* * * * _________ _____________________ * | \ / \ | _____ | | ________________ | * * | | | | | \ * _______| | * * | ----- | \ \__ | / * * | / * \__ \ |_______ \ | ._ <__________\ | _______\ | * | | \ / | | * |__| \_______________/ |_________/ ¤-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-¤ ¤-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-¤ * * ________ __________ _________ ___________ __ | \ | | | \ | | | | * | ____ \ | ________| | ____ | | ________| | | | | | | | |_____ | | | | | |_____ | | | ---- / | | | ---- / | | *| | | _/ * | _____| | ____ \ | _____| | | | _ <____ | |__________| | | | | |__________| |________ | | \ | | ---- | | | * |__| \_____| |______________________/ |_________________________| * * * * _____________________ _________ * ___________ __ ___ ___________ / | | \ | | | | * / / | | / _______ | | ____ \ | | | | / / | ________| | < |___ ___| | | | | |____ ____| | | / / | |_____ \ \__ | | | ---- / | | * | | / / | | \__ \ | | | __/ | | | |/ / * | _____| _____> \ | | | _ <__________| |____ | <______| |________ | | | | * | | \ | | |\ | |_________/ |___| |__| \__________________| |__| \___________________| ¤-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=--=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-¤ ¤-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-¤ * STAR WARS ROGUE SQUADRON 3: REBEL STRIKE FAQ / WALKTHROUGH FOR NINTENDO GAMECUBE Written by: Brandon Cole Email: bcole23[a.t.]yahoo[d.o.t.]com Version: 1.0 Date: 06 FEB 2004 My current medal status: Single player: 19 Ace, 19 Gold Cooperative: 7 Ace, 6 Gold ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Table of Contents ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 1. Introduction 2. FAQs 3. Basics 3.1 How You are Ranked 3.2 On Screen Displays 3.3 Controls 3.3.1 Flight 3.3.2 On Foot 3.3.3 AT-ST 3.4 Weapons 3.5 Powerups: Tech Upgrades 3.5.1 Single player mode tech upgrades 3.5.2 Cooperative mode tech upgrades 3.6 Winning Strategies 3.6.1 TIE formations 3.6.2 Level Analysis 3.6.3 Getting good stats 3.6.4 Making your first shot count 3.6.5 Use those enemy weapons! 3.6.6 Camera Views 3.6.7 Using Homing Cluster Missles 4. Walkthroughs / Gold Medal Strategies 4.1 Tatooine Training 4.2 Revenge of the Empire 4.3 Luke's Campaign 4.3.1 Defiance on Dantooine 4.3.2 Defenders of Ralltiir 4.3.3 Extraction from Ralltiir 4.3.4 Battlefield Hoth 4.3.5 Trials of a Jedi 4.3.6 The Sarlacc Pit 4.4 Wedge's Campaign 4.4.1 Raid at Bakura 4.4.2 Relics of Geonosis 4.4.3 Deception at Destrillion 4.4.4 Guns of Dubrillion 4.4.5 Fondor Shipyard Assault 4.5 Speeder Bike Pursuit 4.6 Triumph of the Rebellion 4.7 Bonus Missions 4.7.1 Death Star Rescue 4.7.2 Escape from Hoth 4.7.3 Flight from Bespin 4.7.4 Attack of the Executor 4.7.5 Rebel Endurance 5. Multiplayer 5.1 Versus mode 5.1.1 Dogfight Geonosis Asteroids Death Star Bespin Hoth Ison Corridor Endor Space Dantooine 5.1.2 Rampage Bespin Gas Platform Death Star Endor Hoth Kothlis Tatooine Geonosis Asteroids 5.1.3 Special Death Star Trench Race Endor Race Tatooine Rampage Endor Rampage 5.1.4 Tag and Defend Prefsbelt IV (Academy) Geonosis Asteroids Kothlis Maw Tatooine Hoth 5.2 Cooperative mode 5.2.1 Death Star Attack 5.2.2 Ison Corridor Ambush 5.2.3 Battle of Hoth 5.2.4 Prisons of the Maw 5.2.5 Razor Rendezvous 5.2.6 Vengeance on Kothlis 5.2.7 Imperial Academy Heist 5.2.8 Raid on Bespin 5.2.9 Battle of Endor 5.2.10 Strike at the Core 5.2.11 Death Star Escape 5.2.12 The Asteroid Field 5.2.13 Endurance 6. Extras 6.1 Ships, levels, etc. 6.2 Passcodes 6.3 Secrets 7. Special Challenges and Fast Times 8. Appendix 8.1 Ships and Characters 8.1.1 X-wing 8.1.2 A-Wing 8.1.3 B-Wing 8.1.4 Y-Wing 8.1.5 SnowSpeeder 8.1.6 LandSpeeder 8.1.7 Jedi Starfighter 8.1.8 Naboo Starfighter N-1 8.1.9 Millennium Falcon 8.1.10 Imperial Speeder Bike 8.1.11 Taun-Taun 8.1.12 Cloud Car 8.1.13 T-16 skyhopper 8.1.14 Slave 1 8.1.15 E-web Blaster 8.1.16 AT-ST 8.1.17 AT-AT guns 8.1.18 AT-PT 8.1.19 TIE Fighter 8.1.20 TIE Hunter 8.1.21 TIE Bomber 8.1.22 TIE Advanced X-1 8.1.23 TIE Interceptor 8.1.24 Imperial Shuttle 8.1.25 Luke Skywalker 8.1.26 Han Solo 8.1.27 Lando Calrissian 8.1.28 Princess Leia Organa 8.1.29 Chewbacca 8.1.30 Wedge Antilles 8.1.31 Ewoks (non-playable) 8.1.32 R2-D2 (non-playable) 8.1.33 Tycho Celchu (non-playable) 8.2 Worlds 8.2.1 Tatooine 8.2.2 Forest Moon of Endor 8.2.3 Hoth 8.2.4 Dagobah 8.2.5 Yavin 4 8.2.6 Dantooine 8.2.7 Ralltiir 8.2.8 Bakura 8.2.9 Geonosis 8.2.10 Destrillion 8.2.11 Dubrillion 8.2.12 Bespin 9. Standard Legal Disclaimers 10. Email guidelines 11. Version History 12. Credits ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 1. Introduction ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ The Rogue Squadron series is known for its arcade based flight mechanics, mission based game play, and intense battles. This time around, they've added missions where the player controls the character and ground vehicles in addition to the normal flight based missions. They have also included the entire Rogue Squadron II game in co-operative mode! The difficulty, objectives, and graphics have all been updated. There are multiple two player versus modes included as well. With 20+ missions, versus modes, and all of Rogue Squadron 2 included, this game is the ultimate power in the universe! The games in the series so far includes: Rogue Squadron - N64 Rogue Squadron - PC Battle for Naboo - N64 Battle for Naboo - PC Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader - Gamecube (launch title) Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike - Gamecube This game supports both progressive scan mode, 5-channel Dolby Pro-logic 2, and Dolby Pro-logicIIx 7.1 channel systems. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 2. FAQs ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Q: I can't seem to get a bronze/silver/gold/ace medal using your FAQ. What am I doing wrong? A: Make sure you've read section 3.6. Another good piece of advice is to not try so hard! Play through the level without trying to be perfect. Take your time and play around. Try different things and get a good feel for the level. It's ok to die a whole lot when figuring out a strategy that works for you. Also, this FAQ is not the be all end all of strategies. There are often multiple ways of accomplishing a certain task. These are just tried and true walkthroughs created by accomplished Rogue Squadron players. Q: What is the average time to complete this game? A: This is a bit of a tough question as there are two different ways to look at it. If you want to go through the missions and beat the last regular mission, then it can be done by good players in one sitting. Yes, you see credits and whatnot, however, most players don't really consider this as beating the game. The extreme view on completing the game is much much harder and will take hours upon hours. This entails completing every mission with the highest level of medal possible, unlocking every secret, competing for fast times, and completing coop missions by yourself, all without using any codes or cheats. It can be hard at times, but it is VERY rewarding. Most people fall somewhere in-between. To get all ace medals, without a nice FAQ like this, would take good players one week to a month for the single player portion and then you've got the entire RL game in cooperative mode to complete also. Q: Which is better to use, the cockpit view or behind the ship view? A: Behind the ship view is easier for most people and most like to use it for gold medal runs. My personal preference is the cockpit view. I use both however depending on what I'm doing. Level analysis and casual runs are good for behind the ship. But for that "WOW! I'm really there!" feel, you simply must use the in cockpit view. It's also easier to aim. One thing must be explained here. The behind the ship view seems to offer a larger viewing angle. This is NOT true. When using the in-cockpit view, you can use the c-stick to look around for an approximately 210 deg view. Plus, it's how you'd actually fly an x-wing, so why not? It can take a bit of getting used to, but IMO it's well worth it. Use of the C-stick is required. Tying up AT-ATs without looking at what you're circling is nigh on impossible. Plus, you can fly upside down over Star Destroyers and look up (down) at them and then fly right underneath them at the right time. It's just plain more fun. Q: I can't find the shield upgrade on Revenge of the Empire! A: Do not blow up the transport until you have it. The upgrade in Bespin on Cooperative is the opposite, it wont show up unless you destroy the Imperial tube ship by the second platform. Q: What is the code for _insert request here_? A: Codes are posted all over the net before I ever get them in here. If you want to find any codes released for a game, try www.gamefaqs.com. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 3. Basics ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 3.1 How You are Ranked --------------=============**********************=============----------------- Rebel Strike gives you a rank based upon medals earned throughout the missions. Medals are awarded based on meeting specific criteria in each mission. Each medal is worth a specific amount of points and can be used to unlock various secrets in the game. |---------------------------| | BRONZE MEDAL | 3 pts. | |---------------------------| | SILVER MEDAL | 6 pts. | |---------------------------| | GOLD MEDAL | 10 pts. | |---------------------------| The criteria in each mission varies but is always based on the following factors: COMPLETION TIME How long it took to complete the mission. ENEMIES DESTROYED The number of enemies and obstacles you destroyed. SHOT ACCURACY How many of your shots hit targets. Target does not have to be destroyed. FRIENDLIES LOST How many Rebel Alliance allies died in the course of the mission, such as transports, people, or wingmates. LIVES LOST How many times you died. TARGETING COMPUTER EFFICIENCY (TCE) A percentage number that reflects how often you used the targeting computer. However, this is not a true percentage. It is actually more akin to a counter, with 1% subracted for each second the TC is used. Using the TC lowers your efficiency. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 3.2 On Screen Displays --------------=============**********************=============----------------- While playing Rebel Strike, there are 4 on-screen displays to aid you in your plight against the enemy. Note: If you play in the cockpit view, these displays will be integrated into the ship's cockpit panel. _____________________________________________________________ | COMMUNICATIONS DISPLAY 3D RADAR DISPLAY | | __ _.--._ | | | | _- -_ | | __| |__ /- -\ | | |__ __| (- -) | | | | Y- -Y | | |__| L-__ __-J | | -- | | | | | | | | | | __ | | / \ | | _.---._ | A | | | - # - _____| | | | = ### = / \ | | | - # # - | B \ / | | - .___. - \________/ | | | |DAMAGE INDICATOR WEAPONS INDICATOR | |_____________________________________________________________| COMMUNICATIONS DISPLAY These are the current commands available to assign to your wingmen, ground troops, or any other unit. Press the control pad to bring up this display if it is not active. 3D RADAR DISPLAY This display indicates your current position (both height and distance) relative to targets and other objects in a level. The orange, pie-shaped wedge indicates where the craft should fly in order to satisfy the next mission objective. In order to fly toward the objective, orient your craft so the orange wedge is in the 12 o'clock position. As you get closer to the target, this pie-wedge will widen and eventually fade as you fly over or under the target in question. Targets above you will appear as dots on the radar with lines extending below them; targets below you will appear as dots with lines above them. The radar display also indicates other ships and objects in your vicinity. Red icons indicate enemies; green symbols show allies. If a blue dot appears, it signals a special craft or item. DAMAGE INDICATOR This is a visual indicator of your health. A green circle is full strength; yellow is partial strength; red indicates extensive damage. Some ships have R2 units that will gradually fill this meter or can fill it once the repair icon appears. The inside of this circle also indicates when your boost is powered up. It will gradually fill up behind the wireframe of your current ship, and when it's full, you can click the R Button for a boost. Note: After you die, the number of lives you have left in the game will be shown for a brief moment of time in this display. WEAPONS INDICATOR The weapons idicator has two sections that map to the A and B Buttons. The A Button is for your lasers and has a gauge that fills. Once the gauge is filled, your lasers will be fully charged. While you can continually fire the lasers, if you wait and charge them fully they will be more powerful. For example, in the X-wing, if you wait for the lasers to fully charge, you can fire all four at the same time. With no charge, only one of the four cannons on the X-wing fires at a time. The number of secondary weapons available is also listed in this display. If an ion cannon is available and charged, the bottom left corner of the display will turn blue. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 3.3 Controls --------------=============**********************=============----------------- L-BUTTON R-BUTTON | | | | Z-BUTTON | ________________________________________ | .r------ ___________________ . W-----r ,. ____ | NINTENDO | __ \ MW; .XX,XB Z | GAMECUBE | Z . M :@ MZ ------------------- MZ _____ ; \ r MW MW / \ @ 8 M MS MS / Y \ M.a M M START M | _____| ____ Ma, M ___ M BUTTON M \__/ | \ M M / \ 2 __ 2 ___ \ X | M M / \ r / \ rW / \ | | M M | ANALOG | r | | rB . A . | | M M | STICK | S \__/ S _ . . |___/ M M \ / Z ______________ Z / \ -___- MMM M \ / WM M . B . W@ @ i MM --- WMS 0 \ _ / WW ; r ZMM M M WW X ; 2MM M M W@ r 7 ZB ___ M r ____ W@@ X X a0 | | B M / \ MM 0 ; M SM ___| |___ @ M / C \ M2 M a r M M | command | 8 M | STICK | M. 8 ; X a Z |___cross___| M .M \ / 8 M i 7 M M | | B M -___- M M . . @ M |___| X 2 @ . M a , ;M _.@ M M 0 M Z 8 7MMMMMS 7BMMB; . r i 2 r B Z____S :_____S --------------------------------- 3.3.1 Flight --------------------------------- L-BUTTON: Press to slow the speed of your craft. Press and click while turning to make a tighter quick turn. To turn tighter, press and click the R and L buttons while turning. CONTROL STICK: Steers your ship CONTROL PAD / COMMAND CROSS: Use to communicate with allies and wingmates. If display is not on-screen, hit any direction on the Control Pad to bring it up. Once activated, controls are: UP: Form on my wing LEFT/RIGHT: Different attack commands, depends on the mission DOWN: Tell your wingmen to flee, must be confirmed. Note: If you have an R2 unit on board, an R2 cross appears in the upper-left corner when R2's health is low. When it appears, hit any direction on the Control Pad to have the R2 unit heal your ship one last time. START/PAUSE: Pause game and bring up Mission Objectives and game options. C-STICK: If in cockpit mode, use the C-Stick to look around the cockpit. If the targeting computer is called up, this button will allow you to target specific ships (only useful if you have the Advanced Targeting Computer Upgrade.) In the Millennium Falcon the C-stick is used to fire your turbo lasers 360 degrees around you. It's very good for getting that one annoying TIE off your back. B BUTTON: Press to fire your secondary weapons. If your ship is also equipped with an ion cannon, hold and release this button to fire the ion cannon. A BUTTON: Press to fire your primary weapon. Hold the A Button down to fire continuously. X BUTTON: Toggle between Chase Camera and the In-Cockpit view. Y BUTTON: Call up the Targeting Computer. Prior to acquiring the Targeting Computer Upgrade, you must hold down the button to keep the Targeting Computer up. Once the upgrade has been found, press the Y-Button once to bring up the TC; press it again to lower the TC. Z BUTTON: Roll ship. Press and hold this button while moving the Control Stick left or right to roll. R BUTTON: Increase your ship's speed. If you are flying the X-wing or B-wing, pressing and clicking this button will close the ship's S-foils. Note: For any S-foil craft, after speeding up you need to open the wings again in order to fire your weapons. You can do this by hitting A or clicking the L or R buttons. --------------------------------- 3.3.2 On Foot --------------------------------- L-BUTTON: Lock on target (strafe while locked on to target) CONTROL STICK: Moves your character CONTROL PAD / COMMAND CROSS: Use to communicate with allies. If display is not on-screen, hit any direction on the Control Pad to bring it up. Once activated, controls are: UP: Form LEFT/RIGHT: Different attack commands, depends on the mission DOWN: Stay START/PAUSE: Pause game and bring up Mission Objectives and game options. C-STICK: The C-Stick is used to perform special actions such as attaching to AT-ATs with the tow cable, taking control of e-web guns, or opening doors. B BUTTON: This button is used to throw grenades, best used with lock-on. A BUTTON: Press to fire your primary weapon. Hold the A Button down to fire continuously. X BUTTON: Jump. Y BUTTON: Call up the Targeting Computer, this time in the form of goggles. Prior to acquiring the Targeting Computer Upgrade, you must hold down the button to keep the Targeting Computer up. Once the upgrade has been found, press the Y-Button once to bring up the TC; press it again to lower the TC. Z BUTTON: Perform a roll. (+ control stick) R BUTTON: Crouch Roll (+ control stick) --------------------------------- 3.3.3 AT-ST --------------------------------- L-BUTTON: Lock head to center position. CONTROL STICK: Aim / move left and right CONTROL PAD / COMMAND CROSS: Use to communicate with allies. If display is not on-screen, hit any direction on the Control Pad to bring it up. Once activated, controls are: UP: Catapults LEFT/RIGHT: Log roll / Log swing DOWN: Retreat START/PAUSE: Pause game and bring up Mission Objectives and game options. C-STICK: Used to look around while in the cockpit mode. Great for looking through the right window which is often needed. B BUTTON: Fire concussion grenades, hold down the button to lock on to up to three different enemies. A BUTTON: Press to fire your primary weapon. Hold the A Button down to fire continuously. X BUTTON: Enter / exit cockpit view. Y BUTTON: Call up the Targeting Computer. Prior to acquiring the Targeting Computer Upgrade, you must hold down the button to keep the Targeting Computer up. Once the upgrade has been found, press the Y-Button once to bring up the TC; press it again to lower the TC. Z BUTTON: R BUTTON: Move Forward --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 3.5 Weapons --------------=============**********************=============----------------- LASERS Main weapon used in the Galaxy. An explosive energy beam that has a limited range. Green colored lasers are used by the Empire, though they sometimes use red if they feel a little Christmasey. The Rebel Alliance only uses green lasers. The difference between red and green lasers is currently unknown. CONCUSSION MISSLES A limited number are available per ship. Although not as powerful as proton torpedoes,when this projectile hits a target, it creates powerful shock waves that penetrate even the heaviest armour. Concussion missiles are effective against both ground and air targets. PROTON BOMBS These bombs will recharge over time. They have a large blast radius, but beware: they can damage your own craft if you drop them too low to the ground. ION CANNON You have unlimited use of this powerful weapon, although it does require time to charge. Hold down the B Button to charge the ion cannon. It will be fired when you release the B Button. The ion cannon uses blue blasts of ionized energy, which overload and fuse the circuits of ship weapons, shields, and engines, effectively knocking them out of action and destroying smaller targets. TOW CABLE This is not in itself, a weapon, but is used creatively by the Rebels. It is used to wrap AT-AT walker's legs, causing them to fall. It can also be used to tow explosives and Fords. BLASTER This hand held laser weapon is single shot only but has a nearly unlimited firing capacity. THERMAL DETONATOR Basically just a grenade. This weapon works best if you have an enemy locked-on, otherwise, it's difficult to aim. AUTOMATIC BLASTER An automatic version of the blaster that has rapid firing capabilities. However, it only has a limited number of shots. E-WEB CANNON This is a tripod-mounted heavy laser cannon used by the Empire. It has auto- fire capabilities and affords the player with an amazing amount of shielding, though it does not itself generate a shield. It also features an annoying tendency to auto-center itself, making it very difficult to aim. SEISMIC CHARGES Especially useful in asteroid fields, the seismic charge sends out a wave of vibrating energy that breaks apart unsound structures and rock. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 3.6 Powerups: Tech Upgrades --------------=============**********************=============----------------- Rebel Strike affords you the opportunity to acquire various upgrades throughout the game. These aren't necessary for completing the missions, but do make completing the game and getting medals much easier. Upgrades are placed in out of the way areas throughout the game. I recommend finding them on your own, but if you need help, the locations are listed below. Each upgrade will look like a silver capsule, floating in the air. Upon flying through the capsule, you will be informed of which upgrade you've acquired. You must complete the level on which you obtain the upgrade to receive it and it will then be available to you in all future missions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5.1 Single player mode tech upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ADVANCED SHIELDS --------------------------------- Advanced shields affect all ships and improve the strength of your shields. When found, your shield display will be blue at full strength. LOCATION: Revenge of the empire It is located in the fourth or fifth transport. Fly through the transport to acquire the upgrade. Do not destroy the transport until you get it as it will no longer be there if you do. --------------------------------- ADVANCED LASERS --------------------------------- Improves the power of your laser cannons so they do more damage. LOCATION: Defiance on Dantooine On the third part of the level, you'll be on a speeder bike racing along a narrow rock ledge. Right after the second boost jump, there will be 4 APCs. Go to the left of these along a very narrow ledge and you will acquire the upgrade. --------------------------------- ADVANCED TARGETING COMPUTER --------------------------------- Allows you to toggle the targeting computer on and off so you no longer have to hold down the Y Button. Also allows you to target specific enemies for your wingmates to attack by using the C-Stick. LOCATION: Defenders of Ralltiir There are 3 bridges in this area, one where you start, one straight across from you, and one to the left. Go to the other side of the one to the left and destroy the Imperial Transport located there to receive this upgrade. --------------------------------- ADVANCED PROTON TORPEDOES --------------------------------- Makes your proton torpedoes more powerful. LOCATION: GEONOSIS Look in the back of the last escape pod. It is hidden by smoke. Astute observers will see this upgrade during the cutscene of the gunship flyby. --------------------------------- HOMING PROTON TORPEDOES --------------------------------- Proton Torpedoes can now either be dumb-fired at a target by pushing the B Button twice quickly, or the player can push B once to get a yellow targeting reticule. Once the reticule turns red, a lock is acquired on a target. Pushing the B Button again will fire a homing proton torpedoe that will seek out the target. LOCATION: Extraction from Ralltiir Go left, then right, and hug the right wall. --------------------------------- ADVANCED PROTON BOMBS --------------------------------- Makes your proton bombs more powerful. LOCATION: Raid at Bakura Get to the TIE bomber section by getting at least silver stats for the first section. Bomb the last building and it's inside. --------------------------------- SPREAD PROTON BOMBS --------------------------------- After the initial impact of the bomb, six bomblets will then spread out in a circular pattern for extra damage. Note that this seems to make the initial impact of your bombs weaker. Only get this if you have problems aiming as most of the enemies in the single player don't require the use of this upgrade. LOCATION: Deception at Destrillion On the second section, in the bottom of the Super Laser bowl. It is NOT at bottom of the waterfall, but right underneath the actual super laser at the top of the tower in the middle. --------------------------------- ADVANCED CLUSTER MISSILES --------------------------------- Makes your cluster missles more powerful. LOCATION: Battlefield Hoth On the second section, use the e-web blaster to destroy the right box that the AT-ST comes out of. Push the B-button to go back to on-foot and run over to grab the power up. --------------------------------- HOMING CLUSTER MISSILES --------------------------------- Makes your cluster missles home in on as many targets as possible. If six targets are in your field of view, each target will be hit by one missle. If three targets are in your field of view, each will be hit by two missles. Note that cluster missles do not differentiate between friend and foe. LOCATION: Triumph of the Rebellion Follow the path until you get to the catapults, then turn to the right and search the area behind the trees. --------------------------------- ADVANCED CONCUSSION MISSILES --------------------------------- Makes your concussion missles more powerful. LOCATION: Guns of Dubrillion Go up the ramp and then turn left at the first available path. --------------------------------- HOMING CONCUSSION MISSILES --------------------------------- Concussion missles can now be locked onto targets. LOCATION: Speeder Bike Pursuit Toward the end of the level, you will pass two sections that look different from all the others. They look like solid tree walls. After you pass the second section, there will be a small alternate path to the left. Take this to acquire the Homing Concussion Missles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.5.1 Cooperative mode tech upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ADVANCED SHIELDS --------------------------------- LOCATION: Death Star Attack On the second section where you have to kill TIEs, fly close to the surface and about 45 degrees to the left. Search this area until you find the upgrade. --------------------------------- ADVANCED LASERS --------------------------------- LOCATION: Battle of Hoth After you take down the three AT-ATs, a cutscene will play of the shield generator being destroyed. You will be put on course for the trasport area. Turn around and search the area where the generator was. --------------------------------- ADVANCED TARGETING COMPUTER --------------------------------- LOCATION: Strike at the Core When you are almost to the core, you will be on a final straight path with pipes coming out and down on the lower left. Fly underneath this last set of pipes right before the core to get the upgrade. --------------------------------- ADVANCED PROTON TORPEDOES --------------------------------- LOCATION: Ison Corridor Ambush At the start of the level, there is a tip of a Star Destroyer floating below you. Fly through this to acquire the upgrade. --------------------------------- HOMING PROTON TORPEDOES --------------------------------- LOCATION: Vengeance On Kothlis This upgrade is found by flying through a hole in the Star Destroyer from the back. It is just to the right of the control tower and is best gotten by the a-wing or y-wing. --------------------------------- ADVANCED PROTON BOMBS --------------------------------- LOCATION: Razor Rendevous At the start, have one player fly as fast as they can to the other side of the Star Destroyer. There is an Imperial Shuttle that is towing the upgrade. Destroy the shuttle and grab the upgrade. --------------------------------- SPREAD PROTON BOMBS --------------------------------- LOCATION: Imperial Academy Heist (Nighttime) There are 4 spokes coming from the center tower. In the one to the left of the Imperial Shuttle spoke is a tunnel shaped building. Fly through this to get the upgrade. --------------------------------- ADVANCED CLUSTER MISSILES --------------------------------- LOCATION: Prisons of the Maw After the prisoners get the weapons, head straight towards the communication towers by following your radar. There will be a building below you on the way. Destroy this building and fly through where it used to be to get the upgrade. --------------------------------- HOMING CLUSTER MISSILES --------------------------------- LOCATION: Battle of Endor Destroy the Star Destroyer on the left. It will veer off to it's side and stop. When it has stopped, fly past it's ship bay on the bottom. --------------------------------- ADVANCED CONCUSSION MISSILES --------------------------------- LOCATION: Imperial Academy Heist (Daytime) There are 4 spokes coming from the center tower. In the one to the right of the Imperial Shuttle spoke is a tunnel shaped building. Fly through this to get the upgrade. --------------------------------- HOMING CONCUSSION MISSILES --------------------------------- LOCATION: Raid On Bespin On the second group of platforms, destroy the Imperial "tube" ship. This will take out numerous gas containers on the platform. The upgrade will be there. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 3.8 Winning Strategies --------------=============**********************=============----------------- --------------------------------- 3.8.1 TIE formations --------------------------------- FORMATION 1: (top down view) (leader) |-O-| |-O-| |-O-| |-O-| |-O-| FORMATION 2: (from behind) |-O-| |-O-| (leader) |-O-| |-O-| |-O-| FORMATION 3: (from behind) |-O-| |-O-| |-O-| |-O-| (leader) If you shoot the leader, then the other ties become independent and will fly in different directions. Sometimes, you may want this to happen, but most of the time it is much more efficient and a whole lot easier to take out the followers and then the leader. When getting gold medals, a good player will be able to take out an entire squadron with 5 to 7 shots in a short amount of time. Practice doing this! --------------------------------- 3.8.2 Level Analysis --------------------------------- Rogue Squadron, though an arcade like game, is actually mostly about strategy. If you have the correct strategy, this game becomes very easy. So how does one develop a good strategy? Analysis!! -Memorize where tie formations come from and when. Most of the enemies are on "tracks" that they follow and have spheres of awareness. Sometimes, enemies can be completely bypassed. Other times, they can be caught at a disadvantage. -Identify important strategic points. -Identify your ship's strengths and weaknesses and plan your strategy accordingly. Different ships will require different tactics. --------------------------------- 3.8.3 Getting good stats --------------------------------- If you are having trouble getting a certain stat for a medal, there can be numerous reasons. If you're having trouble getting your accuracy up, it may not be that you're just a bad shot, you might be using the wrong strategy. Chasing one tie bomber that is dodging like crazy and wasting 100 shots on it will not help your accuracy. Speed is also a good accuracy indicator. The faster you are, chances are, the better your accuracy will be. Of course, speed and accuracy are directly proportional to one another on most runs. If your accuracy is hurting and you're way over time and losing too many friendlies, but your kills are 50 over the required minimum, well, don't kill so many enemies and just kill the right enemies. For friendlies, identify who actually does the dying in the level. Then see who kills them. Now alter your strategy to take them out before your peeps bite the dust. --------------------------------- 3.8.4 Making your first shot count --------------------------------- LINKED LASERS!! They don't tell you about this for nothin'! When your lasers are linked they are MUCH more powerful. One fully charged linked shot from an x-wing can take out a bomber in one shot, where as many single shots are required. Single shots also give them a chance to dodge. Most ships allow you to link your lasers by tapping the button also. While this does not give you a fully charged shot, it is still more powerful than normal. In the x-wing, holding the button down will give you single shots, while tapping the button fires two lasers at a time at the same rate as the single shots. This is especially useful in gold medal and fast time runs. --------------------------------- 3.8.5 Use those enemy weapons! --------------------------------- When on foot, dispatched enemies' weapons may be picked up and used. Don't overlook this! --------------------------------- 3.8.6 Camera Views --------------------------------- I won't reiterate my views in section 2.5 here, but will say one important thing. Make sure you turn off the enemy camera. You can tell when you're getting shot. You don't need your view to go all askew so you can see who's behind you. --------------------------------- 3.8.7 Using Homing Cluster Missles --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- | | | |-o-| |-o-| | | If I don't want | | to shoot these | | ties.. | | | | | | |--O--| |--O--| shoot here| | | | | | | | | | and I want to shoot | | these ties.. | | | | | | | |___________________________________________________________| To effectively use cluster missiles when you have multiple targets, you need to shoot away from the intended target but not too far. Experiment to find the range. This is not so important with ties, but when taking out guns on a star destroyer, or trying to miss gas containers on Bespin, it is very important. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 4. Walkthroughs / Gold Medal Strategies ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ---------------------- Level selection layout ---------------------- Since some have had a bit of a problem finding where certain levels are, I now provide this nice little level tree. ___________ | Rebel | | Endurance | ----------- | ______________ | Attack of | | the Executor | -------------- | | _____________ _______________ | The Sarlacc |__| Triumph of | | Pit | | the Rebellion | ------------- --------------- | | | | ___________ ______________ _________________ | Trials of |__| Speeder Bike |__| Fondor Shipyard | | a Jedi | | Pursuit | | Assault | ----------- -------------- ----------------- | | | | _____________ _____________ ____________ _____________ | Escape from |___| Battlefield | | Guns of |___| Flight from | | Hoth | | Hoth | | Dubrillion | | Bespin | ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------- | | | | _______________ ______________ | Extraction | | Deception at | | from Ralltiir | | Destrillion | --------------- -------------- | | | | _____________ ____________ ___________ | Defenders | | Death Star | | Relics of | | of Ralltiir | | Rescue | | Geonosis | ------------- ------------ ----------- | | | | | | _____________ ____________ _________ | Defiance on |_| Revenge of |_| Raid at | | Dantooine | | the Empire | | Bakura | ------------- ------------ --------- . | . : | : | __________ | "Luke's | Tatooine | "Wedge's Campaign" | Training | Campaign" ---------- --------------------------------- 4.1 Tatooine Training --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Complete all tutorial lessons. -Find your way to the top of the homestead. -Use the available craft to access other areas of Tatooine. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Luke Skywalker - Tatooine edition, AT-ST, T-16 Skyhopper, Landspeeder, Speederbike BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ For each training section, check your objectives status before exiting that section to ensure you've completed everything. Homestead: -Walk into each Rebel icon and do what it says. T-16 Skyhopper: -Race through Beggar's canyon: For this game, you can fly pretty much to the top of the mountains, thereby cutting an almost straight line to the finish. Take the left path to defeat hard mode. -Dogfight What's-his-name: Use lock-ons and lasers. He can go slower than you so get some distance and come at him, rather than constantly turning to try to find him. -Tutorials and secret items: Just follow your radar and do what it asks or tells you you've found something. It will eventually tell you you've found everything, push start to make sure, and then just head back to the homestead. Swoop bike / Landspeeder: -Perform the actions instructed of you such as breaking and boosting. -Go to the end of the canyon the first time for the AT-ST training. AT-ST Training: This is for easy, medium, and hard modes. Walk to the middle of the area, and turn in a steady circle about half speed or a little slower. The droids always come out of the same spots at the same exact intervals, so racking up kills is easier than herding womprats. As each level is completed, you must walk through the insignia again to start the next level. After the hard level, walk back to where you started. You will now be back in front of the homestead. Swoop bike / Landspeeder cont.: At this point, you will again be driving either the landspeeder or the swoop- bike. I prefer the swoop bike because the jumps are easier. Your objective is to complete 7 jumps, passing through Rebel icons each time. There are 5 jumps in the center path, and there are two side paths, one to each side. You will need to backtrack at least once to get these side paths. At the end of the side path, you'll jump off the ledge and back onto the main path. To jump effectively, pull back on the control stick and then hit the boost. After you've completed the jumps, continue to the end of the canyon, past Jabba's palace. Here, you'll have to complete some training for on-foot combat. First, you'll have to pull up your binoculars. After that walk over to where you'll have to jump to get across. WAIT until it tells you to jump. It is possible to make it across before it cues you and then you'll be stuck killing sandpeople and never finish this section. So jump across and do the three tasks that come up as Rebel icons. For the thermal detonator, using the lockon feature really helps. Once these are complete, it will show you a blue Rebel icon by your swoop bike. Touching this will take you back to the homestead. If you've found everything, the level will automatically end. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- There is no medal awarded for Training. --------------------------------- 4.2 Revenge of the Empire --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: The Imperials have landed on Yavin4 and are heading toward the Rebel base. Stall the Empire's advance and buy the Rebels time to escape. OBJECTIVES: -Destroy the Imperial transports -Destroy the Imperial leader shuttles -Defend the Rebel transport -Find the general and Rebels -Escape with the general and Rebels AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing (default), Luke Skywalker - Flight suit |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 5:30 | 4:45 | 4:00 | 3:55 | | Enemies Destroyed | 45 | 52 | 60 | 64 | | Shot Accuracy | 38% | 45% | 65% | 67% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 80% | 90% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Fly straight ahead and kill all six Imperial transports. They all line up so this is pretty easy. You can use your proton torpedoes if you want. On the second section, just kill the transports carrying the boxes before they drop them by the transport on the island. If they do drop them, just kill each of the AT-STs. For the on foot portion, just follow the radar wedge and shoot Imperials. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: (updated!) ----------------------------- At the start, close your s-foils and tell your wingmen to leave. Go through the transports like normal. Before you kill the last transport, use all six of your homing torpedoes on ties to pick up the 6 extra kills you need. On section 2, have your wingmen flee (again), and speed up to the right and shoot all three of these shuttles. Head left and do the same to the other three. The only thing on the last section is to tell Wedge to stay right off the bat. You don't want him getting any of your kills. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- For the first section, just kill the tranports. They all line up so now worries here. For the second section, speed up and get in range for your lock on missles. Kill each with a missle and go hard left. Take out the next transport shuttles with missles or lasers. For the third section, there are only two rooms that you can't leave until everything is dead, where the general is and the last board. Just run straight through this thing. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 4.3 Luke's Campaign --------------=============**********************=============----------------- --------------------------------- 4.3.1 Defiance on Dantooine --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Rondezvous with the Imperial defector Tycho on Dantooine and deliver him safely to the Rebels. OBJECTIVES: -Reach the Imperial landing zone before the transports lift off -Stop the ground transport that's carrying Tycho -Follow Tycho back to the Rebel landing zone AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Luke Skywalker - camo, Speeder bike, e-web blaster |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 5:10 | 4:20 | 4:10 | 4:05 | | Enemies Destroyed | 18 | 29 | 38 | 40 | | Shot Accuracy | 20% | 30% | 42% | 56% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 60% | 90% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Ride your speeder down the canyon. If you hit any Probe Droids, they will explode, but it's really nothing to worry about. Once you make it to the on-foot part. Run up to the first e-web blaster and take control of it. Shoot at the front part of the APC and when Imperials run out of the front of it, shoot them. Keep shooting at the APC as much as you can until it hides behind some rocks. Press B to go back to on-foot mode and run up to the second e-web blaster. Again, shoot toward the front of the APC and kill any targets that run in your path. Always concentrate your fire on the APC. When you can no longer hit the APC, run over to the next e-web cannon. This time, there will be 3 commandos to your left. Take care of them, then shoot at the APC again. Move on to the next e-web and shoot just at the APC; it should die in a few shots. The next part is another speeder bike section. The only thing here is to save your boosts for the jumps. When you get to a jump, pull up as you go over the jump and as you go over the edge, hit R to boost. Finish this part, then go down another canyon to the end. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Boost at the beginning of the canyon. You don't need to boost here anymore. The reason is that you need to kill almost all of the probe droids here. The rest is exactly like the basic walkthrough. Just make sure you kill everything and be accurate. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- Same as Gold Medal. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The main gain of time here is to boost over the outer edges of mountains. Doing this will allow you to take a much straighter line. However, don't do it so much that you hit the ground really hard. Do not boost as high as you can on jumps. Take a nice angle that allows a smooth landing. When shooting the APC, don't worry about anything else, and you should kill it by the third e-web blaster. --------------------------------- 4.3.2 Defenders of Ralltiir --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Locate and defend scientists trapped on the besieged planet of Ralltiir. OBJECTIVES: -Take out all three bridges -Destroy Imperials threatening the shield generator AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Snowspeeder |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 5:00 | 4:05 | 3:30 | 2:55 | | Enemies Destroyed | 17 | 20 | 25 | 100 | | Shot Accuracy | 25% | 32% | 48% | 60% | | Friendlies Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 88% | 95% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ At the beginning click R and turn right to boost over the bridge. You can go over the river, but you get a better line on the APCs. Once on the other side take out the three APCs from behind. Then go past the left of the shield and pick up a bomb. Take the bomb to the bridge straight ahead of you and fly low and touch the front pillar of the bridge. After the bridge goes down, turn around and on the way back for another bomb, kill any targets of opportunity. Get another bomb and repeat on the bridge that you initially started out by. Go pick up another bomb and take out the last remaining bridge. Now that no new enemies can come across the bridges, this mission becomes very simple. Now all you have to do is clean up any remaining enemies. To quickly take out the last AT-ATs, pick up a bomb and fly at the AT-ATs head from the side. When you get close slow down so the bomb hangs down and slams into the AT-ATs head from the side. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Same as Basic Walkthrough. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- "Where do you get all those kills from!? I've killed everything on the level and I only get 76!?" Ah, well, if you destroy the bridge, it destroys all the enemies on the bridge. However, you only get one kill for the APCs. APCs hold 6 people inside and you don't get those if you don't destroy them with lasers, sooo..... At the beginning, turn hard left and loop back around so you get behind the APCs on the bridge. Take 'em out and tell your wingmen to leave. Kill the APCs that are past the end of the bridge. Now go to the bridge straight across from you, taking out the two APCs by the shield on the way. Do the same thing as before by getting behind the APCs on the bridge. Now go to the last bridge. By this time, these APCs are almost across. Shoot them from the side and get behind them if you need to. You can leave two of them if you want. Now head back to the shield and take out the three AT-STs. The level will end and you'll have an easy ace medal. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Bomb bridges and take out the three AT-ATs by the shield. When bombing the bridge, you can turn hard by the front pillar to swing the bomb behind you to get a good line after the cutscene and save distance traveled. Kill the AT-ATs with bombs. --------------------------------- 4.3.3 Extraction from Ralltiir --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Rescue scientists hiding in the ruins of Ralltiir. OBJECTIVES: -Clear the way to the Blockade Runner -Regain control of the Blockade Runner AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: AT-ST, Luke Skywalker |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 4:30 | 4:20 | 4:00 | 3:50 | | Enemies Destroyed | 88 | 95 | 100 | 105 | | Shot Accuracy | 32% | 38% | 45% | 55% | | Friendlies Lost | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 90% | 98% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ This is your first level using the AT-ST and though it's pretty short, it's a whole lotta fun. The first part of the level consists of escorting the scientists from the last level through a maze like area of busted buildings to a Rebel gun ship to freedom. For this mission and every AT-ST mission, I highly recommend using the cockpit view of the AT-ST. I find the targeting from behind to be a little wacky, but I can really bullseye womptroopers, er, stormrats from the cockpit view. Don't leave anything alive as the scientists will eat it if you leave stormtroopers alive. First, go forward and turn left around the corner. Shoot the APC and hit it with a concussions grenade or two. It will have an initial explosion, but wont be dead until it blows into pieces. Kill the stormtroopers and the Imperial Probe Droid and go forward. When you turn the corner to the right, kill the AT-ST there. Go right again and kill the AT-ST, e-web gun, and stormtroopers. There will be another AT-ST, e-web guns, and stormtroopers at the next corner. Kill these and turn left. Walk forward killing everything. The end of this alley is a square with many AT-STs. Since you enter the square on the left, just kill each AT-ST as it becomes visible, instead of charging straight in and getting wasted. Once everything is dead, walk to the other side of the square for the second part of the mission. For this section, like all on-foot sections, just run where the orange arrow tells you. When you see an enemy, stand there and shoot it. There's really not much else to this until you get to the end. You'll come up to an e-web cannon at a Y intersection. Take control of the cannon and waste the storm- troopers as the come from the left and right. The secret here is to use a nice slow smooth sweeping motion rather than targeting individuals. Doing this, you can waste one side very quickly, then just turn the gun on the other side. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Same as Basic Walkthrough. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- This one is very straight forward. Only a few tips here. Take out the APC that runs at the start. Shoot it until it goes around the corner, then kill it before it gets away. That's one extra kill. Once in the Blockade runner, the second room has two paths, take the right one to kill two stormtroopers there. Go back and take the left and continue as normal. For the e-web section, just use one shot kills, it's really very easy to do, but don't take too long. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- This is just a walk to the end type thing. Use your concussion grenades on the APCs for quick kills. --------------------------------- 4.3.4 Battlefield Hoth --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: After crash landing in your snowspeeder, you must find your way back to Echo Base. OBJECTIVES: -Take out the 2 lead AT-ATs -Get to the Tauntaun -Follow Derlin back to Echo Base -Destroy the 3 AT-STs -Protect the 3 rebel transports -Destroy the TIE bombers AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Luke Skywalker, Taun-taun, X-wing |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 6:00 | 5:40 | 5:30 | 5:20 | | Enemies Destroyed | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | | Shot Accuracy | 15% | 17% | 20% | 29% | | Friendlies Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 70% | 85% | 90% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ First, run underneath the AT-AT. Push the C-Stick in any direction to use the tow cable to attach yourself. Push up on the control stick to ascend. Once you're underneath the AT-AT, press the A Button twice to use your lightsaber to open the hatch. Once it's open, press B to switch to a first person view. Aim at the open hatch and press B again to lob a grenade inside. A short cutscene will play of the AT-AT dying, then you'll drop to the ground. There will be storm troopers in between you and the second AT-AT. Just run straight at the AT-AT shooting and don't worry about them, they wont kill you. Take out this AT-AT using the same strategy as before. Once on the ground again, run toward the Taun-tauns to your right. If you want to kill the enemies surrounding the taun-tauns, you can, but it's not necessary. Just run straight to the taun-tauns firing the whole time. (Cutscene) Ride the taun-taun to the end of the valley. Go full speed but try to run past the groups of storm troopers to rack up kills. You'll pass the last line of defense the rebels used and a blue symbol will be floating near a blown up laser tower. Go toward this to dismount from the taun-taun. Once off the taun-taun, run toward the gun, shooting the whole time. There is no need to kill any of the storm troopers except the one manning the e-web gun. Kill him, take control of the gun by pushing the C-Stick in any direction while standing next to the gun, then mop up any survivors. Some AT-ST's will be dropped in boxes and 4 ties will buzz you. Kill the left AT-ST, then the right one, and then the center one. Now, the bomber part. I recommend you have the homing proton torpedoe upgrade for this section otherwise, it requires that you have skill. Speed up for a bit to get into range. Take out one squad of bombers on the left by taking them slightly head on, not shooting the leader, which is the bottom bomber. Then speed up and head over to the right and take out another squad. By now, you should be going through the clouds. If you're past them, you can still do it, but it'll be harder. Then just switch between protecting the left and right transports. Each time you'll pass the middle one and if it's getting attacked, you can kill that squad. If you ever hear that someone's getting pounded then go over and help. Don't let one single bomber lure you away from all the others. They'll dodge like heck and you'll waste so much time that you'll never make it. When they're about to shoot the transports is the best time to kill them. If you just try to protect one transport, the other bombers will come over to help after their transports are dead, so protect all three. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The gold medal strategy is the same as the basic walkthrough. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- The ace medal strategy is the same as the basic walkthrough. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Jump over first AT-AT's foot to get under it, instead of going slightly around. Go to the right of the valley; you must find where the boundary is and stay very close. Kill the left AT-ST, then the right, and then the middle. The bomber part is always the same so the only ways to make up time are doing the first two parts the fastest. --------------------------------- 4.3.5 Trials of a Jedi --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Train in the force with Master Yoda on the swamp planet of Dagobah. OBJECTIVES: -Find your way to the strange creature's home -Complete Yoda's Double Jump tutorial -Complete Yoda's Light Saber tutorial -Follow Yoda back to the X-wing -Use the Force to raise your X-wing from the swamp AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Luke Skywalker |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 6:40 | 6:00 | 4:30 | 4:00 | | Enemies Destroyed | 15 | 18 | 22 | 31 | | Shot Accuracy | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 70% | 85% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ I feel bad about writting this because the level doesn't need a walkthrough. That's basically what you do anyways, walk through. The only tips you need are to jump from the tree stumps at the beginning of each jumping section. When you get to the part where you have to raise the X-wing, just keep pressing the button at about 4 times per second until it raises pretty high, then falls. Luke will say he can't do it, then Yoda will use the schwartz to raise it for you. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Other than the basic walkthrough, there is a section toward the end that spews out little creatures. Stay in front of this one, you'll know which one it is, and rack up kills. --------------------------------- 4.3.6 The Sarlacc Pit --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Use your Jedi powers to find your way to freedom from the forces of Jabba the Hutt and the dreaded Sarlacc Pit. OBJECTIVES: -Protect Han, Chewie, and Lando -Get to Jabba's sail barge -Protect Leia until she gets to the deck gun AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 1:45 | 1:20 | 1:12 | 1:10 | | Enemies Destroyed | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 | | Shot Accuracy | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 95% | 98% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Swing your lightsaber with A to kill the guards on your skiff. Then hold down the B-button and push the control stick toward the barge to block their laser shots. Another skiff will come up on your left and stop. Double jump to get on this barge and kill these guards. Keep guarding against lasers and watch for the next skiff coming from your right. This one will not stop, so time your jump or suffer for 10,000 years. Kill, Guard, then watch for the last skiff coming from your left. Get on this one and then wait until it comes along side the Barge. Double jump onto the barge and take out the pig- boys and then the guys at the rail shooting at Lando. Run toward the right and the level will end. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Same as basic. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- You'll need to kill at least two gunners from below deck on the the Sail Barge. You can actually skip the third skiff and jump straight over to the last skiff too for a low time. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Jump over third skiff, straight to the last one. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 4.4 Wedge's Campaign --------------=============**********************=============----------------- --------------------------------- 4.4.1 Raid at Bakura --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Attack the Imperial holding facility orbiting Bakura. Disable the Imperial transports and give the Rebel evacuation teams time to off-load the prisoners from Hoth. OBJECTIVES: AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: B-wing (default), Y-wing, TIE Hunter |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 15:00 | 13:20 | 8:30 | 8:20 | | Enemies Destroyed | 30 | 45 | 97 | 115 | | Shot Accuracy | 1% | 3% | 28% | 32% | | Friendlies Lost | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 1% | 3% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ This is a pretty long mission for Wedge's first level. There is a Imperial transport to the right of you. A Rebel transport will come and grab everyone off of this. Your job is to protect them from TIEs. This is really easy. TIEs will sorta come after you, but not very bad. Once your transport connects, TIE will start shooting it. Take these out, there's about 8, and when they say, they're done and preparing to leave, head over to the left side of the space station to meet the next transport. Hold down B to charge your ION cannon. You must hit it with three ION blasts. Once it's disabled, start killing TIEs in the area. After a little bit, start heading around the back side of the space station killing TIEs along the way. I like to go right around the edge so I can kill turbo laser turrets as I pass. Another transport will attempt to escape. Ionize this one and clear out some TIEs. When you hear that the second Rebel transport is attached to the Imperial transport, head over to take out TIEs attacking it. After this, go back to the third transport. At this point, if you've got less than silver medal stats so far for the level, the last transport will leave and a cutscene will play. However, if you've got silver medal stats, a different cutscene will play and you will take control of a TIE bomber going through a canyon of ice. The TIE bomber does not have lasers, so just lock onto targets by holding A and moving the targeting reticule over them, release the button to fire up to four shots. Stay low and you should finish this section with ease. Read the secrets section for notes on how to unlock the TIE bomber for use in other levels. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The nice thing about this level, and many others, is that the TIEs come around for head on shots, but they're pretty slow about it. This means you can fly in a lazy circle, and as you see a TIE come around for a head on shot, just line up your shot and it will only take one shot to kill the target. You can get great accuracy and lots of kills this way. The other area I get kills is by shooting homing torpedoes at turbo lasers on the space station and hugging the outrim while going around the back as described above. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- To get the time and kills, you'll need to time it so you meet up with the other two escaping transports right as they're leaving. Also, kill as much as you can with the TIE bomber. One thing of note here is that the lives lost statistic on this is actually Lives Lost in Orbit. If you die in the TIE bomber, you can still get the ace or gold. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Don't get silver stats and only kill enough TIEs so that the transports don't die. Time it so you ionize the other two transports immediately upon departure. -------------------------------- 4.4.2 Relics of Geonosis --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Investigate the area around Geonosis with a fleeing Imperial escort carrier. OBJECTIVES: -Find the Escort Carrier. -Protect R5. -Destroy both Escort Carriers. -Protect the Rebel Frigate. -Find the Jedi Starfighter's hyperdrive boost ring. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing (default), B-wing, A-wing, Y-wing, Millennium Falcon, TIE Bomber, TIE Hunter, Slave1, Naboo Starfighter |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 8:50 | 7:25 | 6:40 | 6:15 | | Enemies Destroyed | 115 | 126 | 135 | 165 | | Shot Accuracy | 42% | 53% | 60% | 70% | | Friendlies Lost | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 86% | 92% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Ahh, another sneaky trap by those darned Imperials. The center Imperial Escort is the only enemy you need to kill here so hit it with everything you've got, preferrably from behind. The Imperial Escort will jettison escape pods and you'll also crash to the surface. Handily, you all land in generally the same area. There are Trade Federation Probe droids here from Episode 1 and the Storm Troopers get into a fight with them. Your job is to go down the valley taking out all of them. There is a big group of Storm Troopers right in front of you. Lock on to one of them and throw your grenade to take most of them out. Grab their guns and run forward. Kill the Storm Trooper manning the e-web cannon. Here, you have a choice, do you want to use the inaccurate cannon, or a grenade for each group of droids. I used the grenade for higher accuracy and a faster time. Continue down to the end of the valley. The guy you were chasing before has found a Republic Gunship in working condition and will try to take you out, though he really poses no threat. Continue on and man the first e-web blaster. Keep shooting the gunship until it flies off around the corner and crashes. Walk over to the Jedi Starfighter and wait for R5. You'll now be back in space in the asteroids. The Jedi Starfighter has sonic charges which makes this very easy, you don't even need lasers. The bombers that attack are no concern. Go after the two Imperial Escorts with sonic charges. After you take them out, follow your radar until you see the hyper- drive boost ring. Fly into it to end the level. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Use the Jedi Starfighter or the Slave1 from the get-go. Fly toward the TIEs and hold Z and spin. Fire around 4 sonic charges so they blow before the TIEs get to you. This should take out just about all of these TIEs. Take out the Escort like normal. The next section is the same as the basic walkthrough. For the third section, use the sonic charges to rack up tons of easy kills. This one's pretty easy and should only take a couple of tries. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Sonic charges make the 1st and 3rd sections cake. The second section is completed by smart use of grenades and a quick trigger finger. --------------------------------- 4.4.3 Deception at Destrillion --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Infiltrate the Empire's secret research facility. Locate vital targets and transmit their coordinates to the y-wing groups. OBJECTIVES: -Fly through the energy tunnels. -Destroy the TIE Hunters inside the energy field. -Locate the Imperial research Facility. -Destroy the targeting relays. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing, B-wing, A-wing (default), Y-wing, Millennium Falcon |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 5:25 | 4:30 | 4:00 | 3:50 | | Enemies Destroyed | 18 | 25 | 27 | 32 | | Shot Accuracy | 10% | 22% | 36% | 50% | | Friendlies Lost | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 86% | 95% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Fly through the corridor, avoiding energy beams and the sides of the corridor. Once through the first section, you'll come out in a huge sphere with tons of TIE hunters. Destroy these and then fly out through the only exit. The best way to destroy these fighters is to get behind them for a good shot. They are very difficult to hit. I've found that the best way to hit them is head on if you're using the X-wing as they have weak lasers. Also watch out for their ION cannons. The second section consists of a Super Laser in a pit surrounded by water. There are three relay dishes that must be destroyed on the rim of the dish. They are in rectangular boxes with a blue shield covering them. With your Y-wing, shoot two ION blasts at the shield to disable it. Then hit the relay with four bombs. After all three are destroyed, the level ends. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The only difference here is that you'll need to take out a couple of ties on the second section. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- Here's a new strategy that makes this a piece of cake. Get the Naboo starfighter by completing training in all 4 times of day and get the homing cluster missle upgrade. The N1 has 6 cluster missles at 6 missles per cluster so that's 36 kills. Don't hurry with the clusters and make sure that there's always 6 TIE hunters insight when firing them. Take your time, you don't want to waste any. Also, try to take out the groups of three TIEs instead of single TIEs. The single TIEs always try to take you head on, giving you an easy one shot kill without chasing them down. Also, stay in the middle for this section, as some of the enemies tend to wander into the barrier if you get to close. Kill the canisters, then kill a few TIEs in the Y-wing and you're golden. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Same as Ace without all the extra kills. I wont detail my path here, find your own. --------------------------------- 4.4.4 Guns of Dubrillion --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Retaliate against a suprise attack from a secret Imperial weapon. Identify targets of opportunity and destroy them. OBJECTIVES: AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: AT-ST, AT-AT |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 8:00 | 7:25 | 6:50 | 6:30 | | Enemies Destroyed | 55 | 75 | 80 | 90 | | Shot Accuracy | 18% | 28% | 35% | 40% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 88% | 92% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ As always, I recommend the in-cockpit view for the AT-ST. Kill the Storm Troopers on the ground in front of you. As you continue to go forward, there will be AT-STs that come from the left and right walkways. Your concussion grenades are plentiful and refillable, so don't hesitate to use them. Transport shuttles will come with more AT-STs in boxes. Kill them in the air or on the ground, it doesn't matter. There's really only one way to go here. At the end, you'll come to an elevator. Whilst riding the elevator, droids will hover around you and shoot missles at you. These are easy to dispatch and should cause no problems. Once you get to the next level, there will be a rail system with containers moving along it. Getting hit by one of these hurts bad. Use this to your advantage. Turn left and kill whatever AT-STs and droids you see. Keep an eye out for containers passing by enemy AT-STs and shoot them when they are close to each other. One container will take out multiple AT-STs. Eventually, you'll come to an AT-AT. Though you can't control where it goes, you definitely get to control it's guns. One shot is all you need for any enemy. It will walk forward towards an elevator. Kill the AT-STs on the ground (they look like ants down there..) and every second or two, a droid will pop up at the end. These come up at a set interval and are easy kills. Once at the end, you'll descend again. You'll have to kill many more droids now. Eventually, you'll see three columns revolving around a central column. Destroy these and you're done. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Same as Basic. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- Same as Basic, just remember to use the canisters for easy kills and accuracy. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- No special tricks here, just kill what's nessecary. --------------------------------- 4.4.5 Fondor Shipyard Assault --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Using captured Imperial TIE fighters, launch a sneak attack on the Imperial ship yards of Fondor. OBJECTIVES: -Defend the Rebel Transport. -Use ION cannons to disable the damaged station's doors. -Destroy the damaged station's shield generator. -Destory all 3 cloaking devices. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing, B-wing, A-wing, Y-wing, Millennium Falcon, TIE hunter (default) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 5:50 | 5:00 | 4:00 | 5:00 | | Enemies Destroyed | 28 | 43 | 50 | 63 | | Shot Accuracy | 45% | 50% | 56% | 45% | | Friendlies Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 88% | 95% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Take out the Imperial Escort ship using ION cannons, lasers, and one or two missles. After that, mop up the TIEs. Skip the cutscene, then take out the Shield generator that's right in front of you. On the second part, fly over the top of the Executor Class ship, staying relatively low, and destroy all three Cloaking devices. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- *Quick note here, the gold for some odd reason is a full minute faster than the ace medal. Almost everyone gets the ace medal, completely bypassing the gold, so no walkthrough here. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- For this, I used the Y-wing. I've heard that the Jedi Starfighter makes this a walk in the park. On to my walkthrough.. Tell your wingmen to flee. Fly slightly to the left so you'll pass directly over the Imperial escort. When you can bomb it, hit the brakes and bomb the snot out of it. Turn around and finish it off with lasers. Then continue on to the control station right behind it. From this position, you are able to kill every turret on the left side. These are the turrets by the doors that open later. Come up and take out the turrets straight across from you. Then take out the turrets on the other side of the control station you started on. Now go kill TIE fighters and wait for the cutscene. Here, just go through at full speed, which isn't very fast in the Y-wing, and kill at least most of the turrets you see. For each cloaking device, just hit it with around 6 bombs and some lasers. For the last device, kill all the turrets you see, then take out the cloaking device. OR Just use the Jedi Starfighter cuz it's a piece of cake. I don't even think you need to shoot anyone, just use Sonic bombs. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Use the Jedi starfighter. Well placed sonic mines will take out the Imperial Escort in around 2 to 3 seconds. Two more will take out the turrets by the door. Then, use one for the shield generator. Save the rest for the cloaking devices. --------------------------------- 4.5 Speeder Bike Pursuit --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Use your speeder bike to chase down Imperial scouts before they alert the Imperials guarding the shield generator. OBJECTIVES: AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Speederbike, Luke Skywalker - Camo. |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 4:40 | 4:20 | 4:00 | 3:20 | | Enemies Destroyed | 5 | 7 | 9 | 10 | | Shot Accuracy | 5% | 7% | 9% | 16% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 90% | 98% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ This level can be easy or frustratingly difficult depending on how you want to play. To beat the level, you do not need to boost at all. This level is just a straight corridor through the trees. Each Scout in front of you needs to die, they're just itching to die. The secret is to let your laser charge up. When fully charged, it will spew forth a death dealing blow. On the earlier levels, I've taken out a TIE bomber in one shot if that's any indication. So wait for the guy in front of you to get in line and waste him. For the guys that come up beside you, DON'T push the B-button! Just slide over and rub them off on a tree or use the control stick to give them a bump. Once you start using B, they do too. If you don't use B, then they are really easy. At the very end of the level, a Scout will lock bikes with you and you wont be able to disengage with him. Just keep flying and don't crash. If you don't try to ram him this will be nice and smooth, but if you try to ram him, you'll probably end up dying. Soon, the cutscene will start and you'll be on foot, lightsaber in hand. Just hit the A-button when he comes at you to kill him dead and end the level. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Be persistent and accurate. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- Be persistent, accurate, and fast. Look down the path, not where you are, this helps immeasurably. At the start, immediately boost. Once the first two line up with each other, you can blast both of them in one shot. Always wait until you have a very clear shot before firing. For the guys that come up beside you, DON'T push the B-button! Just slide over and rub them off on a tree or use the control stick to give them a bump. Once you start using B, they do too. If you don't use B, then they are really easy. Same goes for the last one, don't do anything, just fly along like he isn't even there. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Just be fast. --------------------------------- 4.6 Triumph of the Rebellion --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Rebel forces are pinned down outside the shield generator bunker. Using a captured Imperial walker, blast your way through the battle to save the team. OBJECTIVES: -Fight your way to the bunker before Han and Leia are overwhelmed. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: AT-ST, Han Solo |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 7:00 | 6:00 | 5:20 | 4:40 | | Enemies Destroyed | 52 | 65 | 80 | 95 | | Shot Accuracy | 15% | 19% | 28% | 40% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 90% | 98% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ This level requires a keen eye if you don't use the targeting computer. As always, I highly recommend using the cockpit view. The AT-ST can shoot trees and knock over medium sized trees. Very large trees will stop you. As soon as you kill an enemy AT-ST, they figure out that somethings wrong and target you at every opportunity. The main thing here is to kill each AT-ST you see. Use lasers and one concussion grenade on each AT-ST and you'll have no problem and will have enough grenades for this entire section. If you want to kill stormtroopers or walk on them, I highly recommend it as it's very satisfying for some reason. Use of the Ewoks traps, accessed by the command cross, are not needed here but offer some variety and fun. Follow your radar the entire time. If your radar points straight through some impassable trees, then go around. If you see heavy blaster fire coming from behind you or you're getting hit, turn around and waste the AT-ST that's most assuredly pelting you with fire. You will eventually get the the bunker. Kill the AT-STs and e-web blasters and walk up to the bunker. For the second section you will take the role of Han Solo. Do the standard run and shoot until you get to the control room. Walk into the Rebel insignia and push the C-stick to place a charge. You have to place two more charges out in the energy beam area. Go through the door and there will be a Rebel insignia on both sides. Place another charge at each of these locations. Once this is complete, Tycho will show up. You'll have to defeat Tycho to finish the level. Shot him continually but stay back a little bit, if you get too close he'll start running around you and you'll most likely die. You can pick up any stray health containers you see on the way. Once you get to the final door, he should die. Leave the bunker to exit the level. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The only thing to worry about for the first section are the enemy AT-STs. Use your lock-on grenades and just follow the radar. Of course you can kill any targets you want, but be accurate when you do. When you see the bunker, don't go up close to it yet. First turn around and you'll notice that you have a nice entourage of around 20 to 30 stormtroopers vainly trying to take you out. They're in a nice bunched formation and yelling something that sounds like, "Shoot me! Shoot me! I was here first!" So oblige them and rack up really easy kills. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- There are shortcuts throughout the path, search these out you will. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 4.7 Bonus Missions --------------=============**********************=============----------------- --------------------------------- 4.7.1 Death Star Rescue --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Disguised as Imperial storm troopers, locate and resque Princess Leia, find the Millennium Falcon, and escape the Death Star. OBJECTIVES: -Access the security elevator. -Defeat the enemies in the detention center. -Locate Princess Leia. -Escape the detention area. -Find the Millennium Falcon and escape. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Luke Skywalker |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 4:20 | 3:40 | 3:20 | 3:15 | | Enemies Destroyed | 25 | 48 | 55 | 59 | | Shot Accuracy | 19% | 33% | 45% | 50% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 92% | 98% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Just like in the movie, just go right past everyone and follow the arrow until you get to the elevator. You will arrive at the detention level and a fight will ensue. Let Han and Chewie handle the enemies in this room and hoof it down the corridor. Guys will come out of cells, don't ask me what they're doing in there, but just blast away at them. About 2/3 of the way down, start opening doors with the C-stick until you see a hotty laying suggestively on a cot in a cell. Run in and grab your sister and run back to the entrance of the cooridor. A Rebel insignia will appear at the garbage chute. Run into this to go to the next section. Follow the arrows and kill any stormtroopers you see. After Han and Chewie chase down the stormtroopers, go to the left and you'll get to the chasm area. There are three different ledges that stormtroopers will come out and shoot you from, one above you, one in the upper left corner, and one to your left. After you shoot six of these, you will then be able to use your C-stick to swing across. Push the c-stick, then aim with the control-stick, then press the A-button to swing across. Follow the radar arrow until you reach the Millennium Falcon. Kill all the stormtroopers in this area to get a Rebel insignia in front of the Falcon. Run into this to end the mission. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The main requirements here are kills and accuracy. Accuracy is gotten by knowing where enemies come from and facing that way before they appear. The hard part for most people is finding all the kills. Kill everyone you see and when you get to the elevators, stand in front of the left elevator and kill the two Storm Troopers inside. Turn around and kill the two from the right elevator, then face the elevator above you, and finally the middle elevator. After they're all dead, go into each and grab all the blasters and a health container. You should have over 75 blaster shots. In the detention center, run around the desk and shoot the guys coming from the elevators. It should be 2 from the center, 2 from the top, 1 from the bottom, 2 from the center, 2 from the top, and one or two from the bottom. Now turn around and kill the five cameras on the wall. They can be difficult to lock onto, so just move around until you get a lock. It helps to lock on to one and then keep firing. Now go down the hall and kill the four guys that come out of the cells. Kill the Sentry droid and then go down three doors and open the third one. Go inside to get Leia. Once outside the cell, head back to Han and Chewie, but everytime you get an enemy behind you, turn around and kill them. Once you get to the Rebel insignia, you can keep killing the guy coming from the cell down the hall, but by this time, I had enough kills. Shoot at the insignia to blast your way to the garbage chute. After you split up with Han and go over the chasm, you'll shoot at Storm Trooper that is in front of a door. Kill him and the guy in the room. Enter the room and grab the stuff inside. Before you enter the hangar, you'll be able to see Obi-wan and Darth Vader dueling. Shoot the two Storm Troopers here, then enter to cue the cutscene. Kill the last guys and go to the front of the Millennium Falcon to exit the level. -------------------------------------------- 4.7.2 Escape from Hoth -------------------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Han Solo, Millenium Falcon, e-web blaster |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 7:00 | 6:20 | 5:19 | 4:45 | | Enemies Destroyed | 49 | 56 | 69 | 75 | | Shot Accuracy | 18% | 25% | 30% | 40% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 85% | 95% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ You've got to escape so find the Millenium Falcon. By following your radar, it's really easy to go straight there, but it's also pretty funny to listen to Leia giving Solo a bunch of **** if you go the wrong way at each turn. The running and gunning requires no walkthrough, just follow your radar. At the medical facility, the "supplies" that Leia is talking about are the two health containers. Once you get to the jump at the big hole, get to the end of the path, then jump over. Follow your radar to the Falcon. Once you make it to the Falcon, Storm Troopers will attempt to rush you. They will only come from straight ahead and to the right. None will come from the left. If too many of them get past you, you'll fail. After the last one is dead, you'll have to escape the Imperial blockade. There are three Star Destroyers here, but the only one you need to deal with is the center one. Take out the remaining Shield generator on top and then kill the one on bottom. After this take out the command deck. Use your targeting computer if you're unfamiliar with these targets. If you get any TIEs on your tail, use your C-stick to fire behind you. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Besides the general walkthrough, the only area that will give you grief on this level is the accuracy. When you come to the first E-web Blaster, use one shot per Storm Trooper. You'll get health refills right after this so be accurate. The hardest part is when you're controlling the Millennium Falcon's blaster cannon that fires like an Uzi. This thing will drag your accuracy way down. Aim a little lower than it's normal resting height and when shooting, fire a short burst in a slow arc about 1/4 inch before and after the target. This will normally get them or if you're a good shot, just shoot them dead on. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- --------------------------------- 4.7.3 Flight from Bespin --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 8:00 | 6:45 | 5:45 | 5:30 | | Enemies Destroyed | 38 | 45 | 48 | 52 | | Shot Accuracy | 4% | 6% | 8% | 9% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 90% | 98% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Walk over to the Rebel insignia by the door's control panel. Use the command cross to tell R2-D2 to open the door. Follow Boba Fett until he takes off, then run to the Falcon. Once in the Falcon, you'll have to take out a whole mess of TIEs. These TIEs work a lot like the ones on Bakura in that they come at you head on. Cirle and kill these TIEs, the Millennium Falcon is exceptional at this. Use the C-stick to fire behind you if any get on your tail. After you clear these out, follow your radar to where Luke is. Then just gas it to the edge of the city by following your radar. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Same as basic walkthrough. All you have to do is wait for the TIEs to come around for a head on shot and you'll get awesome accuracy. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- --------------------------------- 4.7.4 Attack of the Executor --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Pilot an A-wing fighter against the flagship of the Imperial Fleet, the Super Star Destroyer Executor. OBJECTIVES: -Destroy the ION cannons threatening the Calamari Cruiser. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing, B-wing, A-wing (default), Y-wing, Millennium Falcon, Slave1, TIE Hunter, Naboo Starfighter, Jedi Starfighter, TIE Bomber |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 6:20 | 5:30 | 4:50 | 4:20 | | Enemies Destroyed | 33 | 46 | 55 | 60 | | Shot Accuracy | 19% | 24% | 35% | 37% | | Friendlies Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 88% | 95% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Go to the first Star Destroyer and take out it's ION cannons, then boost over to the one on the left and do the same. Go to the last one and destroy it's ION cannons on the left side. Now go on the other side and take out the ION cannons on the other side, this SD brings both sides to bear on Home1. After this, just fly around shooting anything you want. In the trench, all you need to do is make it to the end and fly towards the tower. There are turbo lasers scattered around at varying heights. Flying too high will kill you, but there is a lot of room to move. When you see the tower, just hit the gas straight at it. You will not lose a life doing this. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- See ace medal. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- *Note* You MUST watch the opening cutscene to get the ace time on this level, if you skip it, you wont get the medal. Use the Jedi Starfighter here to get a really easy gold without firing a shot and get 100% accuracy. Well placed sonic charges eat Star Destroyers alive. Fly even with the Ion cannons so you're coming toward them completely level. This will make the blast be flat and even with the SD. Time one charge to go off right in front of the first cannon. This one blast will take out all eight of the Ion cannons, yes, the ones on the other side too. Make a quick circle around and fire two more charges at the two different levels of turbo lasers on the Star Destroyer. Repeat this process for the other two SDs, then just kinda fly around doing whatever you want. You've already got more kills and accuracy than you need for the ace medal. Now fly as fast as you can to the command deck. You don't need to be extremely fast, just get there in good time. You can fire off sonic charges as you please for more easy kills. Only one charge is needed every so often. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Here is my current fast time strategy that does NOT involve the Jedi Starfighter. Use the Millennium Falcon instead. Huh? The MF, buy why!? The first section is always the same no matter what so you really can't get any quick times there. From playing this level for 4 hours straight, trying to get the ace medal before we knew that you had to watch the opening cut scene, I got two really fast times. One in the TIE Hunter, the other, a second faster in the MF. Remeber to boost the entire time. For the MF on the second section, fly through either the left or right trench for just a little bit. Then come up and skim the surface of the Executor. You will be getting shot at the entire time you're up here, so when your repair droid notice comes up, use it. You'll be almost dead when you get in laser/missle range of the command deck. Take it out and you're done. As a note, the TIE Hunter is also much faster than the JS or the A-wing. --------------------------------- 4.7.5 Rebel Endurance --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: Fight your way through waves of enemies. OBJECTIVES: -Destroy all Imperials. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 30:00 | 30:00 | 30:00 | 16:00 | | Enemies Destroyed | 100 | 200 | 390 | 460 | | Shot Accuracy | 10% | 20% | 30% | 55% | | Friendlies Lost | 12 | 23 | 45 | 52 | | Lives Lost | 7 | 7 | 7 | 0 | | TCE | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: (Updated!) ------------------ Well, to put it lightly, the on-foot portions of this game don't require much skill. So basing a level like this on that premise does not bode for a very fun time. This level is just plain bad. However, you will need to know some things to help you complete it. Enemies come in waves and there's not much time to get out of the way after the last enemy is killed. The main ideas are to pick off enemies from a distance if you can, to pick up enemy weapons, and to refill your health with the health capsules left behind. Be ready to take breaks to rest your very tired hand from pressing the A-button about 1E+6 times. You will get an extra life every 10 waves. At the end, you'll 'fight' a certain bounty hunter, but it's really no battle. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The Bunny Method: Imperials have a genetic defect that makes it so they can't shoot up. You can literally just hop through this level and fire the whole time and get a gold. ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ---------------------- Use the bunny method when you're low on health or in a jam, but stay on the center of the upper wall as much as you can. This way, no commandos will bomb their own guys, stealing your kills (the reason it took me so long to get this) and you can shoot most of the Imperials from a distance with great accuracy. You'll have to come down to get guys every so often by that's not a problem. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 5. Multiplayer ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ ----------------=============**********************=============----------------- 5.1 Versus mode ----------------=============**********************=============----------------- ----------------=============**********************=============--------------- 5.1.1 Dogfight ----------------=============**********************=============--------------- Players choose any craft versus any craft and fight. The game ends when a player reaches the score cap or time expires. Options: TIME LIMIT The amount of time for each match. TARGET SCORE Game ends when one player reaches this many kills. NUMBER OF LIVES Number of lives for each player. WINGMEN Each player gets wingmen to help in the fight. POWER UPS Power ups will be placed in the level. ADDITIONAL AI ATTACKERS Additional ships to help you out. --------------------------------- Geonosis Asteroids --------------------------------- Destroy the other player as many times as possible. Warning: Some asteroids are too large to be affected by small craft weapons. *EXTRA SECRET* Play Vs in Geonosis as both the Slave1 and Jedi Starfighter and you'll be playing in Jango Fett's Slave1 from Episode 1. --------------------------------- Death Star --------------------------------- --------------------------------- Bespin --------------------------------- This is THE place to dogfight. Use the buildings to your advantage but don't crash. Fast agile craft are the best. Another good game to play is follow the leader. See if you can lose your opponent through the city. --------------------------------- Hoth --------------------------------- This level is very bland for dogfighting. The only nice thing is the ability to go above the clouds, which doesn't help very much against lock on missles. If you really want to dogfight, go to the Hoth Speeder Rampage level. --------------------------------- Ison Corridor --------------------------------- Another one I don't play very often. Loads of junk floats around to make it harder to find your enemy, but with them highlighted, it's no problem. --------------------------------- Endor Space --------------------------------- This one is average. It would be nice if you could take out things on the Star Destroyers or if they actually moved around. As it is, it's mostly just circle your opponent. --------------------------------- Dantooine --------------------------------- --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 5.1.2 Rampage --------------=============**********************=============----------------- Players attempt to destroy as many targets as possible. Targets have varying point values based on their difficulty, and points are added to players' individual scores. When the match ends (because of a score cap, time limit, or the destruction of all targets), the player with the highest score wins. Space missions allow you to choose a fighter; the Hoth mission employs the speeder bike; the Endor and Tatooine missions use the AT-ST. --------------------------------- Bespin Gas Platform --------------------------------- Available Ships: All spacecraft Point values: Gas Container - 5 Balloon Turret - 25 Imperial Tanker - 100 Opposing Player - 100 Balloon - 500 --------------------------------- Death Star --------------------------------- Available Ships: All spacecraft Point values: TIE Fighter - 25 Turret - 25 Deflection Tower - 100 Opposing Player - 100 --------------------------------- Endor --------------------------------- Available Ships: AT-ST Point values: Storm Trooper - 25 Imperial Probe Droid - 50 AT-ST - 200 Speeder - 300 --------------------------------- Hoth --------------------------------- Available Ships: Speeder Bike / Space Craft Point values: TIE Fighter - 25 Opposing Player - 100 Imperial Shuttle - 200 Imperial Transport - 500 --------------------------------- Kothlis --------------------------------- Available Ships: All spacecraft Point values: TIE Fighter - 25 Turret - 25 Sensor Relay - 25 Opposing Player - 100 Base - 100 Outpost - 100 Imperial Shuttle - 200 --------------------------------- Tatooine --------------------------------- Players control an AT-ST in an area of Tatooine. Large boulders hamper clear shots. Available Ships: AT-ST Point values: Storm Trooper - 25 Imperial Probe Droid - 50 AT-PT - 200 AT-ST - 200 --------------------------------- Geonosis Asteroids --------------------------------- Available Ships: All spacecraft Point values: TIE Fighter - 25 Asteroid - 25 Opposing Player - 100 Imperial Escort - 500 --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 5.1.3 Special --------------=============**********************=============----------------- Players go to Endor or Tatooine and destroy as many enemies as possible or can also race along a course to a pre-defined finish line. --------------------------------- Death Star Trench Race --------------------------------- My current fast time: A-wing 1:42.027 --------------------------------- Endor Race --------------------------------- A much much harder version of the Endor Speeder bike level. If you can pull away from your opponent, they'll have a hard time catching up to you. --------------------------------- Tatooine Rampage --------------------------------- I recommend the AT-ST for this level as the added height is helpful. --------------------------------- Endor Rampage --------------------------------- Destroy AT-STs, Storm Troopers, and Speeder bikes in a Clearing of the Endor Forest. The level is basically donut shaped with trees in the middle. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 5.1.4 Tag and Defend --------------=============**********************=============----------------- The object of the game is to secure and hold multiple control points scattered throughout the level. For every 15 seconds a control point is secured, one point is added to that player's score. At the beginning of each game, all control points are neutral. Players secure a neutral or enemy's control point by destroying it. The destroyed control point now belongs to the player that destroyed it. The game ends when a point cap is reached. To play this fair, you should never pair up a ship that has sonic charges with one that doesn't. One sonic charge will destroy a base. --------------------------------- Prefsbelt IV (Academy) --------------------------------- This is a battle in the HEAVILY fogged in Imperial base on Prefsbelt IV. There are 4 bases in a square with the powerups located near each outpost. --------------------------------- Geonosis Asteroids --------------------------------- This is one of the best to play as asteroids make it much more enjoyable. There are 4 bases located on large asteroids and upgrades scattered around the level. --------------------------------- Kothlis --------------------------------- This one was no fun at all for me. The outposts are too far apart, the ties play no factor in the battle, and the missle turrets on top of some hills will never hit you. --------------------------------- Maw --------------------------------- I also didn't enjoy this level. There are 4 bases in valleys but there is no strategy to be had. --------------------------------- Tatooine --------------------------------- This one's good if only for the locale. It suffers from the flaw of most of the other levels though. --------------------------------- Hoth --------------------------------- This one is my favorite as the bombs add much more to the level by allowing you to take out a base quickly using something other than a seismic charge. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 5.2 Cooperative mode --------------=============**********************=============----------------- This mode is a two-player co-operative version of Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, minus a couple of the bonus levels, and has had a complete graphical overhaul. The mission objectives have changed to accommodate two players, so watch this space for a complete walkthrough of each mission. Each player is rated in the normal categories and then the enemies destroyed, Friendlies lost, and lives lost are totaled for both players. The shot accuracy and TCE are averaged for both players. CO-OP SINGLE PLAYER ------------------- This mode can be played by a single player with two controllers, a good eye, great multitasking capabilities, and articulate toes. If you can have P2 use something that's slow with great shields, like the y-wing, that'll also help. MEDAL TIP --------- If you're playing Co-op in single player, you can have the second player not shoot anything for 100% accuracy, and no matter how bad you are with P1, you'll get at least 50% accuracy. TECH UPGRADES ------------- These are listed in section 3.5.1 --------------------------------- 5.2.1 Death Star Attack --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Destroy all Deflection Towers -Destroy all TIE Fighters -Shoot proton torpedoes into the Exhaust Port AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing (default), Y-wing |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 8:45 | 7:11 | 6:05 | 5:15 | | Enemies Destroyed | 55 | 70 | 90 | 115 | | Shot Accuracy | 23% | 32% | 45% | 60% | | Friendlies Lost | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 10% | 40% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Scattered throughout this section are great big towers, they're kinda hard to miss. Use your lasers to destroy these and don't let any ties kill you. If you want, one player can take out ties and guns, but there's really no threat. For the second section, there are a much greater amount of ties that must all be killed. Here again, being the first level, they don't even hardly shoot at you. Get behind them and use the TIE squadron killing strategy from section 3.6. For the third section, players fly down a trench to an exhaust port to fire a missle into it, starting a chain reaction that eventually destroyes the Death Star. If you fly out of the trench, Turbo-lasers will make quick work of you, so stay in the trench. There are beams in the first section that were not in the movie, but were added for gameplay reasons. Fly through these and when you get to the open stretch of the trench, hit the gas. Every so often, three TIE will come up behind you. Hit the brakes hard and dip down and they'll fly over you. Come up and waste them then hit the gas again. When you start getting close to the end, Darth Vader will come after the lead player. Use the same strategy as before. After the second or third time, Han Solo will take out Darth Vader giving you a clear shot on the port. You can bring up your targeting computer to see the area to shoot at. It is where the floor and the back wall meet. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- This level is one of the most difficult to play by yourself, so it kinda bites that it's the first you have to go through to get to the relatively easier ones right after it. But if you don't have anyone else to play with, it's definitely worth the work required to get it. The first section and second sections are easy and should give you no problems. For the trench run, pause the game and configure the second controller so it's breaks are on. With the first controller, make it through to the end as fast as humanly possible. Navigate the second player through the beams as best as you can. Since the second player should be on the non-beam area, it is a simple task to do both, but expect to die a few times. You will most probably need to pause quite often to change some speed of a ship or access a repair cross. The first time through this is the hardest, after you've completed it once, you can use the Y-wing for P2 and just go snail-like through the beams in the trench while P1 finishes it off. --------------------------------- 5.2.2 Ison Corridor Ambush --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Defend the transports against Imperial forces. -The Frigate Redemption MUST survive. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing (default), Y-wing, N-1, A-wing, B-wing, MF, Slave1, TIE fighter, TIE adv |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 9:30 | 5:17 | 4:30 | 4:27 | | Enemies Destroyed | 32 | 40 | 60 | 70 | | Shot Accuracy | 8% | 15% | 24% | 42% | | Friendlies Lost | 5 | 3 | 2 | 1 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 10% | 27% | 72% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Tons more TIEs and Transports. TIE will come from the left, right, and in front of you. Take them all out. No real strategy here, it's pretty easy. Use your targeting computer if you have to. After the initial wave, TIE Interceptors will close on your position from the front. Take 'em out. After the cutscene, you'll be in a very foggy area with TIE interceptors bearing down on you. Turn on your targeting computer and take them all out. I know that's not much of a walkthrough, but really this whole level is just about killing TIEs and nothing else. FAST TIME WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Can you say TIE Advanced? Get the TIE advanced by getting at least bronze on all the regular missions and get the Homing Cluster missle upgrade. One player uses the TIE Advanced while the other uses the A-wing for speed. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- This should be no problem for veteran RL players. Just make sure P2 doesn't crash and take out the TIE quickly. --------------------------------- 5.2.3 Battle of Hoth --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Defend Outpost BETA and the Ion Cannon. -Slow the advancing Imperial Walkers. -Defend the fleeing Rebel transports. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Snowspeeder, X-wing |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 9:55 | 7:10 | 5:00 | 4:45 | | Enemies Destroyed | 18 | 30 | 43 | 47 | | Shot Accuracy | 14% | 23% | 30% | 34% | | Friendlies Lost | 32 | 27 | 22 | 18 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 10% | 55% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Go forward down the small canyon until you see a group of Probe Droids. Take these out and continue on. You'll come over the hill and into a valley beseiged by Imperials. There is a group of Rebel ground troops defending the ION cannon that are being attacked by AT-STs. There are three groups of AT-STs and they will hammer you dead if you stay in front of them. Since taking out enemies means that there are less things to kill your friendlies, I feel it's best to work together on AT-ST rather than to split this task. Go over the hill and shoot the AT-STs in front of you, they don't need to die. Cut left full speed and shoot past the next group. Circle around behind them and take them out, then take out the initial group you passed. The last group is to the left. Get behind them and do your work. The next section requires you to wrap up the three AT-ATs at the end of the valley. The difference here is that they will drop of AT-STs behind the AT-ATs and these don't mess around. If you both go to wrap AT-ATs, it's likely to just be target practice for the AT-STs, so have one player deal with them. If you destroy them in the boxes, you'll have enough time to come over and help with AT-ATs. Once these are down, the Shield generator will be destroyed and it's time to go. You'll be heading down another canyon. Take out the Probe Droids on your way to the transport area. Fly into the Rebel insignia to change out to an X-wing. Your objective here is to take out the TIE bombers. Get behind them and take them out. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- Just make sure that P2 doesn't die and remember to take out the AT-STs behind the last AT-AT's first. --------------------------------- 5.2.4 Prisons of the Maw --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Disable 3 shield projectors. -Destroy all objectives marked by prisoners. -Escort the train to the platform. -Escort the Imperial loader out. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Y-wing, A-wing |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 12:15 | 10:45 | 9:20 | 7:30 | | Enemies Destroyed | 30 | 46 | 63 | 75 | | Shot Accuracy | 6% | 4% | 2% | 80% | | Friendlies Lost | 6 | 4 | 2 | 1 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 10% | 38% | 75% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Fly through the asteroid field and bypass all enemies. Once at the shield, you'll notice that it is composed of hexagons. At each corner is a generator, hold B to charge your ION cannon and ionize three of these to open a hole in the shield. Once at the facility, you are tasked with getting some prisoner out of there. They will start out in a prison building to your left. Follow the radar until you get there. Once there, LASER, not bomb, the guard towers. After the towers are eliminated, they will commandeer a train. The train heads to the next destination, the weapons storage facility. Destroy the guard towers here too. Now you must destroy some communications dishes. Don't follow the train, but just cut straight across where your radar is pointing you. To take out the dishes, hit them on the sides, not the top, with three bombs each. The tops are stronger than the sides. Once the Comminucations are destroyed, you'll go to the landing platorm so they can steal a shuttle to escape. Fly straight there and destroy the guard towers. The shuttle will take off and they'll whine about needing protection. They'll be fine, just go get yourself some kills and the level will end. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- Again, make sure that P2 doesnt die and it's easy enough to beat with one player. --------------------------------- 5.2.5 Razor Rendezvous --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Protect the blockade runner. -Protect the Frigate Redemption. -Destroy the Imperial shield generators. -Destroy the Imperial command deck. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing (default P1, Y-wing, N-1, A-wing, B-wing, MF, Slave1, TIE fighter, TIE adv |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 4:30 | 3:00 | 1:15 | 0:52 | | Enemies Destroyed | 10 | 11 | 12 | 20 | | Shot Accuracy | 15% | 22% | 25% | 50% | | Friendlies Lost | 2 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 20% | 40% | 80% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ The Frigate Redemption can and will die in this version, however, there are only 3 TIE attacking it. Take these out and it'll be fine. So while one person takes out these TIEs, the second player should start on the top left generator of the Star Destroyer. Go at it full speed shooting it the whole time. Fly right past it and get behind the Star Destroyer. Destroy this generator and by this time P2 should just be coming in to help. With both attacking the right generator, it should die quickly. After this, both players should go down for the bottom generator. Once it's dead come up and hit the bridge. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- Have P2 fly off into space but not over the SD. Go take out one generator, then come back and take out the flight of three TIEs that are threatening the medical frigate. After that, just finish the level. --------------------------------- 5.2.6 Vengeance on Kothlis --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Protect the transport from the TIEs. -Defend the Commandos as the recapture the data. -Destroy ALL AT-ATs. -Bomb a hole in the destroyer for the Commandos. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing, Y-wing, N-1, A-wing, B-wing, MF, Slave1, TIE fighter, TIE adv |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 11:00 | 9:00 | 8:25 | 7:55 | | Enemies Destroyed | 75 | 100 | 135 | 150 | | Shot Accuracy | 7% | 14% | 27% | 44% | | Friendlies Lost | 4 | 3 | 2 | 2 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 12% | 42% | 85% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Follow the transport and protect it from TIEs. You'll mostly be fighting regular TIEs but there are some interceptors that can kill you. Once you turn the corner, have one player continue to protect the transport, while the other goes over to the tip of the SD. There are about 15 e-web blasters here that need to be cleared out. Not all of these need to be killed but if you don't get a majority of them, the Rebel commandos will die. If you do get them all, the commandos will say, "Nice job clearing those defenses." Once the tranport lands, AT-ATs will come out of the Star Destroyer. One player needs to land and start wrapping them up, closest to furthest. If you've done a good job of killing TIEs, then you both can wrap up an AT-AT, if not, then one player needs to provide cover fire for the one wrapping. Once the AT-ATs are down, you'll find out about a weakness in the hull of the Star Destroyer. Both of you should swap out to Y-wings. One player should drop about ten bombs on the hull, targeting computer for target, and the other should start bombing the plethora of AT-PTs emerging from the water. There are a ton of these and they will make short work of the commandos so take them out quickly with bombs and lasers. If you didn't breach the hull the first time, do so now. --------------------------------- 5.2.7 Imperial Academy Heist --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Disable/Evade the Imperial sensors in the canyons. -Steal an Imperial Shuttle. -Meet at the Rendevous point. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Y-wing (day), Snowspeeder (night) |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 7:20 | 6:05 | 4:30 | 3:50 | | Enemies Destroyed | 15 | 29 | 50 | 68 | | Shot Accuracy | 7% | 25% | 49% | 75% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 15% | 45% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Day --- Accessed by playing while the Gamecube clock is set to the daytime. Fly forward, stay low, and ionize each sensor. Once you've passed the last sensor, fly to the right and head straight for the Imperial compound. Fly straight to the Imperial shuttle and destroy the four turbo laser emplacements surrounding it. Once these are gone, both players must fly into the Rebel insignia over the Shuttle. Once in the shuttle, one player must follow the radar to the rondezvous point while the second player gets to man the rear gun. Once at the rondezvous point, the level will end. Night ----- Accessed by playing while the Gamecube clock is set to nighttime. The night version of this level employs the Speeder. There is a layer of fog that gives you enough cover to bypass the sensors as long as you keep low and don't get too near the sensors. After this, the level is completed in exaclty the same way as the day walkthrough. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Use the Y-wing so you're not hampered by a flight ceiling. Head to the base and take out TIEs on the way to the shuttle but only use one shot per TIE on the ground. Then just head over to the shuttle and fly in a circle chasing each other. The ties will line up for the other player and be easy to kill. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- For day and night, have the second controller's brakes set to on and fly in a tight circle to the left. After you're past the sensors with the first player, set the second player to fly in the direction of the compound. By the time the first player is in the shuttle, the second player will be in position to make it to the shuttle in good time. --------------------------------- 5.2.8 Raid on Bespin --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Secure the Tibanna gas platforms. -Destroy the cities power Generators. -Defend the Tibanna gas platforms from TIEs. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing, Y-wing, N-1, A-wing, B-wing, MF, Slave1, TIE fighter, TIE adv |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 11:00 | 8:55 | 6:40 | 5:10 | | Enemies Destroyed | 45 | 75 | 110 | 150 | | Shot Accuracy | 12% | 30% | 40% | 70% | | Friendlies Lost | 45 | 32 | 29 | 16 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 10% | 32% | 72% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Whoa, this level has shown a HUGE improvement over the last game. The most difficult aspect here is the voluminous clouds all over the place. Use of the targeting computer is essential as you're learning this level. To secure the Tibanna gas platforms, you'll need to take out the turrets on the balloon platforms next to them. The easiest way to do this is to come from below and shoot the gas tanks for the balloon. Be careful not to just shoot the wires on the balloon; line up your shots so they miss the wires. There are three groups of platforms for the first section of the level. At each platform is exactly one balloon. The groups consist of one, two, and four platforms. In the old version of this level, you could just take out the balloons at all three groups and then kill the interceptors at the end. You can no longer do this. At the first group, take out the balloon while the other player goes after TIEs. Then both of you finish off all the TIEs and continue on to the next group of two platforms. The balloons are on the left side of the platforms. One player should stay here and take out the balloons and TIEs while the second player continues on to the last group of four platforms. Head to the right and take out the lowest balloon. This way, you'll be pointed up for the other balloons making it easier and faster. There will be TIE fighters that come after you and TIE interceptors that attack the transports. Use your targeting computer to take out the TIEs and interceptors. As soon as the player at group two is done there and the platforms are secure, go help with the last group. The second section will find you over the city of Bespin. You'll need to destroy three power generators and defend more gas platforms from balloons and TIE bombers. I recommend both players assist each other in dispatching the initial wave of TIEs and Interceptors. Then follow your radar to the first power generator. Each generator is in the bottom of a trench and guarded by TIEs and four turbo lasers. Once the generator is destroyed, the turbo lasers have no power. One player should destroy the generator while the other provides protection from TIEs. When picking your firing line on the generator, don't come straight down. It's extremely difficult to aim that way, so come from about a 45 to 60 degree angle in line with the trench. Perform the same operation on the second generator. Both players should now head over to the gas platforms on the outer edge of Bespin. Take out all four balloons first as they can tear up the gas canisters. After that, one player should concentrate on killing the bombers while the other provides cover from TIE interceptors. They are very deadly by now and if you sit still for a while, they will kill you in one shot. After the bombers and gas platforms are gone, head over to the last generator and kill it to finish the level. You can swap out to the cloud car in this level but there's no reason to other than just because you want to. GOLD MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Using standard tactics and being accurate is all you need here. Use your missles effectively on the TIE Bombers. I recommend one player using an X-wing for taking out the generators while the other player goes after the gas platforms in the second section. --------------------------------- 5.2.9 Battle of Endor --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -The Frigate Redemption must survive. -Destroy all TIE Bombers. -The Home One must survive. -Destroy both Imperial Star Destroyers. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing (default), Y-wing, N-1, A-wing (default), B-wing, MF, Slave1, TIE fighter, TIE adv |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 13:00 | 11:20 | 10:00 | 7:30 | | Enemies Destroyed | 31 | 46 | 60 | 80 | | Shot Accuracy | 8% | 20% | 31% | 50% | | Friendlies Lost | 10 | 9 | 6 | 3 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1 | | TCE | 10% | 40% | 80% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Boy, I couldn't wait to revisit this level. It was my favorite in the last game and it is here too. There are more enemies, but for some reason, either I got better or it's been made a little easier to hit TIEs. I routinely get over 100 kills alone. It's a trap, the shield isn't down, and if the fleet continues to fly ahead, everyone will die. So turn around and lo' and behold, there's the Imperial fleet. However, only the TIEs are attacking.. hmmm. They best thing to do is to fly between the medical frigate and the big cruiser on the other side. Don't spend your time on dodging targets or single targets that pose no threat. There are a few different enemy scripts at work here. Certain TIE formations will actively persue you, others will attack if provoked, and the last type will only attack the ships. The groups that attack your transports and blockade runners are your best bet for easy kills, high accuracy, speed, and stopping friendlies from dying. Just a bit after the second huge group of TIE come in, there will be a big flight of bombers that come after the medical frigate. Let's see, medical frigat = non military target with no offensive capability. "Let's get it cuz there's sick people on it and we're evil!" Anywhoo, you need to time it so you can get behind the bombers as soon as they come. Get directly behind the top bomber in the entire formation. Since the TIEs in a formation will scatter if the leader is killed, you'll want to kill the bottom TIE in each formation last. If you time this right and are really quick, you can take out every last bomber before they get to the frigate. Most of the time, you'll have some that you need to chase down. If you've only killed one or two when the break off to start attacking the frigate, it'll most likely die. Kill them all; cue cutscene. Now you've got the unenviable job of taking down two Star Destroyers. These aren't your old school Star Destroyers either, they will fight you tooth and nail. It takes a lot more shots to destroy their shield generators and the bridges. Both players need to work toghether to do this. Head for the top generators on the left Star Destroyer. Concentrate your fire on one of the generators as you pass. Go full speed while firing and come around behind the SD. Then take out the top gens from behind. Have one player go down to the bottom gen and take it out with every missle you have, the other player should head around front to take out the command deck once the bottom gen is destroyed. Now both head over to the other Star Destroyer and complete the same procedure. This time the players should switch positions on the bottom gen and the command deck. Of course if you die in here anywhere, just use your proton torpedoes at every opportunity, I write for doing it without dying. Once the second Star Destroyer goes down, you just have to survive for another twenty seconds or so. --------------------------------- 5.2.10 Strike at the Core --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Protect the Millennium Falcon -Reach the power core entry -Destroy the power core -Escape with the Millennium Falcon. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing, Millennium Falcon |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 7:00 | 6:15 | 5:05 | 4:10 | | Enemies Destroyed | 29 | 36 | 41 | 50 | | Shot Accuracy | 10% | 21% | 32% | 40% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 20% | 45% | 95% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ It's the final attack on the Death Star II. One player flies the Falcon and the other flies an X-wing. You must skim the surface of the Death Star and enter a shaft that takes you straight into the heart of the Death Star. You'd think that the engineers would solve this kind of problem, but that's what you get with a bureaucracy. The Millennium Falcon is excellent for racking up tons of kills on turrets. Have the X-wing just close it's s-foils and head straight for the shaft. The Falcon should just lay waste to everything it sees. You don't have to follow the x-wing but go in the general direction of the shaft for the most kills. This is my personal favorite way of doing this section. Once inside, have the x-wing take out the two TIEs behind the Falcon. Have the Falcon slow down to let the X-wing pass. Now you can both go as fast as you want to the core and no TIEs will bother you. Once inside the core, have the X-wing take out the power regulator on the upper right of the power core. As soon as the Falcon enters, turn around and start heading back into the shaft, shooting the entire line of TIEs that were following you before. Once the X-wing shoots the power generator, a short cutscene will play and it's time to get the heck outta there. If the fire catches up to either player, the mission will fail, but if either of you crash, then you'll get another chance to do it starting back at the core. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- The basic walkthrough covers everything here. Notice that the X-wing only shoots three things the entire time and should have very close to 100% accuracy. The Millennium Falcon can just open up the guns the entire time. If you do end up not getting the accuracy, have the falcon take out the two TIEs at the beginning of the shaft by firing rearward with the c-stick. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- If you can do this by yourself, you are a god. --------------------------------- 5.2.11 Death Star Escape --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Destroy all the TIEs AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Millennium Falcon-turrets only |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 3:15 | 2:55 | 2:35 | 2:25 | | Enemies Destroyed | 65 | 68 | 72 | 73 | | Shot Accuracy | 1% | 2% | 3% | 4% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | TCE | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Boy, this level is not just some rinky dink little bonus anymore. Now it's a wonderland of TIE shooting fun! There are about four times as many TIEs now and they actually shoot you. The strategy here is to kill the TIEs as they're first coming out for easier shots. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- TIEs will go from one screen to the other, so if P1 screen is devoid of enemies, pause and switch to the other controller. --------------------------------- 5.2.12 The Asteroid Field --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Escape the TIE Fighters -Secretly land on the Star Destroyer AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: Millennium Falcon, MF turrets |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 6:00 | 5:25 | 4:50 | 4:30 | | Enemies Destroyed | 25 | 37 | 45 | 50 | | Shot Accuracy | 2% | 5% | 10% | 50% | | Friendlies Lost | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | | Lives Lost | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | | TCE | 10% | 30% | 75% | 100% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ This is simply a very fun level with two people. One person drives while the other mans the guns. For the driver, just make sure you get to the end. One trick to use is to fly over the top of the asteroids, making it much easier. The rest is just shooting TIEs. At the end, you must fly through the Rebel insignia at the back of the Star Destroyer. There is no need to slow down, just go as fast as you can and hit it. GOLD / ACE MEDAL WALKTHROUGH: ----------------------- Player one doesn't shoot the entire time so they get 100% accuracy, just drive. For player two, aim your lasers just below the top of the window and move your lasers up and down about a quarter of an inch, not fast, just a nice easy up and down motion. I got 109 kills this way. SINGLE PLAYER WALKTHROUGH: -------------------------- You don't have to move much to avoid the asteroids and sometimes not at all. Just keep trying until you do it. --------------------------------- 5.2.13 Endurance --------------------------------- MISSION DESCRIPTION: OBJECTIVES: -Destroy as many TIEs as possible. AVAILABLE CRAFT/CHARACTERS: X-wing, Y-wing, N-1, A-wing, B-wing, MF, Slave1, TIE fighter, TIE adv |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Medal Requirements | BRONZE | SILVER | GOLD |ACE/BEST EVER| |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Completion Time | 6:00:00 | 6:00:00 | 6:00:00 | 240:00 | | Enemies Destroyed | 400 | 1200 | 3300 | 3400 | | Shot Accuracy | 1% | 6% | 8% | 6% | | Friendlies Lost | 25 | 50 | 99 | 100 | | Lives Lost | 12 | 12 | 12 | 12 | | TCE | 0% | 0% | 0% | 0% | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------| BASIC WALKTHROUGH: ------------------ Gotta have something here, though I haven't played it yet. What I do know is that there are powerups available and the TIEs act differently than in RL. This should be a pretty straight forward dogfight. Look for a much better walkthrough in the future. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 6. Extras ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ This section lists the different secret bonus missions, ships, and goodies and how each is obtained through normal gameplay. There is also a codes section. ----------------------- 6.1 Ships, levels, etc. ----------------------- ------------------------ SINGLE PLAYER MODE SHIPS ------------------------ SLAVE1 - Get all bronze medals on the main missions. MILLENNIUM FALCON - Get all bronze medals in the main missions and bonus missions. JEDI STARFIGHTER - Get all silver medals in the main missions and bonus missions. TIE HUNTER - Get all gold medals in the main missions and bonus missions. NABOO STARFIGHTER - Complete Training at each time of day and complete every objective. To set the time of day, reset the Gamecube and change the time. The times I used are 7am, 1pm, 7pm, and 1am. Each time of day will look like it's real world counterpart: night, morning, noon, and sunset. TIE BOMBER - In the Raid at Bakura mission you'll get to use a TIE bomber if you have at least Silver stats on the first section. In the TIE bomber, lock on to each group of turrets on the ground and fire a salve at ALL of them. After each group, you should hear an auditory clue that you did it correctly, such as, "May the Schwartz be with you!" or, "Unstoppable" except for the first turret you take out. All the turrets need to be taken out within .5 seconds of each other, so it helps to lock on to the last turret in each group first. If you got them all correctly, you'll get the TIE bomber for normal use in other missions. ------------------------- SINGLE PLAYER MODE LEVELS ------------------------- ---------------------- COOPERATIVE MODE SHIPS ---------------------- JEDI STARFIGHTER - Get golds on all 13 cooperative missions. TIE FIGHTER - TIE ADVANCED X1 - Get bronze on the main cooperative missions. MILLENNIUM FALCON - Defeat Strike at the Core. NABOO STARFIGHTER - Get silvers on the main cooperative missions. ----------------------- COOPERATIVE MODE LEVELS ----------------------- -------------------------------------------- OTHER GOODIES ACCESSED THROUGH THE MAIN MENU -------------------------------------------- STAR WARS ARCADE GAME - Finish the Death Star Rescue Mission. EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ARCADE GAME - Finish all single player campaign missons RETURN OF THE JEDI ARCADE GAME - Passcode only. DOCUMENTARY - Finish the Triumph of Rebellion Mission. AUDIO COMMENTARY - Get all bronze medals on the main missions. CREDITS - Finish the Triumph of Rebellion Mission. ACE MODE - Earn all Gold Medals in all single player campaign missons, including bonus missons and complete Tatooine Training all four times of the day. ------------- 6.1 Passcodes ------------- From the main menu, select OPTIONS - PASSCODES. Each time you enter a code, R2-D2 will beep. If it's a cheerful happy noise, then you correctly entered the code; if it sounds like he just raspberried you, then you incorrectly entered the code. Some codes are multiple entries. Based on the number of combinations (billions) it would take you many lifetimes to try to guess the codes for this game. On an additional note, it has been said by Factor5 insiders that there are some codes that may enter correctly, but have been removed. LOOKMOM! - unlock the credits THEDUDES - unlock the documentary HARKHARK - unlocks the music hall !KOOLART - unlocks the art gallery NOCOLOR? - Activates Black and White Mode (turn off Cube to reset) IIOUAOYE then WIMPIAM! - Infinite Lives for Single Player and Co-Op YNMSFY?P then YOUDAMAN - unlocks Ace Mode RTJPFC!G then TIMEWARP - unlocks Star Wars Arcade !H!F?HXS then KOOLSTUF - unlocks Empire Strikes Back Arcade JASDJWFA then !DABOMB! - unlocks the TIE Bomber in Single Player and Vs. MCKEMAKD then ONESHOT! - unlocks the TIE Fighter in Co-Op Mode VDX?WK!H then ANOKSHIP - unlocks the TIE Advanced in Co-Op Mode QZCRPTG! then HANSRIDE - unlocks the Millennium Falcon in all modes TGBCWLPN then ZZBOUNTY - unlocks the Slave I in all modes BBGMYWSX then JEDIWHO? - unlocks the Jedi Starfighter in all modes *** I have been informed by those on gamefaqs message board that enabling this cheat before finishing this level will make it impossible to finish the level as you MUST defeat it with two (2) A-wings first.*** HYWSC!WS then NONGAMER - unlocks all non-bonus Single Player Missions SWGRCQPL then UCHEATED - unlocks all non-bonus Co-Op Missions YFCEDFRH then DSAGAIN? - unlocks Death Star Escape in Co-Op Mode RWALPIGC then NOWAYOUT - unlocks Asteroid Field in Co-Op Mode WPX?FGC! then EXCERSIZ - unlocks Endurance in Co-Op Mode FRLL!CSF then FARMBOY? - unlocks Beggar's Canyon Race in Versus Special ----------- 6.2 Secrets ----------- Play Vs in Geonosis as both the Slave1 and Jedi Starfighter and you'll be playing in Jango Fett's Slave1 from Episode 1. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 7. Special Challenges and Fast Times ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Special Challenges and Fast Times are not anything official, but are extremely competitive. Fast Times are where you play a level to see how quickly you can defeat the level. Anything goes except using codes or cheating. Players will play a certain level with any craft, and continue to find ways to decrease their overall time. The web site for tracking the fast times and craft challenges is not currently up yet, but will most likely be hosted right along side the others at: http://www.cyberturf.com/rlfasttimes Mucho credit to snooozer for providing this awesome resource for us gamers. The big special challenge on this installment has turned out to be finishing the cooperative mode with only one person playing, otherwise known as single player cooperative. So far, the only levels that haven't been completed by a single person are Strike at the Core and Endurance. Honestly, I don't know if they ever will be. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 8. Appendix ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 8.1 Ships and Characters --------------=============**********************=============----------------- --------------------------------- 8.1.1 X-wing --------------------------------- With its unique double-layered wings, known as S-foils, the Incom T-65 X-wing is the workhorse of the Rebel Alliance Starfleet. A versatile and powerful ship, the X-wing's arsenal includes four laser cannons and proton torpedoes. It also features a reinforced titanium alloy hull and high-powered shield generators, not to mention an on-board R2 unit for repairs. In combat, the ship's S-foils are open to give the ship greater maneuverabil- ity to better cope with the Empire's TIE fighters. To reach its maximum speed the ship's S-foils must be closed, which renders the four laser cannons inoperable. But this functionality makes the X-wing an excellent hit and run spacecraft. Primary Weapon: Quad Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes Defense: B+ Offense: A Agility: B+ Speed: B+ --------------------------------- 8.1.2 A-Wing --------------------------------- By far the fastest starfighter in the Rebel Alliance, the A-wing is quick and agile in everything it does. It features a limited nitro boost that allows it to get speed bursts when you click the R Button. The A-wing has unlimited nitro boosts, although the boost does take time to recharge. While the A-wing has an impressive arsenal, its major weakness is the fact that its shields are relatively weak and its hull is easily pierced by blaster fire. Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Concussion missiles Defense: D Offense: C Agility: A Speed: A+ --------------------------------- 8.1.3 B-Wing --------------------------------- Built by the Rebel Alliance primarily as a vessel designed to engage Imperial capital ships, the B-wing's unique shape makes it stand out compared to the other Rebel ships. While it shares the same basic weapon setup as the X-wing, it has an important addition: double ion cannons. In addition to ion weaponry, the B-wings arsenal also includes proton torpedoes and four laser cannons like its sister-ship, the X-wing. With powerful shields and the ability to close its S-foils, the B-wing is an upgrade to the smaller, less heavily-armored T-65 X-wing. But this new crafts lack of maneuverability keeps it from being the primary combat ship for the Alliance. Primary Weapon: Quad Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes Special Weapon: Dual Firing Ion Cannons Defense: A Offense: B Agility: C Speed: C- --------------------------------- 8.1.4 Y-Wing --------------------------------- This was the common name of the Koensayr BTL Longprobe Starfighter. Originally designed for long-range reconnaissance, this J-type snub fighter has twin- propulsion systems behind a single cockpit. The BTL-A4 is a 16-meter-long, one-man fighter with space for an astromech droid. The BTL-S3 is a two-man fighter, also equipped with an astromech droid. They can make 80 MGLT at sublight speeds, and can maneuver at 1,000 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere. Because the Y-Wing required constant repairs, the Alliance - and many other independent parties - stripped off the outer hull covering the craft, aft of the cockpit, to make repairs easier to execute. The durability of the Y-Wing made it a staple in the Alliance's starfighter corps, and it was rumored that the Alliance lost more Y-Wings than any other ship type during the Galactic Civil War. Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Bombs Defense: A+++ Offense: B Agility: C Speed: D --------------------------------- 8.1.5 SnowSpeeder --------------------------------- Officially known as the Incom T-47, this ship has a unique towing cable, which was creatively put to use by Rogue Squadron to take down Imperial AT-ATs at the Battle of Hoth. The craft has room for a two-man crew, one to pilot the craft while the other serves as the gunner. The snowspeeder is limited to relatively low altitudes and can't perform advanced maneuvers such as rolls, but it is extremely fast and agile, making it hard for enemy troops to hit it with any precision. That's a good thing, because the SnowSpeeder lacks strong shields for protection. Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Tow Cable Defense: B Offense: C Agility: B+ Speed: B+ --------------------------------- 8.1.6 LandSpeeder --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Defense: Offense: Agility: Speed: --------------------------------- 8.1.7 Jedi Starfighter --------------------------------- In order to better police the galaxy, the Jedi of the old Repulic utilized the fast, agile starfighter with twin lasers cannons. Although the so-called Jedi Starfighter lacks a hyperdrive, it can dock with a hyperdrive carrier for transport across the galaxy. Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Seismic Charges (6, refills) Repair Droid: Yes Defense: C Offense: A- Agility: A- Speed: A- --------------------------------- 8.1.8 Naboo Starfighter N-1 --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Cluster Missles (6) Defense: B- Offense: B- Agility: A Speed: A --------------------------------- 8.1.9 Millennium Falcon --------------------------------- A legendary starship despite its humble origins and deceptively dilapidated exterior, the Millennium Falcon has factored into some of the Rebel Alliance's greatest victories over the Empire. On the surface, the Falcon looks like any other Corellian YT-1300 transport, with a saucer-shaped primary hull, a pair of forward cargo-gripping mandibles, and a cylindrical cockpit mounted to the ship's side. Beneath its hull, though, the Falcon packs many powerful secrets. Its owners made "special modifications" on the freighter, boosting its speed, shielding, and performance to downright illegal levels. Its weaponry has been upgraded to military-class quad-laser turrets. To cover rapid escape, the Falcon sports a ventrally mounted hatch-concealed antipersonnel repeating laser, while within its forward mandibles rest concussion missile launchers, which can clear a path through just about anything. Primary Weapon: Military Grade Quad Laser Cannons mounted top and bottom. Lower Laser can automatically fire to the rear. Secondary Weapon: Concussion Missles Defense: A- Offense: B+ Agility: C Speed: A+ --------------------------------- 8.1.10 Imperial Speeder Bike --------------------------------- Soaring at amazing speeds on reconnaissance and patrol duties, the Imperial Aratech 74-Z speeder bike is a slim, single-person repulsorlift conveyance. The lightweight bike can attain speeds in excess of 500 kilometers per hour. A quartet of small directional steering vanes on twin outriggings afford the speeder its maneuverability, but are also the craft's most vulnerable spot in combat. Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Defense: D Offense: D Agility: B Speed: A --------------------------------- 8.1.11 Taun-Taun --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: None, but allows character to auto fire his blaster. Secondary Weapon: Bad Smell Defense: C Offense: B Agility: C Speed: C --------------------------------- 8.1.12 Cloud Car --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Defense: Offense: Agility: Speed: --------------------------------- 8.1.13 T-16 skyhopper --------------------------------- A three-winged, triangular craft built by Incom for terrestrial transportation. Similar in controls to an X-Wing, they are often referred to as skyhoppers. The T-16 was equipped with an E-16/x ion engine afterburner, in addition to a pair of DCJ-45 repulsorlift engines, which gave it a top cruising speed of 1,200 kilometers per hour, as well as a 300 kilometer ceiling. The 5.2-meter craft was armed only with four stun lasers, and carried no shields. The top two lasers can be removed in favor of targeting lasers, and the lower two lasers can be replaced with pneumatic cannons. Luke Skywalker's uncle Owen Lars purchased a T-16 for him to use on Tatooine, which Luke used to fly the canyons and shoot womprats. Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Bombs or Proton Torpedoes Defense: F Offense: D Agility: B Speed: B- --------------------------------- 8.1.14 Slave 1 --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Seismic Charges Defense: C Offense: A Agility: B- Speed: B- --------------------------------- 8.1.15 E-web Blaster --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Laser Cannon Defense: B Offense: B Agility: N/A Speed: N/A --------------------------------- 8.1.16 AT-ST --------------------------------- All-Terrain Scout Transport vehicle; a two-legged version of the AT-AT, used as a scout vehicle and in areas where agility is required. The 8.6-meter-tall AT-ST was mass-produced by the Balmorrans, and was also built by Kuat Drive Yards. It has a crew of two, and can transport up to 40 kilograms of cargo. It is armed with a twin blaster cannon, and twin light blaster cannon, and a concussion grenade launcher. Because of its small size, the AT-ST lacked a dedicated power supply. Instead, it used disposable, high-intensity power cells, which tended to limit the AT-ST's range. Primary Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Concussion Grenades Defense: A- Offense: B Agility: C Speed: C --------------------------------- 8.1.17 AT-AT --------------------------------- Imperial All-Terrain Armored Transport vehicle, an elephantine assault tank built at the Kuat Drive Yards. These 15-meter-tall machines lumber around on four articulated legs. They require a crew of three to operate, although much of the war machine's motion is controlled by sophisticated artificial intelligence. The AT-AT can carry up to 40 troops and 400 kilograms of cargo. Armed with two fire-linked heavy laser cannons and two fire-linked medium blasters on its head-like cockpit, the AT-AT was designed to inspire fear in the enemies of the Empire. General Veers was a proponent of the AT-AT, and purposely overlooked the fact that the AT-AT could be toppled by a cable wrapped around its legs. Although this weakness was used effectively by the Alliance on Hoth, the Empire continued to use the AT-AT to instill fear. Primary Weapon: Big ol' Laser cannons Secondary Weapon: Big feet Defense: A Offense: A+ Agility: F Speed: F --------------------------------- 8.1.18 AT-PT --------------------------------- This was Kuat Drive Yards' All-Terrain Personal Transport vehicle. A squat, single-pilot transport, which was developed about the time of the Katana fleet but which was never mass-produced, it was similar to the AT-ST, only smaller in stature. It was armed with a twin blaster cannon and a concussion grenade launcher. Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Defense: Offense: Agility: Speed: --------------------------------- 8.1.19 TIE Fighter --------------------------------- Bursting from Imperial hanger bays in deadly swarms are the standard starfighters of the Imperial arsenal - the twin ion engine craft known as the TIE fighter. ('T'win 'I'on 'E'ngine = TIE) The Imperial Navy uses the sheer number of TIEs in their fleet to overpower any who would stand in their way. The single-seat, short-range vessel lacks a hyperdrive, so it requires deploy- ment from launch bases and capital ships. It features two fire-linked laser cannons chin-mounted on the ball-shaped cockpit. Speedy and maneuverable, these fighters are nonetheless fragile. Though hard to hit, even a glancing blow can destroy a TIE. Primary Weapon: Dual chin-mounted Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: N/A Defense: F Offense: B+ Agility: A- Speed: B- --------------------------------- 8.1.20 TIE Hunter --------------------------------- Commisioned by the Empire's elite Storm Commando Corp, the TIE Hunter is an experimental fighter that sacrifices armour and firepower for flight speed. It is equiped with twin laser cannons, a proton torpedo launcher, and an ion cannon. The design of this new craft integrates the folding s-foil design of an X-wing into the form of a TIE interceptor. However, the high speed closed wing configuration reduces the solar panel surface area so dramatically that no weapons can be fired while the wings are in a closed position. All available energy is transferred to the craft's advanced twin ion engines. Primary Weapon: Dual chin-mounted Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Proton Torpedoes Special Weapon: ION Cannons Defense: B Offense: A- Agility: A- Speed: A- --------------------------------- 8.1.21 TIE Bomber --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Lock on Missles Secondary Weapon: Proton Bombs Defense: A Offense: A- Agility: B Speed: C --------------------------------- 8.1.22 TIE Advanced X-1 --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Dual chin-mounted Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Cluster Missles Defense: Offense: Agility: Speed: --------------------------------- 8.1.23 TIE Interceptor --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Dual chin-mounted Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Defense: Offense: Agility: Speed: --------------------------------- 8.1.24 Imperial Shuttle --------------------------------- Primary Weapon: Quad Laser Cannons Secondary Weapon: Rear-firing Laser turret Defense: B Offense: B Agility: D Speed: D --------------------------------- 8.1.25 Luke Skywalker --------------------------------- Having learned from both Clone Wars veteran Obi-Wan Kenobi and the venerable Jedi Master Yoda, Luke proved to be a pivotal player for the Rebel Alliance in their war against the Empire by destroying the first Death Star. His growing connection to the Force helps him as he continues to lead Alliance forces against the overpowering Galactic Empire. Primary Weapon: Blaster Secondary Weapon: Thermal Detonator Special Weapon: Light Saber (only in bonus missions) --------------------------------- 8.1.26 Han Solo --------------------------------- An overly confident and often arrogant smuggler from the planet Corellia, Han possesses a wry, sarcastic wit and a reckless manner. This often gets him into predicaments that only his foolhardy courage can get him out of. Han is well traveled, and claims to have been from one side of the galaxy to the other. His experience now serves the Rebel Alliance, though Solo still doesn't believe in the Force, attributing it to simple luck. Primary Weapon: Blaster Secondary Weapon: Charisma --------------------------------- 8.1.27 Lando Calrissian (non-playable) --------------------------------- Although he served as the Baron Administrator of Cloud City, Calrissian is more at home in the shadowy reaches of the fringe, where the underworld culture permeates the galaxy. While he has rubbed elbows with hunters, mercenaries, outlaws, and gangsters, Lando's main difference is that his elbows were covered by some of the most expensive and fashionable clothes this side of the Core. An experienced military strategist and pilot from the Battle of Taanab, Lando now puts his passion toward helping the Rebellion against the Empire. --------------------------------- 8.1.28 Princess Leia Organa --------------------------------- Leia Organa had accomplished much at a young age: a leader in the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a former member of the Imperial Senate, and a member of the Royal Family of Alderaan. Yet, despite her stature, for many years, Leia herself was not privy to much of her true heritage. Primary Weapon: Blaster Secondary Weapon: Standing very daintily --------------------------------- 8.1.29 Chewbacca (non-playable) --------------------------------- An immense, fur covered warrior of great strength and loyalty, Chewbacca the Wookiee is a well-known figure in both the underworld and the Rebel Alliance. Born on Kashyyyk over two centuries before the Battle of Yavin, Chewbacca is a wise, sophisticated being with exceptional skills. Primary Weapon: Laser Crossbow Secondary Weapon: Big hairy arm-ripping strength --------------------------------- 8.1.30 Wedge Antilles --------------------------------- A survivor if ever there was one, Wedge Antilles has lived through some of the Rebellion's most important battles against the Empire. The young Corellian served as Red Two during the Battle of Yavin, and flew as Luke Skywalker's wingman during the final approach on the Death Star's thermal exhaust port. He continues to fight side-by-side with Luke Skywalker and even leads Rogue Squadron in Skywalkers absence. Primary Weapon: Blaster Secondary Weapon: Thermal Detonator --------------------------------- 8.1.31 Ewoks (non-playable) --------------------------------- The Ewoks of Endor live high up in trees to avoid the threats of Gorax below. The trees Ewoks live on are known as the Ewok equivalent of 'life-trees.' These trees can reach heights of 1,000 meters above the ground, and the Ewoks consider them as spiritual guardians. Villages contain almost all of a small town needs- meeting places, dwelling, and tribe buildings. Farms are the only structures situated on ground below. Music plays an important part of Ewok village culture, which is marked by a rigid clan systems. Ewoks are skilled engineers and each tribe has a shaman who interprets mystical signs. While most Ewok villages are situated high in the trees, some have other solutions to avoid the Gorax threat. One such village has built a floating lake-top village far from where the Gorax roam. --------------------------------- 8.1.32 R2-D2 (non-playable) --------------------------------- Artoo is an astromech utility droid, and was used extensively during the time of the Old Republic as a starship maintenance droid within the Naboo droid pool. He was part of the contingent of astromechs, which was aboard Queen Amidala's personal starship when she fled Naboo for Coruscant, shortly after the Trade Federation invaded the planet. When the ship was damaged while trying to run the Federation's blockade, R2-D2 and its companions were dispatched to repair the shield generators. Of the four astromechs dispatched, only R2-D2 managed to complete the work and return to the ship. He was rewarded by the Queen with a thorough cleaning, and accompanied her to Tatooine and Coruscant. On Tatooine, R2-D2 made the acquaintance of the incomplete protocol droid C-3PO, which was being constructed by Anakin Skywalker. Although their encounter was brief, it set the tone for future meetings. After the Battle of Naboo, in which R2-D2 helped young Anakin destroy the Federation's droid control ship, R2-D2 was thrust upon the intergalactic scene. R2-D2 accompanied Padme' almost everywhere she went, and his knowledge of starship programming made him an invaluable resource to the flight crews of the Republic. R2-D2 was reunited with C-3PO when Padme' and Anakin traveled to Tatooine to see Anakin's mother, Shmi. After Shmi died, C-3PO was reclaimed by Anakin, and accompanied them to Geonosis, in an effort to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. Years later, when the Alliance decide that it was time to break away from the Empire and launch an all-out attack, they used Artoo as a decoy. They figured that most people, even the Imperials, wouldn't suspect that a lowly astromech droid was carrying the top-secret plans to the first Death Star. When the consular ship Tantive IV was intercepted while trying to reach Obi-Wan Kenobi and deliver the plans to him, Artoo's mission was modified. Instead of just holding the Death Star plans, he was also programmed by Princess Leia to seek out Obi-Wan and enlist his aid without human assistance. Artoo jettisoned from the ship along with his good friend, the protocol droid C-3PO, and they landed on Tatooine. After being sold at a Jawa auction to Luke Skywalker, Artoo couldn't trust Luke, and sought Obi-Wan himself. This led to Artoo's almost being destroyed by the Sand People, but Obi-Wan rescued them, and the rest is history. Following the Battle of Yavin, Artoo had to be refitted a number times from damage sustained as Luke's X-wing astromech droid. Artoo has nevertheless remained a loyal droid, lending his assistance whenever necessary. Kenny Baker portrayed R2-D2 in all three Star Wars films. --------------------------------- 8.1.33 Tycho Celchu (non-playable) --------------------------------- Celchu was a graduate of the Imperial Naval Academy, even though he was a native of Alderaan. He was engaged to a woman named Mia who, along with most of Celchu's family, was killed when the Death Star destroyed the planet. Tycho was calling home on his 21st birthday, and regarded the loss of transmission to be a simple glitch. After learning the truth about this atrocious act, Celchu left Imperial Service and defected to the Alliance. He became a veteran of the Battle of Hoth, he flew an A-Wing in the Battle of Endor, and participated in the Battle of Bakura, several days after the Battle of Endor. His allegiance, though, was constantly questioned by the ranking officers in the New Republic, although the fighter pilots never waivered in their support of him. He was under constant surveillance by the New Republic, because of his ability to escape from Imperial capture time and time again. He showed an innate ability to pilot a TIE Fighter, which also didn't endear him to the higher-ups. It did, though, bring a level of respect among other pilots. Tycho assisted Rogue Squadron and infiltrated