Pichu Guide for Super Smash Bros. Melee By Bkm1234567890 (e-mail all things that could help this guide to bkm1234567890@ aol.com) Version 0.5 Last Updated: Thursday, July 1, 2004 Table of Contents: i. A history of my guide writing ii. Improvements? iii. Updates I. Why use Pichu? II. How do I get Pichu? III. Move List IV. Stage Guide V. Classic Mode VI. Adventure Mode VII. All-Star Mode VIII. Credits IX. Copyright Stuff i. A history of my guide writing (what history?) Well...I'm Bkm1234567890, and and this is my second guide. My first one was another SSBM guide for Pichu's older self, Pikachu. All who have read it...prepare for deja vu, since I've made this very similar to Pikachu's guide. In fact...originally that guide was going to be a Pikachu and Pichu guide all in one, and it still has a remnant or two of that in it. The reason I've made this guide is because there's no really good character guide for Pichu at GameFAQs. This irritated me, so I decided to make what you're reading right now. Is that a good thing? I sure hope so. But now I'm rambling. So I'll shut up and move on to the good stuff. ii. Improvements? If you see a strategy that makes you think, "How did this guy get his own FAQ?", then I'd like to see you try better. And then I'd like you to e-mail your attempts to me so I can add it to this guide. Plus you get credit for it down in the credits. Good deal if you ask me. iii. Updates 1.0 - I made the guide. Got through All-Star mode. Other 1-P modes should be up before long. I. Why use Pichu? Pichu is probably THE most overlooked character in SSBM. Between being the lightest character in the game, and the fact that some its stronger attacks hurt itself, I can see why. However...mastering Pichu will allow you to laugh in the faces of all who doubt your skills. And if that's not incentive to use it...then what is? II. How do I get Pichu? Well, Pichu's a secret character, so you gotta do (ug) work to get it. You've got 2 options. You can either play 200 Vs. matches, or you can clear Event 37 (Legendary Pokemon). After doing either, Pichu will challenge you. Beat the patheticness known as the CPU Pichu, and it's yours! Mwahahahahahahahaha!!! III. Move List This part has all of Pichu's moves, what they do, and how I suggest you use them. I had a key in my Pikachu guide, but I think you can figure it out for yourself. Oh, and as for the names...they're hardly official. They're just what I call them. Left/Right: Walk (N/A%) Pichu walks. It's pretty fast even while walking. It's better at running, though. Smash Left/Right: Run (N/A%) See Pichu. See Pichu run. See Pichu run circles around slower characters. As you can tell from that thrilling story, Pichu's pretty quick. Not too many can outrun it with ease. X, Y, or Up: Jump (N/A%) There are FAR worse jumpers. I'll give Pichu that much. Down: Crouch (N/A%) Never saw much point in this.Oh well. At least Pichu gets a good nap out of it. A: Headbutt (1-2%) (0% to Pichu) It's 2% max for this move. If that doesn't scream 'don't use me', go get your hearing checked. Forward + A: Side Kick (6-7%) (0% to Pichu) Not as bad as Headbutt. Still, walking is a bad idea for Pichu unless you're far away from the action. Dash + A: Running Headbutt (6-7%) (0% to Pichu) If you don't mind taking a risk, this isn't too bad for playing the hit 'n run game. Just watch out for a quick counterattack, because it will take a splitsecond for Pichu to regain control. Up + A: Upwards Tail Whip (3-4%) (0% to Pichu) This probably might have some use on heavier characters. But not on Pichu. Unless your opponent is idiotic to the point where they don't notice you using this (or if you're using a Cloaking Device), stay away from it. Down + A: Downwards Tail Whip (3-4%) (0% to Pichu) Actually, this isn't so bad if you're being pursued by another lightweight, since it does knock away lighter opponents slightly, giving you time to escape. For heavier opponents though, use more powerful attacks. Smash + Foward + A: Spark (14% uncharged, 21% fully charged) (2% to Pichu) See that 2% to Pichu? that's why I'm not too keen on this move for Pichu, because any % you can save is a good idea. It's good for knocking others away or to knock away opponents like Bowser (if you somehow end up that close), otherwise, limit your use of Spark. Smash + Up + A: Super Headbutt (14% uncharged, 20% fully charged) (0% to Pichu) Good juggling move if your opponent isn't very skilled in the ways of air attacks. That's what it should be primarily used for, though. Smash + Down + A: Super Tail Whip (13% uncharged, 17% fully charged) (0% to Pichu) Nice at knocking slower enemies away while doing okay damage. My personal favorite of Pichu's smashes. Note: You can substitute the A for Z for Pichu's air attack. The Z editions do slightly more damage. However, I think this counts as a missed throw. So beware