperial Star Destroyers are circling the planet, as is Vaders' personal Super Star Destroyer, the Executor. General Reikan quickly hatches an escape plan and puts Rogue Squadron in charge of a ground assualt using the specially modified snowspeeders. Your first command is to protect Outpost Beta, which is crucial to his plan of dodging the Star Destroyers. --- Objectives: -Defend Outpost BETA and the Ion Cannon -Slow the advancing Imperial Walkers -Defend the fleeing Rebel transports --- Starting Point Player 1: Flying in a canyon near Outpost Beta in a snowspeeder. --- Starting Point Player 2: Flying in a canyon near Outpost Beta in a snowspeeder. --- Other Available Craft: X-Wing --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Imperial Probe Droids, AT-STs, an Imperial Shuttle, AT-ATs, Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Tie Bombers. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Okay, you both start in the outlying canyon heading towards the main battlefield. This level has changed slightly since its Rogue Leader creation, and the AT-STs are much stronger. First, tell your wingmen to attack the AT-STs, then tell the soldiers to Defend. There are 11 AT-STs which require your attention. 3 of them are right ahead of you as you leave the canyon, 3 are further back behind them, 1 is just being dropped off by a Shuttle behind those 3, and the other 4 are close to Outpost Beta. One player should go after the first 7 I mentioned, whilst the other player should get the final 4, and then destroy AT-STs further up in the field. Remember, try to always avoid flying in a walkers line of fire, as they can cause quite a bit of damage. When you've destroyed the 11 vital AT-STs, a cutscene will play. Section 2: You've both now taken over as Wedge, because Luke has crashed in the field. Send your wingmen after the Guns. Now, there are 3 AT-ATs which need tripping up, right up the top of the field near the Shield Generator. One player should go after these, whilst the other should destroy all AT-STs in the field, taking in mind that some are dropped off during this section. When the 3 lead AT-ATs are down, a cutscene will play. Section 3: You're now zooming back trhrough the canyons towards the transports. Take down the Probe Droids if you're going for a medal. When you reach the clearing you'll see 2 Rebel Insignias. Fly into these to change your craft for an X-Wing. Now, send your wingmates after the Ties. 4 groups of 4 Tie Bombers will quickly set their sights for the transports, so try to destroy them all very quickly. Remember to use your lock-on Proton Torpedos if you have them, they help a LOT. When you've destroyed all the Bombers, it's the end of the stage. Huzzah! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 5:00 Enemies Destroyed- 43 Accuracy- 30% Friendlies Lost- 22 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:45 Enemies Destroyed- 47 Accuracy- 34% Frendlies Lost- 18 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== E. Mission 23 - Prisons of the Maw Overview: During The Battle of Hoth, many Rebels went missing. Some were saved at Bakura, but it is believed that the Empire is holding the rest of the prisoners somewhere else, so the Rebels are searching for secret Imperial Installations. A signal has been found in the heart of the Maw, so Rogue Squadron goes to check it out. Oh, and Wedge is the new leader of Rogue Squadron after Luke left for 'personal' reasons. --- Objectives: -Disable 3 shield projectors -Destroy all objectives marked by prisoners -Escort the train to the platform -Escort the Imperial loader out --- Starting Point Player 1: Piloting your desired ship through the asteroid shower surrounding the Maw. --- Starting Point Player 2: Piloting your desired ship through the asteroid shower surrounding the Maw. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: X-Wing and Y-Wing. --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Space Turrets, Guard Towers, and AT-PTs. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: As you come out of the asteroids, tell your men to flee, otherwise they'll get shot down easily. The X-Wing player should stay behind a bit and attack the Ties whilst the Y-Wing player heads for the shield. Now, you have to take down 3 shield projecters. Charge up your ION Cannon and head for whichever one you want. Aim correctly but DO NOT continue flying, you'll hit the shield and explode. Instead, turn around and align yourself towards another projector. It's easy to take 3 down, there's no real strategy about it. Once you've done that, a cutscene will play. Section 2: Tell your wingmen to destroy the guns, and follow the orange cone to the first set of guns. There are about 15 altogether, and they take 3 bombs to take down. Alternatively, you can use your