------------------------ Tony Hawk's Underground The Game Script Written by Babigurl94 ------------------------ Table Of Contents A- Intro B- Legal Info C- Scene Listings D- Game Script E- Uhh... Outro? --------- A- Intro --------- Yeah... well, I liked the game, and... yeah. Enjoy. ------------- B-Legal Info ------------- Don't put this anywhere without asking my permission. And, since there will be no way for you to reach me, you can't ask for my permission. So don't put it anywhere. It's not that important anyway. Thank you. ----------------- C- Scene Listings ----------------- New Jersey- Opening Scene NJ Level Overview Muska Demo Props from Muska Meet Peralta- Eric in Trouble Hop on the Train Manhattan- NY Level Overview NY Skaters Getting the bus from Peralta Tampa- Tampa Cops Spot Rejection Meet Tony Hawk Win Spot San Diego- Todd- Team Manager Party for your Ad Eric is on the Team Hawaii- Airplane to Hawaii HI Level Overview Eric's Footage On Roof of Hotel After Footage Shot Vancouver- VC Level Overview Slam City Jam- Premier Win Slam City Jam Moscow- RU Level Overview Pros on Ramp Drive Tank Back To New Jersey- Eric Confrontation Plan to start Team Lost Footage Beat Eric Lost Footage 2 Hawaii- Final (Hawaii Gap Footage) -------------- D- Game Script -------------- Yay. The script is written as though you were playing as a guy, but trust me, there isn't much difference than if you were playing as a girl. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------- New Jersey Opening Scene ------------- *Your character, who will be called You since they don't have an official name, is shown fixing up their board in their room. Your friend Eric bangs on the window and presses a Muska flyer against it* Eric- Check it, man! Muska is actually coming to this dump for a skate demo! Get dressed and let's go! *After you get dressed, you slam your draw shut and head for your board* You- Well, I just got my ride all set up... sort of. Eric- Looks like that thing is held together with duct tape. Let's go skate! *You shake your head, grab your board, and leave* ----------------- NJ Level Overview ----------------- You- Home sweet home. What a dump... at least it has some killer spots. The old pool down by the highschool, scab land, the drainage ditch on the south side of town, and Elm Street, our own little strip of paradise. Complete with drug dealers who hate skateboarders. ---------- Muska Demo ---------- *There's a short clip of the actual demo. Then it shows Muska and some other people standing around a car* Muska- Yo, check this out. *He shows off the hydraulics and stereo* Muska- It's louder than a Metallica concert in there! I also had bullet proof siding put in, and seven screens for my DVD player! *His phone rings and he turns off the stereo to answer it* Muska- Muska. Chillin' chillin'. Where? Australia?! Eric- THAT'S how you hook it up! I mean, what's he done? Popped down a few rails, and he's traveling the world living like a king! ---------------- Props from Muska ---------------- *After stalking Muska in his SUV to show off some tricks, he pulls up to talk to you* Muska- Hey what's up man? That was a sick line you had back there. You- Whoa, Chad Muska? I'm a huge fan! *Chad pulls down his shades and gets a look at your board* Muska- Dang man. That's some ghetto ride you got rollin' though. You- Yeah, but I'm pretty broke. I gotta make it last. Muska- I hear you man. Back in Vegas, I had no money, no place to stay, nothing man. Until my first shop sponsor hooked me up. So why don't you head down to your shop, check out their riders, and try to get hooked up? And yo... *He pulls out his board and tosses it to you* Muska- Merry Christmas. You- Thanks! ----------------------------- Meet Peralta- Eric in Trouble ----------------------------- Note- Remember those dealers on Elm Street? Eric had the brilliant idea to torch the dealer's car to get revenge since they stole some gear from the skate shop. You will see now how this will completely screw him over. *You skate up to a guy doing yoga on a mailbox in front of Peralta's skate shop* You- Uhh... I'm looking for the owner, Mr. Peralta?... Wait, are you THE Stacy Peralta? Stacy- That's me. You the guy my skaters have been talking about? You- Well