------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sims: Bustin' Out Final Version 3.00 Platform: Nintendo GameCube Author: Link4800 Copyright © 2005-2007 Shawn Gantz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If there is a specific section of the FAQ/Walkthrough you wish to go straight to, press CTRL+F on your keyboard and type the heading next to the section you wish to see. NOTE: THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ONCE!!! NOTE: THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED TWICE!!! NOTE: THIS GUIDE CONTAINS SPOILERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED THREE TIMES!!! -------------------------- Table of Contents -------------------------- A. Version History B. Legal Information C. Introduction D. Game Play Information D1. Controls D2. Motives D3. Careers D4. Personality D5. Relationships D6. Pause Menu D7. Speeds D8. Other Information E. Bust Out Mode Intro E1. Bust Out Careers E1a. Movie Star E1b. Mad Scientist E1c. Gangster E1d. Fashion Victim E1e. Paramilitary E1f. Counter Culture E1g. Jock E2. Prelude: Old Club Rubb F. Stage 1 Walkthroughs F1. Mom's House G. Stage 2 Walkthroughs G1. Mimi's Place G2. Dudley's Trailer H. Stage 3 Walkthroughs H1. Goth Manor H2. Studio 8 H3. Toane's Gym I. Stage 4 Walkthroughs I1. Club Rubb I2. Shiny Things Labs I3. Casa Caliente I4. Marriage J. Stage 5 Walkthroughs J1. Tinsel Bluffs J2. The Octagon J3. Pixel Acres J4. Children K. Stage 6 Walkthroughs K1. Malcolm's Mansion L. Free Play Introduction L1. Free Play Careers L1a. Rock Star L1b. Slacker L1c. Artist L1d. Computer Geek L1e. Swindler L2. Tutti Family L3. Frutti Family L4. 1 Free Street L5. 2 Free Street L6. 3 Free Street M. Complete Buy List M1. Seating/Beds M2. Surfaces M3. Decorative M4. Electronics M5. Appliances M6. Plumbing M7. Lighting M8. Miscellaneous M9. Skill Building N. Complete Build List N1. Walls N2. Wallpaper N3. Floors N4. Doors N5. Windows N6. Fireplaces N7. Plants N8. Pools O. Complete Cars List P. Secrets P1. Cheats P1a. GameCube Cheats P1b. PlayStation 2 Cheats P1c. XBox Cheats P2. Glitches Q. FAQ's R. Awcknowledgements S. Recap of Legal Info T. Contact Information U. Closing -------------------------- A. Version History -------------------------- Version 0.55: 06/27/2005-Began FAQ/WAlkthrough and began Bust Out Mode Walkthroughs and Free Play Introduction. Version 0.75: 07/04/2005-Completed Bust Out Mode Walkthroughs and Free Play Walkthroughs. Began Secrets, Awcknowledgements, Closing, and Recap of Leagl Information. Version 1.00: 07/07/2005-Completed Secrets, Awcknowledgements, Closing, and Recap of Leagl Information. Submitted my Walkthrough to gamefaqs.com. Version 1.85: 07/08/2005-Complete Buy List & Complete Build List added to Walkthrough. Version 2.00: 07/09/2005-Complete Cars List added to Walkthrough. Version 2.30: 06/27/2006-First Year Anniversary Edition. Version 2.50: 10/16/2006-Added to Secrets Section. Version 2.60: 01/28/2007-Edited goals a bit. Version 3.00: 09/27/2007-Final Version Published. -------------------------- B. Legal Information -------------------------- The Sims: Bustin' Out FAQ/Walkthough Version 3.00 Copyright 2005-2007 Shawn Gantz This document is protected by the copyright law. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written or e-mail permission. Use of this guide on any other web site than those listed below is strictly prohibited, and a violation of the copyright. www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheatcc.com All Characters, Scenarios, Items and Trademarks in this The Sims: Bustin' Out FAQ/Walkthrough are owned by their respective Trademark and Copyright owners. -------------------------- C. Introduction -------------------------- Welcome to my version of The Sims: Bustin' Out FAQ/Walkthrough. This guide is designed to help you get through those seemingly impossible goals and march your way into Malcolm's Mansion. This is my fist ever FAQ/Walkthrough. This guide covers the Nintendo GameCube Version of The Sims: Bustin' Out. However, there is no significant difference between the 3 console versions. If you ever want to send a comment or addition to be posted onto this Walkthrough, be sure to leave a distinct e-mail with a subject line that will let me know it is for this guide. I get alot of junk mail, and if I don't know what it is, I won't open it. With that said, let us begin. -------------------------- D. Game Play Information -------------------------- This section will explian to you the basic, need-to-know things about The Sims: Bustin' Out. -------------------------- D1. Controls -------------------------- This explains the buttons and what they do. For a better explaination, refer to your instruction manual. A Button------------------Select an item for use or proceed on a menu. B Button------------------Cancel an actoin given or backtrack on a menu. X Button------------------Place wall height at Up, Down, or Cut-away. Y Button------------------Center you Sim and follow them. L Button------------------Pause gameplay or delete an action in a queue. R Button------------------Activate doulbe speed. Z Button------------------Switch between playable Sims. Control Stick-------------Move the action cursor. C Stick Left or Right-----Rotate the camera left or right. C Stick Up or Down--------Zoom the camera in or out. Control Pad Up------------Motives sub-menu. Control Pad Left----------Careers sub-menu. Control Pad Down----------Personality sub-menu. Contorl Pad Right---------Relationships sub-menu. Start/Pause Button--------Halts gameplay to access the Game Play Menus. -------------------------- D2. Motives -------------------------- This explains the 8 different motives in the Motives sub-menu. Consult your instruction manual for more information on these. If the Motives button by your mood is throbing red, then a Motive of yours is empty. Hunger: When this bar is empty, find a fridge and feed your Sim; Or you can use a phone to call the Pizza Man to deliver a pizza for $40. Hygiene: When this bar is empty, seek out a shower or bathtub to fill it up. For a quick hygiene boost, wash your hands or brush your teeth. Energy: You'll find your Sim snoozing on the ground if this bar is empty. A nice sleep on a bed will fill this fill it up. For a quick boost, down a cup of coffee or grab a nap on a sofa. Social: If this bar is empty, don't expect your Sim to be in a very good mood. To restore it's natural greenness, interact with another Sim. Only positive interactions will raise this bar. A quick boost can be obtained by talking on the phone. Consult the Relationships section for more information. Comfort: When this bar if red, have a nice sit on a couch or chair or sleep in your comfortable bed. Bladder: If this bar is empty, expect to see a puddle on the ground where your Sim stands. A nice long sit on the toilet can restore this bar to full. Fun: When this bar emptys, find a little something fun to do. Depending on your Personality depends on what raises this bar faster. Consult the Personality section for more information. Room: When this bar is empty, there is something dirty or dead in the current room. A quick scan and clean of the room is suggested. Small rooms with little light also bring this motive down. For a quick boost, buy a plant or painting. -------------------------- D3. Careers -------------------------- This expalins the 6 different career skills requiered for promotions. Bad moods halt any participation in any skill-building action. Not all items mentioned are unlocked when starting a new game. If the Careers button by your mood is throbing green, then you have earned a new skill point. Cooking: The higher this skill is, the better quality meals your Sim serves and kitchen disasters are reduced. To raise this skill, study a cookbook at a bookshelf, serve snacks at the special stove, or serve drinks at the bar. Mechanical: The higher this skill is, the faster your Sim will fix things around house, as well as increase the value of the gnomes you build. To raise this skill, study do-it-yourself books on a bookshelf, build gnomes, or experiment the coil tower. Creative: The higher this skill is, the faster you paint, sculpt, and make a vase (this skill also raises the quality of these), and the quality of your music (excluding the microphone) is raised. To raise this skill, paint, sculpt, make a vase, or play the paino or guitar. Body: The higher this skill is, the better your chances at winning in competitive actions, such as playing pool and attacking another Sim. To raise this skill, work out on a weight machine, exercise on a treadmill, or take a swim in a pool. Logic: The higher this skill is, the smarter your Sim is, and the better chances of your Sim to win against another Sim in chess, and this also reduces time you spend looking through the telescope before being abducted. To raise this skill, play a nice game of chess or look to the skies with a telescope. Charisma: The higher this skill is, the higher your quality of singing and the better chance you have of speaking to another Sim about their intrests, which increases you relationship. Consult the Relationships section for more information. To raise this skill, parctice your speech in the mirror or sing using your microphone. -------------------------- D4. Personality -------------------------- In this section, you will find how to customize your personality to fit you best. Neat: This dignifies wheather your Sim will clean up after themselves or not. Outgoing: If your Sim is outgoing, their Social bar will deplete faster than that of a Sim who is not. Active: Active Sims' Energy bar will not deplete as fast, but they will wake up faster than those Sims who are not active. Playful: If your Sim is playful, their Fun bar will deplete faster than other Sims'. Playful Sims enjoy the pinball machine and pool tables for fun, whereas others would rather read a book. Nice: Nice Sims enjoy being nice. Nice Sims have more positive social interactions than those who are not nice. -------------------------- D5. Relationships -------------------------- This expalins the best tactics to make friends as well as other important friends information. Friends are requiered for all 12 career paths and to obtain their signature social interaction. Friends are also required to satisfy your social needs. The easist way to make friends is as follows. Step 1: Greet a Sim you do not know to obtain their colthing options. Step 2: Talk with them once. Step 3: Go inside and serve a meal. Step 4: Let them eat, use the toilet, and invite them to have fun. Step 5: Interact positiveley until they want to leave or you fall asleep. If you follow this rubric, it is easy to make friends with a stranger Sim before they leave. As to satisfying your social needs, only interacting positively will satisfy this need. Interacting negativly will not affect your Social bar in any way. -------------------------- D6. Pause Menu -------------------------- To access the Pause Menu, press Start/Pause. This explains the Pause Menu and what each option does. Note that this will not be an item list. Look below for one. Goals: Appears only in Bust Out Mode. Displays the stage's current goals. Completed goals are checked off and the item it unlocks is filled in. Buy: Here, you can buy new equipment for your Sims. Build: Here, you can build new equipment for your Sims. Careers: Appears only in Bust Out Mode. Displays your current point in each of the 7 careers in Bust out Mode. Options: Customize your game with thses options. Free Will: If on, your Sims will assign their own actions if you remain idle. Rumble Feature: If on, when a significant event happens, your controller will rumble. Fast Forward Toggle: If on, you merely press the R Button to start and stop double speed instead of holding it down. Auto Center: If on, when a significant event happens, the screen will center on the special Sim that took place in the event. Music Voloume: Adjust the stereo and menu music volumes. Sound Effects Volume: Adjust the voice, and other sound effects volumes. Save: Save your progress in the game. Quit: Quit your game. Save and Quit: Quit your game and save. Just Quit: Quit the game without saving. Cancel: Return to the Pause Menu. -------------------------- D7. Speeds -------------------------- As you might know, there are 4 different speeds in Bustin' Out, Normal, Double, Triple, and Pause. This section explains these speeds. Normal Speed: This is the default speed. Do not press or hold the R Button to find this speed. Double Speed: This is the speed you will most likely use the most. Press