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Then type in the name of the section you're looking for - like [GOLDS] for Golden Skulltulas. Before I begin, I should remind you that my walkthrough is free of spoilers whenever possible. For example, I don't annotate the details of a cinema scene or even mention the names of items that appear later in the game. If a section contains spoilers (like the FAQs), I clearly mark it so you can skip over it without being spoiled. I don't even mention the names of dungeons in the table of contents. Therefore, if you want to jump to the hypothetical dungeon Eggnog Grotto, just type in "Eggnog Grotto" in the search bar to get where you want to go. =============================================================================== Introduction [INTRO] =============================================================================== I hereby and thusly begin my FAQ/walkthrough for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Master Quest). This is perhaps the greatest achievement yet of my walkthrough-writing career, as it's not easy to write a guide for the 12 intricate dungeons and 100 Gold Skulltulas. What's more, I believe that this is the only guide exclusively written for the Master Quest version of Ocarina of Time. Master Quest is essentially the same as the original Ocarina of Time except that the dungeons are tougher and more complicated now. There are also a handful of small graphical improvements. The overworld regions are almost identical to the original's. If you're playing the original version, please refer to my N64 walkthrough, which is the same as this guide except for the dungeon strategies. For those of you who are wondering, the original version of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released in late 1998 for the Nintendo 64 (back when those graphics were supposed to be revolutionary). In 2003, people who preordered The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (for the Nintendo GameCube) received a GameCube version of Ocarina of Time called The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Master Quest) - which I'm writing about. Master Quest is also included in the Ocarina of Time 3DS re-release; in that game, you can access Master Quest after beating the main adventure. Keep in mind that the 3DS Master Quest makes two more important changes: maps are mirrored and enemies do more damage. This walkthrough is designed to help you through every section of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Master Quest). Even though this guide is designed to be free of spoilers whenever possible, it's best if you can figure out the puzzles and problems yourself. My guide is here for the tricky sections - the stumpers and brain-benders. Ocarina of Time is one of the three best games I've ever played (Super Mario Bros. 3 and A Link to the Past are the other two), so take your time and enjoy it. One note for the sake of avoiding needless offense: References to the masculine gender are simply intended for clarity; there is no way of clearly identifying the gender of most enemies and even a few friends. Environmental Tip: This guide is quite long, so it's going to take a long time to print and will use a lot of paper and ink. I highly advise that you print out just the sections you need, such as the strategy for a specific dungeon or the list of Gold Skulltulas. If you're going to print a section of this guide and give it to a friend, it would be highly appreciated if you gave credit to VinnyVideo. =============================================================================== Getting Started [CONTR] =============================================================================== When you turn on the game, you might want to watch the opening sequence (just remember that the second part of it might be a spoiler in itself!). Anyway, press START to go to the file select screen. At this point, all three files should be blank. Select a file, enter your name (it doesn't have to be Link), and start playing! You can also check the game settings from the file select screen, but you probably don't need to change any of them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's a quick word on controls. I'm assuming you're playing on a GameCube instead of the emulated Nintendo 64 version or the 3DS remake. Start: Pause game, taking you to the Subscreen Control Stick: Move Link A: Does a lot of things, depending on what the button on top says; options include Talk, Check, Open, Dive, Pick Up, Put [Weapon] Away, Grab, Climb, Drop, and Enter [small space]. If you're moving forward, press A to roll. B: Operates the sword (more on that later); swim more quickly when in water L: L-Target (or center camera behind Link, if no enemy is nearby) R: Operate shield C-Up: Look around, change view when inside houses, or (if applicable) talk to Navi (a provider of vague hints, and when L-Targeting, tips on beating enemies) C-Left, C-Down, C-Right: Use items equipped to the respective buttons. At this point, you don't have any items, so these buttons are worthless. Directional pad up: Toggle map on or off You can also use X, Y, and Z instead of the C-Stick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Swordplay ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you're not L-Targeting anything, pressing B once will swing the sword horizontally. Press it thrice to unleash a "combo" - sort of like in Super Mario 64. Press B while moving forward to swing your sword vertically. Press L and B while moving forward for a powerful jump attack. Press B while using your shield (holding R) to get in a quick jab, as seen in Link's second game. This Crouch Stab is good against some enemies because it delivers the same amount of damage as Link's last attack. If you're L-Targeting, pressing B once will swing the sword vertically. Press B while moving forward to make a quick jab - useful against a few enemies. Press B and Left or Right on the Control Stick to swing your sword horizontally (Left will swing it to the left, and Right to the right). Keep pressing B to perform a combo. Press A and B simultaneously while moving forward to perform a powerful jumping attack. Press A while moving sideways for a side jump. Lastly, press A while going backwards to backflip, which can actually be useful. Whether you're L-Targeting something or not, you can hold down B and release the button for a spin attack - a very helpful move when surrounded by enemies. Later in the game, you can rotate the Control Stick and press B to do a spin attack without consuming magic power, although this variant is trickier to execute. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Subscreen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you press Start, you will access the Subscreen. Press L and R and the Control Stick to cycle through the different sections of the Subscreen. Here you can change Link's equipment, set items to different C-Buttons, check game progress, and view the map. The map screen only shows places you've visited. By the way, if there's a spider icon next to the name of a location, you know you've found all the Gold Skulltula Tokens in that area. The most important thing you can do with the Subscreen is save; press B and then A. Save your game frequently, especially immediately before and after fighting a boss or collecting an important item. Frequent saving also prevents calamities that can occur if power goes out or when you're trying to play through the game without losing a life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Two other notes: Press Up on the Control Stick when falling from a great height to avoid sustaining damage. Also, pay attention whenever Navi turns green; usually you must pass an obstacle by unusual means when that happens. If you need further help on controls, check the manual or talk to some of the Kokiris, notably the Know-It-All Brothers. In my guide, I always adhere to one of the eternal, unbreakable statutes of humanity: In reference to maps, north is always "up," south is down, west is left, and east is right. Remember, however, that the map is flipped in the 3DS version of the game. =============================================================================== Walkthrough [WALKT] =============================================================================== Now we begin the interesting part. You start off in your house (if you named your character Link, it's called Link's House, although it could just as easily be Vinny's House or Bubba's House). A fairy has summoned you to see the Great Deku Tree. However, the village bully Mido is blocking the path to the Deku Tree, and he won't let you pass until you obtain a sword and shield. Talk to your friend Saria and all of the other villagers. You'll need to explore the Kokiri Forest area until you collect 40 Rupees. This'll take a bit of time and patience, but it's a good chance to get used to the controls of the game. Rupees are frequently found by slashing bushes and breaking rocks. Look behind Mido's house and behind the counter at the Kokiri Item Shop for more Rupees. Also try opening the chests in Mido's house if you can turn off your conscience for a few seconds. Once you have 40 Rupees, go to the shop and buy the Deku Shield. Yep, it's expensive to be a true warrior! Next, go near the garden and look for a narrow passage. When the word "Enter" appears over the green button, press A to crawl through the passage. Then dodge the rolling boulders and find the treasure chest. Inside is the Kokiri Sword! Go back to Mido and he'll let you pass through, assuming you have both the Kokiri Sword and Deku Shield equipped (use the Equipment Subscreen to equip them). Watch out for the Deku Babas up ahead; these weak enemies take two hits with your sword. They often give up Deku Nuts or Deku Sticks when defeated. The latter can be quite useful. After a few Deku Babas, you'll get to the Great Deku Tree. After a brief cutscene, you'll be able to go inside him. Note number one: A not-too-useful upgrade for your Deku Stick capacity is available in the Lost Woods (the entrance is on top of the northern hill, accessed by climbing a few vines). Read the section after the Deku Tree dungeon if you want to find out how to get it. It's not important, though. Note number two: Note the location of Saria's house; it's full of Recovery Hearts. If you ever run low on energy, this is a good place to go. Remember this for later in the game, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the Great Deku Tree ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's the first dungeon in the game. Aren't you excited? You should be. It's tougher than it was in the original version, but it still shouldn't be too tough for an experienced player. The bushes in this room, like other rooms in this dungeon, yield Recovery Hearts, Rupees, and item refills when slashed. First climb the ladder near the entrance. Walk up the path, avoiding an occasional Keese. Jump across the platforms (you jump automatically, so don't bother pressing A). You'll eventually come to a chest guarded by a couple of Gohma Larvae. Defeat these weak enemies and press A while standing in front of the chest to open it. Inside is the Dungeon Map! Open the Subscreen to view the map of the current dungeon. Getting this is generally the first priority in my dungeon strategies. Next to the chest is a crate. Press A while moving forward to roll into the crate and destroy it. Underneath is a Gold Skulltula. Whack it with your sword twice and you'll get your first Gold Skulltula Token! Good things might happen if you collect enough of these. Now climb up the right side of the vine wall. When you reach the top, head right a bit and drop down by pressing A. You'll land on a platform. Defeat or avoid the Deku Babas and Keese, and step on the switch. This lights a switch, burning the web that blocks the nearby door. Enter that door. When you do, the door slams shut. Step on the switch near the door to make some platforms rise up (temporarily). You'll have to step on the switch several times during this room. Defeat all the Gohma Larvae and the Deku Baba to make a chest appear. Open the chest to get the Fairy Slingshot! This item is a lot of fun to use and helps you complete this dungeon. You're not quite finished with this room, though. Take out a Deku Stick and stand near the flaming torch to light the stick on fire. Hurry to the unlit torch in the middle of the room and stand near it. You'll use the stick to light the torch and make a chest appear on the far end of the room. By the way, you'll lose a burning Deku Stick unless you press B before it disintegrates. Jump across the platforms one more time to get to the chest and receive a blue Rupee (worth 5 regular Rupees). Exit the room. Climb back down to where you got the Map. Use the torch to light a Deku Stick. Run up the path and use the lit Deku Stick to burn the web that blocks a door. Enter this door. Beat the Giant Deku Baba and the Gohma Larvae. Then take out your slingshot and shoot the eye switch to make the door open. Enter. Beat the Gohma Larva, and use your slingshot on the Skullwalltulas while L-Targeting them. Climb the vine, slash the Gohma Larva, and shoot the Giant Skulltula behind you. Then open the chest for the Compass, which shows where this dungeon's boss and chests are. I try to get this as soon as possible in my guides. Another vine left of the chest takes you even higher, but you can't get there until you get a later item. Anyway, to leave this room, L-Target the ladder on the wall and shoot it to make it drop down. Now you can exit this room. Return to the main room. Climb back up to the level with the room you got the Slingshot from. Defeat one of the Deku Babas and jump down to the center of the main room. You'll break through the web at the bottom and land in some water. Find some shallow water and climb onto the nearby ledge with the Deku Babas and the switch. Beat the meanies and step on the switch to light a torch on the other side of the room. Use a Deku Stick to burn the adjacent web, revealing another switch. Step on it to make a chest drop near where the other switch was. Open it for 5 Rupees. Go back to the torch and shoot the eye switch above the door to open it. Enter the door. The door shuts. There are a few easy-to-beat Gohma Larvae in here, as well as a Mad Scrub. L-Target the Mad Scrub with your shield out to deflect a Deku Nut back at it. Then slash it once with your sword to beat it. Make sure to slash the bushes in this room for hearts and ammunition. Light a Deku Stick in the previous room and hurry back to this room. Light the two torches next to the door to open it. Enter. Watch out... this next room is vaguely suggestive of medieval-style Enhanced Interrogation Methods! Open the chest if you need a Recovery Heart. Stand on the switch to light the torch. When the moving platform comes near, use the torch to light the Deku Stick. Then quickly jump onto the moving platform. Yikes! You're about to get crushed by a spinning spiked roller! But don't worry. Simply hold R to crouch safely under it. Then jump to the opposite ledge and light the torches to open the door. Beat the enemies nearby. You'll have to hit the Giant Skulltula with your Fairy Slingshot while L- Targeting it from its side. Climb the block to the next door. Herein are four Gohma Larvae and a Mad Scrub on the floor. Throw a Deku Nut at the Scrub to quickly beat the larvae. While the Mad Scrub is running about, use your Fairy Slingshot to take out the four Gohma Larvae and one Keese on the ceiling. Then beat the Scrub. The door to the next room unlocks. This next room is filled with Keese, Deku Babas, and tombstones (graves for the Deku Scrubs or Gohmas?). Use your Slingshot to beat the four Keese on the torches from a distance. L-Targeting helps. Step on the switch, light a Deku Stick, and burn the web that blocks the crawlspace (the other web blocks a room that's useless until later in the game). Crawl through to the other side of the crawlspace and you'll be back at another part of a room we've visited earlier. Push the block until it falls into the watery area. Slash any bushes to refill life and ammo, and then light a Deku Stick on that very useful torch we used earlier. Run through the shallow water, press A to climb the block, and press R to crouch on the spider web. This is tricky and may take several tries. You'll fall to a wet spot at the bottom of the dungeon. There are three Mad Scrubs here, and they must be defeated in a special order (often 2-3-1, but not always). There are only six possibilities (1-2-3, 1-3-2, 2-1-3, 2-3-1, 3-1-2, and 3-2-1), so keep trying until you get it right. When you deflect nuts back at them in the proper order, talk to the one that runs around to open the boss door (no Boss Key/Big Key or anything!) You'll be in an eerie, foggy room. Step forward and the door will slam shut. Look up using your Fairy Slingshot at the glowing eye on the ceiling. It's... ---------------------------------------- Parasitic Armored Arachnid GOHMA! ---------------------------------------- The first boss. And what awesome music! Toss a Deku Nut at it and slash its eye like mad. When Gohma recovers, it will climb one of the pillars and start crawling on the ceiling. L-Target it and shoot its eye with the slingshot. When you get in a good shot, Gohma will fall to the ground dazed. Stop L-Targeting, run to it, and whack B over and over again. Repeat this process a couple of times and you should have this fight over with! If you're fast enough, it won't even produce any Gohma Larvae, but if it does, just slash them with your sword. If it gets on the ceiling, try to shoot its eye with the Slingshot. Once you win this easy bout, pick up the Heart Container it leaves and enter the ring of light to leave this dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fairy Ocarina ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After watching a very lengthy (and really cool for 1998) cutscene, you'll receive the Kokiri Emerald. The Kokiris will have new things to say, so you might want to speak to them. You'll finally be able to leave Kokiri Forest, since the guy on the side opposite Mido is no longer in the way. In defiance of the sign ("Forest folk shall not leave these woods"), go through the tunnel. After a sentimental cutscene, Saria gives you the Fairy Ocarina (her heavy breathing was cool for the dawn of the Windows 98 era). Useless note: You can hold down the R or Z Buttons or Up or Down on the Control Stick while playing the Ocarina to change its pitch. This is just for fun, though, because you won't be able to play normal songs that way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyrule Field ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally! We're out of the woods. An owl named Kaepora Gebora will be ahead, and there's no way to avoid his infamous rambling lecture (be careful not to select No to hear it again). Go straight north to reach Hyrule Castle Town. It's hard to get there before nightfall, and the drawbridge in closes at night. If you're caught outside the gates, you may be harassed by Stalchildren (small Stalfoses), who are pretty weak. Just hold them off for a short time until morning, when the bridge re-opens. You can explore the plains to find some Rupees and various new enemies, including the ever-spinning Peahats, but for now it's best just to head to Hyrule Castle Town. Once you're in Hyrule Castle Town, head forward to the Market. You might want to talk to the people here, although it's not mandatory. If you have 20 Rupees, make sure to play the Shooting Gallery game described below. When you're ready to go, head up one of the alleys to Hyrule Castle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bullet Bag Upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Hyrule Castle Town Market, look for the building marked with the archery target. Go inside to play the game at the Town Shooting Gallery for 20 Rupees. If you get a perfect score, you'll win a Deku Seeds Bullet Bag upgrade, which will make your journey a little easier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyrule Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At Hyrule Castle, Kaepora Gebora is just ahead, giving you boring and incomplete information (time stands still in several other places, such as Kokiri Forest). Choose "no" to shut him up. Roll into the first tree to find a Gold Skulltula. There are some guards around who will kick out unauthorized personnel. Climb the vine onto the ledge and jump down onto the path from the lookout tower. Then head up the hill, aiming northwest while staying far from security's line of vision. Climb the wall and jump into the moat. Swim until you find a spot you can climb onto. Walk to the crates and you'll find a sleeping man named Talon near some crates. Try to talk to him and you won't get much of a response. Then get caught by a guard on purpose (the quickest way to leave the castle grounds). Head back in the direction of Hyrule Castle Town and you'll find a redheaded girl named Malon (Talon's daughter). She'll give you a Weird Egg. This egg takes a full day to hatch and become useful, so you might want to do some of the other side quests now, although I usually just wait a couple of minutes for the egg to hatch. Once the egg hatches, go back to Talon (repeating the same process as before, avoiding the guards). Equip the chicken to one of your C-Buttons, L-Target Talon, and press the button the chicken is assigned to. This wakes the lazy Talon up. Now you can push the two crates into the moat, forming a bridge allowing you to jump to a crawlspace which you should enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Castle Courtyard ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like the music here. Here you're trying to make it through without getting caught by the castle guards. Just stay out of their sight, and use walls and hedges to prevent them from seeing you. Be patient; watch the guards carefully before making your move. I wouldn't bother trying to collect the Rupees on the ground. Once you get through the maze, you'll get to the courtyard and the music will change. But first, try shooting a seed through the two windows. One will make a soldier throw a bomb at you, but if you shoot the one with the pictures of Mario, Peach, Yoshi, and Bowser, you'll get a red Rupee (worth 20). Go up to Princess Zelda and talk with her. After a cutscene, you'll receive Zelda's Letter, and Impa will teach you Zelda's Lullaby - the first song for your Ocarina. Afterwards you'll automatically be taken to Hyrule Field. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your First Bottle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a lot of sidequests worth doing now, and the first one is at Lon Lon Ranch (in the middle of Hyrule Field). In Lon Lon Ranch, go forward and into the left door. Talk to Talon to take part in a mini-game. It costs 10 Rupees. Your goal is to pick out three special Super Cuccos from a bunch of normal Cuccos, but you can't tell them apart. You should be able to tell where at least one of the Super Cuccos is by watching where they land at the start, but the rest of the game is mostly luck. Just keep picking up different chickens until you find one of the Super Cuccos. Overall, this game is pretty easy. When you win, Talon will give you a Bottle, which comes with milk (a good power-up), but when it's empty you can use it for storing potions, water, fairies, bugs, and other things. By the way, your response to Talon's question doesn't affect your reward or future love life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epona's Song ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Still at Lon Lon Ranch, head to the field and you'll find Malon. Talk to her thrice (three times) and pull out the Ocarina. She'll teach you Epona's Song. This song isn't too useful yet, but someday you'll be glad you learned it. There's also a Piece of Heart at the ranch in the silo (check the Pieces of Heart section for more in-depth information). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun's Song ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't think this song is mandatory (except for getting a particular Piece of Heart and a Gold Skulltula), but it's very helpful. Go to Kakariko Village. You might want to talk to everyone here, but you don't have to. Head east to the Graveyard. Go north to the big tombstone. Stand on the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby on it. The tombstone explodes, revealing a hole. Go in - if you dare. There are several Keese ahead. Keep pressing L until you L-Target one, and then shoot it with the Slingshot. Repeat until you defeat all of them, opening the door. Climb up the steps to the next room. There are several ReDeads - bloodthirsty, nude, groaning zombies. They take a lot of hits, and if they see you, they'll shriek and freeze you, and they might jump on to you and such your blood! If one bites or freezes you, press the A and B buttons rapidly to help get it off. Stay along the left wall to avoid them and the toxic green goop. Afterwards you'll reach a monument. Check it and you'll learn the Sun's Song, which turns day to night or night to day and also freezes ReDeads and Gibdos. Specifically, it turns day to midnight and night to noon. In the overworld, it often sends you back to the place you entered the screen from. Note that the inscription doesn't quite match the music that appears on screen (also, it shows that Zelda games might be more Western than medieval, as today's form of musical notation came into existence approximately 400 years ago). Then get out of here. We've been in this creepy tomb long enough. If you check the graves next to the Royal Family's Tomb, you can fight Flat and Sharp, and if you defeat them, they'll tell you about themselves. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hylian Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Near the front of the cemetery is a grave with three flowers. At night, push it to reveal a hole. Inside is a chest containing the Hylian Shield. Use this instead of the Deku Shield in most cases. If you ever lose the Hylian Shield, you can buy one from the shop in Hyrule Castle Town. By the way, another grave contains a ReDead and a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anju's Bottle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A redheaded girl named Anju (sometimes called the Cucco Lady) is on the south- central part of Kakariko Village. She has lost her seven Cuccos (chickens) and she wants you to bring them back. Here's where each one is: * Near the entrance of Kakariko Village. Grab it and toss it into the pen. * Next to the pen. Grab it, climb up to the house under construction, jump off, hover to the Cucco on the ledge with the metal fence, and throw the Cucco you're holding onto the ground. Take this new chicken and put it in the pen. * There's a crate a little south of the entrance to Death Mountain. Smash into the crate to reveal another chicken. Take it to the pen. * Another Cucco is on the loose very close to the Death Mountain gate. It's hard to miss. You know what to do with it. * Find the Cucco we grabbed but didn't put in the pen earlier. Carry it to the ledge near the windmill. Fly off the ledge and throw the Cucco while in the air and right before you reach the fence. Climb over the fence, jump down, and grab the new Cucco. Climb the steps, throw it over the fence, climb the fence, pick up the Cucco again, and take it to its home. * Enter a door to reset the position of the chicken we keep using but not putting in the pen. Use it to again float over the fence, but this time climb the ladder next to it. You'll find this Cucco near the windmill. Walk around the windmill, jump down, and toss it into the pen. * Enter a door to reset the position of that overworked Cucco. This time, pick it up and throw it in the pen. Now talk to Anju. If all seven of her Cuccos are in the pen, she'll give you an empty Bottle - what should be your second. I should note that you can't bring her any of the Cuccos that appear elsewhere in the game, like the one in Hyrule Castle Town. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Death Mountain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the north part of Kakariko Village. A soldier stands guard at the gate and doesn't allow anyone to go through. Talk to him and he'll just laugh at you. However, equip Zelda's Letter and use it while L-Targeting him. Then he'll open the gate and let you pass. Walk forward to reach a new area: Death Mountain. Ascend the mountain while avoiding the Tektites and the rolling Goron. Eventually you'll come to a cave - Goron City, the home of the Gorons. Go inside and make your way down to the bottom, although you might want to talk to some of the Gorons first. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the mat at the bottom to open the door. Then talk to Darunia, the temperamental leader of the Gorons. Light a Deku Stick using the torch in Darunia's room, and light all four of the torches at the bottom level. A vase starts spinning, but you can also now use the torches to light a Deku Stick and knock down the nearby Bomb Flowers, which blow up rocks and open passageways. Two doors are worth opening. One is the Goron Shop at the bottom level (note that you can't buy the Red Tunic yet). Then take a lit stick up the stairs on the bottom, turn right, and light the two torches. Then light another Deku Stick with those torches, run through the passage, and light one of the Bomb Flowers next to the rocks. This reveals a passageway to the Lost Woods. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saria's Song ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You could've gotten here by climbing the vines on the hill in Kokiri Forest, but this is the most efficient way to get what we need. We're looking for Saria (the Kokiri girl with the greenish-blonde hair who greets you at the beginning of the game), and you can tell where she is by listening to the sound of the music; it gets louder as you get closer. First you'll get harassed by Kaepora Gebora, who's beginning to get pretty annoying now! From here, go left, left, straight, left, and right. You should now be in the Sacred Forest Meadow. You can also follow the music; go in the direction it's loudest. How high-tech! Walk forward and you'll face a Wolfos. These wolf enemies aren't too tough. When they swing their claws at you, attack with your sword, because that's the only time they're vulnerable. The gate opens when the Wolfos bites the dust. The next section is a maze full of Mad Scrubs. Make sure to have the Deku Shield equipped. When you see a Mad Scrub, L-Target it and hold out your shield to protect yourself from the Deku Nuts. Use the map to find the best path through the maze. Eventually you'll pass through some columns and find Saria, who will teach you Saria's Song. You can play this song to talk to her at any time. She will usually give you a vague hint, sort of like Sahasrahla or Grandpa Ulrira in earlier games. If you play her song and choose not to talk to her, you can talk to Navi instead (she'll give you the standard hint you receive when you press C-Up). I still have no idea how she ever accumulated all these Ocarinas, though! Anyway, it's time to leave the Sacred Forest Meadow. On the way back, you can climb the ladder and walk on the grassy ledges, bypassing the Scrubs. There's a Fairy Fountain in the hole in the middle of the maze if you need to refill your energy. Once you leave the meadow, talk to that owl and turn right, returning you to Kokiri Forest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item Upgrades ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before we return to Goron City, let's do a few more things in the Lost Woods. Re-enter the Lost Woods from the Kokiri Forest entrance. Turn left. You'll get a Piece of Heart from the Skull Kid if you play Saria's Song on the stump. Turn left again and go forward as far as possible, where you'll find a Deku Scrub. Deflect a Deku Nut at him and talk to him. If you pay him 40 Rupees, you'll be able to carry 20 Deku Sticks instead of 10. Return to Kokiri Forest and re-enter the Lost Woods. Turn right. There are two things to do on this screen. First, see that wooden target hanging from a tree? If you hit the very center of the target with your Slingshot, the number 100 will appear. Do this thrice and a Deku Scrub will reward you with another upgrade for your slingshot's Bullet Bag. Now you'll be able to hold 50 seeds - a very useful upgrade. Precise aiming can be a bit tricky, though. You might also want to get the Piece of Heart by playing an Ocarina mini-game with the Skull Kids below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Mask Trade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, there are a lot of side quests at this point in the game, but they all make your adventure a little easier in the future. Leave Kokiri Forest and go to the Market at Hyrule Castle Town. The shop with the two shield-like masks (near the entrance to Hyrule Castle) is the Happy Mask Shop. Borrow the 10- Rupee Keaton Mask. This also a good time to get the Piece of Heart by finding Richard (see Pieces of Heart). Go to Kakariko Village and find the guard who wanted a Keaton Mask. Wear the mask while talking to him to give him the Keaton Mask. Return to Hyrule Castle Town (play the Sun's Song if the drawbridge is down). Go back to the Happy Mask Shop and borrow the 20-Rupee Skull Mask. Go to Kokiri Forest and climb up to the Lost Woods. Go right, left, right, left, and left. There should be some Deku Scrubs. Go forward and drop in the hole covered by grass (near the butterflies). Put on the Skull Mask and walk forward. You'll be mobbed by Dekus. That's good! Walk up to the big Deku for the second Deku Stick upgrade. Return to the start of the Lost Woods and go left. Stand on the stump while wearing the Skull Mask and talk to the Skull Kid. He'll give you 10 Rupees for it. Don't worry; it's not your fault that he went on to cause such trouble in later games. You can only give him this mask after you've gotten his Piece of Heart. Head back to the Happy Mask Shop, pay back the 20 Rupees, and select the Spooky Mask (the kind ReDeads wear). Your next stop is Kakariko Graveyard. Make sure it's daytime, and talk to the little kid while wearing it. He'll give you 30 Rupees for the mask. Go back to the Happy Mask Shop, repay the 30 Rupees, and take the Bunny Hood. Note that wearing it doesn't make you faster. The next part of the mask trade can't be completed until a bit later in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goron's Bracelet ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all the sidequests for now. Go back to Goron City (use either the Death Mountain Trail route or the Lost Woods shortcut). L-Target Darunia and play Saria's Song. After a fun sequence, Darunia will give you the Goron's Bracelet, which enables you to pick up and throw Bomb Flowers (press A to pick one up, then press A to throw one once you've picked it up). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Opening Dodongo's Cavern ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make your way up the stairs to the highest level of Goron City, and go outside to Death Mountain. Head forward and take the right fork. You'll see a sign and a Goron. Ignore what the sign says. Pick up the Bomb Flower and throw it over the rail. Keep trying until it blows up the rocks below that block a cave. Walk (or jump) down to the newly open tunnel and enter. You'll find a cracked stone wall flanked by Bomb Flowers. Place one of the Bomb Flowers next to the wall to blow it up. BOOM! