Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (N64/Gamecube/Wii) Monster FAQ 2.60 . Last Update 03/02/2007 by Charles Grey (iceout0002@aol.com, iceout5002@netzero.com) -- 01. Updates 03/02/2007: Crouch attack updated, 'other stuff'. 08/07/2005: Minor ReDead correction. 08/01/2004: Added Giant Leever (from ktbaker@znet.com) 05/27/2004: Number of hits for Dark Link corrected - from josher_1212 05/03/2004: End-Bosses added. Finally. 03/20/2004: Some minor stuff added. 01/15/2004: Reformatted, BigOcto and Big Deku Baba added. -- 02. Legend (name) ! where you'll see them. * Offensive/defensive attacks used. + number of blows to defeat. - stuff you should know. Light Age refers to young link, Dark to older link. -- 03. Damage Table (1 = Kokiri Sword) (KOKIRI/MASTER/BIGGORON SWORD) B Slash 1/2/4 Crouch B strength of last attack is 'saved' here. Target + A 2/4/8 jump off B 2/4/8 Target Up+B 1/2/4 circle + B 1/2/4 hold B 1/2/4(short) 2/4/8(long) MEGATON HAMMER C Swing 2 (stun property on certain monsters) Crouch C strength of last attack Target + A 4 jump off B 4 Target, side+C 2 circle + C 2 DEKU STICK (breaks on a hit) C Swing 2 Target + A 4 jump off B 4 HOOKSHOT 2 or stun ANY BOMB 2 DIN'S FIRE 2 ARROW 2 FIRE ARROW 2 LIGHT ARROW 2 ICE ARROW 4 + freeze SLINGSHOT 1 BOOMERANG 1 -- 04. Non-Boss Monster List GOHMA LARVA ! Inside the Deku Tree * Hops into you. + 2 - They attack when the eye turns red. BEAMOS ! Dodongo's Cavern, Bottom of Well, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle, Gerudo Training * Homing Beam + 1 Bomb - Only attacks if the eye sees you, explodes again after hit. If you don't want to use bombs, use Hookshot or arrows to the eye to stun for several seconds! STALFOS ! Forest Temple, Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle, Gerudo Training * Sword Slash, Overhead Jump + 4 - Can block and has a high jump, also you can get him to jump off ledges. Jumping slash only blockable with Mirror Shield. They revive if both not defeated in time. WOLFOS ! Forest Temple, Spirit Temple, Gerudo Training, Ice Cavern, Ganon's Castle * Double Swipe. + 2 - Can block. WHITE WOLFOS ! Ice Cavern, Gerudo Training * Double Swipe, evading. + 4 - Can block, moves faster than Wolfos. STALCHILD ! Hyrule Field(Light Age) * Stick Smack + 2 - Only come out at night (18:00-05:59). Hit enough and a giant one will come out. PEAHAT ! Hyrule Field(Light Age) * Spinning Blade chase, one spilts into 3 Larva and chases you. + 6 - Only come out during the day (06:00-17:59). PEAHAT LARVA ! SW section Hyrule Field(Light Age) * Spinning Blade chase. + Invincible - They will stop chasing after a while and leave something. You can eliminate them by blocking with your shield. RED TEKTITE ! Death Mountain Trail * Hops into you. + 2(Kokiri Sword or Arrow)/1(Master Sword) - Will continue to follow you until hit or outrun. BLUE TEKTITE ! Lake Hylia, Zora's Fountain, Water Temple - Same old Tektite, think water instead. OCTOROK ! J-J's Belly, Zora's River, Zora's Fountain, Lake Hylia/Kokiri Forest(Light Age), Forest Temple * Rock spit. + 1 reflected shot back at them. LEEVER ! Haunted Wasteland, Desert Colossus * Spins into you. + 1(Biggeron)/2(Master)/4(Kokiri Sword) - They go away if you run from them. GIANT LEEVER + 5(Master) / 3-4(Biggoron) - If you kill enough green Leevers, a large, blue Leever will come out. It moves more slowly than the green ones, but follows you. Kill with Biggorons Sword = 1 red rupee Kill with Master Sword = 3 blue rupees KEESE ~ Mostly in dark indoor places. * Dive n' bite. + 1 - If they fly through a torch, they become FIRE KEESE. Hard to see in darkened places. FIRE KEESE - Same as above except they will burn the DEKU SHIELD if they hit! You can steal their fire by blocking with the Hylian Shield. ICE KEESE ! Ice Cavern, Ganon's Castle - Same as above except they freeze you for 2 seconds. ARMOS ! Dodongo's Cavern, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle * Comes alive when touched, then has bouncing attack. + 1 - When hit, bounces around very quickly and explodes. LIKE-LIKE ! Bottom of Well, every temple except Forest, Ganon's Castle * Swallows you and spits out. + 1(Biggeron)/2(Master)/3(Kokiri Sword) - Can block and steal your shield and Tunic. Can use a hookshot transport. Beat them to get stolen items back (before you leave the room.) RE-DEAD ! Royal Family's Tomb, Bottom of Well, Market during Dark Age, some hidden areas, also one during the escape from Ganon's Castle * Freeze stare, jumps on back and bites. + 2(Biggeron)/4(Master)/8(Kokiri Sword) - Jam on the buttons to get out of bite sooner. Song of the Sun freezes them. Leaves magic refill. GIBDO ! Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle, Bottom of Well - Same as Re-Dead. SKULL KID ! Lost Woods * Little Darts + 2(Biggeron)/4(Master) - Only attacks you when you're grown up. MOBLIN ! Sacred Forest Meadow(Dark Age(hedge maze)) * Running Gore + 1 Bomb/Hookshot (Invincible while running.) - Attacks when it sees you. BIG MOBLIN ! Route from Sacred Forest Meadow to Forest Temple(Dark Age) * Ground Wave + 3 - It's hard to get close to him, easier to use a Bombchu. Hookshot stuns him for a few seconds. You can roll behind him after stunning from close enough distance. GUAY ! Lake Hylia, Desert Colossus, Lon Lon Ranch (Night) * Dive and peck. + 1 POE ! Kakariko Graveyard/Hyrule Field(Dark Age) * Fire Balls(Dark Age)/Lamp Swing(Light Age) + 2(Dark Age)/4(Light Age) - Not to be confused with the Poes in Forest Temple, which are different. Dissappears in Kakariko Graveyard if attacked too late. POE OF THE GRAVEYARD ! Back Kakariko Graveyard at Night * Lamp Swing + 5 (Kokiri Sword) - It's bigger and has a hat. Can't catch in a bottle! FLARE DANCER ! Fire Temple * Fire trail, fire dance. + 8(Biggoron Sword)/16(Master) with fire knocked off. - Use bombs/hookshot to knock off fire. Returns to the fire after 10 seconds, run to other side if it runs off. WALLMASTER ! Forest Temple, Shadow Temple, Ganon's Castle * Surprise grab from above. + 1 (DIN'S FIRE also works) - Very hard to see, listen for a whooshing sound. Don't stand still or they take you back to the beginning. Watch the size of your shadow and roll away, hit to get lots of rupees. FLOOR MASTER ! Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle * Grab, Glowing Fist. + 1(splits into 3), then 1 each for them. (They re-form after a while.) - They grab you from above and take you back to the beginning. Some are invisible and require the Lens of Truth to see. FREEZARD ! Ice Cavern, Ganon's Castle * Ice Breath + 2 - Ice Breath will freeze you for 2 seconds. DODONGO ! Dodongo's Cavern * Fire Breath, Tail Spin + 3 - Must be hit from behind. Explodes after a few seconds when knocked down. BABY DODONGO ! Dodongo's Cavern * none + 1 - Explosion can open a rock door leading to a Skulltula. LIZALFOS ! Dodongo's Cavern, Spirit Temple, Gerudo Training * Overhead Smash, Sidestep + 3(Kokiri)/2(Master)/1(Biggeron Sword) - Will not return after game has been saved(except Spirit Temple). DINOLFOS ! Ganon's Castle, Gerudo Training - Same as Lizaflos SKULLWALLTULA ! Various areas on walls, Inside the Deku Tree * Dash + 1 - Dashes only if it faces you. Pounding ground with Hammer will knock them off nearby walls. GOLD SKULLTULA ! hidden in 100 different places. * none + 1(Hookshot)/2(Boomerang or Sword) - Grab the token afterwards. Some are only out at night. Use U+B for those on ground. Listen for 'clicking.' GIANT SKULLTULA ! Various indoor places. * Big Spin + 2(Kokiri Sword)/1(Master) on when turned away, or 1 with Hookshot/Hammer/Arrows. - Wait for him to turn, then attack. You can hit him in the front if you use the Hookshot/Hammer or arrows. SKULLTULA ! Inside the Deku Tree, Forest Temple - Same as above, only smaller. BUSINESS SCRUB ! Various hidden places. * Rock spit. + 1 reflected shot back at them. (nut breaks against Mirror Shield) Bomb Toss/Hammer also work. - Sells you something if you talk to him soon afterwards, otherwise returns to his hole. DEKU SCRUB ! Inside the Deku Tree, Bottom of Well * Rock spit. + 1 reflected shot at them, then 1 more hit. MAD SCRUB ! Sacred Forest Meadow(Light Age),Kokiri Forest(Light Age before Phantom Ganon) * Rock spit. + 1 reflected shot back at them, then 1 more hit. - Runs if you get too close. DEKU BABA ! Outskirts of Kokiri Forest(Dark Age), Inside the Deku Tree. * Bite + 2(Kokiri Sword)/1(Master)/4 Hammer stuns - Usually gives a Deku Stick. BIG DEKU BABA ! Forest Temple, Kokiri Forest(Dark Age before Phantom Ganon) * Bite + 4(Kokiri)/2(Master) - Gives 3 Deku Nuts. DEAD HAND ! Bottom of the Well, Shadow Temple * Grab(with the hands), Punch + 8 - Hand grab holds you for a few seconds. 