or Hold the R Button to find this speed. Triple Speed: This is the fastest speed. All playable Sims must be at work and/or sleeping to find this speed. Pause: This speed stops gameplay without pressing the Start/Pause Button. Hold the L Button to find this speed. -------------------------- D8. Other Information -------------------------- This is where I will list other things you might need or want to know that was no mentioned in the above sections. Bills: The dreaded deliveries will arrive in your mailbox every 3 days. An easy way to tell which bills are older: red, orange, yellow, white. Red are due as soon as possible and white are brand new in the box. If bills are not paid 10 days after they are delivered, a Debt Collector will steal the most valuable item in the house. So pay those bills. Bills usually cost roughly 2% of your house value, which can be veiwed on the Pause Menu. House Value: Pause the game to veiw your house value. It is where the Time would normally be seen. The house value is all of the items in your current house added up into one sum. Bills are roughly 2% of this value. Current Funds: The number seen under the Time Display or House Value. This is how many Simoleons ($) you own currently. Money incresaes by work and decreses by food and other expenses. Time Display: This tells you what time it is. Normal Speed moves at about 1 simulated minute in 1 second. Mood Display: The red and green bars next to your sub-menus. Green Bars indicate a good mood. Red indicates a bad mood. Mood is determined by how good your motives are. The Room & Bladder Motives can change your mood drastically. Good Moods produce positive Social Interactions and promotions. Bad Moods produce negative Social Interactions and demotions. Watch that mood! Action Queue: The list of actions that pile up at the top of the screen. Your Sims will do everything in this list in order, starting from the left and going to the right (Player 2's Action Queue goes from right to left). You can issue an order at any time. If Free Will is on, then your Sims will do things on their own if they need it. A Sim will not do Skill Building activities on their own unless it increasaes a motive. Fill Meter: This meter is visible on the Buy Mode and Build Mode main menus. It tells you how much more crap can fit in your house. If it is full, then the game game forbids you to buy anything else until you sell things to bring it down. Newspaper: The newspaper is a good source of Fun if your Sim is not Playful. The newspaper comes everyday at 9:00 AM. It will rot if another newspaper is delivered. Once rotted, it will bring down your Room bar. Use the newspaper to find a job or to have Fun. Control Diamond: This is the blue (or orange) diamond that appears of the active Sim's head. This indicates that it is the currently active Sim. Friends Count: The smiley face under the careers sub-menu is your friends count. This displays the current number of friends you have. The first number is how many you have. The second number is how many you need for your next promotion. If the number is green, then you have enough. If it is red, then you need more. Friends: As said before, friends as needed for all 12 career paths. A blue smiley face next to the Relationship Number indicates a Family Friend. A red angry face indicates a Family Enemy. Relationship Number: This is the number that appears in the Relationships sub-menu. If it is below 50, then you are not friends with this Sim. If it is above 50, then the this Sim's Relationship Number for you must be above 50 as well before you will be friends. Your spouse's Relationship Numbers will never drop. Malcolm Landgrabb: Your ex-step-father. Mom married him in the original Sims for the consoles. That is how you got his Mansion. He obviously divorced your Mom over the 8 month interval between The Sims and Bustin' Out. He put his fortune before everything else and began taking all of the stuff he graciously gave to the Sims when he married Mom. In the terms of marriage, yes, you are related to Mimi and Dudley. Maid Service: Use a phone to call a Maid. They will come every day at 10:00 AM to clean anything that needs cleaning. It cost $10 per hour for a Maid. You can fire her at any time by highlighting her and choosing 'Fire'. 'Dismiss' will send her away with pay. Empty your Bladder at Mom's House to unlock the Maid. Gardening Service: Use a phone to call a Gradener. They will come every 3 days and water or replant your flowers. They will not water any plants found in the Decorative Menu. Gardeners cost $10 per hour. You can fire her at any time by highlighting her and choosing 'Fire'. 'Dismiss' will send her away with pay. Repair Service: Use a phone to call a Repairman. They will come when you call and fix all broken items and replace all broken lightbulbs. A Repairman cost $50 per hour. Information Overlord Owners beware: a Repairman might just hang around after work and watch some TV. Pizza Srevice: Use a phone to call a Pizzaman. They will come when you call and deliver one Pizza to your house. The pizza will serve 6 Sims. One Pizza costs $40. You must 'Greet' the Pizzaman or he will walk off with your pizza. Police Service: Use a phone to call the Police. They will come when you call or if a party is being thrown at 10:30 PM. The Police Service is free unless you are told to pay $200 for a bribe. The Police are used for arresting criminals. Fire Dept. Service: Use a phone to call the Fire Dept. They will come when you call or if a Smoke Detector goes off. They will put the fire out. The Fire Dept. Service is free unless it is a false alarm ($100). Throw Party: Use a phone to throw a party. Every Sim that is not at work will arrive at the party. A notice will announce when the party has started. Parties are needed to complete certain goals. Television: This is the most used form of fun in the game. There are 4 channels on a TV: Horror (Defalt for the Monochrome and Trottco), Action (Default for the Soma Plasma), Romance, and Cartoons. Depending on your Sim's Personality depends on what they like to watch. The Information Overlord ends the burden of channel surfing. Stereo: The stereo is another good source of fun. There are 6 different types of music to listen to: Techno, Hip Hop, Metal, Pop, Smooth Jazz, and Bluegrass (Country). There is no particular type of music your Sim likes. The type you choose depends on the Default of the next radio you turn on will be (Ex: If you choose to listen to Techno at Mom's house, when buy a Stereo and turn it on, the Default type will be Techno). Spining on the DJ Booth will raise your Creativity. Great Big Adventure Japanese Arcade Game: To unlock this item, you must link the GameCube Bustin' Out to the GameBoy Advance Bustin' Out. Using the Arcade, you can earn your GCN Bustin' Out a few extra Simoleons. Consult the Instruction Booklet for more information. -------------------------- E. Bust Out Mode Intro -------------------------- The momment has come! The Bust Out Mode Walkthroughs. This part is seperated into six sections: Stage One, Stage Two, Stage Three, ect. Each stage walkthrouh covers two career promotions. You will see exactly how it works as you read through. -------------------------- E1. Bust Out Careers -------------------------- The following is a list of all 7 careers in Bust Out Mode, how much money they make, and their promotion requierments. To earn all promotions, you must be in a good mood. Make sure your friends relationship is high enough that your friends will not drop while you are at work, you need the amount of friends before work is over. -------------------------- E1a. Movie Star -------------------------- An expert career track. Movie Stars make the most money, but for the final promotion, you'll need 10 friends. This is not the best choice for a first career. Mall Clown: $100 Kiddie Show Sidekick: $150 (2 Charisma) Stunt Double: $200 (1 Body, 2 Charisma, 2 Friends) Horror Movie Extra: $275 (1 Creative, 2 Body, 3 Charisma, 3 Friends) Soap Opera Star: $375 (2 Creative, 2 Body, 4 Charisma, 4 Friends) Game Show Host: $500 (2 Creative, 3 Body, 6 Charisma, 6 Friends) Sitcom Star: $650 (2 Creative, 3 Body, 7 Charisma, 6 Friends) Sex Symbol: $900 (5 Creative, 4 Body, 8 Charisma, 8 Friends) Director: $1,100 (8 Creative, 4 Body, 10 Charisma, 10 Friends) Movie Mogul: $1,400 -------------------------- E1b. Mad Scientist -------------------------- A novice career track. Mad Scientists make moderate money, and for the final promotion, you'll need only 6 friends. This is a good choice for a first career. Lab Cleaner: $155 Potion Tester: $230 (2 Mechanical) Pyro: $320 (1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 1 Logic, 1 Friend) Virus Breeder: $375 (1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 1 Logic, 2 Friends) Chemist: $450 (1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 4 Logic, 1 Charisma, 2 Friends) Vivisectionist: $540 (1 Cooking, 4 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 4 Logic, 2 Charisma, 3 Friends) Gene Splicer: $640 (1 Cooking, 6 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 5 Logic, 3 Charisma, 4 Friends) Robotician: $740 (1 Cooking, 8 Mechanical, 4 Creative, 7 Logic, 4 Charisma, 5 Friends) Space Time Tinkerer: $870 (2 Cooking, 10 Mechanical, 5 Creative, 8 Logic, 5 Charisma, 6 Friends) Death Ray Inventor: $1,000 -------------------------- E1c. Gangster -------------------------- An intemediate career track. Gangsters make good money, and for the final promotion, you'll need 8 friends. This is a moderate choice for a first career. Vandal: $140 Shoplifter: $200 (2 Creative) Burglar: $275 (1 Mechanical, 4 Creative, 2 Friends) Car Thief: $350 (2 Mechanical, 5 Creative, 3 Friends) Mugger: $425 (3 Mechanical, 6 Creative, 1 Body, 1 Charisma, 4 Friends) Body Guard: $530 (3 Mechanical, 7 Creative, 3 Body, 1 Charisma, 6 Friends) Arsonist: $640 (5 Mechanical, 8 Creative, 3 Body, 2 Charisma, 8 Friends) Extortionist: $760 (5 Mechanical, 9 Creative, 5 Body, 3 Charisma, 8 Friends) Hit Man: $900 (5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 7 Body, 4 Charisma, 8 Friends) Mob Boss: $1,100 -------------------------- E1d. Fasion Victim -------------------------- An expert career track. Fashion Victims make excelent money, but for the final promotion, you'll need 9 friends. This is not the best choice for a first career. Hand Model: $200 Lingerie Model: $225 (2 Creative) Body Waxer: $275 (4 Creative, 1 Body, 1 Friend) Fingernail Painter: $315 (5 Creative, 1 Body, 1 Charisma, 2 Friends) Wig Designer: $400 (6 Creative, 1 Body, 2 Charisma, 3 Friends) Hair Stylist: $550 (1 Cooking, 7 Creative, 3 Body, 3 Charisma, 4 Friends) Make up Artist: $650 (2 Cooking, 8 Creative, 4 Body, 4 Charisma, 5 Friends) Runway Model: $900 (3 Cooking, 9 Creative, 5 Body, 4 Charisma, 7 Friends) Centerfold: $1,100 (4 Cooking, 10 Creative, 8 Body, 5 Charisma, 9 Friends) Super Star: $1,200 -------------------------- E1e. Paramilitary -------------------------- A beginner career track. Paramilitary personel make good money, and for the final promotion, you'll need 6 friends, but you'll also need to raise your Logic and Body skills to their maximum. This is a moderate choice for a first career. Latrine Cleaner: $250 Boot Polisher: $325 (2 Logic) Drill Instructor: $400 (2 Body, 4 Logic) Paratrooper: $450 (4 Body, 5 Logic) Chopper Pilot: $500 (1 Mechanical, 4 Body, 6 Logic, 2 Charisma, 1 Friend) Covert Ops: $550 (1 Mechanical, 5 Body, 7 Logic, 2 Charisma, 2 Friends) Secret Agent: $580 (4 Mechanical, 5 Body, 7 Logic, 2 Charisma, 5 Friends) Code Breaker: $600 (7 Mechanical, 8 Body, 9 Logic, 2 Charisma, 6 Friends) Intelligence Director: $700 (8 Mechanical, 10 Body, 10, Logic, 4 Charisma, 6 Friends) Mar Minister: $1,000 -------------------------- E1f. Counter Culture -------------------------- An intermediate career track. Counter Culture hippies make poor money, and for the final promotion, you'll need 8 friends. This is a moderate choice for a first career. Panhandler: $110 Leaflet Distributor: $120 (1 Cooking, 1 Creative) Basket Weaver: $180 (3 Cooking, 1 Creative, 1 Body, 2 Friends) Flower Child: $200 (5 Cooking, 1 Creative, 1 Body, 1 Charisma, 3 Friends) Massage Therapist: $220 (6 Cooking, 1 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 1 Body, 2 Charisma, 4 Friends) Yoga Instructor: $300 (7 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 2 Body, 2 Charisma, 6 Friends) Transcendentalist: $350 (8 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 3 Body, 4 Charisma, 6 Friends) Love Guru: $450 (9 Cooking, 3 Mechanical, 3 Creative, 4 Body, 6 Charisma, 