------------------------------------- |Game: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | |Platform: PC/PS2/GC/XBOX | |Release: November 25, 2003. | |Document: Game Script | |Author: SaiyanPureheart/Rasheed Islam| ------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS I. VERSION II. INTRODUCTION III. BEFORE YOU READ IIII. GAMESCRIPT A) STAGE 1 - THINGS CHANGE B) STAGE 2 - NANO C) STAGE 3 - TRAP D) STAGE 4 - TENGU E) STAGE 5 - NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND F) STAGE 6 - JUSTICE V. CONTACT INFORMATION VI. CREDITS AND DISCLAIMER ---------- |I. VERSION| ---------- 2.0 (03/26/10) - Last stage with Michelangelo completed, plus extra script bits with Raphael and Donatello completed; Gamescript is complete. 1.5 (03/25/10) - 2 more stages completed with Michelangelo. 1.0 (03/24/10) - Gamescript started; completed 3 stages with Michelangelo. ---------------- |II. INTRODUCTION| ---------------- Hello. Welcome to the gamescript of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Despite what some people say otherwise, this is actually a very fun game. Whether you are ninja turtles fan or not, I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys beat em' ups. The cel-shading graphics are perfect, as they do a good job of giving it a comic book feel. And the FMVs are outstanding as they are shown exactly from the TV series, and gives you a sense of what it's like. -------------------- |III. BEFORE YOU READ| -------------------- What you're about to see below is the entire in-game script of the game. I have excluded the FMV scenes. It is HIGHLY recommended that you first play this game. The reason is because you won't enjoy reading what's below without hearing the actual voices. This guide should be used for reference only. I can tell you, though, without a doubt that the voice acting in this game is awesome. You'll especially enjoy all of Michelangelo's wisecracks! ---------------- |IIII. GAMESCRIPT| ---------------- A) STAGE 1 - THINGS CHANGE AREA 1 - SEWER ============== Michelangelo: What the shell are those things? Raphael: Whatever they were, they're junk now. Leonardo: Guys! We've got to find Master Splinter. Master Splinter? Can you hear me? Donatello...anyway to...what are you doing? Donatello: Shell Cell. I'm calling Master Splinter... I hope... Splinter: Uhh... Leonardo: Master Splinter, are you all right? Splinter: Leonardo, Whatever those mechanical menaces are, they have managed to eat through the support structure of our home. We must leave right away. Meet me at the old drainage junction near south point. Donatello: If we take the south conduit tunnel, it'll intersect with the old drainage tunnel. Leonardo: We'll meet you there, Sensei. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 2 - STREETS ================ *IF YOU'RE PLAYING AS RAPHAEL* Leonardo: Hey! Take a look at that! Casey: Look at this trash. I'm putting you punks out of business. Raphael: He's going too far! That guy's out of control! Leonardo: Hey, Raph! Don't forget what Master... ah, geez! Donatello: Uh-oh. Raph's always been quick to act. Michelangelo: So what do we do now? If we don't do something, things could get pretty bad. Leonardo: What choice do we have? Let's go! Raphael: Whoa! Easy there, cowboy! Casey: Huh? Where'd you freaks come from? What's with the outfits? Hey! How dare you interfere! Wait... I'll bet you're Purple Dragons, too. Michelangelo: Purple Dragons? Who are they? Leonardo: I guess he means those guys we just tangled with. Donatello: Just looking at those ugly mugs of theirs, it's obvious they're someone's goons. Raphael: Look, your intentions may be good, but you're going too far. Chill out! Casey: Look freak-boy, if you're protecting these Purple Dragon scum, then you're going down, too! *AFTER DEFEATING CASEY* Raphael: Look, I'm no fan of the Purple Dragons either. I'll help you take them down, but we gotta exercise just a little restraint. Casey: Save it. You don't know what you're talking about. Raphael: Try me. Casey: Well... a long time ago, when I was a kid... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3 - ALLEY ============== *IF YOU'RE PLAYING AS RAPHAEL* Casey: So don't tell me how to deal with the Purple Dragons! Raphael: Just be careful. Your anger could take you down...make you act just like them. My... father...once told me a true warrior finds balance in all things. Casey: Balance, huh. Raphael: Well, you know, as much balance as a couple of hot-headed whackbags like us can manage. Casey: Me? You're the only whackbag around here, dog-boy. Raphael: I'm not half as crazy as you. Casey: Sorry, but for a little green dude, you are totally nuts. Raphael: Yeah, well I'm not the one running around in a hockey mask. Casey: Hey, I gotta protect my good looks. I'm saving this face for Hollywood. Dragon Face: Well, isn't this romantic? Look who we have here. So you're the freaks who've been interfering with us lately. Michelangelo: So, friend, who is this guy? Would you mind introducing us? Casey: This punk is Dragon Face, the ring leader of all those Purple Dragon punks. It goes without saying, he's a real creep. Dragon Face: Any and all who interfere with the Purple Dragons will be destroyed! Take them all down! *AFTER DEFEATING DRAGON FACE WITH RAPHAEL* Raphael: I know I'm gonna regret saying this, but I'm glad I met you, crazy man. Casey: Me too, green dome. And you know something? I'm starting to see what you're all about. Raphael: You mean about balance? Self-control? Casey: Nah, I mean...you're a green mutant freak. Michelangelo: As long as you've figured out that we're turtles, it's fine. For now at least. Casey: If you run into any troubles, let me know. We're brothers now. Donatello: I'm just glad you changed your mind so quickly. Casey: Yeah... Hey, be careful now. I've heard there is a pretty dangerous group backing those Purple Dragons. Raphael: Don't worry about it. See you around. Casey: Later! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4 - ROOFTOPS ================= *IF YOU'RE PLAYING AS RAPHAEL* Donatello: Man, I worry about him. But he's not a bad guy. Michelangelo: What is it that's got you worried? Raphael: I'm sure these guys can tell you. Leonardo: They might be a bit harder. Are those guys...ninjas? Michelangelo: Well... They're certainly ninja-esque... Donatello: I thought we were the only ninjas in this town. Leonardo: Be ready for anything... Raphael: I am soooo gonna enjoy this... *IF YOU'RE PLAYING AS ANY TURTLE BUT RAPHAEL* Leonardo: That was almost too easy. Donatello: I guess the punks in this town are no match for us. Raphael: Well, we didn't go through all of that ninja training just for the fun of it. Michelangelo: Yeah, Raph? What do you say to THESE guys? Leonardo: They might be a bit harder. Are those guys...ninjas? Michelangelo: Well... They're certainly ninja-esque... Donatello: I thought we were the only ninjas in this town. Leonardo: Be ready for anything... Raphael: I am soooo gonna enjoy this... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5 - STOCKMAN's LAB ======================= Dr. Stockman: It's really too bad, April. If only you hadn't snooped around So much. April: Help me! Please! Dr. Stockman: Unfortunately, I can't do that, April. You see I have my obligations, too. Ah... You truly were a gifted assistant. Take care, April. I'm a bit busy, so I'll be leaving you now. My cute little mousers will take good care of you. Michelangelo: Whoa. I don't like the looks of this. It's even bigger than the last time we saw it. Donatello: Such incredible technology... but... Raphael: ...We can't let anyone get away with frightening a cutie like her. Leonardo: Focus, guys. Let's go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- B) STAGE 2 - NANO AREA 1 - APRIL'S ANTIQUE SHOP ============================= Leonardo: Whoa. What is that? Donnie? Donatello: Insufficient data, boss! Harry: AHHH! AHH! This can't be happenin'! Martians! Just when things are finally going my way... we get invaded! Don't let em' take me Kid! *AFTER BEATING THE MINI-BOSS* Harry: This way, Shrimp, quick! We're out of here! April: What was that thing? Casey! Raphael: Oh no! Casey: S-so...did I win? Leonardo: If everything is all right here, we'd better get on to... Raphael: Paying back the guys who did this to our brother. April: Be careful, guys. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 6 - JUNKYARD REAR ====================== Donatello: First, make sure you aim high. Michelangelo: C'mon, Don... Remember how big that thing was? We'll never reach it. Donatello: Take a look at that. I'll climb to the top of that scaffolding. Raphael: I get it. Then you serve that bucket of bolts a few blows to the head. Donatello: You guys corner it, and I'll handle the rest. Leonardo: Roger! Let's go, guys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- C) STAGE 3 - TRAP AREA 1 - ART WAREHOUSE ====================== Leonardo: Are you sure this is the place, Donnie? Donatello: I'm sure it was somewhere around here. Bingo! It's them again! Michelangelo: But it looks like they're just about to make their