if you're going for a high score. Jump + A: Rolling Spin (9-12%) (0% to Pichu) Eh, could be worse. Nothing wrong with it as an air move...but you probably shouldn't just be hanging out in midair as Pichu. Jump + Forward + A: Electric Drill (1-5%) (1-4% to Pichu) Let me put it simply...DON'T USE THIS ATTACK. Pichu has better air attacks. Just isn't a good idea. Jump + Back + A: Spinning Attack (7-9%) (0% to Pichu) Not as much damage as Rolling Spin, but the knocking away is nice. While Pichu may have better air attacks, this is the one I personally find myself using most often. Jump + Up + A: Sky Headbutt (3-4%) (0% to Pichu) The other air attack I like. Sure, that damage is...practically non-existant, but it does knock opponents away a bit, even at lower damages. It's certainly no Electric Drill. Jump + Down + A: Electric Dive (9-12% damage) (2% to Pichu) Basically, anything this move does, Rolling Spin can do better without the 2% to Pichu. B: Thunder Jolt (5-7%) (1% to Pichu) Useful if you're away from a melee, but you're still facing oncoming traffic (the other character kind, of course). An occasional 1% is certainly better than getting smashed by someone else. In the air, it'll start as a tiny spark, then when it reaches the ground it acts normally.Also, note how when it reaches the edge, instead of going over it, it goes around that edge instead. Not an overly great characteristic...but worth bringing up. Forward + B: Skull Bash (4% uncharged, 39% fully charged) (1% to Pichu) No, that 39% is NOT a typo. The problem is that it takes Pichu forever to fully charge this. This is still arguably Pichu's best damage dealing move, provided you can connect with it. You can even use it on edgeguarders if you're close enough to the edge when you use it. One of Pichu's better moves without a doubt. Up + B: Agility (0%) (1 or 4% to Pichu) Now, this move is just a good a move as Pikachu's Quick Attack...when it comes to comebacking ability. However, it can't do the light damage Quick Attack does (which would help offset the damage to Pichu). Pichu does 1% to itself if you only use the first part, but if you use the second part (by tapping another direct on the control stick), it does 3%. Oh well. 4% beats a KO or SD any day. Down + B: Thunder (11-13% normally) (3% to Pichu) Now, this is not an overly great attack under normal circumstances. However, Pichu is only damaged if the actual attack hits it. There are two ways of avoiding this: get a running start, jump, and use it, or use it while under a platform. That way you get the damage without...getting the damage. Also, unlike Pikachu's Thunder, Pichu's version is capable of knocking an opponent straight up, as well as doing up to 21% instead of 13%. With some practice, this can be one of the game's best juggling moves...without costing you a single %. Z: Grab (0%) (0% to Pichu) A good surprise move, but with such short range, throws should probably be avoided for the most part. A while grabbing: Static (1-2%) (1% to Pichu) If you're gonna throw, throw. There's no need to knock Pichu's damage % any higher. Forward while grabbing: Shock Throw (7-9%) (1% to Pichu) Basically this exists to mock my thoughts on Static. Don't use it: Pichu's other throws work just as well without the 1% to itself. Backward while grabbing: Submission (7-9%) (0% to Pichu) Almost identical to Shock Throw resultwise...but it doesn't hurt Pichu, and it knocks opponents a little further away. Nice. Up while grabbing: Headbutt Knock (3-5%) (0% to Pichu) Now, there's one thing about this you need to know, something so subtle that you barely notice it: this throw hits twice, basically doubling what I said in parentheses. My personal fav throw, since it provides combo opportunities. Down while throwing: Body Slam (3-5%) (0% to Pichu) Like Headbutt Knock, this hits twice. However, it doesn't knock opponents away. So be wary of this throw. L, R, or hold Z: Shield Pichu puts up a shield to defend itself from all attacks. However, both time and other attacks drain the shield's power. If it breaks, Pichu is exposed for all to do whatever mayhem they want. And considering Pichu's the lighest character in the game...let's just not go there, shall we? There are two different shields: one made by L or R takes almost no time to set up, but one made by holding Z defends better. While not too bad, it's the other things like this that you need to learn about... Left or right while being Shielded: Rolling Dodge A VERY good move to learn for Pichu. Not only will rolling behind the enemy usually make them miss, but you'll most likely be in prime position for Spark or even Thunder. Down while being Shielded: Sidestep Useful if you need a quick dodge from something like a forward smash or dash attack. For some characters you can even attack them while they're momentarily recovering from their missed