7 Friends) Psychic Activist: $550 (10 Cooking, 3 Mechanical, 4 Creative, 5 Body, 8 Charisma, 8 Friends) Full Time Freak: $1,000 -------------------------- E1g. Jock -------------------------- A beginner career track. Jocks make excelent money, and for the final promotion, you'll need only 6 friends. This is the best choice for a first career. Mascot, $130 Ball Collector: $170 (2 Body) Rookie: $230 (4 Body) Starter: $300 (6 Body, 1 Charisma) All-Star: $385 (2 Mechanical, 7 Body, 1 Friend) MVP: $510 (1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 8 Body, 2 Charisma, 2 Friends) Super Star: $680 (2 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 9 Body, 3 Charisma, 3 Friends) Head Coach: $850 (3 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 10 Body, 5 Charisma, 4 Friends) Hall of Famer: $1,000 (4 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 10 Body, 5 Charisma, 6 Friends) Living Legend: $1200 -------------------------- E2. Prelude: Old Club Rubb -------------------------- The following is how to read these walkthoughs. Simple Description: This is a basic, one sentence description of the house. Career Promotions: This informs you of the career tracks this house offers. Stolen Items: This lists what Malcolm steal as you first enter the house. Roommates: The Sims who live with you, if you can control any of them, and their respective signature social interaction. This does not include your spouse and child(ren) Description/Improve: An in-depth description of the house, and what you should or need to improve. Notes: Simple notes on the current house. Best course of action to take is listed here. Goal #: Goal Name. (Goal Unlocks) How to complete. Simple Description: An older version of Club Rubb. Career Promotions: None Stolen Items: None Roommates: Various Sims in future houses. Description/Improve: None for this house. Notes: Complete the goal to move on. 1. Kiss Candy/Peter. (Your Nagging Mother) Simply highlight Candy or Peter and select Kiss on Cheek. -------------------------- F. Stage 1 Walkthroughs -------------------------- Wake Up! Time to climb a career ladder and steal Malcolm's Mansion. Mom's House covers the basic controls if you did not read my section above. -------------------------- F1. Mom's House -------------------------- Simple Description: A small farm house. Career Promotions: Movie Star, Mad Scientist, Gangster, Fashion Victim, Paramilitary, Counter Culture, and Jock (Promotion 1). Stolen Items: Your Scooter Roommates: Mom (None). You do not control this Sim. Description/Improve: A small house that does not need any major improvements. Notes: Your Hygiene, Energy, Social, and Comfot bars do not drop below half empty. This allows you to remain in a good mood almost always. This is also a perfect opprotunity to raise all of your skills to their maximum. However, if you quit your game, the bars listed above will begin to fall as normal. Either way, I suggest getting at least 3 Cooking and Mechanical skill points while you're here. If you do plan to stay though, buy a Chess Set and Treadmill. To earn money, get your Creative full and sell paintings. 1. Press the R Button for double speed: ($50) Do as the goal says. 2. Eat enough food to fill your stomach: ($50) Wait for Mom to serve a meal, and then chow down. 3. Use a toilet to empty your bladder: (The Maid) After breakfast, have a sit on your toilet. 4. Do fun stuff to raise your fun level: ($50) Watch the fish while Mom serves breakfast. 5. Use the newspaper to find a job: (Super Scooter) Again, for easier promotions in the future, waste 5 HUMAN hours here to get all of your career skills to their maximum. Then find a job and move to your respective house. -------------------------- G. Stage 2 Walkthroughs -------------------------- These are the 2 houses of your first roommates. Though you cannot control them, they can still be a pain. If you chose to be a Movie Star, Fashion Victim or Counter Culture follower, head over to Mimi's Place. If Mad Scientist, Gangster, Paramilitary, or Jock career perked your intrest, go to Dudley's Trailer. -------------------------- G1. Mimi's Place -------------------------- Simple Description: A small, cozy home. Career Promotions: Movie Star, Fashion Victim, and Counter Culture (Promotions 2 & 3). Stolen Items: Goumet Stove & Mini Bar. Roommates: Mimi Landgrabb (Brag About Money). You do not control this Sim. Description/Improve: A small house with a bed and a kitchen to improve. Replace the bed with a better one and upgrade the kitchen. And for a future goal, be sure to move the lamp away from the bookshelf so you can reach that corner. Notes: Mimi leaves occasionally for other stuff. Get your 2 promotions and leave if you wish. If it is your first time here, after you get your first promotion, you are rewarded with an Imposter Type-S (car). Just remember to come back later to finish all of the goals you missed. 1. Get to Kiddie Show Sidekick in the Movie Star Career: (Gossip) Get promoted. 2. Get to Stunt Double in the Movie Star Career: (Exoticalistism Floor Lamp) Get promoted with 2 Charisma. 3. Get to Lingerie Model in the Fashion Victim Career: (SlushRush Bar) Get promoted. 4. Get to Body Waxer in the Fashion Victim Career: (VenuSpice) Get promoted with 2 Creative. 5. Get to Leaflet Distributor in the Counter Culture Career: (Gourmet Stove) Get promoted. 6. Get to Basket Weaver in the Counter Culture Career: (Confucius Wall Lamp) Get promoted with 1 Cooking and 1 Creative. 7. Interact With Other Sims to Staisfy Your Social Needs: ($50) As soon as you arrive simply talk to Mimi until you receive your prize. 8. Get to Know Mimi Better: (Use 'Sign Language') Get your relation with Mimi to 35. 9. Have One Skill Point in Cooking: ($200) You did this at Mom's House, right? 10. Invite Mom Over to Your New Place: (Give Money) Find a phone and selcet Invite from Mom's House. 11. Visit Dudley and use "SIGN LANGUAGE" on him: (Skull Shrub) Get to know Mimi better first, then visit Dudley's Trailer and use Sign Language on him. 12. Fix All the Broken Things: (The Repairman) If you got 3 Mechanical Points at Mom's House, then find the Espresso Machine and fix it. If not, get 3 Mechanical, and then fix it. -------------------------- G2. Dudley's Trailer -------------------------- Simple Description: An old worn out trailer. Career Promotions: Mad Scientist, Gangster, Paramilitary, & Jock (Promotions 2 & 3). Stolen Items: Hellagraphix & Air Hockey Table. Roommates: Dudley Landgabb (Burp In Face). You do not control this Sim. Description/Improve: A run down trailer, there is a lot you can improve in this dump. First, if you have the money, upgrade the TV, then the kitchen. That's all you'll need to upgrade for now. Notes: Like Mimi, Dudley will leave for about 2 hours every day. With this it can sometimes be challenging to make friends. Just be sure to return the goals that you missed. Again, like Mimi's Place, you will receive the Dude Buggy (car) after you get your first promotion in any career. 1. Get to Potion Tester in the Mad Scientist Career: (Wall Torch) Get promoted. 2. Get to Pyro in the Mad Scientist Career: (Experimental Lamp) Get promoted with 2 Mechanical. 3. Get to Shoplifter in the Gagnster Career: (Secret Door) Get promoted. 4. Get to Burglar in the Gangster Career: (Serenade) Get promoted with 2 Creative. 5. Get to Boot Polisher in the Paramilitary Career: (HellaGraphix Console) Get promoted. 6. Get to Drill Instructor in the Paramilitary Career: (Up-Light) Get promoted with 2 Logic. 7. Get to Ball Collector in the Jock Career: (Air Hockey Table) Get promoted. 8. Get to Rookie in the Jock Career: (Flamingo Sign) Get promoted with 2 Body. 9. Interact With Other Sims to Satisfy You Social Needs: ($50) Begin to talk to Dudley as you arrive. 10. Get to Know Dudley Better: (Pull My Finger) Get a relationship of 35 with Dudley. 11. Have One Skill Point in Cooking: ($200) You did this at Mom's House, right? 12. Invite Mom Over to Your New Place: (Nag About House) Go to the phone and invite Mom over. 13. Visit Mimi's Place and get her to Pull Your Finger: (Big Mouth Chair) First, get to know Dudley better to use the 'Pull My Finger' interaction, then visit Mimi and use it on her. 14. Clean Up the Mess: (Toxic Barrel) Hire a Maid to do this while you are getting your first promotion. -------------------------- H. Stage 3 Walkthroughs -------------------------- Your first controllable Sims come in Stage 3. Movie Stars & Mad Scientists will head to Goth Manor. Studio 8 is where Fashion Victims and Counter Culture personel go. Gangsters, Paramilitary soldiers, and Jocks go to Toane's Gym. -------------------------- H1. Goth Manor -------------------------- Simple Description: A large, haunted house. Career Promotions: Movie Star & Mad Scientist (Promotions 4 & 5) Stolen Items: Seance Table & Skeleton Display Roommates: Mortimer Goth (Kiss Hand) & Bella Goth (Nag About Friends). You can control the Sim of the same gender as yours. Description/Improve: When funky music plays, then a ghost is loose. Hold a seance to stop this event. The kitchen has no refrigerator, be sure to buy one. Upgrade the bed if you have the money. Then that's about it. Notes: Both Mortimer and Bella work. Seeing as you only control one of them, be sure to tell that one to go to work every day. They cannot get fired or demoted. 1. Get to Horror Movie Extra in the Movie Star Career: (Synthesizer) Get promoted with 1 Body, 2 Charisma, and 2 Friends. 2. Get to Soap Opera Star in the Movie Star Career. (Do Magic Trick) Get promoted with 1 Creative, 2 Body, 3 Charisma, and 3 Friends. 3. Get to Virus Breeder in the Mad Scientist Career: (Incubator) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 1 Logic, and 1 Friend. 4. Get to Chemist in the Mad Scientist Carrer: (Commode) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 4 Logic, 1 Charisma, and 2 Friends. 5. Make Friends With Mortimer or Bella: (The Sim's Signature Social) Get a relationship of 50 with either one. 6. Control Another Sim by Pressing the Z Button: (Tell Story) Press the Z Button. Can I be any more descriptive? 7. Find the fern that was stolen from the Goths: (RGB Flashback) Remember that giant fern in Dudley' back yard? Go steal it back. 8. Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the Goths: (Seance Table) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 9. Exorcise the ghosts by holding a seance: (Skeleton Display) You must buy $1,000 of improvements first, buy a seance table, and then hold 2 seances. I suggest using your Mortimer or Bella for this goal, it won't always work for your main Sim. -------------------------- H2. Studio 8 -------------------------- Simple Description: An old art museum. Career Promotions: Fashion Victim & Counter Culture (Promotions 4 & 5) Stolen Items: Pottery Wheel & Artist's Block. Roommates: Artie Fischl (Fake Out) and Charity Grant (Tell Lies). You can control the Sim of the same gender as yours. Description/Improve: There is much improving needed here. First, upgrade the kitchen and bathrooms to your liking. Then move all of the artwork in to the kitchen/hallway area. There is no source of fun in this house besides the bookshelf. I suggest you insert a TV or VR Headset. After you successfully complete this goal, buy the Electric Guitar it unlocks. Notes: The Sim you cannot control will simply leave at a set time. Once all of the artwork is in the kitchen, throw a party if you wish. Look below for help on the other goals. 1. Get to Fingernail Painter in the Fashion Victim Career: (Laser Lightshow) Get promoted with 4 Creative, 1 Body, and 1 Friend. 2. Get to Wig Designer in the Fashion Victim Career: (Air Kiss) Get promoted with 5 Creative, 1 Body, 1 Charisma, and 2 Friends. 3. Get to Flower Child in the Counter Culture Career: (Artists' Block) Get promoted with 3 Cooking, 1 Creative, 1 Body, and 2 Friends. 4. Get to Massage Therapist in the Counter Culture Career: ('Love' Lamp) Get promoted with 5 Cooking, 1 Creative, 1 Body, 1 Charisma, and 3 Friends. 5. Make Friends With Artie or Charity: (The Sim's Signature Social) Get you Relationship to 50 with Artie or Charity. 6. Control Another Sim by Pressing the Z Button: (Sissy Fight) Press the Z Button...too easy. 7. Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the studio: (Electric Guitar) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 8. Have a great art opening by rearranging the art: (Pottery Wheel) First, move all of the art into the Kitchen and Hallway area. Then serve a meal. Once at least one meal is served, throw a party. When Sims begin to arrive, the food will attract them into the Kitchen. A random Sim will congratulate you once 5 guest Sims have full Room bars, which is the goal in the first place. 