***************************************************************************** The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Treasure Chart FAQ For the Nintendo Gamecube Version 1.0 (Created 4/7/2003) By Devin Morgan This file is Copyright (c)2003 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. ***************************************************************************** Table of Contents 1. What's New 2. World Map 3. Treasure Charts 4. Special Charts 5. Copyright Notice ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 1. What's New -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Version 1.0 (4/7/03): The first complete version of this file. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 2. World Map -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __ __ __ __ __ __ __ |A1|A2|A3|A4|A5|A6|A7| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |B1|B2|B3|B4|B5|B6|B7| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |C1|C2|C3|C4|C5|C6|C7| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |D1|D2|D3|D4|D5|D6|D7| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |E1|E2|E3|E4|E5|E6|E7| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |F1|F2|F3|F4|F5|F6|F7| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |G1|G2|G3|G4|G5|G6|G7| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| A1: Forsaken Fortress A2: Star Island A3: Northern Fairy Island A4: Gate Isle A5: Crescent Moon Island A6: Seven-Star Isles A7: Overlook Island B1: Four-Eye Reef B2: Mother & Child Isles* B3: Spectacle Island B4: Windfall Island* B5: Pawprint Isle B6: Dragon Roost Island* B7: Flight Control Platform C1: Western Fairy Island C2: Rock Spire Isle C3: Tingle Island* C4: Northern Triangle Isle C5: Eastern Fairy Island C6: Fire Mountain C7: Star Belt Archipelago D1: Three-Eye Reef D2: Greatfish Isle* D3: Cyclops Reef D4: Six-Eye Reef D5: Tower of the Gods* D6: Eastern Triangle Island D7: Thorned Fairy Island E1: Needle Rock Isle E2: Islet of Steel E3: Stone Watcher Island E4: Southern Triangle Island E5: Private Oasis E6: Bomb Island E7: Bird's Peak Rock F1: Diamond Steppe Island F2: Five-Eye Reef F3: Shark Island F4: Southern Fairy Island* F5: Ice Ring Isle F6: Forest Haven* F7: Cliff Plateau Isles G1: Horseshoe Island G2: Outset Island* G3: Headstone Island G4: Two-Eye Reef G5: Angular Isles G6: Boating Course G7: Five-Star Isles * = Can warp to these islands with the Ballad of Gales. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 3. Treasure Charts -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Note: In order to find treasure in the sea outside any of the islands, you must have the corresponding chart with you and OPENED already! To find the treasure, go to the appropriate island and open up the chart you need, to see where the X is located. Flip to that after moving around so you know just where you have to be. When you're at the right place, use the Grappling Hook and you should pull up the treasure. Chart #1 Found: Forbidden Woods Treasure: 200 Rupees (Private Oasis) Information: Head to the large multi-level room with the buds all around. Fly up the room by going through the buds and using the Deku Leaf. When you get to the top level, float to a platform in the southwest corner and clear the vines from the chest with the Boomerang. Then you can open it to get this chart. Chart #2 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: Piece of Heart (Rock Spire Isle) Information: Get to the second floor of the auction house (you'll have to go up some steps by the school, then across a bridge-like hall to reach there). Talk to the snobbish man inside and give him 20 Skull Necklaces, gotten from defeating Moblins. He will give you this chart as a "tip". Chart #3 Found: Forest Haven Treasure: 200 Rupees (Eastern Fairy Island) Information: Outside of the main island, where you have to use the Grappling Hook to go upstream, hook onto the second grappling point. Stop swinging and climb to the top of that branch, then make the wind blow to the southeast. Use the Deku Leaf to fly to the tree-filled island in the distance. Open the chest there to find this chart. Chart #4 Found: Rock Spire Isle Treasure: Piece of Heart (Southern Fairy Island) Information: Visit Beedle's special shop off the coast of Rock Spire Isle, and buy this chart from him for 900 Rupees. Chart #5 Found: Wind Temple Treasure: Piece of Heart (Thorned Fairy Island) Information: In the room with the Hookshot-accessible ledges, defeat all the enemies you find. Pull down some statue heads to reveal more of them. After all are dead, a chest containing this chest will appear. Chart #6 Found: Tower of the Gods Treasure: 200 Rupees (Six-Eye Reef) Information: In the room where you get the Compass, shoot the eye on the wall with an arrow to open a hidden room. You'll find the chart inside the chest there. Chart #7 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Star