The Sims: Busting Out for GameCube FAQ/Walkthru version 0.6 Copyright 2004 Joe Mucchiello The use of The Sims, The Sims: Busting Out, Game Boy Advance, Gamecube and any other Trademarks in this document is not a challenge to those Trademarks and are used without permission. This document may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Permission is granted to the following websites to distribute this document, as is, in their normal FAQ download areas: Questions regarding this FAQ should be sent to Be sure to include "BUSTING OUT FAQ" in the subject or it may get sent to my Spam folder, never to be seen again. I will not answer any questions posed that are already in the FAQ so don't ask. Strategies and Corrections are always welcome. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 1 Create A Sim ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 2 Bustin' Out Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** In most of the following sections, the following format is used: 2.x.y Name of Location (Abbrev), where x is the stage, and y is the number of the location under that stage. The abbreviation applies to this document only. Residents: Who lives there besides you. Career Tracks: What careers can advance here. Initial Value: This contains two values: How much the place is worth before and after Malcolm takes back some of the stuff he gave to the place. When you leave a location, its value must exceed the after value of the property or you will owe the owners the difference. Approximate Bills: Bills are always about 2% of the property value. This value is here to give you an idea of what you need it take in to keep afloat. Malcolm Steals: This lists what items are taken by Malcolm at the moment you first arrive. You should return these items to the location, if possible, if you intend to play more than one career path eventually. Move In: Any events (aside from Malcolm stealing stuff) that occur upon your first move in occur here. Location Action: Some locations have a special action that is only available when you live on that lot. It is described here. Promotions: This list has two columns: the Career/Title of the career you can attain here and what is unlocked when you attain that level. Notes about getting promoted are listed here and in the Career Path section below. Technically, these are also rewards since you do not get promotions just for having the requisite skills and friends. You also have to have a good mood to get rewarded the promotion. Since they are similar to rewards, they follow the reward format. Tasks: Any other tasks that you can perform here are listed along with the rewards for accomplishing the task and a walkthrough of one or more ways to complete the task. Some strategy hints are found in this section as well. Tasks that are common to the stage are listed in the stage's introduction. In each stage, any common tasks to the stage are listed before the location listings. Each task has a 4 character designation: Txyz where x and y indicate the location and z numbers the tasks at that location. Rewards: Rewards generally unlock game features. Some are cash rewards. Many of the features are found in Buy mode, some are Social interactions, some are Phone interactions. Below is a list of Reward types. All unlock rewards are listed in the form type/reward, where type is one of the types listed below and reward is the specific item unlocked. Monetary rewards are noted with the dollar sign to indicate Simoleans. Buy/Item The most common Reward, this unlocks an item for purchase in Buy mode. Build/Item Unlocks an item for purchase in Build mode. Social/Action Unlocks a social interaction you may perform with other Sims. Phone/Service Unlocks the ability to call the listed Service. Maid and Repairman service are locked until you unlock them at Mom's, T123, and Mimi's, T226, respectively. Ride/Vehicle Unlocks a new form of transportation. Visit/Location Allows you to select the location when you want to go out on the town. Move/Location Allows you to move into the location when you need to get that next promotion. Also allow you to visit the location. Create-A-Sim/Item This reward is granted when two Sims meet for the first time while one of them is under your control. The item unlocked is not described but can be found under Create- A-Sim. When flipping through the various outfits, some of them have a little lock symbol on them. Career/Title As described under Promotions above, these rewards also unlock other rewards. Friend/Sim Technically, this is not a reward but a trigger for an award. When you become friends with the named Sim for the first time, you unlock a Social action. These are listed in Section 4: Social Actions below. (It is included here because it looks like the other rewards.) Method: Under each task, a method to accomplish is listed. This section will also contain alternative methods as well as ways to plan ahead for the task. Notes: Any additional hints and tips to play at the location will be listed in bullet points under this section. Strategy: Some sections have this section to indicate why you should visit (or even move to) this location from other locations. ****************************************************************************** 2.1 Stage 1 ****************************************************************************** Promotions In stage 1, you only apply for your first job. You won't actually go to work until Stage 2. Common Tasks Stage 1 is basically the tutorial. You get use to the controls and what it is like to handle your Sim in Stage 1. 2.1.1 Introduction After you create your sim, another Sim asks for a smooch at Club Rubb. While making out with the Sim your mother interrupts your sleep. She appears in your dream telling you Malcolm is stealing your Scooter. 2.1.2 Mom's Place (Mom) Residents: Mom Career Tracks: None Initial Value: $45,551 Approximate Bills: None Malcolm Steals: Your Scooter Promotions You cannot go to work at Mom's. You cannot get promoted at Mom's. You also cannot get demoted at Mom's. This makes Mom's a great place to visit between major moves. Tasks ** Press the R button to speed up time (T121) Reward: $50 Method: Press the R button. You will find this button and the pause button (L) very useful in the game. ** Eat enough to fill your stomach (T122) Reward: $50 Method: Wait for Mom to food. Eat it. You should be studying Cooking so you don't make fires when you cook. ** Use the toilet (T123) Reward: Phone/Maid Method: After you eat, your Bladder need will be more red than green, go use the toilet. Do NOT skip this task unless you want to make the game very difficult. Keeping your residences clean without the daily maid service will increase the level of tedium playing the game to unbearable levels. ** Have some Fun (T124) Reward: $50 Method: Read a book from the bookcase, or dance to the music on the stereo, or watch the television. ** Use the newspaper to get a job (T125) Reward: Ride/Scooter, Visit/Mimi's Place or Visit/Dudley's Trailer Method: The newspaper is sitting on the lawn, choose the "Find a Job" choice to select one of the seven career paths. Notes * Mom nags you to get a job every two hours during your first stay here. If you move back in, she doesn't nag. * You get tired very slowly while at Mom's House so buy a weightlifting machine and get some body while its easy. * Depending on which job you choose, determines whether Mimi's or Dudley's Places is Unlocked. * Become friends with mom, she visits you at every place you go to and having friends is necessary in most of the career tracks early on. * Try to leave Mom's around 7am. Your first job starts at 10am. Arriving at Dudley's or Mimi's around 7am gives you time to call the maid and get close to (or succeed at) making friends with him or her. Before you leave, get a point of Cooking skill for a quick reward when you arrive. Raising most of your skills to 2 will make your first two promotions come fast. Strategy