------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- sss ll i tt ll ll --------- -------- S l t eee eee l l --------- --------- sss ppp l ii nnnn ttt eeeee rrr ccc eeeee l l --------- ---------- S p p l i n n t e r c e l l --------- --------- sss ppp ll ii n n t ee r ccc ee ll ll -------- p p ================================ --------------------- Pandora Tomorrow --------------------- ================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Platform: Playstation 2 A Ubisoft game Author: The Genius of the Hole Version: 1.1 E-mail: kayko_2(at)t-online(dot)de ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of contents: ================== --------------------------------- I. Introduction II. General Game Tips III. Walkthrough IV. Copyright and special thanks --------------------------------- I. Introduction **************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, it is official. I am addicted to FAQ writing. Doing it once is an accident, but more often.... Well, here we go then. This is a pretty plain walkthrough aimed at getting you through the whole story without getting stuck or forced to take desperate measures, so if you are looking for fancy background details you will have to look somewhere else (at least for now). It might not always be the most sneaky approach, but it works and for those of you who are of the sneaky kind, you might not need this walkthrough anyway, do you? I sometimes do mention alternative routes though, so do choose the one that fits your style or mood. Since this is a walkthrough which simply tells the progress of the story you should be aware that it contains SPOILERS. So if you don’t want to know what’s coming up, simply avoid reading ahead, alright? Oh, and one more thing: English still isn’t my first language - so, just like last time: if anything sounds weird or isn’t put quite accurately don’t dwell on the mistake just admire me for taking up the challenge of writing this FAQ anyway... ;) This raises another issue. Since for this game there wasn’t the option of choosing the language I played it in my mother tongue, so I might not use the same expressions for all the objects or moves that are used in the English version, though I did stick to the English booklet. Same goes for names of countries and towns and even my 'most sophisticated' academic dictionary did let me down when it came to some of the expressions in the mission titles, forcing me to either make them up myself or simply to leave them the way I found them. But you will be able to guess what I mean and since the order of the missions is given you will figure out which one is which simply by counting them down. Well, I think that’s it for my intro, let’s move on. =============================================================================== II. General Game Tips ********************************* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are only a couple of points to say here: # First of all: Don’t rush it. - There are hardly any situations where you have to make your move straight away. Take your time and check out the situation first before doing anything. Try to figure out movement patterns and rather choose to withdraw if you are unsure whether or not you are going to be able to make it. # Life is more fun with a tune on your lips. - Whistle and whistle often. This new ability of Sam is a very handy tool. It is very useful to lure enemies in a certain place (they often stop exactly were you where when you whistled), making it easy to calculate where and how to take them out, or, it can be used to simply check whether you have overlooked an enemy who will come out when he hears you. You can even use it to make the enemy move wide distances by whistling and moving a couple of steps; simply repeat this until you have him where you want him. # Try it again. - You might want to consider resetting once you have raised the second alarm. This time security alarms have real consequences and it is really hard to take out an enemy who is covered by a bulletproof vest and a helmet. It also means that you have used up all your room for error, because no matter how much of the world’s security is at stake, Lambert is a boss without mercy and he will count you out whether you consider it justified or not. Though unless you are completely sure that you can take on a whole passage of the mission without any further error (which is necessary in order to bring the alarm status back to normal) you might want to start over again, especially if you are a beginner. # To shoot or not to shoot. - Unless you are not explicitly ordered not to, it is often easier to kill an enemy than just to knock them out or to use non-lethal projectiles. The reason being: they sometimes turn around when it doesn’t suit you at all, they can be revived and you will have to deal with them again, AND non-lethal projectiles, except for sticky shockers, require a hit to the head and you cannot use the sniper mode. So unless you are good at aiming: shoot to kill, and remove the body from the scene as fast as you can. (I should mention though, that you should still try to aim well, because a wounded enemy is still a talking enemy - they might raise an alarm.). Sticky shockers can be an excellent alternative here, but save them for the real tough situations with more than one enemy. # Darkness is good. - Though not always a guarantee for cover. Since this is a stealth game darkness is your best friend. But if you should be discovered for any reason (for example a shot gave you away), don’t think the darkness will protect you any longer. Almost in a miraculous way enemies who did walk past you like they were blind before, suddenly will be able to almost smell you and it doesn’t change anything if you change your position. (There are one or two exceptions to this, but don’t count on it). So if you are discovered forget any secrecy and just blast away or hit them as hard as you can. It is also impossible to raise a second alarm in the same situation, so if you have already been seen and a second guard reaches the scene a second later you can deal with him without running any risks, just be fast. That’s basically the advice I can think of at the moment, but I will update this section if anything else crosses my mind. =============================================================================== III. Walkthrough *************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- US-embassy Dili, East-Timor +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once the opening cinema is over you’ll be in control of Sam Fisher. This first part is going to be child's play, but I am going to give you a walkthrough anyway. It is basically just designed to get you used to the basic controls, so here we go: Walk up to the landing stage (you don't need to bother shooting out the light) and jump to grab hold of the ledge. Just follow the catwalk and shoot the lights to test your skills, if you are aiming for a good statistic at the end of the mission keep sneaking slowly, but you don't have to worry about being heard or seen. The best way of shooting out lights is to switch your night vision off, otherwise the reflections will be irritating and you'll might unnecessarily waste ammo if you miss the bulb. At the end of the catwalk climb the ladder. Look up to see a rope and simply jump, once you have positioned yourself underneath it. Sam will grab it and slide over to the other side. Look up again to see a beam and jump to get hold of it. Lift your feet and simply proceed hand over hand. On the other side drop down and go to your right. Enter the hut and pick the lock on the other side of the room. In the next room climb the beam and jump into the shaft in the left corner. SAVE if you want to. Leave the room and walk down the ramp into the yard. Turn left at its end and crawl underneath the catwalk to move on. Cross the next yard and walk up the stairs onto the next catwalk, where you will find ammunition on some boxes near the stairs at its end. Now go quietly down the stairs (there is a guard only a couple of meters away from you) and lean against the fence to move on. You will have to stand upright for this. At the end of the fence make a SWAT turn to cross over to the other side of the opening and shoot the light as you have been told to. Now you will have the guards attention and you will have to take him out. WITHOUT A GUN. If you kill him or anybody else during the mission unless you are allowed to, the mission will be over. It will also be over, if you miss the light bulb too many times, because even the most foolish of guards will recognize a gunshot eventually. Hide his body, a habit you'll have to get used to and head on. Switch on your thermal goggles in order to locate the landmines, then crawl underneath the catwalk to get to the other yard. You will see a whole bunch of mines ahead of you, but they are easily avoided: Climb onto the box and jump to grab the beam above you. Then simply shimmy to its end where you can drop into safety. Go into the room ahead and climb the ladder to the next level. You will see a post which you can use to rappel down. SAVE if you like. Open the door and step outside. Turn immediately right to enter a narrow passage. Do a split jump and jump again to reach the upper level. Pull yourself up and sneak into the room ahead. You can either go into the left dark corner and whistle or simply shoot the light to cause the guard to come out of the next room. Either way take him out (remember to do it unarmed) and place him into the corner (-unnecessary if you have already shot the light). Move on and jump down to the ditch to get the opportunity to SAVE. Sneak up to the water and shoot the light on the opposite wall. Take notice of the guard patrolling the bank, you might don't want to alarm him to early so wait until he is further away. Then simply cross the ditch and take him out. He is easy to grab from behind since blissfully unaware of any trouble. Now get back into the water and just follow the ditch until you can't go any further. If you move too fast you will alarm some ducks and be shouted at by Lambert, but that's all. Open the door ahead and get inside. Once you approach the next door, you'll once again be able to SAVE. Sneak through the next room and into the next one. You will see a man sitting on a box in front of a burning barrel. Simply sneak up on him and take him for a walk - the room you just left was dark enough to hide from any sight. Interrogate him and say good-bye with a hit in his neck, then wait a second to hear a second man searching for your unconscious friend. Whistle him a tune to lure him to the doorway, where you can easily take him out without using a weapon. Go to the wall at the opposite site of the yard and climb the rain pipe next to the narrow passage to SAVE. You will be now in front of the embassy. Things will now begin to get a little bit more serious, with more guards around, but it is still fairly easy. Climb up the ladder ahead of you (don't bother about the gunshots they are not aimed at you,) and the next one as well. Jump onto the balcony and sneak forward. You will see glass on the ground (so be careful not to make a sound) and when you look up from underneath the window you will see a soldier with binoculars. Since you cannot avoid the light here you have to sneak past him, don't shoot the light above him, there is no use in alarming him. Once past him you will see a second soldier in the next window. With him there is Sadono, your main target for the next few missions, and two hostages...well at least for short while. Once Sadono is gone, (wait till he has left the next room as well or else he will come back and kill the hostage) you can shoot the light in the room, which will alarm the soldier and cause him to come out. Be fast to knock him out because he will shoot at you despite the fact that he should not be able to see you. Do not whistle to lure him out, he will assume an attack and shoot the hostage, which will end your mission. Go to the end of the balcony and climb out onto the pipes. Climb up and grab the roof. You will now hear Shetland being tortured, but don't worry, he is tough, it doesn't really matter how long it takes you to get to him. Shimmy around the corner (you'll be able to SAVE here) and then let go. You will land on a roof beneath. Climb out onto the next pipe to your right and slide down. Now quietly sneak up on the guy hitting Shetland and grab him from behind. Drag him into the dark corner and knock him out. You will find ammunition in his pocket. Then talk to your old friend and take the (disgusting) data stick from him. You can talk to Shetland again to learn more about their common past. Then shoot the light and open the door. Don't worry about the soldier standing near the window, just shoot out the light in the corridor and wait until his examination leads him to your location. Knock him out and hide his body. In case you are hurt, don't go into the next corridor straight away. Near the location where you shot the light there is a locked door. It's a bathroom with a medikit in it. Then head into the corridor. You cannot shoot the light here, so don't bother. Move on until you see a lamp hanging from the ceiling and shoot it. Then go to the stairway. SAVEPOINT. These usually pop up, when something more difficult is ahead, so be careful. Sneak down the stairs to see a soldier patrolling the hall, two more are playing some game in the background. Concentrate on the single soldier first. In case you get hurt, there is a room with a medikit next to the stairs, but the area is well lit, so you might want to wait till it's all over. To take the first soldier out simply watch the pattern of his movement. He will eventually stop near the small tipped over table and turn around before he moves on. This is an excellent moment to grab him. You could of course also whistle and lure him to a place of your liking or use the object on the counter to distract him. The others will be too far away to get alarmed. The bottle from the counter also comes in handy alarming one of the two playing guards, so you might want to save it for that. Whether you whistle or throw an object, take them out one by one. If you can't grab them straight away, simply whistle again until you have them in the right place. It is also possible to shoot the light above the playing soldiers. Now head on to the end of the hall and turn left into the corridor. Open the large door to your right and you'll be able to SAVE. Open the door ahead and listen to what Lambert has to tell you. It's fairly simple. Just follow the spotlight from the moment it passes you and try to keep in its centre as far as possible. Then just drop off at the other end. You will hear a turret near by - one of the reasons you couldn't take the long way around. Once on the other side don't hang around for too long or you will eventually be spotted. Open the door to the right and approach the stairs. Take notice of the door to your left, which will be your exit later on. Go upstairs, use the medikit if you have to and head on further up the stairs. I don't know whether it makes sense to shoot the lights, since he is wearing goggles like you are, but I do it out of habit and so far he never saw me. Be very quiet on the stairs and sneak up on him to knock him out. Don't forget to bring him inside where it is dark. Now open the door and meet Ingrid Karlthson. Having received the information needed, open the door behind her to get to a SAVEPOINT. Finally, your off the leash. No more knocking out, now you can use your gun. But remember: you can only raise 2 alarms without having to abandon the mission. Before you head downstairs climb out of the window and shoot the guy in the yard near the fire. Then run down the stairs and get outside. SAVEPOINT.