9. Visit Mimi's Place and make sure Mimi is OK: (Cruiseete Leviathan) Visit Mimi's Place. When you arrive, she will ask you to clean up the mess she made. Do it for a car. Oh, and if the mess is in the Living Room, I hope you moved that light in the corner. If there is trash in that corner and you did not move the light, you cannot complete this goal. -------------------------- H3. Toane's Gym -------------------------- Simple Description: An impressive gym with no members. Career Promotions: Gangster, Paramilitary, & Jock (Promotions 4 & 5). Stolen Items: Climbing Wall & Treadmill. Roommates: Max Toane (Bear Hug) & Goldie Toane (Give Noogie). You can control the Sim of the same gender as yours. Description/Improve: First and foremost, you need somewhere to sleep. Insert 3 beds and remodel the kitchen to your liking. If you need to work on Body, replace 2 of the Workout Stations with Treadmills and replace the Climbing Wall when you get it back. Insert a TV or VR Headset (or both) for a good source of fun. Notes: Now you can control another Sim. The one you cannot control will leave unexpectedly. Await their return and life will be normal again. Both Max and Goldie will attempt to Work Out often, even if they are in a bad mood. 1. Get to Car Theif in the Gangster Career: (High Dive) Get promoted with 1 Mechanical, 4 Creative, and 2 Friends. 2. Get to Mugger in the Gangster Career: (Sonic Shower) Get promoted with 2 Mechanical, 5 Creative, and 3 Friends. 3. Get to Paratrooper in the Paramilitary Career: (Show Off Muscles) Get promoted with 2 Body and 4 Logic. 4. Get to Chopper Pilot in the Paramilitary Career: (Miss Memo Sleeper) Get promoted with 4 Body and 5 Logic. 5. Get to Starter in the Jock Career: (Climbing Wall) Get promoted with 4 Body. 6. Get to All-Star in the Jock Career: (Aeromaster Whifferpuff) Get promoted with 6 Body and 1 Charisma. 7. Make Friends with Mox or Goldie: (The Sim's Signature Social) Get a relationship of 50 with Max or Goldie. 8. Control Another Sim by Pressing the Z Button: (Towel Snap) ...Well? What are you waiting for? 9. Go to Dudley's Trailer and PARTY!: (Maximoto Tsunami X-TEQ) This one is tricky. First, visit Dudley's Trailer. Once you get there, he will start the party. The object of the goal is to get a Relationship of 5 with everyone that shows to the party. Alternate Method (Submitted by tina_girl_2@hotmail.com) I did something different. All I did was talk to Malcom when he came and I got a friendship with him high and then the thing popped up. I didn't even have to talk to everyone I think; I talked to like one person before him! 10. Buy $1,000 worth of improvements for the gym: (Flush Force Toilet) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 11. Get Four Sims to Join Toane's Gym as Members: (DJ Booth) First, make 4 diffrent friends (they cannot be Max or Goldie). -------------------------- I. Stage 4 Walkthroughs -------------------------- Stage four, marriage. If you don't care who you marry, just marry a Tutti or a Frutti (depending on gender (see who's who in Free Play Mode)). If you want to create your own husband/wife, go to Free Play on you game and create them in a house. YOU CANNOT MARRY ANOTHER BUSTIN' OUT SIM. Your spouse has to come from Free Play Mode. Be sure to add a phone so you can call them. Finally, Movie Stars, Fasion Victim, and Jocks go to Club Rubb. Gangsters and Counter Culture hippies go to Casa Caliente. The Paramilitary personel and Mad Scientists live in the Shiny Things Labs. -------------------------- I1. Club Rubb -------------------------- Simple Description: A old warehouse, converted to a night club. Career Promotions: Movie Star, Fashion Victim, and Jock (Promotions 6 & 7). Stolen Items: Dance Floor & Mini Bar. Roommates: Bing Bling (Break Dance) & Mona Lott (Dirty Dance). You control both of these Sims. Description/Improve: Many improvements needed here. Add 3 beds in the back room where the kitchen is. Take all appliances from that room and add them to the counters in the dance room. The pool table should provide fun. Be sure to add a shower as well. Notes: Seeing as you control both of your roommates, send them to work often. You might need the money after you make all of your improvements. And remember that red pool table in the fun room, you will need to for a goal in your next house. Also note that all promotions here unlock social interactions, so get to talking. All that said, I leave you on this note, don't get married here. You might not have the money, and this isn't the best place to pick up another Sim to control. Save marriage for Tinsel Bluffs. 1. Get to Game Show Host in the Movie Star Career: (Booty Tease) Get promoted with 2 Creative, 2 Body, 4 Charisma, and 4 Friends. 2. Get to Sitcom Star in the Movie Star Career: (Moon Walk) Get promoted with 2 Creative, 3 Body, 6 Charisma, and 6 Friends. 3. Get to Hair Stylist in the Fasion Victim Career: (Admire Body) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 7 Creative, 3 Body, 3 Charisma, and 4 Friends. 4. Get to Makeup Artist in the Fashion Victim Career: (Slow Dance) Get promoted with 2 Cooking, 8 Creative, 4 Body, 4 Charisma, and 5 Friends. 5. Get to MVP in the Jock Career: (Tell Dirty Joke) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 8 Body, 2 Charisma, and 2 Friends. 6. Get to Super Star in the Jock Career: (Wolf Whistle) Get promoted with 2 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 9 Body, 3 Charisma, and 3 Friends. 7. Invite Your Lover Over: ("More-saic" Tub) Fall in love with another Sim, then invite them to the club. 8. Get Married: (SpritzenFunken) See the designated section below. 9. Show off some Club Rubb moves at Studio 8: (Neon Sign) First, you must befriend Bing to learn Break Dance, and then visit Studio 8 and use Break Dance on Artie or Charity. 10. Find out what is going on at Toane's Gym: (Outdoor Shower) Visit Toane's Gym with a Body Skill of 5 or higher (suggested) and do 3 Triple Flips in a row. 11. Buy $1,500 worth of improvements for the club: (Dance Floor) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 12. Throw the ultimate DJ dance party: (Q3 Recliner) Get a Creative of 6 or higher, and then throw a party. Serve 2 meals and tell your Creative Sim to spin. Finally, after everyone eats, they should begin to dance. Once 5 people are dancing, you will receive your prize. -------------------------- I2. Shiny Things Labs -------------------------- Simple Description: A small laboratory full to its limits. Career Promotions: Mad Scientist & Paramilitary (Promotions 6 & 7). Stolen Items: Tesla Coil & Telescope. Roommates: Vaughn Braun (Coo Coo!) & Makino Nada (Whine and Complain).You control both of these Sims. Description/Improve: This place is almost full to its maximum capacity. You'll need to sell the useless warning signs all around the lab to get some room, then add in a better bookshelf, a chess set, and be sure to upgrade kitchen to your liking. Just don't sell those beds, those are some good beds. Make sure you take advantage of that Sonic Shower. Notes: Again, you control Sims, so always send them to work for money. If you do put in a Chess Set, it will keep them busy, as well as a better bookshelf. And, uh, I don't know about you, but I don't normally keep a bookshelf in my bathroom. 1. Get to Vivisectionist in the Mad Scientist Career: (Tesla Coil) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 4 Logic, 1 Charisma, and 2 Friends. 2. Get to Gene Splicer in the Mad Scientist Career: (SuperLuminoltetra Lamp) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 4 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 4 Logic, 2 Charisma, and 3 Friends. 3. Get to Covert Ops in the Paramilitary Career: (Telescope) Get promoted with 1 Mechanical, 4 Body, 6 Logic, 2 Charisma, and 1 Friend. 4. Get to Secret Agent in the Paramilitary Career: (Radar Dish) Get promoted with 1 Mechanical, 5 Body, 7 Logic, 2 Charisma, and 2 Friends. 5. Invite Your Lover Over: (Bird of Paradise) Fall in lvoe with another Sim, then invite them to the lab. 6. Get Married: (SpritzenFunken) See the designated section below. 7. Go to Studio 8 and change their minds about scientists: (Pathmatic Door) First, throw a successful "launch party" to learn Hypnotize. Then visit Studio 8 and use Hypnotize on Artie or Charity. 8. Find out where the contaminating spores are coming from: (Giant Fern) Remember that fern that you may or may not have stolen for the Goths? Be an evil little Sim and steal it again. 9. Buy $1,500 worth of improvements for the lab: (Invention Workshop) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 10. Show off rocket gnomes at a "launch party": (Hypnotize) First, you must get a Sim's Mechanical skill to 10 points, then use the Invention Table to build Rocket Gnomes (they are the red and yellow ones). After you build 5, throw a party and launch all 5 in a row. It will then be a success. -------------------------- I3. Casa Caliente -------------------------- Simple Description: Sim City's love shack. Career Promotions: Gangster & Counter Culture (Promotions 6 & 7) Stolen Items: Heart Bed & Love Tub. Roommates: Randy Hart (French Kiss) & Paisley (Booty Spank). You control both of these Sims. Description/Improve: Well, Malcolm just ran off with the only bed in the house. I suggest replacing that first. Then build your own room on the other side of the hallway. Upgrade the kitchen and bathroom to your liking. Then get a goo source of fun. Notes: Send the hippies to work every day. They cannot be demoted or fired, so don't worry about moods. They love to swim. Have Randy and Paisley fall in love so you only have to buy 2 beds and not 3. 1. Get to Body Guard in the Gangster Career: (Force to Slap Self) Get promoted with 3 Mechanical, 6 Creative, 1 Body, 1 Charisma, and 4 Friends. 2. Get to Arsonist in the Gangster Career: (Love Tub) Get promoted with 3 Mechanical, 7 Creative, 3 Body, 1 Charisma, and 6 Friends. 3. Get to Yoga Instructor in the Counter Culture Career: (Vibrating Bed) Get promoted with 6 Cooking, 1 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 1 Body, and 2 Charisma, 4 Friends. 4. Get to Transcendentalist in the Counter Culture Career: (Sili-Camp Tent) Get promoted with 7 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 2 Body, 2 Charisma, and 6 Friends. 5. Invite Your Lover Over: (Tiki Torch) Fall in love with another Sim, then invite them to the house. 6. Get Married: (SpritzenFunken) See the designated section below. 7. Go to Studio 8 and help with the "outsider art": (That 70's Window) Visit Studio 8; When you arrive, begin to paint. When you finish the painting, you will receive your prize. 