Need some killer amount of friends or skills. Move in with Mom for a while. You don't have to go to work (no chance of demotion or skill lose) and you don't have to pay bills while under her roof. Spiff the place up a bit and it can save you a lot of running around in some missions. ****************************************************************************** 2.2 Stage 2 ****************************************************************************** Promotions In stage 2, you can only gain level 2 and 3 in any career path. Common Tasks ** Interact with another Sim Reward: $50 Method: Talking to your roommate fulfills both this and the next task. ** Get to know your roommate (Dudley or Mimi) better Reward: See individual house entry Method: You have to raise your roommate up to about 25 or 30 relationship for this event to trigger. You should also become friends with your roommate since you will need friends. Doing so also unlocks the roommate's social action as described in section 2.9 Making Friends. ** Have one point of cooking skill Reward: $50 Method: Use the bookshelf to Study Cooking. You get this reward at both Dudley's Trailer and at Mimi's Place no matter when you gained that 1st point of Cooking. Best strategy for this is to study cooking at Mom's House. You should gain 3 or more points of Cooking skill to avoid starting fires during the game. ** Invite Mom over Reward: See individual house entry Method: Use the phone to invite Mom over. You don't actually have to talk to her -- just calling her up is enough to get this reward. It is triggered when she arrives on the property. This is also a good time to reinforce your relationship with Mom. Notes * The first time you arrive in Stage 2, all of your needs are greened up. So take advantage of this by either arriving before 10am (really 9am) so you can just go to work and get promoted fast, or arrive a little later and get the other goals down before going to work the next day. 2.2.1 Dudley's Trailer (Dud) Residents: Dudley Landgrab Career Tracks: Gangster, Jock, Mad Scientist, Paramilitary Initial Value: $38,136 Approximate Bills: $600 Malcolm Steals: Air Hockey Table, Game Station Move In: Unlocks Mimi's Place as a place to visit or move to. Also, the first time you move in, all of your needs are mostly green no matter what level they were when you left Mom's Place. Promotions Rewards Gangster/Shoplifter Build/Secret Door, Visit/Club Rubb Gangster/Burgler Social/Serenade, Move/Toane's Gym Jock/Ball Collector Buy/Air Hockey Table, Visit/Toane's Gym Jock/Rookie Buy/Flamingo Lamp, Move/Toane's Gym Mad Scientist/Potion Tester Buy/Torchemuda Wall Torch, Visit/Shiny Things Lab Mad Scientist/Pyro Buy/Experimental Lamp, Move/Goth Manor Paramilitary/Boot Polisher Buy/Game System, Visit/The Octogon Paramilitary/Drill Instructor Buy/The Up-Light, Move/Toane's Gym When you get your first promotion, you will receive a new Ride: Dude Buggy. Upgrade the Scooter to the Dude Buggy ASAP since the Scooter is so lame. Skill Building Objects: Bookcase (Cooking, Mechanical), Chessboard (Logic), Workout Bench (Body), Bathroom Mirror (Charisma) Tasks ** Interact with another Sim (See common tasks above) (T211) ** Get to know Dudley better (See common tasks above) (T212) Reward: Social/Pull My Finger ** Have one point of cooking skill (See common tasks above) (T213) ** Invite Mom over (See common tasks above) (T214) Reward: Social/Nag About House ** Visit Mimi's Place and get her to Pull My Finger (T215) Reward: Buy/Mouth Chair Method: First, you have to get to know Dudley better so you can use the Pull My Finger action. Next, you have to hop on your scooter and go to Mimi's Place. Once there, you have to chat her up until Pull My Finger becomes an option. She'll love it, so don't worry about her relationship score going down when you do it. ** Clean up mess (T216) Reward: Buy/Disposal Drum Method: The hard way to do this is to click on all of the garbage and fly- circled plates and wash/throw them out. The easy way to do this is to use the phone to Hire the Maid under the Services menu. She'll do all the hard work, you'll get the reward. This will also give you more time to get to know Dudley better. Make the phone call your first priority when you arrive here. Notes * If you arrive before 9am, when the bus arrives, you can go to work the day you arrive. Be sure to Hire the Maid before you go to work and you can accomplish the Clean up Mess task, T216, without even being there. 2.2.2 Mimi's Place (Mimi) Residents: Mimi Landgrab Career Tracks: Counter Culture, Fashion Victim, Movie Star Initial Value: Approximate Bills: $600 Malcolm Steals: Drinks Bar, Gourmet Stove Move In: Unlocks Dudley's Place as a place to visit. Promotions Rewards Counter Culture/Leaflet Distibutor Buy/Gourmet Stove, Visit/Pixel Acres Counter Culture/Basket Weaver Buy/Confucius Wall Lamp, Move/Studio 8 Fashion Victim/Lingerie Model Buy/Drink Bar Fashion Victim/Body Waxer Buy/VenuSpice Dresser, Move/Studio 8 Movie Star/Kiddie Show Sidekick Social/Gossip, Visit/Tinsel Bluffs Movie Star/Stunt Double Buy/Exoticalistism Lamp, Move/Goth Manor Tasks ** Interact with another Sim (See common tasks above) (T221) ** Get to know Mimi better (See common tasks above) (T222) Reward: Social/Sign Language ** Have one point of cooking skill (See common tasks above) (T223) ** Invite Mom over (See common tasks above) (T224) Reward: Social/Give Money ** Visit Dudley's Trailer and use Sign Language on him (T225) Reward: Buy/Skull Shrub Method: You have to Get to Know Mimi Better, T222, first. Once you have the Sign Language social ability, go to Dudley's Trailer and talk with Dudley. Use Sign Language on him. If you get him up to friend level, you may not get the option use Sign Language on him. (Sign Language is giving him the middle finger.) ** Fix all of the broken things (T226) Reward: Phone/Repairman Method: Get a few points in Mechanical skill if you can first. Notes * If you plan to have more than one career, start at Mimi's Place and get access to the Repairman. ****************************************************************************** 2.3 Stage 3 ****************************************************************************** Promotions In stage 3, you can only attain levels 4 and 5 of your chosen careers. Common Tasks ** Make Friends with one of your roommates Reward: A Social skill Method: See the Making Friends section for hints and tips on befriending individual Sims. Strategy: The roommates are not in love (or even friends) with one another. Make friends with the roommate you wouldn't mind sharing a bed with. Get heart between your Sim and this roommate and you'll be able to share the good bed with him or her. Buy a cheaper bed for the odd Sim out. This is especially useful at the Goth Manor where the master bedroom comes with a good bed. ** Control another Sim by using the Z button Reward: A Social skill Method: When you hit the Z button, you will switch from your Sim, to the roommate who has the same gender as your Sim. Thus, if you are playing a male Sim at the Goth Manor, you can control your Sim and Mortimer Goth. Strategy: Use the other Sim to help make your main Sim's life easier. This Sim should ** Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the location Reward: See individual location entry Method: Go into Buy mode and spend some money. Most locations at this stage lack an extra Bed for you. You should also replace the cheap toilets with the Force Flush Toilet (unlocked at Toane's Gym) to save time in the bathroom. Finally, put in burglar alarms. Most locations have them inside the building. Move them outside so they detect the burglar before he's inside. And don't leave any doors uncovered unless you know another detector will spot the burglar first. See the notes sections of each location below for specific buying tips at that location. 