I hope so. I'd like to be sponsored by your shop. Stacy- Yeah, so would everybody else. I'll tell you what... make me a sponsor-me video. Show me what makes you different from Bobby V. down the street. And please don't hand me anything from the same old spots in Jersey dude, cause I've seen them all. You- Done! No local spots and different tricks. *You find Eric near Headstone Harry's place* You- Dude, I just talked to Stacy Peralta. Eric- They know. T-those gangsters know it was me. You- What are you talking about? Eric- When I got back to my house last night, they were parked outside waiting for me. I-I gotta get the hell outta here. My cousin's got a place in New York. You gotta help me get to the train station across the river! *The dealers pull up in a shiny new car, so you and Eric take off* ---------------- Hop on the Train ---------------- *For some reason the bridge leading to the train station was blocked by the cops, so you had to jump it. The dealers are STILL chasing you, and your train is about to leave. Eric runs ahead and gets on the train* Eric- COME ON!! *You run for a bit and hop on the train, leaving the dealers at the platform. You're off to Manhattan* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------- Manhattan NY Level Overview ----------------- You- Big bad New York! Peralta will be pumped if we can get some footie from the Brooklyn Banks, Veteran's Memorial, the Pyramid Legends, and 78 water street. ---------- NY Skaters ---------- *You and Eric find some skaters down at the Brooklyn Banks* You- Those guys have a camera! Maybe they'll let us use it to make our sponsor-me video for Peralta! Skater #1- Why you beamin'? You want a date or somthin'? Eric- Pssh... I stopped dating dwarfs last week. Skater #2- Take your soggy mop flips back to Jersey tweekers. You- Hey! Let's just go skate! If we tear up some of your favorite spots, would you help film us? ----------------------------------- After you send Peralta your tape... ----------------------------------- Peralta- Hey man! I got the video that you sent me. Wow! You got style! You are on the team, dude, you are definately on the team. We gotta find a way to get you down to the Tampa Am. You- Tampa! That would be insane! But I have like 3 bucks to my name... Peralta- It don't matter man. I'll tell you what, you run some errands for me in New York and I'll lend you my vintage bus for the trip. Now tell me what you wanna ride and I'll send you all the free gear for the trip dude. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------- Tampa Tampa Cop --------- *While driving to Tampa in Peralta's bus, you get busted by the man. Eric is handcuffed while you lie on the ground with the cop's boot pressing into your neck* Cop- One busted tail light. Violation. One bad bumper sticker... *The bumper sticker says "Cops Push Mongo." The cop spits on the ground* Cop- Big mistake ya punks. You- It's not our car man. We borrowed it! We like cops!! Eric- Aren't you white-meats supposed to be out fighting real crime? Like figuring out where that missing sprinkled doughnut went? Cop- Oh that's real funny smartass! Kiss your little roller-skating contest good-bye! That is, unless your buddy here wants to do us a favor. -------------- Spot Rejection -------------- *Hooray, Eric is out of jail. The both of you make your way to the Tampa Am contest, where Eric will screw YOU over for the first of many times. You both walk up to the gate, but you get stopped by some guy... Let's call him Dude* Dude- Park's closed to the public. Eric- Oh no, check the list. Eric Sparrow, a.k.a the guy whose gonna win best trick tomorrow. Dude- A.k.a cocky knuckle head... ok you're in. *You both start walking in, but the Dude stops you this time* Dude- Whoa easy there chief. The list is all check off. You- What? You signed us both up right? Eric- Well, uh, I-I mean I sent MY form in, you know... You- Dude! Look, I'll sign up now! Dude- I TOLD you the list is full! Feel free to watch from the bleachers though. Yo! Tomas man! What's up street dog?! You been shralping any ten story rails with the ol' magic stunt wood? Ahehe... (It was kinda hard to figure out what he was saying in some parts. Sorry.) Eric- Uh, look, I- yeah I'm sorry about