(You could have also rappel down the wall near the small chimney.) You will see one of the spots your are supposed to switch off to your left. Shoot the small light on top of it, then climb up the ladder and use the switch. Down again and move up to the lamp on the wall of the next building. Shoot it and wait until a soldier passes by. Shoot him or take him out any other way. Then go around the corner, shoot the light and climb up the next ladder to use the switch. Head on to your right and take the soldier out guarding the next catwalk (you might not see him straight away when he is around the corner). Then run down the ramp and you will hear the helicopter coming for you. Once you have reached the inflatable dinghy your first mission will be accomplished. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Saulnier Cryogenics Lab, Paris (Thanks go to Thomas Roberts, for letting me know the correct expression) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now it's getting serious. Climb down the ladder ahead of you and shoot the light on the barrel. When you check your equipment, you will see that you have two guns now. Save the ammo of the SC-20K for the more difficult jobs and use the smaller one to inflict darkness around you. Then also shoot the lamp ahead, this might alarm a guard who is walking around on the track ahead, so stay away from the end of the tunnel yet, just in case a train will pass by and light up the whole area. This will happen every couple of seconds, so be careful or else you will be seen. Lure him close to your hideaway (either through whistling or with the object on the ground). Take him out anyway you like, but be invisible. You are allowed 2 alarms once again, before the mission will be abandoned, but each time the security measures will be heightened, and it's getting really tough once they are wearing their helmets, so you might want to avoid anything above one alarm. Take out your gun and shoot the light above. Then sneak up to the wagon and jump when you underneath the ladder to grab it. Use the roof to head on. This way you will not only avoid any more light from the trains, you will also have an advantage over the two guards you will have to face pretty soon. Jump into the wagon once you have reached the point where you cannot go any further and hurry to shoot the light. A guard will be patrolling the wagon any second. Take him out and either wait for his colleague, in case you have alarmed him, or, sneak close to the doorway he is waiting in and shoot him. Then follow the corridor until you come to a burning room. Shoot the valve on the pipe on the ceiling and cross the room. Open the door and switch off the lights in the next room. SAVEPOINT. Use your optic cable to see a guard in the room. He will soon move away from the door, but he is not the only problem in this area. There is a camera behind the shelves on the opposite wall. So open the door once he is away, shoot the lights and wait until he comes to check out what is going on. Then take him out. It is also possible to shoot him through the shelves, but this way you won't be seen by the camera. Shoot the second lights and the camera as well just to make sure it won't detect you when you pass the computer (you can use it) and the light on the desk (though you could shoot both). Don't forget to grab the ammo from the desk and go to the next door. Your optic cable will show you one guy ahead and another one at a desk. Open the door and shoot all the lights once the walking guard has returned to his colleague. This will cause them to search the room. Stay away from them until they have split up again. One will keep searching the other one will eventually return to the desk. Once you have taken the first of them out (quietly and in a distance to the other one) whistle for the other guy and knock him out. Then use the computer if you like and leave the room through the next door and lock pick the next one. Go through the next door to get the opportunity to SAVE. Now, this next bit can be a bit tricky. First switch of the lights. Then pick up the ammunition on the floor and heal yourself if you have to. Now open the door and quickly shoot out the light in the room. Soon 3 guards will enter and start to systematically search the room. You cannot use your gun here without raising an alarm, so you will have to avoid them by carefully keeping an eye on each of them. The right side of the room seems to be the safer choice to cross over to the other side since there is no flickering light that could show your position, but all three guards will be on this side at the beginning. But they can be avoided when you wait near the wall until they start splitting up and then try to sneak between them. Once on the other side slip into the next room and hurry to pick the lock. There is a fast way across the room which is a little bit riskier, but does work. Take the left side and move up to the middle close to the flickering light. The soldiers should pass you and there will be a moment when they will all be looking into the other direction. Get past the light keeping as close to the cupboards in the middle as possible and again hurry out of the room to the next area. Once you have picked the lock and leave the room behind there will be a SAVEPOINT. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE: Not that tricky at all. Immediately after entering the room with the 3 guards turn around and check out the wall next to the door. See that pipe? That's the easy way to cross the room. Simply climb up, pull your legs up and cross the room savely. Thanks Daniel Horton! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For this next part you will have to be fast. Not once, but twice. Best thing to do is get your grenade out. Then wait until the window is shattered and sneak halfway past it so that you will throw the grenade a bit backwards when you send it into the room. The reason: 3 soldiers who are destroying the computers. You have to take them out fast, or else the codes will be lost. If any of the soldiers has survived the attack take him out with your SC-20K and then rush over to the computer. Use it and you will be informed about a bomb. ############################################################################### For some reason sometimes the timer will be triggered off too early and you won't be able to get away from the computer. It is still possible to make it on time, but you will miss out on the information from Grimsdottir and will really have to get a move on it. ############################################################################### Both ways, leave the ammo on the desks and the sachet of the guy for later and head out onto the corridor. You will have to take out to soldiers and then lock pick the second door on your left. Disarm the bomb and then return to collect all the goodies and hide the bodies in dark places. If you should be wounded in the first room on the left there is a medikit. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ UPDATE: Here an alternative solution as suggested by leeanne thomas: After killing the guards in the first room don't access the computer. Instead go into the corridor past the boiler room and place a wall mine on the corner. Now return to the computer and start the timer. Get the guards attention on the way to the bomb and they should trigger off the wall mine causing their own death. This should give you plenty of time to defuse the bomb without any hussle from the guards. Haven't tested it yet, but it sounds like a good solution to me. UPDATE: Another solution to the bomb problem has been sent in by Brandon H. Splintercell Junkie: - I hid the dead bodies of the two guards I killed (who were shooting the computers) and then instead of immediately hacking the computer I walked down the hall to where the boiler room is and shot out the light so the hall was pitch black. That way after you hack the computer you can safely and quietly walk down the hallway and the guards won't see you. Then all you have to do is wait for the one guy standing near the door to move farther away so that you can pick the lock enter the room and disarm the bomb. Doing this saves ammo (even though there is ammo at the one computer) or a wall mine. - So, for all of you who are quick with the lock pick - this might be your solution +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now go to the end of the corridor and open the door. You will be able to SAVE here. Careful now. There is a motion detector ahead and you will have to sneak past it really slowly. I don't know whether or not it does matter, but I try to move only when the red light is weak (can be more easily seen when you use your night vision). Upstairs open the door and ignore the gunshots. Shoot the light and sneak into the corner where the dead body is lying on the floor. A masked guy will approach you, but he won't see you. Take him out either with the SC-20K once the other guy is gone, or knock him over when he comes back. Then shoot the lights, go into the room to the left on the corridor and grab the goodies (ammo and sticky shocker). Beware of the motion detector. Then return to the dead body and lock pick the door. Then go to the door on your left. It will slide open and you should get busy shooting. DO NOT ENTER. Here are a hell of a lot of cameras in this room and you should start by the one in the middle of the ceiling. Then take out the lights to your left. By now the door on the opposite wall should have opened and a guard will be coming into the room. Whistle to lure him out onto the corridor and into the darkness, where you can take him out. Then return to the doorway and proceed with your destructive business. The camera to your left next and then do the same on the other side of the room - light, and camera. Then proceed forward and do the same on the other side of the room on each side. You will find the computer you were looking for on the right side of the room. Use it to get your next mission objective: Brain search(ery). Now leave the room through the door you came in, there is only trouble ahead on the other side of the door next to the computer. Use the codeblock and SAVE if you want to. Duck down and sneak to the right of the spotlight which lightens the door. Switch it off and wait for the masked man who will try to switch it back on. Stop him forcefully and take the sachet and the ammo from the desk before you slowly! leave the room. In case you are hurt for some reason use the medikit on the wall first. Immediately behind the door there is a motion detector, so do not rush. Slowly sneak up to the door and use the optic cable to see 2 soldiers running away from the door. ############################################################################### For some reason they sometimes fall victim to their own planted wall mine then all you will find when you open the door, will be a burning corridor. ############################################################################### In case they did not get blown up let them run ahead and take your time to shoot out the lights. Reason being a camera ahead on top of the first flight of stairs. You can also shoot the wall mine which is close to the red light. Anyway, inflict darkness, shoot the camera and the wall mine (or pick it up if you are a daredevil) and get upstairs. After you have passed the next door you can SAVE again. Use the optic cable on the next door and wait until one of the 2 guys has left your sight. Then open the door and just step inside. Don't go too far or you'll be visible. One guy is using the computer behind the bulletproof! (you can use that for your advantage) glass wall. The other guy will soon begin to patrol the corridor next to the room. It is up to you whether you take the guy near the computer out first or take down the guy in the corridor, but since it is pretty dark near the computer it is easier to sneak up on this guy and drag him into the darkness while the other one is still in the corridor. If you are fast enough you can still place a bullet into his head while he is still standing there in a distance. Pick up the ammo from his sachet and carry his remains to a dark place before using the codeblock of the door on the corridor. Enter and you will be able to SAVE. Now here's a rare sight: Nine brains on the floor. Shoot some bottles off the shelf to lure a guy from next door to you and shoot him in the head. Then take the sticky shocker form the table in the left corner and switch your thermal goggles on to enter the next room. This can be a little bit confusing, but you are looking for the left farthest corner where there is a door you can lock pick. Open it carefully. You will be on a catwalk but unfortunately not alone. Two guards are also in the room, so get rid of them. You could also drop down and shimmy to the other end of the room where there is a possibility to pull yourself up again. Don't rush into the next area. Hear the wall mine? - shoot it or take it. Then enter the room to your left and drop into the shaft in the right farthest corner. Follow it and jump up to reach Coldeboeuf, the guy who's mobile phone you need. The timer means you will have to get out of there. If you hide in the tunnel you just came from you won't take any damage in the explosion unlike in the ventilation shaft above. I haven't found a way to rescue Coldeboeuf so Lambert always suggests psychological testing. Note: There seems to be a way to save Coldeboeuf. Here is what Alison1edmondson wrote: -...Once you have got the phone go into the shaft and you will see tthe guys through the floor. then just shoot the barrels to save him!