.___________. __ __ _______ _______. __ .___ ___. _______. | || | | | | ____| / || | | \/ | / | `---| |----`| |__| | | |__ | (----`| | | \ / | | (----` | | | __ | | __| \ \ | | | |\/| | \ \ | | | | | | | |____ .----) | | | | | | | .----) | |__| |__| |__| |_______| |_______/ |__| |__| |__| |_______/ .______ __ __ _______.___________. __ .__ __. _______ | _ \ | | | | / | || | | \ | | / _____| | |_) | | | | | | (----`---| |----`| | | \| | | | __ | _ < | | | | \ \ | | | | | . ` | | | |_ | | |_) | | `--' | .----) | | | | | | |\ | | |__| | |______/ \______/ |_______/ |__| |__| |__| \__| \______| ______ __ __ .___________. / __ \ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | `---| |----` | | | | | | | | | | | `--' | | `--' | | | \______/ \______/ |__| Game: The Sims: Bustin Out System: PS2 + GC Guide Start Date: April 12, 2008 Guide Release Date: April 25, 2008 By: Matthew Culkin E-mail: m-r-c-u-l-k-i-n(at)g-m-a-i-l-(dot)-c-o-m (Remove the -, obviously) Disclamer: This is my guide and mine alone. Since this game came out five years ago, not too worried about things getting nabbed. Just ask me if you want to use my guide, I’ll give it to you. Hi there! If you’re reading this, it means a couple things. Actually it only means that this guide actually got done and posted. In case you didn’t know, the game this whole Word File discusses is the Sims: Busting Out for Gamecube and PS2. If I had to give this game a review, it’d probably be an 8. Overall it’s pretty fun. It’s also pretty hard, however, and that’s where I come in! In theory, below you should fine the tools to overcome any and every obstacle this game throws at you. Just follow along, you’ll be fine. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Table of Contents ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Need to find something? Do this: Check out the 5-letter/number code next to everything. Now press Ctr-f and post this code. It should send you to the correct chapter. I) Basics (HJ234) A) Skills (HGJD2) B) Mood (GTY56) C) Relationships (GE42D) D) Marriage/Moving in (GITY2) E) Babies (GFT5S) F) Kids (GJU5T) II) Free Play (DTHE4) A) Starting Out (DER5T) B) Building a House (DA3ED) C) Furnishing (DAE42) D) The First Day (DJ7YT) E) Continuing On (DG5W6) III) Bust Out Mode (F453S) A) Chapter 1/Prelude (FRT54) B) Chapter 2 (F4ERT) C) Chapter 3 (FGTY6) D) Chapter 4 (FJIR2) E) Chapter 5 (F3RET) F) Chapter 6 (FGT6E) IV) Encyclopedia (YT5WD) A) Jobs (YETD2) V) Game Review (RT5E6) VI) About Me (LE45S) VII) Credits (TE3D3) ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Basics (HJ234) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) The Sims is actually a pretty complex game. In it, there are numerous bars, stats, and meters that you need to fill or keep filled. Likewise, things such as relationships are constantly important. The following section should outline the key elements that are necessary in both Free-play, and Bust Out Mode. XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Skills (HGJD2) XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX In the sims, there are 7 distinct skills your sims can learn by using the objects given to you. The major use of these is job promotion, however many of them have other goodies connected to them as well. Cooking: Everyone loves cooking (except most people). While a high cooking skill may not seem that important in regards to most job advancements, it is huge in actually making food and not lighting the house on fire. A higher skill will obviously lead to more fulfilling food (really useful). More importantly, a skill of four or higher will guarantee no nasty house fires break out. Max this. Creativity: My all time favorite Sims house had eight people. None of them had jobs, and instead there were literally hundreds of easles around the house. I went and downloaded every single painting mod I could find (basically every famous painting ever made) and had all 8 start painting. Soon I had beautiful artwork all over the house, and tons of doubles for me to sell. The Sims sure is a great game; you should play it. Mechanical: Mech allows you to fix things…that’s about it. The thing here is that A) Things never break B) The Mechanic is really cheap. Because of this, Mech just doesn’t have that much use besides job advancement. Whatever. Logic: Another pretty useless skill. Body: In the Sims 2 (In stores now!) having a high body skill is important as your people will live longer. This is a cool feature…that doesn’t exist in this game. Because of that, this skill lacks a ton of use besides job advancement. Having a high body skill will let you do sweet dives I guess. Charisma: See Logic XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Mood (GTY56) XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Your Sims mood is decided by numerous “mood bars” which can be checked at any time during game-play. Some of these bars can be ignored for a while, while some will tank your happiness if they get to low. Here they are, as well as what to do to keep them full. Hunger: Simple enough. A constant meal supply (usually about two a day) is necessary for your sim. Simply cook up a healthy meal (or order an outrageously priced pizza) to fill this Hygiene: About one shower or bath a day keeps this up. Using the toilet brings this down; so go ahead and use this every time you do that. Energy: One might think that the only way to raise energy is to sleep. OH CONTRARE! Check the electrical section in buy mode for a bug zapper. Now choose the “touch” option. Your sim will get a nice zap, and his comfort will plummet. His energy however, will raise by two. Now touch it 3-4 more times until energy is full. Now go watch TV or just sit in a really comfortable chair to gain full energy in about 5 hours instead of 9; efficiency! Social: This both raises, and falls very slowly. The best way to raise this is to simply “talk” with someone for a long time. Comfort: This usually gets filled while filling. Buying a comfy chair to watch TV in is also a good call. Bladder: Toilet; usually after food. In fact, my normal wake-up routine is food>bladder>shower>Chair/TV until bus arrives. Fun: The best way to fill this is to watch TV while sitting in a comfy chair. Other options don’t fill your comfort meter as well. Room: This really only matters when you’re going to work, and looking to be in a green mood for promotion. Simply keeping things clean, and maybe adding some pictures or something make this easy. XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Relationships (GE42D) XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX There are two types of relationships: friends…and LOVAZ. Friends: Sociality is really easy in the Sims. All it takes is two people to chat/complement each other for a little while. While this game introduces several new social interactions, there really are only two you need; Talk, Complement, Talk, Complent, Talk, ECT until desired friend level. Seriously, just keep choosing those two options with the person you want to befriend and all will be well. You both need to have a relationship level of 50 for a friendship to start. Note: Every day, each person will lose two points of friendship. This is why you should raise all relationships up to 100 is possible. Once the score is down to 60, or so; invite the person over and get the score back up. Lovers: First rule is that the two people need to be friends, at a level over 70 (you may want to just be at 100 to make sure). Around that point, more intimate social options appear. Simply choose one of these (kiss is the easiest), and GJ, you’re in love. If you wish to further push the deal, check out the section on Marriage (and children). XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Marriage/Moving in (GITY2) XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Yay marriage! Yes, in the Sims is perfectly possible (it’s pretty easy, actually) to woo any number of fine ladies or gentlemen you run across. It’s important to note that no Bust-Out characters can be proposed to. That includes people like Dudley, Mimi, Malcolm, and any other person who lives in any of the levels. In fact, at the start, only members of the Tutti, and Frutti family are eligible. If that’s not your thing, head into free-play and make the sim wive/husband of your dreams. Move them into a blank lot and save/quit. That sim(s) will now visit you in both free-play and Bust-out mode, and is available for marriage. Now that you understand who you can get, let’s try how. Obviously, matching red hearts is a must before marriage can happen (unfortunately no, there is no dysfunctional rich husband, trophy wife pairing option in this game). Get both up to 100, then invite the special someone over when your Sim is in a great mood (very important). Treat the soon to be spouse sim like a god. Clean up all the trash, and maybe move some nice art into the room you plan to pop the question in to