2.3.1 Goth Manor (Goth) Residents: Mortimer and Bella Goth Career Tracks: Mad Scientist, Movie Star Initial Value: Approximate Bills: $1,000 Malcolm Steals: Seance Table, Skeleton Display Promotions Rewards Mad Scientist/Virus Breeder Buy/The Incubator Mad Scientist/Chemist Buy/The Commode, Move/Shiny Things Labs Movie Star/Horror Movie Extra Buy/The Synthesizer Movie Star/Soap Opera Extra Social/Do Magic Trick, Move/Club Rubb Tasks ** Make Friends with Mortimer or Bella (See common tasks above) (T311) Reward: Social/Nag About Friends ** Control another Sim by using the Z Button (See common tasks above) (T312) Reward: Social/Tell Story ** Find the fern that was stolen from the Goths (T313) Reward: Ride/RGB Flashback Method: Go to Dudley's Trailer. Dudley will deny any knowledge of the fern. Walk around back of the trailer, click on the fern and select Steal Fern. ** Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the manor (See common tasks above)(T314) Reward: Buy/Seance Table Method: Put a refrigerator and stove in the Kitchen. A dishwasher is also handy. ** Exorcise the ghosts by having a s‚ance (T315) Reward: Buy/Skeleton Display Method: You should have unlocked the s‚ance table doing the Buy task (T314). Between Midnight and 4am, use the s‚ance table to Exorcise Ghosts. You have to do it twice. 2.3.2 Studio 8 (S8) Residents: Artie Fischl and Charity Grant Career Tracks: Counter Culture, Fashion Victim Initial Value: Approximate Bills: $1,000 Malcolm Steals: Artist's Block, Pottery Wheel Promotions Rewards Counter Culture/Flower Child Buy/Artist's Block Counter Culture/Massage Therapist Buy/The Love Lamp, Move/Casa Caliente Fashion Victim/Fingernail Painter Buy/Laser Lightshow Fashion Victim/Wig Designer Social/Air Kiss, Move/Club Rubb Tasks ** Make Friends with Artie or Charity (See common tasks above) (T321) Reward: Social/Tell Lies ** Control another Sim by using the Z Button (See common tasks above) (T322) Reward: Social/Sissy Fight ** Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for Studio 8 (See common tasks above)(T323) Reward: Buy/Electric Guitar ** Have a great art opening by rearranging the art (T324) Reward: Buy/Pottery Wheel Method: Basically, you need to get 5 Sims into a room with 90% (or better) Room value. You should not have to move the artwork, the existing room has the right Room value. The trick is getting the party goers into the room. One way to do this is to make food and put it in the display room. This will bring the party into the room. With a bit of clicking, getting 5 of them to be in the room at once (if you put the food at the far end of the room) should be no difficulty. Another method involves removing the doorways out of the foyer except for the one into the display room. Food in the kitchen can only be reached by travelling through the display room. The fastest method is to start the party and then in build mode remove a section of wall between the display room and the main corridor. This makes the display room, corridor and kitchen area one big room, and as long as there aren't any flies buzzing, it will have enough Room value. ** Visit Mimi's Place and make sure she is okay (T325) Reward: Ride/Cruisette Leviathan Method: Do not visit Mimi's unless you have near full Energy and Comfort. You have to clean up a big mess here and if you leave without finishing and come back, the mess gets even bigger. Otherwise, this is just an endurance test. Click on and clean up all the messy piles. 2.3.3 Toane's Gym (Gym) Residents: Max and Goldie Toane Career Tracks: Gangster, Jock, Paramilitary Initial Value: $51,457 Approximate Bills: $1,000 Malcolm Steals: Rock Climbing Wall, Tread Mill Promotions Rewards Gangster/Car Thief Buy/High Dive Gangster/Mugger Buy/Sonic Shower, Move/Casa Caliente Jock/Starter Buy/Climbing Wall Jock/All-Star Buy/Aroma Machine Paramilitary/Paratrooper Social/Show Off Muscles Paramilitary/Chopper Pilot Buy/Miss Memo Sleeper Tasks ** Make Friends with Max or Goldie (See common tasks above) (T331) Reward: Social/Give Noogie ** Control another Sim by using the Z Button (See common tasks above) (T332) Reward: Social/Towel Snap ** Go to Dudley's Trailer and PARTY! (T333) Reward: Ride/Tsunami X-TEQ Method: PARTY apparently means chatting up 5 different fellow partiers enough that your relationship with each of them improves by 5 points. Take great advantage of Dudley's hot tub. You can get 1-2 points in 3 people at once there. ** Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the gym (See common tasks above) (T334) Reward: Buy/Force Flush Toilet Method: Buy a good double bed and a single bed. Sell the toaster oven and replace it with a good stove. ** Get 4 Sims to join Toane's Gym as members (T335) Reward: Buy/DJ Booth Method: Only your friends will join the Gym. So first you have to smooze them up. They will only join the Gym if a party is going on. And, they will not join the gym if there are obvious problems with the Gym: dead plants, broken lightbulbs. Call the repairman (if you can) before starting the party to ensure that the Gym is in top condition before asking people to join. Like any party, you should make sure there is food available or the other Sims will not stay very long. (Max and Goldie are already members, so even though you can ask, don't waste your time.) ****************************************************************************** 2.4 Stage 4 ****************************************************************************** Promotions In stage 4, you can only attain levels 6 and 7 of your chosen careers. Common Tasks ** Invite your lover over (T411) (T421) (T431) Reward: See individual location entry Method: A Sim with a heart for you has to appear on the property to get this reward. If you do the "fall in love with a roommate" trick, that will complete this goal too. Otherwise, use the phone and call an existing lover over. ** Get Married (T400) Reward: Ride/Spritzen Funken Method: Don't do it yet! Getting married this early in the game makes game play difficult because you have take your wife with you everywhere. When you do wish to get married, see the strategy in Stage 6 on how to accomplish it the best way. One thing you can do to prepare for this task is to get hearts with a resident of Free Street. You cannot marry any of the characters that are part of Bustin' Out mode. You can only marry a character from Free mode, and they live on Free Street. So you can pick a mate, by moving someone into 3 Free Street, or you can choose one of the Tutti's or Frutti's. If you do get married, your spouse will travel around with you as you move from lot to lot. This means you have 4 Sims to control. If your spouse has no job, this is a simple way to save money on maid and gardener, but it does mean you will rarely have those times when the game moves at triple speed while all the Sims are at work. ** Buy $1,500 worth of improvements for the location Reward: See individual location entry Method: Go into Buy mode and spend some money. At this stage, extra beds are not the problem. Here you should upgrade existing appliances if you can. You should also replace the cheap toilets with the Force Flush Toilet (unlocked at Toane's Gym) to save time in the bathroom. Finally, put in burglar alarms. Most locations have them inside the building. Move them outside so they detect the burglar before he's inside. And don't leave any doors uncovered unless you know another detector will spot the burglar first. See the notes sections of each location below for specific buying tips at that location. Notes: You control all of the locations Sims at this stage. 