The #### ## ## #### LORD OF THE RINGS The Return of the King ¤==||==========================================================================> Upgrades/Characters guide Covers only Nintendo GameCube by matzen12 Real name: Mats Lindgren Made for and ¤==||==========================================================================> CONTENTS: I. Characters a) Aragorn b) Legolas c) Gimli d) Gandalf e) Sam f) Frodo g) Pippin h) Merry i) Faramir II. Upgrades a) Fellowship b) Aragorn/Faramir c) Legolas d) Gimli e) Gandalf f) Sam/Frodo/Pippin/Merry III. Codes IV. The Levels V. Copyright info VI. Thank you. ¤==||==========================================================================> I. Characters ooooooooooooo Aragorn ------- Aragorn is the heir to the throne of Gondor. However, to prove himself worthy of this task he must go to the Dwimor mountain and muster an army even Sauron cannot endure. He is the wielder of the legendary Narsil, the Sword that was broken, and his archery skills are good. He can slay multiple foes in one hit. Aragorn is a good beginner character. He has decent speed, decent power, decent archery skills and decent life. With the Mithril Arrows and the Strength of the Evenstar, Aragorn is hard to defeat. Legolas ------- Legolas is part of the Fellowship between man, elf and dwarf. He is the prince of Mirkwood. His skill of fighting with two swords is very reliable. But his absolute strength is his archery. He can swiftly slay anything in his path using his arrows. Legolas is extremely fast. However, you need some skill or luck to be Legolas as he cannot endure as many attacks as Aragorn or certainly Gimli could. He has the game's best ranged attacks, but has not too much power in those swords. Nevertheless, have a go at Legolas at any level where archery is required - with the Mithril Arrows and Elven Bow Mastery, there are few enemies he cannot kill. Gimli ----- Gimli is the dwarf of the fellowship. He is the best friend of Legolas the elf. Wielding a battle axe and throwing axes, Gimli is a ferocious warrior who swiftly kills anything in his path. Gimli is the tank of this game - he swiftly and easily kills off any enemy. But don't believe he's fast now; he is slow in both running and attacking. He makes up for this with his endurance and his powerful attacks. One more thing to make up for with Gimli is his extremely slow throwing axes. Only play as Gimli if you have some skill of this game. Gandalf ------- The White Wizard musters the defences of Minas Tirith together with Pippin. He wields the sword Glamdring which is the brother of Orcrist, the sword which now lies on Thorin's chest in his tomb. He has returned to life after defeating the Balrog. Gandalf is also an extremely reliable beginner's character. Not only is he a good swordsman, he fires spells from his staff as ranged attacks. What a thing for a wizard to do huh? He also has this game's best special ability. Sam --- Sam is the gardener of Bag End in the Shire. He loyally follows Frodo through any hardship and can sneak out of almost anything. When they meet Faramir and are taken to Osgiliath, Sam tells Faramir why his brother Boromir died. He doesn't like their guide, Gollum, who once owned the Ring. Sam is a good swordsman, he's swift, he can absorb hits rather well and can turn himself invisible. His only downside is his bad throwing knives (or daggers as they are called here). But Sam is also a good beginner's choice. Frodo ----- This little hobbit walks to Mordor to destroy the Ring he bears. When Frodo gets imprisoned by the orcs of Cirith Ungol, his only hope is Sam. His burden gets heavier and heavier when he approaches Mount Doom, the only place where the Ring can be destroyed. Frodo is this game's worst character. He is awfully slow in speed, attacking, and putting away his sword to pull out a dagger - which is no good for power. The only use of him is to unlock the three secret characters - Pippin, Merry and Faramir. Pippin ------ Peregrin Took is a good friend of Frodo. When he looks into the