Island) Information: Play the battleship-type game a second time after winning it once. Win the game to get this chart. Chart #8 Found: Horseshoe Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Western Fairy Island) Information: Play 3 rounds of golf on the island surface (throw nuts at the hole, then use the Deku Leaf to push them in). Drop into the cave at the end, and defeat all the enemies inside. Open the chest that appears to get this chart. Chart #9 Found: Crescent Moon Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Horseshoe Island) Information: Board the submarine just north of the island. Inside, keep fighting the enemies until all 4 lights come on. After they're all lit, climb the ladder that comes down and open the chest to obtain the chart. Chart #10 Found: Crescent Moon Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Tingle Island) Information: Open the chest on top of the island to find this chart just asking to be found! Chart #11 Found: Dragon Roost Cavern Treasure: Piece of Heart (Crescent Moon Island) Information: You'll find a room with a lava pit you cannot cross when you first pass it. Return later and cross with the Grappling Hook, then open the chest to get this chart. Chart #12 Found: Earth Temple Treasure: 200 Rupees (Five-Eye Reef) Information: In the room with the big mirror puzzle, open up the side room. Defeat the Stalfos in there to make the chest containing this chart appear. Chart #13 Found: Two-Eye Reef Treasure: Secret Cave Chart (Overlook Island) Information: After you complete the Forsaken Fortress the second time, come back here. Destroy all the wall-mounted cannons and ships to make a chest appear. Use the Deku Leaf to reach the platform with the chest atop it. Chart #14 Found: Headstone Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Tower of the Gods) Information: To the north of the island, you'll find a submarine. Enter it and defeat all the rats inside. Climb up the opposite ladder and open the chest after you defeat them all to get the chart. Chart #15 Found: Forbidden Woods Treasure: Piece of Heart (Angular Isles) Information: There is a room with a large chamber in the middle, where the chest is covered with vines. Get onto the floor above it, and drop a Bomb Flower through the hole in the ceiling to clear the vines, giving you access to the chest. Chart #16 Found: Seven-Star Isles Treasure: 200 Rupees (Shark Island) Information: Climb onto the 3 skull platforms to the south of the islands. Defeat the Wizzrobes until all 3 chests have appeared; one of those chests has this chart inside. Chart #17 Found: Spectacle Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Ice Ring Isle) Information: Atop the island, pay 50 rupees and play the mini-game where you have to aim at/destroy 5 barrels with a cannon in 10 shots or less. Win this game a second time (after you get the Piece of Heart), to get the chart as a prize. Chart #18 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: 1 Rupee (Windfall Island) Information: Participate in the auction at Windfall Island at night, and win the auction for this chart. Chart #19 Found: Four-Eye Reef Treasure: Island Hearts Chart (Flight Control Platform) Information: After you clear the Forsaken Fortress the second time, come here and destroy all the wall-mounted cannons and ships. A chest will appear atop the reef. Walk around the outer wall and use the Deku Leaf to reach the middle area by the chest. Chart #20 Found: Earth Temple Treasure: Piece of Heart (Bomb Island) Information: In the smoke-filled room where you get the Small Key, stick around afterward and kill all the Floor Masters. A second chest will appear with the chart inside. Chart #21 Found: Cyclops Reef Treasure: Light Ring Chart (Cyclops Reef) Information: After you clear the Forsaken Fortress a second time, return here. Destroy all the wall-mounted cannons in the reef to make a chest appear. Walk along the outer wall of the reef, then use the Deku Leaf to fly onto the ledge with the chest. Chart #22 Found: Northern Fairy Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Spectacle Island) Information: To the northwest of the island, you will find a submarine. Enter it, and defeat all the Moblins inside. Jump and swing across the ropes hanging above to the far ledge, then open the chest that appears to receive this chart. Chart #23 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: Piece of Heart (Diamond Steppe Island) Information: Play the battleship-type game, and break the record of under 20 shots to win this chart. Chart #24 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Northern Fairy Island) Information: After you get the Deluxe Picto Box, get onto the ferris wheel. Fly from it to the second floor balcony of the Picto Box Shop. Crawl through the passage and drop out at the end, then hide behind the steps and take a picture of Lenzo and the lady. Show that picture to the 2 gossiping