2.4.1 Casa Caliente (CC) Residents: Randy Hart and Paisley Rainbow Career Tracks: Counter Culture, Gangster Initial Value: $50,422 ($37,932) Approximate Bills: $700 Malcolm Steals: Heart Bed, Heart Tub Move In: Unlocks the ability to Visit 1 Free Street, 2 Free Street and 3 Free Street Location Action: Try and Make Out -- Use this only during parties with Sims who really like you. Promotions Rewards Counter Culture/Yoga Instructor Buy/The Vibrating Bed Counter Culture/Transcendentalist Buy/Sili-Camp Tent Gangster/Body Guard Social/Force to Slap Self Gangster/Arsonist Buy/Love Tub, Move/Pixel Acres ** Invite your lover over (See common tasks above) (T411) Reward: Buy/Tiki Torch ** Get Married (See common tasks above) T400 ** Go to Studio 8 and help with the "art" (T412) Rewards: Buy/That 70's Window, Visit/Goth Manor Method: At Studio 8, Charity will wonder why Heart has left the painting world. Since hearts are everywhere at Casa Caliente, all you have to do is start painting on the easel in the kitchen. You don't have to finish the painting. Just starting it and stopping completes this goal. ** Find a neighbor that knows about candelabra (T413) Reward: Buy/Candelabra Method: Not as simple as it sounds. You have to Score with Two Sims at the Same Party, T415, first (and you may not be able to get to Goth Manor without finishing T412 first). Mortimer and Bella will not talk about candelabra until you use the Kiss Romantically social action on one of them. Once you do, this task completes. ** Buy $1,500 worth of improvement to the house (See common tasks above) (T414) Reward: Buy/Polar Bear Rug Method: Obviously you need new beds. Since parties will take place here, it is helpful to split the bathroom into two bathrooms with their own toilets so there doesn't end up being a bunch of people trying to use the one toilet at the same time. ** Score with two Sims at the same Party (T415) Reward: Social/Kiss Romantically Method: Since you should already have at least two lovers, this should be easy. Invite one of them over and take them into the bedroom. Have one of the other Sims start the party, while the other Sim makes food for the party. Chat up your lover to get its relationship up. Once the party starts Make Out and immediately tell the Sim to leave. Now all you have to do is lure another lover into the bedroom, social up and attempt to make out. You will probably fail the first time you attempt this. It is difficult to do, even if you start out fully green in all your motives. You'll really only want to do this before you get married. 2.4.2 Club Rubb (Rubb) Residents: Mona Lott and Bing Bling Career Tracks: Fashion Victim, Jock, Movie Star Initial Value: Approximate Bills: $700 Malcolm Steals: Dance Floor, Slushie Bar Promotions Rewards Fashion Victim/Hair Stylist Social/Admire Body Fashion Victim/Make-Up Artist Social/Slow Dance, Move/Tinsel Bluffs Jock/MVP Social/Tell Dirty Joke Jock/Superstar Social/Wolf Whistle Movie Star/Game Show Host Social/Booty Tease Movie Star/Sitcom Star Social/Moon Walk Tasks ** Invite your lover over (See common tasks above) (T421) Reward: Buy/"More-Saic" Tub ** Get Married (See common tasks above) (T400) ** Show off some of your Club Rubb moves at Studio 8 (T422) Reward: Buy/The Neon Sign Method: You must make friends with Bing Bling to do this task. Go to Studio 8 and use the Break Dance action with Charity or Artie depending on which one asks you about having a performance art piece at the studio. You may have to complete the Toane's Gym task (below) to get access to Studio 8 depending on what career track(s) you are working on. ** Find out what's going on at Toane's Gym (T423) Reward: Buy/Outdoor Shower, Visit Studio 8 Method: Max will comment that no one can do 3 Triple Back Flips in a row. Prove him wrong. This works best if there aren't too many people around so since they are about to start a party, do the flips as soon as you arrive. Your Body skill determines how likely you are to succeed with these flips. ** Buy $1,500 worth of improvement to the club (See common tasks above) (T424) Reward: Method: Club Rubb needs a lot of work. You need to add a Kitchen and bedroom. Sell everything in the back room and put a few beds in there. Buy kitchen appliances and put them behind the bar. Use the spool table to put a couple of small seating locations in the main room with the kitchen. ** Throw the ultimate DJ Dance Party (T425) Reward: Buy/Q3 Recliner Method: You have to get 5 people dancing on the dance floor at once while someone is spinning on the DJ Booth. With the kitchen and tables behind the bar (see improvement hints above), throw a party and serve food. Have a Sim dancing on the floor. As the partiers head for the bathroom, click on them and choose Join Dancing. Once you get 5 folks to fall for this, the task will complete. Now, stop dancing so they can finish their rush to the bathrooms. 2.4.3 Shiny Things Lab (STL) Residents: Makino Nada, Vaughn Braun Career Tracks: Mad Scientist, Paramilitary Initial Value: Approximate Bills: Malcolm Steals: Telescope, Tesla Coil Promotions Rewards Mad Scientist/Vivisectionist Buy/Tesla Coil Mad Scientist/Gene Splicer Buy/Supluminoltetra Lamp Paramilitary/Covert Ops Buy/Telescope Paramilitary/Secret Agent Buy/Radar Dish, Move/The Octogon Tasks ** Invite your lover over (See common tasks above) (T431) Reward: Buy/KlassiKlean "More-Saic" Tub ** Get Married (See common tasks above) (T400) ** Go to Studio 8 and Change their Minds about Scientists (T432) Reward: Build/Pathmatic Door Method: You have to show off the Rocket Gnomes, T435, before doing this task. (If you can't visit Studio 8 you'll also have to do the spores task, T433.) At Studio 8, converse with Charity (who will say some bad things about scientists). Use the Social/Hypnotize action on her and this task will complete. ** Find out where the contaminating spores are coming from (T433) Rewards: Build/Giant Fern, Visit/Studio 8 Method: You have to steal one of the Goth's ferns. All of the large ferns at Goth Manor has a "Steal Fern" option on them. ** Buy $1,500 worth of improvement to the house (See common tasks above) (T434) Reward: Buy/Invention Workshop Method: Replace the so-called Kitchen with real appliances. ** Show off "Rocket Gnomes" at a launch party (T435) Reward: Social/Hypnotize Method: You must have a Mechanical skill of 8 to finish this task. Use the Invention Workshop to build 5 rocket gnomes. (If you have fewer than 8 Mechanical, the Invention Workshop will build normal gnomes or pink flamingoes instead of rocket gnomes.) Once you have 5 of them, set the up on the sandy area behind the building and start a party (do not serve food!). Have all three Sims standing near the gnomes. When the party starts, have the Sims choose Launch on the gnomes. Zoom way out so you can enjoy the light show yourself. ****************************************************************************** 2.5 Stage 5 ****************************************************************************** Promotions In stage 5, you can only attain levels 8 and 9 of your chosen careers. Common Tasks ** Get Married (T400) Method: See Stage 4 for why you should not attempt this now and Stage 6 for how to accomplish this task if you ignore my prior advice. ** Raise a Baby up to a Child (T500) Reward: Ride/ Method: Like getting married, travelling from house to house with a spouse and a child is hard work. Wait until Stage 6 to do this task. ** Spend $2000 in improvement to location Reward: See individual location entry Method: Advice from the prior stages still applies. ** Cause Malcolm Landgrab to give you money Reward: $5,000 Method: This varies greatly from place to place but they all have the same reward. 