blaster fire, which may be the best thing to do as you don't have to slow down and accurately aim, you just fly towards them and shoot. Work together and you should take the first lot down pretty quickly. After taking down all of these, Carrie will start babbling about needing more help, and the cone will point you towards 7 satalite towers. Send a few bombs into the SIDE of them (not the dish, it'll take longer) to blow them up. The X-Wing player should destroy the guns surrounding the towers, so as to protect the Y-Wing player. After taking down all of these towers, Carrie will ask you to take down a few more guns, so follow your orange cone to find them. There are only about 6-8, so this should take less than a minute. After this, the Shuttle will finally take off, so just stay on its tail, and destroy any Ties threatening it. After another 30 seconds or so, the Shuttle will make the jump to hyperspace and the mission will end. Nice job, Rogue Leader. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 9:20 Enemies Destroyed- 63 Accuracy- 2% Friendlies Lost- 2 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 75% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 7:30 Enemies Destroyed- 75 Accuracy- 80% Frendlies Lost- 1 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== F. Mission 24 - Razor Rendezvous Overview: Working with Bothan technicians, Luke Skywalker has helped uncover information vital to the Rebellion. He's stolen the Imperial computer and placed it on-board the Razor. A fleet, including Rogue Squadron, go to rendezvous with the Razor, but just as they arrive a Star Destroyer is capturing it... oh no! As Wedge, try and take out the Star Destroyer before it's too late... --- Objectives: -Protect the blockade runner -Protect the Frigate Redemption -Destroy the Imperial SD shield generators -Destroy the Imperial command deck --- Starting Point Player 1: Piloting your desired ship headed towards the Razor. --- Starting Point Player 2: Piloting your desired ship headed towards the Razor. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, and an Imperial Star Destroyer. --- Walkthrough: Easy if you know how! The generators are about 4 times stronger than the RL versions, so you'll need to spend a LOT of time with them. Each player should concentrate on their own shield generator. Remember, never fly at anything below fast directly above a Star Destroyer, the guns will nail you very fast, so approach the generators at an angle. When you've FINALLY taken down each generator on top, head down underneath the Star Destroyer to take down the generator that looks like half a sphere. With both of you unloading everything you have into this, it shouldn't take as long as the others to blow. Finally, the player with the faster ship should kamikaze into the deck to end the mission. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 1:15 Enemies Destroyed- 12 Accuracy- 25% Friendlies Lost- 1 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 80% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 0:52 Enemies Destroyed- 20 Accuracy- 50% Frendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== G. Mission 25 - Vengeance on Kothlis Overview: Rogue Squadron successfully destroyed the Star Destroyer, but unfortunately it was too close to Kothlis' gravitational pull, and thus fell out of orbit and landed in the ocean. Some elite, and very annoyed Imperials have blasted their way out of the crash, and getting to the Razor will be a lot tougher than it seemed. The Rogues must protect General Madines' transport until it can land, and then protect the commandos as they head out on-foot. --- Objectives: -Protect the transport from the TIEs -Defend the Commandos as the recapture the data -Destroy ALL AT-ATs -Bomb a hole in the destroyer for the Commandos --- Starting Point Player 1: Behind the transport in your chosen ship. --- Starting Point Player 2: Near the transport in your chosen ship. --- Other Available Craft: Speeder, Y-Wing --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Tri-Pod cannons, AT-ATs, AT-PTs, and the Star Destroyer's guns. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: Send your wingmates after the Ties. Now, the best player should go way out of the transports path to take down Tie squads, whilst the not-as-good player should stick with the transport and take out anything that comes close. Eventually you'll see the Star Destroyer ahead, the better player should head straight for it and take down the 4 ION Cannons facing the transport. Then carry on taking down the Ties until the transport lands, which should happen about 2 minutes into the mission. Section 2: Now, the player who's best at wrapping AT-ATs should head for the Rebel Insignia next to the transport, to change into a Speeder. There are 3 AT-ATs escaping the Star Destroyer, so it should only take a minute to wrap them all up. Whilst the Speeder is doing that, the other player should do their best to protect him, by shooting Ties, guns, et cetera. Be careful on the AT-AT furthest from the beach, he's in very deep water so you have very little wrap room. When all 3 are down, the commandos will leave the transport and a cutscene will play. Section 3: Now, both fly into the Rebel Insignias on the right-hand side of the transport, to change into Y-Wings. Go over to the hull of the ship and drop about 6-8 bombs to blow a hole for the commandos. Then, turn around and look at the ocean... loads and loads of AT-PTs are nearing the coast. Time to kick some walker arse! Now, if you don't mind missing out on a medal, you can use your targeting computer to easily identify the walkers in the ocean, otherwise, you'll have to look a bit harder to see them. Whatever you decide to do, you'd better do it fast, as there are quite a lot (20-30) and they're pretty fast. The proton bombs are effective, but don't forget you can use blasters too. Also, if somebody chose the Jedi Starfighter or Slave One for this stage, their sonic mines will be VERY useful for getting a ton of walkers. After you've taken down every single walker, simply shoot down a few Ties or guns in the few seconds you have before the final cutscene loads. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 8:25 Enemies Destroyed- 135 Accuracy- 27% Friendlies Lost- 2 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 85% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 7:55 Enemies Destroyed- 150 Accuracy- 44% Frendlies Lost- 2 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== H. Mission 26 - Imperial Accademy Heist Overview: The information on-board the Razor has been fully translated... the Empire in building a second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor. The Rebels start to plan an immediate attack, and they quickly decide that they'll need an Imperial Vessel, so they can go undercover to Endor and destroy the shield generator. With its shield down, the Death Star Mark II will be vunerable. And so, being the brave wackos that they are, Rogue Squadron decide to steal an Imperial Shuttle from the installation on Presbelt IV. Now, if you play this mission between 6AM and 6PM, you'll be in a Y-Wing and it'll be daytime. But, if you play it between 6PM and 6AM, you'll be in a Speeder and it'll be night. --- Objectives: -Disable/Evade the Imperial sensors in the canyons -Steal an Imperial Shuttle -Meet at the Rendevous point --- Starting Point Player 1: In the outlying canyon in a Speeder (night) or a Y-Wing (day) --- Starting Point Player 2: In the outlying canyon in a Speeder (night) or a Y-Wing (day) --- Other Available Craft: Tie Fighter, Imperial Shuttle --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, AT-ATs, AT-STs, and mini-turrets. --- Walkthrough: Speeder Section 1: Right, learn the layout of this canyon, it helps greatly. There are 8 sensors in the canyon, but only the second one is 'hidden', the rest are in plain view. If you fly over the water, where the sensors are reflected, you have like 50% chance of being picked up, so avoid it when you can. As you approach the 8th sensor, take the LEFT path. You'll soon trigger a cutscene which will tell you about a Tie Fighter on its own, which you could hijack. It's up to you what you do. Y-Wing Section 1: Right, learn the layout of this canyon, it helps greatly. There are 8 sensors in the canyon, but only the second one is 'hidden', the rest are in plain view. If you fly over the water, where the sensors are reflected, you have like 50% chance of being picked up, so avoid it when you can. You're told to disable all the sensors, but you can actually blast the first one if you're at a reasonable distance. After you've disabled the 8th sensor, take the RIGHT path. Now, you'll soon come across a Tie Fighter. If you want to hijack it, shoot it with an ION Blast and wait for the Rebel Insignia to appear. If not, proceed to Y-Wing Section 2. Speeder Section 2: Carry on through the canyon and you'll soon come across the Imperial Base. If you're going for a medal, then blast loads of stationary Ties and turrets, but if not, follow the orange cone to the Shuttle area. Take down the four turrets surrounding the Shuttle, and then zoom into the Rebel Insignia above the Shuttle. The screen will now go dark and a message will say WAITING FOR PLAYER 1/2, so tell your buddy to hurry his ass up. Y-Wing Section 2: Fly high enough into the air so that you can easily locate the Imperial Base, and head straight for it. If you're going for a medal, then blast loads of stationary Ties and turrets, but if not, follow the orange cone to the Shuttle area. Don't