______________________________________________________________________ \ ___ _ _ __ _ ___ ___ / \ | |_ |_ |\ | /\ /__ |_ |\/|| | | /\ |\ | | |\ | | |\ | | /\ / \| |_ |_ | \|/--\\_| |_ | ||_| |/--\| \| | | \| | | \||_|/--\/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- _______ _ _ _____ _______ ______ _____ |__ __| | | | __ \__ __|/| | ____\/ ____\ | | | | | | |__) | | | | | | |__ | (___ | | | |__| | _ / | | | | | __| \___ \ | | | _____| | \ \ | | | |____| |____ ____) | \| |/ \| \| \| |______\______/_____/ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles System: Sony Playstation 2 Genre: Beat-Em Up Written By: Necropenguin Version: 0.85 Started: December 03rd, 2003 Finished: SOON HOPEFULLY! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This document is copyrighted to Necropenguin@yahoo.com, that’s me, and this document may NOT be altered, reproduced, sold for profit, or especially plagiarized in any way shape or form without my permission, which you won’t get so don’t ask. As of tonight, GameFAQs is authorized by my decree to display this document for public use. If I find out that my hard work (well not really hard, but you sit here and try doing this) is being ripped off I will be forced to take a rather unhappy legal action, plus I'll just plain find you and hurt you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Version Information: Version 0.8: Due to popular demand, and specific personal reasons, I've decided to unleash this monster on the public early. Expect completion soon. Version 0.85: Okay, so "soon" doesn't exactly factor out to over one year later, but I'm getting there... Sorry it took so damned long, and yes, Joutaro, I spelled your name right this time. I also fixed the problem with the gray Makimono Scrolls; all thirty-two are now properly listed. Also, the guide has undergone a slight format change just to separate sections better. ======================================================================= ======================================================================= TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- 1) Introduction 2) Game Controls 3) Game Screen 4) Playable Characters -Leonardo -Donatello -Rapheal -Michelangelo -Master Splinter -Casey Jones -The Shredder -Oroku Saki -Hun -Hamato Yoshi -Evil Turtlebot 5) Story Mode Walkthroughs -Stage 1: Things Change --Area 1: Sewer --Area 2: Streets --Area 3: Alley --Area 4: Rooftops --Area 5: Stockman's Lab -Dojo Stage: The Secrets -Stage 2: Nano --Area 1: April's Antique Shop --Area 2: Subway Station --Area 3: Subway Train --Area 4: On the Bridge --Area 5: Junk Yard --Area 6: Junk Yard Rear -Stage 3: Trap --Area 1: Art Warehouse --Area 2: Trailer Roof --Area 3: Construction Site --Area 4: 13th Floor --Area 5: The Top Floor --Area 6: Air -Dojo Stage: Progress -Stage 4: Tengu --Area 1: Entrance --Area 2: Dinosaur Exibit --Area 3: Egyptian Exibit --Area 4: Courtyard --Area 5: Japanese Art Exibit -Stage 5: Notes from the Underground --Area 1: Mouth of the Underground --Area 2: Underground World --Area 3: Abandoned Town --Area 4: Genetics Lab --Area 5: Cultivation Room -Special Stage: Ordeal -Stage 6: Justice --Area 1: Entrance --Area 2: Japanese Garden --Area 3: Foot Science Lab --Area 4: Mouser Arsenal --Area 5: Demolitioned Arsenal --Area 6: Trap Corridor --Area 7: Heliport --Area 8: Shinto Palace 6) Challenge Mode 7) Unlocking Characters -Unlocking additional characters in Story Mode -Unlocking characters in Versus Mode 8) Makimono Scrolls Locations -Blue Scrolls Locations -Red Scrolls Locations -Orange Scrolls Locations -Purple Scrolls Locations -Gray Scrolls Locations 9) Passwords and Secrets List 10) Thanks \ /------------\ / ]===========================|Introduction|============================[ / \------------/ \ In the late eighties and early nineties there were many popular trends vying for the attention of the youthful masses, and their parent's money. And then... there were the Turtles. You couldn't exist and not know of, much less not be a fan of, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I mean hell, come on, who wasn't struck by that warm fuzzy feeling of nostalgia when they heard that a new Ninja Turtles game was coming out? I, for one, had to have it. Now be forewarned, this isn't exactly the Turtles many of us grew up with. There have been a few changes from the old animation that old fans may not be familiar with. The reason being that this Turtles game is based on the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series, which in turn is based on the old comic books. I too was left wondering why April was an antique dealer and a mad scientist's assistant and not a news reporter. Well that’s actually the way things were in the old comics, and it was actually changed for the old series. So although changes like that may have some old Turtles fans wondering, fans of the new show and comics alike will be right at home. And with just a little getting used to, and an adjustment of the way we used to remember it, the old Turtles fans will love it too... Besides, finally there is a game where you can play as Master Splinter! HOW BADASS IS THAT? \ /-------------\ / ]===========================|Game Controls|===========================[ / \-------------/ \ ------------- Menu Controls ------------- D-Pad: Moves the cursor between menu choices Start Button: Starts the game Cross (X) Button: Select highlighted choice Triangle Button: Cancel previous selection ------------- Game Controls ------------- D-pad up: Move character forward D-pad down: Move character back D-pad left: Move character left D-pad Right: Move character right Left Analog Stick up: Move character forward Left Analog Stick down: Move character back Left Analog Stick left: Move character left Left Analog Stick right: Move character right Start Button: Pause the game Cross (X) Button: Weak Attack Square Button: Strong Attack Circle Button: Jump Triangle Button: Throws a Shuriken R1 Button: Cycle between shuriken types R2 Button: Uppercut Attack L1 Button: Gembu Turtle Power L2 Button: Dash Circle+Circle: Double Jump Circle+Cross(X)/Square: Jump Attack / Stand up after being knocked down Square+Cross(X): Tag-Team Attack (only in two player cooperative mode) Cross(X)+Square: Stun Attack \ /-----------\ / ]============================|Game Screen|============================[ / \-----------/ \ During your play through of the games there are several gauges, counters, and a map that will be located in the corners of the screen. -In the upper-right corner of the screen will be a portrait of the player's current character. -To the left of the portrait is the player's Stamina Gauge. It starts on the right and drains to the left as the player is damaged. When the Stamina Gauge is emptied, the player loses a life and all shurikens in possession. The gauge can be refilled by collecting healing power-ups. -In the middle of the screen, on the right edge of the Stamina Gauge, is the Lives Counter. It shows how many lives the player or players currently have remaining. It starts at 6 lives. Every time a player's Stamina Gauge is depleted the player will disappear in a cloud of smoke, and lose a life, returning them to the game with a full Stamina Gauge. In a two-player game, both players draw from the same six continues. -Beneath the Stamina Gauge on the left is the Shuriken Counter. It displays what type of Shuriken you currently have selected, and how many you have remaining. Casey Jones cannot use shurikens. -To the right of the Shuriken Counter is the current Score. Every time you attack an opponent, kill an opponent, or complete a stage, your score will increase. -Once the Gembu ability is unlocked; the Gembu Gauge will appear beneath the Lives Counter in the middle of the screen. During each level you may use the Gembu ability three times. After it's three uses it cannot be used again until the next level. -When you successfully hit an enemy multiple times, a combo-counter will appear below the Score Gauge. It maxes out at 99 Hits, however the combo-count at the end of each level maxes out at 999 Hits. -In the bottom-right corner of the screen is the Area Map and Opponent Counter. When enemies appear on screen the are shown as white dots on the maps, but beware, some enemies have camouflage abilities which render them nearly invisible and keep them from appearing on the map. On the left of the map is the enemy counter. It shows the number of enemies currently in the area. There will never be more then seven enemies in the area, and unlike the map, the enemy counter does take into account invisible enemies. \ /-------------------\ / ]========================|Playable Characters|========================[ / \-------------------/ \ -------- Leonardo -------- Leonardo is the team leader, and teachers pet of the four turtles. He has decent reach, decent speed, and decent defense... Hell, he's pretty much all around your average joe. He does excellent damage and combos very well. His jump attack though, is not particularly impressive. Cross(X) Button: Right-Handed Slash Cross(X)+Cross(X): Left-Handed Slash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Double Slice Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Double Thrust Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Double Slash Square(standing still): Square: Two-Handed Slash Square(while moving): Spinning Two-Hand Slash Cross(X)+Square: Stun Pounce Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Hurricane Slash Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Jump Split Kick --------- Donatello --------- Donatello is the brains behind the outfit. He has good defense, and attack power, and has extremely great reach and range with his whoop- ass stick. His jump attack works very well, however he is extremely slow to pull off attacks which can put you in a jam if you are surrounded by several enemies. Cross (X) Button: Back Swipe Cross(X)+Cross(X): Reverse Smash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Spinning Swipe Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Bo Thrust Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Power Swing Square(standing still): Spin Swipe Square(while moving): Jab Cross(X)+Square: Stun Smash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Pole Vault Kick Cross (X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Bo Summersault Kick Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Twin-Handed Overhead Bash ------- Raphael ------- Rapheal is a hot-headed fighter. He has extremely high attack power, great defense, but his attack reach is pretty bad, and he is very slow. However, his attacks are very precise and easily controlled. He is okay at combos, and his jump attack works well if you can get the timing right. Cross (X) Button: Left-Hand Slash Cross(X)+Cross(X): Left-Hand Stab Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Uppercut Slash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+ Cross(X)+Cross(X): Left Sai Stab Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Spin Kick Square(standing still): Head Spin Kick Square(while moving): Twin Sai Plunge Cross(X)+Square: Stun Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Double Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Roundhouse Kick Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Twin Sai Spike ------------ Michelangelo ------------ Mikey is the practical joker of the bunch. He has decent defense, attack reach, and attack power. He is the fastest of the four turtles, but his bizarre attacks are not easily controlled, and he does not combo well at all. His jump attack, although amusing, is probably the worst of them all, because he leaves himself vulnerable and it doesn't knock the enemy straight down on contact, leaving him wide open to counter-attacks. Cross (X) Button: Right-Handed Swipe Cross(X)+Cross(X): Reverse Swipe Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Left-Handed Swipe Cross(X)+Cross(X)+ Cross(X)+Cross(X): Split Swipe Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Hurricane Kick Square(standing still): Sliding Kick Square(while moving): Sliding Kick Cross(X)+Square: Stun Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Flying Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Nunchaku Spin Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Helicopter Kick --------------- Master Splinter --------------- Well, dude... It's Master Splinter. #%&*@+$ Master Splinter! Splinter packs a hell of a wallop, and his attack speed is incredible. His range and reach are average. His jump attack isn't too great, very similar to Leonardo's but better only because it is faster to use. However his defense is pretty low, since he doesn't exactly have that hard protective turtlely shell, and his shuriken throwing is also very slow. Cross(X): Right-Handed Cane Slap Cross(X)+Cross(X): Cane Back Slap Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Uppercut Swipe Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Overhead Smash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Power Thrust Square(standing still): Charging Double Slap Square(while moving): Sliding Spin Kick Cross(X)+Square: Stun Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Sweep Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Charging Spin Kick Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Jump Split Kick ----------- Casey Jones ----------- The hockey mask wearing Casey Jones is a new friend of the four turtles, and has joined up with them to help get revenge on the Purple Dragon gang. His angry personality makes him a great fighter, and has even earnd Casey the nickname "crazy man." Casey has decent defense, and great attack reach with his hockey stick and very high attack power. However, he is very slow and he can not even use shurikens during his story mode. Cross(X): Right-Hand Smash Cross(X)+Cross(X): Spin Smash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Over-Head Smash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+ Cross(X)+Cross(X): Reverse Sweep Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Power Smash Square(standing still): Straight Punch Square(while moving): Sliding Kick Cross(X)+Square: Backhand Stun Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Double Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Somersault Kick Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Straight Kick ----------- The Shedder ----------- The eternal enemy of Master Splinter and the four Turtles, Saki the Shredder is the vicious leader of the Foot Clan. The Shedder is a great fighter. He has incredible speed and good defense, great attack range, and great attack power with the mystical Goblin Sword. If there are nits to be picked however, he cannot jump very well at all and his Explosive Force attack will injure Shredder when it is used. Cross(X): Claw Punch Cross(X)+Cross(X): Overhead Slash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Spinning Slash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+ Cross(X)+Cross(X): Upwards Slash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Energy Dash Cross(X)+Square: Stun Claw Punch Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Jumping Spin Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Explosive Force Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Hurricane Drop ---------- Oroku Saki ---------- The Shredder ditches the badass armor and manages to become even more so badass. Oroku Saki is even faster his Shredder alter-ego. Saki's attack power is also incredible, although he no longer has a lot of reach since he is fighting with his fists instead of a sword. Without the Shredder armor, he also has less defense, but still he is an awesome fighter. Cross(X): Straight Flame Punch Cross(X)+Cross(X): Flaming Right Hook Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Spinning Flame Backhand Cross(X)+Cross(X)+ Cross(X)+Cross(X): Flaming Left Hook Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Power Pose Cross(X)+Square: Stun Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: High Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Roundhouse Kick Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Straight Kick --- Hun --- The leader of the Purple Dragons gang, and one of the Shredder's henchmen, Hun is ponderously slow, and quite a large target, but his defense is incredible, and his attack power is quite high. He also combos very well and has a variety of hard-hitting moves. His range is somewhat poor, although a few of his hard-hitting attacks more than make up for that. Cross(X): Straight-Arm Punch Cross(X)+Cross(X): Right Uppercut Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Overhead Smash Cross(X)+Cross(X)+ Cross(X)+Cross(X): Head Butt Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Charging Shoulder Tackle Cross(X)+Square: Stun Slap Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Double Uppercut Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Hurricane Clothesline Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Bodyslam ------------ Hamato Yoshi ------------ Hamato Yoshi was Master Splinter's beloved teacher and master, but he was murdered by Oroku Saki. Yoshi is pretty much the best all around fighter there is. He is powerful, pretty fast, has decent range. He excels at pretty much everything. However his move set is exactly identical to Oroki Saki, so he is pretty much just a copy. Cross(X): Straight Punch Cross(X)+Cross(X): Right Hook Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Spinning Backhand Cross(X)+Cross(X)+ Cross(X)+Cross(X): Left Hook Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X): Power Pose Cross(X)+Square: Stun Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: High Kick Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Cross(X)+Square: Roundhouse Kick Circle+Cross(X) or Circle+Square: Straight Kick -------------- Evil Turtlebot -------------- Evil Turtlebot is the changeling character of the game. He can switch between the move-sets of the four Ninja Turtles, which is indicated by a change in the shape of the beams he is holding in his hands as weapons. Since he is a copy of multiple characters his strengths and weaknesses are all dependent on which one of the turtles he is currently mimicking. Read move descriptions for Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, and Rapheal for descriptions of what characteristics Evil Turtlebot will take on with every change, and move-set details. *ALL SQUARE AND CROSS(X) COMBO ATTACKS DEPENDENT ON CURRENT FORM* R1: Change Moveset L1: Aerial Beam Barrage \ /-----------------------\ / ]======================|Story Mode Walkthroughs|======================[ / \-----------------------/ \ Story Mode is the main game play element of the game. It sums up just about a normal day for the Turtles. Fighting killer robots, evil ninja warlords bent on doing mean things to good people, which is bad! Just normal, run of the mill activities for adolescent kung fu fighting shelled reptiles, I suppose. Now the first thing I want to say before we get started on our walkthrough. Turn on the auto-save option in the options menu. This bears repeating so: TURN ON THE AUTO-SAVE OPTION IN THE OTIONS MENU! ------------------------------------------------ Doing so will cut down on a lot of the headaches over saving, since it will do it automatically after the completion of each stage. Isn't that nice? A whole hell of a lot nicer then risking losing all of your progress to do it manually. SO DO IT! NOW!!! THANK YOU! /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / STAGE 1: THINGS CHANGE / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ Great... Just great. A peaceful afternoon at home has been totally interrupted by a small squad of vicious biting robots. The small Mouser robots have over run your swag turtle bachelor pad, and wrecked the place, not to mention you've been separated from Master Splinter. He tells you to hurry and escape and meet up with him elsewhere in the sewers. Time to find out where these little pesky robots are coming from and put a stop to them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 1: SEWER ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --From the very beginning, head backwards towards the camera, and to the left. You will find one gray Makimono Scroll hidden in the hole in the wall. There will also be a blue scroll for Leonardo hidden in the hole if you are playing with Leonardo.-- Head back out of the hole and head forward, towards the attacking Mousers. There are seven of them. When you get close to where the Mousers are grouped, a large amount of dirt will fall from the ceiling. Dash away quickly, because a bunch of huge rocks will drop from the damaged ceiling, crushing anything under them. If you dash away, the rocks will only fall on the Mouser robots, crushing them horribly. If the rocks miss, just attack the Mousers. They are weak opponents, and will be destroyed after only two attacks. Continue forward, and three Mousers will walk out of a hole in the right wall. Get near them and dash away again to trigger more large falling rocks. After they are destroyed, three more Mouser Robots will come out of a hole in the left wall. Destroy them and three Mousers will drop from the ceiling, and three more will come from a hole in the right wall. Destroy them all. There are two crates in the middle of the tunnel. The one on the left is empty, but the one on the right contains a pizza. The sewer tunnel will now branch off two ways, and four Mousers will drop down from the ceiling. Head to the left first to find a crate containing Shurikens. Now head to the right. Four Mousers will walk out of the right wall further down the tunnel. There is a crate that contains some sushi here. --If you are playing as Donatello there is a Makimono Scroll in a crate hidden behind the sewer pipe sticking out the right wall.-- Destroy the Mousers and the signal arrow will appear and tell you to walk to the exit in the left wall. Congratulations. This area is over. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 2: STREETS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- From the very beginning there will be five gang members down the street waiting for you. But ignore those chumps, we have to gather the hidden scrolls. --Go straight up into an alley, there is a gray scroll hidden in a crate near the end. If you are playing as Rapheal, go left from the beginning, into a wall and follow the wall down where it will be partially hidden behind the corner of a building. The crate with the red scroll is hidden behind the building.