2.5.1 Pixel Acres (Pix) Residents: Ying Yangst, Chase Career Tracks: Counter Culture, Gangster Initial Value: $28,120 ($21,970) Approximate Bills: $250 Malcolm Steals: Tether Ball, Ping Pong Table, Hot Spring Location Action: Ask to Go "Free" -- Causes an open Sim to take off their clothes and show off their Pixels. Promotions Rewards Counter Culture/Love Guru Buy/Tetherball Counter Culture/Psychic Activist Social/Barnyard Taunt, Move/Malcolm's Mansion Gangster/Extortionist Buy/Ping Pong Table Gangster/Hit Man Buy/BroilBastard Grill, Move/Malcolm's Mansion Tasks ** Get Married (See common tasks above) (T400) ** Raise a Baby up to a Child (See common tasks above) (T500) ** Seduce someone at Casa Caliente (T511) Reward: Buy/Euro Fireplace Method: Since you probably have a lover there, this is not too difficult. Just relax on the bearskin rug, have your lover join you, and get him or her to make out with you. ** Find someone interested in Chase's secret formula (T512) Reward: Buy/Redwood Table Method: Use the Tell Secrets social action at Shiny Things Labs. ** Find out what ghost problems the Goths are having (T513) Rewards: Buy/Stump Chair, Synthesizer/Play Pixel Booty Method: You must have Creativity 10 to complete this goal. Play the Goth's synthesizer. This will drive out the ghosts and teach you the Pixel Booty song. (Pixel Booty is a condition in which a Sim's body is replaced with pixelization effects, i.e. nekkid.) ** Spend $2000 in improvement to Pixel Acres (T514) Rewards: Buy/Hot Spring Method: Buy the normal hot tub if you can immediately. Put a comfortable chair in the reading room. Create a bedroom with real beds somewhere so the phone doesn't wake everyone up every night. Create a kitchen and dining room so that dirty dishes don't degrade the room value of the outdoors. ** FRAME Malcolm and get him busted for indecent exposure (T515) Reward: $5,000 Method: You have to get Malcolm to take his cloths off. If you know the Pixel Booty song, you can buy a synthesizer, invite him over, and play the song to get him naked. This is a sure method to do it. Notes * If you put the Hot Spring back in place. Be careful using it. It erupts every now and then. (It is a real hot spring.) While it's funny to see the Sims thrown into the air, it does degrade their comfort and energy being thrown around like that. 2.5.2 The Octogon (Oct) Residents: General Payne, Maxine Powers Career Tracks: Mad Scientist, Paramilitary Initial Value: $48,634 ($38,289) Approximate Bills: $1,200 Malcolm Steals: Miss Gyrotic, Motion Detector Promotions Rewards Mad Scientist/Robotician Buy/Miss Gyrotic Mad Scientist/Space Time Tinker Social/Flip, Move/Malcolm's Mansion Paramilitary/Code Breaker Buy/Rite Lite Paramilitary/Intelligence Director Buy/Motion Detector, Move/Malcolm's Mansion Tasks ** Get Married (See common tasks above) (T400) ** Raise a Baby up to a Child (See common tasks above) (T500) ** Mission: Info Gathering - Find and shut down the hackers (T521) Rewards: Buy/Spartan Special Lamp, Visit/Club Rubb Method: Go to Shiny Things Labs and steal one of their computers. ** Mission: Find and Supress anti-war protesters (T522) Reward: Buy/Toy Parrot Method: Go to Club Rubb and Attack Bing Bling. If you do not have access to Club Rubb you will have to Shut Down the Hackers (above) first. ** Buy $2000 in improvements to The Octogon (See common tasks above) (T523) Reward: Build/Atlantean Column Method: Upgrade the beds, the kitchen, and the TV. Add a door between the central room and the bedroom to ease movement through the complex. ** Mission: Classified - Eliminate Senator Landgrab (T524) Reward: $5,000 Method: You must have sufficient Logic skill to program the robot (Miss Gyrotic) "for Defense". Call and invite Malcolm over. Use the Program for Defense option on the robot. The robot will go to the front door and zap Malcolm until he gives up his money if you'll only call off the robot. 2.5.3 Tinsel Bluffs (Tin) Residents: Fanny Ador‚, Humphrey Hawks Career Tracks: Fashion Victim, Jock, Movie Star Initial Value: $105,074 ($94,475) Approximate Bills: $2,400 Malcolm Steals: Microphone, Information Overload TV Promotions Rewards Fashion Victim/Runway Model Buy/Garden Flood Lamp Fashion Victim/Centerfold Buy/Fontis Publicus Sink, Move/Malcolm's Mansion Jock/Head Coach Buy/Information Overload TV Jock/Hall of Famer Buy/Wicker Sofa, Move/Malcolm's Mansion Movie Star/Sex Symbol Buy/Microphone Movie Star/Director Buy/Maxilla 1000 Aquarium, Move/Malcolm's Mansion Tasks ** Get Married (See common tasks above) (T400) ** Raise a Baby up to a Child (See common tasks above) (T500) ** Muscle the Muscle at the Gym (T531) Reward: Buy/Colossicus Pool Method: Go to Toane's Gym. Max is making fun of Movie-types. Attack him to complete the goal. ** Find a good scifi movie script (T532) Reward: Build/Cypress Tree Method: Go to Shiny Things Lab. The Sims there will wonder "what does the brain think about?" They are referring to the think tank in the central laboratory. Click on it and steal its movie script. If you do not have access to Shiny Things Labs you will have to do the Red Pool Table task first. ** Buy $2,000 in improvements to Tinsel Bluffs (T533) Reward: Method: Tinsel Bluffs doesn't need much. Until you replace the Information Overlord TV, put a Game Station or other high fun object in its place. ** Find out where to get a red pool table (T534) Reward: Buy/Overlord Pool Table, Visit/Shiny Things Labs Method: Go to Club Rubb and play pool with Bing Bling. When the game ends, he gives you the pool table. ** Get Malcolm to put you in his big movie (T535) Reward: $5,000 Method: This is a straightforward party and smooze task. Have a party, invite Malcolm specifically. Get him happy, fed, and un-bladdered, then choose "Ask About Movie". If he likes you a lot, he'll say "yes". ****************************************************************************** 2.6 Stage 6 ****************************************************************************** Promotions In stage 6, you can only attain level 10 of your chosen careers. Common Tasks ** Get Married (T400) Reward: Ride/Spritzen Funken Method: Again, you should wait until you are finished with your career goals to do this. In order to successfully propose, your intended must have all of his or her needs more green than red. This means you have to invite him or her over. Make a meal, allow your guest to use the bathroom, do something fun and comfortable (TV, Game Station) and then (and only then) pop the question. Meanwhile, you must have at least 20% energy or Propose may not be an available choice for you to use. On the day you are going to attempt this, skip work, make sure you are fresh from the toilet and shower before you call to invite him or her over. Prepare a meal while waiting for his or her to arrive but make sure you greet him or her before your Sim sits down to eat. After the meal, clean up the plates and the food platter while your fiance' goes to the bathroom. Go to the playroom or TV room, sit down and invite him or her to join you. When your Sim stands up with full fun, talk to your intended. Do a little kissing and then propose. If it doesn't work, send your intended home and depending on why he or she said know, work on making sure that error won't happen the next time you propose. ** Raise a Baby up to a Child (T500) Reward: Ride/Schnell Meister Method: There are three steps here. First, prepare an area for baby-rearing. Second, make out with your spouse to have a baby. Third, rear the baby. You have to choose who is going to rear the child. Your spouse makes the most sense since he or she does not have a job. 1) The area you are going to rear the child should have a sofa with a high Energy rating, a chair with a high Comfort rating, and an object with a high Fun rating, preferably one that you can gain comfort from as well. TVs work best here. And it should not be far from a bathroom. 2) Whoever is going to rear the baby should have his or her needs in high greens when your Sims kiss each other a few times in a row. Do this in the room with the baby-rearing equipment setup. Eventually you will get a "Do you want to have a baby?" dialog to come up. Say yes and a bassinet appears. You get to name the baby at this point. Have a name ready or the game will eventually default the name to Baby. The baby arrives asleep and should sleep for 4-6 hours before waking. Finish greening up the baby-rearing Sim and have him or her NAP on the couch. Do not put this Sim in a bed until the baby is a child. The couch and the bassinet must be in the same room. 3) Every 6 hours (or so) the baby will wake up crying. The baby-rearer, who is probably napping on the couch nearby will be woken up. He or she should go to the bassinet and choose "Feed", "Play", "Sing" in that order. If the baby continues to cry after you sing, do all three actions again in that order. Once the baby stops crying. That Sim can use the bathroom and eat before napping again. Your other Sim should be preparing any meal the baby-rearing Sim eats to save that Sim time. At no time should both Sims be asleep outside of the room the bassinet is in. After three days, the bassinet turns into a child (with fully green needs). 