8. Find a neighbor that knows about candelabras: (Candelabra) First, Score with 2 Sims at the same party. Then fall in love with Bella/Mortimer (based on gender). Once you are in love, visit Goth Manor and use 'Romantic Kiss' on the one you love. 9. Buy $1,500 worth of improvements for Casa Caliente: (Sham-Shag Bear Rug) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 10. Score with 2 Sims at the same party: (Kiss Romantically) I suggest being married for this. After you are married, get another Sim to fall in love with you. After they love you, throw a party. Once the annoucement is made, 'Try and Score' with your spouse. Then get that other lover to a good mood and score with them. Be sure your lovers are in a different rooms when you do this. -------------------------- I4. Marriage -------------------------- The state that some look forward to and others don't. Marriage can be a pain in this game if not done correctly. Below ar the steps you should and may want to take in order to get married. Remember that a wedding costs $1,000, so be sure you have the money first. Step 1: Create a Sim on 1, 2, or 3 Free Street. Step 2: Throw a party in Bust Out Mode so you can meet them. Step 3: Frequently invite them over and be sure to serve a meal if you do. Just don't invite them over 3 days in a row. You'll get fired. Step 4: Get to friend status with this Sim. Step 5: Once they are a friend, use a romantic interaction on them, such as Kiss, Bear Hug, Flirt, or Play (in the Heart Tub (see Casa Caliente)). Setp 6: They should then fall in love with you. Step 7: Next time you invite them over, send your roommates to work, serve a meal, then let your lover eat. Step 8: Once they eat, let them use the bathroom. As they do that, begin to watch TV. Step 9: When they are finished with the bathroom, select them and choose 'Watch TV'. They will join you. Step 10: Once they stand up after watching TV, highlight them and selcet 'Propose'. If you are seducing a Sim of the same sex, there will be a 'Move In' instead of 'Propose'. If they deny you or the "Propose/ Move In' selection does not appear, repeat Steps 7-9, then try again. This is the easiest and most used way to get married. You will find your spouse to be quite useful in the friend making part of your promotions. Once your spouse makes a friend, the relationship number will not drop, allowing you to have as many friends as you need and keep them. -------------------------- J. Stage 5 Walkthroughs -------------------------- Stage 5, Children. Trust me, you will not like children, but you cannot help it. See the Children section for info on that. However you go about children, Movie Stars, Fashion Victim, and Jocks rasie their brats at Tinsel Bluffs while Paramilitary soldiers and Mad Scientists have children in The Octagon. Finally, Gangsters and Counter Culture hippies continue to Pixel Acres. -------------------------- J1. Tinsel Bluffs -------------------------- Simple Description: A fancy summer house overlooking Sim City. Career Promotions: Movie Star, Fashion Victim, & Jock (Promotions 8 & 9). Stolen Items: Microphone & Information Overlord Roommates: Humphrey Hawks (Imitate) & Fanny Adore (Smooth Talk). You control both of these Sims. Description/Improve: It's that time again. There is only one bed in the house, so if you want to save money, get Fanny and Humphrey to fall in love with each other so they share a bed. Malcolm ran off with the best source of fun in the game, so you might want to add a VR Headset and replace the TV with a Flatscreen. Upgrade the bathrooms a bit, then that should be it. Notes: The house is roomy, so your Room bar shouldn't empty very easily. The house is almost full, so you might want to keep buying to a minimum. Both Fanny and Humphrey work as Sitcom Stars, so they will go to work at the same time. Finally, Smooth Talk (learned by Fanny) is a good romantic interaction, and this is the house that I recommend getting married in. 1. Get Sex Symbol to in the Movie Star Career: (Microphone) Get promoted with 2 Creative, 3 Body, 7 Charisma, and 6 Friends. 2. Get Director to in the Movie Star Career: (Manilla 1000 Aquarium) Get promoted with 5 Creative, 4 Body, 8 Charisma, and 8 Friends. 3. Get Runway Model to in the Fashion Victim Career: (Garden Floodlight) Get promoted with 2 Cooking, 8 Creative, 4 Body, 4 Charisma, and 5 Friends. 4. Get Centerfold to in the Fashion Victim Career: (Fontis Publicus Sink) Get promoted with 3 Cooking, 9 Creative, 5 Body, 4 Charisma, and 7 Friends. 5. Get Head Coach to in the Jock Career: (Information Overlord) Get promoted with 2 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 9 Body, 3 Charisma, and 3 Friends. 6. Get Hall of Famer to in the Jock Career: (Autocrat) Get promoted with 3 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 10 Body, 5 Charisma, and 4 Friends. 7. Get Married: (SpritzenFunken) See the designated section above. 8. Raise a Baby to a Child: (SchnellMeister) See the designated section below. 9. Muscle the muscle at the gym: (Colossicus Pool) Visit Toane's Gym and simply Attack Max or Goldie. You do not need to win. 10. Find a good sci-fi movie script: (Cypress Tree) Visit the Shiny Things Labs and find the Brain in the jar (he rests in the main lab). Then steal his movie script. You must be in a good mood to steal the script. 11. Find out where you can score a red pool table: (Overlord Pool Table) Remember that red pool table at Club Rubb that I told you to remember? If you do, visit Club Rubb and begin to play; Once you do, find Bing and have him join you. If you don't remember it, then follow these instructions anyway. You will need a higher Body skill than him. 12. Buy $2,000 worth of improvements for the house: (Constructed Table) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 13. Get Malcolm to Put You In His Big Movie: ($5,000) Option 1: Get into a bad mood, throw a party, then use your fist to convince him to get you in ('Attack'). Option 2: First of all, get Humphrey and Fanny's Creative up to 8. Befriend Malcolm, then throw a party. Serve 2 meals and let Malcolm use the facilities. Then get your good friends Humphrey and Fanny to start playing a guitar (if you still have only 1, buy another). Malcolm will begin to listen, if a plus sign appears over his head, then ask him for the role. If he denys your request or a negative sign appears over anyone, get Fanny and Humphrey's Creative skills higher, and then repeat the process. -------------------------- J2. The Octagon -------------------------- Simple Description: A poor military command base Career Promotions: Mad Scientist & Paramilitary (Promotions 8 & 9). Stolen Items: Miss Gyrotic & Motion Detector Roommates: General Payne (Snap Out of It!) and Maxine Powers (Karate Chop). You control both of these Sims. Description/Improve: The Octagon, the Simulated Pentagon. The kitchen is major need of your upgrading skills, as is the bedroom and the main source of fun. After these rooms are upgraded, rush through this level and get your promotions. Notes: Send all to work, be happy, make friends, get married, and raise a child. See the section bleow for information on children. Maxine is Outgoing, so she will need Social quite often. Make sure you tend to that. 1. Get to Robotician in the Mad Scientist Career: (Miss Gyrotic) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 6 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 5 Logic, 3 Charisma, and 4 Friends. 2. Get to Space Time Tinkerer in the Mad Scientist Career: (RiteLite) Get promoted with 1 Cooking, 8 Mechanical, 4 Creative, 7 Logic, 4 Charisma, and 5 Friends. 3. Get to Code Breaker in the Paramilitary Career: (Flip) Get promoted with 4 Mechanical, 5 Body, 7 Logic, 2 Charisma, and 5 Friends. 4. Get to Intelligence Director in the Paramilitary Career: (Motion Detector) Get promoted with 7 Mechanical, 8 Body, 9 Logic, 2 Charisma, and 6 Friends 5. Get Married: (SpritzenFunken) See the designated section above. 6. Mission: Info Gathering- Find and shut down the hackers: (Spartan Lamp) The Shiny Things Labs sure had alot of computers, maybe you could steal one? 7. Mission: Find and supress- Anti-war protesters: (Toy Parrot) Many people e-mail me asking about this goal. They say "It won't complete the goal," or "I can't get to Club Rubb." Well here is the solution. First off, you CANNOT complete the goal until you have Club Rubb legitamitly unlocked, meaning, able to visit. Using the cheat to gain access will not work. Completing goal #6, Mission: Info Gathering, should do this. Then, head over to the culb and wait for Bing or Mona to throw a party. Once the party starts, attack either one. 8. Mission: Seek and destroy- Bio-weopons: (AbDominator) The Goths are Mad Scientists, and they are making bio-weopons. Go pay them a visit and destroy their Incubator in the back. 9. Buy $2,000 worth of improvements for the Octagon: (Antlantean Column) Cusult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 10. Mission: Classified- Eliminate Senator Landgrabb: ($5,000) Option 1: Box Malcolm in a room with no exit. Option 2: Get to Robotician in the Mad Scientist Career to unlock Miss Gyrotic (You get a robot fo becoming a Robotician, how ironic). Invite Malcolm over and 'Greet' him. Then program Miss Gyrotic for 'Defence'. This will cause one of Malcolm's Motives to die (empty), which is the goal. Option 3: You have a baby? Use it (Wait until it cries while Malcolm is visiting). 11. Raise a Baby to a Child: (SchnellMeister) See the designated section below. -------------------------- J3. Pixel Acres -------------------------- Simple Description: The local nudist colony. Career Promotions: Gangster & Counter Culture (Promotions 8 & 9). Stolen Items: Thetherball, Ping Pong Table, and Hot Spring. Roommates: Chase Skurtz (Tell Secrets) & Ying Yangst (Feather Tickle). You control both of these Sims. Description/Improve: All outdoors equals tents. Well, Sims don't equal tents. Sell them and get beds. Malcolm ran off with the only 2 sources of fun, so replace them with something. Upgrade the kitchen if you choose. Increase the size of a bathroom to be a shower house. Then insert better showers. Notes: Send the hippies to work and get the Tetherball and Ping Pong Table back. They are good sources of fun. The 'Pixel Booty Song' is a special song that you learn at Goth Manor if you have 9-10 Creative Skill Points. It makes all Sims in that room get free. 1. Get to Extortionist in the Gangster Career: (Ping Pong Table) Get promoted with 5 Mechanical, 8 Creative, 3 Body, 2 Charisma, and 8 Friends. 2. Get to Hit Man in the Gangster Career: (BroilBastard Grill) Get promoted with 5 Mechanical, 9 Creative, 5 Body, 3 Charisma, and 8 Friends. 3. Get to Love Guru in the Counter Culture Career: (Tetherball) Get promoted with 2 Cooking, 8 Creative, 4 Body, 4 Charisma, and 5 Friends. 4. Get to Psychic Activist in the Counter Culture Career: (Barnyard Taunt) Get promoted with 9 Cooking, 3 Mechanical, 3 Creative, 4 Body, 6 Charisma, and 7 Friends. 5. Get Married: (SpritzenFunken) See the designated section above. 6. Raise a Baby to a Child: (SchnellMeister) See the designated section below. 7. Seduce someone at Casa Caliente: (Varmenkozze Fireplace) Fall in love with a Sim from Casa Caliente. Then visit Casa Caliente and relax on the Bear Rug. Finally, invite your lover to join you, they will begin to kiss. 8. Find someone intrested in Chase's secret formula: (Redwood Table) First, befriend Chase, then visit the Shiny Things Labs and use 'Tell Secrets' on Vaughn or Makino. 9. Find out what "ghost" problem the Goth's are having: (Stump Chair) Visit Goth Manor with l0 Creativity and start to play the Synthesizer. This also rewards you with the 'Pixel Booty Song,' which makes goal #11 a lot easier. 10. Buy $2,000 worth of improvements for Pixel Acres: (Hot Spring) Consult the Description/Improve section of this walkthrough for info. 11. FRAME Malcolm and get him busted for indecent exposure: ($5,000) Option 1: Befriend Malcolm, throw a party, get him into a good mood, and ask him to get'FREE'. Option 2: Find the Goth's ghost problem to learn the 'Pixel Booty Song'. Return to Pixel Acres and throw a party before 9:00 AM. When Malcolm arrives, buy and play the Syntehsizer. He should get free. -------------------------- J4. Children -------------------------- The part of the game that will destroy your spouses motives. It is rewarded with a vehicle and can pay off in to many friends. It is merely the rasing that most do not like. Below are the steps one should take to raise a baby to a child. If you are in a Same Sex relationship, please note Step 2. Step 1: Get Married Step 2: Do romantic social interactions to your spouse until they ask if you want to have a baby. If you have seduced a Sim of the same sex, then wait for the phone to ask if you want to adobt a baby. Step 3: Say yes and name your baby. Step 4: Let all of your roommates welcome your new addition. Step 5: Press Start/Pause to stop game play and build a room outside of the house. You can also use a room inside if you choose. Step 6: Move the baby into this room. Step 7: Buy a recliner, a VR Headset, a kitchen, a bathroom, a phone, and something skill building in this room. Do not create seperate rooms for each. If you lack the funds to buy all these things, then buy something a little less expensive. Step 8: Move your spouse into this room. Do not put your main Sim or their roommates into this room. Only your husband/wife. Focus all of your attention to this one Sim; When the are sleeping, then you can tend to the others. Step 9: Sell all of the doors to this room so there is no escape. Step 10: Whenever the baby begins to cry, stop EVERYTHING you are currently doing, highlight the baby, and use use Feed and Sing until he/she stops crying. Play will only raise your Fun bar. It does not stop the baby's crying. Step 11: Once the baby has stoped crying, do whatever is needed to raise your mood. If your mood is good, skill build. Step 12: After 84 simulated hours, or 3 1/2 simulated days, the baby will grow to a child. You cannot change the appearance of your child. Your child has school at 8-3. Send your child to school and study at a computer or bookshelf to raise their grade. View their grade on the Careers sub-menu. If it is an A+ when you move to Malcolm's Mansion, they will leave you forever. You can raise multiple children. -------------------------- K. Stage 6 Walkthroughs -------------------------- This is it, you braved children (hopefully) and now you get to live in the best paradise you will ever have in this game. Enjoy your Malcolm Movies as you get the last promotions of your careers. -------------------------- K1. Malcolm's Mansion -------------------------- Simple Description: An ocean-side summer mansion. Career Promotions: Movie Star, Mad Scientist, Gangster, Fashion Victim, Paramilitary, Counter Culture, and Jock (Final Promotion). Stolen Items: None Roommates: Malcolm Landgrabb (None). Malcolm is not really a roommate, he does not live with you, so you cannot control him. Description/Improve: Consult goal #10 for this information. Notes: As soon as we arrive, Mom chases Malcolm out of the house. Now you own the best house in Bust Out Mode. Nothing much to say really, just upgrade your house how it says below, and then go finish all 7 careers to unlock all 7 Malcolm Movies. 