guarantee a max room rating. Make him or her food, and join them in a fun activity. The key here is to get them in a good mood before you ask. After you think they’re feeling it, click them and check the propose/move-in option. (If no option appears, remember that both people must have a 100 and a heart, as well as be in a good mood). Go for the gold and you should probably get it. If the fail is epic, just try again. Get the person back to 100 (probably on another day) then pop again until victory. If only marriage in real life were this simple. The actual wedding is kinda lame. It also costs some, so make sure you have over a K before you try anything. You also gain all of the Sims that you married assets which is probably in the 15k range. You’ll also gain full control over them (naturally). XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Babies (GFT5S) XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX God kids in the Sims are unbearable. Having a kid follows similar guide-lines to getting married. First, have the wife quit her job. The Sims takes place in 1954 and a mother in the workforce is simply abhorred. Get both Sims up to a 100 relationship again, and have both in a 2-4 green mood (should be MUCH easier now that you can control both of them). Start kissing, and after a couple rounds you will gain the option to have a child. If you want one (and as you’re reading this I assume you do) press yes and a baby will magically be transported to your household. Wherever it lands, congratulations, that’s mom’s new bedroom. Move the baby into a room where mom will also sleep. Have dad sleep in another room so he won’t be miserable (1954). Basically the man should keep doing what he’s doing and be at work. The mother has no job, and basically is to look after the child until it ages. It takes three days for a baby to age, and they don’t do much until then. Randomly the baby will cry. Have the mom feed, then sing, then play with the kid. That should shut it up. Be warned that if the baby is allowed to cry too long, a call will be received from social services. Another screw-up and the baby is taken forever (that means you fail). After three days, the useless baby will become a useless kid. Whoopie. XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX Kids (GJU5T) XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX There are two ways to lose a kid in this game. The first is to send them to military school. Achieve this by simply letting the kid cut class. Every day missed cuts a full letter off his grade. Let it hit F and he’s gone. The other is to send him away with an A+ grade. This really isn’t that tough. Start by always sending the kid to school with a good attitude (just like an adult). When he gets home, have him study, study, study on the computer. At about the same speed a sim improves a stat, the kid will improve his grade. Get it all the way up and you complete the objective (please tell me you didn’t have a kid in the free mode for fun… ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Free Play (DTHE4) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Although Bust Out mode is easily the bread and butter of this game, a completely competent “normal” Sims mode option exists as well. In this game, there really is no goal. Like in real life, achievement and failure all lies in the eye of the beholder. Basically if you die you lose, if you make a bunch of money and get promoted a bunch, you win. (Kinda like real life, really). ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ Starting Out (DER5T) ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ First thing is to pick a home. You are given three options; a home with four dudes, a home with four chicks, or an empty house. If you pick the empty lot, you will then need to build your family, as well as their house. Otherwise skip on down to the “The first day” section. If you did choose an empty lot, you have some Sims to make! Start by choosing the last name of your family. Next choose the first (or only) Sim you wish to make. Name your guy. Choose the age, sex, and stats of the person. If this is your first time to the Sims, use this build. Neat: 0 Active: 6 Outgoing: 3 Playful: 8 Nice: 8 Make the body and face…and there you go. Now either start the game, delete the guy you just made, or most likely, start on person two. Keep going until you have as many people as you want (you can only have 4 max, by the way.) If this is your first time, two Sims; one male, one female is considered easiest. If you wanna be hella cool like me, I made three dudes and one girl (I’ve probably played over 50 houses in the Sims, 35 of them have had three guys and one girl). Choose enter the house, and welcome to the game! Hey…There’s nothing here!!!! ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ Building a house (DA3ED) ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ I guess technically you don’t need a house in the Sims. I’ve actually played game where I didn’t use any walls, and things went pretty well. Still, in most situations your Sims will want a house to live in. To make one, start by pressing start and heading into the Build mode. Choose the wall option, and begin working. The key to any starting house is to be modest. I generally like to have three rooms. A small bedroom, a real small bathroom, and a bigger kitchen/living room I hate ASCII, but here’s what it looks like, ----------------- | | | | |be | m |b| | | | | ================= be: Bedroom b: bathroom m: multi-purpose room The key basically, is modesty. Basically, the smaller your house is, the more nice crap you can buy. And nice crap is more useful early on than big walls. Go ahead and use some cheap wallpaper, flooring if you want. Also add doors (you should only really need 3), as well as a couple windows. Yes, this house is ghetto, fix it when you’re rich. ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ Furnishing (DAE42) ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ Next is to head into the buy mode to buy crap. There are a few things you need. Use this as a check list. -A bed for every person in the home (three people, three beds) -A Fridge, washer, food processor, stove, trash compactor and a fire alarm -A phone -A thief alarm -A tv and a couch to watch it on -A book-case -A toilet (for four sim houses, I recommend a second toilet hidden in a 2x2 side room with just the toilet in it). -A shower -A book case (next to couch) I did all this, and ended up with 3,500$. If you have about that, good joh. Obviously things will be getting upgraded when more cash flow comes, but you should have a bit of spending cash when you start the game. Speaking of… ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ The First Day (DJ7YT) ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ First thing you do, hire the maid. Just trust me here. So now it’s on. Start by heading back into buy mode and getting a computer. Send your Sims up and get jobs. It’s easier if all Sims get the same jobs, but it’s fun to get everyone different jobs as well. I always choose a job that has me going to work for the first day at 9 AM, that way you get a free promotion Once you have jobs, go re-sell the TV. Send the kids to work, and get there promotions. The other goal today should be to get the two to 100 on their relationships. This will give you the opportunity to do things like sleep in the same bed, or be in the bathroom together. You should also get each to level 3 for their cooking skill. That guarantees that neither will burn the house down when cooking food. Once you get promoted, check your job stats. You will see that skills are now necessary. Head to the buy screen, and purchase the specific skill tool that correlates with the skill(s) you need. In my case it was creativity, so I went and bought a couple painting canvases. You may also need friends, read the above section about friends above for more info about that. ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ Continuing On (DG5W6) ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ As noted, Free Play is kind of open to whatever you want. However, there are a lot of tips to how you can make the game as easy and awesome as it can be. - Don’t be too afraid to spend money. Money is common in this game, and you should basically spend it as you can. Upgrade items, buy new ones, or do whatever ever you want. Superior items will fill needs meters faster, thus allowing you to train more, and go to work in a better mood. - Likewise, start adding on rooms. It’s kind of ghetto to have three rooms in a house, after all. Make an entrance way, as well as a fun room, kitchen, and a skill room. Make a pool, a garden, and pretty much whatever the hell you want. The easiest way to measure Sim success is how nice a house looks. Make yours nice. - Once you hit job level 10; quit and get another job. Yes you will have to start back over at level one, and you will likely need to get new skills, but it’s worth it. The double cash you get for being promoted is in general worth more (assuming you get promoted daily). It’s also a lot more fun to raise up a ladder than to sit on top of it. - Consider getting married to spice things up. Check out the marriage guide above to check that out. - A really fun thing to do is to, once you’re doing well, evict your family and destroy the house. Now move them back into a vacant lot…only now you have way more money! With a net-worth of much more than the original 20k, you can now afford to make a much more stylish home. I know I said you can just add onto your old house above, but that starts to look really trashy after a while. In starting again, you can have a better idea what you want your final product to look like. Use nicer wall-paper, and maybe make a pool or something. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Bust Out Mode (F453S) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Here it is. The main event of this game. Unlike traditional Sims game-play, this mode is very structured. In it, you make your way from home to home; helping the residents out and moving up the career ladder. In total you will stay and play at 12 fine residences, all of them completely different. Make friends, make money, and Bust Out! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 1/Prelude (FRT54) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start by typing in your Sim’s last name (it doesn’t matter what you do.) Next is your Sim’s first name (it doesn’t matter what you do.) Next choose the first option and choose the gender. I’m choosing a dude. Like three things will change in the guide if you’re a girl. None should affect you. Next is stats, here are mine. Try to keep them close. Neat: 0 Outgoing: 6 Active: 9 Playful: 5 Nice: 5 Basically Neat:0, and Active:<8. Do whatever the hell you want for the other three. Now the body (idmwyd) Head (idmwyd) And you’re done. On to the game~!~~!~! … Welcome to the game~!~~!~! Chapter 1 really isn’t that exiting as it is basically chilling with your mom for like 10 minutes (or much longer, in my and your case.) As this is basically a demo, your stats will drop slower and you never need to sleep! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Club Awesome ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wooh~! Party time! This game rules!!! Apparently It’s about 5 PM on a Tuesday because the dance floor’s going and there are SIX PEOPLE ON IT. Seriously, what a lame club. Click on the chick in the green and kiss her. Obviously she’s rolling on E, as you two start going at it. Then you wake up; owned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mom’s House ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: None Welcome to level one. It’s a crappy house with your mom. Things start with Malcom (the crappy villain of the game) stealing all your crap. Have a good cry and watch the goods go. All the stuff he steals you will be looking to earn by completing the missions here (it’s like this is every level). I’ll warn you here. I’m not going to let you leave here until you max every skill. That’s right. That’s lots and lots of playing level one (it’s about two hours). Doing this makes the game SO MUCH EASIER. This game is actually pretty hard. Just spend the man hours while listening to music or a podcast. Let’s get to it. 1) Press the R Button for double speed: Go ahead and hit the R button. It’s on the top of your controller by the “z”. Reward: $50 2) Eat enough food to fill your stomach: Mom will make some food after a while. Eat it and get the reward for free. Reward: $50 3) Use a toilet to empty your bladder: Either wait to actually need the bathroom, or just go whenever you feel like it. Reward: The Maid (you’ll be using this) 4) Do fun stuff to raise your fun level: Go watch TV or the fish tank. Reward: $50 5) Use the newspaper to find a job: Go outside and check the paper. Basically choose whatever job you want. As you will have ALL MAXED STATS. It doesn’t really matter. Do understand that the job you choose will affect which new levels you head to, but in beating the game you’ll end up doing all of them. Just do whatever you like. Reward: Super Scooter Hey look! You can leave now! Wait… We have a bit more work to do. Hire the maid For the next several sim days, stay at home and learn, learn, learn! It doesn’t really matter the order, except learn cooking first so you can make good food. You also might want to do creativity for mad art money. Buy ability items as you need them. Yes this seems lame. Please, just trust me and do it. You will very likely pick these 2 hours back up as you complete the game. I’ll be here *waits 2-3 hours* K, good job. Last thing is to make friends with mom if you havn’t. Mom will be the easiest friend to make and keep in the game. Get her to 100 then get the hell out of dodge! Mom will steal a bunch more of your money (**** her) and you’re off! Where you go next depends on your job choice. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 2 (F4ERT) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 2 has you heading to well…crappy houses. Both of the homes available here are pretty low-rent, as are the roomies you will share them with. Luckily for you both of these levels can, and usually are completed in only two sim days. Having max skills should make this even easier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dudley’s Trailer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Gangster, Jock, Mad Scientist, Paramilitary Welcome to the second level! This is actually one of my favorites, mainly because it’s easy. You do have all stats maxed out, right? If so, all should be well. Oh…Malcolm stole your cool crap again. Bummer. Go to the phone and hire the maid, now let’s get on with the goals. 1-1.4) Get promoted to level 2: The way you get promoted is to go to work with the necessary skills and friend count, while also having a positive (green) attitude. Considering all your stats are maxed, your only problem should be keeping your dude happy, not that hard. Reward(s): Paramilitary-HellaGraphiz Game console, The Dude Buggy, The Octagon (home) 2-2.4) Get promoted to level 3: Same deal, just with level 3 job this time. Reward: Paramilitary- The Up-Light, Toane’s Gym (House) 3) Interact with other Sims to satisfy your social needs: Go talk to Dudley. Like two talks should do it. Reward: Pull my finger! (Social) 4) Get to know Dudley better: You’ll unlock this one at the same time as the last one. Reward: $50 5) Have one skill point in cooking: Lol Reward: $200 6) Have mom over to your new place: Do as it says. Use the phone to invite mom over. Don’t just talk to her; she has to come over for a visit. You don’t even need to meet her when she shows up! Reward: Nag about house (Social) 7) Visit Mimi’s place and get her to pull your finger: Head to your scooter (probably do this right when you get back from work). Choose visit and head to Mini’s. Make friends with her (you should collect friends as fast as you can anyway), and then choose pull my finger. You’ll both laugh and all is well. Reward: Big mouth chair 8) Clean up the mess: You CAN clean crap up yourself, but skrew that. You already hired the maid. When she first shows up while you’re at work, all is well. You may need to clean one or two more pieces once you get home, however. Reward: The toxic barrel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mimi’s Place ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Counter Culture, Fashion Victim, Movie Star The other level 2. For some reason I never pick a job that leads here, but you might! Like Dudley’s place, this isn’t TOO tough. Also note that the goals here are the same, or very similar to that of Dudley’s. Thus; the write-ups are the same, or very similar to Dudley’s. I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Hire the maid 1) Get to job level 2: As noted, got to work in a good mood with all the stat and friend stuff done (you should still have max stats) Reward: Counter Culture: Leaflet Distributor - Epicurious Gourmet Stove Matsuura Imposter Type-S, Pixel Acres – Visit Fashion Victim: Lingerie Model - SlushRush Bar Counter, Matsuura Imposter Type- S Movie Star: Kiddie show sidekick - Gossip (social), Matsuura Imposter Type-S (Vehicle), Tinsel Bluffs - Visit 2) Get to job level 3: Same deal Reward: Counter Culture: Basket Weaver - Confucius Wall Lamp, Studio 8 - Move or Visit Fashion Victim: Body Waxer - VenuSpice" Dresser by Polly Vinyl, Studio 8 - Move or Visit Movie Star: Stunt Double - Exoticalistism Floor Lamp, Goth Manor - Move or Visit 3) 3) Interact with other Sims to satisfy your social needs: Go talk to Mimi. Like two talks should do it. Reward: Use sign language (Social) 4) Get to know Dudley better: You’ll unlock this one at the same time as the last one. Reward: $50 5) Have one skill point