use your bombs on the stationary Ties, they're very inaccurate and usually only hit 1 Tie anyway. When you've finished messing about, head for the shuttle and take down the four turrets surrounding the Shuttle. Fly into the Rebel Insignia above the Shuttle, and the screen will now go dark and a message will say WAITING FOR PLAYER 1/2, so tell your buddy to hurry his ass up. Optional Tie Fighter Section: Fly directly up into the air and locate the Imperial base. When you get to the base, you can form up with another group of Ties, and they won't get suspicious until you start destroying Imperial stuff. When you get bored, break off from the group and either destroy targets if you're going for a medal, or head straight for the shuttle. Take down the four turrets surrounding the Shuttle, and then zoom into the Rebel Insignia above the Shuttle. The screen will now go dark and a message will say WAITING FOR PLAYER 1/2, so tell your buddy to hurry his ass up. Imperial Shuttle Section: Now, Player 1 will be flying the shuttle, whilst Player 2 will be manning the rear gun. Just follow the orange cone to the 'V-shaped' canyon, and the final cutscene will play. The Ties are pretty easy to target from the rear gun, as long as Player 1 keeps a steady and smooth pace. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:30 Enemies Destroyed- 50 Accuracy- 49% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 3:50 Enemies Destroyed- 68 Accuracy- 75% Frendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== I. Mission 27 - Raid at Bespin Overview: The Rebellion is ready to engage in their toughest battle so far. But they'll need Tibanna gas to power their weapons. Lando Calrissian has suggested his old gas mining facility at Cloud City on Bespin. The Empire has placed a rather small garrison there, especially when compared to Toloraan. Rogue Squadron must save all the gas platforms before the Imperials destroy them. --- Objectives: -Secure the Tibanna gas platforms -Destroy the cities power Generators -Defend the Tibanna gas platforms from TIEs --- Starting Point Player 1: Flying towards the first balloon in your chosen ship. --- Starting Point Player 2: Flying towards the first platform in your chosen ship. --- Other Available Craft: Cloud Car --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Balloon Guns, Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Tri-Pod Cannons. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: In the first part of this stage you have to take down all the Ties and Balloons so that they won't destroy the gas tanks. Now, to take down the balloons, you have to destroy one of the its tanks. There are 4 of these, and they're high up on the center pole of the balloon. Okay, so now you know how to destroy a balloon, let's begin the stage. One player should concentrate on the balloons, the second on the Ties. Now, there are 7 balloons. The first is directly ahead of you. After destroying this, turn right and you'll see in the far distance (through a big cloud formation) a bunch of wierd shapes. As you speed towards them through the clouds you'll notice that the shapes were gas platforms and balloons. As the other player dogfights the Ties, the balloon-bustin' player will now be approaching 2 balloons next to the platforms. Shoot these down and then look ahead. You'll see Cloud City... now, look down a bit and you'll see 2 more balloons. Zoom down to these and take them down. Then, look left and slightly up to see the final 2 balloons. Now you've taken down all the balloons, focus on wiping out the Ties. Remember that your A-Wing has 12 heat-seaking missiles, so that's 24 between you, plus they regenerate pretty fast. So you shouldn't have too much trouble taking down the Ties in this section. The Jedi Starfighter and Slave One aren't too good for this mission though, due to the fact that the sonic mines can wipe out the gas tanks. After taking down all the Ties, the transports will dock with the gas platforms and you'll head off to the city. Section 2: Now, which one of you is a good flyer in tight spaces? Whoever's the best, you'll have to take care of this next mission. Send all your men after the fighters, and the other player should start shooting down the balloons over the city. Meanwhile, the good evasive player needs to destroy 3 generators in the canals of the city. Your orange cone will point towards a generator, and they show up as yellow on your targetting computer. When you locate one, smoothly fly into the canal (the guns have VERY high AI), locate it, destroy it, and then ZOOM right up into the air. Repeat with the other 2. When all the generators are down, both players should head for the gas platforms on the outskirts of Cloud City. Destroy all the surrounding balloons, and then get ready to dodge some smart Ties. About 10 Tie Bombers will come down and attack the platforms, so be alert. When all the Bombers are down, the mission will finally come to an end. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 6:40 Enemies Destroyed- 110 Accuracy- 40% Friendlies Lost- 29 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 72% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 5:10 Enemies Destroyed- 150 Accuracy- 70% Frendlies Lost- 16 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== J. Mission 28 - The Battle of Endor Overview: Here we go! The Emperor has led the Imperials into a trap. It was him who allowed the Rebels to know the location of the shield generator! It's quite safe from their pitiful little band. An entire legion of his best troops awaits them! Sure... troops that can be taken down by teddybears. Anyway, Lando has noticed that they haven't gotten any reading off of the shield, when they should, even if it's down. That must mean they're jamming them. But how can they be jamming them if they don't know... that they're coming... Lando breaks off the attack, and it's time to kick some Imperial ASS! --- Objectives: -The Frigate Redemption must survive -Destroy all TIE Bombers -The Home One must survive -Destroy both Imperial Star Destroyers --- Starting Point Player 1: Heading towards the Death Star Mark II in your chosen ship. --- Starting Point Player 2: Heading towards the Death Star Mark II your chosen ship. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Tie Bombers, and 2 Imperial Star Destroyers. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: This is probably the funnest level in the game. You can either fly directly towards the Death Star Mark II and pull up just like in the movie, or you can save time and turn around right at the start. Whatever you do, hundreds of Interceptors and Fighters will ambush the Rebel Fleet from the Star Destroyers in the distance. Now get ready for about 3 minutes of dogfighting. I can't really say anything here because surviving this section is about your dogfighting skills, or, if you're very desperate, your dodging skills. You can kill 1 Tie or 100 Ties, it doesn't make any difference, this section will still last around 3 minutes. Section 2: After all that dogfighting/dodging or whatever, you'll eventually hear a Rebel say, "bombers coming, .03!" Now, 16 Tie Bombers are aproaching the medical frigate, BUT, if you rush up to them then their heat-seaking missiles will shoot you out of the sky. Instead, approach them from behind, and start laying into them with your secondary weapon. After you run out of it, lay into them with your blasters. They're pretty easy to hit, and stay in a rough formation until they reach the frigate. When they get to the frigate though... well, there are LOTS and LOTS of Interceptors so it's very easy to get mixed up,m but just keep at it. If you take too long the frigate will be destroyed, so hurry your Rebel ass up. When all 16 are down, a cutscene will play. Section 3: Yes! I said closer! Get as close as you can, and engage those Star Destroyers at .0 range! Sorry, the Lando Calrissian inside me took over. Anyway, you now have to take down TWO Star Destroyers, so jump to it men! Remember, you have to take down the 2 Shield Generators on the bridge before you can destroy the generator underneath, so focus your attacks on them. Sonic mines are FANTASTIC for this section, but in any other ship, you'll just have to rely on your blaster skills. Once the 2 top shield generators of either Star Destroyer are destroyed, attack the generator underneath, and then FINALLY attack the command bridge. All the guns go for you when you've destroyed all the generators, so be evasive, be fast, and BE careful. After knocking out both Star Destroyers, after about 30 seconds, Ackbar will say, "THE SHIELD IS DOWN! COMMENCE ATTACK ON THE DEATH STAR'S MAIN REACTOR!" Hahaha, I told you they'd do it! Mission complete. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 10:00 Enemies Destroyed- 60 Accuracy- 31% Friendlies Lost- 6 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 80% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 7:30 Enemies Destroyed- 80 Accuracy- 50% Frendlies Lost- 3 Lives Lost- 1 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== K. Mission 29 - Strike at the Core Overview: Hahaha, I told you they'd do it! Han Solo and his scout team have knocked out the shield generator, and now Rogue Squadron and Gold Squadron have commenced the attack on the Death Stars' main reactor. One of you will play as Wedge in his X-Wing, one of you as Lando in the Falcon. Survive the Death Star surface, head down the reactor shaft, find the core, and destroy it! --- Objectives: -Protect the Millennium Falcon -Reach the power core entry -Destroy the power core -Escape with the Millennium Falcon --- Starting Point Millenium Falcon Player: Just above the Death Star surface, dodging Ties and Turrets. --- Starting Point X-Wing Player: Not far behind the Falcon. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, mini-turrets, and large-turrets. --- Walkthrough: Section 1: If you're going for a medal, then it's best that the Falcon heads for the tunnel entrance, and the X-Wing goes after loads of turrets and Ties. This section is a breeze, there's not much that can be said for it. Section 2: This is where it gets a lot harder. If one player dies, you both restart at the top of the tunnel again, so be careful! The strange thing is, on RL there were 20 Ties in this section, but now there are only 10. Not that I'm complaining, it's hard enough as it is, but still... Anyway, after the X-Wing player takes care of the first 10 Ties, just slowly and carefully make your way into the core. Once you're there, a few more Ties will appear. If you're going for a medal, then the X-Wing player should stay on the Ties, whilst the Falcon goes for the Power Regulator on the North Tower. The target shaft itself is pathetic, ONE blaster shot takes it out. Section 3: The Death Star Mark II is about to explode, so get out of there! The X-Wing should go zooming ahead, and the Falcon should retain a slow-medium speed so as to stay safe, but still escape the flames. When you finally make it out of the tunnel, that's it! --- Gold Requirements: Time- 5:05 Enemies Destroyed- 41 Accuracy- 32% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 95% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:10 Enemies Destroyed- 50 Accuracy- 40% Frendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== L. Mission 30 - Death Star Escape How to Unlock: Collect 15 points --- Overview: After rescuing Princess Leia and escaping the Death Star in the Millenium Falcon, Tarkin has ordered some Tie Fighters to pursue the freighter as a decoy so they forget to check for a homing becon. Luke and Han man the turrets, and get ready for a fun little stage. --- Objectives: -Destroy all TIEs --- Starting Point Player 1: Luke in the Falcons' south turret. --- Starting Point Player 2: Han in the Falcons' north turret. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Tie Fighters --- Walkthrough: Just keep on blasting the Ties, again and again and again. There are about 75 Ties altogether. Remember that the C-Stick pulls the turret even further than the analogue stick, so get used to a neat balance between them. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 2:35 Enemies Destroyed- 72 Accuracy- 3% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 100% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 2:25 Enemies Destroyed- 73 Accuracy- 4% Frendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== M. Mission 31 - The Asteroid Field How to Unlock: Collect 35 points --- Overview: After escaping Hoth, the Millenium Falcon has been pursued by 3 Imperial Star Destroyers. The hyperdrive motivator is broken, so Han has no choice but to lose them in regular space. So he heads into a deadly asteroid field... --- Objectives: -Escape the TIE Fighters -Secretly land on the Star Destroyer --- Starting Point Player 1: Han piloting the Falcon, heading deep into the asteroid field. --- Starting Point Player 2: Chewie in the Falcons' south turret. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: None --- Enemies: Tie Fighters --- Walkthrough: Cockpit Player: Your progress all depends on the skills of the pilot. Shoot Ties in a similar manor to Death Star Escape. As long as the pilot is keeping a reasonably straight root, you should do pretty good. Pilot Section 1: Dodge those asteroids and follow that cone! There's nothing substantially different about any part of the stage, you just keep dodging ateroids on your way to the huge asteroid. You CAN use your manual lower gun with the C-Stick, but it's very inaccurate and will lower your chance for a medal greatly. If you don't shoot one laser at all, you'll finih the mission with at least 50% accuracy. Try to keep a reasonably smooth pace and direction, make it easier for the guy in the turret, and you'll eventually trigger the cutscene. Pilot Section 2: Yet again, just dodge any asteroids in your way as you head towards a Star Destroyer. Don't forget that you can blast them with your lasers. As you approach the Star Destroyer, start getting very evasive, as the guns will fight at you mighty fast. Your target is a Rebel Insignia on the right-hand side of the back of the bridge. It isn't too hard to do, just approach it at the right angle. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 4:50 Enemies Destroyed- 45 Accuracy- 10% Friendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 1 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 75% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:30 Enemies Destroyed- 50 Accuracy- 50% Frendlies Lost- 0 Lives Lost- 0 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 100% ================================== N. Mission 32 - Death Star Endurance How to Unlock: Collect 50 points --- Overview: Grab a ship from the hanger, and destroy wave after wave of Imperial craft! Ready? Go! --- Objectives: -Destroy as many TIEs as possible. --- Starting Point Player 1: Death Star Surface in your chosen ship. --- Starting Point Player 2: Death Star Surface in your chosen ship. --- Other Available Craft: None --- Available Craft from Hanger: All --- Enemies: Tie Fighters, Tie Interceptors, Imperial Shuttles, Tie Advanced X-1. --- Walkthrough: Destroy each wave of fighters. About 20-30 Ties come on each wave, they're pretty easy at first. Their difficulty starts increasing at the 31st Wave and the 51st Wave, so don't get too comfy. Every 10th wave is 5 Imperial Shuttles. They never shoot you, and they're massive targets. Destroy all 5 to get an extra life. If you manage to get as far as the 100th wave, you get to face off with Vader in his Tie Advanced X-1. And that's it! The stage will take you an average of 3 hours, so be prepared. Oh, and you have wingmen. --- Gold Requirements: Time- 6:00:00 Enemies Destroyed- 3300 Accuracy- 8% Friendlies Lost- 99 Lives Lost- 12 Targeting Computer Efficiency- 0% --- Best Ever Requirements: Time- 4:00:00 Enemies Destroyed- 3400 Accuracy- 6% Frendlies Lost- 100 Lives Lost- 12 Targetting Computer Efficiency- 0% *********************************************************************** 8. Game Secrets Rogue Leader took up 1 tenth of a Gamecube disc. I'm willing to bet that this game practically fills the bloody thing! ================================== A. Arcade: *** Star Wars How to Unlock Beat the Death Star Rescue mission. --- Game Strategy Originally released in 1983, this game is an arcade classic. You play as Luke Skywalker in The Battle of Yavin. The entire game uses vector graphics, which basically gives off the appearance of 3D (wireframe). It can get very intense. There are 3 stages: 1.Space Battle- Destroy Ties as you approach the Death Star. If you're on a harder difficulty, it's best to just aim for the Ties' lasers, which look like giant stars. 2.Surface Battle- Shoot Towers and Turrets on the surface of the Death Star. 3.Trench Battle- As you head down the Trench, dodge the obstacles, and avoid the turrets. At the very end of the Trench, keep firing at the exhaust port, and you should see 2 small stars (Proton Torpedos) enter the port. The X-Wing then reverses (?!) into space and you see The Death Star explode. Now do exactly the same thing on the next wave... The games' difficulty is decided in waves. For example, wave 1 is very easy, whilst wave 5 is very hard. You can choose to start from wave 1, 3, or 5. Try and get the top score! *** The Empire Stikes Back How to Unlock Beat all Single Player missions. --- Game Strategy Originally released in 1985, this game pretty much flopped in the arcades, but is still very cool. You play as Luke Skywalker in The Battle of Hoth, and Han as he escapes Hoth. The entire game uses vector graphics, which basically gives off the appearance of 3D (wireframe). It can get very intense. There are 4 stages: 1.Probe Droid Battle- Destroy Probes as you approach Outpost Beta. You can shoot their blaster fire (which looks like giant stars). 2.Walker Battle- Destroy AT-ATs and AT-STs in the battlefield. Pressing B throws a big rope which trips up AT-ATs (no need to wrap here, kids!), but you can take down the AT-STs with regular blaster fire. 3.Space Battle- As the Falcon escapes Hoth, it must fight off Ties in the atmosphere. Do so, in this blatant rip-off of the first stage of the Star Wars Arcade Game. 4.Asteroid Field- Dodge many asteroids as you head towards a Star Destroyer. This level is pretty darn easy. The games' difficulty is decided in waves in a similar manner to Star Wars Arcade. You can choose to start from Wave 1, 2, or 3. *** Star Wars: Return of the Jedi How to Unlock A passcode yet to be revealed by Lucas Arts. --- Game Strategy UNKNOWN ================================== B. Tech Upgrades Technical Upgrades to your ships can be found in every level of the game, and here they are... --- Revenge of the Empire- Fly INSIDE the fifth Imperial transport you come across to find the ADVANCED SHIELDS. Defiance on Dantooine- In the second Speeder Bike section of the stage, take the left path after the second jump. Dodge the ships and go left to find the BLASTER UPGRADE. Defenders of Ralltiir- Blow up the transport on the left edge of the stage (across the bridge) to find the TARGETING COMPUTER UPGRADE. Extraction