Game:Transworld Surf Next Wave Platform:Gamecube Faq/Walkthrough Author: Maddgamz Version 0.60 Email: Game Information Developer:Rockstar San Diego Publisher:Atari Genre:Extreme Sports Memory Card:8 blocks 1-4 Players Simultaneous ******************************************************************************* Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Version History III. Controls IV. Game Modes V. Basic Tricks VI. Advanced Tricks VIII. Surfers IX. Walkthrough X. Cheats/Unlockables XI. Legal Stuff XII. Credits ******************************************************************************* Introduction ******************************************************************************* Hello,my name is Chris Bugaj aka maddgamz on gamefaqs.This is my very first faq so I decided to get some help. Fastkilr will be helping me write this faq. He has wrote 100+reviews on this site, and was my first choice for help. Transworld Surf is a game that i felt was very underapreciated, and I thought it deserved its own guide. This game has great graphics, a great soundtrack, exciting multiplayer, a deep Pro Tour mode, and Tons of unlockables. Still wondering why I wrote this guide? Well, I'm sure someone out there needs help on this game, and since there is no other guide, I believe this will be the first. ******************************************************************************* Version History Version 0.50 I am a little less than halfway done.I will finish within a week though i am hoping. Walkthrough for the first two breaks are done. I will be updating a lot though. Version 1 I have completed the walkthrough for pro tour mode.I will make other updates such as cheats later. ******************************************************************************* Controls Menu Controls Control Stick: Move between selectable items Control Pad: Same as above A Button: Select item X Button: Refuse selection,go back in menu Y Button: Open sub-menu item Paddling Controls Control Stick: Move forward,stop,turn,left,right C Stick UP: Look forward C Stick Down: Look back Control Pad Enter Codes A Button: Stand up on wave Y Button: Use this to call the Reef Girl L Button: Use this to find hidden breaks if available R Button: Same as above R+L: Duck Dive (used to go underwater) Start Button: Pause game Surfing Controls Control Stick: Use to move surfer C Stick Up: Look foward C Stick Down: Look backwards A Button: Jump button also know as olie.You must hold then release X Button: Snap Turns B Button: Stall Y Button: Floater Z Button: Dismount L Button: Left hand grabs R Button: Right hand grabs R+L Button: Two-hand grabs L or R Button+Button:Alternate grabs Start Button:Pause Shark Tag Controls A Button:Turbo B Button:Jump out of water.(this takes all of your turbo) ******************************************************************************* Game Modes Pro Tour: Ah,the meat of the game where you unlock secret characters and cheats. Single Session: This is a three minute heat session where you can attempt to best your high scores. Free Surf: No time limit, no goals, just you and the waves.Your basic practice mode, learn the waves before hitting them hard in the other modes. Multiplayer Modes King of the Wave: The last standing surfer wins. There are four surfers and only one wave. Build your trick meter and knock all the other surfers off. Free Surf: Same as single player, but a friend can tag-along, practice with your buddy, then compete in single player! Competition: Three 3 minute heats. Compete for the best score, by gaining big points. Shark Tag: This is a very unique game of "tag" where you must avoid being "it". If you are the shark that means you are it. The objective is to stay as a surfer the longest, until the match ends,and try to have been a surfer longer, than the other player(s). Options Audio: Change music and sound effects here. Rumble: Controler rumble. Turn on or off. Surfer Guides: Shown during loading screens. Turn on or off. Movies: Check out all the movies you have unlocked in the Single Player Tour Mode. Replay: View all your best runs. Load Arcade Data: Load everything you have unlocked. Controls: Change controller configuration. Credits: List of people who made Transworld Surf: Next Wave. ******************************************************************************* Basic Tricks The Anatomy of a wave First for all non surfers out there, let me give you a brief introduction