- Then climb up through the ventilation shaft next to Coldeboeuf's remains and go left to end the mission by approaching the van. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hesperia railway company, Paris-Nizza, France ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ok, this is one of the many nasty missions where you are not allowed to raise any alarm. So be careful. Use the hatch behind you to enter the train. There is a dog in a cage near you, so don't rush ahead. No matter how much it hurts the animal lover in you or goes against any animal protection conventions, you will have to shoot it or it will give alarm and your mission will be over, (so aim for the head). Then shoot the lights (you can shoot the first light straight away, but that will wake the dog and make it more dangerous). Then wait until the guard has controlled the wagon and follow him into the next one. When you shoot at the light, he will check it out and will be an easy victim for you. Then look for the trapdoor in the floor and slide down to get underneath the train. Move along the bottom of the train until you come to a SAVEPOINT and to another hatch. Climb up, shoot the light and use the switch in the cabin to open the external doors of the train. Then leave the room and remember, you are not allowed to kill anyone. Do not use the switch in the corridor, just sneak left and open the door to your left to climb outside. What you want to do now is to shimmy along the train without being seen. Watch the people in the windows and wait until they look away. Be careful when passing one of the women, she will gaze out of the window for quite some time. Also wait until the man looking in your direction stretches himself to yawn. Then get back inside and go through the door to your right. Open the next door and sneak to the right before shooting the light. Sometimes the conductor will see you if you shoot the light too early. Once he is out of site, get into the first compartment and knock out the man inside. This might alarm an older man and the conductor to come and look, but if you are fast enough that's no big deal, just knock them all over - I know, not very elegant. If they don't show up look in all the compartments to find them, but spare out the third one in which Soth is sitting. Don't forget to hide them in dark places! Then go to Soth and talk to him. Hack his computer and then follow him as fast as you can sneak. Down the corridor and through the next two doors, but do not burst into the restaurant car, since it is full of guards. Get out the laser microphone. It will do the trick if you get a bad transmission from behind the bar, or counter, to the right. It will also hide you from view for the next part. SAVEPOINT. Wait behind the counter until Soth and one other guy have passed you, then sneak up on the one man that stayed inside the restaurant car. Do not bother to hide him, just knock him out. You will hear a transmission that they have found out about your presence. Don't worry this time. When you are fast enough, you won't even need to fight them, just head out of the room through the next door and climb the ladder to the right In case you do fight, there is a medikit next to the ladder. Open the hatch and get on the roof of the train. I don't know whether the chopper can do any harm, but if you don't want to find out, just run to the end of the train to see your plane. Grab the rope to escape into safety. Mission complete. UPDATE: As I have been told by Administrator the chopper cannot harm you and will eventually be brought down by your own plane. Haven't double-checked this information though. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Geula, street market, Jerusalem, Israel ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Another nasty 'do-not-raise-any-alarm/ kill' mission. Talk to your driver to get some information and then follow the path and up the stair. Avoid the light and sneak up to the police officer you see in a distance. Better to get rid of him now then later, when you could get trapped between two of them. Whistle and knock him out. Then turn into the street you might have passed. You could climb onto the boxes and up on the awning in order to drop down on the next policeman, but what ever way you take him out, watch out for the civilian, who is just as nosey as the policeman himself, do not get caught up in between them. Once they are both down and hidden follow the street until you reach some stairs. SAVEPOINT. Shoot out the light to your left to attract attention from a guard and knock him out. Move on, shoot the light in the corridor to the left and take a pause at its end. You will see some rabbis having a conversation. Wait until they sit down, then knock them out by grabbing them off the bench. Start with the left one, that will cause the other one to duck, if you start the other way around, you will have to chase the next rabbi down, and he will be running straight in the direction of another police officer. Don't forget to hide them. Then cross the yard into the next street. This next bit can be a bit tricky. There are a lot of possibilities to cross this streets above the ground, like for example the rain pipe in the right corner, or the boxes and the awnings, but I haven't found any of them really useful since you have to get back on the ground on the other end, and that is, where the real trouble starts. I first thought you could climb into the window at the other end, but you can just shimmy around the corner on the ledge and that's it. But maybe you'll find a way... Anyway, cross the street what ever way you like and shoot the lantern at the end in the left corner. There is a guard and a civilian in the yard of the restaurant. Unfortunately the guard will immediately cry for help if a bullet only gets near him, so rather whistle, and the civilian will follow him like a dog, so you will have to take the police officer out first, or he will raise an alarm. The best thing to do is wait until the guard is distracted by the civilian and sneak up to the wooden something on the left side of the yard. Once the civilian leaves, wait till he is gone and whistle for the police officer. Take him out and cross the yard to the open garage. Shoot the light and start heading down the stairs. SAVEPOINT. Do not rush! There is a ugly situation ahead. Your arms dealer is being held hostage and will be killed any second. What you have to do to avoid this (and therefore succeed in your mission since it will be over if he gets killed) is aim well and shoot the guy to the left first, not the one in front of you. If you don't do this the other one will grab Saul and hold him in front of himself. It is still possible with a well aimed bullet to take him down, but you only have a second or two before he will kill his hostage. It is wiser the other way around. It also doesn't work to take his colleague hostage, he will kill Saul eventually. Follow Saul to the hole in the ground and take all the goodies. Then talk to him and agree to a little trainings session, which is awkward considered the fact that you have used the same gun before and didn't get any explanation of how to handle it back then. But anyway. If you do the session, play around with the gun and shoot the guard with a sticky shocker. Then leave through the door to your left. But you can skip the scene by leaving immediately through the door. SAVE if you want to. Shoot the light, head a little forward and do a split jump. Now whistle and wait for the police officer to walk into the alley before you drop silently, but deadly, onto his neck. Then move on and turn left. Lean against the wall and shuffle close to the open window. Do a SWAT move in order not to be seen. Then shoot out the lights ahead before you sneak down the street. Take out the nun, if you feel like it or if you are worried to have her in your back, and go down the street. Another man might pass you, but he is a civilian and no big trouble. When the street makes a turn shoot the lamp near the rain pipe and climb it. Now whistle for one of the guards and get your SC-20K out. Use a non-lethal projectile to shoot him from above, aim for the head unless you are using a sticky shocker. The second guard will be routine now. Take him down and hide the bodies. Once you are around the corner get into a dark place, any second a police officer will patrol the area. You can either find out his walking pattern and take him out from behind, use a non-lethal projectile or simply whistle for him from a dark spot to get his attention. Then follow the street around the corner where you have to drop into a small passage in order to SAVE. Sneak around the next corner and you will see a guard standing a few metres away from you. Take him down, when you climb onto the wooden something, for example, he will hear you and start his patrol, this is a good moment to jump at him. Then sneak on, but careful there will be a civilian and a police officer in this next passage. So you will have to be careful if you let the civilian pass you since he will come back and you can get trapped in between them in case you whistle for the officer. It's better to take him out and hide him in the small open garage and then shoot the light above the guard to get his attention. Lure him close to you and get rid off him. Be careful in the next yard. He looks lonely, but in fact there are two police officers. Take your time to shoot out the lights and avoid them at first. Then when they are separated again whistle for the lonely guard. Take the next one out in the street to the left across the yard. Then simply follow the street until you reach a gate. Climb onto the bench and jump to grab the ledge and pull yourself up. Then go to the gate and jump again to climb over the wall. Drop down and approach the door to SAVE. Open the door ahead and hurry to the right wall. You will find a rain pipe. Climb it to slide over the fence ahead. Then shoot the lamp to inflict darkness. Approach Dahlia Tal and talk to her. You will now have to follow her AND take out guards and civilians. She will wait for you occasionally, though I don't know whether or not you can lose her. SAVEPOINT. Run a little bit ahead and shoot the light. Then take out the guard crossing your way before you shoot out the next light in the street ahead. Ignore the civilians and follow Dahlia into a tunnel and whistle for the police officer. On a box next to the end of the tunnel there are some goodies for you to pick up in case you are using non-lethal projectiles. Follow the street to a door. You will see that Dahlia has stopped, probably because of the officer ahead, so help her out for your own sake. This is best done by doing a split jump and dropping onto the guard, but for some reason this sometimes leads to me being discovered and sometimes not, but I haven't found the reason yet, though I know there is a second guard. But anyway, shoot out the lights from near the passage and then whistle a tune - you know what I mean. Once he is down, head passed the stores and turn left. Two people will be praying here, moving up and down alternately. The elegant way is to hide behind the pillars, keep an eye on the faithful and move when none is looking, but since they are only civilians, you could just simply smash the party and burst down and knock them over. Whatever you do follow Dahlia through the door ahead. SAVE or leave it and talk to Dahlia. Then shoot the light and lure the police officer from the next area to you. This only works with one of them and the other one is patrolling a well lit street, so here is what you want to do: To the left of the stairs there is a ledge. Jump and grab and move a little to the right before climbing up. Now you can move above the street and either leave him completely alone or shoot something non-lethal into him. On the other side Dahlia has encountered an officer who is threatening to follow her. Send him to sleep (he is right, the streets are not save) and talk to Dahlia. Then follow her through the door and SAVE. Sneak up the stairs and take the guard out who is patrolling the stairs. Don't worry if you are not fast enough he will make a circle and then cross your path again, so keep your eyes open. But sneak on as fast as you can, ignore Dahlia in the distance, you will have to help her later. Go ahead underneath the pillars and shoot the lights ahead, there is a guard in the small passage ahead in which you will have to go, so take him out before you climb the rain pipe in the dead end street. There are two civilian in this home, so end there nice evening of TV watching and climb out the window on the other side. Don't forget to hide their bodies, because for some reason they will be 'found' - I wonder by whom? But anyway. Drop onto the ledge and follow it. Then climb the rain pipe and follow the next ledge to its end. Dahlia is still in trouble, so rappel down using the post near by, but don't do it too fast in order not to make a sound. Then take the nosey police officer