Game: The Suffering System: X-Box Version: 1.0 Revised: 3/17/04 A Walkthrough by Joe Williams Copyright (c) 2004 by Joe Williams COPYRIGHT NOTICE This document may not be reprinted or reproduced for profit. This includes being reproduced in magazines, books, ebooks, CDs, or web sites that charge users a fee to visit or view their sites, or for any other commercial purposes. Alteration of the document without the author's permission is prohibited. The author will make updates to the document available on ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to everyone on The Suffering message board. I never would have found the gonzo gun without their tips. INTRODUCTION This isn't intended as a definitive walkthrough for The Suffering. The game really doesn't need a walkthrough. But it's always possible the solution to a puzzle might elude you, or you might miss the one doorway you need to progress. My hope is this walkthrough will get you back to enjoying the game as quickly as possible. I don't list every health pickup or monster. You will find supplies everywhere, so covering them all would be tedious. As for monsters, I prefer not to ruin the surprise. I also don't give any details on the storyline. The game does a much better job of telling the story than I ever could. I mention cinemas only as a way of orientating yourself. Although I don't mention the phones or monitors in the walkthrough, feel free to answer any phone that rings or view any monitor. You never know what you'll learn. BACKGROUND You control Torque, a convict sentenced to the death house for killing his family. Just your luck, you're sent to Abbott State Penitentiary on Carnate Island which, for lack of a better word, is haunted by centuries of suffering. CONTROLS When you start a new game, you have a choice of four difficulty levels. Easy is perhaps too easy, and diminishes the sense of danger. I consider myself a mediocre player, yet I found Easy so disappointing that I soon restarted on Normal. You can choose from different controls via the Options menu, accessed through the start button. My personal favorite is Dual Stick + Flashlight. You can also choose the single stick mode for moving and turning Torque with just the left joystick. For the benefit of those renting the game, here are the default controls for the X-Box: Left stick moves Torque forward, backward, left and right. Right stick turns Torque and looks up and down. The Back button brings up the map (if there is one). The Start button pauses the game and brings up the pause menu. From here you can save the game at any time. You also have extensive control over the game setting. The directional pad access inventory. Press up and down to select between categories (including weapons, thrown weapons, and notes). Press right and left to highlight a particular item. Press X to select the item. You can have both a thrown weapon and a normal weapon selected at the same. Press the left trigger to use a thrown weapon. Press the right trigger to attack. Press A to jump. If you are moving to the side, you will do a roll instead. Press B to reload your current weapon. Press X to use an object in the environment. It's used to man a searchlight (press the right trigger to toggle the searchlight on and off). It's used to climb ladders, operate stationary machine guns, and activate switches. Press Y to activate insanity mode. This ability becomes available at the beginning of Chapter 2 and is explained in more detail there. The white button switches to first person mode. This is useful for aimed shots. I suppose it's possible to play the entire game in first person, making it practically two games in one. Press the black button to use a health pickup. You can carry 9 bottles of Xombium at a time. ENDING The Suffering has three ending. Which one you get depends on whether you do good deeds, evil deeds, or if you rely heavily on insanity mode. You'll know you've performed a good deed because you'll receive positive reinforcement from the spirit of your ex-wife. Evil deeds earn her chastisement. THE WALKTHROUGH CHAPTER 1: THE WORST PLACE ON EARTH After the opening movie, leave your cell and go right to the main gate to activate another cut scene. A cell door falls open. Go in and extract the shiv from your cellmate, then leave by the gate that conveniently falls open for you. To Torque's left is the control station. Inside it you'll find a map of the level. While here, press the red light to open all the cells, then go back and loot the cells. Leave D-block via the door with the flashing red light. Turn left and left again to enter the showers. Search the area for supplies. Be sure to open the lockers. Exit the showers and go straight. The door to the left is locked, so turn right to find an administrative room to ransack. Return the way you came, passing D-block, until you see another inmate with a crushed disposition and you trigger a cutscene with a guard. Keep going forward and a door will fall open. Go in and press the red light. Go through the gate that opens (the door to the maintenance room is locked). The door to the electrical room is locked, so turn left to face your