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dodongo's Cavern ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is our second dungeon - and it's harder and longer than the last one. Run forward and you'll find a platform that rises and sinks. When it's high, jump across to the center island, which has a Bomb Flower. Wait for the right-hand rising platform to rise, pick up the Bomb Flower, jump across to the other side, and throw the Bomb Flower at the cracked wall. This reveals an alcove with a treasure chest. Open it for the Dungeon Map. Return to the Bomb Flower island. Pick one up and jump to the right side of the giant Dodongo skull. Drop it next to the boulder to reveal a switch, which you should step on. This makes one of the platforms rise higher than before. There's another boulder on the other side of the skull, but it doesn't do anything. Climb the ladder back to higher ground. Jump onto the platform that rises higher now and jump onto the ledge when it reaches its apex. Go around to the rickety bridge. Cross it to find a switch. Step on it, making a locked door open below. Jump down to the newly-unlocked door. You can also blow up the wall next to this door to reveal a Gossip Stone, but it's not necessary. Enter the door we just unlocked. Go forward through the corridor. Pick up one of the Bomb Flowers and throw it at the laser-shooting Beamos to dispose of it (if you don't aim quite right, two hits will be necessary; L-Targeting helps). Defeat the other Beamos on the opposite side, picking up the Silver Rupee it leaves. Silver Rupees have special properties: if you collect all of the Silver Rupees in a room, a locked door will open. Pick up another Bomb Flower (don't worry; they regenerate quickly) and drop it by the cracked wall. Go through this newly opened passage, defeat the Deku Baba, ignoring the door at the end of the tunnel (it leads to a room that's currently useless for us). Light a Deku Stick with the torch nearby and knock down the Bomb Flower on the wall. Then throw the Bomb Flower toward the staircase. If it lands in the gap between the Bomb Flowers, you'll start a chain reaction of explosions and lower the staircase. Roll into the crates near the corners of the room; one has a Silver Rupee. Now climb the stairs, ignoring the platform the rises to a Business Scrub (who sells overpriced, useless wares). Turn left on the walkway and smash into the crate for the third Silver Rupee. Head forward, beating the Big Skulltulas. Roll into the crate for another Silver Rupee. Climb the mesh for the fifth and final Silver Rupee of this room. Proceed through the door that opens. This room is full of Dodongos - malevolent fire-breathing dinosaurs. Quickly climb the ladder on the back of the platform to avoid them. L-Target a Dodongo and throw the Bomb Flower at it. If a Dodongo eats it, it'll explode. But be careful - exploding Dodongos can hurt you, too! Once you've beaten all three of the Dodongos, a chest appears and the door unlocks. Open the chest for the Compass, and slash the bushes if you want some goodies. Go through the door. Head forward and cross the bridge. Please don't fall down. The next room is a small pain in the buttocks. Climb down the ladder and push three blocks down the alleys toward the ladder. Then push the blocks together under two of the torches. Climb back up the ladder, light a Deku Stick, and jump down onto the blocks. Then use the blocks to light two of the torches, and jump to light the third. This opens a door elsewhere in the room. Go forward and pull out the block so you can climb the ladder. Jump onto the ledge with the torch, and light a Deku Stick. Jump back to the ledge and run down the corridor. Light the torch and burn the web. Quickly beat the Giant Skulltula (preferably using your Deku Stick). Use the torch to light another stick, and light the torch that comes after the Giant Skulltula. In this room, jump down to the lower level and defeat the duo of Baby Dodongos with your sword. Push the block to the opposite end of the room, and climb it to the platform. There's another Giant Skulltula; use a Deku Stick or your slingshot to defeat it. In this narrow corridor, L-Target and shoot the Keese, and use a Deku Stick to bop the Giant Skulltula. Use the nearby torch to light a Deku Stick, and go back up the passage and knock down the Bomb Flower. Then use the Bomb Flower to blow up the cracked door. Open the next door and you'll be in an arena with a pair of weak mini-bosses: Lizalfos. The easiest way to beat them is by starting with a Jump Attack, and then employing a steady diet of Crouch Stabs. I prefer the Deku Shield here. Be careful not to fall into the poisonous acid. Use your shield to defend against their sword attacks, and be prepared to chase them across the various islands of the arena. Sometimes they'll jump behind you and try to stab you from behind. Go through the door that opens once you beat them. Here's a tricky room. First, use your Slingshot to dispatch the two Keese flying around to make things much easier. Drop down to the floor level and head to the opposite end of the room. Smash the crate to reveal a crystal switch. Hit it with your sword to temporarily extinguish one of the fires. Quickly climb up to that platform and jump to the alcove on the left (the south end of the room). Take the Bomb Flower and use it to destroy the rocks opposite the crystal switch. This reveals a floor switch. Hit the crystal switch again, step on the floor switch, climb up to the high platforms, and quickly jump across the platforms before the fires return. You'll be in a new section of the room where you pushed the blocks to reach the torches earlier. Simply go forward, unless you want to open the 5-Rupee treasure chest. Pick up the Bomb Flower and drop it to open up a very useful shortcut. Pick up another Bomb Flower and jump all the way down to the main room. Make sure to the aim to the left (toward the entrance of the dungeon). You'll land, probably take some damage, near a cracked wall. Throw the bomb at the wall to open a new passage. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't have opened that tunnel with the Bomb Flower from the center island. Enter this newly-opened room. Make sure to have the Hylian Shield equipped, as there are Fire Keese nearby. Head forward and step on the two gray blocks. One rises, leading to a Bomb Flower. Use this Bomb Flower to blow up a nearby rock, revealing another Bomb Flower. Use this Bomb Flower to implode the cracked wall. However, a Business Scrub is the only inhabitant of this room. He sells a potentially useful Red Potion, although fairies are better and don't cost 40 Rupees. Return to the previous room. Head forward and beat the Fire Keese and Giant Skulltula. See that vertical line of Bomb Flowers? Pick up the one you used to open the door and throw it near that line. You'll start an explosive chain reaction and reveal an eye switch. Shoot the eye switch to open a door. Avoid or defeat the Baby Dodongos in this corridor and open the next door. This is another Lizalfos mini-boss. Use the same strategies as before. I like using the Crouch Stab. Use the Deku Shield and don't L-Target if you opt for that strategy. Open the door that unlocks. In this eerie room, use the Bomb Flower to start a chain reaction, opening a door. If you open the door, you'll find this room isn't useful until you have a later item, but if you do enter, beat the Fire Keese, and then take care of the Mad Scrubs after equipping the Deku Shield. Head forward through the eerie room. Defeat some of the Poes (ghosts), and use the Bomb Flower near the back of the room to start a chain reaction with a different line of Bomb Flowers, opening another door. Enter the door and open the chest. Inside is the prize of this dungeon - the Bomb Bag! Now you can use bombs whenever you want. You won't have to worry about Bomb Flowers any more! If you wish, you can go back to the first Lizalfos room, where you can open a path to the north by throwing a Bomb and letting it explode at just the right time, leading to a Gold Skulltula. Here's an optional room before we fight the boss. Take the main room's high platform to the top. Jump to the ledge and go forward through the passage. Then jump down and enter the north room, which we haven't entered yet. Use your Slingshot to take out all the Gohma Larvae on the ceiling. If you stand under one, it'll drop and hatch (as you know from the Great Deku Tree dungeon), so it might be easier to fight them one at a time after they hatch. Once you beat them all, a 5-Rupee chest appears. Then roll into the crates until you find one with a Gold Skulltula. Make your way back to the main room and use the high platform to reach the second floor. Then walk over to the bridge area. See those gaps in the bridge? Try dropping a bomb into them and see what happens! If they explode on the eyes of the Dodongo skull, its mouth will open, allowing you to move on to the next section of the dungeon. Open the door in the Dodongo skull's mouth and proceed forward. Avoid the Baby Dodongos and climb through the east passage. Head through the tunnel and into the room. Avoid the Baby Dodongos and jump down to some graves (for Gorons?). Fight the single Lizalfos, then throw a bomb across the fire. It will explode and activate a crystal switch, allowing you to pass over safely. Optionally, enter the north door, defeat the Poe, push the grave, and open the chest for five Rupees. Return to the previous room and drop a bomb by the line of Bomb Flowers. This will open the door, but it will also activate a couple of Armos Statues. Avoid them and wait for them to explode, and proceed over the steps. But first, climb onto the narrow ledge and defeat the Gold Skulltula. Enter the west door. Head through the tunnel and push back the grave, revealing a switch. Step on it to open the door (the west one) that leads to the big boss. Enter, open the chest to refill your bomb supply, and bomb the middle of the room. Drop through the hole that opens and face... ---------------------------------------- Infernal Dinosaur KING DODONGO ---------------------------------------- An extremely easy boss. When he opens his mouth, throw a bomb in. This will stun him, allowing you to slash him once with your sword. He'll then begin rolling around the room. Stay along the wall to avoid his roll attacks, and then follow him. When he stops rolling, repeat this process. If you run out of bombs, you can use the Bomb Flowers found in the corners of the room. Four hits and he's done - three if you use jump attacks. Take the Heart Container and leave via the portal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Death Mountain Fairy Fountain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Afterwards, Darunia gives you the Goron's Ruby - your second Spiritual Stone. Climb up to the highest part of Death Mountain. See all those rocks? Try blowing them up using a Bomb. One of the rocks is harder to destroy; you'll have to throw a bomb behind it (or have the bomb explode while in the air). Jump over the gap and climb a bit, and you'll see another rock. Blow it up to reveal a hole. Inside are some Rupees, hearts, and a cow. If you play Epona's Song for this (or any other) cow, she'll produce some milk for your bottle. Back outside, equip the Hylian Shield and run north. What's that sound? It's an avalanche! Crouch under your Hylian Shield and you'll be safe. When it stops, keep going north. Duck under your shield again when the next avalanche occurs. Soon you'll come to a wall that you can climb. First shoot the Skullwalltula with your Slingshot. Then climb and drop onto the first ledge you see. Shoot the other Skullwalltula. Resume climbing and land on the higher ledge on the right. Dispose of the last Skullwalltula and climb until you can't climb any farther. The cave on the right leads to Death Mountain Crater, a place you shouldn't go yet (although you might want to get the Gold Skulltula in the crate at its start). Instead, blow up the cracked wall on the left. Go inside and you'll be at a Fairy Fountain. The Zelda Fairy Theme music (or Super Mario Bros. 3's Water Land) will play. Use your Ocarina to play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. A semi-nude fairy appears. The Great Fairy of Power will give you a Magic Meter and upgrade your Spin Attack - both of which are very good things. She'll also restore your energy. Talk to Kaepora Gebora and he'll take you back to Kakariko Village. Drop off the south end of the building (near Anju) you land on and enter the crack for a Heart Piece. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Din's Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Hyrule Castle and climb the vine you used to get past the watchtower. Go forward to the sign marked, "Dead End." Blow up the rock to reveal a crawlspace. Go through to reach the Fairy Fountain the last one was talking about. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to make the Great Fairy of Magic appear. She'll refill your energy and give you Din's Fire, which is very useful at times. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bombchu Bowling Alley ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Playing this mini-game isn't required, but it's fun and gives you some very useful upgrades. The Bombchu Bowling Alley is located in the Market area. Pay 30 Rupees to play. The goal is to shoot Bombchus - an unusual type of bomb - into a little hole past Razor Traps and Cuccos. Press B twice to fire. The first shot is easy - just shoot down the middle, avoiding the Razor Trap. The second shot is also very easy - avoid the Razor Trap and small Cucco. The third shot is harder, because the target is much farther away. Also, a bigger Cucco is in the way, along with the Razor Trap and small Cucco. Some players like to angle their shots off the ceiling and wall here, but I have the most success shooting down the middle. It may help to hit the bigger Cucco with a Bombchu when it's near the edge, stunning it and paving the way for an easier shot down the middle. For winning, your prizes are include 50 Rupees, 10 Bombs, a Bigger Bomb Bag, 10 Bombchu, and eventually a Piece of Heart. There's no particular order for the prizes, and you'll often have to play a lot of games to get that Piece of Heart. Use the room full of pots at the entrance to Hyrule Castle Town to get Rupees if you run out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Biggest Bomb Bag ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a little out of the way, but remember that every upgrade helps make life easier in the future. Go to Goron City. On the top floor are some rocks which you should bomb. Walk past the path you've cleared to find a room with a Gold Skulltula. Jump down to the second-highest level and follow the rolling Goron. Drop a bomb in front of him to stop him. If you do this in the tunnel, he'll give you a Bomb Bag upgrade. On the second level from the bottom, throw bombs into the spinning Goron vase until it spits out a Piece of Heart. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deku Nut Upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deku Nuts are probably the least valuable item in the game, but you can upgrade your carrying capacity in the Lost Woods. From Kokiri Forest, go right, left, right, left, straight, and left. This is the screen before the Sacred Forest Meadow. Use a bomb to blow up the rock, revealing a hole. Drop down to find a Deku Scrub. Reflect the nuts back at him and talk to him. He'll offer to increase the number of Deku Nuts you can carry for a fee of 40 Rupees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The House of Skulltula ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have at least 10 Gold Skulltula Tokens, you'll want to stop by the House of Skulltula near Anju in Kakariko Village. A strange human-like spider will drop down. Talk to him. If you have the 10 or more Gold Skulltula Tokens, you can talk to one of his kids, who will upgrade your wallet. Now you can carry 200 Rupees! Return to the House of Skulltula once you have 20 tokens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zora's Domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to Hyrule Field. Referring to the map, enter the northeast exit of Hyrule Field (along a river) and you'll reach Zora's River. Slash the bushes for some power-ups, and then you'll be subjected to a Kaepora Gebora lecture (there's no way around it). Use a couple of bombs to destroy the rocks blocking the gate. Past a Cucco is a goofy man who sells Magic Beans. He has ten available, and each costs 10 Rupees more than the last. I recommend buying as many as you can afford. Try planting one in the patch of soft soil next to him. Then go back and grab the Cucco. You'll be using it to float across the river a few times. Watch out for the rock-spitting Octoroks, who don't pose much of a threat. Climb up the platforms if you want a Piece of Heart (throw the Cucco in mid-air on the next-to-last jump). Pick up the Cucco again and go forward. Throw the chicken up a platform, climb up, grab the Cucco, and again float onto a ledge, releasing the Cucco right before you reach the platform. Pick it up again and follow the trail. Float over to the Piece of Heart, and proceed to the strange tile in front of the waterfall. Play Zelda's Lullaby to open the door to Zora's Domain. Then jump through the waterfall and enter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Silver Scale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside Zora's Domain, head north on the upper level to King Zora's throne. But don't talk to him just yet. Turn left and go down a corridor. Talk to the Zora here. You'll get to play a diving game for a fee of 20 Rupees. Jump off the waterfall and hold A to dive down and take each of the five Rupees on the bottom of the water. Remember that you can move underwater, so you may be able to take more than one Rupee per dive. You get to keep the Rupees, so playing this game actually earns you a small profit. Once you finish the game, return to the Zora and talk to him. He'll give you a Silver Scale, allowing you to dive twice as deep as you could before (from 3 meters to 6 meters - Hyrule uses the metric system for distance but not weight). You can also play the diving game again, although this time all you can win is Rupees. You can go to the Item Shop if you want, but you can't buy the blue tunic yet. Now you might want to talk to King Zora (if necessary, L-Target him first). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Third Bottle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After talking to the obese fish monarch, head to the bottom level of Zora's Domain. Dive down near the south end of the map and you'll spot a tunnel. Swim through and you'll find yourself in Lake Hylia, which is probably new territory for you. Swim forward a bit and you'll spot a bottle on the lake's bottom. Dive down and touch it (you can even L-Target it). Interestingly, there's a message inside! Hmm... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarecrow's Song ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an optional sidequest, but this is the easiest time to complete it. Head forward to the beach and you'll find a pair of scarecrows - Pierre and Bonooru. Talk to them and pull out your Ocarina in front of the lower one (Bonooru). Then play an eight-tone song of your choice. Here's a sample: A, C-Up, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C-Right, A, A (sounds a little like "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"). If you play something else, make sure to write it down, since the Scarecrow's Song isn't listed on the Subscreen. It has to include at least two different notes (you can't play A eight times), and the first six notes shouldn't be the same as another regular song. Make sure to return to this spot in the future. You might also want to head to the nearby Fishing Pond to try for a Piece of Heart. Now dive into the tunnel on the north side of Lake Hylia to return to Zora's Domain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entering the Dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to King Zora. Use the Empty Bottle (with the letter in it) while L- Targeting him and he'll agree to move - although very slowly! But before we do anything else, look for a few fish in some of the shallower water. Use your new empty bottle to scoop up the fish. Don't forget that you can also get a Piece of Heart by lighting the five torches in Zora's Domain. Now go to King Zora's throne room and use the slope on the right to enter the passage he was blocking. You'll reach Zora's Fountain, the home of a massive fish named Jabu- Jabu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Farore's Wind ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, though, you may wish to visit the southeastern part of Zora's Fountain. Roll into the tree to reveal a Gold Skulltula. Then bomb the rock to open a cave leading to a Fairy Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to make another scantily-clad Great Fairy appear. She'll give you Farore's Wind. This can save a lot of time, but most players forget to use it. Now on to the dungeon! Drop the fish you bottled up earlier in front of Jabu-Jabu's mouth and he'll swallow you, taking you to the dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside Jabu-Jabu's Belly ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our third dungeon - and the strangest yet! We're inside a giant fish, like Jonah. Maybe we should've gone to Nineveh after all. Analogies to Banjo- Kazooie's Clanker are also irresistible. Don't ask how the cows got here; these are unique to the Master Quest version. In the first room, avoid the bubbles (Shaboms), defeat the Octorok, and bomb the rock in the middle, uncovering a switch. Step on the switch to make a chest appear. Inside is the Map. Use your slingshot to hit both of the cows on the wall. The left one unlocks the door, and the right one drops a chest containing a Deku Nut. Deku Nuts actually come in handy here, as they're a good way to dispose of groups of Shaboms. Proceed to the next room. There are some new enemies here. The floating jellyfish, Biri, can (at present) only be defeated using a Deku Stick, as wood isn't a good conductor of electricity. Slingshot attacks don't work, and touching it in any other way will electrocute you. The weird red tongues should also be avoided. Shoot the cow to make a chest appear for later. Ride the moving platform down to a chest with a Deku Nut. What a lame prize. From here, look down and you'll spot a cow in the water. L-Target it and shoot it to make a big chest appear nearby. Dive and swim through the cow tunnel to access the chest, which contains the Compass. Step on the adjacent switch to open a door. Swim back to the moving platform and take to the top. From here jump to the north door, which leads to a new room. Walk forward and you'll meet Princess Ruto. You can blow up the two rocks in here, but doing so isn't very useful. Jump down the east whirlpool (the one Ruto fell through) and talk to her twice. Pick her up and jump to the lower platform. Step on the yellow switch and let the waterspout that forms carry you up. When it stops rising, jump onto the right platform with the blue switch. Step on the blue switch and place Ruto on it to hold the switch down, which unlocks a door. Shoot the two cows on the north wall to make two chests appear. The northeast chest has a Deku Nut, and the southwestern one contains 10 Bombchu. Step on the waterspout switch again to reach the eastern ledge. Go through this door. There's a Lizalfos in this corridor, but this can be beaten easily with Crouch Stabs or by hiding under the Hylian Shield and attacking between its attacks. Open the chest ahead for another Deku Nut. Watch out for the Like Like in the shallow water. Two bombs will take care of it. Two weird enemies - Stingers - are also around. Go near them and they'll start flying, and from there you can L-Target and shoot them. When you defeat all the enemies, a big chest appears on the western alcove. Step on the switch to make the water level rise, allowing you to reach the vine that leads to the chest. Inside is the Boomerang! This is a very fun item that works a little like the Slingshot. Step on the switch again and climb onto the southern ledge. Go through the door at the end of the passage. Here's a familiar room - the one with the platform that rises and falls. Take it up to the top, and go north back to the Whirlpool Room. Now you can use the Boomerang to conveniently defeat the Biris. Face the southeast corner of the room and look for a trio of rocks. Use a Bombchu to destroy them and reveal a cow switch. Use your Slingshot to hit the cow and unlock the north door. Use the Boomerang to freeze the tongue so you can climb over it and safely reach the door. In here, head to the northeast door through the weird passages. Hit the two cows on the wall and a pair of Like Likes will drop down. These things will swallow you and eat your shield if you get close, so I recommend beating them with your Fairy Slingshot from a distance (the Boomerang only stuns them). Four seeds does the trick. When you beat them, a chest containing a Deku Stick appears. Also, the game provides inaccurate information; if you got the proper upgrades, you can carry as many as 30 sticks, not 10. Use the torch that you just lit to light a Deku Stick. Exit this room and use the stick to burn the web blocking the far eastern passage. Open the door to find a weird tentacle. L-Target it, step forward a bit, and throw the Boomerang at it. It retracts, but stand a little closer to make it return and try to attack you. Hit it again and repeat twice more to destroy it. Return to the previous room and head for the far western corridor. Inside this door is another Parasitic Tentacle. Four hits and it's history. Return to the previous room and enter the northwest door. There are three rare enemies called Tailpasaran in here, along with two Shaboms. The easiest way to defeat all of them is by L-Targeting them and beating them from a distance with the Boomerang. Step on the switch to make a waterspout form, and from there throw a bomb to destroy the rock that hides the Gold Skulltula. It takes good timing. Use the Boomerang to reel in the token. Go back to the previous room and head down the center passage. Defeat another Lizalfos and use a bomb to blow up the pair of rocks, revealing a blue switch. Pick up one of the crates from the left tunnel and place the crate on the switch to open the door. Defeat another Parasitic Tentacle and leave the room. Head south, ignoring the Lizalfos, back to the Whirlpool Room. Freeze the tongue-like tentacle and climb over it. Jump down the eastern whirlpool and talk to Ruto. Pick her up, stand on the yellow switch to form a waterspout, and jump to the northern ledge. Head through the northern passage and open the door. Throw Ruto onto the high platform like she wants you to. Step forward to face a mini-boss: Big Octo. This isn't too tough. Hit him with the Boomerang to freeze him. When he un- freezes, he'll start spinning. Quickly hit him with the Boomerang again. If he stops spinning with his backside facing you, use your sword (preferably a jumping attack) to hit the green spot and cause damage. If you're good, you won't have to chase him around the room, but if that happens, just follow after him (use Roll Attacks to increase your speed) and Boomerang him when you get close enough. Don't touch the spikes on the platform in the middle. Two Jump Attacks will be enough to defeat Big Octo. Stand on the platform and it rises to a new room. Hit the cow with your Slingshot to unlock the door. Go down the corridor and avoid the Bari. In the next room, stun one of the tongues and hit the cow switch on the wall. Jump into the shallow water and fight the Lizalfos that appears. Return to the main platform and Boomerang the first tongue and then the second one. Pick up either crate, and use the temporarily-frozen tongues as stepping stones to the other side. Stand on the blue switch and place the crate on the blue switch, unlocking the door. Go in and jump across to the platform. It falls, revealing a path to a new room. First, though, there's an optional (and very annoying) Gold Skulltula to get. In the room below the whirlpool room, enter the southwest door. Defeat all the enemies in here, including the invisible Keese, to form a path. Use your Boomerang to beat the Gold Skulltula found behind the web. Dive to hit the switch in the water to open the door out of here. Then climb the vine wall back to the whirlpool room. From here, go back south to the four-way fork room. Open the chest if you need a Recovery Heart. Enter the new eastern door. Walk forward and two Like Likes will drop to a lower level. Use seeds or bombs to defeat them safely. Hit the cow head on the south wall three times to unlock the boss door. Each time you hit it, it rises a little higher. You might want to bottle the fairy that the cow gives out after the second hit (or the fairy under the pot next to the boss door). Hit the other cow in the room to make a 5-Rupee chest appear by the boss door. If you want a Gold Skulltula, climb the southeast platform and cast Din's Fire to defeat the Gold Skulltula. Then L- Target its token and toss your Boomerang while standing near the edge of the platform to collect it. Now climb up the slope that leads to the boss door, open the chest, open the door, and get ready for a very difficult boss! ---------------------------------------- Bio-electric Anemone BARINADE ---------------------------------------- I think this is the game's hardest boss, since you're fighting it with just 5-9 Heart Containers (I hope 8 or 9!). By the way, Barinade's name is derived from a barricade of Baris. First L-Target Barinade and keep throwing your Boomerang, trying to hit the four tentacles attached to the ceiling. Keep moving around Barinade to avoid the electrical attacks. When you hit one of the tentacles, quickly L-Target Barinade again and resume the Run & Throw strategy. When all four tentacles are gone, Barinade changes strategies. Barinade stops shooting electricity, but now Baris are circling it. Hit Barinade with your Boomerang to stun all the jellyfish, and now either start slashing the main body or use your Boomerang to eliminate each of the individual Baris. L-Targeting them helps, and remember that the Boomerang travels in a circular motion and doesn't have infinite range. After each jellyfish is gone, the third phase begins. The Baris are still circling, but now Barinade is mobile and fires electricity when stunned. Try to L-Target and hit Barinade with your boomerang, but it's tough to get in a hit because of the Baris and spikes. When you do hit Barinade, take out a couple of jellyfish while avoiding the electrical attacks. When all these are gone, the fourth and most explosive (and dangerous) phase begins. L-Target Barinade while avoiding the electrical attacks. Hit it with your Boomerang to ground it, and then slash away with your sword. Soon it burrows into the ground and shoots at you. After that it rises up again. Repeat once or twice more until you win this tough battle. If you run low on energy, try breaking one of the pots. Grab the Heart Container and exit with the blue ring of light. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ocarina of Time and Song of Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a memorable cutscene which I won't spoil, you get the Zora's Sapphire. Leave Zora's Fountain, Zora's Domain, and Zora's River and you'll be back at Hyrule Field. You might want to stock up on Magic Beans before leaving Zora's River. Head to the front of Hyrule Castle and a dramatic cutscene ensues. Afterwards, it'll be day and you'll be standing in front of Hyrule Castle. Dive down in the moat near the drawbridge and pick up the blue object. It's the Ocarina of Time! It's really not much different from the Fairy Ocarina Saria gave you, but you have to get this to advance further into the game. Zelda then telepathically teaches you the Song of Time. From here, you have two options. You can go straight on to the Temple of Time in Hyrule Castle Town, or you can look for Pieces of Heart, Gold Skulltulas, and other sidequests you may have missed during the past three dungeons. Remember: If you go to the Temple of Time, most of these sidequests will be inaccessible until you complete the next dungeon. At the very least, I recommend that you plant Magic Beans at some of the spots of soft sand (check the Gold Skulltulas section). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The End of the Mask Trade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part is tough, and many players skip it because it's not very important. First make sure you have the Giant's Wallet (obtained from the House of Skulltula when you have defeated 30 Gold Skulltulas) and a low Rupee total. Find the Running Man, who runs in an irregular counter-clockwise circle around Lon Lon Ranch. Follow him until he stops around nightfall. Wear the Bunny Hood and talk to him. He'll totally fill up your wallet! You might want to use this money to buy the remaining Magic Beans from the man in Zora's River. Now go to the Mask Shop in Hyrule Castle Town and pay back the 50 Rupees. You get the Mask of Truth, the prize of this sequence, which lets you read Gossip Stones (those gray rocks with eyes on them). By the way, it doesn't let you talk to animals. If you go back to the Mask Shop, you can now borrow any of the eight masks, including the Zora Mask, Gerudo Mask, and Goron Mask, all three of which are useless except for making people say funny things about you. Try talking to different people while wearing the various masks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deku Nut Upgrade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is not an important upgrade, but this is the only time in the game you can get it. In the Lost Woods, go right, left, right, left, and left. Drop down into the hole near the grass to the Forest Stage. Put on the Mask of Truth and stand on the stage to get a Deku Nut capacity upgrade. If you do this later in the game (whether in the past or future), the Dekus will give you Rupees or spit Deku Nuts at you (their reaction is random). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Light Medallion and Master Sword ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Before you enter the Temple of Time, I recommend that you have the following: at least 8 Heart Containers, 40 Bombs, 30 Gold Skulltulas, Din's Fire, Farore's Wind, 3 Bottles, 5 Ocarina songs, and the 200-Rupee wallet. If you've gotten 30 Gold Skulltula Tokens, go to the House of Skulltula to get the Stone of Agony and Giant's Wallet, which holds 500 Rupees, and then get the Mask of Truth and load up on Magic Beans. Anyway, when you're ready... I'll try to keep spoilers to a bare minimum in this section. Enter Hyrule Castle Town and talk to anyone you feel like talking to. Then head to the Temple of Time, which can be accessed from the Market. Walk past the Gossip Stones and head inside. Head to the red carpet and play the Song of Time, which you just learned. Walk up the steps and pick up the Master Sword from the pedestal. An important event (irreversible until finishing the next dungeon) occurs. A sage named Rauru gives you the Light Medallion, the first in a set of six. Afterwards, a mysterious youth named Sheik speaks with you and tells you where most of the remaining dungeons are located. Leave the Temple of Time and check out the Market. Hyrule Castle Town has certainly changed! Just ignore the ReDeads and exit just as you did back in the good old days. Notice how the drawbridge has been destroyed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Song of Storms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head to the Kakariko Village, which has changed less drastically, and enter the windmill on the east side of town. Talk to the windmill man (called Guru-Guru in Majora's Mask, and maybe the Hurdy-Gurdy Man in Minish Cap). By the way, this conversation is one of the best proofs of the Split Timeline Theory (don't waste your brain cells trying to understand this paradox). Pull out your Ocarina while standing next to him and he'll teach you the Song of Storms, a song of sundry uses (mostly to conjure up precipitation). It's also insanely catchy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hookshot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This sidequest is compulsory, and it's not far away: at the Kakariko Graveyard. First ride the Bean Sprout, which takes you to a Piece of Heart, if you planted it earlier. Now on to the main quest. Pull back the northwest grave (marked with flowers) and drop into the hole. Walk forward and talk to the ghost of Dampe the gravekeeper (who has died in these last seven years). He'll challenge you to a race through the tomb. Use roll attacks to go faster down straightaways, and avoid the flames his lantern drops. You're trying to follow him; you can't (and don't need to) pass him. There are a few ReDeads in here, but they won't bother you, especially if you follow Dampe. At the end, talk to Dampe and he'll give you the Hookshot - maybe the neatest item in the game! Head through the door and use the Song of Time to dissipate the two blocks that are in your way. Climb to the staircase, which takes you to the windmill. Now jump to the rotating platform and use it to get a Piece of Heart! You can run the graveyard race again to earn another Piece of Heart. By the way, I should state that Dampe has an accent mark over his "e," but I don't include it in this guide because symbols in the ASCII extended character set don't appear properly on all Web browsers and word processors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Epona ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This sidequest isn't required, but it makes your game much easier and allows you to complete the Trading Game earlier. Don't try this unless you have at least 50 Rupees. Go to Lon Lon Ranch and talk to Ingo, who has taken over Lon Lon Ranch. Pay him 10 Rupees to go horseback riding. He'll teach you how to ride a horse if you don't know how. When you start, play Epona's Song and Epona (who's bigger now) will come trotting toward you. Climb onto her and ride around the course until the time limit's up. Make sure to jump over the hurdles to get a few Rupees. When the time's up, talk to Ingo again and pay 10 Rupees to ride some more. Play Epona's Song, mount her, and jump the two hurdles to reclaim 10 Rupees. Then stop near Ingo, L-Target him, and talk to him. Then agree to bet 50 Rupees on a race. Yep, that's gambling. This race is pretty easy. Ingo will pull ahead early (thanks to his cheating head start), but that's OK. Take the inside line, don't bump him, be willing to block him, and don't waste carrots - don't let your energy gauge dip below three or four carrots. After you win, Ingo won't be very happy. He'll challenge you to another race, but this time he's wagering Epona! This next race is slightly tougher. If you win, he'll agree to let you keep Epona - but he won't allow you to leave the ranch! So what do we do now? Just press A to burn a couple of carrots and jump over the outer fence! You'll land in Hyrule Field. Epona makes traveling much faster. Enemies can't hurt you while riding her. Why not use this is an opportunity to practice riding your new filly? Using Epona is fairly intuitive. My only tip is if you're in a hurry, don't try to stop her too quickly, or she'll rare up. By the way, it's possible to get that brown horse instead of Epona, but that horse is slower and therefore less useful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Golden Scale ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is another optional upgrade. Use the Bean Sprout to go back to the Fishing Pond at Lake Hylia. Catch a 15-pound fish or better and you'll get a Golden Scale after talking to the pond's owner. This improves your diving abilities, increasing your maximal dive distance from 6 meters to 9 meters. My personal record for biggest fish caught is 19 pounds, although it's possible to catch much larger fish than that. There are a few other things you can do at the pond, including catching the man's hat! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scarecrow's Song, Part Two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you learned the Scarecrow's Song earlier in the game, go back to the northwest part of the Lake Hylia. Talk to Bonooru and pull out the Ocarina while standing near him. Play the Scarecrow's Song you played for him in the past and you'll be able to make Pierre appear at certain spots whenever you play the Scarecrow's Song. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trading Game ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Trading Game is a long, elaborate series of trades you must make in order to obtain an important (or at least very helpful) item. However, it's the next- to-last major sidequest in the game. To make a trade, you have to L-Target the intended recipient of the item and then use that item. Also remember that you can't use any warping mechanisms on timed trades, although it's OK to use the Sun's Song. If you run out of time on a timed trade, just go back to the last person you traded with to get a new one of that item. When you have a time limit, don't let yourself get distracted by Gold Skulltulas, Rupees, and other goodies - just focus on the task at hand. Make sure that you have Epona and have planted the Magic Bean outside Dodongo's Cavern before attempting this sequence. 1. To start, talk to Anju in Kakariko Village. She'll give you a Pocket Egg. After a day (use the Sun's Song if you want to speed things up), it'll hatch and become a Pocket Cucco. You could also rescue Epona while waiting for the egg to hatch if you haven't already done so. 2. Once the egg hatches, enter one of the central houses in Kakariko Village. It's the first door you'll see when you enter the village. You'll see some people you may recognize from earlier in the game. L-Target the sleeping Talon and use the Pocket Cucco to wake him up. Talk to him and leave. Go back to Anju and use the Pocket Cucco. She'll give you Cojiro, a rare blue Cucco. 3. Go to Kokiri Forest (preferably using Epona). Ignore all the enemies that have appeared and climb the vines to the Lost Woods. Head left and you'll find Grog (at least that was his name in Majora's Mask), Anju's brother. Use Cojiro on him and he'll give you an Odd Mushroom (this sounds very much like Link's Awakening) and ask you to take it to the old hag in the potion shop in Kakariko Village. You have only 3 minutes to deliver it before it spoils. 4. Turn right, leave Kokiri Forest, and use Epona to get to Kakariko Village. You should have almost two minutes on the clock. If it's night, use the Sun's Song to turn it to day (don't worry; your mushroom won't spoil). Head up the stairs to the northernmost building, near the entrance to Death Mountain Trail. Enter the Medicine Shop and head left into the back of the building. Jump down the ladder, climb the stairs, and enter the door. Head forward, talk to the old woman, and use the Odd Mushroom (you can't L-Target). She'll give you an Odd Potion. There's no time limit this time. And no, there is no medicine that can cure a fool. 5. Go back to the same place in the Lost Woods as last time (don't forget to take Epona). However, he's gone and a Kokiri girl is standing in his place. L- Target her and use the Odd Potion and she'll deliver my favorite quote in Zelda history (it's a poem). She doesn't seem to like his illegal poaching very much and gives you the Poacher's Saw. Then again, maybe you shouldn't be distributing prescription drugs to people they're not prescribed for. This girl's name is Fado, although her name isn't mentioned in in-game text. How sad it is to toil in such Zelda anonymity. 6. We're going to a new region of the map, and you MUST have Epona unless you're going to wait until a later part of the game. Go to the west exit of Hyrule Field, ignoring any ghosts you see (they will turn away if you give chase - the inverse of Super Mario Bros. 3). If you can't find this exit, follow the winding path and fences to find where you should go. You'll be in Gerudo Valley - a new place with superb music. Trot down the narrow plank and build up speed to jump over the broken bridge. Use the Poacher's Saw on the carpenter you'll see and he'll give you the Broken Biggoron's Sword. While you're at it, use the Hookshot to defeat the Gold Skulltulas that live behind the carpenters' tent and on the southwestern stone pillar (they only come out at night). 7. Head to the Death Mountain Trail, which is pretty far away. First use the Magic Bean sprout to reach a Heart Piece if you planted it earlier in the game like I told you to. The bean will take you up to the avalanche area, although you'll still have to traverse the Skullwalltula Wall. When you reach the top, you'll find a giant Goron named Biggoron. Give him the Broken Biggoron's Sword in exchange for the Prescription. From here, there are only three more trades to go, but you need a special item called Blue Fire to continue. You can buy it for 300 Rupees at the Medicine Shop in Kakariko Village, or you can find some about three rooms into the Ice Cavern at the north end of Zora's Fountain. This mini-dungeon isn't too hard to reach, and I trust that you can find it on your own. One room requires you to hit a hard-to-see crystal switch, and another has you defeating all the enemies in a room to open a gate. After that is the room with the regenerating Blue Fire, which you should put in a bottle. You can also wait until you get more Rupees or for when I cover the Ice Cavern. 8. Head up Zora's River, which is basically unchanged. Play Zelda's Lullaby at the same place as before to gain entry. Head to King Zora and pour some Blue Fire on him to un-freeze him. Talk to him to get the Zora Tunic. Then use the Prescription while L-Targeting to receive an Eyeball Frog. You have three minutes to take it to Lake Hylia. It's really too cute to turn into eyedrops. 9. It's a little bit tough to get this to its destination in time. The Lost Woods shortcut next to Zora's Domain may shave off 10 seconds or so. Here, however, I cover the main route: Wade through the river to get through Zora's River with about two minutes left on the clock. In Hyrule Field, cross the river, call Epona, run toward her, and mount her. From here, ride quickly (burn only a carrot or two on the energy meter, though) and carefully. It's a little tough to jump the fence leading to Lake Hylia, so if you're not comfortable yet with your fence-jumping abilities, just use the ladder on the side to get over the fences. If you're lucky, you'll have a minute left on the clock. Head to the Lakeside Laboratory (the building closest to you) and enter. Talk to (don't L-Target) the eccentric-looking old man. Then L-Target him and use the Eyeball Frog and he'll make the World's Finest Eyedrops for you. You have four minutes to get them to Biggoron before they spoil. 10. This is also tough. Get on Epona, leave Lake Hylia, jump the fences, and again head north all the way across Hyrule Field to Kakariko Village. You should have about 2:40 left on the clock. Head north to Death Mountain Trail and use the Bean Sprout near Dodongo's Cavern to take you to the avalanche area. Go straight forward; the volcanic rocks will take a couple hearts off your energy meter, but that's OK, especially since you should now have at least nine. L-Target and Hookshot each Skullwalltula, or else they'll slam into you and slow you down big time. When you reach a ledge, shoot the next one. When you reach the top, L-Target Biggoron and use the eyedrops. He'll give you the Claim Check for Biggoron's Sword. Come back three days later and it'll be ready. 11. You can wait around in Hyrule Field or other places, but it's best to play the Sun's Song six times (seven or eight just to be safe). Make sure to wait for the rooster crow or the wolf's howl between each play; that's when the new day officially begins. Return to Biggoron and he'll give you the Biggoron's Sword! This is much stronger than the Master Sword, but you won't be able to use a shield as well when you have it equipped. Having Biggoron's Sword is a tremendous asset against certain enemies, especially bosses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Win a Cow! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the least important upgrade in the game, and you're probably tired of all these sidequests and ready to move on to the first dungeon of Link's more mature years. First, this works only if you've gotten Epona and awakened Talon. Go to Lon Lon Ranch and talk to Malon twice. In this mini-game, run two laps around the track while jumping the fences. Don't waste carrots - don't burn more than a couple except when jumping one of the taller hurdles. If you finish the obstacle course in less than 50 seconds, she'll have a cow delivered to your house in Kokiri Forest! Play Epona's Song and she'll give you some milk, although fairies are more powerful. Also, there are other cows (like on Death Mountain) who will give you milk. Still, it's a fun little goodie. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting to the Next Dungeon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our next stop is Kokiri Forest. You can talk to the people here, who have all gone inside because of the monsters. Also, notice that they never grow old or up. You may also wish to ride the Bean Sprout near the Item Shop to some Rupees. No one has claimed squatter's rights on your house in Kokiri Forest after these seven years. Kokiris must have a pretty deep respect for private property, although it's a shame you didn't rent it out for that time. Think of the money you'd have now! Anyway, enter the Lost Woods and go right, left, and right. Mido will be blocking your path - again. Talk to him and then play Saria's Song while L-Targeting him. He'll move, even though he doesn't know who you are. After that, go through where Mido was blocking and head forward, left, and right. This is the Sacred Forest Meadow, which is now infested with ultra-irritating Moblins. Ocarina of Time's Moblins are different from the traditional kind; these Moblins patrol a linear path, and when they see you, they'll charge at you with their spears. The best way to defeat them is by sneaking up on them and hitting them in the buttocks (their only weak spot) with your Hookshot as they pass by. You heard that right. Remember that you can't L-Target any form of Moblin - which is funny considering all of the other weird things in the game that actually can be L-Targeted. You can save a lot of time if you play the Scarecrow's Song and Hookshot to the scarecrow that appears. At the end of the Moblin zone, you'll find one more giant Moblin smashing the ground with a giant club, sending shockwaves down the ground toward you. Simply move forward while moving sideways to avoid the ripples, which will fling you backwards. Just go around it while hugging the wall, although you can beat it with your Hookshot. When you defeat this Moblin, head forward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Minuet of Forest ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sheik is back and will teach you a special song called the Minuet of Forest. Whenever you play it, you'll warp to the Triforce symbol in front of the Forest Temple in the Sacred Forest Meadow. Minuets are fairly fast and usually used for dancing. They were most popular from around 1650 to the time of the French Revolution. Now you know! Anyway, shoot your Hookshot at the horizontal tree branch and you'll land at the entrance to the Forest Temple. Head forward to enter the fourth dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forest Temple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My second-favorite dungeon in Zelda history (the fourth dungeon of Majora's Mask is my all-time favorite). I like the music and even its architecture, although I must admit that the Forest Temple is difficult and probably the most time-consuming dungeon in the game. I recommend having eight, and preferably nine or ten, Heart Containers before facing this challenging dungeon. Walk in and use your Hookshot to dispose of the lower two Skullwalltulas on the right wall. Then climb up the vine wall, hugging the left wall to avoid the other two Skullwalltulas. Then land on the tree, shoot the Skulltula, and jump across the branch to a switch. Step on it to make a treasure chest drop down on the previous tree. Open it for a Small Key, which is used to unlock a locked door. Jump or climb down and enter the front door. This next room is full of Skulltulas, but these are easy to beat from either side using the Hookshot. Look up to find a Gold Skulltula above the wall. Defeat it with your Hookshot and reel in the token. Go forward and unlock the next door. This room shall henceforth be known as the Main Room of the Forest Temple. A quartet of ghosts (Meg, Beth, Jo, and Amy, named after the four sisters in "Little Women") will extinguish the four flames in the middle of the main room. The main goal of this dungeon is to hunt down the four Poes and defeat them. Head straight and up the steps to a new room. Use the Song of Time to dissipate the block, revealing another door. Head forward and the door will lock on you. Here you'll have to fight a pair of Wolfos. L-Target one and Jump Attack it (preferably with Biggoron's Sword equipped) while it attacks to defeat it. Repeat with the other one to make a chest appear. Inside is a Small Key. Notice how other enemies won't attack you while L-Targeting another enemy (most enemies in this game are as chivalrous as Wolfos, in fact). Keep in mind that there's a fairy under a pot (you may want to bottle it for later). Now return to the Main Room. Turn right from here (left from the entrance) and climb up to another door. Open and the door again shuts you in. Equip the Master Sword and step forward. You'll fight a Stalfos. These are similar to Wolfos and Lizalfos. Jump Attacks are very effective, but use your shield to defend against their own Jump Attacks, which inflict two hearts' worth of damage. When you defeat it, head forward to the Block Room. This room is a pain for inexperienced players. First take out the Gold Skulltula on the floor in the southeast corner. Climb the two ladders and turn left. Pull the block out as far as possible. Then go through the two arches and push the other block until it falls into a hole. Now climb the ladder near the other block. Head forward and take the right fork. Pull out the red block as far as possible. Then return to the block you pushed into the hole. Climb up and push the red block until it falls into a hole. Climb up and hit the crystal switch with your sword, making some Hookshot targets appear. Go right and climb the ladder. Head forward, ignoring the skull-like Blue Bubbles. Use your Small Key to unlock the door ahead. Go up the hallway and you'll come to a new room. Navi will warn you about Wall Masters. If one of these much-maligned enemies falls on you, it'll nab you and take you to the start of the dungeon. Watch for its distinct shadow and the falling sound. When it comes near, run away and then slash it when it lands. Make sure to take the Rupees you get when you beat it! Jump down and open the ornate chest for the premature Boss Key. Jump through the hole near the key to reach a lower floor. This room has a Floor Master. The Floor Master will first charge at you. Step out of the way and slash it. It'll split into three. Defeat these hands before they re-form into a big Floor Master. Don't let the small hands latch onto you, or they'll suck out a lot of life energy (like a ReDead). When you've removed all traces of the Floor Master, enter the next door. Head north along the walkway and take the second right to find a door. Use a Biggoron's Sword Jump Attack on the lonely ReDead to defeat it painlessly, and open the chest that appears. Take the Small Key and exit. Turn right and enter the door (which looks a little like some of the doors in Super Mario 64's Hazy Maze Cave). Hit the crystal switch to turn a corridor sideways! Weird. Jump down to the old Block Room. Climb the blocks and ladders to get back up to the area with the Blue Bubbles. But we can make more progress now that the corridor has been twisted. You'll be back in the Wall Master Room. Jump across the platforms and unlock the door. Go down the staircase, ignoring the Poe painting. Enter the door near the unlit torch. Fight the Stalfos (probably with the Master Sword) and be careful not to fall through the hole in the middle of the room. When you defeat it, a platform will lower, covering the hole. Here you'll have to fight two Stalfoses. After defeating one, defeat the other one quickly (probably with Biggoron's Sword), or it'll come back to life (like a Dry Bones in a Mario game) and resume fighting. After both are defeated, break the pots to restore your energy, then open the chest for the Fairy Bow! It works just like the Fairy Slingshot. Return to the previous room. There are three portraits in this room, and look for the one that has a ghost in it and shoot it with an arrow. Quickly hit it from a distance, or the ghost will flee to a different portrait. After hitting the ghost when it's in a portrait, the portrait will disappear. Repeat with the other portraits and you'll be able to fight the ghost, Joelle (in "Little Women," her name was Josephine but strongly preferred to be called Jo), at the bottom of the stairs. Just hit her with your bow (or, as I strongly prefer, the Hookshot) when she's visible. Don't L-Target her, or she'll disappear temporarily. Use your shield if she charges at you. After five hits, one of the torches by the door (and also in the main room) will light and a chest will appear. Open it for the Map. It's about time! Enter the door by the torch, go forward, and fight another Poe Sister - Beth. Use the same strategies as before. Another torch lights and another chest appears. Open it for the Compass. Use Farore's Wind here if you haven't used it yet; you'll have to return here later and it's a tough place to reach. Smash the pots for arrow refills and return to the Main Room (you may find it easiest to save and reset, or use Farore's Wind if you have it and used it earlier). Notice how two of the torches are now lit in the Main Room. Use an arrow to hit the eye switch above the northeastern door. This unlocks the door. Enter. This room reminds me a little of Mumbo's Mountain from Banjo-Kazooie. Defeat the Big Deku Baba and look above the door. Use your Hookshot to defeat the Gold Skulltula, then Hookshot to the target it was blocking. Stand as close to the edge of the ledge near the Time Block as possible (without falling off) and play the Song of Time to conjure up another Time Block. Jump to the farther Time Block and play the Song of Time again to make the other Time Block change locations. Use the Hookshot or Bow to defeat the Skullwalltula. Jump onto the vine wall and climb up and then right. Drop onto the balcony to find a chest containing a Small Key. Climb onto the southwestern rail of the balcony and Hookshot to the target above another nearby balcony. Then go through the door on this balcony. Hookshot the Big Skulltula and stand behind the torch. Shoot an arrow through the fire at the web to destroy this web. Now go back to the previous room. Jump down into the water for a safe and speedy landing and head south to the well. Beat the Big Deku Baba and stand on the south edge of the well. Look down into the water and shoot the eye switch with an arrow to lower the water. Climb the ladder down to a strange room with a treasure chest. Open it for a Small Key. You should now have two in your possession. Head west, taking the three Recovery Hearts if you need them. Take the Gold Skulltula near the bars, then climb the vine wall as far as possible to a ledge with a Gold Skulltula. Then jump down and enter the eastern door, returning you to the Main Room. If you used Farore's Wind in the Poe Room as I suggested, use it to warp to that spot. If you didn't, then enter the western door to reach the Block Room (again). Use the Hookshot target as a shortcut, then jump across the platforms, use another Hookshot target, and climb the ladder. Go through the twisted corridor and jump across the platforms to the right. Descend the staircase, enter the next room, go through the door, and climb the stairs. This is where you'd be if you used the shortcut I suggested. Unlock the door and proceed to new territory. Beware of Wall Masters! Jump down to the bottom level and defeat the Wall Master for 35 Rupees. Then climb the southern ladder to a hallway. Go through, avoiding the Green Bubbles. Use your last Small Key to unlock the door. Four small platforms circle a platform in the middle of the room here. Try not to fall into the poisonous goo at the platforms' base. Use the moving platforms to get to the western ledge, which has a crate. Pick up the crate, jump across the platform, and place it on the blue switch in the middle of the room. This lights the adjacent torch. Again, you will be shooting an arrow through a torch to set the arrow on fire, but this time you're aiming at the frozen eye switch on the west ledge where the crate was. Stand on a platform, draw your bow, watch the torch, and shoot the eye switch when the torch intersects you and the eye. By the way, Din's Fire is an easier way of doing this. A successful shot twists the previous corridor you used to get here. Take the crate off the switch to regain access to that corridor. Enter the door, head up the now-twisted corridor, and jump down into the hole on the northeast corner of the room. Navi will warn you that the ceiling is falling (like the third fortress in Super Mario Bros. 3's Ice Land), except that this ceiling can squash you! The ceiling rises and falls, but there are holes in it, creating safe spots to stand when the floor is falling. However, most of these safe spots are guarded by Skulltulas. L-Target and Hookshot them to beat them easily. Step on the two switches to unlock the north door and reveal a chest, containing five arrows (not a great prize). Go north, through the west hallway, and through the door. Play the Song of Time while standing on the nearby Time Block to create another Time Block. Jump down, defeat the Deku Baba, and open the chest for a Small Key. Play the Song of Time twice to form a trio of Time Blocks. Climb them and jump to the platform with the door you entered this room from. Open the door to return to the room with the falling ceiling. Go south, defeating the Big Skulltulas to reach safe spots. Unlock the southern door to reach a new room. There's a Poe painting, but this one operates differently from the other two. Shoot it with an arrow to make five blocks drop down. First, note that the middle block is a dummy and doesn't do anything. Push the block closest to the torch platform until it comes in contact with another block. Pull the block closest to the painting until it aligns with the northwest block, then push it to that block. Pull out the blue "dummy" block to make an empty space, and then push the remaining block to where the dummy block was. If you do this properly, a Poe will appear. Shoot Amy five times to defeat her. Use the same strategies as the previous two Poe Sisters. Open the door by the torch and head down the hallway. You're back at the Main Room, in a section you couldn't access before. Jump down to face the final ghost - Meg, the oldest sister. She is the Forest Temple mini-boss. She splits into four, and like Lemmy and Wendy O. Koopa from Super Mario World, only one is real. The real Meg spins differently when she first appears, but otherwise you can't tell them apart, so just keep shooting them with your Bow or Hookshot until you hit the real one, which makes them all disappear. Afterwards Meg and her clones return, moving slightly faster. If you're using the Bow, the easiest way to hit them is to L-Target one, hold the Bow's C-Button, and then release the button (this fires more quickly than single-pressing the button). Five hits will defeat Meg, a relatively easy mini-boss. If you run low on arrows, the ghosts sometimes drop arrows when hit. Note that unlike other Poes, Meg will never disappear when L-Targeted. After bopping out Meg, the center platform near the torches rises up. Jump down to the bottom and let the elevator take you to the bottom of the Forest Temple. This the last room before the boss. Push one of the handles on the wall counter-clockwise to reveal a room containing a chest. Open it for five arrows. Push the room counter-clockwise again to expose a crystal switch on the east wall. Hit it with your Hookshot to open the nearby gate. Head through this gate and step on the switch to open another gate. Turn the room counter-clockwise to reveal a small chamber with Big Skulltulas and a few pots. Not very useful. Turn the room counter-clockwise once more and enter the south chamber. Look up above the door to find an eye switch. Shoot it with an arrow to open the gate leading to the Boss Door. Head north until you reach the Boss Door. Assuming you got the Big Key earlier, you can open this door. Make sure that you've got a full life gauge and maybe a bottled power-up or two before entering. Head up the stairs into a boxing-style arena surrounded by ominous-looking paintings. But no one's home! So try to leave the way you came. But now the gate locks... and it's someone you weren't planning on seeing! ---------------------------------------- Evil Spirit from Beyond PHANTOM GANON ---------------------------------------- "Evil Spirit from Beyond" still looks rather frightening on screen. Phantom Ganon is riding his horse through the paintings. Look around the room for the horse that's approaching you. As soon as it leaves the painting, shoot it with an arrow to score a hit. If you don't, it'll zap you with electricity unless you're standing close to the gate. After the first hit, watch out; a fake Phantom Ganon will appear, galloping down a portrait and then turning around. At this point, stand near the gate and hit Phantom Ganon while in the air. After three hits, Phantom Ganon ditches the horse and tries a new approach. Basically, you're in a ring against Phantom Ganon in a perverted baseball game... and Roger Clemens is pitching on steroids (I'm speaking figuratively). Use Biggoron's Sword if possible. L-Target Phantom Ganon, who is floating around the room. When he shoots electricity from his scepter, use your sword to hit it back at him, knocking him down. Then slash him with your sword, preferably employing a Jump Attack. After two hits (or three with the Master Sword), Phantom Ganon will start deflecting beams hit at him. Keeping hitting the beam back until it hits him and knocks him to the ground. One more Jump Attack will do him in! It'll take more hits if you use the Master Sword or non- Jump Attacks. After you beat Phantom Ganon, Ganondorf will send the phantom to the Dark World (or maybe H-E-double hockey sticks?) and you'll be one Heart Container richer. Enter the blue portal and Saria will give you the Forest Medallion! Just four medallions to go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Prelude of Light ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a cutscene, you'll be at the Great Deku Tree. Notice how all the enemies are gone from Kokiri Forest. You can talk to the Kokiris if you want to, as they'll have new messages. Go back to the Master Sword pedestal at the Temple of Time and Sheik will teach you the Prelude of Light (which sounds suspiciously similar to "Everybody Plays the Fool" from the little-remembered group Main Ingredient). Listen, baby! There's no exception to the rule; this song warps you to the Temple of Time when you play it. From now on, you can move from the past to the future (or vice versa) when you go to the Temple of Time pedestal. You may want to go back in time now if you missed some earlier Heart Pieces or Gold Skulltulas, although I'm assuming you're in still in the future for the next part of my walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Big Quiver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently, you can only hold 30 arrows - a number you'll find uncomfortably low in later parts of the game. In the central part of Kakariko Village, the house that was under construction in the past is now complete. It's home to the archery game. Shoot a perfect score to win an upgrade for your quiver. Each game costs 20 Rupees. It's just like it was when it was located in Hyrule Castle Town, although the Rupees now appear in a random pattern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Fourth Bottle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the last major sidequest in the game, but it is time-consuming and quite difficult. In later years, the skeletons no longer infest Hyrule Field, but ten Big Poes are now present. The only building left in Hyrule Castle Town is home to a strange man who now collects Poes (I think he used to be the bored soldier who wanted there to be more troubles in the world). If you give him a Small Poe in a bottle, he'll give you 30 Rupees, but a Big Poe fetches 50 Rupees and 100 points on a special Poe card. Get 1,000 points and you'll receive the fourth and final Empty Bottle. Make sure to bring Epona here! The ten Big Poes are scattered across Hyrule Field, and each one can only be defeated once. You can find them any time of day. Make sure to touch the souls of defeated Poes so you can bottle them and later give them to the man in Hyrule Castle Town. After you take a Poe Soul, it'll be replaced in the future by a less-valuable Small Poe. You might not want to catch all of these Poes all at once, since they're a good way to rack up Rupees (although the supply of Rupees exceeds demand for the rest of the game). The best way to defeat the Poes is to chase them down on horseback, and then quickly shoot two arrows at them before they disappear. Notice how Epona obviously doesn't like ghosts very much. Here's where the 10 Big Poes are. Each one appears in the same place every time: 1. Near the sign in front of the drawbridge to Hyrule Castle Town. 2. Ride under the cliff overlooking Kakariko Village. Shoot the Poe and quickly cross the stream (you may need the Iron Boots) to catch the Poe before it disappears. Alternatively, you can shoot it from above the cliff. 3. Near the tree in front of Lon Lon Ranch. Travel left along the wall. 4. Hug the stone wall east of Lon Lon Ranch to find this one. Stay along the lower side. 5. Look at the "Y" on the map just west of Kokiri Forest and southeast of Lon Lon Ranch. 6. A bit south of the Y-shaped road, near a tree. 7. On the southeast section of Hyrule Field, near a rock. 8. At the three-way fork near Gerudo Valley. Start from the south and hug the west wall. Turn Epona just right and you should be able to get it. 9. In some grass near the pass just a bit east of Gerudo Valley and west of Lon Lon Ranch. 