attacks. L or R while in air: Air Dodge Good for dodging aerial attacks. Whod've thought? Up on D-Pad: Taunt Pichu's actually unique in that it has a different taunt depending on it's direction. If you'r facing the left, Pichu will jump for joy while saying 'Pichu!' If you're facing the right...Pichu will roll on the floor while saying 'Pichu!' Sickeningly cute if you ask me. Then again...you didn't. IV. Stage List Here's my suggestions on what you should do where. Icicle Mountain Basically the anti-Pichu stage. It's easy to fly off the sides, and many of Pichu's power moves can't be used properly for one reason or another here. If you must play here, try the hit and run technique, Pichu can pull it off decently. Princess Peach's Castle A pretty decent stage. If you've perfected the jumping Thunder technique, you shouldn't have any problems you wouldn't have anywhere else. Rainbow Cruise This stage was made for hit and run. Thunder looks tempting at the beginning, but half the time platforms further up prevent it from working. Do what you can on the ship, and while you're on those evil platforms that prevent Thunder at the start, hit and run. Kongo Jungle As you could tell if you read my Pikachu guide, I really, REALLY can't stand the DK Rap. Anyway, this is a fairly small stage, so hit and run is out. Try and lure the fighting to the top of the side platforms, then get the one right below it and Thunder them all like there's no tomorrow. If they don't fall for it, you'll have to make use of Pichu's clearout abiliites. Jungle Japes This is a stage practically tailor made for Pichu. The overhead platform in the middle aids Thunder a LOT, and you can hit and run if you see fit. My one problem is the lack of sides to stop a potential missed Skull Bash. But that can be overlooked. Great Bay This stage is either your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on whether the turtle is there or not. With the turtle, the size is big but not intimidatingly huge, which allows for all kinds of options. Without it, it's too small to do much but dodge and clearout. And make sure you pay attention to the turtle while you're on it: we wouldn't want Pichu sleeping with all those weird things from the Zelda series, now would we? Temple The biggest stage in the game, you can do pretty much what you want and how you want to do it. However, keep to the lower part when you get high on damage, since you can survive at MUCH higher damages than usual down there. Yoshi's Story A basic stage, sort of like a mini-Battlefield. However, there are two differences. First, there are cloud platforms on each side that move around, so sometimes you can land on them if you don't want to overuse Agility or you're just too far off to make it. Second, Fly Guys sometimes fly around (whod've thought?) carrying food. One good attack will make them drop it. Other than that, it's a basic small stage, so you'll need to clear out, although Thunder can work thanks to the overhead platforms. Yoshi's Island Here's another stage Pichu shouldn't hang around too often. The blocks over the middle flip with one attack, making you fall into a bottomless hole. Also, it doesn't take much to fly off, so Pichu won't last long unless you're an expert at dodging. Green Greens Above all else, keep as close to the middle as possible. The platforms for Thunder are there, and if you get caught up in an explosion of bomb blocks...you can kiss your pre-evolution of Pikachu good-bye. Of course, this does shrink the stage for Pichu, therefore limiting what you can and can't do. So go out occasionally just to throw the enemy off guard, and keep yourself unpredictable. Fountain of Dreams Another Battlefield wannabe.This time, the platforms to either side of the field lower themselves and disappear, making everything awfully direct. This is also a rather small stage, making it hard to hit and run. You'd think it wouldn't be bad for Pichu...but there are far better stages for it... Corneria ...Like this one. It's big, which keeps your vital supply of options open. You can even Skull Bash to your heart's content towards the right side. A good stage if you've perfected the jumping Thunder technique. Venom The Star Fox stages were kind to Pichu. Although it IS smaller than Corneria, it's not small enough to affect your decision-making, plus there's platforms for some heavy duty Thundering. You might sometimes feel like you have a lack of breathing room, but this won't happen too often. Flat Zone (to unlock, unlock Mr. Game and Watch, then defeat a 1-P mode with him) In a way, this is both better and worse for Pichu than it is for Pikachu at the same time. Pichu's helped by the overhead platforms, but it's cramped and VERY easy to get KOd on. Along with Yoshi's Island and Icicle Mountain, a stage Pichu shouldn't touch with a 50 mile foot pole. Brinstar This would be