=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master Quest FAQ/Walkthrough (GC) Time I Started This Guide: 11/1/05 Version: 1.8 Author: KoritheMan E-Mail: verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------ | Table of Contents | ------------------------------------ | 1. Introduction | | 2. Version History | | 3. Characters | | 4. Storyline | | 5. Controls | | 6. Game Basics | | 7. Walkthrough Ocarina of Time | | 8. Walkthrough Master Quest | | 9. Bosses | | 10. Enemies | | 11. Items | | 12. Gold Skulltulas (OoT) | | 13. Gold Skulltulas (MQ) | | 14. Heart Pieces | | 15. Shops | | 16. Masks | | 17. Great Fairy Fountains | | 18. Songs | | 19. Side Quests | | 20. Mini Games | | 21. Codes n' Secrets | | 22. FAQs | | 23. Copyright | | 24. Contact Info | | 25. Credits | |__________________________________| |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 1. Introduction | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| The Legend of Zelda has been a phenomena for Nintendo and gamers alike. First released on the NES, it featured explosive gameplay never seen before in any video game. To this day, it is still one of the best games in my opinion and Nintendo has continued to release tons of Zelda games, including this one. A little while ago, Nintendo released Ocarina of Time which was originally on the N64, for the Nintendo Gamecube and it came along with a bonus disc called "Master Quest". Master Quest was the same thing as the original OoT, but it featured more complicated dungeons. Anyway, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time features great sound, especially in the end battle. It also features tons of gameplay that makes you want to play through the game a second time. It also has tons of very cool dungeons and overall the game is a perfect 10 out of 10. And a must for any gamer, RPG or otherwise. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 2. Version History | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Version 1.0 / Completed the guide. Version 1.1 / Added another Code n' Secret thanks to Swordless Link! Version 1.2 / Corrected two locations of the Big Poes in Hyrule Field that were incorrect. Version 1.3 / Added two more things to the Codes n' Secrets section of the FAQ, thanks to Grizzlycaludro! Version 1.4 / Added another Code n' Secret to the Codes n' Secrets section, thanks to Grizzlycauldro! Version 1.5 / Added another FAQ to the FAQs section, thanks to S.C. aka Bob! Version 1.6 / Did a minor update to the Codes n' Secrets section, thanks to koinman25! Version 1.7 / Added Song of Time to the song list. I had missed it. Version 1.8 / Fixed a small error. You won't notice. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 3. Characters | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Link: The character you play as (duh). He's appeared in all the Zelda games as the "hero" who is to defeat evil and bring peace unto Hyrule. In this game, Link is the Hero of Time sent to defeat Ganondorf, an evil man born from the family of the Gerudos. Zelda: The main character in the game. She is the Princess of Destiny or better yet, the Princess of Hyrule. In this game, you are to be the protector of Zelda. Zelda also has an alter ego named Sheik. Zelda finds out the evil intentions of Ganondorf early on, and later entrusts the Ocarina of Time to Link. Sheik: Zelda's alter ego. She uses this form to avoid being detected by Ganondorf 7 years after Link had inserted the three Spiritual Stones into the Temple of Time to open the Door of Time where he could wield the Master Sword, which is necessary to defeat Ganondorf. Sheik eventually revealed herself as Zelda, and then Ganondorf captured her. Ganondorf: The king of thieves and the king of evil, Ganondorf was born in the family of the Gerudos. The Gerudos only have one male born into the family once every 100 years. Ganondorf soon wishes to rule Hyrule and reveals his true self later on. You are to defeat Ganondorf in this game and bring peace to Hyrule. Impa: Princess Zelda's bodyguard, Impa teaches you the song of the Royal Family of Hyrule, Zelda's Lullaby. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 4. Storyline | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| In the land of Hyrule, a kingdom full of prosperity and riches, lies the Princess of Destiny. This Princess, is of course, Zelda, who is the main character of the game. Link, the character you play as, is the Hero of Time. As Link, you are supposed to bring peace into Hyrule and kill the evil Ganondorf who plans to destroy Hyrule using the Triforce, a sacred relic that has the power to grant a wish at the wielder's request. The three Golden Goddesses, Din, Nayru, and Farore, long before life and spirits existed, created the Triforce as a symbol of their leaving the earth and since then, it has been sought by people. Ganondorf desires power (as do all villains) and wishes to bring havoc upon Hyrule with its magnificant power. Zelda detects his evil intention early on, thus handing over the Ocarina of Time to Link. The Ocarina of Time is essential for getting into the Door of Time in the Temple of Time, because in the Door of Time lies the Master Sword, a powerful sword called the blade of evil's bane which will slay Ganondorf. Link eventually stumbles across the Master Sword after obtaining the three Spiritual Stones and the Song of Time, which are necessary to open the Door of Time leading to the Master Sword. After Link grabs the Master Sword, seven years his spirit rests in the Temple of Time until he is old enough to become the Hero of Time. The Triforce is divided into three pieces: Power, Wisdom, and Courage (the essence of the three Golden Goddesses). Ganondorf, after Link has the Master Sword, holds the Triforce of Power and uses it to plunge the world into darkness. Link must find a way to rescue Zelda, whom Ganondorf later captures, and to get the Triforce and seal it away forever. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 5. Controls | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Note: The controls for this game are the same for both the regular and Master Quest versions. A Button: Talk to people, roll, drop down from things, open a door, and to roll, you will have to press "Up" on the Control Stick and press A (not simultaneously), when climbing, press A to drop down from the thing you are climbing, also swim underwater while holding moving the Control Stick B Button: Attack with your sword, and press B to perform a vertical sword attack, and also hold B and release it to perform a sword spin attack (you can rotate the Control Stick while doing this and do it that way instead). Also press L and A to do a jump attack, and press L, Up, and B to perform a stab attack, and hold B for a long time, until your sword glows red. (this will only happen after you get the power up from the Great Fairy on top of Death Mountain) When it does so, release B to perform a huge spin attack that does consume magic Y Button: Acts as the Left "C" button. If you set an item to the Left "C", you can instead use Y to use the item, rather than the Left "C" X Button: Acts as the Right "C" button. If you set an item to the Right "C", you can instead use Y to use the item, rather than the Right "C" Z Button: Acts as the Down "C" button. If you set an item to the Down "C", you can instead use Y to use the item, rather than the Down "C" Start: Pauses the game; while on the pause menu, press B and A to save your game L Button: Does the things listed on the "B Button" part of this section, and also targets an enemy and it acts as Z-Targeting, whereas in the N64 version, you had to press Z to target enemies, look straight ahead R Button: Use your shield, hold R to crouch, hold R and move the Control Stick to aim the Mirror Shield and Deku Shield C Button: You can use C Left, C Down, and C Right to use your items if you set them to the specific button, look up if you press "Up" on the C button Control Stick: Move your character, helps perform sword techniques, also hold Up when jumping across things such as stepping stones in Kokiri Forest to perform a jump |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 6. Game Basics | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| L-Targeting: L-Targeting takes the place of Z-Targeting that was in the N64 version of the game. To L-Target, simply hold L when in front of an enemy or a person. Saving Your Game: To save your game, press Start and then press B and A. Swimming: Swimming is rather easy, but essential. To swim, get into water (duh) and move the Control Stick in any direction. To dive, get into the water and hold A while moving the Control Stick in any direction. You can only dive 3 feet at first, but with the Silver Scale you can dive 5, and with the Golden Scale, you can dive 9 feet! Backflip: To backflip, hold A and press Down on the Control Stick. Sidestep: To sidestep, hold A and press Left or Right on the Control Stick. Use An Item: You can set an item (e.g. Fairy Slingshot) to Left, Right, or Down "C" and then use them using those buttons. Note that X, Y, and Z act as the three "C" buttons, so you can use X, Y, and Z if you perfer. Chests: There are chests in each dungeon of the game. There are also two types of chests in the game. There are small chests, as well as large chests. The small chests contain small items such as Hearts, whereas the large chests contain bigger items such as the Fairy Slingshot. Switches: There are switches in every dungeon as well. There are also six types of switches. One is bronze, which is the type you just step on to activate. The second type is a blue switch, which you will have to put another bit of weight on besides yourself. For example, when you encounter a blue switch, you'll have to put a box on it in order to to keep it down. The third type of switch is a red, rusty one, which requires the Megaton Hammer to even make it budge. The fourth switch is the same thing as the bronze one, just a circle-shaped one and a fleshy color. This and the fifth type of switch are found in Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Finally, the fifth type of switch is a blue switch, which acts the same as the regular shaped blue switch, but it's just a circular- shaped switch. Also, the sixth switch is in the Forest Temple. It is a pure red (not rusty) switch, which one simple step is enough to activate it, and keep it activated. Torches: There are tons of torches in dungeons and outside of dungeons. To light one, take out a Deku Stick and get some fire burning on it from a torch that does have fire already burning on it. Also, you can use Din's Fire to light unlit torches. There are gold and black torches. Finally, you can use a Fire Arrow to light a torch as well. Rupees: You start off the game with 0 Rupees. Rupees act as money. There are also several types of Rupees. Type number one is a Green Rupee, which is worth one Rupee. Type two is a Blue Rupee, which is worth five Rupees. Rupee type three is a Red Rupee, which is worth 20 Rupees. The fourth type of Rupee is a Purple Rupee, which is worth 50 Rupees. The final type of Rupee is a Yellow Rupee, which is worth 200 Rupees! There is also a Silver Rupee, which is worth only 5 Rupees. It is required in some dungeons, to collect them, in order to unlock doors. Green Navi: Throughout the game in various locations, depending on where you are, Navi will turn green. When she does this, it means that a Time Block can be spawned if you play the Song of Time, or if you play the Scarecrow's Song, sometimes Pierre will appear. Usually when she turns green, after you spawn the Time Block or Pierre, depending on which dungeon it is, it usually nets you a Gold Skulltula. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 7. Walkthrough (Ocarina of Time) | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Here is a complete beginning to end walkthrough for Ocarina of Time (NOT Master Quest.). If you wish to see the Master Quest walkthrough, see section number 8. Kokiri Forest ------------- The game opens up in Kokiri Forest, as the story about the boy without a fairy unfolds. Apparently, the Great Deku Tree, guardian spirit of Kokiri Forest, has summoned you. When you wake up (with annoying Navi bothering you, who wouldn't wake up?) and gain control, exit the house. Once outside, drop down the ladder to meet Saria. Talk to her if you want, but either way, head to the treehouse north of Saria and keep entering/reentering the house while breaking the jars until you have 40 Rupees. When you have 40 Rupees, head to the shop which is just south of the treehouse. Inside the shop, buy a Deku Shield which is why I told you to get 40 Rupees. Once you have the Deku Shield, equip it and save your game and exit the shop. Now, head directly north of your house and head up the hill into the fenced area. In this area, head across the fences until you come across a small hole in the wall to the north of the fences. When you come across the hole, press A to enter it. Crawl through the hole into the next area. This area has a rolling boulder that can hurt you, so watch out. Go through the left side of the area and you'll come across a chest which contains the Kokiri Sword, the sword of the Kokiri (duh). Once you have the Kokiri Sword, equip it, save your game and exit this area. Back outside, head north of the fenced area and hop across the platforms in the water and you will meet Mido who is blocking your path to the Deku Tree. You have to have the Deku Shield and the Kokiri Sword in order to get past, so that's why you had to get them. Once Mido lets you pass, head into the area he was blocking and defeat the Deku Babas. I suggest defeating all of three of them to get three Deku Sticks which you will need shortly. Once you are done with the Deku Babas, head north and you will have a scene with the Great Deku Tree. Eventually, you will enter the Deku Tree, the first dungeon of the game. Deku Tree --------- When you arrive here, kill the three Deku Babas. Depending on which way you kill them, you'll get either a Deku Stick or a Deku Nut for each one of them. When you have at least 5 Deku Nuts, head onto the vine or the stairs (your choice) and climb up to the upper levels. Once you climb up to the upper levels, head along the path until you come across a chest. Open it to get a Dungeon Map. Now, head directly north of the chest you just opened and jump across to the other side and enter the door into the next area. In this area, the door will close (oh noes) and you'll have to fight a Deku Scrub. To defeat it, simply stand far away, (for if you get too close the scrub will hide in the grass) and when it spits a nut out at you, use your Deku Shield to deflect the nut back at the scrub. Once you deflect the nut back at the scrub, run over to the scrub and he will beg for mercy. He'll teach you a tip and run off. Once you regain control, head north into the unlocked door (grab the Heart the Deku Scrub dropped before you go) into the next area. In this nextarea, run onto the platform in the middle of the area and then quickly jump onto the area where you see the chest. Once you get to the chest, open it to get a Fairy Slingshot. Once you get the Fairy Slingshot, look up using the C button and you will notice a web that Navi is pointing to. When you spot it, use your Fairy Slingshot and shoot the spot Navi is pointing at and a ladder will fall down from the web. Now, exit this area and the area where you fought the Deku Scrub. In the previous area, head to where you got the Dungeon Map at. Once there, shoot the three Skulltulas down and pick up whatever they drop. Once they are out of the way, climb up the vines and when you reach the top of the vines, keep climbing east until you can't climb anymore. You will drop down onto an unexplored area. In this next area, head north through the door into the next area, ignoring the Skulltula that might be drawing your attention. In this next area, step on the switch to the right and three platforms will raise up. Jump across them and head to the north side of the room and open the chest there for a Compass. Note that on the left side of the room there is a small chest containing a Heart, so take note of that if you need it. Once you have your Compass, exit the room. In the previous area, head to the Skulltula spider I told you to ignore earlier and kill it. To kill it, wait until its back is facing you. When it is, slice it with your sword. You'll have to hit it more than once to defeat it. Anyway, once the spider is defeated, jump down onto the huge web on the floor below. You'll have to land directly in the middle of the web in order to break it. This could take a few tries, so be patient and keep trying until you get it. Once you break the web and drop down into the next area, note that there are two Gold Skulltulas you can kill in here for two Gold Skulltula tokens (these will come in handy later on). If you are interested in getting the tokens, which I strongly suggest you do, refer to the Gold Skulltulas location of this guide for more information. Anyway, whether or not you kill the Gold Skulltulas, head onto the platform to the north of where you land. Once there, step on the switch to cause fire to appear and melt away the web that was on the unlit torch just a second ago. Once the torch starts burning again, open the chest beside it if you need a Heart. Either way, take out a Deku Stick an light it using the newly lit torch. When its lit, head into the white platform under the water (you should see it). When you are on that white platform, jump across to the other side where the Deku Baba is and then when you're there, head to the web to the north and burn it with your stick. Keep trying if you fail. When you burn the web, enter the door into the next area. In this next area, defeat the Deku Scrub the same way you did the previous one. He'll run off again and drop another Heart in his wake. Aim your Fairy Slingshot at the silver eye above the door and shoot a Deku Seed at it. The door will unlock, so enter it. In this next area, head north and Navi will give talk like she always does. When she's done, do as she says and head into the water and dive. Once you are under the water, you'll notice a switch. Swim down to that switch and the water level will slightly lower. Since the water is lower, head back up to the platform you just came from and jump to the platform hovering in the water when it comes close enough. Once you are on it, hold down R to duck so that you won't get hit by the spikes. When you reach the other side, jump onto the platform. Once you are on this platform, kill the Skulltula spider and then push the block to the south of its starting position. Now, jump onto the block and then jump onto the platform above you and head through the door into the next area. In this next new area, kill the Deku Babas if you need some extra supplies, but either way take out a Deku Stick and light it with the torch. Once your Deku Stick is lit, light the other two unlit torches and the door will open. Enter it into the next area. Here, take yet another Deku Stick out and light it. Once it is lit, take it and head to the web area to the north of the Skulltula spider you killed in the beginning of the room and melt the web. There is also another web you can burn, but since you do not have Bombs at this point in the game, it's useless, so just enter the hole that was revealed when you melted the web. In this area again, push the block you see in front of you in the water. Now, drop down to the lower levels (the level you just pushed the block into) and then head onto the platform with the lit torch and light a Deku Stick with it. Now, quickly jump to the block and then jump to the platform the block was originally from. Once your that platform, head to the huge web in the middle of the floor, and quickly use a Deku Nut and you will melt the web and drop down into the lowest level of the Deku Tree. If you need a Heart, grab one, as there is three in the water. Anyway, what's you get down here, incase you did not pay attention to the order the Deku Scrub gave you the last time you fought him to hit these next Deku Scrubs, I'll give them to you. Hit the second Deku Scrub first. Now, the third one and finally, the first one (the one on the left). Once the last Deku Scrub runs out of the grass, quickly run up to where he is meandering and hold B until he runs into your sword. Once he does, he'll reveal the secret of how to beat Queen Gohma, the first boss which is just in that door you see before you. The door will unlock, so enter it. You will face off against Gohma. Read the Bosses section of this FAQ to see how to beat her. Once she's defeated, take the Heart Container she dropped, and then save your game and head into the blue portal which will take you back to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- Back in Kokiri Forest, you'll have to sit and listen to a somewhat long piece of dialogue by the Great Deku Tree. Once it is over, you will recieve the Spiritual Stone of the Kokiri, the Kokiri Emerald. Once you obtain your first ever Spiritual Stone, save your game and get out of this area. Outside, talk to Mido. He'll blame you for the Deku Tree's sudden death and you'll be let through. Head all the way to the north and enter the hole there into the next area. Here, Saria will give you the Fairy Ocarina and you'll see some dialogue. Link will leave after obtaining the Fairy Ocarina and you'll end up in Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Here, head north and you'll be stopped by the owl Kaepora. Get used to it, as Kaepora will be here throughout most of the game and he gets very annoying very fast. When he's done talking and you regain control, head all the way north to the castle-like fortress you see in the distance. It'll get dark before you reach it, and then some Stalfos will come out of the ground and attack you, so be prepared for that. Once you reach the castle and it is day light, enter it. This is your next destination, naturally. Market ------ In the Hyrule Market, head into the first building that you see when you enter. Inside is a Gold Skulltula, as well as tons of jars containing Green and Blue Rupees. Check the Gold Skulltula section of this guide for more information on how to get this next Gold Skulltula token. Anyway, your goal here is to collect 80 Rupees, so keep entering/reentering the building until you have 80 Rupees. Note there's also a way to get 80 Rupees much faster, so please see the Codes n' Secrets section of this FAQ for more information on that. Once you have 80 Rupees, head to the unexplored area to the left of the building. In this area, enter the rightmost building (the one with the weird guy's face on it). Inside, buy a Hylian Shield for 80 Rupees. When you get it, equip it right away and save your game. Now, exit the store and talk to the girl you see just south of Hyrule Castle. Now, head into Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- When you arrive here, head north to encounter Kaepora Gaebora (told ya you'd have to get used to it ;) ). Once he's done talking and you regain control, exit Hyrule Castle. Market ------ Reenter Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- Back in Hyrule Castle, you should see the girl you just talked to in the Market standing beside the vines. Talk to her and she will give you an egg that she's been incubating for quite some time now. When you get the egg, save your game and head up the vine. Once you climb the vine, continue heading north and then drop off the platform or climb down the ladder and head out the door, as either way it's the same effect. Anyway, whether you climb down the ladder or if you just jump off of the platform to get to where you are now, head north and then take a turn towards the northwest, past the two guards you see (be sure to walk and NOT run because you'll get caught if you run) and head into the field area past a third guard to your left. When you successfully reach the field and are out of the guards' neck of the woods, head north and climb up the wall where the yellow flowers are. Once you climb the wall into the next area, there are some more guards to avoid, so head into the water and swim to the north and then jump onto the platform. You will spot a fat man sleeping beside milk crates. This is Talon, whom Malon, the girl in the Market spoke of. If the Weird Egg has not yet hatched on you, leave your game on until it turns night and then turns day again and the egg will hatch. When it haches, show it to Talon and he'll wake up and then talk to you, which eventually he will run off in a panic because he left Malon behind. Now that he's out of the way, push one of the milk crates into the water where Talon was sleeping. Once that is done, push the other one on top of the one that is in the water. This will provide us with an entrance into the Castle Courtyard where Princess Zelda is. Jump onto the crates and then jump to the area with the small fountain and hole. Once you are on this area, crawl through the small hole into the Castle Courtyard. NOTE: You will not be able to enter the Castle Courtyard at night, so enter at day. Castle Courtyard ---------------- Here, you will have to avoid tons of guards, but I'll guide you through. Head to the left into the next area. Here, wait until the guard isn't facing you before you run to different areas, and hide behind the bushes to avoid being seen. When you reach the other side, once again, use the bushes to avoid detection. Also use the sides of the two fountains for protection as well. When you reach the other side, ignore the Rupees and get to the other side (if you are good at stealth, go ahead and go for the Rupees). When you do reach the other side, use the brick walls for cover and also use the area where the statue is for cover from the guards as well. Once again, when you make it to the other side, you'll have to avoid being detected by a final set of guards. This one is a bit tougher than the previous ones, but I'll help you. Use the bushes for coverings as best you can while avoiding the guards, but be careful where you take cover, as these guards are a lot faster. When you finally reach the other side, quickly head west into the next area. In this next area, you'll meet Princess Zelda to the north, so go and talk to her. Some dialogue will commence. When she asks you if you have the Spiritual Stone, tell her yes. When she asks you if you will keep her story a secret, tell her yes, as you'll have to anyway. Eventually, when she finally shuts her mouth up, she'll give you Zelda's Letter, a letter with her actual autorgraph on it (Why do I get the feeling this is a fake autograph? :P). Once you obtain Zelda's Letter, save your game and head south like you are going to exit the area and you will encounter Impa, Zelda's loyal bodyguard. She will teach you Zelda's Lullaby and lead you of the castle, back into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Impa will talk a bit more and then disappear and you'll regain control. Head north and cross the bridge and then enter the village to your north. This is Kakariko Village, which is obviously your next destination. Kakariko Village ---------------- Here, head north to the well you see in the distance. When you get to the well, head east and north past the stairs and into the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- Once here, head to the huge tomb located at the very northern part of the Graveyard. Once there, step on the Triforce patch of ground and play Zelda's Lullaby. The tomb will break, thus revealing a hole. A storm will also commence. Head down the hole and into a new area. In this area, kill all four of the Keese enemies and then the door will unlock, so enter it into the next area. In this next area, there are a few Redeads in here which will paralyze you if you come near, so watch out for that. To avoid them, simply walk past them where they won't be able to spot you. If you get caught in their grasp, simply tap the A button and you might get lucky. Anyway, when you get into this area with the Redeads, head north into the next area. In this area, you will see a stone with something inscribed on it. Examine it. It is a poem of the Composer Brothers. You will learn the Sun's Song from this poem. When used, the Sun's Song turns night into day immediately, and vise versa. Now you don't have to wait an excessively long time to get to night or day. Anyway, once you obtain the Sun's Song, exit this area completely and head back into the Graveyard. Back in the actual Graveyard, area make your way back to Kakariko Village. It's time to get a few Gold Skulltulas. Kakariko Village ---------------- Turn it night if it isn't already, using the Sun's Song. Now, for our first Gold Skulltula, let's head to the House of Skulltula which is north of the Graveyard. Don't go inside of the house, but go behind it and a Gold Skulltula will be there. Kill it and claim its token. Now, for our second one, head to the well and head up the stairs into the area with red blocks. Climb up the red blocks and kill that Gold Skulltula and claim its token. For our third one, head north of the well area, and head up the two sets of stairs and you will come across a huge ladder. Use your Fairy Slingshot to kill the Gold Skulltula spider up there and claim its token. Now, head west of the ladder and look on the side of the house there. Another Gold Skulltula will be there. Kill it, and take its token as your own. Okay, now head to the entrance of the village. Once there, roll against the tree and a Gold Skulltula will pop out. Kill it and claim its token. Now, head north and you will stumble across a guard. Show him Zelda's Letter and he will let you through to Death Mountain Mountain, AFTER talking about you getting a mask for his son. If you want to do that, look at the Side Quests section of the FAQ. Either way, when you are ready, enter Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Here, head north and kill the Red Tektites you come across, while heading onto the higher platform. Once you are on the higher platform, keep heading north and you'll eventually stumble across a rolling Goron. When you do, head west of the Goron and you'll come across Goron City, your next destination. Goron City ---------- Here, head to the lowest level of the city (jumping is a lot easier than getting there manually). Once there, head into the door (not with the Bomb Flowers, but the other one) and step on the pad and play Zelda's Lullaby. The door will open, and you'll come across Darunia, the king of the Goron race. Talk to him and he snaps at you. When he's done being a retard, light a Deku Stick via the torch east of him. When the Deku Stick is lit, exit the room and light all the four torches in the room. When you do, the Goron statue in the middle of the room will start to spin. Now, light another Deku Stick from one of the two torches that are side by side (the ones you lit last), and quickly hurry up to the area above and you'll see two torches to the east. Quickly light them and then light another Deku Stick and use the fire to knock the Bomb Flowers down. The rocks will move out of your way, and you'll be able to get to the Lost Woods, so go ahead and enter it. Lost Woods ---------- Here, head north and you'll come across Kaepora Gaebora. He will talk for a bit. When he's done, head through each of the holes that makes the sound of Saria's Song (in other words, enter each hole that you can hear the music through the best). Keep going through the holes that have the music on them, and eventually, you'll come across the Sacred Forest Meadow. Sacred Forest Meadow -------------------- Here, you'll have to fight a Wolfos. Once it is defeated, head through the area, but equip your Deku Shield first, as there is Deku Scrubs coming up. When you enter the area with the Deku Scrubs, keep going until you come across some stairs. Up the stairs are two Deku Scrubs. Kill them and then enter the area to the north, which is where Saria is. She'll teach you Saria's Song. Once you learn it, exit the Sacred Forest Meadow via the stairs north of the stairs where you fought the last two Deku Scrubs at. Once you exit the meadow, you'll be back in the Lost Woods. Lost Woods ---------- Kaepora Gaebora talks again. Head back to Goron City the way you came to the Sacred Forest Meadow. Goron City ---------- Go and visit Darunia and play the Saria's Song in front of him. He will dance like crazy and become extraordinarily happy. He'll give you the Goron Bracelet and ask you to defeat the monsters inside Dodongo's Cavern, so leave the city, via the highest level. Death Mountain -------------- Back in Death Mountain, head west of Goron City and you will come across a Goron, as well as a Bomb Flower. Pick up the Bomb Flower, and throw it onto the area below. Keep trying until the cave is opened up. This is your next destination, obviously, so enter it. Dodongo's Cavern ---------------- When you arrive here, take a Bomb Flower from either side of the room and blow up the door ahead of you. Now you can access the entire cavern, so enter that newly revealed area. When you enter that area, head north onto the pillar in the lava below. When it elevates high enough, jump on the platform ahead of you with the Beamos. Now, head to the pillar west of the Beamos and jump onto the platform above the pillar. Once you are on that platform, head to the left and you will notice a Bomb Flower. Pick it up and throw it to the door you see. Inside is a chest. Open it to get a Dungeon Map! Now, head back to the middle platform via the pillar in the lava. Once there, head to the pillar east of the Beamos and jump to the platform there, once the pillar elevates. When you get on top of this next platform, head east and pick up the Bomb Flower you see, and throw it at the Beamos using L-Targeting. The Beamos will explode. When it does, pick up the Bomb Flower again and blow up the door just north of the Beamos, and then enter it, into the next room. In this room, head north past the enemies that come up out of the ground, while heading to the platform you see ahead. Once you are on the platform, you will see an Armos Statue. Push it onto the switch you see and the door will unlock, so go ahead and enter it, into the next area. In this next area, go north while defeating or ignoring the Keese, into the door. When you enter the door, you'll encounter two Lizalfos enemies, which are not bosses, but mini-bosses. I will not list them in the Bosses section, I'll just tell you how to beat them right here. To annihilate them, L-Target them and hit them with your sword. They will then try and hit you. Quickly use your Hylian Shield to block their attack. Hit them once more and they will hit you again. Block again. Finally, do the same thing the third attack, as well (notice a pattern?). Keep doing this to both of them until they are defeated. The only difference is once you hit one three times, it'll run away and you'll have to hit the second one three times. The second one will then run away also, and vise versa. Anyway, once the Lizalfos are defeated, head through the newly unlocked door into the next area. In this room, head north and light a Deku Stick. Ignore the Dodongo enemies. When the stick is lit, light the nearby torch. When that is lit, light the next one to the north on the right wall, and finally the last one to the left of the locked door north of the second torch. Enter the newly unlocked door, into the next area. In this next new area, step on the switch you see. This will open the door far to your north, on the left side of the main room. Drop down into the area below, back into the main room. Back in the main room, get back on the middle area where the Beamos is. Once there, head to the pillar to the left of the Beamos, and onto the platform you see there. Once you are on it, enter the newly unlocked door into the next room. In this new room, head north and you will notice lots of Bomb Flowers in one area (this is suspicious, eh?). Grab the Bomb Flower to the left of that cluster of Bomb Flowers, and use that lone Bomb Flower and place it in the middle of the Bomb Flower area (place it in the area where it looks like one Bomb Flower is missing). If done right, the explosion will cause all the Bomb Flowers, including the one you just threw, to explode. The stairs will then lower, head up them, into the next part of this room. Now, head up either of the two platforms to your east and west, and eventually you'll encounter a huge vine-like area. A Gold Skulltula, followed by a Skulltula spider, lurks on this vine-like area. Kill both the Gold Skulltula and the normal Skulltula, and claim the Gold Skulltula's token. Once you have the token, head north through the door, and into the next area. In this next new area, kill all the Fire Keese enemies and then push the Armos Statue away from the stairs, and then head up the stairs and step on the switch. This will cause the door to unlock to your north, so enter it. In this new area, head north and kill the Fire Keese. Then, continue north across the bridge, and into the next area. In this area, drop down to the lower levels. Once there, take note that there are spiked traps in places you don't expect, so take caution and use L-Targeting. Anyway, once you are in the lower levels of the room, head north while avoiding the spiked traps, until you come across a blue block below the stairs. When you come across that, hop onto the blue block and then use it to jump to the platform to your north. Once you are on that platform, pick up the Bomb Flower and wait till right before it is about to explode, and then throw it to the door above the blue block. If done correctly, the door will explode (duh), so enter it when it does. In this next room, shoot the golden eye above the fire in the middle of the room with your Fairy Slingshot. The fire will dissipate for a time, so jump across the platforms, and into the next area. In this area, head north while avoiding the Baby Dodongo enemies (didn't we just leave this party?), while going into the next area. In this next area, you'll have to defeat two more Lizalfos enemies, as you can probably already tell by the room layout. Once they're defeated, enter the unlocked door, into the next area. In this area, shoot the golden eye above the fire like you did a minute ago. The fire in the middle will dissipate, so head onto that platform and look left using C and you'll notice another golden eye. Shoot it and the fire to the north will dissipate also, so quickly head up into the next room. In this room, go north and you'll come across a room that has an upper and a lower area to it. The lower area is the area we've previously visited, so jump across the piece of wood and to the platform to the north. Once there, jump on the platform to the east and you will see a chest. Open it to get a Bomb Bag, which enables us to hold up to 20 Bombs. NICE! After getting the Bombs from the chest, head off the platform, and head into the next room. In this room, head north and step on the switch. The platform below will rise up to the second floor, so we can reach the second floor a lot easier now. Do not head onto the pillar, but instead, head north of it, onto the bridge. Drop a Bomb onto each hole in the bridge, where the Dodongo face is, and its eyes will turn red. Once they turn red, head to the area below, and enter the door in the Dodongo face, which leads into the next area. In this next new area, head north and drop to the lower area of the room. Now, head east and jump up onto the platform above you, into the next room. In this room, head through the area, defeating the Fire Keese enemies (there are two of them) that you come across, until you reach a brown block. When you reach that, jump onto it and then jump onto the other one and finally, jump to the platform above you. Once there, head north and drop down at the end of the platform, to the lower areas of the room. Now, break the left jar to get a Fairy to come out. If you have a Bottle, capture it. If you desperately need health, however, since this next boss coming up isn't too hard, just go ahead and use it to heal. Anyway, once you have and/or use the Fairy, head north into the next area. In this area, push the block you see ahead of you onto the area below. Once it is in the area below, push it north into the pit in the middle of the room, but beware of the two Fire Keese, who'll get in your way. The block will open the door to your north, so enter it. In this room, head north and bomb the dirt spot in the middle of the room. A hole will be revealed, so go down it and you'll be in the boss's lair. You will have to fight King Dodongo face to face, so read the Bosses section to see how to win. Once you win, grab the Heart Container, save your game and enter the blue portal. You'll be warped to Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Back in Death Mountain, Darunia will call you his Sworn Brother and give you the Spiritual Stone of Fire, or the Goron's Ruby. Once the cutscene is over and you regain control, save your game and head up the mountain until you come across some rocks on a high platform. When you do, use your Bombs to blow those rocks up. Once they are all blown up, jump across the platform and jump on the next platform when you reach the end of the other one. Now, head north and you'll come across a volcanic eruption. Not to worry, just use your Hylian Shield each time one comes down. When you reach the vine area to the north, kill the Skulltula spiders with your Fairy Slingshot, and then head up the vine area. Eventually, you'll reach the top of Death Mountain. Once there, bomb the weird piece of wall west of Kaepora Gaebora. This is your first Great Fairy's Fountain. Enter it. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Once here, head north and play Zelda's Lullaby on the tile there. A fairy will come out of the water and give you a Magic Meter. Awesome! Once you have your Magic Meter, save your game and exit the Great Fairy Fountain. Death Mountain -------------- Back on Death Mountain, head towards Kaepora Gaebora and he will talk (You and I both knew it.). He actually helps you this time, though, because you can ride on him to get back to Kakariko Village a lot quicker, so go under his shadow to ride him. Kakariko Village ---------------- Back in Kakariko Village, head to the edge of the roof and use C to lookdown. You will see a small brownish platform. Drop down to it from the roof, and enter the hole you see. You will be in a house inside a cage with a cow. Grab the nearby Piece of Heart and exit the house. Now, time to get a Bottle. Head to the entrance of the village and grab the Cucco there. Now, head south of the Graveyard and put the Cucco in the little pin there. Now, for the second Cucco, head to where the ladder that contained the Gold Skulltula is at. Once there, you will see another Cucco. Grab it and put it in the pin. Now, for the third one, before going up the stairs to the ladder area, you'll notice a box in the right corner. Break it and a Cucco will be revealed. Instead of putting it in the pin, head to the area with the red brick blocks north of the well and fly with the Cucco to the area where the other Cucco is straight ahead. In other words, fly to the House of Skulltula. Once you are on the platform beside the House of Skulltula with the next Cucco, throw them both off of the platform and put them both in the pin. Now, head north of the pin and grab the Cucco there. With this Cucco, we're gonna have to do something a little different other than pick them up and put them in the pin. Anyway, once you get this Cucco, head west of the entrance to the Graveyard and head up the stairs. Then, head north and jump across with the Cucco, to the other side (it may take more than one try, but highly doubtful). Once you are on the other side, throw the Cucco in your hand off to the other side. Now, drop down to the area below, and go into the hole if you want to, but it is nothing important. What you need to do instead, is head towards the ladder to the north of the hole, but don't go up it. Instead, grab the Cucco there and throw him off to the other side. When that is done, head up the ladder and you'll find the final Cucco. Fly off the platform with that Cucco, and put it in the pin, and talk to the lady beside the pin. She will give you an Empty Bottle for your efforts. Now, exit the village. Time to head to Lon Lon Ranch. Hyrule Field ------------ Alright, from Kakariko Village, head north and cross the bridge you see there. Then, continue heading to the north towards the settlement you see in the distance. This is, obviously, Lon Lon Ranch, so enter it. Time for yet another Empty Bottle. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- Once here, head into the building to your left. Inside is Talon, the guy we woke up in Hyrule Castle. Talk to him and he'll wake up and ask if you want to play a game with him. Accept his offer, and he'll throw the three Super Cuccos around him across the room, and we'll have to find them to get the next Empty Bottle. Read the Mini Games section of this guide to see how to complete this game. Once its completed, he'll reward you with an Empty Bottle. Things are definitely looking up! Now, exit this house. Back outside, head north and into the huge field with the horses. Inside is Malon. Talk to her three times. Then, show her your Fairy Ocarina and she will teach you Epona's Song, which will be necessary later on in the game. Now that you have the Epona's Song, leave Lon Lon Ranch, there is no point in staying. Hyrule Field ------------ Back outside, head directly north of the tree beside Kakariko Village. You'll find a river flowing. This is Zora's River, so enter it. Zora's River ------------ Once here, head north and you'll encounter Kaepora Gaebora again. Once he's done talking, take the nearby Cucco and use it to fly to the other side of the area. Once you are on the other side, head north and defeat the Octorok there with your Deku Shield. Then, head north some more, towards the high platforms to your left. Then, jump down to the platform that is below you. Once there, head north and jump onto the ledge above you, and then jump to the next one. Now, head north up the hill, and then continue north and you'll encounter another Octorok. Kill it, and continue north and cross the bridge. Now, head north up the long platform, then drop down to the platform slightly below this one. Once that is done, step on the pad beside the waterfall and play Zelda's Lullaby. The waterfall will calm down, enabling you to enter Zora's Domain, which is in the hole where the waterfall was, so enter. Zora's Domain ------------- Once here, head north from the entrance and continue along heading north, and eventually you'll come across some stairs. Climb up the stairs and you'll see a fat Zora. This is King Zora. Ignore him and head west of him and you'll encounter a Zora. Talk to the Zora and she'll ask you if you want to play a diving game. Tell her yes. It only costs 20 Rupees, and you'll get them back by diving, so don't worry. Anyway, Link will dive down into the water, so head underwater and get all the Rupees before the time runs out. Once the game is completed, head back up to the Zora and talk to her. She will reward you with the Silver Scale, with which you can now dive deeper underwater at a length of 5 seconds, rather than 3. Now that you have the Silver Scale, jump back into the water where you played the game with the Zora a moment ago at, and dive underwater. Once you are underwater, head north of the waterfall and enter the hole you see. You will end up in Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- As you come up from the water, you'll notice a Zora, as well as your first glimpse into Lake Hylia. Dive underwater again, and you'll find an Empty Bottle with something already in it. Once you obtain the Empty Bottle, swim back into Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- Back in Zora's Domain, head to the room with King Zora again. Once there, show him the Empty Bottle. He will say that the letter indicates that his daughter, Princess Ruto, is lost inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly, and he wants you to rescue her (figures). Once he stops talking and you regain control, head to where the Zora that gave you the Silver Scale is, and dive into the water below. Once you are in the water, don't head underwater. Instead, swim north past the waterfall and head into the area with the unlit torch. Once there, you should see some fish swimming around. Catch them in your bottle, and head back to King Zora's room. Once there, head east from the entrance of the room and then head north past King Zora, and enter Zora's Fountain. Zora's Fountain --------------- Once you are in this outside place, head to the altar beside Lord Jabu-Jabu (he is that big fish). Once there, drop the Fish you caught beside Lord Jabu- Jabu and he'll swallow you up. You're now inside the third dungeon of the game, Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Jabu-Jabu's Belly ----------------- When you arrive here, head north and defeat the Octoroks and the bubble enemies, which are namely Shabom's. Once all of the enemies are destroyed and the room is clear, shoot the thing sticking down with your Fairy Slingshot. It will cause the door to the north to unlock, so enter it, into the next area. In this area, head north into the next area, ignoring everything else that may catch your eye. In this next room, head north and you'll encounter Princess Ruto. When she is done talking, she'll run away and fall down a hole. Head down the hole she fell down, into the next area. In this room, you'll meet Princess Ruto (obviously). Talk to her twice and she'll let you have the priviledge of carrying her (she loves you :P). Pick her up and head through the door to the north of the two of you. In this next area, head north and into the pit in the center of the room. Once there, don't step on the switch yet, but toss Ruto up onto the platform to the north. Before stepping on the switch, kill the Gold Skulltula on the vine to the north (use C to find it). Once the Skulltula is killed and Ruto is up there, step on the switch will cause the water to rise. Once its risen, grab the Gold Skulltula token and wait for the water to lower. Once it lowers, raise it back up again. This time, head onto the platform where Princess Ruto is. Then, pick her up and head north with her into the next area. In this next new area, kill the Octorok. Once its defeated, take Ruto and get on the platform that drops down. Once you are on it, ride it back to the top and then jump to the platform to the left. Once there, head north through the door, and into the previously visited area. Here, go north and east, past the enemies you see and then head east and you will see a switch. Press the switch and then put Ruto on it, and enter the door to the north, into the next area. In this area, defeat the Stinger enemies with your Fairy Slingshot. After you do, a chest will be revealed, which contains the Boomerang. Once you have the Boomerang, save your game and exit this room. Now, exit this room and head back to the room where you first encountered Ruto at. Once there, pick her back up and head back into the room where you had Ruto step on the switch to get the Boomerang. Once there, head north and you will come across a blue switch. Step on it, and then put Princess Ruto onto it. Her weight will enable you to enter the room to the north, so do so. Once you are in that room, you'll encounter a big slimy stick hanging from the ceiling. To defeat it, L-Target it and stand in front of it until it comes toward you. When it goes to come near to you, move back and use the Boomerang to hit it. Do this four times to defeat this slimy thing. The slimy stick thing will drop a chest which contains the Dungeon Map. Grab it, and exit this room, heading into the previous area. Back in the previous room, pick up Ruto and head north of where you are now, and enter the door, since the red slimy thing is gone now. In this next area, you'll have to beat several Shabom enemies, in 40 seconds. Once they are defeated, a chest will appear once more, so open it for a Compass. Now, grab Ruto and exit this room. Back outside, head directly west of the switch you pressed to get into the room which contained the Boomerang, and enter the unexplored door. In this next room, you'll have to defeat another slimy thing, so do so the same way you did the other one. Once this slimy thing is defeated, it won't drop a chest, so just grab Ruto and exit the room. Back outside, head into the last room of this area, which is the middle room. Once there, you'll have to defeat another slimy Parasitic Tentacle (that's what they're called, I just refer to them as slimy things). You'll also have to defeat some Biri jellyfish enemies. Once they're all defeated, exit the room. Back outside, exit this room completely and head into the room where you first met Princess Ruto. Once there, drop down into the hole, with Ruto, that had the slimy tentacle thing over it earlier. You'll be in another new area. In this next new area, you will probably hear Gold Skulltulas crawling. Well, they are on the wall to the east of you, so kill them and obtain their tokens with the Boomerang. Once you kill the Gold Skulltulas and claim their tokens, head north through the door. Make sure Princess Ruto is with you (duh). In this next area, Ruto will comment that that stone right there is the stone she lost, and that she's finally found it. After Ruto grabs the stone, a huge octopus, namely Bigocto. To defeat it, wait until it turns around. When it does, throw the Boomerang at him (be sure to L-Target). Then, his green butt will show, so hit him with your sword when that happens. He'll then turn around and start running all over the place, while the middle spiked platform moves as well. Hit him in the back with Boomerang, then when you see his green butt again, strike him with your sword once more. Repeat this until you win the battle. Once you win the battle and you regain control, head up the platform Princess Ruto just went up. Once you are on that platform, ride it up to the top. When you reach the top, break the jars, as a Fairy is in one of them. If you have a spare bottle, capture it. Regardless of what you do with the Fairy or the jars, head north and kill the Biri enemies and then enter the door, which leads you into the next new area. In this new area, you will see two red slimy things, that are shaking like mad. Hit the first one with your Boomerang, then jump on the one that is frozen. On top of the frozen slimy thing, ignore the Octorok and use your Boomerang quickly to hit the next slimy thing to the north. Once that is done successfully, jump onto the second slimy thing that you froze. Now, jump to the platform ahead of you and enter the door, and into the next room. In this room, head north and jump to the small platform on the wall ahead of you. This will take you to the room after the main room. Once you are here, head north and pick up one of the two wooden crates you see. Take the wooden crates to the blue switch to the north, and place the crate onto the switch. The door will be opened, so enter it, into the next area. In this next area, head north and defeat all the Biri enemies. Once they are defeated, you'll probably notice on the vines in the room, there is another Gold Skulltula. Go ahead and kill it, and claim its token. Now, head up the vine and then you will notice a thing sticking out of the ceiling. Back up a little bit away from the web, and L-Target the object and throw your Boomerang at it. If you hit it correctly, the door leading to Barinade, the boss of this dungeon, will open up. Enter the door leading to Barinade. The door will close and you will enter battle with Barinade, so read the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to prevail against Barinade. Once Barinade is defeated, take the Heart Container, and then save your game and enter the blue portal, which takes you back outside to Zora's Fountain. Zora's Fountain --------------- Back outside in Zora's Fountain, a long dialogue with Princess Ruto and Link will commence. She will reward you with the last Spiritual Stone, or the Zora's Sapphire, regardless of which answers you tell Ruto when she asks you if you want something. Anyway, once the dialogue ends and you regain control, swim directly north of where you land after Ruto gets done talking, and head to the island where you see rocks at. Once there, stand closest to the wall as you can get, and bomb the wall. A hole will be revealed, so head into the hole, which leads to another Great Fairy's Fountain. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Once here, head north and step on the Triforce pad. Play Zelda's Lullaby and a Great Fairy will come out, and grant you a power called Farore's Wind. Farore's Wind creates a spawn point in dungeons, so if you die, you can come back to that spawn point. Pretty useful. Once you have Farore's Wind, exit the Great Fairy's Fountain. Zora's Fountain --------------- Back here, swim back into Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- Exit the domain, and head back into Zora's River. Zora's River ------------ I went hunting for Piece of Heart's here, and a lot of other places, so if you wish to heart hunt as well, see the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ. Once you are done heart hunting in the river, exit it. NOTE: The insane amount of heart hunting that I do takes a good while, so use CTRL + F to skip to the section you want to go to, if you don't want to heart hunt. Hyrule Field ------------ Once here, head north into Lon Lon Ranch. Time to get a Piece of Heart. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- Head north and slightly east. You'll notice a building in the distance, just north of the field. Enter it. Inside this building is a Piece of Heart, so see the Heart Pieces section of this guide for more information. Once you obtain the Heart Piece, exit this house, as well as Lon Lon Ranch. Hyrule Field ------------ Now, head to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- If you didn't get the Piece of Heart inside the house Kaepora Gaebora drops you off to after getting a Magic Meter, see the Heart Pieces section of this FAQ for more information on how to get that. Regardless, head to Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Inside Death Mountain, head up to where the Bomb Flower you used to bomb the rocks blocking Dodongo's Cavern is. Once there, take the Bomb Flower and throw it off, or just anywhere. Once it is out of the way and the other Bomb Flower hasn't grown yet, quickly get as close as you can to the right side of this small fence area, and then backflip. If done correctly, you will land on a platform above Dodongo's Cavern, which contains a Piece of Heart. Another Piece of Heart collected. Now that you have this, head to Goron City. Goron City ---------- In Goron City, head to the first floor in the upper levels, and then throw a Bomb into the spinning Goron statue. Throw a Bomb only when the happiest face is showing. If you don't, you can't get this next Heart Piece. If you do it correctly, the Goron statue's face will be the happiest when it stops spinning, meaning you got the Piece of Heart. Not only that, but you get a Red Rupee, which is worth 20 Rupees, and a Blue Rupee, which is worth 5 Rupees. So basically, for doing this, you can 25 Rupees, AND a Heart Piece! Once you get this Piece of Heart, head to Zora's River. Zora's River ------------ Once here, head to Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- There is a Piece of Heart you can get here, so see the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ for more information. Once you get this Piece of Heart, exit the domain and head for Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you arrive here, head into the Graveyard, where we'll find our next Piece of Heart. Graveyard --------- Read the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ to see how to get this one. This one is acquired from digging with Dampe. It has to be nighttime, so keep that in mind. Once you obtain this Piece of Heart, head to the line of tombs just south of the huge tomb that has the Sun's Song in it. Once there, keep pulling the tombs along the line, and eventually, on a rightmost tomb, a hole will be revealed. Inside is a Redead. See the Heart Pieces section for more info on how to get this next Piece of Heart. Once you get it, turn it night using the Sun's Song. Now, look along the right wall. A Gold Skulltula will be there. Kill it, and claim its token with the Boomerang. Now, there's nothing else of interest to us here, so exit the Graveyard. Kakariko Village ---------------- Back in Kakariko Village, head to the House of Skulltula. House of Skulltula ------------------ In this weird place, talk to the only human in the area, whom you have uncursed by getting 10 or more Gold Skulltulas. This human will give you an Adult's Wallet, which enables you to hold up to 200 Rupees, instead of 99! Now that we have the Adult's Wallet, exit the House of Skulltula. Kakariko Village ---------------- Back in the village, exit the village completely. Hyrule Field ------------ Once here, head to the southernmost point on the map, and enter Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- When you arrive here, head into the water. Once you are in the water, swim to the building west of the tree in the middle of the water, and enter it. This is the fishing pond. Inside, pay the guy 20 Rupees to fish. There is an illegal lure in here, but you can't get the Piece of Heart in here if you use it. Read the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ to see how to get the one in here. Once you get it, exit this area, there is no point in staying here. Back in the lake itself, swim back to shore and exit Lake Hylia completely. Hyrule Field ------------ Back in Hyrule Field, head to the Market. But before you can enter, you are stopped by Ganondorf, as Zelda and Impa race off from him on a horse. Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time into the water, so go and get that once you regain control. Once you have the Ocarina of Time you'll have to go through some more dialogue, as you learn the Song of Time from Princess Zelda. Once you learn that, save your game, and THEN you can enter the Hyrule Market. Market ------ Once here, head into the Bombchu Bowling Alley, which is the huge building northwest of the entrance of the market. Once inside the Bombchu Bowling Alley, talk to the owner. Pay her 30 Rupees to play the game. If you manage to win, you will sometimes (I do mean sometimes) get a Piece of Heart. This can take a bit, and can cost a good bit of Rupees, so be aware of that. Once you obtain this Piece of Heart, exit the Bombchu Bowling Alley. In the main part of the market again, turn it nighttime with the Sun's Song. Now, head by the Bazaar shop (the shop where you bought the Hylian Shield). Once there, try and get the white dog to follow you. When it starts to follow you, head to the back alley, which is west of the Bombchu Bowling Alley building. When you are in the back alley, head directly north, and enter the northern building. In the building you will find a fat lady, whom you should talk to. If you got the right dog, she'll give you a Piece of Heart! Now, there is one more Piece of Heart left to get in here. Head to the Treasure Chest game building (make sure that it's nighttime), which is just left (not in the back alley) west of the Bombchu Bowling Alley building. Once you are in the Treasure Chest building, talk to the owner and pay the fee of 10 Rupees. Keep trying until you win the game. When you do, he'll reward you with a Piece of Heart! Note that it is a heck of a lot easier coming back here and doing it with the Lens of Truth, so wait if you want to. Now that you have all this, exit the Market. Hyrule Field ------------ Back out in Hyrule Field, head all the way to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- When you arrive here, head up the platform to the north and then climb up the vines, onto the platform above. Now, head north up the hilly area and enter the Lost Woods. Lost Woods ---------- When you arrive here, head through the eastern hole and you should see a wooden object below the tree there. When you see that, aim your Fairy Slingshot at it and get a bulls-eye three times (100 score). When you do, a Deku Scrub will come out and reward you with a Deku Seeds Bullet Bag, which enables you to hold up to 40 Deku Seeds! Now, head down the ladder, and to the area directly below where you got your Deku Seeds Bullet Bag. Once there, step on the lower log and two Skull Kids will come out. Show them your Ocarina and they will lead you in a song. Keep playing their song and keep winning at it, and eventually, you'll get a Piece of Heart from them. Now, head through the woods until you come across a lone Skull Kid. When you do, play him Saria's Song, and you'll get another Piece of Heart. Now, we have everything we need here, so exit the Lost Woods. Kokiri Forest ------------- Once here, exit the forest. Hyrule Field ------------ Back in Hyrule Field, head to the extreme western part of the map (all the way southwest of Kakariko Village) and enter the desert area there. Eventually, you will be able to enter Gerudo Valley, where we'll get another Heart Piece. Gerudo Valley ------------- If you are interested in getting the Piece of Heart here, then see the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ for more information. There's also another Piece of Heart in here, which you can get as Young Link, so see the Heart Pieces section for information on that as well. Once you acquire these two Piece of Hearts, exit Gerudo Valley. Hyrule Field ------------ No point to hunt anymore hearts right now, so just head back to the Market. Market ------ Back in the Market, head to the west of the Potion Shop, and into the never before seen area. In this area, head west and go north into the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Once you arrive here, head north and step on the red carpet and play the Song of Time. The three Spiritual Stones will move onto the tablelike area, or whatever you call that thing above the red carpet. The Door of Time will then open, so when you regain control, head north into the area the Door of Time was sealing. Inside, head north and grab the Master Sword from the pedestal. Ganondorf will then appear and thank you for getting him into the Sacred Realm (looks like we made a mistake by pulling out the Master Sword). Then, you will hear a voice calling you and telling you to wake up. You will then enter into the Chamber of the Sages where Rauru, one of the ancient seven sages. Rauru will go on to tell you that you are the Hero of Time, and that your spirit was sealed up for seven years when you picked up the Master Sword. You are now old enough to become the legendary Hero of Time sent to stop Ganondorf. The dialogue will go on with Rauru for quite awhile, and then you'll encounter Sheik, who is a Sheikah. He will go on to talk for quite a bit, and then you will regain control. Exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ You will encounter Redeads in the Market this time, due to Ganondorf's evil power. Make your way out of the Market. Hyrule Field ------------ Head to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- In the village, head into the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- When you arrive here, head north and west up the hill and you should see a grave with three flowers on the bottom of it. Push that grave and a hole will be revealed. Drop in the hole and inside, you'll encounter Dampe's spirit. He will race you if you talk to him, so do so. Catch up to him (not beat him) the entire race, and he'll reward you with the Hookshot, which you'll need to enter the Forest Temple. Once you have the Hookshot, head north of the chest and play the Song of Time in front of the two blue blocks. They will then disappear, and you'll be able to get through, into the next area, so enter it. Kakariko Village ---------------- This area is called "?", but it's inside the windmill of the village. Inside is a man that is angry and playing a song, followed by a Heart Piece. Jump to the Piece of Heart, and then stand in front of the guy playing the song and show him your Ocarina. He will then teach you the Song of Storms. Once you learn that, exit this place. Now, exit the village. Hyrule Field ------------ In Hyrule Field, head all the way to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- Once here, head to the Lost Woods via the vine area to the north of where you start. Lost Woods ---------- Here, make your way through the woods until you reach the Sacred Forest Meadow. On the way you will encounter Mido from the Kokiri Forest. Play Saria's Song and he'll let you through. Sacred Forest Meadow -------------------- When you arrive in the Sacred Forest Meadow once again, head north and Navi will warn you of the enemies in the area. These enemies happen to be Moblins, one of Ganondorf's most trusted forces. To defeat a Moblin, use L-Targeting to see them. Sneak up behind them when they are looking the other way, and then use your Hookshot and shoot them in the back to kill them. If they hit you, they will take one Heart from you. Anyway, make your way through the meadow, killing any and all Moblins you come across. Eventually, you'll reach the long stairway leading to Saria's place. Before you can enter there, though, you are stopped by a more powerful Moblin. Simply avoid his dust attack, and then when you are close enough to him, sneak up behind him and hit him with your sword three times to kill him. Once that pest is out of the way, head north into Saria's secret place. Once there, you'll see that there is no Saria on the log she is normally on. Sheik then shows up, and teaches you the Minuet of Forest. This song will return you to this area instantly! Once you learn the Minuet of Forest, Sheik disappears and you regain control. Use your Hookshot and shoot to the vine on the tree. You will then be able to enter the Forest Temple, so do so. Forest Temple ------------- When you arrive here, head north and kill the two Wolfos enemies that attack you. If you hit them in the back, they will die instantly, so try doing that. Anyway, once the Wolfos enemies are destroyed, head up the vine to the east of the Wolfos (just east of where you start in here). Once you climb it up to the top, drop down to the log below the vines. Now, shoot the Gold Skulltula that you probably hear and you probably saw, on the way up here, with your Hookshot. Once the Gold Skulltula is destroyed, use the Hookshot to claim its token. Now that you have that, head north on the log and then use the Hookshot on the small treasure chest ahead, to get onto the platform. When you are up there, open the chest to get a Small Key. Now, jump down to the area below, where the Wolfos were, and head north and enter the door north of where you fought the Wolfos. In this area, head north and use your Hookshot to kill the Big Skulltula spider on the ceiling above you. Once its defeated, continue north through the door, into the next area. In this next area, you'll see four Poes in the room emerge from the four torches. The Poes will run away and hide (of course), so we can't get them right now. Once you regain control, head to the door north of the four torches, and then enter the door, into the next area. But first, you might want to get the Gold Skulltula you probably hear crawling. Either way, enter the door into the next area. In this area, head north through the door, ignoring the Blue Bubble enemy. In this next area, you will encounter two Stalfos enemies. These are mini-bosses. To defeat them, simply wait until they have moved their swords and dropped their guard, then strike them with your sword. An easier way is to L-Target them and use your Hookshot on them to freeze them. When they are frozen, hit them with your sword. Keep hitting them with your sword until they are killed. Once they are defeated, a small chest will spawn, so open it to get a Small Key. If you want a Fairy, break the jars in here until one comes out. Catch it in a bottle, too. Now, exit this room. In the previous room, head south through the door, ignoring the Blue Bubble, into the previous area. In this main room, head west of the room with the Blue Bubble/Stalfos and look to the left. Inside the area is a blue block. Play the Song of Time in front of it to make it disappear. Once it is out of the way, head north and enter the door. In this area, head north and take out the huge Deku Baba in front of you. Once it is defeated, head east of it and you'll see a vine area. On the vines are three Skullwalltulas. You can't kill the third one, so just kill the two that you can kill. Once they are killed, head up the vines and head to the hole in the wall that you'll come across while you climb the vines, trying your best to avoid the Skullwalltula. Once you reach the hole area, head north into the door, into the next area. In this next new area, defeat the Blue Bubble in the room by L-Targeting it and using your Hookshot on it. It'll freeze it. Once it is frozen, strike it with your sword to kill it. Once the Blue Bubble is out of the way, a big chest will appear, which contains the Dungeon Map. Now, head north and through the door, into the next area. In this room, defeat the Deku Baba in front of you. Then, take out the Skullwalltula on the vines there. Once the Skullwalltula is gone, look up with C, and to the right of the vines you should see what looks to be a black and white-colored target. When you see that, use your Hookshot on it to launch over to the area below that target. Once you are there, step on the switch you see there. This will cause the well in the area below to drain free from water. Now, head to the area below, where the well is, and head down the well. Once you are down the well, head north and open the small chest there for yet another Small Key. Once you have that, head up the vines to the north of the chest. When you reach the top, you'll be back in the area you've already been in already, so just head back to the main room of the entire dungeon (the room where the four Poes emerged from the torches). When you get back into the main room, head to the east of where you emerge at when you exit the room you were just in a moment ago, and head onto the area there. Once there, climb up the stairs and then enter the door, into the next area. In this next area, kill the Skulltula and continue heading north, through the door, into the next new area. In this area, kill the Blue Bubble enemy and head north up the ladder. Now, head up the next ladder and then head north and you'll see a huge blue block to the left. Pull that block to the middle of the area. Once it is in the middle of the area, push it north until you can't push anymore. When that is done, head to the area the block was first in, and go around. You will come to the blue block again, so push it to the north some more, until you can't do it anymore. Once the block can't move anymore, jump on top of it, and head to the above area. Now, head north and you'll see another block; this one is red. Pull this one to the south as far as it can go, then down to the previous area where the blue block was. Once there, search around the area for a ladder. When you spot it, climb it up, into the next area. In this area, you'll find the red block you were pushing a minute ago. Push it north some more, until you can't anymore. Once that is done, head back to the area with the blue block, and use it to get back up to the next area. Now, go to the red block that is in this area, and push it to the north until you are unable to push it any longer. When the red block is finally in position, use it to get up to the next area. In this area, head along the path and you will come across another ladder. Climb it up. Now, head north and you will come across two Blue Bubbles. Kill them and then use your Small Key to unlock the door. Head through the door, into the next area. In this hallway, head north and into the new area. In this area, Navi warns you about the shadows of the monsters hanging from the ceiling. These are called Wallmasters, which, if one of them does manage to get you, you will be teleported back to the beginning of the dungeon, so try and avoid that as best as possible. Anyway, when you enter this area, head north across the platforms, and unlock the door with your last Small Key. If you fall off, head up the ladder in the room and try again, but be very careful of the Wallmaster, because if you fall, you will encounter it. Anyway, in this next area, ignore the Poe that appears within the paintings, as you can't kill it right now. Instead, head down the stairs until you come across a door. When you do, enter it, into the next area. In this area, you will have to defeat a Stalfos, but be careful, there is a pit in the middle of the area and if you fall, you will end up in the area where you fought your first pack of Stalfos. Once the Stalfos is defeated, two more will immediately spawn into the room, but there is no pit this time, thankfully. Quickly kill these two Stalfos, as if you don't kill them within a certain time, they will respawn until you do. When you defeat the Stalfos, a chest will appear. Open it to get a Fairy Bow. Once you have that, head into the previous room where you encountered the Poe. Once there, when the Poe appears in a painting, stand far away where it cannot see you, but you can see it, and shoot it with your Fairy Bow. Do this in all three paintings, and the Poe will emerge from the pictures and will head down into the lowest part of the room. Head down there yourself, and enter combat with Joelle the Poe. To defeat Joelle, wait until she stops spinning. When she does, quickly take out your Fairy Bow and shoot her. Keep hitting her when she appears until you win. Note: To deflect her spinning attacks, use your shield. Once you defeat that annoying girl, open the small chest that appears, which contains a Small Key. Now, head into the twisted hallway area. Once there, head through the hallway itself and through the door, into the next area. In this area, shoot the silver eye above the door and then head through the door, into the now straight hallway. Once here, drop down to the area below and open the yellow and blue-colored chest for the Boss Key. When you obtain the Boss Key, go back to the area where the silver eye is and shoot it again, to make the hallway crooked. Now, head back into the room where you got the Fairy Bow. Once there, head north through the door you have not been through yet, into the next Poe area. Get the Poe to come out the same way you did for Joelle. Once the Poe comes out, defeat her the same way you did Joelle. Once Beth is defeated, the blue flame, like the red flame with Joelle, will be lit. Not only that, but a chest will appear which contains the Compass. Now, head back to the room where you got the Boss Key, but make sure you hit the silver eye if the hallway is not straight. When it is straight, head down the hole in the room where you obtained the Boss Key. You will drop down into a new area. In this next new area, defeat the two Blue Bubble enemies, then head north through the door, into the next area. In this next outside area, head north and take out the Giant Deku Baba there. Once it is out of the way, continue heading north and then head into the second hole in the wall you come across. In this hole is a door. Enter it. Inside is a Floormaster. Hit it with your sword a few times when it is not green. When it is green, it is going into attack mode, so just run away from it when that happens. Anyway, once you hit the Floormaster with your sword enough, it'll split into three mini Floormaster enemies. Quickly defeat them, as they will unite into the regular Floormaster if you don't. Once that is done, a chest will appear. Open it to get another Small Key. Now that you have that, exit this room. Outside, head north and look up with C. You should see a golden eye. Shoot it and a small chest containing a Bundle of Arrows will appear above. Now, get the Bundle of Arrows that you just spawned. Once you have them, head to the room with the silver eye before the hallway room. Shoot the silver eye, so that the corridor is twisted. Then, head into the hallway. Once there, head into the room where you defeated Joelle, then to the room where you defeated Beth. Once you are in the room where you defeated Beth at, unlock the door at the top of the room and then enter it, into the next area. In this next room, note that there is a Wallmaster in here, so be very careful. Anyway, in this next room, climb up the ladder and then enter the unexplored hallway. However, you need to be VERY careful when going up the ladder, as the Wallmaster can easily get you there. In this hallway, head north and defeat the two Green Bubble enemies. Once they are defeated, unlock the door with your Small Key, and head into the next area. In this area, step on one of the four rotating platforms and use the Fairy Bow to shoot an arrow through the lit torch in the middle. Shoot that arrow to the ice that has frozen the silver eye. You can also use Din's Fire to melt the ice surrounding the silver eye, which is much easier than the other way. Once you suceed in doing that, head back into the previous room. In the previous room, head to the area with the Wallmaster and then head down the hole, into the floor below. In this area, the ceiling will fall and you'll be crushed if you get hit by it, so try and avoid that at all costs. To avoid the falling ceiling, get under one of the holes in the ceiling. You will end up unfazed and unharmed. Keep doing while making your way to the switch on the eastern side of the room. Once you reach the switch, step on it. Once you step on the switch, it'll unlock the door to the north. Make your way to the chest in the middle of the room, which contains a Bundle of Arrows. Once you have that, head through the unlocked door, into the next area. In this area, break the jars if you need Hearts. Either way, shoot the Poe picture. Several blocks will come down that resemble the Poe in the picture. You have to put these blocks together. Since there's no point to give a thorough explanation of this puzzle, just put the blocks together so that they match the Poe like it was on the picture. You only have 1:00 minute to do this, so keep that in mind. Once you get the puzzle complete, defeat Amy the Poe like you did the other two sisters. Once Amy is defeated, head through the door into the next area. In this area, defeat the Skulltula. Now, head through the door, back into the previously visited area. Here, drop down to the main area, where the fourth and final Poe is. This Poe is namely Meg. She will split into fours. Guess which Poe you think is Meg and shoot her. If you are lucky, you will hit the real Meg. She will turn red if it is the right one. Keep doing this until you win. You'll have to shoot Meg five times in order to defeat her. Once she's defeated, quickly grab any Arrows she dropped, as they are more than likely gonna disappear if you don't grab them fast enough, due to the cutscene we had after beating her. Head down the elevator, and to the lowest floor of the dungeon. Here, push the walls and press the switches in each section of the wall, as you come across them. Since this is very hard to explain, I found it necessary to tell you to only press the switches, and all the important stuff. Note there is a Gold Skulltula, followed by a Bundle of Arrows, in one of the alcoves, so try and get that. Once all the switches are pressed, the gate will open up. When it does so, head through it, and into the next area. In this area, head north and open the final door of the dungeon with your Boss Key. Inside is a weird room, unlike any we've seen thus far. Head up the stairs and then head onto the middle part of the altar. Then, try and leave this room and the opening to let you leave the room will close, and Ganondorf (not really), or "Phantom Ganon" will appear. Read the Bosses section for information on how to win this next fight. Once Phantom Ganon is defeated, grab the Heart Container and save your game. Then, enter the blue portal, which will take you to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- Here, Saria will present herself as the Sage of the Forest Temple and give you the Forest Medallion. Then, you'll be transported to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- Once here, a small sprout of the Deku Tree will pop up out of the ground and scare the crap out of Link. He will also explain that Link is not a Kokiri and that he is indeed a Hylian, and that is why he has not grown up yet. He will also explain something else, but I won't spoil it for you. Once the dialogue is over and you regain control, head to Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ If you want to get the fourth Bottle, see the Side Quests section, but I do not find it necessary, personally. Anyway, whenever you're ready, head for the Market. Market ------ Head into the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Head into the area where you got the Master Sword, and Sheik will be there. Sheik will go on to explain that you must explore other areas for the other temples in Hyrule, in order to free the rest of the Sages. Sheik will also teach you the Prelude of Light, which allows you to instantly travel back to the Temple of Time. When you learn the Prelude of Light, exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ Once here, avoid the Redeads and head back into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Head to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- Head to Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Head up to Goron City. Goron City ---------- When you arrive here, head to the floor just below the floor that you start on in this city. Once there, you will spot a rolling Goron. This can be difficult to get him to stop rolling, so please be patient. To get him to stop rolling, use a Bomb, and hopefully, he'll run into it. When he does, talk to him, and he will start crying. When he does this, ask him about the dragon, which is, namely, Volvagia. Then, ask him about the Gorons. He will then give you the Fire Tunic, which makes it where you can survive in the Fire Temple. Now that you have that, head to Darunia's place. There is no Darunia inside, but there is a statue in the northern part of the room. Push that statue to the south, until a hole is revealed behind the statue. When it is, enter the hole, which will lead you into Death Mountain Crater. Death Mountain Crater --------------------- Since you have the Fire Tunic, you can survive in here. Head north and you will come across a piece of the broken bridge above the lava. Use the Hookshot on the broken piece of bridge hanging down to the north, and you will land on the part of the bridge that's not broken. Now, head north and Sheik will show himself/herself (whatever it is) face again. He will then teach you the Bolero of Fire, which enables you to come back here immediately. Once you learn that, head north past the stone with the Triforce symbol on it, and into the area where you see a pit. The pit has stairs on it, so go down them. When you reach the bottom, head north and enter the Fire Temple. Fire Temple ----------- When you arrive here, head north and then west, and enter the door into the next area. In this area, you'll meet Darunia. He will go in the boss door to fight Volvagia, while you rescue his fellow Gorons. Once you regain control, head across the platforms to the left, and then head north onto the biggest of the platforms. Step on the switch. The gate will open, which contains a Goron. When you regain contro, enter the hole the Goron was in, and open the small chest, which contains a Small Key. Now that you have that, exit this room, and head back to the main room. Once here, head to the locked door to the north, and unlock it using the Small Key you just obtained. Enter the door, into the next area. In this area, look up with C to the north, and you should see a weird looking brick wall. Head over there, via the platforms in the fire. Be sure to avoid the Red Bubbles that come out of the lava along the way. Anyway, once you reach the wall, bomb it. Enter the door. Inside the room is a Goron inside a jail cell. Step on the switch, and free the Goron. Then, talk to him, and open the chest behind him for another Small Key. Now, exit this room. In the previous room, head to the other side of the room, via the platforms in the lava. When you reach the platform with the huge blue block, play the Song of Time. The block will move to the door to the south, and you'll be able to get up to the door to the north, so enter it. In this area, just head north, and avoid the floor tiles as best you can. When you reach the platform with the Gold Skulltula, and the Like Like, kill the Like Like by freezing it with the Hookshot, and then striking it with your sword. Now, kill the Gold Skulltula. Now, exit this room, back into the previous room. In the previous room, drop down to the area with the blue block, and play the Song of Time. The block will disappear, and head back up to the above platform you just came from, so head north, and enter the door. In this area, head north and step on the switch. The Goron will be freed, so talk to him, and go ahead and open the chest for a Small Key. Now, exit this room, and head back to the previous room. In this previous room again, head across the platforms in the lava, and then head onto the bridge. Cross the bridge to the other side, then unlock the door with your Small Key, and enter the next area. In this next area, slide down the board there, and into the next part of the area. Now, climb up the chain wall. When you reach the top, slowly walk along the top of the wall, and then head onto the much bigger chained platform. When you are on that, drop down to the area with the huge block with a mysterious looking face. Push that block onto the area below. It'll now land on the small fire pit in the middle of the room. Now, wait until that platform comes down. When it does so, jump on it. It'll eventually elevate, with the fire under it, to another new area. In this next room, unlock the door with your Small Key. In this room, head directly north, and onto the platform. On this platform is a Torch Slug. To kill it, strike it with your sword three times. Once the Torch Slug is defeated, head onto the other platform. Now, defeat the next Torch Slug, and jump on the platform with the crystal switch. Once you are on that platform, push the block onto the area below. Then, head down to the block, and push it down into the small hole with the face on it. Once it is in place, head back up to the crystal switch platform. Once you are on this platform again, jump onto the block, and then onto the chain wall. Once you climb the chain wall to the top, you will be on the platform directly above the crystal switch. Look down with C and shoot the crystal with the Hookshot, or drop a Bomb down onto it. You now have a certain time limit to get to where you need to go, or the fire that dissipated when you hit the crystal switch, will respawn again. Anyway, once you hit the crystal switch, quickly climb the chain wall in the area to the top. Try again if you fail. Anyway, once you climb the chain wall, head onto the platform. Now, head through the nearby door, into the next area. In this area, navigate through the maze (be sure to nagivate left), and you'll come across a switch eventually. Press it to free another Goron. Talk to it, and then open the chest for another Small Key. Now, head north of the Goron you just rescued, back into the maze. Avoid the boulders along the way. When you reach a door on the north side of the room, enter it. Inside is a switch. Press it, and the Goron in the jail cell will be released. Talk to it, as usual, and then open the chest for another Small Key. Now, exit this room, and head back into the maze. In the maze, navigate through it, while avoiding the boulders, until you come across a locked door directly to the north of the door, which contained the latest Goron you freed. Unlock the door with your Small Key. In the room, head north aross the very narrow area, and be careful not to fall off. Unlock the locked door to the north, using your last Small Key. In this next area, go north aross small narrow bridge-like thing, and onto the chained platform. Once you are on the chained platform, fire will immediately appear, and start moving north, so move north yourself, and onto the next chained platform. Now, jump to the final chained platform in the room, that has two Hearts on the sides of it. Once you are on that, jump to the area that has the stairs, which leads to another door. Don't enter the door, but head up the stairs, and then jump into the caged area below. Open the chest, which contains a Dungeon Map. Now, head through the only available door in this caged in area, and you will be in a previously visited area. In this area, head through the door northeast of where you start in this room, and enter the previous area. In this area, head across the small bridge-like thing, and onto the chained platforms, and then onto the area with the stairs. Avoid the fire along the way. Once you get up there, head through the door you ignored earlier. In this next new area, go north, and jump on the platform with the Torch Slug. Kill it, and then use a Bomb on the weird piece of floor there. A new area will be revealed. Head down the chain wall, and then into the area below. Here, head north, and you will eventually come across a switch, as well as a trapped Goron. Step on the switch to free your fellow Goron, then talk to him and then open the chest for a Small Key. Now, head back up the chain wall, and into the previous area. In this area, kill the Torch Slug that has respawned, and then head to the platform with the switch. Press the switch, and head to the south side of the room, where a Goron awaits. Talk to him, and then open the chest for a Small Key. Now, head down to the lower levels of this room. Then, enter the door with the wall of fire that is on the chain platforms (the room where you got your Dungeon Map, is where I want you to go). In this room again, head onto the highest chained platform in the room. When you are on that platform, jump onto the ledge with the locked door. Now, unlock the door with your Small Key, and enter the next room. In this room, head north, and enter the door, into the next area. This area is a maze, so keep that in mind. Head to the right side of the room, and navigate through the maze, and enter the door when you come to it. Note, however, that fire will pop up out in between two poles, and believe me, there are tons of pole pairs in this room, so be prepared for a lot of fire. If you get hit by the fire, it won't hurt you that much, but still try and avoid them. Anyway, in this room, grab the Compass in the chest, then exit to the previous room. In this room, head to the left side of the room, and nagivate through the maze, and enter the locked door you come across after unlocking it. Here, head north through the door, and ignore the Goron, and head into the next area. In this area, you will think that you are in the same area as before, but your really not. Head north through the maze, and step on the switch that you will probably notice. Stepping on it will cause the wall of fire to the north to dissipate for about 8-10 seconds, so quickly head directly west and directly north of the switch you just pressed, and jump onto the platform. When you successfully get onto the platform, you'll notice a door in the small alcove there. It is actually a fake door. Use a Bomb on it to blow it up, thus revealing the real door. Enter the door, into the next area. In this area, you will have to fight a Flame Dancer enemy. To defeat it, L-Target it, and use the Hookshot on it to make the ball in the middle pop out. When it does so, strike it with your sword. It'll run away to the other side. L-Target it, and use your Hookshot on it to pull it close to you, then strike it with your sword again. Now, the Flame Dancer will fuse back again as one body, so use your Hookshot to make the ball come back out. He will do the same thing as he did above, which is run around the room. His flames, however, change color in the battle, and he goes faster, but that's not too much of a problem; the pattern stays pretty much the same, as does the way to beat him. Anyway, when you finally beat this boss, pick up anything he might drop, and head onto the platform he came out of, in the middle of the room. It'll take you to the next part of the dungeon. Enter the door, into the next area. In this next area, head east, and you'll come across a chain wall. Climb it up, and drop a Bomb to the area below. You will hit the crystal switch that we had to ignore earlier. Once that is done, quickly head up the chain wall to the north, and then head onto the platform it takes you to. Now, head into the nearby door, into the next area. In this area, head up onto the platform to the north, and press the nearby switch. Doing this will cause the fire that is surrounding the chest to the north, to dissipate. Quickly head across the stair-like platforms, to the chest, but be careful not to fall off. When you reach the chest, open it to get a Megaton Hammer! YAY! This weapon is pretty useful now, and will continue to be that way throughout the entire game. When you get the Megaton Hammer, head to the area directly below where you pressed the switch at. You will see a statue with a weird face. Pound it with your new Megaton Hammer, and it'll break. Drop down into the room below. In here, use the Megaton Hammer to break the two stones, which will reveal a door. Go into the door, into the next area. In this area, kill all of the four Fire Keese enemies, and then pick up one of the wooden crates from this room. When you do have a wooden crate, stand above the statue, and pound its weird face with the Megaton Hammer. Now, pick up the crate again, and head down into the area below. Once there, head down the stairs, and you will see a blue switch. Put the wooden crate on it, and then enter the door, into the next area. In this next new area, pound the weird face statue with your Megaton Hammer. Now, drop down into the area below. In this area, head up onto the platform above the blocked that you dropped down in here. On the platform is a rusted switch. Hit it. Enter the door that unlocked, and you'll be in another new area. In this area, play the Song of Time, and the blue block to the north will move onto the lower area of the room. Jump to the platform where the blue block was, and use the Megaton Hammer on the rusted switch. Now, drop down to the area below, and talk to the Goron. Now, open the chest, which contains a Small Key. Now, head back up to the area above, using the blue block. Once you are back up in the upper levels, exit this room. In the previous room, jump to the ledge to the north, with the pillar. Smash the pillar with your Megaton Hammer, and drop down the pit, into the lower areas. This room is the previous room we visited awhile ago, where Darunia went into the boss door to fight Volvagia. Since we can't get in there yet, exit this room, via the door. In this previously visited area, drop down to the area below, and use the Megaton Hammer to clear the obstacles blocking your entrance to the right door. Once the obstacles are out of the way, unlock the door with your Small Key. In this next area, defeat the Torch Slug, and Fire Keese enemies. Once they are defeated, head through the newly unlocked door, into the next area. In this area, defeat the Like Like by freezing it with the Hookshot, and then hitting it with your sword. Repeat until the Like Like is defeated. Anyway, once the Like Like is defeated, head north to the area where the Gold Skulltula is. Kill it, and claim its token. Then, go left into the door, which leads into the next area. In this room, you'll have to fight a mini-boss, which is Flare Dancer. Defeat this monster the exact same way you did the Flame Dancer. Upon defeating this mini-boss, a chest will spawn, which contains Bombs, so open it, and head into the next room. In this room, head north, and hit the rusted switch your Megaton Hammer. You will free a Goron. Talk to him, and then open the chest, which contains the Boss Key! FINALLY! Now, head back to the room where Darunia went to fight Volvagia at, and use the Boss Key on the boss door, and prepare to fight Volvagia. NOTE: I forgot to mention on the Flame/Flare Dancer mini-bosses, that they don't just go faster; they will cause red fire to come out, and go faster at the same time. They will also cause blue fire to come out, and the blue fire dances, so be very careful. Anyway, when you enter this room, jump to the middle platform, and you will fight Volvagia. Read the Bosses section to see how to beat him. When he is defeated, grab the Heart Container, and save your game, and then head into the blue potral. You'll see the cloud over Death Mountain disappear. Now, you will be warped to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- Here, Darunia will thank you on behalf of the Goron race for defeating the dragon, Volvagia. He will give you the Fire Medallion for your efforts. When the conversation ends, you'll appear back in Death Mountain Crater. Death Mountain Crater --------------------- When you arrive here, head north, and use your Hookshot to cross the bridge, back to the other side. Once you are on the other side, head north, and cross the next bridge. You will now see three rocks; break the two blocking your entrance to a Great Fairy's Fountain, and ignore the other one. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Here, head north, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. A Great Fairy will come out, and give you an upgraded Magic Meter! Now, exit this Great Fairy's Fountain. Death Mountain Crater --------------------- Here, exit the crater. Goron City ---------- Back in Goron City, exit it, via the highest level in the city. Death Mountain -------------- Play the Prelude of Light, to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- In the Temple of Time, since there's nothing to do, exit it, back into the Market. Market ------ Make your way through the Market, while avoiding, and/or defeating the Redead enemies. Hyrule Field ------------ Alright, head over to Zora's River. I promise after that, to give you no more of these insignificant short paragraphs. Zora's River ------------ Alright, in here, head thorugh the area, until you reach Zora's Domain. This is, obviously, your next destination. Zora's Domain ------------- You'll notice that all the Zoras, even King Zora, are frozen solid in ice. This is a problem, as we need King Zora to get an item shortly. What to do? What to do? Head over past King Zora's frozen butt, and into Zora's Fountain, which is, obviously, your next destination. Zora's Fountain --------------- Lord Jabu-Jabu is gone, but there's an ice block replacing where he used to be. Head onto the ice block, and then jump across the ice blocks to the north, and you should see a Piece of Heart on the huge ice block. Jump to it (try again if you fall) to get the next Piece of Heart! Now, jump across the ice platforms the same way you did to get the Piece of Heart, but take the western path instead. When you reach the end of the problems, head into the Ice Cavern. Ice Cavern ---------- Once you arrive here, go north, and break the three icicles. Then, continue heading north, and avoid the falling icicles that will fall from the ceiling. When you come across three more icicles, break them with your sword, and enter the room you see. In this room, avoid the spiked trap enemy, and defeat the four Freezzard enemies using your sword. When they are out of the way, head north into the area that got opened when you defeated the four Freezzard enemies, which is a new room (duh). In this room, head north, and eventually, you will come to a room with Silver Rupees (these don't give you money), and a spinning trap. In this room, collect all of the Silver Rupees that are available on the ground. There is one on the ground that you may not notice, which is behind the three icicles in the room. Look above those icicles, and you'll see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and grab its token. For the last Silver Rupee, jump on the platforms north of the entrance of this room. Once you are on that platform, jump to the Silver Rupee. Room complete. Head back up the platforms, and enter the newly revealed area. In this area, head north, and defeat the Freezzard enemy that comes out, and then break the icicles blocking your path, while avoiding the spiked trap moving through the area. Once you break the icicles, continue heading north, and drop down the platforms you come across, and head into the next room. In this room, head to the platform directly north of you, and defeat the Freezzerd enemy. Once that is taken care of, jump to the small platform to the north. When you are on that platform, jump to the next platform, and you'll notice some blue-looking fire on the platform. This is called Blue Fire, which we will need, in order to unfreeze King Zora, and the rest of the Zora clan. Take out two or more Bottles (perferably all that you can take out, unless you have something in them), and capture the Blue Fire (it can melt ice, but it can't melt a bottle, weird... o_O) in them. Now, head to the platform to the north and west of where you are now, and melt the red ice, and open the chest for a Dungeon Map. Now, fill the Bottle you used to melt the red ice up with Blue Fire again. Now, exit this room, and head to the room with the spinning ice blades. Once there, melt all of the red ice in the room. Now, head to the east of the platform that you got the fifth Silver Rupee in here with, and enter the area that got revealed when you melted the red ice. In this room, head north, and melt the red ice that has frozen our precious posession, the Piece of Heart. Once the ice is no longer melted, grab the Piece of Heart. Now, you have probably been hearing the sound of a Gold Skulltula. Use C Up, and look north of the Piece of Heart. You will see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and claim the token with your Hookshot. Now that we have that, fill up on Blue Fire, and melt the next piece of red ice in here, which is surrounding a chest. In the chest is a Compass, so open it. Now, exit this room. Back in the spinning ice blade room, head into the other area you melted. In this area, head north, and destroy the icicles with your sword. Now, continue heading north, and you'll be in an area with a ice block, a few Ice Keese enemies, Silver Rupees, and Blue Fire. This is one of my least favorite rooms in the entire game. Anyway, when you arrive here, head to the north of the entrance, and you should see a Gold Skulltula on the wall above you. Kill it, and claim its token. Now, get the two Silver Rupees that you do not have to use the block to get. Once you have those, push the block north from the middle of the room (its starting position, if you did not move it), and get the Silver Rupee. Then, push it to the east, and jump on the platform, and use Blue Fire to melt the red ice surrounding the next one. For the final one, push the block into the pit, and another one will respawn. Push this one to the left, and get the Silver Rupee on the platform. Now, drop off of the platform, and refill on Blue Fire. To do that, push the block, from the platform with the last Silver Rupee, to the right, up, left, and up. This will take you to the platform with the Blue Fire, so fill up. When you have filled up on Blue Fire, head off of the platform, and push the block to the west. It'll fall down a pit, and new block is respawned. Now, push the block through the area, until you reach the platform that you have not been on yet (the platform just north of the one with the Silver Rupee that was in the red ice). Here's the directions, if your too lazy to figure it out yourself: left, up, right, down, and left. Doing this will take you to the platform that you need to get on, in order to get to the next area, so jump on it. Once you are on the platform, head north, and you break the icicles, and then continue north, and defeat the Freezzerd enemy. Now, continue going north, and you'll come across a door, so enter it. In this room, you'll fight a mini-boss, which is a White Wolfos. To defeat it, simply attack it like you did the previous Wolfos you've encountered. Once you defeat the White Wolfos, open the chest to get the Iron Boots. Now, Sheik will show himself, and teach you the Serenade of Water. Once you learn that, head into the pool of water beside the chest, and equip your Iron Boots. You will sink. Head north, through the door, and into the next area. In this area, continue heading north, and you'll be out of the water. Now, take off the Iron Boots, and head north, into the room ahead. Now, exit the Ice Cavern, but fill up with Blue Fire before you leave, if you need it (you need at least one Bottle of it). Zora's Fountain --------------- Back in Zora's Fountain, head back to Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- Here, stand next to King Zora and unfreeze him. Stand on the altar beside him, and talk to him. He will give you the Zora Tunic. Now that we have that, exit Zora's Domain. Zora's River ------------ Play the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- Turn a kid again, by putting down the Master Sword, back into the Pedestal of Time. When you are a kid again, exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ Head to Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- Head north, and climb up the vines. Now, continue heading north, and drop off the ledge, to the area below. Now, head north, and you should see a rock that seems to be blocking something. Bomb it, and crawl through the hole. Inside is a Great Fairy's Fountain. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Head north, as usual, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. A Great Fairy will come out, and give you Din's Fire, which you will need for the next dungeon. Exit the fountain. Hyrule Castle ------------- Back in Hyrule Castle, play the Prelude of Light to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Here, turn an adult again, by picking up the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time. Now, as an adult, play the Serenade of Water to warp to Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- In Lake Hylia, head north, and into the only pool of water in the area. Once you are in the water, equip your Iron Boots. You will sink into the water. Go north, and use your Hookshot on the crystal switch above the gate. Doing this will open the gate. Enter it, into the Water Temple. Water Temple ------------ Alright, let me warn you, that this is by far, the most annoying dungeon in the entire game. Anyway, when you arrive here, unequip the Iron Boots, and head onto the platform. Now, head into the huge pool of water in this main room of the temple. Once you are underwater, equip the Iron Boots, and you'll sink. Now, walk under the water, until you come across a tunnel with two unlit torches on the outside of it. Enter the tunnel when you come across it. Follow the tunnel, and eventually, you'll come across Princess Ruto. She will go on to tell you that you are a bad man to have kept her waiting all these years. She does, however, have a use; she knows how to drain the water level. Anyway, once Ruto floats above and you regain control, unequip the Iron Boots, and float until you come back up to the surface. When you do, you should see a Triforce symbol to the north, so go ahead and play Zelda's Lullaby in front of it. The water will drain. Now, head through the nearby door, and into the next area. In this area, defeat all of the Spike enemies by using your Hookshot to reveal the ball part of their body. Once that is revealed, strike them with your sword once, to kill them. Do that on each one of them until they are out of the way. Once you defeat all of the Spike enemies, a chest will spawn. Open it to get the Dungeon Map. Now, exit this room, and drop down the hole in the previous room, all the way back to the area where you met Princess Ruto. Once there, use Din's Fire to light of all the torches in the room. Once that is done, the door in this room will open, so enter it, into the next area. In this area, defeat the three Shell Blades by using your Hookshot, when their internal muscle shows up. Once they are defeated, a small chest will spawn, so open it to get a Small Key. Now, exit this room, and head back into the previous room. Exit this area, back into the main room of the temple. Now, ignore the door that you can unlock with your Small Key. For now, head left of this door, and you will see a reddish platform, with a block on it. Push the block to the north, until it drops down into the pool of water. When it does, equip the Iron Boots, and head into the water that you dropped the block into. Once you are in the water, head north, and then equip the Kokiri Boots to float up to the area above. In this room, hit the crystal switch, and some water will come up. Jump on the pillar of water, and jump over to the platform with the Blue Tektite enemy to the north. Once you are on that platform, kill the Blue Tektite (if he falls to the area below, ignore him). Now, head through the nearby door, into the next area. In this next area, equip the Iron Boots, and head into the pool of water. Now, use C Up, and you should see a crystal switch in the serpent's mouth. Shoot it. The gate in this room will open, so use your Hookshot on the black and white target beside the gate. Once you are up in this area, enter the newly revealed area (note that you are timed). In this area, kill the Shell Blade enemy, and equip the Kokiri Boots, and float up to the next room. In this room, open the chest to get another Small Key. Now, hit the crystal switch in the room, and fall into the pool of water. You have to equip your Iron Boots, so equip them, and quickly head back into the area with the serpent statue (you are timed again). Once you reach the serpent statue, equip your Kokiri Boots again, and float back up to the surface. Take advantage of the current to get back onto the platform with the black and white target, and the door. Once you are up there, enter the door. In this previously visited area, kill the Blue Tektite enemy, and then use the Hookshot on the black and white target, to get up to where you need to go. Go out of the tunnel, and head into the pool of water. Equip the Iron Boots, and then, when you reach the block you pushed down here earlier, look up with C, and use your Hookshot on the black and white target. Now, head back into the main room, after switching to the Kokiri Boots. Here, head right, and into the tunnel. Follow the tunnel, and you'll come to a weird piece of floor. Bomb it. Now, switch to the Iron Boots, and head into the newly revealed pool of water. Once you sink, defeat the nearby Shell Blade enemy, and continue heading north, until you can't anymore. At this point, you have to switch back to the Kokiri Boots, so do so. Once you float back up to the surface, press the switch on the platform above you. Doing so will cause the water to rise. Now, use the Hookshot on the black and white target on top of the weird looking statue, to get to the next area. Now, defeat the two Blue Tektite enemies. Once that is done, head north, and you'll probably hear a Gold Skulltula. To get to it, hold B until your sword is glowing with a red color. When it is, release B. The crystal switch will be hit, and the gates will open, so kill the Gold Skulltula, and grab its token. Now that you have that, head out of this room completely, and head back into the main room of the temple. In the main room, unlock the door with your Small Key, that I told you to ignore earlier. In this new area, look up until you see a black and white target, that's actually within your reach. Hookshot to it when you do see it. Now, you should be on a ledge with a Triforce symbol on the wall. Play Zelda's Lullaby, and the water will rise tremendously. Equip the Iron Boots, and head down into the water. Now, once you sink down as far as you can sink, head through the pit in the room beside the spikes. Once you sink down, head north, and you'll see a crystal switch. Hit it, and several Spike, and several Shell Blade enemies will come out to attack you. It's a little hard to beat them, so be careful. The Shell Blades, you'll have to defeat with the Hookshot this time around, as you can't use your sword, because you are underwater. Anyway, once this room is cleared, the gate will open in the room. Head to the area directly north of the crystal switch, and switch to the Kokiri Boots. Now, float up to that area, and inside a chest. Open it to get a Small Key. Once you have that, head back into the pool of water, and then equip the Iron Boots again. Now, head back to the main room of the temple. Back in the main room, equip the Iron Boots, and head back into the room where you met Princess Ruto in here. Once there, equip the Kokiri Boots, and float up as much as you can, and you should see a weird piece of wall. When you do, use a Bomb on it, to reveal a new area. Enter the newly revealed area, and open the chest for a Small Key. Now, head back into the main room. Once there, float back up to the top, and head onto the platform. Once there, go around the platform, and you should see a black and white target, which you can Hookshot to, followed by two jars below it. When you see this, use the Hookshot to Hookshot to where you need to go. When that is done, break the jars for two Hearts. Then, head north through the tunnel, and you should see spikes, as well as another black and white target, which you can Hookshot to. Hookshot to it, and then look up with C, and Hookshot to the third black and white target going down. Here is a little ASCII map, incase you don't exactly get what I'm saying: Map Key [ O ] = Black and White Target [ - ] = Black and White Target That You Need To Hookshot To After looking up, you should see black and white targets in this order: [ - ] [ O ] [ O ] The one with the "-" is the one you're supposed to Hookshot to. Do that, and you'll be in a new area. In this area, break the three jars to get three Hearts. After that, stand next to the huge chest in water, and then use your Hookshot, and hit the crystal switch to the north. You are timed for about three seconds only, so quickly open the chest to get the Compass. Once you have that, head back to the tunnel below, but be careful not to get hit by the spikes. Once you are in the tunnel, head back to the main room, and go around the platform, until you see a black and white target, followed by a locked door below that target. Hookshot to the target, and unlock the door with your Small Key. In this next new area, stand on top of the water, and then use the Hookshot on the crystal switch to the north. The water will become a water pillar, and you'll be carried to the next room. Note there is a Blue Tektite in this room, so kill it. Anyway, in this room, head through the door, into the next area. In this area, you'll see a Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby, and the water will rise to its highest level. Now that that is done, head onto the platform in the main room, and then walk along the platform, until you see a locked door. When you do, Hookshot it, and unlock the door with your Small Key. In this next area, there is another Gold Skulltula, but we cannot reach it right now. Anyway, upon arrival of this room, head north, and kill the Keese enemies (by all means, do not use Din's Fire on them, as they will transform into Fire Keese). Once they are defeated, hookshot across the various platforms in the room, until you reach the end of the room. When you do reach the end of the room, unlock the nearby door with your last Small Key. Now, in this next room, you'll see three Blue Tektites, followed by a red crystal switch. Ignore the Blue Tektites , and hit the crystal switch using your Hookshot. Doing so will cause the water in this room to rise up to its maximum level. Now, Hookshot to the black and white target to the north of where you start in this room. You should be on a platform. Now, hit the crystal switch again, using your Hookshot. The water will drain. Now, head to the very northern edge of this platform, and use the Hookshot to Hookshot to the black and white target left of the statue that just went into the ground when you hit the crystal switch again. On this platform, jump onto the head of the sunk statue, and then head over to the other side of the platform. Now, Hookshot to the black and white target on the tall statue. Once you are on the platform with the tall statue I just spoke of, hit the crystal switch to lower the statue's head into the ground. Once that is done, jump on the statue, and then get on the platform to the north (hit the crystal switch first). On this platform, head north, and kill the two Blue Tektite enemies, but don't let them knock you into the water. Anyway, once you defeat the two Blue Tektite enemies, continue heading north, and Hookshot to the Like Like. You know how to kill it, so I won't even bother to tell you. Once the Like Like is defeated, break the jars to get two huge Magic Jars. Now, head through the only available door, into a new area. In this area, head north, and go up to the locked door in this room. When you reached the locked door, head back the way you came, and in the middle of the area where the tree is, you'll notice a shadow-like figure who looks identical to you. This is Dark Link, the mini-boss of the Water Temple. This dude is extremely difficult. There are many methods to beat Dark Link. The one that I find the most useful is using Din's Fire, but that is useless, as it does not kill him, even if you run out of magic. You will have to have a Green Potion, or a Blue Potion to refill your magic if you wish to defeat him with Din's Fire. Dark Link copies everything you do, so be VERY careful. If you have Fairies, this battle is MUCH easier. Also, if you have the Biggoron's Sword, you can just keep attacking him to defeat him. After defeating Dark Link, head through the door to the north of the tree. In this new area, open the chest for the prize of the dungeon: the Longshot. The Longshot is AWESOME! Now, play the Song of Time in front of the blue block, to make it disappear. Don't stand on it, however. Once it disappears, head down the pit the Time Block was on, and into the next area. In this area, you will notice a very fast moving current. Anyway, when you arrive in this room, head into the water, and avoid the whirlpools, which are namely, vortexes. Hug the left wall while you're in the water (AFTER avoiding vortex beside the Gold Skulltula), and eventually, you will come to a small platform in the water, which you can get onto, so do so. Once you are on this platform, head back into the water, and try and swim against the current, to the northern ledge, as on it are two jars. One contains a Fairy, so capture it if you have a spare empty Bottle. Now, if you want the Gold Skulltula, read the Gold Skulltulas (OoT) section of this FAQ for more information. Anyway, whether or not you get the Gold Skulltula, since you are on the platform with the two jars, get off of it, and then try and swim back to the small platform you were on before you got on this one. Once you are on that platform, aim for the golden eye on the wall above you, and use your Fairy Bow on it when you aim. Shooting the eye will cause a timer to go off. Quickly Longshot to the small chest to your north, and open it for a Small Key. Now, head through the hallway, and you'll arrive in the serpent statue room. Head into the water, and take advantage of the current, and exit this room. In this previous area, Longshot to the black and white target, and then exit this room, via the pool of water. When you exit that previous room, swim back up to the main room, and head onto the platform. Now, walk along the platform, and you should see a blue-colored, brick hallway. When you see that, head into it. Go through the hallway, and drop down into the pool of water at the end. Now, equip your Iron Boots, and push the block southward, until it can't go southward anymore. Once the block is in place, head back into the main room by swimming to the north of the block (equip the Kokiri Boots to float back up to the previous room. When you reach the main room again, drop down into the water, and equip the Iron Boots. Once you sink to the bottom, head into the room where you first met Princess Ruto, and then equip your Kokiri Boots once you are there. Float up to the top with the Kokiri Boots, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol on the wall there. The water will completely drain. Now, head to the area where the Gold Skulltula is that I told you to ignore earlier (the room where you had to use the Iron Boots and sink, after draining the water to mid-level). Once there, Longshot up to the platform with the Triforce symbol, and the water will become mid-leveled. Now, head back to the platform in the main area, and then walk around it, until you see a golden eye. When you do, shoot it, and quickly Longshot over to the black and white target. Once that is done, and you are in this new area, follow the path, and you will eventually come across the block we were pushing earlier. Finishing pushing it to the right, as far as it can go. Once that is done, head to the opening to the north (where the block's starting position was, when we first pushed the block, before the water was drained), and use the Longshot on the black and white target. In this new area, head to the east of the block, and enter the new room there. Here, open the chest to get a Small Key. Now, head directly north, and look up. You should see a black and white target. Use the Longshot, and you will be in the main room again. Equip the Iron Boots, and head into the water. Now, head to the tunnel (not the one where Princess Ruto is), and follow it, into the next area. Here, put on the Kokiri Boots, and float back up to the surface. Now, get on the platform to the west, and then use the Longshot on the black and white target where the locked door is, and unlock it, using your Small Key. In this next area, head into the water, and make it through the various obstacles in the room, and avoid the Blue Tektites as well. When you reach the other side, head into the door. In this next room, drop down to the area below, and defeat the five Stinger enemies in the room. Once that is done, you should notice a crack on the eastern side of the room. Bomb it, and then enter the next area. In this area, push the block to the right, as far as it can go. Once that is done, head back into the previous area, and head onto the platform directly north of the one that you are on. You should see a darker color of the wall. When you do, bomb it. Now, enter the newly revealed area, and push the block, to the area that you first bombed. Then, pull the block, and just figure out how to get it into the water. I'm sorry that I may not have a very detailed explanation on this part, but I hate this temple, and it is "EXTREMELY" difficult making a walkthrough for this dumb level. Anyway, once the block is in the water, it'll land on the switch underwater, and the water level will raise. Head through the door, into the next area. In this area, press the switch to the north. Three pillars of water will rise up, and you will be timed. Now, head across the water pillars, and then onto the ledge with the Blue Tektites. Be careful not to fall off, however, as the Tektites can push you off. When you reach the end, enter the door. In this area, drop down into the pool of water, and equip the Iron Boots. You will probably notice a Gold Skulltula to the north. Wait until the boulder passes, and then kill it with the Longshot, and then claim its token. Once you have that, head to the east, and dive under the water, after equipping your Iron Boots. In this area, head north, to the other hole above you, and then switch to the Kokiri Boots, and float back up to the surface. Now, unlock the door with your Small Key. In this next area, open the chest to get the Boss Key. Now, head all the way back to the main room. Once there, enter the room with the crystal switch, and the water pillar (see the above part of the walkthrough, for more information). Once there, hit the crystal switch, and ride up the water pillar, to the next area. In this area, enter the door, and then play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol on the wall. The water will raise to the max. Now, jump off into the water, and then head onto the platform that we always go on. When you are on that platform, walk across it, until you see a dragon statue with a black and white target on it. When you do see that, Longshot over to it, and head into the next door. Break the jars before you go, however, as there is two Fairies. Capture them, if you don't already have all of your Bottles full of them. Anyway, this is the FINAL room of the dungeon. YES! THE FINAL ONE!!! HALLELUJAH! I CAN'T STAND THIS DUNGEON! Alright, ONE MORE time of pure chaos, is in this final room. Walk up the hill, while avoiding the spiked traps. When you reach the boss door, open it with your Boss Key (this is SUCH a good feeling, I can't CONTAIN my excitement). In this room, head into the water, and then head onto one of the platforms in the water, and Morpha, the boss of this dungeon, will appear. Read the Bosses section to see how to beat Morpha. Once Morpha is defeated, praise the Lord that you beat this stupid temple. Must I say it again? Stupid. Upon defeating Morpha, a Heart Container will appear (duh), as well as a blue portal. Get the Heart Container, and save your game, and head into the blue portal. You will be transported to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- In the Chamber of the Sages, Princess Ruto will introduce herself, as the Sage of the Water Temple. She'll also give you the Water Medallion. I still do not think that is a sufficient prize for all the trouble we went through in the Water Temple, but whatever. Anyway, once she gives you the Water Medallion, you will be back in Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- In Lake Hylia, we can get the Fire Arrows, so we should do so. See the Side Quests section of the guide for information on how to get them. When you do get them, head to the Temple of Time by playing the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- Exit the temple, and head into the Market. Market ------ Make your way through the army of Redeads, and head into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Once here, head over to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you arrive here, you'll see that the village is on fire. The monster from inside the Bottom of the Well in the village, has escaped from the seal that was keeping him. Sheik will explain that Impa is one of the Sages, and will also teach you the Nocturne of Shadow, which will warp you to the Shadow Temple, which is our next temple. Before we can go there, though, we have to go to the Bottom of the Well, a semi-dungeon like the Ice Cavern. Head over to the Temple of Time, using the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- When you arrive here, put the Master Sword back into the Pedestal of Time. When you turn a kid again, exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ Head past the Redeads, and into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Head over to Kakariko Village again. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you arrive here, head to the windmill (the area where the guy taught you Song of Storms). Once there, play the Song of Storms beside the guy, and the windmill will start to spin much faster than it did before. The water in the well will also drain, so head down the well. Once there, enter the hole at the bottom, which leads you into the mini-dungeon, known as the Bottom of the Well. Bottom of the Well ------------------ Don't worry, this mini-dungeon is not super long, and it is not NEARLY as horrible and frusterating as the Water Temple was. Anyway, when you arrive in this place, crawl through the hole to the north, and enter the next area. In this area, defeat the Big Skulltula enemy. Now, head north, past the skeleton in the left corner of the wall, and you'll be in a new area. It turns out the wall is not even real. In this next area, head to the north, and then the east (in other words, take the right path). Follow the path, until you come across a statue on the right side of the wall that is spitting out water. Note that there is also a Green Bubble in this room, so be careful. When you reach the statue, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. The water below it will drain. Now, head to the area where the pool of water was when you entered the room after going through the invisible wall. The water is gone now, since we drained the water. Head down the now solid ground area, and open the small chest for some Bombs. Now, go north of the chest, and crawl through the hole, and you'll be in a new area (duh). In this area, kill the Big Skulltula enemy, and then climb up the chains behind him, and head onto the platform. Now, head through the only available door in the room, and the door behind you will lock once you get into the new area. In this area, you will have to fight a mini- boss, which is namely, the Dead Hand. To get him to come out, go in front of one of the hands, and the main monster will appear. Now, when the main monster appears, wait until he sticks his ugly face down at you, and then strike him with your sword three times. He will go back into the ground, so let a hand grab you again to make the monster come back out. Hit him three times again, when his face comes back down. Keep doing this until you win. When you win, a chest will spawn, which contains the Lens of Truth, so open it. Once you have the Lens of Truth, exit this room. Now, play the Prelude of Light to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Back in the Temple of Time, turn an adult again, by putting the Master Sword back into the Pedestal of Time (you've done this enough to know). When you are an adult again, play the Nocturne of Shadow Sheik taught you, and you'll warp to the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- Here, head north, and down the steps, into the area with the many torches. In here, stand on the middle platform, and then use Din's Fire. All the torches will become lit, and you'll be able to enter the Shadow Temple to the north, so do so. Shadow Temple ------------- When you arrive here, head north, and then turn east, and use your Longshot on the black and white target to get onto the next platform. Now, head north, and through the illusioned wall, into the next area. In this area, use the Lens of Truth, and when you find the pole that a skull never disappears on, push the block in the room to that skull (make sure the beak of the block is facing the skull). When you do, the gate to the north will open, and you'll be able to enter there. We can't enter the yet, so let's use the Lens of Truth again, shall we? By using the Lens of Truth again, you'll notice an illusioned wall, and inside the area where the illusioned wall is, you'll notice a door that is not locked, so enter it (the door is north of the sign in the room, if you are unable to find it). Anyway, in this next new area, head north past the ugly face thing, and enter the next area. Here, take right path, and head across it until you find another one of those ugly faces with evil blue eyes that we saw earlier. When you find that, head through the illusioned wall, and then head through the next illusioned wall to the north of that one, into the next new area. In this next room, take the right path, and you should see eventually come across another weird face thing with bright blue eyes like we've came across twice already. There is, however, in this room, another face like that, but with a little bit more unnoticable blue eyes (it's directly to the left of the real wall), so don't let it fool you. Anyway, when you spot the next illusioned wall with the weird face, head through it. You'll see a door, so enter it. In this area, you'll fight another Dead Hand. Defeat it the same way we did before. Once it's defeated, a chest will spawn. Open it to get the Hover Boots, which we need. Now, exit this room, and head back into the previous room. Back in the previous room, head through the illusioned wall, and back into the next previous area. Here, search around the right side of the room for another illusioned wall. When you spot it, head thorugh it, and enter the door there. In this next room is a Redead, followed by two Keese enemies. Defeat them, and then a chest will spawn, which contains the Dungeon Map. Now that we have both the Hover Boots, and the Dungeon Map, it's time to head back to the main room. Once you are in the main room, head into the area that we couldn't enter earlier, but first equip the Hover Boots, as you'll have to hover over an open space, rather than solid ground. Anyway, when you enter the next area, equip the Kokiri Boots again, as the Hover Boots tend to make you slide. Once you have the Kokiri Boots on, head north, and defeat the Beamos enemy, then take the left invisible wall directly to the left of where the Beamos was, and enter the door. In this area, collect all four of the Silver Rupees that are on the ground. Once you have the ones on the ground, there is one in the air we must get. In order to get that one, look across the room until you spot a platform with a Silver Rupee above it. When you do spot it, you should also have noticed a black and white target that we can Longshot to. Do so, and you will be on the platform. From the platform, jump to where the Silver Rupee is. Now that we have all five Silver Rupees, the gate in the room opens, so enter it, and inside is a chest. Open it to get a Small Key. Now, bomb the wall to the east of the Beamos, and unlock the door with your Small Key. In this room, follow the path, while defeating all of the Big Skulltulas in the room. When they are defeated, keep following the path, and you will reach some guillotines. Head north while avoiding them. Also, kill the Big Skulltula in the middle. When you reach the other side, follow the path, into the new room. In this room, equip the Hover Boots, and head north, past the guillotine, to the other side. Once you are on the other side of the guillotine, head north past the other two, and head onto the platform floating on the air. On the platform is a Stalfos, so be careful not to fall off while defeating it. When you defeat the Stalfos, wait until the huge platform with chains on it reaches the bottom as far as it can go. When it does so, quickly jump on it, and be careful not to fall off in the process. Once you are on the platform, equip the Hover Boots, and head onto the platform to the north where you should see Silver Rupees in the distance (make sure the block elevates a bit before you head to that platform, so that you don't fall off). Once you are on that platform, collect all of the five Silver Rupees in the room. Note that the last Silver Rupee is under the Beamos, so kill it to make it appear. When you have all of the Silver Rupees collected in the room, the gate to the north will open up, revealing a new area, so enter it. In this area, use the Lens of Truth to find a block in the wall on the right side. When you find it, pull it onto the weird face to the south of the block's starting position. Once it is in place, push it to the north, and push it directly under where the spikes come down at. When the first two spiked platforms are slamming down on the block, go to the other side of it and pull it to the other side, and you won't get hit. When you reach the other side of the room, push the block against the wall, and then use it to jump onto the platform to the left, that is above you. Once you are on the platform, jump on the last spike thing you encountered before reaching the other side, and use it to jump to the platform to the north, which has a switch on it. Press the switch, and jump on the spike things again, but this time, head onto the northernmost platform in the eastern side of the room. Once there, open the chest for a Small Key. Once you have that, if you want the Gold Skulltula in the room, read the Gold Skulltulas (OoT) section of the FAQ for more information. Anyway, whenever you are ready to leave this deadful room, from the north, past the spikes, exit this room completly, and head back into the previous room. In the previous area, equip the Hover Boots, and head north, past the spiked traps and the Beamos, and head across the small area to the north, to where the lone guillotine is. Once there, use the Lens of Truth to reveal two platforms that are behind the guillotine. Cross them, and enter the door (be sure to equip the Hover Boots, incase you didn't do it when I told you to earlier) after unlocking it with your Small Key. In this next room, collect all of the Silver Rupees in the room. You'll need to use the Lens of Truth to reveal the hidden things in the room. Once you have collected all the five Silver Rupees, the door in this room will unlock, so enter it. In this next area, take off the Hover Boots, and heda up the stairs on either side. Be sure to defeat the Keese enemies in the room, as they can slow your progress. Anyway, when you reach the top after climbing the stairs, take a Bomb out, or use the Bomb Flowers, and throw one into the blue flame part of the skull statue. Doing so will cause the statue to explode, and a Small Key will drop out, so pick it up. Now, look behind where the statue was, and you'll see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it while we're here, then take its token, and exit the room. Now, in the previous room, use the Lens of Truth, and Longshot to the black and white target above the locked door. When you reach the locked door, unlock it with your Small Key. In this next new area, head north, and follow the path, but be sure to equip your Iron Boots to avoid getting blown away (like a fan is that strong). Avoid the spiked trap, and walk to the other side of the trap, where the fan is. Once there, head north some more, and you'll come across a Big Skulltula. Kill it, and continue north with the Iron Boots on, past the fan. Once you are past the fan, wait until the next fan stops. When it does, equip your Hover Boots very quickly, and hover to the platform where the fan is. When you reach the platform, switch back to the Iron Boots, and drop down to the area below. Here, head north, and use the Lens of Truth to reveal a door on the western side of the room. When you spot it, equip your Hover Boots, and let the fan behind you blow you to the door. Once you reach the door, enter it, which is quite obvious. In this next room, take off the Hover Boots, and defeat the two Gibdo enemies in the room, while avoiding the spiked traps as best you can. When the Gibdos are defeated, a chest will spawn, which contains a mere 5 Rupees, so open it if you wish, but that's not what we came in this room for. Anyway, once the Gibdos are defeated, look to the east of where you started in this room, and you should see a rock-like cluster in the corner there. Bomb it with a Bomb, and then use the Lens of Truth, and you'll spot a small chest. Open it to get another Small Key. Now, use this Small Key to unlock the door to the north in this room. In this next new area, head north, and pull the block into the hole with the weird face, below the ladder. Once the block is in place, climb it, and head up the ladder, into the next part of the area. Here, jump onto the ferry in the middle of the area, and then step on the Triforce pad, and play Zelda's Lullaby. Also, if you want the Gold Skulltula in this room, don't move the ferry yet; read the Gold Skulltulas (OoT) section of this FAQ for more information regarding this Gold Skulltula. Anyway, playing Zelda's Lullaby will cause the ferry to move. You will have to defeat two Stalfos enemies on the ship, but you are used to them by now. As long as you don't have the Hover Boots on, you're fine. When you beat the Stalfos enemies, the ferry should be in the next new area, so quickly jump off of it before it sinks. When you reach this new room, head north, and enter the only available door, into the next area. In this area, use the Lens of Truth to reveal the walls of this room. Head through the door on the northern side of the map. Once inside, the two spiked walls on each side will try and cave in on you. Use Din's Fire to burn the spiked walls, and then play the Sun's Song to silence the Redeads. Now, grab the yellow and blue chest in the room, which contains our Boss Key! Now that we have that, you can open the small chest if you feel like it, but it only houses a Blue Rupee, so don't even bother. Anyway, once you have the Boss Key, exit the room. Back in the previous room, head through the door on the south side of the map. Once inside, use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden Floormaster. Defeat it, and then a spawns, which contains another Small Key, so open it, and leave the room. Now, head back to the area where the ferry took you. Once there, stand beside the two jars, and use the Fairy Bow, and shoot the Bomb Flowers to the north of the jars. Doing this will cause the statue in the room to fall down, creating a makeshift bridge. Cross it, and head through the locked door by using your Small Key, into the next area. Be sure to break the jars to the south of the door, however, as they house Magic Jars, and you'll need it, because we're about to have to fight the boss. Anyway, in this next area, equip the Hover Boots, and walk across the various platforms, until you reach the boss door. When you do, unlock it with the Boss Key, and you'll have to fight Bongo Bongo. Read the Bosses section of the FAQ for information on how to beat Bongo Bongo. Once Bongo Bongo is defeated, go ahead and grab the Heart Container, and as always, save your game, and enter the blue portal. You'll be transported to the Chamber of the Sages. NOTE: The Compass in the dungeon I forgot to mention in the walkthrough for the level. It's in the door we didn't explore in the room with the Beamos in the middle, so go there if you want it. It helped me a lot, so I suggest you get it. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- In the Chamber of the Sages, Impa reveals herself as the Sage of the Shadow Temple (blatantly obvious, considering Sheik told us in Kakariko Village). As every Sage does, she'll give you the Shadow Medallion. After that, you'll be warped to the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- Head to the Temple of Time, by playing the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- Go to the Market. Market ------ You know the drill by now. Exit the Market. Hyrule Field ------------ Make your way to Gerudo Valley, which we went to a LONG time ago, so see the above section of the walkthrough for more information on how to get to Gerudo Valley. NOTE: Before you go to Gerudo Valley, it would be easier to get Epona, as she can gallop across the bridge in there, and it'll be easier. If you want to get Epona, see the Side Quests section of the FAQ. Gerudo Valley ------------- Once you arrive in Gerudo Valley, head north, and cross the board to the other side. On the other side, continue north, and use the Longshot on the piece of broken bridge to the north (this is where Epona would come in handy). If you are on Epona doing this, try and get a good running start. Otherwise, Epona will simply not work. Anyway, when you are on the other side, continue heading north, and you'll reach Gerudo's Fortress. Gerudo's Fortress ----------------- Head north, and go up the stairs. Then, let a Gerudo guard capture you. You will be put in a jail cell. In the prison, look up with C, and then you should spot a wooden piece in the window. When you do, Longshot to it, and you'll be able to get out of the prison! When you are out of the prison, drop down to ground level, then enter the left opening. This is called Thieves' Hideout, your next destination, obviously. Thieves' Hideout ---------------- When you arrive here, head north, and approach the cell. A voice will call out to you. This happens to be one of the carpenters that were in Kakariko Village when you were a kid. We need to rescue him, but not before defeating a Gerudo Thief. To defeat the thief, just attack her when her guard is down. If you do take too much damage, you'll be put in jail again! When she is defeated, she'll drop a Small Key. Pick it up, and unlock the cell holding the carpenter. Talk to him, and he'll leave the room (did you expect anything different?). Exit the building, via the exit beside the lit torch. You'll be outside again after you exit, so enter the next entrance to the north, which is another area that we must do. In this area, head north, and hide behind the crates, as you make your way up the hill on the right, just east of the crates. Be careful not to get caught, or you'll be put in jail again. Anyway, when you go up the right hill after evading the Gerudo guard, you'll appear outside again. Head north, through the next entrance, but avoid the Gerudo guard, as she is VERY close. In this next area, head north, and talk to the carpenter inside the cell. A Gerudo guard will appear and attack you; defeat her the same way you did the previous one. Once she's defeated, she'll drop a Small Key. Use it to unlock the cell that the carpenter is in. When the carpenter is freed, head north through the unexplored hole, and exit the area. Back outside, jump down to the ledge straight ahead. Then, enter the nearby entrance into the next part of Thieves' Hideout. In this next area, follow the path, and you'll stumble across the third carpenter. Talk to him, and a battle will ensue with another Gerudo guard and you, so defeat her, and pick up the Small Key she leaves behind. Unlock the cell with the carpenter in it, and then talk to him. He'll run off after you free him, just like all the others did. Once that carpenter is freed, exit this area, via the way you came in. Now, climb the vines to the north, back onto the platform. Once that is done, head through the nearby entrance to the left, and you'll be in another new area. In this next room, shoot all of the Gerudo guards with arrows, then follow the path, and you'll see an exit. Enter the exit, and we're back outside. Back outside, drop down to the platform to your left, then enter the next area of the hideout there. On this platform, enter the entrance, into the next area. In this area, crouch behind the wooden crate. When the Gerudo guards comes near, shoot her with your arrow. Then, head through the only available exit in this room. In this next room is the final carpenter. Talk to him, and another battle with another Gerudo guard will ensue. Once she is defeated, pick up the Small Key she drops, and talk to the carpenter after you open the cell. His name is Shiro. Once you talk to him, he will run away back to the camp in Gerudo Valley, and another Gerudo guard will come. She will not attack you, however, but give you a Gerudo's Membership Card, with which you can have free access to everywhere in the fortress with. When you have that, exit this area, as well as the entire Thieves' Hideout, completely, by heading south after you exit the final carpenter room, and the other room after that. By doing that, you should see a gate, followed by a Gerudo girl dressed in white. Head up the ladder beside the Gerudo girl. Once you climb it, talk to the next Gerudo dressed in white. Talk to her, and she will tell you of two "trials" that you must face in order to make it to the Desert Colossus. Before we enter the Haunted Wasteland, there is something I suggest you get: the Ice Arrows. See the Side Quests section of the FAQ for more information on that. Once you have the Ice Arrows, head through the gate the Gerudo girl just opened, and you'll arrive in the Haunted Wasteland. Haunted Wasteland ----------------- When you arrive here, equip the Hover Boots, and jump onto the wooden crate to the north. Once you are on it, use the Longshot, and Longshot to the wooden crate in the middle. Now, follow the flags in the area, and you'll eventually come across a stone structure. Head down the ladder of the stone structure, and at the bottom, you'll see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and then light the two torches in the room. A chest will appear, which contains 50 Rupees, so go and get them, and then climb back up the ladder, and exit this stone building. Back outside, head to the east side of the stone structure, and head up the makeshift stairway. Once you reach the top, use the Lens of Truth, and you'll see a ghost. This ghostly figure will guide you through the Haunted Wasteland, and to Desert Colossus, so follow him. Note that he does go fast, so try and keep up with him. If you fail, you'll end up back in Gerudo's Fortress, so try and avoid that. If you encounter a bridge along the way, ignore it, as the guy only sells you Bombchus for 200 Rupees, which is not worth it. Also, something I forgot to mention earlier, is that there will be enemies that come out of the ground towards the end of your journey, so be careful. Whatever you do, DO NOT let the enemies make you lose the guide. Desert Colossus --------------- When you reach Desert Colossus, head east, and you should see a cracked part of the mountain in between the two palm trees. Bomb the crack, and enter the next Great Fairy's Fountain. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- When you arrive here, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol, and then a Great Fairy will appear. She will grant you the power of Nayru's Love! Now, leave the fountain, and let's get back to Desert Colossus. Desert Colossus --------------- Back in Desert Colossus, head north, and enter the Spirit Temple. Spirit Temple ------------- Since you can't do anything in here right now, exit the temple. Desert Colossus --------------- In Desert Colossus again, Sheik will come and teach you the Requiem of Spirit. This song will enable us to get to the Spirit Temple instantly, even as a kid! Once you learn this song, you've learnt ALL songs! Anyway, once Sheik teaches you the Requiem of Spirit, play the Prelude of Light to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Turn a kid once you arrive here. Now, play the Requiem of Spirit to warp back to Desert Colossus. Desert Colossus --------------- Back in the desert, head north, and enter the Spirit Temple. This time we will be able to progress in it some! Spirit Temple (Young Link) -------------------------- When you arrive here as Young Link, two jars will launch at you, so use your shield to dispose them. Once they are out of the way, head up the stairs. Now, head west, and talk to the Gerudo there. This is Nabooru, whom the Gerudo lady at the fortress that gave us the Gerudo Membership Card spoke of. Anyway, she will ask you what do you want. Tell her nothing, and she'll go on and ask you if you are one of Ganondorf's followers. It does not matter what you tell her, as she'll still move on in the conversation. She'll eventually go on and talk about the Silver Gauntlets that she wants you to get for her. Again, what you tell her does not matter, except at the end of the conversation when she asks you if you will help her get the gauntlets. Tell her "Yes" then. Anyway, once Nabooru stops talking and you regain control, crawl through the hole, into the next area. In this area, defeat all of the Keese enemies with your Fairy Slingshot, and then defeat the Armos Staute in the middle of the room by using a Bomb (you have to approach it and touch it to wake it up before you can use the Bomb on it). When they are defeated, head through the western door in the room. In this room, take out the Stalfos enemy. Once he is defeated, use your Boomerang to freeze the Green Bubble enemy, then strike him with your sword. Once they are both defeated, use your Boomerang to hit the crystal switch behind the grate (this can be a bit annoying). Once the grate falls, it'll create a makeshift bridge. Cross it, and then enter the door to the east. In this next new area, you'll meet a new enemy, which is Anubis. To kill Anubis, use Din's Fire. Once Anubis is gone, head through the door on the east side of the room, and enter the next area. In this area, defeat the Fire Keese enemy, while avoiding the Wallmaster that comes down from the ceiling. Once that is done, collect the Silver Rupees in the room. Note that you will have to climb the chained wall in the room in order to get all of them. Once you collect the five Silver Rupees, the metal piece in the middle of the metal wall will fall, and create another makeshift bridge, so cross it. Now, use Din's Fire to light the two unlit torches. When they are lit, open the chest for a Small Key. Then, head through the nearby door, into the next area. In this area, crawl through the hole to the north of the spiked trap spinning in the room. When you crawl through the hole, unlock the door using your Small Key. In this room, head north, and kill the Skulltulas on the brick wall. Now, climb up the wall, and at the top, kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall. If you want a more detailed explanation of where it is, see the Gold Skulltulas (OoT) section of this FAQ for more information. Anyway, at the top, head north, and defeat the Lizalfos and then defeat the Skulltula enemies. Once the room is cleared of their kind, throw a Bombchu at the boulder blocking the light, just north of the sun on the ground. The boulder will explode, and the sun will be able to get light! The door opens, so enter it. In this room, push the Armos Statue off the ledge, and it'll land on a blue switch below. A door will open, but don't go in it yet. Instead, light a Deku Stick on the lit torch in the room. Then, drop down to the lowest part of the room, and light the two unlit torches beside the huge statue. A huge chest will appear, which contains the Dungeon Map, so open it. Once you have the Dungeon Map, head back up to the entrance of this room. Once there, head through the door I told you to ignore earlier (the one the Armos Statue unlocked). In this new area, head up the stairs, and then enter the next area. In this next room, defeat all of the Beamos enemies, while avoiding the spiked traps. Then, collect all five Silver Rupees in the room. Doing so will cause the unlit torch in the room to become lit! Now, take out a Deku Stick, and light it using the lit torch. Once it is lit, light all of the other torches in the room, but be careful, as you have a certain time limit to light them. Once they are lit, open the chest that spawned for another Small Key. Once you have that, head to where the four gray stone statues are. Once there, pull one of them out of the way, and then pull and push the one with the sun on top of it to the light to the north of the blocks. When the sun has touched light, the door will open, so enter it, into the next area. In this next area, unlock the door to the north, using the Small Key. In this room, you'll have to defeat an Iron Knuckle. They are a bit tough, so lure it over to one of the many pillars in the room, and he'll break it with his axe. The pillars contain three Hearts each, so use those to keep your health up. Also, it helps if you have Fairies. After defeating the Iron Knuckle, head through the door, and you'll arrive outside. Outside, head north, and Kaepora Gaebora will show his ugly self. When he is done talking, open the chest here for the Silver Gauntlets! When you have them, two witches named Koume and Kotake will capture Nabooru. When you regain control, play the Prelude of Light, and warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Here, turn an adult. Then, play the Requiem of Spirit to return to Desert Colossus. Desert Colossus --------------- Here, head into the Spirit Temple. This time as Adult Link. Spirit Temple (Adult Link) -------------------------- Here, head north up the stairs after the jars are destroyed. Now, destroy the two Armos Statues in the middle of the room. When they are destroyed, push the gray stone block that is to the north of the Armos Statues, until it can't go any further. Once that is in place, head north, into the new area. In this area, shoot the crystal switch on the ceiling, then head through the door to the left, and enter the next room. In this room, defeat the Wolfos enemy, and then play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol on the ground. Doing so will cause a huge chest to appear, which contains the Compass, so Longshot to it. Once you have the Compass, head back into the previous room. Then, take the door on the right, and enter the next room. In this next room, avoid the boulders as best you can while collecting all of the Silver Rupees in the room. When you collect them, the door to the north will be opened, so enter it. In this next area, defeat the Like Like, and open the chest that spawns for a Small Key. Once you have that, head back to the room where the gray stone block was pushed into place. There, unlock the door in the middle with your Small Key. In this next area, kill the Like Like, and avoid the jars that fly out and attack you, then enter the next room. In this room, defeat the Floormaster enemy (reveal it with the Lens of Truth). Once that is defeated, move the mirror in the middle of the room to the third sun from the right. If done correctly, the sun will light up, and the door will open. Note that there is also a Wallmaster enemy in here, so kill it if it comes down. Anyway, when the door unlocks, enter the next room. In this room, take out the nearby Armos Statue, and then head up the stairs. When you reach the top, equip the Hover Boots, and hover to the statue's right arm. On the hand is a Triforce symbol. Play Zelda's Lullaby on it. Doing so will spawn a chest on the left hand of the statue, so use the Longshot, and launch over to the chest. Open it to get another Small Key. Now, drop off the statue, and onto the area below. Now, head to the east of the chest that contained the Dungeon Map when you came here as a kid (in other words, head back to the way you entered this room as an adult). Look up, and you should see a black and white target. Use the Longshot on it, and you'll be back on the platform that you entered this room as an adult on. Head up the stairs, and unlock the door when you reach the top. In this next room, ignore and/or defeat the Beamos enemy, while heading north, into the next area. In this next area, defeat the Beamos, and then defeat the three Anubis enemies by using Din's Fire or a Fire Arrow. Defeating all the enemies will cause the door to open, so head through it, into the next room. In this area, stand in front of the locked door (not the one you got in here through, but the one to the east of where you got here in) with your back turned to it. Then, use the Longshot and hit one of the Armos Statues in the room. They will come to life, and hopefully, they will hit the switch. When they do, quickly enter the door, into the next area. In this next room, head north into the next room. In this room, bring the Iron Knuckle to life by hitting him with an arrow or with your sword. Then, battle him the same way you did the one as Young Link. When you defeat the Iron Knuckle, head through the newly unlocked door, and enter the outside area. Here, a chest will drop down, which contains the Mirror Shield! In my opinion, this is one of the coolest items in the game! Anyway, after obtaining the Mirror Shield, head back to the room where you had to rely on the Armos Statue's to touch the switch for you. In that room, head to the other locked door. Once there, stand in the ray of sunlight that is shining on the ground, and aim your Mirror Shield to the sun on the wall. The light will reflect onto the sun, and the door to the next room will open! In the next room, open the chest for a Small Key. Now, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head through the door that you originally came through to get to this room, and you'll be in the area where you fought the three Anubis enemies at. In that room, head north, and unlock the door using your Small Key. Now, in this next area, take out the two Beamos enemies, and then look up on the moving wall. Take out the Skulltula that you spot, then climb the moving wall (this can be difficult, but it's hard to give a precise explanation of how to climb it). When you reach the top, kill the two Beamos enemies, and then head through the door, into the next area. Note that there is a spiked trap when you reach the top, so try and avoid him. In this next area, stand on the Triforce symbol, and play Zelda's Lullaby. Doing so will unlock the door in front of you. Enter it. In this area, kill the Torch Slug enemies, and then bomb the door in the northwest corner of the room, and an eye switch will be revealed behind it. Shoot it, then two white-web like platforms will appear, so use the Longshot on the black and white target above the one on the right to get up there. Once you are up there, jump to the other platform, and press the switch. Now, open the chest for the Boss Key! Now that you have that, exit the room. In the previous area, head through the door to the west. In this area, avoid the flying jars, and then hit the crystal switch behind the bars there. Now, head through the newly unlocked door, into the next area. In this next area, defeat the Lizalfos enemy, and then head into the next part of the room and defeat the three White Bubble enemies. When they are defeated, look to the left of the mirror in the room, and you should see a weird piece of wall. Bomb it. Once that is done, a new part of the area will be revealed! But first, move the mirror in the current room to where its facing the glass part of the mirror in the other room. When it is, head into the area you revealed when you bombed the wall, and push the mirror there to where its facing the huge mirror in the previous room. Before you can aim the mirror, though, a Lizalfos comes down and attacks you, so rid yourself of that annoying pest. Anyway, once the mirror is in place, head back to the main room of this area (where the huge mirror is). Once there, head down to the ray of light shining from the mirror in the room, and point your Mirror Shield to the sun on the left side of the wall. The sun will come to life, and an elevator will take you down to an all too familiar area. Stand in the ray of light on this elevator-like platform, and aim your Mirror Shield at the face of the statue there. The face of the statue will break, and a grate will be revealed. Longshot to the grate, and use your Boss Key on the door. In this room, Koume and Kotake will summon an Iron Knuckle to fight you. Defeat it, and then head through the door, and then through the next one. In this next room, climb the brick wall, and then the two witches, Koume and Kotake will come after you. You'll have to fight the boss of the Spirit Temple, so read the Bosses section for information on how to win here. When you win, grab the Heart Container, save your game, and head into the blue portal. You'll be warped back to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- Nabooru reveals herself as the Sage of the Spirit Temple, and gives you the Spirit Medallion. Rauru will tell you to go to the Temple of Time, as the final showdown with Ganondorf is about to begin. Desert Colossus --------------- Play the Prelude of Light to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Here, Sheik will reveal himself as Princess Zelda, and talk for a long time about the Triforce, the chosen ones, and eventually, she'll give you the Light Arrows. The Light Arrows are needed to defeat Ganondorf. After getting them, Ganondorf will capture Princess Zelda! When you regain control, exit the Temple of Time. NOTE: Before going to Ganondorf, I suggest getting the Biggoron's Sword, as it kills Ganondorf A LOT faster than the Master Sword. If you don't want to, that's fine, but I recommend it. See the Side Quests section if you are interested. Market ------ In the Market, head to where Hyrule Castle used to be as a kid. Ganon's Castle -------------- Here, try and enter the castle, but there is no bridge so we can't get in! Rauru and the Sages will create a bridge with their power, which leads inside Ganon's Tower. Enter it. Ganon's Tower ------------- This final dungeon of the game can be a little tough, but it's a pretty fun dungeon indeed! Follow the path until you come across two Beamos enemies, and a door. Ignore the Beamos enemies, and head through the door, into the next room. In this room, head to the right of where you start, and enter the door with the green symbol above it. This is the forest area, which is supposed to be similar to the Forest Temple's attributes. Anyway, in the forest area, head in the middle of the area with the four torches. A Wolfos will come and attack you, so defeat it. A chest will spawn, which contains a Blue Rupee, but you don't even have to bother to open it. Instead, use Din's Fire to light the four torches. When they are lit, take out a Fire Arrow, or if you don't have one, make a makeshift Fire Arrow and shoot the last torch above the locked door. Doing so will unlock the door, so enter it, into the next area. In this room, collect all five Silver Rupees (use the Hover Boots) while avoiding falling off. Press the switch on the leftmost platform to cause a tall, black and white pole with a black and white target to appear. This is needed for getting one Silver Rupee. To get the one beside the fan at the entrance of the room, use the Hover Boots, but don't float on air until the fan starts to blow. If done right, the fan will blow you over to the Silver Rupee, and the platform where you made the black and white pole appear. When you have gotten all the Silver Rupees in the room, the door will open, so enter it, into the next area. In this area, shoot the reddish part of the green barrier with a Light Arrow. Saria will come, and you'll be warped back to the main area of the castle. Now, head through the door to the left of the forest one (the one with the orange symbol above it). This one is the spirit one, which is obviously supposed to resemble the Spirit Temple. In this area, kill the Beamos, and then collect the Silver Rupees in the room, using the Armos Statues to your advantage against the spiked traps. Also, use the Longshot on the black and white targets to get the ones in the air. When you have gotten all the Silver Rupees, enter the next room. In this next room, hit the nearest crystal switch with your Spinning Sword Attack. Now, open the chest that spawned for some Bombchus. Stand directly south of the hole at the top of the gate (Kinda like in the middle.), and take out a Bombchu. Wait for about three seconds, and throw the Bombchu up the hole. If you are lucky, you will have hit the second crystal switch. When you have, the door will unlock, so enter it, into the next area. Here, shoot the web up at the top of the room with the sun faces with a Fire Arrow. It will melt, and sunlight will be revaled (How sunlight could fit in Ganon's Castle, a place of darkness, is beyond me.). Anyway, when you do this, aim your Mirror Shield at the sun on the far left of the wall, while standing in the ray of light (Not the one beside the locked door, but on the other side of that one.). If you did it right, the door will unlock, so enter the next area. Here, shoot a Light Arrow onto the core of the orange barrier, and Nabooru will tell you to hurry up, and you'll be warped back to the main room of the castle. Now, head up the stairs until you come across a door with a purple symbol above it. This is the shadow area, which is very much like the Shadow Temple, so enter it. In the shadow area, play the Song of Time if you want to get the chest on the left platform, but all it houses is a Blue Rupee, so I don't suggest it. Anyway, the real objective here is to shoot a Fire Arrow into the unlit torch on the right platform, so do that. When you do, ice platforms will appear, so cross them carefully to the other side. When you reach the other side, defeat the Like Like. Once the Like Like is defeated, shoot another Fire Arrow into the torch to make the platforms appear again. When they do, jump across them, and step on the switch on one of the ice platforms that don't disappear. Doing so will cause a chest to appear. Longshot to it, while standing on the platform that you pressed the switch on. When you reach the chest, open it to get the Golden Gauntlets! These are MUCH better than the Silver Gauntlets, obviously. Anyway, when you get the Golden Gauntlets, use the Lens of Truth to reveal some ice bridges. Walk across them with the Hover Boots, until you reach a rusted platform. When you do, use the Megaton Hammer on it, and the locked door in the room will open! Enter it, and use a Light Arrow on the core of the purple barrier. Impa will then appear, and you'll be warped back to the main room of the castle, like always. Now, you've probably noticed that huge, tall black stone while you were entering the different areas of the castle. Well, you can pick that up now that you have the Golden Gauntlets! When the stone is out of the way, enter the door with the yellow symbol above it. This is supposed to resemble nothing, I guess, as you've never been to a dungeon like this. Anyway, upon entering the door, use the Lens of Truth, and defeat the Skulltula and the Keese enemies. Once they are defeated, a chest will spawn, which contains a Small Key, so open it, and use it to unlock the door leading to the next room. In this next area, step on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby. A chest will spawn, which contains a Small Key, so open it and unlock the door, which leads us further into the dungeon. In this next room, collect all of the Silver Rupees in the holes in the wall, while trying your best to avoid the rolling boulders. When you have all the ones in the holes, Longshot up to the black and white target on the ceiling above the platform in the middle of the room. Once you have the Silver Rupee on the platform in the middle of the room, get the other two on the sides of it, and then enter the door into the next area. NOTE: Something I forgot to mention about that previous room, was that you are timed 1:00, so be quick! Anyway, in this next area, a Wallmaster will drop down if you stay here long enough, so kill it if it does. The main objective here in this room, is to get to the core of the yellow barrier. To do that, we must go through an invisible wall, which is the black wall in this room, so enter it, into the next area. In this room, shoot a Light Arrow into the core of the yellow barrier. Rauru will appear, and you'll be warped back to the main room. Now, head to the door with the red symbol above it, and enter it. This is the fire area of the castle, which is like the Fire Temple. Inside this fiery area, be sure to have your Goron Tunic on. Collect all of the five Silver Rupees in the room, using your Longshot, and when you encounter a stoned platform, pick it up with the Golden Gauntlet's power. Also, note that the platforms here sink, and there is some Fire Bubbles that come out of the fire, so take note of that. When you have all five Silver Rupees, the door will open, so enter it. Also, use the Hover Boots to get all of the Silver Rupees. Also, the long platform in the room doesn't sink when you have the Hover Boots on! Also, you may be wondering how to get the one where the piece of stone sank in the fire. Well, use the Hover Boots, and hover across the stoned platform, then onto the platform with the Silver Rupee. Anyway, once you enter the next room, shoot a Light Arrow at the core of the red barrier, and it will be dispelled! Back in the main room, enter the only available door, which is the water area door. It has a blue symbol above it. Don't worry, this is NOT AT ALL like the Water Temple, so take a big sigh of relief (I know I did.). Anyway, when you arrive here, kill the two Freezzerd enemies, and then break the icicles surrounding the Blue Fire, and capture some in your spare Bottles. Now, melt the red ice blocking the door to the next area with your Blue Fire. Then, fill up again and enter the door. In this area, push the farthest block in the back to the rock to the east of the block. Once the block is in place, push it to the east of the ice rock, and it'll fall into a hole. Once that is done, push the remaining block to the east, and it'll hit another ice block. Now, push the block to the west to the next ice rock. Also note that there is a Fairy in the jar to the east, so be sure to capture it in a Bottle if you have a spare one. Anyway, once the block is in place, push it to the west one more time, and then jump up on the platform it takes you to. Once you are on that platform, melt the red ice with Blue Fire, and then hit the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer. Now, enter the newly unlocked door to the north, but hurry before the time runs out! In this room, shoot a Light Arrow at the core of the blue barrier, and Princess Ruto will come out, and you'll be redirected to the main room once again. Now, all the barriers are dispelled, so head across the bridge in the room, and enter the next area. In this area, defeat the Fire Keese enemies, and head go up the stairs, and enter the next room. In this room, defeat the two Dinolfos enemies. Then, head through the newly unlocked door, into the next area. In this area, walk up the stairs, then enter the door into the next room. In this room, defeat the two Stalfos enemies and the fire around the chest in the room will dissipate. Open the chest for the Boss Key. Now, head through the door you have not been in the room, and you'll be in another new area. In this new area, head north up the stairs, and then enter door into the next room. Here, activate one Iron Knuckle at a time and kill them. When they are defeated, enter the door, which leads into the next area. In this area, head up the stairs and open the door with your Boss Key. In this room, break the jars if you need stuff, then when you are ready, head through the door on the right side of the room. In this next area, head up the stairs, and then enter the door at the end of the room. In this room, you'll come across Ganondorf and Zelda. After the cutscene, you will fight against Ganondorf, so read the Bosses section of the FAQ for the information on how to beat him. When he is defeated, Zelda will be freed and then Ganondorf will use his last ounce of his strength to cause the remainder of his tower to collapse on you and Zelda! Zelda will lead you out, so follow her. You have approximately 3:00 before Game Over, so be as quick as you can. Defeat the two Stalfos enemy, and the Redead enemy you come across while you are exitting the tower. When you reach the end, the tower will collapse almost completely, and just when you think the game is over, Ganondorf gets back up and transforms into Ganon! To make him do that, approach the rubble where Ganondorf is. Ganondorf gets back up! He will transform into Ganon, so read the Bosses section of the guide for information on how to win this last battle in the game. After you've beaten Ganon, enjoy the ending. You've just beaten one of the greatest games ever made! Congratulations! Are you ready for Master Quest? |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 8. Walkthrough Master Quest | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Here is a complete beginning to end walkthrough for Master Quest (NOT Ocarina of Time.). NOTE: The only thing different about Master Quest is the dungeons, which is why I copy/pasted every bit of info from the OoT FAQ, except for the dungeons themselves. Kokiri Forest ------------- The game opens up in Kokiri Forest, as the story about the boy without a fairy unfolds. Apparently, the Great Deku Tree, guardian spirit of Kokiri Forest, has summoned you. When you wake up (with annoying Navi bothering you, who wouldn't wake up?) and gain control, exit the house. Once outside, drop down the ladder to meet Saria. Talk to her if you want, but either way, head to the treehouse north of Saria and keep entering/reentering the house while breaking the jars until you have 40 Rupees. When you have 40 Rupees, head to the shop which is just south of the treehouse. Inside the shop, buy a Deku Shield which is why I told you to get 40 Rupees. Once you have the Deku Shield, equip it and save your game and exit the shop. Now, head directly north of your house and head up the hill into the fenced area. In this area, head across the fences until you come across a small hole in the wall to the north of the fences. When you come across the hole, press A to enter it. Crawl through the hole into the next area. This area has a rolling boulder that can hurt you, so watch out. Go through the left side of the area and you'll come across a chest which contains the Kokiri Sword, the sword of the Kokiri (duh). Once you have the Kokiri Sword, equip it, save your game and exit this area. Back outside, head north of the fenced area and hop across the platforms in the water and you will meet Mido who is blocking your path to the Deku Tree. You have to have the Deku Shield and the Kokiri Sword in order to get past, so that's why you had to get them. Once Mido lets you pass, head into the area he was blocking and defeat the Deku Babas. I suggest defeating all of three of them to get three Deku Sticks which you will need shortly. Once you are done with the Deku Babas, head north and you will have a scene with the Great Deku Tree. Eventually, you will enter the Deku Tree, the first dungeon of the game. Deku Tree --------- When you arrive in the new and improved Deku Tree, climb up the ladder to the left of the entrance. Once you climb the ladder to the top, jump across the platforms to the east, until you reach a huge chest. When you do, open it for a Dungeon Map. Once you have the Dungeon Map, kill the Gohma Larvae enemies that are probably annoying you by now. Once they are out of the picture, head up the vines in the room (If you want a Gold Skulltula, break the wooden crate beside the right side of the vines, just east of the chest you just opened.). When you climb the vines to the top, follow the path past the first Deku Baba enemy you encounter, and step on the switch. Doing so will cause the unlit golden-colored torch to light, and melt the web. Once the web is melted, head through the door into the next room. In this room, drop down to the area below and kill the Deku Baba for a Deku Nut. Once you have that, climb up the nearby vines, and take out a Deku Stick on the platform above. Then, light the Deku Stick with the already lit torch in the room. When its lit, drop back down to the area below, and light the unlit torch in the middle of the room. Once it is lit, a small chest will spawn. This may seem useless for you to have done all that just for a small chest which contains nothing of significant importance anyway, but you might need it. Anyway, after the chest spawns, kill all of the Gohma Egg enemies with your sword (To knock the eggs down that are out of your reach, either step on the switch on the above platform that you appeared on when you first enetered this room and press the switch. If you do that, the platforms in the room will rise up, and you can cross them to the two areas where the eggs lurk. Or, L-Target them and roll against the walls to knock them down.). Once the Gohma Eggs are defeated, a chest will spawn in the alcove in the wall. The chest contains your Fairy Slingshot, so go ahead and open it, using the switch on the platform you started in when you entered this room! Once you have the Fairy Slingshot, before you exit the room, be sure to grab the small chest that spawned earlier, as it contains a Heart Container. You may need it, as you may be damaged some, so grab it. Anyway, after you recieve the Heart Container from the chest, exit this room completely. Back in the previous room, drop down to the area below where you got your Dungeon Map. Once there, head to the west of the chest that contained the Dungeon Map, and kill the Gohma Larvae enemies along the way. When you reach the lit golden torch, take out a Deku Stick and light it. Then, walk east and melt the web. When it is melted, head through the door into the next area. In this area, defeat the Big Deku Baba enemy, and then defeat the Gohma Egg enemies in the room. Once they are defeated, shoot the golden eye above the locked door in the room with your Fairy Slingshot. Doing this will cause the locked door to unlock, so enter it, into the next area. In this next new area, kill all of the enemies in the room. Once they are defeated, climb up either of the vines on either side of the room. Once you reach the top and are on the next platform, look up with C Up, and you should see Navi pointing to a web (A green target will be around the area where Navi is pointing to.). When you see that area, shoot it with your Fairy Slingshot, and then the ladder will come down from the web. Before you head up the ladder and leave the room, open the chest up top for the Compass of the dungeon. Once you have the Compass, leave the room. In the previous area, head up the vines beside the chest where you got the Dungeon Map, and climb them back up to the already previously visited floor. Once you are up there again, defeat all of the enemies along the way, including the Deku Babas. Once all of the enemies are cleared out, drop down to the first floor of the entire dungeon, using one of the areas where one of the two Deku Baba enemies were sitting before you killed. But don't just drop down there; drop on the web in the middle of the first floor. If you did it correctly, you will have broke the web and dropped down to a new area. In this area, head onto the nearby platform and step on the switch to the east. Doing so will cause the unlit torch on the platform to the north to light. Now, take out a Deku Stick. Now, head onto the platform under the water (You can easily see it, trust me, as it is a whitish color.). Once you are on that platform, quickly run to the other platform to the north. Once you are on that plaform, avoid the Deku Baba enemies, and melt the web to the left. Once it is melted, step on the switch. Doing this will cause a small chest to spawn, so go over to it and open it for a Heart Container (If you lost your Deku Shield due to Keese that caught on fire in the upper levels due to the lit torches, then it'll be a Deku Shield instead.). Once you open the chest, head back onto the platform that you melted the web on. Once there again, shoot the golden eye above the locked door. Doing this will unlock the door, so enter it, into the next area. In this next room, take out the Deku Scrub by deflecting the nuts he fires at you back at him, using your Deku Shield. Once that enemy is taken care of, exit this room. Back in the previous room, light another Deku Stick on the lit torch to the north. Once it is lit, head through the door that you just came out of, and back into the previously visited area. In this area, quickly light the two unlit torches beside the locked door in the room. Once they are lit, the door will unlock, so enter it. In this room, wait until the moving platform floating on the water comes in front of you. Before it gets there, about 2 or 3 seconds before, step on the blue switch to the left of the lit torch. The torch will light, so quickly take out a Deku Stick and light it. When it is lit, jump onto the floating platform in the water. When you are on it, crouch so you can protect yourself against the spikes. When you reach the other side, jump onto the platform. On this platform, kill the Deku Baba enemy, and the Skulltula enemy. Once they are both defeated, quickly light the two unlit torches before the fire on your Deku Stick dissipates. Once the two torches are lit, the door will be unlocked, so go ahead and climb up the blue block and head onto the ledge with the newly unlocked door, and enter it. In this next new area, kill the Deku Scrub, the Gohma Eggs, and the Keese enemies in the room. Once they are all defeated, the door will unlock, so enter it, into the next new area. In this next new room, kill all the Keese enemies. When they are defeated, step on the blue switch in the middle of the room, in between the four unlit torches. When the switch is pressed, the four torches will light, so take out a Deku Stick and light it with one of them. When the Deku Stick is lit, melt the web to the east of the torches. Once the web is melted, crawl through the hole into the next area. In this next room, hit the Business Scrub to get it out of your way. You only need to buy the Deku Shield from him if you lost yours due to Fire Keese. Anyway, once the Business Scrub is hit, also kill the Big Deku Baba. Once that is done, push the nearby block onto the water below. Once the block is in place, head over to the ledge where you shot the golden eye beside the lit torch to get into the new room earlier. Once there, take out yet another Deku Stick and light it. Once it is lit, quickly head onto the platform in the water, then climb the block you pushed just a moment ago, and you'll be on the platform you just came off of when you entered this room via the hole. On this platform, quickly run over to the web in the center of the platform and then use a Deku Stick while you have the torch lit to melt the web. Once the web is melted, you'll drop down to the final room of the dungeon! In this room, grab any Recovery Hearts that you need, and head into the area with the three Deku Scrubs. Once you are there, deflect the Deku Scrubs' nuts back at them in this order: Hit the third one on the right, then the first one on the left. Finally, hit the middle one. If done correctly, the Deku Scrub will come out of the grass, so stand on the grass patch he was on a moment ago, and hold B. He will eventually run into your sword. Doing this will open the door to Queen Gohma, the boss of the dungeon. Grab the Recovery Heart the Deku Scrub left behind if you need it. Whenever you're ready, head through the door to Queen Gohma. In the room with Gohma, look up at the ceiling at her eye to start the fight. Read the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to beat her. When Gohma is defeated, grab the Heart Container, save your game, and enter the blue portal, which takes you back to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- Back in Kokiri Forest, you'll have to sit and listen to a somewhat long piece of dialogue by the Great Deku Tree. Once it is over, you will recieve the Spiritual Stone of the Kokiri, the Kokiri Emerald. Once you obtain your first ever Spiritual Stone, save your game and get out of this area. Outside, talk to Mido. He'll blame you for the Deku Tree's sudden death and you'll be let through. Head all the way to the north and enter the hole there into the next area. Here, Saria will give you the Fairy Ocarina and you'll see some dialogue. Link will leave after obtaining the Fairy Ocarina and you'll end up in Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Here, head north and you'll be stopped by the owl Kaepora. Get used to it, as Kaepora will be here throughout most of the game and he gets very annoying very fast. When he's done talking and you regain control, head all the way north to the castle-like fortress you see in the distance. It'll get dark before you reach it, and then some Stalfos will come out of the ground and attack you, so be prepared for that. Once you reach the castle and it is day light, enter it. This is your next destination, naturally. Market ------ In the Hyrule Market, head into the first building that you see when you enter. Inside is a Gold Skulltula, as well as tons of jars containing Green and Blue Rupees. Check the Gold Skulltula section of this guide for more information on how to get this next Gold Skulltula token. Anyway, your goal here is to collect 80 Rupees, so keep entering/reentering the building until you have 80 Rupees. Note there's also a way to get 80 Rupees much faster, so please see the Codes n' Secrets section of this FAQ for more information on that. Once you have 80 Rupees, head to the unexplored area to the left of the building. In this area, enter the rightmost building (the one with the weird guy's face on it). Inside, buy a Hylian Shield for 80 Rupees. When you get it, equip it right away and save your game. Now, exit the store and talk to the girl you see just south of Hyrule Castle. Now, head into Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- When you arrive here, head north to encounter Kaepora Gaebora (told ya you'd have to get used to it ;) ). Once he's done talking and you regain control, exit Hyrule Castle. Market ------ Reenter Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- Back in Hyrule Castle, you should see the girl you just talked to in the Market standing beside the vines. Talk to her and she will give you an egg that she's been incubating for quite some time now. When you get the egg, save your game and head up the vine. Once you climb the vine, continue heading north and then drop off the platform or climb down the ladder and head out the door, as either way it's the same effect. Anyway, whether you climb down the ladder or if you just jump off of the platform to get to where you are now, head north and then take a turn towards the northwest, past the two guards you see (be sure to walk and NOT run because you'll get caught if you run) and head into the field area past a third guard to your left. When you successfully reach the field and are out of the guards' neck of the woods, head north and climb up the wall where the yellow flowers are. Once you climb the wall into the next area, there are some more guards to avoid, so head into the water and swim to the north and then jump onto the platform. You will spot a fat man sleeping beside milk crates. This is Talon, whom Malon, the girl in the Market, spoke of. If the Weird Egg has not yet hatched on you, leave your game on until it turns night and then turns day again and the egg will hatch. When it haches, show it to Talon and he'll wake up and then talk to you, which eventually he will run off in a panic because he left Malon behind. Now that he's out of the way, push one of the milk crates into the water where Talon was sleeping. Once that is done, push the other one on top of the one that is in the water. This will provide us with an entrance into the Castle Courtyard where Princess Zelda is. Jump onto the crates and then jump to the area with the small fountain and hole. Once you are on this area, crawl through the small hole into the Castle Courtyard. NOTE: You will not be able to enter the Castle Courtyard at night, so enter at day. Castle Courtyard ---------------- Here, you will have to avoid tons of guards, but I'll guide you through. Head to the left into the next area. Here, wait until the guard isn't facing you before you run to different areas, and hide behind the bushes to avoid being seen. When you reach the other side, once again, use the bushes to avoid detection. Also use the sides of the two fountains for protection as well. When you reach the other side, ignore the Rupees and get to the other side (if you are good at stealth, go ahead and go for the Rupees). When you do reach the other side, use the brick walls for cover and also use the area where the statue is for cover from the guards as well. Once again, when you make it to the other side, you'll have to avoid being detected by a final set of guards. This one is a bit tougher than the previous ones, but I'll help you. Use the bushes for coverings as best you can while avoiding the guards, but be careful where you take cover, as these guards are a lot faster. When you finally reach the other side, quickly head west into the next area. In this next area, you'll meet Princess Zelda to the north, so go and talk to her. Some dialogue will commence. When she asks you if you have the Spiritual Stone, tell her yes. When she asks you if you will keep her story a secret, tell her yes, as you'll have to anyway. Eventually, when she finally shuts her mouth up, she'll give you Zelda's Letter, a letter with her actual autorgraph on it (why do I get the feeling this is a fake autograph? :P). Once you obtain Zelda's Letter, save your game and head south like you are going to exit the area and you will encounter Impa, Zelda's loyal bodyguard. She will teach you Zelda's Lullaby and lead you of the castle, back into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Impa will talk a bit more and then disappear and you'll regain control. Head north and cross the bridge and then enter the village to your north. This is Kakariko Village, which is obviously your next destination. Kakariko Village ---------------- Here, head north to the well you see in the distance. When you get to the well, head east and north past the stairs and into the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- Once here, head to the huge tomb located at the very northern part of the Graveyard. Once there, step on the Triforce patch of ground and play Zelda's Lullaby. The tomb will break, thus revealing a hole. A storm will also commence. Head down the hole and into a new area. In this area, kill all four of the Keese enemies and then the door will unlock, so enter it into the next area. In this next area, there are a few Redeads in here which will paralyze you if you come near, so watch out for that. To avoid them, simply walk past them where they won't be able to spot you. If you get caught in their grasp, simply tap the A button and you might get lucky. Anyway, when you get into this area with the Redeads, head north into the next area. In this area, you will see a stone with something inscribed on it. Examine it. It is a poem of the Composer Brothers. You will learn the Sun's Song from this poem. When used, the Sun's Song turns night into day immediately, and vise versa. Now you don't have to wait an excessively long time to get to night or day. Anyway, once you obtain the Sun's Song, exit this area completely and head back into the Graveyard. Back in the actual Graveyard, area make your way back to Kakariko Village. It's time to get a few Gold Skulltulas. Kakariko Village ---------------- Turn it night if it isn't already, using the Sun's Song. Now, for our first Gold Skulltula, let's head to the House of Skulltula which is north of the Graveyard. Don't go inside of the house, but go behind it and a Gold Skulltula will be there. Kill it and claim its token. Now, for our second one, head to the well and head up the stairs into the area with red blocks. Climb up the red blocks and kill that Gold Skulltula and claim its token. For our third one, head north of the well area, and head up the two sets of stairs and you will come across a huge ladder. Use your Fairy Slingshot to kill the Gold Skulltula spider up there and claim its token. Now, head west of the ladder and look on the side of the house there. Another Gold Skulltula will be there. Kill it, and take its token as your own. Okay, now, head to the entrance of the village. Once there, roll against the tree and a Gold Skulltula will pop out. Kill it and claim its token. Now, head north and you will stumble across a guard. Show him Zelda's Letter and he will let you through to Death Mountain, AFTER talking about you getting a mask for his son. If you want to do that, look at the Side Quests section of the FAQ. Either way, when you are ready, enter Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Here, head north and kill the Red Tektites you come across, while heading onto the higher platform. Once you are on the higher platform, keep heading north and you'll eventually stumble across a rolling Goron. When you do, head west of the Goron and you'll come across Goron City, your next destination. Goron City ---------- Here, head to the lowest level of the city (jumping is a lot easier than getting there manually). Once there, head into the door (not with the Bomb Flowers, but the other one) and step on the pad and play Zelda's Lullaby. The door will open, and you'll come across Darunia, the king of the Goron race. Talk to him and he snaps at you. When he's done being a retard, light a Deku Stick via the torch east of him. When the Deku Stick is lit, exit the room and light all the four torches in the room. When you do, the Goron statue in the middle of the room will start to spin. Now, light another Deku Stick from one of the two torches that are side by side (the ones you lit last), and quickly hurry up to the area above and you'll see two torches to the east. Quickly light them and then light another Deku Stick and use the fire to knock the Bomb Flowers down. The rocks will move out of your way, and you'll be able to get to the Lost Woods, so go ahead and enter it. Lost Woods ---------- Here, head north and you'll come across Kaepora Gaebora. He will talk for a bit. When he's done, head through each of the holes that makes the sound of Saria's Song (in other words, enter each hole that you can hear the music through the best). Keep going through the holes that have the music on them, and eventually, you'll come across the Sacred Forest Meadow. Sacred Forest Meadow -------------------- Here, you'll have to fight a Wolfos. Once it is defeated, head through the area, but equip your Deku Shield first, as there is Deku Scrubs coming up. When you enter the area with the Deku Scrubs, keep going until you come across some stairs. Up the stairs are two Deku Scrubs. Kill them and then enter the area to the north, which is where Saria is. She'll teach you Saria's Song. Once you learn it, exit the Sacred Forest Meadow via the stairs north of the stairs where you fought the last two Deku Scrubs at. Once you exit the meadow, you'll be back in the Lost Woods. Lost Woods ---------- Kaepora Gaebora talks again. Head back to Goron City the way you came to the Sacred Forest Meadow. Goron City ---------- Go and visit Darunia and play the Saria's Song in front of him. He will dance like crazy and become extraordinarily happy. He'll give you the Goron Bracelet and ask you to defeat the monsters inside Dodongo's Cavern, so leave the city, via the highest level. Death Mountain -------------- Back in Death Mountain, head west of Goron City and you will come across a Goron, as well as a Bomb Flower. Pick up the Bomb Flower, and throw it onto the area below. Keep trying until the cave is opened up. This is your next destination, obviously, so enter it. Dodongo's Cavern ---------------- In the new version of Dodongo's Cavern, pick up a Bomb Flower on either side of the room, and then throw them to the door there to blow it up. Once the door is blown up, head into the cavern itself. Once inside, jump to the pillar to the north. Once you are on the pillar, jump to the platform with the Bomb Flower in the center of the room. Once there, pick up the Bomb Flower and jump to the area below, and throw the Bomb Flower on the rock to the right (The one on the left is useless.). Once it is blown up, a switch is revealed, so step on it. Doing so will cause the pillar in front of you to rise up to the second level! Now, jump onto the pillar that is elevating up to the second level. When the pillar elevates to the top, quickly jump to the second floor. When you reach the second floor, ignore the three rocks, as you can't do anything about them now. Instead, head north, and cross the bridge. Once you cross it, press the switch in the alcove. When it is pressed, a torch below is lit, and a door also opens. Now, head down to the area below, and enter the door that just opened, ignoring the lit torch. In this area, head north, and ignore the Beamos enemy, as you can't kill it now. Instead, grab a Bomb Flower from the cluster of Bomb Flowers. Once you have the Bomb Flower, throw it to the door (Like the one we had to bomb in the beginning of the dungeon.). The door will be destroyed, thus enabling us access further into the dugneon. Now, take out a Deku Stick and light it using the lit torch beside the door made out of rocks (Like the one we had to bomb in the beginning of the dungeon.). Once the Deku Stick is lit, make it where the fire touches the Bomb Flower on the right side of the wall (The Bomb Flower is in the room that was revealed after you bombed the door.). Doing this will cause the Bomb Flower to drop down. When it is on the ground, quickly pick up and throw it to the blank spot in the middle of the cluster of Bomb Flowers, where one Bomb Flower is not placed. If done correctly, when the Bomb Flower explodes, it'll explode with the entire cluster of Bomb Flowers, and stairs will be revealed. Ignore them, and pick up a Bomb Flower, and throw it to the Beamos on the left side of the room. Once the Beamos is destroyed, a Silver Rupee will be revealed underneath where the Beamos was, so pick it up. Now, for the next Silver Rupee, head to the north of where you got the last Silver Rupee at, and break the wooden crate in the right corner. When it is broken, another Silver Rupee will be revealed. Now that we have two Silver Rupees, it's time to head up to the upper levels of the room, so head up the stairs we revealed earlier. When you reach the top, ignore the stone white platform, unless you want to buy a Deku Shield, which you can't unless you have lost yours. Anyway, whether or not you buy the Deku Shield from the Business Scrub, roll against the wooden crate to the west of the white stone platform to get the next Silver Rupee. Now, for the next one, follow the path from the wooden crate until you come across a Skulltula enemy (It'll drop down from the ceiling.). Kill the Skulltula when you come across it, and then climb up the nearby vines and grab the Silver Rupee there. Now, for the final Silver Rupee, head north past the vines and defeat the next Skulltula that comes down from the ceiling. After the Skulltula is defeated, roll against the wooden crate to the north to get the final Silver Rupee. Now that you have that, head through the door to the north of the vines, and enter the next area. In this area, defeat all the Dodongo enemies using the Bomb Flower atop the pillar in the middle of the room, or by striking them with your sword on their tail a few times. They explode when they die, so move out of the way before they can hit you. Anyway, after all the Dodongo enemies are defeated, a chest will be spawned, which contains the Compass of the dungeon. Now that we have that, head through the door that you have not been through yet in this room. In this next area, head across the bridge. At the end of the bridge, head into the next area. In this area, push all of the brown blocks in the room to where they are facing the unlit torches on the walls. This is hard to explain in words, so please, just try and make the best of my explanation. Anyway, once the blocks are facing the unlit torches, head up the ladder beside the blocks and the torches, and take out a Deku Stick. Use the lit torch to light your Deku Stick. Once your Deku Stick is lit, drop back down to the area below that you were just in, only jump to the block that is below you. Once you are on the block successfully, light the unlit torch, then jump to the left block, light the unlit torch there. Finally, jump to the rightmost block, and quickly light the unlit torch. Once all of the torches are lit, head to the other side of the room and climb the ladder there. Then, jump to the ledge with the golden-colored lit torch. Once there, take another Deku Stick out and light it. Once it is lit, jump to the platform where the ladder just carried you before you jumped on this platform. Go north and melt the web. Once the web is melted, jump back to the platform with the golden- colored lit torch, and then light another Deku Stick with it. Once the Deku Stick is lit, jump back to the platform you just came off of, and then light the nearby unlit torch. After it is lit, quickly hit the Skulltula spider with your Deku Stick to kill it. Once the Skulltula enemy is killed, quickly light the other unlit torch. Once they are both lit, head into the next area. Once there, drop down to the area below and you should see a brown block to the left. Push it to the other end of where it is now and then when it is at the other end, push it against the platform there (The platform with the Skulltula.). Once the block is in place, get on it and head up onto the platform there. Once there, kill the Skulltula enemy and head into the next area. In this room, clear the enemies of the Keese enemies and the Skulltula enemy. Once they are all gone, take out another Deku Stick and light it using the golden-colored lit torch in the room. Once your Deku Stick is on fire, quickly head north of the torch, and knock the Bomb Flower off the wall on the left side of the room using your lit Deku Stick. Once the Bomb Flower is knocked down, pick it up and throw it to the door there to blow it up. Once the door is blown up, head through the door, into the next area. In this area, you'll have to defeat two Lizalfos enemies. Once they are defeated, head through the newly unlocke door, into the next area. In this next room, drop down to the area below. Once there, head north and break the wooden crate, as behind it is a crystal switch. When the crate is out of the way, hit the crystal switch. Doing so will dissipate the fire on the middle platform in the room. Now, quickly head south of your current position, and you should see another wooden crate. Do not break this one, but instead jump on top of it and then jump onto the platform you appeared in when you first entered this room (Not the middle platform, mind you.). Once you are on that platform again, jump to the middle platform. While the fire is dissipated, quickly jump into the small alcove to the west that has a Bomb Flower, as well as a Keese in it. In the alcove, kill the Keese and grab the Bomb Flower. Once you have the Bomb Flower, drop back down to the area below. Once there, head to the eastern side of the room and to the north you should see a rock (Or boulder.). Throw the Bomb Flower at the boulder. Once that rock is blown up, ignore the switch that is revealed for now. Instead, hit the crystal switch again, then go and hit the switch that was just revealed. Once you hit both switches, quickly use the wooden crate like we did before to get back up to the middle platform in the room. Once you are on the middle platform, jump to the platform to the north, but hurry, as the fire will soon come back! Once you are successfully up on the platform, jump north to the next area. Here, head north and jump across the bridge to the other side. Once you are on the other side, continue heading north, and you'll see a Bomb Flower, as well as three rocks. Pick up the Bomb Flower and use it to blow up the rocks blocking your path. Once they are gone, pick up the Bomb Flower you just used to clear the rocks from your path, and drop down to the platform directly below you, but be careful not to fall into the lava. Once you are on the platform, quickly throw the Bomb Flower to the nearby door to the north of where you drop down (Or if you dropped down closer to the door, you'll see it the second you hit the ground.). The door will explode, and an alcove with a chest will be revealed. Open it for the Dungeon Map! Now that we have that, jump onto the pillar that elevates you to the second floor. Once you are on the pillar and it elevates, jump onto the second floor. When you reach the second floor, pick up the Bomb Flower again. This time, jump to the east side, rather than the west side and you should see a door that has not been exploded yet. When you see it, quickly throw the Bomb Flower at it to blow it up. When that door is blown up, enter the newly revealed area. In this next new area, head north and jump onto the leftmost white stone platform. The platform will elevate, and carry you into an alcove. Enter it. In the alcove, grab the Bomb Flower and drop down to the previous area. Now, throw the Bomb Flower to the nearby rock to blow it up. Once the rock is blown up, another Bomb Flower spot is revealed, but you blew the Bomb Flower up when you exploded the rock just a moment ago. Wait until the Bomb Flower regenerates. When it does so, pick it up and throw it to the Bomb Flower on the eastern part of the wall. If dne correctly, the Bomb Flower that you just threw will have caused all of the other Bomb Flowers stacked on top of each other to explode, thus breaking the rock. Once the rock is broken, a golden eye switch is revealed, so shoot it with your Fairy Slingshot. Doing so will unlock the door into the next room. Enter the door and in this area, avoid the Baby Dodongo enemies while heading through the door you haven't been through yet. In this next room, you'll have to fight two more Lizalfos enemies. Once they are defeated, head through the unexplore door, into the next room. In this next area, head north and defeat all of the Poe enemies. Once they are defeated, pick up the Bomb Flower in the right corner of the room beside the locked door. Once you have the Bomb Flower in your hand, throw it to the cluster of Bomb Flowers to the south of where you are now (The cluster is on the pillar to the south of you.). Once again, as we're pretty much used to now, all of the Bomb Flowers will explode, and the door that was just locked a moment ago will be unlocked, so enter it. In this next room, head north and open the chest for the Bomb Bag! Now that we have Bombs, drop down to the main room. Once there, jump onto the pillar that elevates to the second floor, and use it to jump to the second floor yourself. Once you are on the second floor yet again, head onto the bridge and then drop a Bomb in the two holes in the bridge. If done correctly, both eyes of the Dodongo statue will turn red, and its mouth will open. When the Dodongo statue's mouth opens, drop down to the area where the statue is and then enter the door into the next area. In this area, head north and drop down to the area below. In this area, defeat the Baby Dodongo enemies that come up out of the ground. When they are defeated, jump to the platform on the east side of the room (East on the map.). Then, head north up the hilly area until you reach the next room. When you reach the next room, take out the nearby Baby Dodongo enemy. Once that is taken care of, keep following the path and you'll come across another Lizalfos enemy. Defeat it, and then throw a Bomb across the fire and it'll hit the crystal switch. Once the crystal switch is hit, the fire in front of you will dissipate temporarily, so jump over to the other side. Now, take out all of the Armos enemies using Bombs. Once they are defeated, throw a Bomb to the cluster of Bomb Flowers. If done correctly, a crystal switch will have been hit, giving us further access into the dungeon. Anyway, after the crystal switch is hit, jump across the two ice platforms, and onto the other side. On the other side, break the jar if you need a Fairy, but regardless, head north through the hallway into the next area. In this area, you will encounter a gravestone. Push it back and a switch is revealed. Press it to unlock the door in the room below. Once you press the switch, head through the newly unlocked door into the next area. In this area, bomb the patch in the middle of the floor. A hole is revealed, so drop down into the area below. In this area, you'll encounter King Dodongo, the boss of the dungeon, so read the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to win. Once King Dodongo is defeated, grab the Heart Container, save the game, and enter the blue portal. You'll be warped back to Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Back in Death Mountain, Darunia will call you his Sworn Brother and give you the Spiritual Stone of Fire, or the Goron's Ruby. Once the cutscene is over and you regain control, save your game and head up the mountain until you come across some rocks on a high platform. When you do, use your Bombs to blow those rocks up. Once they are all blown up, jump across the platform and jump on the next platform when you reach the end of the other one. Now, head north and you'll come across a volcanic eruption. Not to worry, just use your Hylian Shield each time one comes down. When you reach the vine area to the north, kill the Skulltula spiders with your Fairy Slingshot, and then head up the vine area. Eventually, you'll reach the top of Death Mountain. Once there, bomb the weird piece of wall west of Kaepora Gaebora. This is your first Great Fairy's Fountain. Enter it. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Once here, head north and play Zelda's Lullaby on the tile there. A fairy will come out of the water and give you a Magic Meter. Awesome! Once you have your Magic Meter, save your game and exit the Great Fairy Fountain. Death Mountain -------------- Back on Death Mountain, head towards Kaepora Gaebora and he will talk (You and I both knew it.). He actually helps you this time, though, because you can ride on him to get back to Kakariko Village a lot quicker, so go under his shadow to ride him. Kakariko Village ---------------- Back in Kakariko Village, head to the edge of the roof and use C to lookdown. You will see a small brownish platform. Drop down to it from the roof, and enter the hole you see. You will be in a house inside a cage with a cow. Grab the nearby Piece of Heart and exit the house. Now, time to get a Bottle. Head to the entrance of the village and grab the Cucco there. Now, head south of the Graveyard and put the Cucco in the little pin there. Now, for the second Cucco, head to where the ladder that contained the Gold Skulltula is at. Once there, you will see another Cucco. Grab it and put it in the pin. Now, for the third one, before going up the stairs to the ladder area, you'll notice a box in the right corner. Break it and a Cucco will be revealed. Instead of putting it in the pin, head to the area with the red brick blocks north of the well and fly with the Cucco to the area where the other Cucco is straight ahead. In other words, fly to the House of Skulltula. Once you are on the platform beside the House of Skulltula with the next Cucco, throw them both off of the platform and put them both in the pin. Now, head north of the pin and grab the Cucco there. With this Cucco, we're gonna have to do something a little different other than pick them up and put them in the pin. Anyway, once you get this Cucco, head west of the entrance to the Graveyard and head up the stairs. Then, head north and jump across with the Cucco, to the other side (it may take more than one try, but highly doubtful). Once you are on the other side, throw the Cucco in your hand off to the other side. Now, drop down to the area below, and go into the hole if you want to, but it is nothing important. What you need to do instead, is head towards the ladder to the north of the hole, but don't go up it. Instead, grab the Cucco there and throw him off to the other side. When that is done, head up the ladder and you'll find the final Cucco. Fly off the platform with that Cucco, and put it in the pin, and talk to the lady beside the pin. She will give you an Empty Bottle for your efforts. Now, exit the village. Time to head to Lon Lon Ranch. Hyrule Field ------------ Alright, from Kakariko Village, head north and cross the bridge you see there. Then, continue heading to the north towards the settlement you see in the distance. This is, obviously, Lon Lon Ranch, so enter it. Time for yet another Empty Bottle. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- Once here, head into the building to your left. Inside is Talon, the guy we woke up in Hyrule Castle. Talk to him and he'll wake up and ask if you want to play a game with him. Accept his offer, and he'll throw the three Super Cuccos around him across the room, and we'll have to find them to get the next Empty Bottle. Read the Mini Games section of this guide to see how to complete this game. Once its completed, he'll reward you with an Empty Bottle. Things are definitely looking up! Now, exit this house. Back outside, head north and into the huge field with the horses. Inside is Malon. Talk to her three times. Then, show her your Fairy Ocarina and she will teach you Epona's Song, which will be necessary later on in the game. Now that you have the Epona's Song, leave Lon Lon Ranch, there is no point in staying. Hyrule Field ------------ Back outside, head directly north of the tree beside Kakariko Village. You'll find a river flowing. This is Zora's River, so enter it. Zora's River ------------ Once here, head north and you'll encounter Kaepora Gaebora again. Once he's done talking, take the nearby Cucco and use it to fly to the other side of the area. Once you are on the other side, head north and defeat the Octorok there with your Deku Shield. Then, head north some more, towards the high platforms to your left. Then, jump down to the platform that is below you. Once there, head north and jump onto the ledge above you, and then jump to the next one. Now, head north up the hill, and then continue north and you'll encounter another Octorok. Kill it, and continue north and cross the bridge. Now, head north up the long platform, then drop down to the platform slightly below this one. Once that is done, step on the pad beside the waterfall and play Zelda's Lullaby. The waterfall will calm down, enabling you to enter Zora's Domain, which is in the hole where the waterfall was, so enter. Zora's Domain ------------- Once here, head north from the entrance and continue along heading north, and eventually you'll come across some stairs. Climb up the stairs and you'll see a fat Zora. This is King Zora. Ignore him and head west of him and you'll encounter a Zora. Talk to the Zora and she'll ask you if you want to play a diving game. Tell her yes. It only costs 20 Rupees, and you'll get them back by diving, so don't worry. Anyway, Link will dive down into the water, so head underwater and get all the Rupees before the time runs out. Once the game is completed, head back up to the Zora and talk to her. She will reward you with the Silver Scale, with which you can now dive deeper underwater at a length of 5 seconds, rather than 3. Now that you have the Silver Scale, jump back into the water where you played the game with the Zora a moment ago at, and dive underwater. Once you are underwater, head north of the waterfall and enter the hole you see. You will end up in Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- As you come up from the water, you'll notice a Zora, as well as your first glimpse into Lake Hylia. Dive underwater again, and you'll find an Empty Bottle with something already in it. Once you obtain the Empty Bottle, swim back into Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- Back in Zora's Domain, head to the room with King Zora again. Once there, show him the Empty Bottle. He will say that the letter indicates that his daughter, Princess Ruto, is lost inside Lord Jabu-Jabu's belly, and he wants you to rescue her (figures). Once he stops talking and you regain control, head to where the Zora that gave you the Silver Scale is, and dive into the water below. Once you are in the water, don't head underwater. Instead, swim north past the waterfall and head into the area with the unlit torch. Once there, you should see some fish swimming around. Catch them in your bottle, and head back to King Zora's room. Once there, head east from the entrance of the room and then head north past King Zora, and enter Zora's Fountain. Zora's Fountain --------------- Once you are in this outside place, head to the altar beside Lord Jabu-Jabu (he is that big fish). Once there, drop the Fish you caught beside Lord Jabu- Jabu and he'll swallow you up. You're now inside the third dungeon of the game, Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Jabu-Jabu's Belly ----------------- When you arrive here, defeat the Octorok and the Shabom enemies. Once they are defeated, use a Bomb on the rock in the middle of the room. When the rock explodes, a switch is revealed; step on it. Doing this will spawn a big chest, which contains a Dungeon Map. Once you have the Dungeon Map, shoot the cow on the left, as doing so will open the door into the next room. Do not enter the door just yet. Instead, shoot the cow on the right. Doing this will spawn a small chest, so open it to get a Deku Nut. Once you have the Deku Nut, head through the door, into the next area. In this area, ignore the cow, as all it does is a spawn a small chest, which contains nothing of significant importance. Instead, jump on the platform that floats up and down in the very center of the room, but be sure to jump on it when it elevates to where you are. Once you are on the platform, when it reaches the bottom level, look down into the water and you should see a cow - shoot it. Once you shoot the cow, go into the water and swim underneath the water and through the tunnel, and you will come across the big chest that spawned when you shot the cow a moment ago. Open the chest to get the Compass of the dungeon. Once you have the Compass, step on the nearby switch and then swim back under the water, and then get back onto the platform that you shot the cow on earlier. Once you are on that platform, jump on the platform that moves up and down when it elevates to where you are. Then, when the platform elevates back up to the upper levels of the dungeon, jump to the north past the red and slimy tentacles, and onto the platform. Now, head north through the door that unlocked when you pressed the switch, into the next area. In this next room, walk north and you will meet Princess Ruto! She will drop down the hole, so go down there yourself. In this room, talk to Ruto twice and she'll let you carry her. Grab her drop down into the area below. Once you are in the below area, step on the nearby switch and a pillar of water will form and take you up a little bit, so jump onto the ledge with the blue switch. Once you are on that platform, jump on the switch and then place Princess Ruto on it. Once Ruto is on the switch, the door will stay open, so drop back down into the area below and press the switch again. Ride the pillar of water up again, and then use it to jump to the platform where the door just opened at. Once you are on that platform, head through the door into the next area. In this next new area, follow the path and you will come across a Lizalfos enemy, so defeat it. Then, keep following the path until you come across a pool of water. When you do, drop down into it and defeat the Like Like enemy. Once the Like Like is defeated, defeat the two Stinger enemies and then step on the nearby switch to raise the water level. Once the water is raised, quickly climb up the vines on the right side of the room and then open the big chest for the Boomerang! Once you have the Boomerang, drop back down into the pool of water and step on the switch again to raise the water level once more. When the water level is raised again, climb up onto the platform that you have not been onto yet, but hurry, as the water will soon go back down! Anyway, once you are on the platform, head north and enter the door when you come to it, into a previously visited area. In this room again, jump on the platform when it heads down to where you are. Once you are on the platform, when it elevates, jump past the red slimy tentacle-like things, and onto the part of the platform where the door is. When you are there, enter the nearby door, into another previously visited area. In this area again, defeat the Biri enemies to make this part easier. Once the Biri enemies are defeated, look directly to the north of the hole that Ruto fell down in the beginning of the dungeon, and you should see a rock on the wall. When you see it, throw a Bomb at the rock (I strongly suggest you L-Target the rock) right when the Bomb is about to explode. If done correctly, the rock will have exploded and a cow will be revealed. Shoot the cow and the door to the north will open, so go north and then throw the Boomerang at the red and slimy tentacle-like enemy you encounter on the way to the door. Once you hit the enemy and freeze it, jump on top of the enemy and then head through the door into the next area. In this next new area, head east and then to the door to the west of where the web that you'll come across is, and then enter it into the next area. In this area, shoot the two cows on each side of the wall. After they are shot, two Like Like's will appear on each side directly below where the cows are, so kill them. Once the Like Like's are defeated, a small chest will spawn and the torch in the room will also be lit. Open the chest, as it contains a Deku Stick. Once you have that, take out a Deku Stick and then light it using the lit torch in the room. Once the Deku Stick is lit, exit this room, and head back into the previous area. In this room again, quickly run north and west and melt the web with your Deku Stick. Once the web is melted, enter the door, which leads you into the next room. In this room, defeat the Parasatic Tentacle enemy using your Boomerang. Once the Parasatic Tentacle is defeated, the door unlocks, so head through it, back into the previous room. Back in the previous room, head all the way left past the wooden crates and enter the door, into the next room. In this room, defeat the Parasatic Tentacle using your Boomerang. Once that is taken care of, head through the door, back into the previous area again. Back in this room again, head to the area just north of where the room that leads to the room where Ruto fell down the hole in the beginning is. In that area, you will encounter a Lizalfos enemy, so defeat it and then use a Bomb to blow up the two rocks blocking your path. When the rocks are blown up, go and get a wooden crate and then step on the blue switch, and afterwards place the wooden crate on it. Now, head through the newly unlocked door, into the next area. In this area, take out the Parasatic Tentacle here. Once it is defeated, exit this room. In the previous room, back to the room with the holes (The room where Princess Ruto was when you first encountered her.). In that room, freeze the red and slimy enemy with your Boomerang. Once it is frozen, jump on it to the other side, and then drop down the hole where Ruto dropped down to in the beginning of the dungeon. Back in this area, pick up Ruto again. Now, drop down into the area below and step on the nearby switch to create the pillar of water once more. Ride the pillar of water up as far as it can go, then jump to the highest platform in the room. When you are on that platform, head through the door, into the next area. In this room, you will see the Spiritual Stone of Water on the platform to the north! Throw Ruto up onto the platform and then she will be taken up on the platform! Then, the platform will lower and an Octopus will come and attack you! This is the mini-boss of the dungeon, but it is certainly not very difficult. Read the Walkthrough section for regular OoT in Jabu- Jabu's Belly to see how to beat this mini-boss. Once the Octopus enemy is defeated, head onto the platform and it will take you to an area you have not been in yet. In this area, shoot the nearby cow on the wall to unlock the door in the room. When the door is unlocked, defeat the Bari enemy you come across right before you can enter the door. Once the Bari enemy is defeated, head through the door into the next area. In this next new area, shoot the cow in the distance to the north of the red slimy things. When you shoot the cow, two wooden crates will be spawned right by you! Now, pick up a crate and then place it on the edge of the platform. Once the crate is in place, hit the red and slimy thing with your Boomerang to freeze it. Once it is frozen, hit the other one with your Boomerang. Once the red and slimy things are both frozen, quickly pick up the wooden crate and jump across the two frozen enemies, and onto the other side. Once you are on the other side, step on the blue switch and then drop the wooden crate onto the switch after you step on it. The door will open, so enter it, into the next area. In this next room, head north and jump onto the small piece on the wall. Once you do, you will be carried down to a previously visited area. In this area again, head through the door on the east side of the map. Also, the small chest that you come across before entering the door contains a Recovery Heart, so take note of that. Anyway, in this next area. defeat the two Like Like enemies you come across. Then, shoot the cow on the east side (The one on the left is useless.) three times and the door leading to the boss of this dungeon, Barinade, will open. Enter that door and you will have to fight Barinade, so read the Bosses section of the FAQ for more information. Also, I forgot to mention, before you enter the door with Barinade, the jar that you come across contains a Fairy, so take note of that. After Barinade is defeated, grab the Heart Container, save your game and head through the blue portal. You will be warped back to Zora's Fountain. Zora's Fountain --------------- Back outside in Zora's Fountain, a long dialogue with Princess Ruto and Link will commence. She will reward you with the last Spiritual Stone, or the Zora's Sapphire, regardless of which answers you tell Ruto when she asks you if you want something. Anyway, once the dialogue ends and you regain control, swim directly north of where you land after Ruto gets done talking, and head to the island where you see rocks at. Once there, stand closest to the wall as you can get, and bomb the wall. A hole will be revealed, so head into the hole, which leads to another Great Fairy's Fountain. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Once here, head north and step on the Triforce pad. Play Zelda's Lullaby and a Great Fairy will come out, and grant you a power called Farore's Wind. Farore's Wind creates a spawn point in dungeons, so if you die, you can come back to that spawn point. Pretty useful. Once you have Farore's Wind, exit the Great Fairy's Fountain. Zora's Fountain --------------- Back here, swim back into Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- Exit the domain, and head back into Zora's River. Zora's River ------------ I went hunting for Piece of Heart's here, and a lot of other places, so if you wish to heart hunt as well, see the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ. Once you are done heart hunting in the river, exit it. NOTE: The insane amount of heart hunting that I do takes a good while, so use CTRL + F to skip to the section you want to go to, if you don't want to heart hunt. Hyrule Field ------------ Once here, head north into Lon Lon Ranch. Time to get a Piece of Heart. Lon Lon Ranch ------------- Head north and slightly east. You'll notice a building in the distance, just north of the field. Enter it. Inside this building is a Piece of Heart, so see the Heart Pieces section of this guide for more information. Once you obtain the Heart Piece, exit this house, as well as Lon Lon Ranch. Hyrule Field ------------ Now, head to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- If you didn't get the Piece of Heart inside the house Kaepora Gaebora drops you off to after getting a Magic Meter, see the Heart Pieces section of this FAQ for more information on how to get that. Regardless, head to Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Inside Death Mountain, head up to where the Bomb Flower you used to bomb the rocks blocking Dodongo's Cavern is. Once there, take the Bomb Flower and throw it off, or just anywhere. Once it is out of the way and the other Bomb Flower hasn't grown yet, quickly get as close as you can to the right side of this small fence area, and then backflip. If done correctly, you will land on a platform above Dodongo's Cavern, which contains a Piece of Heart. Another Piece of Heart collected. Now that you have this, head to Goron City. Goron City ---------- In Goron City, head to the first floor in the upper levels, and then throw a Bomb into the spinning Goron statue. Throw a Bomb only when the happiest face is showing. If you don't, you can't get this next Heart Piece. If you do it correctly, the Goron statue's face will be the happiest when it stops spinning, meaning you got the Piece of Heart. Not only that, but you get a Red Rupee, which is worth 20 Rupees, and a Blue Rupee, which is worth 5 Rupees. So basically, for doing this, you can 25 Rupees, AND a Heart Piece! Once you get this Piece of Heart, head to Zora's River. Zora's River ------------ Once here, head to Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- There is a Piece of Heart you can get here, so see the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ for more information. Once you get this Piece of Heart, exit the domain and head for Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you arrive here, head into the Graveyard, where we'll find our next Piece of Heart. Graveyard --------- Read the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ to see how to get this one. This one is acquired from digging with Dampe. It has to be nighttime, so keep that in mind. Once you obtain this Piece of Heart, head to the line of tombs just south of the huge tomb that has the Sun's Song in it. Once there, keep pulling the tombs along the line, and eventually, on a rightmost tomb, a hole will be revealed. Inside is a Redead. See the Heart Pieces section for more info on how to get this next Piece of Heart. Once you get it, turn it night using the Sun's Song. Now, look along the right wall. A Gold Skulltula will be there. Kill it, and claim its token with the Boomerang. Now, there's nothing else of interest to us here, so exit the Graveyard. Kakariko Village ---------------- Back in Kakariko Village, head to the House of Skulltula. House of Skulltula ------------------ In this weird place, talk to the only human in the area, whom you have uncursed by getting 10 or more Gold Skulltulas. This human will give you an Adult's Wallet, which enables you to hold up to 200 Rupees, instead of 99! Now that we have the Adult's Wallet, exit the House of Skulltula. Kakariko Village ---------------- Back in the village, exit the village completely. Hyrule Field ------------ Once here, head to the southernmost point on the map, and enter Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- When you arrive here, head into the water. Once you are in the water, swim to the building west of the tree in the middle of the water, and enter it. This is the fishing pond. Inside, pay the guy 20 Rupees to fish. There is an illegal lure in here, but you can't get the Piece of Heart in here if you use it. Read the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ to see how to get the one in here. Once you get it, exit this area, there is no point in staying here. Back in the lake itself, swim back to shore and exit Lake Hylia completely. Hyrule Field ------------ Back in Hyrule Field, head to the Market. But before you can enter, you are stopped by Ganondorf, as Zelda and Impa race off from him on a horse. Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time into the water, so go and get that once you regain control. Once you have the Ocarina of Time you'll have to go through some more dialogue, as you learn the Song of Time from Princess Zelda. Once you learn that, save your game, and THEN you can enter the Hyrule Market. Market ------ Once here, head into the Bombchu Bowling Alley, which is the huge building northwest of the entrance of the market. Once inside the Bombchu Bowling Alley, talk to the owner. Pay her 30 Rupees to play the game. If you manage to win, you will sometimes (I do mean sometimes) get a Piece of Heart. This can take a bit, and can cost a good bit of Rupees, so be aware of that. Once you obtain this Piece of Heart, exit the Bombchu Bowling Alley. In the main part of the market again, turn it nighttime with the Sun's Song. Now, head by the Bazaar shop (the shop where you bought the Hylian Shield). Once there, try and get the white dog to follow you. When it starts to follow you, head to the back alley, which is west of the Bombchu Bowling Alley building. When you are in the back alley, head directly north, and enter the northern building. In the building you will find a fat lady, whom you should talk to. If you got the right dog, she'll give you a Piece of Heart! Now, there is one more Piece of Heart left to get in here. Head to the Treasure Chest game building (make sure that it's nighttime), which is just left (not in the back alley) west of the Bombchu Bowling Alley building. Once you are in the Treasure Chest building, talk to the owner and pay the fee of 10 Rupees. Keep trying until you win the game. When you do, he'll reward you with a Piece of Heart! Note that it is a heck of a lot easier coming back here and doing it with the Lens of Truth, so wait if you want to. Now that you have all this, exit the Market. Hyrule Field ------------ Back out in Hyrule Field, head all the way to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- When you arrive here, head up the platform to the north and then climb up the vines, onto the platform above. Now, head north up the hilly area and enter the Lost Woods. Lost Woods ---------- When you arrive here, head through the eastern hole and you should see a wooden object below the tree there. When you see that, aim your Fairy Slingshot at it and get a bulls-eye three times (100 score). When you do, a Deku Scrub will come out and reward you with a Deku Seeds Bullet Bag, which enables you to hold up to 40 Deku Seeds! Now, head down the ladder, and to the area directly below where you got your Deku Seeds Bullet Bag. Once there, step on the lower log and two Skull Kids will come out. Show them your Ocarina and they will lead you in a song. Keep playing their song and keep winning at it, and eventually, you'll get a Piece of Heart from them. Now, head through the woods until you come across a lone Skull Kid. When you do, play him Saria's Song, and you'll get another Piece of Heart. Now, we have everything we need here, so exit the Lost Woods. Kokiri Forest ------------- Once here, exit the forest. Hyrule Field ------------ Back in Hyrule Field, head to the extreme western part of the map (all the way southwest of Kakariko Village) and enter the desert area there. Eventually, you will be able to enter Gerudo Valley, where we'll get another Heart Piece. Gerudo Valley ------------- If you are interested in getting the Piece of Heart here, then see the Heart Pieces section of the FAQ for more information. There's also another Piece of Heart in here, which you can get as Young Link, so see the Heart Pieces section for information on that as well. Once you acquire these two Piece of Hearts, exit Gerudo Valley. Hyrule Field ------------ No point to hunt anymore hearts right now, so just head back to the Market. Market ------ Back in the Market, head to the west of the Potion Shop, and into the never before seen area. In this area, head west and go north into the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Once you arrive here, head north and step on the red carpet and play the Song of Time. The three Spiritual Stones will move onto the tablelike area, or whatever you call that thing above the red carpet. The Door of Time will then open, so when you regain control, head north into the area the Door of Time was sealing. Inside, head north and grab the Master Sword from the pedestal. Ganondorf will then appear and thank you for getting him into the Sacred Realm (looks like we made a mistake by pulling out the Master Sword). Then, you will hear a voice calling you and telling you to wake up. You will then enter into the Chamber of the Sages where Rauru, one of the ancient seven sages. Rauru will go on to tell you that you are the Hero of Time, and that your spirit was sealed up for seven years when you picked up the Master Sword. You are now old enough to become the legendary Hero of Time sent to stop Ganondorf. The dialogue will go on with Rauru for quite awhile, and then you'll encounter Sheik, who is a Sheikah. He will go on to talk for quite a bit, and then you will regain control. Exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ You will encounter Redeads in the Market this time, due to Ganondorf's evil power. Make your way out of the Market. Hyrule Field ------------ Head to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- In the village, head into the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- When you arrive here, head north and west up the hill and you should see a grave with three flowers on the bottom of it. Push that grave and a hole will be revealed. Drop in the hole and inside, you'll encounter Dampe's spirit. He will race you if you talk to him, so do so. Catch up to him (not beat him) the entire race, and he'll reward you with the Hookshot, which you'll need to enter the Forest Temple. Once you have the Hookshot, head north of the chest and play the Song of Time in front of the two blue blocks. They will then disappear, and you'll be able to get through, into the next area, so enter it. Kakariko Village ---------------- This area is called "?", but it's inside the windmill of the village. Inside is a man that is angry and playing a song, followed by a Heart Piece. Jump to the Piece of Heart, and then stand in front of the guy playing the song and show him your Ocarina. He will then teach you the Song of Storms. Once you learn that, exit this place. Now, exit the village. Hyrule Field ------------ In Hyrule Field, head all the way to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- Once here, head to the Lost Woods via the vine area to the north of where you start. Lost Woods ---------- Here, make your way through the woods until you reach the Sacred Forest Meadow. On the way you will encounter Mido from the Kokiri Forest. Play Saria's Song and he'll let you through. Sacred Forest Meadow -------------------- When you arrive in the Sacred Forest Meadow once again, head north and Navi will warn you of the enemies in the area. These enemies happen to be Moblins, one of Ganondorf's most trusted forces. To defeat a Moblin, use L-Targeting to see them. Sneak up behind them when they are looking the other way, and then use your Hookshot and shoot them in the back to kill them. If they hit you, they will take one Heart from you. Anyway, make your way through the meadow, killing any and all Moblins you come across. Eventually, you'll reach the long stairway leading to Saria's place. Before you can enter there, though, you are stopped by a more powerful Moblin. Simply avoid his dust attack, and then when you are close enough to him, sneak up behind him and hit him with your sword three times to kill him. Once that pest is out of the way, head north into Saria's secret place. Once there, you'll see that there is no Saria on the log she is normally on. Sheik then shows up, and teaches you the Minuet of Forest. This song will return you to this area instantly! Once you learn the Minuet of Forest, Sheik disappears and you regain control. Use your Hookshot and shoot to the vine on the tree. You will then be able to enter the Forest Temple, so do so. Forest Temple ------------- When you arrive here, kill the two Skullwalltulas on the nearby vines to the east of the entrance to the temple, using your Hookshot. Once the two Skullwalltulas are elminated, climb up the vines and avoid the Skulltulas if you can. When you reach the top of the vines, get onto the wooden log there. Once you are on that, defeat the Skulltula enemy with your Hookshot. Now, jump to the log that the Skulltula was on before you killed it. On that log, step on the switch and a small chest will spawn. Hookshot to it and open it for a Small Key. Once you obtain the Small Key, drop down to the area below. Then, head through the door, into the next area. In this area, take out the three Skulltula enemies using your Hookshot. Once they are defeated, open the door with your Small Key. In this main room of the temple, the four Poe sisters of the temple will come out of the four lit torches in the room. The torches will then become unlit! Once you regain control, head through the door directly to the north and enter it, into the next room. In this room, stand in front of the Time Block and play the Song of Time. Doing this will cause the Time Block to disappear, thus giving us access into the next room. In this room, defeat the two Wolfos enemies and a chest will spawn which contains a Small Key. Open the chest, and exit the room. In the previous hallway, exit it, back into the main room. Back in the main room of the temple, head through the door to the right of where you exit the hallway at. In this next room, defeat the Stalfos enemy that comes up out of the ground. Once the Stalfos enemy is defeated, go through the door, into the next area. In this area, climb the nearby ladder. Then, take two lefts and you should see a blue stoned block. When you see it, pull it out to the center of the area. Then, head left to where the block was before you started pulling and pushing it, and follow the path to the other side. You will come across another block, so push it to the north as far as it can go. Once the block is in place, go back to the tunnel that the block was originally in and climb the ladder to your left. When you climb the ladder, head left and then look north into the tunnel and you should see a red stone block. Pull it as far as it can go. Now, head back to the area below where the two blue stone blocks are. Once you are there, climb up the blue stone block in the indentation, to the next floor. On this floor, follow the path until you come across the red block that you were pulling earlier. When you come across it, push it to the north as far as it can go, into the indentation. Once the block is in place, climb it up to the next floor. On the next floor, hit the nearby crystal switch with your sword, then follow the path to the north and east and climb up the ladder, to the next floor. Here, head north and ignore the Blue Bubble enemies, and use your Small Key on the locked door to open it, into the next area. In this next area, drop down to the area below and open the chest for the Boss Key! No, we are not going to fight the boss already (You wish, don't you? :P), so don't get all slaphappy. Anyway, once you obtain the Boss Key from the chest, drop down the nearby hole, into the area below. Here, head to the nearby stairs you see and you will come across a Floormaster enemy. Defeat it, then defeat its three small hands it splits into. Once the Floormaster enemy is taken care of, head through the door, into the next area. In this area, head north past the first alcove. In the second alcove you come across is a door, so enter it, into the next area. Here, take out the Redead enemy and a chest will spawn. Open it to get another Small Key. When you have the Small Key, exit this room, back into the previous area. In the previous area, head north through the unexplored door, into the next area. In this area, hit the nearby crystal switch. Doing this will melt the ice block in front of you, and also twist the corridor, which we will get to in a minute. Anyway, drop down to the area below and climb all the ladders and blocks until you come across the two Blue Bubble enemies you saw earlier. When you come across them, head through the door, into the twisted corridor area. Here again, head through the twisted corridor and then into the next room. In this next area, jump across the platforms and unlock the nearby door using your Small Key. In this next room, head through the area and then enter the door at the end, into the next room. In this room, avoid falling in the pit and defeat the Stalfos enemy. Once that is done, a platform will come from above and cover up the hole, but you'll have to fight two more Stalfos! This time, if you don't kill them both fast enough, they will respawn, so be aware of that. Anyway, once the Stalfos enemies are defeated, a huge chest will spawn, which contains the Fairy Bow! Once you have obtained the Fairy Bow from the chest, head back to the previous room. In this room, shoot all three of the pictures that the Poe appears in with your Fairy Bow, but don't let her see you. Once you shoot all three paintings, the Poe will attack you. Defeat the Poe and a chest will spawn, which contains the Dungeon Map! When you have that, the red flame will light on the torch beside the chest! Head through the door, back into the room where you got the Fairy Bow at. Once there, head north of the chest, through the door, and into the next area. In this area, shoot all of the paintings with your arrows. Then, the Poe will go down to the area below, so follow it and defeat it. A chest then spawns, which contains the Compass of the temple. Once you have the Compass, the blue flame will be lit! Now, head all the way back to the main room of the temple. Once there, look up with C until you see a golden eye switch above the tunnel in the room. When you do see it, shoot the golden eye switch with your Fairy Bow. Doing this will unlock the door to the next room, so enter it. In this room, take out the nearby Big Deku Baba enemy. Then, look directly above the door. You will see a Gold Skulltula on top of a black and white target. Kill it with the Hookshot, then use the Hookshot on the black and white target and you will be on a small ledge. On this ledge, play the Song of Time at the eastern edge of the ledge and some Time Blocks will appear. Jump across them and then when you reach the end, play the Song of Time again. Jump to the Time Block to your north. Once you are on that Time Block, shoot the Skullwalltula on the vines there. Then, Hookshot to the very edge of the vines beside the platform that you see up there. If done successfully, you'll be on that platform. When you are, open the small chest for another Small Key. Once you have that, drop down to the area below. Now, head to the well to your north and get on it. Once you are on the well, shoot the golden eye switch under the water with your Fairy Bow. Once you shoot the golden eye, the water will drain in the well, so climb down the ladder and into the well. In the well, open the nearby chest for a Small Key. Once you have that, head north and grab the two Heart Containers there if you need them. Regardless, climb the vines to the north, into the next area. In this area, head back to the main room of the temple and then all the way back to the room where you fought the second Poe. To get there, see the above part of the walkthrough for this temple. Once you reach that room again, climb the stairs until you come across a locked door. When you do, open it using your Small Key. In this next area, drop down to the area below and sit there until the Wallmaster comes after you. When it does so, kill it, then quickly climb the nearby stairs, into the next area. In this area, ignore the Green Bubble enemies and unlock the door using your last Small Key. In this room, step onto one of the rotating platforms and then jump to the platform with the wooden crate. Once you are on that platform, pick up the wooden crate and jump back to one of the rotating platforms. Now, jump onto the blue switch on the center platform that is not rotating. Then, after you step on it, place the wooden crate on it. Once that is done, the torch beside the blue switch will light. Jump back onto one of the rotating platforms and wait until the platform is directly south of the frozen silver eye on the wall. When it is, quickly take out your Fairy Bow and shoot through the fire on the torch, and try and aim it at the frozen silver eye. If done correctly, the frozen silver eye will become unfrozen and the eye will close (Note that you can also use Din's Fire to melt the ice.). The corridor in the previous room will be twisted, so take the wooden crate off the blue switch. Then, jump to the platform with the door and exit the room. In the twisted corridor, head through it, ignoring the Green Bubble enemies. When you reach the room where the Wallmaster comes down at, drop down the hole, into the area below. In this area, take out all the Skulltulas using your Fairy Bow. Once they are out of the picture, run north and step on the two switches. If you did not kill all of the Skulltula enemies, this will be a bit tougher. Once you step on both switches, open the small chest that spawns if you want a Bundle of Arrows, but I don't recommend it unless you absolutely need Arrows. Anyway, once both switches are pressed, head south and then east through the alcove and into the next area. In this area, head up the stairs and open the door, into the next room. In this room, drop to the ledge below and defeat the Deku Baba enemy. Then, open the nearby chest for another Small Key. Once you have that, play the Song of Time when Navi turns green and jump on the Time Blocks. When you can't go any further, play the Song of Time again and jump up to the platform above you, using the Time Block. On this platform, head through the door, back into the checkered room we were just in a minute ago. Back in this room, kill all the Skulltulas. Then, run north to the locked door while avoiding the falling ceiling and Skulltulas. When you reach the locked door, unlock it using your Small Key. In this next room, shoot the Poe in the painting. When you do, several blocks will fall from the ceiling, and you'll be timed 1:00 to solve the puzzle. Push and pull the blocks against each other until they resemble the Poe in the painting. When they do, another Poe sister will appear. Defeat her and the green flame will light the torch in the room. Head through the door, into the next area. In this hallway, head through the door, into the main room. In the main room, climb the railing and drop down to the area below. Here, approach the Poe on the ground and you'll have to fight her. This is the mini-boss of the temple, who is namely, Meg. She splits into fours. Read the enemies section to see how to beat her. Once you defeat Meg, the purple flame will light the last torch of the dungeon. If you can, pick up the Arrows she leaves behind before they disappear. Anyway, after Meg is defeated, head down the elevator and into the next room. In this room, push the walls in the room and head into each alcove, hitting the crystal switch, stepping on the switch, and shooting the golden eye that you come across. NOTE: To find the golden eye, you will have to look up with C. Once all of the switches are hit, the gate where the boss door is will be opened, so head through that newly revealed area and unlock the boss door with your Boss Key. In this room, head up the stairs and then onto the center part of the platform where the Triforce symbol is. Once you are there, try and leave the room and you'll be blocked off. Phantom Ganon will then appear and you'll have to fight him, so read the Bosses section of the FAQ for information on how to beat him. Once Phantom Ganon is defeated, grab the Heart Container, save your game, and head through the blue portal. You'll be warped back to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- Here, Saria will present herself as the Sage of the Forest Temple and give you the Forest Medallion. Then, you'll be transported to Kokiri Forest. Kokiri Forest ------------- Once here, a small sprout of the Deku Tree will pop up out of the ground and scare the crap out of Link. He will also explain that Link is not a Kokiri and that he is indeed a Hylian, and that is why he has not grown up yet. He will also explain something else, but I won't spoil it for you. Once the dialogue is over and you regain control, head to Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ If you want to get the fourth Bottle, see the Side Quests section, but I do not find it necessary, personally. Anyway, whenever you're ready, head for the Market. Market ------ Head into the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Head into the area where you got the Master Sword, and Sheik will be there. Sheik will go on to explain that you must explore other areas for the other temples in Hyrule, in order to free the rest of the Sages. Sheik will also teach you the Prelude of Light, which allows you to instantly travel back to the Temple of Time. When you learn the Prelude of Light, exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ Once here, avoid the Redeads and head back into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Head to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- Head to Death Mountain. Death Mountain -------------- Head up to Goron City. Goron City ---------- When you arrive here, head to the floor just below the floor that you start on in this city. Once there, you will spot a rolling Goron. This can be difficult to get him to stop rolling, so please be patient. To get him to stop rolling, use a Bomb, and hopefully, he'll run into it. When he does, talk to him, and he will start crying. When he does this, ask him about the dragon, which is, namely, Volvagia. Then, ask him about the Gorons. He will then give you the Fire Tunic, which makes it where you can survive in the Fire Temple. Now that you have that, head to Darunia's place. There is no Darunia inside, but there is a statue in the northern part of the room. Push that statue to the south, until a hole is revealed behind the statue. When it is, enter the hole, which will lead you into Death Mountain Crater. Death Mountain Crater --------------------- Since you have the Fire Tunic, you can survive in here. Head north and you will come across a piece of the broken bridge above the lava. Use the Hookshot on the broken piece of bridge hanging down to the north, and you will land on the part of the bridge that's not broken. Now, head north and Sheik will show himself/herself (whatever it is) face again. He will then teach you the Bolero of Fire, which enables you to come back here immediately. Once you learn that, head north past the stone with the Triforce symbol on it, and into the area where you see a pit. The pit has stairs on it, so go down them. When you reach the bottom, head north and enter the Fire Temple. Fire Temple ----------- NOTE: This temple requires Din's Fire. Once you arrive in the Fire Temple, head to the north through the left door. In this room, kill the Like Like enemy and a chest will spawn. If you lost the Hylian Shield due to the Like Like, the chest will contain a Hylian Shield, rather than the Blue Rupee it would normally contain. Anyway, after you open the chest, exit the room. Now, climb up one of the rails on either side of the stairway, as fire comes up if you try and climb the stairs manually. Once you are on one of the rails, walk onto the stairs and then head north to where the three statue faces are. Once there, use Din's Fire to burn the two statue faces that are not lit. Once that is done, quickly run south, back to the center of the stairs and use Din's Fire again; this will lit the two torhces on each side of the stairs. When this is done, the door to the left of the statue faces will open, so enter it. In this area, you'll encounter Darunia. He will go on to fight Volvagia and then you regain control. When you regain control, jump to the platform to the east. Then, use the Hookshot and Hookshot to the black and white target on the platform there. When you reach the other platform, look up and you should see several tiers; jump up to the highest one and roll against the wooden crate to break it. Once the wooden crate at the very top tier is broken, a torch will be revealed, so drop down to the middle tier and then use Din's Fire to light the two torches in the room. Once they are lit, jump back to the highest tier and then shoot an Arrow through the lit torch to the other unlit torch on the platform across from you (It is just west of the boss room.). If you do it before the two torches you lit with Din's Fire dissipate, the cell in the area will be opened, so head to the other side of the room, and go inside the cell. When you are in the cell, open the chest for a Small Key. Once you have that, exit this room. Back in the main room, take the door to the east of the one that contained the Like Like in the beggining of the dungeon. In this room, defeat the Keese enemy and the two Stalfos enemies. When you defeat those enemies, the door to the next room will unlock, so go through it. In this next room, five pieces of tile from the floor will attack you. All you have to do is deflect them with your shield to destroy them. When the floor tiles are all destroyed, approach the Iron Knuckle beside the pillar and hit him with your sword to start a fight with it. There are several Fairies in this room in the various jars in the room, so use them if you need them, as the Iron Knuckle takes away a tremendous amount of health from you. Once the Iron Knuckle is defeated, head through the door, into the next new area. In this room, you'll have to fight the mini-boss of the dungeon, which is the Flare Dancer enemy. Read the Enemies section to see how to win against this mini-boss. Once the Flare Dancer is defeated, open the chest that spawns for the Megaton Hammer! Once you have the Megaton Hammer, head through the door that you have not been through yet, into the next new room. In this room, hit the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer. This will open the two cells in the room, so talk to the Goron to free him. Once the Goron is freed, open the nearby chest for the Dungeon Map! When you have the Dungeon Map, head through the door to the north of where the Goron was, and you'll be back in the main room of the temple. Back in the main room of the temple, jump onto one of the side rails and then head onto the stairs, and then finally head to east of the three statue faces, to the blocks stacked on top of each other. When you reach the blocks, break them all using the Megaton Hammer. Once the blocks are out of your way, head through the door, into the next new area. In this next room, jump across the platforms to the left until you reach a door. When you reach the door, head through it and in the room is a rusted switch. Pound the rusted switch with your Megaton Hammer and the cell will open, so talk to the Goron to free him. When the Goron is freed, kill the Gold Skulltula behind where he was, then claim its token. Now that you have all that, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head to the right side of the room and jump across the platforms until you come to a moving platform. When you do, jump on it, and when you can, use the Hookshot on the unlit torch on the platform above. When you Hookshot to the torch, you will notice a weird section of the wall. Bomb it and enter the room. Inside is a Goron inside a cell! To unlock the cell, use Din's Fire, as it will light the unlit torch in the room. Once the cell is open, talk to the Goron to free him. Once the Goron is freed, open the chest in the cell for another Small Key. When you have that, exit this room completely. Back in the previous room of the temple, light the nearby torch with Din's Fire. Once the torch is lit, head to the other side of the room and jump on the various platforms until you reach one that elevates. When you reach that one, jump into the alcove with the jar. Inside there is a torch, so use Din's Fire to light it. Once this torch is lit, the door to the next room will open, so jump onto the platform in the lava below the platform and Hookshot to the black and white target on the platform with the door. When you reach the door, enter it, into the next area. In this area, destroy the flying floor tiles by using your shield. When all the floor tiles are destroyed, Hookshot to the Boss Key chest and then open it for the (Obviously) Boss Key! Once you have acquired the Boss Key from the chest, Hookshot to the lit torch in the center of the room, then exit the room. Back in the previous room, head across the platforms in the room, then onto the bridge. When you are on the bridge, cross it and open the door with your Small Key. In this next room, slide down the board-like obstacle and then climb the chained wall. Once you climb the chained wall to the top, jump onto the platform and then jump to the block when it elevates to the bottom. Once you are on the block, ride it up to the second floor of the temple! When you reach the second floor, head through the door, into the next area. In this area, jump onto the platform to the left, then make your way up to the unlit torch and light it, using Din's Fire. When the torch is lit, a tall black object will appear with a black and white target on it, so Hookshot there. When you Hookshot to the platform with the black and white target, jump onto the black object with the black and white target, then to the platform above you. Once you are on that platform, jump to the one above you and then head to the chained wall, but on the way to the chained wall, a Lizalfos appears! Defeat it, and then climb the chained wall. At the top, drop down and enter the door, into the next room. In this room, head south of where you start and you should see a cell with a crystal switch, as well as wooden crates. When you spot this, take out a Bomb and then wait till about 1 second before it is about to explode, and throw it to the crystal switch. If done correctly, the cell will open. When it does so, Hookshot to the closest crate. Once you are in the cell, break the wooden crates to get Green Rupees. The leftmost wooden crate contains a chest, so open it for some Bombs. Once you have that, head north of the cell and head to the corner of that area and bomb the weak section of wall there (You can notice it if you look closely enough, or just hit the wall with your sword and it will sound weird.). Once the wall is blown up, head back through the door to the previous room, then enter the room you just came out of again. Back in this room, Hookshot to the closest wooden crate once more, then break the crates and pick up a small wooden box. When you have that, head to the weak section of the wall that you bomed a minute ago. Once there, step on the blue switch, then place the wooden box on the blue switch to open the door. Enter the door. In this next room, step on the switch to open the cell holding the Goron. Talk to the Goron to free him, as usual. When the Goron is freed, open the chest in the cell for a Small Key. When you have the Small Key, exit this room. Back in the previous room, head to the opposite side of where you are now and there is another weak section of wall there, so bomb it. When this weak section of the wall is bombed, inside is a rusted switch, as well as a Skullwalltula. Ignore the Skullwalltula, but hit the switch with the Megaton Hammer. Once the switch is hit, four black things containg black and white targets appear throughout the room. Now, Hookshot to the nearby platform that is above you and then Hookshot across the platforms until you come across a platform with a very weird piece of floor. When you do, bomb it, and climb the chained wall into the area below. In this area, break each wooden crate to get several Green Rupees; the crate that is farthest away from the other contains a rusted switch, so hit it with your Megaton Hammer. Now, open the chest in the cell that opened for a Compass. Once you have the Compass, jump to the platform directly to the north of you, and open it with your Small Key. In this next new room, jump across the chained platforms until you come to the one right before the last one. When you do, look up and you will see a wooden crate. Longshot to it. Once you are by the wooden crate, by all means DO NOT break it. Instead, grab one of the smaller crates and then drop down to the caged area below and place the small wooden box onto the blue switch after you step on the blue switch yourself. When the wooden crate is on the blue switch, Hookshot to the wooden crate up there (That's why I told you not to destroy it.) on the platform above. Then, jump onto the chained platform where the two lit torches are. Once you are on that platform, look up above the caged area and you should see an unlit torch below a golden-colored lit torch. When you see that, shoot an Arrow through the golden-colored lit torch near you, to create a makeshift Fire Arrow. Make sure that you shoot the Arrow to the unlit torch. When you shoot the unlit torch and it becomes lit, a door will open, so Hookshot to the wooden crate on the platform to the east of the caged area. Once you are on that platform, head through the now unlocked door, into the next area. In this area, head north through the hallway, then enter the door you come to at the end. In this next area (Look familiar from OoT? It should.), ignore everything in the room, but instead of going anywhere, jump onto the nearby Time Block. Then, jump to the platform above you and then step on the weird face tile and smash it with the Megaton Hammer; it'll go down to the area where Darunia was. When you reach that room, jump to the platform with the boss door, and unlock it with the Boss Key. In the next room, jump to the platform in the lava, then to the middle platform with the holes. You will engage Volvagia, so read the Bosses section of the guide for information on how to slay this monster. Once the legendary, not so powerful Volvagia is defeated, grab the Heart Container, save your game, then enter the blue portal, leading to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- Here, Darunia will thank you on behalf of the Goron race for defeating the dragon, Volvagia. He will give you the Fire Medallion for your efforts. When the conversation ends, you'll appear back in Death Mountain Crater. Death Mountain Crater --------------------- When you arrive here, head north, and use your Hookshot to cross the bridge, back to the other side. Once you are on the other side, head north, and cross the next bridge. You will now see three rocks; break the two blocking your entrance to a Great Fairy's Fountain, and ignore the other one. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Here, head north, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. A Great Fairy will come out, and give you an upgraded Magic Meter! Now, exit this Great Fairy's Fountain. Death Mountain Crater --------------------- Here, exit the crater. Goron City ---------- Back in Goron City, exit it, via the highest level in the city. Death Mountain -------------- Play the Prelude of Light, to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- In the Temple of Time, since there's nothing to do, exit it, back into the Market. Market ------ Make your way through the Market, while avoiding, and/or defeating the Redead enemies. Hyrule Field ------------ Alright, head over to Zora's River. I promise after that, to give you no more of these insignificant short paragraphs. Zora's River ------------ Alright, in here, head thorugh the area, until you reach Zora's Domain. This is, obviously, your next destination. Zora's Domain ------------- You'll notice that all the Zoras, even King Zora, are frozen solid in ice. This is a problem, as we need King Zora to get an item shortly. What to do? What to do? Head over past King Zora's frozen butt, and into Zora's Fountain, which is, obviously, your next destination. Zora's Fountain --------------- Lord Jabu-Jabu is gone, but there's an ice block replacing where he used to be. Head onto the ice block, and then jump across the ice blocks to the north, and you should see a Piece of Heart on the huge ice block. Jump to it (try again if you fall) to get the next Piece of Heart! Now, jump across the ice platforms the same way you did to get the Piece of Heart, but take the western path instead. When you reach the end of the problems, head into the Ice Cavern. Ice Cavern ---------- Go north and behind the two icicles while avoiding the rolling boulders. When you are behind the two icicles, wait until the rolling boulder moves away from you, and then when it does so, break the icicles. Then, head north and out of the tunnel, avoiding any more boulders that come your way. In the next room, kill the two Blue Tektite enemies, then kill the Freezzerd enemy. When the enemies are defeated, shoot the crystal switch with your Fairy Bow directly to the right of the huge ice block blocking your path to another area. When you shoot the crystal switch, the ice block will melt, so go into that new area and head north through the tunnel, into the next area. In this area, defeat all of the enemies in the room. When they are defeated, the door to the next room will open, so go into that new area. In this area, defeat the two Wolfos enemies. When they are defeated, take out an Empty Bottle and then approach the blue fire and put some in the bottle. When you have Blue Fire, stand on top of the piece of red ice to the east of the blue fire and use Blue Fire on it. This will melt the ice, and the chest that was frozen in the ice will be accessible, so open it for the Dungeon Map. When you have acquired the Dungeon Map from the chest, head to the left and then break the icicles. Behind the icicles you will see a Skullwalltula, as well a crystal switch; ignore the Skullwalltula, and hit the crystal switch. When you hit the crystal switch, go back and fill up on some more Blue Fire, if you haven't done so already. Then, exit this room, and we're back in the previous room. Back in the previous room of the cavern, jump onto the platforms where the red ice is, then when you reach the red ice, use Blue Fire to melt it. Once the red ice blocks are melted, head north through the tunnel and defeat the two Freezzerd enemies you come across. Once they are defeated, continue heading north, and drop out of the tunnel, into the next area. In this room, take out the Freezzerd enemies. When they are defeated, open the big chest in the northwestern part of the room for the Compass. Now, to get the Gold Skulltula and the Piece of Heart in this area, read the Gold Skulltulas (MQ), and Heart Pieces sections of the FAQ for information. Anyway, whether or not you get these two things in this room, after obtaining the Compass from the chest, get more Blue Fire if you need some. Now, head back into the previous room. In that room, melt the red ice with Blue Fire and then go through the tunnel while avoiding the rolling boulder, until you reach the next room. In this room, kill the White Wolfos and Ice Keese enemies. When all the enemies in the room are defeated, play the Song of Time when Navi turns green below the platform that has the Blue Fire on it. A Time Block will appear, so climb it and then jump to the platform with the Blue Fire and fill up on it. When you are full on Blue Fire, drop down from the platform and jump onto the ice block in the room. Then, use Blue Fire on the three red ice blocks to melt them. When they melt, go through the hallway while avoiding the enemies. When you reach the door, enter it, into the next room. In here, you will fight a Stalfos enemy. This is the mini-boss of the dungeon. Kill it and a chest will spawn, which contains the Iron Boots! Once you have the Iron Boots, Sheik will come and teach you the Serenade of Water. Now, equip the Iron Boots and drop into the pool of water behind the chest. You will sink down into an area below, so walk out of the pool of water, then when you reach the previously visited area, go into it. Now, exit the Ice Cavern completely. Before you leave, though, stock up on at least one bottle of Blue Fire. Zora's Fountain --------------- Back in Zora's Fountain, head back to Zora's Domain. Zora's Domain ------------- Here, stand next to King Zora and unfreeze him. Stand on the altar beside him, and talk to him. He will give you the Zora Tunic. Now that we have that, exit Zora's Domain. Zora's River ------------ Play the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- Turn a kid again, by putting down the Master Sword, back into the Pedestal of Time. When you are a kid again, exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ Head to Hyrule Castle. Hyrule Castle ------------- Head north, and climb up the vines. Now, continue heading north, and drop off the ledge, to the area below. Now, head north, and you should see a rock that seems to be blocking something. Bomb it, and crawl through the hole. Inside is a Great Fairy's Fountain. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- Head north, as usual, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. A Great Fairy will come out, and give you Din's Fire, which you will need for the next dungeon. Exit the fountain. Hyrule Castle ------------- Back in Hyrule Castle, play the Prelude of Light to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Here, turn an adult again, by picking up the Master Sword from the Pedestal of Time. Now, as an adult, play the Serenade of Water to warp to Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- In Lake Hylia, head north, and into the only pool of water in the area. Once you are in the water, equip your Iron Boots. You will sink into the water. Go north, and use your Hookshot on the crystal switch above the gate. Doing this will open the gate. Enter it, into the Water Temple. Water Temple ------------ When you arrive in the Water Temple, note that it is MUCH easier than the one we had to play through in regular Ocarina of Time. Anyway, when you arrive here, equip the Zora Tunic and then float up to the surface with the Kokiri Boots. When you surface, get onto the nearby platform and then use the Hookshot on the black and white target to the north, on the building there. Now, when you reach the building, equip the Iron Boots and sink underwater until you are underneath the building. When you are, take the nearby right tunnel and follow it, into the next room. In that room, you'll meet Princess Ruto again! She will talk for a minute, then float up to the area above. When you regain control, switch to the Kokiri Boots and follow Ruto up there. When you reach the surface, climb into the room and then use Din's Fire to light all of the torches in the room. After that, the door will open, so enter it, into the next area. In this area, defeat the three Stalfos enemies. When they are defeated, use the Hookshot on the panel on the wall. When you do, a chest will spawn, which contains a Dungeon Map. A Fairy will also spawn, so capture it in a bottle. Open the chest for the Dungeon Map, then exit this room. In the previous room, play Zelda's Lullaby beside the Triforce symbol on the wall, as when you do this, the water will drain. When the water drains, drop down to the area where you met Ruto. Once there, use Din's Fire to light all of the unlit torches in the room. When the torches are lit, the door opens, so enter it, into the next room. In this next room, defeat the Spike enemy and the Lizalfos enemies. When they are defeated, a chest will spawn, so open it for a Compass. Now, exit the room, back into the previous area we go. In the previous room, Hookshot to one of the black pillars that have the black and white targets on them. When you are on top of one, look up and then when you see the black and white target, Hookshot to it. Then, climb on top of the black and white target and go into the next room. In this room, use the Hookshot on the panel on the wall to make a chest appear. This chest contains the Longshot! Like I said, this dungeon is MUCH easier than the one in Ocarina of Time, thank God. Once you have the Longshot, drop back down to the area below, and then go out of the tunnel, back into the once underwater area. Back in that area, Longshot to the black and white target on the tower (The building in the center of the room.). When you are on the tower, enter the door, into the next area. In this area, jump to the platform with the Triforce symbol on the wall below you. On that platform, play Zelda's Lullaby beside the Triforce symbol to raise the water level to mid-level. When the water in the temple is raised to mid-level, exit this room via the way you came. Back in the previous area on the tower, dive into the water and climb up on the platform with the black and white targets. Once there, use the Longshot on the black and white target directly above you on the tower to reach the third floor. When you reach the third floor of the temple, walk across the tower until you see an alcove with a Triforce symbol. When you do, Longshot to the black and white target in the alcove. In the alcove, play Zelda's Lullaby beside the Triforce symbol to raise the water level to its maximum heighth. When the water is raised, equip the Iron Boots and get in the water and then make your way back into the door that you raised the water to mid-level in (Or, tower, if you prefer.). In that room, equip the Kokiri Boots and float up to the surface. When you surface, stand on the highest platform in the room, then Navi will turn green. When she does, play the Song of Time to make a Time Block appear. Jump up onto the Time Block, then stand in the middle of the Time Block and use Din's Fire to light the torches in the room. When the torches are lit, equip the Iron Boots and then drop down into the water. When you reach the area with spikes, drop down into the hole there, into the next room. In this room, ignore every obstacle and keep following the path in the room until you come across two brown stairs. When you do, stand on the upper one and they will both collapse, and a crystal switch is revealed. Hit this crystal switch with your Longshot. Once you hit the crystal switch, go north, then turn east and look up; you should see the opening that you just opened after hitting the crystal switch. When you see it, Longshot to the black and white target in the room above you. In that room, Longshot the panel on the wall and a Magic Jar, as well as a chest spawns. Open the chest for a Small Key. Once you have that, head back to the area below, then all the way back up to the main room (The room with the tower.). Back in that room, surface up and jump on the platform with the locked door. Unlock it. In this next room, drop down onto the platform below you, but be careful not to fall off. When you are on the platform, look left and up and you should see a crystal switch. When you do, shoot it. Now, this part is a bit tricky. This is really actually the only hard part in the Water Temple in MQ. What you have to do is use the Longshot on the black and white target directly above the leftmost one. If done successfully, you'll be on the black and white target below the uppermost one on the left side of the waterfall. On that target, look up and then Longshot to the highest black and white target on the waterfall, then you'll drop down to another black and white target. On that one, look up and then to the left and you should see a panel on the wall. When you see it, shoot it with your Longshot. Doing this will cause a Fairy to come out, and also make the black pillar that has the black and white target at the very top of the waterfall to rise up. Longshot to the black and white target up at the top of the waterfall, then jump onto the platform and enter the door into the next room. In this room, drop down into the water and kill the three Stalfos enemies that immediately attack you. When they are dead, Longshot to the dragon statue with the black and white target to your right. Then, move south on the platform a bit, then look up and you should see another dragon statue with a black and white target on it. Longshot to that when you see it. On this platform, head north and look up and you should see another black and white target, but not on a statue, it is on the ceiling instead. Longshot to it. Then, go through the door, into the next area. Before you go, though, break the two jars, as they house Magic Jars, which you will need in the next room. Anyway, in this next room, head north to the door at the other end of the room. Then, head north again like you are going back to the other door, and you'll see a shadow of yourself beside the tree. This is Dark Link, the mini-boss of the Water Temple. This is a VERY hard mini-boss, mind you, so I hope you have at least one Fairy, as this guy is no push over. Dark Link can copy every one of your moves that you do, except for Din's Fire. Even with a full upgraded Magic Meter from Death Mountain Crater, you cannot defeat Dark Link if you used all your magic up on Din's Fire. With that said, be very careful when fighting this guy. After Dark Link is defeated, the room's design will change and look more like the Water Temple, so head through the nearby door, into the next area. In this area, break the two jars on the platform to get a Fairy and a random item. Now, Longshot the panel on the wall and the gate below it will open, thus giving you access further into the dungeon. Head down the hole. In this next area, you're in a watery area with vortexes. Longshot to the black pillar with the black and white target in the water. Once you Longshot to that, keep using the Longshot on the other pillars with the black and white targets on them until you reach an area where there is no other pillars. When you reach that point in the room, look up and then you should see a black and white target. Longshot to it. Once you are on the small side ledge in the water, Longshot to the black and white target just to the north of you, on the wall above the side ledge in front of you. Once you are on that side ledge, Longshot to the black pillar with the black and white target in the water, then jump to the platform in front of you. Now, follow the path into a new watery room. When you reach this room, equip the Iron Boots and drop down into the water. In the water, look across the room until you spot a black and white target, as well as some wooden crates. When you spot this, Longshot to the black and white target. Then, in this alcove, ignore the crates and look up; you should see a black and white target on the ceiling in another room, so Longshot to it when you see it. In this next room, use Din's Fire to light the torches in the room. When the torches are lit, head back to the previous room. In the previous room, equip the Kokiri Boots again and float back up to the surface. On the surface, get yourself onto the ledge with the wooden crates, then enter the door into the next room. In this room, hit the nearby crystal switch to cause a pillar of water to come from the floor. When it does so, get on top of it and ride it up as far as it can go. Then, use Din's Fire to light the torches in the gated area to your north. Once the torches are lit, the gates will open, so Longshot to the black and white target then open the yellow and blue chest there for the Boss Key of the dungeon! Once you have the Boss Key, head north and then jump into the pit of water, then switch to the Iron Boots once more. Then, switch to the Kokiri Boots and float up to the area above. In this area, put the Iron Boots back on yet again, then step on the switch to open the nearby gate. Head through the area that the gate was blocking, and it happens to be the main room of the temple! Switch to the Kokiri Boots once last time, then Longshot to the black and white target on the dragon statue in the room. Once you Longshot there, head through the door into the next area. In this area, look above the boss door and shoot the crystal switch with your Longshot. This will cause black pillars with black and white targets to rise in the room, so Longshot over to one of them beside the boss door. Then, when you reach the other side, enter the door into the boss room. In that room, jump into the weird water, then climb up onto one of the platforms in the water. Then, the boss of this dungeon, Morpha will come out and attack you! Read the Bosses section for information on how to beat Morpha. When Morpha is defeated, grab the Heart Container in the pit that is no longer underwater, save your game, and enter the blue portal. You will be warped to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- In the Chamber of the Sages, Princess Ruto will introduce herself, as the Sage of the Water Temple. She'll also give you the Water Medallion. I still do not think that is a sufficient prize for all the trouble we went through in the Water Temple, but whatever. Anyway, once she gives you the Water Medallion, you will be back in Lake Hylia. Lake Hylia ---------- In Lake Hylia, we can get the Fire Arrows, so we should do so. See the Side Quests section of the guide for information on how to get them. When you do get them, head to the Temple of Time by playing the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- Exit the temple, and head into the Market. Market ------ Make your way through the army of Redeads, and head into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Once here, head over to Kakariko Village. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you arrive here, you'll see that the village is on fire. The monster from inside the Bottom of the Well in the village, has escaped from the seal that was keeping him. Sheik will explain that Impa is one of the Sages, and will also teach you the Nocturne of Shadow, which will warp you to the Shadow Temple, which is our next temple. Before we can go there, though, we have to go to the Bottom of the Well, a semi-dungeon like the Ice Cavern. Head over to the Temple of Time, using the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- When you arrive here, put the Master Sword back into the Pedestal of Time. When you turn a kid again, exit the Temple of Time. Market ------ Head past the Redeads, and into Hyrule Field. Hyrule Field ------------ Head over to Kakariko Village again. Kakariko Village ---------------- When you arrive here, head to the windmill (the area where the guy taught you Song of Storms). Once there, play the Song of Storms beside the guy, and the windmill will start to spin much faster than it did before. The water in the well will also drain, so head down the well. Once there, enter the hole at the bottom, which leads you into the mini-dungeon, known as the Bottom of the Well. Bottom of the Well ------------------ In this annoying mini-dungeon, crawl through the nearby hole, into the next area. In this area, drop down to the area below, or climb the ladder to the area below. In the below area, you'll see a Redead, so play the Sun's Song to freeze it. Once the Redead is frozen, strike it with your sword until it dies. Once the Redead is out of the way, head north to the next room. In this room, take the left path and follow it until you see an alcove on the east side of the wall. When you do, enter that alcove and use a Bombchu or a Bomb on the boulder there to blow it up. A golden eye switch is revealed, so shoot it with the Fairy Slingshot. Doing this will open a gate into the next area. To get to it, keep following the path until you come across a Triforce symbol. When you do, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. Then, shoot the crystal switch beside the weird statue spewing out water. Once you shoot the crystal switch, the water will drain, so head into the area behind you that just opened up. Once there, open the nearby chest for the Dungeon Map! When you get the Dungeon Map from the chest, exit this room and head back to the entrance of the previous room (After you beat the Redead in the beginning of the well, you came to a room with water. In that room, I told you to follow the left path and eventually, you came to the room with the Dungeon Map.). Once there, drop down into the pit that was once the pool of water. Once there, crawl through the hole, into the next area. Here, climb the vines, then enter the door, into the next area. In this area, you'll have to fight the mini-boss of the mini-dungeon, the Dead Hand. To get the Dead Hand to appear, approach one of the hands and let it grab you. When one grabs you, repeatedly tap A to get out of the grasp of the hand. When you are released from the hand, the actual monster will appear. When it goes to bite you, strike it with your sword several times. Repeat this process and eventually, you will win this rather easy battle. After the battle, a chest will spawn, which contains the Compass of the dungeon! Once you have the Compass, bomb the brown piece of dirt in the northwest corner of the room, and a Small Key is revealed. Grab it. Now, exit the room. Back in the previous room, head to the northeast part of the area (It's northeast on your Dungeon Map.). Once there, crawl through the hole, into the next area. In this next room, shoot the crystal switch on the right eye of the weird face symbol on the wall above you (It's barely visible, but you'll see the crystal switch, trust me.). When you shoot the crystal switch, head through the now unlocked door, into the next room. In this room, kill the two Skullwalltula enemies. Then, bomb the dirt pile to reveal a switch. Step on it. Now, head back to the room where you got the Dungeon Map. Once there, drop down the hole behind the chest that contained the Dungeon Map, and you'll be in B3. In B3, step on the nearby switch to reveal a big chest. Head over to the area where the big chest is, and you'll four Redeads guarding it. Play the Sun's Song to freeze the Redeads, then open the chest for the Lens of Truth! When you have the Lens of Truth, warp back to the Temple of Time, using the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- Back in the Temple of Time, turn an adult again, by putting the Master Sword back into the Pedestal of Time (you've done this enough to know). When you are an adult again, play the Nocturne of Shadow Sheik taught you, and you'll warp to the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- Here, head north, and down the steps, into the area with the many torches. In here, stand on the middle platform, and then use Din's Fire. All the torches will become lit, and you'll be able to enter the Shadow Temple to the north, so do so. Shadow Temple ------------- NOTE: This dungeon requires the Fire Arrows. When you arrive in the Shadow Temple, head north and then look to the east; you will see a black and white target on the other side of the cliff. Longshot to that target, then head north through the invisible wall, into the next room. In that room, use the Lens of Truth to reveal the pole with the real skull on it. When you spot the only pole with the skull, push the block with the bird to the pole with the real skull, but make sure the beak of the statue is facing the skull. Once you do that, the gate on the chasm will open. Now, use the Fire Arrows and shoot the unlit torches above the weird statue with hands above the gate that opened when you put the bird statue on the skull. When the torches are lit, an ice block will appear on the chasm, so use that ice block to jump over to the other side, where the gate used to be. Enter the new area and follow the path to the new room. In that room, avoid the Beamos enemy, and walk through the invisible wall to the east of the Beamos, then enter the door into the next room. In this next area, defeat the two Gibdo enemies. Once they are defeated, a chest will spawn. Open it for a Small Key. When you have that, exit this room. In the previous room, head through the invisible wall to the left of the Beamos, then enter the door there, into the next new area. In this area, avoid the spinning blade statue, defeat the Skulltula enemies, and collect the five Silver Rupees in the room. When you collect all of the Silver Rupees in the room, head into the alcove where the chest that just spawned is. Once there, defeat the Skulltula enemy, then open up the chest for the Dungeon Map! When you have the Dungeon Map, head to the next alcove directly to the west of the one you're in now. In that alcove, use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hole. Drop down the hole, into the next area. Here, open the chest that is invisible without the Lens of Truth, and open it for another Small Key. Now that you have that, climb up the rusted chain wall, back up to the previous room. Now, exit this room completely. Back in the room with the Beamos enemy, head back to the room with the bird statue. Once there, use the Lens of Truth and look behind the bird statue and you should see a weird piece of wall under one of the weird face tiles on the wall. When you see that weird piece of wall, bomb it, then go through the area it was blocking, and unlock the door with your Small Key. In this next new room, head north and then you will see a skull on the wall with blue eyes. A voice will come from the skull. Head through the invisible wall, into the next room. In this room, head east and use the Lens of Truth beside the skull with the blue eyes; you should see a hallway with a door that you can enter, so go into it. In this next new area, play the Sun's Song to freeze the four Redead enemies. When the Redeads are frozen, kill each one of them with the Master Sword. When they are defeated, a chest will spawn, which contains the Compass. Once you have the Compass, exit this room. In the previous room, head east of where you just came out of, then use the Lens of Truth, and you should see a Time Block. Play the Song of Time to make the Time Block disappear, then when it does disappear, head through the door, into the next new area. In this area, look to the south and you should see three silver eyes. They fire flames and jars also come after you, so deflect the jars using your shield. Once the jars are destroyed, focus on the eyes. Shoot the middle one with the Fairy Bow. Now, head to the western room on your Dungeon Map, but be sure to use the Lens of Truth. When you enter the door to the next room, you will be forced to fight another Dead Hand. Defeat it the same way you did in the Bottom of the Well. Then, when you defeat it, a chest will spawn, which contains the Hover Boots! Once you have the Hover Boots, exit this room. In the previous room, backtrack all the way back to the Beamos room. When you arrive in the Beamos room again, destroy the Beamos enemy, then use a Bomb on the weird piece of wall that is not an invisible wall to destroy it. When the wall is destroyed, unlock the door with your last Small Key. In this next new room, follow the path into the next room, while avoiding the spiked traps and the guillotines you come across. Also, while defeating the Skulltula and the Beamos enemies you encounter along the way to the new room. Anyway, when you reach the new room, head north through the pits and while avoiding the guillotines in the area, until you come across a platform that has two Beamos enemies on it. When you see that platform, go onto it. On that platform, take out the Beamos enemies. Once they are defeated, look to your left and use the Lens of Truth; you will see several platforms. Jump onto the nearby one, then you should see a frozen golden eye switch below the platform you are on. When you see it, walk to the very edge of the platform and turn off the Lens of Truth. Then, when you are in range of it, shoot a Fire Arrow at the frozen eye. After shooting the eye switch, hover across the other platforms in the area and at the end of the platforms, enter the door, into the next new room. In this room, turn on the Lens of Truth to spot the spinning blade statue. Now, collect all of the five Silver Rupees in the room. There are more than five Silver Rupees, but I was counting the real ones. To tell which of the Silver Rupees are fake, listen to the sound; the fake ones will sound like the other Rupees you collect in the game. Anyway, after you collect all of the five Silver Rupees in the room, the gate will open, so kill the Like Like enemy beside the gate, then head through the once gate-blocked area, into the next area. In that area, use the Lens of Truth to reveal a small chest to the east of the already visible chest. Open the eastern chest, ignoring the first one, as it houses nothing but a Blue Rupee, which is utterly useless. Once you open the east chest, you'll get another Small Key! Now, exit this room. Back in the previous room, hover across the platforms, then make your way back onto the platform with the two Beamos enemies and the Bomb Flower. Once there, ignore the Beamos enemies, unless for some odd reason you'd like to kill them, and instead across the ice platforms, then get onto the platform north of the ice blocks. When you are on that platform, avoid the spiked traps and the Beamos enemy, while collecting the five Silver Rupees in the room. When you get the three on ground level, look up at the ceiling, and you should see a black and white target; Longshot to it to get the other two Silver Rupees. Once you have all the Silver Rupees in the room, open the chest that spawns for some Arrows. Now, hit the crystal switch with your Spinning Sword Attack. The gate then opens, so enter the next area. In this area, follow the path into the room with three spiked platforms coming down from the ceiling (They move up and down.). When you come to that room, use the Lens of Truth to spot a brown block on the eastern side of the room, hidden in the wall. When you spot the block, pull it out of there, then onto the weird face tile. When it is there, push it until it is in between the first two black spiked platforms. When it is, go to the other side of the block and pull it the rest of the way. When the block is in place on the weird face tile, climb onto the block, then jump on the platform to the left. Once there, jump onto the nearby spiked platform, and use it to get over to the eastern platform. On the eastern platform, press the switch to spawn a chest. When the chest spawns, jump back onto the nearby spiked platform, then jump to the left platform once more. Then, use the Longshot on the chest you just spawned and when you reach it, open it for another Small Key. Now that you have that, this room is useless, unless you want the Gold Skulltula in it. If you do, check the Gold Skulltulas (MQ) section of the guide for more information on getting this one. Regardless if you get the Gold Skulltula or not, after getting the Small Key, leave the room and head back into the room where the Beamos and spiked traps were (The room where you collected the five Silver Rupees a few minutes ago.). When you arrive in that room, walk across the narrow path to the south of the ice blocks. Use the Lens of Truth and you will spot a moving platform, as well as a locked door. Hover onto the moving platform, then on that, hover into the alcove with the locked door. Once there, open the locked door, using your Small Key. You will come into another new room. In this next room, collect all of the Silver Rupees that are collectable on ground level. Once you have collected those, use the Lens of Truth to reveal black and white targets throughout the room. Longshot to them until you collect all of the real Silver Rupees (Yes, the Silver Rupees in here are fake, too.). Once you collect all of the Silver Rupees in the room, use the ice blocks floating in the center of the room to get you to the locked door (In order to reach the ice blocks, use the Lens of Truth to reveal two black and white targets on the ceiling directly above the ice blocks. Then, Longshot to one of them to get onto one of the ice blocks.). When you reach the locked door, unlock it, using your last Small Key. Then, in this next room, equip the Iron Boots if you don't have them already to avoid being blown away by the strong winds of the fans in the room. Your goal here is to reach the other side of the room. In order to do that, after you come across the second fan, kill the Skulltula enemy. Then, you'll come across a cliff. Look up and then you should see two wooden pillars or something on the ceiling; Longshot to the latter one, and you'll reach the other side of the room! When you reach the other side of the room, drop down to the area below. Then, head north and go through the door at the opposite side. In this next room, defeat the four Redead enemies, then use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden chest. Open that chest to get another Small Key. When you have that, exit this room. Back in the previous room, switch back to the Hover Boots and use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden alcove. Let the fans blow you to the alcove. When you reach the alcove, enter the door, into the next room. In this next room, freeze the two Gibdo enemies by playing the Sun's Song. When you freeze the Gibdo enemies, strike them both with your sword until they die. When the Gibdos are out of the way, open the chest that spawns for a Blue Rupee. Then, head to the locked door in the room, and unlock it with the Small Key you have left. Then, in this room, you'll see a ferry in front of you. Go west and you should see a brown block. Pull the block until it completely covers the green floor. When it does, keep pulling it until you can't pull it any longer. Then, go to the other side of the block and push it into the small indentation in the floor. Once the block is in place, climb on top of it and then climb the ladder, to a new platform. On that platform, use the Hover Boots to reach the ferry. On the ferry, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to get the ferry to start moving. When it gets moving, defeat the two Stalfos enemies that attack you. When you defeat them, at the end of the ride, when the ferry goes into the next unexplored area, drop down to the floor because if you don't, the ferry will sink into a pit! Anyway, when you drop down onto the ground after the ferry ride, shoot the a Bomb Flower on the other side of the room with a Fire Arrow. Doing this will cause the bird statue in the room to fall down, creating a makeshift bridge. Cross the makeshift bridge, to the other side of the room. When you reach the other side of the room, head east and you should see a Time Block. When you do, play the Song of Time in front of it to make it disappear. When it disappears, a golden eye switch is revealed, so shoot it with the Fairy Bow. After shooting the eye switch, two black pillars that have black and white targets on them will appear. Look up, and you'll see the second one on a high ledge. Longshot to the ledge, grab the Heart Container atop the pillar, then look down and you should see a switch on this platform, so drop down when you see that and press the switch. After you press the switch, the door to the next room will unlock, so drop down to the area below, then climb the side of the makeshift bridge, then cross it, to other side. There, head west and enter the newly unlocked door, into the next room. In this next new area, use the Lens of Truth to reveal hidden obstacles in the maze. Make your way through the maze and enter the western door on the Dungeon Map. In this next room, go behind the spinning skull statue, and you'll find a Small Key. When you have acquired the Small Key from the room, exit it, into the previous area. In the previous area, make your way through the maze once again, using the Lens of Truth to reveal the obstacles and enemies in the room. Make your way to the northern room on the Dungeon Map. When you reach it, unlock it with your Small Key. In this next room, use Din's Fire to melt the wooden objects with spikes on each side of you that are coming toward you to squash you. Once the wooden obstacles are melted, ignore the Fire Keese enemies that you created by using Din's Fire, but instead open the blue and yellow chest in the room for the Boss Key. When you have the Boss Key, exit this room. Back in the maze, navigate through it and make your way back to the room with the makeshift bridge. When you arrive at that area again, cross the makeshift bridge, back to the other side of the room. Once there, head through the door, into the next new area. In this area, use the Hover Boots to nagivate your way through the room, but be careful not to fall off. Also, use the Lens of Truth to reveal the platforms within the room. When you reach the boss door in the room, open it. In the next room, walk north and drop down the hole and you will fight Bongo Bongo, the boss of the temple. Read the Bosses section to see how to beat him. When Bongo Bongo is defeated, grab the Heart Container, save your game, and head through the blue portal. You will be warped to the Chamber of the Sages. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- In the Chamber of the Sages, Impa reveals herself as the Sage of the Shadow Temple (blatantly obvious, considering Sheik told us in Kakariko Village). As every Sage does, she'll give you the Shadow Medallion. After that, you'll be warped to the Graveyard. Graveyard --------- Head to the Temple of Time, by playing the Prelude of Light. Temple of Time -------------- Go to the Market. Market ------ You know the drill by now. Exit the Market. Hyrule Field ------------ Make your way to Gerudo Valley, which we went to a LONG time ago, so see the above section of the walkthrough for more information on how to get to Gerudo Valley. NOTE: Before you go to Gerudo Valley, it would be easier to get Epona, as she can gallop across the bridge in there, and it'll be easier. If you want to get Epona, see the Side Quests section of the FAQ. Gerudo Valley ------------- Once you arrive in Gerudo Valley, head north, and cross the board to the other side. On the other side, continue north, and use the Longshot on the piece of broken bridge to the north (this is where Epona would come in handy). If you are on Epona doing this, try and get a good running start. Otherwise, Epona will simply not work. Anyway, when you are on the other side, continue heading north, and you'll reach Gerudo's Fortress. Gerudo's Fortress ----------------- Head north, and go up the stairs. Then, let a Gerudo guard capture you. You will be put in a jail cell. In the prison, look up with C, and then you should spot a wooden piece in the window. When you do, Longshot to it, and you'll be able to get out of the prison! When you are out of the prison, drop down to ground level, then enter the left opening. This is called Thieves' Hideout, your next destination, obviously. Thieves' Hideout ---------------- When you arrive here, head north, and approach the cell. A voice will call out to you. This happens to be one of the carpenters that were in Kakariko Village when you were a kid. We need to rescue him, but not before defeating a Gerudo Thief. To defeat the thief, just attack her when her guard is down. If you do take too much damage, you'll be put in jail again! When she is defeated, she'll drop a Small Key. Pick it up, and unlock the cell holding the carpenter. Talk to him, and he'll leave the room (did you expect anything different?). Exit the building, via the exit beside the lit torch. You'll be outside again after you exit, so enter the next entrance to the north, which is another area that we must do. In this area, head north, and hide behind the crates, as you make your way up the hill on the right, just east of the crates. Be careful not to get caught, or you'll be put in jail again. Anyway, when you go up the right hill after evading the Gerudo guard, you'll appear outside again. Head north, through the next entrance, but avoid the Gerudo guard, as she is VERY close. In this next area, head north, and talk to the carpenter inside the cell. A Gerudo guard will appear and attack you; defeat her the same way you did the previous one. Once she's defeated, she'll drop a Small Key. Use it to unlock the cell that the carpenter is in. When the carpenter is freed, head north through the unexplored hole, and exit the area. Back outside, jump down to the ledge straight ahead. Then, enter the nearby entrance into the next part of Thieves' Hideout. In this next area, follow the path, and you'll stumble across the third carpenter. Talk to him, and a battle will ensue with another Gerudo guard and you, so defeat her, and pick up the Small Key she leaves behind. Unlock the cell with the carpenter in it, and then talk to him. He'll run off after you free him, just like all the others did. Once that carpenter is freed, exit this area, via the way you came in. Now, climb the vines to the north, back onto the platform. Once that is done, head through the nearby entrance to the left, and you'll be in another new area. In this next room, shoot all of the Gerudo guards with arrows, then follow the path, and you'll see an exit. Enter the exit, and we're back outside. Back outside, drop down to the platform to your left, then enter the next area of the hideout there. On this platform, enter the entrance, into the next area. In this area, crouch behind the wooden crate. When the Gerudo guards comes near, shoot her with your arrow. Then, head through the only available exit in this room. In this next room is the final carpenter. Talk to him, and another battle with another Gerudo guard will ensue. Once she is defeated, pick up the Small Key she drops, and talk to the carpenter after you open the cell. His name is Shiro. Once you talk to him, he will run away back to the camp in Gerudo Valley, and another Gerudo guard will come. She will not attack you, however, but give you a Gerudo's Membership Card, with which you can have free access to everywhere in the fortress with. When you have that, exit this area, as well as the entire Thieves' Hideout, completely, by heading south after you exit the final carpenter room, and the other room after that. By doing that, you should see a gate, followed by a Gerudo girl dressed in white. Head up the ladder beside the Gerudo girl. Once you climb it, talk to the next Gerudo dressed in white. Talk to her, and she will tell you of two "trials" that you must face in order to make it to the Desert Colossus. Before we enter the Haunted Wasteland, there is something I suggest you get: the Ice Arrows. See the Side Quests section of the FAQ for more information on that. Once you have the Ice Arrows, head through the gate the Gerudo girl just opened, and you'll arrive in the Haunted Wasteland. Haunted Wasteland ----------------- When you arrive here, equip the Hover Boots, and jump onto the wooden crate to the north. Once you are on it, use the Longshot, and Longshot to the wooden crate in the middle. Now, follow the flags in the area, and you'll eventually come across a stone structure. Head down the ladder of the stone structure, and at the bottom, you'll see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and then light the two torches in the room. A chest will appear, which contains 50 Rupees, so go and get them, and then climb back up the ladder, and exit this stone building. Back outside, head to the east side of the stone structure, and head up the makeshift stairway. Once you reach the top, use the Lens of Truth, and you'll see a ghost. This ghostly figure will guide you through the Haunted Wasteland, and to Desert Colossus, so follow him. Note that he does go fast, so try and keep up with him. If you fail, you'll end up back in Gerudo's Fortress, so try and avoid that. If you encounter a bridge along the way, ignore it, as the guy only sells you Bombchus for 200 Rupees, which is not worth it. Also, something I forgot to mention earlier, is that there will be enemies that come out of the ground towards the end of your journey, so be careful. Whatever you do, DO NOT let the enemies make you lose the guide. Desert Colossus --------------- When you reach Desert Colossus, head east, and you should see a cracked part of the mountain in between the two palm trees. Bomb the crack, and enter the next Great Fairy's Fountain. Great Fairy's Fountain ---------------------- When you arrive here, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol, and then a Great Fairy will appear. She will grant you the power of Nayru's Love! Now, leave the fountain, and let's get back to Desert Colossus. Desert Colossus --------------- Back in Desert Colossus, head north, and enter the Spirit Temple. Spirit Temple ------------- Since you can't do anything in here right now, exit the temple. Desert Colossus --------------- In Desert Colossus again, Sheik will come and teach you the Requiem of Spirit. This song will enable us to get to the Spirit Temple instantly, even as a kid! Once you learn this song, you've learnt ALL songs! Anyway, once Sheik teaches you the Requiem of Spirit, play the Prelude of Light to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Turn a kid once you arrive here. Now, play the Requiem of Spirit to warp back to Desert Colossus. Desert Colossus --------------- Back in the desert, head north, and enter the Spirit Temple. This time we will be able to progress in it some! Spirit Temple (Young Link) -------------------------- Head up the stairs and open the nearby chest for some Bombchus. Now, look up at the entrance of the temple and on the set of pillars on the right side, you should see a crystal switch. Shoot it. After that, open the chest that spawns for some more Bombchus. Once you have that, look directly south of the chest you just opened and on the west wall near the unaccessible pillar of water, you should see a boulder behind the statue there. Bomb the boulder with a Bomb and/or a Bombchu, then an eye switch will be revealed, so shoot it. After you shoot the eye switch, open the chest that spawns for a Small Key. Now, talk to Nabooru, who is just left of the chest you just opened. Nabooru will ask you what you want, so tell her nothing. She'll then ask a favor of you, but only after asking you if you are one of Ganondorf's followers. When she asks that, tell her any of the two choices displayed on the screen, and she'll keep talking to you. When she asks if you will get the Silver Gauntlets for her, say yes. She will then move away from the hole, thus giving us access further into the temple! Crawl through the hole, into the next area. In this next area, take out the two Torch Slug enemies using Bombs or the Spinning Sword Attack. Or, you can use a jump attack, but be sure to have them L-Targetted if you are going to beat them that way. Once they are defeated, two doors to the new areas unlock, so enter the right one, into the next room. In this room, take out the Gibdo enemy. Then, pull the rightmost grave to reveal a switch. Step on the switch, then stand on the very edge above the pit below, but make sure you are facing the very middle of the floor, just south of the boulder in the area you see to the north, with the two Gibdos. Anyway, stand in that exact position, then throw a Bombchu; if you are lucky, it will have hit the boulder in the area to the north of you with the Gibdos. When you hit the boulder, a golden eye switch is revealed, so shoot it, and an ice platform appears, so jump on it, then jump over to the other side of the room. In this area, kill the two Gibdo enemies, then the door to the next room with unlock, so enter it. In this next room, step on the black spinning platform and you'll have to fight a Stalfos enemy. Defeat it, or knock it off the platform and to the cliff below. Once it is defeated, the door to the next room unlock, so enter it. In this room, take out the Keese enemies, then pull the gravestone in the room to reveal a switch. When the switch is revealed, step on it. Doing this will create a makeshift bridge, so cross over to the other side there and defeat the Anubis enemy with Din's Fire. Once the Anubis enemy is defeated, open the nearby chest for a Dungeon Map. Then, open the small chest that spawned for another Small Key. Now, enter the door, into the previous room. In this next room, throw a Bombchu into the small crawlspace just below the golden eye switch in the room. If the Bombchu goes through, you will blow up a boulder, allowing you to crawl through the hole, so do it when that happens. In this next area, unlock the locked door using one of your Small Keys, and you'll be in another new area. In this area, hit the crystal switch to move a gate. Then, kill the Like Like enemy that drops down, then climb the wall to the floor above. On this floor, kill the Baby Dodongo enemies, then kill the Beamos enemy. After that, a chest will spawn, so open it for some Bombchus. Once you open the chest, look on the wall until you see a boulder. When you do, throw a Bombchu up to that boulder to explode it. When it is exploded, a ray of light will come in through the hole in the wall and bring the sun in the middle of the room to life. Now, unlock the door in the room with your Small Key, and you'll be in another new room of the temple. In this room, drop down to the area below and then look on the left side of the big statue in the room and you should see a golden eye switch. When you do, shoot it. A chest spawns to the east of where you are on a small platform below the statue, so go over there and open it to get the Compass! Once you have the Compass, head north of the chest to the locked door, then use Din's Fire to melt the frozen golden eye switch. This will unlock the door to the next room, so enter it. In this room, apporach the pit to the north, then look down in the pit; you should see a golden eye switch. When you do, shoot it, and a chest will drop down, which contains yet another Small Key. Once you have that, exit this room, back into the previous room. Back in the previous room, head down the stairs, then head west and climb the wall there, back up to the previously visited platform. Once there, head up the stairs a bit, but not all the way, then backflip onto the Time Block there. Once you are on the Time Block, play the Song of Time when Navi turns green. If done correctly, another Time Block will appear to the north of the one you are on now, so when it does, jump over there, with the small wooden crate in your hand. On the othe Time Block, jump left back onto the platform. On that platform, climb up the stairs to the top of the platform. There, play the Song of Time again when Navi turns green to cause yet another Time Block to appear. Jump on that one with the wooden crate in your hands, then use that Time Block to jump to the statue's left hand. On the statue's left hand, step on the blue switch, then place the wooden box on it to make the switch stay pressed. Once that is done, enter the door at the very top of the platform where you just were, into the next area. In this next area, head up the stairs while avoiding the flamethrowers. When you reach the door, enter it, into the next area. In this area, head to where the ray of light from the hole in the wall is sticking out at. To get over there, jump on the small wooden platforms on the side of each of the wall platforms. When you reach the area with the ray of light, approach the two blocks with suns on them to your north, then pull them both to the ray of light. Once they are both within the ray of light, shoot the crystal switch in the area to dissipate the fire, then enter the door you have not been through yet, into the next room. In this room, walk up the stairs and kill the Big Skulltula. Then, continue heading north and unlock the door to the next room, using your last Small Key. In this room, approach the Iron Knuckle and hit it with your sword to start a battle! The Iron Knuckle is tough, especially as Young Link. Let the Iron Knuckle break the pillars in the room to get Heart Containers to pop out! That's about the only way to win without Fairies, but hopefully you have some of those. Anyway, after defeating the Iron Knuckle enemy, head through the door and you'll be outside. Outside, Kaepora Gaebora will talk to you for the last time. When he goes, open the chest for the Silver Gauntlets! When you get the Silver Gauntlets, two witches, namely Koume and Kotake, will use magic on Nabooru and capture her! Now, warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Here, turn an adult. Then, play the Requiem of Spirit to return to Desert Colossus. Desert Colossus --------------- Here, head into the Spirit Temple. This time as Adult Link. Spirit Temple (Adult Link) -------------------------- When you arrive in the Spirit Temple as Adult Link, head up the stairs and look up and in the hole in the ceiling, you should see a boulder; stand in the middle of the room and throw a Bombchu. If you threw it right, it will crawl up the wall and then make its way to the hole in the ceiling, thus hitting the boulder. When the boulder is cleared, Longshot to the black and white target in the hole, into the next area. In this area, push the huge stone block until it falls into a pit. When it does, follow the path, go through the door, into the next room. In this room, head west and then climb up the wall to the upper platform. Then, go through the door, into the next room. Here, stand a bit south of the sun in the middle of the room, then Longshot to the small chest on the small ledge above (Make sure you Longshot to the front of the chest.). When you reach the chest, open it for another Small Key. Once you have that, hit the crystal switch in the room, then drop down to the area below. Once there, head through the door, back into a previously visited area. In that area, pound the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer. Doing this will cause a chest, which you cannot get yet, to appear. Ignore the chest for now, and go through the door you just came out of, back into the previously visited room. In that room, hit the crystal switch, go through the door, back into the main room of the temple, where the big statue is. Once there, head up the stairs, then Longshot to the lit torch on the other side. Then, kill the Floormaster enemy, ignoring the three mini-Floormasters that spawn, and head up the stairs, and unlock the door to the next room. In this room, Longshot to the black and white target on the ceiling, then enter the door to the next room. In this next room, kill the four Beamos enemies, using Bombs. A chest will then spawn, which contains a Bundle of Arrows, so open it if you'd like. Whether or not you open the chest, play the Song of Time below the Time Block that's floating in the air (Navi will turn green, so you'll know when to play it.). Once you do that, the Time Block on the ground in the room will disappear, and will appear underneath the one you are beside. When it appears there, stand beside the blue switch that was revealed when you made the Time Block disappear earlier. Once there, play the Song of Time again to make the Time Block appear on the switch again. When it does, play the Song of Time below the Time Block in the air again and then the Time Block covering the blue switch will appear underneath the one you are standing beside. On the block is a wooden crate, so jump onto it and grab the block, then step on the blue switch, then put the wooden crate on it. When the crate is on the switch, enter the unexplored door, into the next room. In this room, kill the two Dinolfos enemies, then attack the chest in the room to unlock the door to the next room. Enter the door. In this next area, use the Lens of Truth to reveal the invisible Floormaster enemy. Kill it, then kill the three parts it splits into. Once that is done, the door in the room will open, so enter it, into the next room. In this room, approach the Iron Knuckle and hit it to start a fight. Luckily, this one is much easier as Adult Link. Defeat it the same way you did the other one as Young Link. Once you defeat the Iron Knuckle, enter the door behind where the Iron Knuckle was sitting. You'll be outside. Outside, open the chest for the Mirror Shield! When you have the Mirror Shield, head back inside where the Iron Knuckle was. There, exit that room, back into the previous area. Here, walk down the stairs and go through the door, back into the next previously visited room. There, kill the two Dinolfos enemies, then approach the Time Block and play the Song of Time when Navi turns green to make the Time Block disappear to the locked door in the room. After the Time Block moves, a ray of light is revealed, so stand in the midst of that ray of light, and aim the Mirror Shield at the sun on the wall. Doing this will unlock the door to the next room, so play the Song of Time once more when Navi turns green to move the Time Block back, but make sure that you aren't standing in the ray of light, or it won't work. When the Time Block is back in the ray of light, enter the door to the next room. In this room, freeze the Gibdo using Sun's Song, then open the chest for the Boss Key! Now, exit this room, back into the previous room. Once there, exit the room, and make your way back to the main room of the temple, where the big statue is. Once there, drop down to the statue, then shoot the three unlit torches in the room (You'll see them, as they are on pillars.) with Fire Arrows, but do it quickly, as the fires will quickly dissipate! When you shoot the torches, a door will open. To get to it, head north and climb the wall, back onto the platform we've been on numerous times in the temple. Once on that platform, climb the stairs, then use the Longshot on the lit torch on the other side. Once you reach the other side, climb down the stairs and enter the door you haven't yet, into the next room. In this room, wait until the Wallmaster comes down. When it does, kill it, then defeat the two Stalfos enemies in the room. When they are defeated, aim the Mirror Shield at one sun in the room. It will disappear, and a Wallmaster will come down to beat you. Once you kill that Wallmaster, aim the Mirror Shield at the other sun, and another Wallmaster will come down. Kill it as well, then aim the Mirror Shield at the last sun in the room. Defeat the Wallmaster that comes down and the gate in the room will open, so drop down into the area below. There, head north through the door, while avoiding the spiked traps. In this next room, collect the two Silver Rupees in the room, then bomb the boulder in the middle of the room to reveal a rusted switch. Pound it with the Megaton Hammer to cause the pillar of water in the room to go down. When it does, go onto the pillar of water and collect the Silver Rupee. Then, go into the room ahead, which is the first room of the entire temple. Once there, head to the entrance of the temple, but don't exit. Instead, break the two boulders on each side with the Megaton Hammer to reveal the last two Silver Rupees. Collect them, and a chest will fall down, which contains a Small Key. Once you have that, Longshot to the black and white target in the hole in the ceiling, then backtrack to the room with the big statue. There, head west and climb the wall, back up to the platform. Then, climb the stairs and Longshot to the lit torch on the other side of the room. Once there, climb the stairs and enter the room at the top. In this previously visited area, unlock the door to your left with a Small Key. Then, in this next room, kill the Keese and Fire Keese enemies, then climb the moving wall to the top, but on the way, be sure to collect the five Silver Rupees. At the top, kill the Torch Slug enemy, and enter the next room. In this next room, head up the stairs and step on the Triforce pad. Then, play Zelda's Lullaby to open the door to the next room. Enter that door, and in this area, drop down to the area below where the big mirror is. Once there, roll against the leftmost crates to reveal a rusted switch; pound it with the Megaton Hammer once it is revealed. Then, enter the door it unlocked, into the next room. In this room, go through the connecting rooms, killing all the enemies you come across. Once all the enemies are out of the way, use the Lens of Truth to reveal a hidden chest to the south of the mirror that is on fire. Open that chest for another Small Key. Now, step into the first room of the rooms that connect to each other and stand in the ray of light and aim the Mirror Shield at the sun on the wall, which is above you. When the light touches the sun, the sun will come to life! Once that is done, enter the next room in this connecting area, then push the mirror to the other mirror in the other room. Then, if the fire is not there on the other mirror (If it is, you will have to go back and light the sun in the previous chamber.), you'll have to bring the sun in the previous room back to life. Anyway, once the mirror is aimed at the mirror that had the fire around it before you put it out, quickly go over to that mirror and push it, so that the light is facing the big mirror in the previous room. When it is, go over to that area where the mirror is and stand in the ray of light and aim the Mirror Shield at the sun on the wall. Doing this will cause piece of floor you are standing on to elevate to the statue room. In that room, wait until the Wallmaster enemy comes down. When it does, kill it, then aim the Mirror Shield at the statue's face to burn it. When the statue is burnt, a piece of grating will be revealed on the center of the statue's face, so Longshot there to open the grate. When the grate is opened, unlock the door with the Boss Key. In this next room, Koume and Kotake will summon the Iron Knuckle in this room. This Iron Knuckle happens to be Nabooru. Anyway, defeat it like you did all the other ones. Once the Iron Knuckle is defeated, Koume and Kotake will brainwash Nabooru again! Enter the door behind the chair that the Iron Knuckle was sitting on. In this room, go north and through the door, into the next area. In this area, climb one of the walls, then go onto the middle platform. Koume and Kotake will attack you. Go ahead and check the Bosses section to see how to win. Once you win, the two witches will form into Twinrova! Read the Bosses section for that as well. After defeating Twinrova, grab the Heart Container on the side platform, then save your game, and enter the blue portal. You will arrive in the Chamber of the Sages once more. Chamber of the Sages -------------------- Nabooru reveals herself as the Sage of the Spirit Temple, and gives you the Spirit Medallion. Rauru will tell you to go to the Temple of Time, as the final showdown with Ganondorf is about to begin. Desert Colossus --------------- Play the Prelude of Light to warp back to the Temple of Time. Temple of Time -------------- Here, Sheik will reveal himself as Princess Zelda, and talk for a long time about the Triforce, the chosen ones, and eventually, she'll give you the Light Arrows. The Light Arrows are needed to defeat Ganondorf. After getting them, Ganondorf will capture Princess Zelda! When you regain control, exit the Temple of Time. NOTE: Before going to Ganondorf, I suggest getting the Biggoron's Sword, as it kills Ganondorf A LOT faster than the Master Sword. If you don't want to, that's fine, but I recommend it. See the Side Quests section if you are interested. Market ------ In the Market, head to where Hyrule Castle used to be as a kid. Ganon's Castle -------------- Here, try and enter the castle, but there is no bridge so we can't get in! Rauru and the Sages will create a bridge with their power, which leads inside Ganon's Tower. Enter it. Ganon's Tower ------------- When you arrive here, climb down the stairs and defeat the two Green Bubble enemies. Then, defeat the two Armos Statue enemies on the side pillars, then defeat the Iron Knuckle. Once they are defeated, the door to the next room opens up, so enter the door, into the next room. In this room, head left of the entrance in the room and enter the door with the orange symbol above it. This is the Spirit room, which resembles the elements found in the Spirit Temple. Anyway, when you arrive in the Spirit room, defeat the enemies in the room, then shoot the silver eye switch above the door that is not locked in the room. Doing this will cause an Iron Knuckle to drop down from the ceiling. Do not kill the Iron Knuckle; instead, let it break the chairs in the middle of the room, as when it does, a rusted switch is revealed. Once the rusted switch is revealed, kill the Iron Knuckle, then use the Megaton Hammer on the rusted switch. Once that is done, enter the door to the next room. In this room, kill the Green Bubble enemy, then open the chest for Bombchus. Then, stand directly in the middle of the bars of the gate in this room, then throw a Bombchu up on the gate, and into the hole. If done correctly, the Bombchu will have went through the hole of the gate, went onto the wall, then hit the crystal switch on the ceiling. When the crystal switch is hit, enter the door to the next room of the tower. In this room, defeat the Green Bubble enemy. Once it is defeated, progress further in the room and take out the Gibdo enemy and the two Redead enemies. Once they are defeated, look up in the center of the room where you fight the Gibdo and Redead enemies, and you should see a web. When you see the web, shoot a Fire Arrow at it to melt it. Once the web is melted, a ray of light will shine into the room, so stand in the middle of the ray of light and then aim the Mirror Shield at the sun tiles on the wall. Note that one sun tile makes a Wallmaster come down, so take note of that. Keep hitting the sun tiles with the Mirror Shield, then open all the chests in the room. The big chest contains the Golden Gauntlets, whereas one of the small chests contains a Small Key. Once you have acquired the treasure from the room, aim the Mirror Shield at the Spirit symbol above the locked door to hit a hidden sun tile. When that is done, the door to the next room will open, so enter it. In this room, shoot a Light Arrow at the core there to cause the Spirit Barrier to dispel! You will be warped back to the main room of the tower after that is done. Back in the main room, head east and enter the door with the green symbol above it. This is the Forest door, which, obviously, is supposed to represent the Forest Temple. In the Forest room, defeat the two Stalfos enemies, then equip the Iron Boots and look above the door to the next room, and you should see a lit torch. Longshot to that torch, then take the Small Key and enter the door to the next room. In this room, look left and shoot the eye switch behind the fan. A chest will then spawn, which contains a Bundle of Arrows. Once you have that, shoot two Arrows at the Armos Statue on the platform to the north. If done correctly, the Armos Statue will explode AND kill the Beamos! Once that is done, wait until the fan beside the chest starts blowing. When it does, equip the Hover Boots and quickly let the fan blow you to the nearby platform. On that platform, L-Target the Beamos to the east on the middle platform, then throw a Bomb at it to defeat it. Once you defeat that Beamos enemy, hover onto that platform, then look around the room until you find a frozen golden eye behind a fan. When you do, shoot it with a Fire Arrow. Doing this will cause a small chest to spawn, so Longshot to it and open it for some Bombs. Once you have that, hover back onto the middle platform, then L-Target all the Beamos that are within your range (You can't reach the one in the corner yet.), and throw a Bomb at each one of them to defeat them. Once the Beamos enemies are defeated, hover onto the platform beside the locked door to the next room. On that platform, throw a Bomb to the last Beamos in the corner to defeat it. When all of the enemies in the room are defeated, hover onto the platform that the last Beamos you destroyed was on, but only when the fan isn't blowing. When you are on that platform, equip the Iron Boots and play the Song of Time to make a Time Block appear. When it does, play the Song of Time again to drop an Armos Statue onto the ice block below, and onto the blue switch. The door to the next room will open, so enter it when the fan isn't blowing.. In this area, shoot a Light Arrow at the core to dispel the Forest Barrier! You will be warped to the main room again, so once there, head north of the Spirit door, climbing down and up the stairs you come across, until you come to a door with a red symbol above it. Enter that door when you come to it, which is the Fire room, which represents the Fire Temple. In the Fire room, equip the Goron Tunic. Then, jump onto the moving platform, then jump onto the left platform where the uppermost platforms are. On that left platform, jump to the other one, then the platform will rise up into the air, and you'll see a Silver Rupee. To get it, when the platform is beside it, backflip to it, but be very careful not to fall into the fire. Once you collect the Silver Rupee, jump to the next moving platform that you haven't been on yet. On that platform, jump to the small platform with the Beamos and the huge black stone pillar. On that platform, kill the Beamos using a Bomb, then pick up the black stone pillar (Since you have the Golden Gauntlets, you can do this.). When you do, Link will throw the pillar into the lava behind him! When that is done, grab the second Silver Rupee underneath where stone pillar used to be. Now, jump onto the moving platform, the onto the nearby platform to the north of the one you were just on, then jump to the second one. The second platform will rise up, so when it is at ground level, Longshot to the black pillar with the black and white target on it. Once on top of that, jump to the third Silver Rupee on the nearby higher piece of platform. Once you obtain the third Silver Rupee, jump to the moving platform to your north, then ride it to the next Silver Rupee. Once you have that Silver Rupee, jump to the platform to the left, defeat the two Torch Slug enemies, then pick up the black stone pillar to throw it into the lava. Once that is done, Longshot back to the black pillar with the black and white target on it. Once you are on top of the black pillar, jump on top of the higher platform where you collected the third Silver Rupee, then use the Hover Boots and hover onto the platform to your north. When that platform starts to rise, jump to the black pillar in the lava and collect the last Silver Rupee. Once you collect the Silver Rupee, Longshot to the black pillar with the black and white target on it, next to the door to the next room. Once you reach the platform, enter the door into the next room. Here, shoot a Light Arrow into the core to dispel the Fire Barrier! As always, you'll be warped back into the main room. Back in the main room, head east and enter the door with the purple symbol above it. This door is the Shadow door, which resembles the Shadow Temple. In the Shadow room, kill the Green Bubble enemy using an Arrow, then look to the right of where the Green Bubble was and shoot the Bomb Flower on the small platform there with an Arrow. Doing that will cause a chest on the platform, so Longshot over to that chest and open it to get a Bundle of Arrows. Once you have that, use the Lens of Truth to reveal a huge platform in the center of the room that is moving. Wait until that platform comes as close to the platform you are on now as possible, then use the Hover Boots to get on it. When you are on that platform, collect the Silver Rupee, then ride it to the platform with the Bomb Flower. When you are on the Bomb Flower platform, collect the Silver Rupee there. Then, get onto the huge platform again, then hover onto the platform with the Beamos. There, use a Bomb to kill the Beamos, then collect the Silver Rupee that he was guarding. Then, shoot a Fire Arrow at the unlit torch on the ground. Doing this will cause an ice block to appear to your north, so jump onto that ice block, then go onto the platform with the two Beamos enemies. On that platform, kill the two Beamos enemies using Bombs, then look under the ice block; you should see a golden eye switch, so shoot it when you do. After you shoot the golden eye switch, a chest will spawn, which contains a Small Key, so open it. After that, head east of the chest and then use the Lens of Truth to reveal an ice bridge. Go across the ice bridge and then go onto the platform with the Beamos enemy. On that platform, bomb the Beamos to kill it, then collect the Silver Rupee that was under it. When you collect that, head back onto the platform with the chest, then use the Lens of Truth to reveal another icy bridge to the west of the chest. Cross that one, then you'll come to a guillotine; wait until it rises up, then cross the rest of the icy bridge to the door to the next room, collecting the last Silver Rupee along the way. When you reach the door, enter it. In this area, shoot a Light Arrow into the core to dispel the Shadow Barrier! Then, in the main room, head east and go down the stairs, then enter the door with the blue symbol above it, which is the Water room. This room is not like the Water Temple, so don't worry. Anyway, when you arrive in the Water room, kill the Freezzerd enemies in the room, then head east of the pillar of water with the Blue Fire in it, and defeat the Dead Hand. Doing so will cause the pillar of water in the room to go down for a few seconds, so quickly run over there and stock up all your Empty Bottles on Blue Fire. When you are full on Blue Fire, head north to the cluster of red ice. Once there, melt it with the Blue Fire, then unlock the door to the next room, using your Small Key. In this room, kill the Keese enemies (One of them is invisible.), then collect the available Silver Rupees in the room. When you collect them, we'll have to push the ice blocks in this room around, so start by pushing the block near the locked door north to the cluster of red ice. Once the block is there, climb it and melt the red ice, using Blue Fire. Once that is done, push the block east into the pit, then it'll return back to its normal position. Now, push the block that you just pushed a minute ago east to the ice rock. Then, push it to the east again, and into the pit there. Once the block is in the pit, push the other block in the room east to the ice rock. Then, push it to the west to the next ice rock. After that, push the block to the north, onto the area below the platform with the one block of red ice. Once the block is below that platform, climb on top of it, then jump onto the platform with the red ice, then melt it. Now, collect the last Silver Rupee after melting the red ice! Once you collect all the Silver Rupees in the room, jump onto the platform with the door to the next area. In this room, shoot a Light Arrow at the core to dispel the Water Barrier! Back in the main room, head to the only one left, which is the door with the yellow symbol above it. To get to it, though, when you reach the black stone pillar, grab it, and Link will throw it and break it, thus giving us access into the Light room. This, I guess, is supposed to resemble a mixture of all the dungeons you've played in the game, or the dungeons you had to complete as Young Link. Anyway, in the Light room, defeat the Dinolfos enemy, then defeat the Torch Slug enemies, then go into the next room. Here, step on the Triforce pad and play Zelda's Lullaby to spawn a chest; open it for a Recovery Heart, which you probably need at this point. After that, unlock the door to the next room. In this next room, be very careful of the rolling boulder, and avoid it as best you can, as your main objective is to defeat the Beamos on the high platform in the center of the room. Once the Beamos is defeated, Longshot to the black and white target above where it was. On that platform, go directly north and drop off the platform, then unlock the nearby locked door, using your last Small Key. In this next room, kill the Skulltula enemy on the left yellow flame, then hit the crystal switch on the right yellow flame. After that, walk through the invisible wall, into the next area. In this area, shoot a Light Arrow at the core to dispel the Light Barrier! Once you warp back to the main room, since all the Barriers are dispelled, go across the room, heading up the stairs, until you come across that bridge we saw in the cutscene after dispelling the Light Barrier. When you come across the bridge, cross it, then enter the next room. In this unexplored room, defeat the Keese enemies while heading up the stairs to the next room. In this room, kill the two Dinolfos enemies, then enter the next room. In this room, head up the stairs, then enter the door to the next room. In this next new room, defeat the two Stalfos enemies, then open the chest now that the fire is dissipated to get the Boss Key! Once you have the Boss Key, enter the door to the next room. Here, go up the stairs and then enter the door at the end. In this next room, defeat the two Iron Knuckle enemies, but be sure to defeat them one at a time, otherwise it's very difficult. Once the Iron Knuckles are defeated, enter the door to the next room. Here, head up the stairs, as usual, then unlock the door at the end. In this next room, enter the door, into yet another new room. In this room, head up the stairs and enter the door into the next room. Here, you'll meet Zelda and Ganondorf, as a cutscene commences. Eventually, you'll have to fight Ganondorf, so read the Bosses section to see how to win! Once you defeat Ganondorf, he will use his power to crush the remnants of his tower! You have 3:00 to get out of the tower, so follow Zelda until you get out. Outside, you will see a cutscene of the tower crumbling almost completely. Then, just when you think the game is over, Ganondorf gets back up and transforms into Ganon! To make him do that, approach the rubble where Ganondorf is. Read the Bosses section to see how to win! Once you win, congratulations! You have just beat one of the greatest video games of all time, my friend! |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 9. Bosses | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Queen Gohma | | Location: Deku Tree | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This boss is very easy. To get her to come out, look up at the ceiling with C Up. She'll eventually come down. When she does, wait until her eye turns red, then shoot it with your Fairy Slingshot. When she's on the ground after you shoot her, hit her with your sword repeatedly until she gets back up. She'll now spit out eggs which will contain, if you don't hit them with your sword, baby Gohmas. Kill the eggs, and repeat the process above until you win. Note that you can also use Deku Sticks to defeat Gohma, and its faster, so do that if you have alot of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | King Dodongo | | Location: Dodongo's Cavern | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This boss battle isn't too particularly difficult. King Dodongo will use only one attack, which is his fire breath. To avoid it, if you happen to get caught in it, stand on the very edge of the lava pit. Now, how to beat him is what we wanna know, right? To do that, when King Dodongo comes near you, throw a Bomb into his mouth to stun him. While he is stunned, hit him with your sword. Dodongo will roll across the room, into a different area, but the way to beat him is still the same. Hit him four times to beat him. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Barinade | | Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: To defeat Barinade, L-Target his head (the area above his jellyfish) and throw your Boomerang at him. Once that is done, he will fire electrical attacks at you like he did before, so avoid them and then L-Target him again. Then, throw your Boomerang at him again. The same pattern will ensue one more time, so do that same attack pattern you did above. Once that is done, Barinade will release his jellyfish enemies, so cut as many of them down as you can. Take note you can hit him on this part, but I would suggest killing his jellyfish minions instead. Anyway, once you hit the jellyfish, Barinade will start to spin and with the remaining jellyfish around him. L-Target him and throw your Boomerang at him and hit him. Now, cut down the remaining jellyfish, or if you leave one, then do the same thing again until the last one is cut down. Once the jellyfish are destroyed, Barinade will start to spin again, so L-Target him and throw your Boomerang at him again, to hit him. Barinade will be on the ground stunned, so swing your sword at him as many times as you can. Then, he'll burrow into the ground and start shooting electricity at you. Avoid it and when he gets back up, throw the Boomerang at him again. Then, hit him with your sword. Keep doing it until he is defeated. NOTE: Something I forgot to mention at the start of the strategy, was that the jars in the room house Hearts, so be sure to grab them if you need health. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Phantom Ganon | | Location: Forest Temple | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Phantom Ganon will start off by going into one of the pictures in the room. Two Phantom Ganon's will come out of two separate pictures, however, so to avoid confusion, shoot the one that is bright and a dark purple color with your Fairy Bow. This will mean you've hit Phantom Ganon. Do this two more times after you hit him once. Phantom Ganon will then get off the horse, and start shooting electrical fireballs at you. Deflect them back at him with your sword. When you stun him by deflecting the blasts, he'll fall to the ground. This is your chance to hit him. Keep hitting him and he will eventually get back up and shoot more fireballs. Repeat this process and eventually, he will attack you with a speed attack that can easily catch you off guard (it did me). Avoid that and then he will start firing fireballs again. This time, when you deflect one, you will have to deflect it about five times until he finally gets stunned. When he is stunned, slice away at him. Keep doing this, as his attacks won't change now, until you win. Note that a bottle also works to deflect Phantom Ganon's attacks, but in my opinion, it isn't worth it to use it. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Volvagia | | Location: Fire Temple | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Volvagia can be quite hard of a boss if you aren't careful. Alright, to defeat him, wait until he pops out of a hole. When he does, use the Megaton Hammer. This will stun him. Now, strike him with your sword, and he will fly into the air and start shooting fire at you. Avoid it. He will continue to fly around, so avoid him. When he emerges from one of the holes again, hit him with your Megaton Hammer. Then, strike him with your sword. Now, Volvagia will start moving around the air, and dropping rocks on you. Avoid those as best you can. Volvagia will continue to pop in and out of holes, as he emerges/reemerges. His attacks, however, remain the same. He will, however, eventually, when he has one hit left, move a lot faster through the holes, so keep that in mind. Aside from that, nothing really to worry about. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Morpha | | Location: Water Temple | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Defeating Morpha is rather easy, actually. The way to beat him is to head into a corner. When you are in the corner, Morpha cannot hurt you! Anyway, to attack Morpha, wait until the nucleus thing comes out close enough, so that you can Longshot it. When it does so, use the Longshot to launch the nucleus over to you. When it is over to where you are, strike it with your sword. Morpha will do the same thing over and over, so repeat until you've won. Also, something I forgot to mention, is that there will eventually be two Morphas; one that contains the nucleus, and one that does not. NOTE: Something else I forgot to mention, is when you are in a corner, Morpha will just stay there, and you won't be able to hit the nucleus. When this happens, run across to another side of the room, and along the way, try and hit the nucleus. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Bongo Bongo | | Location: Shadow Temple | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: Fall down the hole to where Bongo Bongo is. As far as his attacks, Bongo Bongo likes to catch you in his hand, then throw you into the poison, which can be annoying, so be careful of that. Also, if you miss hitting his hands, he'll attack you then, too, so avoid that. As for the battle itself, it's not hard at ALL, considering how long it took to get to this boss. To beat him, L-Target him and shoot an arrow at both his hands. They will freeze. Once they freeze, use the Lens of Truth on his ugly eye. This will stun his entire being, so this is your chance to strike him with your sword. This is a heck of a lot faster if you have the Biggoron's Sword. Keep doing this until you win. NOTE: Bongo Bongo also hits the floor with his hands, so use the Iron Boots to avoid being bounced around so much. Sure, you can still be bounced, but not as high. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Koume and Kotake / Twinrova | | Location: Spirit Temple | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: To win the first part of the battle against Twinrova, when one fires an ice spell, deflect it with your Mirror Shield back at the other one that uses fire, and vise versa. Keep doing this until the two sisters decide to transform into Twinrova. When they do, the battle is pretty much the same, except there's one different thing: instead of deflecting the attack at the other one, you will have to absorb one of their spells that they throw at you three times. For example, if the one that uses ice throws an ice spell at you, absorb it three times with your Mirror Shield. When you have absorbed three spells, hold R and unleash the attack on Twinrova to stun her! When she is stunned, quickly run over to the platform where she's on, and chop her madly with your sword! This also works for the one who uses fire on you, too, and their attacks don't change, so keep doing that same process until you win! NOTE: Something I forgot to mention about the boss, sometime in the battle, she'll trick you and fire two fire or ice attacks, then fire the opposite spell, so be aware of that. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Ganondorf | | Location: Ganon's Tower | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: This semi-final battle can be a tough one, which is why I recommend you have the Biggoron's Sword. Ganondorf will break some platforms at the start of the battle, but you won't fall down if you don't move at the start. Anyway, to defeat him, deflect his electricity fireball looking things back at him with your sword or a Bottle. In my opinion, though, a Bottle is not worth it. Keep deflecting until he is floating in the air stunned. When he is, take out a Light Arrow, and then shoot him with it. He'll fall to the ground, so jump over to where he is, and slice away! Repeat this until you win. If Ganondorf charges up for a huge black ball, then quickly take out a Light Arrow and stun him to avoid it. Also, to avoid falling off, as Ganondorf will break more platforms as the battle progresses, stay on one of the four white colored tiles in each corner of the room. Also, you can Longshot to the stained-glass windows to avoid his shockwaves. And finally, if there are not enough platforms available to jump on the platform to where he is (not likely), then use the Hover Boots to hover over to where he is. ------------------------------------------------------------------ | Boss Battle : | | Ganon | | Location: Ganon's Tower | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------ Strategy: The final boss of the game is not as hard as the first one, in my opinion. However, the fact that you can't use the Biggoron's Sword to kill Ganon makes this battle a bit slower than it could be, but still, shouldn't be too much of a problem. Anyway, to defeat Ganon, roll under his legs, and then L-Target his tail, and then hit him with the Megaton Hammer. Keep doing this until Zelda tells you to hurry and get the Master Sword. Do so, and get the Master Sword, which is right next to Zelda. When you have the Master Sword, head back into the arena where Ganon is, and the fire will come back. Defeat him the same way you did in the first part of this fight, only with the Master Sword this time. When you defeat Ganon, congratulations! You've just beaten one of the best video games of all time! Also, note that Nayru's Love works EXCELLENT in this fight, so use it if you have it. Also, it helps to have the white Hearts in this fight, as well as some Fairies. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 10. Enemies | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are tons of enemies in the game. I will list them below, and information on them, etc. Amy Location: Forest Temple Description: Amy is one of the four Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. Attack Information: Like Meg and Beth before her, she will disappear if you L-Target her, so don't try that. Instead, you should try and just attack her when she is visible. Also, something I forgot to mention, use your shield to deflect her attacks. Anubis Location: Spirit Temple Description: Anubis is a floating monster found in the Spirit Temple. Attack Information: Anubis will come toward you and try and shoot some fire. He is only immune to fire, That is his only attack. too, so keep that in mind. Armos Location: Dodongo's Cavern, Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ), Spirit Temple Description: The Armos is a statue that comes to life if you touch it. Attack Information: To defeat one, make it come to life by touching it, and then kill it with Bombs or Arrows. Baby Dodongo Location: Dodongo's Cavern, Spirit Temple (MQ) Description: These little dinosaur-like things are babies of the actual King Dodongo. Attack Information: Just because they are small doesn't mean they don't pose a threat. Baby Dodongo's can, and usually will unless you avoid them, shoot fire breath at you, so be careful! To beat one, simply attack it with your sword and run before it explodes. Bari Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ) Description: These are big electric jellyfishes in Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Attack Information: Beating them is not possible unless you use the Boomerang or Bombs. Barinade Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly Description: In Jabu-Jabu's Belly lurks a boss. This is the boss. A huge, giant amoeba that has electric jellyfish around it. Attack Information: Read the Bosses section to see how to beat him. As far as attacks come, Barinade spins in a circle and fires shots of electricity at you, and also uses its electric jellyfish to attack you. Beamos Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Spirit Temple (MQ) Description: A statue with an eye who shoots a laser at you from the eye. Attack Information: Beating a Beamos is rather easy, actually. Throw a Bomb onto it. Note that it may freeze the target, and not kill it. If that happens, just use another Bomb to finish it. Beth Location: Forest Temple Description: One of the four Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. Attack Information: Just like Amy and Meg before her, Beth disappears if you L-Target her, so don't try that. Instead, you should try and just attack her when she is visible. Also, something I forgot to mention, use your shield to deflect her attacks. Big Deku Baba Location: Deku Tree (MQ), Kokiri Forest, Forest Temple Description: Just like a regular Deku Baba, only a lot bigger. Also, gives you three Deku Nuts when you kill it, rather than one. Attack Information: Kill it by attacking it with your sword when it moves away after attempting to attack you. Bigocto Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly Description: A huge Octorok, who is the mini-boss of Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Attack Information: To defeat it, attack the sensitive spot (green spot) on its butt. To make that appear, hit it with the Boomerang when it turns around to where its back is facing you. Big Poe Location: Hyrule Field Description: A Huge Poe is something you must catch for the guy in the ruined Market as Adult Link. If you give him all ten of these monsters, he will give you the fourth Empty Bottle. These are ghosts, by the way. Attack Information: To defeat one, shoot it with two arrows very fast before it disappears. When its defeated, capture its spirit in a spare Bottle. Biri Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ) Description: A smaller version of the Bari. Attack Information: Defeat it the same way you do the Biri. However, these will attack in a different way, so keep that in mind. Big Skulltula Location: Deku Tree, Dodongo's Cavern, Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Forest Temple, Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: A huge Skulltula in several dungeons. They are named "Skulltula" as Adult Link, but Big Skulltula as Young Link. Attack Information: They knock you back if you get close to them. To beat one, wait until it turns its back. When it does, shoot an arrow or a Deku Seed at it a few times to beat it. Also, you can use your sword to beat it, as well as other items. Blue Bubble Location: Forest Temple Description: A small skull engulfed in blue flames. Attack Information: To defeat one, simply L-Target it with your Hookshot and then hit it with your sword or arrows. Blue Tektite Location: Lake Hylia, Water Temple, Hyrule Field (In the hole with the Heart Piece in the area with the cluttered trees.) Description: A blue, spider-like creature that jumps. Attack Information: To defeat one, shoot arrows or Deku Seeds at it, or strike it with your sword when it comes on land. Its jump is the only attack it has. Bongo Bongo Location: Shadow Temple Description: Two hands, and a weird looking face. This is also the boss of the Shadow Temple! Attack Information: Read the Bosses section to see how to win. As far as attacks come, Bongo Bongo will use his hands to hurt you. He will also pound the ground, which stuns you for a moment, so be careful! The Lens of Truth is required to beat this beast. Business Scrub Location: Scattered Throughout Various Locations In The Game Description: A Deku Scrub slightly different from the one in the Deku Tree. They sell you items. Attack Information: Hit them and they will sell you an item. They spit nuts at you. Composer Brothers Location: Graveyard Description: They are two large Poes hidden in the Graveyard as Adult Link. They are beside the Royal Family's Tomb, the place where you got the Sun's Song as Young Link. Attack Information: They attack like any other Poe. Defeat them the same way, too. Dark Link Location: Water Temple Description: The mini-boss of the Water Temple, who looks like Link, only a shadow form. He also copies your moves, so be VERY careful! Attack Information: The Biggoron's Sword and Din's Fire are the easiest ways to defeat him. You'll have to be an expert swordsman to beat him with your Master Sword. Dead Hand Location: Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple Description: The Dead Hand has four arms out of the ground, followed by an evil body. Attack Information: Defeating these enemies isn't hard. Simply walk up to one of the hands, and let it grab you. The main body will then come out. Attack its head as many times as possible. He will then go back in the ground, so repeat the above process to win. Deku Baba Location: Deku Tree, Forest Temple Description: A smaller version of the Big Deku Baba. Drops less Deku Nuts than the Big Deku Baba. Attack Information: Killed the same way as the Big Deku Baba. Deku Scrub Location: Deku Tree, Lost Woods Description: A small Deku Scrub, who does not sell you an item like the Business Scrubs do. Attack Information: Spits nuts at you. Deflect them with your Deku Shield to knock them out of the grass. Once that is done, attack them with your sword to defeat them. Dinolfos Location: Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ), Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: A lizard enemy who has a knife. Attack Information: The Dinolfos will try and attack you with its knife. Avoid the attacks using your shield. When it stops attacking or if it drops its guard, now's your chance to strike it with your sword. Dodongo Location: Dodongo's Cavern, Water Temple (MQ), Spirit Temple (MQ) Description: A bigger version than the small green Baby Dodongo enemies. They are black-colored. Attack Information: These enemies spew fire breath from their mouth, so watch out! Bomb them, or attack their tail with your sword a few times to defeat them. After they are defeated, they will explode a few seconds afterwards, so move out of the way! Fire Keese Location: Dodongo's Cavern, Fire Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: A bat that is on fire. Attack Information: They attack you by flying over toward you and touching you. To beat them, hit them with your sword, or shoot a Deku Seed or an arrow at them. Flame Dancer Location: Fire Temple Description: Unlike its counterpart, the Flare Dancer, this enemy is not the mini-boss of the Fire Temple, but rather just a nuisance along the way. Attack Information: This thing fights the same way, and is beaten the same way as the Flare Dancer, so see below for information. Also, the color of the coat on this enemy determines how strong and/or weak the enemy is. If red, that means that the enemy is at its strongest. If blue, that it means it is slightly weaker. If green, they are at their weakest state. Flare Dancer Location: Fire Temple Description: The mini-boss of the Fire Temple. It has a black ball in the middle, and is engulfed in red flames. The colors of the flames will change as the battle progresses. Attack Information: They run up to you and touch you to attack you. Also, when they change colors (To blue, for example.), they will spread flames around the room, and some even dance, depending on the color of the flame. To beat them, use the Hookshot on the black ball in the middle. It'll come out, so keep striking it with your sword when it does so. Repeat this until this mini-boss is defeated. Also, the color of the coat on this enemy determines how strong and/ or weak the enemy is. If red, that means that the enemy is at its strongest. If blue, that it means it is slightly weaker. If green, they are at their weakest state. Floormaster Location: Forest Temple, Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple Description: The counterpart of the Wallmaster, the Floormaster relies on defeating you via the ground. The monster is just a mere hand. Attack Information: These attack by turning green and then charging at you. Simply use your shield to dodge it. To defeat it, strike it with your sword until it splits into three. When it does so, quickly defeat the three small ones, or they will very quickly fuse back into the actual Floormaster. Flying Jar Location: Fire Temple, Spirit Temple Description: These flying jars are just jars that fly at you. Attack Information: They fly at an incredible speed at you. If you are hit, the item that is in the jars will be yours to keep. Defeat them using your shield. Freezzard Location: Ice Cavern, Ganon's Tower Description: These enemies are ice figures that attack you with ice breath. Attack Information: Ice breath is their only attack, aside from freezing you, which is annoying as crap. Anyway, to defeat them, just strike them with your sword three times. Ganondorf Location: Ganon's Tower Description: The King of Evil. Ganondorf is a wicked man from Gerudo Valley. He uses the Triforce of Power to turn Hyrule into a wasteland. Also the first of the two parts of the fight against Ganon is against his first form, which is Ganondorf. Attack Information: Ganondorf will shoot electrical energy balls at you, and also a huge dark ball of energy, which is VERY deadly, so watch out! He will also break the tiles in the room when you fight him, so stay on the ones in the four corners that don't break and you should be okay. See the Bosses section for more information on him, including how to beat him. Gerudo Thief Location: Gerudo's Fortress Description: A female guard with two knives in her hands. These women guard Gerudo's Fortress, making it very hard not to get caught. Attack Information: She attacks by using her two knives. Avoid them with your shield, and wait until she drops her guard. When she does so, attack her. Hit her ten times with the Master Sword to defeat her (It takes even quicker using the Biggoron's Sword.). Defeat her quick, though, as if you don't, you'll be put in jail! Gibdo Location: Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple (MQ) Description: The Gibdo enemy is a mummy strapped in white tape. Attack Information: Gibdos scare you with their scream, and then grab hold of you and attack you that way. Avoid that by playing Sun's Song and turning it day, so that they'll freeze (Works on Redeads, too). Once they are frozen, or even if they are not, as long as you're free of their paralyzing scream, strike with your sword until they die. If you do get paralyzed, repeatedly tap A to get out of the grip. You can also use the Sun's Song to freeze them for about 20-30 seconds! Gohma Location: Deku Tree Description: Gohma is a huge monster with an eye that changes colors from red to green. She also happens to be known as Queen Gohma, and is the boss of the Deku Tree. Attack Information: See the Bosses section to see how to beat Gohma. She will send Gohma Eggs down during the battle, so just break them when she does. If they hatch, they will come out as Gohma Larvae, so try and break the eggs very quickly. When her eye turns red, that means you can hit her, so when that happens, immediately take out your Fairy Slingshot and shoot the eye. Gohma Egg Location: Deku Tree Description: Pink and white eggs dropped by Gohma during the boss battle of the Deku Tree. They pose no threat. Attack Information: They don't attack, but they will hatch, however, if you do not kill them fast enough, so strike them with your sword the moment they drop from Gohma. Gohma Larvae Location: Deku Tree Description: A baby Gohma. Attack Information: These are beaten completely different from Gohma herself. Strike them with your sword or use Deku Seeds to defeat them. They attack by lashing out at you. Gold Skulltula Location: Scattered Throughout Various Locations In The Game Description: A much more weird looking Skulltula than the standard Skulltula. As its name suggests, these creatures are Gold. They also house a token when you kill one, so be sure to pick them up, as they give you prizes! Attack Information: They don't hurt you unless you touch them. Kill them with your Fairy Slingshot if you are Young Link, or your Fairy Bow if you are Adult Link. Then, grab the token left behind by them. Green Bubble Location: Forest Temple, Bottom of the Well, Spirit Temple (MQ) Ganon's Tower Description: A skull engulfed in green flame. Attack Information: They fight the same way as the Blue Bubble, so read that part of this section to see how to defeat them, and to see their attacks. Guay Location: Lon Lon Ranch, Lake Hylia Description: As a child, these crow-like enemies are found in Lon Lon Ranch. As an adult, they are found in Lake Hylia. They are found only at nighttime, however. Attack Information: They just touch you like a Keese. That's their attack. To defeat one, simply hit it with your sword, or use an arrow. Ice Keese Location: Ice Cavern, Ganon's Tower Description: A bat with ice on it. Attack Information: Strike it with your sword or use an arrow. They attack by flying towards you. If they hit you, you'll be frozen, so be careful! Iron Knuckle Location: Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: It looks sort of like a samurai with axe, in my opinion. Attack Information: These things are terrible! They hurt you 4 Hearts per one HIT if you don't have the whitish Heart upgrade. Even when you have the Heart upgrade, with 2x health, they still damage you two whole Hearts, so be EXTREMELY careful when fighting these enemies. Lure them over to the pillars in the room that you fight them in, and then if they break it, three Hearts will come out, which is needed for this fight. Having Fairies also helps a ton. Finally, to beat them, attack them after they swing their axe and are off- guard (By all means, just attack them when their axe gets caught in the floor, as the other way is too risky.). Keep doing that until they are dead. Joelle Location: Forest Temple Description: One of the four Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. Attack Information: Joelle attacks like all the other Poes, except for Meg. To beat her, attack her when she is visible, and remember, DO NOT L-Target her, by all means. Also, something I forgot to mention, use your shield to deflect her attacks. Keese Location: Deku Tree (MQ), Dodongo's Cavern, Forest Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Royal Family's Tomb, Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: A bat. No ice or fire surrounding this one, though. Attack Information: They attack you by flying toward you. If they hit touch you, you'll be hurt, so just watch out for that. A simple strike from your sword is enough to kill them. King Dodongo Location: Dodongo's Cavern Description: A MUCH bigger version of the normal Dodongo enemies in the cavern. This is also the boss of Dodongo's Cavern. Attack Information: Read the Bosses section to see how to win against King Dodongo. He only attacks with fire breath and a rolling attack. When he rolls, use the Hylian Shield to duck. You will not usually (There are exceptions.) get hurt when he rolls. If you are caught in his fire breath attack, stand on the very edge of the platform, but don't fall into the lava. If done correctly, you will have avoided his flame attack. Kotake Location: Spirit Temple Description: Kotake is a witch that resides in the Spirit Temple. Attack Information: Kotake attacks with elemental spells. Check the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to beat her. Koume Location: Spirit Temple Description: Koume is a witch that resides in the Spirit Temple. Attack Information: Koume attacks with elemental spells. Check the Bosses section of the FAQ to see how to bear her. Leever Location: Desert Colossus Description: The Leevers are monsters that spin and hit you as they burrow and unborrow out of the sand. This can get VERY annoying very fast. Attack Information: They spin around while making their way for you. If they hit you, they will hurt you slightly. To defeat them, hit them with your sword. Lizalfos Location: Dodongo's Cavern, Fire Temple (MQ), Water Temple (MQ), Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ), Spirit Temple Description: These are lizard-like enemies with a knife in their hand, just like their counterparts, the Dinolfos. Attack Information: They attack with their blade. When their guard is down, quickly strike them with your sword. Guard against their attacks using your shield. Like Like Location: Fire Temple, Water Temple, Bottom of the Well, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: Slime-like enemies that can suck you up and make you lose your tunic and shield, so be very aware when fighting one of them. Attack Information: Hit them with your sword, or kill them by using arrows. They attack by sucking you up. If this happens, you have a chance of losing your tunic and your shield, so avoid that at ALL costs! Mad Scrub Location: Lost Woods Description: A Deku Scrub found in the Lost Woods as Young Link. Attack Information: Like all Deku Scrubs, this one fires nuts at you. Deflect them with your shield. They will then move from the grass, so strike them with your sword when that happens. Meg Location: Forest Temple Description: One of the four Poe sisters in the Forest Temple. Attack Information: She splits into fours and spins around in circles. Shoot an arrow at any of the Poes. If she turns red, you have hit her. Also, something I forgot to mention, use your shield to deflect her attacks. Moblin Location: Sacred Forest Meadow, Spirit Temple (MQ) Description: These are one of Ganondorf's most trusted minions. They are found in the Lost Woods as Adult Link. They wield spears and the captain of them even wields a club. Moblins are tough, so watch out! Attack Information: Moblins lurk around the corners in the Lost Woods. When you venture into a corner where one is, if they see you, they will charge at you and attack you. You won't even have a chance to get away, so use L-Targeting to look into the corners (Wow, one of Navi's suggested tricks in the game actually comes in handy.). Morpha Location: Water Temple Description: In the Water Temple's boss room lurks a slimy water monster with a nucleus in it. Attack Information: See the Bosses section to see how to beat Morpha. Morpha attacks by throwing you across the room after he grabs hold of you. To avoid ever getting thrown, stand in one of the four corners in the room. Morpha cannot hit you here. Octorok Location: Zora's River, Jabu-Jabu's Belly Description: A monster that shoots nuts at you. Hardly an octopus. Attack Information: They shoot nuts at you. Deflecting them with your shield, however, won't work as it does on Deku Scrubs. Instead, use a Deku Seed or an arrow to defeat these. Parasatic Tentacle Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly Description: A weird and slimy tentacle that hangs from the ceiling. It comes in different colors. Attack Information: They attack you by swinging at you at a great force and speed. To beat one, L-Target it and attack it with your Boomerang. Keep doing this until it is defeated. Peahat Location: Hyrule Field Description: Weird enemies that spin around and attack you. They are big, but the big one will send three smaller counterparts after you when you fight one. They are located between Kokiri Forest and Gerudo Valley. Attack Information: They spin around and attack. Their counterparts do the same. Use arrows or Deku Nuts on their bottom part that is sticking out to defeat them. Phantom Ganon Location: Forest Temple Description: A clone of Ganondorf who rides on a horse with a scepter. This is also the boss of the Forest Temple. Attack Information: Read the Bosses section to see how to beat him. When on the horse, Phantom Ganon will attack you if you miss the real horse. In the second phase of the battle, Phantom Ganon will shoot electric energy balls at you. When this happens, deflect them with your sword until he is stunned. He also uses a charge attack in mid-battle, so be prepared for that, as it was an extremely unexpected attack for me. Poe Location: Graveyard, Dodongo's Cavern (MQ) Description: A ghost. Attack Information: Shoot an arrow at one, or simply strike it with your sword until it's dead. When it is, a spirit will be left behind. There's no reason to catch these, though, as they are useless. These are a lot easier than Big Poes, too. Red Bubble Location: Fire Temple, Gerudo Training Ground Description: A skull engulfed in red flames. Attack Information: They attack by burning you. Defeat them like any other bubble enemy. Red Tektite Location: Death Mountain Description: A red spider enemy found in Death Mountain. Attack Information: Strike it with your sword until its defeated, or use Deku Seeds or Arrows. Redead Location: Scattered Throughout Various Locations In The Game Description: Redeads are brown zombies. They aren't zombies, though, they are Ganondorf's mechanically operated beings "imitating" zombies. Attack Information: They scream and paralyze you, so watch out for that. If you happen to get paralyzed, they will walk over to you and start to grab you and attack you. Tap A repeatedly to get out of the paralyzed state. Strike them with your sword to defeat them. You can also use the Sun's Song to freeze them for about 20-30 seconds! Shabom Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly Description: A soap bubble. Attack Information: Strike it with your sword to defeat it. Or just let it hit you, but that's not a good thing. They attack by touching you, as most enemies do. Shell Blade Location: Water Temple Description: Clam-like enemies with an internal muscle. Attack Information: L-Target them and when they open up their shells and you see their internal muscle, use the Hookshot/Longshot on them. They attack by hitting you with their spiked outer shell. Skulltula Location: Deku Tree, Dodongo's Cavern, Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Forest Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ) Description: A spider that is found in many places in the game. Attack Information: They will spin around to try and hit you, so be careful. Just stay far away from them and shoot them with an Arrow or Deku Seed, and you'll be fine. Skullwalltula Location: Deku Tree, Dodongo's Cavern, Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Forest Temple, Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple Description: These are the exact same as Big Skulltula enemies, they are just on walls and vines, etc. Attack Information: They will turn purple if they see you. When they turn purple, they will charge at you and knock you off to the area below, so watch out for that! Kill them with a Deku Seed or an Arrow. Spike Location; Water Temple Description: A black ball in the middle with spikes around it. Attack Information: Hit it with your Hookshot/Longshot; the ball will then be revealed, so hit it with your sword or Hookshot/Longshot then to kill it. It attacks by spinning at you with its lethal spikes. Spiked Trap Location: Dodongo's Cavern, Water Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: A black metal piece with spikes on it that moves left to right. Attack Information: They will move from left to right and damage you, so try and be wary when you encounter one. You can't kill one. Stalchild Location: Hyrule Field Description: A skeleton that appears at nighttime only as Young Link in Hyrule Field. Attack Information: They will hit you with their hands, but that's not really a problem, it's more of a nuisance, really. Anyway, to defeat them, strike them with your sword until they are defeated. Stalfos Location: Forest Temple, Water Temple (MQ), Shadow Temple, Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ), Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: A skeleton enemy with a shield. They fight identical to the Lizalfos and Dinolfos enemies. Attack Information: Defeat them the same way you do the Lizalfos and Dinolfos enemies, so look above for the explanation. They attack the same way, too. Avoid the attacks using your shield. Stinger Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly, Water Temple, Gerudo Training Grounds (MQ) Description: An enemy that will fly up and attack you. Attack Information: Their only attack is flying. They will fly at you and touch you. If they touch you, you will be damaged. Kill them with your Fairy Slingshot or Fairy Bow. Tailpasaran Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly Description: A weird, tail-like enemy. Attack Information: They will come out of the ground in the room where all the Parasatic Tentacles are powered at. They will attack you with their electric powers. To defeat them, use the Boomerang on their tail. Torch Slug Location: Fire Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Tower Description: A weird snail-like thing with fire on top of it. Attack Information: They will hurt you with their flames if you get close to them. Hit them with the Megaton Hammer to flip them over. When they are flipped over, strike them with your sword until they are defeated. Also, you can use Bombs, as well as Arrows. Or, just use your sword. Twinrova Location: Spirit Temple Description: Two witches, Koume and Kotake form into this during the second part of the fight against them in the Spirit Temple. This is also the boss of the temple. Attack Information: Twinrova attacks using fire and ice spells. Read the Bosses section to see how to beat them. Volvagia Location: Fire Temple Description: A huge fire-breathing dragon who resides in the Fire Temple as the dungeon's boss. He also captured the Gorons and put them in the Fire Temple. Attack Information: Volvagia will burrow into the ground and pop back out of a hole. Also, Volvagia will also attack you fire fire breath and eventually, Volvagia will even drop rocks! Also, half way through the fight, Volvagia will start moving through the holes faster. Wallmaster Location: Forest Temple, Fire Temple, Water Temple, Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple Description: A hand that will come down from the ceiling and grab you in every temple. If they grab you, you'll be warped back to the beginning of the temple. Attack Information: They come from the ceiling and grab you. You'll be able to tell if they are coming, as you will hear a weird, windy noise. You'll also see a shadow approaching you. White Bubble Location: Spirit Temple (OoT) Description: Skulls without flames engulfing them. Attack Information: They fight the same way all the other bubble enemies do. They are also defeated the same way, too. White Wolfos Location: Ice Cavern, Gerudo Training Ground Description: These are wolf enemies. They are as white as snow. Attack Information: Hit them with your sword when they are off guard. Also, if you hit them in the back with your sword, they will instantly die. Wolfos Location: Sacred Forest Meadow, Forest Temple Description: These are just like the White Wolfos enemies, only they are the color of a normal wolf. Attack Information: Defeat them the same way you do the White Wolfos. Their attacks remain the same as well. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 11. Items | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are tons of items to be found in the game. I'll list them all below here, as well as all the information about them, etc. Adult's Wallet Description: A wallet found in the House of Skulltula by one of the uncursed Hylians after you have 10 Gold Skulltula tokens. This wallet enables you to hold up to 200 Rupees! Arrow Description: Arrows come in a single Arrow, which is worth 5 Arrows, or they can come in two Arrows, which is worth 10. Also, they can come in a three pack, and be worth 30 Arrows! Arrows are used for your Fairy Bow acquired in the Forest Temple. Biggoron's Sword Description: An extremely powerful sword forged from Biggoron. This is also the most powerful sword in the game. Big Poes Description: The enemies themselves are not items, but their remaining spirits are. You can catch a Poe's spirit in a Bottle. Blue Fire Description: You can keep this blue flame in a Bottle. It melts red ice. Blue Potion Description: A potion that recovers all your health AND magic! Blue Rupee Description: A blue rupee. Worth 5 Rupees. Bomb Description: A blue bomb that explodes on contact with an enemy. If you do not throw it to an enemy, it'll explode after a few seconds, rather than instantly. Bombchu Description: A weird looking bomb. When thrown, the Bombchu will travel a certain distance, depending on how long you hold it before you throw it, and explode. Boomerang Description: A boomerang found in Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Boss Key Description: The key needed to reach the boss in each of the five temples as Adult Link. They are found in blue and yellow-colored treasure chests deep within the temple. Bottle Description: There are four of these Empty Bottles in the game. They house items such as Blue Fire, Fairies, and even potions. Broken Goron's Sword Decsription: A small, broken version of the Biggoron's Sword. Has no use. Bug Description: A blue, spider-like bug that is hidden in rocks, grass, and even sometimes certain holes in the game. They can help you to find Gold Skulltulas if you put them in a Magic Bean patch. Bunny Hood Description: A bunny hood mask found in the Happy Mask Shop in the Market by selling the masks sold there. Claim Check Description: A piece of paper given to you by Biggoron after you give him the eyedrops, so that he can forge the Biggoron's Sword. Cojiro Description: A rare blue Cucco given to you by the girl beside the Cucco pin directly south of the entrance to the Graveyard in Kakariko Village. This is given to you as Adult Link. It is also needed for The Trading Process. Compass Description: A compass in every dungeon and temple of the game. This device pinpoints the current location of your character, as well as the door you've previously visited. Your character is a yellow arrow on the map, while the previously visited area is painted red. Cucco Description: A chicken. These are called Cuccos for a more creative name, I guess. Deku Nut Description: A nut found from Deku Baba and Big Deku Baba enemies. These items freeze enemies, thus stunning them. Deku Seed Description: These are golden-colored seeds. They are bullets for your Fairy Slingshot. Deku Seed Bullet Bag Description: These cause you to house more Deku Seeds, and are considered upgrades. Read the Side Quests section to see where to find the upgrades. Deku Shield Description: A wooden shield found in the shop in Kokiri Forest. Deku Stick Description: A brown-colored stick. You can light it via a lit torch. Din's Fire Description: A special power given to you by the Great Fairy in Hyrule Castle as Young Link. This power lights torches, and destroys enemies. Dungeon Map Description: A map found in each dungeon and in each temple. These maps create a map on the right side of the screen. The maps are especially useful when you have a Compass. Eyeball Frog Description: A frog given to you by King Zora during The Trading Process. Fairy Description: A red and white fairy. These can be captured in Empty Bottles, and they will also fully rejuvinate your health. Fairy Bow Description: A bow obtained in the Forest Temple as Adult Link. This bow is extremely powerful, and VERY useful. Fairy Ocarina Description: A ocarina handed down to you by Saria after you leave Kokiri Forest. Fairy Slingshot Description: A slingshot found inside the Great Deku Tree in a chest. This is your Fairy Bow as Young Link, basically. Farore's Wind Description: A special power given to you by the Great Fairy in Zora's Fountain as Young Link. This power creates a warp zone in the current dungeon and/or temple. If you die, you'll be warped to the warp zone, rather than the beginning of the dungeon or the temple. A useful ability at that. Fish Description: A fish found in Zora's Domain. You can store it in a Bottle. Fire Arrow Description: A fire arrow that uses magic. This is found in Lake Hylia after you beat the Water Temple, but see the Side Quests section, not here, if you are interested in getting them. Fire Medallion Description: A red medallion given to you by Darunia after you beat the Fire Temple. Forest Medallion Description: A green medallion given to you by Saria after you beat the Forest Temple. Fishing Pole Description: The owner of the fishing pond in Lake Hylia gives this to you each time you pay 20 Rupees to fish. Gerudo Membership Card Description: A membership card identifying you as a member of the Gerudos in Gerudo's Fortress. This is handed down to you by the Gerudo lady after you rescue the four carpenters. Gerudo Mask Description: A mask located in the Happy Mask Shop after you sell all the items. Giant's Knife Description: A blade forged by Biggoron in Goron City. This is a powerful sword, but it breaks very easily, and is not worth the 200 Rupees that you have to pay. Giant's Wallet Description: A huge wallet found in the House of Skulltula by one of the uncursed Hylians after you get 30 Gold Skulltula tokens. This wallet enables you to hold up to 500 Rupees! Golden Gauntlets Description: Gold gauntlets that fit on your wrists. They are found in Ganon's Tower and are used to lift up tall, black stone things in the tower. Also used to get the whitish Hearts. Golden Scale Description: A gold scale that allows you to dive for 9 seconds underwater. Found in Lake Hylia's fishing pond by breaking the record of the biggest fish caught in the livewell. Gold Skulltula Token Description: A gold token left behind by a Gold Skulltula when you kill one. Goron's Bracelet Description: A gold bracelet given to you by Darunia as Young Link. With this, you can pick up Bomb Flowers. Goron Mask Description: A mask sold in the Happy Mask Shop after you sell all the masks. Goron's Ruby Description: This is the Spiritual Stone of Fire given to you by Darunia after you beat Dodongo's Cavern. Goron Tunic Description: A red tunic. This tunic resists fire (e.g. Death Mountain Crater and the Fire Temple, so that you can survive.). To see how to get it, read the Walkthrough section of the FAQ on Goron City, right before the Fire Temple as Adult Link. Green Potion Description: A potion that can be stored in a Bottle. It recovers all your magic. Green Rupee Description: A green rupee. Worth 1 rupee. Heart Container Description: A heart that you get each time you beat a dungeon/temple. These give you one more Heart! Hookshot Description: A spiked chain that extends. You can use this to reach places you cannot normally reach without it. It is acquired in the Graveyard in Kakariko Village. Hover Boots Description: These boots allow you to float on air and get to new areas. They are acquired in the Shadow Temple. Huge Rupee Description: This rupee is found in secret holes, and are worth a whole 200 Rupees! Hylian Shield Description: A shield found in the Market for 80 Rupees as Young Link. If you talk to the guy on top of Death Mountain, he will give you a discount on it, so that it'll be cheaper in the Market. Ice Arrow Description: An ice arrow acquired from the Gerudo Training Ground in Gerudo's Fortress. This arrow consumes magic power, but it also freezes enemies when you use it. Iron Boots Description: Heavy boots that won't even let you walk much at all, much less float underwater. These are acquired in the Ice Cavern. Keaton Mask Description: A mask that resembles Pikachu a little bit, but not much. This is the first mask you can get in the Happy Mask Shop. Kokiri Boots Description: Standard boots. You start out with them. Kokiri Emerald Description: This is the Spiritual Stone of the Forest, also known as the Kokiri Emerald. This is given to you by the Deku Tree after you beat Gohma. Kokiri Sword Description: A small knife (It's not really a sword.) of the Kokiri, that is located inside a chest in the forest. Kokiri Tunic Description: A green tunic. You start the game with this. It has no special properties like the Fire Tunic and the Zora Tunic do. Lens of Truth Description: A mirror-like object that when used, drains magic. It also lets you see things that you can't normally see. It's found in the Bottom of the Well as Young Link. Light Arrow Description: The legendary arrows of light are given to you by Princess Zelda after you beat all five temples as Adult Link. If you kill an enemy off with one of these, the enemy will turn into a Purple Rupee, which is worth 50 Rupees! Light Medallion Description: A gold medallion given to you after you take the Master Sword from its pedestal. Longshot Description: The better version of the Hookshot. Acquired in the Water Temple. Lon Lon Milk Description: If you win Talon's Cucco mini-game, he'll give this to you. Also, if you play Epona's Song beside a cow, you'll get it if you have an Empty Bottle. Magic Bean Description: A mystical bean that when planted on a Magic Bean patch which looks like yellowish soil, sprouts a leaf. Come back as Adult Link to that spot, and the leaf will become a grown leaf, which will carry you to new areas. Magic Jar Description: A green magic jar. They come in a small size, or a big size. Each size fills up your Magic Meter either a little or a lot. Mask of Truth Description: A mask that you can read Gossip Stones with. Also, you can't get this until you sell off all the masks in the Happy Mask Shop. Master Sword Description: The legendary blade of evil's bane, which is used to slay evil. As Young Link, after you beat all three dungeons and get the Ocarina of Time, you can open the Door of Time. Inside that door is the Master Sword. Megaton Hammer Description: A hammer found in the Fire Temple. It can break boulders that you can't destroy with Bombs. Mirror Shield Description: This shield is red and silver, and is acquired in the Spirit Temple after beating an Iron Knuckle. The shield emits light if you use it when you are standing under a ray of light. Nayru's Love Description: A special power given to you by the Great Fairy in Desert Colossus as Adult Link or Young Link. Nayru's Love uses tons of MP, so be careful! It also makes you become invincible, though, so that's the good thing about it. Ocarina of Time Description: The legendary Ocarina passed down by the Royal Family of Hyrule. Princess Zelda gives you this after you beat all three dungeons as Young Link, and go to the Market. Odd Mushroom Description: A mushroom that serves no purpose. Only in The Trading Process, does this item even serve a purpose. Odd Potion Description: A potion that is only used in The Trading Process. Orange Rupee Description: A rupee that is worth 200 Rupees! If you kill a Skull Kid in the Lost Woods, you'll get one. Prescription Description: A prescription for the eyedrops found in The Trading Process. Piece of Heart Description: A piece of a Heart Container. Find four of these to get another whole Heart. Poacher's Saw Description: In The Trading Process, the guy in Gerudo Valley gives this to you. Pocket Egg Description: As Adult Link, talk to the lady beside the Cucco pin directly south of the Graveyard. She'll give you the Pocket Egg. Pocket Cucco Description: After the Pocket Egg hatches, this Cucco hatches. Poe Description: A left behind spirit. Capture it in a Bottle if you want. It does not serve a purpose, however. Purple Rupee Description: A rupee worth 50 Rupees! Quiver Description: You can get two of these. They upgrade the amount of Arrows you can hold up to in your Fairy Bow. See the Side Quests section to see how to get the two Quivers. Recovery Heart Description: A simple, one whole Heart (Does not give you another one like the Heart Containers do.) found in chests and jars and in different areas of dungeons/temples. When used, these recover your health by one whole Heart. Red Potion Description: A potion that can be stored in an Empty Bottle. When used, it fully recovers all of your Hearts. Red Rupee Description: A rupee worth 20 Rupees! Shadow Medallion Description: A purple medallion given to you by Impa after you beat the Shadow Temple. Silver Gauntlets Description: In the Spirit Temple is where these gauntlets lurk. They make you stronger, thus enabling you to move huge stone blockes that you couldn't before. Silver Scale Description: You get this in Zora's Domain as Young Link by playing the diving game. This scale enables you to go underwater for 6 seconds. Silver Rupee Descriptions: Unlike its counterparts, this Rupee isn't worth any money. It is used in dungeons to unlock doors and such. Sinking Lure Description: This is found in the fishing pond in Lake Hylia. See the Codes n' Secrets section to see exactly how to find it. It is a MUCH better lure than the one you start out with. Skull Mask Description: A mask found in the Happy Mask Shop. Small Key Description: A silver key found in all temples. These are used to unlock doors. Spirit Medallion Description: An orange medallion given to you by Nabooru after you beat the Spirit Temple. Spooky Mask Description: A mask resembling a Redead found in the Happy Mask Shop. Stone of Agony Description: A stone given to you by one of the uncursed Hylians in the House of Skulltula after you collect 10 Gold Skulltula tokens. The item makes your controller rumble if it has a rumble feature. The rumble indicates a nearby secret hole. If no rumble feature is on your controller, the item is useless. Water Medallion Description: A blue medallion given to you by Princess Ruto after you beat the Water Temple. Weird Egg Description: An egg given to you by Malon in Hyrule Castle as Young Link. When it hatches, a Cucco will form out of it. World's Finest Eyedrops Description: Eyedrops given to you in The Trading Process by the professor in Lakeside Laboratory. Zelda's Letter Description: A letter given to you by Princess Zelda in Castle Courtyard. This item is given to you as Young Link. Zora Mask Description: A mask in the Happy Mask Shop that is available after you sell all the masks. Zora's Sapphire Description: The Spiritual Stone of Water given to you by Princess Ruto. Zora's Tunic Description: A blue tunic given to you by King Zora. This enables you to breathe underwater. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 12. Gold Skulltulas (Ocarina of Time) | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are approximately 100 Gold Skulltulas scattered across this game. I will will list them below and information on where to find them, etc. Also, take note that Gold Skulltulas enable you, when you get 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and then 100, to get a prize from one of the cursed humans in Kakariko Village. These prizes are located in the House of Skulltula. Some prizes are useful, some are not. I'll list them all below. The locations of the Gold Skulltulas are different on each version of the game, so take note of that (They are only different in the dungeons.). However, the prizes remain the same, regardless the version. Also, keep in mind that aside from the dungeons, most of the Gold Skulltulas must be obtained at night. Thanks to marshmallow letting me use his entire list. I asked him. All credit goes to him and to him only. NOTE: It is best to turn it nighttime before you try and get every Gold Skulltula except in dungeons, as most of them, like I said, require nighttime. Prizes The Gold Skulltulas Give You ----------------------------------- Adult's Wallet How To Obtain: Get 10 Gold Skulltulas Description: The Adult's Wallet allows you to hold up to 200 Rupees. Stone of Agony How To Obtain: Get 20 Gold Skulltulas Description: If your controller has a rumble feature, this stone will cause your controller to rumble, indicating that a secret in the game is nearby (I mean like secret holes, etc.)! Giant's Wallet How To Obtain: Get 30 Gold Skulltulas Description: This wallet gives you 500 Rupees! Bombchus (x10) How To Obtain: Get 40 Gold Skulltulas Description: This is not much of a prize for getting 40 Gold Skulltulas, but hey, take it with gratitude. Piece of Heart How To Obtain: Get 50 Gold Skulltulas Description: You know what a Piece of Heart is, so I'm not going to explain. Yellow Rupee How To Obtain: Get 100 Gold Skulltulas Description: You get 200 Rupees for getting 100 Gold Skulltulas. Not worth it, if you ask me. You DO, however, get to keep getting 200 Rupees over and over by talking to the guy who gave this to you. That is about the only benefit of this prize. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ K O K I R I F O R E S T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 1 - Use a Bottled Bug on the soft soil spot that is behind the Shop, one will pop out. 2 - It's on the back of the Know It All Brother's House. You don't need anything special. I think... ADULT LINK: 3 - On the back of the House of Twin's, look up high. You'll need the Hookshot to pick up the token. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H Y R U L E F I E L D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ANY LINK: 4 - In front of the entrance to Kakariko Village, there is a lonely tree, near Hyrule Castle. Blow it up and go into the hole that appears. You'll need the Hookshot/Boomerang to collect it, though. 5 - In front of the entrance to Gerudo's Valley is a large rock with a circle of stones around it. Use the Megaton Hammer to blow away the rock, then drop down the hole. Get rid of the web with Din's Fire or a Fire Arrow, then get the token (behind the cow). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H Y R U L E M A R K E T ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 6 - In the first area (coming from Hyrule Field) is a house with a ton of pots, some crates, and a guard. Roll into the crates nearest the guard and one of them will contain this Skulltula. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H Y R U L E C A S T L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 7 - Play the Song of Storms in front of the tree, the one near where you woke up Talon. Go in the hole, there you go! 8 - When you first enter the area (coming from the Market, where else?) there is a tree RIGHT there, roll into it and a Skulltula will fall out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G A N O N ' S C A S T L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 9 - You've probably spotted the arch, the one that the guard (as young Link) used to be. Well, go behind it, then look at it from where you got Din's Fire/ Double Defense. Lo and behold! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L O N L O N R A N C H ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 10 - The house on the left of where you enter, look up and there will be one on the window up there. Requires Boomerang. 11 - This one is pretty simple...Look on the wall near the shack with the cows (where you got a Heart Piece - hopefully). Requires the Boomerang. 12 - On the fence, the one that keeps the horses in, is a large wooden structure. Look on that. 13 - There is only one tree in this area...roll into it (it's past the houses and before the horse corral). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ K A K A R I K O V I L L A G E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 14 - There is a tower near the entrance to the Death Mountain trail, it's on the ladder. 15 - In the graveyard, on the wall, requires Boomerang. The wall that Dampe's house is on, that is. 16 - In the center of town is a construction area (it will eventually become the Archery Mini-Game building). Look on the back of the bricks. 17 - On the outside of the Skulltula house 18 - Coming from Hyrule Field, roll into the tree that is straight ahead, a Golden Skulltula will pop out. You know, the one where the Boss Carpenter/Weird Guy sits against. 19 - On the side of a house, near the entrance to Death Mountain. when you try to open the door, a note reads something about someone's son not being able to play...? 20 - In the graveyard is a plot of soft soil, let some bottled bugs loose and watch it pop out! ADULT LINK: 21 - On top of Impa's house (the one with a cow and a Heart Piece inside; overlooks the chicken pen). Requires Longshot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L O S T W O O D S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 22 - In the area that has a bridge (the one from Kokiri Forest to Hyrule Field) is a soft soil spot, use some bottled bugs. 23 - Another area, with two Deku Scrubs, has some soft soil. Use a buggy! ADULT LINK: 24 - In the soft soil location with two scrubs, use the bean platform to find a ledge with this spider. 25 - In the Sacred Forest Meadow, on the wall, you'll probably hear it before you actually see it (it's not a very tough one!). You need the Hookshot to recover the token it drops. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D E A T H M O U N T A I N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 26 - Coming from Kakariko Village, you've probably noticed an area of the all (right side) looks like a drum skin. Come back with your bombs and blow it up to find a secret alcove with a you-know-what. You need the Boomerang to collect the token. 27 - Soft soil location at the mouth of Dodongo's Cavern...you need to use a bottled bug, you drooling retard! ADULT LINK: 28 - In the last stretch before the climbable wall (which leads to the summit) are a lot of boulders...smash them with the Megaton Hammer, one is covering up a Skulltula! The strange thing is, it HAS to be nighttime for this to work! Strange... 29 - Remember how you opened up Dodongo's Cavern? Go to where you threw the bomb off the ledge and there will be a rock there, smash it with the Megaton Hammer and a spider will be under it. Same as above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D E A T H M O U N T A I N C R A T E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 30 - Coming from the summit of Death Mountain, roll into the crate near the entrance. 31 - Near the Fire Temple is a plot of soft soil, use a bug (for this one, you'll need to play the Bolero of Fire, since you can't cross the gaps in the bridge without the Hookshot). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G O R O N C I T Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 32 - After collecting the bombs, you can blow away the rocks on the upper-most floor. Behind it is a rock maze of sorts. At the end, besides two Purple Rupees, is a crate. Roll into it, or bomb it, and voila! Skulltula! EITHER LINK: 33 - On the center platform, suspended in mid-air by rope, it's on the outside (requires Hookshot as adult, Boomerang and Slingshot as young). ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z O R A ' S R I V E R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 34 - In front of the entrance to Zora's Domain is a series of platforms. Have you ever gone down there? You've probably said to yourself "If I go down there, I will be swept away by the currents!" *buzz* Oh, I'm afraid that is the INCORRECT answer. Actually, down there, on a ladder, is a Skulltula...along with a few Rupees... 35 - Roll into the one and only tree at the entrance and a Skulltula will magically pop out! ADULT LINK: 36 - In the area here you got the first Heart Container Piece (it has two holes, one is a Fairy Fountain, the other has a single chest and a Gossip Stone). This one is on the wall nearest the hole that is NOT the Fairy Fountain. Requires Hookshot. 37 - Get on the magic bean platform and at the very end it will drop you off at a wooden bridge. Note that you do not actually need to have planted the magic bean for this, it's just a reference. You know, the wooden bridge shortly before the entrance to Zora's Domain? Anyways, after stepping foot on earth, turn left and look up high on the all. Requires Hookshot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z O R A ' S D O M A I N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 38 - At the very top of the frozen waterfall, on the wall. You need to actually get up there where the Zora Mini-Game Salesperson (I'm just making this up as I go along, if you haven't noticed ;)) and blam it, since even the Longshot can't reach it from below. Even when at the top, you need the Hookshot to collect the token it leaves behind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z O R A ' S F O U N T A I N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 39 - You know the log in the water? It seems to serve no purpose...but it does! Get on it and follow it to the end to find a Golden Skulltula on a wall. 40 - On the island behind Lord Jabu-Jabu (the one where you picked up Farore's Wind) is a tree...roll into it. ADULT LINK: 41 - On the island here you picked up Farore's wind is a large, gray boulder. After acquiring the Silver Gauntlets you can pick this up; guess what's under it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L A K E H Y L I A ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 42 - You know the little island where the Fire Arrows dropped down? The Skulltula you are seeking is on one of them. 43 - Soft soil location in front of the science lab (if you're confused what to do - CONGRATULATIONS! You, sir/madam, or mentally handicapped! Try not to stick a fork in an electrical outlet). 44 - On the back of the science lab, you need to be on the bridge to see it. Requires the Boomerang to get the token it drops. ADULT LINK: 45 - In the science lab is a pool of water. Use the Iron Boots to sink down there, then roll into the crate at the bottom. Ta daaa! 46 - Next to the Triforce Symbol (that's where you appear if you play the Serenade of Water to warp here...) is a tree, use the Longshot to get to the top and find this spider. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G E R U D O V A L L E Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 47 - At the start, right next to the board bridge, is a small, miniscule waterfall. Thar she blows! You need the Boomerang to pick up the treasure it drops. 48 - You know those ledges in the canyon, at the start of the HUGE waterfall, where you picked up a few Heart Pieces? Well, there is a soft soil spot down there. Guess what to do next... ADULT LINK: 49 - Look behind the tent where all the Carpenters live; you need the Hookshot to pick up the token, though... 50 - If you haven't found this one, you scare me. Near the entrance to Gerudo's Fortress; look up high. You'll need Mr. Hookshot, as always. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ G E R U D O F O R T R E S S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 51 - In the Horse Archery area, it's on one of the tall targets, you, obviously, need the Longshot. Also note that you would have had to save all four carpenters, since you can't get up there before then (dumb guards...). 52 - If you've explored around the Fortress, you should have found this one by now. An easy way to get over there to actually collect the token it drops is to use the Hoverboots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ H A U N T E D W A S T E L A N D ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 53 - Once you get to the stone structure where your Poe Guide is, go around to the side and fall down the hole. At the bottom of the tunnel is, yes you guessed it, a Skulltula! Unlike most, you can look for this in the middle of the day. Strange... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D E S E R T C O L O S S U S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 54 - There is some soft soil near the entrance to the Spirit Temple. ADULT LINK: 55 - On a big old boulder near the Fairy Fountain (ride the magical bean platform to get there). 56 - On a palm tree; use the Hookshot to collect it. (The rest are dungeons. Keep in mind that you can see if you've collected all the Skulltulas in the particular dungeon by checking the map. If there is a Golden Skulltula Icon at the top, you have.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D E K U T R E E D U N G E O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 57 - In the room where you press the switch to raise three platforms (you get the Compass here), one of the platforms leads to a small alcove. It's in there. Just don't be too quick to jump, a Giant Skulltula will fall from above, so if you do, you'll be knocked down! 58 - After breaking the first spiderweb you'll be in a water room. If you try to climb out on the vines, you'll notice this one, which is also on the ivy. Use the Slingshot to kill it, then climb the vines to collect the token. 59 - In the same room as above, there is a hole with bars covering it, there it is! You don't need the Boomerang to collect the token, as a lot of people have sad. Just jump from the nearby platform (the one where you press the switch to make the nearby torch light). 60 - In one room you will have to torch a spider web where you will then follow a small tunnel to the highest platform from the water room (see above). One of the spiderwebs seems to go with a dead-end, with a single Deku Baba. But, the dead-end has a strange looking wall...use a bomb and...WAHOO! There you go. Use the Boomerang to collect the token it leaves behind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D O D O N G O ' S C A V E R N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 61 - In the hall just right of the main room (area where you must shove a statue onto a switch to keep it down) are several Dodongo Larva...and an odd part of the wall. Before collecting the Bomb Bag, kill a Larva near the wall and hen it dies it will blow it away. Obviously, if you have bombs it's a bit easier. Inside is a room with an Armos Statue; look behind it for this tricky spider. 62 - Remember where you had to blow away a bunch of bombs at once to form a series of stairs to an above area? Same room, up the stairs, on some vines. That was pretty simple... 63 - After going through the Giant Dodongo Head, go through the tunnel, climb the blocks...WAIT! Look on the wall, to your right. There should be a strange part there, bomb it to reveal a door. Inside is an Armos, kill it and it will be behind it. 64 - *GASP* This one actually requires EFFORT! First off, make sure everything is reset in this dungeon (just leave and come back in). Then, in the main room, hop on the elevator platform and go through the door there. Now drop down to the switchblade maze, and climb up the ladder (NOT the one with the blue block). Go across the bridge...now we should be in the room where you had to bomb the pillar to make some stairs...but on the wrong side! Follow the path left, climb the vines against the pillar, and you'll find a Skulltula. Kill it, then grab the token with your Boomerang. This took me ages to figure out... ADULT LINK: 65 - In the hallway with Larva Dodongos, the area where you had to push a statue onto a switch to make it stay down, when Navi flies up to a ledge and turns green, but nothing is there, play the Scarecrow's Song and use Pierre and the Hookshot to get up there. I believe you can take it from there... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L O R D J A B U - J A B U ' S B E L L Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 66 - In the room with a switch that raises the water, it's on some vines. Kill it with the Slingshot and then climb up to retrieve it. If you missed this one, I am frightened. 67 - After falling don the hole that the green tentacle was covering, look on the wall, you'll need the Boomerang. 68 - The same as above, except only a few feet away, on the same wall. 69 - All hail 69! In the room before the boss, on some vines. Just kill it with the Slingshot and then collect it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F O R E S T T E M P L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 70 - In the first room, on the vines. Just use your Hookshot to defeat it, then climb up to get the token. 71 - In the main room (with the four torches and an elevator to the Boss Door), on the wall. Hard to miss! 72 - In the plant room where you fell down a well to retrieve a key, you've probably spotted a Golden Skulltula on a wall, but it's just out of reach! The hard way is to come back with the Longshot. The easy way is to use the small chest that is up there as an Hookshot target and pull yourself up there! 73 - Basically, look over the balcony in one of the plant rooms, you'll spot a ledge that can only be reached by dropping down. Voila! Skulltula! 74 - In the final room before the Boss Door, where you rotate the wall, it will be in the alcove with a Giant Skulltula (go inside and scan the wall). Use the Hookshot to get it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ F I R E T E M P L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 75 - In the large lava room with a long bridge going across (go right in the first room to find it). The door on the left side of the chamber has a blue block, play the Song of Time to make it form a ladder to the upper area; it's inside. 76 - At the bottom level of the boulder maze. Walk along the all and listen for the familiar "sheeseeh" noise the Skulltula makes. Now, look at the wall, find a weak part, and bomb it! If you're ears are correct, an alcove with a Golden Skulltula should be revealed. 77 - In the room before you get the Boss Key, it has spinning tile enemies and a Like Like, look behind the Like Like. Just be sure not to lose anything :) 78 - On the top level of the boulder maze (second floor you could call it) is a platform way up in the air. Play the Scarecrow's Song and use Pierre as a Hookshot target to get up there! Follow the path to find this tricky Skulltula. 79 - After doing that, continue. Soon you'll end up in the room here you retrieved the Megaton Hammer, you will spot a nearby island in mid-air. Hookshot, anyone? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I C E C A V E R N ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 80 - In the room with the spinning knife contraption (resembles a helicopter blade) are some icicles on the side; smash them with your sword and look up on the wall. I believe a Silver Rupee is behind here, but I'm not sure since I already collected them in this game... 81 - Same little alcove where you got the Heart Piece, across from the Compass...which branches off from the above room (you need to melt the passageway with blue fire; it's covered in red ice! 82 - On the wall in the block puzzle room. Use the Hookshot to clean it off, obviously. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ W A T E R T E M P L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 83 - Inside the central pillar (need to drain the water to the very bottom first to actually get inside) in the main room, on the ceiling. You'll need to acquire the Longshot first, though, otherwise you can't collect the token it leaves behind. 84 - In the room where there are several platforms going down a waterfall, you can Hookshot to them. On the right-hand side (coming from the main area, at least) is a Skulltula! You need the Longshot, like before. 85 - In the first underground river, the one with vortexes, look on the wall above the second vortex. Use the Iron Boots, then use the Hookshot to kill it and retrieve the token. 86 - Facing the passageway where Princess Ruto used to be, head left and go in that passageway. Blow up the crack in the floor, use your Iron Boots to follow the path, hit the switch to raise the stairs...and come face-to-face with a grate, and the Diamond Object is on the other side. Either use a lunge (Z + A) or a Spin Slash to activate it. Inside the cage is, yes, a Skulltula. 87 - Before collecting the Boss Key you had to sink behind a waterfall, which spewed out boulders. On the wall, behind the falls, is a Skulltula! To avoid getting hit by a boulder, use the Hookshot from the nearby passageway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S H A D O W T E M P L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ADULT LINK: 88 - In the room with the guillotines (sp?), you will eventually come face to face with a Stalfos. After defeating him, head left instead of right (right leads to the platform on chains). Use your Lens of Truth to find the invisible platforms. In the next room, kill the Like Like and two Keese (piece 'o cake!) to make a door open that has this Skulltula. Just be careful - there is an invisible death statue with blades (use Lens of Truth to see). 89 - In the chamber where you had to use a block to get past falling spikes, explore inside the little cages (they remind me of jails) and you will find one inside. 90 - Before playing Zelda's Lullaby to make the large ship move, get as close to the front as possible and look slightly to your left, you should spot a Skulltula across the way. Use you can either use the Scarecrow's Song to get over there, or just use your Longshot to kill the Skulltula; either way is fine. 91 - Behind the rotating, blue flaming skulls (kinda hard to forget about that!). 92 - Behind the second set of flaming skulls near the end in the room with invisible walls, right after the ship sinks ------------------------------------------------------------------------ S P I R I T T E M P L E ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: 93 - In the room where you had to push the Sun Icon on a block into the sunlight, go through the exit that leads to the Iron Knuckle. Go forward a bit, then turn around and look above the door. Use the Boomerang, obviously. 94 - Go through the small hole at the very beginning (the one where Nabooru was) and then go through the right door. This Skulltula is across the chasm and on the grating; use the Boomerang. 95 - After crawling through the second tunnel, and going through the locked door, climb the wall (you might want to take out any would-be-threats with your Slingshot), then turn around and you'll be eye-to-eye with a Golden Skulltula. ADULT LINK: 96 - In one room you must collect Silver Rupees in alcoves while avoiding boulders. One of the alcoves is plugged up with a blue block; play the Song of Time to make it disappear. Now, take a wild guess at what's inside...hint: It's not money, but it's almost as dirty! 97 - In the large chamber with the huge statue (the head containers the Boss Door), go up the stairs and play the Scarecrow's Song to lure Pierre out of hiding, then use him to grapple to a small ledge. Lookie at 'dat! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B O T T O M O F T H E W E L L ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHILD LINK: Why did I save this one for last? Because you have to go through Hell to collect the Golden Skulltulas! Instead of a regular list, I will actually present a mini-walkthrough. So, listen up, and follow these directions very carefully...and make sure you have the Lens of Truth, or else you'll be lost and confused (I mean more than you are now), so when I say "invisible", it means to use it, obviously. Here we goooo: From the entrance, go through the small hole in front of you. Kill the Giant Skulltula and run right through the invisible wall. Go around the pit in the floor and turn right, and follow where the river used to be. Look on the left- hand side wall, eventually you will find an invisible alcove with a small chest - inside is a Small Key! Grab it, then return to the main area (all you have to do is backtrack a bit), just keep following where the river USED to be. Soon you'll find another invisible alcove in the wall, it's a little bit before the first turn in the river (which is to the right). Inside is a small chest - inside of that is a Small Key! Follow the path around, eventually you'll do a loop and find a Like Like inside a cage...and inside is a Skulltula! But that's later. Across from the cage is a wall you can walk through, do so. Walk straight across the room, but make sure not to fall down the invisible pit in the center (it's where all the blood is). You'll come into a hallway, just keep going straight. You'll come to some grating, fall down, go through the grating, climb the wall, and go through the door there, you can also open the small chest for a Heart. Now, in this room are several coffins, a torch next to each, and a few lit ones. Use your Deku Stick to light the torches and the coffin they are next to will open, revealing enemies and a few items. But, the one on the left row, farthest from the entrance has a Small Key inside! Collect it, naturally, and fight your way out of this room (each coffin you opened just released more Keese and Gibdos, which is a small price to pay). Go down the grating, through it, climb the vines on the opposite side, and go through the wall in front of you. We're now back in the room with a bloodstained floor. There should be a locked door to your left...go inside! There is a Deku Baba, stun it with your Boomerang, then kill all the flying pots by using your shield, then kill the Deku Baba. There's the Golden Skulltula, on the wall. Defeat it with your Slingshot, then collect the token it leaves behind with your Boomerang. Leave the room the way you came in. Turn left, on the other side of this chamber is another locked door. Before doing anything, destroy all of the Keese in this room! Just L-Target and wham on them with whatever you got...I like the Boomerang myself. Now, it looks like there is no way to get to the nearby alcove, but there is an invisible path you can take to get there (Use the Lens of Truth, genius). Inside the alcove is another Golden Skulltula! Only one more to go...exit the room. Turn to your extreme left and go through the wall, we're back in the river place again! Go left again and you'll come to another one of those face paintings that give you clues if you L-Target them. Just be careful near this one - there is a hole under him. Turn right, past the face, and you'll be in front of a hole, crawl through and go through the door there. First off, use your Lens of Truth to spot the invisible holes in the room, then L-Target the Keese and throw the Boomerang at them, this is easier than using the Slingshot. Then, kill the Beamos in the center by L-Targeting it and tossing a bomb it's way (A Bombchu also works quite well). Then make your way through this room, avoiding the pits (the chest in this room has some Rupees, or a Deku Shield if you lost yours). Aiiiiah! You're inside of a cage, with a Like Like! Scary stuff. Quickly paralyze it with your Boomerang, then do a lunge (L + A), another good whack will put it down for good. Open the chest for some Rupees and...wait...what's that I see? THE LAST GOLDEN SKULLTULA! |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 13. Gold Skulltulas (Master Quest) | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are approximately 100 Gold Skulltulas scattered across this game. I will will list them below and information on where to find them, etc. Also, take note that Gold Skulltulas enable you, when you get 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and then 100, to get a prize from one of the cursed humans in Kakariko Village. These prizes are located in the House of Skulltula. Some prizes are useful, some are not. I'll list them all below. The locations of the Gold Skulltulas are different on each version of the game, so take note of that (They are only different in the dungeons.) However, the prizes remain the same, regardless the version. Also, keep in mind that aside from the dungeons, most of the Gold Skulltulas must be obtained at night. NOTE: It is best to turn it nighttime before you try and get every Gold Skulltula except in dungeons, as most of them, like I said, require nighttime. IMPORTANT NOTE: I have my Gold Skulltulas listed in the exact order that Kirby021591 has them listed in, but I asked him via AIM; he let me do that and said just give credit, and so I did! Thanks, Brian! Prizes The Gold Skulltulas Give You ----------------------------------- Adult's Wallet How To Obtain: Get 10 Gold Skulltulas Description: The Adult's Wallet allows you to hold up to 200 Rupees. Stone of Agony How To Obtain: Get 20 Gold Skulltulas Description: If your controller has a rumble feature, this stone will cause your controller to rumble, indicating that a secret in the game is nearby (I mean like secret holes, etc.)! Giant's Wallet How To Obtain: Get 30 Gold Skulltulas Description: This wallet gives you 500 Rupees! Bombchus (x10) How To Obtain: Get 40 Gold Skulltulas Description: This is not much of a prize for getting 40 Gold Skulltulas, but hey, take it with gratitude. Piece of Heart How To Obtain: Get 50 Gold Skulltulas Description: You know what a Piece of Heart is, so I'm not going to explain. Yellow Rupee How To Obtain: Get 100 Gold Skulltulas Description: You get 200 Rupees for getting 100 Gold Skulltulas. Not worth it, if you ask me. You DO, however, get to keep getting 200 Rupees over and over by talking to the guy who gave this to you. That is about the only benefit of this prize. Master Quest Gold Skulltula Locations ------------------------------------- Young Link Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Kokiri Forest Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #1 Location: Kokiri Forest How To Get It: At nighttime, look behind the Know-It-All-Brothers' house. You can use the Boomerang to get the token, or just backflip. Gold Skulltula #2 Location: Kokiri Forest How To Get It: Put Bugs in the Magic Bean dirt patch on the right side of the Kokiri Shop. Another Gold Skulltula will be yours. Lost Woods Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Gold Skulltula #3 Location: Lost Woods How To Get It: From the start, head left and through the hole, into the next area. In that area, head left of the Skull Kid, and through the hole, into the next new area. Here, place a bottle of Bugs into the Magic Bean patch there, and the Gold Skulltula is yours. Gold Skulltula #4 Location: Lost Woods How To Get It: When you reach the spring area leading to Zora's River, head left, then left again and you should be in a very grassy area. In that area, find the bean patch near one of the Business Scrubs. Then, plant some Bugs in it to get the Gold Skulltula. Deku Tree Gold Skulltulas ------------------------- Gold Skulltula #5 Location: Deku Tree How To Get It: Break the wooden crate just east of the chest that contained the Dungeon Map. A Gold Skulltula will be revealed. Gold Skulltula #6 Location: Deku Tree How To Get It: In the room after the platform floating across the water is a Gold Skulltula on the ceiling above. To reach it, though, you'll need to play the Song of Time to make a Time Block when Navi turns green appear. When it does so, climb the makeshift stairway of Time Blocks and at the top is a Gold Skulltula. Use the Boomerang to get its token. Gold Skulltula #7 Location: Deku Tree How To Get It: In the room where you got #6, step on the blue switch in the middle of the room and then light a Deku Stick via the torches. Melt the web in the room with the Deku Stick, then enter the door into the next room. In that room, kill the Big Deku Baba and behind it, you'll see this Gold Skulltula. Claim its token with the Boomerang. Gold Skulltula #8 Location: Deku Tree How To Get It: In the room where you got the Compass, kill all the enemies. When the enemies in the room are defeated, climb up the vines to where the chest that contained the Compass is. Once there, look up and left from the chest and you should see several boulders above the vines. When you see it, throw as many Bombchus at needed up there to blow up the boulders. When the boulders are destroyed, climb up the vines into the alcove where the Heart Container and the Gold Skulltula awaits. Use the Boomerang to claim the token. Market Gold Skulltulas ---------------------- Gold Skulltula #9 Location: Market How To Get It: In the Market as Young Link, roll into the wooden crate to the right to reveal a Gold Skulltula. Hyrule Castle Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #10 Location: Hyrule Castle How To Get It: Play the Song of Storms in front of the only tree outside the entrance to Castle Courtyard. Drop down the hole that forms. In the hole, bomb the bombable pieces of wall until you find a piece of wall that has a normal Skulltula in it, as well as a Gold Skulltula. Kill the Gold Skulltula, then use the Boomerang to claim its token. Note that you can do a glitch with this Gold Skulltula to get unlimited Gold Skulltula tokens. I'll list how to do it in the Codes n' Secrets section of the guide, so head over there if you are interested. Gold Skulltula #11 Location: Hyrule Castle How To Get It: Roll against the tree that Kaepora Gaebora was on when you first arrived here as Young Link. A Gold Skulltula will drop down. Note that it doesn't matter if it is night or day when you get this one. Lon Lon Ranch Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #12 Location: Lon Lon Ranch How To Get It: Go to the back of the ranch until you find the silo (It's beside the horse pasture.). On the silo is the Gold Skulltula. NOTE: This can only be obtained at nighttime. Gold Skulltula #13 Location: Lon Lon Ranch How To Get It: Go around the corral gates until you come across this Gold Skulltula. It is on the corral gates, waiting to be killed. This Gold Skulltula can only be obtained at nighttime. Gold Skulltula #14 Location: Lon Lon Ranch How To Get It: From the entrance of the ranch, head north a bit and then look up. On one of the windows, you should see this Gold Skulltula. You'll have to use the Boomerang to collect its token. NOTE: This can only be obtained at nighttime. Gold Skulltula #15 Location: Lon Lon Ranch How To Get It: Roll against the tree in the ranch to knock the Gold Skulltula out. Kakariko Village Gold Skulltulas -------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #16 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: The tree directly to the north of where you start in the village contains a Gold Skulltula. To get it, roll against the tree, and it'll fall out. Gold Skulltula #17 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: At nighttime, a Gold Skulltula lurks on the side of the House of Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #18 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: Head up the stairs to the east of the Kakariko well. When you climb the stairs, jump up on the red brick block, where the Gold Skulltula lurks. NOTE: It has to be nighttime in order for this to work. Gold Skulltula #19 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: At nighttime, head to the long ladder just south of where the guard guarding the gate to Death Mountain is. Don't climb up the ladder; instead, look up and you should see a Gold Skulltula. When you do see it, kill it with your Fairy Slingshot. Once it is destroyed, climb the ladder and grab the left behind token. Gold Skulltula #20 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: Just south of the gate guard, on the side of the house there, where Bazaar is as Adult Link, is a Gold Skulltula. It, like almost every other Gold Skulltula in the game, only appears at nighttime. Graveyard Gold Skulltulas ------------------------- Gold Skulltula #21 Location: Graveyard How To Get It: From the entrance, head northwest and you should see a dirt patch. When you do, plant Bugs in it and there's your Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #22 Location: Graveyard How To Get It: At nighttime, head directly east of the grave where you got Sun's Song and look up on the wall. You should see the Gold Skulltula just waiting to be killed. You'll need the Boomerang to collect the token. Death Mountain Trail Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------------ Gold Skulltula #23 Location: Death Mountain Trail How To Get It: Plant Bugs in the bean patch beside the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern. Note that the entrance only appears after you beat Dodongo's Cavern. After planting the Bugs, the Gold Skulltula is yours! Gold Skulltula #24 Location: Death Mountain Trail How To Get It: From the entrance, look on the east wall until you find a weird section of wall sticking out. When you find it, bomb it, and inside the alcove is a Gold Skulltula. Death Mountain Crater Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #25 Location: Death Mountain Crater How To Get It: Head to the crater via the top of Death Mountain. When you arrive in the crater, roll into the nearby crate to reveal this Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #26 Location: Death Mountain Crater How To Get It: After learning the Bolero of Fire as Adult Link, play it as Young Link. Then, put Bugs in the magic bean patch there and a Gold Skulltula is revealed. Goron City Gold Skulltula Locations ----------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #27 Location: Goron City How To Get It: Head to the very top floor of the city. Once there, use a Bomb on the weak section of wall in the area. Once that is blown up, head into the next room and use Bombs on the rocks in the room. Eventually, you will come to a wooden crate, followed by two chests. Open them for 100 Rupees altogether. Roll into the wooden crate to reveal the Gold Skulltula. Dodongo's Cavern Gold Skulltulas -------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #28 Location: Dodongo's Cavern How To Get It: In the room with the several Poes, enter the door to the east of where you start in that room. In this next room, defeat the mass of Gohma Larvae enemies that come down. In this room is where the Gold Skulltula lurks. Gold Skulltula #29 Location: Dodongo's Cavern How To Get It: In the room where the brown blocks and the unlit torches are, after you light the torches, enter the door that unlocked. Once you enter the door, you'll be in a room with some crates. The Gold Skulltula is in one of these crates. Gold Skulltula #30 Location: Dodongo's Cavern How To Get It: In the room where you defeated the two Lizalfos enemies the first time is a cluster of boulders to the north of where you start in the room. Blow them up, then follow the path to the Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #31 Location: Dodongo's Cavern How To Get It: In the room with the huge mass of Armos Statues (The room you enter after you go into the mouth of the Dodongo statue.), literally head to the spot with the mass of Armos Statues. Kill the mass of Armos Statues, then jump onto the ice blocks, and use them to jump onto the path there left of the Bomb Flower. Follow that path until you come across the Gold Skulltula. Zora's River Gold Skulltulas ---------------------------- Gold Skulltula #32 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: Roll into the tree at the beginning of the Zora to reveal this Gold Skulltula. It doesn't matter if it day or nighttime. Gold Skulltula #33 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: Drop down from the waterfall leading to Zora's Domain and look on the ladder. A Gold Skulltula is waiting for you. NOTE: It must be nighttime in order for you to get this Gold Skulltula. Zora's Fountain Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #34 Location: Zora's Fountain How To Get It: At nighttime, swim around the area until you come across a log (The log is basically in between Jabu-Jabu and the Great Fairy's Fountain where you get Farore's Wind.). On the log is the Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #35 Location: Zora's Fountain How To Get It: Roll against the tree on the island where you bomb the wall to reveal the Great Fairy's Fountain. A Gold Skulltula will come out. Lake Hylia Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Gold Skulltula #36 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: Right beside Lakeside Laboratory is a dirt patch. Plant Bugs in the dirt patch to get this Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #37 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: On the back of Lakeside Laboratory, you will find this Gold Skulltula. NOTE: It must be nighttime to get this. Also, use the Boomerang to claim the token. Gold Skulltula #38 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: At nighttime, swim to the platform where you get the Fire Arrows as Adult Link after beating the Water Temple. On one of the pillars on the platform, you should see this Gold Skulltula. Jabu-Jabu's Belly Gold Skulltulas --------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #39 Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly How To Get It: In the room where you first met Ruto in the dungeon, ignore all the holes and head north to the red and slimy thing. Use the Boomerang on that enemy to freeze it. When the enemy is frozen, enter the door to the next room. In this room, enter the northwestern room on the map. Inside, kill the Tailpasaran enemies, then when they are defeated, use a Bombchu on the boulder on the wall. Under it is a Gold Skulltula. To reach the token, press the switch to cause a pillar of water to rise up. On that pillar, use the Boomerang to kill the Gold Skulltula and collect the token. Gold Skulltula #40 Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly How To Get It: In the room where you get the Boomerang, in the pool of water is a Time Block. Play the Song of Time to make the block vanish; a Gold Skulltula is revealed after the block vanishes. Note that you can't be standing on the Time Block when you play the Song of Time, because it won't disappear if you are. Gold Skulltula #41 Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly How To Get It: In the room where you first met Ruto in the dungeon, take the door that is not leading to the room with the Bigocto mini-boss and in that room, you will have to fight invisible enemies. Use the Lens of Truth to see them and then kill them all. When the enemies are defeated, a black pillar with a black and white target will appear. Jump onto that and then jump onto the platform with the web with the Gold Skulltula behind it. Once there, head behind the web and then kill the Gold Skulltula and use the Boomerang to claim its token. Gold Skulltula #42 Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly How To Get It: In the room before Barinade, on the ceiling you should see a Gold Skulltula. Now, climb the vines to the top, then stand on the platform there and use Din's Fire to kill the Gold Skulltula. Then, L-Target the token with your Boomerang and then release the Boomerang to get the token. Gerudo Valley Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #43 Location: Gerudo Valley How To Get It: At the entrance of the valley, when you are on the board, look right and up on the wall. You should see a Gold Skulltula at nighttime. Gold Skulltula #44 Location: Gerudo Valley How To Get It: Grab the Cucco and fly to the platform to the left of the one with the crate where you get the Piece of Heart at. On that left wall platform, fly with the Cucco like you are going to the platform with the crate; instead of going there, though, fly to the platform directly below that one. On that platform, put Bugs in the Magic Bean patch to get this Gold Skulltula. Desert Colossus Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #45 Location: Desert Colossus How To Get It: Put Bugs in the dirt patch by the entrance to the Spirit Temple to get this Gold Skulltula. Hyrule Field Gold Skulltulas ---------------------------- Gold Skulltula #46 Location: Hyrule Field How To Get It: Southeast of the entrance to Gerudo Valley, you should see a circle of small rocks. When you see that, bomb the middle of the rock cicle, and you'll be in a hole. In the hole, use Din's Fire to melt the webs in the room. When the webs are melted, in the area with the cow is a Gold Skulltula on the wall. Kill it, then use the Boomerang to claim its token. Gold Skulltula #47 Location: Hyrule Field How To Get It: Bomb the tree beside the entrance to Kakariko Village. A pit forms. Inside the pit, the Gold Skulltula is on the wall. Bottom of the Well Gold Skulltulas ---------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #48 Location: Bottom of the Well How To Get It: Drop down one of the holes in B1 to get to B3. When you reach B3, just east of the ladder leading back up to B1 is a few invisible Big Skulltula enemies. Kill them while avoiding the Wallmaster. When the Big Skulltulas are defeated, follow the path to the Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #49 Location: Bottom of the Well How To Get It: First off, I must note that you'll need a Small Key to get this Gold Skulltula. One Small Key is in the room where you fought Dead Hand, and another in the door to the south of the chest that contained the Dungeon Map, right next to the golden torch. Anyway, to get the Gold Skulltula, unlock the locked door on B1 directly to the north of the room with the Dungeon Map chest. In the room that you got into after unlocking the door, defeat the Gibdo enemy, then defeat the Poe enemy. Then, look behind the pillar in the northeast corner of the room to find this Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #50 Location: Bottom of the Well How To Get It: In the room where you got the Dungeon Map, shoot the crystal switch in the cell to the left of the chest that contained the Dungeon Map. After shooting the crystal switch, enter the door to the east of the chest. Inside that room, kill the invisible Keese and Big Skulltula enemies. When they are defeated, pull the gravestone to reveal this Gold Skulltula. Adult Link Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Kokiri Forest Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #51 Location: Kokiri Forest How To Get It: At nighttime, look behind the House of Twins. On it is the Gold Skulltula. Lost Woods Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Gold Skulltula #52 Location: Lost Woods How To Get It: In the huge grassy area with the two Business Scrubs, ride the grown leaf up to the Gold Skulltula after planting the Magic Bean in the dirt patch as Young Link. Sacred Forest Meadow Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------------ Gold Skulltula #53 Location: Sacred Forest Meadow How To Get It: Defeat all of the Moblins in the area. Once they are defeated, climb the ladder to the north of the area where Saria taught you Saria's Song (This is also where Sheik taught you the Minuet of Forest.). Once you climb the ladder, look to your left and on the wall is a Gold Skulltula. You'll need the Hookshot and/or Longshot to get it. Forest Temple Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #54 Location: Forest Temple How To Get It: In the room after the first room, kill the three Skulltula enemies with your Hookshot. Once they are defeated, on the ceiling hidden behind the vines to the northwest of the door leading to the main room, you'll find this Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #55 Location: Forest Temple How To Get It: In the main room of the dungeon, head to the west door on the map. When you enter that west door, head through the hallway, into the next area. In this area, head west of the entrance and you should see a Gold Skulltula on the ground. Gold Skulltula #56 Location: Forest Temple How To Get It: In the room after you unlocked the door by shooting the golden eye above the tunnel in the main room, there is a Gold Skulltula above the door on the black and white target. Gold Skulltula #57 Location: Forest Temple How To Get It: After getting out of the well, climb the vines up to the ledge with the Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #58 Location: Forest Temple How To Get It: In the well, just east of the vines leading to the next above area is this Gold Skulltula. Ganon's Castle Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------ Gold Skulltula #59 Location: Ganon's Castle How To Get It: Head to where Hyrule Castle used to be as Young Link. Once there, go north and look to your left. You should see a broken piece of what used to be a gate, followed by a Gold Skulltula. You'll need the Hookshot and/or Longshot to get it. Kakariko Village Gold Skulltulas -------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #60 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: Longshot to the house that has the Piece of Heart in the cage with the cow. Note that it has to be nighttime. Once on the roof, look on the rock wall in front of you and you should see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and claim its token. Death Mountain Trail Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------------ Gold Skulltula #61 Location: Death Mountain Trail How To Get It: Go to the wall that you can climb up to get to the top of Death Mountain. Once there, turn it nighttime using the Sun's Song. Then, look on the west side of the wall in the area to find the Gold Skulltula just sitting there. Gold Skulltula #62 Location: Death Mountain Trail How To Get It: Go to where the Bomb Flower that you used to open Dodongo's Cavern as Young Link. Once there, break the boulder with the Megaton Hammer. Voila! A Gold Skulltula is revealed! Note that it must be nighttime in order for you to do this. Goron City Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Gold Skulltula #63 Location: Goron City How To Get It: On the very top floor of the city, walk across the wooden chain things and behind the pedestal should be a Gold Skulltula. Dodongo's Cavern Gold Skulltulas -------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #64 Location: Dodongo's Cavern How To Get It: In the room with the Bomb Flowers that you had to blow up to reveal the stairs, head through the left door. In that room, play the Song of Time on the Time Blocks to make them disappear. Play the Song of Time when Navi is pointing to a block, otherwise it will not work. Also, make sure you play the Song of Time on the leftmost blocks. In the corner after you dissipate the Time Blocks to the left is the Gold Skulltula. Note that this can also be obtained with Young Link. Fire Temple Gold Skulltulas --------------------------- Gold Skulltula #65 Location: Fire Temple How To Get It: In the room to the east of the room where you met Darunia, jump across the left platforms and then open the door when you reach it. In this area, pound the rusted switch with your Megaton Hammer to open the cell. When the cell is opened, behind the Goron is a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and claim its token. Gold Skulltula #66 Location: Fire Temple How To Get It: In the fiery maze room, get on the platform where the pillar that you had to smash to get to Volvagia was. On that platform, jump north to the next platform, then play the Song of Time on the platform when Navi turns green. A Time Block will then appear, so jump on it, then jump to the north, then enter the nearby door, into the next area. In this area, defeat the Lizalfos enemy, then get the Gold Skulltula in the cell behind where the Lizalfos was. Gold Skulltula #67 Location: Fire Temple How To Get It: In the room with the pillar that you had to smash to get to Volvagia, on the platform where the pillar itself was, jump to the platform to the north there with the door. Then, enter the door, into the next room. Here, Longshot to the black and white target to the north of where you start in the room. Then, pound the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer. Once that is done, Longshot back to the entrance of the room, then exit the room, back into the room with the pillar. Back in that room, drop off the platform, then head left and navigate through the fiery maze, then enter the door to the next room when you reach it. In this next room, enter the now opened cell where you hear the Gold Skulltula. In that cell, use a Bomb on the wall to blow it up, revealing a Gold Skulltula on the wall. Gold Skulltula #68 Location: Fire Temple How To Get It: Head to the maze room on 3F. Once there, get onto the upper platforms in the room and make your way to the one that had a crack on it before you bombed it. On that platform, play the Song of Time when Navi turns green to cause a Time Block to appear. When it appears, bomb the piece of wall that you hear a Skulltula on when you walk in front of it. After bombing that wall, a rusted switch is revealed, so pound it with the Megaton Hammer to cause black pillars with black and white targets to appear. Longshot to the nearest one, then use the targets to get onto the Time Block. Once you are on the Time Block, Longshot to the ledge above you, then to the next one. That one will rise to the next floor of the temple, which is 4F. On 4F, navigate your way through the area, defeating all the Torch Slug enemies you come across, until you reach a room with a switch. In that room, ignore the switch and climb up the hill. At the top of the hill where the block engulfed in fire is, you'll see a rusted switch; pound it with the Megaton Hammer. A black pillar with a black and white target will appear near the flaming crate, so go back to the entrance of this room, and step on the switch there. After that, the fire will dissipate, so when it does, you will be timed about 6-8 seconds before the fire dissipates again. Step about two or three steps south of the switch that you just stepped on, then Longshot to the nearby black pillar with the black and white target that's above you. On the platform with the fire block, quickly pull it south twice to reveal the Gold Skulltula. The flames will rise back up after that, but the Gold Skulltula will have already been uncovered. Anyway, use the Longshot to kill it, as well as to claim its token. You can also use the Hookshot for this, so keep that in mind. Gold Skulltula #69 Location: Fire Temple How To Get It: In the fiery maze room, navigate through the right side of the maze until you see a huge wall of fire blocking your path. When you see that, step on the nearby switch to dissipate the fire for a short time. When it is dissipated, quickly jump onto the platform that the wall of fire was on, then enter the door to the next room. In that room, you'll have to fight a Flare Dancer, but it's not the mini-boss of the temple. Anyway, kill the Flare Dancer enemy, then get on the stairs (Not the platform.), then the platform will rise up. Get the Small Key underneath where the platform was. Once you have that, wait for the platform to come down, then get on it, and ride it up to the next floor. In this next room, climb the two chain walls, then at the top, unlock the door to the next room. In this room, hit the nearby crystal switch with your sword, then climb the black pillar with the black and white target on it, then Longshot to the black pillar on the platform above you. On that platform, jump to the one above you, then go past the fire and play the Scarecrow's Song when Navi turns green to make Pierre appear. Longshot to Pierre, then drop down to the area below and step on the switch. When the fire dissipates, Longshot to Pierre, then jump onto the platform with the fire and open the chest there for a Small Key, but hurry before the fire comes back! When you have the Small Key, go back to where the crystal switch is, then pound the face there with the Megaton Hammer. Then, drop down into the next area. In this area, unlock the door, using your last Small Key, then in this next room, pound the pillar with the face on top of it to make stairs appear. Defeat the two Stalfos enemies in the room, then Longshot the weird face painting in this room above the locked door you find after going down the stairs. After doing that, the door to the next room will open, so enter it. In this area, the Gold Skulltula is on the wall. Note that you can also use the Hookshot to get this Gold Skulltula, just like the previous one. Zora's River Gold Skulltulas ---------------------------- Gold Skulltula #70 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: Head to the north of Zora's Domain and look up. On the wall should be a Gold Skulltula. When you spot it, stand on the very edge of the part of the fence that is a bit twisted right before you make onto the bridge. Once you are on the twisted part of the fence, look up and use the Hookshot to kill the Gold Skulltula, as well as retrieve its token. The only way to get the Gold Skulltula using the Hookshot is to get on the twisted part of the fence. You can also use the Longshot to make this task easier. NOTE: It must be nighttime in order for you to get this Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #71 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: At nighttime, go through the river like you would normally if you are going to Zora's Domain. When you reach the area with the two Octorok enemies that come out of the water (This area is just south of the bridge.). Once there, jump down to the water where the ledge on the right side of the wall is. Once you are in the water, climb the side platform there and then head up the ladder, onto the highest part of the river. When you are here, jump to the side platform on the west side of the wall, as it has a grotto. Don't go in the grotto, but instead, look up on the wall and you see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and then use the Hookshot to claim its token. Zora's Domain Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #72 Location: Zora's Domain How To Get It: Head to where the you could play the diving game. Once there, look to the left of the frozen waterfall at nighttime and you should see a Gold Skulltula. Kill it, and claim its token. Zora's Fountain Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #73 Location: Zora's Fountain How To Get It: NOTE: You will need the Silver Gauntlets for this. Go to where you got Farore's Wind. Once there, pick up the silver rock and throw it; under it is a smaller rock. Bomb that rock, then a hole is revealed. Navigate through the hole, while defeating all the Skulltula enemies you come across. After climbing the ladder, kill the last Skulltula, then on the left part of the wall is a Gold Skulltula. Use the Hookshot and/or Longshot to claim the token. Lake Hylia Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Gold Skulltula #74 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: Head to the Triforce pad that you warp to after you play the Serenade of Water. Once there, use the Longshot to get on top of the tree there. On top of the tree, you'll see a Gold Skulltula. It must be nighttime in order to do this. Also, I forgot to mention that you must stand on the Triforce pad and Longshot directly above the long branch sticking out. If done correctly, you will land on the branch. Gold Skulltula #75 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: In Lakeside Laboratory, drop into the water in the well, then equip the Iron Boots to sink. When you sink, roll against the wooden crate and a Gold Skulltula will come out. Use the Hookshot or Longshot to kill the Gold Skulltula and get its token. Ice Cavern Gold Skulltulas -------------------------- Gold Skulltula #76 Location: Ice Cavern How To Get It: In the room where you get Gold Skulltula #77 (Look below) is a Gold Skulltula encased in a block of ice. To free it then get it, shoot the crystal switch directly above the entrance in this room. Note, however, that it is hard to see the crystal switch, as it blends in with the color of the ice. Gold Skulltula #77 Location: Ice Cavern How To Get It: In the room with the White Wolfos and the Ice Keese enemies, and the Blue Fire, play Scarecrow's Song when Navi turns in green in the small alcove to the right of the entrance. Longshot to Pierre when he appears, then in the alcove, kill the Gold Skulltula and get its token. Gold Skulltula #78 Location: Ice Cavern How To Get It: In the room where you get the Compass, stand directly below the ice pillar where the red ice that has encased the Gold Skulltula is (Make sure you stand on the right side of the pillar.). Once there, Navi will turn green. When she does, play the Song of Time to make a Time Block appear. When the Time Block appears, climb up the ice platforms and then jump onto the Time Block you just spawned. When you are on the Time Block, play the Song of Time again when Navi is green to make another Time Block appear. Jump on this Time Block and use Blue Fire on the red ice when you are close enough in proximity to it, so that the Blue Fire won't fall off. When the ice melts, there you have another Gold Skulltula. Water Temple Gold Skulltulas ---------------------------- Gold Skulltula #79 Location: Water Temple How To Get It: First off, make sure that the water level is at mid-level. When it is, swim to the ledge with the switch beside a gate. Once there, press the switch to open the gate. Go through the area that just opened before the time runs out. In that area, follow the path until you come to a gate; use Din's Fire at this point to open the gate, as well as kill the Gold Skulltula. After the gate opens, enter the new area and collect the token. Gold Skulltula #80 Location: Water Temple How To Get It: In the room with the vortexes, drop down into the water, then equip the Iron Boots to sink. When you sink, walk through the room until you come across the third black pillar with the black and white target on it. When you come to that third pillar, Longshot to it, then look up and you should see a Gold Skulltula on the wall while atop the pillar. Use the Longshot. Gold Skulltula #81 Location: Water Temple How To Get It: After you get the Fire Arrows, sink to the very bottom of the temple, via the main room. At the bottom, take the south path on the map, then follow the path until you reach a dead end; surface at that point. Then, in this room, climb atop the small platform when you surface, then climb the other one. Then, play Scarecrow's Song when Navi turns green. Then, shoot Fire Arrows at the three unlit torches in the room to open the gate north of where Pierre is. Now, Longshot to Pierre, then enter the area the gate was blocking, and on the ceiling is the Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #82 Location: Water Temple How To Get It: Sink down to the bottom floor of the temple, via the main room. Then, enter the north room on the map, then surface up when you have nothing else to do. After you surface, climb the platform that does not have the spikes on it, then Longshot to the black and white target above the door on the other platform. Then, enter the door into the next room. In this room, look left and Navi should turn green. When she does, play Scarecrow's Song and Longshot to Pierre. Then, jump onto the nearby platform to your right, and enter the door to the next room. In this room, hit the nearby crystal switch, then jump onto the pillar of water that's closest to the platform you are currently on. Then, jump to the next water pillar on the right. On that one, use Din's Fire to light three torches in the room if you did this correctly. After using Din's Fire, Longshot to the black and white target on the platform to the north of you, then use Din's Fire again to light the last unlit torch. When the door opens, enter it, into the next room. In this room, drop down to the area below and defeat the Dodongo enemies. When they are defeated, the door to the next room opens, so Longshot to the black and white target on the platform above (That platform is close to the entrance of the room, on the platform directly below.). On that platform, look up and Longshot to the black and white target and Longshot to that target where the door to the next room opened. Once there, enter that door, into the next room. Here, look to the east and roll against the two crates, and on the last one, there is the Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #83 Location: Water Temple How To Get It: On 2F, when the water is raised to mid-level, enter the east room on the map. In that room, Longshot up to the area above, then grab a wooden crate. Once you have one, drop back down to the area below, then jump onto the platform to the north, or the tower, but don't go inside the tower. Anyway, on that platform, step on the blue switch, then put the wooden crate on it. After that, a door to another room will open, so swim over there and enter that door. In this next room, kill the Lizalfos enemies, then roll against the wooden crates in the room until a crystal switch is revealed. When it is, hit it, then a small black block with a black and white target will appear. Jump on that, then look up and you should see a black pillar with a black and white target; Longshot to it, up to the next room. In this room, roll against the wooden crate to reveal the Gold Skulltula. Shadow Temple Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #84 Location: Shadow Temple How To Get It: In the room with the boss door, use the Hover Boots and get on the platform to the east of the one with the boss door. On that platform, head west and then look down and right, and you should see a Gold Skulltula. Use the Longshot to kill it, as well as claim its token! Gold Skulltula #85 Location: Shadow Temple How To Get It: In the room with the two Gibdos (The room that precedes the ferry.), bomb the dirt pile in the northwestern corner of the room. A Gold Skulltula will be revealed. Gold Skulltula #86 Location: Shadow Temple How To Get It: In the room with the spiked platforms that slam down on you, in the first cell to the left is a Gold Skulltula on the wall. Gold Skulltula #87 Location: Shadow Temple How To Get It: In the room after the room with the several fans, in the room where you had to defeat the four Redead enemies, on the weird face painting in the room is a Gold Skulltula. Gold Skulltula #88 Location: Shadow Temple How To Get It: After shooting the Bomb Flower that caused the statue to fall down in the room (The statue that created a makeshift bridge.), cross the makeshift bridge of the statue, then look east and down into the river there. You should see this Gold Skulltula. Use the Longshot to get it, as well as to claim its token. Gerudo Valley Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #89 Location: Gerudo Valley How To Get It: After Longshotting across the bridge, or using Epona to jump across, on the pillar-like thing at nighttime is the Gold Skulltula. Use the Longshot to kill it, as well as it claim its token. Gold Skulltula #90 Location: Gerudo Valley How To Get It: Behind the carpenters' tent at nighttime, on the wall, is this Gold Skulltula. Gerudo's Fortress Gold Skulltulas --------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #91 Location: Gerudo's Fortress How To Get It: At nighttime, go to the Archery Range. Once there, head north of the entrance, and on the target, you'll see the Gold Skulltula. Thieves' Hideout Gold Skulltulas -------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #92 Location: Thieves' Hideout How To Get It: At nighttime, get to the very top of the hideout. Once there, look left and north, and on the wall, there is the Gold Skulltula. To reach it, play Scarecrow's Song when Navi turns green, then Longshot to Pierre. From there, use the Longshot to kill the Gold Skulltula and claim its token, or just jump on the platform with the Gold Skulltula and use the Hookshot. Haunted Wasteland Gold Skulltulas --------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #93 Location: Haunted Wasteland How To Get It: When you reach the stoned structure where the ghost that guides you to Desert Colossus is, instead of going up to the ghost, go into the stoned structure. When you reach the bottom of it, a Gold Skulltula is on the wall beside the two unlit torches. Desert Colossus Gold Skulltulas ------------------------------- Gold Skulltula #94 Location: Desert Colossus How To Get It: At nighttime, on the tree right beside the oasis. Use the Longshot to get it. Gold Skulltula #95 Location: Desert Colossus How To Get It: As Young Link, plant a Magic Bean in the dirt patch beside the entrance to the Spirit Temple. Then, come back as Adult Link and ride the grown leaf up to the Gold Skulltula on the second platform you come to. Jump to the platform when you come to it. NOTE: This can only be done at nighttime. Spirit Temple Gold Skulltulas ----------------------------- Gold Skulltula #96 Location: Spirit Temple How To Get It: In the room with the pillar of water and the rusted switch, go through the locked door with the extra Small Key you have to obtain to get in the room. In that room, you'll see a Moblin, as well as two rolling boulders. Pound the rusted switch to open the gate in front of you; enter it when it is open. Inside the small alcove, play the Song of Time to open another gate; go into that one. There, play Epona's Song. Another gate will then open, so enter it, then play Sun's Song, then enter the next gate, then play Song of Storms, then finally Zelda's Lullaby at the last gate. After you play all the songs, enter the door to the next room. In this room, kill the Skulltula enemies, then kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall, then use the Longshot to claim its token. Gold Skulltula #97 Location: Spirit Temple How To Get It: In the room with the boulder and the pillar of water, enter the northwest door. In the room is a Gold Skulltula on the ceiling. Kill it, then use the Longshot to claim its token. Gold Skulltula #98 Location: Spirit Temple How To Get It: In the room on 3F with the sun blocks, the Red Bubble, and the fire all over, look behind the crystal switch in the room, and you should see a sun block. Hit the crystal switch, then push that block into the ray of light in the room, but it will take a few tries, because the fire will regenerate before you can even get the block into the ray of light. After the block is in the ray of light, an ice block will appear above you; Longshot to the black and white target above it on the ceiling. On the ice block, Longshot the Gold Skulltula on the other ice block, then claim the token after you kill it. Gold Skulltula #99 Location: Spirit Temple How To Get It: Unlock the locked door on 4F (Be sure you have collected every possible key in this temple). Inside is an Iron Knuckle; let it break the chairs in the room, and a Gold Skulltula is behind one. Gold Skulltula #100 Location: Spirit Temple How To Get It: In the same as room #99, behind the other chair. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 14. Heart Pieces | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are tons of Piece of Hearts, which I called Heart Pieces, in this game. I'll list them below and the information needed to get them, etc. Note some of these Heart Pieces require Adult Link, so I'll tell you when they do. Also, the Heart Piece locations are the same in each version of the game. There is one Piece of Heart in a different location in Master Quest, which is in the Ice Cavern, so see this or the Walkthrough section of the FAQ for more information. Market Heart Pieces ------------------- Heart Piece #1 Location: Market How To Get It: Head to the Bombchu Bowling Alley as Young Link. Inside, talk to the owner and pay 30 Rupees to play the game. Win the game, and sometimes, on occasion, the prize will be a Piece of Heart. This could take a bunch of Rupees and a bunch of time, so please be patient. Heart Piece #2 Location: Market How To Get It: Head to the Treasure Chest game building at nighttime. Win the game and you will get a Piece of Heart for your efforts. Note it's a lot easier if you come back later and use the Lens of Truth. Heart Piece #3 Location: Market How To Get It: At nighttime, try and get the white dog by the Bazaar's shop to follow you. When it does so, head west of the Bombchu Bowling Alley building, and enter the northernmost door here in the Back Alley. Talk to the fat lady inside and if you got the dog, she'll reward you with a Piece of Heart! Hyrule Field Heart Pieces ------------------------- Heart Piece #4 Location: Hyrule Field How To Get It: In the fenced in area right before you enter Lake Hylia, bomb the middle part of the area. A hole will be revealed, so go down it. Inside is a Deku Scrub which will sell you a Piece of Heart for 10 Rupees. Heart Piece #5 Location: Hyrule Field How To Get It: Head to the left of the Market, and walk along the wall until you see several trees with a moat. When you do, bomb the tree farthest away from all the others (It's not on the side with the several trees that are cluttered together. It's really before you cross the moat to get onto the platform with those several cluttered trees). Once you bomb it, a hole will be revealed. Inside is a Piece of Heart under the water, so kill the Blue Tektite. Then, use the Iron Boots and/or Golden Scale to get the Piece of Heart under the water. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. Kakariko Village Heart Pieces ----------------------------- Heart Piece #6 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: When you have 50 Gold Skulltulas, one of the people in the House of Skulltula gives you a Piece of Heart. Heart Piece #7 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: When Kaepora Gaebora drops you down onto a roof, so head to the very edge of the roof and use C Down to lookdown. You should see a small brown platform. Drop down to it and enter the hole into a house. Inside, grab the Piece of Heart to add it to your collection. Heart Piece #8 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: Climb up the ladder in the village, and then use the Longshot and spring over to the blue roof with the guy sitting on it. Once there, talk to the guy, and he'll give you a Piece of Heart for you two seeing each other again. You can also stand on the fence beside the windmill where the guy who teaches you Song of Storms is, and use the Hookshot to get up there. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. Heart Piece #9 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: After you beat Dampe as Adult Link (when you beat him the first time), after you play the Song of Time in front of the two Time Blocks, you'll be inside the windmill. The windmill is called "?". Inside the windmill is a Piece of Heart, so jump to it. NOTE: This requires Adult Link. Heart Piece #10 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: Head to the Graveyard as Adult Link, and head back into the area where you raced Dampe the first time at. Once there, talk to Dampe, and he will challenge you for a race. Beat him within a minute or less to get the Piece of Heart. NOTE: This requires Adult Link. Heart Piece #11 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: As Young Link, plant a magic bean in the magic bean patch to the northwest of the entrance of the Graveyard. Then, come back as Adult Link, and ride the grown leaf up to the platform. Break the crate for the Piece of Heart! NOTE: You can also stand on the fence to the south of the crate as Adult Link, and use the Longshot on the crate to reach the platform. Heart Piece #12 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: At nighttime, at 6 pm, (that is the minute it turns night and it can't turn 6 pm if you use Sun's Song, so just wait for nighttime manually) Dampe will appear in the Graveyard. When he is, pay him 10 Rupees to dig up each patch of dirt. Keep digging (this might take a lot of tries) until you find the Piece of Heart. Heart Piece #13 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: In the Graveyard, head south of the huge tomb that had the Sun's Song in it. Look along the line of tombs and push them until a hole is revealed. When it is, go down it. Inside is a Redead enemy. It must be daytime when you enter here. Kill the Redead, and play the Sun's Song to turn it night (If it is not already. If it is not, go out of the tomb, then play the Sun's Song.). A chest will appear, which contains the Heart Piece. Zora's River Heart Pieces ------------------------- Heart Piece #14 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: Step on the log on the left part of the river. Once there, play the Song of Storms for the frogs there. They will give you a Heart Piece for what you did. Heart Piece #15 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: Play all the Songs that aren't warp Songs for the frogs. Then, when they are all big, play their Song. It goes like this: A, Left, Right, Down, Left, Right, Down, A, Down, A, Down, Right, Left, and finally A. Doing this will give you a Piece of Heart! NOTE: Playing Song of Storms will not do anything, so do not even bother trying. Heart Piece #16 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: Fly the Cucco to the platform that has a Piece of Heart on it, near the entrance to Zora's Domain. You can also, as Adult Link, get this Piece of Heart by using the Hover Boots. Heart Piece #17 Location: Zora's River How To Get It: Take the Cucco in the beginning of Zora's River. Once you have the Cucco, fly the Cucco to the platform on the other side of you. Once you are on that plaform, head north and fly the Cucco left of the Octorok and the waterfall, onto the next platform. Now, head north to where the platform which contains the Piece of Heart is, but fly over to the area below that platform. Once you are there, head north and throw the Cucco onto the platform. Now, jump up there yourself, and then pick up the Cucco again. Now, jump onto the next platform after throwing the Cucco up there. Now, grab the Cucco and head north to where the waterfall is, and fly to the platform to the east of the wall where the waterfall is. Once you are there (it may take more than one try), toss the Cucco, as you don't need it any longer. Head up the ladder and you will see another Cucco. Grab it. Now, you'll notice an area with a statue thing to the north, with a very small bridge that it takes to get to it. Walk (NOT RUN) very slowly across that bridge, and on to the platform with the statue. Once you are on that platform, use the Cucco to fly to the ledge with the Piece of Heart. Congratulations! Heart Piece collected. Zora's Domain Heart Pieces -------------------------- Heart Piece #18 Location: Zora's Domain How To Get It: Head to King Zora's room. Once there, head east of the entrance and light a Deku Stick on the lit torch there. With the lit Deku Stick, head south down the stairs, and out of King Zora's room. You'll see another torch, but this one is unlit. Light it. Now, light another Deku Stick on the torch you just lit, and then light the next few torches in the domain and a chest will appear, which contains the Heart Piece. I'll list where the next few torches are here. One: Beside the shop, south of King Zora's room. Two: In the water where you got your Fish at. Three: Head north of the water where you got the Fish, and behind the waterfall is a torch. Four: The same place as number three. Light the final torches, and the chest I spoke of will appear. Open it to get a Piece of Heart. You will have to do this in a certain amount of time, otherwise, the black-colored torches will become unlit. Zora's Fountain Heart Pieces ---------------------------- Heart Piece #19 Location: Zora's Fountain How To Get It: Jump across the platforms that lead to the Ice Cavern, only do not go to where the Ice Cavern is. Instead, continue heading north, and you should see a Piece of Heart. Take it as your own Heart Piece. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. Heart Piece #20 Location: Zora's Fountain How To Get It: Sink under the water below the ice platforms (see above to see which ice platforms I'm talking about) using the Iron Boots. A Piece of Heart is under the water. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. Lake Hylia Heart Pieces ----------------------- Heart Piece #21 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: Head into Lakeside Laboratory after acquiring the Golden Scale from fishing. Once there, dive down into the well in the room to the north of the old guy. Hold A until you touch the bottom. When you do, surface back up, and talk to the old guy in here. He'll give you a Piece of Heart for what you did. Heart Piece #22 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: Head to the fishing pond. Once there, catch a 10 lb fish with Young Link. The guy will reward you with a Piece of Heart for your catch. NOTE: This requires Adult Link. Heart Piece #23 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: As Young Link, plant a Magic Bean in the magic bean patch next to the Lakeside Laboratory building. Then, come back as Adult Link, and float up on the leaf to the roof of Lakeside Laboratory. Once there, climb the nearby ladder to the top, and your Heart Piece awaits. NOTE: This requires Adult Link. Ice Cavern Heart Pieces (Ocarina of Time) ----------------------------------------- Heart Piece #24 Location: Ice Cavern How To Get It: In the room with the Compass, there is a Piece of Heart that is frozen in red ice. Melt the ice, and the Heart Piece is yours. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. Ice Cavern Heart Pieces (Master Quest) -------------------------------------- Heart Piece #24 Location: Ice Cavern How To Get It: In the room where you get the Compass, kill the Freezzerd enemies. Then, look down on the ground in the center of the room and you will notice a white piece sticking out of the ground just slightly. This is actually a crystal switch, so drop a Bomb onto the crystal switch to hit it. When the crystal switch is hit, climb the ice platforms and on the rightmost one the ice block will be melted, and the Piece of Heart is there! Lost Woods Heart Pieces ----------------------- Heart Piece #25 Location: Lost Woods How To Get It: Head to the left of the entrance of Lost Woods. You will find a lone Skull Kid. Play Saria's Song for him to get this Piece of Heart. Heart Piece #26 Location: Lost Woods How To Get It: Directly below the area you got your upgraded Deku Seed count at. Step on the lower log and show your Ocarina to the Skull Kids. Follow along with their song and win it three times to get this Piece of Heart. Lon Lon Ranch Heart Pieces -------------------------- Heart Piece #27 Location: Lon Lon Ranch How To Get It: Enter the shed to the north. Once inside, push the crates around until a hole is revealed. When it is, go through it, and a Heart Piece awaits! Goron City Heart Pieces ----------------------- Heart Piece #28 Location: Goron City How To Get It: Head to the first floor in the upper levels, and then throw a Bomb into the spinning Goron statue. Throw a Bomb only when the happiest face is showing. If you don't, you can't get this next Heart Piece. If you do it correctly, the Goron statue's face will be the happiest when it stops spinning, meaning you got the Piece of Heart. Not only that, but you get a Red Rupee, which is worth 20 Rupees, and a Blue Rupee, which is worth 5 Rupees. So basically, for doing this, you can 25 Rupees, AND a Heart Piece! Once you get this Piece of Heart, head to Zora's River. Death Mountain Heart Pieces --------------------------- Heart Piece #29 Location: Death Mountain How To Get It: Inside Death Mountain, head up to where the Bomb Flower you used to bomb the rocks blocking Dodongo's Cavern is. Once there, take the Bomb Flower and throw it off, or just anywhere. Once it is out of the way and the other Bomb Flower hasn't grown yet, quickly get as close as you can to the right side of this small fence area, and then backflip. If done correctly, you will land on a platform above Dodongo's Cavern, which contains a Piece of Heart. You can also get it via the Magic Bean patch beside the cavern, but it's easier this way. Death Mountain Crater Heart Pieces ---------------------------------- Heart Piece #30 Location: Death Mountain Crater How To Get It: Head to the crater via Death Mountain, and not the Bolero of Fire. Once you are in the crater, climb down the wall below (You'll see it.), and then head into the alcove when you see it. Inside is a Piece of Heart. Heart Piece #31 Location: Death Mountain Crater How To Get It: As a kid, plant a Magic Bean in the Magic Bean patch right next to the stone platform where you warp when you play the Bolero of Fire. Then, come back to that spot as Adult Link, and ride the grown bean up to the Piece of Heart. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. Gerudo Valley Heart Pieces -------------------------- Heart Piece #32 Location: Gerudo Valley How To Get It: As Young Link, head north and grab the Cucco. Then, get on the bridge and look to the east side of the bridge. You will see two platforms: one to the left and another to the right. Jump off with the Cucco, and fly to the right platform. If you are lucky, you'll land on the platform which has a wooden crate on it. Roll into the crate to break it. Inside the crate is your next Piece of Heart. Congratulations! Heart Piece #33 Location: Gerudo Valley How To Get It: As Young Link, grab the Cucco and jump down to the waterfall. With the Cucco, this should not be a problem. When you are in the vicinity of the waterfall, enter the hole in the waterfall and claim your Piece of Heart. Gerudo's Fortress Heart Pieces ------------------------------ Heart Piece #34 Location: Gerudo's Fortress How To Get It: In the prison that the Gerudo guards put you in when you get caught, Longshot out of it, via the wooden board in the window. Then, use the Hover Boots and hover over to the platform to the left. On that platform, head left into the room there. In the room you arrive in, shoot the two Gerudo girls with Arrows to knock them out (This is a lot easier if you have the Gerudo's Membership Card.). Then, head left and you should see several boards on the ceiling; Longshot to the very back one. Then, you'll arrive outside, so once there, stand by the gate, then Longshot to the chest. Open it to get a Piece of Heart! NOTE: Requires Adult Link. Heart Piece #35 Location: Gerudo's Fortress How To Get It: Get 1000 points or more in the Archery Game in Gerudo's Fortress. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. NOTE: It must be daytime for you to do this. Desert Colossus Heart Pieces ---------------------------- Heart Piece #36 Location: Desert Colossus How To Get It: Plant a Magic Bean in the Magic Bean patch next to the entrance to the Spirit Temple. Then, come back as Adult Link and then ride the grown leaf up to the Piece of Heart. NOTE: Requires Adult Link. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 15. Shops | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are several shops in this game. I will list them below, and all the information about them. Kokiri Shop Location: Kokiri Forest Description: A shop in Kokiri Forest located just to the south of the entrance to the Great Deku Tree. Items Sold There: Arrow (10) Price: 20 Rupees Description: Ten Arrows are sold for the thrifty price of 20 Rupees. Arrow (30) Price: 60 Rupees Description: Thirty Arrows are sold for only 60 Rupees. This is a pretty good deal, if you ask me. Deku Nut (5) Price: 15 Rupees Description: Five Deku Nuts are sold for 15 Rupees. This is a ripoff. Deku Nut (10) Price: 30 Rupees Description: Ten Deku Nuts are sold for 30 Rupees. Still a ripoff. Deku Seed (30) Price: 30 Rupees Description: Thirty Deku Seeds are sold for 30 Rupees. This is actually a fairly good deal, in my opinion. Deku Shield Price: 40 Rupees Description: This shield is needed to progress further into the game when you first start, all the way through the Deku Tree. It doesn't cost much, either. It's a very useful shield, too, when defeating enemies like Octoroks. Deku Stick Price: 10 Rupees Description: One Deku Stick is sold for 10 Rupees. This is a definite ripoff, and I would not recommend buying it. Recovery Heart Price: 10 Rupees Description: One Recovery Heart is sold for 10 Rupees. Another item that is not worth buying. Bazaar Location: Market (Young Link), Kakariko Village (Adult Link) Description: This is the shop in the Market just east of the Potion Shop. Also, it is located in Kakariko Village as Adult Link just west of the Potion Shop. Items Sold There: Arrow (10) Price: 20 Rupees Description: Ten Arrows are sold for 20 Rupees. Not a particularly good deal, if you ask me. Arrow (30) Price: 60 Rupees Description: Thirty Arrows are sold for the price of 60 Rupees. A good deal, I guess. Arrow (50) Price: 90 Rupees Description: Fifty Arrows are sold for 90 Rupees. This, my friend, is a deal I don't think you'll regret. Bomb (5) Price: 35 Rupees Description: Five Bombs are sold for 35 Rupees. This is NOT a good deal, and I don't recommend buying this. Ever. Deku Stick Price: 10 Rupees Description: One Deku Stick is sold for 10 Rupees. I wouldn't suggest buying it. Deku Nut (5) Price: 15 Rupees Description: Five Deku Nuts are sold for 15 Rupees. Not a good deal, either. Hylian Shield Price: 80 Rupees (70 with discount) Description: A shield that is needed to progress further into the game when you reach Death Mountain as Young Link. It is the shield you will be using until the Spirit Temple. Recovery Heart Price: 10 Rupees Description: One Recovery Heart is sold for 10 Rupees. Another item that is not worth buying. Potion Shop Location: Market (Young Link), Kakariko Village (Adult Link) Description: This is the shop in the Market just west of Bazaar. Also, it is located in Kakariko Village as Adult Link just east of the Bazaar. Items Sold There: Blue Fire Price: 300 Rupeees Description: Not a good deal if you ask me. 300 Rupees for Blue Fire is not worth it. Bottled Bug Price: 50 Rupees Description: A Bug in a bottle for 50 Rupees. Deku Nut (5) Price: 15 Rupees Description: Five Deku Nuts are sold for 15 Rupees. Not worth it, if you ask me. Fairy Price: 50 Rupees Description: This, I actually do think is worth it. A Fairy is sold for 50 Rupees. Fish Price: 200 Rupees Description: One Fish is sold for 200 Rupees. Not a good deal at all. Green Potion Price: 30 Rupees Description: One Green Potion is sold for 30 Rupees. These recover your Magic Meter fully. A good deal, in my opinion. Red Potion Price: 30 Rupees Description: One Red Potion is sold for 30 Rupees. These recover your Hearts fully. A great deal, in my opinion. Poe Price: 30 Rupees Description: I don't see why anyone would want to buy this, as it is utterly useless. Bombchu Shop Location: Market Description: A shop in the Market, located in the Back Alley. Open only at night. Items Sold There: Bombchu (10) Price: 100 Rupees Description: Ten Bombchus are sold for 100 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Bombchu (10) Price: 100 Rupees Description: Ten Bombchus are sold for 100 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Bombchu (10) Price: 100 Rupees Description: Ten Bombchus are sold for 100 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Bombchu (10) Price: 100 Rupees Description: Ten Bombchus are sold for 100 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Bombchu (20) Price: 180 Rupees Description: Twenty Bombchus are sold for 180 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Bombchu (20) Price: 180 Rupees Description: Twenty Bombchus are sold for 180 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Bombchu (20) Price: 180 Rupees Description: Twenty Bombchus are sold for 180 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Bombchu (20) Price: 180 Rupees Description: Twenty Bombchus are sold for 180 Rupees, which is not worth it at all, in my opinion. Goron Shop Location; Goron City Description: This shop is located in Goron City just west of Darunia's room. Items Sold There: Bomb (5) Price: 35 Rupees Description: Five Bombs are sold for 35 Rupees. This is NOT a good deal, and I don't recommend buying this, either. Bomb (10) Price: 50 Rupees Description: Ten Bombs are sold for 50 Rupees. This is still not a good deal, in my opinion. Bomb (20) Price: 80 Rupees Description: Twenty Bombs are sold for 80 Rupees. This is not a good deal, as most items in the shop aren't. Bomb (30) Price: 120 Rupees Description: Thirty Bombs are sold for 120 Rupees. This is an okay deal, I guess, but still, it's not completely worth it. Goron Tunic Price: 200 Rupees Description: This tunic won't fit you as Young Link, and it is given to you by the rolling Goron in the city as Adult Link. With that said, there's no reason to buying this. Recovery Heart Price: 10 Rupees Description: One Recovery Heart is sold for 10 Rupees. Another item that is not worth buying. Red Potion Price: 40 Rupees Description: One Red Potion is sold for 40 Rupees. These recover your Hearts fully. A great deal, in my opinion. Zora Shop Location: Zora's Domain Description: This shop is located to the south of King Zora's room, as you walk along the hill. Items Sold There: Arrow (10) Price: 20 Rupees Description: Ten Arrows are sold for the thrifty price of 20 Rupees. Arrow (30) Price: 60 Rupees Description: Thirty Arrows are sold for the price of 60 Rupees. A good deal, I guess. Arrow (50) Price: 90 Rupees Description: Fifty Arrows are sold for 90 Rupees. This, my friend, is a deal I don't think you'll regret. Deku Nut (5) Price: 15 Rupees Description: Five Deku Nuts are sold for 15 Rupees. Not worth it, if you ask me. Fish Price: 200 Rupees Description: One Fish is sold for 200 Rupees. Not a good deal at all. Recovery Heart Price: 10 Rupees Description: One Recovery Heart is sold for 10 Rupees. Another item that is not worth buying. Red Potion Price: 50 Rupees Description: One Red Potion is sold for 50 Rupees. These recover your Hearts fully. A great deal, in my opinion. Zora Tunic Price: 300 Rupees Description: This tunic won't fit you as Young Link, and it is given to you by King Zora in the domain as Adult Link. With that said, there's no reason to buying this. Hidden Shop In Ganon's Tower Location: Ganon's Tower Description: Items Sold There: Arrow (30) Price: 70 Rupees Description: Thirty Arrows are sold for 70 Rupees. This is an extraordinarily good deal, in my opinion. Bomb (5) Price: 40 Rupees Description: Five Bombs are sold for 40 Rupees. This is another rip off. Green Potion Price: 40 Rupees Description: One Green Potion is sold for 40 Rupees. A good deal, to say the least. Red Potion Price: 40 Rupees Description: One Red Potion is sold for 40 Rupees. A great deal, in my opinion. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 16. Masks | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are several Masks in the game. You can also sell them to people, and even borrow some for yourself! I'll list them below, and information about them, etc. Also, head to the Happy Mask Shop in the Market, which is just west of the area that takes you to the Temple of Time. The Happy Mask Shop is only open as a kid, so keep that in mind. There is also a side quest you can do with the masks, so see the Side Quests section if you're interested. Keaton Mask Description: A mask resembling Pikachu in some sort of fashion, though not completely. Price: 10 Rupees (You can borrow this if you want after you sell it.) Skull Mask Description: An ugly white mask. Price: 20 Rupees (You can borrow this if you want after you sell it.) Spooky Mask Description: A mask resembling a Redead. Price: 30 Rupees (You can borrow this if you want after you sell it.) Bunny Hood Description: A bunny hood that you can put on your head. Makes you look weird. Price: 50 Rupees (You can borrow this if you want after you sell it.) Mask of Truth Description: A mask passed down by the Sheikahs. With this mask, you can read people's minds! Price: N/A (Available after you sell all of the four masks I mentioned above.) Goron Mask Description: A mask that resembles the face of a Goron. Price: N/A (Available after you sell all of the four masks I mentioned above.) Zora Mask Description: A mask that resembles the face of a Zora. Price: N/A (Available after you sell all of the four masks I mentioned above.) Gerudo Mask Description: A mask that resembles the face of a Gerudo lady. Price: N/A (Available after you sell all of the four masks I mentioned above.) |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 17. Great Fairy Fountains | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are several Great Fairy Fountains that are scattered about the game. I will list them below and information on how to get to them, etc. Great Fairy Fountain #1 Location: Death Mountain How To Get To It: After beating Dodongo's Cavern, climb Death Mountain to the very top. Once there, bomb the weird piece of wall there. A hole will be revealed, so enter it, and inside is a Great Fairy. To make her appear, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol on the floor. When she appears, she'll grant you a Magic Meter, as well as the Spinning Sword Attack. Great Fairy Fountain #2 Location: Hyrule Castle How To Get To It: As Young Link, head to the guard guarding the gate in the beginning of the castle who charges you 10 Rupees for the gate to open. Once there, head up the vines where Malon was when you first arrived here. When you climb the vines, follow the path north and drop down to the area below when you reach the end of the path. Then, head northeast and you should see a rock blocking something. Bomb it and enter the hole, which is another Great Fairy's Fountain. Inside, play Zelda's Lullaby like always, and you'll get Din's Fire! Great Fairy Fountain #3 Location: Zora's Fountain How To Get To It: Before or after beating Jabu-Jabu's Belly as Young Link, swim to the small continent north in the area with the rocks on it. Once there, bomb the wall north of the rocks, and a hole will be revealed. Inside is another Great Fairy's Fountain. This one will teach you Farore's Wind. Great Fairy Fountain #4 Location: Death Mountain Crater How To Get To It: As Adult Link, after beating the Fire Temple, head to the area with the rocks directly west of the entrance of the crater (Not the entrance that you appear in from Death Mountain, but rather from Darunia's room.). Once you reach the area with the rocks, break them all with the Megaton Hammer, and then enter the newly revealed hole, into a Great Fairy's Fountain. The fairy will grant you an upgraded Magic Meter! Great Fairy Fountain #5 Location: Desert Colossus How To Get To It: When you arrive in Desert Colossus as Adult Link, head to the north of the entrance, and you should see two palm trees, as well as a crack in the wall in between the trees. Bomb that crack, and enter the newly revealed hole, into yet another Great Fairy's Fountain. She will give you the power of Nayru's Love, which is excessively good, but uses a ton of MP, so keep that in mind. Great Fairy Fountain #6 Location: Hyrule Castle How To Get To It: After you retrieve the Golden Gauntlets from Ganon's Tower, head into the area that used to be Hyrule Castle (as Adult Link, incase you are wondering). Once there, head to the north of the broken piece of gate that houses the only Gold Skulltula in the area, and you'll come to a place of rocks. When you do, head north of those rocks and then pick up the tall, black thing. A hole will be revealed. Inside is the last Great Fairy's Fountain, as well as the last Great Fairy of the game. This fairy grants you the power of whitish Hearts, which makes your health 2x greater than normally! IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are wondering why you can't get the Great Fairies to appear, as I mentioned on fountain #1 in this section, you have to play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce pad. The Triforce pad is located beside the water where the Great Fairy comes out of. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 18. Songs | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are several Songs throughout the game, which you will learn as you progress through the game. I'll list information about them below. Zelda's Lullaby Where Learned: Impa Teaches This To You After You Talk To Zelda The First Time As A Child (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: Left, Up, Right, Left, Up, Right Description: This song enables you to summon Great Fairies, modify the water levels in the Water Temple, as well as other things. Epona's Song Where Learned: Malon Teaches This To You As Young Link (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: Up, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right Description: When used as a child, it does nothing. However, when you use it as an adult, this will call Epona after you win her in the race against Ingo. If you are interested in getting Epona, see the Side Quests section of the FAQ. Saria's Song Where Learned: In The Lost Woods As A Child, Saria Gives This To You When You Reach Her "Special Place" (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: Down, Right, Left, Down, Right, Left Description: This song allows you to speak telepathically to Saria. Saria gives you hints about each dungeon, and about what to do next in the game. A useful song. Sun's Song Where Learned: In The Graveyard In Kakariko Village, In The Royal Family's Tomb (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: Right, Down, Up, Right, Down, Up Description: This song immediately turns day into night, and night into day. Song of Time Where Learned: Zelda Teaches This To You After You Enter Temple of Time When You Have All 3 Spiritual Stones Lyrics: Right, A, Down, Right, A, Down Description: This song gets rid of blue blocks in places (huge blue blocks), and also does other things. Song of Storms Where Learned: In The Well In Kakariko Village As Adult Link (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: A, Down, Up, A, Down, Up Description: The Song of Storms reveals hidden holes and such in the game. It also makes it storm in places. It is also sometimes in the game, required to progress further. Minuet of Forest Where Learned: Learnt From Sheik By The Entrance To The Forest Temple (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: A, Up, Left, Right, Left, Right Description: Allows you to warp to the entrance to the Forest Temple. Bolero of Fire Where Learned: Learnt From Sheik On The Bridge In Death Mountain Crater (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: Down, A, Down, A, Right, Down, Right, Down Description: Allows you to warp to the entrance of the Fire Temple. Serenade of Water Where Learned: Learnt From Sheik In The Room With The White Wolfos Enemy In The Ice Cavern (See the Walkthrough.) Lyrics: A, Down, Right, Right, Left Description: Allows you to warp to the entrance of the Water Temple. Nocturne of Shadow Where Learned: Learnt From Sheik In Kakariko Village After Completeing The Water Temple Lyrics: Left, Right, Right, A, Left, Right, Down Description: Allows you to warp to the entrance of the Shadow Temple. Requiem of Spirit Where Learned: Learnt From Sheik In Desert Colossus By The Entrance Of The Spirit Temple Lyrics: A, Down, A, Right, Down, A Description: Allows you to warp to the entrance of the Spirit Temple. Prelude of Light Where Learned: Learnt From Sheik In The Temple of Time After You Beat The Forest Temple Lyrics: Up, Right, Up, Right, Left, Up Description: Allows you to warp to the Temple of Time. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 19. Side Quests | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are several side quests in this game. I will them all here, and info on how to do them, etc. Getting The First Magic Meter ----------------------------- Incase you missed the Walkthrough section for Death Mountain, I listed this here. After beating Dodongo's Cavern as Young Link, climb to the top of Death Mountain. Once there, bomb the weird thing sticking out of the wall. A hole will be revealed, which inside, is a Great Fairy. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce pad on the floor, and the Great Fairy will come out and give you the Magic Meter! Getting The Upgraded Magic Meter -------------------------------- After beating the Fire Temple, head to the entrance of Death Mountain Crater. Once there, head north, and cross the bridge. You'll see two rocks; one on the left, and two more, which are blocking an entrance to a Great Fairy Fountain. Break the two that are blocking the path with your Megaton Hammer, then break the left one, just for the heck of it. Now, enter the Great Fairy's Fountain. Inside, head north, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. As usual, a Great Fairy will come out. This time, she'll give you an upgraded Magic Meter! Getting Din's Fire ------------------ After you get the Bomb Bag from Dodongo's Cavern, head to Hyrule Castle. Once there, head north, and climb up the vines. When you reach the top, continue heading north, and then drop off the platform, and down to the area below. In this area, head north and then east, and you should see a rock blocking the entrance to a Great Fairy's Fountain. Bomb it. Now, crawl through the newly revealed hole, and into the fountain. Inside, head north, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. The Great Fairy will grant you the power of Din's Fire! Getting Farore's Wind --------------------- After getting the Bomb Bag from Dodongo's Cavern, head to Zora's Fountain, as Young Link. Once there, swim to the north of where you appear when Princess Ruto gets done talking after you beat Jabu-Jabu's Belly, and go onto the small island there. You should see rocks. Stand as close to the wall as you possibly can, and then use a Bomb on it. Inside is a Great Fairy's Fountain, so enter it. Once inside, head north, and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. The Great Fairy will grant you the power of Farore's Wind! Getting Nayru's Love -------------------- When you reach Desert Colossus, head east of the entrance, and in between the two palm trees, there should be a crack in the mountain there. Bomb it, and enter the fountain. Inside, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol, and a Great Fairy will appear and teach you Nayru's Love. Getting The First Deku Nut Upgrade ---------------------------------- For the first Deku Nut Upgrade, head right, left, right, left, and left and follow the butterflies, and you'll be in a secret grotto. In this grotto, equip the Mask of Truth, and then go to the light that carries you out of the hole. Once there, the Deku Scrubs will go to the big Deku Scrub. Buy the upgrade from that scrub for 40 Rupees. NOTE: You can ONLY get this before becoming Adult Link, for some reason. Thanks to Your Eliteness for pointing this out. Getting The Second Deku Nut Upgrade ----------------------------------- Go through the Lost Woods until you come across a huge boulder. When you do, use a Bomb on it to blow it up. In the secret grotto is a Business Scrub who sells you this upgrade. Thanks to Kirby021591 for letting me base this information off of his FAQ. Getting The First Deku Stick Upgrade ------------------------------------ Head to the hole to the west of the Skull Kid on the log. In this area, climb down the ladder and then head north and you should see a Deku Scrub. Hit it, and buy the Deku Stick upgrade from it for 40 Rupees. Getting The Second Deku Stick Upgrade ------------------------------------- This requires the Skull Mask, so get it before you attempt this. Anyway, to start this off, head to the Lost Woods. Once there, head to the grassy area. Once there, follow the butterflies into the secret grotto. In that grotto, with the Skull Mask on, try and leave via the exit light, then the Deku Scrubs will gather around you, then the big one will eventually come out and give you the upgrade. Getting The First Fairy Slingshot Upgrade ----------------------------------------- Head to the Lost Woods, via Kokiri Forest. When you arrive here, head through the eastern hole and you should see a wooden object below the tree there. When you see that, aim your Fairy Slingshot at it and get a bulls-eye three times (100 score). When you do, a Deku Scrub will come out and reward you with a Deku Seeds Bullet Bag, which enables you to hold up to 40 Deku Seeds! Getting The Second Fairy Slingshot Upgrade ------------------------------------------ As Young Link, head into the Market. Once there, head into the building with the target symbol on it. Inside is an Archery mini-game. Pay 20 Rupees to the owner, and win the mini-game to get the upgrade. Getting The First Fairy Bow Upgrade ----------------------------------- As Adult Link, head to Kakariko Village. Once there, enter the house that you can play the Archery mini-game in (has a target symbol on it, just like the one as Young Link). Once inside, pay the Rupees to play, and then win to get the upgrade. Getting The Second Fairy Bow Upgrade ------------------------------------ As Adult Link, head to Gerudo Fortress. Once there, play the Archery mini-game and score 1500 points or more. If you do so, you will get the second upgrade. Getting The First Bomb Upgrade ------------------------------ Head to Goron City. At the top, drop down to the floor below and use a Bomb to hit the huge rolling Goron. Use the Bomb at the sign in the tunnel, however, or this won't work. When you do hit the Goron with the Bomb when he is beside the sign, you will get an upgraded Bomb Bag. Getting The Second Bomb Upgrade ------------------------------- Head to the Market. Once there, enter the Bombchu Bowling Alley. Once inside, play the game until the prize is a Big Bomb Bag. When it is, try and win and if you do, you'll get the Big Bomb Bag which enables you to hold up to a maximum of 40 Bombs! Getting The Fire Arrows ----------------------- After completeing the Water Temple, play the Sun's Song to turn it night (duh). Once it's night, step on the brown stone to the north of the Triforce symbol stone. Once you are on it, play the Sun's Song again. Right when the sun starts to rise, fire an arrow at it, and then some Fire Arrows will drop onto the platform to the north of where you are now, so go on it, and get the Fire Arrows! Getting The Ice Arrows (Ocarina of Time) ---------------------------------------- After recieving the the Gerudo Membership Card from the Gerudo girl after you freed the fourth carpenter, head north of where the Gerudo in white opened the gate leading to the Haunted Wasteland. Here, you'll find another Gerudo lady dressed in white, standing beside a black gate. Talk to her, and pay her 10 Rupees, and she'll open the gate for you, which leads into the Gerudo Training Ground. When you arrive in the training ground, head left, and enter the door below the lion statue. In this area, head north, and past the spiked trap. You will come across two Stalfos enemies. Defeat them in 1:00 or less. When they are defeated, a chest will spawn, which contains a Small Key. When you have that, enter the nearby door, into the next area. In this next area, use the Longshot on the black and white targets in the room to get to the Silver Rupees. Also, avoid the fire traps in this room; they will spring up in between two sides of walls in the upper levels of the area. Once you get all of the Silver Rupees, the door in the upper levels of the room will open, so enter it, into the next area. In this next new area, defeat the two Wolfos, and the two White Wolfos enemies. Once they are defeated, a chest will spawn. Open it to get a Bundle of Arrows, which we'll need for the next area. Now, use the Lens of Truth, and look above the door in the room, and you should see a hideen area with a black and white target in it. When you see it, Longshot to the target, and step on the switch. This will unlock the door, but we don't need to go in that door, as we've been through it already. Instead, head north, past the switch, and enter the door, into the next area. In this area, drop down to the lower levels of the room, onto the platform in the midst of the fire. On it is a statue. Shoot an arrow into each eye of the statue, and a chest will appear. Open it to get another Small Key. Now that you have that, head directly north of this platform, and enter the door you see, into the next area. In this area, defeat all of the Torch Slugs, and then break the statues with your Megaton Hammer, until you find a switch. Step on the switch when you find it. Also, open the chest that spawned after you beat the Torch Slug enemies to get a Bundle of Arrows. After you press the switch, a chest will spawn in the middle platform in the room. Open it to get yet another Small Key. Once you have that, shoot the eye switch on the wall (it's on the western side of the wall). Now, enter the unvisited door in this room, into the next new area. In this area, collect all of the Silver Rupees with your Hover Boots. Now, you may notice that one Silver Rupee was stuck engulfed in fire. Press the switch on one of the pillars above the fire to dissipate the fire surrounding the Silver Rupee. However, there is a certain limit to get to the Rupee, so hurry. Anyway, once you collect all of the Silver Rupees in the room, stand on the pillar in the fire near the pillar where the switch that dissipates the fire is, and play the Song of Time. Doing this will cause two Time Blocks to appear, so climb them up (be sure to have the Kokiri Boots on for this, and not the Hover Boots), and grab the Small Key. Now, equip the Hover Boots, and then head to the door on the side of the room, and enter it. In this area, play the Song of Time to cause the blue blocks in the middle of the room to disappear. When they do, equip the Iron Boots, and head into the pool of water. Avoid the spiked trap, and defeat all of the Shell Blade enemies. Once they are defeated, use the Longshot on the black and white targets in the room to get the Silver Rupees. Once you collect all the Silver Rupees, a chest will spawn. Equip the Kokiri Boots, and float back up to the surface, which'll lead you to the previous room. In the previous room, open the chest to get your fifth Small Key. When you have that, head through the door, into the previous area. In this area, head north across the pillars in the fire, and enter the door you have not been in yet. In this next new room, defeat the Dinolfos enemies, and the Beamos enemy. You'll have to defeat them in 1:30 or less. Once they are defeated, open the chest that spawns for a Small Key. Then, enter the door that you have not been in. In this next room, you'll be in the first room of the Gerudo Training Ground. Head through the door directly north of the golden eye in this room. In this next room, you can finally put your Small Keys to use. Open the locked door to the left. Now, use then use Lens of Truth, and look up at the ceiling. You should see a hole in the ceiling, so climb up the chained wall, past the hole in the ceiling, to the next area. Here, open the chest to get a Small Key. When you have that, exit this area, and head back to the area below. Now, head left some more, and open the rest of the Small Key doors. If you did it correctly, you'll reach the big chest containing the Ice Arrows. Once you have the Ice Arrows, exit the Gerudo Training Ground. Getting The Ice Arrows (Master Quest) ------------------------------------- NOTE: This requires Fire Arrows. After recieving the the Gerudo Membership Card from the Gerudo girl after you freed the fourth carpenter, head north of where the Gerudo in white opened the gate leading to the Haunted Wasteland. Here, you'll find another Gerudo lady dressed in white, standing beside a black gate. Talk to her, and pay her 10 Rupees, and she'll open the gate for you, which leads into the Gerudo Training Ground. When you arrive in the training ground, use Din's Fire to light the two nearby unlit torches. When they are lit, stand like you are facing the exit of this complex, and look up. On the wall above the entrance, you should see a golden eye switch. When you see it, shoot it with your Fairy Bow. Doing this will cause two doors to open. Enter the door directly to the east of you, and in this room, defeat the Dinolfos, the Lizolfos, the Baby Dodongo, and the Armos Statue enemies in the room within 1:00. When you defeat the enemies, a chest spawns, which contains a Small Key. After acquiring the Small Key, head through the door directly north of where you are now, into the next area. In this area, head down the stairs and you will regain control after the message that appears onscreen. When you regain control, shoot a Fire Arrow at the unlit torch on the platform straight ahead with the locked door. After you shoot the unlit torch, the fire on the small platforms in the room will dissipate, so collect the three nearest Silver Rupees on the nearest pillars (DO NOT get the one on the leftmost pillar; it's fake.). When you collect the three Silver Rupees, Longshot over to the platform with the torch you shot with the Fire Arrow. On that platform, wait until the torch goes out. When it does so, shoot it with a Fire Arrow once more. When the torch is relit, get the last two Silver Rupees. After you collect all the Silver Rupees in the room, get back onto the torch platform, then enter the door to the next room. IMPORTANT NOTE: The leftmost pillar in the previous room has a fake Silver Rupee on it, so don't bother to get that one. In this room, use Din's Fire to melt the web in the middle of the room. When the web is melted, drop down into the pool of water and switch to the Iron Boots/Zora Tunic and sink to the bottom in the area below. In the bottom of this watery area, collect the five Silver Rupees by using the Longshot. To collect the one in the center of the watery area, stand directly under it, then switch to the Kokiri Boots and if you did it correctly, you'll get the last Silver Rupee. When you collect all five Silver Rupees in the room, surface back up and avoid the Bari enemy, as there isn't really a point to kill it. Anyway, once you surface back up, open the chest for another Small Key. Once you have the Small Key, exit this room. Back in the previous room, Longshot to the lit torch in the room, then head up the stairs and go through the door into the previous area. In this area, head through the door to the east of the chest, back into the main room of the complex. Back in the main room, take the west door this time, rather than the east door. In this next area, defeat the Iron Knuckle within 1:00! When the Iron Knuckle is defeated, a chest spawns, which contains a whopping Blue Rupee. After opening the chest, enter the door you have not been through yet, into the next room. In this room, collect all five Silver Rupees within 1:30, while avoiding all the obstacles and enemies in the room. Here's how to get each of them: From the start, go north and turn left twice. There, defeat the Freezzerd enemy. Once that is done, grab the nearby Silver Rupee. Then, head north and then go up the hill, then go right. Now, Longshot to the black and white target on the ceiling, to go to the other side safely. When you are on the other side, go down the hill to the east. Then, head north and break the icicles, then grab the Silver Rupee there. Now, go directly south and then get onto the edge of the platform where on the A Button at the top of your screen, it says "Drop". Do not drop, but that's the position you need to be in to get the next Silver Rupee. When you have this Silver Rupee, Longshot to the black and white target on the ceiling to your west. Grab the Silver Rupee here. Now, for the final one, head on up the center path in the room, then go ahead and Longshot to the high platform there. Once you are on that platform, you should have gotten the Silver Rupee on the way up. If not, try again. After you collect all five Silver Rupees in the room, enter the door into the next room. In this next room, defeat the Skulltula and the Stalfos enemies. When they are defeated, the locked door behind the red ice will open, and a chest will also spawn. Open that chest for a Bundle of Arrows. Now, play the Song of Time when Navi turns green to make a Time Block appear. When it does, ignore it and then bottle up some Blue Fire. When you have Blue Fire, climb onto the Time Block and then jump into the alcove with the red ice. To see the alcove, use the Lens of Truth to reveal the hidden area. Once you reach the red ice, melt it using Blue Fire. Then, enter the door, into the next new area. In this area, drop down to the platform below. Then, shoot an Arrow into each eye of the statue in the center of the room. After doing that, a chest will spawn, which contains Bombchus. Once you have opened the chest, shoot the crystal switch in the fire to open a door to yet another new room. Enter that door. In this next room, you'll have to defeat an Iron Knuckle and some Torch Slug enemies within 1:00. When they are defeated, a chest will spawn, so open it for a Bundle of Arrows. After that, look above the door you have not been through in this room and you will see a crystal switch; shoot it. When you shoot the crystal switch, a chest will drop into the fire in the room. To dissipate the fire, head north of the chest that contained the Bundle of Arrows and drop down the hole there and press the switch. Doing this will dissipate the fire, so quickly open the chest while it's dissipated to get another Small Key. Now, head through the unexplored door, into the next area. In this area, pound the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer. Now, Longshot to the black pillar with the black and white target on it (It's on the platform across from you.). Then, head up the stairs, and you'll be in another new area. In this area, head left and unlock all the locked door that you come across with your Small Keys. When you reach the wooden crate, roll against it to break it; a rusted switch is revealed, so hit it with the Megaton Hammer. Now, go back to the room where you shot the Arrows into the eyes of the statue. Once there, Longshot to the upper ledge in the room, then enter the door, into the next area. In that area, open the nearby chest for the Ice Arrows! Once you have that, exit this facility completely. Getting The Biggoron's Sword (The Trading Process) -------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This requires Epona, so be sure to see the section about her below if you want to get her. The Trading Process, which lets you get the Biggoron's Sword, revolves around ten steps. I'll list them all below. This also requires Adult Link, so keep that in mind if you are Young Link at the moment. 1) Anyway, to start this off, head to Kakariko Village. Once there, talk to the girl that gave you the Empty Bottle after you put her lost Cuccos in the pin. She will give you a Pocket Egg if you accept her offer to look out for her Cucco, so accept her offer. When you have the Pocket Egg, play the Sun's Song until it hatches into a Pocket Cucco! Now, head into the house directly left of the target. Inside, wake up Talon with the Pocket Cucco (After seven years, he's "STILL" sleeping? Wow, this guy must REALLY not care if the world is in turmoil). Now, head back to the girl who gave you the Pocket Egg, and show her the Pocket Cucco. In return, she'll give you Cojiro, who is a rare blue-colored Cucco. Once you have Cojiro, Now, head over to the Lost Woods. It's time for step two. 2) In the Lost Woods, head west of the entrance (The entrance that you appear in if you go to Kokiri Forest, which you have to.), and you'll see a guy sitting beside a tree stump. Show him Cojiro, and he'll give you an Odd Mushroom if you accept his offer, which he wants you to give to the hag in Kakariko Village. You have approximately 3:00 to deliver this, so be fast! You can't warp, either, so don't even try that. 3) Head over to Kakariko Village using Epona. Once there, head to the Potion Shop. Once there, head west of the desk where the owner is behind, and you will be in an outside area of the village. There, head up the stairs, but avoid falling the hole. When you reach the door after climbing the stairs, enter the door. Inside is the hag which you need to take the Odd Mushroom to. Walk up to the desk and show it to her. She will give you some Odd Medicine. She wants you to take this medicine to the guy in Lost Woods, so go there. 4) Head over to where the guy was last time. Once there, give the Odd Medicine to the girl instead, as the guy has disappeared. She will ask you for the Odd Medicine, so give it to her. She will give you the Poacher's Saw in return. 5) Now, head over to Gerudo Valley. Once there, head across the bridge, and show the carpenter the Poacher's Saw. In return, you'll get a Broken Goron's Sword. 6) Next, head to Death Mountain (Easier to use the Bolero of Fire and get out to the mountain through Goron City.). Once there, head up to the very top of the mountain, where you got your Magic Meter at. Once there, Biggoron will appear. Show him the Broken Goron's Sword, and he'll give you a Prescription, which you must take to King Zora. 7) Head over to Zora's Domain, show King Zora the Prescription. In return, he'll give you an Eyeball Frog, which you must take to the guy in Lake Laboratory in Lake Hylia. 8) Now, you CAN'T warp to Lake Hylia to get there, as the Eyeball Frog will spoil (Nintendo wasn't THAT dumb when they made The Trading Process.), so you'll have to get there manually (I STRONGLY suggest Epona). When you get there, head into the nearby building, and inside is a weird looking guy. Give him the Eyeball Frog, and he'll give you the Eyedrops in return! You have 4:00 to get to Biggoron before the Eyedrops spoil, so hurry! 9) Now, head over to the top of Death Mountain again, but you can't warp this time, either. When you reach the top, give the Eyedrops to Biggoron. In return, he'll give you a Claim Check. 10) Play the Sun's Song until three days in the game have passed. When they have, show the Claim Check to Biggoron. He will give you the Biggoron's Sword! This sword is easily the most powerful one in the game. You can't use your shield with it, however, as it is way too big. You also cannot use this on Ganon (not Ganondorf), as you need the Master Sword for him. Getting Epona ------------- As an adult, head to Lon Lon Ranch. Once there, talk to the guy beside the field where the horses used to be when you were a kid. The guy will want you to ride one of his horses, so do it, and play the Epona's Song. Epona will appear, so get on her and ride her around. After you ride her around for a bit, pay him 10 Rupees to ride again. Call Epona again this time as well. When you are on Epona for the second time, L-Target him and he'll offer you a race. Pay him 50 Rupees, and beat him twice (that means 100 Rupees down the drain) to get Epona for keeps! To get out of the ranch, which Mr. Ingo has trapped you in, press the A button to make Epona accelerate. When she does so, jump over any of the fences in the ranch to get out of Mr. Ingo's grasp. To use Epona, simply press A to use one of her five carrots (carrots are sudden boosts of speed). Don't use too many of her carrots at one time, or she will get tired and run slower! Getting Outlined Hearts ----------------------- After obtaining the Golden Gauntlets from Ganon's Tower, head to the north of where the Gold Skulltula is in the ruined area of what used to be Hyrule Castle (see the Gold Skulltulas (OoT) section of the FAQ if you wanna know about the Gold Skulltula I'm talking about.). Once there, you should see a few rocks, as well as a tall stone platform to the north of the rocks. Pick it up using the power of the Golden Gauntlets. Inside the newly revealed hole is a Great Fairy's Fountain! Inside, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce pad, and a Great Fairy will appear, and make your Hearts have an outlining of white. This means you have 2x your normal health, which means you'll die A LOT slower! This is VERY useful; ESPECIALLY when fighting Ganon. The Happy Mask Shop Side Quest ------------------------------ Head to the Happy Mask Shop in the Market, as this is where the quest is done. To start it, buy the Keaton Mask for 10 Rupees from the owner. Then, continue on from there. Keaton Mask How To Do It: To get it, head to the Happy Mask Shop after showing the guard guarding Death Mountain Zelda's Letter. In the Happy Mask Shop, buy it for 10 Rupees. When you have it, take it to the guy that was guarding Death Mountain as a kid, and show it to him (make sure you are wearing it). He'll ask you to sell it to him, so tell him yes. You will get 15 Rupees for it. Once that is done, take the Keaton Mask back to the Happy Mask Shop and pay the owner 10 Rupees for the mask. After that, you are free to borrow the mask for yourself at any given time! Skull Mask How To Do It: Head to the Lost Woods, via Kokiri Forest. Once there, head through the hole to the left of the entrance. Now, step on the log and put on the Skull Mask. Then, show it to the Skull Kid on the other log, and sell it to him when he asks you if you will. He'll pay you 10 Rupees, rather than 20, which means we have been ripped off. Head over to the Happy Mask Shop and pay the owner 20 Rupees for the mask. Once that is done, you can borrow it like you can the Keaton Mask, at any given time! Spooky Mask How To Do It: Head over to the Graveyard in Kakariko Village and give the kid that is running around the mask. He'll pay you 30 Rupees for it! Now, go back to the Happy Mask Shop and pay the 30 Rupees to the owner. You are now free to borrow the mask whenever you feel like it. Bunny Hood How To Do It: Head over to Hyrule Field. Once there, head east of Lon Lon Ranch. You should see a guy running around in the field. When you spot this guy, run up to him and don't lose him; wait until he stops. When he does, show him the Bunny Hood and sell it to him. He'll pay you an uncountable amount of Rupees for the mask! Now, take the mask back to the Happy Mask Shop and pay 50 Rupees to the owner. You can now borrow this mask, as well as all the other ones you've been able to borrow. Note that you can also borrow the Goron Mask, Zora Mask, and Gerudo Mask. Anyway, you will get the Mask of Truth after selling all the masks. Getting The First Empty Bottle ------------------------------ In Kakariko Village, as Young Link, put all the Cuccos scattered through the town in the pin just south of the Graveyard. To see the precise locations of the Cuccos in the village, see the Walkthrough section. When you have all the chickens in the pin, talk to the lady beside the pin. She'll reward you with the Bottle. If you want to see the locations of each Cucco, see the Walkthrough section in Kakariko Village (It's after you get your Magic Meter that I list this information.). Getting The Second Empty Bottle ------------------------------- Head to Lon Lon Ranch as Young Link. Once there, head into the first building to the left that you come across. Inside is Talon, the guy whom you woke up in Hyrule Castle. In this building, Talon will challenge you to a game where you have to find three Super Cuccos in a certain amount of time. Read the Codes n' Secrets section for the easy way to beat this challenge. Upon winning the challenge, you'll get an Empty Bottle. Getting The Third Empty Bottle ------------------------------ This isn't a side quest, but I included it here incase someone did not happen to read the Walkthrough section of the FAQ for Zora's Domain as a child. Anyway, after getting the Silver Scale from the Zora in Zora's Domain as a child, dive under the water in the domain. Under it, you should see a small hole that you can swim through. When you spot it, swim through the hole, and you will appear in Lake Hylia. Inside Lake Hylia, dive under the water and you will spot a Bottle with a letter inside of it. Get the Bottle, and then take it back to King Zora and show it to him. He'll take the letter, and give you the Empty Bottle in return! Getting The Fourth Empty Bottle ------------------------------- This is by far the hardest Bottle to get in the game. As Adult Link, there are ten Big Poes which you must defeat while riding Epona, so if you have not gotten Epona yet, then do so before attempting this side quest. Anyway, the ten Big Poes are scattered throughout various areas of Hyrule Field. I will list all ten of their locations below: 1) Near the entrance to Kakariko Village, go under the ledge above the water (you should see this ledge; just look carefully for it) to make this Poe appear. 2) Beside the tree outside the entrance to Lon Lon Ranch. The Poe should eventually appear here. 3) Left of the Market, where the moat is, there are bushes cluttered together, as well as some trees. In the bushes is a Poe. 4) Directly north of the entrance to the Market is a sign that is pointing to Lon Lon Ranch. There is a Poe here, too. 5) In between Kokiri Forest and Lon Lon Ranch should be a bouler. The Poe is here. 6) The patch of grass south of where number 5 is, in between the tree and the grove. 7) North of Lake Hylia within the trees. See number 6 for more information. 8) The "V" shaped wall to the east of Lon Lon Ranch. 9) By Gerudo Valley, look for the fork in the road. You should find the Poe there. 10) Go by the tree east of Gerudo Valley to find this Poe. Upon collecting all 10 Big Poes, bring them to the guy who loves Poes in the Market. He is located in the very first building you come across when you enter. Note that this can only be done as Adult Link, so turn into him before going to see him. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 20. Mini Games | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are several mini games in this game, and I'll list them all here, and information about them, etc. Talon's Super Cucco Mini-Game ----------------------------- Head to Lon Lon Ranch (duh). Once there, head to the first house to the left, and enter it. Once inside, you'll find Talon. Wake him up and accept his offer to play his game. He'll send the three Super Cuccos around him across the room, so you'll have to find each of them in 30 seconds. The first one is located next to the door. The second one is located along the east wall somewhere. Finally, the third one is located along the left wall somewhere (almost in the left corner of the wall). Once you complete the game, Talon will reward you with an Empty Bottle. Also, there is a cheap way to beating this mini-game, so see the Codes n' Secrets section for more information on that. Fishing ------- In Lake Hylia, swim to the island with a building on it (Not the one that has Lakeside Laboratory on it, but the other one.). Once there, enter the door. This is called the Fishing Pond. You can catch fish here, and even the Hylian Loach, which only appears when you are an adult (See the Codes n' Secrets section of the FAQ if you are intersted.). Pay the owner 20 Rupees each time you want to fish. You can even win prizes for fishing! You can also get the Sinking Lure, so see the Codes n' Secrets section if you are interested in that as well. Zora's Diving Game ------------------ As Young Link, in Zora's Domain there is a Zora west of where King Zora sits. Talk to her, and she will offer a diving game to you. This is a fun game, I guess. This also happens to be how you get the Silver Scale. You pay 20 Rupees to play. Archery Mini-Game (Market) -------------------------- As Young Link, head to the Market. Once there, enter the building with the target symbol on it. This is the Archery mini-game, in which you can win some prizes, including a Deku Seed Bullet Bag upgrade. The building is only open during the day, so keep that in mind. Archery Mini-Game (Kakariko Village) ------------------------------------ As Adult Link, head to Kakariko Village. Once there, enter the building with the target symbol on it. This is the Archery mini-game, which you could play at as Young Link in the Market. You can win prizes here, including a Quiver to upgrade your Arrow count. Bombchu Bowling Game -------------------- As Young Link, head to the Market. Once there, you should see a building to the south of the Archery mini-game building (The building has a Bombchu symbol on it.). When you see it, enter the building. Inside, you can play a Bombchu mini-game, in which you can win prizes, including a Bomb Bag upgrade, as well as a Piece of Heart. NOTE: The Bombchu Bowling Alley building is only open at nighttime. Treasure Chest Mini-Game ------------------------ In the Market as Young Link, head to the Back Alley where all the dogs are. Once there, search through the buildings until you find this building. It is only open at nighttime, though, so keep that in mind. Horseback Archery Game ---------------------- In Gerudo's Fortress as Adult Link, head to the north of the Gerudo Training Ground, and you should see a girl there. Talk to her while on top of Epona. You can then play the Archery mini-game in the fortress. If you manage to get 1000 points or more, you get a Piece of Heart. If you manage to get 1500 points or more, you get an upgraded Quiver. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 21. Codes n' Secrets | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| There are several codes and secrets in the game. I'll list them below, as well as information about them, etc. Easy Rupees ----------- Code n' Secret #1 Location: Hyrule Field How To Do It: Slowly walk up one of the two chains surrounding the Market (the chains that are on the castle door). Then, wait until it is nighttime, or if you have the Sun's Song, just use it to turn it nighttime. Once it's night, slowly walk off the chain, and then onto the brown area, which is the top of the castle door. There are a total of three Red Rupees, which is eqiuvalent to 60 Rupees, on top of the door of the castle. Enter/reenter the castle to repeat this secret. Purple Rupee On Every Enemy --------------------------- Code n' Secret #2 Location: Anywhere After Getting The Light Arrows How To Do It: After Zelda gives you the Light Arrows, kill any enemy with them and they'll drop a Purple Rupee, which is worth 50 Rupees! This is an extremely easy way to get maxed out on Rupees. Note that you can only get a Purple Rupee from enemies outside of Ganon's Tower. Mario, Yoshi, Bowser, Luigi, and Peach In Castle Courtyard ---------------------------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #3 Location: Castle Courtyard How To Do It: Now before you start freaking out in excitement, take note that you CANNOT actually see these characters, but rather their pictures. To see them, from the entrance of the room where Zelda is, look on the right side of the wall; you should see two windows. In the area north of the windows, there are four pictures; one of each character. There is something you can do with these pictures to make something funny happen, so look at Code n' Secret #4 to find this neat little bit of information. The Secret of the Pictures In Castle Courtyard ---------------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #4 Location: Castle Courtyard How To Do It: By shooting a slingshot bullet at the pictures I listed above in Castle Courtyard, you'll get 20 Rupees from the picture you shoot. Also, you can shoot a slingshot bullet at the left area (the area opposite of where the pictures are) and a guard will throw a bomb at you. Getting The Sinking In The Fishing Pond --------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #5 Location: Fishing Pond How To Do It: There are several random places this can appear at, but the easiest way to get it is to walk along the grass wall. Also, in the streams sometimes you can find the lure. Also, you can find it underwater in the vicinity of the logs in the water. NOTE: You must catch a fish 15 lbs or greater in order to find this lure. This lure can only be obtained using Adult Link. Also note that this "does" work, just keep trying. Believe me when I say it works; I've gotten it more than once. Making The Sinking Lure Legal ----------------------------- Code n' Secret #6 Location: Fishing Pond How To Do It: When you have the Sinking Lure, talk to the owner. Tell the guy that you want to talk to him about something, and he'll make the Sinking Lure legal! How To Catch The Hylian Loach ----------------------------- Code n' Secret #7 Location: Fishing Pond How To Do It: After obtaining the Sinking Lure, equip the Iron Boots and dive down into the water. Eventually, you'll see an eel in the water. He is black, and you won't miss him, trust me. Catch the Loach with the Sinking Lure like you would any other fish. When you catch the Hylian Loach, it'll weigh 35 pounds! NICE CATCH! Note that if you are a kid, the loach weighs 15 pounds, and it seems to appear more often if you enter the fishing pond right before it turns night or day. Catching The Fishing Pond Owner's Hat ------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #8 Location: Fishing Pond How To Do It: This can only be done as Adult Link, so keep that in mind. To start this off, head over to the fishing pond (Blatantly obvious, but hey, just tellin ya. :P). Once there, face the pond owner's hat as best you can, then cast. If you are lucky, you will have caught his hat. Not very useful, but it's funny, and you can even cast it into the water. It does, however, slow your cast down considerably. Easy Way To Beat Talon's Mini-Game In Lon Lon Ranch --------------------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #9 Location: Lon Lon Ranch How To Get It: As Young Link, head to Lon Lon Ranch. Once there, head into the building on the left side. Once inside, you'll find Talon. Do not talk to him, but rather throw all of the normal Cuccos in between the chairs and table. The Cuccos won't move in this position, so talk to Talon after that and he will throw the three Super Cuccos out in the area. Normally, they are hard to see, but in this case, you know where they are very easily! Hidden Arwings -------------- Code n' Secret #10 Location: Kokiri Forest How To Do It: There is an Action Replay Code somewhere that lets you find this secret, but I don't know the code, unfortunately, so e-mail me if you find the code. Make sure you test the code before you e-mail me, though. Hidden Shop In Ganon's Tower ---------------------------- Code n' Secret #11 Location: Ganon's Tower How To Get To It: In the main room, drop down to the area below. Once there, head west of the Light path room, and use the Lens of Truth. You should see a hole in the wall. When you do, head through it and you'll reach an area with four Business Scrubs, and tons of Fairies. See the Shops section to see what is sold here. This is an extremely useful stopping point before you go to fight Ganondorf. Getting A Cow In Your House As Adult Link ----------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #12 Location: Lon Lon Ranch How To Get It: After getting Epona, ride Epona in the daytime, and bring her into Lon Lon Ranch. Malon should be in the ranch where Ingo was before you raced him for Epona. Talk to Malon on the horse, then she'll challenge you to a obstacle course like thing. You have to win the course two times. Malon then gives you a prize, which is the cow! It should appear in your house in Kokiri Forest. Go see for yourself! Getting Scarecrow's Song ------------------------ Code n' Secret #13 Location: Lake Hylia How To Get It: As Young Link, swim to the land area just west of the lab and you should see two Scarecrows. The lowest one is the one you need to play a song to. Approach the lowest one and then take out your Ocarina and play a random song, but be sure to keep it in your memory, as you'll need to do so to learn Scarecrow's Song. Anyway, after you play the song to the bottom Scarecrow, play that song to the Scarecrow above the one you just played it to. The uppermost Scarecrow happens to be Pierre. After you play the song to Pierre, head over to the Temple of Time via the Prelude of Light and turn an adult. As Adult Link, come back to Lake Hylia and play the song to the only Scarecrow in the area, which is not Pierre. When you do, you'll learn the Scarecrow's Song! You need this song to get certain Gold Skulltulas in dungeons. Secret Entrance To Zora's River ------------------------------- Code n' Secret #14 Location: Lost Woods How To Get To It: From the start of Lost Woods, head through the right hole. Then, through the left hole. Now, head through the east hole, ignoring the entrance to Goron City; you will come to an area with a spring. Once there, head into the water of the spring and swim underwater to the small hole at the bottom of the pillar in the springs. This will carry you to Zora's River, right near the entrance to Zora's Domain. 20 Rupees In The House That You Can Get On The Roof Of As Young Link -------------------------------------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #15 Location: Kakariko Village How To Do It: Head to the house to the left of the House of Skulltula. Once inside, climb the stairs on the left side of the room and follow the path once you climb them. You will eventually, at the end of the path, get a Red Rupee. You can do this an infinite amount of times! Getting Unlimited Gold Skulltula Tokens --------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #16 Location: Hyrule Castle How To Do It: Play the Song of Storms by the only tree outside the entrance to Castle Courtyard. Drop down the secret hole that forms. In that area, bomb the bombable brown walls until you reveal a wall with two types of Skulltulas enemies: A Gold Skulltula, and a regular Skulltula. Kill the Gold Skulltula, but do not grab the token. Instead, walk south to the exit light, but don't go on it. Then, L-Target the token with the Boomerang, then release the Boomerang. While the token is coming toward you, backflip into the exit light. If you are lucky, the message about you getting a Gold Skulltula token will appear outside the hole, in Hyrule Field! You can do this unlimited times to get 100 Gold Skulltula tokens. This is MUCH easier than finding them all manually. Note that you must keep the token L-Targetted at all times. The Secret Of The Gossip Stones ------------------------------- Code n' Secret #17 Location: In Various Places In The Game How To Do It: Gossip Stones are stones with one eye, that you'll probably notice well more than once while playing through the game. They don't serve a purpose, but they do have some secrets with them. The first secret is if you bomb them with a Bomb, these stones will flash blue and red, then it'll go into the air! The second secret of these stones is if you hit it with your sword, then play Zelda's Lullaby after that, a few Big Fairies will come out; you can't catch these in a Bottle, but they heal all your Hearts and Magic if you touch them! For the next secret, play Song of Storms in front of one of these stones to cause a Big Fairy to appear! Finally, another secret of a Gossip Stone is when you hit it with a Megaton Hammer, it will become flat, and part of it will be beat into the ground! The next secret of a Gossip Stone is if you use Din's Fire on one, it will stretch out! Finally, the very last secret of a Gossip Stone is if you hit it with your sword, it will tell you what "time" it is. The time is military time, and I'm not sure if it's fake or not. Also, something I forgot to mention is if you wear the Mask of Truth, you can to talk to these stones to find out secrets! Secret Holes ------------ Code n' Secret #18 Location: In Various Places In The Game How To Get To Them: There are tons of secret holes scattered about the game. They are most places in the game, but not all. When you encounter one, drop down into it, and inside, you'll find a small chest, which always contains Rupees (Sometimes Yellow Rupees.). Also, you will find Bugs hidden under grass and stuff. Since there is no reason really, to give you a full list of where these holes are, I will give you a few tips on how to uncover them: Bomb spots on the ground (Usually, when you bomb trees, they are found.), or play Song of Storms to uncover a hole (If you play Song of Storms around trees, you can sometimes find them, as well.). The secret holes aren't overall useful, but they are just places to get some Rupees and maybe a Bug or two. Also, some holes contain Gold Skulltulas! Finally, the Stone of Agony will react to secret holes by making a controller with a Rumble Feature rumble. If your controller does not have a Rumble Feature, then it will not rumble, even if there are nearby secrets. Enter The Blue Portal Without Actually Entering It -------------------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #19 Location: Spirit Temple How To Do It: After beating Twinrova, grab the Heart Container so that you do not miss it. Then, get onto the platform with the blue portal, but do not go in just yet. Instead, Longshot to the nearby bricks that you used to get onto the platform to fight Koume and Kotake before they fused into Twinrova. If you Longshotted to the bricks correctly, you will enter the blue portal with no Link! Link will be on the floor, but you'll still be warped to the Chamber of the Sages! Pretty neat! Barbecued Link -------------- Code n' Secret #20 Location: Ganon's Tower How To Do It: On the fight with Ganon (Not Ganondorf, mind you.), knock him down the first time in the fight. Then, when Zelda tells you to get the Master Sword, do so, but instead of going back to fight Ganon, get to the very back of the platform behind Zelda. On the very back of that platform, shoot Ganon's tail, and if you did it right, Link will be engulfed in flames! Pretty neat trick! Red Potion In Dodongo's Cavern ------------------------------ Code n' Secret #21 Location: Dodongo's Cavern How To Do It: In the room where you ride the white stone platform up to the Bomb Flower in the alcove, after you pick that Bomb Flower up, bomb the south wall. In that room is a Business Scrub who sells you a Red Potion for 40 Rupees! Extra Points In Gerudo Archery Mini-Game ---------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #22 Location: Gerudo Valley How To Do It: While riding, shoot the jars atop the wooden crates to get some decent points; each jar is worth 100 points! Dancing Skulltula ----------------- Code n' Secret #23 Location: Anywhere Where There Is A Skulltula How To Do It: First off, you must have the Megaton Hammer. After you have it, kill a Skulltula enemy with it, but don't let it disappear. Instead, keep pounding the floor where the Skulltula is to make it jump over and over as long as you are pounding, but never die! Pretty funny little glitch. Fast 200 Rupees --------------- Code n' Secret #24 Location: Death Mountain Trail How To Do It: On the platform beside the entrance to Goron City with the circle of rocks, stand in the center of those rocks and play the Song of Storms! A hole will then appear, so drop down it. Inside the hole is a small chest, containing a Yellow Rupee, which is worth 200 Rupees! Extra Bottles ------------- Code n' Secret #25 Location: N/A How To Do It: Start off by equipping a Bottle. Once you have equipped a Bottle, catch something such as a Fairy, then the instant you hit the button to catch the item, press Start. On the Select Item Subscreen, equip any item you don't want, then press Start again. Link will still be catching the item, but instead of having the item you equipped, that item will turn into another Bottle! You can do this to all of your items, but DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT save your game when you do this, or you'll lose every one of your items in your inventory, and that's no good. Purple Rupee In Gerudo's Fortress --------------------------------- Code n' Secret #26 Location: Gerudo's Fortress How To Get It: The fenced in area where you can Longshot to the big chest that contains the Piece of Heart has a crate in it. Roll agains that crate, and a Purple Rupee, which is worth 50 Rupees, is yours! Ruto The Weapon --------------- Code n' Secret #27 Location: Jabu-Jabu's Belly How To Get It: In Jabu-Jabu's Belly when you pick up Ruto, throw her at enemy to use her as a weapon! Pretty neat! Make Time Go By Slower In Hyrule Field -------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #28 Location: Hyrule Field How To Get It: While walking in Hyrule Field (This is useless if you have Epona), press and hold L to make the screen go into widescreen- like mode, like a widescreen movie in a movie theater. In that mode, hold Left or right on the Control Stick, then press A to perform a sidestep! If you keep sidestepping to your destination, time will go slower by 2/3rds. Easy Rupees In Kakariko Village ------------------------------- Code n' Secret #29 Location: Kakariko Village How To Get It: As Young Link, walk across the beam that the carpenter is walking across on the platform east of the well. When you reach the end of the beam, you'll get some Rupees! Secrets In The Grassy Area In Lost Woods ---------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #30 Location: Lost Woods How To Get It: In the very grassy area in the Lost Woods where the two Business Scrubs are, look for some butterflies; when you see them, walk towards them, then you'll fall into a secret grotto. In that grotto, put on the Mask of Truth and walk to the front of the stage in here. Doing this will cause some Deku Scrubs to appear. They give you some Rupees! The next time you enter this secret grotto, though, they will attack you (How rude!)! If you wear the Skull Mask at this time, they will let you carry more Deku Sticks at one time! If you wear the Keaton Mask when in front of these scrubs, keep in mind that they despise the mask. Secret of the Mask of Truth --------------------------- Code n' Secret #31 Location: N/A How To Do It: The Mask of Truth holds one secret. That secret is talking to Gossip Stones. While wearing this mask as a child, you can talk to a Gossip Stone, and they will tell you secrets! Secret Hole In Zora's Domain ---------------------------- Code n' Secret #32 Location: Zora's Domain How To Do It: As Young Link, climb down the ladder at the entrance of the domain. Now, dive down into the water (Make sure you have the Golden Scale.). In the water, swim as far as possible to the surface of the wall that's a bit farther away, and you should see a hole. This hole serves no purpose, though. Put Back Together A Broken Sign ------------------------------- Code n' Secret #33 Location: Anywhere Where There's A Sign That You Can Break How To Do It: After breaking a sign, play Zelda's Lullaby to repair it almost immediately! Invincible Deku Stick --------------------- Code n' Secret #34 Location: N/A How To Do It: Swing a Deku Stick at something that bounces you back, but make sure that it's near a cliff. When it is, hit it, like I said. After the Deku Stick breaks and you are on the edge of the cliff hanging, the Deku Stick will become invincible! Note that I have not tested this yet, so I'm not sure if it works on the Gamecube version. If I find out, though, I'll be sure to put it in here. Make Fish Easier To Catch ------------------------- Code n' Secret #35 Location: Fishing Pond How To Do It: Go to the pond as adult Link. Put the Hover Boots on, and pay the guy to fish. Once you have the rod, run onto the pond, and cast while hovering. You can now walk around with the rod cast! While you can do this, let a fish bite the rod. When it has, hold in "A" so as not to loose the fish. Run over to the pond owner, and tell him you want to quit. You'll lose the rod, yet the fish will be stuck in the place it was in before you chose to quit. Now, simply run over to the fish, and the little scene which plays when you catch a fish will play. And there you have it! You can use this to catch the biggest, hardest to reel in fish in the pond with great ease! The above Code n' Secret was given to me and discovered by Swordless Link. Thanks! IMPORTANT NOTE: That glitch only works in the N64 version 1.0, and nothing else, I just included it here. Make A Butterfly Turn Into A Fairy ---------------------------------- Code n' Secret #36 Location: Anywhere There's A Butterfly How To Do It: To perform this, simply hit a butterfly when you encounter one with a Deku Stick. Doing this will cause that butterfly that you just hit to become a Fairy! Note that this only works with Young Link, simply because that's the only Link that can use Deku Sticks. Thanks to Grizzlycauldro for the above Code n' Secret. Secret of the Stalchild ----------------------- Code n' Secret #37 Location: Hyrule Field How To Do It: At nighttime, go into Hyrule Field and kill about 8-10 Stalchild enemies (note that this only works as Young Link). Then, a giant Stalchild will appear, which is about 2x the size of the regular Stalchild enemies. Keep killing the giant Stalchilds as quick as you can, then an even larger Stalchild will appear! This one is about 3x the size of the regular Stalchild enemies. Thanks to Grizzycauldro for the above Code n' Secret. Getting The Biggoron's Sword With Action Replay ----------------------------------------------- Code n' Secret #38 Location: N/A How To Do It: Insert an Action Replay disc and card into your Nintendo Gamecube, then when you get to the screen where you can add a code, add the code below, which is: QU64-K9A2-EDXQR EA5C-H7Y4-HBEZ5 After inserting that code, save it to your Action Replay, then start the game with it on and there you have it! Thanks to Grizzycauldro for this bit of information. |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 22. FAQs | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Q: Do some of the glitches you mention in the Codes n' Secrets section work for the Gamecube version? A: Some don't, like the Debug Mode. That's why I didn't list it, as it only works for the N64 version of the game. Q: On average, how long does it take to get all 100 Gold Skulltulas? A: About a day to three days, depending on how addicted you are, and that's also only if you know where to find them. If you don't know where to find them, possibly a very long time. Q: On average, how long does it take to get all 36 Heart Pieces? A: Actually, not long at all. Maybe a day and a half at most, if you play a alot, that is. Q: Do Fish serve any purpose besides getting into Jabu-Jabu's Belly? A: Not that I know of. I don't think so. Q: Can you get milk from your cow that's in your house? A: Yes. Why couldn't you? Q: What is so useful about a Fish aside from opening the entrance to Jabu Jabu's Belly? A: In Kakariko Village, when you go up the first set of stairs on the left side of the village, there is a man kneeling down. Talk to him, then he'll say to sell him something with C. Assign a bottle of Fish to a C Butto and then show it to him. He will buy the Fish for 200 Rupees. You can also sell him Bugs for 50 Rupees. Thanks to S.C. aka Bob for this bit of information! |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 23. Copyright | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| This guide is copyrighted © 2005-2008, Kori Winstead. All rights reserved. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this guide are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This FAQ is NOT to be reproduced on ANY website except for the ones I list below: GameFAQs.com ign.com neoseeker.com gameplayworld.com gamespot.com absolutcheats.com supercheats.com gamerhelp.com 1up.com If you would like this FAQ or any of my other FAQs to be on your site, then e-mail me at verykoolguy2002@yahoo.com. 99.9% of the time I will say yes, so go ahead and e-mail me. The one website that CANNOT use my FAQ without my permission is www.cheatcc.com. They have ripped me off in the past, and they will never EVER be able to post ANY of my work. Also, they never kept up with my most recent versions on one of my FAQs, so I will not allow them to use any of my FAQs anymore. GameFAQs.com ign.com neoseeker.com gameplayworld.com gamespot.com absolutcheats.com supercheats.com gamerhelp.com |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 24. Contact Info | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| To contact me, e-mail me at verykoolguy2002[at]gmail[dot]com. Keep in mind that I will not bother to respond to hate mails, threats, or anything of that sort, just so you know (though common sense tells you that anyway, but I will remind you, just so that you are 100% sure what not to send me). I will not respond to spam, either. Only e-mails pertaining to this FAQ or any other FAQ I may have that is not marked version Final will be accepted and responded to. But please, read the FAQ before sending in a question. It gets very annoying after a while to have to sit here and respond to e-mails about things that are already blatantly answered in this FAQ. So the bottom line is to read my FAQ first and if it doesn't contain the information you are looking for, then go ahead and e-mail me and I'll gladly respond (though I'll usually respond to question already answered in this FAQ anyway, just the way I am, but that doesn't mean I like those e-mails). |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | 25. Credits | |=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| Jesus Christ: The Son of God who loves me and died for me. He died for me, so that I may have eternal life and not be condemned. Thanks. :) Nintendo: For making such a fun game. Kirby021591: I have my Gold Skulltulas listed in the exact order that Kirby021591 has them listed in, but I asked him via AIM; he let me do that and said just give credit, and so I did! Thanks, Brian! Kirby021591: Thanks to Kirby021591 for letting me base this information of the second Deku Nut Upgrade off of his FAQ. marshmallow: For letting me use his entire Gold Skulltula list for Ocarina of Time. Thanks, seriously! Your Eliteness: Thanks to Your Eliteness for pointing out information about how to get the first Deku Nut upgrade. Swordless Link: Gave me the information on Code n' Secret #35, and he also discovered the glitch. Thanks! Grizzlycauldro: For giving me three Codes n' Secrets. Thanks! S.C. aka Bob: Gave me information on a Frequently Asked Question that wasn't in the FAQs section of the guide. Thanks! Myself: For taking the time to write this guide. CJayC: For hosting this FAQ, and for running GameFAQs.