getaway. Raphael: You punks won't get away with dishonoring us turtles. Donatello: You have any idea why he's always like this, Leo? Couldn't he be a little more... delicate? Leonardo: True, he's about as hot-headed as they come... But I don't like being dishonored anymore than he does. Hun: Who are these fools? I see... So you're those lizard-men freaks I've been hearing about. Michelangelo: Who are we? More like who are you? And get it right: we're turtles! Have you ever seen a lizard this good-looking? Hun: Either way, you're still freaks. Raphael: From where I stand, you look pretty freakish yourself. Tell me. Just what did you eat to get that big? Hun: I've heard enough from you, lizard-man. I can't let anyone who interferes with Master Shredder - lizard or otherwise - escape here alive! Men, give them a warm welcome. Michelangelo: I told you, we're turtles! *AFTER CLEARING THE AREA* Raphael: What a joke. That was hardly even a warm-up. Leonardo: They're trying to make a getaway. Donatello: Whoa! That's an oversized transport helicopter. Awesome! Leonardo: This isn't the time, motorhead. Follow that semi! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 3 - Construction Site ========================== *AFTER REACHING THE END OF THE AREA* Leonardo: This place sure does look suspicious. Donatello: You think all of these trucks belong to them? If so, I wonder where all the containers loaded with artwork are. Michelangelo: Hey, guys, isn't that a pretty moon? There's a turtle in the moon, you know. Raphael: Can it, Mikey. Don't you realize where we are? Hey, what's that? *TURTLEBOT APPEARS* Raphael: That's the turtle we saw on TV. Leonardo: There's no mistaking it. Michelangelo: That's for sure. It doesn't have even a shred of our class, though. Donatello: What incredible technology! Who could have built this robot!? Leonardo: It looks like it wants to stop us. We'll take it on. Let's go, guys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 6 - Air ============ Donatello: They're going to get away with the artwork by taking that helicopter! Michelangelo: It's that turtle again. I didn't know turtles could be that stubborn. Aren't they supposed to be more gentlemanly, more mild-mannered? Donatello: That's true in general, but some, like Raph here, are far from gentlemanly. Leonardo: Isn't it strange that a turtle would fly through the sky and fire off missiles? Raphael: You think you can get away? No chance! Michelangelo: You can always count on him to jump to action in times like this. Leonardo: All right. Let's go! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- D) STAGE 4 - Tengu AREA 1- Museum Entrance ======================= Hun: Listen up! The goblin blade we're after is somewhere in this museum. We must deliver the goblin blade to Master Shredder as soon as possible! Leonardo: Gift shop's on the first floor, boys... Hun: Not you again! Michelangelo: Not you again! Oh, I'm so scared. Leonardo: ...But they don't take kindly to shoplifters... and neither do we. Hun: I don't have time for the likes of you. Master Shredder is waiting. Donatello: Shredder? Who's that? Hun: Humph. There's no need for you to know. After all, I'm going to have you stuffed right here on the spot. Michelangelo: So we can be displayed here? What an honor. Raphael: Now before you try to make off with the goods, you might want to consider a few things: One, you're outnumbered. Two, don't let the pretty faces fool you. We're tougher than we look. Hun: Ha. *A BUNCH OF BAD GUYS SHOW UP* Michelangelo: And three, we're about to get our butts seriously hammered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5 - JAPANESE ART EXHIBIT ============================= Raphael: Just put the sword back, Sparky, and we'll call it a draw. Hun: You stubborn turtles! I told you! I don't have time for you! This thing will take over from here! Hahahaha! Michelangelo: Whoa! We'd better put an early call in to the fire department. Raphael: What is this thing? Does it know the ninja art of the fire shield? Donatello: It's a flamethrower. But that's troublesome enough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- E) STAGE 5 - NOTES FROM THE UNDERGROUND AREA 3 - ABANDONED TOWN ======================= Leonardo: Isn't this the mark of the foot clan? Raphael: What could that mean? Donatello: I'm not sure, but they may somehow be connected with those monsters that keep attacking us. Michelangelo: You think those monsters are foot clan members? Donatello: That's one possibility. We'll have to investigate. Leonardo: Let's go to