this. Uh... but anyway, I-I-I gotta go skate, I mean this could be my big break. And who knows? Maybe you could uh, impress a pro or something and get in too! *He leaves you with the Dude and you throw your board down in frustration* -------------- Meet Tony Hawk -------------- *After beating Tony Hawk, he comes up to talk to you* Tony- Whoa! Not bad! Where are you from? You- I cam all the way down from Jersey for the Tampa Am. Tony- Talk about a surprise attack. You stay on your board tomorrow, you'll walk away with the contest. You- I can't! It's full. I worked so hard to get a sponsorship from Stacy Peralta. Tony- Stacy Peralta? I know that dude. He was my first sponsor too, back in the 80's. He still into yoga? That is one weird dude. Cool as they come. Look, I can't make any guarantees, but I'll talk to the guys at the contest. Just show up tomorrow. *BAM! You're in the Tampa Am. Ooo, I rhymed...* -------- Win Spot -------- *You win the Tampa Am and someone starts filming you. Some guys are giving you high fives and stuff. The Dude even tries to get friendly, but you shut him down. Eric throws his board down since he's pissed. Then the pros talk to you* Bucky Lasek- Good skating man! That was insane! Gotta give me a call! I wanna hook you up with Birdhouse! Geoff Rowley- Hey ease off! You gotta ride for Flip, man. Andrew Reynolds- Hey, come here. Bam Margera- Would everyone just shut up for five seconds and let me talk to the damn kid?! I gotta give it to you that run was bullllllshit. No, in a good way though. I'm gonna have to put you on Element, bottom line. *Cut* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------ San Diego Todd- Team Manager ------------------ *So you've picked a team, and now it's time to meet your team manager. You walk up to Todd while he's eating* Todd- Mmm... mmm... heyyyyyyy! What's up? You get in from the airport ok? You- Yeah. Are you Todd, the team manager? Todd- *Burp* Hey, look, I gotta finish this meal before I go out to eat, so here's my skateboarding 101 for you. The more coverage you get, the more crazy tricks you land, the more tours and free gear for you. Just push yourself, show us your skittles, and everything is cool. You- Skittles? Todd- Skills! Skittles means skills! What are you from Idaho? Hey look, the filmer's here to shoot some other guys. Go piggy back with them and get some coverage alright? *Todd waves you off* ----------------- Party For Your Ad ----------------- *You and some of the other skaters are sitting down when Todd hands you a paper* Todd- Heyyyy check out the Ad for the Idaho kid. This demands a partyyyy! You- Yeah? Todd- Tell ya what. You're the fresh heat, you're in charge of the party treats. *You sit there for a moment looking over your Ad when you realize what Todd said* You- What?! ---------------- Eric on the team ---------------- *You're passed out on a fountain after your party when Todd comes up to you* Todd- There you are! Hey! *He claps his hands to get your attention. You roll over and wave him off* Todd- Come on! It's two in the afternoon and you're still asleep?! You gotta skate the demo at 3! You- Man... what demo! Todd- THE TEAM DEMO! Come on! I want you to get the new guy hooked up. *And look who it is. Eric walks up to you* Eric- Sup fool? You- Eric? You're on the team? But how'd you- Eric- With no help from you, but that's cool. I can see how busy you've been. Todd- Oh, you guys know each other. Hehe... Anyway, why don't you find the rest of the team? They scattered after the party. I'll see you guys at the demo after I chow down. *You skate the demo, you do great, and you score tickets to Hawaii* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------ Hawaii Airplane to Hawaii ------------------ *The guy you're sitting next to (Jordan) is looking at some drawings* Jordan- Can you believe it? Hawaii! You must be stoked. The team doesn't usually bring Am's on a trip this big. You- Man, those sketches are awesome. Did you draw them? Jordan- Nah, some artist dude. They're the graphics for my new pro model. You- Hey, how long were you on the team before you turned pro? Jordan- About a year. I just threw down a couple hammers for the last video and the response was so crazy, they gave me a pro board. Who