------------------------------------- |Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | |Platform: PC/PS2/GC/XBOX | |Release: November 25, 2003. | |Document: Challenge Mode FAQ | |Author: SaiyanPureheart/Rasheed Islam| ------------------------------------- ----------------- |TABLE OF CONTENTS| ----------------- NOTE: Press Ctrl + F to find what you're looking for. I) VERSION II) INTRODUCTION III) WHAT IS CHALLENGE MODE? IIII) TURTLE ASSESSMENT A) Leonardo B) Raphael C) Donatello D) Michelangelo V) TIPS VI) CHALLENGE MODE A) DRAGON FACE B) CASEY JONES C) GIANT MOUSER ROBOT D) NANO MONSTER VER.2.1 E) MYSTIC WIND NINJA F) MYSTIC EARTH NINJA G) MYSTIC WATER NINJA H) MYSTIC METAL NINJA I) MYSTIC FIRE NINJA J) EVIL TURTLEBOT VER.1.5 K) FOOT GUNNER NINJA L) QUARRY M) RAZOR FIST N) ELITE FOOT NINJA (TWIN SWORD) O) ELITE FOOT NINJA (AXE) P) BOSS FIGHT: ELITE FOOT NINJA (TRIDENT) Q) BOSS FIGHT: ELITE FOOT NINJA (SPEAR) R) BOSS FIGHT: HUN S) BOSS FIGHT: DR. STOCKMAN T) BOSS FIGHT: SHREDDER U) BOSS FIGHT: OROKU SAKI V) BOSS FIGHT: HAMATO YOSHI VII) CONTACT INFORMATION VIII) CREDITS AND DISCLAIMER ---------- |I) VERSION| ---------- 2.0 (03/26/10) - The guide is complete. 1.5 (03/25/10) - All boss fights completed; turtles assessment section not complete. 1.0 (03/24/10) - Guide started; 10 boss fights completed. ---------------- |II) INTRODUCTION| ---------------- Hello. Welcome to my Challenge Mode FAQ for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Despite what some people say otherwise, this is actually a very fun game. Whether you are ninja turtles fan or not, I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys beat em' ups. The cel-shading graphics are perfect, as they do a good job of giving it a comic book feel. Anyway, I hope you'll find this guide helpful as it will explain how to conquer Challenge Mode victoriously. NOTE: Although this guide is made for the PC version of the game, it can still be used for other platforms (Gamecube, PS2, and XBOX). ---------------------------- |III) WHAT IS CHALLENGE MODE?| ---------------------------- Challenge mode is a mode in which you go one on one against previously fought bosses (except King Nail) and occassional regular enemies. It is unlocked once you have beaten the STORY mode with all four turtles. You are placed on a small ring and have to make the best use of your limited space to overcome each boss. It's a great mode that you can play in, as it helps you gain more experience on defeating each boss with ease so that you can cream them all in STORY mode again. One thing I should note is that you cannot use your Gembu attack in Challenge Mode. Otherwise, it would be an easy KO for some of the nasty bosses you must fight. ----------------------- |IIII) TURTLE ASSESSMENT| ----------------------- ----------- |A) Leonardo| ----------- He's well-balanced, having a good attack reach, speed, and strength. His jump kick is also effective. Leonardo can hold his own against all the bosses if one can use him to his full potential. Despite being well-balanced, Leonardo is not without his flaws. His jump kick requires some precision, as it is short-ranged and can miss the enemy. His turtle sweep attack is also not well-ranged. In fact, both his kick and sweep attacks require him to move up close to an enemy. And that could cost Leonardo the battle. He is still manageable though. ---------- |B) Raphael| ---------- He's the toughest of the four turtles, being capable of dealing out the most amount of damage. His jump attack, a dive bomb, is also effective against bosses like the giant mouser. He's effective against several bosses, like the giant mouser and Dr. Stockman, but may run into trouble against some. His great strength comes at a terrible price though: his speed. He's the slowest of the four turtles. And in that sense, he could be the weakest. When you're up against bosses like Hun, Elite Foot Ninjas, Turtlebot, and Hamato Yoshi, speed does matter. And his attack reach is the worst of the four, so you need to be really skilled to use him effectively. ------------ |C) Donatello| ------------ He has the best reach of the four turtles. And if you're trying to set a record of a combo streak, he's your man. His attacks do good damage. His jump attack and turtle sweep are also great. Donatello is very good against most bosses like Hamato Yoshi and Shredder (though I've never beaten Shredder head to head before). He's a bit slower than Michelangelo, however, so be cautious when you're going up against bosses like Hun or Oroku Saki. --------------- |D) Michelangelo| --------------- He's the fastest of the four turtles. His jump attack lifts him off the ground and allows him to perform a helicopter kick, which is very useful against the giant mouser robot. He's also incredibly useful against bosses like Hun and the four