--------------------------------------------------------------------- T O N Y H A W K ' S P R O S K A T E R 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPLETE GAP GUIDE by PPM - ppm42@yahoo.com - First published 12/6/02 V E R S I O N 2 . 5 - 6 / 2 1 / 0 3 PLAYSTATION 2 -- NINTENDO GAMECUBE -- MICROSOFT X-BOX ===================================================================== Table of Contents ----------------- 1) Introduction * 1.1) Contribution Information 2) Gap Basics 3) The Levels 3.1) Practice Level 3.2) College 3.3) San Francisco 3.4) Alcatraz * 3.5) Kona 3.6) Shipyard 3.7) London 3.8) Zoo 3.9) Carnival * 3.10) Chicago 4) Hidden Gaps and Other Notes * 5) Miscellaneous 5.1) Special Thanks * 5.2) Copyright Information ================== * - Edited since last version. +++++++++++++++ 1) Introduction +++++++++++++++ Hiya. It's been a while, hasn't it? I've slightly updated. There are a few more contributions, specifically in the areas signified as updated above. Well, obviously. These contributions are alternate/easier ways to get gaps. I've not updated the gaps people have been asking me about because, quite honestly, I'm finished with the Tony Hawk series. You'll have to rely on the boards for the help you need. Consider this the absolute final update of my THPS4 Gap FAQ. Any further emails will be ignored. Also, THPS4 Gaps Visual Assistance, the website I put up for pictoral aid, will no longer be updated nor will it be looked at by me. ----------------------------- 1.1) Contribution Information ----------------------------- If you have anything to contribute to this Gap FAQ, don't hesitate to email <> with contributions including, but not limited to,: - Alternate ways to get gaps - Gaps I've missed for some reason - Hidden gaps - Tips for the tougher gaps - Constructive criticism - Transcripts of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (seriously, I've been looking for weeks.) What I do NOT need: - Hate mail - Destructive criticism - Spam - Requests to be on the Special Thanks list (contribute and you'll make it on. Otherwise, no.) - Requests to use this FAQ on your site (it's clearly stated in the copyright information.) - Individual questions, whether about gaps or not (please use the boards, people.) +++++++++++++ 2) Gap Basics +++++++++++++ Gaps are special "bonuses" you receive after performing a transfer from one object to another. Their difficulty ranges from impossibly easy to easily impossible. As is true with nearly everything point-based, the harder the gap is to hit, the greater the point value for hitting it. Gaps are also known as Blue Text Transfers, or BTTs. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 has over 340 gaps. You receive $1,500 for getting all of them, and you must get all the gaps to fully complete the game. +++++++++++++ 3) The Levels +++++++++++++ Ah, the bulk of the FAQ. This will list each and every gap in the game, along with how to get the gap and its point value. =================== 3.1) Practice Level =================== !!!NOTE!!! I don't list these gaps for my health! You need to get these three gaps as well as the other hundreds to get the full cash bonus! !!!NOTE!!! Close Extension Gap - 100 pts Air over the narrow rollin on the side of the halfpipe with the building. Extension Gap - 150 pts Air over the wider rollin on the side of the halfpipe with the building. All the Way Gap! - 200 pts Air over both rollins on the side of the halfpipe with the building. ============ 3.2) College ============ Plaza Jump! - 10 pts Transfer a grind from the curved benches to the edge of the stair sets near the flagpole. KioskHop! - 25 pts Transfer a grind from the edge of the stone bridge to the edge of one of the blue kiosks -OR- Transfer a grind from the rail leading towards the blue kiosks to the edge of one of the blue kiosks. Log Hop - 25 pts Transfer a grind between two logs behind the Fine Arts building, near the mouth of the river. Rail Cross - 25 pts In the Coliseum, transfer a grind from one red rail to the one next to it. Rail Hop - 25 pts Just outside of the Coliseum, transfer a grind over a gap between two rails. Bachelors in Engineering Grind - 50 pts Grind the lower railing on the back of the Engineering building. The Engineering building is the building which has a banner reading "Swallow Pride Homecoming 2K2" on it. Bachelors in FineArts Grind - 50 pts Grind the lower railing on the side of the Fine Arts building. The Fine Arts building is the building with the second floor made of breakable glass windows. Banner Gap! - 50 pts Grind off Officer Tom's banners in the "Grind Down Officer Tom's Banners" goal. Bench to Bench! - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the blue picnic tables near the Philosophy building to the blue benches running next to the Fine Arts building. Class Transfer! - 50 pts Transfer between the lower QP on the elementary school (along the street) and the higher QP near the parking garage. Coliseum Transfer! - 50 pts Transfer over the wall between the QP under the ledge with the kegs on it and the QP inside the Coliseum. Gateway Gap! - 50 pts Grind one of the blue arches above the openings in the large stone wall surrounding the campus. Grind Hop to the Fence - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the tennis net to the fence in the basketball court. High Road Hop! - 50 pts Launch off an open gate in front of the parking garage into a grind on the power lines above. Higher Learning! - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the blue rail in front of the elementary school to the awning above the entrance to the school. Into the River! - 50 pts Transfer from a QP on either side of the end of the river to the QP inside the river. Nice Equipment! - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the bike racks in front of the sporting goods store to the awning of the store. Off the Lil Kicker! - 50 pts Jump off the end of the narrow edge of the stairs used in the Plaza Hop! gap. Over the Stairs! - 50 pts Transfer over the stairs leading to the basketball court via the two QPs on either side of the stairs. Schnitzels for All! - 50 pts Leap off the wooden plank propped up against the pickup truck and land in a grind on the small ledge of the Schnitzel World sign. Skippin' Over! - 50 pts Grind the wooden railing down to the wooden bridge, then jump over the wooden bridge and continue the grind on the other side. Through the Frat Window Grinding! - 50 pts Grind into the frat building using the ledge with the kegs on it or using the Schnitzel World sign. Through the Frat Window Manualing! - 50 pts Manual from the ledge with the kegs on it into the frat building. Through the Frat Window Ollieing! - 50 pts Ollie from inside the frat building to either the keg ledge or the Schnitzel World sign. Bachelors in Engineering Lip - 100 pts Do a lip trick on the lower rail on the back of the Engineering building. Bachelors in FineArts Lip - 100 pts Do a lip trick on the lower rail on the side of the Fine Arts building. Masters in Engineering Grind - 100 pts Grind the upper rail on the back of the Engineering building. Masters in English Grind - 100 pts Grind the roof of the English building. The English building is the large brown building in the center of campus. The QP needed to reach the roof is behind the English building. Masters in FineArts Grind - 100 pts Grind the upper rail on the side of the Fine Arts building. Masters in Philosophy Grind - 100 pts Grind the roof of the Philosophy building. The Philosophy building is the large white building in the back of campus. The QP needed