Tak 2: The Staff Of Dreams BOSS FAQ Written by: Wolverinefactor TABLE OF CONTENTS Part 1: Introduction Part 2: General Tips Part 3: Boss FAQ Part 4: Thanks Part 5: Contact Info PART 1: INTRODUCTION This boss guide is based on the Playstation 2 version but I'm fairly sure that it works on all versions of the game, excluding the Gameboy Advance version. This is my second faq, my first was the Death, JR. Boss faq which seemed to get a lot of buzz. Now I realize that this game is over a year old at the time of this writing but there isn't even a review up for the Playstation 2 version, let alone a faq. My review should be up by the time this is posted though. PART 2: GENERAL TIPS There are a few tricks to the game and I'm just going to point out the ones that are useful for the bosses. Tip 1: Hitting Square and then Circle produces a spin attack, not sure if you can use it until you learn it but you learn it very early in the game. This attack makes large groups of enemies easy to kill and it also breaks shields if an enemy is holding. Oh and to get rid of any confusion, I mean actual shields and not barriers. Tip 2: If you hold the L1 or R1 buttons and then hit Triangle you produce a more powerful throw. This I didn't learn (even though I'm sure the game tells you at some point) until the final boss and it was the only way I was able to defeat him. It does use up Juju so be careful when using it. Tip 3: The perfect combo for the guys who turn invisable and shoot purple beams at you is the following... Hit him twice with Square when he is solid and then throw (Triangle), this will daze him and just repeat until he is dead. PART 3: BOSS FAQ Boss 1: Demon Tenticles 1 Location: At the end of the first Dream World level. This is very easy and is the second easiest boss fight in the game. There is 4 or so giant tenticles surrounding a much bigger one. Run around and hit them (SQUARE) and they should die. Once the smaller ones are dead, the big one just dies. Boss 2: Demon Tenticles 2 Location: At the end of the second Dream World level. This one gave me a tiny bit of trouble until I realized how to defeat it. It's the same as the boss before it but the tenticles can attack. Some shoot fireballs, just run up and hit those and they will die. Now, every time a tenticle is killed the one in the middle shoots something but just run and it'll miss. Now, the other form of tenticles are electric charged. Get near them but jump back or to the side and they will slam into the ground, causing them to be stuck and giving you time to run up and hit them. Wash and repeat and it ends the same as the last one. Boss 3: Demon Tenticles 3 Location: At the end of the third Dream World level. This is exactly like the second boss but there are tons of tenticles around and the large one in the middle shoots constantly. Just run around and kill the tenticles like I said for the boss before this. After 5 or so die the portal opens back up. To reach some of the tenticles you might need to jump over gaps and stuff but nothing to hard. Boss 4: Pins & Needles Location: Boss level after River Rift. These guys are just annoying but nothing else. The battle starts with them shooting out lazers from all of the portal spots. The spots are like a red design on the floor. After 5 waves of so of changing attacks. They range from homing (just jump over) and to double shots. Nothing to hard. Now Pin or Needle will pop out of a portal and shoot at you. Just run up and hit him. The other oen will pop out and do the same thing. Just run up and hit him. The first guy will appear again and he shoots and you run and hit him. Now, Groups of monsters will appear. Just kill them all, there are four sets. Now Pins & Needles do the same thign as before so just run up and smack them. Now for the final part. All portals will open and a ton of Pins or Needles (whichever) will pop out and you need to find the correct one. Just stand back and DO NOT touch them. They will touch eachother and expldoe. The real one will still be standing so go up and wack him. The otherone will do the same thing so stand back and when you see the real one, run up and smack him. Boss 5: Evil Sheep guy (I don't know his name, he's the bad guy from the first game) Location: Right after Pins & Needles fight. This is the easiest fight EVER. The black sheep just stand there. Run up to them and hit them until they fall off the edge. They don't attack or anything. The main guy will jump down now, just run up and knock him off the edge also. That's all, it's impossible to get him. Boss 6: Nightmare Demon Morph Location: Right after killing the evil sheep guy. This guy have me problems at first. You're on on side of a crack, he's on the other. He runs back and forth throwing blue fire balls. Now, you need to catch them but this is where the game ahd failed to emntion how. Hold either L1 or R1 and stand in the path of a ball, hit SQUARE or CIRCLE and you'll grab a fireball. Now he will throw red fireballs when you're holding the blue ones. Just throw it with TRIANGLE but you need to aim before him so sort of get the ahng of his patterns. Just hit him three times... Now this is exactly the same but he throws the blue fireballs faster and he no longer uses red ones. Just hit him 6 times... Now this is the final one. He's much faster and has a more random pattern. Do the same as before but this time hit him 10 times (it might be 9 but I think I lost count somewhere) Boss 7: Evil sheep guy in human form Location: Right after Nightmare Demon Morph This guy gave me a problem. Let me explain the set up of this level. Your three friends are at different sides and the bad guy is on the other remaining side. Now, he is only attacking your friends so you need to just following these directions exactly (order wise at least) First go and hit CIRCLE in front of the old guy. You'll now be him. Some monsters appeara nd just kill them, Everyone has the same attacks as Tak. Now quickly run and change into the skeleton. Kill the 3 enemies that appear. Run over to Lok or however his name is spelt and change into him. Kill his two enemies. Now you're Tak again and your friends are stuck on the side lines. Evil guy is close to you so you can hit him except he has a shield on. 3 Enemies will appear but sort of slowly. Run up and kill them before they reach your friends and kill them. If one dies it's game over and you have to start this fight all over again. Once you stop that just run up to the evil guy and throw (TRIANGLE) and he will be hurt and his shield will go back up. 3 More enemies appear slwoly, but they are slightly stronger. This is where L1 + Triangle comes in handy. Save your friends and run up to evil guy and throw again at him. Yet again 3 enemies appear, this time save your friends and evil guy will land and have his shield down. Run up and smask him and you've won! Now enjoy the ending. Part 4: THANKS My thanks go out to Best Buy for selling the game for $5 and being the only reason that I bought it. As always my thanks go to Frank for go shopping with me and not rushing me as I looked for something new to play. Also my thanks go out to Teebs AKA ShadowKitsune for being supportive in his own way to my writing. Part 5: CONTACT INFO If you need to reach me with questions you can email me at wolverinefactor@yahoo.com . I check my email a few times a week. As of now the only site that can use this FAQ is GameFAQS.com and if you see it elsewhere please let me know so I can ahev it taken down from there. If you would like to post this on your site, please email em and I will consider it.