first fight. A CO comes out of the WC. Decide which of the voices to heed, and either join with him or kill him. Search the restroom for supplies, then swing right to reach the break room (called the locker room on your map) and grab the flashlight. Then head downstairs. Depending on whether you teamed up with CO, either your partner will open the gate from the control room or the gate will fall open on its own. Go though and expect another fight. Afterwards, the CO will go to check out a noise in the Electrical Chamber. Take his advice and don't follow him, or else you'll meet with the same shocking end. After he collapses, you can safely fetch his gun. Check out the infirmary for lots of health pickups. You also catch your first glimpse of gaseous Hermes. You'll be seeing a lot of him later. There's more Xombium in the control station, but by now you should be well stocked. Hack through the crates barricading the exit with your shiv. Move the soda machine from in front of the exit door by pressing and holding the action button. Follow the hallway, making a quick detour through the door on the right to the E-Chamber control station. Throw the switch to the left of the window for jollies. Also for fun, view the monitors by the desk. Go back out the way you came and head for the Foyer. There's Xombium in the bathroom, and other items to loot by the metal detector and in the Visitor Arrival area. Go through the open metal gate and pull the statue a few feet back so it blocks the already open door. Now try the door to the control station. When the coast is clear, enter the control room and press the red button. The bust should hold the first door open while the second door opens. Follow the beastly apparition through the door to the right. You're presented with the opportunity to do some evil by gassing the CO (but not the choice to do good—there isn't any way to save him). Return to the hall and follow it to its end, skipping for now the door on the right. Enter the control station for the L-Chamber. Feel free to loot the room. On your way out, beware of an attack. Now backtrack to the middle door that you skipped earlier and follow the apparition, fighting as necessary. Both doors at the end of the hallway are locked, so check out the gas chamber. When Hermes lets loose with the smelly stuff, run to the viewing window to the south. A slayer breaks through the window, granting you a way out. The witness area for the E-Chamber is locked, so head down the stairs to the basement. Under the basement stairs are some shelves with supplies. Only take them if you really need them. You'll be coming back this way much later in the game, and this stash could prove valuable. When you're ready, go through the blue door. CHAPTER 2: DESCENDING Throw the red switch on the right to turn on the light. Follow the only path available until you come to the Boiler, where you meet your two main adversaries, gaseous Hermes and 16mm Dr. Killjoy. After the requisite taunting, a seemingly endless supply of Slayers attack. Fight them until Dr. Killjoy starts asking to see the real you. You'll notice that a yellow bar has appeared next to your health bar. Once the yellow bar fills and flashes, press the Insanity Mode button to unleash your inner monster. After you make short work of the Slayers, the blue door opens. Be sure to loot the room before leaving. Follow the path to where it's blocked by steam. There's a wheel to your right that will turn off the steam. In the next room is a switch next to the door that you entered through. Activating it causes an explosion back the way you came. Throw the switch again and head back. You'll see an opening in the wall with a stash of supplies, including a second revolver. Now return to the Electrical room and go to the end of the hall. Climb the cabinet at the end to reach a door. There's a cutscene introducing you to a Marksman. Go through the doorway to the right and continue on to the Workshop. As you leave, you can turn right or left. Go right first. It leads to some solitary confinement cells. Visit the cells for some creepy voices. There's a wood door next to some gas tanks. Shoot the tanks to blast open the door. Follow the path until you come to a crate blocking a red door. Pull the crate backward a very long distance, until it's in the part of the hall with the high ceiling. Up to one side you can see an opening in the wall. Climb onto the crate and jump to a small niche with ammo and a revolver. In Chapter 14 of the game, you will return to this area. At that point the nice will hold the Gonzo Gun, the most powerful and loony weapon in the game. Drop back into the hall and go through the red door. You're in another group of solitary cells. Against the west wall are three solitary cells. Through the smashed stone wall is a crank that opens a door in the center cells. There's a crate next to the southernmost. First, smash the boards with your shiv. Then move the crate inside the cell and climb to an opening in the back wall. Both paths lead to the same place. Carry on for a little encouragement from Horace the electric man. Go up the stairs, where you find a tommy gun, and