Star Wars: Rebel Strike-Rogue Squadron III (Nintendo Gamecube) ============================================================== Monday, September 22, 2003 Version 1.0 Legal Information ================= This guide is Copyright 2003 by Nintendo Sentinel. This guide may not appear on any site other than GameFAQs ( without my permission. If you have any questions or want to use this guide on your site then email at Contents ======== 1. What is on the Preview Disk? 2. Rebel Strike Demo Walkthrough 3. Star Wars Atari Arcade Game Walkthrough 4. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) 5. Future Updates 1. What is on the Preview Disk? =============================== The Preview Disk contains playable demos of Star Wars: Rebel Strike and the original Atari Star Wars Arcade Game. It also contains Rebel Strike Artwork (on the disk), a Rebel Strike Trailer, and a very nice Gladius Trailer. 2. Rebel Strike Demo Walkthrough ================================ Controls: A button- Shoot weapon B button- Fire Missile (X-Wing), Throw Bomb (When hanging onto an AT-AT) X button- Jump (On foot) Y button- Targeting Computer C stick- Use Special Weapon Z button- Roll (On foot) R button- Crouch, Roll (On foot), Turbo (X-Wing) Start/Pause- Pause L button- Lock on target, strafe while locked onto target, Brake (X-Wing) Control Stick- Move Control Pad- Wingman orders (X-Wing) To Exit demo, press and hold Start, and the X and B buttons. When the demo begins you will start right behind an AT-AT. Run up and get right under the middle of its four legs. (Be careful not to get stepped on.) When you are under the body of the AT-AT, press up on the C-stick. This will shoot a grappling hook up to the AT-AT. Once that is done press up on the control stick to pull yourself to the top. When at the top press "A" to get out your light saber. Press "A" again a couple of times to swing it and cut open a hole in the AT-AT. Now hold "B" and aim into the center of the hole and let go of "B" throwing a bomb in there. When the AT-AT falls over run to the right. (The AT-AT always falls to the left when you blow it up) Run to the next AT-AT that is right in front of you and repeat the process. While running over there continually tap "A" to shoot all the storm troopers. It is a good idea to jump and roll a few times also. When you blow up the second AT-AT run to the right to where you see the blue floating symbol and the Tauntaun. While running to the Tauntaun keep pressing "A" to shoot at the storm troopers. When you see many lasers coming at you then jump. Once you get to the Tauntaun just follow Derlin on his Tauntaun back to Echo Base. Hold "A" throughout your ride on the Tauntaun. Watch out for the last AT-AT that you pass, it falls over to the right. When you arrive back at Echo Base run to the tripod gun while firing at the storm troopers. Hold "A" while manning the tripod gun to shoot down the Tie Fighters while other ships are dropping off AT-STs. When the AT-STs come out of their boxes shoot them in the top part of their body. Do not shoot at their legs. Once all three are destroyed you move on to the X-Wing part of this level. I can't give many tips on this part except that you should hold down "Y" and "A" the whole time and only concentrate on the Tie Bombers, not the Tie Fighters. The Tie Bombers are behind the 3 Rebel Transports. If a Tie Fighter gets behind you then press "R" to boost and make it lose you. Star Wars Atari Arcade Game =========================== Controls: Control Stick- Move Y button- Fire/Confirm X button- Fire/ Confirm A button- Fire/Confirm B button- Fire/Confirm Start/Pause- Pause To exit demo, hold Start, and the X and B buttons. Basically, just press the Fire button as fast as you can and try to shoot down the Tie fighters. When inside the Death Star's trench shoot at the fireballs. Don't worry about hitting the walls, there is no effect on you at all. When you reach the end of the trench aim quickly at the exhaust port and press fire. If you hit it then you move on to the next wave. Each wave gets increasingly difficult. FAQ ==== Q: When is the release? A: The release date is October 15th, 2003 in North America. Q: Where can I get the preview disk? A: You get the disk if you pre-order Star Wars: Rebel Strike, and some have found it at Best Buy for sale. Q: I have found an error in your guide, how can I let you know? A: Email me at and I will fix it as soon as possible. I will also give you credit in this guide for helping make it better. Future Updates ============== I will have a complete guide for this game once it is released and I get my copy. Copyright 2003 Nintendo Sentinel.