STAR WARS ROGUE SQUADRON 3: REBEL STRIKE TRAINING MODE FAQ AND WALKTHROUGH Author: Jordan Massey [GoHaN0001] Version: 1.03 Last Update: January 4, 2004 Email: /------------ / Version History / ------------/ V 1.03: Made the addition of including military time for an easy reference. Also included a few other small pieces of information. V 1.02: Made a correction to some information. Turns out the starfighter is available in co-op mode. Eep. V 1.01: Only one minor change. Added a question to the Q&A Section. It seems like one question isn't worth an update, but I haven't recieved any more since then, so I put it in. V 1.00: First version. It's muchly complete. All of the information is there, as well as the guide for finding all of the secrets. The only thing yet to be added is the FAQ section. /-------------- / Table of Contents / --------------/ 1. Introduction 2. Basic Information 3. Training Walkthrough 3.1 Part One: On Foot 3.2 Part Two: Vehicles 3.3 Part Three: Flight 3.4 Complete Objective List 3.5 Description of Naboo Starfighter 4. FAQ 5. Contact Information 6. Credits 7. Disclaimer *Note, you can locate any section quickly by using the 'find text' option of your browser and entering the corresponding section name or number. /------------ / 1. Introduction / ------------/ You're probably wondering why I even bothered writing an FAQ about this, especially since it's the third game in the series. I'm sure most of you have played Rogue Leader, if not also Rogue Squadron, and I'm also sure that many people wouldn't bother ever looking at the training missions except for one reason. And that reason is, simply, to unlock the Naboo Starfighter. One of the best ships in the game in my honest opinion. It's fast and maneuverable, which is what I like. That's why I wrote this, to give you beloved people an easier time of unlocking the ship. I hope you find it helpful. ~GoHaN0001 /----------------- / 2. Basic Information / -----------------/ There isn't much to put in this section, short of controls. If you're wondering how to access the training mission, all you need to do is locate it on the mission select screen. It's on the very bottom, labeled "Tatooine Training". You can't miss it. Once inside the mission you will gain ultimate control over multiple modes of transportation, and the controls for those are as follows. On Foot: Control Stick: Move. Nobody saw that one coming. A Button: Fire Primary Weapon. Fires your trusty blaster, or an automatic weapon if you've picked one up. B Button: Fire Secondary Weapon. Throws a thermal detonator. Y Button: Goggles. This is basically a hand held targeting computer. X button: Jump. Your dude will leap quite high into the air. R Button: Crouch. Your man will kneel. If you press on the control stick, he will roll in that direction. L Button: Unused. Z Button: Roll. This will also make your man roll if it is pressed while Running. Landspeeder: Control Stick: Steer. Kinda self explanatory. A Button: Unused. This thing is civilian only, so unfortunately there aren't lazers. B Button: Unused. Same reason as above. X Button: Enter cockpit mode. Look around with the C stick. Y Button: Unused. No need for a computer without offensive capabilities. R Button: Accelerate. Clicking down the R Button will give you a speed boost, provided that your thrusters are fully charged. L Button: Decelerate. Causes negative acceleration. Moreso if the button is clicked all the way. Z Button: Unused. Trying to roll in this vehicle would be dangerous, yet probably funny. ATST: Control Stick: Steer. Kinda self explanatory. A Button: Fire primary weapon. Fires lazers from the head of the walker. B Button: Fire secondary weapon. You don't get any now, but normally you have homing missiles. X Button: Enter cockpit mode. Look around with the C stick. Y Button: Targeting computer. Identifies the alignment of units on the screen. R Button: Move. Clicking down the R Button will make you walk a bit faster. L Button: Unused. To stop, just let go of R. Z Button: Unused. Trying to roll in this vehicle would be dangerous, yet probably funny. Swoop Bike: Control Stick: Steer. Kinda self explanatory. A Button: Unused. Obviously the difference between a swoop bike and a speeder bike is the lack of armaments. B Button: Unused. *sigh* X Button: Enter cockpit mode. You get an over the handlebar view. Y Button: Targeting computer. Why would you have a computer with no lazers? R Button: Accelerate. Clicking down the R Button will give you a boost. L Button: Declerate. Click L to slow down as much as possible. Z Button: Unused. Trying to roll in this vehicle would be possible. actually. Too bad you can't. T-16 Skyhopper: Control Stick: Steer. Kinda self explanatory. A Button: Fire primary weapon. It's a surprisingly quick blast of lazers. B Button: Fire secondary weapon. Default for this craft is missiles. X Button: Enter cockpit mode. I