_ _ __ _ _ _____ _ | | | | / _| | | | | | __ \(_) | | ___ _ __ __| | ___ | |_ | |_| |__ ___ | |__) |_ _ __ __ _ ___ | | / _ \| '__/ _` | / _ \| _| | __| '_ \ / _ \ | _ /| | '_ \ / _` / __| | |___| (_) | | | (_| | | (_) | | | |_| | | | __/ | | \ \| | | | | (_| \__ \ |______\___/|_| \__,_| \___/|_| \__|_| |_|\___| |_| \_\_|_| |_|\__, |___/ __/ | |___/ T H E T W O T O W E R S Note: This is for the GameCube version of the game, some information may be inaccurate for the other console's versions. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Table of Contents ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= 1) Introduction 2) Storyline 3) Character Analysis 4) Controls 5) Enemies 6) Walkthrough 7) Bosses 8) Abilities 9) Codes 10) Legal Information ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Introduction ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Hello, and welcome to my Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers FAQ/Walkthrough. I am BurningFox and I'll be the "author" of this guide. Throughout this guide I hope to give you the best Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers information on the GameCube version I can. This is only the first version of the guide though so, it may not contain all the information tht the FAQ will contain in later versions. If you wish to contact me: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: Pikminworrior[at]aol[dot]com Pikminworrior@aol.com Instant Messaging (AIM): Pikminworrior -or- BurningPhoenix87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Storyline ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= Three rings for the Elves under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf Lords in their halls of stone, Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie, One ring to rule them all. One ring to fine them, One ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. In early Middle-Earth there were master rings forged to help the races govern themselves. They were all decieved though, for a ring above all the others was forged, The Dark Lord Sauron forged it in the center of Mount Doom. He took control of the lands until an alliance of Humans and Elves battled it out.... On the grounds of Mount Doom Humans and Elves joined forces to stop the Dark Lord. As Isildur's father is killed by Sauron the Dark Lord he picks up his father's sword and slices the ringed hand off destroying everything. The race of men is weak though, instead of destroying the ring in the fires of Mount Doom Isildur kept it. One day while riding on his horse (now king) he was attacked by orcs. The ring was thrown into the bottom of a lake where it remain for 2500 years. On a riverfolk named Smeagle's birthday him and his friend went fishing in the river. His friend pulled up the ring and because riverfolk are attracted to shiny things Smeagle went insane and killed his friend for the ring. Eventually Smeagle was kicked out of his community and took the name of Gollum and took refuge in a Goblin Mountain. There he was corrupted by the ring for 500 years until Bilbo Baggins on his journey (read the Hobbit for information on his journey) met him deep inside Goblin Mountain. Bilbo found the ring on the dark ground and once Gollum found out tried to attack him, but by flipping on the ring Bilbo disappeared and escaped the Mountain. Bilbo remained alive for a very long time, even for a Hobbit, and on his 100th birthday he gave the ring to Frodo, his adopted son. The ring was soon discovered by Gandolf to be the "One Ring" and frodo must go to Rivendale, the home of the elves. After a long journey with Sam, Pippin, Merry, and Aragorn (met along the way) they finally reached Rivendale where they held a councel. After much debating it was Frodo who would take the ring to Mount Doom along with the "Fellowship of the Ring". The Fellowship took off and because of Saruman (now allied with Sauron) had to go into the Mines of Moria where the game starts off. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Character Analysis ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Aragorn the Human Ranger = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Aragorn, also known as Strider is the decendant of Isildur, though he is nothing like him. He is known as an outsider by his race, and many other things across the land. Skilled both in the Bow and the Sword he is a very tough opponent. As a character in the game, he is probably my favorite. He is decently fast, and his attacks are good all around, if you're new to this game you _MUST_ be him, since he is well rounded. The only problem that I ever have with him is that sometimes he is too generic making it difficult to kill some enemies that you need say a high bow damage to defeat eaisly. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Legolas the Elvish Archer = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Legolas, the Immortal elf. All elves are immortal, only being able to die in battle or if killed by a related way. He is the best character long ranged wise, and he can have 60 arrows opposed to 30 for the other characters. He is also quite fast, though his close ranged attack is severely lacking. Because of his unbalanced stats he is only good in a few missions, but in those missions he is _VERY_ good. If you think Aragorn is a bit too generic then I suggest trying Legolas. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Gimili the Dwarven Axeman = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Gimili is one of the highest ranking Dwarves, that isn't really saying much though. Dwarfs aren't very kind to outsiders and prefer to be locked up in their mines, but they are very skilled with the axe. Gimili is basically, the worst character. He is strong, but slow, and his long ranged attack is useless. the only time you would want to use him would be when you want a real challenge or if you are in the like one level he is good in. I suggest just ignoring him for the most part of the game :). ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Controls ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= I will only tell the game's Game Controls, for if you can't get into a level you have a serious problem. Speed Attack: A button Fierce Attack: Y Button Knock Back: X Button Parry: B Button Killing Move: R Button Jump Back: Z Button Equip Ranged Weapon: L Button Fire Ranged Weapon: A Button ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Enemies ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Cave Troll == =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Big, slow-witted, and dangerous, the cave troll is an awkward brute that might not be taken seriously if it weren't so horrifying. Its strength is legendary, its speed deceptively fast, and its thick hide and strong constitution make fighting one an epic event. Thankfully, its decision making skills are lacking, and Cave Trolls despise direct sunlight. Check the walkthrough for advice on beating them. =-=-=-=-= = Orcs = =-=-=-=-= The foot soldiers of Sauron's evil forces, Orcs can be found throughout Middle Earth. Although mutated from Elves, Orcs are corrupted forms that stand just over five feet tall. Taking their strength and determination for less than full-size can be a deadly mistake, however, especially when multiple Orcs are involved in battle. Capable of melee attacks as well as ranged attacks with bows, Orc have no obvious weakness. Taking them down may be a bit of a challenge. I suggest using Fierce Attacks to knock them down, then a Kill Move. =-=-=-=-= = Lurtz = =-=-=-=-= At Amon Hen, the Fellowship fights to protect Frodo from the Uruk-Hai. Lurtz, their leader, is bigger and more fierce than the rest of his army, and slaying him will prove no easy task. Check the Walkthrough for advice on beating this boss. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Ringwraiths = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The nine Dark Riders were once great kings, hellisly corrupted to the point of no return. They fell victim to Sauron when he gifted them rings of power, which slowly turned them to wraiths. They are now completely under the Dark Lord's control and he dispatches them throughout Middle-earth in attempts to recover The One Ring. They appear in hooded black robes, usually when the Eye of Sauron is fully fixed upon the One Ring's wearer. You only have to fight these guys once, in the second level of the game. Basically you have to light them on fire with a torch then attack with Fierce Attacks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Saruman the White = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once trusted friend and advisor to Gandolf, Saruman betrayed all once he stood for to join the sinister cause of the Dark Lord Sauron. His powerful magic inspires fear in all those who oppose him, and his fortress in Isengard is home to a vast army of his own foul creation: the Uruk-Hai. One cannot hop to overpower Saruman, for merely surviving any confrontation with this brilliant wizard is considered a true victory. Unfortunately, you do not fight Saruman in this game. =-=-=-=-=-= = Sauron -= =-=-=-=-=-= The Dark Lord himself has not been physically present on Middle-Earth for some time. In fact, it was over 3,000 years ago that Isildur cut The One Ring from Sauron's hand, ending has last evil reign. Today however, Sauron grows more powerful with every passing minute. His vile armies are spreading throughout Middle-Earth in an ever-expanding search for The One Ring. If he gets it, Middle-Earth will be plunged into an age of unimaginable terror and violence, and Sauron will take physical form once again. Like Saruman you do not face off against the Dark Lord in this game :(. =-=-=-=-=-=-= = Uruk-Hai -= =-=-=-=-=-=-= Saruman has succeeded in crossbreeding Men and Orcs. The result is an army of stronger, fast Orcs that do not weaken in sunlight. They are capable of melee attacks, ranged attacks with bows, and pike attacks. Genetic enhancement makes the Uruk-Hai larger, stronger, and far more dangerous than their standard Orc counterparts. Uruk-Hai are a pain to defeat, especially in Helms Deep. Basically you want to defeat them the same way as Orcs with Fierce Attacks to knock them down, and Kill Moves to defeat them, but often they are too strong for that so it will basically take a shield breaker move then the Orc defeating combo or something like that. =-=-=-=-= = Wargs = =-=-=-=-= The great Wargs are a terrifying breed of huge wolf-like carnivores, driven by a hunger for blood and predatory intelligence. Saruman recruits Wargs, and Orcs skilled in riding them, in his campaign to crush the nation of Rohan. Worked into a killing frenzy by the murderous Orcs, the Wargs fall upon the ruined Rohan refugees as they flee their burning homes. These things are pretty darn easy, a few fierce attacks and they're dead. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = The Watcher = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The mines of moria rarely sees visitors, and the Watcher is one of the main reasons why. This multi-tentacled behemoth waits patiently for prey just outside the entrance to the mines, and very rarely does a man-sized meal escape its writhing grasp. Consult the Walkthrough for advice on the Watcher battle. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Walkthrough ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = The Slopes of Mount Doom -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walkthrough: After a short movie the actual gameplay begins. You control Isildur in this level, who controls like Aragorn. This mission is very easy, you don't even really move much. Enemies come at you and at the top right the game tells you which button to press, easy huh? After you kill a few guys there will be a short movie of Archers taking out orcs and the gameplay will come back on. Now you will need to do Fierce Attacks because the Orcs have shields, I don't suggest using speed attacks at all, because Fierce Attacks give you better ratings. Soon there will be another movie of Mount Doom erupting, no worries really, the Mountain will occasionally shoot out a fireball, but you are in no harm. If your sword starts to glow that means you have a perfect from attacking enemies rapidly. Use speed attacks now because you will kill enemies in one hit no matter what, until your sword stops glowing. There will be one last movie of the dark lord killing a bunch of guys (and your father) then there will be a movie clip where Isildur slices off his the Dark Lord's hand killing everything, Sauron has been defeated. After a little bit of storyline there will be the mission ending screen. A bunch of numbers and charts will come up telling your kills, and type of kills. Level Information: The Slopes of Mount Doom takes place 3000 years before all the other events in this game. The last alliance of men and elves charge to Mount Doom and attempt to destroy the Dark Lord Sauron. Things are going well, until the Dark Lord appears that is. He takes out ten's of people at a time, until he kills Isildur's Father. Enraged Isildur picks up his father's sword and cuts off Sauron's hand with the ring on it. Sauron and his army of orcs die, and this is the one chance to get rid of the evil forever. Men are weak though, Isildur keeps the ring and the legacy lives on. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Weathertop -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walkthrough: A short movie will play like the first level and all the levels to come and you'll gain control of Aragorn. In this mission it pits you against the nine Ring Wraiths, they aren't too hard though. Basically what you're doing is liting them on fire with your torch, if it goes out then head to the fire and light it by attacking there. Keep an eye on Frodo, if he dies you'll fail the mission, he has a life bar on the top right. After you kill three they'll stab frodo (no worries), finish off the rest that attack (it should not be nine) and a movie will happen. It will explain the "Fellowship of the Ring". A new screen will pop up after the Mission Totals, buying stuff. You can buy attacks, and upgrades, buy a few if you want and have the exp then continue. Level Information: Frodo, Strider (Aragorn), Sam, Merry, and Pippin need a place to rest for the night, and high ontop of a small mountain they find Weathertop Fortress. Late in the night Merry and Pippin start a fire and the RIngwrathes see it -_-' so they come charging up. Armed with a torch and a sword Aragorn attempts to fight off the Ringwrathes, but Frodo is stabbed and will die if not taken care of. Frodo is taken to Rivendale where the Fellowship of the Ring is formed. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Gates of Moria -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Aragorn or Legolas Walkthrough: Saruman has stopped you from going over the mountain so now you must go under. Run down the side and you should notice orcs running down a hill, when you reach them take them out with speed attacks and continue along the path. An explosion of a wall will occur, take out the appearing Orcs with some fierce attacks as you run along and more explosions occur. When you reach the end you will go through a short movie of you saving Gimili. Take out the Archers firing at you with your bow and try to avoid the close range orcs (let Gimili handle them). As you come across archers firing at you take them out with your bow, and handle close range orcs with speed attacks until you reach the swampy area. Once you reach the swamp be ready, Orcs will come out of the water. This is actually a pretty tough area. You will be surprised by Orcs coming out of nowhere will ambushed by Archers. The best thing to do is to try to avoid the arrows by moving a lot, and take out the Orcs with Fierce Attacks for quicker kills. Make sure to walk over red potions you find on the ground, for if you don't then you might die from lack of HP. At the end of the swamp you'll face off against The Watcher. -= Boss