about waves and each section of them. Each and every wave has four sections. Barrel section: The inside of the wave. Flats: The outside of the wave Sweet Spot:Where you need to stand up to start surfing. Lip: The top of the wave where you can do snap turns and floaters. ******************************************************************************* Now on to the basic tricks. Basic tricks should be combined with advanced tricks to create massive combos. More on linking tricks later... Carves: These are large turns on the face of the wave. Pumping: This is how you increase your speed move your stick left and right quickly to gain more speed. Snap Turns: These are executed by pressing the X button on the lip of the wave. Airs/Ollies: Hold the A button as you hit the top of the wave let go and up you go. Floaters: These are done by pressing the Y button on the top of the wave. Don't confuse it with grinding, we are on water here. Keep the ball centered. Barrels: Use the B button to stall, keep holding it to get deeper and deeper into the barrel. The deeper you go the harder it is to maintain control. Fakie: This is a big trick where you start riding backwards. When you go fakie and then do a trick then your trick meter will quickly be fillerd. Press the X button to get out of fakie. ******************************************************************************* Advanced Tricks Snaps 180 Snap: While the surfer is looking left on the screen, move the control stick starting from the right, counter-clockwise to the left, then press X on the lip of your wave. If you are coming from the opposite side just switch it up so you are looking right, move the control stick start from the left, clockwise to the left then press X on the Lip of the wave. 360 Snap: While the surfer is looking left on the screen, move the control stick starting from the right in a full counter-clockwise position, so it comes back to right, after a circle. At the lip of the wave press X. When you are facing opposite switch it up, Start from left on the control stick,bring it around in a 360 circle back to the left position, and tap X at the top of the wave. Reversals: When the surfer is facing right,start from the right,then move counter clockwise to the left,then press X at the top of the wave. If a surfer is facing to the left of the screen and you want to pull a reversal, move the control stick from the left clockwise to the right, press X at the top of the wave. Airs Left-hand grab 1: When in the air,press the L button. Right-hand grab 1: When in the air,press the R button. Two-handed grab 1: When in the air,press the L button+R button. Two-handed grab 2: When in the air,press the L button+R+B button. Left-hand grab 2: When in the air,press the R button+B button. Right-hand grab 2: When in the air,press the R button+B button. Flip Tricks Kick Flip: Hold the A button, then on the control stick move up, down, then release A. Heel Flip: Hold the A button, then on the control stick move down,up,then release A. Shuvit 360: Hold the A button,then on the control stick move up, right, down, then release A. Floaters Boardside floater: Hold the Y button + move left on the control stick direction towards the wave. Crooked floater: Hold the Y button + move right on the control stick direction towards the wave. Regular floater: Hold the Y button Special Tricks Each surfer has 3 special tricks, that are unique to him/her. To perform them your trick meter must be completly full,and giving off a bit of a glow. Once its full hold the A button and move the stick in different directions. NOTE: For Special floaters,dont hold the A button. Combos This is the key to mastering the game. Without combos you would be clueless, and your score would be relativly low. Performing a combo is just linking one trick after another. To get big scores you must perform new tricks, that you havent't performed in that heat. Link tricks such as airs, floaters, snap turns, and specials. ******************************************************************************* The Surfers A special thanks to A Surfer from gamefaqs,he provided me with the stats for the surfers. Rochelle Ballard Rochelle is a hellwoman. She charges harder than most of the guys and can lay it on rail with the best of them. Rochelle is a barrel-rider extraordinaire so you?ll find her in the tube more often than on the beach. SPEED - ** Airs - * HANDLING - ****** BALANCE - ********** PADDLING - ****** Specials Heel Klicker (left,up,down) Alleyoop 540 (down,right,up) Fakie Floater (up,down,Y) Shawn Barron Shawn ?Barney? Barron is a total airfreak. Always innovating and always entertaining, Barney mixes skate style ollies and grabs with rolls and spins to freak everybody out! SPEED - **** Airs - ********* HANDLING - *** BALANCE - ***** PADDLING - *** Specials Barney Roll (left,up,right) One-Foot Backflip (down,up,down) Shuvit Floater (up,down,Y) Taj Burrow Renowned as one of the best aerialists in the world, Taj is an Australian tornado of speed, flair, and world championship potential. SPEED - ********** Airs - **** HANDLING - *** BALANCE - ** PADDLING - ******* Specials Finger Flip (right,left,right) Look Back (down,up,down) Kickflip Floater (up,down,Y) Jason Collins The ?Ratboy? cannot be touched in the air. Always launching and always landing, he should be called ?Catboy? because he always lands on his feet. Throw in a vast array of skate tricks, and you have the complete aerialist known as Ratboy. SPEED - ***** Airs - ********** HANDLING - *** BALANCE - ** PADDLING - ***** Specials Christ Varial (down,up,right,down) Kickflip-Underflip (up,down,up,down) Darkslide Floater (up,down,y) Tim Curran Tim has carved out a big chunk of surf stardom by blasting his patented alley-oop on daily occasions. Tim's flow and speed with tear your head off, so if you see him coming down the line - duck! SPEED - ***** Airs - ******* HANDLING - **** BALANCE - **** PADDLING - *** Specials Superman (left,down,up) Screwdriver (up,right,down,left) Frigid Floater (up,down,Y) Shane Dorian Shane is the most calm, cool, and collected surfer of the World Tour surf scene. If you watch Shane surf, you will be mesmerized by his smooth, effortless approach, then he?ll mess you up with a gigantic lipslide or massive air! SPEED - ***** Airs - ********* HANDLING - *** BALANCE - *** PADDLING - ****** Specials Body Varial (up,down,left) Backflip Nosebone (down,up,down) Bluntslide Floater (up,down,Y) Christian Fletcher Although Christian wasn?t the first person to do an air on a surfboard, he is the first man to consistently bust huge airs on every wave he takes. Christian is the O.G. heavy metal airblaster. SPEED - ******** Airs - ********** HANDLING - * BALANCE - * PADDLING - *** Specials Christ Air (left,right,Left) Rodeo (up,down,right) Darkslide Floater (up,down,Y) Andy Irons Andy is a definite threat to the world championship title. He?s a leader of the new school, fusing big balls of steel and an almost endless list of tricks. Andy is not a surfer to mess with in any condition. SPEED - **** Airs - **** HANDLING - *** BALANCE - ********** PADDLING - *** Specials Air Walk (left,up,down) Stale Flip (up,right,down,left) Slob Slide (up,down,Y) Taylor Knox Taylor is every pro?s favorite pro. He has a flawless style and more power than most. Taylor?s mix of technical skill and raw power give him the edge on just about everyone. Taylor is the man. SPEED - *** Airs - *** HANDLING - ********** BALANCE - **** PADDLING - ***** Specials Sex Change (up,down,left) Stiffy Flip (up,right,down,left) Slob Slide (up,down,Y) Cory Lopez If speed could kill, Cory would already be dead. His lightning quick snaps and slides combined with more than enough air ability make Cory one of the world?s best surfers from one foot waves in Huntington to 12 foot waves in Teahupoo. SPEED - ******** Airs - ******** HANDLING - ** BALANCE - **** PADDLING - *** Specials Varial 360 (up,down,left) Front Flip (up,down,up) Frigid Floater (up,down,Y) Dan Malloy Dan is the youngest of the Malloy clan and has learned from some of the best on how to destroy any wave that crosses his path. Dan rides the tube with ease and can throw as much heat as anyone in the lineup. SPEED - **** Airs - **** HANDLING - ******** BALANCE - ***** PADDLING - *** Specials Nothing Air (right,down,up) Backflip (down,up,down) Shuvit Floater (up,down,Y) Fred Patacchia Quickly finding a niche in the highly competitive world of surfing, Fred has grown from a promising amateur to a rising pro. Fred has been terrorizing the WQS on his way to a possible WCT seed. SPEED - ******** Airs - **** HANDLING - **** BALANCE - *** PADDLING - ****** Specials Impossible (right,left,right) Slob Flip (up,right,down,left) Bluntslide Floater (up,down,Y) Chris Ward Wardo is a style monster who has shown the world that he can easily blend perfect form with crazy aerials and gouging