palantír of Orthanc, he sees Sauron's plan of destroying Minas Tirith and goes there with Gandalf. Pippin is a very stubborn hobbit who will not hesitate to use his sword or his daggers. Pippin is a little more powerful in attacks than Sam, but otherwise he is much like Sam. Merry ----- Meriadoc Brandybuck is another friend of Frodo's. He becomes the esquire of Rohan. He also slays the fearsome King of the Nazgûl together with Éowyn. Merry is a good and reliable hobbit warrior. Merry has a little more powerful daggers than Sam, but otherwise he is much like Sam. Faramir ------- Faramir is the brother of Boromir and the son of Denethor, the Steward of Gondor. He is loyal to his homeland, but his father wishes that Faramir had been dead and Boromir had been alive. He almost dies in defense of Gondor, and when he lies there with two arrows in him, his father wants to kill both himself and Faramir. Luckily, Gandalf stops him from killing Faramir, but Denethor dies. Faramir is just a clone of Aragorn. He has a little better arrows, but a little slower melee attacking. He's better than Aragorn, though. ¤==||==========================================================================> II. Upgrades oooooooooooo FELLOWSHIP ---------- These upgrades can be purchased by any character. If bought as a Fellowship Upgrade, they are divided to everyone, but the characters have to be at a level high enough for the upgrade. Orc Bane Controls: B, R Cost: 5000/8000 Level: 2 Description: Parry, then instantly kill an attacking orc. --- Orc Hewer Controls: A, A, Y Cost: 1000/3000 Level: 2 Description: Effective for swiftly killing unshielded foes. --- Final Judgment Controls: A, X, R Cost: 5000/8000 Level: 2 Description: Wound, trip, then instantly kill an attacking enemy. --- Rising Revenge Controls: A/Y Cost: 10000/30000 Level: 3 Description: Attack as you regain your feet, taking enemies by surprise. --- Strength of Stone Controls: Cost: 5000/15000 Level: 3 (2 if Gandalf) Description: Permanently increases your health. --- Balrog's Gambit Controls: A, X, Y Cost: 5000/8000 Level: 4 Description: Wound, trip, then attack again. --- Warrior Bane Controls: B, R Cost: 7000/11000 Level: 5 (4 if Frodo, Sam, Merry or Pippin) Description: Parry, then instantly kill a man-sized enemy. --- Strength of Iron Controls: Cost: 5000/15000 Level: 5 Description: Permanently increases your health. (Strength of Stone required) --- Dark Deliverance Controls: Y, A, A, Y Cost: 7000/11000 Level: 5 Description: Effective for a rapid dispatch of shielded enemies. --- Strength of the Fellowship Controls: Cost: 5000/15000 Level: 6 if Aragorn/Faramir, 8 if Legolas/Gandalf, 7 if Gimli/Sam/ Frodo/Merry/Pippin Description: Permanently increases your strength (Strength of Iron required). --- Shield Cleaver Controls: Y, Y, X, Y Cost: 7000/11000 Level: 6 Description: For strong enemies: Splinter the shield, trip the enemy and attack. --- Bane of Sauron Controls: B, R Cost: 9000/12000 Level: 7 (6 if Frodo, Sam, Merry or Pippin) Description: Parry, then instantly kill an attacking uruk. --- Lightning Strike Controls: A, Y, A, A Cost: 7000/11000 Level: 8 Description: A series of quick and powerful strikes which knocks down shieldless foes. --- Killing Zone Controls: Cost: 10000/20000 Level: 8 Description: Increases the amount of time you remain in Perfect mode. --- Helm's Hammer Controls: Y, Y, Y Cost: 12000/20000 Level: 9 Description: A deadly combo: Splinter the shield and attack again. --- Swift Justice Controls: A, A, A, A Cost: 12000/20000 Level: 10 Description: A swift combo, deadly to shieldless foes. --------------- Aragorn/Faramir ooooooooooooooo Ranger Fury Controls: Y held Cost: 4000 Level: 2 Description: A devastating attack which causes lightning damage. --- Dúnedain Arrows Controls: L + A Cost: 5000 Level: 3 Description: Blessed elven arrows which cause additional damage. --- Gondorian Sword Master Controls: L + R Cost: 3500 Level: 3 Description: Increase damage and reach Perfect Mode faster. --- Wilderness Rage Controls: Y