1. Get to Movie Mogul in the Movie Star Career: (Movie Star Temple Gnome) Get promoted with 8 Creative, 4 Body, 10 Charisma, and 10 Friends. 2. Get to Death Ray Inventor in the Mad Scientist Career: (Mad Scientist Temple Gnome) Get promoted with 2 Cooking, 10 Mechanical, 5 Creative, 8 Logic, and 5 Charisma, 6 Friends. 3. Get to Mob Boss in the Gangster Career: (Gangster Temple Gnome) Get promoted with 5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 7 Body, 4 Charisma, and 8 Friends. 4. Get to Super Model in the Fashion Victim Career: (Fashion Victim Temple Gnome) Get promoted with 4 Cooking, 10 Creative, 8 Body, 5 Charisma, and 9 Friends. 5. Get to War Minister in the Paramilitary Career: (Paramilitary Temple Gnome) Get promoted with 8 Mechanical, 10 Body, 10, Logic, 4 Charisma, and 6 Friends. 6. Get to Full Time Freak in the Counter Culture Career: (Counter Culture Temple Gnome) Get promoted with 10 Cooking, 3 Mechanical, 4 Creative, 5 Body, 8 Charisma, and 8 Friends. 7. Get to Living Legend in the Jock Career: (Jock Temple Gnome) Get promoted with 4 Cooking, 2 Mechanical, 10 Body, 5 Charisma, and 6 Friends. 8. Get Married: (SpritzenFunken) See the designated section above. 9. Raise a Baby to a Child: (SchnellMeister) See the designated section above. 10. Show off your fortune: upgrade the mansion: (Limo Ultimo) The final upgrade of, get this, 20,000 Simoleons! This might take a while, so read up! First, find the room next to the kitchen and sell all of the chairs and couches. Replace those with a better couch & Q3 Recliners (you can get a better one if you choose). On the complete other side of the mansion (the room with the TV), sell all of furniture and the TV, then turn this room into a Skill Building Room. Just remember to rearrange the bathrooms and bedrooms to your fitting. Now you're down about 25,000 Simoleons, and the worst part is...it is not refunded, but that's okay. The Limo Ultimo is all you will need. If by chance you did not achive the goal, just buy a dance floor or two and you should get it. 11. Finish all 7 careers to see your dreams come true: (Simoleon Temple) Get a promotion for all 7 careers while living in Malcolm's Mansion. Only then can you laugh at the misfortune of Malcolm getting punished in all 7 movies in a row and in a special ending. 12. Send Your Child to Prep School with Straight A's: (Diavolo GT 1000) Get your child to A+ while living in the Mansion. Then send them to school. If you did, they will be excepted to the Mount Weevil School for Gifted Children. Hazzah! You will never see him/her again. -------------------------- L. Free Play Introduction -------------------------- The section that has no purpose except to hone in on your Bust Out skills. In Free Play Mode, your Sim's life has no end, unless, of course, you kill them. In which case the game will never end. -------------------------- L1. Free Play Careers -------------------------- This is similar to the Bust Out Careers Section, but this lists the Free Play Careers instead. -------------------------- L1a. Rock Star -------------------------- Groupie: $100 Roadie: $120 (2 Creative) Record Store Clerk: $190 (5 Creative, 2 Friends) Elevator Music Composer: $250 (2 Mechanical, 6 Creative, 2 Friends) Jingle Writer: $325 (5 Mechanical, 7 Creative, 4 Charisma, 3 Friends) Wedding Singer: $400 (5 Mechanical, 8 Creative, 4 Body, 4 Charisma, 4 Friends) Bar Band Singer: $550 (5 Mechanical, 9 Creative, 5 Body, 4 Charisma, 4 Friends) Rock Star: $700 (5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 7 Body, 7 Charisma, 6 Friends) Solo Artist: $1,100 (5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 7 Body, 7 Charisma, 8 Friends) Record Producer: $1,400 -------------------------- L1b. Slacker -------------------------- Janitor: $100 Convienience Store Clerk: $120 (2 Mechanical) Gas Station Attendant: $190 (2 Mechanical, 3 Body, 2 Friends) Taxi Driver: $250 (3 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 3 Body, 2 Friends) Tow Truck Driver: $325 (3 Mechanical, 3 Creative, 3 Body, 4 Charisma, 4 Friends) Car Mechanic: $400 (5 Mechanical, 4 Creative, 4 Body, 4 Charisma, 5 Friends) Repo Sim: $550 (5 Mechanical, 5 Creative, 5 Body, 2 Logic, 4 Charisma, 8 Friends) Private Investagator: $700 (5 Mechanical, 7 Creative, 8 Body, 3 Logic, 6 Charisma, 8 Friends) Cargo Pilot: $1,100 (5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 9 Body, 4 Logic, 8 Charisma, 8 Friends) Smuggler: $1,400 -------------------------- L1c. Artist -------------------------- Artist's Model: $100 House Painter: $120 (2 Creative) Studio Assistant: $190 (5 Creative, 1 Friend) Museum Guard: $250 (2 Mechanical, 6 Creative, 2 Friends) Studio Artist: $325 (5 Mechaninal, 7 Creative, 3 Friends) Resident Artist: $400 (5 Mechanical, 8 Creative, 4 Body, 4 Friends) Art Critic: $550 (5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 5 Body, 2 Charisma, 5 Friends) L' Enfant Terrible: $700 (5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 7 Body, 7 Charisma, 6 Friends) Gallery Owner: $1,100 (5 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 7 Body, 4 Logic, 10 Charisma, 8 Friends) Museum Director: $1,400 -------------------------- L1d. Computer Geek -------------------------- Cable Grunt: $120 Video Game Tester: $150 (2 Mechanical, 1 Creative, 1 Logic) Tech Support: $200 (3 Mechanical, 1 Creative, 1 Logic, 1 Friend) Virus Writer: $240 (4 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 2 Logic, 2 Friends) Web Designer: $400 (4 Mechanical, 4 Creative, 4 Logic, 2 Friends) Hacker: $610 (4 Mechanical, 6 Creative, 5 Logic, 2 Charisma, 3 Friends) Programmer: $800 (4 Mechanical, 7 Creative, 7 Logic, 4 Charisma, 4 Friends) Gizmo Inventor: $1,100 (5 Mechanical, 9 Creative, 8 Logic, 6 Charisma, 5 Friends) AI Theorist: $1,300 (7 Mechanical, 10 Creative, 10 Logic, 8 Charisma, 6 Friends) Cyborg: $1,550 -------------------------- L1e. Swindler -------------------------- Traveling Salesman: $120 Used Car Dealer: $180 (2 Charisma) Telemarketer: $250 (2 Mechanical, 2 Charisma, 2 Friends) Con Artist: $320 (2 Mechanical, 2 Logic, 2 Charisma, 3 Friends) Fad Starter: $400 (2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 3 Logic, 3 Charisma, 4 Friends) Inventor: $520 (2 Mechanical, 2 Creative, 2 Body, 4 Logic, 4 Charisma, 6 Friends) Loan Shark: $660 (2 Mechanical, 3 Creative, 2 Body, 6 Logic, 5 Charisma, 8 Friends) Real Estate Developer: $800 (2 Mechanical, 5 Creative, 2 Body, 7 Logic, 6 Charisma, 8 Friends) Inside Trader: $950 (2 Mechanical, 6 Creative, 2 Body, 9 Logic, 8 Charisma, 8 Friends) Monopolist: $1,200 -------------------------- L2. Tutti Family -------------------------- A family of all males, created so your Bust Out Sim could marry them. The family consists of Ziggy, Rod, Peter, and Woody. Each of them is a Cancer. -------------------------- L3. Frutti Family -------------------------- A family of all females, created so your Bust Out Sim could marry them. The family consists of Ginger, Pamela, Candy, and Debbie. Each of them is a Cancer. -------------------------- L4. 1 Free Street -------------------------- Initial Cost: $9,471. A small house; A good house to start in if you are a first time player. There are 4 rooms to this house: 1 Living/Game Room, 1 Kitchen/Dinning Room, 1 Bedroom, and 1 Bathroom. There is a paved area in the rear of the house that could be used for what ever you wish to have there. If you give this house to the Tutti or Frutti family, be sure to insert a phone to invite them over. If you plan to visit this house from Bustin’ Out Mode, be sure to buy the needed items to remain in a good mood. -------------------------- L5. 2 Free Street -------------------------- Initial Cost: $11,736. A large house; Better suited for veteran Sims players. There are 6 rooms in this house: 1 Living/Game Room, 1 Kitchen/Dinning Room, 1 Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, and 1 Study Room. There is a fenced area to the right of the house that can be used for what ever you wish to have there. If you give this house to the Tutti or Frutti family, be sure to insert a phone to invite them over. If you plan to visit this house from Bustin’ Out Mode, be sure to buy the needed items to remain in a good mood. -------------------------- L6. 3 Free Street -------------------------- Initial Cost: $3,500. No house; Best suited for the players who like a house built themselves. There are 0 rooms in this house. If you give this house to the Tutti or Frutti family, be sure to insert a phone to invite them over. If you plan to visit this house from Bustin’ Out Mode, be sure to buy the needed items to remain in a good mood. -------------------------- M. Complete Buy List -------------------------- A complete list of all the items availible for buying in the Buy Menu. How to read these sections: Item Name: Cost (Motives this item Increases/Decreases, Skills it raises) -------------------------- M1. Seating/Beds -------------------------- Used mainly for Comfort and Energy. Recalled Folding Chair: $79 (2 Comfort) Werkbunnst All Pupose Chair: $80 (2 Comfort) "Posture Plus" Office Chair: $100 (3 Comfort) RustyRedneck Stump Chair: $110 (2 Comfort) Jock Bench: $140 (2 Comfort) Recycled Couch: $149 (3 Comfort, 4 Energy) Deck Chair by Suvivall: $150 (3 Comfort) Contempto Loveseat: $150 (3 Comfort, 4 Energy) Satinistics Reproduction Armchair: $155 (3 Comfort) Stool Sample: $165 (3 Comfort) MC2 Examination Stool: $180 (3 Comfort) Worn Leather Chair: $199 (4 Comfort) Love Your Behind Dining Chair: $225 (3 Comfort, 1 Room) CamoComfort Easy Killin' Chair: $245 (4 Comfort) Country Class Armchair: $250 (4 Comfort) Parque Fresco del Aire Bench: $250 (2 Comfort) "Back Slack" Recliner: $250 (6 Comfort, 3 Energy) Spartan Special: $300 (6 Comfort, 7 Energy) Country Class Loveseat: $340 (5 Comfort, 4 Energy) Peacock Wicker Chair: $385 (4 Comfort) Big Mouth Chair: $390 (6 Comfort, 1 Room) Futon Bed: $399 (7 Comfort, 7 Energy) Wicked Breeze Rattan Chair: $410 (5 Comfort, 1 Room) Sili-Camp Tent: $415 (6 Comfort, 7 Energy) C-SX247 "Couch Potato" Stealth Sofa: $445 (4 Comfort, 4 Energy) "Moldy Foldy": $449 (7 Comfort, 3 Energy) Counrty Class Sofa: $450 (5 Comfort, 5 Energy) Club Chair by Searbach: $450 (5 Comfort, 1 Room) Tyke Nyte Bed: $450 (7 Comfort, 7 Energy) Cheap Eazzzzze Couble Sleeper: $450 (7 Comfort, 8 Energy) The Love Seat: $475 (5 Comfort, 4 Energy) "The Sarrbach" by Werkbunnst: $500 (6 Comfort) Autocrat by Emporium Imperium: $550 (5 Comfort, 5 Energy, 1 Room) Empress Dining Room Chair: $600 (4 Comfort, 2 Room) "Sofesque" by Wutami Godat: $700 (4 Comfort, 3 Energy, 5 Room) Q3 Recliner: $825 (9 Comfort, 3 Energy) "Von Braun" Recliner: $850 (9 Comfort, 3 Energy) Luxuriare Loveseat: $875 (8 Comfort, 4 Energy, 2 Room) Baby Doll Canopy Bed by Polly Vinyl.: $900 (7 Comfort, 8 Comfort, 1 Room) Q3 Loveseat: $920 (7 Comfort, 5 Energy, 3 Room) Mapoleon Sleigh Bed: $1,000 (8 Comfort, 9 Energy) "The Deiter" by Werkbunnst: $1,100 (8 Comfort, 5 Energy, 3 Room) Miss Memo Sleeper: $1,290 (7 Comfort, 11 Energy) Modern Mission Bed: $3,000 (9 Comfort, 10 Energy, 3 Room) Princess Luxury Bed: $3,200 (10 Comfort, 9 Energy, 2 Room) The Vibrating Heart Bed: $4,500 (10 Comfort, 8 Energy, 2 Room) -------------------------- M2. Surfaces -------------------------- Used mainly to hold small scale items. Empty Supply Crate: $35 Pinegulcher End Table: $40 Found Art Spool Table: $55 Wicked Breeze End Table: $55 KinderStuff Nightstand: $75 Mesquite Desk: $80 Covert Table: $85 NuMica Folding Card Table: $95 Le Maussade Glass Dining Table: $99 SlushRush Bar Counter: $119 "Anywhere" End Table: $120 GeneriCounter: $145 Count Blanc Bathroom Counter: $150 SirPlus! Metal