2.6.1 Malcolm's Mansion (Mal) Residents: None Career Tracks: All Initial Value: $114,505 Approximate Bills: $6,000 Malcolm Steals: Nothing (Mom boots him out of the house) Promotions Rewards Counter Culture/Full Time Freak Temple/Counter Culture Temple Gnome Gangster/Mob Boss Temple/Gangster Temple Gnome Fashion Victim/Super Model Temple/Fashion Victim Temple Gnome Jock/Living Legend Temple/Jock Temple Gnome Movie Star/Movie Mogul Temple/Movie Star Temple Gnome Mad Scientist/Death Ray Inventor Temple/Mad Scientist Temple Gnome Paramilitary/War Minister Temple/Paramilitary Temple Gnome Tasks ** Show off your Fortune: Upgrade your Mansion (T611) Reward: Ride/Limo Ultimo Method: The mansion layout is very poor. It makes sense in the Real World but since you have no staff you should make a few changes. Swap the sitting area next to the kitchen and dining room. Add a fun item to the sitting area (pool table, game station, something). Move the phone into the foyer. Add a doorway between the new dining area and the bathroom. Buy a bookshelf from which your child can study. ** Finish all 7 Careers to see you dreams come true (T612) Reward: Buy/Simolean Temple Method: If you want to finish this, you can either work toward keeping all careers level from stage to stage, or run through one career and then go back. Personally, going from the Mansion back to Dudley's Trailer is a bit daft so work on all careers. It gets you access to all the cool items faster and you get a lot of money from all of those promotions. ** Send you child to prep school with Straight A's (T613) Reward: Ride/Sataniti GT 1000 (This displays as "Diavolo GT 1000" in the "Congratulations! You unlocked..." screen, but when you attempt to change your ride, it has the Sataniti name.) Method: Be strict with your child and have him Study with a bookshelf everyday after going to school. Eventually, he will get into the prep school. One the morning he wakes up with an A+ grade level, he is whisked off to The Mount Weevil School for Gifted Children, leaving your household for good. Notes * As you only make about $1,000 a day, and the bills are $6,000 every 3 days, you cannot live here forever. On the other hand, if you have play your spouse Sim in Free Mode before marrying, get that Sim to level 10 of a career and his or her income together with your own will be able to support the house. Just don't let your spouse lose his or her job as he or she will not be able to get it back in Busting Out mode. * Rewards for promotion to level 10 in a career provides access to a dancing gnome on the Simolean Temple, the big fountain in front of Malcolm's Mansion. It is indicated above as Temple/Career Path Temple Gnome. You also get a movie showing Malcolm getting humiliated in a manner appropriate to the career path. When you unlock the 7th career, you get to view all 7 movies. Also, you can then activate the Simolean Temple to watch all the gnomes dance on their columns. ****************************************************************************** 2.7 Other Locations ****************************************************************************** 2.7.1 1 Free Street Residents: Candy, Debbie, Ginger, Pamela Frutti Notes * If you intend to play the Fruttis and give them careers and such, you must move a family of four into 3 Free Street or else these Sims will never be able to get enough friends (up to 8) to advance fully in their careers. * Giving the Fruttis careers will mean there are times when you want to call them up and they will be at work. By default, they have no careers and will answer the phone any time between 7am and 1am. * You can get them one friend by having your Bustin' Out Sim get one of them as a friend. But they cannot call your Bustin' Out Sim on the phone. A mild inconvenience. 2.7.2 2 Free Street Residents: Ziggy, Woody, Rod and Pete Tutti Notes * Same as 1 Free Street above. 2.7.3 3 Free Street Residents: None Notes * If you are planning to create an intended spouse and move him or her in here but don't intend to play this Sim except after the marriage, what follows is the minimum you must do to move him or her in: 1) In build mode, put a single wall on the lawn. 2) In buy mode, put a phone on this wall. 3) Have your Sim visit this Sim and greet him or her. (You could do more about your friendship now, but greeting him or her is the minimum requirement.) 4) Leave. Don't load 3 Free Street again. Having met him or her, you can now call and invite him or her over anytime. ****************************************************************************** 2.8 Career Tracks ****************************************************************************** Each chart below has the following columns: Level: The first column indicates what level you have achieved in the career. Accepting a job from the newspaper for the first time grants you level 1. Pay: How much you get paid each day that you go to work. When you are promoted you take home your new level's pay plus twice your new level's pay as a bonus. In other words, you get three times your new base pay on the day you get the promotion. Hours: What times you have to be at work. A bus arrives every day to take you to work an hour before the listed start time. If you fail to step on the bus before the listed start time, the bus pulls away without you. Title: The job title for this level of achievement in the career track. Loc: The location at which you must be living in order to get promoted to that level. Even if you have all the friends and skills needed to get a promotion, if you are not living at the right location, you will not get promoted. Friends: This and the next 6 columns indicate the number of friends (and skill points) needed to advance beyond the listed career level. Thus, level 10 of each career path has no values in these columns because you cannot advance past level 10. Level 1 also has no values because no career path has any friend or skill requirements for the first promotion. BD: Body, CH: Charisma, CK: Cooking, CR: Creative, LO: Logic, ME: Mechanical. 2.8.1 Counter Culture Pay Hours Title Loc Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $110 10am- 2pm Pan Handler Any - - - - - - - 2 $120 10am- 2pm Leaflet Distributor Mimi 2 ? ? 1 ? ? ? 3 $150 10am- 3pm Basket Weaver Mimi 3 ? ? 3 ? ? ? 4 $200 Noon- 5pm Flower Child S8 4 ? ? 5 ? ? ? 5 $220 11am- 4pm Massage Therapist S8 6 ? ? 6 ? ? ? 6 $300 10am- 5pm Yoga Instructor Casa 6 ? ? 7 ? ? ? 7 $350 12pm- 5pm Transcendentalist Casa 7 ? ? 8 ? ? ? 8 $450 12pm- 5pm Love Guru Pix 8 ? ? 9 ? ? ? 9 $550 2pm- 7pm Psychic Activist Pix 8 ? 8 10 ? ? ? 10 $1000 10pm- 2am Full Time Freak Mal - - - - - - - 2.8.2 Fashion Victim Pay Hours Title Loc Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $200 10am- 2pm Hand Model Any - - - - - - - 2 $225 10am- 2pm Lingerie Model Mimi - ? ? ? 2 ? ? 3 $275 10am- 3pm Body Waxer Mimi 1 ? ? ? 4 ? ? 4 $315 10am- 3pm Fingernail Painter S8 2 ? ? ? 5 ? ? 5 $400 11am- 5pm Wig Designer S8 3 ? ? ? 6 ? ? 6 $550 10am- 6pm Hair Stylist Rubb 4 ? ? ? 7 ? ? 7 $650 Noon- 6pm Make-Up Artist Rubb 5 ? 4 ? 8 ? ? 8 $900 6pm- 1am Runway Model Tin 7 ? ? ? 9 ? ? 9 $1100 2pm- 9pm Centerfold Tin 9 ? ? ? 10 ? ? 10 $1400 10am- 4pm Super Model Mal - - - - - - - 2.8.3 Gangster Pay Hours Title Loc Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $125 10am- 2pm Vandal Any - - - - - - - 2 $200 9am- 1pm Shoplifter Dud - - - - 2 - - 3 $275 11pm- 5am Burglar Dud 2 - - - 4 - 1 4 $350 9am- 3pm Car Thief Gym 3 - - - 5 - 2 5 $425 5pm- 1am Mugger Gym 4 1 1 - 6 - 3 6 $530 3pm-11pm Body Guard Casa 6 3 1 - 7 - 4 7 $640 9pm- 3am Arsonist Casa 8 3 2 - 8 - 5 8 $760 9am- 3pm Extortionist Pix 8 5 3 - 9 - 5 9 $900 9am- 3pm Hit Man Pix 8 ? ? ? 