that big building way in the back. Michelangelo: I'm getting a bad feeling about this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4 - GENETIC LAB ==================== Michelangelo: Just what is going on here? Donatello: This must have been a laboratory for experimenting on live specimens. Leonardo: Some of the monsters must have somehow escaped to the outside. Raphael: But there isn't a single person here, not even one researcher. Donatello: Judging from the state of things here, I'd guess something forced the foot clan to abandon these facilities. I wonder what it was. Michelangelo: Anyway... You think these things are still alive? Donatello: Hmm. I'm not sure. It looks like the life-support systems are partially functional... Raphael: I guess they're alive. Michelangelo: Well that's good news. *AFTER CLEARING THE AREA* Donatello: Yep, still working. Let me take a little peek. Leonardo: What could the foot clan have been doing here? Raphael: We can be sure they weren't working for the benefit of the world. Michelangelo: But look at all the damage here. It's like a fight broke out between April and Casey. Donatello: Look at this, guys. Some video data was preserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5 - Cultivation Room ========================= Michelangelo: Wait... Are you telling me that those things we've been fighting all this time are not monsters, but... Quarry: Who are you anyway? Michelangelo: You can talk? Leonardo: We're not with the foot clan. I am Leonardo. And these are my brothers, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo. Quarry: Then what are you doing with those crystals? Leonardo: Whoa, wait a minute. We found those crystals in a cavern we're staying in. That's all. Quarry: Those crystals are the embodiment of evil! Why have you come here? Donatello: We wanted to solve the mystery of these crystals. We had no intention of fighting you. Quarry: You're... really not with the Foot Clan? Michelangelo: Of course not! Don't even compare us to that jerk Shredder. Quarry: I see. Then I must apologize. I'm Quarry. We had ourselves convinced that the foot clan was back. Raphael: No, it was our fault. When we saw your friends, we... Quarry: No, those ones have already lost their minds. We can no longer do anything to stop them. Leonardo: So, Quarry, is there any way out of here? Quarry: There is an elevator to the aboveground world from the supercomputer room right next to us. But... Donatello: But? Quarry: Some of the most dreadful of those mindless monsters wait just beyond this wall. Leonardo: And of course they too were originally humans... right? Raphael: That jerk Shredder! He's inhuman! Leonardo: But we have to go on. It's the only way. Quarry: They were once good people... But in this state, you need no longer think of them as human. And so... if it comes down to it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- F) STAGE 6 - Justice AREA 1 - Entrance ================= *IF YOU CHOSE MICHELANGELO* Casey: It's him! He's the one I'm after! He's the one who burned my father's shop! I'm sure of it! Hun: How many times do you fools intend to oppose Shredder? Michelangelo: What's this? Don't we know that pathetic blob? Raphael: It's frankenstein! Donatello: Wrong, you idiot. He's the sumo grand champion, isn't he? Leonardo: Either way, he doesn't seem to be very good at handling his temper. Hun: Ha! You won't be even the least little bother to Master Shredder. Michelangelo: Aw. Now he's angry. It's all your fault, Raph. Raphael: What? You're the one who called him bigfoot, remember? Casey: Either way, I won't let him get away with what he's done. Leonardo: Right. And after all, he'll get us if we don't get him first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 4 - Mouser Arsenal ======================= *AFTER CLEARING THE STAGE* Leonardo: Who'd have thought that this many mouser robots were still hidden away? Michelangelo: This many of them could make quick work of our new home too. Leonardo: Let's blow this thing up, Donatello! Can you do it? Donatello: Blow it up? But... Oh fine. Let's... This here is... So this must be... Yeah. That machine is a tremendous source of energy, so if we could just trigger it to... Raphael: All right! Take this! Donatello: Not yet, Raphael! Raphael: Whoa! Donatello: I told you I didn't have the security system down yet. They've got a very sophisticated lock on it. Raphael: You could have told me sooner. Casey: So what do we do? Any of you guys bring a bomb along? Michelangelo: You know we wouldn't carry anything that dangerous around. Nothing but these environmentally-friendly nunchucks for me. April: Hey, guys! All: April! Leonardo: What are you doing here? It's too dangerous. Michelangelo: He's right. You won't find any gentlemen down here. April: I'm sorry, but I wanted to help you all out. Let me handle this. Donatello: No way! That security code was so complex...! April: There. I think that should do it. Now, guys! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 5 - DEMOLITIONED ARSENAL ============================= *IF YOU'RE PLAYING AS DONATELLO* April: Aaah! Casey: Whoa! What is that thing? Donatello: Whoa! Dr. Stockman: You'll pay for what you did to my dear little mouser robots. Donatello: His...? Then that means... April: No. He can't be... Stockman? Leonardo: Are you Dr. Baxter Stockman? Dr. Stockman: None other! With the power I now possess, I will easily make the foot clan mine. Casey: Get back, April! April: Be careful, guys! *AFTER BEATING DR. STOCKMAN* April: What a poor, miserable man. Donatello: A genius who misuses that genius is just another madman. *AFTER BEATING THE BOSS WITH ANY TURTLE BUT DONATELLO* Leonardo: April, go find yourself a safe place and don't move from it. Raphael: That's right. If anything should happen to us... someone has to stick around to build heroic statues in our honor. Michelangelo: And to take care of Master Splinter when he goes senile... But he's pretty much there already. Casey: We shouldn't leave April alone, and it's not safe to bring her with us. I'll stay with you! That is, if you guys don't mind? Donatello: Cool! Raphael: No problem! Leonardo: Roger! Michelangelo: Ya! April: Thank you, Casey. Casey: It's nothing. Raphael: Ahem. I hate to interrupt you two love birds, but... Michelangelo: We've got to be going, so you two enjoy yourselves. April: Be careful! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 7- Heliport ================ Shredder: It truly has been a long time. I thought perhaps you'd gone into hibernation. Michelangelo: You've got no sense of humor, but the armor's cool. Shredder: So, you made it this far... To be honest, I'm surprised you had the ability to get here. Donatello: We're not the same turtles you fought before. Shredder: Listen to me. I have a proposal for you. Work for me. I can certainly make it worth your while. Raphael: No way. Michelangelo: We're elite turtles, the best in our field. We'd never work for the likes of you. Shredder: Fine. You're just freaks, after all. Here's where we go our separate ways. But you will not be leaving this place... ever! Leonardo: We're not the turtles you remember. And we came here this time to defeat you. See what you think of our turtle power now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- AREA 8 - Shinto Palace ====================== Oroku Saki: HA HA HA. It's been a long time since I fought without my armor. Raphael: What is this? Some kind of armor strip show? Oroku Saki: Do you understand the significance of me removing this armor, the only set like it in the world? Michelangelo: What? You've gotten over crome fetish? Oroku Saki: By not relying on this great armor, I hone my mind like a sword, and draw even greater power from it. From ancient times, all Japanese Samurai have done so when battling. By doing this, I am showing you honor. Donatello: In other words... Leonardo: The real fight's just about to start. Oroku Saki: That is correct. Here I come, freaks! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- |V. CONTACT INFORMATION| ---------------------- If you have any questions or concerns about the script in this game, or have any other questions related to this game, you can contact me. My email address is rasheed_islam@hotmail.com - If you're going to send me an email, please make sure the subject is something like "Ninja Turtle Question". I'll still check my mails, but please be so kind and make my reading more convenient. -------------------------- |VI. CREDITS AND DISCLAIMER| -------------------------- - KONAMI Computer Entertainment Studio for creating the game - Myself for compiling the script - You for reading it - Gamefaqs for hosting it ************************************************************************** I am NOT professionally affiliated with the creators of this game. This document was built and compiled by Rasheed Islam/SaiyanPureheart. All Rights Reserved. This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. -Copyright © 2010 Rasheed Islam- ************************************************************************** End of document.