out and talk to Dahlia until she finally walks on (you some times have to go ahead to make her follow, simply get deeper into the small alley,) but let her pass you since she will distract a police officer who suddenly will appear. Whistle him a lullaby and open the door to get to the warehouse. Get inside and enter the elevator to trigger off the next part. Now this has to be the lowest point in Fisher's career, but do what you have to and kill her straight away. Otherwise your mission might be over, though I don't know that for sure. But don't expect any explanation afterwards, it is just another job for you, Sam Fisher. You will now get the opportunity to SAVE. At least you are free to kill now. So make use of that re-claimed freedom and kill the baddie ahead. The good news is there is no need to hide the bodies anymore and you can't raise an alarm which will lead to the abortion of the mission. Then follow the path to the left and go down the stairs. Once you have shot the light bulb you might want to jump off the catwalk. This is because there is a masked man ahead who will not see you from down there, but you will still be able to shoot him up there. Then get back onto the catwalk and climb the narrow pipe. Lift your feet to cross over to the other side of the fence. SAVE, because this savepoint is supposed to save you from a turret which is guarding the path, but this one is easy. Simply don't use the middle path but the left one and you will immediately reach its computer, though you still should wait until it's facing the other way and run. But you will have to kill an approaching bad guy first. Once he is down switch off the turret and use the doorway to your left. Wait a little while at it's other end where it is still dark and you will here a man walking. Whistle and lure him into his own death. Then move on, you will see the lab you have been looking for. Just grab the object on the counter and a SAVEPOINT will pop up. If you shoot the lights in the lab you will alarm another guy and you will have to take him out, so be quiet unless you want to risk anything. Leave the lab through the door you came from and follow the catwalk to the door to your right. If you haven't alarmed anybody in the lab you will have to take out one guy in this next corridor and another one close behind him. Then jump of the catwalk again. A man is guarding the door you want to leave through, so it is easy to take him out from down there. Use the elevator to go up and the fun time will be over. You are back on the leash and not allowed to kill or leave bodies lying around. Shoot the bulb first and then check out the scene. This big yard with the three guards can give you quite some trouble unless you have some sticky shockers left, which would make things a lot easier. The thing is the yard is well lit and the policemen are far enough apart so that you won't be able to sneak easily close to them. Whistling will only reach them from nearby and you cannot take them out in front of one another. So here we go: SAVE and then head forward to shoot the small bulb to the left. Concentrate on the walking guard first. Sneak out as far as the darkness around you permits this and wait until his circle will bring him nearby. Whistle lure him into the dark and end his nightshift. Next sneak underneath the scaffolding to your left. There is a guard leaning at the other end, well disguised from your night vision through the burning barrel. Sneak up on him, drag him into the darkness and send him to sleep as well. Remains the third, who is at the other end of the yard. If you have any non-lethal projectiles left, use them. Otherwise it will be hard to get his attention without being seen. Go underneath the scaffold on the other side of your starting position and get close to the boxes. Shoot a bullet through the gap in between them this will get his attention, whistle constantly to make him start a patrol around the yard. Run up to the place you shot the second light bulb and whistle again when he is near by. Now you can take him out. Cross the yard and go into the narrow alley which the last officer was guarding. Walk until you will hear Lambert who will give you permission to leave. Mission accomplished. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Manufacturing plants, Kundang, Indonesia +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I know this was announced as special feature, but in my opinion this jungle mission is rather nasty. Leaves are getting constantly into your view, you won't see anything despite that you know for sure that Fisher is in full sight of an enemy and sometimes neither night nor thermal vision will work properly on different occasions. For me it's just simply irritating and nerve-racking, but maybe it is to your liking. Ok, this first part is simple path-finding. Follow the way and drop down into the water, walk on until you can climb on a small 'island' on the left. At its end you can use a palm tree to climb up and reach a cable to slide over to the other side. Follow the path until a SAVEPOINT pops up and warns you about two of Sadono's men ahead. Drop down into the darkness on the left of the ledge, you will be hidden from sight here and be able to whistle for the walking guy. Knock him out and sneak up on the next man who is sitting in his chair. Grab him and bring him to the bush you dropped into. This is a good place to hide the bodies. Then go over to the big hole in the ground and rappel down. Climb out onto the wooden scaffolding and climb up into the middle. Now let yourself drop down and down and down. Nasty dog down there. Shoot it. Rappel further down. SAVEPOINT. Now wait in the dark until the guard has checked out the dog. Lucky for you he can't tell a dead one from a living. Walk to the wooden ladder-like thing and climb up using the pole. Now shoot the light in the tunnel and whistle to lure the guard who is just behind the corner to your position. Knock him out and carefully approach the bridge. You will see a guard at its end, or maybe not if he is around the corner, and unfortunately you cannot shoot the lamp in the middle. I simply use a non-lethal projectile from as close as possible, though it is possible to sneak up from under the bridge and climb out at the other end. And there are gaps in the wood, it might be possible to send a sticky shocker through them after you caused the guard to walk around, but you can also walk up in the cover of the darkness and shoot a non-lethal projectile at his head from down below. This way you won't be seen from the guy guarding the next section. Lure him into the tunnel and send him to his friends before leaving the cave and using the pole to Fisher's left. You will have to shimmy a bit to the right before you will be able to climb up. Walk on until you can SAVE. Head on and climb over the tree-trunk across the way (just push forward, if you jump Sam will not climb) and walk on to meet Shetland. Talk to him to get some details of your next assignment and then slide down the cable above you or rappel down using the post. Then sneak up to the camp ahead. There will be a SAVEPOINT once you almost reach the entrance. Life is more fun with a tune on your lips, so whistle a fatal one for the two guards nearby. Once they are both down and hidden, go inside the camp and turn left. Follow the path until you hear two of Sadono's men talking. Hide in the bushes and just wait. One of your 'problems' will vanish into thin air... Leaves just the second guy, but careful now or you will share this poor bastard’s fate. Use your thermal goggles and normal vision alternately for this next section, otherwise you might step on something. Look out for the intense blue spots in thermal vision and a thin shiny wire in normal mode. Once you see one of those approach the blue spot in order to disarm the mine. It's basically just rotating until you have a green light and all 4 orange sections free, just the last ones are a little bit more tricky, since you have to make it on time and go through all the different positions, I think. But anyway, you will find a way a to do this. First look out for the second guy and shoot him, hide the bodies and then move carefully along the 'path' (not much to be seen of one) to the left. Soon you will reach a SAVEPOINT, which is partly due to the enemy, who will be strolling your way. Shoot him, hide him and go on disarming mines keeping direction to the right until you reach a corrugated iron wall in front of you. Turn left around the bend and climb onto the truck to SAVE your game. Now there is one obvious and one slightly more elegant way to solve the next task. You can either simply walk up to the door ahead, open it, wait until the two men split up and provide each of them with a one-way ticket, or you could climb the fence next to the building, climb the rain pipe and get onto the balcony. Sneak inside and switch off the lights in the hangar Use the medikit if you need to. Then sneak over to the ladder leading down and pay the two guards a visit. It's better to use the non-lethal method, because it's rather difficult otherwise not to raise any alarm. Try the one patrolling the back of the plane first, he is easily taken out since you can sneak up using the boxes as cover. You can then shoot the second guy without any further difficulties. Then, once you planted the explosives leave the hangar through the other door (it's behind a wooden barrier in the hangar). Shoot the lamp outside and approach the entrance ahead. You can only see one, but there are in fact two guards, so take the time to lure the first one to the entrance and take him out quietly, before approaching the little hut. Sometimes they will come both for you at the same time, be careful then and wait until they split up. Grab one of them then and drag him out of the area before you send him to sleep, otherwise it's very likely the other guard will raise alarm, darkness or not. Once both are out and hidden, go into the hut and use the switch to lift the barrier. Use the medikit in case you are hurt, you might need it for this next part. SAVEPOINT. One of the deadliest enemies in this game is ahead of you: the dog. Here is what you want to do in order to get rid of him: Sneak speedy up to the leaning fence on the left side. Stop when you are just close to it (almost underneath). Knee down, get your sniper rifle out and go into the highest magnification. Aim for a height where you would expect a dog's head to be and wait. Ignore the guard crossing your sight, he is a minor problem compared with the dog. Once you see the dog, don't shoot until it stops and then aim well for the head. You almost certainly will only have one shot. Once the dog is dead rush back into darkness, it is highly likely that the guard will be alarmed (though this doesn't always happen). Take him out from a safe distance and then follow the path forward. There are two guards around. It is quite easy to play hide-and-seek with them. So take them both out and take the sachet from one of them. There is another baddie on the watchtower in the middle of the camp. Maybe a sticky shocker will do the trick, but it is much more elegant to quietly climb up behind him and simply remove him from his watch. Jump up to grab the cable and cross over to the other camp. SAVE. SAVEPOINT. Walk to the end of the dark area and wait until Sadono and one of the guards are out of sight. Then whistle for the strolling guard to lure him to your position. Take him out and use your thermal goggles to see another guard patrolling a hut across the yard to the left. Wait until he is out of sight and then cross the yard and sneak underneath the catwalk he is guarding. Turn right and follow the catwalk until you could turn left. Look up to double-check the guard is not above you and then leave your cover to head left and to the door ahead. Get a sticky camera out and sneak through the next room until you see a door to the right. All you have to do is send a sticky camera from the dark area near the wall through the doorway to the right against the wall ahead. Then zoom in to get the code for Sadono's door. No big deal. UPDATE:I have been told by Administrator that this is not the only occasion where you can get the code. So for all of you who are having a hard time placing the sticky camera: Sadono will move on and talk to some other guards. It seems that when you go to the next yard and place a sticky camera near Sadono and his guards Sam will also be able to acquire the code needed. Once again, I haven't tried it myself yet. Then ignore the guard who is in the yard ahead and sneak through the door you just shot the camera through. Turn immediately left and make a split jump underneath the window above you. Jump again, once you are facing into the right direction, in order to grab the ledge of the window and climb inside. For some reason you sometimes get the attention of a guard if you shoot the light, and sometimes you don't. Be prepared for either way. Take the ammunition from the table in the bedroom before you go through the corridor into the next room. Here take the sticky cameras from the boxes in the right corner and climb out of the window to drop down. You can SAVE now. Take it slow now. After a moment you will see Sadono moving along the other side of the fence. Don't rush up too fast, especially not at the end of the fence, because he will stop to open the door and if you are too close, or are not in the dark he will see you. Now either wait a second, climb the window and slowly follow him through the rooms, or shuffle through the narrow gab. There are two ways to cross this yard. A short-cut and a longer way. Here's the short-cut first: Let's say you used the gab to get in the yard. Now sneak forward along the right side of the area where it is dark. You will see a lamp on some boxes ahead. Shoot it and then climb the pole near it. Quiet now, there is a guard on the cat-walk you have climbed on. Shoot the spotlight above him and then sneak around the corner up to him and take him out. Quietly, don't alarm the guard in the yard about your presence. NOTE: For all of you having a hard time placing the sticky camera and acquiring the code - high above the ground you are in an excellent position to place a sticky camera right next to Sadono without anybody realizing it. As Dani Wilkinson pointed out: - When you are up on the ledge simply fire a Sticky Cam onto the floor (which Sadono is stood) but directly below and ZOOM in with in.