then down another flight of stairs. There's a supply stash under the stairs. Return up the stairs and straight ahead to a ladder leading to a blue door and the level exit. CHAPTER 3: SLUMBER OF THE DEAD Go right. At the end of the hall, take the door on the right. Watch the monitor. Leave and try the door opposite, where you meet Dallas. You can help him or shut him up by killing him. Go outside to the North Yard. You can check out the lethal injection room if you want. Near the end of the path there's a hole in the fence. Descend a hill until you come to a work site with scaffolding. The rightmost platform lets you jump over the fence. Climb the hill to the East cellblock. CHAPTER 4: ABBOT PRISON BLUES You come to a barricade you must hack with your shiv. Then push the crate out of the way. If you're trying to keep Dallas alive, consider shoving the crate back in front of the door to keep him from following you. You can come get him later after you've cleared the way. The bathroom to your left is a dead end. The open door leads to a locker room. Search the wooden desk to find a map. Dallas finds a gun here, making him a little more useful. Leave the locker room by the north door. The prison entrance is locked. Proceed to the control room and watch a clip of your next nemesis, the Mainliner. Throw the big red button to open the cell doors, then follow the path to T-Block. After checking out the cells, go down the stairs to the lower level. Fight for your life as necessary. In one of the lower cells is an inmate who wants you to keep him locked in. To rescue him, and thereby earn good points, go into the nearby control station and throw the switch on the wall. It will close his cell. While there, also press the red button to open some gates. On the west side of T-Block is a door to an Electrical room. Go down the stairs to get a cell block map. Leave the room and go to the door across from it. Here you will see electrified water on the floor. Shoot the electrical box to the right of the water to clear the path. At this point you can choose from two branching paths. The easy route leads across the puddle and out a yellow and white door into the yard. If you want a more challenging path, then try hitting the showers. Return to T-Block and go out the east door next to the control room. First go through the doorway on the right to get a clip with your ex-wife. Then backtrack and go to the showers. To stop the endless flood of mainliners, you must turn off each shower. Or simply avoid them and run through. Toward the back of the showers is a room blocked by flames. Turn on the clogged sink next to the flames to put out the fire. Check the nearby control room for some supplies, then head out the yellow and white door into the yard. Either way, you end up in the East Yard. Your objective is to make your way up to the watchtower. If you went through the shower, it's a quick romp through hordes of monsters. Otherwise, you'll have to make your way through a series of fenced areas and past a gang of unfriendly inmates. Locate a supply shed. Smash the small crate and move the larger crate next to the shed. Climb atop the shed's roof and jump over to the walkway. Here you'll find a crank that lets you lower the ladder so Dallas can follow you. Inside the guard tower is an east cellblock map. Follow the catwalk to the green and white door. Eventually you come to the library. Along the way, you'll grab the flamethrower instructions from a corpse. It'll be awhile before you have all the required materials. Circle the library, killing Mainliners, until you reach the office. Ransack the place and then head out the door to the left of the office. Descend the stairs and head for V-Block. You'll have to go through the infirmary first. Make a quick visit to the nearby restroom and the operating room if you want to kill more mainliners, then head out the southeast door. When you reach V- Block, there is a cinema. To defeat Hargrave, run up the stairs. You'll find a hole in the ceiling of the control station. Drop in and take command of the machine gun. Time to rock and roll. Once the music calms down, you know its safe to let go of the machine gun. Throw the red switch to open the exit, which leads to the loading dock. The big doors are locked, so you need to climb the dumpster or pile of steel crates to reach the ledge. Go through the door and follow the little kid into the bathroom. Next, go to the control station and throw the red switch. This will free Dallas, if he's still with you, but it won't do you much good personally. Go through the green and white door across from the control station to end the level. CHAPTER 5: NO MORE PRISONS Go down the stairs to the ground. Leave through the gate where the inmates are sprawled. Follow the path until you reach a yard with a searchlight. By standing in the light, you gain protection from Slayers, but it doesn't help against marksmen. There's more fighting in the basketball court. Finally, in the area with the bleachers, run for the machine gun in the far left corner as you come in. It will make short work of the hordes while conserving your ammo. Go through the