women across from Zunari's shop to get the chart. Chart #25 Found: Cliff Plateau Isles Treasure: 200 Rupees (Forsaken Fortress) Information: Drop into the cave inside one of the lower islands. Inside, jump and climb across the platforms to reach the upper areas. Go around and defeat the Boko Babas until a bud appears. Use it to reach the upper ledge. Jump to the other one, and shoot a Fire Arrow at the wooden boards in the wall ahead. Fly to that ledge with the Deku Leaf, then go outside via the light column. Climb to the top of the large island and open the chest for this chart. Chart #26 Found: Six-Eye Reef Treasure: Octo Chart (Northern Triangle Isle) Information: After you clear the Forsaken Fortress a second time, return here. Destroy all the wall-mounted cannons in the reef to make a chest appear. Walk along the outer wall of the reef, then use the Deku Leaf to fly onto the ledge with the chest. Chart #27 Found: Private Oasis Treasure: 200 Rupees (Star Belt Archipelago) Information: Get onto the back balcony of the hut. Stand on the fence and float onto the ledge with the Deku Leaf. Walk around the top of the waterfall and open the chest you see to find the chart. Chart #28 Found: Horseshoe Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Needle Rock Island) Information: Play 3 rounds of golf on the island surface (throw nuts at the hole, then use the Deku Leaf to push them in). At the end of the path, glide to the middle island with the Deku Leaf and open the chest. Chart #29 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Mother & Child Isles) Information: After you get the ferris wheel working, ride it upward. Use the Deku Leaf to land on the second floor balcony about the Picto Box Shop. Go inside and open one of the chests to find this chart; the other chest will have 50 Rupees. Chart #30 Found: Tower of the Gods Treasure: Piece of Heart (Pawprint Island) Information: In the room where you weigh down the platforms by placing statues on them, weigh down the left one and bomb the wall into that side room. Open the chest inside to get it. Chart #31 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: Piece of Heart (Forest Haven) Information: After you get the Deluxe Picto Box, wait until there's a full moon at night. Take a picture of it, then come back to Windfall during the day. Show it to the man sitting on the steps, and he will give you this chart as thanks. Chart #32 Found: Three-Eye Reef Treasure: Sea Hearts Chart (Boating Course) Information: After you clear the Forsaken Fortress the second time, come here and destroy all the wall-mounted cannons and ships. A chest will appear atop the reef. Walk around the outer wall and use the Deku Leaf to reach the middle area by the chest. Chart #33 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: Piece of Heart (Five-Star Isles) Information: After you get the Deluxe Picto Box, go by the ChuChu Jelly shop (first building on the right when you enter town). Take a picture of the lady outside and show her the picture, and she'll give you this chart. Chart #34 Found: Great Sea Treasure: 200 Rupees (Eastern Triangle Isle) Information: If you sail around the sea, you'll eventually find a group of treasure hunters on a wooden boat. Talk to the lead guy and he'll give you this chart. Chart #35 Found: Wind Temple Treasure: 200 Rupees (Islet of Steel) Information: In the room with the 5 cracked tiles, break through all of them, one at a time, to make a second chest appear. Open it to get this chart. Chart #36 Found: Ice Ring Isle Treasure: 200 Rupees (Bird's Peak Rock) Information: After you thaw the island with a Fire Arrow, get onto the outer ledge of the area. You'll find a frozen chest on the way; melt it with a Fire Arrow and open it to get the chart. Chart #37 Found: Rock Spire Isle Treasure: 200 Rupees (Fire Mountain) Information: Jump across the platforms atop the isle, bombing the rocks on the way. Enter the cave and light the 2 torches, then defeat all the Keese that come out to receive the chart. Chart #38 Found: Windfall Island Treasure: Piece of Heart (Three-Eye Reef) Information: Participate in the auction at Windfall Island at night, and win the auction for this chart. Chart #39 Found: Dragon Roost Cavern Treasure: 200 Rupees (Dragon Roost Island) Information: In the room with the rats, get onto the ledge with the torch and light up a stick. Throw it at the wooden wall across the room, then go across and open the chest there to obtain this chart. Chart #40 Found: Southern Fairy Island Treasure: 200 Rupees (Headstone Island) Information: To the south of the island, you will find 3 platforms. Climb onto the first 2 and kill the enemies atop them, then bomb the cannons below. Then, fly onto the last platform with the Deku Leaf, and do the same thing there. Open the chests on that platform; one has this chart inside. Chart #41 Found: Five-Eye Reef Treasure: Great Fairy Chart (Four-Eye