hacks that will rival anyone. Wardo is one of the world?s best free surfers, hands down. SPEED - *** Airs - ******** HANDLING - **** BALANCE - ***** PADDLING - ***** Specials Back Scratcher (right,up,down) Rocket Flip (down,up,down) Bluntslide Floater (up,down,Y) Secret Surfers There are 13 secret surfers that you unlock in Tour mode, and can use from then on out.They also start to join in the competitions as you unlock them! Miss Reef Girl Miss Reef girl is fast,very fast.She is much like Rochelle Ballard.Infact her specials are exactly the same as Rochelles. Junior Tupa This cat is 400 pounds of love and joy.Dont let his big gerth fool you he is very fast once he gets better boards. MORE COMING REALLY SOON! ******************************************************************************* Walkthrough This Walkthrough will cover all the tips, and goals, and try to show you ways to get around, or achieve later more difficult goals. Pro Tour consist of 11 stages, all broken up into three stages. Two are goal stages while the last one is a competition to win that stop on the tour and a new board. During each stage you have to have a certain amount of photos taken before you can move on to competition mode. Kirra Point Midday goals Score 7,500 points Carve 3 cutbacks on one wave Perform 3 grabs on one wave Free 4 dolphins from the tuna nets Photos 2 Kirra point is a small slow wave theres not much air you can get here.The goals arent very hard to do here.I will go ahead and mention when you are trying to do other goals such as freeing the dolphins from the tuna nets,it really helps to use the C stick to see where you are going. Just run over the stars to free the dolphins. Sunrise goals Score 10,000 points Do a three trick combo Scare 3 birds from the wave Surf the Entire difficult wave to the end When surfing a difficult wave you must surf it from beginning to end.If you dont the goal wont count.Try not to get too fancy on these waves they arent called difficult waves for nothing! Competition Here it is the competition you must complete these to unlock new boards and advance further into the game. These consist of three 3 minute heats. You have to score points on three waves, manage your time on each wave.I usually spend one minute on each wave and then move on. An important thing is dont snake (steal another surfers wave) if you do you will lose points and your karma meter will fall.To avoid snaking waves,wait for new ones to come in. Fort Point Midday goals Score 15,000 points Do 6 grabs on one wave Execute 3 snap turns on one wave Avoid sealife photos 4 Fort Point is a faster wave than Kirra point so go big with airs,remember to try variety of tricks to add to the multiplier.Sharks inhabit this stage as well,so dont let your karma meter fall or you could be lunch! When surfing the hazard waves you must avoid the sealions if you hit one you have to start over. Sunset goals Score 20,000 points Do a 6 trick combo Air over 2 boats Surf an entire 10,000 point normal wave to the end. Airing over boats isnt all that hard but it helps to look ahead for the stars and prepare to jump it,floating a wave alos helps you get over them,just do a floater and jump at the right time. Competition Same as before, remember not to snake waves (to keep good karma) and try to stay on the normal waves. Tavarua Midday goals Score 25,000 points Surf over 3 jelly fish Ollie over 2 gunmen Do 3 roundhouse cutbacks on one wave Photos 4 Tavarua is a beautiful location to surf,but the goals are going to get more and more difficult.In this stage you will have to learn how to roundhouse cutback and jump over exposed reef sections.The midday goals are pretty light.Basicly to do a round house cutback do a cut back followed by a snap turn thats all you have to do. Evening goals Score 30,000 points Do a 9 trick combo Execute Four 20 second barrels on one wave Left hand grab over 4 exposed reef sections Ok the evening goals are easy except for the reef sections.Its all your timing and positioning,do the main things get good speed by pumping and hold A and let go just before you hit the lip of the wave then hold the L button to left hand grab over the sections. Competition Nothing new here you know the routine go big,manage your time on each wave and dont snake waves. Hossegor Midday goals Score 35,000 points Do a 5 second floater Scare 3 birds from the wave Ollie 4 bunker walls Photos 2 Hossegor is a medium sized