Desk: $150 Gallery Display Stand: $199 (1 Room) Backwoods Table by Survivall: $200 The Smart Counter: $200 London "Cupertino" Collection Desk: $220 Boomtowne Redwood Table: $250 Tiled Counter: $250 Modern Mission End Table: $250 (1 Room) NuMica Kitchen Counter: $300 Used Autopsy Table: $320 London "Mesa" Dining Design: $450 (2 Room) Isinglass Tableau: $500 (2 Room) Butch Butch Butch Kitchen Counter: $500 (1 Room) Constructed Table: $600 (2 Room) The "Redmond" Desk: $800 (2 Room) -------------------------- M3. Decorative -------------------------- Used mainly for Room. Pink Flamingo: $12 (2 Room) African Violet: $30 (1 Room) Spider Plant: $35 (1 Room) Stepping Stone: $35 "Roxana" Geranium: $45 (1 Room) Metull Skull Poster: $65 (1 Room) Watercolor by J.M.E.: $75 (1 Room) Tragic Clown Painting: $80 (1 Room) Ventallation Duct: $85 (1 Room) Chou-Kawaii "Cute Cute" Poster: $85 (1 Room) The Magic Unicorn by Rane Bowie: $85 (1 Room) (W-22) Warning Sign: $89 (1 Room) Biohazard Sign: $89 (1 Room) Queen Vivanco Roses: $99 (1 Room) Lairtsundni Reciprocal Column: $119 (1 Room) Antlantean Column: $120 (1 Room) Rubber Tree Plant: $120 (2 Room) Echinopsis Maximus Cactus: $150 (2 Room) Jade Plant: $160 (2 Room) Rosie's Palm: $165 (2 Room) "Big Brother Is Shopping" Poster: $165 (1 Room) Situation Station by WarKraft: $199 (2 Room) Poseidon's Adventure Aquarium: $200 (1 Fun, 2 Room) PuffPower Rug: $210 (2 Room) Old Movie Prop: $210 (2 Room) "Bi-Polar" by Conner I.N.: $240 (2 Room) "Love In Baghdad" Movie Poster: $249 (2 Room) Toy Parrot by FauzFriend: $300 (2 Room) "Despondent Correspondent": $325 (2 Room) "Delusion de Grandeur": $360 (2 Room) Beaver Pelt Moosehead: $450 (2 Room) Floor Rug by Leopard Life: $460 (2 Room) Anatomical Skeleton Display: $550 (3 Room) "Fountain of Tranquility": $700 (1 Fun, 2 Room) SimBad's Stuffed Marlin: $777 (3 Room) WarKraft Radar Dish: $900 (3 Room) "Hazard The Guess' by Connor Tiist: $950 (3 Room) "Edith On My Mind" by Omar Kittup: $999 (3 Room) "Blind Date" by I. Roney: $1,020 (3 Room) Gold Record: $1,200 (3 Room) Neo-Primo "Sun God" Calendar: $1,299 (4 Room) "Scylla and Charybdis": $1,450 (4 Room) Think Tank: $1,475 (4 Room) "Proof Positive" by Hugh Klid: $1,500 (4 Room) Debauchium Mosaic: $1,525 (4 Room) Highbrau Coat of Arms: $1,800 (4 Room) Snails With Icicles In Nose: $2,140 (5 Room) Portrait Grid by Payne A. Pitcher: $3,200 (8 Room) Grandfather Clock: $3,500 (7 Room) Sham-Shag Polar Bear Rug: $3,650 (6 Room) Untitled 1973. By Costa D. Moenet: $3,800 (6 Room) Radiant Doomed Child by Don T. Ripitof: $3,900 (6 Room) Blue China Vase: $4,260 (7 Room) Faux Bearskin Rug: $4,300 (7 Room) White Rhino Re-enactment: $4,800 (7 Room) I Love Queens by Painter X: $5,000 (8 Room) "Still Life, Drapery and Crumbs" $7,600 (9 Room) "Eruption od Decadence" Tapestry: $8,100 (9 Room) Antique Persian Rug: $8,200 (7 Room) Manilla 1000 Marine Aquarium: $8,500 (10 Room) Temple of the Simoleon: $8,999 (10 Room) -------------------------- M4. Electronics -------------------------- Used mainly for Fun and other needed activities. FireBrand Smoke Detector: $50 SCTC Cordless Wall Phone: $75 Urchineer Train Set by Rip Co.: $80 (2 Fun) Monochrome TV: $85 (2 Fun) Great Big Adventure Japanese Arcade Game (GameCube Exclusive): $99 (5 Fun, Requires GBA Link) "Down Wit Dat" Boom Box: $100 (2 Fun) SimSafety IV Burglar Alarm: $250 Electronic Insect Control System: $300 SimSentry CDXLVIII Motion Detector: $350 Trottco 27" Color Television B94U: $500 (4 Fun) Zimantz Component Hi-Fi Stereo: $650 (3 Fun) OCD Systems SimRailRoad Town: $955 (4 Fun, 3 Room) Moneywell Computer: $999 (3 Fun, Study) Wurl 'N' Hurl Retro Jukebox: $1,199 (3 Fun, 2 Room) Freyja "Freedom" Stereo: $1,495 (3 Fun, 1 Room) "See Me, Feel Me" Pinball Machine: $1,800 (5 Fun) Microscotch Covetta Q628-1500JA: $1,800 (5 Fun, Study) SSRI Virtual Reality Set: $2,300 (7 Fun) Strings Theory Stereo: $2,550 (5 Fun, 3 Room) Floyd Co. Laser Light Show: $2,700 (3 Comfort, 3 Energy, 3 Fun) Soma Plasma TV: $3,500 (6 Fun, 2 Room) HellaGraphix 1024 "Diamond Edition": $4,999 (9 Fun) Meet Marco: $6,500 (9 Fun) Bounce My Booty Dance Floor: $7,999 (10 Fun) Information Overlord by Bu Butubu: $9,499 (9 Fun, 8 Room) -------------------------- M5. Appliances -------------------------- Used mainly for Hunger and Energy. Mr. Regular-Joe Coffee: $85 (1 Energy) Brand Name Toaster Oven: $100 (1 Hunger) XLR8R Food Processor: $220 (2 Hunger) Positive Potential Microwave: $250 (2 Hunger) Wild Bill THX-451 Barbecue: $350 (4 Hunger) Junk Genie Trash Compactor: $375 Dialectric Free Standing Range: $400 (5 Hunger) Gagmia Simore Espresso Machine: $450 (2 Energy, 1 Fun) BroilBastard Stone Grill: $451 (5 Hunger) Dish Duster Deluxe: $550 Llamark Refrigerator: $600 (6 Hunger) Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher: $950 The "Pyrotorre" Gas Range: $1,000 (7 Hunger) Porcina Refrigerator Model P1g-S: $1,200 (7 Hunger) Freeze Secret Refrigerator: $2,500 (8 Hunger) Teppen'Yaki Table: 3,000 (7 Hunger, 1 Fun) -------------------------- M6. Plumbing -------------------------- Used mainly for Bladder and Hygiene. Hydronomic Kitchen Sink: $250 (2 Hygiene) Drain: $300 Boggs' Memorial Commode: $300 (8 Bladder) Hygeia-O-Matic Toilet: $300 (8 Bladder) Fontis Publicus: $400 (2 Hygiene, 1 Room) "Andersonville" Pedestal Sink: $400 (2 Hygiene) Epikouros Kitchen Sink: $500 (3 Hygiene) Wicked Breeze Outdoor Shower: $599 (5 Hygiene) SpaceMiser Shower: $650 (6 Hygiene) Justa Bathtub: $800 (3 Comfort, 6 Hygiene) Fluch Force 5 XLT: $1,200 (4 Comfort, 8 Bladder) Sani-Queen Bathtub: $1,500 (5 Comfort, 8 Hygiene) Hydrothera Bathtub: $3,200 (8 Comfort, 10 Hygiene) Sonic Shower: $3,999 (8 Comfort, 10 Hygiene) KlassiKlean "more-saic" Tub: $4,500 (8 Comfort, 10 Hygiene, 1 Room) Hot Spring Conversion Kit: $5,000 (6 Comfort, 3 Hygiene, 2 Fun) WhirlWizard Hot Tub: $6,500 (6 Comfort, 2 Hygiene, 2 Fun) Niagra Love Tub: $7,999 (5 Comfort, 2 Hygiene, 3 Fun) -------------------------- M7. Lighting -------------------------- Used mainly for light. Spartan Special Desk Lamp: $24 Bottle Lamp: $25 Garden Lamp by Lunatech: $50 Halogen Heaven Lamp by Contempto: $50 Confucius Wall Lamp: $75 Oval Glass Sconce: $85 CYMK Floodlight: $95 Portable Up-Light: $100 Top Brass Sconce: $110 The Apoplectic Photolectric: $115 Blue Plate Special Sconce: $135 Neon Flamingo Sign: $150 8-Step "Love Yourself" Wall Lamp: $150 Elite Reflections Chrome Lamp: $180 Hawaiian Fantasy Tiki Torch: $180 Custom Neon Sign: $185 SuperLuminoltetra-Pyralene (SLP) Lamp: $199 Torchosteronne Table Lamp: $200 (1 Room) Exoticalistism Floor Lamp: $210 (1 Room) Torchemada Wall Torch: $250 (1 Room) Experimental Lamp: $275 (1 Room) RiteLite Spotlight: $300 Torchosteronne Floor Lamp: $350 (1 Room) Torchemada Candelabra: $400 (2 Room) -------------------------- M8. Miscellaneous -------------------------- Used mainly for Fun. Trash Can: $30 SnoozMore Alarm Clock: $30 Magical Mystery Toy Box: $50 (2 Fun) Happy Thunder Neoscillating Sprinkler: $65 (2 Fun) DOT-55C DISPOSAL DRUM: $65 Slurp 'N' Burp Beverage Cooler: $100 (1 Hunger, 3 Comfort) Will Lloyd Wright Doll House: $180 (2 Fun) Pinegulcher Dresser: $250 Kinderstuff Dresser: $300 Sock-a-Jock Gym Locker: $325 "Venu-Spice" Dresser by Polly Vinyl: $400 (1 Room) Tetherball: $450 (3 Fun) Traditional Oak Armoire: $550 (1 Room) Strip Poker Table: $600 (4 Fun) SuperDoop Basketball Hoop: $650 (4 Fun) Table Tennis from Slammo!: $700 (6 Fun) Domestic Beach Simulator: $1,000 (4 Fun) The Funinator DeluxeL $1,200 (5 Fun) Antique Armoire: $1,200 (2 Room) Specter Detector Seance Table: $1,225 (4 Fun, 3 Room) "Dressex" by Conni D. Sendde: $1,300 (3 Room) What the Puck! Air Hockey Table: $2,200 (5 Fun) Aromaster Whifferpuff "Gold": $2,500 (3 Comfort, 3 Energy, 3 Fun) Aristoscratch Pool Table: $4,200 (6 Fun) Overlord Pool Table: $4,500 (7 Fun, 1 Room) -------------------------- M9. Skill Building -------------------------- Used mainly to build Career Skills. Narisco Wall Mirror: $100 (Charisma) Medicine Cabinet: $125 (1 Hygiene, Charisma) Narisco Floor Mirror: $150 (Charisma) Cheap Pine Bookcase: $250 (1 Fun, Cooking, Mechanical, Study) "Dimanche" Folding Easel: $250 (2 Fun, Creative) Artists' Block: $300 (Creative) Chuck Matewell Chess Set: $500 (2 Fun, Logic) Amishim Bookcase: $500 (2 Fun, Cooking Mechanical, Study) Beejaphone Guitar: $580 (2 Fun, Creative) "Exerto" Benchpress Exercise Machine: $700 (Body) KraftKing Woodworking Table: $720 (Mechanical) Libri di Regina Bookcase: $900 (3 Fun, Cooking, Mechanical, Study) Concept Bookcase by Andy Lushan: $1,000 (3 Fun, Cooking, Mechanical, Study) NostalgiCo Microphone: $1,100 (3 Fun, Charisma) PerspirAction Executive Treadmill: $1,200 (Body) KraftKing Potter's Wheel: $1,300 (3 Fun, Creative) SlushRush Portable Bar: $1,500 (1 Hunger, 1 Comfort, 1 Energy, Cooking) Horrorwitz "Star-Track" Telescope: $2,100 (4 Fun, Logic) Turntablitz DJ Booth: $2,295 (3 Fun, Creative) Epicurious Gourmet Stove: $2,600 (8 Hunger, 1 Room, Cooking) KraftKing Invertor's Workshop: $3,300 (Mechanical) Chimeway & Daughters Piano: $3,500 (4 Fun, 3 Room, Creative) Gene Genie Incubator: $3,950 (Logic) Life Rocks! Cimbing Wall: $4,500 (2 Fun, Body) TumulTech "Sim-Phony" Synthesizer: $5,900 (6 Fun, 3 Room, Creative) GyroSport "AbDominator": $8,000 (3 Fun, Body) Tesla Coil 3.0: $8,595 (Mechanical) Miss Gyrotic: $9,995 (Logic) -------------------------- N. Complete Build List -------------------------- This section explains the various items availible for puchasing in the Build Menu. How to read this section: Item Name: Cost -------------------------- N1. Walls -------------------------- Used to build Walls and gates. Wall Tool: $70 Picket Fence: $10 Connecting Iron Fence: $45 Wrought Iron Balustrade: $100 -------------------------- N2. Wallpaper -------------------------- Used to fancy up a room. "Placentonic" Wallpaper: $4 "Harvestic" Wallpaper: $4 "Oceanic" Wallpaper: $4 "Peaches 'n' Cream" Sponge Paint: $4 "Westchester Ecru" Wallpaper: $4 Robin's Egg Blue Paint with Border: $4 "Neo-rotic" Black Lite Wall Concept: $5 "Neo-rotic" Blue Lite Wall Concept: $5 "Neo-rotic" Arch Wall Concept: $5 "Rest In Peace" Wall Treatment: $5 "Claire de Lune" Swirled Plaster: $5 "Shooting Stars" Wallpaper: $5 "Paradise Found" Wallpaper: $6 "Mountain Fog" Wall Treatment: $6 "Supperclub" Walnut Paneling: $6 "Too Turquoise" Wall Treatment: $6 Barnola Wall: $7 "DecoraTime" Paisley Print: $7 "Carson City" Stucco Styling: $7 "Time of the Season" Wallpaper: $7 "ColorLast" Wallpaper: $7 "Easy Street" Fake Bricks: $7 "Click n' Stick" Brick Wall: $7 "Flamingo Lingo" Pink Stucco: $7 "Pinky's Surprise" Wall Covering: $7 "The Last Simoleon" Wall Paper: $7 "Carving Cravings" Wall Treatment: $7 Regulation Wall #DA-28.DMZ: $7 Reinforced Bunker-Grade Cement: $7 Patriot Wall System: $7 "Gettysburg" Antique Wallpaper: $7 "Stoney Baloney": $7 "Peace Through Strength": $7 Slightly Decorative Concrete Wall: $7 GrimeTime "Pre-aged" Wall System: $7 Cinderblock Wall: $7 "SecuraTone" Concrete Wall: $7 Chemically Treated Wood Wall: $7 "Diamonde Diabolique": $7 Corrugated Aluminum: $7 "Settler's Fashion" Wall Treatment: $7 "Rustic Memories" Wall Decor: $7 Ramshackle Wood Shingles: $7 "Passaic" Aluminum Siding: $7 Bovine Wall Treatment: $8 Shoji Screen Wall Covering: $8 "Erectonica" Wallpaper: $9 "Dusty Fields" Wallpaper: $9 "Aerometric" Wall Cover: $9 African Equine Wallpaper: $10 "Othello" Wall Treatment: $11 Adirondack Wall Treatment: $11 "Midlantic" Tan Brick: $12 "Exit-15" Wall Treatment: $13 "Nix Brothers" Wall Treatment: $14 "Charvat Manor" Granite Ashlar: $14 Wartburg Wall: $15 "Lancastrian" Wall Treatment: $16 "New Light" Wall Treatment: $17 -------------------------- N3. Floors -------------------------- Used to fancy up a room. "Crimson Crux" Flooring: $4 "Sanguinetee" Flooring: $4 "Milk and Honey" Linoleum: $5 "Tintoretto" Linoleum: $5 "Blue Heaven" Linoleum: $5 Royal Blue Carpet: $5 Moss Green Carpet: $5 Berber Carpet: $5 "Mintastic Elastic" Carpet: $6 "Blue Moon" Wonder Carpet: $7 "Aristocrust" Wood Tile: $8 Hyper-Saftey Mat: $8 "EpoxiTime" Floor: $8 Cement: $8 "Tenderfoot" Luxury Wood Floor: $10 "Ruff N' Reddy" Wood Substitute: $10 "Opulux" Carpet: $10 "TropiCruz" Designer carpet: $10 "Blancmange" Carpeting: $10 "Plush Lush" Carpet: $10 "Walking On Eggshells" Linoleum: $10 "Touch of Teak" Floor Tile: $10 "Tears of Eros" Marble Tile: $10 "Carthage" Floor Tile: $10 "Hannibal" Floor Tile: $10 Poured Concrete: $10 Cabernet Carpet: $10 "Pine Soul" Wood Floor: $11 "Californica" Carpet: $12 "Solar Flare" Carpet: $14 "II Rustico" Earthenware Tile: $15 "El Capitan" Grey Shale: $15 Dark Granite Tile: $15 