Battle: The Watcher =- The Watcher battle is awkward, but not hard if you know what you're doing. It will have everything but its tentacles under water, and the tentacles will attack you. Do Not, try to avoid them, or attack back, simply block them with the B button and they'll be up in the air. Run up and slice the Tentacles, and the head will appear. Shoot the head with an arrow, and repeat this process. Do this several times and the Watcher will fall, not too hard huh? Level Information: Saruman has created a storm preventing the Fellowship to travel across the mountain so they must find another way... to Moria. After traveling to the gates they are attacked by the Watcher a giant swamp, octopus type creature, after a short battle they are faced with the puzzling gate of moria saying "speak friend and enter". Frodo asks what the elvish tongue of "friend" is, Gandolf says what it is and the gate opens. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Balin's Tomb -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Legolas Walkthrough: When they arrive in Moria they find the Tomb of Balin. As they approach it they are also attacked by hundreds of Orcs. For the non boss portion of this mission you want to basically be blocking the Orcs. Find where they spawn ASAP then stand there. As they come attack with Fierce Attacks since some of them have shields. As you are probably experiencing this mission is very easy. You'll take a lot of damage, but potions are also constantely spawning so it's easy! After awhile the Cave Troll will attack... -= Boss Battle: Cave Troll =- For the first and easier portion of the Battle you want to do a hit and run style. Run up to the side of him, do a Fierce Attack then run behind him, then around and repeat this. Doing this will minimize the damage to that of really small, and soon you will be at portion two of the battle. After you deal some damage to him there will be a movie and you will run up on a higher ledge. He will now attack with a chain. Hide behind pillars and shoot arrows from him. If he destroys the pillar run to another, there is plenty of pillars. If you run out of arrows there is a arrow fill up on the right side, and if you start to run low on HP goblins come every once and a while, when you kill them they will give you a potion. Because of your good long range (if you're Legolas) you should defeat him rather quickly ^_^. Level Information: Near the end of the deserted Moria the Fellowship comes across the Tomb of Balin. Before a heart-warming reunion can take place, the Fellowship is attacked by goblin. Toward the end of the fight they are faced against a giant Cave Troll, in which Legolas ends up killing. They leave the tomb soon and have to flee from a fire demon. On the bridge leaving Moria the demon catches up to the rear, Gandolf. Gandolf breaks the bridge sending the demon flying down, but he also sends Gandolf down with him! =-=-=-=-=-=-= = Amon Hen -= =-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Aragorn Walkthrough: After Frodo cries even more, and some more lame stuff the mission begins. You get to fight Uruk-Hai in the mission (what joy!). The beginning of the mission is You, and the others verse a bunch of Uruk-Hai. Take them out with Fierce Attacks then run down into the forest. Now that you're in the forest look up at the Top Right of your TV. There will be the number of Uruk-Hai left, and Frodo's HP. Your main goal is to go through the level killing all the Uruk-Hai before frodo dies. It's not really that hard. There is plenty of potions that spawn, and only like five at a time attack you. If you ever are in deep trouble, like surrounded by tons of Uruk-Hai then start using A attacks. After you've killed all the Uruk-Hai and gone all the way through the forest you will face off against the leader...Lurtz -= Boss Battle: Lurtz =- The first portion of the battle is a lot easier than it seems. Stay your distance away and shoot him several times with arrows until there is a cut scene where he picks up an axe type thing. Take out his little minions now so it's just you verse him. Run behind a statue and make sure he gets his weapon stuck on it. Now attack him with fierce attacks until he breaks the statue, now go to a different statue and repeat. If you're good you might get up a to a perfect and be able to kill him very quickly, if not it will be a slightly long battle of getting his weapon stuck in a statue and attacking, then running to another. Level Information: Leaving an Elvish Village the Fellowship is attacked by Uruk-Hai in pursuit of Frodo. The Uruk-Hai is attacked and widdled down by the Fellowship while Frodo and Sam escape to their own path. The Uruk-Hai end up picking up the wrong hobbits though, Merry and Pippin! As they are leaving the leader faces off against Borimor, and kills him to only be fought, and killed by Aragorn. Realizing that it's Frodo's journey the remaining Fellowship members (Aragorn Legolas, and Gimili) head in pursuit of Pippin/Merry. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Fangorn Forest -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Gimili Walkthrough: As the mission begins run through the forest until a tree is blocking your way. Hack it up and continue along until there is a huge tree blocking your way, and a group of enemies burst out. Defeat them with Fierce Attacks to destroy their sheilds then Speed Attacks to finish them off and run through the inside of the tree. Break the log and run until you see a Troll. Charge him with Fierce Attacks until he is defeated, then break the fence and continue on. After the cutscene attack the Uruk-Hai. There is a lot, but if you attack one at a time with fierce attacks it's not so hard. After you've defeated them run up into the river. Wade through the river, taking out enemy Uruk-Hai when they appear until you reach a cave with another troll. Defeat the troll and exit the cave and make your way to the next troll fight killing enemies as you go. Once you reach this double troll fight destroy the logs, then charge the left troll. After it's dead run right to a tomb like thing, and hack it up getting a potion. Now you're ready to kill the other one, do so then head forward to the end of the level. You will meet up with Gandolf again ^_^. Level Information: The riders of rohan have killed all the Uruk-Hai when the Aragorn, Gimili, and Legolas arrive. Upon further inspecton Aragorn finds that they were not killed, but have fleed into the Fangorn Forest. Entering this Ancient Forest they search for the hobbits to no avail (who have been picked up by Ents!), they do find Gandolf reborn though! Gandolf has came back as Gandolf the White to help stop the Alliance of Evil (Sauron/Saruman). They now head to the towns of Rohan. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Plains of Rohan = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Legolas Walkthrough: Once the gameplay beings quickly take out the Uruk-Hai and run into the town. Gandolf will take out a bunch of enemies, help take out the rest then Gandolf will break open a door for you, head through it. Look at the top right of the screen, this is the townspeople meter thing, if it runs out you'll lose the mission, run over to where there is a barrel and some fire, slash the barrel and the fire will be put out. Run up the stairs after the cutscene now, destroy the tables and start attacking the Uruk-Hai. The townspeople will run away, destroy the Uruk-Hai and leave through the back of this house. As you emerge start running up, there will be some people running down because they are being chased by an Uruk-Hai, destroy it with a few fierce attacks and run on up to the top killing the Bow-Uruk-Hai-Men. Continue on running down then up. There should be another hill going up, but there is some fire blocking it. Shoot a barrel behind the fire then destroy the tables and chairs letting the people out. Destroy the Uruk-Hai then run into the nearby house a guy on fire should be running out of. Run through the house then outside to a fight against more Uruk-Hai, but luckily Gandolf is with you! After the battle is over complete the final house of the level and you win! Level Information: As the Fellowship and Gandolf move on they come across a town in Rohan. The town is swarming with attacking Uruk-Hai and people are desperately trying to flee, it is uncertain if this town will survive much longer, but the Fellowship and Gandolf will slash through the Uruk-Hai. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = The Westfold -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Aragorn Walkthrough: This is a very easy mission if you use the explosives to your advantage. What you want to do is to wait until the Uruk-Hai or Orcs are by an Explosive then shoot it killing them. There are plenty of explosives around so it's very easy. The first area is really simple. As the Uruk-Hai come advance up and take them out with the explosives lying around. After you reach the river you'll have to fight them without explosives until you reach a townlike area. Now there are KamiKaze's running through, they are huge Orcs with explosives attached to them. What you want to do now is to wait until they reach a large group of enemies and shoot them killing like 5-10 guys. After you've moved through the town there will be a cutscene of Uruk-Hai advancing. Once you reach the Uruk-Hai you should notice there are plenty of explosives. There is two ways to do this, the stupid way of making them all attacking you by trying to take out a few at once, or the smart way of blowing them all up by shooting the explosives really quick. Regardless after you've defeated them go through the gate into another area. This hill that you're at is kind of tough, first of all you'll want to take out the guys, after a few seconds KamiKaze's will start attacking you though. My suggestion is to stay in the back until the KamiKaze's start coming and shoot the KamiKaze's killing everything. Once only KamiKaze's are coming at you start heading up the hill taking them out as you go. At the top of the hill is another village, take care of this village like you've done to previous ones and head over to the lake where a cutscene will appear. Wade through the lake the best that you can watching out for incoming KamiKaze's. When you reach the end shoot one of the explosive holders and the mission is over! Level Information: The Fellowship and Gandolf finally reach the King who was been enchanted to be weak by Saruman. After a short battle Gandolf despells Saruman's enchant on the King and they are faced with a hard decision on what to do. After a short debate they agree to go to Helm's Deep and Gandolf goes off saying look in the East on the fifth morning. On their way to Helm's Deep the people of Rohan come across a town in danger, the Westfold. After saving the town they continue to march on to Helm's Deep. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Gap of Rohan -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommened Character: Aragorn. Walkthrough: This mission is incredibly easy. Kill the two Wargs then continue on into a field where there is like 5 more. Quickly defeat them as they come at you with fierce attacks until the boss comes out to "play". -= Boss Battle: Warg Leader =- This battle is like the level, incredibly easy. For the most part of the battle you want to avoid the boss, so basically run around dodging and blocking their attacks. When they send a Warg after you quickly slash it up with a few fierce attacks. The only time when you want to attack it is when its legs are up in the air. After a few times of attacking it the boss should fall and the battle will be over. Level information: Nearing Helm's Deep the people of Rohan are attacked by a group of Wargs. The battle is short, but a few lives are lost, and Aragorn almost loses his by falling off a cliff into the water. After another day or so they reach Helm's Deep. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Helm's Deep: The Deeping Wall = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Aragorn Walkthrough: Because this level is just defending the fortress on a small area I will only give a basic strategy for the level instead of a walkthrough for it. The main objective for this level is to keep out the enemies from the fortress until the level is over. If the meter at the top right of your TV ever gets full and stays there for awhile you will lose the mission. To prevent this from happening you need to follow this strategy: Your main objective is to keep all the ladders down, for if there is no ladders the enemies cannot come up. Because of this you want to run around the area kicking ladders down with the X button, you won't really need to attack enemies that much. The second thing to do is to find out where your allies are because that's where you will spend the lease time, only going over there to knock down an occasional ladder because they do not knock them down for you. If you see that the meter is in the red or high yellow then I suggest going to the area where your allies aren't and helping taking down the enemies that will probably be there. That is basically it for this mission, it is just protect the fortress. It is a fairly long mission and it isn't that hard if you follow that strategy, if you don't then the bar will probably overload and you'll lose. There are three cutscenes in this mission, the first signifies that the mission is 1/4 over, the second signifies that the mission is 3/4 over, and the last is the end of the mission. Level Information: Upon arriving Helm's Deep there is little time for celebration, for an army of 10,000 Uruk-Hai are advancing towards Helm's Deep. This mission is the first part of Helm's Deep where they are attempting to stop the Uruk-Hai from entering the fortress. The end of the mission has a cutscene where a KamiKaze blows a hole through the fortress and part two begins. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Helm's Deep: The Breached Wall = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommended Character: Legolas Walkthrough: The first minute of so of the level is pretty darn easy, just stand back and shoot the KamiKaze's as they come. After a little bit orcs will start coming with them, try to destroy the orcs when you shoot the KamiKaze's or take them all out at once with a Charged Y Attack. Now that enemies start coming your basic strategy should be to take them out with a Charged Y Attack (where you hold down Y so your sword or axe turns a different color), or take them out by shooting KamiKaze's. Right before the first cutscene several Uruk-Hai will attack you. Use quick attacks on them instead of the Holding Y trick because after the cutscene ten or so archers will come at you. If you kill the Uruk-Hai right you will get a perfect towards the end so you can blow through the archers with fast attacks :). Shortly after a second cutscene will appear, and a Cave Troll will come out. To be this guy I suggest charging up the Holding Y attack until your controller rumbles and let it out on him ^_^. After you beat the Cave Troll there will be another cutscene where they are pulling the catapult out. This is the end of the level now and it's a race against the clock. Run up to the catapult and do your best to take out all the enemies, once it looks like there is none left go up to the side of the Catapult and start hacking away with Fierce Attacks. If the wall hasn't taken much damage you will win, if it's taken too much you'll lose, that's basically how it works... Remember to take out all three sides of the Catapult too, if you don't you'll never take out the full life bar. Level Information: The Uruk-Hai have broken through, and the villagers are fleeing into the mountains, you must defend them by not letting the Uruk-Hai get through the door! This is the second part of the Helm's Deep missions, and it's probably the hardest. It takes place in the middle of Helm's Deep right after the KamiKaze blows through a wall, and the villagers are fleeing to the mountains so they don't die. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Helm's Deep: The Hornburg Courtyard = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Recommened Character: Aragorn Walkthrough: The last level! Too bad it's pretty darn hard :(. Like in the last level you have to protect a door, and there is a boss battle at the end. Unlike the last level you aren't in a field like area though, it's much like the first level in that you are on an elevated zone area. Until the first cutscene it will be just enemies attacking the door, take them out with quick attacks (A) or fierce attacks (Y). If they aren't paying attention to you, you might want to charge up Y so you take out like 5-10. After awhile there will be a cutscene, Legolas is in trouble. Run up to where Legolas is, and take out all the enemies, then run back down. After a little bit a guy will yell out "Archers on the Wall". Run back up the stairs and take them out. Run back to the door after you killed the enemies on the wall and remain there until there is one last cutscene where there is two Trolls coming. These guys aren't that tough, Charge up your Y attack and take them out when your controller starts to vibrate. After you take the trolls out the game is over! Level Information: The last of the three helm's deep missions. This takes place almost to the end of Helm's Deep, before Gandolf comes. You are protecting the door that once it is breached Aragorn, the King of Rohan, and a few men charge out of on horses and kill a ton of Uruk-Hai. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Tower of Orthnac -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Walkthrough: This is the secret level in the game so I will not provide anything but a walkthrough for the level. The tower if filled up of twenty floors, each progressing in difficulty. You can health only in some floors when you enter them. Floor #1: Charge up your Y attack and release. It should kill or knock them all down. If it doesn't kill them, kill them with a killing move (R). Floor #2: Do the Y charge attack again to break the shields of the enemies then take them out with speed attacks. Floor #3: Start off with a Y charge attack like before to hopefully kill them. If it doesn't use bane combo's (B,A,R) to defeat them. Floor #4: Use a Y charge attack to break their shields and kill them with bane combo's. Floor #5: Destroy their shields with a charged Y attack then use Bane Combo's like before. Floor #6: Finally some challenge. Be sure to zigzag up to the archers so they don't hit you and kill them with speed attacks. Floor #7: Kill the archers with speed attacks and then move to the others and kill them with fierce attacks. Floor #8: Zigzag up to the archers, kill them with speed attacks, and use bane combo's on the Uruk-Hai. Floor #9: Take out the archers with speed attacks and then the non-archers with bane combo's. Floor #10: This floor is quite annoying. Kill the archers first and then kill the Uruk-Hai's with bane combo's. Floor #11: Zigzag up to the archers at the side then take them out with speed attacks. Floor #12: Not too many archers here, so you probably won't get hit by them, take them out with fierce attacks and then kill the others. Floor #13: Zigzag up to the archers, kill them with speed attacks, and kill the Uruk-Hai with bane combo's. Floor #14: Kill the archers with arrows then charge up Y and kill the others easily. Floor #15: Run up to the archers and kill them with speed attacks and kill the troll by charging up Y. Floor #16: Kill the archers with speed attacks and use fierce attacks on the Uruk-Hai. Floor #17: Kill the archers with speed attacks and use fierce attacks on the Uruk-Hai. Floor #18: Take out the archers and the Uruk-Hai then charge up Y to kill the troll. Floor #19: Kill the orcs and archers as fast as you can then charge up Y and You'll take out the trolls. Floor #20: Whew! This is a psycho floor. Take out the archers and orcs first then charge up Y a few times to take out the trolls. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Bosses ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= -= Boss Battle: The Watcher =- The Watcher battle is awkward, but not hard if you know what you're doing. It will have everything, but it's tentacles under water, and the tentacles will attack you. Do Not, try to avoid them, or attack back, simply block thrm with the B button and they'll be up in the air. Run up and slice the Tentacles, and the head will appear. Shoot the head with an arrow, and repeat this process. Do this several times and the Watcher will fall, not too hard huh? -= Boss Battle: Cave Troll =- For the first and easier portion of the Battle you want to do a hit and run style. Run up to the side of him, do a Fierce Attack then run behind him, then around and repeat this. Doing this will minimize the damage to that of really small, and soon you will be at portion two of the battle. After you deal some damage to him there will be a movie and you will run up on a higher ledge. He will now attack with a chain. Hide behind pillars and shoot arrows from him. If he destroys the pillar run to another, there is plenty of pillars. If you run out of arrows there is a arrow fill up on the right side, and if you start to run low on HP goblins come every once and a while, when you kill them they will give you a potion. Because