knows? Do the same, maybe they'll turn you pro in a couple years. ----------------- HI Level Overview ----------------- Todd- Alright you rats. Here's the deal. We paid for your trip to Hawaii, getting sick footage is your job. Bum around and find some interesting spots. Then we're gonna premiere our video in Vancouver at the Slam City Jam. SO DON'T HALF-ASS IT! We hook up in three days. -------------- Eric's Footage -------------- *Eric comes up to you with his camera* Eric- So, check out this clip from Wallows. You- Whoa, that's some heavy footage. Eric- What you got going? You- Uhhh... I have some secret spot I just found. It's pretty gnarly. I'm gonna shoot it later today. *Eric gets this suspicious look on his face and gets up to leave* Eric- That's cool. Give me a ring if you need help shooting it. It'll be like the old day. ---------------- On Roof of Hotel ---------------- *After getting to the tope of the Big Surf Hotel, you call up Eric* You- Eric, I found it. Get up here and bring the camera. *Eric has the camera turned on while in the elevator. He listens to some lovely musak. The doors open showing you sitting down waiting* You- Can you believe this spot? *Eric looks around with the camera, then walks to the edge of the roof and looks down. He spits over the edge* Eric_ You serious? You miss your ollie, we'll be sending you back to Jersey in a coffee can. You- Todd said he wanted something big. This is it. ------------------ After Footage Shot ------------------ *After skating on the roof for a while, the cops come up in a helicopter. So you run, right? Wrong. You jump off the roof over the helicopter, and pull a McTwist on the way. When you land, Eric shakes his head in disbelief, then runs to the elevator to go down stairs and meet you. He was recording you, by the way* You- *out of breath* Dude! Tell me you got that! Eric- Hell yeah I got it! You- I can't believe I just did that! That's the best thing I've ever filmed! Eric- That's the best thing ANYBODY'S ever filmed! Cop from helicopter- STAY WHERE YOU ARE!! *You and Eric run form the cops... again* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------- Vancouver VC Level Overview ----------------- Todd- Here's the 411 on Vancouver. We got our video premiere alllll set up. One problem- WE DON'T HAVE A FREAKIN' VIDEO!! If your footage ain't done, get it! And if it is done, help set up for the big event. GOT IT? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------- Slam City Jam Premiere ------------- *You arrive late to the premiere and run to your seat. Eric is about to screw you over again...* You- Did I miss my part? Jordan- Part? You weren't even in it! But Eric's part ruled! He had the sickest rooftop gap I've ever seen. Roof to roof in Hawaii! 40 stories up! You- What the? That was MY trick and MY spot! *Eric, Todd, and some other skaters are on a platform below* Todd- Time to introduce our newest pro, ERIC SPARROWWWW!! *And the crowd goes wild* Todd- Eric's on his way to the Moscow Invitational, and his first pro board will be coming out in 2 months! *You wait for Eric after the premiere* You- You poached my shot! Where's my footage?! Eric- Oh, man I-I couldn't bring myself to tell you... see, there was this thing at customs- You- Lying sack of... uhh! *You shove him* Eric- Hey! We go way back, so I'm gonna forget you just did that. Now listen, I got three parties to hit, but uh, you better go rest up for the AMATEUR contest tomorrow... hehehe. *The next day you go to sign up for the contest* Registration Guy- Just need some basic information from you. *You look at the list and see Eric's name listed under pro. You're about to sign under the amateur column, but you change your mind and sign up as a pro* Registration guy- You're a pro? The entered you as an amateur. You- Someone made a mistake. Boo-yah. ----------------- Win Slam City Jam ----------------- *After you win, everyone cheering. Tony Hawk pats you and the back and Todd pushes his way through the crowd* Todd- Hey hey hey! You don't just decide to enter yourself as a pro! I should kick you off the team! You- I just won! What are you talking about? Todd- Eh, you got balls as big as boulders, but you pulled it off, so congratulations. Listen, you better start thinking about your board graphics. You- You guys are taking me pro? Todd- You just won a pro contest. You are a pro! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------------- Moscow RU Level Overview ----------------- *You score the trip to Moscow. In your face Eric* Todd- Mother Russia. Home of borscht, potatoes, and the world's biggest skate demo. All the press will be here looking for this year's best new pro. Now the demo doesn't start for a few days, ok? So stay the hell out of trouble... ------------ Pros On Ramp ------------ *Bam watches some army tanks drive by* Bam- Mmmmm... tanks. Oh tan- look at these tanks. DAMN look at these tanks! Tony- What's up? Aren't you stoked about getting best new pro? You- Well, it's not a done deal yet. It's pretty close between me and Eric. *And Eric comes rolling up* Eric- Sup guys? Listen, I been thinking, we can't keep this up. Remember how I used to torch action figures with you? I-I acted like a dork. I'm sorry. I got carried away. *You shake hands* Todd- Awww, I'm touched, really. *dreamy sigh* Now get out in front of those cameras and earn your keep! Bam- This is soooo good. We can't go skating right now. Look at these tanks! DAMN! ---------- Drive Tank ---------- *And here it is folks. Eric will REALLY screw you over now. You find him holding a bottle and sitting next to a passed out guard in front of a tank* Eric- Wasssssup? Me and Vladamir here are feeling good tonight! He... hey hey, your license good in Moscow? *Eric takes the gaurd's keys* Eric- Ol' Vlad told me it was ok if we take a test spin. *He climbs into the tank* You- You can't be serious! *You join him inside* Eric- Oh man! Bam's gonna be so jealous when he finds out about this! You- Dude, stop it! *He starts up the tank and you both fly backwards. You get up and crawl into the drivers seat to try and stop the tank while Eric climbs onto the roof and keeps drinking* Eric- WHOOOOOO! Yeah, come one, under the bridge! *He sings a terrible version of a cavalry charge* Eric- Do a smith grind man! Whoo! *At this point he realizes that you're about to crash into the pillars of a large building. He drops his bottle and bails. You crash into the pillars and a large piece falls onto the exit hatch, so you're locked inside. Eric helps you by... running away. You try to open the door* You- Dude, come on Eric! Eric!! Come on man, open this thing! Let me out! Man come on!! ERIIIIIICCCCCC!!! *A guard appears and a few minutes later you're in jail* Eric- When I saw him steal the guards keys, I knew he was up to something stupid. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen! *Later Eric and Todd talk to a guard outside* Guard- That's $700,000 in damages you're responsible for, no? Todd- NO! A-absolutely not! I mean not me. Eh, this kid doesn't even skate for us anymore! Get the check from the parents. The kid's off the team! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------ Back to New Jersey Eric Confrontation ------------------ *You finally get out of Russia and return home. You run into Eric by the subway. He's talking on his cell phone* Eric- We just raised my demo rate to 5 g's. I need 5 in my hand or I won't skate... I don't care how many kids are waiting! *He closes the phone and walks to his limo when you approach* Eric- Well, look who's here. I was hoping to see you. I never got to thank you for handing me best new pro back in Russia. You- You still don't get it! Eric- No hommie, I got it all. My own company, six cars in my garage, a record deal in the works, and what do you got, huh? Food stamps?? You- You go ahead and keep telling yourself you're happy. But it ain't about the money. Eric- I can't believe I'm wasting my time on this jackass! He probably skates for minimum wage. See ya! *His bodyguard shoves you back* You- You'll see. I'm not going anywhere. I still got a few real friends left. *Later you're talking to Stacy in front of the skate shop. He will bestow some valuable knowledge on you. It's the yoga, man* You- It gives me a stomach ache. I can't believe kids will look at Eric and think that's what skating is about. Stacy- Look, you gotta deal if you wanna make it as a pro. You- Man, I just want to skate like the old days. It used to relax