your run of the mill small stage...then there's the acid that sometimes rises, shrinking the stage even further. Because of this, you'll probably be switching from hit and run to hoping Pichu's clearout attacks will keep all the enemies in check until the acid goes down. Although for some reason...I've never had too much trouble here. I have no idea why. Nothing in Pichu's favor. Maybe practicing would be a good idea. Brinstar Depths (unlock by playing 50 Vs. matches) This is where Pichu's B attacks really shine. At least one should be usable at all times. Thunder Jolt's ability to go around platforms is especially effective at times. Agility's ability to change directions can also give you an extra edge when it comes to comebacks. Overall, a good stage for Pichu, provided you can dodge enough attacks to make up for all the damage you give yourself. Onett WIth all the platforms, you'd think Thundering away at the bottom would be a good idea. But the cars that speed by down there make this a pretty bad idea. You can still Thunder away in a few select locations though. Also, watch out for the awnings near the middle: sometimes they fall down, and give you one less place to Thunder. Although considering this is another good hit and run stage...why would you want to? Fourside (unlock by playing 100 Vs. matches) Pichu's homestage in All-Star mode (in all likelihood because it's similar to Pikachu's original home in SSB, Saffron City), this is overall a good stage for Pichu. Hit and run, Skull Bash, and even if the jumping Thunder technique hasn't won you over, you can still let out your electricity when the UFOs appear.You've got plenty of options...use them and you'll do great here. Mute City Stay off the actual track whenever possible. The race cars will sometimes go past where you are, and that just isn't good. Since it's also a small stage most of the time, you can't do everything you'd want to. Very annoying overall. Big Blue (unlock by playing 150 Vs. matches) This is overall a good, solid stage for Pichu, if you can avoid Thunder and Skull Bash in most places. Hit and run is a good idea, since you'll be doing a lot of the latter here. Try to lure heavier opponents down low: when you get low enough, you'll go sharply to the left, and Pichu can recover from this a lot better than many others in case you mess up Pokemon Stadium After all that traveling around, I guess Pichu would appreciate the occasional return to its homeland. In its normal form, this is an okay stage, since you've got platforms for Thunder, and it's big enough for hit and run. However, sometimes it'll transform into other forms. Then you'll get more platforms...but too many to use the Thunder trick properly. Instead, try Thunder Jolting and clearouts until you can get the normal stage again. Overall, Pichu's true home stage is so-so. Poke Floats (unlock by playing 200 Vs. matches) This is another stage that's either your best friend or your worst nightmare, depending on your general style with Pichu. If you like hit and run, this is your dream stage, since everyone will be moving around a lot, therefore letting you get your hits in. However, if you prefer moves like Thunder and Skull Bash...those moves are too risky with the constantly changing environment, so you'll have to switch to a hit and run strategy here. Lighten up...it's just one stage. Mushroom Kingdom I never did like this stage as far it came to actual battling. Anyways, the power moves aren't recommended here, because there's nothing to stop you for Skull Bash, and the overlead platforms crumble if you use Thunder often. A good tactic at lower damages is to hang around the edge and throw those who go after you, because there isn't much area left after you're in the 'magnifying glass'. Mushroom Kingdom II (unlock by acquiring the Birdo trophy) Not too much to say, really. It helps if you've perfected the jumping Thunder technique. Otherwise, it's a good stage to use your clearouts on. Battlefield (unlock by completing All-Star mode with any character) Well, this is very similar to the Fountain of Dreams, although it is a tad bigger. You MIGHT be able to hit and run here, depending on your skill with it. Otherwise, do what you would normally do on the Fountain of Dreams. Final Destination (unlock by completing Event 51) This is a great stage...IF you've perfected the jumping Thunder technique. Due to the straightforwardness of the stage, it's not a good idea to hit and run. Just use training mode to master jumping Thunder, and you'll master this stage...about as well as Pichu can master it. Dream Land (past) (unlock by completing Target Test with all 25 characters) Okay, by now they're just abusing the basic layout of this stage. Play like you would Fountain of Dreams or Battlefield. Yoshi's Island (past) (unlock by hitting Sandbag far enough with one character in