-- Now head to the right where the Purple Dragon goons are waiting. Try not to let them swarm you, because their pipes and baseball bats can easily knock you off your feet. You can use fire hydrants as weapons to easily fight off the gangsters. Simply hit a fire hydrant and it will begin to spurt a torrent of water. Lure the gangsters into the water and watch them get knocked silly, of course the same can happen to you so be careful with moving around broken fire hydrants. You can also use parked cars as roadside bombs to inflict pain on unsuspecting gang members. Just attack the car until it catches on fire and then dash away and let the gangsters take the brunt of the explosion. Every time you defeat one gang member, another will appear. After defeating ten of them, he signal arrow will tell you to continue to the right. Defeat the next eleven gang members and the signal arrow will appear again and tell you to move to the right. Two gangsters and three Mousers will appear. Defeat the gang members first since they are more of a threat, and the Mousers have a gate in their way. Three more gang members will appear when the others are defeated, so kill them, and then pick off the Mousers. If you look up where the Mousers appeared at, you can see an awning for a pizza restaurant. Jump onto a wooden crate on the left and double jump up onto the awning where you will find a crate with a pizza in it. Jump off of the awning and continue to the right. There are two crates against the side of the building. One contains nothing, while the other contains Shurikens. Grab the Shurikens and defeat the eleven gang members. The signal arrow will now tell you to head down, into an alley. Ten Mousers will appear here, seven at once. Charge into them to split them apart and pick them off one at a time. Continue down and three gang members will appear by a crate containing sushi. Defeat them and then follow the alley to the right, and then down again. You will come to a section of the alley with an exploding barrel is sitting in the middle. When you pass the barrel, four gang members will appear around it. Throw a shuriken into the barrel and it will explode and kill them all. Five gangsters and five mousers will appear. Defeat them all, and grab the Lightning Shurikens and Soda in the two crates. Ten Mousers will appear, followed by fifteen gang members. Follow the alley while defeating the gang members. There will be a defense bonus in a crate along the left wall. After the gangsters are defeated, turn right to find two crates. One crate contains a pizza and the other is empty. Three gang bangers will appear behind you. Trash them. Two more will appear in front of you. Kill them too. Head out into the street where a group of five gangsters will appear. Charge into the group to knock them apart so you can fight them in smaller groups. After defeating eighteen of them, head to the right. Four gangsters will appear by an area with two exploding barrels. Throw a shuriken at a barrel to make easy work of them... just try not to get caught up in the fireworks. After the gang members are gone, seven Mousers will appear, followed by six gang members. Defeat them and then move to the right. You will come to a four way street. There is a soda in a crate on the left side of the upper crate. Eight gang members will appear. Defeat them all to move on. There are two crates, one with a pizza, and one with an attack bonus. Defeat the fourteen gangsters who appear, and continue right. If you are playing as Rapheal skip to the next paragraph. Otherwise just defeat the next three gang members that appear and continue down to complete the area. +---------------------------------+ |Rapheal: BOSS FIGHT - Casey Jones| +---------------------------------+ This boss fight is for Rapheal only, which means if you aren't playing as Rapheal as first player, you will not have to fight Casey Jones. Casey Jones is pretty easy. He is pretty slow, but then again so is Rapheal. Wait for Casey to attack, while you dash away. After he is finished attacking hit him twice and dash away. No more, no less. Only twice. Hitting him more then twice will cause him to counter-attack with a left jab and knock you down. If you have a lot of health, you could risk getting hit just to do a good deal of extra damage, but it's better to just do the old one-two, especially of you are low on health. Just be sure to stay away from him, because he has a hell of a range with that long-ass hockey stick. After the fight, head down to the alley entrance to end the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3: ALLEY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You will start off with five gang members in front of you. As you defeat them more will appear ahead of you. Move forward while defeating the gang members. After defeating fifteen, the arrow will signal you to follow the alley to the right. Defeat the eleven gang members and eight Mousers and then move forward. Defeat the fifteen gangsters and five Mouser robots in the area. There is a hamburger in a crate in the back by the large containers. --Check behind the blue truck parked in the middle of the alley to find a gray scroll, and a purple scroll if you are playing as Donatello.-- Take a left and defeat the fifteen gang members and the thirteen Mousers that appear. Five more gang member will appear. Defeat them and move forward. Take the left turn in the alley and grab the speed boost in crate on the left wall and grab the cola in the crate by the loading platform. Defeat the ten gang members and the five Mousers and continue forward. Defeat the five gangsters here. --If playing as Leonardo or Michelangelo search by the large transportation containers on the right side of the alley to find a blue scroll or orange scroll.-- Continue forward and defeat the next five gang members. Go forward and turn the corner to the right and defeat the next five gang members and the four Mousers. Go forward and defeat the next five gang members. There is a hamburger in a crate on the truck-loading dock on the left side of the alley and a crate with Shurikens against the right wall. Continue forward and defeat the three gang members and six Mousers. Continue forward and defeat the next five gang members in the dead-end. There is sushi in one of the crates on the left. Backtrack a little and find the path in the left wall. Take the left turn and defeat the five gang members standing around. Go forward and turn left and defeat the six Mousers and grab the soda hidden in the crate partially hidden by the blue dumpster. Now go right and defeat the eight gang members and move forward to defeat the next eighteen gang members. There is a pizza in a crate against the upper wall. Grab it, and move forward. +------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT - Dragon Face| +------------------------+ Dragon face is an easy enough of an opponent. Start off by killing the gang member cronies that are with him, so they won't be annoying you while you tackle Dragon Face. After dispatching the three goons, go for Dragon Face. His two attacks are a three-hit punch combo and a charging punch. They are easy enough to avoid. Just wait for him to attack, and dash away. Then dash back in to hit him. If you wish to avoid being counter-attacked, only hit him two times. If you hit him more than twice in quick succession he will counter-attack and knock you down. Just keep dashing in and out while hitting him and he will go down in a short amount of time. After he is finished go up to the door in the wall to finish the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4: ROOFTOPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- It's about time the Foot Clan shows its ugly mug. You start off surrounded by five foot ninjas with swords. These guys are much stronger then the thugs you've been fighting thus far. They also have much more life. There are two types of foot ninjas. The foot with swords, and the foot armed with bo staffs. The foot with the swords are much more aggressive then the staff-wielding ninjas, and always attack in groups. The Foot Ninjas with bo staffs only appear a few at a time, usually accompanied by multiple sword-wielding Foot Ninjas. They are not as aggressive as sword ninjas, only attacking when you come to them or they have less then half their health remaining, preferring to stay far away and throw shurikens at you while you get mobbed by other enemies. Defeat the five sword foot ninjas that have you surrounded and three more will appear. Move to the right onto the second roof where six Mouser Robots will appear. Careful when defeating them because it is easy to knock them into an exploding barrel and damage you. One staff foot and three sword foot will appear. Take out the staff foot first and then the three sword ninjas. Move to the third rooftop and four sword foot ninjas and one bo staff ninja will appear. Jump up to the right to continue on and jump up again and defeat the two sword foot ninjas that appear. Move right to the fourth rooftop and trounce the five Mouser Robots that show up. Four sword Foot Ninjas will appear. Defeat them and continue to the right. Three bo staff ninjas and one sword ninja will appear. Jump down one level and kill them. Four more sword ninjas will appear. Kill them all. There is a soda in a crate on the right edge of this rooftop. Jump off the rooftop down onto the fifth rooftop. Three sword ninjas and two staff ninjas will appear. You know what to do with them by now, right? Two more bo staff ninjas and two sword ninjas will appear. Then three more bo staff ninjas. There are lightning shurikens in a crate on the left edge of the building and a defense bonus in a crate on the right side. Move up onto the sixth roof and three sword foot ninjas and two staff foot ninjas will appear. Kill them! --When playing as Donatello, check behind the air conditioners on the left side of the roof to find a crate with a purple Makimono Scroll inside of it.-- Five Mouser Robots will appear to the left. Destroy them and move up where five more Mouser Robots will spawn. After trashing the Mousers, three more sword ninjas and two bo staff ninjas will drop in. --On the left side of the rooftop is a large cement structure. While playing as Leonardo, jump on top of it to find a crate with a blue Makimono Scroll inside of it. There is also a small indentation in the back of the cement structure where there is a crate holding a gray Makimono Scroll.-- After defeating the volley of ninjas, six Mousers will appear. There is a soda in a crate on the left and a hamburger in another crate towards the center. Move forward to the next roof where two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear. Kill them both and five Mousers will appear. --Search among the shadows on the right wall as Michelangelo to find a crate containing an orange scroll.-- Two more bo staff ninjas will appear on the next rooftop. After offing them two bo staff ninjas and two sword ninjas will appear on the upper level. Jump up to the left and kill them. Jump up to the next rooftop and one sword Foot Ninja will appear. Kill him! Jump up to the next level and you will be surrounded by two sword Foot Ninjas and four bo staff Foot Ninjas. Trash them all and two sword-wielding ninjas will appear to the left. Kill them as they run to you. Two more sword ninjas will spawn, and when they are defeated, another two sword ninjas will spawn. SO KILL THEM! There is sushi and a speed bonus in two crates along the upper edge of the rooftop. Move to the left up the ramp. You will be surrounded by three sword ninjas and two bo staff ninjas. Off them and continue up the ramp onto the final rooftop. There is a crate containing sushi on the left side of the skylight in the roof. Defeat the three sword ninjas that spawn, then two bo staff ninjas and a sword ninja will appear. Defeat them and one sword and one staff ninja will appear. When defeated a single sword-wielding ninja will show up. Kill the lone ninja and move to the top of the skylight to finish the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5: STOCKMAN'S LAB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You start off in Baxter Stockman's crazy generic mad scientist laboratory. *cue insane super-villain laughter* One of the most prominent features you will notice right off the bat is the moving buzz-saw attached to the wall. This buzz saw moves left to right at a fairly quick pace and will adjust itself to extend or retract on its extending arm at random. This despicable little trap is easy enough to avoid. The real threat comes in the form of forty-five Mouser Robots that will swarm into the chamber seven at a time. Just dispatch the Mousers and be sure to jump over and generally just plain avoid that moving buzz saw. If you run into trouble head to the back of the room and at the top jump up onto a large crate to find a breakable crate containing sushi. Yum yum! There is also a speed power up in a crate on the other side of the room. After defeating all forty-five Mousers the iron wall will begin to rise, revealing... +------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Giant Mouser Robot| +------------------------------+ --There is a gray Makimono Scroll in a crate in the back-right of the area where you fight the Giant Mouser Robot.-- After the cut scene showing off the Giant Mousers Robots activation, it will begin to fire off missiles at you. Dash forwarding while zig- zagging left and right to avoid the missiles. Jump up onto the platform that the Giant Mouser is on and get behind it. Stay behind the Giant Mouser at all times to avoid all of its powerful attacks. First, hurl any shurikens you may have at the Giant Mouser Robot just to do some fast damage to it. After you are out of shurikens it's time to get up close and personal. Hit it in the back of the legs, making sure to stay behind it. There is only one attack that it can use to hit you while you are behind it. The Giant Mouser will stretch out its arm claw- things and flip its body backwards, hitting anything behind it. It is easy enough to spot the Giant Mouser preparing to do this attack when it stretches out. When you see it stretch, dash away quickly to the left or the right, or you can even dash right underneath it between its legs. If you get low on health there are four sodas in four crates, two on each side the room. There are also some lightning shurikens in a crate on the left side of the room. Just defeat the Giant Mouse Robot and the stage will end. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / DOJO STAGE: THE SECRETS / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ Completion of this stage will unlock the jump attack ability of the Turtle you complete it with. Your characters WILL NOT be able to use the jump attack until they each complete this stage successfully. Master Splinter and Casey Jones do not have Dojo Stages. +--------+ |Leonardo| +--------+ Leonardo's task is to use his newly acquired jump attack to break the floating crates and find the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. The scrolls are hidden randomly each time the stage starts so the only way to find them is to search. Just jump attack into the crates to break them and they will either explode, contain nothing, contain a mouser robot that will attack you, or have one of the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. Leonardo kicks his legs out to the sides. His jump attack works best if the crate you are attacking is on either side of him. You have three minutes to find all three scrolls. After completing the stage, Leonardo's jump attack will be unlocked. +---------+ |Donatello| +---------+ Donatello's task is to use his newly acquired jump attack to break the floating crates and find the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. The scrolls are hidden randomly each time the stage starts so the only way to find them is to search. Just jump attack into the crates to break them and they will either explode, contain nothing, contain a mouser robot that will attack you, or have one of the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. Donatello's jump attack is great. He drops down holding his bo staff straight out in front of him. The attack works best if you face the crate you are attacking. You have three minutes to find all three scrolls. After completing the stage, Donatello's jump attack will be unlocked. +-------+ |Rapheal| +-------+ Rapheal's task is to use his newly acquired jump attack to break the floating crates and find the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. The scrolls are hidden randomly each time the stage starts so the only way to find them is to search. Just jump attack into the crates to break them and they will either explode, contain nothing, contain a mouser robot that will attack you, or have one of the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. Rapheal's jump attack works best if you face the crate you are attacking and jump into the air and wait for Rapheal's shadow to get over the crate you wish to attack. You have three minutes to find all three scrolls. After completing the stage, Rapheal's jump attack will be unlocked. +------------+ |Michelangelo| +------------+ Michelangelo's task is to use his newly acquired jump attack to break the floating crates and find the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. The scrolls are hidden randomly each time the stage starts so the only way to find them is to search. Just jump attack into the crates to break them and they will either explode, contain nothing, contain a mouser robot that will attack you, or have one of the three hidden Makimono Scrolls. Michelangelo's jump attack is incredibly easy to use. Just double jump into the air and repeatedly press the attack button to kick Michelangelo's feet while he uses the nunchaku as helicopter rotors. Steer him with the directional pad or left analog stick while kicking his feet. You have three minutes to find all three scrolls. After completing the stage, Michelangelo's jump attack will be unlocked. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / STAGE 2: NANO / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ After the destruction of their home by mad scientist Baxter Stockman's army of Mouser robots, Master Splinter and his pupils need to find a new place to crash. April has given the Turtles free room and board at her place for now while they house hunt, but something weird is going on outside so the Turtles go out to investigate. I'm sure it's just the wind... Not an army of evil nano machine robots or anything. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 1: APRIL'S ANTIQUE SHOP ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --You start off inside of April's antiques shop. If you are playing as Rapheal, be sure to grab the red Makimono Scroll in the top-left corner of the shop-- There will already be a blue nano monster waiting for you in the Antique Shop. These enemies can be EXTREMELY troublesome if you are not careful about how you go about attacking them. Hell, they're still trouble even after you've already beaten them! They tend to swarm you and can trample over you by hitting you with their arms as they walk and then kicking forward with their legs as they take their next steps. This can be downright deadly, especially if you get trapped in a group of nano bots. Their next attack is firing their left arm off as a makeshift missile. They can only do this attack once, but it is powerful. If you see them fire off their arms dash out of the way at all costs. Not only can the nano bots dish it out, but they can take it too. They are quite resilient. The best way to deal with them is by using your newly acquired jump attack and jumping into them, and then out again, and then repeating until you defeat the nano bots. But the trouble isn't over yet. Oh, no. These things self-destruct after taking too much damage. They will fall apart, and spark briefly before they explode a few seconds later. This hurts like hell. Do not, DO NOT EVER, stand next to a destroyed nano bot. Dash quickly away. But the one useful thing about nano bots self-destructing: It hurts other enemies!!! Yeah! By destroying one nano bot in a group you can trigger a reaction that will devastate the others! This is most useful! So after destroying the one nano bot that is waiting for you, two more nano bots will appear in the shop. Destroy the both of them and the signal arrow will point to the door. Head on outside where even more nasty robots are waiting. --In the alley right on the left of the antique shop, there is a gray Makimono Scroll hidden behind the corner of the building. If you are playing as Leonardo, jump into the air and use your jump attack to break a crate hidden in the air to find a blue scroll.-- There will be three nano bots in the alley on the left. Trash them and then move to the right and defeat the five purple dragon gang members there. Four nano bots will appear. Destroy them and then take out the five gang members that appear. Head right and destroy the three nano bots and the four green Prototype Mousers that show up. Head to the right and beat the twenty-four gangsters that show up. There is a hamburger in a crate across the street from the "Burger Shop". Grab it, you'll probably need it. +-------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Nano Monster Ver. 2| +-------------------------------+ This guy only has some basic attacks. A standard three-hit punch combo that is slow, but powerful. A jumping bodyslam, and a junk explosion. The only attack that should cause concern is the junk explosion. He will pull his arms in close and bend over slightly and then throw out his arms and standing up straight, releasing a gray explosive concussion of debris around it's body. Attack him a few times and then dash away before he does the junk explosion as a counter- attack. Then just zoom back in. There are two hamburgers, one in a crate in the top-right, and the other in a crate in the bottom-right. The Nano Monster is an easy fight, and given the amount of healing items in the area, the fight is stacked in your favor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 2: SUBWAY STATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You start off on the raised center platform of a typical New York subway... well I wouldn't say typical, there aren't any hobos sleeping on benches, but minor details aside it's just your average subway. At the start six green Prototype Mousers will appear on the lower track to the right. --If you are playing as either Leonardo, Donatello, or Rapheal, jump off the center platform and head towards the camera to find a Makimono Scroll. A blue scroll for Leonardo will be on the right side tracks, and Rapheal and Donatello will both have their scrolls on the left set of tracks.-- After trashing the Mousers, two gangsters will appear on the center platform. Jump back up there and thrash them! Five green Mousers will appear on the lower tracks on the left, and after they are destroyed five purple dragon gang members will appear on the center platform. Move forward and six green Mousers will appear on the lower right tracks. --The very first crate in the center of the center platform contains a gray Makimono Scroll.-- There is a crate on the center platform that holds lightning shurikens, so nab them and then trash the Mousers. Five gangsters will appear on the center platform so hop back up and give them a beating. Continue forward and break the crates on the center platform to find a hamburger. One lone gangster will appear on the center platform. Kill him, and six Mousers will appear on the right set of tracks, and when they are destroyed five more Mousers will appear on the left set of tracks. After being dismantled, one blue nano robot and five green Mousers will appear on the right tracks. Take out the nano robot first and let its explosion take out the Mousers. Five more green mousers will appear down the track. After that four purple dragons will appear on the center strip, accompanied by a blue nano robot on the lower right tracks. There is a defense power up in the first crate, and a soda in the next crate. After that, five green mousers and one blue nano bot will appear on the left tracks. When they are destroyed five more green Mousers and one blue nano bot will appear further down the left tracks. After that three blue nano bots will appear, one on the center platform and two on the right tracks; followed by three gangsters on the center platform. When they are killed four green mousers will appear on the right tracks, and two blue nano bots and a gang member on the left tracks. Continue forward and defeat three gangsters and two blue nano bots on the center platform. Two blue nano bots and one gangster will then show up on the right track and two gangsters and a blue nano bot will appear on the left tracks. Kill them and take care of the one gangster on the center platform, and the one green mouser on the right tracks. Three gang member and two blue nano bots will appear on the center platform. After they are killed, three blue nano bots and two gangsters will appear on the center strip. Defeat them and then kill the two gangsters that appear on the left tracks and then jump back onto the center platform and walk near the stairs to finish the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3: SUBWAY TRAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you start off five gangsters will appear in front of you. Beat them mercilessly! Five more gangsters will appear further down, so run them over with the welcome wagon as well. Five more gangsters will appear in front of the door to the next car so knock them the hell out of the way. Four gang members and one blue nano bot will appear in the next car. There is an attack power up along the right wall. Five more gang members will appear so defeat them and continue on to thrash the next five impolite gangsters standing in front of the door. Five more gangsters will appear in a straight line through the next door (This is an utterly hilarious bunch of schmoes to use Donatello's jump attack on because it will hit them all!). After dispatching the last batch, five more gangsters will show up in the center of the car, but ignore them and dash through to the end of the car. --There is a gray Makimono Scroll in the crate at the back of the car on the right.-- Turn around and kill the five gangsters. Four more gangsters and a blue nano robot will appear so destroy them as well. Another four gangsters and a single blue nano robot will appear in the back of the car. After stomping them the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4: ON THE BRIDGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You start off on the bridge and you can already hear the freaky noises of the robots coming to get you. There are a huge lines of crates running down the left and right sides of the bridge. Break the crates on the right and left to get two lightning shurikens. Defeat the three blue nano bots and two puny humans that are coming to get you. Two more blue nano bots will appear, so trash them too. Another blue nano bot and three gangsters will appear further down, so smash them up. --Break the crates on the right to find a gray Makimono Scroll.