held Cost: 5000 Level: 4 Description: A more devastating attack which sets enemies on fire. (Ranger Fury required) --- Wrath of Númenor Controls: Y held Cost: 7000 Level: 6 Description: A most devastating attack which emits a ring of fireballs. (Wilderness Rage required) --- Rivendell Arrows Controls: L + A Cost: 5500 Level: 6 Description: Enchanted arrows which emit an arc of lightning upon impact. (Dúnedain Arrows required) --- Kingmaker Controls: L + R Cost: 7000 Level: 7 Description: Increase damage and reach Perfect Mode faster. (Gondorian Sword Master required) --- Mithril Arrows Controls: L + A Cost: 7000 Level: 8 Description: Magical arrows which set enemies on fire. (Rivendell Arrows required) --- Strength of the Evenstar Controls: Cost: 5000 Level: 10 Description: Permanently increases your health. (Strength of the Fellowship required) --- Sword Mastery of Kings Controls: Cost: 25000 Level: 10 Description: Increases the damage of your speed attack. ------- Legolas ooooooo Mirkwood Arrows Controls: L + A Cost: 5000 Level: 2 Description: Blessed elven arrows which cause additional damage. --- Light of Lothlórien Controls: L + R Cost: 3500 Level: 3 Description: Increase damage and reach Perfect Mode faster. --- Elven Fury Controls: Y held Cost: 4000 Level: 4 Description: A devastating attack which inflicts lightning damage. --- Lothlórien Arrows Controls: L + A Cost: 5500 Level: 5 Description: These enchanted arrows emit an arc of lightning upon impact. (Mirkwood Arrows required) --- Arrows of the Valar Controls: L + A Cost: 7000 Level: 7 Description: Magical arrows which set enemies on fire. (Lothlórien Arrows required) --- Gift of Galadriel Controls: L + R Cost: 7000 Level: 7 Description: Increase damage and reach Perfect Mode faster. (Light of Lothlórien required) --- Elrond's Rage Controls: Y held Cost: 7000 Level: 8 Description: A more devastating attack which sets enemies on fire. (Elven Fury required) --- Mithril Arrows Controls: L + A Cost: 10500 Level: 9 Description: These arrows penetrates enemies, setting them ablaze. (Arrows of the Valar required) --- Elven Bow Mastery Controls: Cost: 25000 Level: 10 Description: Fire two arrows at two targets with one shot. ----- Gimli ===== Dwarven Fury Controls: Y held Cost: 4000 Level: 2 Description: A devastating attack which causes lightning damage. --- Lonely Mountain Lore Controls: L + R Cost: 3500 Level: 3 Description: Increase damage and reach Perfect Mode faster. --- Mountain Rage Controls: Y held Cost: 5000 Level: 4 Description: A more devastating attack which sets enemies on fire. (Dwarven Fury required) --- Erebor Axes Controls: L + A Cost: 5000 Level: 5 Description: Enchanted throwing axes which cause additional damage. --- Wrath of Moria Controls: Y held Cost: 7000 Level: 6 Description: A most devastating attack which emits a ring of fireballs. (Mountain Rage required) --- Moria Axes Controls: L + A Cost: 5500 Level: 7 Description: Magical throwing axes which emit an arc of lightning upon impact. (Erebor Axes required) --- Axe Mastery of Kings Controls: L + R Cost: 7000 Level: 7 Description: Increase damage and reach Perfect Mode faster. (Lonely Mountain Lore required) --- Strength of Glóin Controls: Cost: 5000 Level: 8 Description: Permanently increases your health. (Strength of the Fellowship required) --- Strength of Khazad-dûm Controls: Cost: 5000 Level: 10 Description: Permanently increases your health. (Strength of Glóin required) --- Dwarven Axe Mastery Controls: Cost: 25000 Level: 10 Description: Increases the damage of your fierce attack. ------- Gandalf ======= Fog of War Controls: Y held Cost: 4000 Level: 2 Description: A devastating attack which invokes an expanding fog cloud, knocking enemies off their feet. --- Wizard's Power Controls: L + R Cost: 3500 Level: 3 Description: The magical shield damages enemies more severely and persists longer. --- Light of the Pilgrim Controls: L + A Cost: 5000 Level: 3 Description: This projectile inflicts lightning damage. --- Wrath of Anor Controls: Y held Cost: 5000 