to reach the roof is on the inside of the Philosophy building, for lack of a better term. On the Fence! - 100 pts Do a lip trick on the large fence on the side of the basketball court. Out of the River! - 100 pts Transfer from the QP at the end of the river to one of the QPs above and outside the river. Masters in Engineering Lip - 150 pts Do a lip trick on the upper rail on the back of the Engineering building. Masters in English Lip - 150 pts Do a lip trick on the roof of the English building. Masters in FineArts Lip - 150 pts Do a lip trick on the upper rail on the side of the Fine Arts building. Masters in Philosophy Lip - 150 pts Do a lip trick on the roof of the Philosophy building. Traffic Light Grind - 150 pts Grind any traffic light. Best done by transferring a grind from the stone wall running around campus to a traffic light running parallel to the stone wall. Clock Tower Grind - 200 pts Go through the warp behind the clock tower and hold the grind all the way down to the roof of the English building. Over the River! - 200 pts Transfer between the two QPs on either side of the river. Tony's Pro Challenge Gap - 500 pts Transfer over the gap between HPs in Tony Hawk's Pro Challenge. ================== 3.3) San Francisco ================== Down the Stairs - 25 pts Ollie down the stairs at the back of the pier. EMB Ledge Hop - 25 pts Transfer a grind over one of the blocks jutting out from the EMB Ledge (the long gray ledge near the street). Wire Hop - 25 pts Hop into a grind on one trolley wire and transfer the grind to the one next to it. 3rd n Army Hop n Grind - 50 pts Transfer a grind across the four pipes behind the Slam Bros. warehouse, where you had to Darkslide the railing. 3rd n Army Lip - 50 pts Do a lip trick on the rail above the QP embedded in the wall near the 3rd n Army Hop n Grind. Bench Grind - 50 pts Grind the string of benches behind the spiraling staircases near the Competition. Bowl Transfer - 50 pts Air over one of the entrances to the bowl, using the bowl. Cleared the Stair Set - 50 pts Ollie both sets of stairs at the end of the pier. Down the Spiral - 50 pts Grind down the spiraling staircase. Fountain Ramp to Ramp - 50 pts Transfer from one QP, over the wall of the fountain, and into the other QP in the Competition area. Gap the Bus - 50 pts Use the ramps on either side of the buses in the 3rd n Army area to jump over a bus completely. Gone High - 50 pts Transfer from the QP on the second floor of the mall (past the spiraling staircases) to the QP on the third floor. Hubba Ledge - 50 pts Grind down the ledge leading down into the street from the second floor of the mall. Ledge Hop - 50 pts Transfer a grind over the gap between two stone QPs at the back of the pier. Manualin' - 50 pts Manual between the first set of cones in the "Manual the Overhead Walkway" goal. Mechanic Pop - 50 pts Ollie over a mechanic as he rolls out from under one of the broken down buses in the 3rd n Army area. Overhead Grind Hop - 50 pts Transfer a grind between the two wooden rails of the overhead walkway. Ramp to Ramp - 50 pts Transfer between pretty much any two ramps close to each other, including those on the rooftops and at the end of the pier. Rampin' Up - 50 pts Transfer between the QP on the first floor of the mall to the QP on the second floor (the same second-floor QP used in Gone High). TC's Roof Gap Too - 50 pts Jump over the gap between the two Slam Bros. warehouses' roofs. Up the Stairs - 50 pts Ollie up the stairs at the front of the pier. Up to the Wires - 50 pts Use one of the concrete kickers on the street to ollie to the power lines for the trolleys. 3rd n Army Grind - 100 pts Only available in the "Darkslide the Waterside Railing" goal; grind the waterslide railing. Almost - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual, Gap, and Manual the Setup" goal; manual the beginning of the setup. Cleared the Gap - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual, Gap, and Manual the Setup" goal; clear the gap between the ledges. Halfway There! - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual, Gap, and Manual the Setup" goal; clear the gap between the ledges and land in a manual. Heading Back - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual the Pad in Both Directions" Pro goal; manual the pad once, turn around, and start manualing in the other direction. Hubba Spine! - 100 pts Spine Transfer one of the spines from the "Do the Spine Transfer-Transfer" Pro goal. Hubba Transfer! - 100 pts Transfer between the spines from the "Do the Spine Transfer-Transfer" Pro goal. Made It! - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual, Gap, and Manual the Setup" goal; manual the entire setup. On the Way - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual, Gap, and Manual the Setup" goal; start manualing the setup. Pad Manual East - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual the Pad in Both Directions" Pro goal; manual the pad for a second time. Pad Manual West - 100 pts Only available in the "Manual the Pad in Both Directions" Pro goal; manual the pad for the first time. Wire Breakin'!!! - 200 pts Only available in the "Save Painter Neal" goal; grind the cable securing the large stone ball to the EMB ledge. Manual Pleasure - 250 pts Only available in the "Manual the Overhead Walkway" goal; manual through both sets of cones. Pier Perch - 250 pts Do a lip trick on one of the three pier signs above the QPs. Andrew's Pro Challenge Pier - 300 pts Gap the pier in Andrew Reynold's Pro Challenge. Andrew's Pro Challenge Walkway - 600 pts Gap the walkway in Andrew's Pro Challenge. Andrew's Pro Challenge Bowl - 1000 pts Gap into the EMB bowl in Andrew's Pro Challenge. Andrew's Pro Challenge Fountain - 1000 pts Gap over the fountain in Andrew's Pro Challenge. Andrew's Pro Challenge Street - 1000 pts Gap over the street in Andrew's Pro Challenge. ============= 3.4) Alcatraz ============= Lip Extension - 25 pts Do a lip trick on the lower awning of the Powerhouse. Watertower Lip - 25 pts Do a lip trick on the rail of the watertower. Wired - 25 pts Leap off a kicker onto a wire connecting the lampposts by the dock. Bathroom Break - 50 pts Transfer the QPs in front of the bathroom. The bathroom is between the parade grounds (where the bulldozer is) and the second switchback. Bleacher Hop - 50 pts Transfer a grind across the bleachers near the baseball diamond in the exercise yard. Broken Walk - 50 pts Transfer a grind across the large hole in the walkway below the lighthouse. Cellblock Transfer - 50 pts Transfer between either of the sets of QPs in front of the cellblock. Cellblock Roof 2 Exercise Yard Wall - 50 pts Use the concrete kicker on the roof of the cellblock to land in a grind on the wall of the exercise yard. Down the Hatch - 50 pts Do a spine transfer off the brown piece of quarter pipe near the bathroom and you'll crash through a pane of glass and down a long shaft to trigger the gap. Ferry Princess - 50 pts Transfer a grind between the rail running next to the ferry and the edge of the ferry at the dock. Ferry Transfer - 50 pts Transfer between the QP at the end of the dock across to the QP on the back of the ferry. Foghorn - 50 pts Grind the circular rail behind the large foghorn in the corner of the parade grounds (it's the final objective in "Distract the Guards"). Gutter Punk - 50 pts Grind the green wall along the edge of the water and transfer the grind to the gutter running along the lower roof of the brown building with the tunnel -OR- Transfer a grind between the wooden rail near the sewer and the gutter on that side of the building