the Home Run Contest, it's somewhere between 1200 and 1500 ft.) The clouds can make this a decent hit and run stage...until they disappear from you standing on them too long. Once they're gone, revert to using Thunder under the platforms, or using Pichu's clearout moves. Kongo Jungle (past) Like many stages, this is either very good or very bad for Pichu, depending on where the fighting is. If it's up top on one of the non-moving platforms, you can do pretty much whatever you want to. But if it's staying low, you'll have to either Thunder Jolt from a distance, or hit and run. V. Classic Mode You've got the skills, and you know how to use them where. Now let's start making it pay off. Rounds 1, 4, and 7: 1 on 1 match A generic one on one match against a random character. Do what you'd do against that character, and you'll be just fine. Round 2: 2 on 2 match You're given a random CPU controlled character to aid in your fight with 2 opponents. Try to stay as little involved in the fighting as possible, but don't flat out avoid it: 2 CPU players against 1 CPU player is NOT good odds. Round 3: Break the Targets Go check out the Break the Targets section to learn about this one. Round 5: 3 on 1 match You've got the aid of two random partners. The catch? You've gotta face another character that's been having too many Super Mushrooms. Like the 2 on 2, you need to stay out of the battle without flat out shirking it. However...since this time the numbers are on your side, you can probably keep away from the action longer this time. Round 6: Snag Trophies 30,000 points for getting 3 trophies into the container ain't bad, so try to get them them all. Of course, if you've already got all of them, and you mess up, just jump off either side to save time, you won't lose a life. A good move to knock them forward is the Side Kick, while the Running Headbutt is useful for knocking them backwards. Round 8: 1 on 10 battle Pichu vs. 10 of a random opponent. Luckily, the handicap has been lowerd a bit for the others. What does all this mean? Clearouts are your best friend, particually the down smash.It may take more times on higher difficulties, but this shouldn't last overly long. Round 9: Race to the Finish Wow. Pichu's time for this is only 41 seconds, just 2 more than Captain Falcon himself. That right there gives you a hint about how good Pichu's ability is to get around. Anyway, there's a lot of doors here, and going in front of any of them ends the stage. So why go farther? You get more points and lottery coins for reaching later doors: the last one gives you 80,000 points and 5 coins. Anyways, reaching that final door IS possible, but it takes some practice due to Agility. Be sure to take the lower path, since while it does contain the only bottomless pit of the stage, it's the easiest one to get past. Round 10: 1 on 1 match The next to the last battle, here you're pitted against a random character on the Battlefield...who's metal for the whole match. Hopefully you'll face another light (I use the term loosely here) character, one you can throw off the stage at fairly low damage %. Because once they're off the main platform...there's a good shot they ain't coming back. Final Round: Master Hand Here we go...Pichu vs. Master Hand. Pichu has a fairly big problem here: its lack of powerful aerial moves. While you CAN up smash sometimes, it's a horrible idea to rely just on it. Instead, mix up your air attacks, and dodge/guard when possible. Also, there's a treat for those who got through the other matches quickly enough on Normal difficulty or higher: once you've taken off about half of Master Hand's HP, its slightly more...insane twin, Crazy Hand, appears. While you only have to beat Master Hand to win, besting Crazy Hand as well gives you a nice bonus. Personally though, I'd save that for another character: by that difficulty you'll probably have enough difficulty just taking out Master Hand. VI. Adventure Mode Time to show Pichu what side-scrolling platform games are like. Stage 1-1: Mushroom Kingdom Here, you've gotta walk to the right while avoiding any Goombas or Koopas you see. Items drop all over the place, but try to grab just ones that help you accomplish your no-damage goals (like a Cloaking Device or Heart Container). Eventaully, you'll run across a platform with a picture of a mushroom on it. Here, you've gotta face a 10 on 1 battle against Yoshi. He isn't hard though, Pichu's clearout moves work just fine. Once you're done lowering the Yoshi population, keep going right until you reach the flag at the end. Because that's...well...the end. Stage 1-2: Vs. Peach and Mario OR Luigi Chances are you'll fight Mario here. But if the seconds number was 2 (like 5:12.45), you'll fight Luigi instead. You'll know who you're fighting ahead of time, since if you're fighting Luigi, you'll see a little cutscene showing