- Then go along the catwalk until you reach a room. There is a gab in the wall ahead. Drop through it and you will be in another yard with two guards and some lorries. Go into the right dark corner near you and whistle for the first guy. Once you knocked him out take the long way around the yard to the right. Follow the fence and don't mind the light, the other guard is day-dreaming and won't see you. You will end you up behind him where you can easily grab him and drag him to a dark place. Then go inside the garage and climb into the hole in the ground to SAVE. Here is the long way: Use the window and follow Sadono through the rooms shooting the lights on the way. Wait until Sadono is gone, then whistle for the guard to get him into the room. Send him to sleep and then shoot the spotlight above the guy guarding the catwalk. Then shoot him and simply cross the yard. There is an open garage with a lamp to the left. Enter it, shoot the light and carefully open the door. Sadono is still in there, so don't move. Once he is gone you can shoot the next light, this will most likely alarm both guards. Remember to separate them before taking them out, otherwise an alarm will be raised. Then take the sticky camera from the table, heal yourself with the medikit if you need to and then go into the garage to the left of the next yard. Climb into the hole and SAVE your game. Wait until the guard has passed, then shoot the light bulb. You can of course take him out which can be time consuming, or you can simply drop down where the banister is broken and shoot the lights in this lower area. This will alarm the second guard, but he is easily knocked out in the darkness. Then either enjoy yourself and take the second guy out as well, or simply sneak into the door to the right. There are two guys in this next room. You could simply switch off the lights and wait on the stairs until one of them comes to switch it on again, but I find this rather tricky since you have to be very fast and the likelihood of raising an alarm is very high. It's much easier, though less elegant to shoot one light after another and sneak out each time to wait until the you have lost the guard's attention. Open the door to the right. SAVEPOINT. Shoot the spotlight to the right and then use the switch on the wall next to the door you just came in. Wait until a masked man shows up to switch the machine off again. Grab him and take him out. Then walk up to the nearby door and whistle to get the attention of another baddie in the next room. But don't do that too early, wait until Sadono has left the room. Don't shoot the guy in the black jacket. He is the pilot (what does he have to do with it?) you are looking for. Talk to him and then leave through the same door as Sadono did. Climb the ladder just to immediately jump back again. Otherwise you will be seen. Someone (Sadono?) will enter the room for a couple of seconds just wait, then climb out, shoot the light, grab the ammo from the boxes and heal yourself if you have to. Then leave though the door to the right. Turn left and you will hear gunfire. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with you. Now take out the two guards ahead. Wait until they split up and shoot the first one. Then hurry to carry him far! away. The second one will show up any moment looking for his whiny comrade. Take him out as well, but don't get to close to the turret. Talking of it. There are some flares next to a barrel before you reach the first guard. You can use them to distract the turret which will (hopefully) shoot towards the burning flare. You have to be fast then and think carefully about the direction you throw the flare in. But you have a much less risky option here - you just have to find it first. Look around where the first guard was standing. There is a thin pole which you can use to climb up. Cross the planks and turn right. SAVEPOINT. Otherwise switch of the turret and enter the shooting range through the door, but there are two guards in there, so you will have to be very careful in order not to raise any alarm. The other method is a lot safer, though it can be tricky too. Let's say you used the trapdoor on the roof. Get your legs up and your weapon out. (Make sure it is loaded in advance otherwise you won't be able to shoot. Shoot out the flickering light to the left. You might get discovered, but you can hide and wait somewhere along the cable. Then proceed further and shoot the light in the gym next door. There is a boxer working out, so now you have three guys to look out for. Find the right position and shoot the spotlight in the left corner of the gym. You can't shoot it from every angle so you will still have to be in the shooting range to do it. Then when the boxer isn't aware of you drop off the cable and take him out. Take his sachet and leave through the door ahead. SAVE your game on the ladder. Climb out of the window and whistle a couple of times. Don't drop down until you have the attention of one of the guards and he is standing underneath you. This way you will save yourself a lot of trouble on a well lit yard. Don't rush into the next area, since there are two of Sadono's men (one if you took the first one out like described above) and a turret guarding this yard. You can either simply lure the next guard to your position, or take your time and shoot out the lights in the yards from a distance. Then it's just a matter of sneaking up on him and avoiding being hit by the turret, but it's better to take him out from a distance since shooting the lights will hardly provide you with any cover. Whatever you do approach the turret from the left in order to reach its computer and not being hit. But then again, you don't need to switch it off if you just use the door on the left to get inside the hut. Take the ammo and heal yourself if you have been hurt. Then carefully open the next door. You will have to deal with one guard and a moving spotlight here. This is what you could do: Wait in the doorway until the guard has stepped in one of the areas where the spotlight doesn't go. Then simply shoot him. Then wait until the spotlight is far enough away and step out. Turn immediately left around the corner into the gab between the boxes and sneak up to Sadono's house. Careful now, there is another guard on the veranda. Take him out and then use the codeblock to enter Sadono's house. SAVEPOINT. You are only a couple of meters away from the man himself. Here is what you want to do. Get near the open window to listen to Sadono's phone call. Then, every time he changes the position you will too, taking cover behind the window shutters between the windows. But careful, when he is done with the last call. You need to rush into the darkness at the end of the corridor now or else he will see you. Then, once he has left shoot all the lights and cameras in the room. There is one to the right and one on the left wall. Then use his computer to hack into his phone. Now Sadono will come back just don't get into his way, he won't act any smarter than his employees this time. Once he is gone follow him out on the corridor and go through the doorway and through the next door ahead. Go through the next door and don't bother about Lambert's comment - it doesn't matter how you time it, you will be trapped and will have to wait until Shetland opens fire. Then shoot the distracted gunmen in the head before you head straight on into the night to catch your flight. Mission complete. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Shipyard, Komodo, Indonesia ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Get your sniper rifle out and shoot the man patrolling the area. Then switch your night vision off in case you used it to see the red beam which is scanning the area. Don't let it touch you. You can ignore the radio transmission, no-one will come for you. Now there are two ways to enter the next area. You could simply go over to the huts on the left and sneak inside, or you could had in direction of the huts, but then approach the watchtower from behind, making your way around it to its front to enter the next area. There is a turret guarding the platform of the tower, but if you sneak past really closely it will not hit you. Either way, you will end up facing a yard just from opposite directions. Two men and another watchtower are guarding the area. Coming from the first watchtower your next moves could be as follows: take care not to be touched by the red beam when leaving the hut. Shoot the first guy and hurry to either hide him or immediately shoot the other guy or else he will raise the alarm. Don't forget to hide their bodies, but watch out for the red beam. From the other side of the yard you could: shoot the lamp ahead and wait until the guard stops snooping around. Sneak outside, but be careful the floor will make a lot of noise if you move too fast. Then whistle from behind the boxes (don't go to the right, the beam is scanning the area beyond the boxes) and take the first guard out. Then immediately shoot the second one in case he has heard anything. Get his body out of the light, but keep an eye on the beam. Your next destination is the hut next to the watchtower. Sneak in and leave through the door. Quiet now. Two guards are around the corner, but they are talking to one another and won't pay attention. Unfortunately there are an awful lot of sources of light around. I never managed to shoot them without immediately getting the full attention (and thereby I mean they even have my position despite me being in a distance and well hidden in the dark) and therefore I usually raise an alarm with this method. But you can sneak around if you don't attack them or shoot anything. Head to the left, where there is a burning barrel and a single lamp. You will find cover behind the freestanding wall and from there be able to get into the water ahead. There is only one catch: a dog is guarding the hut ahead and will give alarm even if you sneak underneath the bridge. Shoot it before you enter the water and then quietly wade through the water until you can walk up a ramp. Do so and do a split jump in the narrow gap. Jump again once you are facing to the right and grab the ledge to climb up. Jump down to SAVE your game. Ignore the shooting, someone is practicing outside the hut. Now jump up to grab the thin beam above you and pull your legs up. Move forward until you are exactly above the chair the guard is sitting on. Don't worry if he jumps up in between, he will eventually settle down again. Drop down and send him to his final rest. Then carry his body into a corner and shoot the TV to inflict the necessary darkness. Now if he hasn't been alarmed sneak to the door and simply shoot the next guy in the head. It is also possible to sneak out of the hole in the back of the hut and switch of the machine to get his attention, but why bother. Don't rush into the yard, there is a turret guarding the corner to the right. So take the long way around through the hole in the wall and past the machine in order to reach its computer before picking up the body. But don't stumble into the doorway to the left, another turret is guarding the door. You can either simply dodge past it and take a hit, or you use the pole in the left corner of the yard to climb up and proceed hand over hand across to the roof of the hut. Drop through the trapdoor and switch the turret off. Drop into the hole at the other end of the room. You will now have the opportunity to SAVE. Shoot the light and then open the gate by pushing the button. Use the elevator to go down. Immediately leave the elevator and get close to the left wall in order to 'embrace the darkness'. Then shoot the last light in the row ahead of you. Two guards will show up, sometimes they snoop around together, which is the more unlucky case, then you will have to wait until they have separated to either shoot them, or lure them into their painful fate. You should take the time to shoot out the lights then in order to make it easier for you. It is more likely that only one guy will check out the lamp you shot, while the other one will return to the room with the technician. In this case simply shoot the lonely guard from your position near the elevator and then turn into the corridor in the middle, inflict darkness and approach the doors to eliminate your second opponent. Once done return to the elevator area and use the door near by you will find ammo here and the possibility to heal. Now go back to the double doors and go through. Sneak left around the computers and stuff to see an technician ahead of you. Grab him and interrogate him. Then drag him to the computer and 'ask' him to bring the submarine up. Don't knock him out too early. Someone will contact him over the radio and ask what's going on. Make him answer - SAVEPOINT. And then send him to sleep in a dark corner. Leave the room and go to the right to approach the dock. Shoot the light from below the stairs and a guard will come in from the door. Wait until he has returned outside and then simply sneak up and take him for a walk into the darkness. Once he is out sneak outside and go right. Follow the catwalk, but take notice of the goggle-wearing gunmen to the left and to the right. I haven't managed to shoot the left one from that far away, maybe he is out of reach, but once you have almost reach the lift (just after the trapdoor in the ground) you can shoot the one to the right. Then use the trapdoor, but don't lift your legs or else you cannot land on the platform underneath the lift. Sam will let go and drop into his death. Drop down and push forward at the same time to make him climb onto the platform, then use the thin cable to slide across to the next area. Lift your legs to be a smaller target and less visible just in case. When your ride comes to an end drop to grab the next cable and simply repeat the