with the tunnel. How'd You Get Up THERE? - 50 pts Do a lip trick on the cellblock roof from the pools near the water tower (fourth objective in Rune Glifberg's Pro Challenge). Ledge-2-Ledge - 50 pts Transfer a grind between any two ledges. Ledge-2-Pipe - 50 pts Transfer a grind between a stone ledge below the watertower bowls and the large pipe running under the watertower. Ledge-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind from a ledge to a rail in the parade grounds. Over Dock Stairs - 50 pts Boneless out of the sewer, using the semi-kicker it makes, and sail over the gray overhead walkway. Pipe Smoker - 50 pts Transfer a grind between the pipes running underneath the watertower. Pipe-2-Ledge - 50 pts Transfer a grind from one of the large pipes running underneath the watertower to the stone ledge below the watertower bowls. Pipe-2-Pipe - 50 pts Transfer a grind between two of the small pipes on the cellblock roof. Pool Change - 50 pts Spine Transfer between the two watertower bowls. Rail-2-Ledge - 50 pts Transfer a grind from a rail to a ledge in the parade grounds. Rail-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind between any two rails; best done in the parade grounds. Rising From the Gutter - 50 pts Grind the gutter of the building with the tunnel which is above the sewer and transfer the grind to the yellow rail on the grey building ahead. Roof-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the roof of "Pull Off Rodney's Tech Trick" to the rail near the dock stairs. Rooftop Hero - 50 pts Grind the pipe on the roof of the grey building with the "Down the Hatch" gap, ollie over the duct, and continue the grind on the other side. Sik Sewer Ledge Manual - 50 pts Manual the narrow brown ledge above the sewer from the very top near the grey building all the way down to the powerhouse. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. IMAGE ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAP! --> http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/bishizero <-- Skate Attic - 50 pts This one is hard to explain. To get this gap, you need to grind the highest roof of the building with the tunnel, transfer the grind to the crumbled building, ollie off the powerhouse onto the rail wrapping around the smokestack, grind the rail behind the powerhouse, transfer to the thin rail inside the crumbled building, then finally ollie through the window right ahead of you and continue the grind on the wooden planks inside. Don't fall into the water coming out so this gap counts and you don't have to do it all again. (NOTE: The way to get this gap also composes the majority of the Pro Combo line.) SittingCow@aol.com simplifies it for us... "So, alls you gotta do is jump off the quarter pipe by the building with the tunnel, push R2 or L2 to straighten out, bust the window, and grind the plank." That would be Z on the GCN and L+R on the XBox. Skylight-2-Skylight - 50 pts A relatively easy gap after that last one. Transfer a grind between two skylights on the cellblock roof. Swamp Gap - 50 pts And right back to difficult. Grind the wires at the docks, clear the gap and land in a grind, then land on top of the stairway to the parade grounds. Kirsten-Janine Schaper really makes this easier for us all... "Dunno if u know but there's a really simple way 2 nail da swamp gap!! And here it is: -)Select the "Dunk 30 Tourists" goal. -)Quarter turn right from the start point of the goal. -)Ride down the path toward the ferry. -)Ride up the ramp before the ferry. -)Launch up 2 a grind on the wire. -)Jump off at the end of the wire. -)Land on the roof of the entrance 2 the southside of the switchbacks 4 the gap." Switchback Shuffle - 50 pts Transfer a grind between any two grindable objects along the switchbacks, except for QP coping. Tunnel Clearance - 50 pts Transfer from one QP, over the tunnel, and onto the other QP propped up against the building with the tunnel. Tunnel Manual - 50 pts Manual through the tunnel -OR- grind the grey ledge through the tunnel. Watertower Roof Lip - 50 pts Do a lip trick on the roof of the watertower. Who Bombed the Bathroom? Spine - 50 pts Spine Transfer off the banked wall of the bathroom near the cellblock and land on the Red Power QP. Bomb Drop Professional - 100 pts Ride down the brown hill between the first and second legs of the switchbacks (it's tucked behind the stairway to the powerhouse). Launch off the ramp at the bottom and land in a grind on the demolished smokestack. Don't land in the water, because this is a pretty difficult gap. Super-High Watertower Spine - 100 pts Transfer from the watertower bowl into the watertower while airing over the support beams at the top of the tower; very easily accomplished with the Jango Jump Jet, but where's the fun in that? (NOTE: If you want to get all the Pro points, you can't use Jango Fett; this is the fifth objective in Rune's Pro Challenge.) Rune's Grommet Gap - 200 pts Only available during Rune Glifberg's Pro Challenge; do a lip trick on the board the skater is holding way up top of the watertower. Do this by getting the "Watertower Roof Lip", then ollieing into a stall on the board. Rune's Plank Gap - 200 pts Air over the plank being pushed over the pool by some skaters in Rune's Pro Challenge. Sludge Bomb - 200 pts Transfer from the cellblock roof, over the stairway, and down into the watertower pools. (NOTE: This gap is essential in the "Escape from Alcatraz" goal from Hell.) Tin Roof Manual - 250 pts Manual the entire roof of the small building in "Pull Off Mullen's Tech Trick". Guard's Walk 2 Step Planks - 300 pts Ollie off the slope behind the exercise yard wall and land on the wooden planks propped up against the stairs. (NOTE: This is the first part of Elissa Steamer's Pro Challenge.) Switchback 1st Leg - 500 pts With this, Switchback 2nd Leg, and MANUALED THE WHOLE THING!!!, Neversoft made me say, "You want me to manual WHAT?!!"...seriously, I said that. But anyway, to get this gap, you need to manual the switchbacks past the first turn. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. Massive Crumbling Stairset - 600 pts Ollie all the way down the huge stairset past the exercise yard going down to the parade grounds. (NOTE: This is the second part of Elissa Steamer's Pro Challenge.) Elissa's Switchback 2 Sewer Pipe - 1000 pts One HUGE air gap; you've got to ollie off a small kicker at the top of the switchbacks and land successfully in the sewer pipe way at the bottom of the switchbacks. (NOTE: This is, obviously, the third and final part of Elissa's Pro Challenge.) Switchback 2nd Leg!! - 1000 pts Hold the manual from the first leg around the second turn of the switchbacks. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. MANUALED THE WHOLE THING!!! - 5000 pts Manual ALL OF THE SWITCHBACKS in the SAME COMBO! (NOTE: The three switchback gaps are inavoidable if you want all the Pro points; you have to manual the switchbacks as a Pro goal.) Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. ============= 3.5) Kona USA ============= Big Block Extension - 25 pts Do a lip trick on the concrete block sticking out of the blue bowl at the end of the Snakerun Slalom. Blue Line Turn 1 - 25 pts This series of manual gaps is, luckily, much easier than the switchbacks of Alcatraz. To get the first Blue Line Turn gap, manual down the snakerun slalom along the blue line to the first turn. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. Channel - Kidney Roll-In! - 25 pts Air over the rollin of the kidney bowl. Crusty Connections - 25 pts Grind the top step near the Crusty Pipe (the gray standalone HP) and transfer the grind to the concrete ledge leading into the park. Ledge-2-Ledge - 25 pts Transfer a grind between any two ledges in the park; the street park is ideal for this gap. Ledge-2-Lip - 25 pts Transfer a grind between one of the ledges jutting out from behind the Snakerun Slalom to the lip of the Snakerun. IMAGE ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAP! --> http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/bishizero <-- Ledge-2-Rail - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a ledge and a rail; the street park is ideal for this again. Rail-2-Ledge - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a rail and a ledge; street park once more. Rail-2-Rail - 25 pts Transfer a grind between any two rails in the park; the street park yet again. Robot Line Gaps! - 25 pts Transfer a grind between any of the wooden rails and planks in the far corner of the street park. Sidestep the Snake - 25 pts Grind one lip of the Snakerun Slalom and transfer to the other lip. Tombstone Extension - 25 pts Do a lip trick on the concrete block coming out of the pink bowl. Wild Man's Bomb Drop - 25 pts Jump off the deck of the Crusty Pipe with the hut on it and land in the large grey pool next to it. Blue Line Turn 2! - 50 pts Hold the manual down the blue line past the second turn. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. Channel - Double Roll-In! - 50 pts Air over the two rollins on the QP in the very back of the street park. Channel - Monster Pipe Roll-In! - 50 pts Air over the rollin of the huge orange pipe. Channel - Ramp 2 Ramp! - 50 pts Air over the rollin of the middle spine in the street park. It's the side facing the steel HP. Channel - Single Wedge! - 50 pts Air over one wedge of the back side of the middle spine in the street park. Highwire Act - 50 pts Grind or stall on the power lines above the huge orange pipe. Lamp Extension - 50 pts Do a lip trick on the lamp above the light grey QP in the corner of the street park. IMAGE ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAP! --> http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/bishizero <-- Redline 2 Kidney Coping! - 50 pts Transfer a grind from a red railing to the kidney bowl. TC's Deck Gap - 50 pts Ollie from the starting point onto the deck of the Crusty Pipe. The Crusty Transfer! - 50 pts Using the side of the Crusty Pipe without the hut, transfer out of the Crusty Pipe and into the shallow grey bowl next to it. Way Transfer - 50 pts This was my last gap, mostly because my Bradygames guide was wrong (big f'n surprise there -_-). Spine Transfer out of the pink bowl, just to the left of the Tombstone Extension, and into the second turn of the Snakerun Slalom. Blue Line Turn 3!! - 75 pts Keep on rolling down the blue line past the third turn. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. 10 Point Landing!! - 100 pts Okay, thank you to the several people who corrected my description of this gap. There are too many to list here, so just check the Contributor section of the special thanks. Find the rollin with the stairset on the back of it in the street park. Build up a whole lot of speed and Boneless off the wedge, over the stairset, and into a grind on the blue ledge behind the stairs. Nothing will trigger if you land on the right side of the blue ledge. You have to land on the left side, closest to the grass. 2 Wheelin' the Blue Line!!! - 100 pts Roll all the way from the mouth of the Snake to the blue bowl at the very bottom. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. Double Wedge! - 100 pts Transfer over both rollins instead of just one from the "Channel - Single Wedge!" gap. Snake-Head 2 Tail! - 100 pts Grind all the way down the Snakerun Slalom. Channel - Triple Roll-In! - 150 pts Transfer over all three rollins on the small QP directly behind you from your starting point. Channel - HUGE Bank n' Roll!!! - 200 pts On the same side of the QP as "Channel - Ramp 2 Ramp!", transfer all the way over from one QP piece, past a slanted ramp, over two rollins, and onto another QP piece. IMAGE ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAP! --> http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/bishizero <-- Big Hut Gap - 250 pts Transfer over the hut between the blue and pink pools, from the pink to the blue. Little Hut Gap - 250 pts Transfer over the hut between the blue and pink pools, from the blue to the pink. Air Over - 1000 pts Air over Rick Thorne in Steve Caballero's Pro Challenge. ============= 3.6) Shipyard ============= Transfer - 25 pts Transfer from the yellow "Caution" ramp (near the ropes over the water) to the QP near the building beside it. Awning Hop - 50 pts Launch off one of the angled boxes near the start of the "Dog Chase" goal and land in a grind on the awning above you. (¡Muchas gracias a Francisco y Eliott por ayudan me! Okay, so I tried speaking Spanish and I can't. =P) Building Hop - 50 pts Transfer a grind between awnings near the welders. Conveyor QP Transfer - 50 pts Transfer from the lower QP in the rusty building to the upper QP. Dirty Water - 50 pts Air over the water, using either the kickers underneath the buildings with holes in their roofs, or the kickers near the buoy. Dock Transfer - 50 pts On the docks, transfer over the water from QP to QP. Into the Barges - 50 pts Using the QP to the right of the ships (facing the ships), transfer from that QP into the nearest ship. Ledge-2-Ledge - 50 pts Transfer a grind between two ledges above the trailers. Ledge-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind between a ledge and a rail near the trailers. More Barge Fun - 50 pts Use the outside walls of one barge to transfer over the huge water gap and into the other barge. ONARABANA - 50 pts Transfer between the two blue containers at the top of the stacks of storage containers. Rail-2-Ledge - 50 pts Transfer a grind from a rail to a ledge near the trailers. Rail-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind between two rails on the angled walkway leading up to the conveyor area (large, rusty, brown building). Rail-2-Track - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the short rail near the trailers to the train tracks. Rusty Lip - 50 pts Jump off one of the grey "Caution" ramps near the start and do a lip trick on the rail above. Track-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the train tracks to the small rail near the trailers. Track-2-Track - 50 pts Transfer a grind between the train tracks. Trailer Hop - 50 pts Jump across the roofs of the trailers near the starting point. Circle T - 100 pts First, grind the tracks to the dead end to pick up speed. Jump off and Boneless up to a stall on the unfinished office building high above the left side of the QP. Roof Smash Transfer - 100 pts Transfer between the two grey "Caution" QPs near the start. Ventilation Claustrophobia - 100 pts Grind the kinked green storage container and launch off into one of the ventilation ducts. Land in a grind, then hold the grind until the vent ends. Warehouse Ledge Madness! - 100 pts Grind and transfer each and every ledge above the trailers. 5 Bones 1 Combo - 200 pts Get all five dog bones in the same combo. Run 1!!! - 500 pts Grind the first wire in Eric Koston's Pro Challenge. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long grind gaps. Run 2!!! - 500 pts Grind the second wire in Eric Koston's Pro Challenge. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long grind gaps. Run 3!!! - 500 pts Grind the third wire in Eric Koston's Pro Challenge. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long grind gaps. Rusty Roost - 500 pts Do a lip trick on the lower roof in Bucky Lasek's Pro Challenge. Big Hole Gap - 1000 pts Transfer over the white QPs after they fall apart during Bucky's Pro Challenge. Rusty Old Ramp Channel Gap - 1000 pts Transfer between the yellow spine after it falls apart during Bucky's Pro Challenge. Rusty Roost II - 1000 pts Do a lip trick on the upper roof in Bucky's Pro Challenge. =========== 3.7) London =========== Bench Gap - 25 pts Start grinding the benches behind the pedestrian mall (series of red buildings) and hold the grind over the gap in the benches. Garage Hop - 25 pts Hold a grind between curbs in the parking garage. Bus Stop - 50 pts Jump into a grind from the kinked rail to the left of the bus stop onto the bus stop. Cheese Ledge - 50 pts Grind the coping of the QP in the corner of the South Bank (near Chad Muska) and transfer the grind to the yellow ledge directly above the parking garage. Eh? Canada... - 50 pts Leap into a lip trick on the Canada building (large brown building near the pedestrian mall). Eh? Nokia... - 50 pts First, get to the top of the Canada building by leaping into a grind off the grey QP in the alcove to the left of the Canada building, facing away from the pedestrian mall. Next, Spine Transfer to the center bowl. Now, do a lip trick on the Nokia sign to score the gap. Gallery Gap - 50 pts Ollie from one deck of the Gallery (other large brown building behind the plaza) to another, without touching the grassy area in between. Ledge-2-Ledge - 50 pts Transfer a grind between any two ledges; most easily done at the gated-off area near the pedestrian mall. Nelson's Lip - 50 pts Leap up into a lip trick on Nelson's Column, the large column in Trafalgar Square (the center of the level). Rail-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind between any two rails; most easily done on the stairways at the pedestrian mall. Shell Building Hop - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the roof of one building at the pedestrian mall to another. Shell Edge - 50 pts Do a lip trick on the roof of a building in the pedestrian mall. South Afrika - 50 pts Do a lip trick on the South Africa building (white building to the right of Trafalgar Square, facing the Square). Yet Another Wire - 50 pts Use the fountain's edge as a kicker and leap off it, then land in a grind on one of the wires crossing the square. Admiralty - 100 pts Transfer between two of the QPs in front of the white building with the arches. Big Rail-2-Rail - 100 pts Leap off the QP used in the Cheese Ledge Gap, into a grind on the ledge high above. Transfer the grind to the waterside railing below. Lip Gap - 100 pts Do a lip trick on the brown building behind Trafalgar Square, near the parking garage and white building with the arches. Me Scaffolding - 100 pts Do a lip trick on the highest piece of orange scaffolding, near Nelson's Column. Off the Flags - 100 pts Transfer a grind off the flags near the pedestrian mall to the any building in the pedestrian mall. (Thanks to Tie Conn for the clarification!) Onto the Flags - 100 pts Transfer a grind from the roof of a building in the pedestrian mall to the flags on the awning of the grey building. Shell Transfer - 100 pts Air off one QP in the pedestrian mall area, soar over the stairs, and land on the QP on the other side. Ye Old Fountain - 100 pts Air entirely over one of the two fountains in Trafalgar Square. 'Round the Arches - 200 pts Hold a grind entirely around the arches of the white building with the arches. Top 'o the Gallery - 200 pts Grind from the top of the Canada building across the three archways of the Gallery and hold it until the gap in the rail on top of the South Africa building. Shell Mega Wire - 250 pts Grind the entire cable which goes away from the Canada building towards the building with the arches. Canada Bomb - 500 pts This is possibly the biggest air transfer in the entire game. Consequently, you'll need a whole lot of speed to make it. Get to the Canada building on the halfpipe on the left, facing the Canada building from the Gallery. Do a whole lot of special tricks and whatever else you can do to speed up. When you believe you're fast enough, launch out of the right side of the HP (same viewing conditions) at the steepest angle possible. Stay ready for landing and aim for the QP in Trafalgar Square. Dalegot7@aol.com adds... "th Jango Jump Jet will boost you highr into th air. This is really hlpfull for gaps like the Canada bomb." (sic) Netting Destroyed! - 500 pts Only available in the "Free Stompy! Destroy the Traps" goal; grind up the netting and across the top to trigger this gap. Ring Around the Column - 500 pts Skitch a bus around Trafalgar Square, starting and ending at Nelson's Column. South Bank Lights - 500 pts Grind the entire string of lights along the South Bank. You heard me. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long grind gaps. ======== 3.8) Zoo ======== Picnic Pop - 50 pts Transfer a grind between two picnic tables. Pop Rock - 50 pts Grind the rail to the left of the hippos and transfer the grind over the rock interrupting the rail. All Exhibits Open - 100 pts Transfer between the two quarter pipes on top of the ticket counters at the entrance. Arf! Arf! Arf! - 100 pts Launch over the sea lions at the entrance of the park. Backwoods Path - 100 pts Grind all the logs behind the hill at the hippo exhibit and finish the grind on the railing running along the water. Bank Gap - 100 pts Launch off one of the two kickers closer to the main entrance along the sidewalks. Banner Gap 1! - 100 pts Grind the banner closest to the entrance. Banner Gap 2! - 100 pts Grind the banner second-closest to the entrance. Banner Gap 3! - 100 pts Grind the banner third-closest to the entrance. Banner Gap 4! - 100 pts Grind the banner furthest away from the entrance. (NOTE: All four banner gaps can be easily reached when doing the "Grind 4 Banner Gaps" goal.) Big Moat Transfer - 100 pts Do a vert transfer from the vert ramp between the hippo and rhino exhibits to the moat inside the rhino exhibit. Birdhouse Rail - 100 pts Grind the left rail from the birdhouse to the aquarium. Bridge Transfer - 100 pts Spine Transfer the bridge. Grind Over It - 100 pts Grind one end of the bridge to the other. If Stompy has already destroyed the bridge, ollie over the gap and continue the grind. Grind the Whole Planter - 100 pts At the starting point, grind the entire lower ledge, either on the left or the right, of the wall. Handrail Hop - 100 pts Transfer a grind between any of the rails in front of the shops at the entrance. Hear No Evil - 100 pts Transfer a grind over the middle brown ramp breaking the railing in front of the monkey exhibit. Hungry, Hungry Hippo Pool - 100 pts Grind the entire coping of the upper pool in the hippo exhibit. Long Neck Gap - 100 pts Air over the gap in the two QPs in the giraffe exhibit. Low Tide - 100 pts Do a lip trick on the lowest ledge of the aquarium. Manual Over It - 100 pts Manual over the entire bridge. If Stompy has already destroyed the bridge, ollie the gap and continue to manual. Ollieing this gap is harder, though, since it's bigger. Move Like a Monkey! - 100 pts Get on top of the monkey cages, then grind the wall there and transfer the grind to the cable running off into the rest of the zoo. See No Evil - 100 pts Transfer a grind over the first brown ramp breaking the railing in front of the monkey exhibit. Shark Tank Trip - 100 pts Leap off the QP in the back of the aquarium into a grind around the shark tank. Hold the grind one time around to score the gap. Snack