me, not stress me out. Stacy- That's your deal, man. Skating is whatever you make it. It didn't change. You're the one that changed. Now go skate. You'll remember why you started in the first place. ------------------ Plan to Start Team ------------------ *You walk up to Stacy while he's doing yoga (of course) on the roof of the skate shop* You- I've got an idea. I wanna do it right this time. Show the kids what skating's really about. Stacy- Now you're finally making some sense. What's the plan? You- We start our own team. Stacy- I like it. Now let's find some guys who share our same philosophy. You- I'm on it. I'll track down the best pros and sign them up. Stacy- Perfect. Then all we need to do is find a great name for our team. -------------------- The Video To End All -------------------- *After you get your team together, you and Stacy discuss how to spread the word. You're sitting on a counter while is Stacy is doing yoga... again* You- Ok, we got a killer team. Now to spread the word. Stacy- We're gonna make a skate video. But we're not gonna make some cookie cutter film where everybody is skating the same stuff. We're gonna make something bigger, better, totally unexpected. Check this dude. I've had this for years. *He hurls a notepad at you* Stacy- I've been saving this list of secret spots since animal chin. [I don't know if that's what he really says, I couldn't hear it right.] ------------ Lost Footage ------------ *You and Stacy are locking up the skate shop* Stacy- Jeez man. I think we broke the piƱata with that video! We can't even keep up with orders! Eric- Awwwww. How cute. Two little skaters and their ghetto shop. Heard your video went over pretty good. I guess kids dig that goofy soul-skating crap. I tell you what. I'll buy you out for half a mil, right now. I got my check book. You- I told you! It was never about the money. Eric- Hehe, right, right, I forgot. "Mr. Pure"! I shoulda fixed you back in Tampa! You- Tell it to your posse! We're through. I got everything I need. Eric- Not this. Remember? Hawaii? Building jump? Helicopter? That was some sick footage. Too bad no one ever saw it... You- You backstabbing, mop flippin' cockroach!! Eric- He-hey! What do you say? On last trip around the neighborhood. Winner takes the tape. --------- Beat Eric --------- *After you tear up Eric best line, you take your tape and start walking away* Eric- I'm still better than you! You got lucky you little punk!! Slam City Jam and Tampa were nothing but luck, you little bitch!!! Get back here! YOU AIN'T NOTHING!! I KNOW I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!! -------------- Lost Footage 2 -------------- When you beat the game once, you unlock an alternate ending every time you beat the game afterwards. It's exactly the same as Lost Footage, except instead of tearing up Eric's line, you knock him out and take your tape anyway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------ Hawaii Final ------ *It's the amazing Hawaii gap footage! Eric looks over the edge of the hotel roof and spits* Eric- You serious? You miss your ollie, we'll be sending you back to Jersey in a coffee can. You- Todd said he wanted something big. This is it... *Some fancy animation shows you pulling a McTwist over the helicopter. Eric then focuses on you waving from the roof top that you landed on across the street. Everything goes blank for a while. Then the filming starts again. Eric zooms in on some girls in bikinis. Todd walks by and stops when he notices the girls. Todd- Da de da deh dah- ohhhh!! Get a look at that! Or should I say those. Hehe... time to kick into Toddy smooth boy. What about, uh, hey! You know, for a fat guy I don't sweat that much! Ahehe... No, no, that's not true, I sweat a lot... Strong. More confident. Oh, we'll go funny! We'll go funny. Hehe, sure, it's a needle, but, eh, moves like a sewing machine! Hehe... hey yeah. Little tweak on that one, it'll work. That's good, that is good. Breath check, pits *sniff* sweat stains? Minimal. Wipe down the mustache... Hello ladies!! *The camera goes blank but you still hear Todd talking* Todd- Nice legs! What time do they open? *SLAP* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----- Outro ----- And that's it. So... bye.