Level: 4 Description: A more devastating attack which invokes a ring of lightning. (Fog of War required) --- Light of the Forges Controls: L + A Cost: 5500 Level: 5 Description: This projectile sets enemies on fire. (Light of the Pilgrim required) --- Flame of Udûn Controls: Y held Cost: 7000 Level: 6 Description: A most devastating attack which invokes a ring of fire. (Wrath of Anor required) --- Power of the Palantír Controls: L + R Cost: 7000 Level: 7 Description: The magical shield inflicts more damage and persists longer. (Wizard's Power required) --- Enchantment of the Havens Controls: L + R Cost: 10500 Level: 10 Description: The magical shield knocks enemies to the ground and persists longer. (Power of the Palantír required) --- Power of the Istari Controls: Cost: 25000 Level: 10 Description: Increases the damage of your projectiles and devastating attacks. --- Light of the Valar Controls: L + A Cost: 7000 Level: 10 Description: This projectile of pure light penetrates enemies, setting them aflame. (Light of the Forges required) ---------------------- Sam/Frodo/Merry/Pippin oooooooooooooooooooooo Poison Blade Controls: Y held Cost: 4000 Level: 3 Description: A devastating attack causing continual damage. --- Cloak of Haldir Controls: L + R Cost: 3500 Level: 3 Description: Increases the amount of time during which a hobbit is concealed by his elven cloak. --- Cloud of Shadow Controls: Y held Cost: 5000 Level: 5 Description: Create a poison cloud which inflicts continual damage. (Poison Blade required) --- Poison Daggers Controls: L + A Cost: 5500 Level: 5 Description: Each dagger that hits causes continual damage. --- Cloak of Celeborn Controls: L + R Cost: 7000 Level: 6 Description: Increases the amount of time during which a hobbit is concealed by his elven cloak. (Cloak of Haldir required) --- Morgul Daggers Controls: L + A Cost: 7000 Level: 7 Description: The hobbit's most powerful ranged attack. (Poison Daggers required) --- Halfling Strength Controls: Cost: 5000 Level: 8 Description: Permanently increases your health. (Strength of the Fellowship required) --- Cloud of Wrath Controls: Y held Cost: 7000 Level: 9 Description: A most devastating poison cloud which inflicts continual damage. (Cloud of Shadow required) --- Cloak of Galadriel Controls: L + R Cost: 10500 Level: 10 Description: Increases the amount of time during which a hobbit is concealed by his elven cloak. (Cloak of Celeborn required) --- Strength of the Gaffer Controls: Cost: 25000 Level: 10 Description: Increases the damage of all sword attacks from behind. --- Baggins Strength Controls: Cost: 5000 Level: 10 Description: Permanently increases your health. (Halfling Strength required) ¤==||==========================================================================> III. Codes oooooooooo To use a code, press Start, hold L and R and enter the code. These codes can only be used when you have beaten the game. B, B, X, X: Recover all health X, Down, Y, A: Perfect Mode Y, Up, Y, Down: Always devastating Up, Down, Y, B: All upgrades B, B, Down, X: Infinite ranged attacks B, X, B, Up: Invulnerable Down, X, Up, B: Give enemies bright colors --- These codes grant 1000 experience points. Use the code for the character you are playing as. Aragorn: Up, B, Y, A Legolas: A, Y, Up, A Gimli: X, X, Y, A Gandalf: X, Y, Up, Down Sam: Y, A, Down, A Frodo: Down, Y, Up, Down Pippin: Y, A, B, A Merry: X, X, B, A Faramir: B, Y, Up, B --- These codes will boost your character's level to 8. Use the code for the character you are playing as. Aragorn: Up, B, Y, Up Legolas: B, Up, Up, X Gimli: X, Y, B, X Gandalf: X, B, X, X Sam: X, X, Y, Y Frodo: X, X, X, X Pippin: B, Up, Up, X Merry: X, Y, A, B Faramir: X, X, X, X ¤==||==========================================================================> IV. Levels oooooooooo This is NO walkthrough. All I do is giving you some brief information about the levels. The Path of the Wizard ---------------------- Level 1: Helm's Deep Things to do: 1. Help Gimli clear the uruks. 2. Help Legolas clear the archers. 