hate this view, I never use it. Y Button: Targeting computer. Same crappy view, now with a computer! R Button: Accelerate. Clicking down the R Button will give you a boost. L Button: Declerate. Click L to slow down as much as possible. Z Button: Roll. Holding Z and simultaneously moving the control stick left or right will roll your craft in the respective direction. In order to unlock the Naboo Starfighter you'll have to fully complete training mode four times. Once for each time of day. Doing this is simple, just complete every lesson and find every item. The lessons presented in the following section aren't in any order, since you can activate them yourself, but I can assure you they're all there. As long as you follow the guide there should be no problems. /-------------------- / 3. Training Walkthrough / --------------------/ *Just a note, but when you contact a rebel symbol to activate the lesson, you can skip the narrator's description of the lesson by pressing start to pause, then again to unpause. You will immediately be able to do the lesson without listening to the intro. 3.1 Part One: On Foot All you need to do here is learn the basics of controls. Really easy. Lesson 1. Radar. Follow the radar and touch the symbol to complete the lesson. Lesson 2. Rolling. Press Z while running. Lesson 3. Jumping. Press X to jump. Lesson 4. Ducking. Press R to duck. Lesson 5. Mission Objectives. Press start. Lesson 6. Context-Sensitive Actions. Move the C stick any way you want to open the door. That's the end of that part. The next area gives you two choices, the Skyhopper and the Landspeeder. I always go with the landspeeder first so I don't have to worry about my time when I'm finding the secrets. Because I'm biased like that, I'll put the landspeeder section first. 3.2 Part Two: Vehicles Landspeeder: There aren't any lessons you activate. The narrator just pops in as you go along. Lesson 1: Speed Boost. Click R all the way to get a boost of speed. After boosting, you have to wait for the thrusters to charge before you can do it again. Lesson 2: Braking. Press the L button to brake. Clicking it makes you brake harder. Lesson 3: Camera Switch. Press X to enter cockpit mode. Look around with C. Those are the only lessons. After that, they'll throw some pits in your way. If you find yourself falling into one, just boost and pull up and all should go favorably. After a short trip you will find yourself at the ATST training area. ATST: Quite simple. The ATST is very easy to control. This mission is really satisfying for me. Call me a sadist, but I love the sound of R2 droids screaming in pain. Lesson 1: Movement. Press R to move. Lesson 2: Primary Fire. Press a to fire lazers. Lesson 3: Target practice. The game will dispatch R2 droids and it's your job to destroy them all. I think this is pretty fun. Remember you aren't going for a medal, so feel free to be as inaccurate as you want. It's not over after the first time, though. You have to do it twice more, on medium and hard difficulties before the lesson is complete and you have the Landspeeder unlocked. Just make sure you don't stand there and do nothing, because if you take too long you will fail. Once all that is complete your ATST training is over. Head to the blue icon. You should have the choice between two vehicles, but since you just finised the landspeeder training, head to the swoop bike. Swoop Bike: This one is a bit more challenging, because some of the jumps at the end are a bit harder to get. This thing can't land worth beans, either. Coming down from a semi-high fall will almost always end with you being damaged. It's all you can do to try and minimize the damage. I've been told though that if you simply release the control stick and let the bike fall on its own then the landing will be relatively safe. There aren't any lessons, just jumps. Each jump is marked with the familiar rebel symbol. Fly through the symbol to get credit for the jump. Just a general note, it holds true in most games that if you boost before the ramp you will go higher. Not true here. What you want to do is go over the ramp so your nose is pointing up, then boost. It will be much more effective at gaining you some altitude. Also, one thing I've noticed is that this course is just the Landspeeder track, only going the other way. Just thought I'd share that. Jump 1: This one is straight ahead. Just go over the ramp and boost. Try not to go too high though. Jump 2: Similar to jump one. Pretty straightforward. Jump 3: This one is similar to the first two, except it's over a pit and there's a fork in front of you. If you hit the jump then the pit should pose no problem. Make sure you steer right so you can take the right path of the fork. Jump 4: This one is over the edge of a cliff. Boost a little ways beforehand try not to go too high or low. If you miss you can always circle back around to the