that. Oddly enough, when I went through Adventure mode to write this part of guide, I actually faced Luigi without even trying. But I've been been going on too much about that. So let's move onto the battle. Since you're outnumbered, clearout moves are a good choice here. Also, when a certain explosive item exclusive to this stage appears, Peach and the Mario brother go to the other side and stand there like idiots. So that's a great time to inflict damage. Stage 2-1: Kongo Jungle (Vs. Tiny Donkey Kong) The handicap's set pretty darn low for the DKs. Which makes them easy targets overall. Shouldn't be too hard, just give them everything you've got. Although that isn't always necessary. Stage 2-2: Vs. Giant Donkey Kong Apparently Hal REALLY like Giant Donkey Kongs, considering he was in the original SSB as well. Anyway, at the very beginning, go to the leftmost edge of the center platform (without showing Pichu's animation of trying not to fall off). The, once DK's there, grab him and use your back throw. Then do everything you can to keep him down there. He'll stay down before long. Not very hard...but then again, it's only the second stage. Stage 3-1: Underground Maze The goal here is to find the Triforce. The problem? It's not in a set location. In fact, it's in one of 6 locations. The other five contain Master Swords,which have you fight Link. Thing is...neither stage ending nor Link fighting begins unless you're on the ground. So if you run into one, but want the other, stay airborne until you're a safe distance from it. Why fight the Links? Well, fighting them all gives you a pretty sweet bonus at the end. Something to think about at lower difficulties. Outside of that...watch out for all the freaky Zelda enemies while you're scurrying about...they can (and will) be pretty nasty if you're not careful. Stage 3-2: Vs. Zelda No choice here, you've got to fight her to move on. It's just a regular battle against Zelda: do what you'd do against her on the Temple stage, and you'll do fine. Stage: 4-1: Brinstar (Vs. Samus) Regular Samus batte in Brinstar. Do what you'd normally do in this situation. It's not like Samus is suddenly going to do a Spin Attack or anything. Stage 4-2: Escape from Brinstar You've beat up Samus, so now the planet's going to blow up. No, I don't get it either. Oh well. Pichu's double jump should get you through until the very end...then use Agility. You can clear this with about 15 seconds left without really rushing. Now, if you DO mess up, you CAN advance without completing this: but if you don't clear it, you lose a life. Which is overall a very bad idea. Stage 5-1: Green Greens (Vs. Kirby) It's a classic 1 on 1 against Kirby on the Green Greens stage. If I have to tell you what to do by now...I'm gonig to be very sad. Stage 5-2: Vs. 15 Kirbys Like any match of this kind, the Kirbys' handicaps are lower. Something else of note is that each Kirby already has a different ability copied. Don't let that stop you though. Go right ahead and beat the snot out of them. You get a reward for clearing this in under 30 seconds... Stage 5-3: Vs. Giant Kirby (must beat 5-2 in under 30 seconds) You've fought one Kirby, you've fought many Kirbys. So facing a giant Kirby isn't exactly a big surprise in my book. Now, this more of a low difficulty thing, so just go and beat the tar out of Giant Kirby. If you can even get to this guy on a higher difficulty...I salute you. Also, note that this is the only 3 part stage in all of Adventure Mode. Stupid self-promoting Hal... Stage 6-1: Corneria (Vs. Fox) You vs. Fox, or the the Corneria stage, blah blah blah...not much else to say. Nothing special about this match. Nothing at all. Just do what you'd normally do. Stage 6-2: Vs. Fox OR Falco There's a little cutscene involving the rest of the Star Fox team before this, which lets you know who you're facing. The character that isn't in it is who you face. Also note you can't face Falco until you've unlocked him. Now, the actual fight info. Arwings are shooting lasers left and right, so dodge them as best you can. On the plus side, Fox/Falco is just as affected by them as you are, so try to lure the lasers over to Fox. Once he's got enough % on him, just knock him off the left edge. Just try not to have the same happen to you. Stage 7: Pokemon Stadium (Vs. 12 Pikachu/Jigglypuff/Pichu) A brief pit stop home, here you'll be fighting 12 Pikachu/Pichu/Jigglypuff (all should be accessible by this point, since you've likely already cleared Classic or Adventure with another character, and if you haven't unlocked Pichu...). More Pikachu than anything, but the other two will show up occasionally. Something else that should be pointed out is that the only items that appear here are Poke Balls. So use them whenever you can. And here's a rant: this is the first series to have only one part in a stage. Considering