elite foot ninjas. In fact, with practice, he can be very effective against all the bosses. He may be fastest of the four turtles, but he's also the weakest. None of his attacks finish off bosses as quickly as the other turtles could. Michelangelo's attacks are also sometimes difficult to control. And with his awesome speed, if it is not used properly, then you could accidentally dash straight into an enemy's attack. Personally, I use him the most in Challenge Mode. But like I said, he does require some practice to use effectively. ------- |V) TIPS| ------- - You have infinite time, so no need to rush if you're a beginner. - Dash a lot to avoid getting hit by bosses, especially against Hun, Oroku Saki, and Hamato Yoshi. If you need more practice dashing, play the story mode again. - In between fights, you will find a circle of boxes around the ring. And you only have a few seconds to smash as many boxes as you can before you are taken to the next fight. The boxes contain either health or shurikens. You want to try and get as many shurikens as possible. This is where your dash becomes VERY useful. Dash up to a box, dash to the item, and then dash to the next box to grab the next item. With enough practice, you can smash up to three boxes. - Save all your shuriken for the nastier boss fights. For instance, don't spend 20 fire shurikens on an easy boss like Dragon Face and Casey. Otherwise you won't have enough (or any at all) to confront the even tougher bosses. You can hold up to 99 of each type of shuriken (normal, electric, and fire). - Most bosses pause for a moment after performing their attacks. This is the significance of dashing. If you can sucessfully avoid the boss after their attack, they will be open to attack so you can combo them. If you find a certain boss too difficult (even with dashing), use your shurikens wisely. - Remember the 3 Ps: Practice, practice, practice. Each time you fail at a certain boss, try to make it to that boss again. This way, you will become progressively better at conquering the Challenge Mode. ------------------ |VI) CHALLENGE MODE| ------------------ A) BOSS: DRAGON FACE DIFFICULTY: 1/10 VERY easy. Rush up to him and hit him three times before dashing away to avoid his fists. You could also use your turtle sweep (directional button + S) to damage him better. Once you have gained enough practice, you'll find that you can easily beat him without taking a scratch. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- B) BOSS: CASEY JONES DIFFICULTY: 1/10 Again VERY easy. Apply the same strategy you used on Dragon Face. He swipes his hockey stick three times, which can easily be avoided. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- C) BOSS: GIANT MOUSER ROBOT DIFFICULTY: 4/10 A more difficult challenge than the previous two, but still an easy fight. As soon as the fight begins, keep away from it because it will spin its arms into a drill. When it's done attacking, get a few combos into it. Try to attack it from behind so that it doesn't spin its arms again to endlessly combo you. It could lunge at you with its pincers as well. It could also attack you from behind by slamming on its rear. If you're using Michelangelo, this fight is cake. Use your helicopter kick to score big combos. When it's health is about halfway down, it will start shooting missiles. They are pretty easy to avoid, but dash carefully. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- D) BOSS FIGHT: NANO MONSTER VER.2.1 DIFFICULTY: 3/10 Dashing is your best friend here. Try attacking from behind and hit it at least twice before dashing away from one of its several attacks. It could slam on you, release debris, or punch you. But they're all easily avoided if you can dash well. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The next fight is a breather for you. It's only a little mouser robot. You've fought them before in the story mode of the game. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- E) BOSS FIGHT: MYSTIC WIND NINJA DIFFICULTY: 4/10 If you try to dash up to him, chances are he will release a tornado on your face. And every time you try to approach him, he'll keep releasing a tornado. Try to dash up and hit him just before he is able to release a tornado. He usually takes a moment to release one, so you should be able to combo him before then. If he does release a tornado on you before you can charge on him, it will follow you around until it hits you. Try to hit him before getting hit yourself. It doesn't do that much damage anyway. After comboing him, he'll release a huge whirlwind that could hit you. Then he'll jump over to another part of the ring. Dash away to avoid the whirlwind and try to anticipate where he'll end up on the ring so you can combo him again. He's a very fragile boss, so he should go down pretty easily. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- F) BOSS FIGHT: MYSTIC EARTH NINJA DIFFICULTY: 4.5/10 Slightly harder than the previous ninja, but no sweat. Again, use the same strategy as before. He'll release a floating boulder on you, but you should be able to dash and hit him quickly. After hitting him, watch out when he does a spin. He will release a mud that will move in a line. If you happen to be standing within that line, the mud will slow you down drastically and you could be open to his boulder attacks. If this happens, try to move away from him until the mud effect wears off. It's easy to avoid if you dash away. After releasing the mud, he will jump to another part of the ring. Again, like the previous fight, predict where he'll end up so you can hit him again. Watch out, though, because if you close in on him, he could release another mud attack. Follow his movement and finish him. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- G) BOSS FIGHT: MYSTIC WATER NINJA DIFFICULTY: 4/10 The first thing you'll notice in this fight is a box in the center of the ring between you and the ninja. DO NOT BREAK THAT BOX! If you do, you'll be caught in his flood combo, where he releases water all around the arena. It is impossible to avoid unless you're using Michelangelo (helicopter). Otherwise, he's real easy. Approach and combo him quickly before he releases a bubble on you. After hitting him, he'll start spreading water around, so jump on that box in the center to avoid it. When the water disappears, finish him off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- H) BOSS FIGHT: MYSTIC METAL NINJA DIFFICULTY: 5/10 The hardest of the five ninjas, this guy can be an absolute pain. Use the same strategy as before. He'll release several metal orbs at you that spread around like crazy. All the orbs are difficult to avoid, so don't bother. It can be difficult to combo him because he can hit you before you get the chance to hit him. If you do hit him, chances are he'll release a HUGE orb on you. Just focus on hitting him. If things get ugly, use some of your shurikens (being careful not to use them all up). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I) BOSS FIGHT: MYSTIC FIRE NINJA DIFFICULTY: 4.5/10 The last elemental ninja you will face. He's about as difficult as the earth ninja. He'll release a flame at you if you try to approach him. Again, use the same strategy as before (dash and combo). After hitting him, he'll spin a little and release about four pillars of fire that can be pretty hard to avoid because you don't know where he'll shoot it from. He'll then jump to another part of the ring. Anticipate his movements and hit him where it hurts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Next up is just another mouser robot. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- J) BOSS FIGHT: EVIL TURTLEBOT VER.1.5 DIFFICULTY: 7/10 This fight could end either way if you're not careful. As soon as the fight starts, dash away to a corner. He should start following you around. Keep dashing and try to leave yourself enough space so that you can perform a turtle sweep. You can also combo him, but that requires a lot of timing and skill in dashing. Just before he can hit you, you need to be able to dash at the last second to avoid his attack. When he's done attacking, you can combo him. Do not combo him for too long though because he will hit you hard. When his health drops about half way, he'll change his weapon into something else, which could make the fight that much harder. Do your best to avoid his attacks and turtle sweep/combo him to finish the fight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- K) BOSS FIGHT: FOOT GUNNER NINJA DIFFICULTY: 6.5/10 The trick to defeat this guy is to hit him from behind. As you have noticed, he has a shield in front, making frontal assaults useless against him. Getting behind and hitting him is difficult because you have to worry about the attacks he does at front, which are difficult to avoid. He can fire homing missiles at you (and as you may have figured it out, they follow you around), spread a flame across the ring with a flamethrower, and shoot bullets at you. It's a lot easier to get behind and hit him when he's using the flamethrower. You need to be able to dash quickly before the flame hits you. Get in as much hits as you can before he turns around to face you. Keep on dashing to his rear and hit him when you get the chance. Nothing more can be said. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L) BOSS FIGHT: QUARRY DIFFICULTY: 6/10 He's easy. As soon as the battle starts, he will teleport. When he reappears, you'll see three whirlwinds right near you. Two of them will be empty while the third will be Quarry reappearing. Just as he reappears, though, you can combo him decently. He will disappear and reappear again near you. Rinse, lather, and repeat. Of course if you take too long to hit him as he reappears, he will end up comboing you. And his combos really hurt. So don't get carried away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- M) BOSS FIGHT: RAZOR FIST DIFFICULTY: 6.5/10 This fight is more or less like the fight you had with the Foot Gunner Ninja. You have to hit him from behind. If you try hitting him in front, he'll block all your attacks, and possibly hurl you around like a rag doll. Again, dashing is your best friend. Try to stay behind him and get as many hits as you can. If you attack his rear for too long, he'll slam on you or whack you with his tail. You might find him running around the ring in a circle. If this happens, try to hit him once in the front to get him to stop. Then hit his rear again. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The next fight is just with a foot ninja. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- N) BOSS FIGHT: ELITE FOOT NINJA (TWIN SWORD) DIFFICULTY: 7/10 Be careful. These guys can be VERY annoying. You'll have to face three more of them after this one, so get used to the strategy I'm about to give you. As soon as the fight starts, dash away from him because he will begin approaching you. He moves around very quickly, and could end up on your part of the ring in the blink of an eye. Dash to avoid his slashes, then combo him when he's done. After you've damaged him a little or a lot, he'll start multiplying into two or three. Keep your eyes open for the real one, as the fake ones are shadows. Before he reappears as he multiplies, position yourself in a way so that you can hit him as well as the fakes so that they disappear. He'll probably do a spinning sword combo, which will leave him dizzy and open to attack when he's done. Do your best to avoid it, and finish him off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- O) BOSS FIGHT: ELITE FOOT NINJA (AXE) DIFFICULTY: 7/10 Just like before, except he's wielding a different weapon. Dashing is your best friend. I know I'm repeating myself here, but it will save your life. Use the same tactic as before to finish him off. You can also use your turtle sweep if you want to play defensively. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P) BOSS FIGHT: ELITE FOOT NINJA (TRIDENT) DIFFICULTY: 7/10 Not much to say. Use the same strategy as before. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q) BOSS FIGHT: ELITE FOOT NINJA (SPEAR) DIFFICULTY: 7/10 Not much to say. Use the same strategy as before. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- R) BOSS FIGHT: HUN DIFFICULTY: 12/10 Oh....my.....God. That's all I can say about this fight. Many people lose to this gigantic fellow either because they panic or get carried away. If you haven't mastered dashing by now, you're in HUGE trouble. DO NOT ATTACK HIM WHILE HE'S CHASING YOU. Even if you CAN damage him, he doesn't flinch one bit. And what's worse is that not even your strongest shurikens, fire or electric, can stun him. As the battle begins, Hun will charge at you. QUICKLY dash away from him like your life depended on it. He will try to trap you into his tremendously painful combos. Keep dashing and wait until he slams himself to the ground. That's when he'll be immobolized temporarily, allowing you to get a few hits on him. Do NOT hit him for too long, or you'll regret it. When you have depleted about half his health, he'll turn red. You thought he was bad before? Well he's FAR worse than bad now because he's faster, has much more damaging attacks, and can deliver bigger combos. At this point, I DO NOT recommend you to keep dashing away from him until he slams to the ground (unless you're either feeling lucky or brave). You should have collected a decent amount of fire and electric shurikens by now. Use them on him until he dies. Remember that he doesn't flinch to your shurikens, so always keep on the move. It could be VERY frustrating that you make it this far but only to lose to a fatso like him. So don't leave anything to chance. As you may have figured it out by now, I consider this as the most difficult fight in all of Challenge Mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- After that brutal fight, you are rewarded with a foot ninja to kill! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- S) BOSS FIGHT: DR. STOCKMAN DIFFICULTY: 1/10 OR 8.5/10 You have two options here to defeat him: the quick and easy way, or the slow and painfully hard way. I don't recommend attacking this guy at a head on assault because it's a lot more trouble than it's worth. Instead, I would advise you to use your fire shurikens. Don't use the regular or electric shurikens, as he doesn't flinch to those. Just keep shooting fire shurikens at him to end the fight. Tap the D button fast though, because even though he flinches to fire shurikens, he can quickly recover. Of course, if you want to save the number of shurikens you've collected thus far, you'll have to beat him the hard way. If you're Raphael, it's slightly easier because of his diving attack. Before you can damage his body at all, you'll have to shatter the cockpit. Your jump attacks must be used at the right moment, but it requires some patience. It's real difficult to hit him though because he's constantly shooting fireballs, using a gatling gun, and raining down a flame. He could even grab and toss you around like a rag doll, which hurts. Personally, I like to finish him with fire shurikens, but it's up to you to decide on what to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- T) BOSS FIGHT: SHREDDER DIFFICULTY: 1/10 OR 8.5/10 By now, you should have at least over 60 fire and electric shurikens. Unfortunately, I have never defeated Shredder without using shurikens before. I usually end the fight with fire or electric shurikens. If you want to take him head on, good luck. He's difficult to challenge, but compared to Oroku Saki, not that difficult. But still, I don't like taking my chances of stopping him in hand to hand. His attacks are swift even with his armor. You must play defensively to win here. You can turtle rush him if your timing is good. If you're playing as Donatello, it's even easier because of his reach. Shredder will perform a series of slashes before stabbing his sword on the ground to release a field of electricity (which can be avoided). After he does that, he's vulnerable for a moment. Keep in mind that you have to dash a LOT in this fight, and comboing him is difficult. His slashes become harder to anticipate as his health gets lower, so good luck. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- U) BOSS FIGHT: OROKU SAKI DIFFICULTY: 1/10 OR 11/10 It's Shredder without his armor. This can be a VERY nasty fight if you choose to go head on against him. Otherwise, use either your fire or electric shurikens to end this fight now. Shoot one shuriken at a time though if you're using fire or electric. If you only have regular, shoot them carefully so that you don't waste any when he powers up. Unfortunately, I don't have a strategy for this guy. I simply couldn't beat him in a head to head. There was a time I came close, but no dice. When his health goes about half-way down, his aura will change to red. Be very careful when shooting your shuriken. Otherwise, you'll be in a world of hurt because he's much stronger and faster. Remember to dash a lot. Just pray that you had received full health and a couple of fire/electric/regular shurikens before reaching this boss fight. And if you still have enough after this fight, consider yourself to be safe. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- W) BOSS FIGHT: HAMATO YOSHI DIFFICULTY: 1/10 OR 10/10 The final boss of the challenge mode is not TOO difficult. But going head to head with him is still SUICIDE, let me tell you that. Don't bother using your shurikens on him because he's invincible for about 10 seconds. So just dash away from him. At least he approaches you slowly. Once you think you've waited long enough, you can switch to your electric shuriken (if you have enough) and shoot one at him. He will be stunned by it temporarily, so you can get a few hits on him. However, do this AT YOUR OWN RISK. As you deplete his health, he will start moving faster and his attacks become much more fierce. If you want to play it safe, though, keep shooting whatever shurikens you have left until he goes down. Good luck. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE DEFEATED THE CHALLENGE MODE! Now try beating it with all four turtles! =D ------------------------ |VII) CONTACT INFORMATION| ------------------------ If you have any questions or comments, please email me at rasheed_islam@hotmail.com. Please leave a written subject on your email, such as "Ninja Turtles Question" before sending it to me. I will still read my mails, but please make my reading more convenient. If you wish to add anything to the guide, please send it in. I will gladly give you credit for it. ---------------------------- |VIII) CREDITS AND DISCLAIMER| ---------------------------- - KONAMI Computer Entertainment Studio for creating the game - Myself for creating the guide - You for reading it - Gamefaqs for hosting it ************************************************************************** I am NOT professionally affiliated with the creators of this game. This document was built and compiled by Rasheed Islam/SaiyanPureheart. All Rights Reserved. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. -Copyright © 2010 Rasheed Islam- ************************************************************************** End of document.