3. Help Aragorn clear the causeway. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: The first mission! ********** Level 2: The Road to Isengard Things to do: 1. Fight your way to the first checkpoint. 2. Kill 75 orcs. 3. Fight your way through the rest of the level. 4. Help the ent undo the final support of the dam. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing Helm's Deep ********** Level 3: Minas Tirith: Top of the Wall Things to do: 1. Kick down ladders using the X button. 2. Topple the siege towers. 3. Go down with the men. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. 2. The Siege Meter runs to the top. Unlocked by: Completing The Road to Isengard ********** Level 4: Minas Tirith: Courtyard Things to do: 1. Get 200 women out safely. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing Minas Tirith: Top of the Wall ********** The Path of the King -------------------- Level 1: The Paths of the Dead Things to do: 1. Fight your way to the final bridge. 2. Kill 35 skeletons. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing Helm's Deep ********** Level 2: The King of the Dead Things to do: 1. Defeat the King. 2. Escape the dungeon. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing The Paths of the Dead ********** Level 3: The Southern Gate Things to do: 1. Fire the two left-hand ballistae. 2. Kill the troll. 3. Kill the oliphaunt. 4. Open the gate by using the winch. 5. Enter the gate. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing The King of the Dead ********** Level 4: Pelennor Fields Things to do: 1. Kill 60 enemies. 2. Save Éowyn and Merry. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. 2. Merry's and Eowyn's health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing The Southern Gate ********** Level 5: The Black Gate Things to do: 1. Kill the Mouth of Sauron. 2. Kill 6 uruks. 3. Kill the Nazgûl. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. 2. The health of either one of your allies (Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli or Gandalf) runs out Unlocked by: Completing Minas Tirith: Courtyard and Pelennor Fields ********** The Path of the Hobbits ----------------------- Level 1: The Escape from Osgiliath Things to do: 1. Fight your way to the sewers. 2. Open the grille and escape. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. 2. The Nazgûl Meter fills up. Unlocked by: Completing Helm's Deep ********** Level 2: Shelob's Lair Things to do: 1. Fight your way to Shelob. 2. Kill Shelob. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing The Escape from Osgiliath ********** Level 3: Cirith Ungol Things to do: 1. Kill 80 orcs. 2. Make your way to the tower. 3. Kill Gorbag. Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. 2. The bridge crumbles beneath you. Unlocked by: Completing Shelob's Lair ********** Level 4: The Crack of Doom Things to do: 1. Defeat Gollum Ways to fail: 1. Your health runs out. Unlocked by: Completing Cirith Ungol and The Black Gate. ¤==||==========================================================================> V. Copyright information oooooooooooooooooooooooo This guide is © me, Matzen12, or Mats Lindgren which is my real name. This is what you CAN do with this guide: You can use it to complete the game or create your own FAQ You can print it out as long as you don't sell it for personal benefit This is what you CAN'T do: You can't replace my name with your name and post it anywhere You can't sell or trade it for personal benefit If found anywhere else than the two sites it is considered illegal. If you read it somewhere else you commit an Internet crime. If you want to use it, mail me at and tell me the site. Then you can post it. ¤==||==========================================================================> VI. Thank you. oooooooooooooo Thank you, dear guest, for spending your precious time reading this. If you want to know, you can insert a copyright symbol (©) by holding ALT and then typing 0169 on your numerical keyboard. --- End of document