in cooking: Lol Reward: $200 6) Have mom over to your new place: Do as it says. Use the phone to invite mom over. Don’t just talk to her; she has to come over for a visit. You don’t even need to meet her when she shows up! Reward: Give money (Social) 7) Visit Dudley’s and use “SIGN LANGUAGE” on him: Head to your scooter (probably do this right when you get back from work). Choose visit and head to Dudley’s. Make friends with him (you should collect friends as fast as you can anyway), and then choose Sign language. You’ll both laugh and all is well. Reward: The skull shrub 8) Fix all the broken things: As you have 10 mech, this should be no big deal. There’s only one broken thing, the coffee maker. Fix it and there you go. Reward: The repair man ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 3 (FGTY6) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 3 has you moving up in the world as you stake your claim in one of three very different homes. The big gimmick here is that for the first time you can control other sims!...You will soon learn to not actually control them, however. Honestly, these levels are kind of bland. But with maxed skills (trust me, the game gets really hard without maxed skills from this point.) these levels should also pass quickly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toane’s Gym ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Gangster, Jock, Paramilitary Here’s to a real house! This place is a house/gym. In this level, you also get to control another sim, either Max or Goldie. The truth is that you shouldn’t actually ever do anything with these guys. Just let them live their own lives and go to work and stuff, they’ll be fine. Start by going and buying the $1,000 double-bed, put it in the blue room. This will also complete a goal, but I’ll touch on that in a bit. You may also want to go buy a new stove/other cooking stuff. Oh, and go buy a fire and safety alarm. I got robbed while writing this. Also get a phone, hire the maid. 1-1.3) Get promoted to level 3: Usual deal here. Go to work with green, you win. Reward: Gangster: Car Thief – High Dive Jock: Starter – Life Rocks! Climbing Wall Paramilitary: Paratrooper – Show off muscles (social) 2-2.3) Get promoted to level 4: Yup Reward: Gangster: Mugger – Sonic Shower, Casa Caliente - Move or Visit Jock: All-Star Aeromaster Whifferpuff "Gold”, Club Rubb - Move or Visit Paramilitary: Chopper Pilot – Miss Memo Sleeper, Shiny Things Labs - Move or Visit 3) Make friends with Max or Goldie: As it says, talk/flirt/whatever all your way to 50 with either person. They’re both easy. Reward: Signature Social of resident 4)Control another sim by pressing the Z button: The Z button is the purple one. Press it. Reward: Towel Snap (social) 5) Go to Dudley’s Trailer and PARTY!: Your best bet is to skip work one day and do this instead. Be at 3-4 green bars and head over to Dudley’s. Once there he will start up a party. To pass this challenge, you must reach a friend level of 5 or higher with every guest there. This actually is pretty hard, but don’t be distraught. Keep heading over, and eventually guests will repeat themselves. Any guest that shows up already 5 or higher is completely set. Just keep at it. Reward: Tsunami X-TEQ (A NEW CAR~!~!~!~!) 6) Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the gym: Getting the bed should do this awesome. You can also buy anything else you think your sim might like. You kind of get paid back for all this crap when you leave, so it’s all good. Reward: The flush force toilet. 7) Get four sims to join Toane’s gym as members: You’re probably going to want to save this one till later on. The reason for this is that people need to be your friends before they’ll join. As you probably don’t even have four friends right now, this could be hard. Once you have friends, throw a party and make everyone happy. Make food and talk and whatever (basically make food). Once Stuff seems to be going well, ask your friends to join the gym. They should accept. You don’t need to get all four at once, remember. So just throw a couple parties if you need to. Reward: Turntablitz DJ Booth ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Goth Manor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Mad Scientist, Movie Star Here’s a fun one. It’s a haunted house…that’s about it. In this level, you also get to control another sim, either Mortimer or Bella. The truth is that you shouldn’t actually ever do anything with these guys. Just let them live their own lives and go to work and stuff, they’ll be fine. Oh, they don’t have a fridge, fix that. Hire the maid. 1-1.2) Get promoted to level 3: Usual deal here. Go to work with green, you win. Reward: Mad Scientist: Virsy Breeder - Gene Genie Incubator Movie Star: Horror Movie Extra - TumulTech "Sim-Phony" Synthesizer 2-2.2) Get promoted to level 4: Yup Reward: Mad Scientist: Chemist - Boggs' Memorial Commode, Shiny Things Lab - Move or Visit Movie Star: Soap opera star - Do Magic Trick (social) Unlock: Club Rubb - Move or Visit 3) Make friends with Mortimer or Bella: As it says, talk/flirt/whatever all your way to 50 with either person. They’re both easy. Reward: Signature Social of resident 4) Control another sim by pressing the Z button: The Z button is the purple one. Press it. Reward: Tell Story (Social) 5) Find the fern that was stolen from the Goths: Whenever, visit Dudley’s Trailor. In the back of his house is the plant. Go steal it back and bail. Reward: RGB Throwback 6) Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the manor: Get a new fridge (they don’t seem to have one), and a dish-washer. You’d be getting these anyway, so no big problem here. Reward: Seance Table 7) Exorcise the ghosts by having a séance: Go and buy the séance you received from the buy 1,000 dollars thing. Now put it in the room with the four chairs. Between 12-4 A.M,., choose the table and pick “contact spirits”. Now wait. Basically watch your guy freak out and uncover ghosts until you get your reward. (You have to choose the option twice). Also, after you’re done. Sell the ****ing table back. Things useless otherwise. Reward: The skeleton display ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Studio 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Mad Scientist, Movie Star Hey, look; it’s an art gallery. This place is pretty nice actually, and probably my favorite level 3 level. In this level, you also get to control another sim, either Artie or Charity. The truth is that you shouldn’t actually ever do anything with these guys. Just let them live their own lives and go to work and stuff, they’ll be fine. Hire the maid 1-1.2) Get promoted to level 3: Usual deal here. Go to work with green, you win. Reward: Counter Culture: Flower child - Artist’s Block Fashion Victim: Fingernail painter - Floyd Co. Laser Light Show 2-2.2) Get promoted to level 4: Yup Reward: Counter Culture: Massage Therapist - 8-Step "Love Yourself" Wall Lamp, Casa Caliente - Move or Visit Fashion Victim: Wig Designer - Air Kiss (Social), Club Rubb - Move or Visit 3) Make friends with Artie or Charity: As it says, talk/flirt/whatever all your way to 50 with either person. They’re both easy. Reward: Signature Social of resident 4) Control another sim by pressing the Z button: The Z button is the purple one. Press it. Reward: Sissy fight (Social) 5) Buy $1,000 dollars worth of improvements for the studio: I’d get a new TV and comfy chair to watch it with. That should get this. Reward: Beejaphone Guitar 6) Have a great opening by rearranging the art: To score this, you need to have 5 people in the same room with a max or near-max room score. As long as it’s clean, the room with all the art will already score this. Throw a party and make food. Now pick it up and bring it to the far corner of said room. Hopefully you will get enough people interested to complete this. Just keep trying until the reward pops up. Reward: KraftKing Potter's Wheel 7) Visit Mimi’s place and make sure Mimi is OK: When you were with Mimi did you hire the maid? If not, move in there for just a sec, hire the maid, then move back here. You really need her to complete this. The goal of this mission is to pick up all of Mimi’s trash. This is actually harder than it sounds as Mimi makes quite a bit of it. Head over to Mimi’s between 9-10 AM (You may need to skip work) and start cleaning. With both you and the maid working here, things should work out. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 4 (FJIR2) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Time to get married (sigh). All three of the levels in this chapter involve getting laid and getting hitched. The difficulty is about the same as the last three (I swear, the max stats are a godsend in this game). A note about marriage: You don’t have to marry anyone in this level, or the next. Basically once you get married, the “get married” goal is unlocked in all the future houses, isn’t that nice? I recommend you don’t get married until chapter 4, however, as it just isn’t a good idea here. If you want to get a head start, meet any member of either the Tutti or Frutti family and get to 100 and heart with them. They’ll still be there when you want to tie the night. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Casa Caliente ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Counter Culture, Gangster It’s a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE Shack it’s a little ole place where…you get the point. People **** here. That’s what they do. I’m down. Buy a new TV for fun, and another bed because sleep it good. Hire the maid. 1-1.2) Get promoted to level 6: I think you got this one Reward: Counter Culture: Yoga Instructor - Vibromatic Heart Bed Gangster: Body Guard - Force To Slap Self (Social) 2-2.2) Get promoted to level 7: Friends, skills, happiness Reward: Counter Culture: Transcendentalist - Sili-Camp Tent, Pixel Acres - Move or Visit Gangster: Arsonist - Niagara Love Tub, Pixel Acres - Move or Visit 3) Buy $1,500 dollars worth of improvements for Casa Caliente: As I said, the bed and new TV should be just dandy here. Reward: Sham-Shag Polar Bear Rug 4) Fall in love/Invite over your lover: If you already have a heart with someone, just invite him/her over. If not, invite some girl over and friend them up to 70-100. Then do a “sexy” thing like kissing or flirting until a heart shows up. This can be a good prelude to getting married. Reward: Hawaiian Fantasy Tiki Torch 5) Score with two sims at the same party: Here’s a fun one. Starting at this level, the “try to score” option will appear. This is basically French kissing. To get this, have two different sims at a love level (do this before you start the party.) Throw a party, and head into a room that no one else is in (usually a bedroom or bathroom is good). Once there, invite one of the victims over. Make your move. Now run to a different room and do the same thing with the other sim. There you go. Reward: Romantic Kiss (social) 6) Go to studio 8 and help with “outsider art”: Remember how you have all maxed skills? Well that means you have maxed creativity; good. Visit studio 8 and start painting a picture on the easle. You should get the reward once you finish the picture. If it fails, just paint until you get the reward. It only took me once. Reward: That 70s Window, Goth Manor – Visit 7) Find a neighbor who knows about candelabras: Before you start this, you need to do the two sim hook-up task above so that you have the Romantic Kiss option in your social arsenal. Once you have that, visit Goth Manor and get to 100 and hearted with either Bella or Mona. Once you are in love, begin romantic kissing them. This may or may not work. Keep using romantic kiss until you score the candelabra. Reward: Torchemada Candelabra. 8) Get Married: Don’t Reward: Spritzen Funken ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Club Rubb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Fashion Victim, Jock, Movie Star It’s a club. Seemingly one they “Rubb” in. This place is generic and crappy, oh well. There are MANY things to buy here. Start by moving the random fridge back to where it should be. Now buy a new oven and food processor. Also get a dishwasher. Now head into the build area (crazy, I know) and build a quaint room in the back. Put as many beds as you need here (if your married or whatever, this may be a lot). Just look around, pretty much everything (shower, tables, fridge) can be upgraded at your leisure, so just do it. Hire the maid. 1-1.3) Get promoted to level 6: I think you got this one Reward: Fashion Victim: Hair Stylist - Admire Body (Social) Jock: Tell Dirty Joke (Social) Movie Star: Booty Tease (Social) 2-2.3) Get promoted to level 7: Friends, skills, happiness Reward: Fashion Victim: Makeup Artist - Slow Dance (Social), Tinsel Bluffs - Move or Visit Jock: Wolf Whistle (Social), Tinsel Bluffs - Move or Visit Movie Star: Moon Walk (Social), Tinsel Bluffs - Move or Visit 3) Buy $1,500 dollars worth of improvements for Casa Caliente: How could you not get this one!?! Unless you plan to die of starvation, this shouls come right along. Reward: Bounce My Booty Dance Floor 4) Fall in love/Invite over your lover: If you already have a heart with someone, just invite him/her over. If not, invite some girl over and friend them up to 70-100. Then do a “sexy” thing like kissing or flirting until a heart shows up. This can be a good prelude to getting married. Reward: KlassiKlean "More-saic" Tub 5) Throw The Ultimate DJ Dance Party: Here’s a good one. The 1500 dollar goal unlocks the Dance Floor, which you should buy and place back where it needs to be. The ultimate goal here is to throw a party, and have 5+ people dancing on the floor. You will be DJing. Have everyone skip work one day and throw a party. Do the usual party favors (make food basically), and get your sim scribbling on the Turntable. Highlight the other house sim, and make him start dancing. Now highlight everyone and have them join him. With some luck, four other sims will start dancing. If not, try, try again. Reward: Q3 Recliner 6) Find Out What's Going On At Toane's Gym: You have 10 body, so this one’s easy. Head to Toane’s gym, and the people there will challenge you to the triple jump. Hit the high-dive and choose “triple jump”. Hit it, then do it again, and then again. After the third is mission passed. Reward: Wicked Breeze Outdoor Shower 7) Show Off Some Club Rubb Moves at Studio 8: First you need to befriend “Bling-Bling”, this will unlock the “Break Dance” option. Head over to studio 8 and chat a bit with whoever you’re friends with. After a bit, bust out the “break dance” option and blow their minds for a pass. Reward: The Apoplectic Photoelectric 8) Get Married: Don’t Reward: Spritzen Funken ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shiny Things Labs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Mad Scientist, Paramilitary This is a cool place. It’s a science lab! There are experiments and lots of cool things here. Good luck! This place is actually pretty sweet on items. Upgrade the kitchen with a new fridge and whatever. Also, go buy a TV or something else fun to enjoy. Hire the maid. 1-1.2) Get promoted to level 6: I think you got this one Reward: Mad Scientist: Vivisectionist - Tesla Coil 3.0 Paramilitary: Covert Ops - Horrorwitz "Star-Track" Telescope 2-2.2) Get promoted to level 7: Friends, skills, happiness Reward: Mad Scientist: Gene Splicer - Slow Dance (Social), Tinsel Bluffs - Move or Visit Jock: Wolf SLP Lamp, The Octagon - Move or Visit 3) Buy $1,500 dollars worth of Worth of Lab Equipments: Ignore the lab equipment part. Just buy the TV and kitchen crap as mentioned. Reward: Bird Of Paradise 4) Fall in love/Invite over your lover: If you already have a heart with someone, just invite him/her over. If not, invite some girl over and friend them up to 70-100. Then do a “sexy” thing like kissing or flirting until a heart shows up. This can be a good prelude to getting married. Reward: KlassiKlean "More-saic" Tub 5) Show Off Rocket Gnomes At 'Launch Party': This one’s actually pretty easy. First, you need max Mech. Now go buy the gnome making kit from the buy menu. Now go and build five gnomes. Once they’re all made, head back to the buy menu, pick them all up, and move the little guys to the sand outside. Now throw a party. As soon as you get the “party has started” message, go out to those gnomes and start launching them. Launch all of them to complete the task. Reward: Hypnotize (Social) 6) Find Out Where The Contaminating Spores Are Coming From: Visit Goth Manor and steal a plant. That’s about it. Reward: Giant Fern 7) Go to Studio 8 & Change Their Minds About Scientists: First you need to have completed the gnome one above so you have the “Hypnotize” social action. Head to Studio 8 and use that social option to either person to change their minds. You’re kind of an ass, aren’t you? Reward: Pathmatic Sliding Door 8) Get Married: Don’t Reward: Spritzen Funken ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 5 (F3RET) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Last set of three and these places are all hells of nice! You become much closer with Malcom here, doing something with him at every house. I should note that you should probably go to Tinsel Bluffs first as it just makes everything easier (it involves making Malcom hate, and then love you). Oh, you can get married here too, as well as have a kid; don’t. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pixel Acres ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Counter Culture, Gangster Careers Here’s a fun one; it’s a nudist colony! Too bad this place is getting owned. Start by building a house. That’s right, nothing fancy just a simple, four room house with a bathroom, a kitchen, a fun/whatever room, and a bedroom. Basically a rectangle. Next get all the things you need; stuff like a fridge, beds (move them, at least), and a nice big TV to watch. Yeah, I know it isn’t in the spirit of the house, and if you want to just live outside, go for it. Hire the maid (pretty silly if you don’t have a house) 1-1.2) Get promoted to level 8: Yup Reward: Counter Culture: Love Guru - Tetherball Gangster: Extortionist - Table Tennis from Slammo 2-2.2) Get promoted to level 9: Mmhmm Reward: Counter Culture: Psychic Activist - Barnyard Taunt (Social), Malcolm's Mansion - Move or Visit Gangster: Hitman, BroilBastard Stone Grill, Malcolm's Mansion - Move or Visit 3) Buy $2000 Worth Of Improvements For Pixel Acres: All the stuff you just bought should take care of this. Reward: Hot Spring Conversion Kit 4) Find Out What 'Ghost' of A Problem The Goths Are Having: You need to do this before you can complete the task below. Visit Goth Manor. Head over to the synth, and play the “pixel booty” song. Everyone gets naked, you win. Reward: RustyRedneck Stump Chair, The Pixel Booty Song 5) Frame Malcolm & Get Him Busted For Indecent Exposure: You need a couple things here. You need to have done all the Goth mission above (it’s easy, just do it), you also need max creativity, and it helps if Malcom is your friend. Invite him over. And keep trying until he comes. Once he shows up, play the pixel song on the synth. Once he strips, guys ****ed. Reward: $5000 6) Seduce Someone At Casa Caliente: You need one of the two people at the Casa to love you. If someone does, awesome. If not, head over one day and make one of them love you. After that, head over to the bear rug and choose the “relax” option. Now choose your lova and choose join. After some awkward “so…we’re about to have sex, aren’t we?” talk, you succeed. Reward: Varmenkozze Euro Fireplace 7) Find Someone Interested In Chase's Secret Formula: First you need to make friends with Chase so you gain the “tell secret” option. Now head back to the shiny lab and use said option on either person there. GJ. Reward: Boomtown Redwood Table 8) Get Married: Still don’t. Reward: Spritzen Funken 9) Raise a baby to a child: You can’t, and you shouldn’t. Reward: Schnell Meister ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Octagon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Mad Scientist, Paramilitary Next house is…an area of national security? Man, I would have liked to think you need more clearance to get into a place like this than being level 7 at a job. I guess paramilitary kind of makes sense, but a gene splicer? The **** does that have to do with the government? You don’t need to buy anything here. But you can upgrade lots of stuff. The TV, the beds, and the shower; really. Hire the maid 1-1.2) Get promoted to level 8: Yup Reward: Mad Scientist: Robotician - Miss Gyrotic Paramilitary: Code Breaker – Flip (Social) 2-2.2) Get promoted to level 9: Mmhmm Reward: Mad Scientist: Space-Time Tinkerer - RiteLite Spotlight, Malcolm's Mansion - Move or Visit Paramilitary: Intelligence Director - SimSentry CDXLVIII Motion Detector, Malcolm's Mansion - Move or Visit 3) Buy $2000 Worth Of Improvements For The Octagon: All the stuff you just bought should take care of this. Reward: Atlantean Column 4) Mission: Classified - Eliminate Senator Langrabb: Here’s all you have to do. First invite Malcom over. Once he’s there, get him into a room alone and go into build mode. Delete all the exits so that he’s trapped in the room. That’s right, just like you used to kill your regular sims back in 2000, you’re starving Malcom out here. Now just go about life. You get your reward eventually. (Yes, a challenge was to KILL someone.) Reward: $5000 5) Mission: Find & Shut Down The Hackers: Head to the lab, and steal the nice computer in the back. It’s like stealing the plant, only nicer. Reward: Spartan Special Desk Lamp 6) Mission: Find & Suppress Antiwar Protesters: Head to Club Rubb and beat up either of the people there. It doesn’t matter what your relationship is, you will have attack available. Also, if I may pause for a second, this game is really hating on the U.S. Gov. You’re killing people, beating people up, it’s just weird that they’d do that. Reward: Toy Parrot by FauxFriend 7) Seek & Destroy Bio Weapons : Head to Goth Manor, check the incubator in the back and choose to destroy it. You will give it an adorable kick, and there it goes. Reward: GyroSport AbDominator 8) Get Married: Still don’t. Reward: Spritzen Funken 9) Raise a baby to a child: You still can’t, and you still shouldn’t. Reward: Schnell Meister ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tinsel Bluffs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: Fashion Victim, Jock, Movie Star You’re going to be here a while…a good while. Wanna know why? You’re getting married and having a kid!!! Basically I chose this place because this place is really nice. Your best bet is to get all the mission stuff done, then get on the marriage. You can try and mix the two if you want, but it might get dicey. This place could use a nice big-screen TV I guess. Also, you will need to buy another bed eventually when the kid shows up. Hire the maid 1-1.3) Get promoted to level 8: Doing these is my least favorite part of the guide. They’re so annoying to do. I hope you appreciate it. Reward: Fashion Victim: Runway Model - CYMK Floodlight Jock: Head Coach – Information Overlord by Bu Butubu Movie Star: Sex Symbol - Nostalgico Microphone 2-2.3) Get promoted to level 9: Mmhmm Reward: Fashion Victim: Centerfold - Fontis Publicus, Malcolm's Mansion - Move or Visit Jock: Hall of Famer - Autocrat by Emporium Imperium, Malcolm's Mansion - Move or Visit Movie Star: Director - Manila 1000 Marine Aquarium, Malcolm's Mansion - Move or Visit 3) Buy $2000 Worth Of Improvements For Tinsel Bluffs: The bed and TV, as I said Reward: Constructed Table 4) Get Malcolm to Put You In His Big Movie: There are two ways to do this: either by getting Malcolm to a 100 relationship, or to a -100 relationship. Guess which I tend to choose? 100: Invite Malcolm over, and start doing the classic friend routine (talk, compliment, talk, ect…). Once that’s all set, stay home and throw a party. When Malcolm shows up, make sure he has a good time and mingles with you a lot. When the option of “ask about movie” pops up, choose it and it should work. -100: Invite Malcolm over and start kicking his ass. Yell at him, embarrass him, whatever you want. When he hits -100, you will be able to attack him. With your max muscle you will clobber him, and somehow get a movie role because of it. Reward: $5,000 5) Find a good sci-fi movie script: Where else would we look for sci-fi except Shiny Things Lab~!?!?~!(Studio 8, I know). Head to the lab and some nonsense about a brain will pop up. Have someone show it to you, and then click on it and choose to steal the script. Man, you’ve killed people, you’ve robbed people, and now you’re plagiarizing people. Who are you? Reward: Cypress Tree 6) Muscle the Muscle at the Gym: Toane thinks he’s hot ****. Head over to the gym and choose the attack option (it will be there regardless of relationship). With your max body, the T-man will be no match and go down easily. Reward: Colossicus Pool 7) Find out where to get a red pool table: Head over to Club Rubb. You will be invited to a game of pool. Join him for a round, and he’ll give you the table as a gift (isn’t it weird that you get/find/steal all these things, and then they don’t come back with you. Usually stealing something doesn’t give you the option of buying it…it just gives you the object.) Reward: Overlord Pool Table 8) Get Married: Here we go…Copy pasta’d from an above section. Yay marriage! Yes, in the Sims is perfectly possible (it’s pretty easy, actually) to woo any number of fine ladies or gentlemen you run across. It’s important to note that no Bust-Out characters can be proposed to. That includes people like Dudley, Mimi, Malcolm, and any other person who lives in any of the levels. In fact, at the start, only members of the Tutti, and Frutti family are eligible. If that’s not your thing, head into free-play and make the sim wive/husband of your dreams. Move them into a blank lot and save/quit. That sim(s) will now visit you in both free-play and Bust-out mode, and is available for marriage. Now that you understand who you can get, let’s try how. Obviously, matching red hearts is a must before marriage can happen (unfortunately no, there is no dysfunctional rich husband, trophy wife pairing option in this game). Get both up to 100, then invite the special someone over when your Sim is in a great mood (very important). Treat the soon to be spouse sim like a god. Clean up all the trash, and maybe move some nice art into the room you plan to pop the question in to guarantee a max room rating. Make him or her food, and join them in a fun activity. The key here is to get them in a good mood before you ask. After you think they’re feeling it, click them and