left and try again. Jump 5: This is near the side of a cliff. There aren't any ramps in front, so what I do is drive up the side where there are slopes and boost when I'm facing upward. That's usually enough to land me the jump, and also place me on the plateau to the left which sets me up nicely for jump six. Jump 6: There is a plateau to the left of the jump that you can go off of to land this one easily. Jump 7: This is the first jump you see after jump four, and you may have mistaken this one for jump five. This one is on top of a cliff, however, and to get it you must continue on from jump six until you see a path that leads left. Take it and it will take you around and upward. The end will dump you off right behind jump seven. Collect it and try to land as softly as possible. Collecting all of the jumps will unlock the Skyhopper. After landing jump 7 continue on straight and you will arrive at a Jawa sandcrawler for more on foot action. On Foot: Be careful here. No, it's not hard, but if you just rush into the action gung ho then the lessons won't activate. It happened to me and I couldn't find a way to reactivate them so I had to restart the mission. Ugh. Lesson 1: Binoculars. Just stand there for a while and the game will prompt you to press Y. Do so, aim it at the Tusken Raiders and sheer insanity will ensue. Lesson 2: Jumping. Walk over on the left side down the cliff. You will get to a small gap and the game will ask you to jump it. Do so. Lesson 3: Blaster. Walk towards the Raiders and the game will instruct you to press A. Doing so will fire your blaster. Dispatch the three Raiders if you want. They don't shoot you and more always come. Lesson 4: Locking on. When you see a green target around an enemy, press and Hold l. The target will turn red, signifying you have locked on. You will now be able to strafe the enemy if that's what you wish. Lesson 5: Secondary Weapon. Press B to throw a thermal detonator, which is basically a euphemism for grenade. Holding down B doesn't make him throw farther. I think the only way to aim is to lock on and then throw the detonator. Lesson 6: Health Powerups. A little blue bacta canister will appear next to the crates. Pick it up to restore your health. After completing lesson 6 a blue symbol will appear by your bike. Near the back of the sandcrawler is an e-web blaster, aka mounted gun. It's not an objective, so ignore it if you want. Head on over to the blue symbol and you will find yourself back outside the homestead. This time you'll want to head over to the Skyhopper and hop in. Ah a pun, I'm so witty. 3.3 Part Three: Flight T-16 Skyhopper: The entire flight training portion will take place in this vessel. Not the best outfitted fighter, but it gets the job done for training purposes. This is the biggest pain for me to do. But anyway, first thing you need to do is just fly towards the big spinning orange thing. That will be the announcer's cue to insult your intelligence yet again and give you a painfully obvious, yet necessary, lesson. Lesson 1: Mission Objective Indicators. Just follow the yellow arrow-like object on your map. It leads you to the large orange thing. Lesson 2: Brakes. Press L and you'll slow down. Click L for extra slowness. Lesson 3: Camera Switch. Press X for a cockpit view, which is too obstructive for me. Use C to look around. Lesson 4: Rolling. Hold Z and press the control stick either left or right to roll left or right, respectively. Lesson 5: Speed Boost. Click down the R button to get a pretty good boost. The thrusters take their sweet time to recharge though. Lesson 6: Primary Fire. Press A to fire your lazers. Can't get no mo simple. Lesson 7: Lockon Missiles. Hold down the B button and your crosshairs will turn into yellow diamonds. Center them on a target while still holding B and a red cross will appear signifying a lock on. Release B and the missile will wind its way towards the enemy. Find an unsuspecting bantha and end him thusly. Lesson 8: Target Computer. Press Y and you will switch to the cockpit view and your targeting computer will pop up. If you have bombs as your secondary then the comp will show a map of the ground instead of what's in front of you. Pretty cool. Lesson 9: Ion Blaster. Just hold down the B button. You will see the secondary fire icon fill in blue. When it is completely blue the blast is fully charged. Release B to fire the ion cannon. Lesson 10: Command Cross. Just press any direction on the cross to finish. In the normal game, your wingmates will do what you tell them to do, to some degree of success. Lesson 11: Proton Bomb. Press B once and a purple elliptical target will make its way onto your screen. Press B again to launch a bomb at said target. Press A when you're finished bombing things and want to go back to your normal view. I always do this one last because I like to bomb the hell out of Mos Eisly, and incidently