hole in the fence to get some supplies, then leave by the gate. There will be a clip showing the effectiveness of shotguns. A shotgun falls behind a burning picnic table. Get it. Leave through the door to the west cellblock. CHAPTER 6: I CAN SLEEP WHEN I'M DEAD Go to the control station to find a West Cellblock map. At the intersection with the human pinatas, go straight (the right is a dead end). Open the gate from the control station. Go right at the next intersection toward the officer's station. Press the red button to open the cell doors. Now head straight down the hall to the bathrooms, where the shotgun proves effective against Mainliners. As you progress toward Visitation, you catch a glimpse of your next enemy, the Noosemen. Answer the phone in the Visit Room for a chat with your ex-wife before all hell breaks loose. The exit is now open and you can follow the path to the lunch room. Go straight across the room and pull the vending machine until it covers the drain on the floor. Enter the sprinkler control room, breaking through the barricade with your shiv, and turn the crank. The water puts out the flames blocking the exit. Leave the cafeteria. Hit the red button in the control station to open the exit, break through the crates, and proceed to R-Block. You need to be wary of noosemen, which turn out to be more of an annoyance than an actual threat. Go into the control station and press both red buttons. One opens the exit and the other opens all the cell doors. Now you have a choice of how to finish the level. You can either go through the laundry rooms, or you can drop through the hole in the lower middle cell. Or, you can just go to the 2nd level and drop through the hole to the opposite side of the gate. There are lots of supplies in the laundry rooms. No puzzles here, just a couple of obvious switches to pull. You ultimately come to a hole that takes you to into the basement. Follow the little boy into the caves. You climb out in S-Block. A bunk bed sits at the end of the upper tier. Climb the bunk bed to end the level. If you choose to drop through the hole in the lower middle cell, you'll find your route is much easier. Again, follow the little boy through the caves to S-Block. Climb the bunk bed on the upper tier to finish the level. CHAPTER 7: EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IS GONE Outside again, there is only one way to go. Drop down where the railing is broken. Visit the guard tower, but leave quickly before the gas gets you. Climb the ladder to the watchtower roof and jump across to the adjacent roof. You'll meet a frightened guard up here. Leaving him to cower for now, go though the blue door, down the stairs, and across to the orange and white door. You'll come to a long walkway with searchlights along its length. Slayers will leap from the trees. Aim the searchlights at the trees to stop the flood. Man a searchlight by using the Action button, and turn it on with the right trigger. Aim the last searchlight at the pit below you. You can also use the searchlight to burn some of the slayers in the playing field. At the end of the walkway is a trapdoor with a nearby crate. Push the crate into the opening to explode the gas canisters below. If you haven't already killed the frightened guard, go back and get him now. He'll eventually decide to follow you. Run ahead of him and climb down the ladder to the baseball field. You will have to fight many Marksmen, and it's best to leave the frightened guard safely out of danger. Once the coast is clear, you can climb back up to get him. It's a quick jog to the communications building, where you will find a Quarry map. Climb the ladder and jump across to the burning rooftop. Go inside the workshop to end the level. CHAPTER 8: DARKEST NIGHT, ETERNAL BLIGHT The workshop is teeming with monsters. Check out the nooks, craffines, and roofs for supplies. Leave by the door off the upper walkway. You'll need to smash a box to open the door. Outside again, go through the cemetery. You'll find a road. To the left is some TNT. To the right is a group of guards who turn hostile. Keep following the road until you come to the quarry. You can do this the hard way or the easy way. In either case, you'll first want to ransack the shack at the end of the road. The Easy Way (avoiding combat): To the left of the staircase into the pit is a small hill. Jump onto the hill. It might take several tries from different areas. Go to the end and jump to the block of stone suspended from the crane. Now jump to the very narrow ledge next to the barbed wire fence. I found it safest to jump into the corner where the fence abuts the stone nearest the crane. Drop down to the ledge below you. From here, you can either drop down to get the TNT (but then you won't be able to get back up) or you can go in the opposite direction and drop down into the cave mouth, thereby avoiding all combat. The Hard Way (combat heavy): Simply descend the orange stairs and start shooting. Enter the cave and you're treated to a cinema of your next foe, the Burrower. Jump onto the orange staircase. At the top, don't go through the burning fence right away. Turn around