SPLINTER CELL DOUBLE AGENT FAQ/WALKTHROUGH V1.3 For XBOX Written by Matthew Rimmer E-Mail: m-rimmer@hotmail.com Copyright 2006 - 2007 Matthew Rimmer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Story 4. Controls 5. Gameplay Mechanics 6. Weapons & Gadgets 7. Walkthrough 8. Co-op Differences 9. Co-op Walkthrough 10. Acknowledgements 11. Legal Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to my FAQ for Splinter Cell: Double Agent for the XBOX. I chose to write it for this game because the splinter cell series is one of my favourites. I just love all that sneaking around! Plus, Double Agent adds a whole new twist to the series with its trust meter. This means you have to balance out the objectives that you complete, as each one effects the trust that both your agency (the NSA) and the terrorist group (the JBA) have in you. It also accounts for 3 different endings, depending on where your allegiances lie at the end of the game. It's not as realistic and non-linear as the previous game, Chaos Theory, but Double Agent is still impressive nonetheless. This is my first walkthrough so it obviously won't be 100% correct. If you have any comments, suggestions or questions that HAVEN'T already been answered in this guide, then feel free to e-mail me. (m-rimmer@hotmail.com) Note. This walkthrough aims to give a detailed description of how I progressed through the game, aswell as give you some choices along the way. However, if you want a full description of every possible different path through the game, may I suggest VampireHorde's guide? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Version History ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Version: 1.32 Corrected small error in the co-op walkthrough Previous Versions: 1.31 Added futher e-mail tips and strategies courtesy of Phong Vu 1.3 Finished Co-op section and the whole guide. 1.2 Added most of the Co-op section. 1.11 Finished Co-op Differences section Added updates sent in by e-mailers 1.1 Started Co-op Differences section. Added to authorized websites list Added info about Kinshasa level. 1.0 Solo walkthrough is complete, Co-op will follow shortly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Story ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NSA are changing, with no Grimsdottir or Redding in this new game, but instead a new chief, Assistant Director Williams. He has completely different ideas about where the NSA is heading, compared to Lambert, and they are both trying to steer the agency in two different directions. Their enemies are also changing, finding new ways to overcome security and bring terror to the world. The JBA are one of such enemies. After the death of his daughter, Sam Fisher's life is also in a mess. So, Lambert comes up with a plan. To infiltrate the JBA from within. To use a double agent. Sam Fisher. The plan is that it will sort out Fisher's own life, aswell as bring down the JBA. Will it work? It all depends on you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Controls ************** A Action B Crouch X Gun Y Jump R Trigger Lethal Attack L Trigger Non-Lethal KO attack Black Whistle/Call team-mate/Initiate Co-op action White Inventory (tap lightly to switch to previous weapon) START Pause BACK OPSAT L Thumbstick Move (click down to press Sam's back to a wall) R Thumbstick Camera (click down to access EEV) D-Pad UP EMF Vision D-Pad DOWN Sticky cameras D-Pad LEFT Night Vision D-Pad RIGHT Thermal Vision With Gun Equipped ***************** A Reload B Toggle Crouch/Stand Up X Put away R Trigger Shoot L Trigger Fire Non-Lethal Attachment (with pistol: OCP) R Thumbstick Click down to Zoom L Thumbstick Click down to switch hands (while zooming: Zoom Level 2) Advanced Techniques ******************* Crouch: Press B to crouch. You will move slower but will make less noise. More or less essential to crouch at all times. Roll: Hold B to roll. This is necessary to put out fires. Back to wall: You can click in the left thumbstick when near a wall to press Sam's back against a wall. This makes Sam more or less invisible, unless in bright light. Climbing: Press Y in front of an object to climb, or mantle, on top of it. To climb a pipe or ladder, simply walk into it. Press B to fall off. Lethal/Non Lethal Attacks: When standing close to a guard, press A to grab him or press either trigger to perform a lethal or non-lethal move. Hanging: Either fall off slowly from a vertical ledge or press Y to jump up to one and Sam will hang from it. You can move left and right, and pull yourself up onto the ledge. Hand over Hand: Press Y to jump up to a horizontal pipe. From here you can move along the pipe. Press Y again to bring your legs up. Here, you will move slower, but will be less able to be seen. Press B to fall off. If you press X while hanging, Sam will equip his weapons. Zip Wire: Press Y to jump up to a sloped wire. Sam will slide down it automatically. You can again press Y to bring your legs up and press B to drop off. Throwing: Once you have picked up an object, press X to prepare to throw it. Aim as you would normally and then press the right trigger to throw, and the left to lob it, which has a higher trajectory. Split jump: In a narrow corridor, you can face either wall and press Y twice to perform a split jump. Sam will suspend himself over the corridor. You can press B to get out of this move. Press X to equip your weapon when performing a split jump. Rappelling: To rappel down a vertical wall, go near the edge of the wall and press A when 'Rappel on wall' appears in the action window. Press Y while rappelling to jump off from the wall. You can also press X to equip your guns while you are abseiling down the wall. NPC Moves ********* NPCs are the enemies that you encounter throughout the game. There are a number of fanciful ways to take them out: Grabbing: Move up behind an enemy and when 'Grab character' appears in the action window, press A to grab him. You can also grab from behind a sheet of ice or a thin paper wall. Interrogating: While you have an enemy in your grasp, you can sometimes press A (if the option is available) to interrogate him and find out useful information. Human Shield: If you equip your weapon while holding an enemy, you will be able to use the NPC as a human shield. Other enemies around you will be more wary of shooting you when using a human shield. Forcing: You can force NPCs to help you in your mission by taking them over to an object, such as a retinal scanner, and pressing A. Attacks: Once you have grabbed an enemy, you can knock him out or kill him by pressing the appropriate trigger. If you hold down the left trigger you will knock him out and carry him all in one, swift action. Hiding Bodies: You need to hide bodies from other patrolling guards. Press A to pick them up, and A again to drop them down. You can drop them off in a hurry by pressing X. Water Kill: While in water, sneak up behind an NPC on land. When you can grab him, do so and you will drown him in the water (lethal attack) Ice Plunge: Whilst standing on thin ice, try and lure a guard over to the ice aswell. You can then press A when 'plunge' appears, and you will smash his head through the ice for a rather nasty death. Drop Attack: If you drop from a high ledge, pipe, or split jump position onto the top of an unsuspecting enemy, you will knock him out. Pulling Over: You can also grab NPCs whilst hanging from a vertical ledge. Sam will pull them down to their death. (lethal attack) Inverted Neck Snap: Whilst hanging onto a pipe over the top of an NPC, you can press the right trigger to kill him, or the left trigger to just knock him out. Grabbing him also results in a KO. Phew. That was a lot of moves. You think you can remember them all? Good. Lets move on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Gameplay Mechanics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hacking: The hacking system has changed since the last game. You are no longer trying to match a set of numbers. This time the object is to match the green wave to the red one. Use the left thumbstick to move the wave up down, left and right. When the two match, they turn a yellow colour. When you think they are well matched, press A. If they are correct, a green light will show and you can move onto the next wave. If they do not match however, a red light will show and you will have to start over with a different wave. You have to match 3 or 4 waves (depending on the object you are hacking) before the timer bar at the bottom reaches 0. If it does bottom, an alarm will sound and you will have to start all over again. Lock Picking: To pick a lock, you have to rotate the left thumbstick until it starts clicking. This means you have found the correct quadrant. Keep wiggling the thumbstick inside this quadrant to find the correct position of the pin. Once the pin is in place it will click, and you can move onto the next pin. Picking locks is time consuming but it is quiet and enemies cannot detect a picked lock, whereas they can tell if a lock has been broken. Bomb Defusing: To defuse a bomb, you need to first equip your EMF vision (D-pad UP). The active wire will be lit. Switch back to normal view, select the active wire and cut it. This will activate a timer. You need to cut the other three wires using the same technique before the timer runs out or the bomb will go up and yep, you guessed it... GAME OVER! Note. you can also tell which is the active wire by seeing which wire rumbles when you highlight it. This is the active wire. Trust Meter: The trust meter is a fundamental part of Splinter Cell Double Agent. Every objective you complete will affect the trust either the JBA or NSA has in you, and if you stray all the way to one side, you will have to complete a timed objective (which can be sometimes very tough). If you fail the task, guess what? Game over. Again. Primary objectives will effect trust and you have to complete them no matter so you have to try and balance it out by completing opportunity objectives for the opposing side. There are also opposing objectives in the game, where you can choose to follow the JBA's orders or the NSA's. These usually affect trust big time, so be wary. Trust is also affected by the amount of enemies you kill, or do not kill. The JBA tend to like enemies dead, whereas NSA prefer them out for the count. The level of trust also effects the weapons and gadgets that you receive. The NSA will give you more non-lethal weapons, such as sticky shockers, whereas the JBA will hand you aggressive weapons, like a shotgun. Balance your trust accordingly. OPSAT: This is accessed by pressing BACK. It stores the following things: -Objectives: A detailed description of each objective and whether it is primary, opposing or opportunity. -Trust: The trust meter -Notes: All notes taken form interrogations, emails etc. such as door codes. -Data: All data that is received during the course of the mission, such as e-mails are stored here. -Equipment: Information on all of Sam's current equipment and gadgets. -Training Videos: View any training videos that you have picked up during the solo campaign. -Map: Displays a 3D map, with enemy locations and the locations of primary objectives. -Profiles: Gives a profile of characters from the current level. EEV: These are your goggles, and they can be used to scan any electronic device. They will then tell you if it can be affected by the OCP (a targeting reticule at the bottom of the screen), whether it can be accessed from where you are (a wireless symbol) and whether it can be hacked (a series of numbers). If it can be accessed, press A to do it from a safe distance and sift through all the data that you need. OCP: This is the secondary fire on your pistol. It can be used to disable any electronic device for a small amount of time. The devices affected range from lights and cameras to TV screens and even Jamie Washington’s pacemaker! Some OCP-affected objects can also be shot to permanently disable them, but it may attract unwanted attention. Caged lights and cameras cannot be shot at. Team-mates: In some levels (especially the earlier ones) you have a team-mate to help you out. Unfortunately, they are more of a hindrance than a help, and will often do stupid things such as wait in bright light, in full view of the guards, which often results in their death, meaning you have to start over. You do feel like sometimes shooting them yourself! The only times they do help is when you need to get up a high ledge or something. All you need to do is walk up to the ledge and press A when the appropriate action icon appears in the action window. That's all there is to it, and sometimes you wonder what the point is of including them in the game at all. Arresting: In the JBA headquarters levels, guards will not shoot on site. Instead, they will attempt to arrest you. To prevent this, you must follow a sequence of buttons that appear at the bottom of the screen. These either grab the guard or knock him out, depending on which one you choose. Detection Devices ***************** Cameras: The most common form of detection device. A quick shot from the OCP will disable them long enough for you to sneak past them. Unfortunately, they have an annoying habit of being able to see you in pitch black, so don't go relying on cover from darkness, like you would in previous games. Laser Trip Wires: These are the green and red horizontal beams that block your path. the green ones set off an alarm, the red set off a bomb. You can either deactivate them by aiming the OCP at the small sensors on the walls either side of the tripwire, or avoid them by ducking under them or jumping over them. If an alarm is set off, additional laser tripwires and other security measures may come online. Infrared Cameras: These have a series of infrared beams protruding from a white sphere on the ceiling. if one of the beams touches you, an alarm will sound. Note. An alarm will also sound if a guard sees you and presses a panic alarm, or if you bugger up one of the hacking mini-games. Locked Doors ************ Yeah sure, you can pick locks, but some doors require more than just a good old pick. Keypads: Either hack it or find the keycode via interrogation or e-mails. Card Reader: Again, can be hacked or find the correct keycard lying around. Retinal Scanner: Hack, or force an NPC with the right authority to scan themselves in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Weapons & Gadgets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sam has two main guns. A pistol, which is handy for shooting out lights and it's secondary fire - the OCP . He also has a rifle with 3 attachments. 5-7 Pistol ********** Has a 20 round magazine and is fitted with a silencer. However, it is still loud and stupid though it may be, fire anywhere near an enemy and everyone around you will instantly know where you are, even if you are in pitch blackness. The OCP is the pistol's secondary fire and is used to silently disable all electronic devices for about 45 seconds, which is usually long enough to let you get by. Just aim at the device and pull the left trigger, but make sure your aim is true, else you'll have to wait about 20 seconds while the battery recharges before you can have another shot. A green light on the pistol will indicate a successful shot, a red one means you've missed and you can't shoot again until the light goes off. SC-20K Rifle ************ A silent machine gun, which holds 30 rounds in a magazine. It has 3 attachments. Launcher Attachment: This allows you to fire several non-lethal weapons provided by the NSA (the higher their trust in you, the more LTLs (less-than lethals) you will receive. The SC-20K launcher can fire the following weapons with the left trigger: -Sticky Shocker: This instantly electrocutes, and knocks out, an enemy on impact. -Sticky Camera: This very useful camera can be used to look around corners, create a distraction noise, and fire a knock-out gas that has a limited range. However, once the gas is released, the camera is destroyed. You can exit the camera and then press D-Pad DOWN to return. -Gas Grenades: The gas grenades produce strong knock-out fumes seconds after impact. The gas also has a very wide range, so it can take out multiple enemies at once. -Airfoil Rounds: These rounds act like a weak sticky shocker, and will disorientate an enemy for a few seconds. A second shot will knock them out. A single hot to the head will also KO any enemies. -EMP Ammunition: Fire these at any devices that are affected by the OCP. However, these will disable the device permanently, without catching the attention of nearby guards. Use them wisely. Sniper Attachment: This allows you to zoom in on a target by as much as 3x. However, the aiming reticule will become extremely wobbly once zoomed in, and the shot is louder than the shotgun! Shotgun Attachment: This is best used for close-quarter combat, as this is when it will cause the most damage. However, like the sniper rifle, it is very loud so use it with extreme caution. SC-303 Compact Launcher *********************** This is like both weapons moulded into one, except it can't fire any bullets. Use the primary fire to fire any LTLs that you may have, as the secondary fire is that good old OCP. Other Weapons ************* Wall Mine: These are placed on walls and they flash green and red. To defuse them, walk up to them slowly and press A when the light is on green. Red means death! You can also avoid them by walking past them really slowly. To plant them, equip them and press the right trigger when next to a wall. Frag Grenade: A few seconds after impact this will explode in a shower of shrapnel, killing anyone within range. It is thrown like an object. Smoke Grenade: Gives off a smokescreen a few seconds after impact. Guards and cameras cannot see through this (even with night vision). It is thrown like an object. Flash Grenade: Temporarily blinds and disorientates an enemy seconds after impact. It is thrown like an object. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finally, it's time to start the walkthrough. First though, some basics. You don't have to complete opportunity objectives. Only complete them if you want to, or if your trust levels demand that you complete them. If you don't want to complete them, obviously just skip the parts about opportunity objectives. Also, this walkthrough was written for the 'hard' difficulty level, so things may differ on other difficulty levels. Note. if ever you get confused or can't work out where to go next, the map and objectives on the OPSAT are extremely useful (the map even shows nearby enemy locations! Not bad.) Now, Let’s start with the first mission. It makes sense, doesn't it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 1 - Iceland ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: -Infiltrate the factory NSA -Acquire Buyers List NSA -Extract NSA Opposing: None Opportunity: -Neutralise the Guards NSA -Protect the Crates NSA -Retrieve Weapon Schematics NSA -Plant Explosive Charges NSA Ice Cavern ********** Objective(s): Neutralise the Guards (opportunity NSA) Protect the Crates (opportunity NSA) Turn around and walk through the tunnel. If you're new to the series, press A to watch a couple of training videos. They're not worth the time otherwise. At the end of the tunnel, walk up to the sheet of ice and grab the guy behind it. Interrogate him, knock him out and hide his body in the corner. Approach the tall ledge (past the broken snowmobile) and 'Initiate Dynamic Hoist'. Hisham (your partner) will then help you up the tall ledge and you can move on. About halfway through the tunnel, Lambert will call and tell you that there is a helicopter inbound and that you need to make your way back to the start of the level. Do just that, but be careful of any noise that you make. Back at the beginning, fire a sticky shocker into the puddle of water at the two guards' feet to knock them both out. OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Head all the way back to where you just came from. Carry on through the tunnel and carefully drop down the ledge at the end. Hold B to soften your landing. Use your OCP on the light ahead and move on, saving your progress when prompted. Back Entrance & Service Tunnel ****************************** Objective(s): Infiltrate the Factory (primary NSA) Slowly approach the area ahead to witness a guard shoot two of his fellow comrades. Let him do that and then, when the time is right, sneak up behind him and knock him out. You can use the ice plunge manoeuvre if you want, but that counts as a kill, and kills are not considered to be stealthy. Climb up the ladder on the left and enter a small room. Flick the door switch to open... guess what? a door! Leave the room and head on through. When you reach the fence, 'Invite Boost Over'. Hisham will leave you now (thank God!), so you're going at the rest of the mission solo. Jump up onto the pipe in the next area. Bring your legs up and wait until the guard passes underneath you. Grab him to knock him out. Carry on along the pipe until you get to the end. Keep going though, because Sam will carry on climbing up the vertical pipe. Follow the network of pipes up to the top. Ignore the prompt. Don't pull the guard over the edge (that's a kill). Instead, wait until he walks away and then follow him (beware the camera - disable it with the OCP) until the time is right to conk him. Once he's down, find the small ladder on the left of the camera, climb it, and cut the material on your left. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Pump Room and Corridor ********************** Turn the valve in front of you and descend the ladder to the right. Wade through the water until you reach a pipe on the far wall. Climb up it and take out the mechanic at the top. Head into the next corridor to find another engineer bloke. Blow out his fuse (ha!) and, as always, hide the body. Around the next corner is another camera, so OCP it. Watch for the lasers soon after. Disable the bottom 2 and proceed. Turbine Room ************ Objectives(s): Plant Explosive Charges 1/4 (opportunity NSA) Sneak left very quietly, being careful not to alert the two talking guards. Head behind the pillars and down the ladder. Walk straight on and then around to the right, using the cover of the generators. OCP the light ahead and climb up the ladder. Whip out that trusty OCP again and disable the spotlight illuminating the next set of steps (it's high in the ceiling, so look up). Next, ascend the stairs and place the first explosive charge on the large computer in a cage. (bluey thing). OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Quickly but quietly go up the steps again before the light regains consciousness. Disable yet another light at the top of the steps, and go through the door. Laboratory & Laboratory Corridors ********************************* Objective(s): Retrieve Weapon Schematics (opportunity NSA) Follow the hallway to the end and walk though the door. This will initiate a cutscene featuring Emile Dufraisne. You will be seeing a lot more of him later on. After it's finished, stay in the darkness and, using your EEV, hack into the PC on the other side of the bulletproof glass at the end of the room (the one closest to you) to retrieve the weapon schematics. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE You can also access the other PCs in the lab for some (slightly humorous) e-mails. When you've collected all the data, move on through the next hall, being careful of the camera halfway through. Turbine Room & Pump Corridors ***************************** The door at the end leads back into an upper section of the turbine room. Sneak ahead (the generators provide enough noise for cover) and OCP the light above the stationary guard's head. Next, drop down and hang on the railing to your right. Shimmy all the way round to the other side and climb back up. OCP the light (again!) next to the door, and quickly pick the lock before that evil light returns! This next room is tricky. Disable the lasers and the light around the corner. Open the trapdoor on the floor. Easy part done. Wait until a guard comes past, turns round and heads back out of sight again. Now's your chance to slip through the gap between the stairs and the wall. The first guy in here is relatively easy to knock out - just cruise up behind him and give him a headache. The second however takes a little more work. It also doesn't help that this corridor is surprisingly bright. Use your own method to take out that second guy (split jumps work well here, but I prefer sticky shockers) and move on. Two more lasers await you in the next hall (you can duck under the third), before you stumble across the generator room. Generator Room & Foundry Access ******************************* Objective(s): Plant explosive charges 2/4 (opportunity NSA) Use the OCP on the light in here to get the two guards investigating. Grab the fat guy at the back, knock him out and hide his body, before the other guy sees what's happening. Repeat the whole process for the other guard. Go up the mini steps and ascend the ladder on your left. Run to the end of the catwalks, place the charge and flick the door switch. Climb down the ladder and press on. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Beware the camera as you charge down the stairs, and enter the next area. Head left and, using the cover of the big thing in the middle, OCP the light next to the door on the right. Where do you think you're going next? Yep! Through the door. Squeeze through the maze of pipes until you come to a room with water and yep, ANOTHER fat electrician. Climb the pipe on the right and slide down it at the end. Drop down, wade through the water, and grab the mechanic when you're on dry land (if you grab him in the water, you'll drown him). Conk him, and move on, tuning right after you leave. Ignore the room on the left, and press Sam's back against the window to prevent being seen by the people inside (sounds stupid doesn't it, but it works!) One more camera lies in wait around the next corner before you come across the foundry. Foundry & Comms Room ******************** Objective(s): Plant explosive charges 3/4 (opportunity NSA) Acquire Buyers List (primary NSA) Climb up the fence to your right and onto the box thing in the corner. Use the pipes and ladders to climb to the top of the room, and then wait for the bridge to slide into place. Board it and wait until it takes you to the other side. Head left until you come to a ventilation grid over a small control room. There are several methods to infiltrate this room: 1. The doors on both sides 2. Hang from the roof and drop down to the ledge. Pull yourself up. 3. You can even try to shoot a sticky camera through the vent. It's up to you. Once you're in, work out a way to take down the two men. I pick the lock on the left door to get in. Next, I grab the first guy and pull him out of the room before snuffing him, so that the second bloke doesn't see him. After that, I just have to take out the other guy. Anyways, once they're down, plant a charge on the next COC (computer in a cage!) OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Head out via the right hand door if you are facing the COC. Slide down the ladder on the right and press the door switch at the bottom. While you are heading up the stairs, beware another camera, and head into the machine shop. Don't go downstairs yet - enter the door on the upper catwalk - off to the right. Disable the lasers one by one. Also knock out the camera at the end of the hall. In the next room, grab the guard on the chair and put him to sleep. Access the computer to acquire the buyers list and a garage door code. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Loading Docks & Warehouse ************************* Objective(s): Plant explosive charges 4/4 (opportunity NSA) Extract (primary NSA) Lambert will chime in and tell you that something has happened to your daughter. He immediately pulls the plug on the mission. You have to get out. Head back out the way you came (remember the camera above the door) until you arrive in the machine shop. This time, go down the stairs and OCP the light at the bottom. Quickly plant the final charge on the PC, and enter the garage door code you received from the Comms Room. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Move on into the loading docks. Jump up and over the stacks of cylindrical things and OCP the light. As you proceed to the warehouse, sneak to the right of the fork-lift and OCP a second light. Make your way between the crates and OCP a third and final light on the right hand side of the room. Open the door on the right and head to the end of the hall. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETED That was a looong mission. But, they're about to get a whole lot longer yet! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 2 - Ellsworth Penitentiary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Get the Walkie-Talkie JBA - Find an Adrenaline Syringe JBA - Break out of prison with Jamie Washington NSA - Regroup with Jamie Washington JBA - Release the lock to the gas chamber JBA Opposing: - Help Jamie kill Barnham JBA - Do not let Barnham die NSA Opportunity: - Retrieve hidden information disk NSA - Alter death records JBA Prison Pipes and Guard Booth **************************** Objective(s): Get the walkie-talkie (primary JBA) First things first. You have no equipment for this mission. If you don't kill Barnham later, you don't even get a gun. The only thing you have is a lockpick. talk about high-tech! Right, turn around and enter the crawlspace under the bed. When you emerge, jump up onto the ledge in front of you to meet your way into the JBA - Jamie Washington. After your conversation is finished, let him boost you over the pipes. Climb the ladder in front of you and open the trapdoor at the top. Notice the yellow pipe behind you. Climb it and proceed through to the next area. Squeeze through the narrow gaps and jump over the yellow pipes at the end. Don't forget to hold B to soften your landing. Next, you need to pick the trap, so do it and then drop down. Quickly pick up the walkie talkie on the desk in this room, and hot foot it back through the trapdoor before the guard sees you. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE You now have 1:45 to get back to your cell. Easy enough. Jump up to the first pipe, and then just keep pressing UP to climb up the set of pipes. Once you're at the top, squeeze through the gaps again and traverse the yellow pipe. Now, you need to hang off the edge of the catwalk you're on. Wait until the guard passes underneath you and let go. Oof! That'll hurt in the morning! Drop down the ledge and back through the crawlspace to end up back in your cell. Courtyard & Infirmary ********************* Objective(s): Help Jamie kill Barnham OR Do not let Barnham die (opposing) Find an adrenaline syringe (primary JBA) A prison officer will arrive and tell you that you have a visitor. Fisher will follow him before meeting his visitor, Lambert. He will explain a few useful things about this level, so listen to him. When you're done, turn around, exit the room and go through the only open door. Just follow the corridors until you come to the courtyard (don't worry about the cameras). Fisher will then grab Barnham. You choose whether to let him live, or kill him. The choice is all yours. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE When you rejoin Fisher, you'll find he's wound up in another cell (arrested in jail?!). Another officer will come in and Jamie will snap his neck. If you killed Barnham you get the gun, if you didn't you get a... lockpick! YES! Anyway, once you're free (pick the cell door) you can then pick up the adrenaline syringe on the table. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Exit the infirmary and approach the wall on the left. 'Invite dynamic hoist' to get pulled up, and be on your way. The next part is tricky, especially when Jamie keeps standing in the light! You need to hang off the ledge until the patrolling guard (he moves up and down the cells)turns his back. Then drop down, conk the stationary guard, sneak up to the back of the patrolling guard and take him out aswell, all before he he turns round. This prevents either you or Jamie being seen. Boost Jamie up above the cells and he will open a door for you. Enter the cell, nearest the entrance, and climb the well disguised stairs to the top. Follow the walkway to the end, and drop off to the right. Walk through the gate in front of you. Cafeteria & Beyond ****************** Stay in the darkness to the left. You will then see a prison guard threatening to shoot a criminal. Cruise up behind him and whack him before he shoots the other guy. Head to the right of the criminal and follow the path around. When a fire blocks your path, pick the lock on the door to the left to enter the cafe. Figure a way to down the two men in here without any of them seeing you, or each other's body (knocked out body, of course!) When they're both asleep, jump up on one of the tables on the right of the room. From there, jump up onto the upper railings, and pull yourself up onto the upper floor. Find the crawlspace up there and enter it. At the other end, take care of the enemy, and then access the PC to release the gate locks so that Jamie can get through, and for the code to the door. Jamie will run off, so follow him through the halls and enter the left door. Cell Blocks & Warehouse *********************** Enter the next block of cells and, when the patrolling guard isn't looking, sneak up the stairs to your left, all the way to the top. Next, look for a pipe on the ceiling and use it to traverse the gap across to the second floor on the other side. Again when the guards aren't looking, enter the illuminated crawlspace on the wall to your right. At the end of it all, you'll arrive at a workshop. DO NOT pick up the carving knife when you drop down from the crawlspace. Sure, you can stab people, but it's metal and there are metal detectors at either exit to this room. ** However, according to Kevin Teo you can get around the metal detectors, by way of a pipe right next to them that leads over the top, so I guess you can pick up the knife** The exit on the right just leads to an office with a PC but nothing important. We'll ignore that. Wait until both guards patrol to the right and quickly tiptoe left and then right when you can. Try to avoid the light as much as possible. Head through the metal detector (here's where resisting the knife pays off) and proceed into another hallway. Enter the first door on the left and squeeze through yet another crawlspace on the left wall. This will lead you to the gas chambers. Gas Chamber & the Morgue ************************ Objective(s): Release the lock to the gas chamber (primary JBA) Regroup with Jamie Washington (primary JBA) Retrieve hidden information disk (opportunity NSA) Wait for the two guards to finish their conversation and one of them will position himself in front of you. Exit the vent and go give him a sore head. Press the switch next to where he was standing to open the gas chamber. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Make your way between the seats and enter the door to the left. Descend the stairs and bash open the door at the bottom to knock out the poor bloke on the other side. Walk over to the gas chamber and open it to free Jamie (it's a pity this is a primary objective. I can't stand him!) OBJECTIVE COMPLETE There's another door further up ahead so go open it to be released upon yet more corridors. There is a patrolling guard around here so make sure you take him out before he sees you. Anyway, head straight, through death row, and into the morgue. The disk is in one of the open lockers on the far side of the room. Take it. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Turn around and make your way back through the passage all the way to the end (ignore the door you used to enter the passage, just keep going) and go up the stairs to the top. Give Jamie a boost over the gate and he will open it for you. The door at the end leads into the chapel. Chapel & Extraction ******************* Objective(s): Alter death records (opportunity JBA) Escape prison with Jamie Washington (primary NSA) There are two guards in the chapel, one patrolling the ground floor and one patrolling the upper floor. Take them out using your own method, and then enter the room off the ground floor. Access the computer to alter the death records. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Next, ascend the stairs in the main chapel and turn right at the top. Look for a pipe on the left wall, and use it to cross the gap to the other side. Once you're there, detach the rope. Jump down and climb up the rope that you just detached to emerge on the roof. Take out the lone guard up here before picking the lock on the door. Head down and open the first door you see to rejoin Jamie. With him in toe, head all the way to the bottom of the stairs and go outside to the parking lot. There is a gaping hole in the wall on the left. Hoist each other up and then drop down the other side to complete the mission. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE That was a toughie because of the lack of equipment. Don't rest yet though... 7 more missions to go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 3 - JBA Headquarters Part 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Adjust 4 fuse boxes NSA - Access the JBA's Central Server NSA Opposing: - Send info about Cole Yeagher to Lambert NSA - Send info about Cole Yeagher to Emile JBA Opportunity: - Scan Enrica's Fingerprints NSA - Plant false information on Moss' PC JBA Alley & Loading Bay ******************* Objective(s): Adjust 4 fuse boxes 1/4 (primary NSA) Adjust 4 fuse boxes 2/4 (primary NSA) Plant false info on Moss' PC (opportunity JBA) Enter the door at the far left end of the alley. Adjust the first fusebox in here. That was easy enough. The rest aren't though. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Open the next door to be faced with a brightly lit hall and a camera. OCP both the camera and the light and follow the hall to the end. Once you open the next door, hide in the darkness and wait for the two guards to finish talking. One will then walk off. Follow him into the loading bay. OCP the light ahead of you an then head off to the right. OCP another light that is illuminating the steps leading up to the office. Make your way to the office but beware that annoying camera at the top of the stairs. Once in the office, quickly adjust the fusebox before anybody sees you. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Hack the PC in here (sometimes it's best to wait in the darkness and use the EEVs) to plant the false info. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Make your way down to the ground floor again and towards a second door at the far end of the loading bay. There is another camera above it. Warehouse & Roof **************** Objective(s): Adjust Fuse Box 3/4 (primary NSA) Adjust Fuse Box 4/4 (primary NSA) Start off by rounding the corner and disabling the camera. Walk through into the light and enter the door on the left. There's a steel pylon to the left of the door. Climb it and then transfer onto a horizontal pipe to reach the upper level. Wait until no enemies are eyeing you up and then go and adjust the fuse box. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Drop back down onto the ground floor (in front of the entrance). Another bloody camera is searching above a stack of crates in front of you. You know what to do. Climb over those crates, and then use that OCP again (damn handy isn't it!) on the next light. While the guard investigates, climb the boxes on the left and enter a large vent at the top. This leads to the roof. **According to 'M', there is an alternate route to the one just mentioned. Instead of dropping down, climb back onto the steel pylon to the left of the door. At the top, shimmy right to cling onto a horizontal beam. Follow it to the end. Now, drop off whilst holding the control stick right. You should cling onto a shelf. Climb up and walk across the shelf to emerge at the vent. It doesn't save any time, but it eliminates the threat from the camera and the guard.** After you exit a second crawlspace, look around to see a light and yep... a camera! Disable them both and climb up the steps to the roof. The fusebox is in plain sight and the darkness gives you cover from the sole guard up here. Adjust it for Lambert. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Head into the door on the far side of the roof to access the next area. Server & Quarters ***************** Objective(s): Access JBA central server (primary NSA) Send info about Cole Yeagher to Emile OR Lambert (opposing) Scan Enrica's fingerprints (opportunity NSA) Return to public area (primary NSA) Round the corner and disable a camera. Knock out the guard that patrols this corridor and hide him somewhere where the camera will not see him. Next you need to enter the server room (with all the computers in it - it has glass windows). OCP both lasers and then access the server. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Hack that same PC to find the info about Yeagher. Send it to Emile or Lambert. Up to you. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Exit the server room and continue down the hall. Enter the last room (it has 'Enrica' scratched on the door. Bust out the fingerprint scanner and locate the set of prints next to the second bed (they show up in the UV light). Scan them. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE You can access the PC if you want to read a couple of e-mails, one of which is about you. Exit the room and go through the door at the end of the hall. Head down the ramp, using the OCP on the infrared cameras along the way. Once at the bottom, enter the door to find yourself in the room prior to the loading bay. You should now be able to return to the beginning of the level with relative ease. Once your reach there, you've completed your 3rd mission. Congrats! ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE I hope you remember the layout of that place because you'll be coming back in a while. Until then, it's so long New Orleans! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 4 - Money Train ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Get the vault's access code JBA - Get to the front of the train JBA - Disconnect train's communications JBA Opposing: - Leave the station chief alive NSA - Kill the station chief JBA Opportunity: - Isolate rear carriages NSA Abandoned Tunnel & Electrical Rooms *********************************** You gotta make a decision about this level. If you kill the civilians, you will gain trust from the JBA. But, if you just knock them out, you'll get favour from the NSA. Again, it's all your choice. 