-- Defeat the blue nano bot and two gangsters that appear then and continue forward and defeat the three blue nano bots and two gangsters. Kill the three gangsters that show up and then move forward. A single orange nano robot will appear. This guys are pretty nasty. They can fire off their huge right hands on cable lines for a very quick and powerful long distance attack. They can also launch their left arms as rockets, much like their tiny blue counterparts. They are even tougher to kill then blue nano bots and also make an even bigger, even stronger "BOOM" when they are defeated. Just dash to avoid his cable-arm attack, and get in close to hammer away on it. There is a hamburger in the crate on the right side of the bridge and shurikens on the left side. Collect your life and loot and continue forward to destroy the three blue nano robots marching towards you. Dash forwards quickly and three orange nano robots and two gangsters will appear. Get in close to destroy the orange nano bot in the center and dash away before it explodes. The explosion will either damage or destroy one or both of the other orange nano bots, so finish off whatever is left standing. Five gangsters will appear further forward, trash them and four blue nano robots will appear. There is a defense power-up in the crate in the center of the bridge. Continue forward and hop over the line of exploding barrels that runs straight across the bridge. Kill the two gangsters standing behind the barrels. Thirteen green Prototype Mousers will appear. Trash them all and loot the crates. There is a soda on the right side of the bridge. --If you are playing as Leonardo there will be a blue Makimono Scroll in a crate on the right side of the bridge. IF you are playing as Donatello or Rapheal you will have a purple or red scroll in a crate on the left side of the bridge-- Continue forward and beat up the single gang member, and then three orange nano robots and two gangsters will appear. Continue forward and the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5: JUNK YARD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you begin, six green Mousers will charge you. Destroy them and continue forward. Four blue nano robots will appear to the left, so trash those while you're at it. Continue forward and five gangsters will appear so kill them. Three blue nano robots will appear to the right. Destroy them and three blue nano robots will appear to the right. Go down and break the crates partially hidden under the wall of tires to get some shurikens, and then beat down the robots and continue to the right. +---------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Nano Monster Ver. 2.1| +---------------------------------+ He's back with a few new tricks up his collaboration of junk that he calls a sleeve. Okay, so only one new trick, but it's an annoying trick. Besides the three-hit punch, bodyslam, and junk explosion from last time, he has also gained a punch attack I like to call the "Summon Lots of Annoying-Ass Nano Bots Punch". Nano Monster will punch the ground with his patent pending S.L.A-A.N.B. Punch releasing a circle- shaped shockwave that will knock you down, AND summon no more than two orange nano bots and three blue nano bots to help out our ol' chum Nano Monster. In the beginning of the battle there will already be two blue nano bots at the top of the section. Nano Monster will be in the lower- right section. Now I know that I am an adamant supporter of beating the hell out of anything that moves, but DO NOT KILL the two blue nano bots, because if they remain living then the Nano Monster will not summon more. Go attack Nano Monster, following the same strategy you used in the last battle against him. He will soon fall to your superior might and trash talking. After the fight with Nano Monster ends, go off those two blue robots I told you to let live in the beginning of the fight. What, you thought I would let them get away? Two more blue nano bots and one orange nano bot will appear in the upper-right. Go trash them and break the three crates along the wall to get a hamburger. Continue forward and defeat the next two blue nano bots and one orange bot that appears. Continue forward and two orange nano bots an one blue nano bot will appear. Destroy them and continue forward. Ten green mousers will tunnel through the wall, so trash them. Continue on to the right past a broken line of exploding barrels. Kill the three gangsters that are there and continue forward and defeat the next four gang members on the right, and then the next three on the left. Two orange nano robots and one gangster will appear to the right. Destroy them and three orange nano bots and a gangster will appear to the left. There is a speed power-up in a crate along the left wall, and sushi in a crate in the center of the area. The area will fork into two routs separated by a mountain of junk tires and debris. Three blue nano bots will appear on the left path, followed by a blue nano bot and two orange nano bots on the right path. Three gangsters will appear to the left. Defeat them and move on to the right. Defeat the six gangsters by the orange steamshovel. --Attack the area behind the orange steamshovel's right caterpillar tread to find a gray Makimono Scroll.-- Hug the right wall to get past the first few pits of molten metal. You will come to a HUGE pit of molten metal. There is a series of three car crushers that push off into the molten slag. Wait until the first car crusher pushes all the way out, and when it starts to pull back in walk in front of it all the way to the side of the second car crusher. The first crusher will begin to push out again and just as it is about to push you off, the second one will begin to retract. Double-jump while holding left on the D-Pad or Analog Stick and you should land safely. Repeat the process at the third car crusher to make it safely across. --Playing as Donatello, Michelangelo, or Leonardo will cause a crate holding a Makimono scroll of their corresponding color to appear in the molten metal along the right wall. You have to jump to the crate, break it, grab the scroll and then jump back out of the fiery pit of death. Fun in a barrel!-- You will now be in front of a pile of girders. Three orange nano robots will appear on the other side and launch their arms and their cable hands at you without mercy. If you are not careful here and try to charge over the girders, they will tear you apart. Dash around the girders to the right to flank them and bust up those damn orange nano bots. Three more will appear so wreck them as well. The next obstacle is another series of three car crushers. Thing is, these here will actually crush you. The timing of these crushers is extremely annoying, and there is no sure-fire way to get through all three without being smashed at least once. I have only ever gotten through unharmed ONCE and it was more luck then skill... okay, so it was all luck. In an ideal world the last crusher should be opening just as the first two slam shut, but in an ideal world I'd also be a hell of a lot cuter so just dash through if you think you have a clean shot at it and take your crushin' like a man. You can wait forever and that perfect set up will rarely ever occur so just take your best shot. On the other side the gauntlet of car crushers are two crates which both contain sushi to recover from the downright savage mangling you received back in the crusher. Grab them both now and go through the fence. Walk up to the wall of junked automobiles and six gangsters will appear behind you. Kill them all and our ol' buddy will show his ugly faces again. +---------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Nano Monster Ver. 2.1| +---------------------------------+ Yeah, he's back... again. This time he picked up another ultimate technique to use to destroy you puny greenshells. Picking up large objects and throwing them on you. He will run up to the wall of junked cars, grab a junked automobile and throw it at you, resulting in a pretty big boom. He also retains all attacks from the last two fights with him. Try to defeat him as quickly as possible, before he uses his punch attack to summon more nano bots. Dash away from the cars he throws and just pummel him at close range or use your jump attack and dash away before he uses his junk explosion. When he goes down the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 6: JUNK YARD REAR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Nano Monster Ver. 3.0| +---------------------------------+ --There is a gray Makimono Scroll on the right side of the fences. Leonardo also has a blue scroll on the right side of the screen. Donatello and Rapheal both have a purple or red scroll on top of the fences along the left wall.-- Awwww... They grow up so fast don't they? I mean one minute they're summoning up friends, the next their ravaging small cities... HOLY CRAP! This guy is huge. He has gained an array of new attacks with his new sizeable stature, and his old attacks are all the more powerful. His junk explosion now has an enormous area of effect and should be avoided at all costs. His sonic clap attack is pretty powerful; he claps his hands together releasing a huge white torrent of wind towards your current position, which will knock you down and hurt you a bit. The Nano Monster can also swing his crane arm across the top of the fences, bowling you over if he hits. He can also shoot out his crane arm and grab you, which stuns you, and then throw you halfway across the area over his shoulder. And let's not forget since he is so damn big he can just step on you to do damage. You can't attack him at ground level. You have to use jump attack him to damage him. While he is attacking he is invincible, so don't attack while he is, because you won't hurt him. You can either jump off the fence to attack him, or double jump at ground level, which will usually get you stepped on. You can also knock the exploding barrels on top of the fence at him, but this is dangerous as the barrels are just as likely to blow you up too. After losing half of his health, he will begin to spark. His speed and frequency of attacks will also drastically increase. Keep up the jump attack assault and he will go down. If you need help there is sushi in a crate on the fence along the right wall, pizza in a crate in the corner of the right wall, a speed power-up along the left wall, and a cola in corner of left wall. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / STAGE 3: TRAP / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ All right! The four turtle brothers and Master Splinter have found a new place to live, but all is not well. A series of bizarre robberies has plagued the city, and even worse it appears that a turtle is behind this spree of crime. The Turtles head out to investigate exactly who is behind the slandering of their good turtle names. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 1: ART WAREHOUSE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you begin you will be surrounded by four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff. Defeat them and move to the right and three Foot Ninjas with swords will jump down. Defeat them and three more Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear below you. Trash them and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear to the right. Kill it and go up into the first alley. One thug will appear on the left, kill him and two thugs will appear on the right. Kill them and two Purple Dragon thugs and three Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear in the center of the alley. Kill them and five Foot Ninjas with swords will appear at the top of the alley. --There is a gray Makimono Scroll hidden behind the last 18-Wheeler on the left side at the top of the alley.-- Head down an kill the one gangster and one Foot Ninja with the bo staff that will appear. The signal arrow will appear so move to the right. Two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear. Kill them and four Foot Ninjas with swords, one gang member, and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Kill them and two Foot Ninjas swords will appear behind you. Kill them and head down. Here is an attack up in the crate against the bottom wall, and a Cola in a crate nearby. Four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Defeat them and three Foot Ninjas with swords, two gangsters, and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Defeat them all and head up into the second alley where two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear. After you defeat them four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. There is a Cola in the crate against the truck-loading platform at the back of the alley. --When playing as Rapheal there is a crate containing a red Makimono Scroll hidden behind the cardboard boxes on the right side of the alley.-- Head back down three gang members will appear. Kill them and four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Go right and three Foot Ninjas with swords and four gangsters will appear. Kill them and break the crate to get the Exploding Shurikens it contains. Five gangsters will appear, so kill them all and head down. Five Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear, and when they are defeated go up into the third alley where one Foot Ninja with a sword and nine gangsters will appear, three at a time. Four Foot ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will a bo staff will appear. Continue going up where one Foot Ninja with a bo staff and four more Foot Ninjas with swords will jump in. There is a Hamburger in the third crate on the right side of the alley. Two Foot Ninjas with swords will jump down next, followed by four Foot Ninjas with bo staffs and four Foot Ninjas with swords. After you stomp them five Foot Ninjas with swords, one gang member, and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. --In the middle of the back alley there are two crates with the words "World Transport" printed on them. When you are playing as Leonardo jump on top of the stacked crates and then jump forward onto the over- hanging roof over the truck-loading bay. From the top of the roof, head to the right and you will see a crate hovering in the air, so jump up and use Leonardo's jump attack to break it and get a blue Makimono Scroll. If you are playing as Michelangelo, jump off of the crates onto the over-hanging roof, and head to the right to find a crate containing an orange Makimono Scroll in the right corner.-- After defeating the last few baddies, one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Kill him and a Foot Ninja with a sword will jump down. After you kill him, the signal arrow will appear. Jump onto the truck- loading zone and head to the hole in the door to end the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 2: TRAILER ROOF ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Areas just don't get any more basic than this. You are on the roof of a tractor trailer truck speeding wildly down the streets of New York, while having a ninja fight in public. Classic. The area consists of the top of the trailer and the roof of the truck cab. To simulate speed there will be a drag on your character and the enemies that will pull you towards the back of the trailer, which can become rather annoying if your trying to walk forward, but it won't have an incredible effect on your game play. When you begin there will be two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs and one Foot Ninja with a sword. After killing them two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Kill them and one Foot Ninja with a sword will show up. Teach him a lesson and three Foot Ninjas with swords will jump down. Kill those three and two more Foot Ninjas with swords will jump down. Take care of them and two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will leap onto the trailer. Kill those and another two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear, followed by another three Foot Ninjas with swords, and then another three foot Ninjas with swords. Eliminate them and two Foot ninjas with bo staffs and one Foot Ninja with a sword will show up. Defeat them and three Foot Ninjas with swords will appear. Kill them and the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3: CONSTRUCTION SITE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the beginning three Foot Ninjas with swords and two Foot ninjas with bo staffs will jump down to the left. Walk to the left and defeat them and two more Foot ninjas will appear to the lower-right. After taking care of them three Foot Ninjas with swords and two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will show up in the upper-left. Trash those and three Foot Ninjas with swords and two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear below you. Defeat them and the signal arrow will start flashing. Move to the left and break the crate to grab the Lightning Shurikens. Three gangsters will appear. Kill them and one Stealth Ninja and two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear. Stealth Ninjas can be pesky opponents, and will turn invisible Predator-style within seconds of jumping down into the area. They do not appear on the radar, but they are counted in the enemy counter, so that is a key way in spotting when one is lurking about. Destroy then and four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with bo staffs will appear. Continue to the left and two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will drop down. Defeat them and two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will jump out. Defeat them and one gangster will appear, so kill him and the signal arrow will start flashing. Head to the left where five gangsters will appear. Watch out for the caution areas here. I you get near the square it will trigger a giant orange construction girder to fall into the square, damaging anything dumb enough to be standing there in the first place. Two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Destroy them and three gangsters will appear to the left. Kill the gangsters and one Stealth Ninja and two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear above you. Four more Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear a little further above. There is a Cola in a crate to the right. Defeat the two Foot Ninjas with swords and the signal arrow will appear. Head up and two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear, followed by three gangsters. Kill the gang members and two more gang members will appear on the right. Kill them and one Stealth Ninja will jump into the middle of the area. --When playing as Donatello there will be a crate containing a purple Makimono Scroll hidden on top of and behind a large cement block along the right wall.-- After whacking that pesky Stealth Ninja, three gangsters will appear on the right. Three more gangsters will appear on the left. Defeat them and that annoying signal arrow will flash, telling you to move forward. --When playing as Leonardo there will be a blue Makimono Scroll hidden in a secret area over the back wall. Jump onto the large gray cement blocks on the right side of the narrow passage with the series of falling girders, and the jump over the wall to land in a small area hidden behind the wall. Walk to the right while attacking to break a crate and get a hidden scroll.-- Break the crate on the left side of the narrow passage to get a speed boosting power-up. Enter the narrow passage. There will be a series of seven falling girders. Dash along the left wall to avoid the girders as much as possible. The first crate on the left contains some Shurikens. --The first crate on the right side of the falling girder passage contains a gray Makimono Scroll.-- There will be three gang members and two Foot ninjas with bo staffs standing at the end of the girder-run. The Foot Ninjas there can sometimes mess you up by throwing shurikens at you while you are dashing under a girder. If you are hit by a shuriken, the impact will stun you long enough for any construction girder your were trying to dash under to CLANG down on top of your head. So be careful to watch for incoming shurikens. After defeating the foes at the end of the girder-run, three Stealth Ninjas will jump down. Kill the Stealth Ninjas and three Foot Ninjas with swords will jump in. Kill them to trigger the signal arrow. Move up and grab the hamburger in the second crate on the left wall. Four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninjas with a bo staff will appear in the area. Defeat them and continue moving up where four more Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will drop in. There is another falling girder zone to the left, so take care to avoid it. Four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Defeat those and continue up where one Stealth Ninja and three Foot Ninjas with swords will show themselves. Defeat them and one Stealth Ninja, three Foot Ninjas with swords, and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. After that one Stealth Ninja, three more Foot Ninjas with swords, and another Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Wipe them out and four Foot Ninjas with swords, one Foot Ninja with a bo staff, and one Stealth Ninja will appear. Kill them and four Foot Ninjas with swords, one Foot Ninja with a bo staff, and one Stealth Ninja will appear. The Foot Ninja with the bo staff will be standing in another falling girder-filled alley. Get close to the Foot Ninja with the bo staff to trigger the girders to fall and crush him, while you deal with his buddies. After they are all dead and gone, dash through the girder area. Stay on along the left wall, where only two of the six girders fall to minimize your risk of a splitting headache. Break the crate on the left wall at the end of the path, to get a Pizza... You're going to need it. +-----------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Evil Turtlebot Ver. 1.0| +-----------------------------------+ --When playing as Rapheal there is a crate containing a red Makimono Scroll hidden behind the pillar on the left wall.-- First things first. Get rid of those damned Stealth Ninjas that will be interrupting the fight with the Turtlebot. Try to ignore the Turtlebot, even though it will be up your ass, and concentrate on killing the Ninjas. The fight will be much easier once those four are out the way. Now as to dealing with the Evil Turtlebot. The word evil is a perfect adjective for this smooth operator. He can be one mean opponent. He can switch between the attack sets of all four Ninja Turtles, which will be denoted by a change in the beams he holds in his hands. He will gain the strengths and weaknesses of the Turtle who he assumes the role of, so adapt your attack angles depending on whom he is currently mimicking. Keep dashing while he swings at you, and when he completes his combo, which should all miss (Because you are dashing, right?), turn around and start your own combo on it. Now this is where it gets kind of annoying. You must have complete control over your attacks, because if you miss he WILL use the opening your miss causes to start his own combo. He can drain well over half of your life with one good combo, so you're pretty screwed if you mess up multiple times. So make sure once you start a combo that ALL of your hits connect, because if not you are in for a beating. After loosing about half of its health, the Turtlebot will leap into the air and use its Aerial Beam Barrage attack. It charges briefly and launches a series of beams in a straight line. He will aim at your current position, but once the first beam is launched it will follow a straight path, so dash sideways to avoid the first beam to avoid the rest of the beams. If you require health, there is some minimal assistance in the form of a Cola in the bottom-right corner. It's not much, but it's better then dying, no? After you trash the Turtlebot, move to the left to the elevator platform and the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4: 13TH FLOOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirteen is bad luck... but this area is simple enough, but still dangerous if you aren't careful. It is a large square room, but it is filled to the brim with exploding barrels. You have to exercise extreme control over your attacks or you will end up banging into every exploding barrel and blowing yourself up, which is NOT a good thing! Also watch out for flying shurikens from the Foot Ninjas, because they can also detonate barrels, which is also NOT a good thing! The instant you begin you will be surrounded by three Foot Ninjas with bo staffs, and two Foot Ninjas with swords. After killing the break the crate on the left to get some Shurikens. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT break the crate on the right yet. It contains a Pizza, which you can come back to get if you are near death later. So leave it for now, and go kill the Foot Ninja with a bo staff that will appear below you. After killing him, six Foot Ninjas will appear to at a time to the right. There is a speed power up in a crate to the right. After killing the Stealth Ninjas, three Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear at the top of the area. There is an attack power up in a crate to the right. Two Stealth Ninjas will jump down. Defeat them and move to the right where four Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear behind a small barricade of exploding barrels. Throw a shuriken at a barrel to wipe out the ninjas easily, just avoid getting caught up in the blast. --There is a purple Makimono Scroll for Donatello hidden near a girder on the right wall near here.