and hop across to the grassy area for some supplies. Now head through the fence. CHAPTER 9: OBLIVION REGAINED Follow the trail to another cave. To the right of the entrance is a pile of boxes that conceal a TNT detonator. Blow up the boxes and use the detonator. To the right of the detonator is a barricaded cave-in that grants a flashback. Climb the rubble left by the explosion. Circle the cave along the catwalk to reach a cave lined with TNT. Monsters attack, making it very hazardous. The cave opens outside again. The path is short, and ends in a fence. Go through the gate on your right, up the stairs, and through the burned fence. You come to another pit. Hop down and use the console on the first ledge to move the suspended stone block so it smashes the stone tower across from you, plugging the fiery red pit. You can also hop up on the ledge to your right and turn on the spotlights. At this point you can drop into the pit to finish off the slayers. There's a supply shack on the other side of the pit that you can reach by climbing a ladder. When you're done searching the area, go past the pit you blocked and climb up what seems to be a dead end. There's another detonator in a lean to by the cave. Carefully clear it and use it to detonate explosives inside the cave. Then go in. On the other side, you'll find a small supply shack. Follow the lighted road to another pit. You can help the inmate if you choose by lowering the stone block and then swinging it over to him. Then swing the block to the left and jump across to the ledge with the crane. After a cut scene with two creepy girls, use the crane controls to swing the stone block to the right into the water tower. Hop down and go through the cave to end the level. CHAPTER 10: YOU'VE MISTAKEN ME FOR SOMEONE ELSE You find Torque trapped in a fenced area. The exit is a hard-to-see hole in the fence next to the third lamp post, between some bushes. A short path takes you to a stone wall with a convenient pile of blocks you can climb over. At the foot of the wall opposite where you climbed up is a map of the asylum. You can explore the area around the lake. The corpses all have their stories to tell. Bear right around the lake to the gazebo where you can chat with your ex. As usual, she does most of the talking. Keep going right to get to the asylum. Enter through the side door. Smash the crates and pull the cage out of the way. CHAPTER 11: HATE THE SIN, NOT THE SINNER You start in the kitchen. Shoot the projector atop the stove and go through the door it releases. Climb the stairs. The first door on the right leads to electro shock therapy. The open double doors that you next pass lead to the library and Sergie, a stoned CO who asks for electricity for his stereo. Past the library is a bathroom. The exit from this floor is in the library, through the door to the left of Sergie. Drop down to the main floor and go through the open doorway. At the first intersection, turn right and swing around to the theater. On the west side of the stage is a fire axe. Smash the glass to get it. Then use the axe on the rope on the opposite end of the stage. A painting will drop, blocking the projector's beam and releasing the door to the west of the stage. Go that way. Chop the boards over the exit door and return to the hallway. Turn right at the corner, go past two intersections, and turn left at the far corner. Go past the door on your left for now, the one with the monstrous shambling, and check the dining hall, water closet, and study. In the study is a projector for you to destroy. Go into the room with your caged alter-ego. Press the yellow button if you want to. Drop down the hole into the cellar. Head to the far end of the first room to trigger a cinema. Blast the enemies that appear. Between the shelves are a couple of boards propped against a cage. Smash the boards and pull the cage out. Rather than climb out the cellar, go through the only door in the room and make your way through the coal rooms. At the far end is a generator sitting in a pool of water. If you want to help Sergie, you need to turn on the generator without getting yourself killed. First, smash the wood panel to the left of the generator to open a drain. After the water drains away, you can safely turn on the generator. Smash through the boards over the nearby exit and return to the first floor. If you want to help Sergie, you need to return quickly to the library. The fastest way is through the kitchen. Next, head for the foyer and run up the stairs. You can drop down the elevator shaft for some supplies. Follow your beastly half to a row of cells. The third cell contains a cage. You need to push it out of the cell and down to the end of the hall so you can climb through the trapdoor to the attic. The last cell contains someone I like to call Mr. Floppy. You can kill him to earn good points. Off the attic a strange blue device is suspended. Turn the nearby crank to lower it. At the far end of the attic is a projector pointing through the roof. Destroy it. To leave the attic, you'll need to pull a second projector in a cage so it no longer points at the exit. Return to the foyer and