the Imperial ranks on Cilpar. He also participated in the Rogues' mission to Mrlsst, but was witnessed killing the controllers of the Phantom cloaking device and stealing its plans. The tape turned out to be a clever fake designed to discredit the Rogues and secure the Phantom device for the Empire. Once the Phantom was proven to be a smokescreen, Tycho was freed from any guilt in the matter. He later fell in love with Winter, during the recovery of the Eidolon on Tatooine. He was later chosen to fly the initial scanning runs of Coruscant, flying a stolen Imperial craft in a series of sensor runs in an effort to assess the planet's defenses. He was captured by the Empire and sent to Lusankya, where he was one of the few prisoners who weren't drugged, but rather allowed to remember his time there. He was then sent to Akrit'tar for three months before escaping and returning to the Republic. This time was secretly removed from his Republic records, further increasing the distrust among those members of the Command structure who weren't privy to the Coruscant mission. He later became a member of Rogue Squadron following the Battle of Endor, but wasn't allowed to pilot a starfighter or any kind of ship with weapons. It was believed that Ysanne Isard (Iceheart) had implanted him with a hidden codephrase that activated subliminal programming, making him an effective although unwilling spy. The fact that he remembered his time on Lusankya made him different enough from other survivors that it went unnoticed until Rogue Squadron infiltrated Coruscant. Shortly before the attack on Coruscant, Celchu was believed dead on Noquivzor. He suddenly reappeared, and helped the Rogues get onto the planet. There, Corran Horn supposedly witnessed Tycho meeting with Kirtan Loor (Imperial Intelligence), when Celchu was actually meeting with Lai Nootka. The circumstantial evidence, coupled with Horn's disappearance, left Tycho in custody for Horn's murder. He was certain to be convicted of the crime until Horn escaped from Lusankya and positively identified the true traitor in Rogue Squadron as Erisi Dlarit (a Thyferran member). Tycho eventually fell in love with Winter, partly because she was near him more than often, but mostly because of their shared Alderaanian background. When the squadron resigned its commission with the New Republic, he decided to paint his X-Wing in the colors of the Alderaan Guard unit that maintained order in his hometown. He eventually became of the squadron's leaders, especially during the time Wedge formed and developed Wraith Squadron. After Wedge was promoted to General and Tycho was promoted to Colonel, Wedge relinquished day-to-day control of the Rogues to Tycho. Tycho remained as Commander of the Rogues for several years before marrying Winter and ceding command to Gavin Darklighter. He retired shortly after Wedge, although both offered assistance to Gavin during the Yuuzhan Vong crisis. He was called out of retirement during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, retaining his rank of Colonel and commanding the starfighter defenses of the planet Coruscant. --------------=============**********************=============----------------- 8.2 Worlds --------------=============**********************=============----------------- --------------------------------- 8.2.1 Tatooine --------------------------------- Overview Tatooine is a harsh desert planet orbiting a double star in the Outer Rim, near the worlds of Ryloth and Piroket (which are a part of the same system.) Tatooine is the primary planet in its system. The planet is the innermost of the three planets circling the twin stars Tatoo I and II, giving Tatooine twin suns - rather ordinary representatives of the G-1 and G-2 star class. Their other planets are uninhabitable gas giants with a total of seven moons. As a planet, Tatooine is nothing more then a desert wasteland and is ignored by most everyone with the exception of smugglers and criminals. Indeed, Tatooine has become filled with starship wrecks (many of which buried by the planet's fierce sandstorms) from the many gang battles which occur above and on the planet's surface. While it features little of interest Tatooine lies at the strategic position at the center of several hyperspace routes. While Tatooine has been home to humans for only a few hundred years, it has long been the home of the Tusken Raiders (Sandpeople) and Jawas. Besides the Jawas and Sandpeople, Tatooine is host to a number of creatures: bantha, dewback, womp rat, sandfly, bone-gnawer, gravel-maggot, dune lizard, sandsnake, rockmite, feathered lizard, sand-jigger, meewit, cliffborer worm, strange (but harmless) protoplasmic creatures, and the legendary Sarlacc, which reputedly takes a millennia to digest its prey. Jabba the Hutt was known for sending his prisoners to the Sarlacc at the Pit of Carkoon. The terrifying Krayt Dragon is also native to this planet. Krayt dragon hunters, often considered as crazy, attempt to hunt the animals to obtain their legendary priceless gizzard stones. Points of interest on Tatooine include the Dune Sea, the Jundland wastes, Ancorhead, Mostesta, the Toshi Station, Bestine Township, Beggar's Canyon (and it's stone needle) and the Mos Eisley spaceport. Statistics: Planet: Tatooine System: Tatoo Sector: Arkanis Region: Outer Rim Environment: Desert Climate: Hot, Arid Length Day (standard hours): 23 Length Year (local days): 304 Sentient Species: Jawa, Sandpeople Other Species: Human, Krayt Dragons --------------------------------- 8.2.2 Forest Moon of Endor --------------------------------- Overview Although its real name is the Forest Moon, the planet Endor was given a "nickname" as such after the silvery gas giant located in the Moddell sector. The Modell sector itself is remote, and few travelers ever venture that far into space. As such, the nine planets orbiting Endor are relatively wild and inhabited only by native species. Yet, the largest planet of them all, the Forest Moon (Sanctuary Moon), or Endor, was once the scene of the greatest battle in the Galactic Civil War. The Forest Moon (Endor) is as unlike as possible to the actual "Endor" (the gas giant) as possible, with lush green terrain, mountainous regions, polar caps, and basically every kind of terrain. Endor, although it exists on all navigational charts, is not well known, and, as noted, is remote. In fact, very few people have wandered into the Moddell system, as it is definitely not a place an average traveler would go. The huge gravitational pull of the Endor sun makes it virtually impossible to travel easily through the system. Every ship going through Endor must make several complicated hyperspace jumps to successfully survive the trip itself. The moon of Endor, itself, is quite habitable, with a light gravity, plenty of light, pleasant temperatures, and many creatures. There are many species of creatures on Endor, and many undiscovered species, which live hidden beneath the ground. There are the docile Endoran ponies, vicious boar-wolves, Ewoks, and Gorax, to name just a few. The Ewoks, a rather primitive alien species, became a valuable ally to the Rebel Alliance in the form of nighttime comfort objects for Princess Leia. The Gorax live in the rocky highlands of the barren Desert of Salma, beyond the Yawari Cliffs, beyond the forest. The forest is where the Ewoks live, hunt, scavenge, and prosper. Their lives are occasionally put in peril by the Gorax, who tower thirty meters above the Ewoks themselves. The Ewoks live on small creatures, and the Gorax live on Ewoks and small creatures. The Arbo Maze, another sight of Endor, is aptly named. The trees in the maze are so tightly packed that it would take a skilled native to navigate them, or a Jedi Knight. Many wanderers who were trapped on Endor by the gravitational pull of the sun have been lost forever in the Arbo Maze. Aside from the various other sites, such as the Dragon's Pelt, located west of the forests, and the Dragon's Spine (at one end of the Dragon's Pelt), there is little else to see in Endor. Endor is packed with trees, limiting movements and sight greatly. Statistics: System: Located in the Modell sector, in orbit around a gas giant (also known as Endor), in the Outer Rim. Indigenous Species: Ewoks, Gorax, Yuzzum, Teeks, bordoks, boar- wolves, condor dragons, gunlabirds, blopes, borras, Marauders, Duloks, Gupins, humming peepers, lantern birds, and many other creatures. Climate: Temperate Terrain: Forests, mountains, lakes, and limited deserts and savannas. Places Of Interest: Ewok villages, Gorax Caves, Arbo Maze, Yawari Cliffs, Dragon's Pelt Savanna, Endor Shield Generator. --------------------------------- 8.2.3 Hoth --------------------------------- The five planets of the Hoth system are lifeless, and a wide, chaotic asteroid belt occupies the only remaining orbit in the system. The planet Hoth itself is barely hospitable, with its axial tilt, orbital position and atmospheric makeup causing the world to plunge into subzero temperatures. Hoth's daytime temperature high hovers around -32 degrees standard. At night, temperatures often fall as low as -60 degrees, with winds causing it to feel even colder. --------------------------------- 8.2.4 Dagobah --------------------------------- A distant, mist-shrouded swamp planet, Dagobah does not appear in any modern star charts. It is a forgotten world making it the perfect home of the last remaining Jedi Master and Jedi from the waning days of the Republic. --------------------------------- 8.2.5 Yavin 4 --------------------------------- Yavin 4 is a jungle moon orbiting the gas giant of Yavin. Its steamy jungle canopy and abandoned temples formed the perfect hiding place for an early Alliance base. The native Massassi had long been extinct by the time General Dodonna's Rebel forces located themselves in one of the temples, which served as a hidden fortress on the moon. Statistics Planet: Yavin 4, the 4th moon of the gas giant Yavin. Sector: Sumitra sector, Outer Rim. Environment: Tropical Jungles Length Day (standard hours): 24 Length Year (local days): 122 Sentient Species: Massassi (EXTINCT). --------------------------------- 8.2.6 Dantooine --------------------------------- Overview An isolated and tranquil planet, the majestic world of Dantooine has remained greatly untouched. Dantooine is located in the Dantooine system, a fair distance from the galactic trade routes. The olive, blue and brown-colored terrain makes the planet shimmer when approaching it, and the twin moons orbiting the planet provide beautiful moonlit nights. The planet's terrain consists of lavender grasslands and savannas, large oceans, smaller lakes and streams, steppes, and gigantic patches of spiky blba trees. The lack of colonization of the planet has left it greatly untouched, leaving many artifacts and resources untapped. Due to this lack of development, many galactic mapmakers mark Dantooine as an uninhabited planet. The wildlife of Dantooine is not very broad, with most of the planet inhabited by mostly fabool (balloon-like animals) and Carnivorous Snails. The Dantari, a domestic nomad species, are the dominant inhabits of the planet. They use the coast of the planet's oceans to travel, as thick patches of blba trees cover the inner terrain of the continents. Recently, the planet's population has been slowly rising with off-world visitors, but remains very low. The sentient species are dispersed in small groups, throughout the world. You will find a spaceport and an outpost on the planet, as well as remains of an Ancient Jedi Temple. The Ancient Jedi Temple was a training center for Jedi, ran by Jedi Master Vodo Siosk-Baas. It was abandoned before the Empire could find it, but served its purpose of training the Jedi- there were often several dozen students attending the academy. Locals of the planet told visitors of a legend, stating that anyone who entered the ruins never came out. The Empire used this legend to secretly and discreetly create a new batch of clone soldiers. An outpost was established on the planet to keep Rebels away. While it may keep rebels away, criminals have begun to make a presence on the peaceful world. The Gray Talon, a small band of smugglers, has been using Dantooine for their base of operations. Statistics Planet: Dantooine System: Dantooine System Region: Outer Rim Environment: Plains, oceans, forests, steppes Species: Dantari Points of Interest: Jedi Temple Ruins, Spaceport, Aratech Corporation Outpost. --------------------------------- 8.2.7 Ralltiir --------------------------------- A planet sympathetic to the Alliance, it came under Imperial scrutiny just before the Battle of Yavin. Lord Tion was called in to suppress the rebellious uprisings there, just as Princess Leia Organa arrived on the planet to deliver medical and combat supplies to the Alliance supporters there. She was intercepted by Lord Tion, who fawned over her while executing the planets rulers and killing anyone suspected of having ties to the Alliance. It was here that Alliance supporters broke through the Imperial troops and delivered to Princess Leia the first word of the Empire's new weapon, the Death Star. Ralltiir was located in the Core Worlds, on the border with the Colonies Region. The planet fell into widespread warfare, as rebel forces sought to throw off the Imperial yoke. Much of the landscape was leveled in battle, and there was very little law or order. Because of it's history and its part in the delivery of the plans to the first Death Star, Ralltiir was also one of the first planets to receive assistance from the New Republic after the Battle of Endor, and had the distinction of being the first planet liberated from Imperial control. Ralltiir was the second world in the Ralltiir System, and was orbited by twenty-eight moons. The average day on Ralltiir lasted 19 standard hours, and its year lasted 255 local days. --------------------------------- 8.2.8 Bakura --------------------------------- This planet was settled some 153 years before the Battle of Endor, with a second wave of colonization near the end of the Clone Wars. Initial settlements were established by the Bakur Corporation, and Bakura was ruled by a Prime Minister and Senate. It was re-discovered by the Empire's Imperial Study Survey 60774 and placed under Imperial control about three years before the Battle of Endor. The planet was known for its exports of repulsorlift parts, fruit candy, and liqueur. Bakura was located on the edge of the Rim worlds, the third in a system of eight planets. It is a lush, forested world not unlike Endor, with two moons. Both moons had been heavily mined for materials used in the construction of the second Death Star. Because of its location on the opposite side of the galaxy from the Corporate Sector, shipments between Bakura and the Corporate Sector were routed through Bothan space to avoid the dense gravity mass of the Core Worlds. --------------------------------- 8.2.9 Geonosis --------------------------------- This inhospitable planet, located less than a parsec from Tatooine, was the home world of the Geonosian race. The surface of the planet was a desert, dominated by reddish sand and dust. The high metallic content of the sands, coupled with the intense radiation storms that swept the planet's atmosphere, made communications near the planet difficult. Geonosis was ringed by several belts of asteroids and orbital debris, making the reddish planet appear quite lovely from space. These asteroids continually fell to the planet's surface, causing massive ground shakes and depositing large amounts of ores in the sand. Despite the high metal content of the planet's crust, the gravity on Geonosis was slightly less than standard. --------------------------------- 8.2.10 Destrillion --------------------------------- Overview This planet was a twin to the world of Dubrillion. Both were located near the asteroid system known as Lando's Folly. Brown and dirty from space, Destrillion was an inhospitable world. Lando Calrissian, during his tenure as owner of Lando's Folly, set up great processing plants on Destrillion, where ores from the asteroid field could be turned into usable materials. Like its twin, Destrillion was eventually captured by the Yuuzhan Vong. Planet: Destrillion Region: Outer Rim Environment: N/A Species: N/A --------------------------------- 8.2.11 Dubrillion --------------------------------- This planet was a twin to the world of Destrillion. Both were located near the asteroid system known as Lando's Folly. A blue-and-green world from space, Dubrillion is a lush planet that is the exact opposite of Destrillion. Lando Calrissian, while the owner of Lando's Folly, used Dubrillion to house living facilities and luxury suites. Unfortunately for Lando, the Yuuzhan Vong moved into the asteroid field and set up a sort of base camp. They picked off several ships traveling to and from Dubrillion, but in general allowed the natives of the planet to flee for the Inner Rim. However, as soon as the New Republic began to evacuate the planet, the Vong attacked the remaining natives, decimating the fleeing refugees before the rest escaped. Eventually, the Yuuzhan Vong, under the command of Shedao Shai, established a new base of operations on Dubrillion. --------------------------------- 8.2.12 Bespin --------------------------------- This cloud-covered gas giant was the third planet in the Bespin system. Because of the mining outpost of Cloud City, Bespin was known for the naturally spin-sealed tibanna gas found in its atmosphere. One of the major variations of the game of sabacc was named for the planet, another for Cloud City. It was located just off the Corellian Trade Route, along the pathway of the Ison Corridor. It has a number of natural satellites, and is located near the Anoat System. The gas giant has a quick rotation, taking only twelve standard hours to complete one revolution. However, its orbital revolution required 14 standard years to complete. Bespin's diameter measures some 118,000 kilometers. Much of the cloud cover over Bespin is well over 1,000 kilometers thick, and surrounds an outer core of seething molten rethin and compressed gas some 52,000 kilometers deep. This outer core exceeds 6,000 degrees, and covers a ball of solid metal 12,000 kilometers across. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 8. Standard Legal Disclaimers ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. The current entities allowed to use this guide are: www.gamefaqs.com www.ign.com All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Please email me with legal questions or concerns. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 9. E-mail Guidelines ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines... - Make sure your question isn't answered in the guide. - Make sure it has something to do with Rebel Strike. - Make sure you say Rebel Strike at one point in your e-mail. Asking a generic question such as "How do I do the thing?" doesn't tell me much. - Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile... ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 10. Version History ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Version 0.25 - Initial version. All general information listed and a walkthrough for the Battlefield Hoth provided. Version 0.3 - Most of the walkthroughs for single player complete. Updated upgrade section. Made many more little changes. Version 0.45 - Changed PLATINUMs to ACE/BEST EVERs and added most requirements. - Almost done with all the single player walkthroughs, thus the .45, I've still got the co-op walkthroughs to do. - All upgrade locations listed. Version 0.6 - Added mission objectives for Co-op. These were taken from RLII and need to be verified still. - Added one Passcode. - Added more walkthroughs and updated some ace medal walkthroughs. - Added Co-op walkthroughs. - Updated control section. - Found an awesome way to get guaranteed 50% accuracy if you're playing co-op by yourself, detailed at the beginning of the cooperative mode section. Congratulations to PorkinsJr for being the first to acquire all golds and ace medals!(single player, 25 OCT 2003) I've got them now too. Version 0.8 - Finished basic walkthroughs for all missions. Updated ACE medal walkthroughs for single player missions and asteroid field in cooperative. - Updated some ship descriptions. - Added powerup locations for Cooperative mode. Version 0.9 - Made a ton of fixes - Added Tycho Celchu info - Cleaned up my ASCII - Added more codes, though we're not positive about their purpose yet. - Added ace medal tips for Escape from Hoth. Version 9.5 - Added basic walkthroughs for Imperial Academy Heist and Endurance. - Added two new codes. - Added a level tree for single player. - Altered my email address. Since posting this, my spam level has increased exponentially. :( Version 1.0 - This will be my final version with the exception of code updates. - I added a couple of notes on gold medal strategies for co-op. - Updated codes section from gamefaqs.com. - Added notes to Tag-and-defend section. ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ 11. Credits ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ CJayC for running the best video game related board on the web. Lucasarts Entertainment Company and Factor 5 for letting me be a kid again. Thanks go to CyricZ for email guidelines http://swg.stratics.com and http:www.theforce.net for EU (extended universe) information on planets, ships, and characters. The Rogue Squadron Manual. ImalilPissed, PorkinsJr, Bleh, CyricZ, snooozer, Nairb, Calinator, Sweet Monkey Love, TurnDragoZero, and everyone from the Rogue Squadron Boards. Thanks to Sweet Monkey Love, snooozer, and PorkinsJr for the ace requirements that I forgot to write down before I got the medal. Nas Choka for compiling Tycho Chelchu information for me. His source was http://www.theforce.net/CUSWE My wife for staying married to me, even if she thinks I'm a total spaz for spending so much time on a FAQ for a video game. Ayumi Hamasaki, Utada Hikaru, Puffy AmiYumi, Do as Infinity, and all the other Jpop artists for their great music. Lucy Liu, Monica Bellucci, and Cameron Diaz for being so.. inspiring. ==: ROGUE LEADER BOB:== %us = map { $_ => q{belong} } @your_base;