Foursquare Parquet: $15 La Fortuna II Tile: $18 La Fortuna Tile: $18 Macadam: $20 "Too Turquoise" Ceramic Tile: $20 "Los Alamos" Tile: $22 "El Diablo" Tile: $22 "Stone Cold" Tile: $22 Cobblestone Tile: $22 -------------------------- N4. Doors -------------------------- Used to access other rooms. Non-Materialistic Door: $80 Walnut Door: $100 Maple Door Frame: $150 Federal Lattice Window Door: $200 Resistit Warehouse Door: $225 NevaGess Secret Door: $300 Windsor Door: $300 Duratallic Door: $350 Monticello Door: $400 Pathmatic Sliding Door: $420 -------------------------- N5. Windows -------------------------- Used to shed light during the day. Single-Pane Fixed Window: $50 Single-Hung Window: $55 Privacy Window: $60 Corporate Plate Glass Window: $65 Plate Glass Window: $65 That 70's Window: $75 Crowell Estate Hothouse Window: $80 Fenestraking Ventilation System: $100 Glasstastic Brick Window: $210 Stained Glass Window: $250 -------------------------- N6. Fireplaces -------------------------- Used mainly for Room. Modesto Tile Fireplace: $600 (3 Room) Varmenkozze Euro Fireplace: $800 (4 Room) The Bostonian Fireplace: $1,000 (4 Room) -------------------------- N7. Plants -------------------------- Used to keep a good outdoor Room. Desert Thistle: $5 Wildflowers: $5 Daffodils: $10 Nasturtium: $10 Tulips: $25 Beavertail Cactus: $75 Rose Bush: $100 Topiary Skull: $101 Hottie Hot Hibiscus: $120 Bird of Paradise: $125 Boxwood Hedge: $150 Giant Fern: $190 Surplus Llama Lawn Ornament: $200 Dead Tree: $210 Pine Tree: $220 Giant Saguaro Cactus: $230 Mulberry Tree: $250 Birch Tree: $280 Trachycarpus Beverlyhillsei: $295 Swamp Cypress: $299 Redwood Tree: $500 -------------------------- N8. Pools -------------------------- Used maily for Room and Fun. Offical Diving Platform: $900 (2 Fun) Mini Pool: $1,800 (4 Room, Body) The "Wet Tangle": $3,300 (5 Room, Body) "Elle Belle" Pool: $3,675 (7 Room, Body) Frigidarium Colossicus: $5,995 (8 Room, Body) "I Claudius" Roman Pool: $6,075 (8 Room. Body) -------------------------- O. Complete Cars List -------------------------- This will list the names of all the Vehicles you can unlock and where to unlock them at. Super Scooter: Mom's House Dude Buggy: Dudley's Trailer Imposter Type-S: Mimi's House RGB Flashback: Goth Manor Cruiseete Leviathan: Studio 8 Maximoto Tsunami X-TEQ: Toane's Gym SpritzenFunken: Club Rubb, Casa Caliente, Shiny Things Labs, Tinsel Bluffs, The Octagon, Pixel Acres, or Malcolm's Mansion SchnellMeister: Tinsel Bluffs, The Octagon, Pixel Acres, or Malcolm's Mansion Diavolo GT 1000: Malcolm's Mansion Limo Ultimo: Malcolm's Mansion -------------------------- P. Secrets -------------------------- This is the section that explains the glitches that you or gamers found in this game. -------------------------- P1. Cheats -------------------------- If you came here, then you are in desperate need of help. However, cheating is not a solution, it is a helper. Below is a list of cheats that I have found to work. If you can discover anymore that work on the GameCube version, send them in. I will accept PlayStation 2 and XBox Version cheats as well. Make sure they work, because I cannot test them. These can be entered at the pause menu or during gameplay. Use the Directional Pad for the directions. If you find a cheat below that does not work, let me know and I will attempt to remove it ASAP. Thank You. -------------------------- P1a. GameCube Cheats -------------------------- Cheat Gnome---------------------------------Down, L, Z, R, Left, X Unlock All Locked Items---------------------Down, Z, Up, Y, R Unlock All Locked Locations-----------------Down, Z, R, L, Z Unlock All Locked Skins---------------------L, Y, A, R, Left Unlock All Locked Social Interactions-------L, R, Down, A, Y. Unlock Team Photo in Credits----------------R, Z, Down -------------------------- P1b. PlayStation 2 Cheats -------------------------- Contributed by bad_boi55@hotmail.com Note: To activate the Motives and Money Cheats, you must imput the Cheat Gnome first, then the two corresponding cheats. To use them, select the Gnome that appears on the curb of the lot, and then choose your method of cheating. Cheat Gnome---------------------------------R2, L1, R1, L2, Left, Circle --- Fill All Motives (Cheat Gnome Required)-----L2, R1, Left, Circle, Up Give $10,000 Money (Cheat Gnome Required)---L1, R2, Right, Square, L3 --- Unlock Team Photo---------------------------L3, R3, R1, R2 Unlock All Locked Locations-----------------R2, R3, L3, L2, R1, L1 Unlock All Locked Objects-------------------L2, R2, Up, Triangle, L3 Unlock All Skins----------------------------L1, R2, X, Circle, Up, Down Unlock All Locked Social Options------------L1, R1, Down, X, L3, R3 -------------------------- P1c. XBox Cheats -------------------------- Since you were all too lazy to send them in, you will have to find them somewhere else. Your loss. -------------------------- P2. Glitches -------------------------- Glitches, some are helpful and some can ruin your game. These will not ruin your game, but they might affect gameplay in a serious matter, be warned. Also, some are uncontrollable, and are activated without you wanting them to. In Mom’s House, as you get out of the bathtub as you first begin the game, whether or not you are male or female, you’ll sound like a male who just got walked in on. Every now and then, as you sit down to play Chess, you will sound like a male sitting down. When you first start the game in Mom’s House, turn the Jukebox on to Techno Music. Once Mom starts to dance, she will dance for hours or even days nonstop. If a Sim happens to be standing in front of your vehicle as you leave the house, they will simply be driven through. When a Sim begins to dance to the radio, and they begin to do The Swim, look at their head in the circle where their mood is. The head will do a complete rotation, but it does not in the actual game play. While playing the game, I noticed that on many occasions, a Sim will begin to clap at nothing. They won’t stop until their Energy is depleted. Occasionally, when you rotate the camera, the game will beep. This sound is similar to the sound the game makes when you scroll through the Motives, Careers, Personality, and Relationships Sub-Menus. Occasionally, when a Sim begins to wash the dishes via sink, they will not stop for any reason. After the Sink breaks, they will contiue to wash and the puddle will continue to grow. As a Sim turns on a computer, they press a button that is on the other side of the monitor as the computer tower. Example: the tower is on the right of the monitor for the $999 computer. But, all Sims press a button on the left side of the monitor. As you highlight Malcolm’s Mansion on the Places to Go Menu, it will show a picture of Malcolm, telling you that he is a roommate. He is not a roommate. The same applies for the first slots on the Relationships Sub-Menu. Roommates come first, and Malcolm is first, but he is not a roommate. When the active Sim is playing the Hellagraphix and another Sim rings the doorbell, you can invite them to join you before you Greet them. When they are done, then you must Greet them before any other interactions can be used. When the phone rings, and more than one Sim answers it, you will receive a different message for each Sim that answered the call. It is possible to make more money off a money giving call. There are numerous spelling mistakes throughout the game on promotion screens and the goal screens, keep an eye out for them. Sent in by Jrdo18@aim.com: A large glitch in my part. Create your own Sim in Free Play Mode to marry in Bust Out Mode. Once they are married, move a created family into the same lot that your married Sim was in. After so long of gameplay, the Sim that was married will eventually move back in to this lot. You cannot control them, but they will live with you. Sent in by marik20042003@yahoo.com Occasionally, the game will not allow you to complete the Mission: Find and supress- Anti-war protesters goal at The Octagon. To bypass this, simply Reset the console. If that fails, try restarting the save file. Sent in by sethtael@yahoo.com.au Purchase an Ab-Dominator, then get a sim into it and speed up time. Return to normal and then have a close look at how the Sim is positioned compared to the Ab-Dominator rings. Sent in by sethtael@yahoo.com.au Go to the Free Play menu and select evict and evict the Frutti Family. Edit Ginger's personality. You should be able to max them out. It is only possible to do this with already existing Cancer Sims and Ginger is the only one. Got Glitch? Send it in to me and I'll post it. -------------------------- Q. FAQ's -------------------------- This section lays out the varios questions you might want to ask me. Make sure your questions e-mail subject line is destinct, so I know what you want to ask. Q: Your guide kicks a--! A: Unless a question is with this statement, it will be deleted. Be forewarned. Q: j00 gu1d3 Pwns! A: O RLY! Thanks, but I don't even know what you just said, so I'm going to delete this e-mail now. Q: What are Sims? A: Simple Answer-Simulations. Extended Answer-Simulated Beings. Q: Why can't I buy any thing else? A: You house is full! When you enter buy mode, a meter is visible on the left side of the screnn. If it is full, the game forbids any other puchases. Sell some of your other crap first. I suggest the useless lights. Q: How do I have a baby in a same-sex relationship? A: As it says in the text: you must await the telephone call thats asks if you wish to ADOPT a baby. Press A (or X for PlayStation 2 owners) to say 'Yes'. Q: Why do I get calls that say that the number six is important? A: This is a prank call. Unless the call involves adopting a baby, earning money, or missing work, you shouldn't give a crap what it says. Q: What is your E-Mail Address? A: Since this is my final version, you should never be able to learn this. Q: How come you did not reply to my question? A: Well, it probably wasn't a question, or you are e-mailing me too often. Q: What's the square root of negative 2 pi? A: I appreciate the e-mail, but I have enough math homework as it is. Q: Am I asking too many questions? A: ...It's possilbe. Have a question that needs an answer? Send it in. -------------------------- R. Awcknowledgements -------------------------- This is where I pour my heart out thanking all of those who helped me create this Walkthrough. If your awcknowledgement is not here, look for it above in the Walkthrough; It is also possible that I did not post your idea. I will always reply to a e-mail that has an idea that i used. EA Games: Making a great game. Maxis: Original creator of The Sims franchise. Contribution Awcknowledgements: Jrdo18@aim.com: Roommate Glitch marik20042003@yahoo.com: The Octagon Glitch tina_girl_2@hotmail.com: Alternate Method for Dudley's Party bad_boi55@hotmail.com: PlayStation 2 Version Cheats sethtael@yahoo.com.au: Ab-Dominator and Personality Glitches dmmaster77@verizon.net: Goal Information and Alt. Method for Anit-War Goal My Sims: All of the affairs he had to go through. The below sites: For hosting my FAQ/Walkthrough You: Reading my Walkthrough. -------------------------- S. Recap of Legal Info -------------------------- The Sims: Bustin' Out FAQ/Walkthough Version 2.60 Copyright 2005-2007 Shawn Gantz This document is protected by the following copyright law. This document is entitled only to the writer. Taking credit for this work as your own is a direct violation of the Copyright Law and the violator will be prosecuted. This guide may not be reproduced, copied, publicly distributed, or anything of the like without the writers writen, or electronic consent prior to posting. Please respect the work the writer went to create this guide to help others. Thank you. If you see this Walkthrough on any other website besides those listed below, e-mail me immediately. Thank You. www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.neoseeker.com www.cheatcc.com All Characters, Scenarios, Items and Trademarks in the above The Sims: Bustin' Out FAQ/Walkthrough are owed by their respective Trademark and Copyright owners. -------------------------- T. Closing -------------------------- This was my first, and most successful guide of two, and I enjoyed throwing away the summer of 2005 to make it. It has helped som many people in the area of The Sims, since they cannot survive in the Message Boards (due to the Xxertof vs. Gav War). Anyway, I thank all of those who legally posted my guide and those who read it and helped improve it. This is my final goodbye. Thank you, and good day.