-- Three more Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear in the same spot. Kill them and four Stealth Ninjas will jump in to the left. Defeat them and head down where one Foot Ninja with a bo staff and four Foot Ninjas with swords will jump in. --There is a blue Makimono Scroll for Leonardo in the lower-right corner of slightly hidden behind a girder on the wall.-- There is a crate containing Sushi in the lower-right. Head to the left where three Foot Ninjas with swords and three Foot Ninjas with bo staffs are already throwing shurikens at you. --There is a gray Makimono Scroll against the left wall. There is also a red Makimono Scroll in the lower-left corner for Rapheal.-- After taking care of those last pests, head back to the right where three Foot Ninjas with swords and three Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will jump down. Defeat them and four Foot Ninjas with bo staffs and one Foot Ninja with a sword will appear. Crush them and the signal arrow will begin to flash, head up the stairs on the lower-right side of the building to end the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5: THE TOP FLOOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you begin three Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will jump down around you. Kill them and two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with bo staffs will jump out. So, hey, kill them too. --There is a red Makimono Scroll for Rapheal trying to hide behind a tiny cement block on the right side of the starting part of the area.-- Head down and four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Defeat them and two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will jump in. Defeat them and head to the right. --When playing as Michelangelo, there will be a orange Makimono Scroll partially hidden behind a small cement block near the bottom edge of the building.-- Two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Destroy them and break the crate in the center of the platform to get a Cola. Ahhh, tasty recovery! One Foot Ninja with a sword and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. They are followed by two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs, and one Foot Ninja with a sword. Kill them and four Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Continue to the right and defeat the two Foot Ninjas with swords and two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs. There is Sushi in the second crate on the extended platform hanging on the right side of the building. --When playing as Leonardo there is a blue Makimono Scroll hidden in a crate behind the small cement partition on the platform on the right side of the building.-- There will be a metal walkway over a gap in the building with a construction crane hook swinging side to side over the middle of the walkway. Three Foot Ninjas with bo staffs and two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear on the opposite side of the walkway from your character. Let the ninjas with swords run across the bridge and get beaten up by the swinging crane hook. Kill them if they get past it and then dash across the walkway when the crane hook is swinging to the right and finish off the ninjas with bo staffs. Seven Stealth Ninjas will jump down, two at a time. There is a speed power up on the right of the section, and Shurikens in a crate on the slightly raised platform at the top of this section --There is also a gray Makimono Scroll at the top of the area. Near the carte containing Shurikens.-- To the left there will be another metal walkway with a construction crane hook swinging the entire length of the walkway. Two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear on the opposite side of the walkway. Let the ninjas with swords try to run across the walkway, where they will be beaten to death by the construction crane hook. Wait until the hook is all the way to the right, and dash across to finish off the Foot Ninja with the bo staff. Two more Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Ninja with a bo staff will drop in. Kill them and five Stealth Ninjas will appear, two at a time. Kill them and the signal arrow will begin to flash. Move to the corner of the building to end the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 6: AIR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-----------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Evil Turtlebot Ver. 1.5| +-----------------------------------+ The area is a simple square arena, suspended in the air from a flying helicopter. Much like the Trailer Roof in Area 2, there is a wind dragging effect that will move your character to the right. There are no crates; it's just a one on one fight against the Evil Turtlebot. Start by throwing all the shurikens you may still have at the Evil Turtlebot. After you run out of shurikens just handle the fight much like last time you fought the Turtlebot. If anything this fight will be easier because there will not be Stealth Ninjas bothering you while fighting this time. Just keep dashing away from the Turtlebot while he tries to attack you. When it stops attacking, turn around and hit him with a full combo until he falls down. Try to hit him with every attack, because if you miss him he will usually be able to use the opening to counter-attack and start his own combo. After the Turtlebot gets knocked down from your last hit in the combo, dash away while the Evil Turtlebot gets back up and start the process again. When the Turtlebot jumps into the air, dash around sporadically until it fires off beams in a straight line. When it comes down, get behind it and start attacking when it lands. Keep up the combo attacks and the Evil Turtlebot will bite the dust soon enough. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / DOJO STAGE: PROGRESS / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ Completion of this stage will give your Turtle an attack power boost. Just like before, Dojo Stages are not available for Master Splinter and Casey Jones. +--------+ |Leonardo| +--------+ Leonardo must defeat thirty Foot Ninjas with swords without being hit. This can be relatively difficult. Just don't rush blindly into clumps of foot ninjas and you should do fine. Just run away from the foot ninjas and they will all clump together in a little group while they chase you. Once they have grouped up, turn around and do a combo attack right into them. This will kill most of them, and knock any survivors on their backs. They will get up, and give chase again. The only real problem is when new foot ninjas appear. If a foot ninja were to appear right in front of you, it could spell your doom, so keep your wits about you for spawning foot soldiers, lead them into groups and charge right through them for victory. Once you get done, Leo's offensive strength will increase. +---------+ |Donatello| +---------+ Defeat ten Foot Ninjas with swords in under one minute. Jeze, this is freakin' easy. If you can't kill ten Foot Ninjas that rush at you blindly, usually not even swinging their swords then you are beyond any and all help that this guide (or any professional psychiatric evaluator for that matter) may possibly offer you. After you defeat all ten, Donatello's offensive strength will increase. +-------+ |Rapheal| +-------+ Rapheal is tasked to defeat fifty Foot Ninjas with Bo Staffs. How the hell did all these Foot Ninjas get in here? Did Master invite them over to watch the game and knock back a few cold ones? Have they over stayed their welcome? Because it's time for them to go. This is a pretty easy task to accomplish as long as you don't charge blindly into everything. After defeating the fifty Foot Ninjas, the area will end and Rapheal's offensive strength will increase. +------------+ |Michelangelo| +------------+ Mikey is charged to do a ten-hit combo to complete his training. You have a ten Foot Ninja limit to do this in. If you kill all ten without pulling a ten-hit combo off you fail and have to begin again. Now, this is pretty easy actually. When the task starts there will already be five Foot Ninjas with swords in the area. Just run in a circle around the room once and the foot ninjas will chase you. They will gather into one large group. Once they are grouped up, turn around and charge straight into the group doing a combo attack. You should have no problem hitting them all and getting at the very least a ten hit combo. The mission will immediately end after you get the ten hit combo and Michelangelo's offensive strength will increase. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / STAGE 4: TENGU / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ While out having fun in the middle of the night, Mikey, Rapheal, Leonardo, and Donatello spot something wrong occurring at the local museum. Those weird foot ninja guys seem to be breaking into the museum, so the Turtles decide to see exactly what they are up to. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 1: MUSEUM ENTRANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 2: DINOSAUR EXIBIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3: EGYPTIAN EXIBIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When the area begins three Foot Ninjas with swords will jump down on the right side of the room. Defeat them and two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs will appear on the bottom left. After you kill them, two Foot Ninjas with swords and one Foot Bee will appear. After you destroy those opponents, two Foot Ninjas with bo staffs and one Foot Ninja with a sword will appear. After you defeat them the signal arrow will appear. Move to the door in the left wall and you will enter the next room. Three Stealth Ninjas and two Foot Ninjas with swords will already be waiting for you when you arrive. Defeat them and two Foot Bees, three Stealth Ninjas, and one Foot Ninja with a sword will appear. After they are defeated a single Foot Ninja with a bo staff will appear. Defeat him and then break the crate in the crate at the top left of the room. The signal arrow will appear, so go stand by the door in the left wall. The game will usually lag rather badly at this point, but when it gets back to normal you will appear in the next room. +-----------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystic Wind Ninja| +-----------------------------+ --When playing as Michelangelo there is a crate containing an orange scroll on the left side of the pillar right next to the door you entered through.-- These pesky Ninjas can put up a pretty nasty fight if you are clumsy, but as long as you don't do anything dumb, and think a step ahead you will do fine. There are Lightning Shurikens in a crate at the top of the room that you can grab during the fight but dash to the center of the room to try to catch the Wind Ninja off guard while he is still appearing. The Wind Ninja will appear in a large cyclone. Try and dash over behind him while he is still in the process of appearing, and attack when the cyclone dissipates for some early damage. If you aren't able to get to him, just dash around the miniature tornadoes he will throw at you. This can be tricky because the tornadoes, although they are slow, have the ability to home in on you. You can dash around them and even through them, but they will follow you so try and dash around the Wind Ninja in a wider arc then you would when circling most enemies. He can only launch three tornadoes at a time. If you can get close enough to land a combo attack do so, but beware the Ninjas attacks, because his melee attacks are quick and utterly annoying. If he attacks you with his staff just dash away and attack him from another angle. After you hit him with four attacks, he will become temporarily invulnerable. He will spin around and summon a huge monster cyclone. Dash the hell away from him before he even conjures up the giant cyclone because you do not want to be hit by it. If you are hit by the cyclone and are lucky enough to get caught in the outside it will only throw you away and knock you down causing a little damage. However if you get caught on the inside of the cyclone prepare for a multi-hit world of pain. Watch which direction the Wind Ninja faces after he spins and makes the cyclone because he will jump out of the cyclone in the direction he is facing. Dash to where the Wind Ninja is facing and wait for him to jump out. When he lands, try to attack him. If your attacks do not harm him, dash the hell away again, because sometimes the Wind Ninja will spin and summon a second cyclone right after he lands from jumping out of the first cyclone. Again, watch which direction the ninja faces and dash to where he is looking. Do another combo when he lands and he will repeat the giant cyclone process. You repeat the kicking his butt process and he will be downed soon. The signal arrow will alert you to take the door in the left wall to the next room. +-------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystic Earth Ninja | +-------------------------------+ --When you play as Rapheal there is red scroll in a crate behind the mummy sarcophagus in the center of the room.-- If your feeling a little banged up from the last fight there is a Cola in the top-left of the room. There is also a speed power-up in the bottom-right of the room that may come in handy when dealing with what in my opinion is the most annoying of all the Mystical Ninjas. If you can dash across the room in time to get to the Earth Ninja while he is still appearing, that's great. Wait behind him and when the pillar of rock he appears in shatters, take a few whacks at him. Otherwise you have to try and get close to him while he hops around and throws rocks at you like a doofus. The rocks are fairly basic. They are rather quick moving and fly in a straight line. They are easy to avoid at long range, but at close range the rocks can be quite a pain to dodge. Dash circles around the Earth Ninja and attempt to combo him. You can also try jump attacking him by jumping off of the mummy sarcophagus in the center of the room. When you finally succeed in hitting him a few times he will release what is definitely THE most annoying attack in the game. He will hop into the air and spin, releasing a small, fast-moving line of dirt that will zip across the ground in a straight line outwards from the Earth Ninjas feet towards you. It's an easy enough attack to see coming, and to avoid, but if you get hit by it not only will you receive damage but you will be SVERELY slowed. You will also not be able to jump! You will not be able to attack with the Cross (X) button! No attacking with the Square button! No uppercut attacks with R2! You can't even throw freakin' shurikens for crying out loud! You won't be able to do a damned thing except walk around in slow-motion for ten seconds while the Earth Ninja throws rocks at you. So avoid the little earth-tone fault line he sends after you after you hit him by all means. Dash away, or jump on top of the mummy sarcophagus in the center of the room so it will pass harmlessly right under you. After avoiding the earth line, attack him again. It will take a while but he will go down after a few combos. If he gets close to dying and you don't want to bother getting close to him anymore, stand on the mummy sarcophagus and throw a few shurikens to finish him off. Annoying Earth Ninja... +-------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystic Water Ninja | +-------------------------------+ --There is a gray Makimono Scroll in a crate on the left side of this room.-- Thankfully this fellow is a lot easier to contend with then the last two mystic ninjas. Actually he is probably the easiest of them all, if not only time consuming to defeat. There is a Cola in a crate on the left side of the room. Grab it after the Water Ninja appears. Try to get behind the Water Ninja while he is appearing and hit him when he is done appearing. Otherwise you have to dash circles around him avoiding his bubble attacks and his close combat staff attacks, which like with all the Mystical Ninja fights is just plain annoying to do. Thankfully his bubbles do pitiful damage, and they travel slowly in a straight line, so you won't have much trouble there. Try getting on the large glass display cases in the corners of the room and jump attacking off of them to hit him. He seems rather susceptible to jump attacks, and it saves the annoyance of having him beat you up in close range. After you hit him, he will raise his staff in the air and three geysers will bubble up out of the ground around him. JUMP ON TOP OF THE GLASS VASE DISPLAY CASES NOW!!! You have a good bit of time to get up onto any of the display cases conveniently placed in every corner of the room while the geysers cause the room to flood with water, and trust me you DO NOT want to get caught on the floor at high tide. If you do you will be in for about five seconds of constant damage, which really stacks up. So stay out of the pool! Now while you are on top of the glass vase cases, you can throw shurikens at the Water Ninja for a little extra damage. When the water begins to lighten up and recede you can jump off of the display case and try to jump attack the Water Ninja. When you hit him, he will flood the room again. This is no time for a bath! Get back on the vase case! Keep up the pattern and he will go down after a while. The signal arrow will flash and tell you to head through the door in the upper-right of the room. +-------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystic Metal Ninja | +-------------------------------+ "He's a pinball wizard There has to be a twist. A pinball wizard, S'got such a supple wrist." Oh, sorry... This fight just reminds me of The Who song "Pinball Wizard"... Oh come on! You do know who The Who are, right? ... Yeah, well your lack of musical knowledge aside this Mystical Ninja is also surprisingly easy, although he "Sure plays a mean pinball!!!!!" Fine I'll shut up... The Metal Ninja will appear in the center of the room in a large psychedelic metal swirl. Dash behind the swirling vortex while he is still appearing and when he arrives, smack the heck out of him. After he is hit by a full combo he will release five metal pinballs in a fan-shaped path in front of him. Luckily you are behind him! Stay behind the Metal Ninja at all times. He will roll along the ground to try and escape your wrath, but he is easy to keep up with. The only real problem is that he will continuously launch pinballs straight ahead, so the room will soon be flooded with them, and they will be bouncing off of the walls and hitting you from all angles. Thankfully they do not do much damage. He will also occasionally thrust his staff into the air and try to drop a giant metal pinball on top of you. This giant pinball will stay stationary, but if you attack it it will begin to roll. You can deflect any of the pinballs by attack them, but it will only cause them to speed up which is even more annoying. Thankfully the Metal Ninja can only conjure up so many pinballs, so after a few attacks he will be shooting blanks. If you run low on life there is a Cola in a crate on the right side of the room. There is also a defense power-up in the bottom-right corner which will help shed some of the damage being hit by all of those pinballs will do. But s long as you can stay behind the Metal Ninja he will go down in no time flat so you'll have plenty of time to go learn important things, like who The Who are! +------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystic Fire Ninja | +------------------------------+ Who would have guessed? Another Ninja! Egad! The Fire Ninja is not so bad, but he can be a pain at times. Try to dash across the room and position yourself behind the large pillar of fire that he arrives in. When the fire dissipates, smack him around a little bit. If you don't make it to him in time, you can throw all of your shurikens at him to stack up damage and hopefully kill him. Don't worry about waiting shurikens, they aren't that helpful after this area anyway so use them while the usings good. If you run out of shurikens, you will have to try to get close to him while he is attacking you. He will mainly throw fireballs in a straight line at you while he hops backwards. If you are hit by one of the Fire Ninjas fireballs, it can often push you along the ground in front of it inflicting multiple hits. The fireballs are rather fast moving, but they are very easily jumped over. Jump over the fireballs and try to hit him with your jump attack on the way down. After you successfully hit the Fire Ninja, he will thrust his pimp cane into the air and conjure forth five huge pillars of fire that appear in a rather random configuration near you. They can come up in all sorts of ways so just dash away quickly after hitting the Fire Ninja to try and avoid the fire pillars. Since they can appear so sporadically, it can sometimes be challenging to dodge. But the faster and further you dash, the more spread out the individual pillars of fire will be. This reduces your risk of being hit and at the very least reduces the amount of damage you receive, because being hit by all five pillars hurts like hell, not to mention it will momentarily set your ass on fire. Just do your best to avoid the pillars, and then use your jump to get back to the Fire Ninja and attack him again, starting the whole process over. Defeat the Mystic Fire Ninja and the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4: COURTYARD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5: JAPANESE ART EXIBIT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-----------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Foot Gunner Ninja| +-----------------------------+ --There is a gray Makimono Scroll in the bottom-left corner in the right side of the room. Just head straight down from where you start to find it. When playing as Leonardo there is a blue scroll in the upper- left corner on the left side of the room, so just head straight up to find it.-- This guy in my opinion is one of the easier, yet still highly annoying, boss fights. Shurikens are basically useless in this fight because this guy will keep himself covered in front at all times. He carries a huge tower shield that will nullify any attack you make from the front, so you have to circle around behind him to have any attacks succeed. He will rotate in place as you dash around him, pretty much keeping even pace with you, but when he hesitates to fire one of his weapons he will stop and give you just enough time to get around his front, and that pesky shield, to hit him in the back or sides. His main attack is a blast from his shotgun. It does pretty good damage and will knock you down. He also has a missile launcher, much will fire five missiles that can sort of home in on you, but they will usually miss you unless you are standing right in front of the Foot Gunner Ninja. It is fairly easy to spot when he is about to use the missile launcher, as he will put his shield aside and grab onto the missile launcher, so if you are close to him you can usually hit him once or twice before he pulls his shield back up. His last and greatest attack is his flame- thrower. It is easy to see him about to use it, because he will release his shield for a moment and reach over to grab the flame-thrower hanging on his side. He will then sweep the flame-thrower from right to left, and then back to the right. The flames it fires have a HUGE range. It can basically reach across the screen. There really is no way to avoid it standing in front of the Foot Gunner Ninja unless you can dash round his sides or get behind him. If you happen to be close to the Foot Gunner when he goes to reach for his flame-thrower, attack him while his shield is lowered to knock him out of his attack. You can usually do a full combo on the Foot Gunner whenever you hit him out of his flame-thrower attack, so I suggest taking advantage of it. Just keeping dashing in a circle around the Foot Gunner Ninja, and when he attempts to attack you with his guns he will lower his guard. Hit him once when the shield is lowered or dash around to his back and try to score multiple hits on his back. Either way he isn't so tough. If you are in need of help there is a Cola in the second crate along the left wall, Sushi in the third crate along the left wall, and a Hamburger in the third crate along the right wall. There is also a Speed Boost in the fourth crate along the left wall, and some relatively useless Lightning Shurikens in the fourth crate on the right wall. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / STAGE 5: NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ A routine training exercise has gone awry. Rapheal has accidentally kicked through a wall in their home, uncovering a large cavernous tunnel leading into the unknown. What is this tunnel doing here, and where does this mysterious path lead? Well, there's only one way to find out! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 1: MOUTH OF THE UNDERGROUND ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You will start in a large underground tunnel. When you begin one blue insectoid-like creature will attack you. This blue monster is pretty tough, and can spit a blob of purple acid at you. Kill the blue monster and five green Prototype Mousers will appear further ahead in the cave, so head forward and destroy them all. After the five green Prototype Mousers are defeated another blue monster will appear further ahead. Take care because there will be a loose stalagmite on the ceiling, and if you pass too close beneath it it will signal it is going to fall by releasing a falling cloud of dirt before falling, badly damaging anything it lands on. Kill the blue monster and continue forward where two more blue monsters are waiting for you. Watch for the one falling stalagmite and defeat the two blue monsters. Another blue monster will appear further ahead, where the cave takes a turn to the left, so continue forward and watch for a falling stalagmite by the corner of the cave wall. Defeat the blue monster and another will drop down to the right, just below another falling stalagmite, so take care as you dispatch it. Three blue monsters will appear further down the passage, and after you defeat them a few more will appear. After you destroy a total of five blue monsters the alert arrow will start flashing, telling you to move forward. You will now enter a sloping straight-away where there will be constantly falling stalagmites. There will be a Speed Boost in a breakable crate that you should nab to get you out of this area quicker. Since the slope is so steep you won't be able to dash so just walk down the slope and hope you don't get hit by too many stalagmites. There will be Sushi in a crate on the right side of the passage that you should nab as you continue walking down the passage. --If you are playing as Rapheal there will be a crate on the left side of the tunnel that contains a red scroll.-- Once you reach the bottom of the tunnel the stalagmites will stop falling. The tunnel will turn left where there will be a pond of purple acid with two breakable crates in the center. If you enter the acid you will take damage, so you must either jump over the acid or hop onto the crates and hop over to the other side. There will be normal shurikens in the crate on the right, so you can break the crate and nab them if you want, but they're pretty much just there for you to cross the acid puddle. Two brown monsters will also appear in the puddle of acid. These brown monsters are larger and tougher than the blue monsters, and spit two blobs of purple acid instead of one. They also have a throw attack that can damage you very much. Defeat the two brown monsters and cross the acid pond and two more brown monsters and one blue monster will appear. Defeat them and two more brown monsters and another blue monster will appear and attack you. The passage will turn to the right, and there will be another pool of acid covering the floor. Stay put for now, as there will be a few more enemies that will charge you, which will make crossing the acid more difficult, so just stay put. Four more blue monsters will come across the acid, so kill them before you cross the acid puddles. There will be one small pond of acid, so double jump over it and you will land on a small strip of ground facing a larger pond of purple acid with two crates in the middle. There is nothing in the two breakable crates in the acid, they are just there to help you cross. Double jump onto the crates, and then double jump again to reach the other side. There will be a crate that contains a Hamburger on the other side, so break it and continue forward. You will enter a large cavernous chamber, and a stalagmite will fall from the ceiling at the entrance, so dash out of the way. +---------------------------------------------+ |Donatello/Master Splinter: BOSS FIGHT: Quarry| +---------------------------------------------+ Two blue monsters and one brown monster will attack you, so kill them. There is a crate containing a Speed Boost slightly to the right if you want it. Two more blue monsters will appear in the center of the chamber once you dispatch the previous monsters, but beware of the falling stalactites. After they are killed two more blue monsters and one brown monster will appear, and when they are killed two more blue monster will show up begging to be killed. If you are low on health there is a Pizza that is very well hidden behind the large blue-green rock pillar in the center of the chamber. --There is a gray scroll in a crate out in the open in front of the large rock formation in the center of the chamber. If you are playing as Donatello there will also be a crate containing a purple scroll hidden behind the large rock formation in the center of the room.-- Five blue monsters will appear to the right, so go and kill them and two brown monsters and one blue monster will enter the area from the front of the cavern, so kill them as well. After all the enemies have been defeated the arrow will begin to flash, telling you to continue traveling forward, so exit the large cavern into the tunnel on the far end, and watch out for the three stalagmites that will fall from the ceiling. As you travel up the tunnel three blue monsters will attack you, so kill them and continue down the tunnel. Another blue monster will jump down, so kill it as well. There will be two crates along the right side of the wall, one is empty, but the first contains some normal shurikens. Nab the shurikens and continue forward where you will come to a corner where there will be two more crates. One of the crates is empty, and the other contains a Cola. Three brown monsters will appear here and attack you, so kill them all and two blue monsters will appear around the corner to the right so round the corner and go kill them as well. After they are killed three more blue monsters will jump down further ahead in the tunnel, so kill them and two more blue monsters will attack. Beware the two stalagmites that will fall near these blue monsters, and dispatch them. After you have killed all five blue monsters the indicator arrow will start flashing. Head towards the light at the end of the tunnel and the area will come to an end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 2: UNDERGROUND WORLD ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------------+ |Rapheal: BOSS FIGHT: Razorfist| +------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+ |Leonardo: BOSS FIGHT: Razorfist| +-------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------+ |Michaelangelo/Casey Jones: BOSS FIGHT: Razorfist| +------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------+ |Donatello/Master Splinter: BOSS FIGHT: Razorfist| +------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3: ABANDONED TOWN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4: GENETICS LAB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------------+ |Rapheal: BOSS FIGHT: Quarry| +---------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5: CULTIVATION ROOM ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +---------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: King Nail| +---------------------+ --There is a gray Makimono Scroll in a crate in the back of the room by the door.-- King Nail can be a tough fight, especially if your current character has a lousy jump attack because King Nail can fly and will be in the air for pretty much all of the fight. There is a large platform in the center of the room that should be used to avoid several of his attacks, as well as get a better position to attack him with your jump attacks from. One of Kind Nail's main attacks is a huge venom spitting attack that hurts very much. After reeling back King Nail will spit a large cloud of purple venom at the platform in the center of the room, so you should jump away as soon as you see King Nail lean back and prepare to spit. Another of King Nail's attack is to fly in a circle around the center platform at a very fast speed. He will start off high and as he revolves around the platform he will fly lower. Jump up onto the center platform when he starts this attack and you will be safe from it. Another of King Nail's attacks is to drop down out of the air and slam his claws into the ground. This attack hurts badly if King Nail lands on you, but it provides a great chance to hit him as his claws will be stuck in the ground and it will take a few seconds for him to get back into the air. Just keep hopping onto the center platform and jumping off, attempting to hit King Nail with your jump attack. If King Nail slams into the ground hurry over and pummel him with your attacks before he takes off again. After King Nail has lost about half of his health, he will become faster, and the attack where he slams into the ground will be followed by several claw swipes before he takes off again. Just defeat King Nail and this stage will end. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / SPECIAL STAGE: ORDEAL / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ Yet another Dojo Stage. This stage will increase the Turtles attack capabilities yet again, and after all four Turtles complete this stage, the utterly powerful Gembu Turtle Power attack will become available to be used. As usual, no Dojo Stage for Casey or Splinter. +--------+ |Leonardo| +--------+ You have to defeat Master Splinter to complete this Dojo Stage. I know it borders on sacrilege... I too shed a tear as the game forced me to beat up Master Splinter, but it has to be done. Splinter is incredibly powerful, and the AI that controls him is nearly flawless. You will be amazed by the finesse and cunning that Splinter displays (even on easy difficulty) as he completely reams you. In the beginning of the fight, you as Leonardo will be facing off against Splinter, who is across the bridge. DO NOT RUN ACROSS THE BRIDGE LIKE A JACKASS! STAY AWAY FROM SPLINTER! Splinter is totally invincible for the first few seconds of the fight. Let him come to you. After Splinter crosses the bridge, lead him to the left making sure to keep him in a straight line from you. Stop and face him while he is walking towards you and hit Cross (X)+ Square to perform a stun attack and knock Splinter senseless. Hit Splinter again while he is stunned and he will fall down. Dash away quickly because Splinter WILL get back up and come after your ass... stupid pupil... Dash a good bit away and turn around and get ready to set up to stun Splinter again. Your first attack will usually miss because Splinter will usually turn around and walk the other way when you attempt to attack him, but you second attack should hit him in the back and stun him. So make sure you stun him and knock him down and then dash away. Repeat the process until you bring Splinter down. This is the only way I have ever been able to defeat Master Splinter. I have NEVER been able to beat him in a straight out slug match. He is easily able to kill you in one and a half of a combo attack, so just go for the stun and run maneuver. After defeating Splinter, Leonardo's offensive strength will increase again. +----------------------------------+ |Donatello / Rapheal / Michelangelo| +----------------------------------+ You have to defeat Leonardo to complete this Dojo Stage. He is a pretty darn easy fight, especially when compared to the fight against Splinter. You can defeat him in about two combos. When the match begins, run back away from the bridge. Leo will cross the bridge and give chase. Lead him along for a little bit, and then turn around and do a full combo attack on him. Run away again while he is still laying on the ground, and when he gives chase again combo him a second time and he should be defeated. The offensive strength of the turtle you beat him with will increase after the match ends. /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ / STAGE 6: JUSTICE / /-------------------------------------------------------------------/ Okay, besides trying to constantly kill you, a long-standing grudge for killing Master Splinter's former master, Hamato Yoshi, and leading an evil ninja crime syndicate, the Shredder is just a real jerk! It's time to go and put him out of business once and for all, and the only way to do that is by paying him a house call. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 1: ENTRANCE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +-----------------------------------------+ |Casey Jones/Michelangelo: BOSS FIGHT: Hun| +-----------------------------------------+ Bummer, when playing as Michelangelo or Casey Jones you get a boss fight right off the bat with this sumo supreme. When the fight begins Hun isn't much of a challenge. There will be two Stealth Ninjas accompanying Hun, so defeat them first. After you defeat his two companions, start working on Hun. Hun is slow as molasses, just dash in and hit Hun a few times and then dash away before he can attack you. You should have little problem, but once Hun loses about half of his life he will fall down on the ground and turn red. HUN MAD!!! HUN SMASH!!! This is where it gets difficult. Hun gets peeved and turns beet red, and gains a tremendous boost in speed and attack power, and will now perform a huge combo attack that can sap more then half of your life if you get caught up in it. Dash away from Hun and he will do his massive combo of doom after you. When he completes his combo by doing his jumping ass-slam, dash in to hit him two or three times while he is on the ground and then dash away when he gets back up. Repeat this process until Hun is defeated. --There is a gray scroll hidden behind the left side of the doorway where you start. When playing as Rapheal there will be a red scroll in the left corner of this part of the area as well.-- When you begin the stage as Rapheal, Leonardo or Donatello, two Stealth Ninjas will jump down. After defeating them, two more Stealth Ninjas and a Foot Bee will appear to the right. Another Stealth Ninja will appear in the center, followed by a Foot Bee and another Stealth Ninja to the left. After you mop the floor with them, two Stealth Ninjas and Foot Bee will appear to the right. The signal arrow will appear, so walk forward into the next room. When you walk through, three Stealth Ninjas will jump onto the carpet, so give them a trashing. Three Stealth Ninjas and one Foot Bee will appear to the left, followed by three Stealth Ninjas and a Foot Bee to the right. After being defeated, three Stealth Ninjas will jump to the center carpet, and one Foot Bee will appear on the right. When you are done with them, two Foot Bee and three Stealth Ninjas will appear on the left. So are you getting tired of reading about Stealth Ninjas yet? Because after you trash those last few... two more jump down onto the center carpet... so kill them for being so damned repetitive! If you need it there are three crates in some of the corners on the side of the room. There is a Soda in the lower-right corner, an attack power up in the upper-right corner, and another soda in the upper-left corner. Stock up, you're going to need them for the annoyances up ahead. +--------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystical Earth Ninja| +--------------------------------+ WHY WON'T THEY JUST STAY DEAD!?! Especially YOU, annoying Earth Ninja! The Earth Ninja will appear in the center of the rug in a pillar of dirt. Stand behind the dirt pile while the Ninja is still appearing to get an early jump on him. When he appears, beat the hell out of him. After that he will retaliate with his annoying as all hell earth line attack. So jump or dash an do whatever it takes to avoid this. Try to heard the Earth Ninja into the sides of the room, near the red sofas along the wall. If you can get the Earth Ninja to stand on the floor, you an stand on top of the sofa, and attack him. The rocks he fires at you will shatter because they cannot go over the sofas, and his annoying earth line will pass harmlessly under the sofas. The only thing he can really hit you with is his staff, so this shouldn't be too difficult a fight. After you dispatch that pesky Earth Ninja... again move forward to the next area. Twenty-four Stealth Ninjas will take turns jumping at you two at a time from all sides. Kill them all, but don't touch the crates in the corners during the ninja fights, because you will need them afterwards. There are shurikens in the upper-right corner, a speed power up in the lower-right corner, sushi in the lower-left corner, and a god-send of an item if there ever was one a pizza in the upper-left corner. Do not touch them unless absolutely necessary, because after the ninjas are finished off... +--------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystical Metal Ninja| +--------------------------------+ So do you know who The Who are yet? Oh never mind! Position yourself behind the swirling vortex in the center of the room while the Metal Ninja is still appearing so you are set up to hit him right when he enters the field. Smack him senseless the second he becomes tangible. Just like last time, stay behind the Metal Ninja at all times. After you hit him multiple times, he will release five pinballs in front of him in a fan-shaped cone and then roll forward. Just dash forward to stay behind him and keep bashing him in the back. He should go down easily. The only problem you may encounter is having pinballs ricocheting off the walls into you. Just ignore the pinballs and concentrate on defeating the Metal Ninja. If you are playing as Michelangelo or Casey Jones the signal arrow will appear once you defeat the Mystic Metal Ninja, so go to the door in the back of the room and the area will end. But if you are playing as anybody else... well you're in for more trouble. +------------------------------------------------+ |Leonardo: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Pike| +------------------------------------------------+ This elite foot ninja uses a lengthy pike as a weapon, so his attack reach is pretty far. Avoid using your jump attack against him, as the elite ninjas are exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Because he has such a long attack reach with his pike it is advisable to attack him from the sides or back and not the front. Attack him a few times and after hitting him three time dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash around behind you and start to attack. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough. You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits and he will gain a new attack where he walks forward twirling his pike in front of himself. Keep attacking the elite foot ninja and when his life is almost depleted he will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash Square when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear After the last Ninja is finished, the signal arrow will appear. Go to the door in the back of the room and the area will end. +------------------------------------------------------+ |Rapheal: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Dual Swords| +------------------------------------------------------+ After dispatching that pesky Mystical Metal Ninja you have another ninja to deal with, but this guy is far more annoying than any mystical ninja. This will be your first bout with an elite foot ninja, and it won't be your last either. This elite foot ninja dual wields two swords, and he is a formidable opponent. Avoid using the jump attack against it, as the elite ninjas are exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Attack him and after hitting him twice dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash away from you and start to attack you. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his lifebar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough. You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits. His combo attack will end in a dizzying sword tornado, which if it hits you will drain much of your health. But if you keep dashing away from him while he is spinning around the elite ninja will get dizzy and fall on his ass, leaving him wide open for a big combo attack. After his life is almost up, the elite ninja will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash square when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear. After the last Ninja is finished, the signal arrow will appear. Go to the door in the back of the room and the area will end. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Donatello/Master Splinter: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Axe| +----------------------------------------------------------------+ This elite foot ninja wields a single axe as a weapon, but his behavior is identical to the elite foot ninja with dual swords. Avoid using your jump attack against him, because much like the other elite ninjas he is exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with his uppercut attacks. Attack him and after hitting him twice dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash behind you and beat the heck out of you. After taking a good bit of damage (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough... You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits. His combo attack will now end in a dizzying axe tornado, which if it hits you will drain much of your health. But if you keep dashing away from him while he is spinning around the elite ninja will get dizzy and fall on his ass, leaving him wide open for a big combo attack. After his life is almost up, the elite ninja will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash the Square button when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear. After the last Ninja is finished, the signal arrow will appear. Go to the door in the back of the room and the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 2: JAPANESE GARDEN ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you begin the area, three Foot Ninja with swords will jump down behind you and two Foot with swords with jump down in front of you. Defeat them and move down the corridor where four Foot with swords and one Stealth Ninja will appear. Defeat them all and jump over the red security laser and four more Foot Ninjas with swords and one more Stealth Ninja will appear in front of you. Defeat them and go through the huge wooden double doors, which lead into the Japanese garden. When you enter you will be swarmed by four Foot Bees, and one Foot Ninja with a sword. Grab the attack power up hidden by the right wall and kill the Foot Ninja first to get it out of the way, and eliminate the Foot Bees one by one with your jump attack. After they are defeated move forward and break the crate near the pond to get Lightning Shurikens. Three Foot Ninjas with swords and two Foot Bees will appear. Defeat them and two Foot Ninja with swords and one Stealth Ninja will appear on the bridge nearby. Walk onto the bridge and kill them. --Jump off of the right side of the bridge and into the water to find a gray scroll in a crate in the pond.-- Continue down the bridge and one Foot Ninja with a sword and two Stealth Ninjas will appear. After they are defeated, two more Stealth Ninja will come running down the left path of the bridge. Defeat them and continue down the left side of the bridge where two more Stealth Ninjas will appear. Defeat them and move onto the central platform where there is a small shrine above the water. --There will be a second gray scroll in this area, just jump into the water off the right side of the pagoda shrine and you will see the crate out in plain view. Also, when playing as Michelangelo, search the right side of the pagoda shrine platform itself to find a crate containing a orange scroll.