go through the double doors to the Operations Theater. Don't bother fighting the monster, Dr. Killjoy will just resurrect them. You need to destroy the 5 projectors in here. There are three very obvious projectors. Two are harder to destroy: Destroy the electrical box across from the entrance to shut off the projector on the balcony. Destroy the rope on the right of your inner monster to shut off a projector suspended from a cage. Press the yellow button next to the operating table to activate the blue device. Stand under the blue ray to power up Torque. Now use the Throw button to hurl a blue ball at your alter ego to open the exit from the level. CHAPTER 12: A LONELY PLACE TO DIE On the west side of the asylum grounds is a hedge maze. At the center is a gazebo with supplies. After you've explored the asylum grounds, leave by the ajar gate. On either side of the road are some interesting sights. To the left, between two bonfires, is a cabin that was apparently used by Sergie. To the right is a little history lesson on the asylum. Go across the first bridge. On this level, you will discover that Slayers now regenerate. To finish them off for good, simply take off their heads. You can do this with a well placed shot before taking them down, but it's often easier to just run up to them while they're on the ground and blast them. To the right of the trail is a burned house with supplies and an archive page. Atop the fireplace is a gas can. From here you can get atop the building and escape the flames. Continue down the trail. To the right is a grotto sheltering a cave. At the end of the cave is the last ingredient to create a flamethrower. This is the first opportunity I've seen to make it. Leave the cave quickly before the green gas incapacitates you. Farther along, your path is blocked by flames. Climb the rocks to your left to get around them. Next you come to a collapsed bridge. To the right is an old pickup with a jack. Use the jack to send the pickup rolling down the hill. Drop down to the stream. But before you climb over the pickup, follow the stream to a small beach. Here you'll learn Torque can't swim. You'll also have to fight for your life. Return to the pickup and climb to the other side of the ravine. CHAPTER 13: DANCING AT THE DAWN OF THE APOCALYPSE Immediately to your right is a supply stash. Continue down the road until you meet Clem. You can help him or not. If you decide to kill him, you must let him finish his spiel first or he won't die. On the beach you will fight Festers. They are immune to bullets. You must either slash them or dispatch them with explosives or Molotovs. Continue along the beach until you come to a derelict ship. Inside the ship is an iron gate. Eventually, a Fester will burst through the gate. Keep checking back until it happens. Go inside the ship and up the ramp to the opening in the wall. Shoot the barrels on the ledge across from you and, once the oil permeates the water below, throw in a Molotov cocktail. That puts a stop to the Festers. You can explore the rest of the beach. If you're trying to help Clem, you should visit his raft as he sets sail. When you're done exploring, go inside the ship and climb to the deck. Then jump across to the large drainpipe and the end of the level. CHAPTER 14: SURFACING Start by running. Turn left, right, right, then left to reach the ladder out. Fight your way up through the supply room to the munitions. Clem's map has some clearly marked stashes you can reach by smashing through walls with your axe. In the munitions room is a fairly simple lever puzzle. Each crank moves a gate through one of three positions. Get the openings lined up in the center and you're good to go. In the Medical Lab are two caged slayers. Killing them earns you evil points. Throw the red switch to exit. At the intersection, go right or left depending on if you followed the directions in Chapter 2 for finding the Gonzo Gun. If you followed the directions in this walkthrough for Chapter 2, turn RIGHT. Go to Solitary and go through the red door. There is a crate in this hallway. Climb onto the crate and jump up to a small niche with the Gonzo Gun. If you didn't follow the directions in this walkthrough for Chapter 2, turn LEFT. You'll come to a smaller group of Solitary cells. There's a wood door next to some gas tanks. Shoot the tanks to blast open the door. Follow the path until you come to a crate blocking a red door. Pull the crate backward a very long distance, until it's in the part of the hall with the high ceiling. Up to one side you can see an opening in the wall. Climb onto the crate and jump to a small niche with ammo, a revolver, and the Gonzo Gun. Drop back into the hall and go out the red door. From Solitary, make your way through the workshop and then south. You'll run into Hoarce, who opens the blue door to D-Building. CHAPTER 15: AN EYE FOR AN EYE MAKES THE WHOLE WORLD BLIND Go upstairs and turn left to reach the electric chamber. Each of the electrical boxes is protected by a force field. The field will turn yellow and then vanish. When it's off, blow up the electric box. Continue clockwise around the room destroying the