Bar Hop - 100 pts Leap out of the giraffe exhibit onto the roof of the snack bar (red circular building). Speak No Evil - 100 pts Transfer a grind over the third brown ramp breaking the railing in front of the monkey exhibit. Wave 2 Wave - 100 pts Transfer from one banked wall of the aquarium's exterior, over the walkway leading inside the aquarium, and land cleanly on the opposite wall. Welcome to the Zoo - 100 pts Get to the QPs above the ticket counters (where the "All Exhibits Open" gap was) and launch off the kickers onto or over the brown roof of the entrance. What a Long Planter! - 100 pts Grind the planter on the right side of the bottom of the hill past the entrance all the way past the snack hut towards the monkey exhibit. You Big Gorilla - 100 pts Grind the ledge in front of the gorilla exhibit towards the giraffe exhibit. You Drive Me Ape! - 100 pts Grind the ledge in front of the giraffe exhibit, over the rock in the way, and back towards the monkeys. You Want Fries With That? - 100 pts Grind the entire snack counter, starting and ending at the QP. zOOrOOfgAp - 100 pts Grind the ledge above the left side of the shops, from the brown roof of the entrance. Aqua Sign Gap - 500 pts Bust a lip trick on the rail holding up the aquarium sign. This rail is just above the "Low Tide" gap. Big Surf - 500 pts Do a lip trick on the second-highest ledge of the aquarium's exterior, just above the "Aqua Sign Gap". Bridge Roof Gap - 500 pts Grind the cable leading down to the bridge from the shops at the entrance. Elephant Hop - 500 pts Jump from the top of the snack bar into an attempted grind on Stompy to get this gap. This also opens the aquarium and breaks the bridge and a table. Hold On! Lions Below! - 500 pts Do a lip trick on the rocks high above the back wall of the lion's den. Loop Hole - 500 pts Air over the hole in the loop in Bob Burnquist's Pro Challenge. Over the Hills - 500 pts Get on top of the monkey cages again. Grind the wall there and jump over the hills just before the wall curves towards the rest of the zoo. Your target is the entrance of the zoo. Not an especially difficult gap, but difficult to place if you don't know where it is. Take It To The Bridge - 500 pts Transfer across the two QPs in front of the bridge. Lions Den Hop - 1000 pts Use the elevated QP in the center of the lions' den to air out and over the lions' cage. Over Elephant Rock - 1000 pts Air over the rock forming the tunnel in the elephant exhibit. (NOTE: This is also a Pro goal.) Tidal Wave - 1000 pts Do a lip trick on the highest ledge of the aquarium's exterior. ============= 3.9) Carnival ============= Ledge Hop - 25 pts Transfer a grind across the gap in the concrete ledge behind the Ding Dong (the test of strength). Log - 25 pts Transfer a grind from any ledge or rail onto the logs near the Rockin' Rockitz. Planter Pop - 25 pts Transfer a grind between the two planters near the starting point. Rail-2-Rail - 25 pts Transfer a grind between any two rails; best done in front of the Haunted House. Stair Hop - 25 pts Ollie over the stairs going down towards the Angry Dragon from the Rodeo. 'Shine Pool Transfer - 50 pts Get in one of the bowls near the 'Shine Runner (use the awnings of the Wonder Barn grinding towards the Abductor) and Spine Transfer between two bowls. Back Porch Lip Gap - 50 pts Get to the highest 'Shine Runner bowl and do a lip trick on the roof of the small shack there. Billy Goat Gap - 50 pts Air the gap between the planters used in the "Planter Pop" gap with the QPs attached to them. Chicken Shi.. Manual - 50 pts Manual the chicken pen near the Rodeo. VGMaster96@aol.com gives some welcome advice... "About the Chicken Sh.. and Pig Slop Manuals, you have to manual over all the animals in the pen, or else you won't get the gap." Cock to Ledge - 50 pts Grind the edge of the chicken pen away from the Angry Dragon and transfer the grind to the red and white awning. Counter Grind - 50 pts Grind the entire counter of the vendors near either the Haunted House or the Angry Dragon. Grind the Shiny Lights - 50 pts Grind the cable of white lights starting from the fancy white house and ending down near the lumberjacks. I've TRIPPED Higher Than That! - 50 pts Air the gap between QPs at the Ding Dong at a very low altitude. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. Low Lip Gap - 50 pts Do a lip trick on any part of the roof of the Thunder Cups which is not the sign. Over the Barn Door - 50 pts Grind the awning of the Wonder Barn and transfer the gap, then land in a grind on the other side of the gap. Pig Slop Manual - 50 pts Manual the pigpen near the Rodeo. VGMaster96@aol.com gives some welcome advice... "About the Chicken Sh.. and Pig Slop Manuals, you have to manual over all the animals in the pen, or else you won't get the gap." Ride and Puke - 50 pts Transfer between two of the QPs in front of the Abductor. Rim Rockin' - 50 pts Do a lip trick on one of the backboards in the basketball game. 3 Cow Manual - 100 pts Manual the trough inside the tunnel of the Wonder Barn (linking the Abductor area with the Angry Dragon area) past all three cow heads sticking out of the wall. Angry Window - 100 pts Grind the coping of the bowl on top of the Angry Dragon, going towards the Rockin' Rockitz, then ollie out the window of the plywood castle and land in a grind on the wall separating the swamp from the rest of the carnival. Banner Up! - 100 pts Grind the wire running from the awning of the Wonder Barn to the sign of the Abductor. Mike Farrell says... "It works best if you start in the Angry Dragon area. Grind the spare roller coaster track by the barn and use the kicker to launch out of the little alley and up to the banner." Tommy Thompson (can I call you Tom Tom for short?) offers... "I was only able to get Banner Up! when approaching from the side of the Wonderbarn, wallie-ing, and then starting the grind immediately." Barn Hole Manual - 100 pts Manual through the hole in the Wonder Barn linking the Abductor area with the Angry Dragon area. Barn Hop - 100 pts Grind the coping of the bowl on top of the Angry Dragon, going towards the Rodeo, then ollie out the window of the plywood castle and land in a grind on the awning of the Wonder Barn. Congrats on Your First Ollie - 100 pts Transfer the ramps across the Ding Dong at a low altitude. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. From the Charity Stripe - 100 pts Transfer from one basketball stall to the one directly next to it. Gummy the Gator Gap - 100 pts Transfer a grind between the logs in the swamp behind the Rockin' Rockitz. Haunted Teacup Gap - 100 pts Grind the fence leading up to the roof of the Haunted House, then transfer the grind to the roof of the Thunder Cups. High Lip Gap - 100 pts Do a lip trick on the Thunder Cups sign. High Wire Act - 100 pts Grind the flags from the top of the Wonder Barn (must complete the Competition goals first) all the way down to the roof of the Thunder Cups. Midway Manual - 100 pts Another difficult one to explain. Behind the Ding Dong, there is a pink ledge with awning supports on it. Start manualing the pink ledge, beginning at those awning supports, then ollie over the gap at the end and manual to the end of the ledge past that gap. Midway Transfer - 100 pts Air over the walkway into the tunnel of the Wonder Barn using the ramps next to the Ding Dong. Swamp Escape - 100 pts Grind the second set of logs in the swamp out of the swamp and over the wall. Thrill Ride - 100 pts Grind the awning of the Wonder Barn from the Angry Dragon, over the two gaps in the awning, and ollie into a grind onto the track of the 'Shine Runner. Foot on the Line - 200 pts Air from one basketball stall to the one two stalls down from it. Limp Noodle - 200 pts Transfer the ramps of the Ding Dong at a moderate height. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. You Call That Air? - 250 pts Transfer the ramps of the Ding Dong at a slightly higher height than the "Limp Noodle" gap. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. From Downtown - 300 pts Transfer from one basketball stall to the one at the other end. Shoulda Skipped That Chili Dog - 300 pts Transfer the ramps of the Ding Dong at a fairly high altitude. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. Nice View, But It's No Penthouse - 350 pts Transfer the ramps of the Ding Dong at a moderately high altitude. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. Almost Never Soft - 450 pts Transfer the ramps of the Ding Dong as high as possible without hitting the bell. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. Abductor Lip Manual - 500 pts Behind the Abductor, there are some steps. Manual one of the steps entirely. Win a Prize - 500 pts Ring the bell of the Ding Dong by transferring the ramps as high as possible. Refer to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for the sequence of the Ding Dong gaps. Nice View Up Here - 1000 pts Do a lip trick on one of the baskets of the ferris wheel and hold it until the basket reaches the top of the wheel. Roof Dragon Gap - 1000 pts Jump from the top of the Wonder Barn into the bowl on top of the Angry Dragon. WHAT A TRIP! - 1000 pts Grind the entire 'Shine Runner track. (NOTE: This must be accomplished in the "Grind the Whole Coaster" goal.) ============= 3.10) Chicago ============= Bench-2-Planter - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a bench and a planter in front of the library (large brown building with the black archways). Bench-2-Rail - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a bench and a rail along the street near the river. Frothy Lip - 25 pts Do a lip trick on the QP on top of the coffeehouse (green building in the corner, near the library). Ledge-2-Planter - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a ledge and a planter near the museum (large grey building near the coffeehouse). Ledge-2-Rail - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a ledge and a rail along the street near the river. Light Rail - 25 pts Grind the rail above the planter along the river's edge. Lip Extension - 25 pts Do a lip trick on rail above the QP near where you get the "Get a High Score: 900,000 Points" goal. Planter-2-Bench - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a planter and a bench in front of the library. Planter-2-Ledge - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a planter and a ledge in front of the museum. Planter-2-Rail - 25 pts Transfer a grind between the planter and a handrail leading down to the river where you got the "Light Rail" gap. Rail-2-Bench - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a rail and a bench along the street near the river. Rail-2-Ledge - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a rail and a ledge along the street near the river. Rail-2-Planter - 25 pts Transfer a grind between a handrail leading down to the river and the planter where you got the "Light Rail" gap. Up to Awning - 25 pts Grind the awning near the parked bus next to the museum by airing off one of the planters and landing in a grind on the awning. Bench-2-Bench - 50 pts Transfer a grind from a bench to a bench near where you got the "Deliver the Pizzas" goal. Bridge Gap 1! - 50 pts Clear the first bridge gap while doing the tricks requested in "The Bridge Challenge". Ferry Princess - 50 pts Transfer a grind from the handrail along the river's edge to the edge of the ferry, just like in Alcatraz. Heartattack Transfer - 50 pts Air over the stairway near the parked bus (behind the library) using the two QPs on either side of it. Jumping Track - 50 pts Transfer a grind from one train track to the one directly next to it. Latte-2-Go - 50 pts Launch off the ramp on top of the coffeehouse and land in a grind on the wall of the museum. Ledge-2-Ledge - 50 pts Transfer a grind over the gap in the ledges running along the first floor of the library. Modern Gap - 50 pts Transfer a grind onto or off of the large orange piece of modern art near the river. Planter-2-Planter - 50 pts Transfer a grind between two of the planters in front of the library. Rail-2-Rail - 50 pts Transfer a grind between two of the handrails along the river's edge. Bridge Gap 2! - 100 pts Clear the second bridge gap while doing the tricks requested in "The Bridge Challenge". Grassy Manual - 100 pts Manual the planter leading out of the central plaza (where you get the "Get a High Score: 900,000 Points" goal) towards the museum. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. High Art Transfer - 100 pts Transfer between the QPs in front of the museum. Latta Mocha Air - 100 pts Air off of one QP on the side of the coffeehouse, all the way over the coffeehouse, and land cleanly on the other QP. Over Blue Awning - 100 pts Cross the bridge after doing "The Bridge Challenge". Grind the kinked stone ledge to your immediate left over the blue hotel awning and land in a grind on the kinked ledge on the other side. Over the El - 100 pts Air over the tracks of the El (which is the train) using the kicker across the street from the barbershop (the small building near the ramp used to get up to the El). Roof Topper - 100 pts Get onto one of the roofs of the buildings in the central plaza, then use the wooden plank propped up against the rail to air over to the other roof. Yellow-2-Yellow - 100 pts Under the El's tracks, there are two low yellow rails. Transfer a grind between them, but due to the odd way they turn, you probably shouldn't ollie between them or you'll miss the second rail. Bridge Gap 3! - 200 pts Clear the third and final bridge gap while doing the tricks requested in "The Bridge Challenge". This lowers the bridge for access to the area across the river. Ferry to Surface Streets - 200 pts Launch off the kicker on the front end of the ferry and land on the streets of Chicago in front of you. It's possible without using the Jango Jump Jet, but it's a lot easier if you do useit. Personally, I did the gap without it. Jumping TWO Tracks! - 200 pts While turning the corner of the El's tracks, grind one track and transfer the grind to the other track (not the adjacent rail). River Barrier Manual - 200 pts Manual the concrete barrier above the river, starting near the "Modern Gap". No, seriously, manual that entire thing. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. IMAGE ASSISTANCE IS AVAILABLE FOR THIS GAP! --> http://www.angelfire.com/extreme4/bishizero <-- River-Side Manual - 200 pts Manual the entire length of the river's edge. Easier than it sounds, actually, if you get enough speed coming off the QP on either end. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. Tight Ledge Manual - 200 pts Manual the very narrow ledge on the other side of the building from the "Grassy Manual" gap. Go to the "Hidden Gaps and Other Notes" section for help on this and other long manual gaps. Jump Ship! - 5000 pts Yes, it's a difficult gap. Yes, it's well worth it, and yes, it looks awesome. There's a goal unlocked after beating "The Bridge Challenge" called "900 Off Bridge to Ferry's Top Deck". To get this gap, successfully complete that goal. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4) Hidden Gaps and Other Notes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ALCATRAZ HIDDEN GAPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Salute! - 50 pts Do a lip trick on one of the flagpoles on the cellblock roof. Holy F@&#! - 100 pts Grind the pipe coming off an entrance to the cellblock roof, then transfer the grind to the cable extending off the water tower towards the smokestacks. This gap may seem imposing, but if you just hold the grind button after falling off the pipe, you'll automatically latch on to the cable and score the gap. Over the Dozer! - 250 pts (added by Drew Roland) Air over the bulldozer in the parade grounds. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= KONA USA HIDDEN GAPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Lip Under - 1000 pts Hold a lip trick while Rick Thorne airs over you in Steve Caballero's Pro Challenge. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= LONDON HIDDEN GAPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Bloody Tourists! - 100 pts Wallride-tag a bus in the "Wallride Tag 5 Buses" goal. Fountain Plant - 100 pts (added by Joe M.) Ollie onto the circular area in the center of one of the fountains. You already got this bus - 100 pts Wallride-tag a bus you already tagged in the "Wallride Tag 5 Buses" goal. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CARNIVAL HIDDEN GAPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Clown Plant - 200 pts Ollie over the clown in front of the Abductor. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- CHICAGO HIDDEN GAPS =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mob Hit! - 100 pts (added by Joe M.) In the "Put Bugs on 5 Mafiosos" goal, put a bug on a Mafioso. ---------------------- The Ding Dong gaps in the carnival follow this sequence, from lowest to highest... I've TRIPPED Higher Than That! Congrats on Your First Ollie Limp Noodle You Call That Air? Shoulda Skipped That Chili Dog Nice View, But It's No Penthouse Almost Never Soft Win a Prize --------------------- Next up, tips for those facing difficulty with the grind gaps in Eric Koston's Pro Challenge and otherwise. First, max out your Rail Balance stat. There are a lot of goals which give stat points as rewards. If you can't get enough stat points to max out your rail balance stat, pick a skater with a high rail balance stat to start with. Kareem Campbell, Eric Koston, Bam Margera, and Chad Muska are the best choices. As an absolute last resort, scour up $1000 for the Slomo cheat. In the shop, its description reads "More Your Speed". With this cheat activated, the balance meter moves more slowly, giving you a better reaction time and consequently, better balance. This is only recommended for Eric Koston's Pro Challenge if you can't hold the grind well enough. --------------------- Finally, some tips for those totally stuck on the long manual gaps (such as the Switchbacks and the Blue Lines)... First, max out your manual balance stat. Once again, there are a lot of goals which give stat points as rewards. Again, if you can't max your manual balance stat, pick a skater with an inherently high manual balance stat. Eric Koston and Rodney Mullen are good choices. Once more, as an absolute last resort, buy the Slomo cheat. This makes the Switchbacks gaps much easier to pull off, but know that it is cheating. Only use it if you can't manage to hold the manual past the first turn (like me ^_^U). Tony G. offers his assistance... "Anyways - the manual-switchback gap in Alcatraz. If you cant go round the corners because you're going too fast, press triangle twice before each corner to start a pogo to slow you down. then, when you have passed the corner, press circle twice to do a handstand. This will let you go faster than the pogo, and you can go back to a pogo at the end of the straight." Leslie McGregor says... "If you hold down x when landing in a manual(and keep it held down), your speed doesnt [sic] decrease so fast. which helps for doing straight manual gaps, but makes any manual gap with turns a lot harder (and the alcatraz switchbanks one impossible)." Ryan Melanson offers... "When your trying to manual the switchbacks (Alcatraz), use a special manual trick. You get alot [sic] better balance. I used the "Handstand 360 Flip"." --------------------- MBZelda1@aol.com writes in... "this may sound dumb and obvious, but it isn't on your faq (im not being negative, it's true) use the cheat codes for moon physics (superfly) and perfect balance (rails: "ssbsts" ; manuals "mullenpower")". For the GCN, those codes are... Moon Physics - giantsteps Perfect Rail - belikegeoff Perfect Manual - 2wheelin I'm still looking for the XBox codes...I'm sure they're on the GFAQs board, but I'm lazy. =P ++++++++++++++++ 5) Miscellaneous ++++++++++++++++ Just a wrap-up of the entire FAQ. You don't need to read this unless you want to feel good about yourself for being mentioned in the Special Thanks, or if you want to use this FAQ on your site. =================== 5.1) Special Thanks =================== General Thanks -------------- - Neversoft - Activision O2 - Nintendo - Microsoft - Sony -- For developing, publishing, and licensing this game on all systems. - You, the reader -- For giving me purpose to write this FAQ, knowing everybody needs help sometimes. Contributors ------------ - Child A' Da KoRn - GTStreet777@aol.com - Dalegot7@aol.com - Christopher Ascue -- For their much-needed clarification of the 10 Point Landing gap in Kona. - Dalegot7@aol.com -- For assisting with Canada Bomb and other big air transfers. - Matt Gotliffe - Lazarus Hernandez - Tie Conn -- For (ruthlessly =P) correcting me on the Lamp Extension gap in Kona. - Tie Conn -- For correcting my description of Off the Flags in London. - SittingCow@aol.com -- For simplifying my description of Skate Attic in Alcatraz. - MBZelda1@aol.com - Tony G. -- For assisting in long rail and manual gaps - Drew Roland -- For adding the Over the Dozer hidden gap in Alcatraz - Joe M. -- For adding the Mob Hit! and Fountain Plant hidden gaps in Chicago and London - Francisco Zarama and Eliott Wiener -- For correcting my Awning Hop description - Mike Farrell - Tommy Thompson -- Simplifying "Banner Up!" - VGMaster96@aol.com -- Clarifying "Chicken Sh.." and "Pig Slop" - Kirsten-Janine Schaper -- Simplifying and clarifying "Swamp Gap" - Leslie McGregor - Ryan Melanson -- Offering their advice for long manual gaps GFAQs Members ------------- - DarkElves - insectoidone -- For starting the Official Gap List Topics on the GCN and PS2 boards, respectively. - GaryAtEastern -- For staying friends with me even after I made a horrible first impression. ^_^U - All the people who needed help with gaps -- For inspiring me to write this FAQ. - CJayC -- For putting this FAQ up. ///////////////////////////// And a very special thanks to: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - insectoidone - milk weasel - strtboarder -- For helping me get my final gap, leading to my total clearance of the game. ========================== 5.2) Copyright Information ========================== Tony Hawk's Pro Skater is copyright (c) 1999-2002 Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. Activision is a registered trademark and Activision O2, Pro Skater, and Sports Revolution are trademarks of Activision, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. Tony Hawk is a trademark of Tony Hawk. Developed by Neversoft Entertainment, Inc. This Gap FAQ is copyright (c) Colin C. Spence 2002-03. If you wish to use this FAQ on your site, you are free to do so, providing you keep everything in its original form, especially this copyright statement.