-- Three Stealth Ninjas and two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear on the platform around the shrine, so defeat them and if you are low on health grab one of some recovery items. There is a Cola against the right wall, and a Cola against the left wall, and to top it off there is a Pizza in the upper-left corner. +-------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystical Fire Ninja| +-------------------------------+ The Mystical Fire Ninja will appear in a short pillar of fire on the small connecting bridge coming off of the shrine platform. Jump over the fire pillar to get behind the Fire Ninja while he is still appearing. When he becomes solid, start whacking him and then dash away when he prepares to release the five fire pillars. After the fire pillars subside dash back towards him, while jumping over any fireballs he may throw at you. Try to hit him with a jump attack on the way down. You should have no problem defeating the Fire Ninja, especially with the rather generous supply of recovery items towards the back of the garden area. If you get low on health, retreat to grab either of the two Colas or the Pizza I mentioned in the last paragraph and then go back to whomp on the Fire Ninja. After dousing the Fire Ninja, two Stealth Ninjas will appear on the next platform. Defeat them and one Foot Bee and four Foot Ninjas with swords will appear. Kill them and four more Foot Ninjas will appear behind you. After they are defeated, move on to the double doors and the area will be completed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3: FOOT SCIENCE LAB ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You start off in a narrow hallway filled with security lasers and an annoying feminine computerized voice THAT JUST WON'T SHUT UP!!! Two Stealth Ninjas will jump down next to you so defeat them. Move on down the hall. There will be a red security laser moving up and down the wall on a track. Jump over or dash under the laser and four more Stealth Ninjas will appear two at a time. Defeat them and be sure to void touching the lasers that surround you. When the Stealth Ninjas are toast, dash or jump over the next security laser and three more Stealth Ninja will appear. After you defeat them, turn right and three Stealth Ninjas and two Foot Bees will appear. Defeat the annoying Foot Bees first and then trash the Stealth Ninjas. Continue down the hall and three Stealth Ninjas will jump down. When they are killed, three Foot Bees and one Stealth Ninja will appear in the corner where the hall turns right. Again, defeat the Foot Bees right off the bat, and then kill the Stealth Ninja. Be careful when you go to turn right, because there is a security laser right by the corner, so if you aren't cautious you will run right into it. So approach the corner cautiously and dash under the security laser when the time is right. Continue to the end of the hall and you will find a door in the left wall. --When playing as Michelangelo jump over the boxes at the end of the hall to find a crate containing an orange scroll hidden behind them.-- Go through the door in the left wall and you will enter the Foot Science Laboratory. You will be jumped by a ton of Stealth Ninjas in this part of the area. There will be twenty Stealth Ninjas that will appear two at a time in either the main room you enter, or the adjoining computer area. If you run low on health there is a crate containing a Hamburger in the back of the computer area. --When playing as Donatello check the small gap between the bookshelf an the computer desk to find a purple Makimono Scroll.-- After all of the Stealth Ninjas are defeated, grab the hamburger if you haven't already. The door to the test tube area of the lab will open and the area will flood with green gas and the annoying computer voice will begin to announce that "Experiment Omega has become unstable." Go through the door and one of the Experiment Omegas will break free from its test tube. These critters are pretty tough. They will usually charge you by curling into a ball and flying at you, which delivers a powerful hit. They also have a powerful grab and throw attack, and can spit three globs of purple acid over a good distance. They can usually be killed by a full combo, so just be sure to get your licks in first before they attack you because they are not stunned by being hit. After you defeat the first Omega Experiment critter, a second Omega Experiment will break out of its tube further ahead. There will be a Hamburger in a crate against the wall. There is also a Cola in a crate a little further ahead. Continue on and another Omega Experiment will break out. Kill it and another Omega Experiment will break out. Kill it and move to the right grab the speed power up and another Omega Experiment will break out and two Foot Bees will appear on your left and right sides. Defeat the Omega Experiment first and then destroy the Foot Bees. Continue forward and another Omega will break out. Kill it an another will break out and then another Omega Experiment once it is defeated. There will be a Cola against the wall in a crate. Grab it and move forward where another Omega Experiment will break out. Grab the Hamburger in the crate by the wall and continue on where another Omega Experiment will break out. Kill it and a final Omega Experiment will break out a rush you, so finish the monster off. --Search the left boarder near the piles of cardboard boxes to find a crate that contains a gray scroll.-- +-------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Mystical Wind Ninja| +-------------------------------+ Dash behind the cyclone that the Wind Ninja appears in and wait for the cyclone to vanish so you can attack the Wind Ninja. After the Wind Ninja takes his licks he will jump into the air and spin around. Immediately dash away from the Wind Ninja to avoid his mega-cyclone counterattack. Watch which direction the Wind Ninja is facing when he stops spinning because that is the direction he will jump out of the cyclone in. Dash to where he is facing and attack him when he lands after he jumps. Dash away again and the Wind Ninja will create another huge cyclone. Watch where he will jump out and dash in to attack him when he lands. Repeat the process and the Wind Ninja will be dead as a doornail soon enough. After the Wind Ninja is defeated the signal arrow will begin flashing. Move to the large double doors at the back of the room to complete the area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4: MOUSER ARSENAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When you begin, head to the right wall and grab the crate full of Explosive Shurikens against the wall. Six Foot Ninjas with swords and two Foots Bees. Defeat them and three more Foot Ninja with swords will show up. Kill them and four Foot Bees along with two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear. The door to the giant Mouser Arsenal will open. Go through the door and five silver Mousers will appear. There is a crate with a defense power up along the right wall inside the Mouser chamber. Get the defense power up and then charge the Mousers. There will be forty Mousers you have to defeat, and they will come at you seven at a time. Be careful because they can easily surround you and they can chew you apart in seconds. Dash out if they surround you and then attack from outside the group. There is a Hamburger at the back of the chamber. After you defeat all of the Mousers, go up the ramp on the back and you will arrive in the Dynamic Test Area. Three Foot Bees will appear, one in the middle and one on the left and right. Destroy them and that annoying computer voice will announce that the Giant mouser is being released. +----------------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Giant Mouser Robot x 2| +----------------------------------+ Hey! Stupid computer! You said Giant Mouser! Singular! One Giant Mouser! So why are there now two Giant Mousers! Jeze, learn proper grammar! Wait a little way away from the top of the Test Area and the hatch will open and the two Giant Mouser Robots will appear. Immediately throw all of your Lightning Shurikens and Fire Shurikens into the front Giant Mouser while dashing away. Things can get pretty hectic with two Giant Mousers so stay on your toes at all times. Never stop moving. Dash away and let them follow you. Dash to the left side of the Test Area and when they follow you, dash towards them, dash past the first Giant Mouser and behind the second Giant Mouser. Attack the back of the Giant Mousers legs, and when they turn around, dash to the back of the second Giant Mouser to get them to turn again. At least one of them will usually be firing missiles while the other attacks in close range. The plus side to this is that when one Giant Mouser is spinning its arms, it will block the incoming missiles. Dash back behind the Giant Mouser and begin to attack its legs again and dash away again when they face you to launch their missiles. Should you get low on health there is a Hamburger in the crate on the right side of the Test Area. Just keep beating on the same Giant Mouser until it falls apart. After the first Mouser Robot falls the fight is incredibly easy. Just stay behind the remaining Giant Mouser robot like you did at the end of Stage 1 when you first fought it, and beat on its legs until it is destroyed. After the Giant Mousers are destroyed move to the right and go up the stairs. There are two crates that both contain Hamburgers at the base of the stairs. If you are low on health break one open, but leave one because if you get low on health later in the area, you can backtrack back to the stairs to get the Hamburger. When you get on the stairs two Stealth Ninjas and a Foot Ninja with a sword. Defeat them and four more Stealth Ninjas and one Foot Ninja with a sword will appear two at a time. Defeat them and continue up the stairs onto the computer area where five more Stealth Ninjas and two Foot Ninjas with swords will appear two at a time. Defeat them and move down the stairs on the bottom of the computer area. Go down the stairs to the next area and four Stealth Ninjas will appear two at a time. Go to the upper-left corner to find a crate containing shurikens. After defeating the last few enemies one Foot Bee, three Foot Ninjas, and three Stealth Ninja will appear. Defeat them and three Foot Bees, one Foot Ninja with a sword, and three Stealth Ninjas will appear further down. Defeat them and the arrow will signal you to move left. Walk up the stairs and four Foot Ninja with swords will jump down. Kick their butts and continue forward along the catwalk and one Stealth Ninja and two Foot Bees will appear. Defeat them and continue left along the catwalk and you will arrive at the reactor area. Two Foot Bees, one Foot Ninja with a sword, and two Stealth Ninjas will attack when you step off the catwalk. Jump on top of the chain-link fencing to avoid the Foot Ninjas, and to deal with the Foot Bees much easier. --There is a gray Makimono Scroll hidden in the lower-right corner underneath the chain-link fence.-- Jump on top of the left fence and look in the back-left corner to find a crate with Lightning Shurikens in it. Three Stealth Ninjas will jump down, so defeat them and three Foot Ninjas with swords and two Foot Bees will appear. Destroy those and five of the silver Mousers will appear. Destroy them and walk up the stairs to the reactor. After the cutscene ends, beat the hell out of the reactor for fun until it explodes, listening to the annoying computer voice all the while... I love it how the computer says "Thank you." before it explodes... kind of reminds me of Spaceballs... Well, enough reminiscing! After the reactor explodes the area ends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5: DEMOLITIONED ARSENAL ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This area is just the Dynamic Test Area after the explosion. It will serve as an arena for a boss fight. Each character will fight a different boss so just read on to whomever you need. There will always be a Pizza in the bottom-left crate, and a Cola in the upper-right crate if you need health during the fight. --There is a gray Makimono Scroll in the upper-left crate during any of the fights.-- +------------------------------------------------+ |Leonardo: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Axe | +------------------------------------------------+ This elite foot ninja wields a single axe as a weapon, but his behavior is identical to the elite foot ninja with dual swords. Avoid using your jump attack against him, because much like the other elite ninjas he is exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with his uppercut attacks. Attack him and after hitting him twice dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash behind you and beat the heck out of you. After taking a good bit of damage (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough... You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits. His combo attack will now end in a dizzying axe tornado, which if it hits you will drain much of your health. But if you keep dashing away from him while he is spinning around the elite ninja will get dizzy and fall on his ass, leaving him wide open for a big combo attack. After his life is almost up, the elite ninja will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash the Square button when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear. +-----------------------------------------------------+ |Donatello/Master Splinter: BOSS FIGHT: Stockman Robot| +-----------------------------------------------------+ This can be a pretty difficult fight, and it is even more difficult for Splinter because Splinters jump attack is not so great and since that is what you will depend on for about ninety percent of the fight it can get pretty annoying. When the battle begins, jump into the air and use your jump attack to hit Stockman's head. His head is his only weak point for the time being. Yeah, yeah, just like every other giant man-robot game boss ever! How cliche... Stockman will attack you by launching a few explosive rounds into the air from his back-mounted artillery cannon, and after a few seconds the rounds will fall back down to the ground and detonate all around him. Dash away from him while the shells are still falling to avoid the resulting explosion on the ground. He will also attack by spinning wildly in a circle while firing his machinegun non-stop. Stand next to him while he is spinning and he will not hit you. Do not jump while he is spinning or the machinegun will hit you. When he stops spinning attempt to jump attack his head again before he shields himself with his hand. After a few hard knocks the protective glass will crack. Stockman will start to increase the frequency of his attacks, and gain some new ones. He will now fire the cannon on his right arm at you. Dash around him in a close circle to avoid the arm-cannon blasts. When he stops firing attempt to jump attack his head again. After the glass cracks a second time, he will become very frantic in his attack patterns. He will start to use his grab attack, which is probably his hardest attack to dodge because you will usually be staying close to him so it is very easy for him to reach forward with little warning and grab you and throw you across the Test Area. The speed at which the arm-cannon projectiles travel will also increase dramatically. Take care to stay close, but not to close so Stockman can't grab you with his hand and throw you. Continue to jump attack in between his attack to knock on his noggin and the protective glass will completely shatter. His head will now be completely exposed. After the glass is completely shattered, this fight becomes MUCH easier, as you are now free to hit him anywhere on his body to do damage to him, so you no longer have to jump attack him. Just keep doing combo attacks into his legs and he will fall in no time flat. +---------------------------------------------------+ |Rapheal: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Trident | +---------------------------------------------------+ Time for your second bout against one of the elite foot ninjas. This elite foot ninja uses a long trident as a weapon, so his attack reach is pretty far, however he is probably an easier fight then the foot ninja with the swords. Avoid using your jump attack against him, as the elite ninjas are exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Because he has such a long attack reach with his trident it is advisable to attack him from the sides or back and not the front. Attack him a few times and after hitting him three time dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash around behind you and start to attack. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough. You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits and he will gain a new attack where he walks forward twirling his trident in front of himself. Keep attacking the elite foot ninja and when his life is almost depleted he will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash Square when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear. +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Michelangelo/Casey Jones: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja w/ 2x Swords | +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ --There is an orange scroll in a crate on the right side of the dynamic test area when you battle the Elite Foot Ninja with two swords as Michelangelo.-- This elite foot ninja dual wields two swords, and he is a formidable opponent. Avoid using the jump attack against him, as the elite ninjas are exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Attack him and after hitting him twice dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash away from you and start to attack you. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough. You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits. His combo attack will end in a dizzying sword tornado, which if it hits you will drain much of your health. But if you keep dashing away from him while he is spinning around the elite ninja will get dizzy and fall on his ass, leaving him wide open for a big combo attack. After his life is almost up, the elite ninja will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash square when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 6: TRAP CORRIDOR ----------------------------------------------------------------------- When the area begins one Foot Bee will appear. Destroy it and it will trigger the opening of the door to the first room of the Trap Corridor. This area is full of all sorts of nasty contraptions so stay alert and pay attention or you'll end up skewered, smashed, crushed, or generally just really messed up. In the first room there are two rows of bamboo spikes that shoot out of the ground in the middle of the room. Walk around the side of the room to avoid them. The door to the second room has spikes on the sides and will slam shut when you attempt to go through it. Stop before you go through the door so you will trigger it to slam shut without being in its way. Go through the spike door while it begins to re-open and enter the second room. There is a large weight attached to the ceiling in the center of the room that will slam down when you walk under it. Go around the sides of the room and walk through the door into the third room. There are two swinging guillotines, one in front of the room and one in back. Wait until the guillotines start to swing to the right and dash along the left side of the room. Brake the crates that are in your way, there is a Cola in the second crate. Go through the door into the fourth room. There is a series of bamboo spikes positioned like a maze in the room. Wait until the spikes are popped up and jump over them. There is a speed power up in a crate in the center of the room. The door to the fifth room is another trapped spike door, so don't run through it, stop in front of it to trigger it and walk though as it re-opens. There are arrows shooting out of the walls in the fifth room. Dash forward and break the first crate to find some Shurikens. Dash forward and trigger the trapped spike door, and then dash through as it re-opens. In the sixth room there are three weights attached to the ceiling, two on the left and one on the right. Two Stealth Ninjas will jump down. Defeat them taking care not to end up under one of the weights when you attack. After the Stealth Ninjas are killed, the door to the seventh room will open. In the seventh room, there are two sets of bamboo spikes and two swinging guillotines on the left and right sides of the room. They are easily avoided just by walking down the center of the room, but... --There is a gray Makimono Scroll in a crate on the left wall. Jump over the bamboo spikes and walk along the wall and break the crate. If you are playing as Michelangelo there is a crate floating in the lower- right corner of the room. Use your jump attack to break the floating crate to get the orange scroll.-- Go through the door into the eighth room. There are more arrows shooting from the walls. There are Fire Shurikens in the second crate in the center of the room. Take caution when dashing through the room because there is a weight hanging above the exit. Trigger the weight by dashing near it, and then go through the door while it raises back up to the ceiling. You are finally out of the zany trap corridor. There is a Hamburger in a crate on the left wall and a Cola in a crate at the top of the room. Leave them be if you are not low on health. When you enter the room, three Stealth Ninjas will jump down. Defeat them and two Foot Bees and three Stealth Ninjas will appear. After you kill those baddies, three more Stealth Ninjas will appear. Defeat them and one Stealth Ninja and three Foot Bees will show up. After they are defeated four Stealth Ninjas will jump out, and after they are killed one Stealth Ninja and two Foot Bees will appear. The signal arrow will tell you to go through the door in the right wall. Grab the Hamburger or Cola if you haven't already and go through the door. Four Foot Bees will appear in the next room. Defeat them and two Stealth Ninjas will appear. Kill them and three Omega Experiments will show up. Yikes! These guys can get nasty. The easiest way to defeat them is to use your jump attack. But try not to let them gang up on you. After they die, another three Omega Experiments will appear. Defeat those creeps and if you are low on health, grab the Hamburger in the left corner, because it's boss time! +-------------------------------------------------------+ |Leonardo: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Dual Swords| +-------------------------------------------------------+ This elite foot ninja dual wields two swords, and he is a formidable opponent. Avoid using the jump attack against him, as the elite ninjas are exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Attack him and after hitting him twice dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash away from you and start to attack you. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough. You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits. His combo attack will end in a dizzying sword tornado, which if it hits you will drain much of your health. But if you keep dashing away from him while he is spinning around the elite ninja will get dizzy and fall on his ass, leaving him wide open for a big combo attack. After his life is almost up, the elite ninja will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash square when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear. +----------------------------------------------+ |Rapheal: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Axe| +----------------------------------------------+ This elite foot ninja wields a single axe as a weapon, but his behavior is identical to the elite foot ninja with dual swords. Avoid using your jump attack against him, because much like the other elite ninjas he is exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with his uppercut attacks. Attack him and after hitting him twice dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash behind you and beat the heck out of you. After taking a good bit of damage (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough... You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits. His combo attack will now end in a dizzying axe tornado, which if it hits you will drain much of your health. But if you keep dashing away from him while he is spinning around the elite ninja will get dizzy and fall on his ass, leaving him wide open for a big combo attack. After his life is almost up, the elite ninja will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash the Square button when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear. +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ |Donatello/Master Splinter: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Pike| +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ This elite foot ninja uses a lengthy pike as a weapon, so his attack reach is pretty far. However, his attack pattern and behaviors are exactly like those of the elite foot ninja with the trident. Avoid using your jump attack against him, as the elite ninjas are exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Because he has such a long attack reach with his pike it is advisable to attack him from the sides or back and not the front. Attack him a few times and after hitting him three time dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash around behind you and start to attack. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough. You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits and he will gain a new attack where he walks forward twirling his pike in front of himself. Keep attacking the elite foot ninja and when his life is almost depleted he will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash Square when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Michelangelo/Casey Jones: BOSS FIGHT: Elite Foot Ninja with Trident| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ This elite foot ninja uses a long trident as a weapon, so his attack reach is pretty far, however he is probably an easier fight then the foot ninja with the swords. Avoid using your jump attack against him, as the elite ninjas are exceptionably good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Because he has such a long attack reach with his trident it is advisable to attack him from the sides or back and not the front. Attack him a few times and after hitting him three time dash away, because if you hit him more than twice he will dash around behind you and start to attack. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas! As if one wasn't bad enough. You can easily tell which one is the duplicate, because it will be much darker in color, almost like a shadow. The shadow ninja can do anything that the regular elite foot ninja can do, but it has much less life, so it is defeated much easier. If you stand next to the ninjas and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually knock the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack, so just take down the shadow image first before tackling the regular ninja. But beware, because the elite ninja's attacks will grow in ferocity at the point where he splits and he will gain a new attack where he walks forward twirling his trident in front of himself. Keep attacking the elite foot ninja and when his life is almost depleted he will split again, but this time he will create two shadow clones. Mash Square when the split is complete to knock them all away, and finish off the regular elite ninja and they will all disappear After the battle ends the signal arrow will begin flashing. Go up the stairs to the door and the area will end. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 7: HELIPORT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +------------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: The Shredder| +------------------------+ This is a one on one fight against the Shredder. The Heliport is a fairly large area, so there is plenty of room to fight. There is a crate in each corner of the area. There is a Hamburger in the crate in the top-right corner. A crate containing Lightning Shurikens in the lower-right corner. Another crate containing a Hamburger is in the lower-left corner, and another Lightning Shuriken in a crate in the upper-left corner. When the fight begins, Shredder will charge you. Start throwing any shurikens you may have at him. Walk forward as you throw your shurikens, because if Shredder ever gets more then half a screen away he will use his jump attack to close the gap. Walking forward after you throw each shuriken will make up for the distance you knock him back by hitting him, so he will not use his jump attack. Once you are out of shurikens, or if you would rather not use them, engage him at close range. Dash away from him while he attacks and when he stops his combo, dash in and hit him. Be cautious though, as Shredder is quite fast and with his Goblin Sword has good range and reach. One attack to be cautious of is when he stabs the sword into the ground and releases a large blue energy explosion. Dash away quickly as you see him do this because it hurts pretty bad, but it is very easy to see this attack coming. Just keep dashing until he breaks his combo and is stalled by the lag of his last attack. While he is stalled, hit him a few times and you will have him defeated in a minute or two. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 8: SHINTO PALACE ----------------------------------------------------------------------- +----------------------+ |BOSS FIGHT: Oroku Saki| +----------------------+ This area will only be available when you have played through and beaten Stage 6 with all four of the Turtles. This is the final battle against The Shredder, or to be more precise, the final battle against Oroku Saki. Oroku Saki is a vicious opponent. He can not be stunned, your attacks will barely phase him, and he can not be knocked out of his own lightning fast attacks. But never fear, you will begin the fight with re-filled continues. Yep, all six will be back so you should be sitting pretty! And you also have all three Gembu Turtle Power attacks at your disposal. I suggest using those three Gembu attacks A.S.A.P. because they will remove a lot of his health, which is a good thing! Unfortunately, after Saki loses 50% of his health, which the second Gembu attack should accomplish, his aura will turn from blue to red and he will get an insane boost in speed and power. Since the Gembus will not even come close to completely defeating Oroku Saki, you will have to engage him in close range... unless you happen to have ass-loads of shurikens on you. But assuming you don't have the proverbial ass-load of shurikens I should really educate you on how to tangle with this powerful opponent. First of all: Oroku loves to stun you so he can beat on your paralyzed corpse, so his initial wave of attacks should always be dashed away from. After his first two attacks miss, attack him and then dash away to play it safe. Or go nuts; you do have six lives to blow. If you do lose a life, remember you get ten normal shurikens every time you continue, so unload into Saki every time you continue. Do not use your jump attack! He CAN and sometimes will literally juggle you across the entire area using his uppercut attack until you die, so avoid using your jump attack so you will avoid triggering him to use his uppercut to knock you out of the air. Following those few basics you should have a good fight with Saki, but he will fall to the superior might of having all six continues! After that, just sit back and watch the new ending! Congratulations, you beat Story Mode! \ /--------------\ / ]==========================|Challenge Mode|===========================[ / \--------------/ \ Challenge Mode is unlocked once you beat Story Mode with all four of the Turtles. You can only choose one of the four Turtles to play with in Challenge Mode. Challenge Mode itself is a one on one survival battle against all of the enemies in the game with a brief pause between fights. After each fight crates will appear around the edge of the ring and you will have three seconds to break open as many crates as possible and collect the contents; which could be Shurikens, Lightning Shurikens, Fire Shurikens, Soda, Sushi, Pizza, or nothing! The maximum number of each type of Shurikens you can carry has been increased to 99 of every type, so you can have a lot more fun with shurikens, but your ability to use the Gembu Power has been removed... Bummer. After every fight you can see the percentage complete in the lower-right corner of the screen, and you will get a small amount of life back before every fight, even if you don't get healing items. It is important to save your shurikens for later on in the tournament. Just don't go wasting them on Mouser Robots. They are a very important part of beating Challenge Mode in less than fifteen minutes; which is required to unlock Casey Jones' Story Mode. Well, lets get things started! Challenge Mode! READY! GO!!! Fight 1: Dragon Face -------------------- Not much strategy about beating this low-level goon. Just charge him in the beginning and dash around him while doing two-hit attacks. Any more then two hits will get you a counter-attack. He should fall in no time. Position yourself to start cracking crates and pray for fire shurikens and pizza. Fight 2: Casey Jones -------------------- Casey is another easy match. Just follow the same two-hits and evade pattern you used last match and you will be victorious in no time. Fight 3: Giant Mouser Robot --------------------------- The Giant Mouser Robot is a push over if you know how to exploit its weak spots. Never stand in front of the Giant Mouser. Stand on the side of it by the back of the leg, and swing away, moving as it moves and turning as it turns. If you positioned yourself well enough you can evade all of its attacks with no effort and send it packing. Fight 4: Nano Monster Ver. 2.1 ------------------------------ Use your jump attack to tackle this monster from the air. When it raises both arms up and puffs out its chest, dash away to avoid it's junk explosion attack. Just smash away with jump attacks and it will go down. Fight 5: Mouser Robot --------------------- Dude... It's just one friggan Mouser Robot... Why the hell are you reading this? All you need to do is hit the thing once and it'll explode. Fight 6: Mystic Wind Ninja -------------------------- Rotten ninjas are back... When the fight starts the Wind Ninja will jump back into the ropes. Jump attack towards the spot where it will land to hit it before it even starts firing off those annoying tornadoes, and then dash quickly away from it. After being hit the Wind Ninja will spin around and form a massive tornado. Watch as the Wind Ninja spins and when it stops head in the direction the ninja is facing because it will jump out of the tornado in the direction it is facing. Since you should be there waiting for it when it exits the tornado, feel free to knock the hell out of it. It will once again counter with a giant tornado. Just repeat the above and you will have him licked. Fight 7: Mystic Earth Ninja --------------------------- In my opinion, surely this is the most annoying of ninjas. As with all of the mystic ninjas he will start the match by jumping backwards and firing off a single boulder. Jump around the boulder and nail it with a jump attack. The Earth Ninja will jump and spin around which will signal an attack that is barely harmful in and of itself, but utterly annoying! A brown earthy line will shoot out from the ground at the ninja's feet and head in a straight line towards your turtle's current position. It's pretty easy to dodge, but if you get hit by it consider yourself grounded with the worst case of athlete's foot ever. You can't attack, jump, dash, or throw shurikens, and your movement is slowed down abysmally increasing the likelihood of being struck by boulders. So just avoid the dirt line at all costs. Just keep jump attacking the Earth Ninja. He will go down. Fight 8: Mystic Water Ninja --------------------------- Thank God somebody at Konami loves us and gave us a box to stand on; otherwise we would be boned. DO NOT BREAK THE CRATE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM! There's nothing in it anyway. The Water Ninja is easy enough, though, if not only time consuming to defeat if you decide to try and do it the long way. I suggest using Lightning Shurikens to end this match quickly. At the start of the fight, jump over the crate and jump attack the ninja. This will trigger his counter attack; three geysers will bubble up around him and the area will start to flood. Hightail it to higher ground (the lovingly provided crate in the center of the ring). Jump onto the crate and stay parked there. If you want to end the match quicker unload a bunch of Lightning Shurikens into the Water Ninja after he stops spinning. This will quickly drain the Water Ninjas health and end the match that much faster. If you don't want to use your shurikens then just keep jump attacking the Water Ninja once the water recedes, and then get back on the crate when the water starts to rise again. Rinse and repeat until this pesky ninja goes to a watery grave. Fight 9: Mystic Metal Ninja --------------------------- This guy is just annoying. In the beginning he will jump backwards while launching a pinball at you. Jump attack at him, over the pinball, and nail him. Get behind him because he will counter attack by launching five pinballs in whatever direction he is facing. Just stay behind him and beat on him. The pinballs will probably knock you around, but don't worry about them, just concentrate on defeating the ninja that’s launching them at you. Fight 10: Mystic Fire Ninja --------------------------- This guy will jump backwards and launch a fireball. Dodge around it and go for a combo. After taking a few hits the ninja will release five pillars of fire. Dodge the fire pillars by dashing away as quickly as possible and watch as the ninja jumps away. Try to gauge where the ninja will land to make sure you end up there first. When he lands, combo him again and repeat the process until he falls. Fight 11: Prototype Mouser -------------------------- Hit it once. BA-DOOM!!! Fight 12: Evil Turtlebot Ver. 1.5 --------------------------------- This is where it starts to get tough. When the fight begins, Evil Turtlebot will stand still. DON'T GO NEAR IT! It is completely invulnerable to harm for the first few moments of the fight. You can try to hit him all you want, but you won't hurt him, and it leaves you open to attack. So stay back and wait for him to come to you. When he charges you, attack him and combo him until you knock him down. Make sure all of your hits connect to keep him stunned, because if even one of your attacks misses the Evil Turtlebot will use the opening to counter-attack and knock you out of your combo and onto your ass. After your last hit of the combo lands and you knock Turtlebot down, dash away quickly. It will get up and give chase. Dash around until it tries to attack you and misses. Attack it again, making sure not to miss. It will probably jump into the air after the second combo and release its beam barrage. This is easy enough to dodge if you just dash around sporadically. The beams will go in a straight line, so if the first one hits away from you, you are safe. Just wait for it to land and nail it when it comes down. It shouldn't make it through three good combo attacks. Fight 13: Foot Gunner Ninja --------------------------- This guy again... This could be a long and drawn-out fight, which isn't good. The Gunner Ninja will start the fight by using the flame- thrower. Dash around him before he gets it set and ready and knock the hell out of him with a good combo. After that, keep dodging around him in a circle pattern until he attacks with his shotgun, giving you an opening to smack his back. The hardest part about this round is keeping the ninja out of the ropes so you have a clear shot at his back. You can herd him if necessary by running into his shield. This will push him backwards, but it does leave you open for a shotgun blast in the face. Yeowch! Fight 14: Quarry ---------------- This fight is easy. Quarry will teleport around annoyingly, so watch the light columns to see where Quarry will pop up, and dash away from where he will appear. He will either jump at you, charge at you, do a combo attack to the air in your direction, or spit a bunch of acid loogies at the ground around himself. Stay away and wait for him to charge you, and when he stops moving hit him twice and he will disappear. If he starts to spit loogies, do a jump attack into him and he will disappear. He will teleport in again so just repeat the process. He'll go down after awhile. Fight 15: Razorfist ------------------- This guy is just annoying as all hell. Much like the Foot Gunner, he cannot be damaged from the front, which by process of elimination leaves... the back! You can use your uppercut attack to knock Razorfist's arms out of the way and attack his front, but this will usually get you counter-attacked. And this guy counter-attacks so sporadically that it's just annoying! Get around behind Razorfist and swing away. He will probably counterattack, but who cares. Just get back up onto your feet and hit him some more. He really doesn't have any attacks to worry about, since basically all of his attacks focus to the front, so just stay behind him. There is only one really annoying attack he has, if you can even call it an attack. Razorfist will begin to run, but if you stay in one spot he will just run in a circle. This is very annoying because it is difficult to stop him, and he will continue to run in a circle for the rest of time itself unless he either hits you or you hit him out of his mad dash. Just attempt to dash behind him when he runs past you and take a swing. If it whiffs him, try again. Or you could just opt to let him trample you... Either way, just get him to stop so you can beat on him properly. Fight 16: Foot Ninja (w/ Bo Staff) ---------------------------------- Just hit him twice, dude, and that'll be the end of the fight. Fight 17: Elite Foot Ninja (w/ dual Swords) ------------------------------------------- These damn foot ninjas are probably the most annoying enemies in the game. He will charge you from the get go. Avoid using the jump attack, as the ninjas are quite good at knocking you out of the air with their uppercut attacks. Attack him and after hitting him twice, dash away. After doing this a few times (about when 1/3 of his life bar is gone) it will dash away and begin to vibrate. The ninja will split into two ninjas, but if you stand next to him and hit Square when the split is complete you can usually kill the shadow image and knock the real ninja away in a single attack. The ninjas attacks will grow in ferocity at this point. His combo will end in a dizzying sword tornado, which if it hits you will drain much of your health. But if you dash away from him he will get dizzy and fall on his ass leaving him wide open for a combo. After his life is almost up, the ninja will split again, this time with two clones. Mash square when the split is complete to kill them all in one swipe. Fight 18: Elite Foot Ninja (w/ Axe) ----------------------------------- This ninja is armed with an axe, but its behavior is identical to the previous Elite Foot Ninja with the two swords. Just follow similar tactics for the axe ninja as you did on the dual sword ninja and he will go down all the same. Fight 19: Elite Foot Ninja (w/ Trident) --------------------------------------- This ninja is similar to the last two in some respects, but he fights with a different weapon, and hence, a different style. His main attack consists of walking forward while spinning his trident in front of him, giving him protection from the front and most of his side. Dash around his sides and attack him in the back. Try not to hit him more then twice per attack run, or he will try to dash around to your back and hit you with an attack of his own. Thankfully it’s a slow attack. He will use his trident to pole vault into the air and then slam it down in front of him. Just dash to the left or right of him to avoid it. After taking so much damage, the ninja will dash away and do his mirror image move, thus doubling the ninja annoyance factor. Use of a Square attack can usually hit both, and usually kills the clone. Just continue to attack the ninja. He will again, split, this time into two more ninja clones. A Square attack while standing next to them right after the split is complete may kill the clones, and perhaps even the real ninja, otherwise just concentrate on the main ninja. He should be on his last leg anyway. Fight 20: Elite Foot Ninja (w/ Pike) ------------------------------------ Although he uses a slightly different weapon, this ninja fights with the exact same style as the Elite Foot Ninja armed with the trident. Use a similar strategy to defeat this enemy. Fight 21: Hun ------------- Hun is an extremely tough fight... that is if you choose to fight him. I on the other hand say we play dirty. Who ever said we were here to play fair? From the beginning of this Mode you have been hoarding shurikens by the dozens. It's more then time we use them... Hun will immediately charge you. Switch to your Lightning or Exploding Fire Shurikens and let them rip into Hun. They will stun and knock him back. Feel free to just mash the Triangle Button! After 1/2 of Hun's life is gone, Hun will get peeved and turn beet red, giving him an incredible speed and power boost, and the shurikens will no longer stun him on impact. So run. Run like hell. Run away and let Hun chase you while you continue to pelt him with shurikens. Just be sure to stay away. Hun is more then capable of ending your winning streak in a single huge chain combo attack. Fight 22: Foot Ninja (w/ Sword) ------------------------------- Hit him. Once, twice, dead. Easy as pie; I promise. Fight 23: Dr. Stockman ---------------------- Another long annoying fight. When it begins jump attack into Stockman's head. That is your target: His noggin. He will launch a few explosive rounds into the air, and after a few seconds, they will fall to the ground and explode all around him. Dash away while the shells are still falling to avoid this. If he begins to spin wildly and fire his machinegun, stand next to him and he will not hit you. Do not jump either while he is spinning or the machinegun will hit you. When he stops, jump attack his head again. The protective glass will crack after a few hits and he will start to increase the frequency of his attacks, and use some new ones. He will fire the cannon on his arm at you. Dash around him in a close circle to avoid the arm-cannon blasts. When he stops firing, wail on his head again. After the glass cracks again, he will start to use his grab attack if you are close to him (which is probably his hardest attack to dodge) and the speed at which the arm-cannon blast travel will increase dramatically. Take care to stay close, but not to close so he can't grab you with his hand and throw you. Continue to jump attack to beat on his head and the protective glass will completely shatter and his head will be exposed. After the glass is completely gone, this fight becomes MUCH easier, as you are now free to hit him anywhere on his body to do damage to him. No more jump attacks necessary! Yay! Now bust him up! Fight 24: Shredder ------------------ Remember how cheap you were in the fight against Hun? Well it's time for some more low-down dirty fighting. Throw Lightning and Fire Shurikens at Shredder. Heh heh... So cheap, yet so smart! Would you rather go head to head with him? Be my guest, but this is much quicker and safer, and speed and not dying are what this is about. If the Shredder gets more then a half of the ring away from you, he will jump into the air and try and do his jump attack from above. This is easy enough to spot him doing so when you see him jump just dash away from the spot where he is going to land and restart the process of whittling down his health with shurikens from a safe distance. Fight 25: Oroku Saki -------------------- I hope you have enough Fire and Lightning Shurikens to last these last two matches. You should... At least I hope you should. Oroku is easy enough to keep at bay with the stunning effects provided by the higher powered elemental shurikens so you should have no problems, and unlike Shredder, he will do almost nothing to try and close the gap and put up a fight. As long as your shurikens hit their mark you will breeze through this match. Fight 26: Hamato Yoshi ---------------------- For the first few seconds of the fight Hamato Yoshi can not be damaged. This is unfortunate, because he has no qualms against rushing across the ring and beating the hell out of you while he is still invulnerable. Just stay away and after a few seconds begin to launch your remaining Lightning and Fire Shurikens at Master Yoshi. Do not throw them as wildly as you would at the Shredder or Oroku Saki. After Yoshi is hit by a shuriken, there will be a brief period where he will stagger from the impact, and not be damaged from the next shuriken that hits him. If you just throw wildly about half your throws will miss, effectively wasting precious shurikens. If you think they can last you, that’s great, go right ahead and chuck away. All the more easy this fight is, but I suggest timing your throws to one every second. Other than that, just try to stay away from Yoshi unless you are out of shurikens. He can trash three-fourths of you life gauge in a combo, so we can't have that happen too often. Wait for him to attack and then dash away and hit him from a different angle. Once you beat him, you will have completed Challenge Mode, and unlock Hamato Yoshi for use in Versus, and hopefully Casey Jones' Story Mode if you finished in less than fifteen minutes. God speed... \ /--------------------\ / ]========================|Unlocking Characters|=======================[ / \--------------------/ \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlocking additional characters in Story Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Splinter: ---------------- Beat Story Mode with all four Ninja Turtles. Casey Jones: ------------ Beat Challenge Mode in less than fifteen minutes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Unlocking characters in Versus Mode ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Splinter: ---------------- Complete Special Stage: Ordeal as Leonardo Casey Jones: ------------ Complete Story Mode Stage 1 as Rapheal. Evil Turtlebot: --------------- Complete Story Mode Stage 3 as any of the four Ninja Turtles. Hun: ---- Complete Story Mode Stage 6 as Michelangelo. The Shredder: ------------- Complete Story Mode Stage 6 as any of the four Ninja Turtles. Oroku Saki: ----------- Complete Story Mode Stage 6 with all four Ninja Turtles. Hamato Yoshi: ------------- Complete Challenge Mode. \ /--------------------------\ / ]=====================|Makimono Scrolls Locations|====================[ / \--------------------------/ \ Makimono Scrolls are colored scrolls found hidden in crates throughout story mode. They can be found hidden behind walls, and in other out of the way and partially hidden areas, where the camera usually won't let you see too well. So the only way to find them is by snooping around the areas and exploring every nook and cranny for hidden crates. Attack in the area you wish to explore and listen for the noise of a crate breaking. If you hear a crate break, walk your character through the area. If you pick up a Makimono Scroll the words "Makimono Get" will appear. You have to complete the stage and save the game or you will lose all scrolls recovered on that play-through. There are five types of Makimono Scrolls. Blue Scrolls for Leonardo, Red Scrolls for Rapheal, Orange Scrolls for Michelangelo, Purple Scrolls for Donatello, and Gray Scrolls for miscellaneous characters. Colored scrolls will only appear in a play-through with it's corresponding character, but gray scrolls will appear through a story mode play- through of all six characters. There are fifteen of each type of colored scroll, and thirty-two gray scrolls, for a total of ninety-two Makimono Scrolls hidden throughout the game. Happy hunting! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Blue Scrolls Locations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) STAGE 1, AREA 1: When you start in the sewer, walk backwards towards the camera. You will see a large hole in the left wall. Enter the hole and attack blindly until you break the crate and get the scroll. There is also a gray scroll here. 2) STAGE 1, AREA 2: Heading to the right from where you start the area, following the buildings at the top, you will come to a rather large alleyway filled with trashcans and dumpsters. There is a crate hidden behind the blue dumpster on the right wall. (Contributed by Joutaro) 3) STAGE 1, AREA 3: Near the halfway point of the stage there is a crate hidden behind a group of large cargo containers. 4) STAGE 1, AREA 4: On the left side of the eighth roof, there is a cement structure with an indentation. Jump up on top of the cement structure and head to the left to find a partially hidden crate with a blue scroll in it. (Contributed by Joutaro) 5) STAGE 2, AREA 1: After exiting the Antique Store you will see an alley on the left side of the building. Go down the alley and there will be a crate with a gray scroll hidden behind the building. Jump into the air above and use Leonardo's jump attack to break a hidden crate floating in the air to get a blue scroll. 6) STAGE 2, AREA 2: At the beginning of the stage, jump off of the right side of the platform down onto the subway tracks. Head towards the camera to find a crate hidden behind the start area. 7) STAGE 2, AREA 4: After the line of explosive barrels that crosses the entire bridge there is a line of crates on both sides of the bridge. In one of the crates on the right side of the bridge is a blue scroll. 8) STAGE 2, AREA 5: When you reach the area with the three car crushers that push you into the molten steel, there is a hidden crate near by. Instead of jumping past the car crushers and NOT jumping into the boiling hot-ass molten steel, stand as close to the edge as possible along the right wall and you will see a crate. Double-jump over the molten steel and onto the crate. Break the crate to find a blue scroll and then double-jump to the other side. (Contributed by Joutaro) 9) STAGE 2, AREA 6: There is a blue scroll on the right side of the stage on top of the chain link fences. 10) STAGE 3, AREA 1: Right at the end of the area, there are two wooden boxes stacked one on top of the other that says "World Transport" on them. Jump on top of the boxes and then jump onto the blue roof over the loading zone. Head to the left and there will be a crate floating in the air. Jump up and use your jump attack to break the crate, then jump up again to nab the blue scroll. 11) STAGE 3, AREA 3: Right before the area where have to dash through the narrow passage with the falling construction beams there is a hidden area with a Makimono Scroll. Right before the passage in the upper-left corner there are two large gray cement blocks with a third large gray cement block stacked on top of them. Jump to the top of the third gray block, and then jump over the wall to find a secret area. If you move all the way to the right and attack, a crate containing a blue scroll will break. 12) STAGE 3, AREA 4: There is a crate behind the support beam in the lower-right corner of the building, just before the stairs. (Contributed by Joutaro) 13) STAGE 3, AREA 5: Right before you cross the first bridge with the crane hook swinging across it, there will be a small balcony coming off the right side of the building. There are two crates on one side, and a tall cement slab in the middle. Move behind the cement slab and attack behind it to break the crate and get the scroll. (Contributed by Joutaro) 14) STAGE 4, AREA 2: There is a crate containing a blue scroll against the wall on the ground floor, underneath the elevated walkway. Just walk along the top wall to find it. (Contributed by Joutaro) 15) STAGE 4, AREA 5: From where you start, walk straight up to the top- left corner of the room. You can just see the crate sitting there all alone in its corner, so be a pal and go bust it up. (Contributed by Joutaro) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Scrolls Locations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) STAGE 1, AREA 2: From the very beginning head to the left to a wall. There will be an area hidden by the corner of a building that the crate is hidden behind. 2) STAGE 2, AREA 1: In the very beginning of the area, inside the Second Time Around antiques shop, there is a crate in the back-left corner of the room. It out is in plain site, just break it and nab the scroll. 3) STAGE 2, AREA 2: At the beginning of the stage, jump off of the left side of the platform down onto the railroad tracks. Head towards the camera to find a crate hidden behind the start area. 4) STAGE 2, AREA 4: After the line of explosive barrels that crosses the entire bridge there is a line of crates on both sides of the bridge. In a crate on the left side of the bridge is a red scroll. 5) STAGE 2, AREA 6: On the left side of the stage on top of the chain link fences. 6) STAGE 3, AREA 1: Hidden behind the pile of cardboard boxes on the right side of the second upper path. 7) STAGE 3, AREA 3: In the area where you fight Evil Turtlebot Ver. 1.0 check behind the cement pillar on the left side wall to find a hidden crate. 8) STAGE 3, AREA 4: In a crate on the left wall, next to a large orange construction beam. 9) STAGE 3, AREA 5: Right when you begin the area move to the right and forward a bit. The crate will already be visible. It is on the right edge of the building, right behind a tiny cement block that doesn't do a very good job of hiding 10) STAGE 4, AREA 1: Near the area where you start head left to the ramp that leads to the second floor. Walk next to the ramp on the bottom floor and head right when you hit the wall. The crate will be in the right corner of that area. 11) STAGE 4, AREA 3: In the small room where you fight the Mystic Earth Ninja, there is a crate containing a red scroll partially hidden behind the mummy case in the center of the room. 12) STAGE 5, AREA 1: In the end of the section where the stalagmites constantly fall from the ceiling there is a crate with a red scroll. Grab the speed boost and run through the area. The first crate on the right contains sushi, but the second crate further down to the left contains the scroll. 13) STAGE 5, AREA 3: After passing through the area with the broken power lines follow the left wall to find an indentation. Three of the large nasty green bugs will appear in the opening so chuck a shuriken into one of the five conveniently placed exploding barrels the run diagonal to the opening. The explosion will kill the green bugs so you can walk on in and break the crate that is partially hidden behind the corner of the wall. 14) STAGE 5, AREA 4: Hidden behind the sixth exploding computer terminal. Blow up the computer to see the partially hidden crate sticking out from the opening in the wall. 15) STAGE 6, AREA 1: In the area where you begin head straight down until you get to the wall. When you run into the wall head to the right to find a crate hidden in the bottom-right corner. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Orange Scrolls Locations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) STAGE 1, AREA 3: Near the halfway point of the stage there is a crate hidden on top of a group of large cargo containers. 2) STAGE 1, AREA 4: On the ninth rooftop there is a wall that runs along the right side. Follow the wall and when it gets close to meeting up with the tenth rooftop it will turn into a corner and cast a dark black shadow onto the ground. Walk into the shadow and attack into the corner to break the crate and get the scroll. 3) STAGE 2, AREA 5: When you reach the area with the three car crushers that push you into the molten steel, instead of jumping past the car crushers stand as close to the edge as possible along the right wall and you will see a crate. Double-jump over the molten steel and use your "Eat Feet" jump attack to helicopter over onto the crate. Break the crate to find an orange scroll and then double-jump and helicopter out to the other side. 4) STAGE 3, AREA 1: Right at the end of the area, there are two wooden boxes stacked one on top of the other that says "World Transport" on them. Jump on top of the boxes and then jump onto the blue roof over the truck-loading zone. Head to the right to find a crate hidden on the right side of the roof. (Contributed by Joutaro) 5) STAGE 3, AREA 5: Not far from the beginning is a scroll for Michelangelo. Head down from the start and take the right and the crate will be on the bottom edge of the building behind a cement block. The crate is trying to hide behind the cement block, but its failing pretty miserably. Break it open and nab the scroll. 6) STAGE 4, AREA 1: After coming up the ramp to get to the second floor, follow the fence and there will be a crate near the left wall. 7) STAGE 4, AREA 2: After coming down the stairs from the elevated walkway, take a left and follow the wall. There will be a security laser you have to jump over, and then the wall will turn upwards. Follow the wall and in the corner is a crate with an orange scroll. 8) STAGE 4, AREA 3: When you enter the room that you fight the Mystic Wind Ninja in; head to the left. The crate containing the scroll is on the left side of the pillar right next to the door you entered through. 9) STAGE 4, AREA 4: Inside the first water fountain (the one with the four orange spots in it). The crate is on the right side of the circular waterspout in the water. 10) STAGE 5, AREA 2: A crate containing an orange scroll is hidden behind the second stone pillar on the left canyon wall in the section with the very high grass near the end of the area. 11) STAGE 5, AREA 3: From the beginning of the area, follow the left wall and you will come to a large opening in the wall with a crate inside of it. DO NOT BREAK THE CRATE!!! You need to jump on top of the crate you can see, and jump into the air and use your jump attack to break a hidden crate floating high above the ground to get the orange Makimono Scroll hidden in it. (Contributed by Mestophles) 12) STAGE 6, AREA 2: There is a crate on the right side of the pagoda shrine on the raised platform in the middle of the koi pond. 13) STAGE 6, AREA 3: At the end of the hallway, before entering the laboratory, there is a pile of boxes against the back wall. Jump over the boxes to the floor on the other side and attack behind the boxes against the right wall to break a hidden crate and nab an orange scroll. 14) STAGE 6, AREA 5: In a crate on the right side of the dynamic test area where you battle the Elite Foot Ninja with the dual swords. 15) STAGE 6, AREA 6: In the seventh trapped room with the two swinging guillotines and the bamboo spikes on both the left and right sides of the room, use your jump attack to break a crate hidden in the lower- right corner in the air. (Contributed by Mestophles) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Purple Scrolls Locations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) STAGE 1, AREA 1: At the end of the level, there will be a sewer pipe sticking out of the right wall. The crate is hidden behind the pipe. 2) STAGE 1, AREA 3: A short way into the stage, you will come to an area with a blue truck parked in the middle of the alley. The crate is hidden behind the truck, next to another crate containing a gray Makimono Scroll. 3) STAGE 1, AREA 4: There are three air conditioners on the left side of the sixth rooftop. The crate is hidden behind the last air conditioner. 4) STAGE 2, AREA 2: At the beginning of the stage, jump off of the left side of the platform down onto the railroad tracks. Head towards the camera to find a crate hidden behind the start area against the left wall. 5) STAGE 2, AREA 4: After the line of explosive barrels that crosses the entire bridge there is a line of crates on both sides of the bridge. In a crate on the left side of the bridge is a purple scroll. 6) STAGE 2, AREA 5: When you reach the area with the three car crushers that push you into the molten steel, instead of jumping past the car crushers stand as close to the edge as possible along the right wall and you will see a crate. Double-jump over the molten steel and onto the crate. Break the crate to find a purple scroll and then double-jump to the other side. 7) STAGE 2, AREA 6: On the left side of the stage on top of the chain link fences. 8) STAGE 3, AREA 3: When the area stops going straight to the left and the path turns up, follow the right wall until you come across some large gray blocks. Jump onto the block in the back and attack the area behind the block on top to find a hidden purple scroll. 9) STAGE 3, AREA 4: There is a crate behind a pillar against the right wall a short way down from the top-right corner. 10) STAGE 4, AREA 1: In the very beginning there is a crate partially hidden behind the modern art sculpture to the left. 11) STAGE 4, AREA 2: After coming down the stairs from the elevated walkway, take a left and follow the wall. There will be a security laser you have to jump over. The crate will be right at the corner where the wall turns upwards. 12) STAGE 4, AREA 4: Inside the second water fountain (the one with the four green spots in it). The crate is on the right side of the circular waterspout in the water. 13) STAGE 5, AREA 1: In the large circle cavern near the end of the area there is a huge blue-green rock formation sticking out of the ground on the right. The crate is hidden behind the rock near another crate that contains a Pizza. (Contributed by Joutaro) 14) STAGE 5, AREA 2: A crate containing a purple scroll is hidden behind the second stone pillar on the right canyon wall in the section with the very high grass near the end of the area. 15) STAGE 6, AREA 3: When you first get into the laboratory, go up into the computer work area. There is a short bookshelf against the right wall. The crate is between the left side of the bookshelf and the computer table. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Gray Scrolls Locations ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) STAGE 1, AREA 1: When you start in the sewer, walk backwards towards the camera. You will see a large hole in the left wall. Enter the hole and attack blindly until you break the crate and get the scroll. 2) STAGE 1, AREA 2: At the start of the area, head up and you will see a short alleyway. Go into the alley and head to the very back and attack where the neighboring building blocks the view to break the crate and get the scroll. 3) STAGE 1, AREA 3: A short way into the stage, you will come to an area with a blue truck parked in the middle of the alley. The crate is hidden behind the truck. 4) STAGE 1, AREA 4: On the left side of the eighth roof, there is a cement structure with an indentation where the crate is hidden. 5) STAGE 1, AREA 5: In the area where you fight the Giant Mouser Robot there is a crate containing a scroll on the right side in the back. 6) STAGE 2, AREA 1: After exiting the Antique Store you will see an alley on the left side of the building. Go down the alley and there will be a crate with a scroll hidden behind the building. 7) STAGE 2, AREA 2: The very first crate on the center platform contains a gray scroll. 8) STAGE 2, AREA 3: The crate on the right in the back of the last train car has a scroll in it. 9) STAGE 2, AREA 4: In a crate on the right side of the bridge. 10) STAGE 2, AREA 5: The crate is located behind the right caterpillar treads of the large orange steamshovel near the middle of the stage. 11) STAGE 2, AREA 6: On the right side of the stage, on top of the chain link fences. 12) STAGE 3, AREA 1: Hidden behind the last 18-wheeler on the left side of the first upper path. 13) STAGE 3, AREA 3: In the area where you have to dash through a narrow passage with the dropping construction girders there are two crates along the right wall. The scroll is in the second crate. Trigger the construction girders to fall, and then dash backwards before it hits the ground, then go back to break the crate and claim your scroll. 14) STAGE 3, AREA 4: In a crate out in the open in the lower-left corner of the area. 15) STAGE 3, AREA 5: In the area after the first swinging construction crane hook there is a slight raised zone in the top of the area with a small fence along the edge of the building. The crate is in plain site right next to the fence. 16) STAGE 4, AREA 1: In the very beginning of the area, head right and then follow the wall down. You will come to a small area that is partially hidden by the second floor and the fencing. The crate is hidden out of site in the left corner. 17) STAGE 4, AREA 2: After coming down the stairs and reaching the main floor of the dinosaur exhibit, head left from the foot of the stairs. Jump over the red security laser and continue to the left. You will pass under a red laser and the upper walkway and arrive at an exhibit with a Tyrannosaurus Rex in it. Jump over the yellow guardrails into the exhibit, and head in front of the T. Rex. You will see a crate partially hidden behind some of the fake plants in the exhibit. 18) STAGE 4, AREA 3: In the small room where you fight the Mystic Water Ninja there is a crate on the left side of the room that contains a scroll. 19) STAGE 4, AREA 4: From the beginning head forward into the area with the first water fountain in it. There will be a crate containing a gray scroll out in the open on the left right where the walkway meets the fountain area. 20) STAGE 4, AREA 5: From the beginning of the Foot Gunner Ninja fight head down, to the bottom-right corner of the room to find a gray scroll in a crate. 21) STAGE 5, AREA 1: There is a crate out in the open in the middle of the large circle cavern near the end of the area. Look for a huge blue- green rock formation sticking out of the ground. The crate is in front of it a short way away. 22) STAGE 5, AREA 2: In the very beginning, right when you start, head left along the bottom wall. There will be a small impression in the rocks before the wall turns upwards. Maneuver your turtle into the impression and attack in the downwards direction to break the crate and nab the scroll. 23) STAGE 5, AREA 3: From the beginning follow the left wall. You will come to a large opening in the wall with a crate inside of it. 24) STAGE 5, AREA 4: After crossing the segmented blue walkway and arriving on the green platform (where you usually end up fighting Quarry), head left where you can see a crate partially hidden by the red border of the platform. 25) STAGE 5, AREA 5: Head to the back of the room where you fight King Nail. There will be a closed door with the foot clan symbol on it. Their are two crates one on each the left and right sides of the door; the gray scroll is in the crate on the left side of the door. 26) STAGE 6, AREA 1: In the very beginning of the area, you start off near a large metal double door. Go by the door and attack down into the area hidden by the corner of the wall to find a scroll. 27) STAGE 6, AREA 2: The crate is lying in plain sight in the water on the right side of the koi pond. 28) STAGE 6, AREA 2: Yes, there are two gray scrolls in the Japanese Garden area. The crate this scroll is within is also pretty much in plain sight, just sitting in the water to the right of the shrine in the middle of the koi pond. 29) STAGE 6, AREA 3: In the area where you fight the Mystic Wind Ninja head to the right and there will be a crate next to some cardboard boxes and computers. 30) STAGE 6, AREA 4: At the end of the area there are two large chain link fence structures in the bottom of the power control area. In the bottom-right corner underneath the chain-link fence is a crate with a gray scroll in it. 31) STAGE 6, AREA 5: The gray scroll is in a crate on the left side of the circular dynamic test area. 32) STAGE 6, AREA 6: It's in the seventh trapped room with the two swinging guillotines and the bamboo spikes on both the left and right sides of the room. Walk along the left side of the room while attacking to break a crate next to the left wall, getting what is hopefully your final Makimono Scroll! Hooray! \ /--------------------------\ / ]=====================|Passwords and Secrets List|====================[ / \--------------------------/ \ Here is a list of all of the WORKING passwords that I got during the game. Passwords that the game gave me that resulted in an ERROR message are not recorded here. Why the game even gives you non-working passwords is ridiculous. It is also just plain crummy that the game doesn't even tell you what three-fourths of the codes you get even do. As far as I know the following codes only work on the Playstation 2 version. ANY CODE THAT YOU ENTER WILL BECOME PERMANENT IF YOU SAVE THE GAME WHILE THEY ARE ACTIVE!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Passwords ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Passwords for Leonardo: ----------------------- Improve Leonardo's Attack Power: LMLSD Leonardo gets a Longer Bandana: LSLSR Improve Leonardo's Defense Power: MRLLM Infinite Shurikens as Leonardo: SMRDM Unlock Leonardo's Alternate Costume: LDMSR Passwords for Donatello: ------------------------ Improve Donatello's Attack Power: DRLDS Improve Donatello's Defense Power: DMDRS Unlock Donatello's Alternate Costume: DDSMS Donatello gets a Shorter Bandana: SSSMR Passwords for Rapheal: ---------------------- Improve Rapheal's Weapon: RDSRL Unlock Rapheal's Alternate Costume: DMDML Rapheal gets a Longer Bandana: MSLLR Rapheal gets an Even Longer Bandana: SLDSM Improve Rapheal's Defense: LRMDS Passwords for Michelangelo: --------------------------- Unlock Michelangelo's Alternate Costume: RRLMD Improve Michelangelo's Defense: MSRMM Michelangelo gets a Shorter Bandana: MRRML Michelangelo gets a Longer Bandana: MMSLR Infinite Fire Shurikens and more Recovery Items as Michelangelo: DRDSS Miscellaneous Passwords: ------------------------ Unlock the Playmates Database: LSDRM Unlock Master Splinter for Story Mode: MSRLS Silly Attack Sound Effects: SMMRS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Secrets ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Silly Walking Sound Effects: ---------------------------- Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Cross (X), Circle Enter the Konami Code on the Title Screen to give the characters funny noises when they walk. If done correctly you will hear the turtles say: "YEAH!" Halloween Costumes: ------------------- Set the internal clock of your Playstation to Halloween, October 31, to see the characters in special pumpkin-head Halloween costumes. Christmas Costumes: ------------------- Set the internal clock of the Playstation to Christmas Eve or Christmas Day on December 24 and December 25 to see the characters dressed in Santa Claus hats. \ /------\ / ]-----------------------------|Thanks|--------------------------------[ / \------/ \ --GameFAQs for kicking that much ass! (And hopefully posting this FAQ.) --Yoshiyuki Tomino for creating the Mobile Suit Gundam universe! --The Coca-Cola Corporation for deciding to once again produce Cherry Coke! --Joutaro and Mestophles from the Playstation 2 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles message board at GameFAQs for helping to re-find and record all those pesky-ass Makimono Scrolls! --David Dorval for pointing out an error in the Gray Makimono Scroll section. --My new keyboard, for not sucking like my old keyboard! --My friend Bryan for whoring out his memory card to me for a few days! --The Muse who inspired me to write this jibberish! --And especially you, who are reading this. I hope it helps! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This document is copyrighted to Necropenguin@yahoo.com, that’s me, and this document may NOT be altered, reproduced, sold for profit, or especially plagiarized in any way shape or form without my permission, which you won’t get so don’t ask. As of tonight, GameFAQs is authorized by my decree to display this document for public use. If I find out that my hard work (well not really hard, but you sit here and try doing this) is being ripped off I will be forced to take a rather unhappy legal action, plus I'll just plain find you and hurt you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++