'Initiate Dynamic Hoist' to pull both of you up the ledge on the right (surely Sam should pull Enrica up, not the other way round? Never mind). Emile will chime in twice about your equipment (don't ask why it's twice) and then you can carry on. Enter the door in here, and keep following the tunnel to be faced with a fan and some orange netting on the right. Boost Enrica over the netting and she will stop the fan rotating so that you can continue. Enter the crawlspace under the fan. When you emerge, wait in the darkness for an engineer to arrive, checking the electrics. I just ignored all guards completely on this level, and my trust was not affected. Anyway, either kill him, let him live, or ignore him altogether, and move on. There is another patrolling guard in the next area. Follow him when his back's turned to emerge in the Restored Room. Tiptoe right, behind the welder (be careful as he gives off a bright light if you're too slow), and enter the next door. Maintenance & Sewers ******************** Descend the stairs to the bottom, behind the station guard. OCP the light at at the bottom and open the trapdoor on the left of the room. Jump down when the guard starts talking to another guy. Walk quickly through the vent (enemies can still see you through the grid above). Turn right at the intersection and head towards what looks like a dead end. But, if you jump up, you'll find yourself in another maintenance room. Work your way around the front of the train, taking out the lights along the way (the back way is blocked). Unlock the door on the left with the knife or a lockpick. Squeeze through the crates and proceed to the sewers. Nice! Rappel on the wall off to the left. At the bottom, turn around and enter the crawlspace. When you emerge, climb up the vertical pipe and squeeze through the crack in the wall. Enrica will then tell you that she has buggered the cameras up for you. What a woman! Better than Jamie bloody Washington! Enter the crawlspace on the right, which leads through to the monitor room. Surveillance Rooms ****************** Objectives(s): Get the vault access Code (primary JBA) Leave the station chief alive OR kill him (opposing) Once the two guards finish talking, one will leave the room. Exit the crawlspace and conk the remaining guard. In the next room, open the door but hide in the doorway. OCP the light and then keep to the darkness as you make your way to the corridor off to the right. Quickly press your back against the dark far wall to avoid being seen by the guard that emerges from the station chief’s room. Once he comes out, either let him go and hack the card reader next to the door, or knock him out and use his keycard on the door. Your choice. Once you break into the station chief’s room, find a way to grab him (the room is surprisingly bright so be careful he doesn't see you. Interrogate him twice to receive the vault access code, and then either kill him or knock him out, depending on who you want to gain trust for. OBJECTIVES COMPLETE You also need to access the PC in this room to get the door code for the exit to this room (there's also a copy of the vault access code on there, in case you missed it). Open the vault-like door using the code that you just pulled from the computer. Train Station & Platform ************************ Peek around the entrance to the next room to see two more guards having a chat. Wait until one walks off and the other is leaning against a metal cage. Quietly sneak into the cage behind him and enter a crawlspace (using the darkness obviously). At the other end, access the PC for another e-mail and head up the stairs (there may be a guard at the top, so neutralise him). Open the door at the top and use the right hand side of this circular room to make your way round to the other side. Head down the steps at the other end. At the bottom, head left and, using the darkness, board the back of the train. Back of Train ************* Objective(s): Isolate rear carriages (opportunity NSA) A train section. Great! OCP the first light in front of you and then shoot an airfoil round at the next guy's head to knock him out in a hurry. Move onto the next car. In here, Enrica will call and tell you some info about this section. The next challenge is to disconnect the train's communications, and you only have eight minutes to do it. It's going to be tight! Get a move on! Grab the first guy when he has his back to you, then drag him out of view of the camera before putting him to sleep. Airfoil the guard sitting down and move on. The next carriage poses a different threat. Not guards, lasers. You can squeeze under the first one without touching it, but you'll have to OCP the one blocking the door. Soon after, there are 3 more that you can squeeze under, and then a grid of them. You only need to disable the bottom one, as there is a crawlspace underneath the pile of gold bullions. Take it to the other side. Before you enter the next car, detach the rear carriages. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Front of Train ************** Objective(s): Disconnect communications system (primary JBA) Get to the front of the train (primary JBA) There is no conventional way through the next car, so you're going to have to climb to the top and do it that way. (Pandora Tomorrow, anyone?) Towards the end, two guards will climb up too, so watch out for them. Drop down just to climb back up again. Another idiot will climb up, but this time he will climb up much sooner. Drop off the side of the train (trust me!) and Sam will grab onto a rail. You can then make your way up the train without being seen. There is one more rooftop to traverse after this one. Once you've done that, you'll notice that the door in front is locked. Turn around, though, and you can go through. The comms system is in here. But first you have to get to it. Disable the tripwire in front of the gold bullions and then sneak through the crawlspace. When the guards stop talking, grab the guy of you and dispose of him. You can then OCP the light further ahead. You need to do it twice to distract the guard and get them up off their backsides. Then, find a way to take both of them out and disconnect the communications by bypassing the circuit on the little grey box at the end of the carriage. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Exit, and approach the now unlocked door. I found that the best way to get rid of the two men in here was to distract them, then OCP the farthest light and press my back against the right wall. I then grabbed the guy at the back, quickly knocked him out and shot an airfoil at the remaining enemy. It's tough, and you have to do it quick, but I found it to be the only way. When you're done, enter the driver's cabin. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Great mission that wasn't it? Especially the train section. Anyway, 2 boat levels await you. Yep, that's right, 2. In a row. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 5 - Cozumel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Help Enrica install Comm Relay JBA - Help Enrica reach the Comm Room JBA - Retrieve Bomb JBA - Deliver bomb and help Enrica reach fuel tank JBA - Extract via the service boat JBA Opposing: - Disable Enrica's cell phone NSA - Protect Enrica's cell phone JBA Opportunity: - Obtain Passenger Manifest NSA - Disable Ship's Engines NSA - Delete camera records NSA Corridors & Music Lounge ************************ Objective(s): Obtain Passenger Manifest (opportunity NSA) Slide open the glass door on the right and head into one of the many cabins on this cruise ships. Exit via the other door. Take your first right and OCP the light on the wall. Turn right. Do not open the next door yet. Wait until the guard makes his way towards the door and then bash it open to knock him out. Hide the body, and OCP the camera in the room beyond the door. Enter the double doors soon after (on the right) and follow the hallway to the end. Past another set of double doors are a patrolling and a sleeping guard. Turn left and, from the darkness, use your EEV to hack the laptop in front of the sleeping guy. Once it's hacked you'll receive the passenger manifest. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Once the patrolling guard walks away, carry on past the bar and the piano before approaching the sliding doors and heading out to the pool. Pool & Comm Tower ***************** Objective(s): Help Enrica install Comm Relay (primary JBA) Help Enrica reach the Comm Room (primary JBA) Sneak around the side of the swimming pool, using the trusty OCP on the lights along the way. Enter the doors at the other end, but wait for them to close before entering the light, else the pool guards will spot you. I recommend using the right hand stairway. Make your way to the top and OCP the two lights that need it. Sneak through to the Comm Tower. Get to the other side of the big white structure and use the ladder to climb it. Enrica is waiting for you at the top. 'Init. climb shoulder' to help her plant the relay. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE She will then run off. Follow her back down the ladder and into the room at the bottom. Boost her over the fence and she'll be on her way. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Next stop - the music lounge. Yep. You need to head all the way back there. Hey, think yourself lucky. First time I did it, I went all the way back to the music lounge, then realised I had not boosted Enrica over the fence, so I had to go there and back AGAIN! What a pain in the arse! You there yet? Good. Go through a door on the right and follow the stairs down to the second floor. Exit through the door, and traverse the deck to yet more doors on the other side. Enrica will then tell you that the elevator works and also give you the passcode for the elevator doors. Now that's what you call a team-mate! Enter the doorcode and drop down on to the top of the lift. Open the trap and use the buttons. Engine Room *********** Objective(s): Disable Ship's Engines (opportunity NSA) Press your back against the wall to avoid being seen by the guard who will round the corner any second now. When he's gone, head left and O... no, you know what to do with the lights, so I’m going to stop mentioning the OCP from now on. I bet you're glad of that! There is another guard in here, just sos you know. At the end of the corridor, the engine room will greet you. Swing yourself over the railing in front of you, and then drop down to the ground floor. The switch to shut down the engines is on the front row of equipment, on the far right side. Disable them. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE To exit the room, head to the right hand side of the room (if you are facing the stairs) and open the gate. Move on through the door into the lower corridors. Boat Dock ********* Objective(s): Retrieve the bomb (primary JBA) Delete camera records (opportunity NSA) Follow the lower corridors until Lambert chimes in. Stop. Dispose of the guard on the right and proceed. Once you emerge in the boat dock, note the little boat docked (in a boat dock? How shocking!) in the corner. That's your next target. Make your way over there now. Once you board, pick the trap, open it and pick up the object inside. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Grab the rope that's dangling down from the roof onto the boat. Haul yourself up to the upper floors and head over to the door on the far side. Hack the PC to delete the camera records. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Make your way all the way back to the engine room. Engine room & fuel tank *********************** Objective(s): Deliver the bomb and help Enrica over the pipes (primary JBA) Disable Enrica's cell phone OR protect it (opposing) Extract via service boat (primary JBA) Once back in the engine room, you need to find a crawlspace. It's on the other side of the room, halfway between the front of the room and the gate. Enter it when you've found it. Enrica will meet you at the end. Give the bomb to her and then give her a boost over the pipes. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Enrica will then realise that she's dropped her phone. This is your one chance to save thousands of lives, and it also sways your trust big time. Either disable the detonator or let it blow. Big choice. It's yours to make. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Trail all the way back to the service boat in the boat dock. That's your extraction point. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE One down, one to go. If you saved the cruise ship you get to see a bonus cutscene of Sam and Enrica being tortured. What a lovely bonus! Anyway, start preparing for the longest level in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 6- Okhotsk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Disable mercenary communications (5 places) JBA - Neutralise all mercenaries JBA - Board the Tanker and neutralise the captain JBA - Defuse the bombs JBA - Secure the bridge JBA Opposing: None Opportunity: - Find Encryption Key NSA - Defuse bombs in ice JBA - Identify ship's cargo NSA - Install tracker in radar room NSA Hills & Camp A ************** objective(s): Neutralise all mercs in hills (primary JBA) Neutralise all mercs in camp A (primary JBA) Disable mercenary communications 1/5 (primary JBA) The snow is quite a loud surface to walk on, so be wary. Right, at the start, wait for the merc to turn around, cruise up to him and dispose of him (this is another mission where your trust is affected by whether you kill the enemies, or just knock them out, but this time you cannot just avoid them). Follow the snowy path, and after you round the corner, look for a ledge on the right that you can climb up. You can use it to traverse the passage without being seen by the guys below and, when the time is right, you can fall on top of one of the mercs to knock him out! Take down the other merc that you left standing before and you've neutralised all mercs in the area. Brill job! OBJECTIVE COMPLETE If you follow the path to the end, you'll notice a crawlspace in the ice. Take it to emerge above camp A. A guard patrols the shelf up here. He will shine his light in the crawlspace and see you, so don't think you're safe there. Wait behind the ice sheet, and then when he walks past, grab him. Off to the right is a spot where you can rappel on the wall. Rappel all the way to the bottom (don't 'jump in' as it will lead you to a completely different area). The final two mercs in the area are down here. Deal with them. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Enter the tent in camp A to find a PC on the right. Access it to disable their communications. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Head down the path on the left as you exit the tent, but be careful of the wall mine here. Approach it slowly and then disable it only when the flashing light is green, else it will detonate. Winding Path & Grotto ********************* Objective(s): Neutralise all mercs in the winding path (primary JBA) Disable mercenary communications 2/5 (primary JBA) Neutralise all mercs in grotto (primary JBA) Disable mercenary communications 3/5 (primary JBA) Straight ahead are two laser beams, which, if triggered, will alert that turret and you will be dead within seconds. Best not to touch it then! A merc will also patrol past the laser beams, so use the OCP on the lasers, and then take down the merc. The second merc and the communications PC both lie over to the right. Go and complete your objectives. OBJECTIVES COMPLETE The path to take to get out of here is just to the right of the PC (it looks like a dead end, but you can go left). You will be greeted with yet more lasers and a stationary gun turret. Same rule applies. Touch the lasers and activate the turret. Sneak on by. The lights in the grotto area are controlled by generators. There's one on the left when you emerge. Either switch it (it's quicker, quieter, but not permanent) or pierce it. There are 4 mercs in the grotto that need neutralising. Just follow the wooden bridges and you'll see all four. Put them all to sleep. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The comms PC is about halfway through the grotto, on the left. Access it. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The way out is yet another crawlspace, located down a passage to the left, just before you reach the comms PC. The crawlspace leads to camp B. Camp B ****** Objective(s): Neutralise all mercenaries in camp B (primary JBA) Disable mercenary communications 4/5 (primary JBA) Locate encryption key (opportunity NSA) The first enemy in camp B will be in front of you once you jump down from the crawlspace. Conk him and move into the gap between the two tents. Two guards will meet here and go off in opposite directions. Follow one and knock him out in the darkness, before going after the other one. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The radar system is in the second tent. Access the PC to disable it. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The encryption key is on a piece of paper which is located on a table in the third tent. Pick it up to complete the objective. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The exit lies behind the truck to the left of the third tent. Follow the path to visit the ice fields. Starboard & Port Ice fields *************************** Objective(s): Neutralise all mercs in the starboard ice field (primary JBA) Defuse bombs in the ice 1/2 (opportunity JBA) Neutralise all mercs in the port ice field (primary JBA) Defuse bombs in the ice 2/2 (opportunity JBA) Disable mercenary communications 5/5 (primary JBA) The three mercs in the starboard ice field can be seen clearly and are easy to take out without alerting anybody else. I'm sure you can manage without me telling you what to do. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The detonator for the bomb in the ice is at the far end (it looks like a dynamite plunger). Bypass the circuit to complete the objective. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The crawlspace out (well, it wouldn't be anything else would it?) is just to the right of the entrance. It leads to the port ice field. Jump up from the crawlspace to see a guard patrolling to the left of you. Wait where you are, and when he turns his back to you, deal with him. The other two merc in this area are near the truck at the far end. Each patrols a different side, so go after one, hide his body, and then take care of the other one. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The bomb detonator is behind the truck. Again, you need to bypass the circuit. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The final objective for this area is in front of the truck. It's the comms PC again. Hack the communications to finish the objective. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Thought it was over did you? No. You're only halfway there! Crawl back to the starboard ice field and look for a dangling rope (it's to the left of the detonator, on top of some crates). Climb up it to board the tanker. Yep. It's another ship. 3rd Floor Stern Deck & Quarters ******************************* Objective(s): Board the tanker and neutralise the captain Note. At some points during the level, if guards see you they will shoot LTLs at you, and you will be captured. You end up in the hold area, so if you want you can make your way back to where you were captured. Or, you can just retry, which is quicker and easier. See the guy to the right? Conk him when he's not looking. Simple as. Next, go left. Two men patrol this area. One will come and stand near the barrels that are near your position, so knock him out when he does that. The second bloke patrols the corridor near the stairs off to the right. Again, when he turns away take him down. Ignore the stairs and head through the door above them. Follow the quarters round until you come to a long corridor, with an opening on the right. You need to get into the opening, but first a patrolling guard will emerge. I find it best to avoid him, because there aren't any places to hide his body. Pass through the opening, turn left and follow it all the way round until 'talk to' appears in the interaction window (no, Sam won't talk to the door, he's not that mentally confused!). OBJECTIVE CANCELLED The Four Bombs ************** Objective(s): Defuse the bombs This part is timed. You have 10 minutes to get to the engine room, neutralise all the guards, find and defuse all 4 bombs. Let's get going! First, you need to get to the engine room. I discovered a handy trick that saves about 3 minutes. Head back to that long corridor with the guard patrolling. Straight across from the entrance is a crawlspace. When the enemy isn't looking, enter it. It leads to the engine room. Just like that. Now, onto the guards. There's a camera above you right now, so disable it and head down the catwalk. Do not defuse the bombs yet, as soon as the first one is defused, the captain will reset the timer to 3 minutes, and we don't need that. Make your way to the middle of all the engines. A guard will patrol from the camera on the far wall to the middle of the room and then back again. Wait until he reaches the middle and take him down (the camera can't see you in the middle). *** An extremely helpful tip from Shawn St. John informed me that there is a valve on the front right engine if you are standing in the middle of the room. If you turn it, it blinds the extremely annoying camera in this room permanantly, so it won't be able to spot any bodies. Thanks again to Shawn St. John. *** The next is under the catwalk that you entered the room on, so dispatch him. The final guard in this area (why do they always come in threes?) is on the catwalk on the other side of the room. Sticky shocker or airfoil him (beware the camera up there!). Now you can move on to the bombs. For info on how to defuse the bombs, check the 'gameplay mechanics' section. The first bomb is located on a pipe next to the catwalk you used to enter the room. You should have seen it on the way in. The second and third are on either side of the engine in the bottom right corner of the room (if you have just entered). The camera will not see you, so don't worry. The final bomb is near the conventional entrance to the room, up on the catwalk on the other side of the room. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The Hold & 3rd Floor Stern Deck ******************************* Objective(s): Identify ship's cargo (opportunity NSA) Exit the engine room via the conventional door on the upper levels. Head left, all the way round until you reach some stairs. Just before the stairs, however, there is a crawlspace on the right. It leads to the upper level of the hold. Your objective is in the room on the right, so shoot the light and pick the lock on the door. Walk up to the crate and 'examine cargo'. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Note. This room is also where you will end up if captured. The next thing you need to do is make your way back through the crawlspace and up those stairs. At the top of the second flight, however, is yet another mercenary. Coax him down the stairs and sticky shocker him at the bottom. Before you head up, OCP (sorry, I mentioned it again!) the light at the top. At the top jump up to a horizontal pipe. Bring your legs up, shimmy across and drop down behind the second guard. Knock them both out from behind. Make your way around to the other side of the deck. This time, you're heading up the stairs. 4th Floor & Bridge ****************** Objective(s): Install tracker in radar room (opportunity NSA) Secure the bridge (primary JBA) About halfway up the third flight of steps, turn around and look for a ledge. Jump up, and sneak behind the turret. This way you can deactivate it without being injured, or alerting any pesky guards! Move through the door in the light. Much like the lower floors, follow the corridors round until you come to a long corridor with an opening on the right. Like the lower floors, there is also a guard patrolling this corridor, so avoid him and move through the opening. This is the radar room. There are two techies in here. One sat over a computer screen and one on the other side of the big piece of machinery in the middle of the room. Take out the guard over the PC first, before dealing with the other guy. To complete the objective, bypass the circuit on the box that the second bloke was examining. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Head back the way you just came, past the turret, to emerge outside again. Watch out for the wallmine and the merc out here, and make your way to the ladder. Climb up and wait for the guard to head past your position, to the right. Quickly whip out the OCP and use it on the turret round the left corner, before dashing quietly past and round the corner. Wait for the patrolling guard to near your position, then conk him. Use the OCP on the turret and sneak carefully past the wallmines. Enter the door on the left and enter the next door. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Finally it's all over! What a mission! It took me over an hour first time and over 45 mins second time! No more boats either! Hallelujah! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 7 - Kinshasa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Confirm intentions of other two groups JBA - Meet with Emile in room 901 JBA - Find your equipment in main elevator JBA - Clear extraction area of all hostiles & AA gun JBA - Extract from hotel JBA Opposing: -Save Hisham NSA -Kill Hisham JBA Opportunity: - Find additional info about Massoud NSA - Find additional info about Takfir NSA - Dispose of Hisham's body JBA Car Park & Maintenance Access ****************************** Another bugger of a mission because you have no equipment. Again! You start off in a car park. Wait for the headlights to stop flashing and make your way towards the door on the left at the far end of the car park. Pick up any object in this area and chuck it at the light to bust it. You can now head through the door. Before you continue, pick up another object in the storage room off to the right. Exit the storage room and continue to follow the corridor. Slowly round the corner. Throw your object at the only working light in this room. Proceed before the guards spot you with their flashlights. Around the next corner is a sleeping guard. (sleeping on the job. tsk tsk) Sneak quietly past him, squeeze through the gap ahead, and 'call the elevator'. The button to go up is at the far back. Press it. 9th Floor ********* When the elevator jars to a halt, jump onto the crate at the back, and then onto the top of the lift. There is a crawlspace on the wall to the left. Take it. Another maintenance room awaits. Note. in this part of the hotel, the lights will periodically flash on and off, as a result of a civil war in the country. Use the brief darkness well, as it's all the cover you'll get without your OCP. The door out of here is on the other side so, when the light flickers off, exit the room. There are three guards patrolling the 9th floor, one in the hall to the left of your current position. Take care of him first. Cut across the lounge-type area, and head right to see another guard. There is a camera above the lifts, so be extremely cautious when you decide to go after him, and hide his body where it can't be spotted. There is still one more fellow in this area that's asleep (another one! Takfir must be a really boring man, if his guards fall asleep this often!) but will waken later. Enter room 903, approach the lazy git on the bed and give him a longer nap by just pressing the left trigger while next to him. Sam will knee him where it hurts. Oof! That'll hurt when he pees! Exit the room and move on to 9th floor East. A solitary enemy patrols this corridor, but it has a camera at the top. It's best just to wait until he walks down to the bottom end, and then conk him. The suite where Takfir resides is on the right. You need a card to get in, but it is on the tenth floor (thanks to Paul Strein), so you'll just have to hack it for now. Takfir's Suite ************** Objective(s): Find additional info about Takfir (opportunity NSA) Confirm intentions of other two groups 1/2 (primary JBA) Dispose of the bloke on the ground floor first and hide his body in permanent darkness. Next, you need to hack the computer in the kitchen area, but there's no EEV, so either chuck an object at the light, or follow the below process first. The PC contains the information about Takfir. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE After that, head upstairs and grab, not knock out, grab the guy up here. Bring him over to the retinal scanner in Takfir's (very plush!) bedroom and force him to use it. Now you can knock him out and copy those plans while you're at it. They seem quite important, being behind a retinal locked safe and all. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Now you can hack the computer in safety if you didn't do it before. Exit via the double doors on the second floor. 10th Floor ********** The 10th floor is more or less exactly the same layout as the one below it, although the guards are in different places. The first one isn't though, he's patrolling the corridor in front of you, with a camera on the right. Take him down when the time is right. Moving into 10th floor north, enter the first room on your left - room 1001. A guard resides in this room. You know what to do. Head through into the adjoining room and pick up the keycard on the table. This is the pass card for the 10th floor. Exit via the door in here. One more guard patrols this floor. Take him out. Massoud's suite lies where the service elevator that you used was, albeit on the 10th floor. Enter using the keycard you picked up from the table earlier. Massoud's Suite *************** Objective(s): Find additional info about Massoud (opportunity NSA) Confirm intentions of other two groups 2/2 (primary JBA) First of all, you need to access the PC in the kitchen area to pick up the info on Massoud. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Quickly head over to the bathroom, close the door, and use the optic cable to see what's going on outside. Two guards will meet and then walk off. When they both are not looking, sneak into the bedroom (the door on the left). Close the door behind you, so that nobody sees you and you can sift through all of Massoud's private documents and what he has in his bedroom (well, you can search the filing cabinet). Searching the cabinet will complete the objective. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Again, use the optic cable on the door to see where the guards are, and when the time is right, sneak out of the suite. Room 901 ******** Objective(s): Meet with Emile in room 901 (primary JBA) Find your equipment in main elevator (primary JBA) Turn right once out of the suite and descend the stairs here. They lead back down to the beginning of the 9th floor. Sprint all the way back to Takfir's suite (there should be no enemies around anymore, presuming you gave them all a whack). Now, you need to wait until the lights flicker off, as this also will disable the cameras for a short while. Run all the way to the end of the hall preceding the suite and turn left at the end. 'Knock on Emile's door,' and, presuming there's nobody following you, Emile will let you in (if someone is following you, go get rid of him). OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Sam will be ordered to kill Hisham Hamza, the 'team-mate' from the first level. It's another opposing objective, so you'll have another choice to make. First, however, you need to find him. Exit the room, and head back 9th floor north. The elevators should be on the right. Again, wait until it goes dark until you head in (there's a camera above the lifts). Pick up your equipment and you will also be taken down to the lobby without pressing a button (magic, isn't it!). OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Lobby & Kitchen *************** Head left or right around the wall, and descend the stairs to the bottom. There will be three soldiers down here, all shooting at some invisible target outside the hotel. To dispatch them all, you first need to hide behind the reception desk. After they realise they're shooting at nothing (well duh!) one of them will position himself with his back to the desk. Climb up, silently, onto the desk and whack him from there. Wait a while and one of them will climb the stairs. Follow him and take him out. Next, you need to deactivate the turret, which is on the ground floor, over to the left. Make sure the remaining soldier doesn't see you while you do it. You can now knock out the remaining soldier with ease. The exit is over on the right, in the form of a hall. Take your first right and then stop. Another guy is round the corner, talking in his mobile phone. When he hangs up, hang him. The next room ahead is the kitchen. Wait in the dark corner to the left. Sneak, unseen, to the next patch of darkness, further ahead. There is an object on a tray further ahead, in semi-light. If you pick it up without being seen, you can use the strategy below. Otherwise, you'll have to figure out something else, or just retry. Anyways, all you need to do is chuck the object at the light, and nobody will bat an eyelid. This allows you to sneak through the door on the right undetected. Pool Area ********* Objective(s): Kill Hisham (opposing) Make a left and then a right. Hisham lies on the other side of the door. When the cutscene finishes, you have the choice to kill him, which is easier by the way, or to help him escape. If you kill him though, you have to drag his body through the remainder of the level. Your choice. Kill him or save him. OBJECTIVE POSSIBLY COMPLETE Now, if you're saving him, he will follow you, if you've killed him, you'll have to carry him. Head out of the locker room to the right, and stay in the darkness. Pick the lock on the door on the other side of the pool area and, when the patrolling guard is not looking, sneak through with Hisham in toe. East Gardens & Car Park *********************** Objective(s): Save Hisham (opposing) Dispose of Hisham's body (opportunity JBA) The east gardens are on your immediate right as soon as you enter the next door. The gardens consist of three squares, each watched by a soldier. There is also a spotlight, and if it sees you it will stay on you, alerting all guards of your position, but it will set off no alarm. The first bloke is in the top left corner of the first square. Quickly run up to him (quietly, obviously) and conk him. The second is stationary, stood in the gap between the second and third squares. I found the best way was to airfoil him, and then quickly airfoil the third guard, patrolling the third square, before he sees the body. That usually works, just beware that pesky spotlight. Next stop, the car park. The door in the third square lead down to it. There are actually two guards down here. One is running stupidly around the car in front. The other is well hidden behind the open boot of the red truck in the distance. Sticky shocker the hidden one first (you can shoot it at his legs). The maniac may become suspicious, but even if he does, he won't reach the body before you sticky shocker him too, will he now? Hisham will then want a boost over the fence if you saved him. Give him the boost. OBJECTIVE POSSIBLY COMPLETE If you killed him, drop his body in the red truck with the open boot. Place the charge, run away, and detonate it. OBJECTIVE POSSIBLY COMPLETE If you saved Hisham, you can drop a guard’s body in the SUV instead, but it won't complete the opportunity objective. Make your way back to the corridor before you came into the gardens. West Gardens ************ Objective(s): Clear extraction area of all hostiles & AA gun (primary JBA) Extract from the hotel (primary JBA) The west gardens is located on the left of the door at the far end of the corridor. It has a very similar layout to the east gardens, except this time, one guard patrols the first and second squares and three patrol the final square. Oh, and there's a spotlight again. Shouldn't be too hard then. The first bloke is easy to take care of. Just smack him when he's not looking. The final garden is tricky. Try and figure out a way to stealthily take down all three. If you can lure them all into one place, you could gas grenade them. There's also a gap between the outer hedge and the wall that you can squeeze through. Use that to your advantage. Once they are all taken care of, hide all bodies in the gap between the hedge (or they will die when you blow up the anti-aircraft gun). Walk over to the battery gun and place a charge on its backside. Run away and detonate the charge. Goodnight Vienna! OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Then, simply walk into the middle structure, and 'call for extraction' ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE I absolutely hated that mission. The first part had no equipment, the second part seemed sloppy (you couldn't fake Hisham's death by putting the guard in his car, or use the syringe that Hisham gives you), and it seemed to drag on forever. Let's hope they only get better (they do). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 8 - JBA Headquarters Part 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Access underground bunker NSA - Steal Emile's contact list NSA - Sample Red Mercury NSA - Return to public area NSA Opposing: - Strengthen Lambert's cover NSA - Reveal Lambert's true identity JBA - Prevent the bomb's defusal JBA - Disable the LA bomb NSA - Disable the Nashville NSA Opportunity: Security Zone ************* Objective(s): Access underground bunker (primary NSA) The first half of this level is full of security devices (you wouldn't know from the name of the area), which means the OCP will be being used a lot this level. I'll try not to mention it too much! Turn around, head into the open door. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE That has got to be the easiest objective in the whole game! Anyway, you need to go down all the way, and you'll come to an infrared camera above a laser tripwire. OCP the camera first, then the tripwire, and move on. Before you round the next corner, hide. A guard is about to walk out from the room around the corner, and he can quite easily see you. When he walks on by, enter the corridor he just came out of. In here is yet another infrared camera. Just ignore it, and move on. OCP the two lights (they're under a cage in the floor), to sneak by the security booth without anybody seeing you. Head down the steps, and enter the first door you see. Red Mercury Lab *************** Objective(s): Steal Emile's contact list (primary NSA) Sample Red Mercury (primary NSA) Look in the top left corner of the lab. There are some computers, and a guard standing on the upper level. Shoot the guard with your rubber ammunition (they work just like airfoils). Next, head right, past the tripwire, and up some stairs. Use the optic cable to watch the guard inside. When he turns away, quickly sneak inside the room. Either shoot him with the rubber, or whack him from behind. The contact list is in a filing cabinet in this room. Go get it. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Exit the office, back down to the lab, and head up to the platform that the guard was standing on earlier (watch the camera). Access and hack both computers up to get yourself two codes for the lab. Down the stairs, use the four figure code on the red door. Push the button and the door will open. Head inside, to the far corner, and enter the panel code when prompted. You can now scan the red mercury. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Poisonous gas will now leak into the room, and Sam will begin to take damage. Don’t panic, just enter the trap door on the right of the door. It leads back outside. HOLD IT! Before you exit the vent, OCP the camera, as it will almost certainly spot you when you head out the vent. Right, now you can climb out of the vent and exit this room altogether. Surveillance Rooms ****************** Objective(s): Strengthen Lambert's cover OR Reveal his true identity (opposing) Optional: Prevent the bomb's defusal (opposing) Return to the public area (primary NSA) Head right after the lab, and keep following the corridors until you are faced with a door opposite and a set of stairs on the left. Take the stairs, disable the infrared camera, but don't go in the next room. Use the optic cable to see where the guard is. When you think he is in a position where you can sneak by (the exit is on the right of this door), then enter the room and sneak by. If he doesn't stop in a suitable position, enter when he's not looking and rubber him. Follow the hall, but again, don't enter the next door just yet. OCP the light first (it's under the floor). Now you can enter the room. Before you cross into the room, shoot out the nearest light. Now you can hide in the permanent darkness and use your EEV to begin hacking the PC in the corner. After you've hacked it and 'uploaded Lambert related info', then you are again faced with a choice. Sacrifice Lambert to save your own hide, or protect your lifelong pal. You choose. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Now, you have another choice, that determines the ending you get in the game (don't get too excited, the only thing that changes is a news report during the credits). For the bad ending, follow the steps below. For the good and normal ending, skip ahead to the next area. All clear? Decided what you want to do? Good. Right, all you need to do is head back to the previous security room (the one where you used the optic cable on the door), and access the PC on the table in the middle of the room. If you 'send communications to Emile's men', the bomb's will be shipped to their targets, and there will be nothing you can do to stop them blowing up. OBJECTIVE POSSIBLY COMPLETE Head back the way you just came, and through the other door in the other surveillance room. Recognise where you are? You should do. Even if you don't, just turn right and follow the corridors all the way to the end, avoiding the detection devices. You will emerge back where you started. After you exfiltrate it's, ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Roof **** Objective(s): Disable the LA bomb (opposing) The timer is ticking for this part. If you want the normal ending, just defuse one bomb, and head back to the starting area. If you're going for the good ending, hurry through these parts, because you don't have a lot of time. Anyway, exit the room using the door that you haven't used before. Recognise where you are? You should. Even if you don't, head right and follow the corridors all the way to the end, avoiding all detection devices, to emerge back where you started. Climb up the ladder onto the roof. The helicopter up here will provide you with all the noise cover that you need, so there's nothing to worry about. Head up the steps onto the roof. There are two guards, one fixing the satellite dish, another near the bomb (to the left of the dish). Take them both out and get to work on the bomb. It is defused just like any other bomb. One down, er, one to go. Had to think about that one for a second! Now, if you are going for the normal ending just wait here until the timer reaches zero, make your way down the ladder, and towards the door leading to the bunker. Exfiltrate here to finish the mission. However, those of you who want the good ending have still got a lot of work to do. Here goes. From the location of the rooftop bomb, head back down to the lower section of the roof (with the light and the camera). Head into the crawlspace in the wall of the building. Follow the vents to the end to emerge in the upper levels of the warehouse. Warehouse & Dock **************** Objective(s): Disable the Nashville bomb (opposing) Return to public area (primary NSA) You'll drop down onto a stack of crates. Jump up onto the shelf on your right before dropping down the other side. Bugger the camera, and make your way to the door. Through the door, turn left up the sloped corridor. Use the optic cable on the door with the exit sign above it, just to check that no blasted guards are looking your way. Quickly open the door and disable the camera above it. Swing over the rail and knock out the guy in the darkness. Persuade one or two more stupid blokes in black coats (catchy eh?) over to you, and then down them in the dark. One or two more guards should be left up here. Take care of them like a spy would (or not). Defuse the final bomb before time runs out and the whole of America is blown to smithereens! ... well, not quite. Emile will now want to check up on you, so you need to leg it (again, you're timed: 5 minutes!) back to the extraction point (the beginning of the level) using the same way you came in. Not too hard. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Did you kill hundreds of thousands of people? Did you save your best friend? So many life changing decisions were made during that level (I'm sure they were life changing for you, personally, aswell). One more to go. And the trust meter has gone. Forever! Why? You'll find out very soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 9 - Snowbound Rooftops ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Defuse first bomb NSA - Kill BJ Sykes & Jamie NSA - Make your way to side of tower NSA - Kill Moss NSA - Defuse second bomb NSA - Make your way to roof NSA - Kill Emile NSA - Defuse third bomb NSA Opposing: None Opportunity: - Neutralise Sykes' men NSA - Neutralise Moss' men NSA - Neutralise Emile's men NSA First Rooftop ************* Objective(s): Neutralise Sykes' Men on the first rooftop (opportunity NSA) First things first, if you watched the cutscene preceding this level you will know that Sam's cover has been blown. This ultimately means that the trust meter is now non-existent, and all objectives are NSA based. Also, the opportunity objectives require that you kill all enemies, so don't just knock them out. Finally, DO NOT USE A FLASH GRENADE THROUGHOUT THIS LEVEL! They are very important come the last battle, and without them the fight is very hard. Right, now let's get on with the walkthrough. Use the cover of darkness until the two guards off to the right turn and start walking away. Grab the back one, pull him into the dark corner and kill him. Either drag his body through the tripwire, or OCP it to continue. There are two guards that patrol this area. If you were quick during the last part, then the first one will be up ahead, still walking away from you. The final guard in this area is patrolling up ahead. Shoot him or take him down from close range. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Jump over, or disable, the tripwire at the far end of this rooftop, and head through the door on the left. Warehouse & Inner Rooftop ************************* Objective(s): Neutralise Sykes' men in the warehouse (opportunity NSA) Neutralise Sykes' men on the inner rooftop (opportunity NSA) Head through the wooden corridor and into the feather-filled room. Take care of the guy in here, and walk up the ramp to the left. Crawl under the tripwire and enter the main warehouse via the left door. Head down the steps and, sticking to the darkness, make your way to the left of the caged elevator. Hopefully, the two enemies (one on the ground floor, one on the catwalks above, but he will climb down) will have become suspicious. Whistle them over to your position and take care of them, one by one. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Leave the warehouse using the door up the steps on the other side of the room. Follow the corridor down, and exit. Look around the corner to see when the guard turns away from you (careful, he has very good eyesight, and can see you from quite a distance). When he does, OCP the turret in the distance, sneak up behind him, and kill him. Hide his body in the darkness at the far end. Don't forget to deactivate the turret before it comes back on. A second guard will appear from a small gap in the wall to the left of the turret. Take care of him. The last of Sykes' men is guarding a door that is through the gap in the wall that I just told you about. Take him out. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Head through that door, and descend the stairs until you see another door. Final Rooftop ************* Objective(s): Kill BJ Sykes & Jamie (primary NSA) Defuse first bomb (primary NSA) Make your way to side of tower (primary NSA) First, pick the lock on the door before using the optic cable. When Sykes and Jamie stop talking, Sykes will climb the ladder in front of the door, and Jamie will patrol the lower area. Wait until Jamie turns away from the door, and head through. Sneak up behind Jamie, interrogate him if you want, and then kill him. Note. There's also a fun way to kill him, according to the Gamefaqs message boards. Use EMF vision to locate Jamie's pacemaker, and then use the OCP on it. It will ultimately disable his heart, and Jamie will die! To take care of Sykes, OCP the light at the bottom of the ladder that he ascended before. He will climb down to investigate. Do what you have to do. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The bomb is on the lower area of the rooftop, it's quite obvious. It is defused like any other bomb, except you have a 12 second time limit instead of 20, so work fast. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE To reach the side of the tower in the distance, climb up the ladder to the billboard. There is a wire protruding from it. You can just about reach it. Jump up and Sam will zip across the gap. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Lounge & Office Space ********************* Objective(s): Neutralise Moss' men in the lounge (opportunity NSA) Neutralise Moss' men in the office space (opportunity NSA) Note. From this point until you kill Moss, all guards are wearing night vision goggles, so stay in the bright light to avoid being seen. No, really. Turn right and head up the sloped ramp and up the sloped pipe at the end. Climb up the set of bars at the end. Pick the trapdoor on the roof of the elevator, and jump down to meet with Enrica. After your meeting in the elevator, turn right in the lobby area. Enter the first door on the left, to find Enrica has provided you with some cover by turning the sprinklers on (I told you, she's damned helpful!). Hide behind the wall until one of the NVG equipped soldiers turn away. Sneak up behind the other one, grab him and drag him back behind the wall. Take care of him in the darkness. Next, follow the other guy that walked off before and, again, cruise up behind him and kill him. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Follow the hall around, taking care not to trip the wire. Now, press your back against the wall that's in the light to the left of the door. Wait for a soldier to walk through the door, and then kill him while his back is turned. You may have to wait quite a while, especially if you were quick during the previous room. Move into the office space. Wait in the light to the right of the entrance until a guard walks past to the left. Grab him and silence him. The final guard in this area patrols in the corridor behind the entrance, off to the right. Wait in the light until he turns around, and then, as usual take him down from behind, or shoot him. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Service Centre & Reception ************************** Objective(s): Neutralise Moss' men in the service centre (opportunity NSA) Neutralise Moss' men in the reception (opportunity NSA) Exit the office space using the door at the end of the corridor that the third and final guard was patrolling. Disable the wallmine on the (guess where?) wall. Again, a lot of waiting has to be done. Head into the room behind the counter, crouch beneath the window and wait. After a while, a guard will enter the room. When it is possible, stand up, aim the gun through the window and shoot. One down. Continue on into the room that the guard just came from. The sole guard in here should be easy to kill because the room is full of light. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Once he's dead, go up in the world via the stairs through the next door. This next part is tricky. Use the map combined with the optic cable to determine when there is only one guard in the next room on his own. When that time comes, and the poor bloke that is left is walking away from the door, open it, creep up behind him, drag him back into the stairway, and take care of him there. Don't forget to close the door. The above steps need to be repeated for the second guard, as he will renter the room at a later stage, albeit on a different patrol pattern. Don't forget to use light as cover. When only one remains, hack the keypad on the door that acts as the exit to this room. The other guy is on the other side. Stab him. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Main Office *********** Objective(s): Kill Moss (primary NSA) Neutralise Moss' men in the main office (opportunity NSA) Defuse second bomb (primary NSA) Make your way to roof (primary NSA) This part is one of the hardest in the game, but fortunately I have found a secret route that makes it much easier. It is still extremely hard though, so listen carefully to what I am about to tell you. When you are going down the steps after killing the previous guard, look above them for a ledge. With a running jump, Sam can reach the ledge and pull himself up. You are now, in effect, above the roof. Follow it around, and take the first right. Keep going. Once you emerge above the main office, head straight on, past the window (don't worry, the henchmen inside will not see you). Walk into the tiny section of light at the far end of one of the roof panels. Here is where you need to drop down onto the floor. Don't worry, there is plenty of light. Climb the steps and stop at the top. Turn around and face the windowed room. Wait (again!) until the patrolling guard walks up to you, and then turns around. Equip the gas grenades and fire through the window closest to you, about 1/3 of the way up on the right hand side. If successful, you will knock out both the patrolling guard and Moss, without alerting any nearby guards (knocking Moss out will count as a kill). OBJECTIVE COMPLETE There are still two more enemies in the vicinity, however. If they are both in the main area, it should be easy to lure them into the light (it sounds weird saying that!) and kill them one by one. Sometimes though, one will wander off into the hall leading into this room, the one guarded by a turret. If he buggers off down there, hack the turret using the EEV. Peek round the corner to see if the guard is looking, and when he's not, 'toggle off IFF' on the turret. Now, when he walks into range, he can say goodnight. The guard that you gassed before will not be dead. You need to shoot him with the pistol to kill him. That's all of Moss' men. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The second bomb is in the windowed area. Defuse it. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Head down the stairs and this time left at the bottom. Break the lock on the door. Run up to the far wall and place a charge on it. Run away, and when the option becomes available, detonate it. Head through the big hole you just created. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Ventilation Shafts ****************** Objective(s): Neutralise Emile's men in the vent shafts (opportunity NSA) Note. That's the end of those bloody night vision equipped guards. Normal rules apply, darkness = cover. From your starting position, traverse the pipe and turn left when you can. There is a vertical pipe on the far wall, so climb it, and follow it all the way to the end. Head right and keep going until you see a circuit box. Bypass it to open a door on the other side of the shaft, but also to release a guard. Make your way towards the door, using the OCP on both lights. Just before you get to the steps, however, swing yourself over the ledge. Grab the enemy when he walks past to throw him down to the depths below. 69 floors! OUCH! Climb back up and head through the door. Squeeze through the machinery on the left and disable the wallmine once through the maze. Pick the lock on the door, turn around and OCP the light. Central Greenhouse & Deck ************************* Objective(s): Neutralise Emile's men in central greenhouse (opportunity NSA) Neutralise Emile's men in the central deck (opportunity NSA) After entering the greenhouse, immediately look for the first spotlight (it's small, and high in the rafters). Disable it. Next, grab the latter of the two guards that should currently be investigating either your position or the knocked out spotlight. While you still have him, shoot the other guy, and then stab the one that's in your arms (that sounded cruel!) OBJECTIVE COMPLETE STOP! There is a well hidden turret at the far end of the greenhouse, which is responsible for many a frustrating time. Disable it before you continue. Use the optic cable on the door that leads to the central deck. When both the guys outside walk off to the right, open the door and follow the one nearest to you. Grab him and, again, shoot the other one while he is in your grasp. Dispose of the one that you're holding. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Pick up the flashbang grenade near your position, and, if you ignored my 'no flash grenade' warning earlier, certainly do not use this one. Head back inside (you can see the door on your map). East & West Greenhouse ********************** Objective(s): Neutralise Emile's men in the west greenhouse (opportunity NSA) Neutralise Emile's men in the east greenhouse (opportunity NSA) Turn right at the junction, and kill the guy installing the wallmine, before taking care of his handiwork (disable the wallmine dammit!) Enter the west greenhouse, and grab the first guard when his back is turned. Use the same technique of shooting the other guard, and then killing the one in your arms. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Head out the way you came in and proceed to the east greenhouse. Emile's final two henchmen, and incidentally the final two henchmen in the game reside in here. The layout, and the technique to take care of the two enemies, is exactly the same as the previous room, except for the tripwire (which the guard will deactivate anyway). Just grab, shoot, kill again to down both the guards. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Exit the greenhouse (not the way you came in this time) by breaking the lock on the door. Turn left, then right, and head through the door. The Final Battle **************** Objective(s): Kill Emile (primary NSA) Defuse third bomb (primary NSA) The final battle is incredibly easy if you know what to do. Using the cover of the wall, equip the flash grenades that I told you not to use before. When Emile stops to reload, chuck the flash grenade to stun him. Quickly jump over the two tripwires to reach Emile. You can either stab him or grab him and listen to his lengthy interrogation speech. Your choice. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE You now have 2 minutes 20 to defuse the final bomb, which again is ridiculously easy. Defuse it to complete the game. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Congratulations, you just beat the game! You can now watch the (disappointing) ending, and a varying (and also trash) news clip, depending on how many bombs you defused in the JBA headquarters. You'll also unlock Elite mode for a further challenge, if you want it. Co-op mode awaits, so get started on that, until I find time to write a guide for it. For now though, it's congrats to you and goodbye from me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Co-op Differences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are a lot of difference between the single player and co-op aspects of the game. The biggest difference is (obviously!) that you work as a two-man team with one of your friends over split screen (loners can use a sibling, or a parent, if you're desparate), or using XBOX Live, which I do not have btw (if there is any fundamental differences, can someone please inform me) There is also a few new co-op orientated moves that you can perform that look quite cool when pulled off, and that good old OCP also recieves a makeover for this part of the game. Also, the ratings system from Chaos theory return in his part of the game, which adds an extra challenge, and can lead to plenty of bust-ups, as your clumsy mate gets spotted right near the end of a level, and buggers up your 100% run! First, I'm going to run through all the co-op specific moves that you'll encounter in this part of the game. Co-op Moves *********** Boost: This move will boost your partner up to a ledge, or over a short wall or fence. To perform it, crouch at the base of the wall and press the black buttom. Then, get your mate to come over and press black also. You will give him a leg up over the obstacle. Human Ladder: Whilst hanging from the ledge, using the process described above, your buddy can press black again. If you then also press black whilst standing underneath him, you will haul yourself up to the platform, before allowing your partner to join you. This is a very handy and well used move. Tomoe Nage: According to both Brandon Solomon and John Tooley this is a judo move meaning 'circle throw'. It's only meant for throwing opponents 2-3 ft away on their back but the way they have done it in the game looks bloody cool, especially when you throw your partner on top of an unsuspecting guard! Oof! Instant pain! To perform this, stand up and face the opposite way from your intended direction and press that black button again. You can now aim the reticule that appears. When you're aim is right, get your partner to come over and press the black button. You will then chuck the poor bugger a fair distance. Persuasion: This is a useful move, although it's a little disappointing. If you have a guard in your grasp, and you are trying to interrogate him but he won't co-operate, call your mate over and get him to press A when 'persuade' appears. He will then flex his muscles and punch his fist into his hand. Suddenly, the guard is paralysed with fear and he spills the beans (big softy!) Back to Back Climbing: When the two of you approach a vertical shaft, you can climb up it, back to back. One of you needs to face one of the walls and press A. Then the other must face the opposite wall and do exactly the same. To climb up fast, both of you must push the left thumbstick up the same distance. Shoulder Climb: When the option becomes available, one person can initiate this move by pressing A, and the other one also simply presses A to complete the move. Up in the air, your partner can use the pistol and sometimes cut wires and place charges. Dual Rappeling: This can be performed when both you and your partner are at the top of a vertical drop, or when one is at the top and one is at the bottom. When both are at the top, the one who wants to wait at the top initiates the move. The one that's about to be hurled down the cliff then completes the move. When one is at the bottom and wants pulling up, the guy at the top must drop down the rope, and the one at the bottom must grab it to complete the move. To move up and down, the guy on the rope must use the left thumbstick. But, if you need moving to the left or right, the bloke at the top must use the left or right trigger. You can also equip you pistol whilst climbing up the rope. Hang Over: Yes, this is actually a move, and it doesn't involve alcohol of any kind! If there is a gap in, say, a ceiling, then you can lower your buddy down into the depths below, where he can pick up objects, knock out guards, or even access PCs. Whilst hanging, you can also equip the pistol, and press the left trigger to bring your legs up, which reduces visibility. To activate this move, the hanger must initiate it, and the holder must complete it. Gameplay Mechanics ****************** As I said before, there are also some differences in the way the game is played. Here, I'll run through them for you. Mission Ratings: The beloved mission ratings from Chaos Theory return in this game. They really give an extra challenge, as anyone who wants to get a 100% rating must reach the following targets: - 0 times spotted by any guard - 0 enemies killed (an infinite number can be knocked out) - 0 civilians killed (again, you can knock them out) - 0 bodies found - 0 alarms set off (by detection devices or individual guards) OCP: This lifesaving gadget from the single player game, is still present in co-op mode, but it is used differently. This time, you must aim at the object that you want to disable (with the pistol) and press and HOLD the left trigger. The object will stay disabled for as long as the battery at the bottom of the screen has some juice in it. This should give your partner enough time to sneak past, and the he can aim at the object, repeat the process, and let you past. Healing: If your clumsy partner gets gunned down, you have 30 second to make it to his body and administer an adrenaline syringe. if you fail to reach the body in time, it's game over. Also, you can only use the syringe once per level, so use it carefully. Sharing Equipment: If you equip one of your gadgets (mainly LTLs, such as sticky shockers) and face your partner you will be given the option to share your equipment with them. Simply press A to hand one of your equipped items over. The JBA: The JBA plays no part in your co-op missions and gone are both opposing objectives and the trust meter. This makes the gameplay slighly easier, but also less varied. XBOX Live Headset ***************** (Thanks goes to Jarret Russel for this information) On XBOX live, you can use a mic to both communicate with your partner and also distract guards. Apparently, you can talk to one another through the mic, but if you talk too loudly, guards within a certain radius can overhear you and come and investigate. However, you can also use this to your advantage, to distract guards and lure them out of the way. If there are any differences I've missed, please mail me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Co-op Walkthrough ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right, onto the co-op walkthrough. Same rules apply as the solo section, except for those changes I've already mentioned. A few top tips first though. The game doesn't save your progress at the end of each mission, so you need to save it manually (not quick save) from in-game, and then use the same profiles next time to continue your game (use the 'progress' option on the co-op menu). To follow the walkthrough, call yourself 1, and your mate 2, and do whatever I tell your number to do. Then you'll make it through alive. Just. The missions are quite short, although there are a lot more of them than Chaos Theory's co-op campaign. There are several missions based around the same main objective, and they all tie in with the main game somehow. For example, the first set of missions are all based around destroying the foundry that Sam gets pulled out of at the end of the first mission. Speaking of the first mission, let's get started. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 1 - Iceland - The Ruins ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Find a key card - Restore power - Infiltrate warehouse Opportunity: - Interrogate guard - Retrieve Inventory Lists Abandoned Warehouse ******************* Objectives: Find a key card (primary) Restore power (primary) 1: Climb the vertical pipe on your left and follow it all the way to the ledge on the opposite side of the warehouse. Pull the breaker up here. Drop off the ledge and walk over to the crate with two keycards on top of it. Pick one up, and make your way to the other crate on the left with the arrow pointing up. Crouch down next to it and press black. 2: Go over to your partner and press black next to him to hitch a ride up to the ledge above. Pull the second breaker up here, before dropping back down, and pick up the keycard on the crate next to the first one. OBJECTIVES COMPLETE 1 & 2: Both of you go to the card readers on either side of the door out of here. You need to simultaneously swipe your cards in each lock. Not hard at all. The Ruins ********* Objective(s): Interrogate guard (opportunity) Proceed forward until you get a gap, craftily covered by a sheet of glass. Time to try out the Tomoe Nage! 2 needs to stand up with his back facing the gap and press black. 1 then needs to walk over to him and also press black. Et Voila! You're suddenly across the gap. Stylish! 1: Climb up the pipe once you are across. Halfway up, you will stop. Shimmy across the ledge on the right and pull yourself up. There are two gaps in the wall on the far side. Head over to the right hand one and initiate rappelling. 2: Walk to the bottom of the rope that 1 left dangling for you. Complete the rappelling. 1 & 2: If you look carefully, you'll notice there is a wooden plank leading to the ledge opposite the pipe. Take it and jump up into the shaft when you come to it. Walk to the end and between you, initiate and complete the back climb. Now, you both need to press up on the thumbstick the same distance to ascend faster. Obviously, it's quicker to both just push it up all the way. At the top, squeeze through the crack in the wall, turn left, and squeeze through another crack. you'll come out in a rocky area with a guard. 2 walk over to the guard, grab him, and drag him back to 1. Interrogate him and, when he won't talk, 1 stand in front of him and use the persuasion technique. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The 3 Documents *************** Objective(s): Retrieve Inventory Lists (1/3) Retrieve Inventory Lists (2/3) Retrieve Inventory Lists (3/3) Infiltrate Warehouse The terrified bloke will reveal that there are three sensitive documents lying around, and he will give the location of the first one. So, 2 needs to knock out the guard and walk over to the edge of the cliff to the spot where it is possible to initiate hangover. 1 should then complete the move and hold the left trigger to lower 2 down to the first document, and then back up again once it's been retrieved. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The second document is even easier. It's in plain sight near to the left wall at the top of the cliff. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE 2: Get into position to throw 1 across the huge chasm in the centre of the room. 1: Complete the Tomoe Nage move and pick up the second document on the shelving to the right. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Continue through the shelving, until you at the end of them. Initiate the rappelling manoeuvre to allow 2 to climb up onto the shelves. Now, you can both cross to the other side and head through the shaft in the wall. 1 & 2; Once through the shaft and at a dead end, use the back climb to inch your way up. At the top, simply extract to complete the mission ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE There, that wasn't too hard was it. Only 1 guard in the entire level. Onto bigger and better things... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 2 - Iceland - The Thermal Base ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Infiltrate geo-thermal base - Acquire security cards - Ascend to 2nd floor - Turn off fan Opportunity: - Interrogate Security Personnel Maintenance ************ Objective(s): Interrogate security personnel (opportunity) Acquire security cards (primary) Both of you first need to rappel on the tiny chimneys to reach the bottom. Following the painfully slow descent, head left, through the mesh door, and down the path. Once you see a climbable fence on the right, both of you climb up and over it. 2 needs to stealthily grab the guard nearby and drag him close to 1, who should use the pathetic attempt at persuasion to coax the guard into talking (didn't take much, did it?) OBJECTIVE COMPLETE He will spill the location of the security cards - in the office up ahead. Conk the guard, but be wary of a second one who patrols around this area and beyond. Make sure he's taken care of before you proceed. Once in the office, 2 needs to pick up the keycard on the desk and hack the PC. The hacking is the same as single player, just on a smaller screen that makes it damn near impossible to see, which is always helpful. If you need any help, visit the 'gameplay mechanics' section of this guide. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Hacking the PC will give you a security code to use later. Security ******** Objective(s): Ascend to 2nd floor (primary) Head through the door and across the catwalks, where you will find a door for 2 to use his keycard and let the both of you through. Up ahead is a camera. each of you take it in turns to hide and use the OCP on it, allowing your partner to sneak past undetected. WARNING! Very cool part coming up! Once both at the other side, 2 position yourself so as to throw 1 through the 3 laser beams. Yes, it's possible! Once through, 1 can use the keypad around the corner to deactivate the lasers and 2 can carry on through. Through the next door, let one person do all the work in this room, whoever it may be. Grab the first guard from behind when you can, drag him behind the screen close to the door, and knock him out. The other one may have been distracted by the commotion. If he has, take him down in the same way. if not, use a ring airfoil while he sits and watches TV (lazy git!) Proceed trough the halls, using the same trick on the camera as you did before, then stop at the next door. 1. Get 2 to open the door, and head inside. Walk up the steps to the left, and take out the guard on the upper catwalk. From the top of the steps, head right, all the way to the end, and swing over the railing on your left. Crouch under that huge vent shaft, and press black. 2. Enter the room also, and make your way to your teammates position. Get a boost up to the huge shaft and enter the crawlspace. At the other side, shoot an airfoil at the guard below, and then dash down and conk him. Hide the body and turn the two red valves down here. This will start an alarm, so hot foot back into the crawlspace. At this point, a guard should walk past 1s position, providing he didn't move. Take care of him as he walks past. You can now both enter the elevator to the right of 2, and use his keycard to make the lift move. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The 2nd Floor ************* Objective(s): Turn off fan (primary) Infiltrate geo-thermal base (primary) One of you hide in the darkness and prepare a sticky shocker, as a sentry is about to walk around the corner. Oh, and there he is! How did you know? Once he's down, either hide the body and use the Tomoe nage/keypad trick to disable the lasers or simply drag the guard’s body through the lasers with you and dump it afterwards. After the lasers, another camera awaits. You know what to do by now. Where would you be without the OCP? Next, two keycard-locked doors await. Use the keycard, obviously, to open them. Head right and up the pipe at the end. Make your way to the far side of the right hand roof panel (the one that's been removed). Use the hangover move to lower one of you down to the PC, where you have the pleasure of hacking one upside down, on a tiny 2-inch screen. How does he do it? OBJECTIVE COMPLETE A bit of backtracking is now in order. All the way to the elevator you used to get to the second floor (watch the camera). You there yet? Good. See the turret of to the right. Use the same OCP trick that you use on cameras, allowing one agent to get behind the turret and deactivate it. All you need to do now is use the boost and human ladder move to get up to the ledge on the right of the turret, about halfway down the corridor. At the top, press A. Simple. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Well done. Half way through Iceland. Nowhere near halfway through the whole campaign though. Ah well, on we plod. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 3 - Iceland - Foundry ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Retrieve info about the arsenal via the server - Steal the foundry access keycard Opportunity: - Recover the prototype plans Foundry Access ************** Objective(s): Steal the foundry access keycard (primary) Recover the prototype plans 1/3 (opportunity) 2 crouch underneath the horizontal pipe on the wall of the elevator shaft and initiate a boost move. 1 complete the move to get chucked onto the pipe. Press Up to hoist yourself onto the next pipe, and then shimmy right, and up the vertical pipe to the ledge. Chuck the rappelling rope over the edge of the ledge so 2 can climb up. Once you're both eventually at the top, sneak into the next room. Complete the shoulder climb manoeuvre underneath the camera in the dark side of the room (simply press A once in the correct position) to disable the bugger. Using the pistol, shoot out the light in the centre of the room, and give the guard that gets up off his arse to investigate a headache for his troubles. Also shoot the monitor on the PC at the desk to dim all light and render the second camera useless. Hack the PC for a useful security code and pick up the keycard on the desk. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The first blueprint is on the table under the second camera, so pick it up also. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Finally, the second keycard is on the shelving unit next to the exit. Phew. A long-winded room. You can now exit though. Use the pipe on the ceiling to get over the two lasers in the corridor, and open the door at the end. Foundry Catwalks **************** Objective(s): Retrieve info about arsenal via server (primary) Recover prototype plans 2/3 (opportunity) Recover prototype plans 3/3 (opportunity) Step into the foundry itself, but stay in the darkness close to the door. When the vested guard walks past, take him down. You can both now use either the pipe across the centre of the room or the catwalks around the edges to knock out the second guard and get to the exit (the pipe opens the way to some cool KO moves). Through the next corridor, you'll be faced with a similar room, but this time with one henchman and two turrets. Wait in the dark on the left of the door and take care of the guard when he approaches. Next, use yet another pipe in the centre of the room to cross the molten metal below (don't fall, idiots!). Where the pipe turns, drop your legs. Once on the other side, drop down on top of the crates and disable the 1st turret. Now you can both climb onto the crates just past and to the right of the turret. WARNING! SERIOUSLY COOL MOVE APPROACHES! Yes, I know I keep banging on about it, but you can actually throw your mate across the fiery magma below and onto the catwalk opposite. Upon arriving, your buddy can disable the turret, allowing you, the boring one, to walk around conventionally. Passed a locked door (give it a pick), you'll find a corridor watched by a sentry and a camera. Distract the guard and wait in the dark until he passes you, at which point you know what to do. For the camera, use the dual OCP trick. Only one of you should enter the next room, and attempt the many (er, one) challenges it contains. Don't enter yet, however. As you can see via the optic cable, one bloke is hunched over the workstation to the right of the door, and the second is patrolling the left hand side of the room. Wait until the patroller is not looking, and silently slip in, heading for one of the darkened PC workstations in the centre. When they both meet, launch as a gas grenade in the centre of them both to KO them instantly. Now you can enter the lab off this room (you should have already picked up the keycode. If not, hack the PC in this room. What's that? No I'm not going to just give it to you. That would be too easy. Lazy sod!) Hack the server (purple PC) first, to transmit the arsenal data. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Next, pick up the blueprint on the left of the PC. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE How come there are no objectives to complete for about 10 minutes, and then two come in the space of 10 seconds!? Tsk tsk. Anyways, you now need to head back to a now open door, that is opposite that camera in the previous hallway. That part's easy. Getting through the door is also easy. It's just the same as usual, but the cover's a bit harder to find when letting your buddy through. I'm sure you'll manage. To get into the next room, one of you head up the ramp and jump onto that huge crate in front of you. Enter the crawlspace above it to emerge above the ceiling of the security station. And, conveniently, someone left a tile loose just for you! Aren't these Splinter Cell's lucky? Drop silently through the hole (by holding B as you fall). Hit the guy over the PC, and airfoil the guy watching TV. The last set of blueprints are on the table in the centre. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE You also need to hack the purple PC for the code for the lasers outside. Exit the room, give your mate the all clear, and use the Tomoe nage to clear the lasers, and then the keycode to clear the way for your No. 2. Extract via the door. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Iceland is nearly complete... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 4 - Iceland - The Sabotage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Destroy cooling system - Get to extraction point Opportunity: - Interrogate Personnel - Avoid raising alarm to level 4 Foundry Third Floor ******************* Objective(s): Interrogate personnel (opportunity) Sneak around the upper catwalks, being careful to keep to keep to the shadows. Knock out the two sentries up here, but make sure to grab one and interrogate/ persuade one of them for the elevator access code. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Leave this part via the small set of stairs at the opposite end from where you started. Before you enter the hall round the corner, watch out for that pesky camera. 1 should OCP it while 2 sprints round the corner and into the top right corner of the elevator. 2 should then jam it until 1 sprints round and uses the keypad on the lift, using the keycode you received from the terrified guard. Foundry Second Floor ******************** Once the elevator reaches the bottom, inch out of it and around the corner. However, there is another camera at the far end of the hall. Use the basic OCP trick on it. It's a good trick but it's bloody annoying! There are two guards in the next area. One is inside the security booth on the left, the other patrols the catwalks outside and sometimes ventures down the ladder to the bottom and pops back up again. 1 take out the guy in the booth, via the crawlspace on the outer wall. Once inside, take the guy out with an airfoil (the ijit jumps up just as you get close enough to grab him!). Pick up the keycard on the table in the centre of the room. 2 go after the other guy. Even if he doesn't climb down to the lower level, you do, because there is a second keycard down there. Pick it up, obviously. Now join your mate in the security booth. Use the keycard to get through the door, and then navigate the hallway, which is riddled with cameras, until you reach a second elevator. Swipe your card to zap down another level. Foundry First Floor ******************* Objective(s): Destroy cooling system (primary) Avoid raising alarm to level four (opportunity) Get to extraction point (primary) ANOTHER BLOODY CAMERA!!!! guards this hall, so disable it and move it on. Now, here's the place where you get sabotage the cooling system. Move over to a gap in the railing on the right, and, between you, complete the hangover move. Once 'hungover(?)' grab the guard whose head is inches from your face, and can probably feel your breath. Fool. Bring yourself back up, and 1 drop down the conventional way. Attract the attention of the second guard down here, and take him out in the dark. Access the two computers on your side of the lower level to partially shut off the cooling system. Now, sneak to the other side of the lower level, dragging a guard’s body through the lasers to avoid setting them off, and being wary of the camera (if I have to mention another goddamned camera...), and hack the PC on this side. Don't worry, the camera (ARGH!!!) won't see you. You can now shut off the cameras (praise the lord!) and disable the lasers. It's now the turn of no.2. On the upper level there is a turret. If anyone has any strategic way of getting past it, please let me know. *From Peter Vu: "number 2 jams the turret with OCP, number 1 gets through it and disable the turret."* I just ran past it - it is possible to do so without taking damage - just time your sprint to perfection, but the above strategy seems a better bet. Once behind it, shut it off, and access the remaining coolant PCs. OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Time to get the hell out! Both of you converge on the exit to this room, and hot foot it back to the very first room of this level. Lambert will chime in and tell you the whole place is about to blow. Nice to know - Thanks Lambert! Don't waste any time, follow exactly as I say, and as long as you have a bit of health left, you'll be alright. First, slide down one of the many ladders to get to the lower floor, and then find the door out of here. Tomoe Nage across the jets of steam (do not underestimate these - steam can kill... no, seriously!), and turn the valve at the end to let your partner past. *Peter Vu adds that you can also roll through the steam without taking too much damage.