of your good long range (if you're Legolas), you should defeat him rather quickly ^_^. -= Boss Battle: Lurtz =- The first portion of the battle is a lot easier than it seems. Stay your distance away and shoot him several times with arrows until there is a cut scence where he picks up an axe type thing. Take out his little minions now so it's just you verse him. Run behind a statue and make sure he gets his weapon stuck on it. Now attack him with fierce attacks until he breaks the statue, now go to a different statue and repeat. If you're good you might get up a to a perfect and be able to kill him very quickly, if not it will be a slightly long battle of getting his weapon stuck in a statue and attacking, then running to another. -= Boss Battle: Warg Leader =- This battle is like the level, incredibly easy. For the most part of the battle you want to avoid the boss, so basically run around dodging and blocking their attacks. When they send a Warg after you quickly slash it up with a few fierce attacks. The only time when you want to attack it is when its legs are up in the air. After a few times of attacking it the boss should fall and the battle will be over. ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Abilities ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Aragorn's Abilitys/Upgrades = =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= Level 1 =- Triple Strike (A,A,A) Double Hack (Y,Y) Shadow Strike (R) Combat Kick (X) Dunedain Bow (B) -= Level 2 =- Rush Attack (A,X) Rising Attack (A,R,Y) Isildur's Swift Terror (A,A,Y) Isildur's War Rush (A,X,Y) Ranger Furry (Holding Y) Strength of the Stewards -= Level 4 =- Goblin Bane (B,A,R) Charge Attack (A,X) Isildur's Death Charge (A,X,Y) Isildur's Gambit (A,Y,A,A) Rohan Bow Strength of Isildur -= Level 6 =- Orc Bane (B,A,R) Isildur's Deliverence (Y,A,A,Y) Strength of Elendil Wilderness Rage (Holding Y) Master Swordsmen -= Level 8 =- Bane of Saruman (B,A,R) Isildur's Judgement (Y,Y,X,Y) Strength of Argonath Wrath of Numener (Holding Y) Gondor Bow =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Legolas's Upgrades/Abilities -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= Level 1 =- Triple Strike (A,A,A) Double Hack (Y,Y) Shadow Strike (R) Combat Kick (X) Knife Parry (B) Mirkwood Longbow -= Level 2 =- Rush Attack (A,X) Elrond's Swift Terror (A,A,Y) Elrond's War Rush (A,X,R) Elven Furry Force of Celeborn Rivendell Longbow -= Level 4 =- Goblin Bane (B,A,R) Rising Attack (A/Y) Charge Attack (A,X) Elrond's Death Charge (A,X,Y) Elrond's Gambit (A,Y,A,A) Lorthlorien Longbow -= Level 6 =- Orce Bane (B,A,R) Elrond's Delieverence (Y,A,A,Y) Dragonfire Arrows Force of Galadriel Gil-Galand's Rage -= Level 8 =- Bane of Saruman (B,A,R) Elrond's Judgement (Y,Y,X,Y) Mithril Arrow Elven Bow =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= = Gimili's Abilites/Upgrades -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= Level 1 =- Triple Strike (A,A,A) Double Hack (Y,Y) Shadow Strike (R) Axe Thrust (X) Axe Parry (B) Erebor Axes -= Level 2 =- Rush Attack (A,X) Balin's Swift Terror (A,A,Y) Balin's War Rush (A,X,R) Dwarven Furry Might of Rock Might of Iron -= Level 4 =- Goblin Bane (B,A,R) Charge Attack (A,X) Rising Attack (A/Y) Balin's Gambit (A,Y,A,A) Rune of Protection -= Level 6 =- Orc Bane (B,A,R) Balin's Delieverence (Y,A,A,Y) Might of Balin Might of Gloin Moria Axes Mountain Rage -= Level 8 =- Bane of Saruman (B,A,R) Balin's Judgement (Y,Y,X,Y) Might of Khazad-Dum Wrath of Moria (Holding Y) Might of Mountain Axes Axe Mastery of Kings ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Codes ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= To Trigger these codes go to the Start Menu during gameplay. Hold L and R and enter the following what's next to it: A, A, Down, Down All last level upgrades Y, X, Y, X All Upgrades B, B, X, X Devastating attacks B, X, A, Y Infinite arrows and axes A, Down, Down, Down Instant 1000 Experience Y, B, A, X Invincibility X, Right, X, Right Level 2 Skills Y, Up, Y, Up Level 4 Skills B, Left, B, Left Level 6 Skills A, A, Down, Down Level 8 Skills A, Down, Y, Up Refill Long Range Meter A, Down, Y, Up Restore Ammo Y, Down, A, Up Restore life to 100% Y, X, A, B Slow motion Y, Y, A, A Small enemies ============================================================================= .:*:. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= .:*:. Legal Information ':*:' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ':*:' ============================================================================= This guide is copyright (c) BurningFox 2003-2004. It may only be posted on the following sites: * www.gamefaqs.com * www.neoseeker.com * www.cheats.de * http://faqs.ign.com * www.cheathappens.com If it is found anywhere else it is considered an illegal copy. If you read on further than the next line in an illegal copy you are contributing to the illegal acts of the Internet and therefor you are committing a crime. I'm not strict at all on letting a site use my guides, just E-mail me at Pikminworrior@aol.com if you wish to host the FAQ. You may and are encouraged to print out this document for completing the game or other Lord of the Rings the Two Towers related things, But not to sell and or trade for money/items. _____________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) BurningFox End of Document