electrical boxes in this way. Jump over the static field as it radiates toward you. When all the electrical boxes are ruined, throw the lever on the east wall. Go out through the broken window and turn left. Make your way through the gas chamber and along some corridors to the stairs up. Make your way back to D-Block, where you started the game. You'll know you've reached it when things get trippy. Talk to your phantom family. A projector will switch on. Go into the cell it's pointing at and grab Dr. Killjoy's diagnosis. This will trigger an attack by Festers, and also open the way out for you. Go through the locker room and down the stairs. When you reach the wall of flames, rats will show you the opening in the wall to the right. Head outside. CHAPTER 16: WHO WANTS TO DENY FOREVER? Go through the hole in the fence and climb down the hill. If both guards below you survive, you earn good points. Go through the doorway opened by the Festers into the exercise yard. The gate on the far side takes you to the communications shack. Inside you get an urgent tickertape. When you leave the shack, a fester conveniently opens a heretofore locked gate. Go through the gate but don't grab the machine gun until after you take out the festers with Molotov cocktails. Then gun down the waves of slayers. Go though the hole in the wall and out the door to end the level. CHAPTER 17: DEATH BE NOT PROUD Go though the open gate. Pull the crate next to the low building and climb to the roof. There's a machine gun up here you can use on those below. Hop down the way you came and circle the building. You'll have many slayers to fight, but they will eventually stop coming. If the bus hasn't already rolled down the hill, shoot the block of wood behind its right rear tire to send it on its way. Climb over the bus to get out of the prison. As you make your way down the road, there's a cinema of inmates having an auto accident. The road is blocked by flames. But if you explore the cliffs near where the cinema triggered, you'll find a path that leads down through a cave. From here you can hop across the river and then climb up the other side. But before you get to dry land, you might want to hop across the rocks to reach the crashed car and the supplies it contains. Inside the shack next to the closed gate you'll find supplies. Continue along the road until you reach a collapsed tunnel. Make your way through the woods to the right, taking any of three paths. Before long you'll come to a clearing with some stakes and a machine gun. Man the machine gun and shoot the hordes of Marksmen. There are two exits from this clearing, the obvious exit and a smaller path through the trees to the right of where you entered. Take the smaller path. You come to a supply shack. To open the shack, drag the nearby TNT crate as near to it as you can and detonate it from afar. Climb atop the shack and clamber up to the ledge above. Follow the path until you reach the crashed plane. Return to the firing squad field and go to the left. Watch out for the mad bomber who throws TNT from the cave. Follow him into the cave. CHAPTER 18: SINGLE BULLET THEORY Keep to the right and you'll find a supply cache under a radio tower. The main path leads to the left. Follow the flares left by the mad bomber through a series of caves. Ultimately you come to a dead end. Backtrack to the tall chamber. There are ledges to one side that you can ascend. Progress through the caves by the only path available. The next dead end has a trapdoor in the ceiling. Proceed through Fort Maleson by the only available route until you come to a flight of stairs. Go down and before manning the machine gun, throw some flares in the dark corners for the work ahead. The gun is pointed at a stack of crates. You need to detonate them to unleash an army of Marksmen and Mainliners. Follow the caves to where the Mad Bomber is trapped. You can free him by shoving a TNT crate next to the stalagmites imprisoning him and detonating it from a safe distance. Blowing the wall also helps you get a clear shot at him if you're going for evil points. Follow the caves until you come outside. Your guide, if he's still alive, will go left. Follow him to the left and you will encounter a lot fewer monsters. For a greater challenge, fight your way to the right and come back later for your companion. Either way, you'll eventually enter a large cave. At the end of the cave is a ladder. Keep going until you reach the lighthouse basement where you'll part ways with your guide (if you haven't killed him already). Hermes will taunt you and let loose with his green gas. Run around the room shutting off the red valves in the corners. Then close the trapdoors. Two are held open by ropes. Another is closed by detonating the stack of crates behind it. A third you need to shove a crate on top of. Eventually Hermes will only be able to move between just two trapdoors. When he starts to form in front of the furnace, turn the crack right in front of the furnace to send steam gushing against him. The steam drives him into the furnace. Run forward and slam the furnace door using the action button. Leave by the door that opens