from Ralltiir- The PROTON TORPEDO UPGRADE is at the very start of the mission. Battlefield Hoth- When you're at the Tri-Pod Cannon, destroy the container on the right to find ADVANCED CLUSTER MISILES. Raid at Bakura- When you're the Tie Bomber, bomb the last few domes before you land your ship to find the ADVANCED PROTON BOMBS. Relics of Geonosis- Search the discarded escape pod to find ADVANCED PROTON TORPEDOS. Deception at Destrillion- In the Y-Wing section, go to the very bottom of the middle bowl-shaped structure to find the SPREAD PROTON BOMBS. Guns of Dubrillion- Whilst walking up the ramp, there are several small paths branching off that lead nowhere. Check one of them on the left to find the ADVANCED CONCUSSION MISILE UPGRADE. Speeder Bike Pursuit- Take a left turn in the middle of the stage, keep your eyes peeled, and you should hopefully run into the HOMING CONCUSSION UPGRADE. Triumph of the Rebellion- When you come to the first area with the Ewok catapults, turn right and search behind the trees for the HOMING CLUSTER UPGRADE. ================================== C. How to Unlock Secrets Without Codes: Tie Bomber- In the ice canyon section of Raid at Bakura, destroy all the ground turret groups in misile linked groups. Each turret in the group must be destroyed within .5 seconds of the last, so target the farmost one first. Any mistakes and you'll have to start Raid at Bakura ALL OVER AGAIN. Naboo Starfighter- Beat Tatooine Training 2 at all 4 times of the day, getting all the bonus hidden items. Slave One- Get all Single Player Bronze Medals. Millenium Falcon- Get all Single Player and Bonus Mission Bronze Medals. Jedi Starfighter- Get all Single Player and Bonus Mission Silver Medals. Tie Hunter- Get all Single Player and Bonus Mission Gold Medals. Co-operative Millenium Falcon- Beat all Standard Co-operative Missions. Co-operative Tie Advanced- Get all Standard Co-operative Bronze Medals. Co-operative Naboo Starfighter- Get all Standard Co-operative Silver Medals. Co-operative Jedi Starfighter- Get all Co-operative Gold Medals. Co-operative Slave One- Get all Co-operative Best Ever Medals. Star Wars Arcade Game- Beat Death Star Rescue. The Empire Strikes Back Arcade Game- Beat all Standard Single Player Missions. Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Arcade Game- It's a mystery. Some people think it'll be code-only, but nothing has been confirmed yet. Just be patient. Credits- Beat Triumph of the Rebellion. Documentary (The Making Of...)- Beat Triumph of the Rebellion. Audio Commentary- Get all Single Player Bronze Medals. Ace Mode- Get all Single Player and Bonus Mission Gold Medals, and beat Tatooine Training at all 4 times of day. ================================== D. Passcodes Note that some of these passcodes are in 2 parts. Enter the first one, enter code, then repeat with the second one. --- FREEPLAY- Infinite Credits in the Arcade RTJPFC!G & TIMEWARP- Unlocks the Star Wars Arcade Game. THEDUDES- Unlocks the Documentary (The Making Of...) LOOKMOM!- Unlocks the Credits HARKHARK- Unlocks the Music Hall MORE TO BE REVEALED IN THE COMING WEEKS. *********************************************************************** 9. FAQ Epilogue --- A. Legal This FAQ was written and designed by me. I did take SOME inspiration from Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz's FAQ for RL, but this entire page is my own hard work. If you want to put this on your website, that's fine by me, but you need permission first. My email address is at the top of the page. Don't alter this FAQ in any way. --- B. Eeeeeeeeee-mail If you have a question, don't be afraid to ask, but if you ask a question that's answered in the guide, I'll reply simply with the URL for GameFAQs and a note to stop bugging me. --- C. Versions Version 1.0- 13th November 2003 *********************************************************************** 10. Finale A. Credits Writer: Kevan "Sey Me" Rose Distributor: GameFAQs --- B. Closing Comments It's been a lot of fun, and a lot of hard work piecing this FAQ together from the month prior to the release of the game and onwards. Especially living in Britain, meaning I had to wait an extra 16 days to get my copy. I may be an ace at the game, but I can still remember what it felt like to be a struggling novice in Rogue Squadron. But don't worry, once you master the game, you'll wonder why you ever worried about unlocking everything! Just practice, practice, practice, and spend a lot of time kicking butt in versus mode. You new players to the series are lucky, we never had all this fancy versus mode stuff back in the good old days. Oh no, we had to rely on gradual improvement! But if WE could do it with only ONE Single Player Campaign, you kids will have no trouble. Peace Out. COPYRIGHT 2003 KEVAN "Sey Me" ROSE