Reef) Information: After you clear the Forsaken Fortress the second time, come here. Destroy all the wall-mounted cannons with your own cannon to make a chest appear atop the reef. Walk along the outer wall and use the Deku Leaf to fly to the platform you want. Triforce Chart 1 Found: Islet of Steel (bomb the metal ship, then enter it) Shard Location: Greatfish Isle Triforce Chart 2 Found: Private Oasis (get through maze in the cabana; must have Cabana Deed to enter) Shard Location: Gale Isle Triforce Chart 3 Found: Bird's Peak Rock (hit switches atop each peak as a seagull) Shard Location: Stone Watcher Island Triforce Chart 4 Found: Aboard the Ghost Ship (see Ghost Ship Chart) Shard Location: Outset Island Triforce Chart 5 Found: Needle Rock Isle (bomb a golden ship off the shore, then use the Grappling Hook at the location you sank it) Shard Location: Cliff Plateau Isles Triforce Chart 6 Found: Outset Island (lift the statue head and go through 30 floors of battles) Shard Location: Southern Triangle Island Triforce Chart 7 Found: Stone Watcher Island (lift the statue head, then defeat the enemies in all the rooms below) Shard Location: Seven-Star Isles Triforce Chart 8 Found: Overlook Island (Hookshot to the top island, then drop into a hole; defeat all the enemies in all the rooms) Shard Location: Two-Eye Reef ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 4. Special Charts -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Beedle's Chart Found: In a postbox after getting the first wallet upgrade Information: This shows all the locations of Beedle's Shop Ship around the world. It does not say what each one sells, however. Great Fairy Chart Found: (Treasure Chart #41) Pull this one out of the water by using the charts at Four-Eye Reef. Information: Shows where all the Great Fairies are located. Ghost Ship Chart Found: Diamond Steppe Island (see walkthrough for how to find it) Information: Shows where the ghost ship is located. IN-credible Chart Found: In a postbox after completing the Forsaken Fortress the second time. Tingle mails it to you, though you must pay 201 Rupees to read it. Information: Shows where the Triforce Charts are located. Island Hearts Chart Found: (Treasure Chart #19) Pull this out of the water off the coast of the Flight Control Platform. Information: Shows which islands have Pieces of Heart on them. Light Ring Chart Found: (Treasure Chart #21) Pull this out of the water inside the Cyclops Reef. Information: Shows where the light rings which yield the greatest treasures under the full moon are located. Octo Chart Found: (Treasure Chart #26) Pull this out of the water outside Northern Triangle Isle. Information: Shows the locations of all the Big Octos in the sea. Platform Chart Found: Flight Platform (Enter the submarine outside and defeat all the enemies in there.) Information: Shows where all the skull platforms are located. Sea Hearts Chart Found: (Treasure Chart #32) Grapple the treasure from the water at the proper location to obtain this chart. Information: This shows you where the Treasure Charts leading to Pieces of Heart are located. Secret Cave Chart Found: (Treasure Chart #13) Pull this one out of the water off the coast of Overlook Island. Information: Shows you the locations of all the secret caverns throughout the world are. Submarine Chart Found: Boating Course (Fly to the smaller island and enter the cave below; hit all 3 crystal switch to reveal the chest.) Information: Shows where all the submarines are located. Tingle's Chart Found: Windfall Island (after freeing Tingle from jail) Information: Shows where Tingle Island is, as well as wallet upgrade Great Fairies only. ***************************************************************************** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= 5. Copyright Notice -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This file is Copyright (c)2003 Devin Morgan. All rights reserved. Please view the following URL to see the list of sites that are allowed to post my work: http://www.freewebs.com/dbmfaqs/allowlist.html This list is comprised of sites I know and trust well. If your site is not on the aforementioned list, you are currently not allowed to post any of my files on your site. Please respect my work and do not steal it or post it without my permission. I only want my most recent work to be available and I do not feel that can be achieved if others take from me without my knowledge or permission. If you are writing a FAQ for this game as well, and would like to use some information, credit me for what you use. Please do not rip me off, as that is blatant plagiarism and such will not be tolerated. If you wish to contact me, do so at dbmfaqs(at)gmail(dot)com. Please only contact me if there are corrections to be made to information that's currently included. Thanks! http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/3579.html =- End of File -=