it's right near C3PO. After finishing all of the lessons you will automatically be taken to the entrance to Beggar's Canyon for your first race. Racing Strategy: There isn't much to beating Fixer. The best spot you can be at is as high as possible, since the bottoms of the cliffs jut out farther than the tops. If you stay low you will have to take a more curved path, resulting in you taking a longer time to reach the goal. Doing this will ensure that you lose the hard race. What you want to do is stay high. That way you can take a straighter path and let Fixer fly loops all over the place while you zoom ahead. And of course, take the shortcut every time. If you boost whenever possible, and remember that there is never any time that you need to brake, or even slow down at all, then you should win all three races with no problems at all. Just turn left after exiting the canyon and you'll find yourself back at the entrance again. Assuming you won the first race, Fixer will challenge you to a dogfight. Being the brave and skilled pilot that you are, you just have to accept. Dogfighting Strategy: This guy's an idiot, really. He can't aim and he's easy to follow, so you should win no problem. In fact, the thing you probably have to be most careful of is crashing into him after you hit him. Hitting him will make him slow down a lot and turn sharply, so if you're close you might crash. Other than that, just blast away and he'll eventually whine and give up. Okay, so you've got that stuff out of the way, and you've completed all three races. Now what's left? The secrets. You can find all of them in one big circuit, excepting C3PO, so I'll put them in the order you can find them. Bantha Herd Number One: Just turn left after exiting Beggar's Canyon and you can spot them out in the sand. Fly overhead and the announcer will chime in and congratulate you. Mos Eisley: Right behind the bantha herd. It's this huge city...glaring out at you, seeming to say "bomb me". You can't disappoint, and if you did the proton bomb lesson last you should still have a full load of them. Enjoy. Bantha Herd Number Two: Make a 90 degree left turn after finding Mos Eisley and you should see them chillin in the sun. Fly near them like you did with the first herd and you've found all of the banthas. Sandcrawler: Turn right sharply from the second bantha herd and you'll see the Sandcrawler in the distance. Shoot at it to get credit for finding it. Once you do that a lesson will show about linked lazers, and you will be prompted to destroy the Sandcrawler by hitting it with linked lazers. About four hits should blow it up, although sometimes it doesn't work for me and I have to keep trying over and over and over to get it to blow up. That's when I AM using linked shots people. I'm not sure what causes it, but if it happens to you try flying away then returning. It should explode after a while, leaving... R2D2: Just blow up the sandcrawler and his happy beep will sound. That's all you need to do to find him. Jabba's Palace: Fly in the direction that the Sandcrawler was pointing. Even from far away you should see the palace in the distance. Boost over there and fly over it to recieve credit. You can also destroy this building with about six or seven well-placed bombs. It's always so satisfying. Tosche Station: Turn left after encountering Jabba's Palace and Tosche Station will be sitting behind a ridge of sand. You can blow up this place as well, even with your lazers if you want to. Fly over it to get credit. If you've already found C3PO, then this is the last item and the mission will end. If not, read on. C3PO: This guy is actually out by the bomb lesson. There's a skeleton in the sand and he parks his robotic butt right under it. It's next to a lone house if you're having trouble seeing it. 3.4 Complete Objective List Time: ##:##. Tells you your time in minutes and seconds. Not really relevant, but they tell you anyway. Number of Lessons Completed: ##/29. In actuality there are more than 29. They probably only count certain ones, but if you've followed everything so far then you will have all of them completed. Number of Bonus Items Found: #/7. To see what they are check above. Beggar's Canyon Race Easy: First race, no challenge. Medium: Second race, slight increment in challenge. Hard: Last race. Somewhat challenging if you go about it wrong. Droid Hunt Easy: They automatically set you up for this one. It's easy. Meduim: Second time. It's just as easy as the first one. They should call it Easy V2.0 Hard: Simple as well. I think they just give you less time, but if you don't stand and gawk you'll be fine. Craft Unlocked: #/3. They are as follows Landspeeder: Complete all three ATST target practice lessons. Skyhopper: Reach all seven jumps in the swoop bike portion. Swoop Bike: Win all three races against Fixer. Okay, so you've done all of it; Made sure you got