10 ? ? 10 $1100 6pm-MidN Mob Boss Mal - - - - - - - 2.8.4 Jock Pay Hours Title Loc Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $130 10am- 2pm Mascot Any - - - - - - - 2 $170 9am- 1pm Ball Collector Dud - 2 ? ? ? ? ? 3 $230 10am- 3pm Rookie Dud - 4 ? ? ? ? ? 4 $300 10am- 3pm Starter Gym - 6 ? ? ? ? ? 5 $385 9am- 3pm All-Star Gym 1 7 ? ? ? ? ? 6 $510 9am- 3pm MVP Rubb 2 8 ? ? ? ? ? 7 $680 9am- 4pm Superstar Rubb 3 9 ? ? ? ? ? 8 $850 8am- 2pm Head Coach Tin 4 ? ? ? ? ? ? 9 $1000 9am- 3pm Hall of Famer Tin 6 ? ? ? ? ? ? 10 $1200 9am- 3pm Living Legend Mal - - - - - - - 2.8.5 Mad Scientist Pay Hours Title Loc Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $155 10am- 2pm Lab Cleaner Any - - - - - - - 2 $230 11pm- 3am Potion Tester Dud 1 ? ? ? ? 2 ? 3 $325 2pm-10pm Pyro Dud 2 ? ? ? 2 ? ? 4 $375 11am- 4pm Virus Breeder Goth ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 5 $450 10am- 5pm Chemist Goth ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 6 $540 10am- 7pm Vivisectionist STL ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 $640 11am- 3pm Gene Splicer STL 4 ? ? ? ? ? 6 8 $740 Noon- 8pm Robotifician Oct 5 ? ? ? ? ? 8 9 $870 10am- 4pm Space Time Tinker Oct ? ? ? ? ? ? 10 10 $1000 10am- 2pm Death Ray Inventor Mal - - - - - - - 2.8.6 Movie Star Pay Hours Title Loc Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $100 10am- 2pm Mall Clown Any - - - - - - - 2 $150 9am- 1pm Kiddie Show Sidekick Mimi - ? ? ? ? ? ? 3 $200 9am- 3pm Stunt Double Mimi 2 ? 2 ? ? ? ? 4 $275 7am- 3pm Horror Movie Extra Goth 3 ? 3 ? ? ? ? 5 $375 7am- 4pm Soap Opera Extra Goth 4 ? 4 ? ? ? ? 6 $500 10am- 6pm Game Show Host Rubb 6 ? 6 ? ? ? ? 7 $650 10am- 6pm Sitcom Star Rubb 6 ? 7 ? ? ? ? 8 $900 5pm- 1am Sex Symbol Tin 8 ? 8 ? ? ? ? 9 $1100 10am- 5pm Director Tin 10 ? 10 ? ? ? ? 10 $1400 10am- 3pm Movie Mogul Mal - - - - - - - 2.8.7 Paramilitary Pay Hours Title Loc Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $250 10am- 2pm Latrine Cleaner Any - - - - - - - 2 $325 8am-Noon Boat Polisher Dud - ? ? ? ? 2 ? 3 $400 9am- 2pm Drill Instructor Dud - ? ? ? ? 4 ? 4 $450 6am-Noon Paratrooper Gym - ? ? ? ? 5 ? 5 $500 6am-Noon Chopper Pilot Gym 1 ? ? ? ? 6 ? 6 $550 9am- 4pm Covert Ops STL 2 ? ? ? ? 7 ? 7 $580 7am- 3pm Secret Agent STL 4 ? ? ? ? 8 ? 8 $600 9am- 3pm Code Breaker Oct 6 ? ? ? ? 9 ? 9 $700 9am- 3pm Intelligence Director Oct 6 10 ? ? ? 10 ? 10 $1000 9am- 3pm War Minister Mal - - - - - - - ****************************************************************************** 2.9 Making Friends ****************************************************************************** Outgoing Playful Social action when Name Neat Active Nice Sign Relationship >= 50 ---------------- -- -- -- -- -- --------- -------------------- Mortimer Goth Kiss Hand Bella Goth Nag About Friends Max Toane 4 8 8 5 0 Gemini Goldie Toane Artie Fischl Charity Grant Paisley Rainbow 0 5 0 10 10 Libra Booty Spank Randy Hart 0 5 0 10 10 Libra French Kiss Mona Lot Dirty Dance Bing Bling Break Dance Makino Nada Whine and Complain Vaughn Braun Coo Coo Chase Skurtz 0 10 0 10 5 Libra Tell Secret Ying Yangst 1 8 0 8 8 Libra General Payne 10 10 0 0 0 Aquarius Snap Out of It! Maxine Powers 10 10 5 0 0 Cancer Karate Chop Fanny Adore' 10 0 0 0 0 Ares Humphrey Hawks 0 5 3 10 0 Cancer Intimidate Mom - None Dudley Landgrab - Burp In Face Mimi Landgrab - Brag About Money Malcolm Landgrab - None Ziggy Tutti ( ), Woody Tutti ( ), Rod Tutti ( ), Peter Tutti ( ) Pamela Frutti ( ), Ginger Frutti ( ), Candy Frutti ( ), Debbie Frutti ( ) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 3 Free Play ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Differences between Bustin' Out Mode and Free Play Mode * When you switch careers and switch back, you start over at level 1 in the career. * You cannot call the Sims from Bustin' Out Mode. (In Bustin' Out Mode you can call the residents of Free Street. * When you arrive home from work, there is no pop-up telling you how much money you made. ****************************************************************************** 3.1 Career Tracks ****************************************************************************** 3.1.1 Artist Pay Hours Title Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $100 3pm- 8pm Artist's Model - - - - - - - 2 $120 9am- 4pm House Painter - - - - 2 - - 3 $190 9am- 3pm Studio Assistant 1 - - - 5 - - 4 $250 8am- 4pm Museum Guard 2 - - - 6 - 2 5 $325 7am- 2pm Studio Artist 3 - - - 7 - 5 6 7 8 9 10 $1400 10am- 3pm Museum Director - - - - - - - 3.1.2 Computer Geek Pay Hours Title Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $120 9am- 5pm Cable Grunt - - - - - - - 2 $150 6pm- 2am Video Game Tester - - - - 1 1 2 3 $200 8am- 4pm Tech Support 1 - - - 1 2 3 4 $240 Noon- 8pm Virus Writer 2 - - - 2 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - - - - - - - 3.1.3 Rock Star Pay Hours Title Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $100 10am- 4pm Groupie - - - - - - - 2 $120 9am- 4pm Roadie - - - - 2 - - 3 $190 9am- 3pm Record Store Clerk 2 - - - 5 - - 4 $250 8pm- 4am Elevator Music Composer 2 - - - 6 - 2 5 $325 7am- 2pm Jingle Writer 3 - 4 - 7 - 5 6 $400 11am- 8pm Wedding Singer 4 4 4 - 8 - 5 7 $550 Noon- 9pm Bar Band Singer 4 5 4 - 9 - 5 8 $700 11am- 6pm Rock Star 6 7 7 - 10 - 5 9 $1100 5pm- 2am Solo Artist 8 7 10 - 10 4 5 10 $1400 10am- 3pm Record Producer - - - - - - - 3.1.4 Slacker Pay Hours Title Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $100 5pm-10pm Janitor - - - - - - - 2 $120 9pm- 4am Convenience Store Clerk - - - - - - 2 3 $190 9am- 3am Gas Station Attendent 2 3 - - - - 2 4 $250 8pm- 4am Taxi Driver 2 3 - - 2 - 3 5 $325 7am- 2pm Tow Truck Driver 4 3 3 - 3 - 3 6 7 8 9 10 - - - - - - - 3.1.5 Swindler Pay Hours Title Friends BD CH CK CR LO ME 1 $120 10am- 3pm Traveling Salesman - - - - - - - 2 $180 9am- 4pm Used Car Salesman - - 2 - - - 1 3 ? 9am- 4pm Telemarketer 2 - 2 - - - 2 4 $320 9am- 4pm Con Artist 3 - 2 - - 2 2 5 $400 9am- 4pm Fad Starter 4 - 3 - 2 3 2 6 7 8 9 10 - - - - - - - ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 4 Social Actions ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Talk Insult Tease Brag Joke Entertain Compliment Give Back Rub Dance Tickle Hug Kiss Propose - Friend/Max Toane - Friend/Goldie Toane - Friend/Artie Fischl - Friend/Charity Grant - Friend/Ying Yangst - Friend/Fanny Ador‚ Admire Body - Fashion Victim/Hair Stylist (Club Rubb) Air Kiss - Fashion Victim/Fingernail Painter (Studio 8) Barnyard Taunt - Counter Culture/Psychic Activist (Pixel Acres) Booty Spank - Friend/Paisley Rainbow Booty Tease - Movie Star/Game Show Host (Club Rubb) Break Dance - Friend/Bing Bling Burp In Face - Friend/Dudley Landgrab Coo Coo - Friend/Vaughn Braun Dirty Dance - Friend/Mona Lot Do Magic Trick - Movie Star/Get Soap Opera (Goth Manor) Flip - Mad Scientist/Space Time Tinker Force to Slap Self - Gangster/Body Guard (Casa Caliente) French Kiss - Friend/Randy Hart Give Money - T224: Mimi's Place/Invite Mom Over Give Noogie - T331: Toane's Gym/Make Friends with Max or Goldie Gossip - Movie Star/Get to Kiddie Show Sidekick (Mimi's Place) Hypnotize - T435: Shiny Things Lab/Show off "Rocket Gnomes" at a launch party Intimidate - Friend/Humphrey Hawks Karate Chop - Friend/Maxine Powers Kiss Hand - Friend/Mortimer Goth Kiss Romantically - T415: Casa Caliente/Score with two Sims at the same party Moon Walk - Movie Star/Sitcom Star (Club Rubb) Nag About Friends - T311: Goth Manor/Make Friends with Mortimer or Bella Nag About House - T214: Dudley's Trailer/Invite Mom Over Pull My Finger - T212: Dudley's Trailer/Get to know Dudley better Serenade - Gangster/Burgler (Dudley's Trailer) Show Off Muscles - Paramilitary/Paratrooper (Toane's Gym) Sign Language - T222: Mimi's