for you. Climb the ladder to end the level. CHAPTER 19: AND A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM Leave the lighthouse and you'll meet three girls, called Inferna. Eduardo will help you kill them. Once the inferna scream and turn into piles of ashes, you must destroy their ashes or they will regenerate. Take the road to the right, which leads to a guardhouse. Here Eduardo will join you. He's one of the most helpful companions, so you might want to keep him around for awhile. If you're playing for evil points, you can always kill him later. Eduardo takes you back to the lighthouse, and then says you need to turn on the generator. He leads you on a very roundabout island excursion. From the lighthouse, he goes west and then cuts south to a small cemetery where you meet more inferna. Then he goes along the south edge of the island to a truck where more inferna attack. From there he leads you back to the main road and turns west toward the generator. Quickly go into the door to the right of the collapsed tunnel and climb to the spotlight. Direct it at the fiery pit on the other side of the fence to stem the never-ending supply of slayers. Now get back down and help Eduardor mop up any survivors. To the right side of the fence is an opening. As you approach, three inferna attack. Go into the fenced area and in the back you'll find a red switch that turns on the generator. In the pickup are some supplies. Now return to the lighthouse. On the way, Eduardo, never satisfied with a straight line, veers north off the main road to take the scenic route past some more inferna playing ring around the rosy. Eduardo isn't done with you yet. He lead to you a cave to the north and then says he isn't going in. But you can if you want. Inside the cave are three convicts. Kill them for evil points, or try to save all three from the hordes of monsters for good points. Explore the back of the cave further and you will find a pile of stalagmites you can climb to reach a hidden area. Return to the cave entrance. Finally Eduardo leads you back to the lighthouse. Go straight into the lighthouse and through two doors until you come to a room with a ladder. Climb the ladder and go up the circular ramp. At the top you'll find a machine with a crank. Using the crank has no effect. You must first break the two pieces of debris that are jamming the gears. Use your axe. Try the crank again and the lighthouse should start working. Exit through the blue door behind you. Climb up and say hi to your son. He doesn't act happy to see you. Go back down and rejoin Eduardo. He leads you back to the guardhouse with the closed gate. Your electrician buddy opens the way for you. CHAPTER 20: LAST BREATH BEFORE DYING The final gauntlet to the docks is pretty straightforward. Often to the side of the road you'll find supplies. Fight your way down to the tunnel. Inside you're attacked by inferna. Climb the scaffolding to the left of the entrance. In the fenced area is a large horizontal pipe between two green consoles. There's an explosive crate sitting next to it. Detonate the crate to break the pipe and cause water to pour out. Push the nearby moveable crate over the drain in the floor to cause the water to spread out. Ultimately it will extinguish the flames. Continue down the road. You'll come to a pickup by the side that explodes. After you fight the inferna, go to the edge of the bridge and have a chat with Hermes, who isn't as dead as you thought. There's a cinema of an onrushing bus that you need to dodge. To the left of this area is a ledge with supplies. Jump onto the bus to cross the chasm. Further down the road, past some Festers, is an area off to the left that gives you a view of the burning village where Eduardo's family lives. Eduardo leaves to save his family. You cannot follow him because of a wall of fire that springs up. Inferna attack. Continue past the cliff diving girls. The docks are just around the corner. There is a building here with a few Xombium. At the docks, you have three final bosses to fight. The first is your demon self. Take him out with guns. The Gonzo gun is particularly effective here, or you can use the machine gun mounted in one corner. Next you are attacked by your human self. Invoke insanity mode to take him out. The final boss is a big sucker. He smashes the gate around the controls for Dr. Killoy's blue device. Run up to the controls and lower the device by pressing action and then down. The device will fire periodically. Run under it to charge Torque with blue energy. Then use the Throw button to hurl blue energy balls at the final boss. Aim for red light in the center of his chest. You can tell when you hit because his body is laced with a blue current. The iron crates next to the device make excellent cover from all the of the boss's attacks. After many hits, the monster finally dies. THE ENDING The ending you get depends on whether you did good deeds, evil deeds, or relied heavily on insanity mode. If you have lots of good points, you get Torque's family. If you have more evil points, you get Torque. If you used Torque's monster side a lot, you will get the Monster ending.