10. In the northwest corner of Hyrule Field, near a stream. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goron City ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We're about to go on our way to the next dungeon. First, though, I need to tell you something. From now on, you have a lot of flexibility in choosing the order in which you complete the dungeons. My guide places the dungeons in their "official" order, based on the hints provided by Navi and Saria. Personally, I usually complete a couple of the "mini-dungeons" now instead of the Fire Temple. Our next destination is Goron City, where all the Gorons are gone except for one, who is rolling around on the highest level. Drop a bomb in front of him to stop him. Talk to him and ask first about the dragon. Then ask about the Gorons. He'll unlock all the doors in Goron City and give you the Goron Tunic, which allows you to withstand high temperatures. If it ever gets swallowed by a Like Like, from this point onwards you can buy a new one at the Goron Shop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bolero of Fire ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Darunia's room on the north and bottom of Goron City and pull out the statue to reveal a shortcut to Death Mountain Crater. Thanks to the Goron Tunic, we can stay here as long as we want without burning up. There's a Heart Piece down a grated wall on the right side. Head left and use the Hookshot to cross the bridge. Sheik will teach you the Bolero of Fire, my favorite of the warping songs. If you can't memorize it easily, remember that every other note is C-Down. You can get a Heart Piece here by planting a Magic Bean in the past and riding the Bean Sprout to get a Heart Piece in the future, but I'd probably deal with that another time unless that would form a new Heart Container. Head north and climb the long ladder down to the Fire Temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Temple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I recommend that you have at least 10 Heart Containers before challenging this dungeon, and preferably 11 or 12. Head forward to enter the Fire Temple. Enter the left door, which locks behind you. A Like Like drops down. One swipe with Biggoron's Sword defeats it, although you might prefer to use arrows. Freeze it with your Hookshot before doing anything. Once it's gone, a chest containing five Rupees appears, although it will have a Hylian Shield if the Like Like ate it. Return to the previous room. These stairs are guarded by what a Super Mario Bros. 3 fan would call Rocket Engines, so climb up the handrails to the next level. Stand at the very top of the stairs and cast Din's Fire to light the torches, unlocking the door. Enter it. It's Darunia! Talk to him and he'll somehow open the Boss Door without having the Boss Key. You can't do that. Sorry. Jump across the right-hand platforms and Hookshot to the target across from you. Climb up the ledge and smash the crate at the top, revealing a torch. Stand on the right side of the torch and use Din's Fire to light it and the torch below you. Now shoot an arrow through the flame to light the torch on the opposite side of the room. This unlocks a door on the left side of the room. Make your way to this gate using the platforms, although I should tell you that the Goron Tunic allows you to stand in lava for a while without getting hurt. Inside this newly-unlocked gate is a chest containing a Small Key. Now make your way back to the previous room. Drop down to the bottom level and unlock the right-side door. Get the Keese out of your way and fight the pair of Stalfoses. Use the Master Sword so you can defend yourself with your shield, and take your time fighting them, as they don't revive after being vanquished. After all the enemies are gone, enter the door that unlocks. A Zelda classic! Use your shield to defend yourself against the tiles that come flying at you. See that stationary knight over there? It's an Iron Knuckle. Attack it to start a fight. Iron Knuckles are supposed to be the toughest enemies in the game, but they're not too bad if you're careful. An excellent strategy: Equip Biggoron's Sword. Jump Attack and retreat to avoid the ax attack. Repeat until you've won. After a few hits, Iron Knuckle drops its armor and increases its speed, but just keep using the same strategies. Don't try to defend against its attacks with your shield; it won't work and you'll suffer a lot of damage. Now open the left-side door to face the mini-boss. This is Flare Dancer, who isn't too tough. Biggoron's Sword helps a lot. When he jumps out of the fire, L-Target him and use your Hookshot to grab part of him. Slash this black thing before it runs away, and if it does, chase him in the opposite direction he's running. After a few hits, it'll jump into the fire in the middle and re-form. Repeat this process until you win the battle. Try to avoid the explosion that occurs at the end, which can hurt you. Climb up to the platform in the middle and open the chest for the Megaton Hammer! It allows you to break stuff and activate rusted switches. Now go into the next room (not the one that had the tiles and Iron Knuckle). Use your Megaton Hammer to smash the rusted switch in this room. Talk to the Goron and open the big chest for the Dungeon Map. Go through the door at the end to return to the main room. At this point, I recommend that you return to Death Mountain Crater and get a special power-up that helps immensely here. I cover this power-up right after my Fire Temple strategy. Climb up the stairs, but this time use your Megaton Hammer thrice to destroy the statue blocking the eastern door. Enter what I call the Big Fire Room. Head up the bridge and jump down onto the gray circular platform. Then jump onto one of the nearby square platforms and you'll rise up. Jump into the alcove with the torch and use Din's Fire to light this torch. Stand between the pot and the torch and use your Bow to shoot the torch below, unlocking a door. Jump down and head to the northern platform. Enter the door below the torch you lit. Go through the hallway and hit the rusty switch with your Megaton Hammer. Talk to the Goron and destroy the Gold Skulltula in the cell. Then leave this room. This next part is very tough and frustrating, but you can do it! Stand near the edge of this ledge and Hookshot to the torch you lit earlier. Keep trying until you get it right. Enter the door by the torch. Again use your shield to defend against the flying tiles. Hookshot across the flame wall to the chest or torch and open the chest for the Boss Key. Note that we still can't reach the Boss Door yet. Hookshot to the torch to safely get back across the fire. Return to the Main Fire Room. Head forward, jumping across the moving platforms. Walk across the plank and jump onto a platform that sinks when you land on it. From here, jump onto the platform that moves horizontally. Hookshot onto the torch when the platform stops. Drop a bomb by the brick wall to reveal a door, which you should enter. Go down the hallway and cast Din's Fire when you reach its end. This opens a gate and liberates another Goron. Talk to him and open the chest for a Small Key. Exit this room, break the pot for a magic refill, and use Din's Fire to light the torch, making a Hookshot target appear. Hookshot to this target and make your way rightward. Use your Small Key to open the locked door. Slide down the plank and climb the grated wall closest to the door. Jump onto The platform with the torch and jump onto the rising/falling block just as it starts to ascend to avoid getting burned. This block takes you to the next room. Open the door. Go left and climb up the two large steps. Use Din's Fire to light the massive torch and Hookshot to the target across from you. Climb up the large steps and defeat the Lizalfos who drops down. Climb up the mesh wall, turning right near the end. Open the door. Lizalfoses often drop from the ceiling here, but they're more annoying than dangerous. Turn left and stay along the wall. When you hear a Skulltula, bomb the wall to reveal a Skullwalltula and a rusty switch. Hit the switch with your Megaton Hammer to make some Hookshot targets appear above you. Hookshot to one of the upper targets and jump across the ledges. On one of the ledges is a big crack. Bomb it to reveal a mesh wall leading downwards. Go down to find some crates. Roll into (or use the Megaton Hammer) all of them to reveal a rusty switch. Hit it with your hammer to unlock the gates ahead of you, revealing a treasure chest containing the Compass. Climb back up the mesh wall to return to the previous room. Skip this paragraph if you don't want this hard-to-reach Gold Skulltula. Stand near the mesh wall. When Navi is green, play the Song of Time to create a Time Block. Stand on the Hookshot target and jump onto the Time Block. Hookshot to the upper target, and then Hookshot to another target across from you. This platform rises to another level. Go through the door and Hookshot the face (L- Target if necessary) to unlock a door. Defeat the Torch Slugs and climb the grates until you come to a new donut-shaped room. Go counter-clockwise up the hill until you come to a flaming block and a rusted switch. Smash the switch with the Megaton Hammer to make a Hookshot target appear. Now jump down and step on the switch near you to temporarily extinguish a fire. Use this new target as a shortcut up the hill. Rush to the block and push it out of the way, revealing a Gold Skulltula. Now make your way back to the maze room (if you're daring, you can jump down the hole and go through the door). Back in the maze-like room with the Lizalfoses, jump across the ledges to the south end of the room. See that crystal switch blocked by a gate? Pull out a bomb and throw it at the switch just before it explodes. If you do it just right, you'll hit the switch and open the gate. Jump over to the alcove with the switch. Roll into the big crates to reveal a chest containing a bomb refill, and pick up one of the small crates. Go north to the opposite end of the room. If a Lizalfos attacks, gently set the crate down (don't throw it) and defeat the Lizalfos. Blow up the wall on the northwest edge of the room (put down your crate a safe distance away from the explosion) and you'll find a blue switch. Step on the switch and place the crate on the switch, keeping the door open. Open this door. Step on the switch at the end of this hallway to free another Goron. Talk to him and open the treasure chest for a Small Key. Go back to the last room and Hookshot to the upper level. Jump across to the northwestern part of the room. Unlock the locked door to enter a new room. Head southwest and Hookshot from the western wire floor to the big crate (near two small crates) on the eastern ledge. Take one of those crates and jump down to the blue switch. Place one of the crates on the switch to light the two torches in this room. Hookshot back to the crate, ignoring the door. Stand between the two now-lit torches and use your Bow to shoot a flaming arrow at the torch high on the eastern wall. Light this torch to open the door on the western ledge. Go through this door and head through the hallway. If you're ready to fight the boss, jump onto the ledge marked with a face and hit it with the Megaton Hammer. This drops you down to the Boss Door. If you want another Gold Skulltula, go forward into the tower's eastern door. Hookshot across the flames to the target, and hit the rusty switch. Return to the previous room. Go through the maze of flames on the south end to a door. Go through this door and blow up the nearby wall to find a Gold Skulltula. The next Gold Skulltula is a little more complicated. Take the south entrance of the tower (as in the last one), but go north. Go forward and step on the nearby switch, making a wall of fire disappear temporarily. Quickly climb over the ledge where the fire was and enter the western door. Defeat the Flare Dancer (use the same strategies as last time). Then step on the central platform to trigger it, then jump off and grab the Small Key underneath. Then ride the platform up and open the door. Climb up the grated walls and open the next door. Hit the crystal switch to temporary extinguish the fire, and run up and open the chest for a Small Key. Stand on the face ledge (next to the crystal switch) and smash the ledge with your Megaton Hammer to make it drop down. Open the locked door, using your last Small Key. Defeat the Stalfos ahead, and smash the small face pillar to make some stairs drop down. Fight the Stalfos on the stairs, and L-Target and Hookshot the face to unlock a door. Open this door and defeat the Gold Skulltula on the wall. Smash the face platform and you'll be back in the Tower Room. There's one more Gold Skulltula that can be accessed from the Tower Room. Head northeast and play the Song of Time near the Time Block on the ground. This moves it near the upper tower door. Climb up to this block and use it to jump over the flame walls that pop up when you come near. Enter the northeast door to find a Lizalfos and a Gold Skulltula. To get back to the main platform in the Tower Room, play the Song of Time near the door to restore the Time Block to its previous position. Climb it and jump over the fire walls. Take the platform down to the Boss Door and enter. Step forward and face... ---------------------------------------- Subterranean Lava Dragon VOLVAGIA ---------------------------------------- Notice the different boss music, which is used only twice in the game. Equip Biggoron's Sword. Watch the nine lava holes in the middle of the arena. When one starts to bubble, you know Volvagia's about to pop his head out. Avoid his flaming hair and bop him with the Megaton Hammer to stun him. Do this quickly, or Volvagia will breath fire on you and deal heavy damage. After stunning him, avoid another hair twirl, and then deliver a jump attack with your sword (press B once to draw your sword before delivering the attack). Volvagia starts flying around the room. L-Target him and shoot some arrows to deal additional damage (make sure to hold the Button instead of just pressing it; this delivers a faster shot). Repeat this process. Later the battle becomes more complex; some holes will bubble without Volvagia coming out, and rocks will fall from the sky while Volvagia flies around. Use roll attacks to avoid these rocks. You can also (carefully) hang onto the edge of the platform and climb back up when the rocks stop. Take the Heart Container and step into the portal. After a great cutscene, a certain someone gives you the Fire Medallion! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doubled Magic Meter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Fire Temple, head west and use the Hookshot to cross the bridge. Then walk around to the southwest part of Death Mountain Crater. Use the Megaton Hammer to smash any gray boulders you see, and you'll open up a cave. This cave is a Fairy Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol and a Great Fairy of Wisdom will double the length of your Magic Meter. This is a very nice power-up! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zora's Domain ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's the only sidequest we can do now. Head to Zora's River and play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the entrance of Zora's Domain to enter. Notice how Zora's Domain is totally frozen thanks to Ganondorf. Head to Zora's Fountain and you'll find that it too is frozen. Jump across the ice platforms to the Piece of Heart, then take the platforms to the north end of Zora's Fountain. This is the Ice Cavern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Cavern ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the first (but not last) "mini-dungeon" in Ocarina of Time. Mini- dungeons have a Map, Compass, a prize, and a mini-boss, but no Boss Key or Heart Container. Having four bottles helps here, but it's not necessary. Head down the opening corridor, doing your best to avoid the rocks that come rolling at you. In this room, Jump Attack the Tektites, and defeat the dangerous Freezzard. If its frozen breath touches you, tap all buttons as fast as possible to minimize damage. Attack it when it's not blowing at you. Look to the right and you'll see some crystals, as well as a well-disguised crystal switch. Hit the switch with your Hookshot to open the gate. Go through this tunnel, which is also full of those wonderful rolling boulders. Use your sword to destroy the icy stalagmites. In the next room, defeat two Wolfoses and a Freezzard to open the gate. Eliminate the icicles blocking your way and go through the short tunnel to the next room. Defeat the two Wolfoses and Skullwalltula, and hit the crystal switch near the Skullwalltula to make a big chest appear. Empty all your bottles and fill them all with the Blue Fire found in this room behind some icicles. Pour one bottle over the red ice covering the chest, which allows you to collect the Dungeon Map found therein. Refill your bottle with Blue Fire and return to the previous room. Climb up to the eastern ledge and pour out some Blue Fire to destroy the red crystals. Head through this tunnel, defeating the Freezzards and avoiding the boulders. At the end of this tunnel, jump down into the next room. Climb onto the platform and Hookshot to the nearby Freezzard when it's not emitting frigid air. Then slice it once or twice with your sword. Again use the Hookshot & Slice method on the Freezzard, and open the big chest for the Compass. Head down the narrow walkway and play the Song of Time to make a Time Block appear. Play the Song of Time again while standing on that block to make another Time Block appear. From there you can pour out Blue Fire on the red ice covering a Gold Skulltula. Finally, in the center of this room is a hard-to-find crystal switch. Bomb it to unblock a Piece of Heart on a nearby platform. After refilling your bottles at the Blue Fire generator, go back through the tunnel to the main room. Use your bottle of Blue Fire to melt the ice blocking the western tunnel. Head through this tunnel, avoiding the boulders, to a new room. Defeat the White Wolfoses that appear on two small platforms, and use your bow to dispose of the dangerous Ice Keese, who will freeze you if they touch you. Unlike Fire Keese, these will not revert to standard Keese when they hit your shield. Look up near the west entrance to this room to find a hidden crystal switch. Hit it with your Hookshot to release a Gold Skulltula on the south end of the room. Defeat it. The Gold Skulltula on the north end of this room can be accessed using the Scarecrow's Song. If you don't have at least two, preferably three, bottles of Blue Fire left, play the Song of Time near the western ledge with the Blue Fire to create a Time Block. Use it to climb up and refill your bottles. Hit the crystal switch again to restore the stepping block where the Gold Skulltula was, and climb it to the red crystals. Melt them with your Blue Fire and proceed through the tunnel. Quickly head through, avoiding the Ice Keese and falling stalactites. Go through the ice door and fight the Stalfos - a meager boss. Equip the Master Sword to defeat him safely, or just try a couple Biggoron's Sword jump attacks. Open the chest that appears for the Iron Boots! Equip these to walk underwater (not the Mario Party 2 mini-game music). Sheik appears at this odd moment and teaches you the Serenade of Water, which warps you to Lake Hylia. Use the Iron Boots to sink into the hole at the front of this room. Open the door and equip the Kokiri Boots. From here, head south and leave this dungeon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zora Tunic ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First, use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom of Zora's Fountain, where you'll find a Heart Piece. Head back to King Zora and use a bottle of Blue Fire to un-freeze him. If you didn't do this earlier, he'll give you the Zora's Tunic. This item is optional but extremely useful, as it allows you to spend an unlimited amount of time underwater. If you ever lose it, you can buy a new one at the Zora Item Shop. Speaking of the Zora Item Shop, you can use another bottle of Blue Fire to melt the ice blocking the entrance to the shop. Dispose of any leftover bottles of Blue Fire you might have - they're useless now. Make sure to get Biggoron's Sword now if you didn't do so earlier. By the way, it's a pity, but there's no way to un-freeze Zora's Domain (except by returning to the past) - not even by completing the Water Temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting to the Water Temple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another dungeon finished, and not a sidequest in sight! There are a few Pieces of Heart we can get, and now we can use the Iron Boots to go straight from Zora's River to the Lost Woods (where Mido is - talk to him if you want to hear a more sincere apology than the average scandalous Congressman or slugger. Say she won't be coming home; she's gotta start a new life. Sorry, R.B. Greaves.). This shortcut is in an alcove next to the entrance to Zora's Domain, although you won't use it much. I usually skip the Water Temple and go first to the creepy mini-dungeon after this, but I write this guide in the "official" order based on the hints of Navi and Saria (who still doesn't say anything new). Anyway, use the Serenade of Water to warp to Lake Hylia, which has almost dried up. Head to the north end of the biggest island and equip the Iron Boots and Zora Tunic. Use your Hookshot (the only item that works underwater, other than your shield) to hit the blue diamond, opening the gate. Enter into the Water Temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Water Temple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hate this dungeon! As a Zelda veteran, this is my second least-favorite dungeon in a Zelda game, behind the seventh dungeon in Oracle of Ages (and maybe some in the Adventure of Link). Anyway, that's enough complaining for now. The Master Quest version is much easier than the original, anyway. You should now have 11-15 Heart Containers, although this dungeon doesn't have a lot of fighting. First equip the Kokiri Boots to rise above the ledge. Then jump into the water, sink with the Iron Boots, and head right through a tunnel. Talk to Ruto and equip the Kokiri Boots to ascend this passage. When you get to the third floor, use Din's Fire to light the torches and unlock the door. Defeat the trio of Stalfoses, then Hookshot the window-like tablet to reveal a big chest. Inside is the Dungeon Map. Return to the last room and play Zelda's Lullaby in front of the Triforce symbol to lower the water level. Jump down to the bottom and use Din's Fire to light the torches, unlocking the door. Break the pots for magic refills and proceed through the door. Inside is a spiked ball called a Spike. Hookshot it to make it retract its spikes, then slash it to defeat it. You can also use your sword or shield to stun it. Then defeat the pair of Lizalfoses that drop from the ceiling to make a big chest appear. Inside is the Compass. Hookshot the window for a Red Rupee and exit this room. Climb onto one of the Hookshot targets and Hookshot to the upper target. Enter the room near you and hit the window to reveal a chest. Inside is the dungeon's prize - the Longshot, an upgraded version of the Hookshot with much longer reach. Jump down and head west to the Main Room. Climb onto the ledge on the south end of the tower and enter the door. Head forward a bit and Longshot to the target on the ceiling. From here, jump to the ledge with the Triforce symbol and play Zelda's Lullaby, raising the water level to medium. Enter the nearby door leading to the Main Room. This room is optional, so feel free to skip to the next paragraph. On the south end of 2F, step on the yellow switch to open the gate, and go through. Defeat the nearby Lizalfos, then stand in front of the nearby gate. Cast Din's Fire to open the gate and defeat the Gold Skulltula. Then take its token. To exit this room, Longshot to the high target on the north end of the room. Then step on the yellow switch and jump down into the water. Head to the southwest end of the walkway and Longshot to the target in the alcove above you. Play Zelda's Lullaby to set the water level to its highest level. Use the Iron Boots to sink to the middle walkway (level 2F). Enter the door on the northern side of the tower. Ascend using the Kokiri Boots and climb onto the platform. Play the Song of Time to make a Time Block appear. Jump onto it and play Din's Fire to light the high torches. A door opens at the bottom of the tower. Sink to this door on the south end of the tower, being careful not to land on the spikes (Ouch!). Keep sinking and head through the corridor. On the northwestern end of this room, stand on the two brown steps to reveal a crystal switch. Hit it using the Longshot to open a gate on the southeastern ceiling. Go up this passage and Longshot the window to make a chest appear. Inside is a Small Key. Sink back down the chute, exit the room, go through the corridor, and you'll be inside the tower again. Rise up and equip the Iron Boots when you come to the door. Enter it to return to the Main Room. Now rise to the highest level. Climb to the locked door on the west end of 3F and unlock it. Jump down and you'll land on a slowly moving platform. So what next? Turn around and look up. Longshot the crystal switch above the door to make some Hookshot targets appear. Longshot to the upper-left target, and you'll slide down to another target. From here, shoot the window above you to make the highest target rise up. Longshot to it, climb up, and enter the next room. Jump down to the water and battle the trio of Stalfoses. This fight is tougher than some, but it's not bad. Longshot to the target near the southeastern door, Longshot to the nearest serpent statue, and then Longshot to the target on the northern statue. Then Longshot to the target above you, and finally Longshot across the spikes using the target on the ceiling. Smash the pots to replenish your magic, and enter the door. You're in a bizarre room! Walk toward the barren tree, and then head back to the door. Return to the tree, and you'll see a shadowy figure who looks just like you - Shadow Link (or Shadow Vinny if you named your character Vinny, or whatever your character's name is)! This is the Water Temple mini-boss. Shadow Link mimics your moves, so most attacks don't work. You can try using Bombs, Bombchus, or Din's Fire to defeat him, but it's much easier to use the Megaton Hammer or Biggoron's Sword to whack him about a dozen times. He starts attacking you aggressively near the end, so watch out. Some people find this boss to be brutally difficult, while others find him to be a breeze. After you beat him, the northern door opens. Smash the pots for a fairy, and Longshot the window to open the gate on the floor. Drop through this hole to a new room. This reminds me of rafting down the Columbia River (see my Oregon Trail 5.0 guide for more information). This room features a rushing river full of vortexes. If you get sucked into one of these whirlpools, you'll have to start the room over. You can swim through the river or wade using the Iron Boots, but I prefer to Longshot across the targets. Don't miss the Gold Skulltula on the wall near the first bend. At the end, you'll reach a new room. This is the Whirling Currents Room. Jump in and sink with the Iron Boots. Look west and Longshot onto the target in the tunnel (with the crates). Rise up at the end and hit the window for a magic power-up. Use Din's Fire to light the torches on the wall, unlocking a door in the Whirling Currents Room. Go back through the tunnel and float to the top. Manage the currents and open the newly-unlocked door on the southeast. In here, hit the crystal switch to make a water spout form. Jump onto the waterspout and cast Din's Fire. This lights the torches and opens the gate in front of you. Jump over and open the chest for the Boss Key! Yippee! Head south and sink with the Iron Boots. Go forward, rise up, and then sink onto the switch, opening the gate. Here's an optional Gold Skulltula. Skip to the next paragraph if you're antsy to fight the boss. Sink to the bottom of the Main Room and head through the north passage. Rise to the top and Longshot across the spikes to the opposite side of the room. Open the door. Look west and play the Scarecrow's Song. Longshot to Pierre and enter the nearby door. Hit the crystal switch to activate several waterspouts. Stand on the first and cast Din's Fire, and make your way to the torch on the opposite side of the room. Cast Din's Fire again to light the last torch and open the door. Jump down to the next level and shoot each Dodongo's tail with an arrow (bombs also work, and daring players can jump down into the fray for a sword fight). Also defeat any Dodongos in the tunnel. When they're all gone, the doors open. Longshot to the southern alcove and go through the door. Now use your Megaton Hammer to crush the crates until you find this hard-earned Gold Skulltula. Now make your way back to the Main Room (you may prefer to save and reset). At the top of the Main Room, Longshot to the serpent statue on the northern end of the room and enter the door. In here, Longshot the crystal switch found above the Boss Door to make some Hookshot targets appear. Longshot to one of them, bypassing the Razor Traps. Enter the Boss Door, jump onto one of those platforms, and prepare to face... ---------------------------------------- Giant Aquatic Amoeba MORPHA ---------------------------------------- I don't know how this thing froze Zora's Domain, but anyway, start by fleeing to one of the room's corners. L-Target Morpha and Longshot the red nucleus attached to its tentacles when one of the tentacles pops up out of the water. Then slash the nucleus with Biggoron's Sword. Stay in the corner and repeat this process when you get a chance. It helps if you hold down the Longshot button a split-second instead of just pressing it. Don't let the tentacles grab you, or they'll swing you against the spikes and cause some heavy damage. Ignore the Hookshot targets on the wall. This is a very easy boss - and the last easy Big Boss. Take the Heart Container and enter the blue portal to receive the Water Medallion. But again, Zora's Domain will remain frozen in the future for the rest of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fire Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lake Hylia's water level returns to normal, allowing you to access the Fishing Game without having to use the Bean Sprout. Talk to Sheik, who disappears dramatically. Step forward to the grave-like pedestal (not the one marked with the Triforce and Water Medallion) and shoot the morning sun using an arrow (sort of like in Super Mario Sunshine's Pianta Village). The Fire Arrows drop onto an island. Swim over and get them! These eliminate most of the need for Din's Fire. If you don't shoot the sun while it's rising, just use the Sun's Song and try again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Kakariko Windmill ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From here, play the Prelude of Light to go to the Temple of Time. Return the Master Sword to its pedestal to go back to the past, and go to Kakariko Village. Buy bombs if you're low. Enter the windmill. Fulfill the Windmill Man's future prophecy by playing the Song of Storms. This drains the well outside. Find this well (the sign says it's the Well of Three Features: Dark, Narrow, and Scary) and climb down its ladder. Go forward and challenge this mini-dungeon - if you dare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bottom of the Well ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is one creepy place! I like to complete this mini-dungeon right after the Forest Temple, but there's no need to until now. Head forward through the crawlspace, and jump down. Run forward, ignoring the ReDead. Turn left and follow the path until you find a place blocked with two boulders. Bomb them and defeat the Giant Skulltula. Notice the bloodstained wall. Can this place not give you the creeps? Watch out for Wall Masters and step on the yellow switch to open a door in another area. Leave this area and follow the trail until you come to a large Triforce symbol. First hit the crystal switch on the monster statue's hand to drain most of the dungeon's water. Then play Zelda's Lullaby here to open the gate in front of you. Walk forward and open the chest for the Dungeon Map. Enter the nearby prison cell and hit the crystal switch to unlock a door. Open this door and proceed with caution! There is an invisible walkway. Use the pots as guides. If you fall, just go north and climb the ladder. At the end of this tricky room is a Small Key. Carefully retrace your steps and return to the previous room. From here, head back to where you first entered the main room. Notice how this area isn't wet any more. Jump down and go through the crawlspace. Climb the vine wall and enter the door. Here's the boss - Dead Hand. Let one of the four arms grab you, and then press all buttons rapidly to escape the arm's grip. A monster is coming toward you. Stay far away from the arms and let the monster approach. It will lower its head, and when it does, slash away using your sword. Eventually Dead Hand will retreat and go back underground. Remember that the shockwave that occurs when it enters the ground can hurt you. Repeat this process until you defeat Dead Hand. A chest containing the Compass appears. Finally, bomb the pile of dirt in the northeast corner of the room to reveal a Small Key. Exit this room and make your way back to the main room. In an alcove near the southwestern corner of the main room, place a bomb under the boulder to destroy it, revealing an eye switch. Hit it with your Slingshot to open a gate. In the northeastern corner of the main room, go through the crawlspace. Hit the right eye of the creepy face on the wall to trigger a hard-to-see crystal switch. Enter the door that opens. This room has a nasty combination of Wall Master and Floor Master. Start with the Wall Master, as it doesn't split into three. When they're all gone, open the locked door. Shoot the two Skullwalltulas and bomb the pile of dirt to reveal a switch. Step on it to open a gate. Make your way back to the main room, moving quickly to avoid the returning pair of Masters. Head to the north-central part of the Main Room and enter the central room. Drop down the newly-opened chute behind the chest that had the Dungeon Map. Step on the switch near where you land to make a chest appear. Jump down and head to the southeastern part of the room. Destroy the Wall Master and head through this tunnel. Play the Sun's Song to freeze the quintet of ReDeads and work on defeating them. Keep playing the Sun's Song and slashing until they're all gone. Try the Jump Attack & Retreat method. When they're all defeated, open the chest they were guarding for the Lens of Truth! This helps you see things you couldn't see before. It's extremely difficult to complete the game without it. The Lens of Truth also makes the Treasure Chest Game much easier. Keep in mind that it deactivates frequently, including every time you open a chest or door. We can leave now, but there are still some Gold Skulltulas to collect. Head north, avoiding the rolling boulders and acid pit. Enter the northwest corridor and turn on the Lens of Truth. Defeat the three otherwise invisible Skulltulas, and defeat the Gold Skulltula found at the end of the passage. Exit this passage and climb the ladders on the north end of the room. Open the door to return to the main room (this is the same process you follow if you ever fall down from a higher floor). Enter the western passage in the main room. Jump down, climb the wall, and unlock the door. There's a Gibdo (mummy) ahead. It behaves exactly like a ReDead. Avoid the Poe and defeat the Gold Skulltula found behind the pillar in the northwest corner of the room. Return to the main room. Open the western door near the Map chest. Turn on the Lens of Truth and use your Slingshot to dispose of the multitude of Skulltulas and Keese. Pull back the grave to find the Gold Skulltula. Now warp out of here using the Prelude of Light, or you can just leave the way you came. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Choice of Dungeons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At this point, there are two more temples to visit, and you can complete them in either order. The Spirit Temple leads us to more Pieces of Heart and other goodies, while the Shadow Temple doesn't take us nearly as long to cover. Navi's hints suggest that we should go to the Shadow Temple first, although the Shadow Medallion appears before the Spirit Medallion on the Subscreen and File Select Screen. The Spirit Temple suggests a more epic finale, and the Shadow Temple's item helps there. I'm going to start with the Shadow Temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nocturne of Shadow ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to Kakariko Village, where Sheik will teach you the Nocturne of Shadow after a dramatic cutscene. There is a Piece of Heart or two to get in Kakariko Village before going to the Shadow Temple. When you're ready, play this glum- sounding nocturne to get to the entrance to the Shadow Temple, near the graveyard. From there, go east and stand on the pedestal. Cast Din's Fire to light the numerous torches in the area and open the gate to the Shadow Temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shadow Temple ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I like the Shadow Temple because of its effective use of horror - not gruesome, but quite scary at times. It doesn't portray capital punishment, the French Revolution, or zombies in a particularly favorable light. You should currently have 13-19 Heart Containers. Notice how the creepy Bottom of the Well music is back. At the start, Longshot across the gap and go through the not-so-solid creepy face. Turn on the Lens of Truth and turn the statue toward the skull pole that you can still see when using the Lens of Truth. Do it wrong and you'll be sent to the beginning of the dungeon. Do this right to open a gate in this room. Use a Fire Arrow to shoot the torches on the monster statue's hands to create a platform. Use it to jump through the gate you just opened. Go forward and down the ramp. Bomb the Beamos twice to defeat it. Activate the Lens of Truth and you'll find that the right wall is fake. Go through to a door. Beat the two Gibdos with two whacks from Biggoron's Sword, making sure to take the magic refills they leave. Open the chest that appears for a Small Key. Return to the previous room and defeat the Beamos again. Then enter the invisible door across from you (use the Lens of Truth). In here, you must collect the Silver Rupees while avoiding the scythes of a massive Grim Reaper- like contraption. Make sure to Longshot all the Big Skulltulas. One Silver Rupee requires you to stand on a block and Longshot to it. When you get them all, enter the gate that opens. Defeat the last Skulltula to unlock the door, and open the big chest for the Dungeon Map. Now go to the alcove with the creepy face. You can L-Target it and Navi will say something about a ferry. Jump down the fake floor, defeat the invisible Skulltula, turn on the Lens of Truth, and open the chest for a Small Key (your second). Climb the wall back up to the scythe room, and then open the door to the room before that. Blow up the Beamos again and return to the room before this (with the beak). Turn on the Lens of Truth and you'll see a brick wall behind a creepy face. Blow it up using a bomb. Go through this new passage and unlock the door. Turn on the Lens of Truth and go past the fake wall. Head down this corridor, deflecting any flying pots using your shield. Enter the door on the north end of this room (behind a fake wall). In here, play the Sun's Song and slash the ReDeads like crazy. Defeat them all to conjure up the chest containing the Compass. Return to the previous room. Go to the west end of the room and listen to a great quote about blood, greed, and hatred. Then play the Song of Time to dissolve the Time Block. Go through the fake wall where the Time Block was. In this room, deflect the flying pots. Then hit the middle eye switch. Ignore the other eye switches, which shoot fireballs at you when you're not looking. After that, go through the fake wall in the corner. In here you face a Dead Hand like you did back in the Bottom of the Well. Use the same strategies as before. This time there are six hands instead of four. Notice how much better Biggoron's Sword is than the Kokiri Sword. Instead of letting a hand grab you, you can also turn on the Lens of Truth and bomb the shadow on the ground. When Dead Hand is defeated, open the chest that appears for the Hover Boots, the prize of this dungeon! When equipped, these allow you to walk on thin air, but they also make it hard to walk on solid ground. Return to the room with the strange beaked statue (it might be faster and safer to use the Nocturne of Shadow or to save and reset, unless you used Farore's Wind). Note: From this point on, the Shadow Temple is very linear, so you'll be playing a while without reaching a logical stopping point. Also, if you want to move on to the Spirit Temple, this is a convenient time to do so. Go east and defeat the Beamos one more time. Bomb the east wall to reveal a locked door. Unlock it with your last Small Key and go through. A trap-filled corridor! Bomb the Beamos behind the first bend, and go down the Razor Trap hill. Beware of the very well-placed Big Skulltula. Some guillotines are ahead (these icons of the French Revolution inflict surprisingly little damage). Bomb the Beamos and run under the guillotines. Head down the corridor and we'll be in a very large room. Jump across the platforms, running under the fast-moving guillotines. Eventually you'll come to a platform with a Bomb Flower and two Beamoses. Try to throw your bomb at the Bomb Flower to destroy both enemies at once. From this platform, look east and turn on the Lens of Truth to find an invisible platform. When you reach the end of this platform, turn off the Lens of Truth and shoot the frozen eye switch with a Fire Arrow. Keep jumping across the platforms until you reach a door. Enter the door. Oh no! Another scythe room, only this one is invisible except to the Lens of Truth. Collect all the Silver Rupees on the ground. Roll attack (or use your shield) under the blades to avoid them. Defeat the Keese and the Like Like (!). The last Silver Rupee requires you to play the Song of Time to form a Time Block under it. Collect this last one to open the east gate. Inside is a chest containing a Blue Rupee. Use the Lens of Truth to find another chest near it. This one contains a Small Key. Now go back to the previous room. Return to the platform with the Bomb Flower and defeat the Beamos pair again. This time you should hop across the platforms leading west. At the end, defeat the Razor Trap-protected Beamos. Carefully collect the Silver Rupees found on the ground, then Longshot to the target on the ceiling to get the last two. This makes a chest drop down. Open it for an arrow refill. Then use your sword to hit the crystal switch behind the western gate. This opens the gate. Go through this corridor to a new room. Read the sign for a pretty clear hint. Use the Lens of Truth to pull out the block near the creepy face on the floor. Then push it so that both of the falling spiked ceilings will land on the block instead of you. Near this point, turn left into a cell with a Gold Skulltula. Across from here, open the chest for an arrow refill. Now pull the block toward you as far as possible. Climb onto the block and jump up to the next level. Open the chest for a Blue Rupee, then step on the yellow switch to drop one more chest. Head northeast by either jumping on the spiked things or using the Longshot. Open the chest for a Small Key, your second. Jump down and return to your previous room. Head north up the narrow walkway and turn on the Lens of Truth. Jump past the guillotine onto a platform. Then jump onto the moving platform when it comes near. Equip the Hover Boots to cross the gap leading to the door. Open this locked door and change back to the Kokiri Boots. This room also has Silver Rupees to collect, but watch out for the invisible spikes on the floor. First get the two ReDeads out of your way. Defeating them leaves much-needed magic refills and produces a chest, containing a blue Rupee. To get most of the Silver Rupees, you'll have to Longshot to the targets on the wall and ceiling (some of which are invisible). One must be obtained by walking on spikes. Use the Hover Boots to collect the Silver Rupee closest to the door. When you collect all of them, several platforms will appear. This room is optional. Enter the western door and climb the steps. Defeat two Stalfoses (one high, one low) and a chest containing a Red Rupee will spawn. Return to the previous room. Longshot to one of the ceiling targets and you'll land on a platform. Then use the Hover Boots to hover to the platform with the locked door. Change back to the Kokiri Boots (standard procedure after using the Hover Boots). Open the door. Head down the corridor and carefully avoid the slow Razor Traps. Equip the Iron Boots to avoid being affected by the powerful fans. Defeat the Big Skulltula and keep going. There's a gap ahead. Longshot across using the beam on the ceiling. Head forward, keeping the Iron Boots on to avoid the crosswinds. Enter the eastern door. Equip the Kokiri Boots and play the Sun's Song. Dispose of all four ReDeads using Jump Attacks, then defeat the Gold Skulltula on the wall. Use the Lens of Truth to find a treasure chest containing a Small Key. Return to the previous room. Turn on the Lens of Truth to find a secret alcove to the north. Jump to it when the wind is at your back (or use the Hover Boots). Then open the door in this alcove. Watch out for the flying pots, and use the Sun's Song/Jump Attack method to beat the Gibdos. A chest containing a blue Rupee appears. Now bomb the piles of dirt in two of the corners. One hides an invisible chest with a bundle of arrows, and the other has a Gold Skulltula. Use your last Small Key to open the locked door. This is the Ferry Room - a reference to the River Styx of Greek mythology. Pull the block down the gray brick path until it falls into a hole. Bingo! We've created a very nice shortcut. Now we can reach here from the first scythe room. Climb the block up to the ladder. Jump onto the ferry and play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol. The ferry starts moving forward. Defeat the Stalfoses who will occasionally drop down to harass you. Try to knock them off the edge of the boat. Eventually the ferry will come to the end of the river. Jump off onto solid ground before it sinks. From here, look across the gap to the south and you'll see a statue. Use your Fairy Bow to shoot a Bomb Flower near the statue, which will knock it down, forming a bridge. Cross this bridge and look across from you to find a Gold Skulltula. Play the Song of Time near the Time Block to remove it. This will uncover an eye switch. Shoot it to reveal some Hookshot targets. Climb onto the one near you and Longshot to the one above you. Step on the yellow floor switch to open a door. Jump down, cross the bridge again, and enter the west door you just unlocked. Turn on the Lens of Truth to see the invisible walls. Defeat the Blue Bubbles and Like Like if you want, then make your way to the western door. Enter. Three skull-like pots spin around here, a macabre version of the vase in Goron City. There's a Small Key behind these pots. You can throw bombs or a Bomb Flower into these pots to earn some Rupees. If you don't need these Rupees, just leave this room after taking the key. In the previous room (with the invisible walls), unlock and enter the north door. Two spiked walls are slowly moving toward you (like in an old episode of Scooby-Doo). Cast Din's Fire to remove these ominous walls. Use your Longshot or Bow to defeat the Keese (who are now Fire Keese). Head to the big chest, defeat the invisible Skulltula, and open the chest for the Boss Key. Open the other chest in the room for a Blue Rupee, and then exit. Don't bother with the south room - it has a bloodstained crossbeam, countless Bomb Flowers, and a Dead Hand. Your only reward for beating the Dead Hand is a bundle of arrows. If you really want to fight it, use the Lens of Truth to find a shadow. Place a bomb on the shadow to reveal the Dead Hand. Exit the east door of the invisible wall room. Back in the Ferry Room, cross the bridge and enter the south door. Turn on the Lens of Truth and follow the invisible platforms on the right side. Defeat the Gold Skulltula right before you jump to the Boss Door. Now enter the door, jump down the hole, and fight... ---------------------------------------- Phantom Shadow Beast BONGO BONGO ---------------------------------------- Bongo Bongo starts by playing the drum in a 4/4 rhythm. I like to use the Iron Boots to help stay on the ground, even though this reduces mobility. L-Target a hand and quickly shoot it with an arrow. Hold the Button for a split-second before releasing to shoot more accurately. After getting in a good shot, shoot the other hand and Bongo Bongo will charge at you. Turn on the Lens of Truth to see the boss's main body, then L-Target and shoot the eye right before Bongo Bongo slams into you. This will stun him. Try to get in four or five slashes with Biggoron's Sword. Repeat this process until you win. Nine hits will do it. If you run low on arrows or magic, grab a refill dropped by one of the hands. Take the Heart Container, step into the portal, and take Impa's Shadow Medallion! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerudo's Fortress ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are no sidequests to do here. In the future, ride Epona to the west end of Hyrule Field. Follow the same route you used while getting Biggoron's Sword. When you reach Gerudo's Fortress, cross the narrow plank and leap across the Gap (although you can also use the Longshot now). When you reach the carpenters' tent, head west into a new area - the Gerudos' fortress. All Gerudos have a distinctive appearance: Gerudos have bright red hair and all except Ganondorf) are female. They are professional thieves, so be careful when dealing with them. If one of the Gerudo guards sees you, she'll throw you in jail, where you'll have to Longshot out. Stealth is vital! Shoot an arrow at a Gerudo to make her pass out. When you reach the fortress, head forward and up the hill. Enter the northern entrance into the stone fortress. This is the Thieves' Hideout. Head forward and someone will call for help. Talk to the imprisoned man, Ichiro (not the baseball outfielder), and you'll be attacked by a Gerudo Thief. Like Kutlass from Donkey Kong Country 2, she holds a sword in each hand. Fight her like a Stalfos, although she's a little faster and more dangerous, and if you get hit with her version of a Spin Attack, you'll get thrown in jail. Try a Jump Attack right after such moves. After defeating her, you'll win a Small Key. Use it to unlock the cell and talk to the carpenter, who's dressed a little like Aladdin. Go forward through the passage you didn't enter from. Outside, enter the next door into the fortress. Head up the ramp, but be careful; there are many guards around. Shoot any you see before they see you. Head forward and turn right up the ramp and you'll be outside again. Avoid the nearby guard and enter the next part of the fortress. Head forward and talk to the carpenter, Jiro. You'll face the Gerudo Thief again. Defeat her, take the Small Key, open the cell, and talk to the carpenter. Smash the pots for power-ups and many Rupees. Head forward, up the ramp, and outside. Jump down the platform (or climb down the vine) and proceed into the next room. Head down the ramp and you'll find a new carpenter, Sabooro. Repeat the same process as before, fighting the Gerudo Thief in the same manner. At this point, go outside and get caught by a guard on purpose. Longshot to the window in your jail, and jump to the nearest ledge. Enter the fortress, shoot the guard down the hall, and turn left. Longshot over the step using the wooden beams on the ceiling, and head up the ramp. You'll be on a lookout tower. Longshot to the treasure chest to get a Piece of Heart. If it's night, get the Gold Skulltula on the wall a little south of the chest. From the chest, head south and jump down two platforms. Go through the nearby entrance to the fortress. Wait until the guard walks by and shoot her. Turn right and head up the corridor to find the last carpenter, Shiro. After beating the Gerudo Thief and freeing the carpenter, the Gerudos' third-in-command (who dresses in your color) will appear and give you the Gerudo's Membership Card, which allows you to navigate Gerudo Valley without getting thrown in jail by the guards. Link has become a Kokiri, a Hylian, a Goron, a Zora, and a Gerudo - all during one adventure! What might he be able to do in Majora's Mask? Also, the carpenters will repair the broken bridge in Gerudo Valley, so you won't have to jump or Longshot across any more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Biggest Quiver ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the east of Gerudo's Fortress is a horse track. Talk to the Gerudo under the tent while riding Epona and she'll let you play a horseback archery game for 20 Rupees. You'll get 20 arrows and are trying to hit the pots and targets. Get 1,000 points and she'll give you a Piece of Heart. That isn't tough. If you play again, you'll win a quiver upgrade if you get 1,500 points. This is tough! Keep the bow aimed at all times. First shoot the pots in a steady rhythm for 100 points per pot. Then get in a shot or two on the target where you turn. Next aim for the three big targets. You can try shooting a flurry of arrows at the targets, but I get better scores shooting accurately and trying for 100- point bull's-eyes. After that, you may have 1,300 points and four arrows left. Use up your arrows on the final target (near the end of the track) before the event ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gerudo's Training Ground ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This mini-dungeon is very optional, as it only contains a semi-useless item, like the Cave of Ordeals in Twilight Princess. Don't try this dungeon if you don't have the Hover Boots. On the southwest part of Gerudo's Fortress, talk to the girl by the sign. If you have the Gerudo's Membership Card, you can enter this dungeon for 10 Rupees. This dungeon is unique because it doesn't have a Map or Compass, and because warp songs don't work here. Head forward and open the right chest for five Bombchu. The left chest has arrows, but you shouldn't need them yet. Cast Din's Fire to light the torches and open the left door (near the image of a lion's mouth). Equip Biggoron's Sword and enter this door. You have one minute to defeat an Iron Knuckle. This one is tougher than usual because you're fighting it in quicksand, which slows you down and reduces maneuverability, especially if you stand still too long. If you use the Jump Attack and Backflip Away method, you can defeat this enemy in ten seconds. Open the chest that drops down for five Rupees and open the door near the chest. This is another timed room, but here you have 90 seconds to find five Silver Rupees. And for more fun, a Wall Master is around. Beat it quickly. 1. Head forward, and Longshot to the target on the ceiling. 2. Head right and left. Smash the icicles to find the Silver Rupee. 3. Head down this hallway. At the end, hang off the ledge to collect the Silver Rupee, then pull yourself back up. 4. Look left and Hookshot to the target on the ceiling. 5. Turn left and defeat the Freezzard. Then use the Hookshot targets to reach the door leading out of this room. Another timed room! You have a one-minute time limit to defeat all the enemies in here. Longshot the four Big Skulltulas and defeat the two Stalfoses with Biggoron's Sword. If you've finished the Spirit Temple, you can push the big gray block to reach a room with several Freezzards and a 50-Rupee chest, but it's best ignored. Open the chest for some arrows, and fill a bottle or two with Blue Fire from the torch. Turn on the Lens of Truth to reveal an opening in the wall, and play the Song of Time to create a Time Block leading to that opening. Use Blue Fire to melt the ice blocking your way, then go through the door. Jump down to the spinning platform and shoot the four eyes of the statue (like an Eyegore Statue of old) to make a chest drop down. It contains 10 Bombchu. Now look in the fires in front of the statue and you'll find a crystal switch. Shoot it with an arrow to open the door. Enter. You have one minute to defeat an Iron Knuckle and two Torch Slugs. Slash the Torch Slugs until they're gone, then fight the Iron Knuckle. This fight is much easier since there's no quicksand. When these enemies are gone, open the chest for an arrow refill. Shoot the hard-to-see crystal switch above the door, then step on the switch in the recession on the floor to extinguish the flames. Open the chest for a Small Key. Go through the door to the next room. Smash the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer to reveal a Hookshot target. Longshot to it. From here, shoot a Fire Arrow at the unlit torch across from you, extinguishing the flames that block the Silver Rupees. Jump to the right ledge, collecting the Silver Rupees. Then jump to the next two platforms, which also have Silver Rupees. Longshot back to the target, as the fires will soon return. Light the torch with a new Fire Arrow, and jump left to the next Silver Rupee. Use the Hover Boots to float to the next platform, and jump to the last Silver Rupee. Longshot to the always-lit torch and go up the staircase. Enter the door. This is a tough room ahead. You have one minute to defeat a great multitude of meanies. There are two Dinolfoses, one Lizalfos, one Armos Statue, and two Dodongos. Dinolfoses are basically stronger versions of Lizalfos. Slash the Dodongos' tails to defeat them. Touch the Armos, slash it, and wait for it to explode. When they're all gone, open the chest for a Small Key. Now return to the fire room (use the door with the nice carpet). Longshot to the right-hand target and go through the door. Use the Longshot to eliminate the big Bari (which splits into three). Then eliminate the web on the floor using a Fire Arrow. Equip the Zora Tunic and Iron Boots and jump into the water. At the bottom, Longshot the Shell Blade and Stingers. To collect the Silver Rupees, you can try rising and sinking using the Kokiri and Iron Boots, but the current makes it very tough. Instead, position yourself so the Silver Rupee you want is between you and the Hookshot targets on the wall. If done properly, you'll get the Rupee without too much fuss. Repeat until you've collected them all. Then float to the top and open the chest for another Small Key, your third. Go back to the last room and Longshot to the target across from you. Head forward to a new room. Open the chest for a Blue Rupee, then enter the nearby door. Keep going through the doors, opening the chests for a few Rupees. You'll spend your Small Keys on the last three doors, which are locked. At the end, you'll come to a crate. Smash it with your Megaton Hammer to reveal a rusty switch. Hit it with the hammer to make a chest appear in another room. Go through all nine doors again, returning to the fire room. Hookshot to the torch on the right and take the stairs to an old room. Go through the door to the right and you'll be back at the opening room. Enter the left door, taking you to the sand room. Go through the next door. Longshot across the room that had the timed Rupees and enter the door. Play the Song of Time to make the block appear again, and climb it to the fake wall (use the Lens of Truth if necessary). Go through the door and follow the high walkway to a door. Open the door to find the chest. Inside is the Ice Arrow, the reward for completing this mini-dungeon. Exit by retracing your steps to the main room or by saving and resetting (warp songs don't work). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Haunted Wasteland and the Two Trials ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you don't have the Lens of Truth, go to the Bottom of the Well to get it. Otherwise, climb the ladder on the northwest corner of Gerudo's Fortress and talk to the girl. She'll open the gate leading to the desert. Go through this gate to reach a place called the Haunted Wasteland. Here, follow the flags to avoid getting lost in the sandstorm. Stand on the crate and Longshot to one of the crates across from you. From here, keep following the flags (like in slalom skiing) until you come to a stone tower. Ignore any peddlers on flying carpets who sell overpriced Bombchu. Jump down into the entrance of this watchtower to find a Gold Skulltula. Light the torches with Din's Fire or Fire Arrows if you'd like 50 Rupees, then climb back to the desert. Take the ramp up this tower and read the grave. Use the Lens of Truth to find a Poe. This is a rare good Poe. Follow him to the next area while avoiding the annoying Leevers. They'll hit you a few times, but it's most important to follow the Poe. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nayru's Love ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You'll be at a new place called the Desert Colossus. Head north to the cracked wall between two palm trees. Blow it up to reveal a Fairy Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol and a Great Fairy will give you Nayru's Love. Nothing will hurt you while you're using Nayru's Love. Unfortunately, it drains magic quickly and you can't use any other magic-consuming items when it's in use. Also, you'll still get knocked back if you touch an enemy. Personally, I don't use it very often, although it can be quite helpful against tough enemies like Iron Knuckles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Requiem of Spirit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head west and enter the Spirit Temple. Unfortunately, we can't do anything here yet, so exit. Sheik will teach you the final Ocarina song - the Requiem of Spirit. He sure likes songs written in the key of D Minor. Now play the Prelude of Light and return to the past. Use the Requiem of Spirit to warp to the Desert Colossus. Play Saria's Song if you want a rather strange hint about a mysterious bird (maybe the bird from A Link to the Past?). Now enter the Spirit Temple after dealing with the patch of soft soil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Temple (past) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Almost everybody likes this Egyptian/Middle Eastern-themed dungeon. I recommend having 14-19 Heart Containers before entering the Spirit Temple. Head up the stairs and open the chest for 10 Bombchu. Turn left and talk to the Gerudo, a girl named Nabooru. Say you want nothing and hate Ganondorf. Don't enter the crawlspace yet. Use a Bombchu to blow up the boulder behind one of the cobra statues. Use your Slingshot to shoot the eye switch that's revealed, dropping a chest. Open it for a Small Key. Now stand in the front of the carpet and face straight forward. Drop a Bombchu and let it climb up the wall. If done properly, it'll destroy the boulder on the ceiling. Now head through Nabooru's crawlspace. Defeat the two Torch Slugs (use Jump Attacks) to unlock a door. Shoot the eye switch to extinguish the fires, allowing you to take the Recovery Hearts (if necessary). Go through the right-side door. Use the Jump Attack & Retreat tactic to defeat the Gibdo, then pull back the graves. Under one is a switch. Step on it to drop a metal gate. Stand in front of the grave and use a Bombchu to destroy the boulder on the opposite side of the room, revealing an eye switch. Shoot the eye switch to make a platform appear. Jump across this platform and play the Sun's Song. Jump Attack the Gibdos and then slash away until they're gone. Defeating them will open the door. Enter it. Jump onto the spinning platform and defeat the Stalfos, preferably by pushing it over the edge. Open the newly-unlocked door. Shoot any nearby Keese, and pull back the grave to find a switch. Step on it to make a platform drop. Cross to a one-time enemy - Anubis. Use a Din's Fire to beat it with ease. Defeat any leftover Keese (which may now be Fire Keese) to make another chest appear. Open the small one for a Small Key (#2), and the big one for the Dungeon Map. Enter the door near the big chest to return to the Torch Slug room. See the crawlspace to the north? It's blocked by a boulder, but you can use a Bombchu to destroy that boulder. Now crawl through the crawlspace. Ignore the rusted switch (you don't have the Megaton Hammer in the past) and open the locked door. Hit the crystal switch to open the gate and make a Like Like fall down. Keep slashing away at it to defeat it. It's best to position yourself so the switch separates you and the Like Like. Climb up the grate wall and defeat the Beamos and four Baby Dodongos to make a chest appear. Inside are 10 Bombchu. Now L- Target the boulder on the wall and use a Bombchu to destroy this boulder, making a chest appear (although you can't get it yet). Open the locked door using our last Small Key. Turn left and jump off the ledge. Shoot the eye switch to make a big chest appear near you. Open it for the Compass. Make sure to get rid of the friendly neighborhood Wall Master! Head to the frozen eye switch and activate it using Din's Fire, unlocking the door. Enter this newly-opened door. Head forward and look down. Shoot the eye switch to make a chest drop down behind you. Open it for a Small Key. Now go back to the previous room. Head southwest and climb up the grated wall. Head about halfway up the staircase, and backflip over the rail onto a Time Block. Play the Song of Time to create a new Time Block. Pick up the crate, jump to the new block, and set the crate down. Play the Song of Time again, take the crate, go up the stairs, and jump onto the Time Block. Now jump onto the statue's hand (with the blue switch) and use the crate to hold the switch down, opening a door. Climb back up the stairs and enter the southwestern door. These statues emit fire! Run past a flame when they're not shooting out fire. Enter the door at the end of this short tunnel. Here's an annoying room. Near the central platform, push the front sun block to the west. When it enters the sunlight, a door opens. Push the other block near where the other was into the light to make a chest drop. Open the chest (on the northeastern ledge) for a Recovery Heart. Ignore any other sun blocks. Hit the crystal switch on the center platform to temporarily extinguish the fires. Head south and open the door. There's a Big Skulltula in this hallway, so watch out. Unlock the door at the end of this hall. Head east and do battle with the Iron Knuckle. It's much tougher since you don't have Biggoron's Sword. Some people like fighting with bombs, but I prefer to Jump Attack him after he swings his ax and to then retreat. Let him smash the pillars if you need a heart refill. After defeating him, open the eastern door that unlocks. This door takes you outside. You'll get harassed by Kaepora Gebora for one last time. Then open the treasure chest for the Silver Gauntlets, which let you pick up heavy things - but only in the future. After the cutscene, warp to the Temple of Time and return to the future. Then use the Requiem of Spirit to get back to the Spirit Temple. Make sure to collect the Piece of Heart and Gold Skulltula using the Bean Sprout before entering the temple. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spirit Temple (future) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the first room, go up the stairs and look behind you. Shoot the crystal switch on the pillar to produce a chest containing Bombchu. Now look up at the hole in the ceiling (which we created earlier). Stand near the south part of the carpet and Longshot to the target in that hole. Pull yourself up to a new room. Head down the corridor, pushing the block as necessary. You're back in the Big Statue Room. Defeat the Wall Master. Then use your Fire Arrows to light the three high torches and open a door. Go west, climb the grate wall, and go up the first staircase. Longshot to the torch across from you and defeat the Floor Master. Ascend the staircase and use the Hover Boots to float to the statue's hand. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to make a chest drop behind some crates in the northeast corner of the room. Jump down, smash the crates, and open the chest for a blue Rupee. Climb back up the western wall and enter the door near you. Head to the southwest corner of the room and Longshot to the chest above you. Open it for a Small Key. Hit the crystal switch and jump down the chute. Open the door and smash the rusted switch using the Megaton Hammer to make a chest drop down. Unfortunately, you can't reach this non-optional chest except in the past. It's not quite as inconvenient as you think it is. Play the Prelude of Light, replace the Master Sword and go back to the past, play the Requiem of Spirit, enter the Spirit Temple, go up the stairs, enter the west crawlspace, and open the chest for a Small Key (your second). Now go back to the Spirit Temple in the future. Longshot up the hole in the ceiling, go through the corridor, and you're back at the Big Statue Room. I'm going to detail a very difficult (and optional) Gold Skulltula, so skip this if you're not interested in getting every Gold Skulltula. First repeat the same process as in the past to open the upper southwest door - climb some of the staircase, backflip over the rail onto a Time Block, play the Song of Time to create a new Time Block, pick up the crate, jump to the new block, set the crate down, play the Song of Time again, take the crate, go up the stairs, and jump onto the Time Block. Now jump onto the statue's hand (with the blue switch) and use the crate to hold the switch down, opening a door. Climb back up the stairs and enter the southwestern door. Go through the fiery corridor to the room where you push the blocks into the sun. Pushing the block farthest from the sunlight (you'll have to hit the crystal switch twice to dissipate the fires) into the sun to create a glass platform under a Hookshot target. Longshot to it, then take out the Gold Skulltula. One heck of a tough Gold Skulltula! Make your way back to the Big Statue Room. In the Big Statue Room, first get rid of the Wall Master. Head up the wall, up the staircase, Longshot to the torch, defeat the Floor Master, go up the stairs, and unlock the door to a new room. A wall of fire is blocking this corridor, but you can use the Hookshot target on the wall to get past safely. Open the door at the end. A whopping four Beamoses are in this room. Defeat them all to unlock the door and reveal a chest. Open the chest for an arrow refill, then play the Song of Time near the Time Block on the ground. Then go over to the other two Time Blocks and play the Song of Time twice. Take the crate and place it on the blue switch, unlocking the southeast door. Be careful not to fall. Enter this newly- opened door. Defeat the two Dinolfoses and DON'T open the chest - it's a trap that will hurt you. Instead, hit it with your sword to open the south door, which you should enter. Turn on the Lens of Truth to find an invisible Floor Master. Defeat it and the north door will open. Enter and fight the Iron Knuckle. It's a piece of cake when you've got Biggoron's Sword. Let him smash the pillars if you need Recovery Hearts or Rupees. After defeating him, open the door that unlocks and you'll be outside. Open the big chest for the Mirror Shield. This upgraded shield can reflect light. Better yet, it can't ever be gobbled up by Like Likes. Its only weakness is that it breaks, not deflects, Deku Nuts. Equip it and make your way back to the Dinolfos room. Play the Song of Time in front of the Time Block to move it. Step into the sunbeam and use your Mirror Shield (hold R and use the Control Stick to change the angle) to reflect light onto the image of the sun, which makes a door open. Put away Biggoron's Sword if necessary. Play the Song of Time to move the Time Block again, and go through the door it was blocking. Play the Sun's Song to freeze the Gibdo, then jump attack it. Open the treasure chest for the Boss Key! Exit this room, go west, enter the northwestern door, go through the tunnel, and you'll be back in the Big Statue Room. Head down the stairs, avoiding the Floor Master, and enter the eastern door. Defeat the Wall Master and then take care of the Stalfoses. Use your Mirror Shield to reflect light onto the three sun faces, making them disappear. Watch out; a Wall Master falls each time you do this. After eliminating all the faces, a gate will open once you defeat one more Wall Master (a great way to accumulate Rupees). Head to the northern end of the room and jump down the newly-opened gate. Walk past the Razor Traps and open the door. Grab the two Silver Rupees on the floor. Bomb the boulder in the middle and hit the rusted switch with your Megaton Hammer. This temporarily stops a waterspout. Take the Silver Rupee on the waterspout and go through the passage to the opening room of the dungeon. Blow up the two boulders by the cobra statues to find the remaining two Silver Rupees. When you collect all five of these Silver Rupees, one more chest will drop down. Open it for a Small Key, your second. Longshot up the hole and go through the tunnel. Back in the Main Statue Room, go to the platform with the Floor Master and enter the lower southeastern door. Drop down the chute and go past the Razor Traps. Take the left fork into a new, optional room. Defeat the Gold Skulltula on the ceiling. Jump into the sand pit and fight off the Leevers. Eventually a large purple Leever will appear. Defeat it to make a chest appear on the ledge above you. Longshot to it for a Purple Rupee. Then climb back up to the ledge and play Zelda's Lullaby while standing on the Triforce symbol to open the door you entered from. Return to the previous room. Take the right fork and unlock the door. This room is also optional. Smash the rusted switch with the Megaton Hammer to open a gate. Defeat the Giant Moblin (like the one in Sacred Forest Meadow) using three arrows. Then jump down and enter the alcove you opened earlier. Play the Song of Time to open another gate. Avoid the rolling boulders and enter this new alcove (marked with the Lon Lon Ranch crate above it). Play Epona's Song in here. This opens the southwestern gate. Play the Sun's Song in this alcove to open another one. In the northeastern gate, play the Song of Storms. Finally, in the central gate play Zelda's Lullaby to unlock the door. You played every song except for Saria's Song and the warp songs just to open that stupid door! Enter the northern door. This room is loaded with Big Skulltulas. Longshot them all, including the invisible one. Then defeat the Gold Skulltula on the wall and open the chest for a Purple Rupee. Now make your way back to the Big Statue Room (you may want to use the rusted switch shortcut in the waterspout room). Take the upper southeastern door and cross the fire wall. Now unlock the southwestern door. Before doing anything, defeat ALL the Fire Keese. This room can be frustrating. You're trying to climb this wall while collecting five Silver Rupees. Parts of the wall move sideways, and if you climb from a stationary part of the wall to a moving part during a shift, you'll get knocked off the wall. What's more, the wall is flanked by spikes. Remember that you can Longshot to the grated parts of the wall to collect the Silver Rupees. When you get all of the Silver Rupees, the high door unlocks. Use the Longshot to reach the upper level, and watch out for the Torch Slug at the top. Open the newly-unlocked door. In the next room, play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to unlock the western door. Go through this door. Smash the crates on the bottom level using your Megaton Hammer until you find a rusty switch. Hit it with your hammer to unlock the western door. Open this door. In here, defeat the two Green Bubbles, the Torch Slug, and the Dinolfos. Now face a challenging puzzle. In the north part of the room, use your Mirror Shield to reflect light on a sun face, which temporarily extinguishes a fire. Run forward and turn the serpent statue two notches clockwise. Then go forward and turn the other statue clockwise. You'll get burned when the fire comes back, but that's OK. Use the Lens of Truth near this serpent statue to find a chest containing a Small Key. Now return to the previous room. If you're not interested in getting all the Gold Skulltulas, you can ignore this. Go the room before this and open the locked door. In here is another Iron Knuckle. Before defeating it, lure it over to each of the thrones and let it smash them with his ax. Two of these thrones block Gold Skulltulas on the walls. Leave this room and go back to the room with the snake reflectors. Jump to the lower platform and use the Mirror Shield to reflect the light onto the sun icon. This will make your platform lower to the Main Statue Room. If you fall down from here, just Longshot back up using the chains. Defeat the Wall Master, then L-Target the statue's face and hold out the Mirror Shield until the face crumbles. Navi says this face looks evil, but I still feel a little bad about destroying a famous landmark, even if Ganondorf probably made it. Anyway, Longshot to the gate, which opens automatically. Now go through the Boss Door! After a memorable cutscene, you'll battle an Iron Knuckle. But this one is a little different. Fight it the same way as normal, but a familiar cutscene ensues afterwards. Go through the door behind the throne, head through the hall, and climb the grated wall to the boss arena. Then face... ---------------------------------------- Sorceress Sisters TWINROVA ---------------------------------------- They certainly have a great theme song! The two witches are flying around the arena on their broomsticks, firing magic attacks at you. Use your Mirror Shield to deflect the magic to the opposite sister; if the fire sister shoots at you, deflect it to the ice witch, and vice versa. When one is about to shoot at you, L-Target her, hold out the Mirror Shield, and stop L-Targeting when the magic hits your shield. Then use the Control Stick to aim the magic at the other sister. Stand near the corner to maintain a good view of everything. After about four hits, the vile sisters adopt a strategy. Koume and Kotake fuse into one giant witch - Twinrova. Keep her L-Targeted at all times. She shoots fire or ice magic at you. Hold out your Mirror Shield to absorb this magic, making your shield flash. You want to absorb three kinds of the same magic in a row. If she shoots fire at you, run away before it hits you to avoid absorbing the ice (or vice versa). When you absorb three kinds of the same magic, stop L-Targeting and aim the shield at her. She'll fall to the ground, stunned. This is your chance to jump over to the platform and slash her a few times with your sword. If you're using Biggoron's Sword, press A to put it away afterwards; otherwise, you won't be able to manipulate your shield. Her attacks become more random as the fight goes on. After a few hits, you'll win and get to watch a slightly theologically questionable (and hilarious) cutscene (contradicted in future games, too!). Then take the Heart Container (I hope #20!) and enter the portal. Nabooru gives you the Spirit Medallion! It's another rough day for Link's love life, though... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Light Arrows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There's a pretty big moment ahead, but I'm going to keep my promise of writing a Spoiler-Free Walkthrough. If you have all six Medallions, Rauru will tell you to go to the Temple of Time. Play the Prelude of Light to visit the Temple of Time, where you'll get the Light Arrows. What an understatement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganon's Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leave the Temple of Time. Avoid the ReDeads that now inhabit Hyrule Castle Town and head up the path to where Hyrule Castle used to be. This place is now Ganon's Castle. The castle is floating above a pit of lava, so there's no way to reach it using normal means. However, if you have all six Medallions, the sages will create a bridge leading inside when you approach. Walk up the bridge and face the final dungeon. First, though, make sure you have the following equipment (or at least something close to it): 20 Heart Containers, 50 Arrows, 40 Bombs, 3 or 4 Bottles, and most of all, Biggoron's Sword. Use my walkthrough and Heart Piece guide if you need more Heart Containers or upgrades. Personally, I also have all 100 Gold Skulltulas (but those don't do anything to help you). Note that this dungeon doesn't have a Map or Compass, and warp songs don't work while inside. At the start of Ganon's Castle, head down the steps and defeat the two Green Bubbles (use an arrow, or use the Longshot to stun them, then slash them with your sword while they're stunned), and dodge the Razor Trap and fight the Iron Knuckle. Lure it away from the corner and Razor Trap; otherwise it'll be a tough fight. Then activate the two Armos Statues using your Longshot, and make them explode by hitting them with your sword. When all the enemies are gone, the locked door opens. This room looks suspiciously similar to Hideout Helm from Donkey Kong 64 (I'm almost positive that it was modeled after Ganon's Tower). An energy field surrounds the castle keep, so you can't get through until you disable the energy. Note that there's a secret passage on the bottom level of the main room. Inside are some Business Scrubs and fairies. You need the Lens of Truth to find it. Head left from the entrance and enter the Spirit Route (marked with the orange medallion). You can start with a different room, but this one is highly recommended. ---------------------------------------- Spirit Route ---------------------------------------- In here, Longshot the Fire Keese. Then shoot an arrow at the silver eye switch above the door to make an Iron Knuckle drop down. Touch it to activate it, but before you defeat it, lure it to the throne in the middle of the room to uncover a rusted switch. Smash it with the Megaton Hammer, opening the door. In the next room, defeat the Green Bubble. Open the chest if you need Bombchu. Stand directly in front of the hole in the wall and take out a Bombchu. If you do it right, the Bombchu will hit the crystal switch on the wall, unlocking the door. Open the door and shoot an arrow at the Green Bubble. Now play the Sun's Song. Use Jump Attacks to easily take out the Gibdo and the two ReDeads. Look up at the ceiling and shoot a Fire Arrow at the web. This will flood the room in light. Use your Mirror Shield to reflect light onto the sun faces. One will make a big chest appear. Inside are the Golden Gauntlets, which let you pick up very heavy objects! Another sun icon will give you a Small Key, two will drop chests containing Recovery Hearts, one drops a Wall Master, and two do absolutely nothing. To unlock the door, shine light onto the image of the Spirit Medallion, which covers a sun face. Go through the door and shoot the orange barrier with a Light Arrow. Nabooru dispels the Spirit Barrier and sends you back to the Main Room (a helpful shortcut). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Doubled Defense Power ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganon's Keep has lost a sixth of its power. But before we do anything else, leave Ganon's Castle (enter the door that isn't marked with a Medallion, and go back up the hall). Outside, head east down the path until you come to a dead end. Press A to lift the enormous rock, revealing a cave. This is the final Fairy Fountain. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol to make a Great Fairy appear. She'll double your defense power, which reduces the damage you take by half. This is a very helpful upgrade! A white layer now surrounds all of your hearts on the life meter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to Ganon's Castle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to Ganon's Castle. Go back down the hall (you don't have to beat the enemies this time) and you'll be in the Main Room. You have a lot of flexibility regarding the order you complete the remaining rooms, but I'll start with the Forest Route, which is to the right of the entrance. ---------------------------------------- Forest Route ---------------------------------------- First defeat the two Stalfoses. Look above the door to find a Small Key. Put on the Iron Boots to prevent the fan from blowing you away, and then Longshot to the torch and take the key (your second). Open the door to the next room. Frankly, this looks more like the Shadow Temple than the Forest Temple. Use a Fire Arrow to shoot the frozen eye switch in the left fan. This drops down a chest. Longshot to the chest and quickly place a bomb to defeat the Armos Statue and Beamos. You may take some damage, but that's OK, especially with the new defense power. Open the chest if you need Bombs. Throw a bomb at the nearest Beamos to you, and jump onto the platform it occupied. From here, dispose of the remaining Beamoses. Aren't you glad you got the Bomb Bag upgrades like I told you to? Look behind you and shoot the eye switch in the fan to drop another chest. Longshot to it if you need arrows, but it's best ignored. Jump to the platform closest to the door when the fans aren't blowing (after you beat the Beamos, of course). Equip the Iron Boots and play the Song of Time twice to make an Armos Statue drop on a switch, opening the door. When the fan stops, switch to the Kokiri Boots and jump over to the newly-unlocked door. Shoot the orange center of the green barrier. Saria topples the Forest Barrier and zaps you to the Main Room. She shows a bit more courtesy than Nabooru (who says, "Hurry up, kid!" instead of Saria's "Hurry up, Link or )!") ---------------------------------------- Water Route ---------------------------------------- Go right and down the stairs to the door marked with the blue Water Medallion. This looks more like the Ice Cavern, but anyway... First defeat the three Freezzards that we love so much. On the right side of the wall, you'll find a mutant arm (similar to Dead Hand, but without a monster attached to it). Use an arrow to shoot the wall behind it, which will temporarily eliminate the waterspout blocking the Blue Fire generator. Fill up your bottles with it until the water returns. Pour the Blue Fire over the chest if you really want a Red Rupee, or the Recovery Heart if you're in desperate need, but I'd just pour it over the crystal blocking the door. Unlock it and proceed to the next room. First and foremast, shoot all the Keese, Ice Keese, and Fire Keese with your Longshot or Bow. Remember that one is invisible (use the Lens of Truth or good L-Targeting). Collect the first two easy-to-reach Silver Rupees. Drop into the center hole for the third. Then collect the one in the corner using Hover Boots, but be careful! Now we start pushing the blocks. Push the block closest to the medallion door against the rock, and then push it into the hole. Push the other block against the ice block, then the other ice block, and then all the way to the ledge with the final Silver Rupee. Climb up and pour Blue Fire on the Silver Rupee and collect it. This unlocks the door. Return to the previous room if you need more Blue Fire. You don't need to get the Silver Rupees again, but you will have to beat the enemies all over. When you're ready, stand near the red crystals and pour out some Blue Fire to melt them. Climb up the ledge and open the door. Shoot the barrier, talk to Ruto, and you'll be back in the Main Room. Ruto simply tells you to hurry up. But don't - the game is almost over! ---------------------------------------- Shadow Route ---------------------------------------- Remember that you can leave Ganon's Castle at any time without losing progress. You may find it expedient to refill your bottles with fairies or Red Potion. You can get rid of any leftover Blue Fire you have - it's worthless now. From the Water Route, head up the stairs and go right. Open the door marked by the purple Shadow Medallion. Use an arrow to dispose of the Green Bubble. Then shoot the Bomb Flower across from you to make a chest drop down. Longshot to it for an arrow refill. Turn on the Lens of Truth to reveal a moving platform. Jump to it (or use the Hover Boots) and stand in the corner to take the nearby Silver Rupee. Hover to the platform with the Bomb Flower to get another Silver Rupee. Float back to the moving platform and jump to the ledge with the Beamos when the platform is near it. Turn off the Lens of Truth. Destroy the Beamos to uncover a Silver Rupee. Use a Fire Arrow (or Din's Fire) to light the torch on the ground, creating a glass platform. Jump to this new platform and look behind you. Shoot the eye switch on the previous platform to drop a chest. Jump to the platform ahead of you and defeat the duo of Beamoses. Open the chest for a Small Key (#2, if you're following my directions). Turn on the Lens of Truth to show two narrow glass pathways. Follow the one on the side to a Beamos. Defeat it and take the Silver Rupee it was hiding. Be careful! Make your way back to the platform with the chest. Use the Lens of Truth to show another path. Follow it carefully, and jump past the guillotine for the final Silver Rupee. Follow the path to the newly-unlocked door and open it. Smash the pots for arrows and magic, and use a Light Arrow to shoot the orange ball to dispel the Shadow Barrier. Impa takes you back to the Main Room. ---------------------------------------- Fire Route ---------------------------------------- From the Shadow Route, turn right and enter the door marked with the red Fire Medallion. This is the Fire Route, which looks very similar to Lethal Lava Land, my favorite level of Super Mario 64. Remember that you must have the Golden Gauntlets to complete it. Make sure that you have the Goron Tunic on. Jump to the moving platform, and from there jump to the upper-right of the four platforms. It will rise up. In order to get the Silver Rupee at its apex, you must perform a backflip (hold Z and press A while moving backwards). When it falls back down, jump to the upper-left platform and hover to the platform across from you (near the Torch Slugs). Jump over to the Torch Slugs and defeat them. Take the much-needed magic refills and lift up the giant rock next to you. Grab the nearby Silver Rupee using the moving platform. Return to solid ground and Longshot to the target. Take the Silver Rupee on this platform. Close to you are three platforms. Jump to the middle one and it rise. Jump from its apex onto the rock platform (the one you threw earlier) with the Silver Rupee. Now jump back to these platforms and jump across them until you come to a platform with a Beamos (the Hover Boots help). The next-to-last platform sinks, and the last one moves, so be careful. Quickly defeat the Beamos, then lift the huge boulder for the final Silver Rupee, opening the door and creating a Hookshot target. Stand near the edge of the platform and Longshot to this target. Open the door. Smash the pots if you wish, and shoot the orange core of the Fire Barrier with a Light Arrow. Darunia sends you back to the Main Room. He tells you, "Hurry up, Brother!" - which seems more affable than some sagacious types. ---------------------------------------- Light Route ---------------------------------------- There's just one more barrier to dispel. But where is it? Turn right and you'll come to a massive rock. Press A to grab it, and you'll heave it at Ganon's keep and open the Light Route. Open the door - slowly, as the game is coming to a close! Defeat the Torch Slugs and the Dinolfos to unlock the door. Go through to the next room. Play Zelda's Lullaby on the Triforce symbol on the floor to drop a chest containing a Recovery Heart. Unlock the door to the next room. Use a bomb or Bombchu to beat the Beamos, then Longshot to the target on the ceiling. Go forward, avoiding the rolling boulder, and unlock the door using your final Small Key. There should be a barrier here, but there isn't! Ignore the Skullwalltula and smash one of the torches with your sword. It's a hidden crystal switch. Now go through the fake wall in front of the torches and eliminate the final barrier - the Light Barrier. Rauru simply tells you to hurry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ganon's Keep ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, For the facing of this hour." I don't know why I thought of that old hymn, and Link should have courage enough already. The barrier blocking Ganon's Keep is gone, so now we can go inside! Go right and head up the stairs. Cross the bridge into Ganon's Keep. Most importantly, save now. Head up the staircase, ignoring the plethora of Fire Keese. Open the door at the top. Defeat the two Dinolfos to unlock the blue-and-gold door. Notice how there isn't a sound playing. Kind of eerie. Open this regal-looking door and proceed up the staircase. Open the door to face a pair of Stalfoses. Defeat them to open the door and eliminate the fire blocking the chest. Inside is the Boss Key. Go through the door. Head up the staircase and open the door. Notice how you can faintly hear some creepy organ music - and it's not coming from a Fairy Ocarina. There are two Iron Knuckles in here, but a sane player will fight one at a time. Take your time fighting them. You've fought them so many times they should be pretty easy by now. Open the door that unlocks and go up another staircase. Notice how the music (Agahnim's Theme from A Link to the Past) is getting louder. Open the Boss Door and get ready to rumble! Smash the pots if you need to power up, then open the door to the right. Most of all, save your game - this is the farthest point you can still save your game. You can't save after the final fight. Go up one more staircase and open the door! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Great King of Evil GANONDORF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fight is similar to the boss of the Forest Temple (and Agahnim from other Zelda games). First flee to the edge of the arena to avoid the shockwave. Stand near the edge of the arena and use your sword to deflect Ganondorf's energy balls back at him. He'll keep batting it back at you for a while. When one hits him, quickly shoot him using a Light Arrow. Then run over and slash away at him using Biggoron's Sword. Then return to the outside part of the arena. Repeat until you win. Four rounds of slashings with Biggoron's Sword should be enough. If Ganon charges up his attack longer than usual, shoot a Light Arrow at him to stun him, because this attack can't be deflected. You can then run over and slash him. If you need a magic or life refill, use the pots found at the bottom of the arena. If you're feeling really goofy, try deflecting Ganondorf's attack with an Empty Bottle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Tower Collapse ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I won't tell you what happens now, but Ganon's Tower is now collapsing! You have three minutes to get out - or else. This looks a lot like an incident that happened in America in 2001 (I hope I didn't offend anyone too much). Follow Zelda down the stairs. Just follow the path, and ignore the falling rocks. Try not to fall off. Zelda will open all the locked gates. Follow Zelda through the next room and keep going down the outside stairs. Follow Zelda through the next room and keep running down the narrow path. In this room, quickly defeat the two Stalfoses (use Biggoron's Sword to speed things up). Take the hearts Zelda drops and go outside. Head down the narrow path and follow Zelda into the final room. Let her open the gate, run down the steps (keep following Zelda), open the gate, run past the stupid ReDead, open the last gate, and you're out of here, possibly with as much as a minute and fifteen seconds to spare. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GANON ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After talking to Zelda, walk forward and fight the final battle! You've lost the Master Sword, so use Biggoron's Sword. If you don't have that, use the Megaton Hammer. Roll under Ganon's legs and hit his tail to inflict damage. You might want to press L to center the camera behind Link. Then get away before he slashes you with one of his swords, which will inflict a lot of damage, even with the doubled defense power. You can use a Light Arrow to stun Ganon, but it's not recommended. If Ganon hits a piece of rubble, a life refill or other power-up may come out. After several hits, Ganon will collapse and the ring of fire will dissipate. But now Phase 2 of the fight begins. Run over to the Master Sword and pick it up. Then equip it. No other weapon can hurt Ganon from this point on. Hit Ganon once and he'll get up. Keep rolling under Ganon's legs and smiting the tail. After about nine hits, give Ganon his final blow! If you Jump Attack for the last hit, the final animation will look a bit odd. Now watch the ending and the thrilling credits! It's pretty good by video game ending standards, and I'm not going to spoil a second of it! Argue about the implications of this ending on future Zelda games to your heart's content. Give yourself an additional pat on the back if you have all 20 Heart Containers and 100 Gold Skulltulas. =============================================================================== Pieces of Heart [HEART] =============================================================================== The explanations found here are more detailed than the explanations given in the walkthrough. Several Pieces of Heart weren't even mentioned at all in the walkthrough. You might want to print this section out and use as a checklist. I list the Pieces of Heart in chronological order instead of regional order. All are collected in the past unless specified. ----------------------------------- 1. Lon Lon Ranch ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Enter the silo near the back of the ranch. Move the crate that blocks the crawlspace, then crawl through to get a Piece of Heart on some hay. ----------------------------------- 2. Graveyard ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Push the fourth gravestone from the left on the front row (facing the Sun's Song tomb) to reveal a hole. You can't do it when the kid or Dampe is around, so use the Sun's Song to turn the clock to midnight. Drop down into the hole, beat the ReDead, and play the Sun's Song to make a chest with a Piece of Heart appear. The safest way to beat the ReDead is to use a jump attack, retreat, and then jump attack once more. Later in the game, you can bomb the wall to reveal some fairies. ----------------------------------- 3. Lost Woods ----------------------------------- Need: Saria's Song Go left from Kokiri Forest entrance of Lost Woods. Climb onto the stump and play Saria's Song for the Skull Kid. ----------------------------------- 4. Lost Woods ----------------------------------- Need: Fairy Ocarina From the Kokiri Forest entrance, turn right and climb down to the lower level. Stand on the stump and pull out your Ocarina. Two Skull Kids will challenge you to repeat the melodies they play. Essentially, this is Simon with an ocarina. You may find it expedient to write down the songs they play, especially as they become longer and more complex. If you're too slow, you'll lose. The first time you play, you'll win one Rupee. The second time, the prize is a Blue Rupee (worth 5). The third time, you receive is a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 5. Market ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald, preferably Sun's Song A woman is trying to find her puppy, Richard (named after rock 'n' roll superstar Little Richard). Play the Sun's Song to turn it to night in the market. You're looking for the white dog near the Bazaar and the man looking out the window watching the sunsets. When he barks, he'll start following you. Go down the alley nearest to the tree and the entrance to the Market and enter the forward-facing door. Talk to the portly woman in there, and if it's the right dog, you'll get a Piece of Heart! If the wrong dog follows you, go inside certain buildings or take it to her anyway. ----------------------------------- 6. Market ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald The Treasure Chest Game is a store in Hyrule Castle Town that is open only at night. Play the Sun's Song to turn it to night. Inside, pay 10 Rupees to play. Pick a treasure chest. If it has a Small Key, you can advance to the next room. If you succeed five times, you'll receive a Piece of Heart. A later item (or emulator save states or really good luck) makes this much, much easier. ----------------------------------- 7. Graveyard ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald This only works right before midnight, so the Sun's Song won't work. Talk to Dampe (I don't use the accent over the "e") and play the Grave-Digging Tour. With luck, he'll unearth a Piece of Heart. Dampe walks slowly in a square pattern. You may have to dig on all eleven of the soft spots in the path before finding the Heart Piece. Don't try to dig on concrete, or you're guaranteed to find nothing. Make sure you have a lot of Rupees before playing. ----------------------------------- 8. Kakariko Village ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag After you get the Great Fairy's spin attack, Kaepora Gebora will drop you off on top of a building you couldn't otherwise reach. Drop off the south end of it, enter the crack, and you'll find a Piece of Heart and a cow. You can also get here in the future using a later item. ----------------------------------- 9. Market ----------------------------------- Need: Goron's Ruby Play the Bombchu Bowling Alley and you'll eventually win a Piece of Heart, in addition to a Bomb Bag upgrade and other rewards. Make sure you have a lot of Rupees before playing. ----------------------------------- 10. Hyrule Field ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag Use the Stone of Agony. If you don't have a Rumble Pak, your rumble feature has died from much use, or you're playing on an emulator, it's in the area right before Lake Hylia. You'll find a spot surrounded by fences on every side. Drop a bomb in the middle of this area to reveal a hole. Drop down, deflect a nut at the Deku Scrub, and buy it for 10 Rupees. Not all of their offers are rip-offs! ----------------------------------- 11. Goron City ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag On the second-lowest level of Goron City, throw a bomb into the spinning Goron vase. If it stops while on a happy face, it'll spit out 25 Rupees and a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 12. Zora's River ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag On a high platform is a Piece of Heart. Use the Cucco to get up there. You'll have to throw it right before you reach the next-to-last platform. A later item makes this easier. ----------------------------------- 13. Zora's River ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag Near the entrance to Zora's Domain, use the Cucco to float across to the platform with the Piece of Heart. A later item makes this easier. ----------------------------------- 14. Zora's Domain ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag Light a Deku Stick using the torch in King Zora's room. Take it down the steps to light another torch. Light a new Deku Stick with that torch, and light four other torches: one down a slope, one in some shallow water, and two behind the waterfall. Light all four to make a treasure chest containing a Heart Container appear behind the waterfall. ----------------------------------- 15. Lake Hylia ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald On the east side of Lake Hylia is a house. Go inside to find the Fishing Pond. It costs 20 Rupees per play. Much more detailed explanations are available in other walkthroughs, but if you catch the 10-pound fish, keep it and talk to the fishing pond's owner. Ask him to weigh it and you'll win a Piece of Heart. The best place to catch large fish is usually around the dead tree in the water. ----------------------------------- 16. Gerudo Valley ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Climb the ladder behind the waterfall in Gerudo Valley up to an alcove with a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 17. Graveyard (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Master Sword Use the Bean Sprout you planted earlier to reach a nearby crate. Smash into it to discover a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 18. Kakariko Village (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot After completing Dampe's graveyard race, you'll wind up in the windmill. Jump to the rotating platform and let it take you to the Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 19. Graveyard (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot After completing Dampe's graveyard race the second time, you'll be rewarded with a Piece of Heart if you finished in less than a minute. Dampe moves faster and drops fewer flames on this race, so you too must go a bit faster. ----------------------------------- 20. Death Mountain Trail (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Master Sword Use the Bean Sprout near the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern that you planted earlier to reach a Piece of Heart. You can get this earlier in the game if you backflip over the ledge while L-Targeting, but it's easier to use my method. ----------------------------------- 21. Lake Hylia (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Master Sword Ride the Bean Sprout you planted earlier to the Piece of Heart located on top of the Lakeside Laboratory. Climb the ladder to get the Piece of Heart, but watch out for the Guays. You can also get up here using the Scarecrow's Song and Hookshot. ----------------------------------- 22. Lake Hylia (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Golden Scale In the Lakeside Laboratory, dive down to the bottom of the tank and you'll