Place/Get to know Mimi better Sissy Fight - T322: Studio 8/Control another Sim by using the Z Button Slow Dance - Fashion Victim/Make-Up Artist (Club Rubb) Snap Out of It! - Friend/General Payne Tell Dirty Joke - Jock/MVP (Club Rubb) Tell Lies - T321: Studio 8/Make Friends with Artie or Charity Tell Secret - Friend/Chase Skurtz Tell Story - T312: Goth Manor/Control another Sim by using the Z Button Towel Snap - T332: Toane's Gym/Control another Sim by using the Z Button Whine and Complain - Friend/Makino Nada Wolf Whistle - Jock/Superstar (Club Rubb) Call Over Join Attack Ask to Go "Free" Try and Make Out ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 5 Stuff ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Abbreviations Needs: The number after the letter indicates how strongly the need is fulfilled by the object. Higher number indicate the need will green up faster than lower numbers. B#: Bladder, C#: Comfort, E#: Energy, F#: Fun, R#: Room, U#: Hunger, Y#: Hygiene Skills BD: Body, CH: Charisma, CK: Cooking, CR: Creativity, LO: Logic, ME: Mechanical S/G: A group item that when used with more than one Sim allows each Sim's Social need to green up (usually because the Sims are talking while using the device). Kid: Only kids can use this item. Locations: Mimi = Mimi's Place, Dud = Dudley's Trailer Goth = Goth Manor, S8 = Studio 8, Gym = Toane's Gym Casa = Casa Caliente, Rubb = Club Rubb, STL = Shiny Things Labs Pix = Pixel Acres, Oct = The Octogon, Tin = Tinsel Bluffs MM = Malcolm's Mansion Careers: CC = Counter Culture, FV = Fashion Victim, Gang = Gangster, Jock = Jock, Mad = Mad Scientist, Star = Movie Star, Para = Paramilitary ****************************************************************************** 5.1 Buy Mode ****************************************************************************** 5.1.1 Seating/Beds 79 Recalled Folding Chair C2 80 Wekbunnst All Purpose Chair C2 100 "Posture Plus" Office Chair C3 110 Rusty Redneck Stump Chair C2 T513 Pix/Goth Ghost 140 Jock Bench C2 149 Recycled Couch C3 E4 150 Desk Chair by Survivall C3 150 Contempo Loveseat C3 E4 155 Satinistics Reproduction Armchair C3 165 Stool Sample C3 180 MC2 Examination Stool C3 199 Worn Leather Chair C4 225 Love Your Behind Dining Chair C3 R1 245 CamoComfort Easy Killin' Chair C4 250 Country Class Armchair C4 250 "Back Slack" Recliner C6 E3 300 Spartan Special (Bed) C6 E7 340 Country Class Loveseat C5 E4 385 Peacock Wicker Chair C4 390 Big Mouth Chair C6 R1 T215 Dud/Visit Mimi 399 Futon Bed C7 E7 410 Wicked Breeze Rattan Chair C5 R1 415 Sili-Camp Tent C6 E7 CC/Transcendentalist 445 C-SX247 "Couch Potato" Stealth Sofa C4 E4 449 "Moldy Oldy" (Recliner) C7 E3 450 Country Class Sofa C5 E5 450 Club Chair by Saarbach C5 R1 450 Tyke Nyte Bed C7 E7 450 Cheap Eazzzzze Double Sleeper C7 E8 475 The Love Seat C5 E4 500 "The Saarbach" by Werkbunnst (Chair) C6 Wicker Sofa Jock/Hall of Famer 600 Empress Dining Room Chair C4 R2 700 "Sofesque" by Wutami Godat C4 E3 R5 825 Q3 Recliner C9 E3 T425 Rubb/DJ Party 850 "Von Braun" Recliner C9 E3 875 Luxuriare Loveseat C8 E4 R2 900 Baby Doll Canopy Bed by Poly Vinyl C7 E8 R1 1000 Napolean Sleigh Bed C8 E9 1100 "The Deitier" by Werkbunnst (sofa) C8 E5 R3 1290 Miss Memo Sleeper C7 E11 FV/Superstar 3000 Modern Mission Bed C9 E10 R3 3200 Princess Luxury Bed C10 E9 R2 4500 The Vibromatic Heart Bed C10 E8 R2 CC 5.1.2 Surfaces (Tables/Desks) 35 Empty Supply Crate 40 Pinegulcher End Table 55 Found Art Spool Table 55 Wicked Breeze End Table 75 KinderStuff Nightstand 80 Mesquite Desk 85 Covert Table 95 NuMica Folding Card Table 99 Le Maussade Glass Dining Table 119 SlushRush Bar Counter 120 "Anywhere" End Table 145 GeneriCounter 150 Count Blanc Bathroom Counter 150 SirPlus! Metal Desk 199 Gallery Display Stand R1 200 Backwoods Table by Survivall 200 The Smart Counter 220 London "Cupertino" Collection Desk 250 Boomtowne Redwood Table 250 Tiled Counter 250 Modern Mission End Table R1 300 NuMica Kitchen Counter 320 Used Autopsy Table 450 London "Mesa" Dining Design R2 500 Isinglass Tableau R2 500 Butch Butch Butch Kitchen Counter R1 600 Constructed Table R2 800 The "Redmond" Table R2 5.1.3 Decorative 12 Pink Flamingo R2 30 African Violet R1 35 Spider Plant R1 35 Stepping Stone 45 "Roxana" Geranium R1 65 Metull Skull Poster R1 75 Watercolor by J.M.E. R1 80 Tragic Clown Painting R1 85 Ventillation Duct R1 85 Chou-Kawaii "Cute Cute" Poster R1 85 The Magic Unicorn by Rane Bowie R1 89 (W-22) Warning Sign R1 89 Biohazard Sign R1 99 Queen Vivanco Roses R1 119 Lairtsudni Reciprocal Column R1 120 Atlantean Column R1 120 Rubber Plant R2 150 Echinopsis Maximus Cactus R2 160 Jade Plant R2 165 Rosie's Palm R2 165 "Big Brother Is Shopping" Poster R1 199 Situation Station by Warkraft R2 200 Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium R2 F1 210 Puff Power Rug R2 210 Old Movie Prop R2 240 "Bi-Polar" by Connor I.N. R2 249 "Love In Baghdad" Movie Poster R2 300 Toy Parrot by FauxFriend R2 325 "Despondent Correspondent" R2 360 "Delusion de Grandeur" R2 450 Beaver Pelt Moosehead R2 460 Floor Rug by Leopard Life R2 550 Anatomical Skeleton Display R3 T315 Goth/Exorcise 700 "Fountain of Tranquility" R2 F1 777 SimBad's Stuffed Marlin R3 900 WarKraft Radar Dish R3 950 "Hazard The Guess" by Connor Tiist R3 999 "Edith On My Mind" by Omar Kittup R3 1020 "Blind Date" by I. Roney R3 1200 Gold Record R3 1299 Neo-Prime "Sun God" Calendar R4 1450 "Scylla and Charybdis" R4 1475 Think Tank R4 1500 "Proof Positive" by Hugh Kid R4 1525 Debauchium Mosaic R4 1800 Highbrau Coat of Arms R4 2140 Snails With Icicles in Nose R5 3200 Portrait Grid by Payne A. Pitcher R8 3500 Grand Father Clock R7 3650 Sham-Shag Polar Bear Rug R6 S/G 3800 Untitled 1973. By Costa D. Moenet R6 3900 Radiant Doomed Child by Don T. Ripitof R6 4260 Blue China Vase R7 4300 Faux Bearskin Rug R7 4800 White Rhino Re-enactment R7 5000 I Love Queens by Painter X R8 7800 "Still Life, Drapery and Crumbs" R9 8100 "Eruption of Decadence" Trapestry R9 8200 Antique Persian Rug R9 5.1.4 Electronics 50 FireBrand Smoke Detector 5.1.5 Appliances 5.1.6 Plumbing 5.1.7 Lighting 5.1.8 Miscellaneous 5.1.9 Skill Building ****************************************************************************** 5.2 Build Mode ****************************************************************************** 5.2.1 Walls 5.2.2 Floors 5.2.3 Wallpaper 5.2.4 Doors Secret Door Gang/Shoplifter (Dud) 5.2.5 Windows 5.2.6 Fireplaces 5.2.7 Plants 5.2.8 Water ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 6 Linking To a GameBoy Advanced ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** (The game booklet is very complete about this. Discussion of the Game Cabinet will go here when I get around to writing it.) ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 7 FAQs ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** Q: Why do the lights keep breaking? A: To make the game very annoying. Always visit Mimi's Place and get the Call Repairman phone ability, T226, when playing. Having to go around and replace the lightbulbs in the house everyday can be tedious. Q: Why are the plants dead? A: Hire a gardener. Q: I hired a gardener and the plants still died. A: One likely possibility is that you were not home when the gardener was supposed to arrive and she skipped a visit. This means that instead of 3 days between visits, 6 days passed between visits. Plants die after about 4 days without water. The best thing you can do is direct one of the other characters to water the plants when you cannot figure out what to do with that character. ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** 8 Credits ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** This FAQ was created by Joe Mucchiello and last edited on 2004-01-04. Infinite credit goes to my wife for putting up with me scribbling stuff down as she played, watching me restart over and over, and general wifey stuff. Contributors: 9 Revision History 2004-01-10 0.6 First public release. Walkthrough complete.