'FLYING POT' ! Shadow Temple, Spirit Temple, Ice Cavern * Flies at you. + 1 - If you get hit by it, you'll get what was in it. SHABOM ! J-J's Belly * none + 1 - If you get hit, it breaks and releases something. BIRI ! J-J's Belly * Shock + 1 - If you strike it with the sword you get shocked but still get the hit. Use the boomerang instead! BARI ! J-J's Belly * Shock, Blade Spin + 4 - When defeated it will split into 3 Biri. Use boomerang to stun. STINGER ! J-J's Belly, Water Temple * Dive + 1 - They fly up when they are ready to dive. TAILPARASAN ! J-J's Belly * Flies at you. + 1 in tail - They often go in and out of walls. SHELL BLADE ! Water Temple, Gerudo Training * Lunge and chomp. + 1 Hookshot - Hit it in the nerve when it opens its shell, have Iron Boots on. TORCH SLUG ! Fire Temple, Ganon's Castle * Lunging + 4 - They give a magic refill every time! IRON KNUCKLE ! Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle(near end) * BIG axe swing, Floor Strike. + 5 - That swing hits HARD (like 1/5 of a full lifebar!) Loses armor and gains speed when weakened. 'GOLD' IRON KNUCKLE ! Spirit Temple, Ganon's Castle(near end) + 10 - More powerful. SPIKE ! Water Temple * Spike Dash + 1 w/Hookshot - Attack when it stands still. ANUBIS ! Spirit Temple * Fireballs + 1 fire arrow / Din's Fire / Fire Switch GREEN BUBBLE ! Forest Temple, Spirit Temple * Flies around in a circle. + 1 Bomb - Actually, it's a skull with green mist surrounding it. BLUE BUBBLE ! Forest Temple * Just flies around. + 1 hit/block to knock on the ground then 3 more. RED BUBBLE ! Death Mountain Crater, Fire Temple, Gerudo Training * Jumps in a semi-circle over ledges surrounded by lava. + 1 WHITE BUBBLE ! Spirit Temple * Spins around. + 1 - Hit it when it stops. -- 05. Mini and End Bosses 'DARK' LINK ! Water Temple * All your basic moves, plus Ice Slash. + Number of heart containers (if you have 12 hearts, he takes 12 hits.) - Fights better when targeted. BIG OCTO ! J-J's Belly * Runs you over. + 4(Kokiri Sword) - Must be hit from behind. Boomerang to stun(hit as he turns around.) You can beat it with one hit using a Deku Stick jump attack. The 4 POE SISTERS ! Forest Temple * Torch Swing + 5(Master Sword/Arrow) - They go invisible when targeted. QUEEN GOHMA ! Inside Deku Tree * Sends out 3 GOHMA LARVA. + 12(Sword) - Deku Nut to stun. Hit eye when it's red with Deku Seed to knock down. KING DODONGO ! Dodongo's Cavern * Fire Breath, Roll + 6(Sword) - Throw BOMB FLOWER as he begins fire breath. Roll can be blocked with Hylian Shield. BARINADE ! J-J's Belly * Electric Blast, Bari(10) + ?? - Defeat the Bari first, use Boomerang to stun. PHANTOM GANON ! Forest Temple * Form 1: Lightning Form 2: Energy Ball, Teleport + 3(Form 1) 10(Form 2)(Master) - Form 1: Shoot with arrow as he exits picture (there is also a fake.) Form 2: Reflect back energy ball, stuns if he's hit. VOLVAGIA ! Fire Temple * Fire Breath, Avalanche, Swipe + 6(Master) - Be ready to hit with Hammer (pause a bit to avoid swipe) as he comes out to stun. DON'T TARGET, but run along the rim to avoid attacks. MORPHA ! Water Temple * Tentacle Grab + 7(Master) - Use Hookshot to pull out nucleus first. Stay in corner to avoid grab. BONGO BONGO ! Shadow Temple * Fist Punch, Hand Swipe, Charge + 20(Master Sword) - Freeze both hands with arrows(or hookshot), then hit eye to stun. (Use Lens of Truth too see it.) TWINROVA ! Spirit Temple * Fire/Ice Blast + 4(Form 1) 16(Form 2)(Master) - Form 1: Reflect blast with Mirror Shield at opposite sister. Form 2: Absorb 3 Fire or Ice in a row, reflect it back. Run to edge of platform to avoid missed fire/ice blasts. -- 06. Other Stuff - Using Light Arrows on certain monsters will leave a purple rupee. - You can see a shark in the Lake Hylia laboratory. No, it isn't real. -- 07. Credits Nintendo Devin Morgan's Zelda 64 FAQ for the name of the Moblins Marshmellow's FAQ for the real name of the mummies hcfranklin@esn.net Chalom@worldnet.com LuMpY3434@aol.com for the rupee trick Mephitis12@aol.com spozzo22 ?? (how to eliminate Peahat Larva) kweimer@wwa.com watermelon777@yahoo.com ?? (Din's Fire on Wallmaster trick) bvickers89@hotmail.com Matthew Fisher - fixes (11/05/01) josher_1212@sbcglobal.net ktbaker@znet.com cakmajr - ReDead correction LEGEND OF ZELDA: OCARINA OF TIME (c)NINTENDO