sliding. Then knee down and get your gun out. Shoot the guy approaching the catwalk from the right and then hide his body. Now enter the submarine. This next part can be rather tricky until you have figured out what you have to do. You might have noticed by now that your arsenal of weapons has been narrowed down for some reason. You have no non-lethal projectiles by now and for some reason, despite (at least in my version) the permission to kill popping up at the bottom of the screen it will end the mission if you do so. So you are not allowed to raise any alarm or kill anyone and you are moving in very limited space, but it really is just a matter of figuring out what a particular situation requires. Here we go. This first part is one of the most difficult since you have to get the timing right or else you will immediately raise an alarm no matter how sure you are that no-one possibly could have seen you. Turn left through the door and climb the ladder. Don't run in order not to make any noise, but don't sneak to slow or you will get caught. Sneak down the corridor until you can turn right into a tiny 'dead-end'. Here you wait until the first guard takes up his patrol. Now it is time to play hide and seek, meaning you go as close to the opening as you possibly can without being seen and whistle, don't forget to withdraw into the back. Then, when he checks it out wait until he turns away from you and grab him in order to take him out. You could also try to follow him on his patrol, but I have found that you sneak to slow and he will turn around before you actually manage to grab him. Now it's time to alarm the second guard. You don't have to be quite as careful this time. But still, don't give him the opportunity to raise an alarm. Whistle from the same hide-away and he will come to check it out. You can wait until he has made his way to the other end and passes you on his way back. This is a good moment to cause him a headache. Don't forget to hide him. Then leave the corridor through the door ahead. Cross the dorm and climb down the next ladder. SAVEPOINT. Whistle and rush back to the ladder. A masked guy will show up so jump at him and knock him out. Place his body near the ladder, he won't be found here. Switching off the lights might lead to the same results as the whistling, but you will be more likely seen passing the door. Go through the Cafeteria and through the next door at the end of the corridor. In my experience you have to step into the light or approach the next door in order to trigger of the next scene. Any one ordered a commanding officer? Grab him, but don't knock him out, and drag him down the next corridor instead where you will find a door to the right which is just where you will need him. Make him want to help you and then withdraw with him back into the room where you found him. Now you can send him to sleep and approach the door again he just opened for you. For this one you could of course use the blend grenade, but you have to be really, really fast then, because there are two of Sadono's men in here and you will need a second to recover yourself, especially with the night vision switched on. It is easier to open the door, whistle and withdraw into the area further down the corridor. There is a corner where it is dark enough to hide away. You might have to step out again and whistle one more time to reassure him to follow you, but don't step out too far, or he will give alarm. Once he is out - simply jump at him from the dark - it is time to get familiar with the other guy. This is much simpler. Enter the room and sneak to the right, keeping as close to the wall as you can. It is all pretty dark in here and he won't see you until it's too late. He is guarding the computer in the back of the room. Sneak as far to the right until you are facing him and then throw the blend grenade. Make sure you are running into the right direction and knock him out before he will even know what happened. Then hide his body and use the computer. Ok, time to leave now. There was a door at the end of the corridor outside. It will be open now. But don't chill out too early, there is one more guard to be taken out before you can relax. This time there is no reason why you shouldn't shoot him. You will either encounter him already in the corridor or in the room behind the door. Once you have gotten rid of him, climb the ladder and SAVE. Fancy shoot-and-run? Then this is your part. Get your sniper rifle out once the gangway has gone down and aim for the stairway ahead, while you are slowly moving towards it. Sooner or later a masked guy will show up. Send him a bullet and then head down the stairs. No need to hide anymore, for some reason you are very popular now and you might want to run the last bit of the stairs and hide near the medikit before heading on. This next part will be full of nasty gunmen all waiting for you, so in case you are hurt heal yourself before going outside. The good news is, this next part will also be full of explosives which you can use for your advantage. Here is my advice: Get your SC-20K out and shoot the first guy that you can zoom in on. You might also want to shoot the explosives near by just in case there was some accident with a bullet. Then run outside and take cover behind the box to the left. Zoom behind the first pillar to the right and you will see some explosives. Time to send these bastards to heaven. One bullet is enough to clear the way to your next cover - the pillar to the right. This time zoom left in the distance to see the next explosive surprise. Shoot it and get rid of the next nasty gunman. Once all the gunmen are out (you will know when you are being shot at) run forward and stop between the last two pillars. Ignore the boxes ahead and turn your attention to the right on the other side of the ditch. You have two gunmen waiting for you to come out, but ignore them and rather focus on the explosives next to them. Shoot them and then check out the edges near your position to find a ladder. Climb down, don't jump too enthusiastically (- you can actually die here) and complete thereby your mission. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Station Free Indonesia, Djakarta, Indonesia ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Talk to your driver and then climb the ladder behind you. Go to the pole and rappel down the wall. Go to the edge and drop down. Wait until the man behind the wall has disappeared. Don't go into the alley to your right. Cross over to the other building and climb the rain pipe. Walk on until you see three rain pipes to your left and use the middle one to find a way to cross over to the other side. Proceed across hand over hand and drop down onto the ledge. Go to the left and drop off the ledge where the ventilator forces you to. Pull yourself up again once you are past it. Then, at the end of the ledge, jump across to the rain pipe and climb down. Drop but don't let go if the guard is standing next to you. Then jump into the plants and watch the patterns of his movements. Grab him from behind and take him out. Shoot the light and sneak into the narrow alley. Do a split jump and whistle to alarm another guard to your presence. Drop silently but deadly and put him to rest. Shoot the spotlight and walk a little bit further into the yard to see one more of Sadono's men. Whistle for him and get back into the alley. You can either simply use the split jump method or simply shoot him, or combine both. Then walk over to the scaffolding to the left and climb the ladder to get onto the roof. You will find a cable to your right which you can use to slide over to the other side. Sam will grab the fence, so climb over where it is possible and lock pick the door on the other side. Then get inside and jump to grab the pole in the middle. Climb down and SAVE. The lightning problem is not as bad as it sounds in the radio transmission, and you can still rely on your thermal goggles for this part of the mission. More of a problem is that the lightning will give away your position. So make sure you are not approaching an enemy just when your cover is 'blown'. Lock pick the door and rush outside into the right corner. It's dark here and you are far away from the guards patrolling the yard. You can see them both with your thermal goggles. This is a good opportunity for a game of hide and seek. Whistle and take the first one out, then you can shoot the second one. Check the two guardhouses to get some non-lethal ammunition and then walk on to the gap in the wall. Careful now. You might already have recognized the sound. Shuffle through the gab and stop. You will end up directly next to a wall mine. Switch off your goggles to get a clear picture and take it when you got the green light. Then sneak into the next yard. Two more men to be put to sleep. The first one you can cheer up with a tune, the second one is best put to rest with a bullet. Don't forget to hide the bodies. Then climb into the hole in the left corner of the yard. Shoot the light bulb and approach the bars. Shoot the light bulb in the next section above the guard as well. Then take out the bad guy with a bullet. Go half way back and check out the wall to Sam's left to see a doorway. The trouble is you can neither shoot all the lights nor the camera in this room, so you will rely on your camera jammer. If you don't manage to keep it steady the alarm will also bring some guard in, so get your gun out the moment you have been spotted. It is also possible not to be seen by the camera if you manage to get the timing right. Wait until it is completely turned to the right and rush to the left where the pipe will give you cover. Wait until the camera is turned away again and rush to the wall next to the doorway. But don't do it while the guard is just passing by. You can shoot him from the other side of the room if you are lucky and he comes in sight before you do this whole crossing over. But you might as well take him out once you left the camera behind you. Shoot the light bulb ahead and then take out the patrolling guard. If you cannot see him he might just be in another room, but he will be back eventually. Then go left. Enter the room to the left with the next armored camera, and simply repeat the method from the first one. You are now in the area where you shot the first guard. Jump and climb the ladder. You will be able to SAVE now. Ok, now get out your SC-20K and switch on your thermal vision. On the tower in the middle of the yard you will see a sniper. Move to the left until you got him in your scope, but watch the ground there are mines all over the place. Wait until he stands still and then shoot the sniper. Your next task is to get to a door which is basically almost ahead of your current position, but due to the mines you cannot simply walk over. There are two ways to get to the door. Switch on your thermal goggles and walk all the way around the tower using the crates to avoid mines, OR use the fence around the tower to get across, then you can use the short way simply to the left. You will also have to avoid getting seen by the spotlight, but even if it gets you all that happens is that it gets glued to you and follows you until it loses you in the next shadow. But it will of course raise an alarm, so try to avoid it. Once in the left corner of the yard climb the next fence to get behind these generator-like crates. Walk up to the door ahead, pick the lock and take out the guard inside. Hurry, a second one might be on his way. Take the ring airfoil projectiles and use the medikit if you need to, then approach the next door. If you use the optic cable you will see two guards patrolling the area. Here is the easiest way to deal with them: shoot the light, open the door and whistle. Sooner or later one of them will come to the room where you will be lurking in the dark. Take him out and repeat the same method for the second guard. Now you can step outside, but careful this yard is a mean trap. There are two turrets guarding the area, but this is just to fool you. Don't bother attempting to switch them off, it is a joke, you don't need to. Simply walk along the left wall around the corner following the neon light and then look up with your night vision switched on you will see a gab in the wall where you can jump and get a grip. Crawl in, then do a split jump and jump again to reach the next level. Nice joke ubisoft. Approach the glass roof in the middle and shoot it. There is a guard down there so don't simply slide down using the pole. You will either have to get your timing right or take care of him from above meaning that you will have to slide down partly and then use your gun. Hide the body and then approach the elevators. But be careful the moment you reach it the doors will open and a guard will come out. There is a plant right next to the elevators on the left, where you will be safe from sight and lightning. Take the guard out and hide his body as well. Then use the elevator the guy came with. SAVE and exit to the left where you should stay as close to the left wall as possible. Ignore the corridor to the right it will only lead into the sight of a turret. Half way down the left corridor you will get aware of a guard, so whistle and make your way back to the elevators. Wait in the dark for the guard and take him out once he has passed your position. Now go down the left corridor again, stay close to the wall and watch out for the guard you can see ahead through the door. when he has turned his back on you rush over to the door and dug below it. Hurry because the corridor you have to cross for this is also guarded by a turret. Now wait until the guard in the corridor behind the door is on his way out off your sight again, then quickly enter and shoot him with a sticky shocker, if you have one. You could also hide behind these high boxes in the corridor and shoot the light next to you so that you can take him out silently, but there is hardly any time for this, so the other way is more likely to work out without being discovered. You will see the grating of a ventilator lying on the ground. When you look up you will see where to go next. Step between the two pillars of boxes and do a split jump. Jump again and pull yourself up to crawl into the ventilation shaft. You might as well can use the door to the left in the corridor, but using the ventilation shaft will give you a slight advantage in the next room where there are three guards. Simply whistle from above or throw the object to get their attention and take them out one by one. If they come all at once you might want to consider to withdraw back into the shaft in order to avoid discovery. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here is a tip sent in by Max Yevsyevyev (at least I believe he was referring to this vent): - In Station Free Indonesia, Djakarta, Indonesia, after you climb through the vent (where you will see three guards) you can walk forward out of the vent until you see a pole on top of you, where you can stand up and climb to the other side of the large room and shoot the guards silently from above. The third guard stops right under the pole and you can jump on him, knocking him out. - Note that I haven't checked this solution myself. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Once they are all out get behind the curtain to a door behind the wall. Shoot the light and use your optic cable to see a guard entering a door. Then open the door and shoot the light. Enter the corridor and whistle or shoot the second light to lure the soldier out of the room ahead where there is Karlthson who you are supposed to meet. Here comes the tricky bit. When you lure him out and shoot him - and this is the reason why you should not enter the room he is in - a second guard will come from the other room which is to your left, so you will have to deal with both of them. Best thing to do: use a sticky shocker on the first guy then fly around and kill the other one. When I do it I usually raise an alarm, but maybe you are more lucky. Then meet up with Karlthson. By the way, in the room to the right, seen from the corridor, there is some ammunition, just in case you should need it. Talk to her and then follow her. SAVEPOINT. Whistle to lure the next soldier into the corridor you are in and then take him out. Now you can take all the time that you want to switch off the turret. Head on further down the corridor to your right and switch off the next turret. Now you can meet Karlthson near the scanner. Talk to her and she will open the door for you. SAVEPOINT. Now ignore her advice about going left. Immediately turn right and get your sniper rifle out. Shoot the soldier she is talking to and then immediately be ready to get the other one as well. Funny how she keeps talking to the air. Now talk to her again and she will open the next door for her 'guardian angle'. SAVE your game, now comes a tricky part. What ever I tried, I just didn't manage to separate the two guards, so the only choice I had was to shoot them both as fast as I could. Maybe you will find another solution, but there is hardly any shadow to hide in apart from the right. Then head on and stay close to the wall to the right. Shoot the lights in the corridor using your scope, lock pick the door and then head carefully forward. There is an armored camera in the corridor, so stay next to the wall to the left. Cross the neon picture when the camera is facing away and then slowly move to the right staying right underneath the camera. Don't leave your position when the guard ahead is nearby. Once the guard is gone and the camera is facing to the left rush into the right corner. Now wait for the guard and take him out. This will alarm a second one, so be fast and shoot him. Behind the counter to the right you will find a medikit in case you need to heal. Then head on, you are almost there. Get the sticky shocker from the table then climb the vending machine and into the ventilation shaft. SAVEPOINT. Now this last bit can be a nightmare if you don't know what you are supposed to do, otherwise it is child's play. If you are discovered it is as good as over and basically it is impossible to shoot a guard or take him out without being discovered. Sadono will even take you out himself if he gets around to do it. I really want to know what kind of a gun he is using, because one hit is enough to switch off your lights for good. Here we go with the solution: Simply jump down into the corridor and run ahead. Yes, run, past the curtain which will lift and hide behind the small wall-like thing. Now wait. And wait. What you are waiting for is not Sadono, but his guard who will appear, walk towards the wall once and then take position next to Sadono. Now make your move. Sneak up straight behind Sadono and grab him. Now you have four potential exits, but forget about three of them you will never make it backwards with Sadono, and eventually his guards will start shooting anyway. (Why on earth is a guy as capable as Sam not able to walk forward holding a hostage?) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ NOTE: It seems he is. Billy Osgood wrote: - this can be done if you grab a hostage, and then press the r2 button to get a gun out you can walk forwards with him!) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Anyway, the exit you can use is the one right where you jumped down from the ceiling it is to your right in case you have forgotten. Drag Sadono to the retina scanner and force him to use it. Then drag him outside to the next scanner. You can interrogate him on the way, but he is not the talkative type anyway. Take him to the chopper where Karlthson is waiting. Well done. Mission complete. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ But not over yet: Here your last mission International Airport Los Angeles, California, USA +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Watch the cutscene and then take over to get Soth and the final virus container. This first bit is easy. Simply climb over the fence and sneak along the left wall. Once the lorry appears climb into its back and wait until it stops. SAVEPOINT. Ok, listen to what Lambert tells you about the body temperature of those guys. You can see a difference between the infected guards and the real ones when you use your thermal goggles (though this can be difficult at times and you have to be quite close). Now, this part almost drove me mad because what I didn't expect was that taking them out this time really meant taking them out. It is not enough to knock them over, you will have to kill them this time. But ONLY the bad guys. Any mistake will end the mission. I ran around almost half an hour unable to proceed with my mission because Lambert wouldn't let me. I had knocked out everyone, but not shot anybody, so what you have to do is either identify the dark orange colour of the infected guards and then shoot them straight away, OR, my advice: knock them out and stand directly over the body, sometimes even compare them with another guard just to make sure you are shooting the right guy. There is nothing more infuriating than having managed to do everything just right and then to shoot the wrong guy, thereby blowing your mission, and having to do it all over again. You will also have to aim directly for the head, otherwise one bullet might not be enough and Lambert won’t let you proceed. So here we go. In the garage you will have to face three enemies. One of them is a dog, so take it out first. This is best done with a sticky shocker because it is quite tough to shoot a running target. Funny enough the guards usually don't even wonder why their dog breaks down, sometimes however the guard seems to raise an alarm without any reason, so good luck for this one. Then turn to the human guards, the second one is in the guardhouse, but will come out pretty soon. Fast solution: sticky-shock them. But if you are not fast enough, well one will raise an alarm without even having seen you. Sometimes it is enough for them to see the lights being shot out to raise the alarm. This part can be absolute simple when you are lucky, or an absolute nightmare and it doesn't even seem to be in your hands. By the way, there is a camera near the door opposite the guardhouse you might want to shoot it or avoid it until you are done with your business. Also avoid shooting a guard which is near that camera, because it will be seen. You can of course attempt a whistle and knock approach here, but considered that there are two guards this is rather tricky. Here is another way to do it: Leave the lorry and head straight to the guardhouse. Jump up and pull yourself onto the roof. Get close to the wall where it is dark and now take your time to get rid off the dog. Now sticky-shock the guard in the dark uniform somewhere dark, he was the 'good' guy at least when I played it, then wait until the other guard will returns to his guardhouse and shoot him in the head through the opening in the roof. If you have done everything the way it was supposed to Lambert will clear you by telling you you did a good job. If you want some more fun there is another guard where the lorry came in, but don't kill him and it is totally unnecessary for the mission. Hide the bodies, take the sachet of the bad guy, shoot the camera next to the door opposite the guardhouse and get a ring projectile from the room. There is also a medikit, but it is rather unlikely that you are hurt unless you did chose to take out the dog last and fought it on the ground. Now go back to the door next to the guardhouse to proceed with your mission. SAVE your game and then shoot the light. Approach the door and use your optic cable to see a woman in the next room, she is not alone, but your first target. Open the door and whistle. She will come into the corridor, and no matter how immoral it appears, knock her over and take her body into the next corner. Then re-enter and shoot the light. Then the camera in the left corner near the seats. By now a guard should have returned from the room to the left, knock him out, but stay in the dark part of the room to avoid the second camera. Now take a leak. Seriously go into the bathroom to the right. There is an open ventilation shaft just for you, so use it. Follow the shaft and drop down to your next opportunity to SAVE. Now this next section can be annoying. It is long and one mistake takes you back to the start, so concentrate. Approach the opening the left to hear some of the staff starting a conversation - a suspicious conversation. One of the guys is obviously a terrorist, but you should wait until you are on the ground and can be sure which one before you shoot anybody. Shoot the lights and whistle, eventually one of the workers will pass by just underneath you. Drop and knock. Now rush away from that position in order to lure the second worker away, otherwise...yes, he will tell on you. Whistle for him, best done from somewhere on the other side of the boxes, then knock him over. Compare the body temperature and shoot the orange one. Then go into the tunnel ahead and turn left to reach the next area. Two more baddies to go, but unfortunately many civilians as well. Sneak close to the talking guys in the middle and lure them one by one into your fist. There is a distraction camera on the boxes near the entrance and on the boxes in the right corner there is a sticky shocker, take them if you are fond of them, they might be useful for the non-lethal part. Compare and shoot. Ok, the other guy must be up there on the catwalk somewhere. I belief it was the guy on the left, who is running in circles around his control desk, but you can't pay attention to him to early since he is in a well lit area. Here is what you have to do. Shoot what ever light you can, especially the one above the catwalk, but STAY AWAY FROM THE LUGGAGE BELT. See the red lights? Sam in a metal detector won't be a good sight. Lambert will end the mission if you get caught up in one of these things. You will also have to watch out for the camera which is positioned between two metal detectors at the other side of the room behind the catwalk. This will prevent you from getting in the back of the guards, damn this airport security. So it's time to use your non-lethal weapons again. Since you will have to operate from a distance aiming will be an issue, so take your time and get a close as you can. Here is my route: Cross over to the right side of the room, but avoid the lights. Then climb the metal shelf-like thing near the wall and wait for the guard on the catwalk to come near. Sticky-shock him, otherwise he might realize he is being attacked. Once he is out return to the middle of the room, make sure the bad guy isn't watching and run up the stairs. Stop right in the dark and sneak slowly forward, now it is time for another round of whistling and knocking. And don't forget to shoot him, otherwise you cannot proceed. Take his sachet. ############################################################################### NOTE: I experienced a glitch here once, the terrorist wouldn't be there and the ones I had found were not dead despite being shot in the head. I head to shoot them over and over again, until they finally would turn cold. This triggered for some reason the last terrorist off, so I could take him out then. Try to kill them more often, in case you find yourself in the same situation, this might prevent you from having to do it all over again. ############################################################################### Now go through the door on the platform where you saw the last terrorist and SAVE your game. Ok, no problem with this next part. There is a medikit if you need it on the left, but I can't see why you should be hurt. Basically you simply have to shoot the cameras, then wait until the big pile of luggage passes you to jump onto the belt - use the left one, I found it easier to get past the security on this side. Knee down to hide behind it and get past the guard. Jump off the belt when it makes its next turn, you don't want to be transported into the metal detector. Climb onto the right belt now and get your gun out. Aim high to the left, you will eventually see a camera. If you are worried about getting seen simply walk back a little until you are sure you got it in your sights, now shoot it and jump off the belt. Ok, this bit requires a little bit more skills. You do have to climb onto the next belt which is moving into the opposite direction and walk past the guard without being seen. Get your timing right and you will make it to the other side. Just simply walk on the spot until he turns away, then give it a go. Run and get out your gun to shoot the camera on the wall ahead. Get the ammunition from the left corner and then get out the door and go upstairs. SAVE if you like. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Alternative way to get past the belts - ideal for those of you who are experiencing difficulties with the timing: - after getting passed the first guard, by just shooting the light up ahead (on the right, directly in front of the second/third camera), you can take all the time you need to shoot that pesky camera. If you stand in between the two conveyor belts as well, you won't need to worry about constantly re-aiming your gun, running back so the metal detector, etc. It can take a while to position yourself just right, but a few extra seconds is better than spending time having to shoot out the first two cameras, the light, and sneaking by the first guard. Finally, one bit that can make things a lot easier for people who are "challenged" when it comes to timing, such as myself: If you aim the SC-20K into the crack of the window right in front of you (with the third guard, who takes a while to get past) and fire a Distraction Cam, just lure him near that and knock him unconcious with the knock-out gas. No timing needed -- and if I remember correctly, you should be able to fire the cam into that room while still in-between the two conveyor belts. I haven't had an alarm go off yet while using that method, either, so no worries about that, either. :) - - Thanks Rachel Spellman +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Two more terrorists to take out in the next area. Unfortunately also a couple of civilians, so be careful. When you run up the stairs, take care not to be seen through the window. Then open the door once the guard has gone, he is your first terrorist. When you open the door pretty soon, he might come back to check it out, which is not too bad since if you wait and whistle an old man will also be alarmed making it much more difficult to deal with them. The civilians will also raise an alarm, so catch them if they run. You could also wait until the guard has returned to his guardhouse, snipe him down and then take care of the rest. Anyway, lets assume you have shot the guard, taken his sachet and knocked the old man over. Now use the sideway to approach further. Use the pillars for cover, I know it can be tricky especially when you hardly have any room to lure people towards you, but you will make it. Try to stop in the shadow where the pillars take a break and get the attention of the guy reading. Once he is down this could have alarmed a guard, so hurry to knock him out. If he has not realized what is going on, the better for you. But careful, a second guard will approach the scene. Take him out as well but don't shoot him. Now use the computer and get the code for the door. Use it and approach the corridor behind it. Oh no, an armored camera, but don't worry, they look like they cannot be shot, but these lights indeed can be destroyed. So shoot the ones you can see, then wait until the camera faces left to run into the right! corner where you should get close to the wall to be in the dark. Now shoot the light and simply walk on. SAVEPOINT. You might hear a conversation by a terrorist and a staff member of the airport, if you are too slow you will at least have no worries distinguishing between the bad and the good guy, so simply shoot the last man standing behind the next door. Take his sachet and switch off the lights. Now if you are fond of knocking people in the face, simply proceed to the door ahead of the door you came in. There is a lecture in the next room meaning many people. You can save yourself these trouble by using the door to the left of where you came in. Shoot the lights while you move to the right and eventually two people will show up. Separate them and lure them into a deep sleep. Then head on to meet a third guy. Go down the escalator while shooting the lights you can, because there is a camera to the right. Now you are supposed to use your thermal vision and the zoom to find Soth. Easy, he is the only one not moving. Now open the door underneath the camera and shoot the lights towards the right, this is were you want to go and there are two armored cameras in the room in the left and the right corner. Use the right elevator and you will get stuck. SAVEPOINT. Wait until Lambert has explained what happened, then simply shoot the corner of the grating above you to get a way out. If you try this to early it won't work. No jump up underneath the edge and eventually Fisher will get hold of the roof. Pull yourself up. This next part might take some attempts because no matter how skilled Fisher might be, jumping is not one of his strong points and you might fall down a lot. Here is what you need to do: Go to the thin poles and Fisher will grab one. Climb up and jump over to the next platform. You might need to take a step back first. Then attempt the next jump to the opening ahead. Don't attempt to grab the pole, this is very likely to result in a screaming Sam. Just take a couple of steps of run-up and jump as far as possible. You will land safely. Now walk around the left pillar and climb out onto the pole. Climb up and to the right. Drop down to the next ledge once you have reached the end and shimmy around the corner. Pull yourself up and lean against the left wall where you can shuffle through to the other side. SAVEPOINT. Now split jump and jump again to get hold of the next platform. Shimmy around the corner and pull yourself up. Turn around and shoot the grating on the other side. If you forget this Sam will fall like a rock. Now run and jump as far as you can to get into the shaft. Crawl on and shoot the next grating. Drop outside and shimmy to the left. There is another shaft you can climb into. Climb the ladder, and the next, and the next one as well. You will come to three elevators. Now if you are low on ammo for your handgun and you really want to stock up, use the third elevator from where you came in, but you won't really need this ammo anymore since you are as good as at the final scene. I would suggest you use the second possibility straight away since in the first elevator there is nothing but a civilian you can knock over. And as far as I remember you do take some damage when you climb over to the second elevator from the third. Anyway, SAVE your game, we are at the scene of the final showdown. But don't expect a big shootout, this is a sneaky kind of showdown. Watch the cutscene. Ok, it sounds as if you had to rush, but this is not the case, so stay calm. Unless you are discovered - in which case you are as good as dead anyway - you can take the time you need, otherwise a one-minute countdown will start, which in most circumstances means that you have failed. The situation is as follows. Two bad guys, two civilians and Soth. Ignore the latter. First you have to take care of the other four. Drop down and shoot the spotlight nearby. Try to get the two guys you see walking around by luring them into your fist. The one in the white shirt should be the terrorist, so you are supposed to kill him. Sometimes for some reason the third civilian technician will raise an alarm despite being miles away and you being covered in darkness, so here is what I do. I take the terrorist and the first technician out by knocking them over, then I position the terrorist underneath the ladder underneath the spotlight I shot. Then I climb up and knee down. From here you can shoot the sniper above you on the catwalk who is patrolling the area with night vision goggles - part of the reason why you are so easily discovered during this last part of the mission. Then I shoot the sniper in the head, which usually leads to the third technician which is down there on the ground slightly to your right, to raise the alarm for some ****** reason. Since both terrorists are out and Soth for some reason doesn't fight, this still gives you plenty of time to shoot the knocked out terrorist from above (if you forget this your mission fails no matter what), to climb down the ladder at one end or the other and run over to the second catwalk from the left, not counting the first one you landed on. Turn left at its end, you will pass the ****** who gave you away and climb up the ladder to the right. Rush up the next ladder to the right and run to the right to a catwalk that will end in a small platform. Now switch off your night vision if you used it, and get a good aim with the sniper rifle at Soth's head who is standing to your left in front of the ventilator. Once he is down, jump down because you have to run over to the container to end your mission. Well done, you completed the mission. Maybe you will find a way to take out the third technician without being seen by the sniper, but during this last part I got the feeling it didn't matter what I tried, something always triggered off the alarm, even your breath, if you know what I mean. I tried a couple of variations, but no matter who I took out first, someone was unhappy, and maybe you are supposed to raise an alarm, since in any other mission an alarm has ended it. But good luck to you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here is what helped Luke Richardson through this tough part: - I have some hints for you for the last part with the annoyin guy that sets off the alarm even though you are in complete darkness. As soon as i dropped from the vent i took out the spotlight and whistled instantly and alerted all men on the bottom catwalks towards me taking them out one by one including the annoying guy. This helped tremendously as I managed to do the last part without setting the 60 seconds alarm off after shooting the sniper on the catwalk and then Soth was putty in my hands. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - Need more help with this last part: I started from the edge of the vent and I shot the worker at the far left corner of the room with the one sticky shocker I had left. if the player is a good shot it works and takes him out without notice. Then I dropped down shot the closest lightand got in Position for the next two. The guy in the white shirt I grabbed him while his back was turned to me standing by the first wheel and knocked him out by the ladder on the right. Next I whistled to alert the next worker and knocked him out. To kill the guy in the white shirt I had to wait for the guy on the upper cat walk to move to the farthest right before I could shoot because some reason my shot always alerted him. Staying On the back wall I moved Far left until I saw the last guard stop at the farthest right spot of the catwalk and sniped him. then to Soth. I got all the way to the highest spot and sniped him out. THis plan took a few times to get though, but in the end I did not set off the 60 sec. timer. - Thanks Nick DiFede +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ - It's possible to complete this mission without taking out the mechanics. Drop down from the vent an take out the lights to the left and right of you. Wait until you can isolate the guard in the white shirt, grab him and drag him to the dark corner under where you shot the right spotlight out. Knock him out and when the sniper is on the other side of the room and the mechanic is away from you, shoot the guard in the head. You can then sneak all the way across the catwalk and there is a ladder to the left at the end. Climb it and sneak around to a ladder that will take you down. When the second mechanic is looking away, sneak left and follow the path to another ladder. Follow the ladders to the top and go to the spot where you are supposed to drop down. From here you can snipe the second guard and Soth, then drop down and finish the mission. -Thanks Raphael Shin +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Watch the cutscene and enjoy your success. The world is once again save. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =============================================================================== IV. Copyright and special thanks =============================================================================== Special thanks go to Ubisoft for yet another entertaining stealth game. Again I would like to thank all the game FAQ writers who have inspired me to begin with writing FAQs in the first place, and who are providing us with all the sometimes so urgently needed walkthroughs (let's be honest, we all use them now and then). And this is why and where we come to the official part: Since I invested time and energy in writing this walkthrough...you know what I am talking about, so please: Don't take it as a whole or in parts or what ever brilliant idea crossed your mind, and present it as your own work. This is for private use only, and if you have anything else in mind with it, DO ASK PERMISSION. ANYTHING ELSE IS THEFT. This also goes for other web sides which are interested in using this Walkthrough: ask for written permission before using any part of this guide. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. (I know I copied this part from my last walkthrough, but I AM ALLOWED TO!) For all honest user of this walkthrough: I hope you have enjoyed my work and I was able to help you with any problems you might encountered playing this game. If, however, any further questions arise, or something is unclear, you can e-mail me, BUT ONLY IF YOUR MAILS ARE FREE FROM ANY WORM, VIRUS OR ANY OTHER NASTY SURPRISE. Also, only friendly and serious mails, and you should make it clear in the title of your mail that you are referring to Splintercell 2, since anything else will probably be deleted as junk mail. (Yes, I plagiarized my own work again, I know.) That's it for this time. C'ya around, and game on! ============================The genius of the hole============================= Copyright 2004 Katrin Koblischke