* Use the crawlspace to the right of the impassable gate, but as soon as you crawl out, hold B to crouch under the jets. *Another helpful tip from Peter Vu - "1 boosts 2 over the fence then 1 use crawlspace to enter, number 2 turns off the valve."* Duck under the next set of jets, and then look up. Notice the pipe? Position yourself so as to launch your mate up onto the pipe, upon which point he should accept your invitation. 2 bring your legs up along the pipe, and only drop down once definitely past the jets. Turn the valve to knock them off and let 1 through. I haven't found a way to turn the next jet off, so just roll through it to minimize the damage. Sprint to the end of the corridor and exfiltrate by the door. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Iceland is gone! All over! No more! Next is the prison, based on Fisher's break out with Jamie Washington. Great. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 5 - Ellsworth - The Insertion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Reach Cold Chamber - Reach Truck Opportunity: - Learn Delivery Time - Don't kill any guards Turning off the Coolant System ****************************** Objective(s): Learn Delivery Time (opportunity) Reach cold chamber (primary) To start, pick the lock on the first door you come to and head inside. Watch and wait for a guard to patrol down at the bottom of the stairs. As soon as his back is turned, the two of you sneak under the camera in the light, and use the shoulder stand move to sabotage the camera. Quickly hide in the darkness before the guard sees you. Next time he passes, grab the poor bugger, and make him talk. As per usual, a crack of the fist should do the trick. He will reveal the delivery time. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Carry on descending. As soon as you see the second guard, rubber him with your dart gun. Into the large room at the bottom of the stairs, find the switch to shut off the coolant system on the left wall. Now you can enter the vents, which are behind your starting position. Run back up and jump in. Before long, you'll come to a large obstruction. Place a charge on the bugger and watch it explode. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Making Your Way to the Truck **************************** Objective(s): Reach Truck (primary) Don't kill any guards (opportunity) Drop down into the freezer, and press a button on the left wall to shift a bloody big piece of cow out the way further up. Exit the freezer, and follow the corridor all the way what seems like a dead end. But, if you stand in front of the double doors and use the shoulder stand, you'll find you can place a charge on the large window above them. Get the hell out the way and detonate the charge. BOOM! You can now jump up and pull yourself through the large gap. A guard should have come to investigate the huge noise (probably cacking himself right now). Rubber him and enter the first door on the left, being watchful of the camera. Behind the desk, you'll find an exposed vertical shaft (a bit dangerous, isn't it?), perfect for the hangover. At the bottom, pick up the Keycard (the bloke won't see you), and be hauled back up by your partner. Exit the room you are in, and head to the other end of the hall - the infrared cameras are quite easy to avoid. Open the next door and descend the flight of stairs. Initiate the shoulder stand move and sabotage the camera before you go any further. Down the next flight, a very hard room awaits. There are two guards, one at the end, and one close to the door (use IR to see them). And, they seem to know exactly where you are the very millisecond you rubber one of them. We will defeat them, however. It may be easiest for both of you to rubber both of them simultaneously, but that requires precision timing. I found it easiest for one of you to attempt the room, while the lazy one sits it out. Use smoke grenades to cover your path from the door to the first guard (use IR vision), and then knock him out conventionally. Funnily enough, his best mate doesn't notice anything is wrong this time, leaving him open to a rubber shot. Get the lazy git to rejoin you, and the one that picked up the keycard earlier can use it on the slot next to the bay door. At the end of that small path is your ride outta here. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE That has got to be the easiest level I have ever done in a Splinter Cell game (except that last room). Here's hoping the rest of them are like that. I doubt it, somehow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 6 - Ellsworth - The Break In ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Cause Blackout Opportunity: - Drop Disk Delivery! ********* Once Lambert has shut his gob, and the back door of the truck finally opens, hop out of the back, and hide in the darkness to the right. A guard will run over and verify the delivery. Just as he does this, the delivery will conk him on the back of the head. Ironic isn't it? The other guard will have walked off down a corridor at the other end of the large space. There is a camera at the other end. You'll have to use the EMP - there's no other way. Now use the optic cable on the door. On the other side will be the guard that walked off. Make a noise to lure him outside, and when he walks past you, he can take a short nap. Enter his office and the dominant one of the pair can take the keycard. Access his personal PC for a keycode to the exit of this room. Another camera awaits you at the end of this short corridor. Use the OCP trick to sneak on by. Use the newly acquired keycard on the door at the end. Press your backs against the dark walls on either side of the door and close it. Very soon, a prison guard will head over to the door, trying to go through it. But he's not going to get that far, is he? Knock him out. Spin around to see a second guard patrolling in the distance. Quickly rubber him before he sees the unconscious body. Around the next corner is a camera is above an office door, and an air con vent. However, once again, it's too cold to head inside the vent. So, use another EMP on the camera and check out the office. The only thing of interest in here is a switch on the wall that turns off the air con vent. How convenient! You can now head back outside and use the boost/human ladder technique to clamber inside the vent. The Vents & Beyond ****************** Objective(s): Drop disk (opportunity) Move through the (very large) vents until Lambert chimes in with the location of the disk drop. Before you climb down the ladder, complete the opportunity objective by dropping the disk through the grill on the other side of the vertical shaft. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Now you can both slide down the ladder (it's a fun trick to fall on top of your partner and watch half of his health vanish!) and continue on through the vent. Drop down into a locker room, then exit to find yourselves trapped in by security gates. Head over to the left one. Notice the panel on the left? You can do a shoulder stand underneath and place an electrical charge on it to allow the gate open. Before detonating it, however, head back into the locker room and close the door. Next, detonate the charge and shove the optic cable through the door. Eventually, a guard will enter through the now open gate and head towards you. As soon as he gets near the door, take the cable out and bash the door. OUCH! Drag the body back into the locker room, and you can finally head through the security gate. Another easy-to-avoid Infrared camera is fixed to the ceiling, so be careful as you head for the door on the left. Work around the machinery (again, watch for that pesky camera - use the OCP), and exit via the other side. Flick the switch on the platform to shift a big lift, then swing over the rail. Using the side of that big lift thing you just moved and the wall, perform a back-to-back climb up the makeshift shaft. At the top, traverse the narrow ledge, jump up onto the obstruction. Next, turn around to face the other way, and leap up to the higher level. Make your way to the end of this pitch-black ledge. 1 balance along the narrow girders until you come to halfway between the first and second horizontal beams. Hang off the edge until a guard passes underneath and give him a headache. Give the all clear to your buddy. You need to time your movements with the second guard's patrol. Wait until he has his back turned long enough for you and your no.2 to shoulder stand underneath the camera and cut the wires. You can then rubber the guard no problem. Time to complete the objective. Head down to the middle of the room and simply pull both breakers. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE All that work just to pull a breaker? I could have done that myself! Now, let's shed some light on the next mission (HA HA ha). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 7 - Ellsworth - The Blackout ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Cause Riot - Extract Opportunity: - Avoid Casualties The Rapid Descent ***************** You start this mission in a strategic position above the prison toilets. 1 drop down the hold in front of you while 2 remains up top. Peer around the edge of your stall until you see a guard enter with a prisoner. Prepare a rubber round. The timing has got to be good on this one. The prisoner will start cleaning the toilet conveniently under 2's hole. The guard will watch him for a second, and then walk off. When you feel the guard is out of the prisoner's earshot, rubber him, and 2 should fall on top of the inmate. Double KO! Hide the bodies in the dark stall at the end (where 1 dropped down). Exit the loos and squeeze through the crack in the elevator door at the end of the next corridor. There is another of those grey panels in the corner here, so use the shoulder stand so that one of you can place a charge on the panel. Before you detonate it, make sure you are both on the side of the elevator closest to the door. Otherwise, for some strange reason you plummet to your death, even though the lift is still in tact! BANG! And down you drop. A guard will investigate the commotion through the door now quite a way above you. After he buggers off, use the boost and human ladder to get up top. Security Galore *************** Objective(s): Cause Riot (primary) Extract (primary) Make your way past that bloody useless infrared camera and through to the next hall. You'll be faced with a pair of lasers perfect for a Tomoe Nage move. 1 chuck 2 and then 2 use the OCP carefully on the lasers to let your mate through. More tripwires and cameras await in the next security zone. 2 sentries also lie in wait. The first one should be in front of you when you enter. Knock him out and then wait for the guy on the far side of that tripwire in front of you to pop into view, before rubbering him (do it in the dark - there is an unseen camera on the other side of the room.) Now you can either drag the first guard's body through the tripwire, or use the OCP. Once past, hug the left wall and traverse the room's dark patches to table, where a keycard is lying around. Pick it up and, still hugging the wall, and use it on the door. A long corridor follows, and at the end, a large open room with, guess what, a camera on the left wall. Cut the wire on this one to make life easier for yourselves. Next, rubber to the head the guy up on the catwalk to the right. Boost and ladder up to the cage in front of the catwalk, which should provide you with a platform to swing yourself onto the catwalk itself. There will be one more guard wandering around up here so, just in case, fill the booth ahead with smoke grenades to cover your presence. Hack the two PCs to open up the cellblocks. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Simply rubber the remaining guard around here, and make your way to the end of the upper catwalk and down the stairs. Enter the door on the left and follow the hall. At the dead end, boost yourselves up into the vent, and drop down into yet another security booth. There are two guards in here - one on either side of the computer mainframes. Grab one each when they are studying the PCs, and use them both simultaneously on the retinal scanners either side of the exit. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Is it possible to fit any more camera in this game? What a pain in the arse! Now, all hell breaks lose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 8 - Ellsworth - The Riot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Reach workshop attic Opportunity: - Neutralize Inmates I Predict a Riot! ***************** Objective(s): Neutralize Inmates 2/4 (opportunity) The objectives in this mission say that you have to neutralize all the inmates you see, just to make it that little bit harder, because they can. There are two in this fist, kitchen-like room. Just conk them from behind. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The lazy one now should jump onto the long dining bench facing the hole in the gate and set up a Tomoe Nage. That's our work done for 5 minutes. The active one should complete the move. Next, find the tiny crawlspace on the right hand wall. Crawl through it, and navigate your way through the wreckage that is the next corridor, being sure to avoid all the explosions. Now you get to create an explosion yourself. Plant a charge on the door at the end and blow it to smithereens. Your bone-idle mate can now join you. Make your way all the way back through the corridor and, just before you reach the crawlspace, on the left, is an open elevator. Boost and human ladder through the open hatch on the roof, and drop down into the cubby hole in front of you. Back climb up the shaft. Whew! Just in time. The whole dang elevator suddenly blows up when you're halfway up the shaft. Your lucks in! At the top of the shaft, jump up and grip the horizontal beam. Shimmy across the gap, and exit the shaft. The Second Floor **************** Objective(s): Neutralize Inmates 4/4 (opportunity) Reach Workshop Attic (primary) The next part is quite difficult. 1 go to the gate on the right further up. Be careful - there is a watchful turret behind the gate. Using the cover of the crates on the other side of the gate, crouch down and initiate the boost move, so as to launch 2 up to the pipe above the gate. 2 use the cover also, and make your way to 1s position. Complete the boost, and bring your legs up. Shimmy over the gate and wait. 1 OCP the turret, while 2 drops down, runs behind it and deactivates it. 2 climb back up onto the crates and then the pipe, and shimmy back across the gate. Drop your legs and press black to start a human ladder move (yes, it can be done). 1 complete the move, and then both of you shimmy for one final time across the gate. Job done. Pick the lock on the next gate, and head left, all the way to the end, until you can go no further. Look right and up. A perfect spot for a boost/human ladder. Through the vent, drop down and snag the keycard on the table (why do they leave them carelessly lying around - especially in the middle of a riot?) Sprint back to the room with the turret, but this time enter the right hand door. Through here is the workshop. There are two more inmates in here. Use thermal vision to see them, and take one each. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Use the keycard on the door, and (yet again) use the boost/human ladder up into (another) vent. Exfiltrate. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE These inmates aren't very good at riots are they? You open two whole cell blocks, and only 4 manage to escape? Useless. Anyway, it's time to get the hell out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 9 - Ellsworth - The Breach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Keep moving - Plant C4 Opportunity: - Don't kill any guards Through the Fan *************** Trust me, we're nearly at the end. 1 leap up to the pipe above and shimmy across to the end. This should prompt a guard to walk over to round about where 2 is standing. 2 take him down when he gets close. The second guard is in the open area ahead. Rubber him when he moves into view. Proceed into the open area, and through the cave in the wall (don't ask me how that got there). At the end, look to the right wall. Again, the hole is begging for a boost/human ladder combo. So give it what it wants, and pull yourselves up through the hole. Clever old Lambert comes up with the idea of turning off the fan if you want to go down below it. Sheesh. How does he think of these brilliant ideas? Do what the wise old man tells you and make your way (carefully) to the bright green light on the platform opposite you. Pressing the switch will turn off the fan. You can either use the rappelling point right next to you to (guess what) rappel down the wall, or use the faster method of transport, the pipe. The Sewers ********** Objective(s): Keep moving (primary) Plant C4 (primary) Don't kill any guards (opportunity) At the bottom head through yet another vent to come face to face with a nice friendly turret. The OCP should do the trick. First though, you'll have to get into position. After exiting the vent, dash right. Now you can use it and let your mate past, who can turn the damn thing off. Further up, drop down of the ledge and then yes, use the boost/human ladder to get up the other side. Keep wading through the crap to come to a fence on the right with a convenient hole in it. Jump up and through the door. The two inmates here will have an argument and walk off. 1 follow the one who heads off right, and 2 take the one who goes left. Once down, head into the passage where inmate no.2 was headed, off to the left. At the end of this passage and to the right is a small vertical shaft. Back climb up to the top. 2 follow the cramped space off to the right out to the end to complete the first objective. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Still with 2, take down the guard once you clamber out and head into the workshop. using the switches on the wall, raise the 2nd car lift. Your work is done. 1 climb out the cramped space off to the left of your current position (at the top of the vertical shaft). Plant the C4 on the gas canisters near the far wall, then move! Detonate from a safe distance to put an end to the Ellsworth missions. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Finally, we've broken out of jail! Onto... Kinshasa. Bugger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 10 - Kinshasa - The Breach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These missions are all based around the info Sam gathered about Takfir & Massoud in the Kinshasa level. Let's get started. Objectives ********** Primary: - Proceed Deeper into the Complex Opportunity: - Sabotage Camera System - Avoid Detection - Get activity log Break In & Entry **************** Objective(s): Sabotage camera system (opportunity) Follow the rocky passage all the way to a brick wall at the end. Plant an explosive and blow the thing to hell. Enter the next large room and jump up to the ladder to your left. Climb up, both of you, and enter the crawlspace about halfway along the platform at the top. 1 boost 2 over the fence, and 2 access the PC if you want, but more importantly, pull the lever that sabotages the camera system. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE To get out, jump up to the objects in the corner of this enclosed space, and then over the fence. Exit the room via the same crawlspace that you used to enter. At the other end, turn right, and you will notice a suspicious looking space where the railing disappears. Any ideas? No? Tomoe Nage! 2 chuck 1 over the gap, and then crawl back to the previous room. 1 follow the halls, and at the fork turn left. Break the lock on the door and let your mate through. The tripwire ahead is quite tricky to disable. You must approach it from both sides, and select 'defuse' when you can. The screen is like the solo campaign. The diffusion process, however, is not. The 'hotwire', the one you must disable, changes constantly. You can see which one it is by either using EMF, or feeling for the rumble when you select each wire. The one that rumbles is the hotwire. You must both select the hotwire - each one is different - and cut it simultaneously, before it changes to another one. Failure will result in death! Completion will result in a 30 second countdown, in which you must repeat the process. This should disable it for good. Make sure you save, for God's sake. Extraction - Already ******************** Objective(s): Proceed deeper into Complex (primary) Get activity log (opportunity) Avoid detection (opportunity) Through the next door, is a car garage, and your first guard in this level. Hang on though, because you've just completed a primary objective for doing nothing. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE He is patrolling up and down at the far side of the two cars. One of you grab him (the cameras here still work), and the other persuade him. Eventually, he will open the door out of here, and you can KO him. 1 pick up the keycard on his desk (don't worry, that camera doesn't work - confusing isn't it?). Before you head out of here, use the OCP trick on the camera to the right of the door (it's well hidden). Continue down the halls until you see door on the right. This is the control room. Enter and creep up behind the guard examining the PC. Grab him and take him down. Access the small PC for the activity log. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Also access the mainframe beside it to open the elevator and the door at the end of this corridor. 2 pick up the keycard and exit. Both of you use the keycards on the door at the end, and extract. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Is it just me, or are these missions getting easier? Let's see... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 11 - Kinshasa - The Chemical Depot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Scan any suspicious crates - Sabotage Chemicals - Extract from area Opportunity: (none) Cameras. More Bloody Cameras **************************** Objective(s): Scan any suspicious chemicals 1/5 (primary) Scan any suspicious chemicals 2/5 (primary) As you can probably tell, this section is full of cameras. Absolutely full of them. And, to make matters worse, sometimes they are in pairs, so you can't even use the OCP to disable them. Luckily though, there are many alternate routes around them, such as the one I'm about to tell you about. Instead of heading down the camera infested hall, boost/human ladder up onto the red machine on the right. Now both of you crawl through. When you emerge into the next room, spy the camera above the door. Time for some payback! The one of you with the sniper attachment, stand back, click in the right thumbstick to zoom right in on the camera lens, and blast it to hell. You are now free to explore the room. Pick up the keycard on the left bench, and hack the keypad on the cabinet at the back, where you can scan your first chemical element. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Exit the room. A rare camera free hall awaits. At the end is a large warehouse. 1 guard patrols the upper catwalks, and one on the floor. Take out the upper guy first, once he enters darkness. The lower guy is also very easy to take out. After he's down, look for a door at the bottom of the stairs. Break the lock, but don't step over. There are two cameras and an automatic gun watching this door from the other side. Just pick up the keycard on the floor in front of you and retreat back into the warehouse. Next, look for a cage on the right hand side, watched by, yep, a camera. 1 OCP it so 2 can slip in the cage, scan the crate and hot foot it back out. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE To exit, climb back up to the upper catwalks, and follow them to the large B2 sign. Here is an ideal spot to perform the Tomoe Nage and chuck 1 over the gap. 1 follow this platform to the end, and on the right you should be able to init rappelling. 2 grab on to the rope, and haul him up. The Most Paranoid Guard in the World ************************************ Both head through the double doors and the next hall, to be faced with another catwalk, with an endless drop off to the left. There is also an automatic gun that moves up and down the rail on the left. Fortunately, it cannot see you in darkness, so time your movements to the dark patches all along the catwalk. Stop at the 3rd patch of darkness before the end (the one before the bridge). Across the gap, in the security station to the right is The Most Paranoid Guard in The World. He will investigate the moment you step foot in that patch of light ahead. If he so much as catches a glimpse of you, he will set of the alarm, pinpoint your exact position and shoot at you with precise aim - even if your partner can't even see you. If you shoot anything anywhere, he will try and raise the alarm, and if you so much as set off a smoke grenade, he will also raise the alarm. And, to compound things further, there is a camera right opposite you, where you land on the other side, so no sneaky entrance into his security booth. What a complete fool. It took me 20 minutes to find a way past him, and it's not very good. If you have anything better, please let me know. Anyway, 1 press your back against the wall and sidle into the next patch of darkness. This should have got his attention. He will come out to investigate. As he nears the glass on the other side of the gap, prepare a gas grenade. When his nose is touching the glass, fire. Hopefully, he will not notice you before the gas knocks him out, and his body should be hidden from the camera in the slither of darkness behind the glass. Tit. Anyway, now you can Tomoe Nage 2 across the gap into the sliver of darkness. 2 use a smoke grenade in the middle here, and sneak into the security office once the camera is temporarily blinded. Access the PC to extend the bridge. Before 1 crosses, use your second smoke grenade to cover your paths. Quickly use your keycards on the double door and sneak through. An Acrobat's Paradise ********************* Objective(s): Scan any suspicious chemicals 3/5 (primary) Scan any suspicious chemicals 4/5 (primary) Scan any suspicious chemicals 5/5 (primary) Sabotage Chemicals (primary) Extract from area (primary) The final three chemicals are in the upcoming warehouse. Enter it, but first take down the guards. If you make a light noise when entering, the two of them should converge at the bottom of the stairs and look up, wondering what the hell it was. Simply fire a gas grenade in between them to KO them both at the same time. Two birds one stone. The first chemical is a bugger to get to, but if you like traversing narrow pipes and beam, you'll be in heaven. Back up at the top, from the entrance, head right until you come to the end and a door that doesn't function. Look above it to see 4 copper pipes. The both of you jump up, and hoist yourselves up to the top one. Follow it left until you come to a beam, wide enough so that you can cross it. Follow that (another great place to make your mate jump and fall to their death!) until you see a cage on the right. Jump onto it and then down onto the mesh walkway below it. Hangover at the end to scan the third element. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE 2 go back the way you came, down to the ground floor, and wait. 1 get back onto the beam, but don't go to the end. Jump up when you see a horizontal pipe above you that you can cling on to. Let go when you are above a second beam. Follow that almost to the end, but drop off onto some crates below you, with a suspicious looking box on top of them. That's your next chemical. Scan it. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Wait where you are. 2, your turn. Head over to the forklift at the far end of the warehouse (not the one bathed in red light, the other one), and press the switch on the side to lower the barrel on the front. Scan that last chemical. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Make your way to the area that is bathed in red light. Wait. 1, look above. You should see a narrow grey pipe with a sprinkler attached. As per Lambert's orders, shoot it. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE You now have 30 seconds (more like 15 before the door closes) to sprint back to the red area where 2 is waiting and extract. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Well, I spoke too soon. Just when the levels were getting ridiculously easy, along comes one where you have to track down 5 crates, 2 keycards, and houses the Most Paranoid Guard In the World. tsk tsk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 12 - Kinshasa - The Old Mine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Extract from jungle complex Opportunity: (none) The Slowest Descent Ever ************************ This part is painfully slow and takes ages, unless you get it spot on first time. First, don't bother crossing the walkway, guards will see you. Instead, use the pipe on the left and cross over to the top of the very tall structure. Yep, you're rappelling down the side of that thing. Attach yourselves to the two pegs on the roof, and slooowwwlly make you're way down the sides. Where light illuminates your path, wait until smoke fills the area and covers you before you move on, else you'll get spotted. Finally at the bottom, crouch down and head over to the large generator. Climb the fence to the right of that, where it is dark. Once over, sneak around the light illuminating the passage into the next area. You'll be facing another of those blasted tripwires. Disable it as before (see 'The Breach'), and tread carefully in the next area because... Yep, the floor collapses. Hold B as you fall to soften the blow. The Descent Continues ********************* Objective(s): Escape Jungle complex (primary) Run through the rocky path, disabling the wallmine along the way. You'll come to a ledge with a turret on top. 1 boost 2 up to the ledge, and then OCP the turret from below. 2 deactivate the turret and hang back over the ledge, offering 1 a ride up to the top. Through the next passage (and another wallmine), lies a huge area with a few eagle eyed guards and a bloody annoying searchlight. Sprint left, through the cracks until you come to an area with a ladder of to the right. Wait until the searchlight passes over, lob a smoke grenade just to the top of the ladder, and quickly slide down it before you are spotted. If you're feeling like being fancy, at the bottom, being wary of the searchlight again, head right, up the pipe, across the ledge, and jump down. Press against the left wall until the searchlight passes over, and then slide down all the way to the bottom via the rope over your head. Or, you could just jump down the succession of ledges to the left. However you do it, make your way around the outside of the lower floor, towards the corridor blocked by a sheet of plastic. Use another smoke grenade as cover as you cut through it and enter the corridor. You are faced with your last challenge for this level. Two wallmines and a turret. 2 OCP the turret and 1 walk SLOWLY behind the turret, where you should disable the WALLMINES first. After they're safely put to bed, deactivate the turret. Both of you run to the end of the corridor and the mission will automatically end. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Is it just me again, or was that mission a complete pain in the arse? That damn searchlight! And you couldn't even shoot it. Anyway, just 2 more to go... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 13 - Kinshasa - The Canyon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Escape with Intel Opportunity: The Grand Canyon **************** Let's get one thing straight. This is the most annoying mission ever created in the Splinter Cell series. Not only is there searchlights galore, they also move because some of them are attached to helicopters! And, there's a 30 minute time limit. The very first part is easy, but don't get used to it, because it won't last. Fall off the ledge on the left and boost/human ladder back up the other side. Both of you jump up and grab the narrow ledge, once there's nowhere else to go, and sidle around. As soon as Lambert chimes in about a helicopter, stop. This is where things turn nasty. You may have to time things differently, but this is how we timed it moving through the level. Wait until the timer displays at the top of the screen. Immediately sidle over the rest of the ledge, and drop down. Sprint forward, and when you see a spot ideal for a Tomoe Nage over to the right, immediately 2 throw 1. 2 sprint to the foot of the wall that should be to your right when you turn around. 1 follow the path until you come across a natural bridge, with a searchlight hovering about above it. Your destination is the spot above 2, which is across the bridge and left. When you locate the spot, wait until the searchlight hovers above it. As soon as it moves, sprint over there and whiz over a rope. 2 immediately grab it and haul yourselves up. At the top (you're still pressured, until the searchlight comes back), race straight ahead, down the natural steps and to the very end. Another ledge and long sidle awaits. The helicopter may shine its light over you, but it will not officially spot you, so don't worry (unless that stupid music sounds). At the other end, drop off and follow the path set out for you. At the end is a back climb spot, so make the most of it and shimmy up a level. The Search for the Waterfall **************************** Objective(s): Escape with Intel (primary) Lambert will tell you that you're extraction point is a waterfall that is in the general direction of where you are heading. Good news. You can finally get out of this hellhole! First though, more searchlights and helicopters. Head right and notice the ropes hanging from the overhanging tree? 1 boost 2 up, to the tree branch, and 2 use the human ladder to let 1 up also. Both zip down, and follow the rocky crevasses until you see a ledge on the left and a hidey hole in front. Enter the hole and wait at the end until the light passes over (it is obvious when it does so). Jump up onto the platform when the light goes, and 1 initiate the dual rappelling. 2 complete the move and descend down the cliff face. Once at the bottom, you'll soon see a ledge on the right, for yet more hanging action. 1 run back to the hidey-hole and wait in there. 2 once you are at the end of the ledge, drop down onto the natural bridge, cross it and turn left, jumping right up to the top, where you will find another rappelling spot. 1 wait for the spotlight and sprint to the rendezvous point. 2 haul him up. All that stands between you and your ride out of here is a mile long sprint through the narrow gorges, avoiding the obstacles, until you can finally see the plane (its never looked so good)! Drop down gently (you will grab onto more ledges as you fall, so the drop is minimal, and take a final leap of faith onto the Osprey. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE Hallelujah! Kinshasa is completely gone, and there is just one more mission for you two to conquer. Bring it on! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mission 14 - Tanker on the Way ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives ********** Primary: - Find shipping container ID log - Plant 3 EMP charges Opportunity: - Stop engines Shutting down the Ship ********************** Objective(s): Stop engines (opportunity) Find shipping container ID log (primary) This one's based around disabling the tanker from the solo campaign that's heading for LA. Best stop it then. There's also a stricter 25 minute time limit on this one - the one on the Kinshasa level was a bit of an afterthought, but this one makes it slightly harder to conquer the level. Lets get cracking. Drop down gently off the big crate you are on, onto the ones below, and then onto the floor. Boost/human ladder up the box in the LEFT corner that looks about the right height to do so. Climb on top of it, then 2 boost 1 up. 1 clamber up, and use the rappelling rope further up the walkway. 2 grab it from below. Once both at the top, slide down the ladder and continue along until you see a PC on top of a barrel. There are two guards on a platform up above you somewhere, so to avoid being seen, stick to the dark right hand wall to advance. After a camera-free level previously, I was starting to miss them. Never fear, because they're back. Yep, another camera will be on the right hand wall, bathed in light. Simply use the OCP trick on the light to sneak on past. Again, stick to the darkened wall as you make your way to the ladder at the far end. Climb up, and wait until the sentry moves into the darkness before putting him to sleep. Move along the catwalk until you come to a door on the left. Head through that and the passageways after it, until you come to a locked door and a crawlspace on the right. The crawlspace is a waste of space, it just leads to the same place, but it takes longer. Attract the guard's attention on the other side of the door, and lure him into a nice long nap in the dark. Now both of you hop over the machines on your right, and sneak underneath the camera with NV. Stand on each other’s shoulders and cut the wire on the camera. You can now pull all six switches in here to shut off the engines. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Time is still ticking, however, and you should about 15 minutes left at this point. If anything significantly less, tough luck: restart. Go through the other door out of the engine room, and follow the rather linear path until you come to a door at the top of a set of bright red stairs. Open the door, and use the OCP trick between you on the turret to turn it off. One of you then enter the captain's quarters, on the left. Flick the switch on the left of the entrance to do something (not sure what) that will get the bloke sat at the desk to sprint over, and flick it again. Conk him whilst he is doing this. Next, compound his misery by hacking his PC, and reading all his confidential information. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE The bottom one will tell you how top identify the red mercury crates: Use EMF. The Three Most Deadly Crates in the World ***************************************** Objective(s): Plant EMP Charge 1/3 (primary) Plant EMP Charge 2/3 (primary) Plant EMP Charge 3/3 (primary) Sprint all the way back to the engine room, out the other side, and to the first cargo hold (you passed it earlier). Head for the ladder as if you were climbing back down to the lower floor but, instead of descending the ladder, swing over the rail behind it. You will grab ledges along the way to soften the blow at the bottom. You can now use EMF to identify the problem crate. To get up to it, use the boost/human ladder move where you see an opening on the left further up ahead, and then use the shoulder stand move before placing the charge. OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Hop back down, turn left, and use the ladder to get back up. Unfortunately, you're going to have to go the long way round, so run back round to the ladder on the other side (beware the camera and the soul guard up here). This time descend it, and run back to the entrance you used the first time you came in here. Clamber back up the ladder to find yourself in the first room again. Carefully touch down on the ground floor, and make your way to the very first crate that you boosted/human laddered up, but this time use the shoulder stand, as that crate also contains a nuclear bomb. If only you'd known that before... OBJECTIVE COMPLETE Now it's time to boost/human ladder up the crate in the other corner of the room. Use the same technique as before to get to the top. Five minutes from this point should be adequate. The next cargo hold is identical to the first one. Press your backs against the right wall, and move along it. This should attract the attention of the two guards in the centre of the room. Fire off a gas grenade in the middle of them to take them out, but not within view of the camera. Shoulder stand and cut the wire to disable it. Head upstairs, and you'll notice that when you approach the door up there, two guards bash it down and enter the room. One heads down, while the other stays hovering near the door. Take one each, but again be wary of the camera. Cut the wires on this one, and you're nearly there. Back down to the first floor, use the EMF vision to identify that nuclear crate. Carefully navigate around the containers in the middle of the room, to find a place where you can boost just under the target crate. One of you pull yourselves up to finally shut off the nuclear bombs and disable the threat coming from this ship. And, of course, to complete the entire game. ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETE So, you've completed all of the solo and co-op campaigns. You are one great player. Congratulations! All that remains now is Expert mode. Or, you can just bask in the glory of completing the thing for a while. I hope you have enjoyed the walkthrough and I have been able to help you all in some way. Again, if you have any comments or queries, please mail me. Thanks again for reading. Matt Rimmer, signing off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Acknowledgements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul Strein - Informing me of the location of the keycard that opens Takfir's suite on the Kinshasa level Kevin Teo - Informing me of a way of getting around the metal detectors on the prison level. Brandon Solomon & John Tooley - Giving me highly detailed info about the tomoe nage throw. Thanks guys! Jarret Russel - Info about the XBOX live headset 'M' - Alternate Route Info on the first JBA HQ mission. Shawn St. John - Giving me a very helpful tip about the cameras in the engine room on the Okthosk level. Peter Vu - Giving me several alternate strategies for 'The Sabotage' co-op mission in Iceland. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Legal Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. This guide may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal and private use. It may not be placed on any web site, except Gamefaqs.com, Neoseeker.com and Supercheats.com, or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. It may not be used for profitable purposes. Use of this guide on any other web site, as a part of any public display or as a profit making business is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.