check the propose/move-in option. (If no option appears, remember that both people must have a 100 and a heart, as well as be in a good mood). Go for the gold and you should probably get it. If the fail is epic, just try again. Get the person back to 100 (probably on another day) then pop again until victory. If only marriage in real life were this simple. The actual wedding is kinda lame. It also costs some, so make sure you have over a K before you try anything. You also gain all of the Sims that you married assets which is probably in the 15k range. You’ll also gain full control over them (naturally). Reward: Spritzen Funken 9) Raise a baby to a child: More pasta! Having a kid follows similar guide-lines to getting married. First, have the wife quit her job. The Sims takes place in 1954 and a mother in the workforce is simply abhorred. Get both Sims up to a 100 relationship again, and have both in a 2-4 green mood (should be MUCH easier now that you can control both of them). Start kissing, and after a couple rounds you will gain the option to have a child. If you want one (and as you’re reading this I assume you do) press yes and a baby will magically be transported to your household. Wherever it lands, congratulations, that’s mom’s new bedroom. Move the baby into a room where mom will also sleep. Have dad sleep in another room so he won’t be miserable (1954). Basically the man should keep doing what he’s doing and be at work. The mother has no job, and basically is to look after the child until it ages. It takes three days for a baby to age, and they don’t do much until then. Randomly the baby will cry. Have the mom feed, then sing, then play with the kid. That should shut it up. Be warned that if the baby is allowed to cry too long, a call will be received from social services. Another screw-up and the baby is taken forever (that means you fail). After three days, the useless baby will become a useless kid. Whoopie. Reward: Schnell Meister ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Chapter 6 (FGT6E) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Honestly, the marriage and child should probably go here as they are really part of chapter 6, and not 5. I don’t feel like formatting, however, so it’s staying (quality~!) Instead, I’ll give you an epic final speech. The Sims: Bustin Out is actually a really hard game. I know I make a lot of the challenges seem easy, but I know how many times I had to try and retry several of them because something went wrong. In fact, most people don’t go further than say chapter 4. They decide it’s too hard, too frustrating, and go back to their diaper and bottle; but not you. You have prevailed. You have overcome. You will be spoken of for generations to come. That is, if you complete your final mission. But those are not just words, level 12 will test every skill and bit of endurance you have as a gamer, a Sims fan, and as a man. Some, no many fill falter. But you must not. Come, hurry now. As D-day approaches, it is time. Time, for you to bust out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Malcolm’s Mansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jobs: All Sup a mansion. There really isn’t much to do buy here. You can replace some stuff if you really want (a new TV/Dishwasher, basically). You actually want to destroy something instead. Your Sim will take FOREVER to get around the house. Destroy some walls so that basically the house is clear from every side to the next. Hire the maid 1.1-1.7) Finish All Seven Careers to See Your Dreams Come True: Uhh…yeah. This one might take a while. Just like it says, you must get all seven jobs up to the maximum level to get this. There isn’t much I can say, you simply need to head back to the starting level for each job (Dudley’s and Mimi’s) and start up the next ladder. Every time you reach level 10, a whacky movie will play with you screwing with Malcolm. Good luck. Reward: Temple of Simoleon 2) Show Off Your Fortune - Upgrade The Mansion: You need to buy 20k worth of crap, and this place doesn’t really need upgrading. Just buy whatever the hell you want, and if you want, just buy a bunch of flat screens. Once you get the reward, sell the TV’s back. Reward: Limo Ultimo 3) Send Your Child to Prep School With Straight A's: Hey look! I’m copying crap again! I looooooove free KB~!~! The kid will leave when he gets an A or A+. This really isn’t that tough. Start by always sending the kid to school with a good attitude (just like an adult). When he gets home, have him study, study, study on the computer. At about the same speed a sim improves a stat, the kid will improve his grade. Get it all the way up and you complete the objective Reward: Satinity 'Diavolo' GT 1000 Basically once you get these three missions done (only the first one, honestly) YOU WIIIIIIIN~!~!~!~!~~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~ Congratulations on beating this very tricky game. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Encyclopedia (YT5WD) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) So here’s the deal. I need this guide to be 75k, and am adding some filler to get there. It’s all good stuff tho, so use it as you will. ***************************************************************************** Jobs (YETD2) ***************************************************************************** In this game, there are 7 job lines with 10 jobs each. Each has a certain number of skill points and friends to gain it. There are a couple things I should probably explain. Pay: The daily pay-out for the job. You also receive twice as much as a bonus every time you get a promotion. Hours: The time you are at the job. The bus arrives an hour before the job starts. Fr: Friends needed for a promotion. Co: Cooking needed Me: Mech needed Cr: Creativity needed Bo: Body needed Lo: Logic needed Ch: Charisma needed Plc: Where you need to be in Bustin Out mode to get said promotion. _________________ /Counter Culture\ Pay Hours Fr Co Me Cr Bo Lo Ch Plc 1) Panhandler $110 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mom 2) Leaflet Distributor $120 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mim 3) Basket Weaver $180 10am-3pm 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 Mim 4) Flower Child $200 12pm-5pm 2 3 0 1 1 0 0 Stu 5) Message Therapist $220 11am-4pm 3 5 0 1 1 0 1 Stu 6) Yoga Instructor $300 10am-5pm 4 6 1 2 1 0 2 Cas 7) Transcendentalist $350 12pm-5pm 6 7 2 2 2 0 2 Cas 8) Love Guru $450 12pm-5pm 6 8 2 2 3 0 4 Pix 9) Psychic Activist $550 2pm-7pm 7 9 3 3 4 0 6 Pix 10) Full Time freak $1000 10pm-2am 8 10 3 4 5 0 8 Mal ________________ /Fashion Victim\ Pay Hours Fr Co Me Cr Bo Lo Ch Plc 1) Hand Model $200 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mom 2) Lingerie Model $225 10am-spm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mim 3) Body Waxer $275 10am-3pm 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Mim 4) Fingernail Painter $315 10am-3pm 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 Stu 5) Wig Designer $400 11am-5pm 2 0 0 5 1 0 1 Stu 6) Hair Stylist $550 10am-6pm 3 0 0 6 1 0 2 Clu 7) Make Up Artist $650 12pm-6pm 4 1 0 7 3 0 3 Clu 8) Runway Model $900 6pm-1am 5 2 0 8 4 0 4 Tin 9) Centerfold $1100 2pm-9pm 7 3 0 9 5 0 4 Tin 10) Super Model $1200 10am-4pm 9 4 0 10 8 0 5 Mal __________ /Gangster\ Pay Hours Fr Co Me Cr Bo Lo Ch Plc 1) Vandal $140 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mom 2) Shoplifter $200 9am-1pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dud 3) Burglar $275 11pm-5am 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Dud 4) Car Thief $350 9am-3pm 2 0 1 4 0 0 0 Toa 5) Mugger $425 5pm-1am 3 0 2 5 0 0 0 Toa 6) Body Guard $530 3pm-11pm 4 0 3 6 1 0 1 Cas 7) Arsonist $640 9pm-3am 6 0 3 7 3 0 1 Cas 8) Extortionist $760 9am-3pm 8 0 5 8 3 0 2 Pix 9) Hit Man $900 9am-3pm 8 0 5 9 5 0 3 Pix 10) Mob Boss $1100 6pm-12am 8 0 5 10 7 0 4 Mal ______ /Jock\ Pay Hours Fr Co Me Cr Bo Lo Ch Plc 1) Mascot $130 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mom 2) Ball Collector $170 9am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dud 3) Rookie $230 10am-3pm 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 Dud 4) Starter $300 10am-3pm 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 Toa 5) All-Star $385 9am-3pm 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 Toa 6) MVP $510 9am-3pm 1 0 2 0 7 0 1 Clu 7) Superstar $680 9am-4pm 2 1 2 0 8 0 2 Clu 8) Head Coach $850 8am-2pm 3 2 2 0 9 0 3 Tin 9) Hall of Famer $1000 9am-3pm 4 3 2 0 10 0 5 Tin 10) Living Legend $1200 9am-3pm 6 4 2 0 10 0 5 Mal _______________ /Mad Scientist\ Pay Hours Fr Co Me Cr Bo Lo Ch Plc 1) Lab Cleaner $155 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mom 2) Potion Tester $230 11am-3pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dud 3) Pyro $320 2pm-10pm 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 Dud 4) Virus Breeder $375 11am-4pm 1 1 2 0 0 1 0 Got 