hear a chime. Talk to the scientist for a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 23. Zora's River ----------------------------------- Need: Song of Storms, Forest Medallion In the north part of Zora's River, stand on a log and you'll get a message telling you how some frogs are staring at you. Play the Song of Storms to get a reference to a classic musical and a Piece of Heart! This only works in the past. ----------------------------------- 24. Zora's River ----------------------------------- Need: Forest Medallion At the same spot as the previous Heart Piece, play Zelda's Lullaby, Epona's Song, the Sun's Song, Saria's Song, and the Song of Time. You'll eventually get 250 Rupees. After playing each of the songs, pull out your Ocarina once more to play a fly-catching mini-game. Quickly press A, C-Left, C-Right, C-Down, C- Left, C-Right, C-Down, A, C-Down, A, C-Down, C-Right, C-Left, and A to win easily. You get a Piece of Heart if you succeed. ----------------------------------- 25. Death Mountain Crater (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Goron Tunic From the Goron City entrance, head right, over a gap, up a ladder, and down the wall to an alcove with a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 26. Death Mountain Crater (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Bolero of Fire, Forest Medallion If you planted the Magic Bean here in the past, use the Bean Sprout to reach the Piece of Heart located on top of the volcano. ----------------------------------- 27. Zora's Fountain (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Master Sword There's a Piece of Heart on one of the icy platforms. Just jump across the platforms while avoiding the Octoroks' projectiles. Very few Pieces of Heart are as easy to find as this one! ----------------------------------- 28. Ice Cavern (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot In the room with the Compass, bomb the hard-to-see crystal switch in the middle of the room, allowing you to access a Piece of Heart on a nearby platform. This is the only Heart Piece whose location was changed in Master Quest. ----------------------------------- 29. Zora's Fountain (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Iron Boots Use the Iron Boots to sink to the bottom of Zora's Fountain and find a Heart Piece. ----------------------------------- 30. Hyrule Field (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Iron Boots Place a bomb by a lonely tree in the northwestern part of Hyrule Field to reveal a hole. The Stone of Agony makes this a little easier. Drop into the hole, defeat the Tektite, and use the Iron Boots to sink down and collect the Piece of Heart. You can also use the Golden Scale. ----------------------------------- 31. Kakariko Village (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot A man is sitting on a roof near the north end of Kakariko Village. Longshot to him and he'll thank you for greeting him by giving you a Piece of Heart. Just Longshot onto the roofs until you get to him. ----------------------------------- 32. Kakariko Village ----------------------------------- Need: 50 Gold Skulltula Tokens Once you've collected 50 Gold Skulltulas, go to the House of Skulltula and one of the kids will give you a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 33. Gerudo Valley (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot Jump off the cliff in the southern part of Gerudo Valley onto a very narrow ledge. Longshot to the crate and break it for a Piece of Heart. It's possible (but harder) to get this in the past using a Cucco. ----------------------------------- 34. Gerudo's Fortress (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot Get caught by a guard on purpose. Longshot to the window in your jail, and jump to the nearest ledge. Enter the fortress, shoot the guard down the hall, and turn left. Longshot over the step using the wooden beams on the ceiling, and head up the ramp. You'll be on a lookout tower. Longshot to the treasure chest to get a Piece of Heart. There are other paths you can take to get this Heart Piece, too. ----------------------------------- 35. Gerudo's Fortress ----------------------------------- Need: Gerudo's Membership Card, Epona To the east of Gerudo's Fortress is a horse track. Talk to the Gerudo under the tent while on Epona and she'll let you play a horseback archery game for 20 Rupees. You'll get 20 arrows and are trying to hit the pots and targets. Get 1,000 points and she'll give you a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 36. Desert Colossus ----------------------------------- Need: Requiem of Spirit In the past, plant a Magic Bean at the patch of soft soil right next to the Spirit Temple. In the future, you can ride this Bean Sprout to a stone arch that has a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 37. Gerudo's Fortress (Glitchy) ----------------------------------- Need: To be playing with a GameShark or emulator In the past, use a game enhancement device's Levitation code to float across the gap in Gerudo Valley leading to Gerudo's Fortress. From here, Levitate up to the watchtower to find an inexplicable Piece of Heart. I've heard that the big chest contains an Odd Mushroom if you didn't open it in the future, although I haven't confirmed this. =============================================================================== Gold Skulltulas [GOLDS] =============================================================================== Defeating all of the game's Gold Skulltulas is one of the most time-intensive sidequests in the game. Most of the Gold Skulltulas aren't mentioned in the main walkthrough, so refer to this section to see the full list of Gold Skulltulas. Remember that most of the overworld Gold Skulltulas only appear at night, so if it's not inside a dungeon, a building, or a crate, it's probably going to be available only at night. Interestingly, the Gold Skulltulas are split almost evenly between the past and future. The emblem of a gold spider appears next to locations on the map where you've defeated all of the Gold Skulltulas, but it's difficult to keep track of all the Gold Skulltulas you've collected, so I suggest printing this section out to use as a checklist. Most of the early Skulltulas are listed in chronological order (the order in the game you can defeat them), while the later ones are generally listed by region. When you go to the House of Skulltula in Kakariko Village, here's what you can get: Adult's Wallet (must have 10 Gold Skulltulas), Stone of Agony (20), Giant's Wallet (30), 10 Bombchu (40), Piece of Heart (50), 200 Rupees (100). You can get the 200 Rupees as many times as you want. Frankly, the last 70 (especially the last 50) Gold Skulltulas don't give you anything very useful, so collecting all of them is more for the hunt than the reward. ----------------------------------- 1. Inside the Great Deku Tree ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Sword, Deku Shield Roll into the crate near the chest with the Dungeon Map to find your first Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 2. Hyrule Castle ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Roll into the first tree to find it. ----------------------------------- 3. Market ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald In the first building you come to (with the bored soldier who wants more troubles in the world). Roll into one of the crates to find it. ----------------------------------- 4. Lon Lon Ranch ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Roll into the northeast tree. ----------------------------------- 5. Lon Lon Ranch ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald At night, look on the back side of the southeast part of the fence around the horse pasture. Just hit it with your sword, but watch out for any Guays that might attack. ----------------------------------- 6. Kakariko Village ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Roll into the first tree you come to. ----------------------------------- 7. Kakariko Village ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald At night, on the house that's under construction. ----------------------------------- 8. Kakariko Village ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald At night, on the back of the House of Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 9. Kakariko Village ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Near the top of the very large ladder, not far from the entrance to Death Mountain Trail. Use your Slingshot to defeat it from afar, and then climb up to retrieve the token. ----------------------------------- 10. Kakariko Village ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald At night on the back of the house closest to Death Mountain Trail. Look near the pots. ----------------------------------- 11. Dodongo's Cavern ----------------------------------- Need: Goron Bracelet In a room described near the end of the guide. Go through the corridor in the room reached by going through the Dodongo skull's mouth. It's on a narrow ledge. ----------------------------------- 12. Dodongo's Cavern ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag In the first Lizalfos room, use a Bomb to destroy the boulders. This opens a path leading to a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 13. Dodongo's Cavern ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag In one of the last rooms of dungeon (the one with the Armos Statues and graves). Climb onto a narrow ledge to find it. ----------------------------------- 14. Death Mountain Crater ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag Roll into the crate at the entrance. ----------------------------------- 15. Goron City ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag Blow up the rocks on the top level. Walk past and you'll find a new room full of rocks. Use bombs to destroy most of the brown rocks. Eventually you'll find a Gossip Stone, two chests containing 50 Rupees each, and a crate containing a Gold Skulltula. Do this before getting the bomb bag upgrade, since this consumes a lot of bombs. ----------------------------------- 16. Zora's River ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald Roll into the first tree you come to in order to get this Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 17. Zora's River ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag On a ladder near the second Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 18. Zora's Fountain ----------------------------------- Need: Third Bottle Roll into the tree on the southeastern part of Zora's Fountain to find a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 19. Jabu-Jabu's Belly ----------------------------------- Need: Third Bottle On the first floor in the west-most of the three northern rooms, you'll find some Tailpasarans and Shaboms. Step on a switch to make a waterspout form, and from there throw a bomb to destroy the rock that hides the Gold Skulltula. Good timing is necessary. Use the Boomerang to reel in the token. ----------------------------------- 20. Jabu-Jabu's Belly ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang In the room below the whirlpool room, enter the southwest door. Defeat all the enemies in here, including the invisible Keese, to form a path. Use your Boomerang to beat the Gold Skulltula found behind the web. ----------------------------------- 21. Jabu-Jabu's Belly ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang, Din's Fire In the room before the boss, climb the southeastern platform using the vine walls. Up here, use Din's Fire to defeat the Gold Skulltula on the ceiling. Now L-Target its token and throw your Boomerang to collect the token. If it hits the web wall, stand closer to the edge or in a different position. ----------------------------------- 22. Zora's Fountain ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang Look on the wall near a log in the southwest part of Zora's Fountain. Defeat it using the Boomerang. ----------------------------------- 23. Hyrule Field ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang Find a lonely tree near Hyrule Castle Town and Kakariko Village and place a bomb next to this tree. This reveals a hole. Drop down, defeat the Big Skulltula, and defeat the Gold Skulltula on the wall using your Boomerang. ----------------------------------- 24. Lon Lon Ranch ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang At night on a lit second-story window (on the left when entering Lon Lon Ranch). Use the Slingshot to defeat it and the Boomerang to take the token. L- Targeting helps when collecting the token. ----------------------------------- 25. Lon Lon Ranch ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang At night, look on the west edge of the ranch, just a little north of the silo. Use your Boomerang to defeat the high Gold Skulltula and take its token. Watch out for any Guays that swoop down and attack. ----------------------------------- 26. Graveyard ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang High up on the south end of the cemetery. Using the Boomerang is imperative for taking its token, although you might want to use the Slingshot to actually defeat it. ----------------------------------- 27. Graveyard ----------------------------------- Need: Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean On the northwestern corner of the graveyard is a soft patch of soil. Use a bug to stir up the Gold Skulltula, defeat it, and take the token. ----------------------------------- 28. Death Mountain Trail ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang Bomb the cracked wall near the base of Death Mountain Trail to reveal a Gold Skulltula in a tiny cave. Use the Boomerang to beat it. Watch out for the Tektites, though. Time of day doesn't matter on this overworld spider. ----------------------------------- 29. Death Mountain Trail ----------------------------------- Need: Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean Near the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern is a patch of soil. Drop in a bug to reveal the Gold Skulltula, and then plant the Magic Bean so you can get the Piece of Heart later. ----------------------------------- 30. Dodongo's Cavern ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang In the optional room with the many Poes, take the north door. Defeat any enemies if necessary, and use your Boomerang to defeat the Gold Skulltula in the corner. ----------------------------------- 31. Dodongo's Cavern ----------------------------------- Need: Song of Time Enter the northwestern door of the main room. From here, ignore the Beamos. Don't climb the stairs; instead, open the door near the Deku Baba that we ignored earlier. Play the Song of Time to destroy the northwestern block. From here, keep using the Song of Time to destroy the blocks until you reach the southeastern corner, where you'll find the Gold Skulltula. Watch out for the pair of Big Skulltulas, too. It's slightly easier to get this one in the future. ----------------------------------- 32. Kokiri Forest ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald, preferably Boomerang This one is found at night behind the house of the Know-It-All Brothers. Use the Boomerang to defeat it and take the token, although you can also use the Slingshot and a Jump Attack to get the token. ----------------------------------- 33. Kokiri Forest ----------------------------------- Need: Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean A patch of soft soil is located behind the Item Shop. Use a bottled bug to find the Skulltula, and then plant a Magic Bean. ----------------------------------- 34. Lost Woods ----------------------------------- Need: Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean Go right, left, right, left, and left to the area with the Forest Stage, where you'll find a patch of soft soil. Use a bug to drive out the Gold Skulltula and then plant a bean there. ----------------------------------- 35. Lost Woods ----------------------------------- Need: Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean Go left twice at the Kokiri Forest entrance to the Lost Woods to find a patch of soft soil. Use the bug to reveal a Gold Skulltula, and then plant one of your Magic Beans. ----------------------------------- 36. Inside the Great Deku Tree ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang, Bombchus Yes, we're returning to a completed dungeon to get a Gold Skulltula. See the vine wall next to where we got the Compass? Use a Bombchu to destroy the rocks that block the vine. Now you can climb up to an alcove where a Gold Skulltula lives. Use the Boomerang to destroy it and to take its token. ----------------------------------- 37. Inside the Great Deku Tree ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang In the main room of B1, use the block you moved to reach the ledge with the crawlspace. Go through to the room with the four torches. Enter the northwest room (burn the web first if you didn't do so earlier) and use your Slingshot to dispose of the Gohma Larvae and Deku Baba. Then use the Boomerang to take out the Gold Skulltula on the wall. ----------------------------------- 38. Inside the Great Deku Tree ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang, Song of Time In the room with the four torches and a few graves, play the Song of Time to make numerous Time Blocks appear. Jump up them to the Gold Skulltula on the ceiling. Use the Boomerang to retrieve its token. ----------------------------------- 39. Jabu-Jabu's Belly ----------------------------------- Need: Song of Time Go to the room with the rising/falling platform and take it down. Enter the nearest door and follow the corridor to the Time Block. This is where you got the Boomerang. Play the Song of Time to make the Time Block disappear, allowing you to collect the Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 40. Lake Hylia ----------------------------------- Need: Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean By the Lakeside Laboratory is a soft spot of earth. Bottle a bug and drop it at the hole to reveal a Gold Skulltula. Make sure to plant a Magic Bean after doing this, since doing so will someday earn you a Piece of Heart. ----------------------------------- 41. Lake Hylia ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang Stand on the bridge and look on the back side of the Lakeside Laboratory. Again use the Boomerang. ----------------------------------- 42. Lake Hylia ----------------------------------- Need: Kokiri Emerald This Gold Skulltula is on a short pillar on the southeast island of Lake Hylia. ----------------------------------- 43. Hyrule Field ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang, Din's Fire Near the entrance to Gerudo Valley, place a bomb in the center of the circle of rocks to reveal a hole. Go down and use Din's Fire to destroy the multitude of spider webs. Look in the corner on the wall near the cow to find a Gold Skulltula. Use the Boomerang to defeat it and to collect its token. ----------------------------------- 44. Gerudo Valley ----------------------------------- Need: Boomerang This one appears at night above the small waterfall at the entrance to Gerudo Valley. Stand on the narrow plank and use the Boomerang to beat it. ----------------------------------- 45. Gerudo Valley ----------------------------------- Need: Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean Use a Cucco to descend to the western ledge under the bridge. Use a bottled bug in the soft soil patch to reveal a Gold Skulltula. Plant a Magic Bean here, too. ----------------------------------- 46. Ganon's Castle (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot Hyrule Castle is Ganon's Castle in the future. Look for the Gold Skulltula behind the northeastern arch. ----------------------------------- 47. Gerudo Valley (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Epona, Hookshot Behind the carpenters' tent at night. ----------------------------------- 48. Gerudo Valley (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Epona, Hookshot Use the Hookshot to defeat the Gold Skulltula found on the stone pillar in the southwest portion of the map. ----------------------------------- 49. Kokiri Forest (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot On the back of the roof of the House of Twins (the house closest to the Great Deku Tree, near Saria's House). Use the Hookshot to defeat it and collect the token. ----------------------------------- 50. Lost Woods (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Master Sword In the Lost Woods, go right, left, right, left, and left to the area with the Forest Stage. Ride the Bean Sprout you planted in the past to reach a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 51. Sacred Forest Meadow (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot On the east end at night, a little before you come to the biggest Moblin. Climb onto the high ledge to get close enough to it. Use your Hookshot to defeat it and take its token. ----------------------------------- 52. Forest Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot In the room before the Main Room (with the three Skulltulas), use your Hookshot to defeat the Gold Skulltula above and to the left of the door. ----------------------------------- 53. Forest Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot From the Main Room, go west through the corridor to the Block Room. This one is on the floor in the southeast corner of the room. ----------------------------------- 54. Forest Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Fairy Bow On a target above the main door in the northeast room. Use the Hookshot to defeat it and take its token. You will almost certainly get this one. ----------------------------------- 55. Forest Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Fairy Bow In the room in B1 under the well, look just above the water on the west wall to find a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 56. Forest Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Fairy Bow Climb the vine wall on the west end of B1 as far as possible. There's an easy- to-beat Gold Skulltula on the ledge. ----------------------------------- 57. Hyrule Castle ----------------------------------- Need: Song of Storms Stand next to the tree closest to Hyrule Castle (near the moat) and play the Song of Storms to open a hole. Drop down the hole and bomb one of the walls to find a Gold Skulltula. Read about the Gold Skulltula glitch in the FAQs section before collecting this one if you're interested in collecting this Gold Skulltula unlimited times. ----------------------------------- 58. Death Mountain Crater ----------------------------------- Need: Bolero of Fire, Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean In the past, use the Bolero of Fire to warp to Death Mountain Crater. Drop a bottled bug into the hole in front of you to find a Gold Skulltula. Then plant a Magic Bean and get out of here! ----------------------------------- 59. Fire Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Megaton Hammer In the lower northern room of the Main Fire Room, rescue the Goron and defeat the Gold Skulltula in his cell. Very hard to miss. ----------------------------------- 60. Fire Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Megaton Hammer In the maze room with many Lizalfoses, stand near the wall you can climb down (that you blew up earlier). When Navi is green, play the Song of Time to create a Time Block. Stand on the Hookshot target (if it isn't around, hit the rusted switch behind the bombable wall) and jump onto the Time Block. Hookshot to the upper target, and then Hookshot to another target across from you. This platform rises to another level. Go through the door and Hookshot the face (L- Target if necessary) to unlock a door. Defeat the Torch Slugs and climb the grates until you come to a new donut-shaped room. Go counter-clockwise up the hill until you come to a flaming block and a rusted switch. Smash the switch with the Megaton Hammer to make a Hookshot target appear. Now jump down and step on the switch near you to temporarily extinguish a fire. Use this new target as a shortcut up the hill. Rush to the block and push it out of the way, revealing a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 61. Fire Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Megaton Hammer In the Tower Room in 3F, go into the tower's eastern door. Hookshot across the flames to the target, and hit the rusty switch. Return to the previous room. Go through the maze of flames on the south end to a door. Go through this door and blow up the nearby wall to find a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 62. Fire Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Megaton Hammer Take the south entrance of the tower (as in the previous one), but go north through the tower. Go forward and step on the nearby switch, making a wall of fire disappear temporarily. Quickly climb over the ledge where the fire was and enter the western door. Defeat the Flare Dancer (use the same strategies as last time). Then step on the central platform to trigger it, then jump off and grab the Small Key underneath. Then ride the platform up and open the door. Climb up the grated walls and open the next door. Hit the crystal switch to temporary extinguish the fire, and run up and open the chest for a Small Key. Stand on the face ledge (next to the crystal switch) and smash the ledge with your Megaton Hammer to make it drop down. Open the locked door, using your last Small Key. Defeat the Stalfos ahead, and smash the small face pillar to make some stairs drop down. Fight the Stalfos on the stairs, and L-Target and Hookshot the face to unlock a door. Open this door and defeat the Gold Skulltula on the wall. Smash the face platform and you'll be back in the Tower Room. ----------------------------------- 63. Fire Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Megaton Hammer In the Tower Room, head northeast and play the Song of Time near the Time Block on the ground. This moves it near the upper tower door. Climb up to this block and use it to jump over the flame walls that pop up when you come near. Enter the northeast door to find a Lizalfos and a Gold Skulltula. Restore the Time Block if you need to cross back over the flame wall. ----------------------------------- 64. Death Mountain Trail (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Megaton Hammer Use the Megaton Hammer to destroy a boulder blocking a Gold Skulltula near where the lonely Bomb Flower was in the past. ----------------------------------- 65. Death Mountain Trail (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Megaton Hammer Use the Megaton Hammer to destroy a boulder blocking a Gold Skulltula near the wall you climb to reach Death Mountain Crater (where the avalanches used to occur). ----------------------------------- 66. Goron City (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Bomb Bag, preferably Longshot On the upper level, place a bomb on the center platform near the Goron where the Goron who talks about the Goron Ruby is. This destroys the Gold Skulltula. Then use a Jump Attack or backflip to get it. It's much easier to wait until you have the Longshot, when you can defeat it from afar, although if you stand on the rope, you can collect it with a plain old Hookshot. ----------------------------------- 67. Zora's River (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot Ride the Bean Sprout you planted in the past to the high platform on the south end of the river. This Gold Skulltula lives on the wall near a grotto. ----------------------------------- 68. Zora's Domain (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot This one is near where you played the diving game (turn west from King Zora's throne room). Step onto the edge of the frozen waterfall and look left. Bop it with the Hookshot. ----------------------------------- 69. Ice Cavern (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Master Sword, Blue Fire In the Compass room, play the Song of Time near the Compass. Stand on Time Block and play the Song of Time again. Dump Blue Fire some blue fire on the red ice enclosing the Gold Skulltula, then defeat it. ----------------------------------- 70. Ice Cavern (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot In the northwest room of the Ice Cavern, look up near the east entrance to this room to find a hidden crystal switch. Hit it with your Hookshot to release a Gold Skulltula on the south end of the room. ----------------------------------- 71. Ice Cavern (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hookshot, Scarecrow's Song Also in the most northwestern room of the Ice Cavern, head near the northern edge of the room and play the Scarecrow's Song. Hookshot to Pierre and destroy the Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 72. Lake Hylia (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Iron Boots In the Lakeside Laboratory, use the Iron Boots to sink down to the bottom of the tank. Roll into the crate to find a Gold Skulltula. Use the Hookshot to defeat it. ----------------------------------- 73. Lake Hylia (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot There's a dead tree near the warp point. Longshot to its very top to find a Gold Skulltula. It's easiest if you Longshot to the point just above the branch first, so you land on the branch. Then defeat the Gold Skulltula and Longshot to the top. ----------------------------------- 74. Water Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot With the water level at medium, go to the south end of 2F. Step on the yellow switch to open the gate and go through. Defeat the nearby Lizalfos, then stand in front of the nearby gate. Cast Din's Fire to open the gate and defeat the Gold Skulltula. Then take its token. ----------------------------------- 75. Water Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot In the whirlpool room, a Gold Skulltula is high up on the wall in the first bend of the river. Use the Longshot to defeat it and take its token. ----------------------------------- 76. Water Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot, Scarecrow's Song, Boss Key Sink to the bottom of the Main Room and head through the north passage. Rise to the top and Longshot across the spikes to the opposite side of the room. Open the door. Look west and play the Scarecrow's Song. Longshot to Pierre and enter the nearby door. Hit the crystal switch to activate several waterspouts. Stand on the first and cast Din's Fire, and make your way to the torch on the opposite side of the room. Cast Din's Fire again to light the last torch and open the door. Jump down to the next level and shoot each Dodongo's tail with an arrow (bombs also work, and daring players can jump down into the fray for a sword fight). Also defeat any Dodongos in the tunnel. When they're all gone, the doors open. Longshot to the southern alcove and go through the door. Now use your Megaton Hammer to crush the crates until you find this hard-earned Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 77. Water Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Fire Arrows, Scarecrow's Song Sink to the bottom of the Main Room and enter the southern passage. Follow the corridor until you come to a dead end. Then float to the top and climb onto the platform. Look to the platform to find three torches. Use the Fire Arrows to light each one (Din's Fire doesn't work), opening a gate. Climb up onto the platform and play the Scarecrow's Song. Longshot to the scarecrow and fight the two Stalfoses (nobody ever said getting all these Gold Skulltulas would be easy!). Longshot the tablet if you need a fairy, then use the Longshot to defeat the Gold Skulltula on the ceiling. ----------------------------------- 78. Kakariko Village (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot Longshot onto the roof of Anju's house to find a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 79. Zora's River (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot Look up at the wall near the bridge that comes right before Zora's Domain. Use the Longshot. ----------------------------------- 80. Bottom of the Well ----------------------------------- Need: Lens of Truth On the bottom level, enter the northwest corridor and turn on the Lens of Truth. Defeat the three otherwise invisible Skulltulas, and defeat the Gold Skulltula found at the end of the passage. ----------------------------------- 81. Bottom of the Well ----------------------------------- Need: Forest Medallion Enter the western passage in the main room. Jump down, climb the wall, and unlock the door. Avoid the Gibdo and Poe and defeat the Gold Skulltula found behind the pillar in the northwest corner of the room. ----------------------------------- 82. Bottom of the Well ----------------------------------- Need: Lens of Truth Open the western door near the Map chest. Turn on the Lens of Truth and use your Slingshot to dispose of the multitude of Skulltulas and Keese. Pull back the grave to find the Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 83. Shadow Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hover Boots In the room with the falling spiked ceilings, look for the Gold Skulltula in a cell to the south of where you push the block to protect you from the spikes. ----------------------------------- 84. Shadow Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hover Boots In the easternmost room of B4 (after the corridor with the fans), there are four ReDeads and a Gold Skulltula on the wall. ----------------------------------- 85. Shadow Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hover Boots In the room you used the wind to reach, defeat the Gibdos and bomb the piles of dirt in the corners of the room. One hides an invisible treasure chest, and the other has a Gold Skulltula. ----------------------------------- 86. Shadow Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hover Boots After you knock down the statue in the Ferry Room in north B4, cross the bridge you form and look across the gap. You'll find the Gold Skulltula just below the ledge. Use the Longshot to defeat it and take the token. ----------------------------------- 87. Shadow Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hover Boots On the platform right before the Boss Door, Longshot the Gold Skulltula and take its token. ----------------------------------- 88. Water Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Hover Boots First set the water level to medium (sink down to the west corridor, float to the Triforce symbol, play Zelda's Lullaby to set the water level to low, and then play Zelda's Lullaby at the Triforce symbol in the central tower). Go down the eastern corridor and Longshot to the target on the ceiling. Pick up one of the crates and carefully take it back to the Main Room. Use the Hover Boots to float across to the walkway around the tower. Change back to the Kokiri Boots and place the crate on the blue switch on the west side of the walkway. Go through the newly-opened west door. Defeat the lone Lizalfos and break the crates until you find a crystal switch. Hit to make a Hookshot target appear. Stand on it and look up. Longshot to the high target and break the crates. One hides a Gold Skulltula. That wasn't very easy. ----------------------------------- 89. Gerudo's Fortress (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot On top of Gerudo's Fortress, a little south of the big chest. ----------------------------------- 90. Gerudo's Fortress (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Gerudo's Membership Card Look on the northeast archery target. Use the Longshot and defeat it from an angle so you don't accidentally Longshot to the target itself. ----------------------------------- 91. Haunted Wasteland (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Longshot Enter the concrete tower after the poles to find a Gold Skulltula on the wall. ----------------------------------- 92. Desert Colossus ----------------------------------- Need: Requiem of Spirit, Empty Bottle, preferably a Magic Bean Drop a bottled bug in the soft soil patch next to the entrance to the Spirit Temple. Don't forget to plant your Magic Bean, too. ----------------------------------- 93. Desert Colossus (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Requiem of Spirit Use the Bean Sprout you planted in the past to reach a bluff that has a Gold Skulltula at night. ----------------------------------- 94. Desert Colossus (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Requiem of Spirit Use the Longshot to take out a Gold Skulltula on the back of a tree in the south part of the Desert Colossus region. Do it quickly or you'll get harassed by Leevers. ----------------------------------- 95. Spirit Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Silver Gauntlets In the room where you push the blocks into the sun. Pushing the block farthest from the sunlight (you'll have to hit the crystal switch twice to dissipate the fires) into the sun will create a glass platform under a Hookshot target. Longshot to it, then take out the Gold Skulltula. One heck of a tough Gold Skulltula! Check my walkthrough to find out how to get to this room. ----------------------------------- 96. Spirit Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Silver Gauntlets Take the left fork in the Waterspout Room on 1F. This is the room with the Triforce symbol and Leevers. Look for the Gold Skulltula on the ceiling. ----------------------------------- 97. Spirit Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Mirror Shield In the room with the many Big Skulltulas (after the one where you had to play songs in several alcoves), a Gold Skulltula is on the wall. ----------------------------------- 98. Spirit Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Mirror Shield In the north room of 4F. Open the locked door in front of the Triforce symbol. In this room is an Iron Knuckle. Let the Iron Knuckle smash three thrones with his ax. Two of them guard Gold Skulltulas. ----------------------------------- 99. Spirit Temple (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Mirror Shield See #98. ----------------------------------- 100. Zora's Fountain (future) ----------------------------------- Need: Silver Gauntlets In the southeast part of Zora's Fountain, look for a gray boulder (on the Fairy Fountain's island). Use the Silver Gauntlets to lift this boulder, then use a bomb to implode a smaller rock underneath, revealing a hole. Jump down this hole to a secret area. Defeat the invisible Skulltulas and climb the ladder to an alcove with a Gold Skulltula. =============================================================================== Secrets and Glitches [SECRT] =============================================================================== Ocarina of Time has a LOT of secrets, tricks, glitches, and oddities. This list should not be considered exhaustive - I just wanted to point out some of the most famous, useful, and interesting ones. Keep in mind that many of the glitches were corrected in subsequent versions of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secrets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * You'll sometimes find Rupees or other goodies when you roll into a tree. At some places, such as Hyrule Castle, rolling into trees could even reveal fairies. * As in most Zelda games, if you attack a Cucco enough times, you'll be harassed by a whole swarm of Cuccos. Quickly take cover indoors if this happens. * If you hold out a Deku Stick near a butterfly, the butterfly may land on the stick and transform into the fairy. Shigeru Miyamoto is reputed to love butterflies and likes to include butterfly-related Easter eggs in his games. * Deku Sticks typically break after they're used as weapons. However, you can make your Deku Stick indestructible if you forward slash with it and get lucky. The stick will break in half, and you'll be able to hit as many enemies with the same stick as you want. * It's possible to use the Lens of Truth without consuming magic power. Play the Song of Storms and immediately open the Lens of Truth, and you'll be able to use the item without your magic being depleted. * If you hit an enemy using a Light Arrow, it'll often drop 50 Rupees. The bad news is that by the time you obtain the Light Arrows, there probably won't be many expensive items left to buy. * If you defeat enough Leevers, Stalchildren, or Guays, larger versions of those enemies may appear. * In the past, you can play the Song of Storms next to a seedling to make a fairy appear. * Every time you release a bug from a bottle, three bugs will come out. If you have enough empty bottles, you can scoop up more of the inexplicably- multiplying bugs. This trick comes in handy for finding Golden Skulltulas, but it's also a good way to "farm" cash, since you can sell bottles of bugs in stores. * You can use various button combinations to change the pitch and timbre of Ocarina notes. With these combinations, you can play quite an impressive variety of songs. R: Makes note sharp (one half step higher) Z: Makes note flat (one half step lower) Control Pad Up Makes note one full step higher Control Pad Down: Makes note one full step lower Control Pad Left/Right: Adds a vibrato effect to the notes * Epona doesn't like getting hit by arrows. Of course, if you hit your horse with arrows on purpose, you're on the fast track to reaching the Horrible People List! * If you "catch" the fishing man's hat, his hat will disappear permanently - even in the game's ending. * It's possible to enter Dodongo's Cavern in the future, and you can enter the Great Deku Tree in the future if you haven't beaten the Forest Temple yet. Likewise, you can go inside the Fire Temple and Shadow Temple in the past. The Forest Temple and Ice Cavern can also be reached in the past if you use a game enhancement device. By exploiting other glitches and tricks, you can complete many of the dungeons out of their intended order. Many of these tricks involve using bombs to propel yourself over large gaps, sometimes in conjunction with other items or other glitches. * During game testing, the developers used a Star Fox Arwing object for testing purposes. By using a game enhancement device, you can see this item in the actual game. It's pretty cool. * Ocarina of Time is a large, complicated game that was produced over a long period of time. Moreover, it's an extremely popular game that has been extensively hacked. Some industrious hackers have discovered all kinds of debug/beta content inside the game. Most of it isn't too amazing - there are no vestiges of hidden dungeons as once rumored. However, the game does contain unused animations, character models, test rooms, sound effects, text, and other goodies. You can also get an idea of how the game's development process worked The Cutting Room Floor's page for Ocarina of Time is extremely detailed and is an interesting read: https://tcrf.net/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Ocarina_of_Time ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Glitches ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A lot of the classic glitches from the original version of Ocarina of Time, such as Swordless Link and the Bottle Glitch, don't work in Master Quest, which is based on later printings of Ocarina of Time. * The Gold Skulltula Glitch allows you to collect an infinite number of Gold Skulltula Tokens. It works in both the original version of the game as well as Master Quest. Look for a tree at Hyrule Castle near the moat. It's not far from the entrance to the courtyard. Play the Song of Storms by the tree to open up a secret cave. Hop in and blow up the weak walls to uncover a Gold Skulltula. Hit it twice with your Slingshot or Boomerang to defeat it. Now stand near the exit (the platform with the ray of light) and L-Target the Gold Skulltula Token. Throw your Boomerang at the token, and when it touches the token, step into the exit. If done properly, you'll take a Gold Skulltula Token, but the Gold Skulltula will not disappear. This way, you can go back and repeat this process as many times as you want! * Some of the more obscure glitches are listed on the Zelda Wiki: http://zeldawiki.org/Glitches_in_Ocarina_of_Time =============================================================================== Frequently Asked Questions [QUEST] =============================================================================== These are questions that Ocarina of Time players frequently ask about, as well as solutions to some of the most difficult sections of the game that screw many people up. Caution: Contains mild doses of spoilers. Q: I can't get past... A: Check my walkthrough! That's what it's for. If you can't unlock a door, use my guide to find out where the Small Keys are. If you can't find a Compass, follow the advice in my walkthrough. If you're really stuck, try using someone else's walkthrough, or you can send me an e-mail (see the Contact Information section for more details). Q: What do those numbers by my save file mean? A: The number of times you've lost a life while playing that save file. I've been able to achieve the noble feat of completing a 000 game in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Master Quest), but nothing really special happens if you do so. There isn't any kind of alternate ending or other reward for finishing a perfect game. Q: How can I tell if I have all the Gold Skulltulas in a dungeon? A: Look on the Map Subscreen. If there's a Gold Skulltula icon next to the dungeon's name, you know you've found all of them in that dungeon. Q: Are there any items I have only chance to collect? A: Only one - a certain Deku Nut capacity upgrade. It's discussed right after the Jabu-Jabu's Belly strategy. You don't need it to complete the game, and it's arguably the most useless upgrade in the game. Q: Why can't I have more than 99 Rupees? A: You start the game with a small wallet that can't hold many Rupees. Keep squashing Gold Skulltulas and you'll be able to unlock upgrades for your wallet that let you carry a greater number of Rupees. Certain items are unobtainable until you get a bigger wallet. Q: How do you get past the spinning spiked log in the Great Deku Tree? A: Wait for the floating platform to come near you. Pull out a Deku Stick, step on the switch, and get the newly-lit flame to light the Deku Stick. Jump onto the floating platform, press R to use your shield (which makes you duck under the log), and then use the Deku Stick to light the torches on the other side. This room seems to give a lot of people trouble. Q: How do I get inside Jabu-Jabu? A: Make sure you have an empty bottle. Look inside Zora's Domain and you'll find a few fish. Press the C button to which your bottle is equipped to bottle the fish. Fish also appear in some underground caves. Then head outside to Jabu-Jabu and drop the fish near his mouth. Q: Where can I bottle bugs? A: The best place for finding bugs is in the underground grottoes. Also try looking in grass in the Lost Woods and under a rock at the graveyard near Dampe's house, among other places. Remember where you can find bugs, since you need them to get a lot of the Gold Skulltulas. Q: Can I drop a bug into a patch of soft soil where I've already planted a Magic Bean? A: Yes. You can do it in either order. I always get the Gold Skulltula and plant the Magic Bean at the same time so I remember which ones I've done. Q: Why can't I find a Gold Skulltula in the patch of soft soil in Zora's River next to the Magic Bean man? A: If you drop a bottled bug into any other patch of soft soil, a Gold Skulltula comes out. However, this one doesn't have a Gold Skulltula. Q: Why can't I find the running man? A: The Running Man runs in an irregular counter-clockwise circle around Lon Lon Ranch. First, he appears here only in the past. Second, you won't be able to find him until you've completed Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Just keep running clockwise around Hyrule Field and you'll find him eventually. Q: What do the different masks do? A: If you equip it using a C Button, the Spooky Mask repels Keese. This can be useful in Dodongo's Cavern. If you wear the Bunny Hood, Hyrule Field's Stalchildren won't attack you. Two masks can be used to get capacity upgrades. The Mask of Truth is used to read Gossip Stones. The last three masks (Gerudo, Goron, and Zora) are just to make people say silly things. A few of my findings: The Keaton Mask inspires nostalgia amongst the ladies in Hyrule Castle Town. Many Hylians, like Anju, find it to be cute. Fado thinks it's cool. It causes Saria to giggle and makes the soldiers and the graveyard kid envious. Fado thinks the Skull Mask makes you resemble a forest ghost. Saria thinks it looks familiar, like the Dekus' forest totem. If you wear the Spooky Mask, female Kokiris will say your face looks like a shield. It makes Saria sad, but the foreman cares more about the good quality wood! Mido says the Bunny Hood is cool. Male Kokiris say it's funny, Saria thinks it's happy, and Anju finds it to be cute. Male Hylians will mention the rabbit- chaser. The kid in the cemetery, however, doesn't know what rabbits are called. The Mask of Truth gives carpenters envy or terror. It makes Saria sad, while soldiers are usually indifferent. Ingo tells you to work hard. Malon thinks it's annoying. The graveyard kid thinks it makes you look like Dampe. King Zora thinks it's silly. Ruto, the Windmill Man, and Kokiri girls think it gives you a big head. Try talking to Honey and Darling while wearing the Gerudo Mask. Some men, like the carpenters and Ingo, think it's sexy. Saria says it's scary (a tongue twister). Fado wants to get Mido to beat you up. Anju and Gorons don't care. Darunia says he hates Gerudos. Malon and most Kokiris still recognize you anyway. Gorons are fooled by the Goron Mask. It makes Darunia mad. Saria and Ingo think it's happy. Anju and Malon think it's cute. Soldiers think it's cool. Soldiers think the Zora Mask is also cool. Saria thinks it's cool but scary. It makes Darunia mad. It gives Gorons rapid heartbeat. It makes Ruto put more pressure on you to marry her. King Zora thinks it isn't funny. Grog thinks you're a witch. Fado again threatens to enlist Mido to beat you up. Q: Why won't the Song of Time or Scarecrow's Song work? A: If the Song of Time doesn't do anything, try standing in a different place (probably a place where Navi turns green). The same goes with the Scarecrow's Song. Also, remember that you have to play the Scarecrow's Song for Bonooru in both the past and future for the Scarecrow's Song to work. Q: Why doesn't one of the items work in the trading sequence? A: You usually have to L-Target the intended recipient of the item and then use that item. Also remember that you can't use any warping mechanisms on timed trades. Q: How do I get the Giant's Knife? A: I don't cover this in my walkthrough, as it's a big waste of money. For informational purposes only, first destroy 10 Gold Skulltulas to get the first wallet upgrade. Before you get the Master Sword, go to Goron City and use the Bomb Flowers to blow up a series of cracked rock walls. Eventually you'll find a large Goron named Medigoron. Pay him 200 Rupees and he'll promise to make you a new sword - someday. In the future, go back to him and he'll give you the Giant's Knife. This sword is as powerful as Biggoron's Sword, but it will quickly break and lose almost all of its range. Sorry. Q: What is the sinking lure and how can I get it? A: First, you'll have to be in the future and catch a 20-pound fish or greater. Use the Golden Scale to dive around in the fishing pond and you may find the sinking lure. Talk to the fishing pond owner and ask to talk about something, and he'll let you use this bait. You can use the sinking lure to increase your odds of catching a rare, unusual fish known as the Hylian Loach. I've heard it's best caught right before morning, but it's VERY hard to get it even to bite. Nothing great happens if you catch it, except for the bragging rights. Q: What good is that room with the lava in the northeast part of Goron City? A: Once you get the Longshot, you can reach the opposite side of this weird room, where you'll find a hole with two Business Scrubs who sell overpriced junk. That's why I didn't mention this room in my walkthrough. Q: Why can't I ever beat the Running Man? A: It's impossible. Near the entrance to Gerudo Valley is the carpenters' tent. In the future, you'll find the Running Man inside. Once the carpenters have rebuilt the bridge, you can challenge him to a race to the entrance of Kokiri Forest. No matter how quickly or slowly you go, he will always beat you there, winning by one second. You can try beating your own best time, though, which is recorded inside your house in Kokiri Forest. My best time is 1 minute and 18 seconds. By the way, the Running Man game wasn't the Piece of Heart whose location was changed during development (that one involved the Kokiri Forest Bean Sprout). Q: Does anything special happen if I go through the hole in the roof in Darunia's room? A: No, no, and no! A lot of people have tried to use the Levitate code on a Game Shark game enhancement device in an attempt to float up through the hole, but no efforts have been successful in uncovering anything profound. No matter how many times you try, you won't find any Sky Temple, purple tunic, or Triforce up there. Q: What's the use of that alcove in Kakariko Village's windmill? A: If you use the Longshot, you can reach a secret alcove and staircase in the windmill of Kakariko Village (just stand on a roof and Longshot to the small post in the alcove). However, there's nothing in it, except for some stairs. My guess is that this alcove was used in a mini-game or mini-boss that was planned but never implemented, possibly a fight with Bongo-Bongo when Kakariko Village is on fire. It could have even been the site of a Gold Skulltula or Heart Piece that was moved during development. I'm not sure, though. Q: What happens if I light the torches in the first room of the Royal Family's Tomb? A: You get a chest containing bombs. Q: How do I get the Silver Rupee in the Fire Route of Ganon's Castle? A: Ride the platform to its apex, and perform a backflip (press A while moving backwards and holding Z) to take it. Stand near the edge of the platform so you don't jump into the lava. Q: How long does a day last? A: In the overworld, 2 minutes and 30 seconds; night is about 1 minute and 30 seconds. It's obviously summer. These numbers are the same in both the past and future. Q: What's the best way to accumulate Rupees? A: In the past, try smashing the pots in the guard house at the entrance of Hyrule Castle Town. You can usually gain about 35 Rupees this way. Try wearing the Mask of Truth at the Forest Stage. The Dekus will sometimes give you Rupees. Wall Masters drop surprising numbers of Rupees; you could try beating the one in the Bottom of the Well (and other places) a few times. Sidequests like the Poe Hunt, Mask Trade, and the Frog Concert can be quite profitable. If you've collected all 100 Gold Skulltula Tokens, you can get 200 Rupees each time you go to the House of Skulltula. Perhaps the fastest way to accumulate currency is to defeat the Skull Kid in the Lost Woods (turn left from the entrance). You can defeat him as many times as you want, and he drops a Huge Rupee if you slash him a few times. What's more, he comes back as soon as you return to this screen. Q: What shops are best? A: I don't include a list of the items and prices of the game's various shops in my guide. If you need to refill energy, play Epona's Song near a Gossip Stone to produce a fairy. You can also play Epona's Song near a cow to get some Lon Lon Milk. Saria's House is another excellent place to get Recovery Hearts, as are the rocks found near the Bean Sprout at the entrance to Dodongo's Cavern. Fairy Fountains also allow you to recover your life energy (including the ones that only have small fairies, found in the Sacred Forest Meadow, the Graveyard, Zora's River, Zora's Domain, Hyrule Field, Gerudo's Fortress, the Desert Colossus, and Ganon's Castle). If you need things like arrows and bombs, try slashing the bushes found throughout Hyrule, especially in Hyrule Field and the graveyard. Epona makes this easier. If you lose your Deku Shield, go to the Kokiri Shop. If you lose your Hylian Shield, go to the item shop at Hyrule Castle Town (in the past) or Kakariko Village (in the future). If a Like Like gobbles up your Goron Tunic, go to the Goron Shop in Goron City, and if you lose the Zora Tunic, you can buy it in Zora's Domain. Generally, I recommend avoiding the services of Business Scrubs, whose wares are usually overpriced (and the best merchants don't spit at you). Q: What good are Gossip Stones? A: Gossip Stones are the gray stones marked with the Sheikah symbol. You'll find them scattered throughout Hyrule. If you're wearing the Mask of Truth, you can talk to a Gossip Stone and learn a tip or fact. Hit a Gossip Stone using your sword and you will learn the current time. If you use a bomb or Bombchu on a Gossip Stone, it will flash for a second and blast off into the air, exploding if it hits something. This is hilarious to see. If you hit a Gossip Stone while it's flashing, it'll stay that color. If you smash a Gossip Stone with the Megaton Hammer, it'll flatten out temporarily. Hit one with your Hookshot or Longshot to make it wiggle. Shooting an arrow at the Gossip Stone will make it change shape briefly. Din's Fire will make Gossip Stones spin around. If you play Epona's Song, the Song of Storms, or Zelda's Lullaby near a Gossip Stone, a red fairy will appear. Q: How can I find out my best scores and times in mini-games? A: Just look on the bulletin board in her house in Kokiri Forest. These are my personal records: * 100 spiders squished * Largest fish caught: 19 pounds * Marathon time: 1'18 * Horse race: 0'49 * Horseback archery: 1570 points Q: Is there an alternate ending? A: No, not even if you complete the game without losing a life. Nothing special happens even if you don't pick up a single Heart Container during the game. There is only one thing you can do to affect the ending: At the fishing game, take the man's hat when you have 50 or fewer Rupees. In the ending he won't have a hat. Q: Can you get the Triforce? A: NO! On April 1, 1999, the Nintendo Web site posted a series of (deliberately) fake screen shots of Link getting the Triforce. This was an April Fool's Day joke. There's no way you can get the Triforce, like it or not, unless you hack into the game or get hooked on drugs. Q: Why doesn't the Bottle Glitch work? A: This glitch has been removed in later versions of Ocarina of Time. The Swordless Link glitch is also gone in some. To take advantage of the Bottle Glitch, equip an empty bottle to a C-Button and swing it to grab a fish or bug. Before you nab it, though, press START and assign another item (preferably a useless one like the Claim Check) to that C-Button. The item will become another bottle! Q: What is the Beta World? A: You can use a game enhancement device to reach a series of strange worlds that basically allow you to control Link during cutscenes. All of the "pointers" are messed up; for example, if you go through the entrance to Hyrule Castle Town, you might find yourself in the Goron Item Shop or Kokiri Forest. There is a guide on GameFAQs that discusses the Beta World fully. Q: Is there something in this game I don't know about? A: Here are a few facts you might not know: * If you save your progress inside a dungeon, you'll start at the entrance of the dungeon instead of your house or the Temple of Time when you resume your progress. * Sometimes you'll want to use your shield again after drawing Biggoron's Sword or the Megaton Hammer. You can wait for A-button "Put Away" option to appear, but it's faster just to pull out your Hookshot instead. * Here are some shortcuts you may not know about: Lost Woods-Goron City, Gerudo Valley-Lake Hylia (use the river), Zora's Domain-Lake Hylia, Zora's River-Lost Woods (use the Iron Boots) * Rolling does not help you travel more quickly than you could by running normally. However, you can travel through large sections, such as Hyrule Field, more quickly than usual by sidestepping while L-targeting. * In the future, Death Mountain Trail is covered in boulders. You can use the Megaton Hammer to destroy them permanently. * No, you can't bomb the cracked wall at the Fishing Pond. * If you ever destroy a sign by accident, you can play Zelda's Lullaby to restore the sign. * You can stay underwater or in fiery areas (such as Death Mountain Crater) without a tunic longer by increasing your number of Heart Containers. Having damage when you enter will also reduce the time limit. * Some locations, notably Kakariko Village and Kokiri Forest, look quite interesting if you visit near sunset. * There's a Red Rupee on top of the staircase (above the cow) in Anju's house in the future. * Every Big Boss in the game was defeated by stunning it (using various methods, but usually involving a weapon found in that dungeon) and then slashing away at it using your sword. * Poes are named after the brilliant but psychotic writer Edgar Allan Poe, and the Forest Temple's Poe Sisters are named after the "Little Women" girls. * If you look closely, you'll notice that Malon wears a Bowser necklace. * The image shown on each Dungeon Map resembles the map of Dodongo's Cavern. Look closely. * Ocarina of Time's game engine is a heavily modified version of the Super Mario 64 engine. * According to Shigeru Miyamoto, Link starts out at about 8 years of age (he says Link should be a second-grader), so he's about 15 years old in the future. * Most characters from Ocarina of Time appear as extra characters in Tournament Mode in both the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Color versions of Mario Golf: Bonooru, Dampe, Darunia, Deku Scrub, Goron Kid, Impa (spelled Inpa), Ingo, King Zora, Link, Malon, Mido, Nabooru, Navi, Pierre, Rauru, Ruto (spelled Rutooo), Saria, Sheik, Skull Kid, Talon, and Zelda. Absent are characters who weren't named until Majora's Mask (like Anju, Grog, and Guru-Guru), the carpenters, Fado (whose name is not actually mentioned in the game), and Ganondorf. Additionally, Koume appears in tournaments in Mario Golf: Advance Tour. * I want to say that I missed a chest somewhere in the Spirit Temple. If anyone wants to fill me in, be my guest. Q: I've defeated Ganondorf. What can I do now? A: Ocarina of Time doesn't have a second quest, but the game's replay value is still very high. * There are almost certainly some Pieces of Heart and Gold Skulltulas you've missed. Use my guide to help you find them. * In the past, use the Mask of Truth to see what the Gossip Stones say (some are fairly interesting). * Use the Stone of Agony to look for some secret underground caves you may have missed (not all are covered in the guide). Most of them are around the outside edge of Hyrule Field. One easy-to-miss grotto is on the bluff before the main entrance to the Lost Woods. Also look for them near the main entrances to the Sacred Forest Meadow and Kakariko Village. Both grottoes boast unusual graphics, and they hide 50 and 200 Rupees, respectively. * Try completing the Gerudo's Training Ground, an optional mini-dungeon. * Start a new game and try completing the dungeons in a different order. * Complete the game without getting the Lens of Truth. Now that's tough! * Play the Three-Heart Challenge - play through the game without getting any additional Heart Containers. * Try manipulating your game using GameShark or Pro Action Replay codes. In particular, the Levitation code lets you do some pretty interesting things. Such codes can be found in other guides. * Play the original version of Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 (or the Wii Virtual Console), the 3DS remake, or another Zelda game (like Majora's Mask, which is a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time). * I once made a Zelda-inspired "fan game" - but don't play it, because it was rather bad! Q: What version of Ocarina of Time is Master Quest? A: Well, it's the Master Quest version. To be more precise, this version has green hemoptysis, reduced Islamic symbolism, and fewer glitches. In the first version of the original Ocarina of Time, Ganondorf vomited up a bit of red blood after the battle, but some people thought that was too violent, so later versions had green blood instead (although a case could be made that coughing up green blood sounds a lot more disturbing!). Also, the movable blocks and the Mirror Shield in the first versions of OoT strongly resembled the crescent and star of Islam. Some people were again offended, so this imagery was changed to something much more nondescript. For the same reason, the music in the Fire Temple, which in the original game was based on Muslim chants, was changed. Not all of these changes were merely aesthetic, as the original OoT game contained several glitches that were fixed in subsequent printings, including the famous Swordless Link glitch. A few lines of the text have been edited very slightly in later versions to clarify certain matters and eliminate cliches. The graphics in the GameCube Master Quest are slightly sharper than those of the Nintendo 64, although the difference is hard to notice. And lastly, all of the dungeons have been changed around a little. Inside the Great Deku Tree and Ice Cavern have far more enemies than their counterparts in the original version did. Dodongo's Cavern and the Spirit Temple are both more difficult, as is the Bottom of the Well, which is much longer as well. The increase in difficulty in Jabu-Jabu's Belly, the Forest Temple, Gerudo's Training Ground, and Ganon's Castle is more subtle. The Fire Temple is shorter but more complex (and just as long if you get all the Gold Skulltulas). The Water Temple is the only dungeon that has been made easier, and it's shorter if you don't mind passing up a couple of Gold Skulltulas. The Shadow Temple is almost unchanged. Q: Why do you say "defeated" or "bopped" instead of "killed?" A: Maybe it's because I have a soft spot in my heart for Stalfoses and Moblins, or because I live in the Murder Capital of the World. More realistically, it's because death should be permanent (unless you're Ganondorf, Koume, or Kotake), but defeated enemies reappear if you just leave the dungeon or area. And fallen enemies aren't just replaced with clones; for example, the Skull Kid in the Lost Woods has a distinct identity but can be defeated, and he will always come back the next time you return. Q: Which enemies from the original Legend of Zelda don't appear in Ocarina of Time? A: Lynel, Rope, Goriya, Wizzrobe, Pols Voice, and most of the bosses. I would've liked to see a 3-D Pols Voice. Q: Do you have anyone to credit for help for this guide? A: Just one at the moment: Mrtroid Gamer 12 (Jason), who told me that you can use the Hookshot against the Poe Sisters. Thanks! =============================================================================== Version History [VERSN] =============================================================================== 0.02 Began my guide on 11/18/07. 0.03 Did a little bit, especially controls, on 11/24/07. 0.04 Finished Kokiri Forest on 12/11/07. 0.05 Did a few things on 2/11/08. (12 KB) 0.12 Finished Deku Tree walkthrough and most post-L1 side quests on 2/12/08. (27 KB) 0.2 Finished major side quest section and Dodongo's Cavern on 2/13/08. (50 KB) 0.28 Finished Jabu-Jabu's Belly on 2/14/08. (77 KB) 0.35 Did most of the Trading Game and about 20 Gold Skulltulas on 2/15/08. Added copyright/contact information. (100 KB) 0.4 Completed Trading Game and did more than half of the Forest Temple on 2/16/08. (108 KB) 0.42 Didn't do much (focused on my Link's Awakening stuff), but added a Deku Nut Upgrade on 2/17/08. (109 KB) 0.5 Mucho precipitation in these parts. Completed Forest Temple on 2/18/08. (125 KB) 0.58 Completed Fire Temple and most of Ice Cavern on 2/19/08. (149 KB) 0.66 Happy Hoodie-Hoo Day! Completed Ice Cavern, Water Temple, and Bottom of the Well on 2/20/08. (165 KB) 0.74 Completed Gerudo's Fortress, Gerudo's Training Ground, and nearly all of the Shadow Temple on 2/21/08. (189 KB) 0.81 Completed Shadow Temple and most of Spirit Temple on 2/22/08. (210 KB) 0.86 Completed Spirit Temple and added numerous Gold Skulltulas on 2/23/08. (226 KB) 0.88 Completed Win a Cow and Running Man's Race sidequest and added eight Gold Skulltulas on 2/24/08. (232 KB) 0.94 Added the final 18 Gold Skulltulas and did half of Ganon's Castle on 2/25/08. (250 KB) 0.97 Completed Ganon's Tower and Ganon on 2/26/08. Reviewed the first 10 pages of the guide. (263 KB) 0.98 Adjusted and reviewed last 70 pages on 2/27/08. (269 KB) 0.99 Did a little on 2/28/08. (271 KB) 1.0 Finished Bottle #4 and another FAQ on 2/29/08. And... Happy Leap Year Day! (273 KB) 1.1 Made numerous corrections, adjustments, and improvements after finishing my guide for the N64 version (11/22-11/23/08). (280 KB) 1.2 Made a bunch of changes - improved formatting and got rid of some pointless old mess. For some reason I never posted this. (3/19/14) 1.3 Added some more things, including some secrets and tricks, as well as a note about the 3DS version. I also trimmed out some needless rambling and outdated information. (11/23/15) (295 KB) =============================================================================== Copyright [COPYR] =============================================================================== (c) 2008-2015 VinnyVideo. All rights reserved. All trademarks mentioned in this guide are property of their respective holders. You can post this guide on your Web site as long as you give proper credit to VinnyVideo and you don't change anything I wrote. The latest version of this guide will always be available at GameFAQs and Neoseeker, but keep in mind that I don't update this guide very frequently. =============================================================================== Contact Information [CONTC] =============================================================================== If you have any questions or comments about this guide, please send an e-mail to VHamilton002@gmail.com. That's zero-zero-two, by the way. Please follow these guidelines when you e-mail me: * Do include "Ocarina of Time" in the subject line. * Do send polite suggestions for ways to make this walkthrough better. * Do tell me about any errors or omissions you find in this guide. * Do ask any questions you have about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time gameplay. I will respond eventually if you follow all of these rules. * Do tell me if you break one of my records. * Do make a reasonable effort to use decent spelling and grammar so that I can understand what you're trying to say. * Do use patience. I check my messages quite sporadically. * Do not send spam, pornography, flaming, or profanity. Be nice. Check out the full list of VinnyVideo FAQs here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/users/VinnyVideo/contributions/faqs Thanks for reading this walkthrough! I hope it was as fun for you to read as it was for me to write.