all the items, unlocked each vehicle, and did it all with style. Now what? You do it three more times that's what. There are four different times of day you can train at, and to unlock the Naboo Starfighter you must fully complete training mode at all four times of day. They are as follows, just change your gamecube clock to the appropriate time. Dawn: 6:00am ~ 10:00am Daytime: 10:00am ~ 4:00pm Dusk: 4:00pm ~ 8:00pm Nighttime: 8:00pm ~ 6:00am Also I recieved a suggestion to post a military time conversion for reference, since the GC clock is in military time. 12am ~ 000 12pm ~ 1200 1 am ~ 100 1 pm ~ 1300 2 am ~ 200 2 pm ~ 1400 3 am ~ 300 3 pm ~ 1500 4 am ~ 400 4 pm ~ 1600 5 am ~ 500 5 pm ~ 1700 6 am ~ 600 6 pm ~ 1800 7 am ~ 700 7 pm ~ 1900 8 am ~ 800 8 pm ~ 2000 9 am ~ 900 9 pm ~ 2100 10am ~ 1000 10pm ~ 2200 11am ~ 1100 11pm ~ 2300 Once you have all four times of day done, you're all set. The game won't tell you that you've unlocked the new craft, you'll just have to keep track of which times you've done. If you're unsure, check a few of the flight missions and if you see the familiar form of the Naboo Starfighter when the available ship polygons appear, you know the Starfighter is free at last. 3.5 Description of Naboo Starfighter I just love this ship. Everything from the way it looks and sounds to how it performs just pleases me. It looks somewhat like a bird, with the two wings extending back to a point on either side and the main body going back to a point in between them. The whole thing is painted yellow and your trusty R2 unit sits right on top. It handles wonderfully. The steering is very acute, letting you turn sharply, even at higher speeds. There is no speed boost, unfortunately, but the vessel's overall speed makes up for that. The lazers are fired from two cannons, which rapidly alternate, excepting the initial linked shot. They are bright green, and your ship has a slight auto aim feature. If you locate your crosshairs near a target the ship will automatically aim at it. This is useful sometimes, but it can be annoying if you're trying to lead a target and your ship is forcing you to aim right at it. The ship now has cluster missiles, which I happen to be fond of once they have the ability to home in. Overall it's a good ship, and I earned many a gold medal with it in the previous installation of Rogue Squadron. Use it well. /--- / 4. FAQ / ---/ Asked by Nathaniel Sunga [] Q: Is it possible to use the Naboo Starfighter in cooperative mode? A: Yes, it is. The code section on GameFAQs tells you that earning all silver medals will enable the use of the starfighter in co-op mode. /------------------- / 5. Contact Information / -------------------/ If you would like to add to this guide, you can reach my by email at this address: Information, questions, comments, suggestions, and even flames are all welcome, as long as they are constructive in one way or another. Even though this is my first guide, please put the title of the game in the topic so I know you're not just some stranger babbling on about something I don't understand, while I sit at my computer wondering how you got my email address. If you do make any contribution to the guide I will give you credit. Put any information you want me to put up about you in your email. Otherwise, your email address is the only thing that will be credited. Thank you for your support. /------- / 6. Credits / -------/ LucasArts, Factor 5, and Nintendo for producing yet another game of high calibur. Nathaniel Sunga [] For additions to the Q&A Section Stephen Dufrene [] Shawn Lewis [] For suggestions/additions to the FAQ All of the information in thie guide, unless credited otherwise, was obtained through my experience of the game. Basically, it's how I saw the game when I played it, I didn't take anyone else's information and superimpose it into my guide. /---------- / 7. Disclaimer / ----------/ This guide is Copyright 2003 Jordan Massey [GohaN0001]. The information herein is protected by copyright laws and therefore, may not be copied in any way for any reason, except for your own personal private use. You may not use it publicly on any website, magazine, or other publication medium without my advance written consent. Using this guide publicly for display, profit, or any other reason is strictly prohibited, as well as a violation of copyright. I do not claim ownership of any other trademarks or copyrights in this document. All other trademarks and copyrights in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright owners. Currently, these sites have permission to use my guide: GameFAQs Well, that's the end of the guide. I hope you found it helpful. You may or may not see something else from me in the future. That depends on if I find a game that I like and am somewhat knowldegeable about. Until that day comes, I'll just hang around the boards as usual. Peace out. ~GoHaN0001