5) Chemist $450 10am-5pm 2 1 2 1 0 2 1 Got 6) Vivisectionist $540 10am-7pm 2 1 2 2 0 4 1 Shi 7) Gene Splicer $640 11am-3pm 3 1 4 2 0 4 2 Shi 8) Robotician $740 12pm-8pm 4 1 6 2 0 5 3 Oct 9) Space-Time Tinkerer $870 10am-4pm 5 1 8 4 0 7 4 Oct 10) Death Ray Inventor $1000 10am-2pm 6 2 10 5 0 8 5 Mal ____________ /Movie Star\ Pay Hours Fr Co Me Cr Bo Lo Ch Plc 1) Mall Clown $100 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mom 2) Kiddie Show Sidekick$150 9am-1pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mim 3) Stunt Double $200 9am-3pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Mim 4) Horror Movie Extra $275 7am-3pm 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 Got 5) Soap Opera Star $375 7am-4pm 3 0 0 1 2 0 3 Got 6) Game Show Host $500 10am-6pm 4 0 0 2 2 0 4 Clu 7) Sit Com Star $650 10am-6pm 6 0 0 2 3 0 6 Clu 8) Sex Symbol $900 7pm-1am 6 0 0 2 3 0 7 Tin 9) Director $1100 10am-7pm 8 0 0 5 4 0 8 Tin 10) Movie Mogul $1400 10am-3pm 10 0 0 8 4 0 10 Mal ______________ /Paramilitary\ Pay Hours Fr Co Me Cr Bo Lo Ch Plc 1) Latrine Cleaner $250 10am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mom 2) Boot Polisher $325 8am-12pm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dud 3) Drill Instructor $400 9am-2pm 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Dud 4) Paratrooper $450 6am-12pm 0 0 0 0 2 4 0 Toa 5) Chopper Pilot $500 6am-12pm 0 0 0 0 4 5 0 Toa 6) Covert Ops $550 9am-3pm 1 0 1 0 4 6 2 Shi 7) Secret Agent $580 9am-3pm 2 0 1 0 5 7 2 Shi 8) Code Breaker $600 9am-3pm 5 0 4 0 5 8 2 Oct 9 Intelligence Director$700 9am-3pm 6 0 7 0 8 9 2 Oct 10) War Minister $1000 9am-3pm 6 0 8 0 10 10 4 Mal ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Game Review (RT5E6) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) As I do in most of my guides, near the end I like to write up my final feelings of a game in a review. Obviously in writing this, I have learned the ins and outs of this game very closely. Thus, I feel qualified to give a fair and well informed review. - The Sims Bustin Out is by no means a perfect game, although I don’t think it would claim to be. It is a cash-cow push-out by Maxis, a quick release hoping to collect on the (OMG, THE SIMS ON A CONSOLE!) ideal that became huge in the early 2000’s. Despite the criticism of why this game exists, I’m still glad it does. TSBO contains two modes. Free-Play, a 65% as well made version of the classic Sims home game, and Bust-Out Mode, a career mode type game that has your character traveling through the numerous “gimmick” houses in the game. Oh right, this game focuses on weird houses. Like so many B and C-Tier Sims expansion packs, TSBO focuses on getting away from the normal home, and into the home of other weirdos. Several different scenarios exists. A muscle-head gym, a hipster art gallery, and even a nudist colony exist for your visiting pleasure in Free Play mode, and for moving in Bust-Out Mode. Bust-Out more is easily the main event of the game. In it, you live the life of a newly adulted Sim. You start by living with mom, and soon find yourself on the road, loving with any number of crazy characters. The main passage of game advancement is by gaining promotions, but items can also be unlocked by completing goals, some of them just plain weird (you steal a lot of stuff, basically). The unlock system in this game is pretty whonky. Unlocking an item doesn’t let you use an item, it simply gives you the ability to buy it in both Free Play and Bust Out Mode. The unlock feature of the game kind of requires you beat a fair chunk of Bust-Out mode first in order to unlock all the goods. There are 12 total levels in Bust-Out Mode. It takes about seven hours to simply get to the credits (you only need to beat 6 levels total). However, a true competionist will need to spend about 25 hours to completely beat the game. This is less fun then it sounds, however as the last 10 hours will likely consists of doing little more than keeping your Sim happy, and going to work every day with the goal of being fully promoted in each of the game’s 7 jobs. Graphics and Sound are suspect. I listened to music instead and really doubt I missed much. If you’ve played the Sims, you know what it looks and sounds like. Game play is solid. D-Pad control is actually incredibly intuitive, and perhaps even easier than mouse control. Seriously, just try it; you’ll like it. There certainly are problems in this game. For one the difficulty curve borders between “high” and “completely broken” at points. Some challenges are absurdly difficult, made even harder when you need to be going to work, and gaining skill points as well. For example, there is a challenge where you must head to a party, and get a relationship with everyone there to at least 5. One problem, the people don’t stay long enough. To complete the challenge you must go back to the house on at least three different occasions to complete it. Considering each visit is a whole day wasted…that sucks. I also noted that Free Play is only a 65% version of the computer Sims, this is mostly due to space issues. For example, in buy mode there is a red “buy- bar”. When this fills, you can no longer build or buy. This wouldn’t be so bad if the bar didn’t fill well before a truly sweet house can be built. There’s nothing less satisfying than spending countless hours on a Sim home, only to be told that since the creators ran out of space, you don’t get to expand any more. You can also only have a one-story house. What the hell’s the deal with that? Despite the claims above, TSBO is a very solid game. Worthy of a buy, and considering it’s really old and is the Madden 03 of the Sims series, can probably be picked up for under 10 bucks. So give it a try. Many may find the Bust Out mode unsatisfying or dull, but even if you find 10 hours of enjoyment out of the Free-Play mode (and with the Sims, it’s really hard not to) your money should be well spent. 8/10 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( About Me (LE45S) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I’m a pretty average white kid from Norther California. I go to a private High- school called Athenian, and am soon going to finish my Junior Year. Life’s moving fast right now, with college around the corner and grades becoming ever more important. Girls are driving my crazy, and I don’t really expect that to stop any time soon. FAQ is almost therapeutic for me. Much like some Zen and some Meditate, nothing calms me quite like sitting down in my comfy computer chair and going to work on a guide. I love writing (I’m applying to writing schools for college) and these guides allow me to practice my craft in an easy and fun way. I’ve learned several skills from these guides, not so much because it’s deep prose (it isn’t) but instead because it’s hard not to get better when typing 15 pages a day for X days. My next project after this will be the highly anticipated GTA 4. There are leaks of the game on the net right now, and I surely have the capacity to get one, but I can wait. I support Rockstar and wish to pay full retail and experience the game like it was meant to be played. My favorite game is Skies of Arcadia for Gamecube, and my favorite move is No Country for Old Men. Both define brilliance in their genre. I don’t have a girl-friend right now, but I’ve always considered myself a bit of a ladies man, so I’m keeping satisfied. There was one girl who I thought was interested, but it turned out she was only interested enough in me to hook- up with me, and nothing else…I don’t get women. If your reading this, you obviously liked the guide and just want to read whatever I’ve written. That means a lot, thanks. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( Credits (TE3D3) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Major props goes out to Ed Bellis and Board 8’s What Would you Do? Contest. I am in said contest, and it’s lots of fun. The rules are simple, every few days a new challenge is posted. These challenges are always doable, just sometime they’re a pain in the ass. The latest day was the biggest day ever as we were ordered to write up a 75k guide…guess which game I chose?!?!? As I write this, I’m 60K in, and just finished the main walk-through. Honestly, I need 15k more, and have no idea how I’m going to get it. That’s why if there’s some random stuff above that doesn’t seem that neccecary, that’s because you’re right. Oh well. Other thanks~! My parent: I like you guys. Daniella: You let me touch you in places I like to touch. I thank you for that. Gamefaq board 8: The best board on gamefaq! F4Wonline.com: A source of entertainment while I wrote this. ESPN.com: Bill Simmons is a bad man. Caffeine/insomnia: The official partner of FAQers everywhere. You: You came and read my guide, that was really nice and cute of you. I LOVE YOU ALL! By: Matthew Culkin **************************End Document***************************************