Pokemon's been one of Nintendo's biggest moneymakers in recent years, that's kind of a slap in the face that it got put in the same category as Earthbound and Ice Climber, both of which were just one hit wonders in the US (for those who don't know, there was a prequel to Earthbound for the NES in Japan, hence, why I say in the US). The ONLY possible logic I can possibly see for this is that Pokemon is the newest franchise to have playable characters in SSBM. But that's no excuse for that. (rant over) Whew...what a weird place to have a rant. Stage 8-1: Big Blue Here, you've gotta get across the actual Big Blue track while avoiding all of the F-Zero Racers. Pichu can clear this on just 3 passes, if you run as much as possible, and are in the following locations at each pass: 1-Standing by the wall after the very first drop in the stage 2-On the floating platform right before the first bottomless pit 3-Either on or shortly after the two floating platforms above nothing If you don't get hit, and you don't have to use Agility, you'll get the Switzerland award. In fact, this is probably the easiest way to get that award. Nice. Stage 8-2: Vs. Captain Falcon The ever-popular 1 on 1 on the other 1's home stage. No real explanation needed. Stage 9: Onett (Vs. 3 Nesses) The only item here is Mr. Saturn, so this is a good place to get all the Mr. Saturn related bonuses. Other than that, just do what you'd normally do if you were on the Onett stage and all the others decided to gang up on you. Stage 10: Icicle Mountain (Vs. 2 Ice Climbers) For about the first 40 seconds, you'll have to dodge the Ice Climber enemies while the screen is constantly scrolling up. Eventually, two pairs of Ice Climbers appear, whom you must beat. Knock them off the side if you can, it's much easier that way. Also note that this is the final stage with any kind of platform ties. Just a FYI. Stage 11-1: Battlefield (Vs. 15 Fighting Wire Frames) As usual, the frames have sad handicaps. So just clearout, clearout, clearout. Fun times. Stage 11-2: Vs. Metal Mario (or Vs. Metal Mario AND Metal Luigi) If you've unlocked Luigi, you'll fight both Metal brothers. If you haven't, you'l just fight Metal Mario. Anyways, knock them off the sides ASAP. With all that weight, they'll sink like stones. And we aren't even in water. Stage 12-1 (or Stage 12, depending on well you've done): Final Destination (Vs. Bowser) It's you. Versus Bowser. On the Final Destination stage. If you're on Very Easy or Easy difficulty, just take your time to do this. But if you're on Normal difficulty and have beaten the previous stages pretty quickly, beat Bowser as fast as you can, you'll be treated to an extra... Stage 12-2: Vs. Giga Bowser Ugh. NOT a good stage be Pichu. Giga Bowser's an easy target, but you can't run and hide when you're one large platform. The fact Giga Bowser takes up half the stage doen't help that either. Plus, his moves have extra side effects that regular Bowser doesn't have (like ice or shadow). Just try your best, and give him all you've got: it's the final stage, and you've got no reason to stockpile lives. So doing so now is just a waste of time. If you can eliminate Giga Bowser, you get a HUGE bonus. So it's worth your time beating him. Congrats if you beat him...you've earned it. VII. All-Star Mode Pichu versus random opponents. Yay. The following is a straight rip-off from my Piakchu guide, because the same applies for Pichu: There's actually no true strategy for this one: except for the last match (which is against 25 Mr. Game & Watches), the opponents are in a random order. Do your best. Also, don't grab any of the Heart Containers until you're at least at 100%, and try to save one for the encounter with the Mr. Game & Watch team on the harder modes. One extra word of advice for Pichu, and that's to try to stay away from moves that damage Pichu. Because the higher damage you are, the easier you lose a life. And you only have one life in All-Star mode. Self-explanatory. VIII. Credits To myself, for making the wonderful piece of literature you're reading now. (hey, give me my moment of insanity, people) To Nintendo, for making the device known as Gamecube, which has drained many hours of my life due to games like SSBM. To Hal Laboratories, for helping make SSBM, my personal fav game of all-time. To my mom, who went out and bought the wonder gift of SSBM for me. To all the character guides for SSBM on Game FAQs (particularly my Pikachu one): for inspiring me to make a 2nd guide. IX. Copyright Stuff Currently, the following sites may use this guide: www.gamefaqs.com If your site isn't on that list...you can't house this guide. However, if you ask me politely, chances are that I'll give you permission, and therefore add your name to the list. This Document Copyright 2004 Bkm1234567890 Don't use without permission from Bkm1234567890