wave with plenty of sharks,birds,and bunker walls. Yes,the bunker walls are you toughest goals here.You have to stay in good control of your board.The camera angle will change to a more over head view giving you a better view of where you are going.Heres a tip hold the A button down while you are trying to get in position to ollie the bunker walls it helps you maintain your speed better. Morning goals Score 40,000 points Do a two trick combos on one wave Execute 10 snaps on one wave Shoot the Bunker Section Once again the bunker section is you main headache here.Same as before but this time you have to make quick turns as well because the path kind of winds around. Its important to not lack behind because the barrel will catch you and cause a wipe out.Pump alot and make sure to stay ahead of the barrel. Competition For this competition try to do more barrels than you would normally do and lots of snap turns,and floaters.You arent gonna bust many airs here. G-Land Midday goals Score 45,000 points Do 3 reversals on one wave Ollie 4 turtles Surf an Entire 20,000 difficult wave 4 G-Land is a fun wave, you can do pretty decent airs here and the barrels are very narrow making it more the sweeter.When you try to ollie the turtles make it your first goal when you start a new session because its alot easier to find them.They are all nice and lined up the first time but if you miss, start a new session because its very difficult to locate them, (they like to move around) so just do it all in one go.A rule of thumb for surfing entire point difficult waves is,once you get the necessary points just take it easy and dont do any more.It sucks to have to do it again just cuz you were messing around when all you had to do was take it easy. Dusk goals Score 50,000 points Do two 6 trick combos Scare 5 birds from the wave Shoot the rock section Prepare your self for one of the more difficult goals in the game.Shooting the rocks is not easy by any means.Luckly there is a pretty good route i have found that makes it alot easier.Ok you will use your cstick almost exclusivly in this goal so get used to holding it up and surfing at the same time.Now as you come to the first formation of rocks look to the right.See that little hole thats where you need to go first,then you will come to the second formation do the same thing here,you need to keep ahead of the barrel so always be pumping for speed or you wont make it.The third formation is the same way,stay to the right as much as you can now for the hard part,when you come to the last formation of rocks you will notice a hole but you will have to turn quickly and perfectly while both maintaining your speed and avoiding the barrel coming from behind. Competiton I will not explain these anymore. Huntington Midday goals Score 55,000 points Execute three 180 snaps on one wave Air over the pier banner Air two wave peaks Photos 6 This my friends is the toughest wave in the game.So why isnt it the last? Huntington should have been named Amity (from the Jaws movie)because the sharks are very aggressive here more than any area in the game.If you so much as touch another surfer or get bad karma in any way the sharks will actually hunt you! I have even had them jump up to grab me! So keep that in mind for starters. This wave has the toughest goal in the game.Thats right airing over the pier banner has given me fits for a long time.I still dont know how to do it right. If anyone finds out an easy way let me know please.All i can say is its all timing and luck.You have to be in perfect position and have the right speed, then on top off all that you have to have enough air and must avoid a wipe out all at the same time.Airing wave peaks is your next toughie,you have to watch to see when they form and then air them. Night goals Score 60,000 points Do two 9 trick combos Do three 4 second floaters on one wave Shoot the pier for 5 seconds Thank goodness this session is easier.The only troublesome goal here is when you shoot the pier for 5 seconds.Try to avoid the many pylons and stall for a little bit while waiting for the barrel to catch up then make a b-line for the other side. Pipeline Midday goals Score 65,000 points Do three 360 snaps on one wave Ollie over 3 outriggers Surf an Entire 30,000 point difficult wave Photos 8 Pipeline is my favorite wave in the game.Its certainly the funnest to me. Its big,fast,and perfect for mega airs!I have managed to get over 500,000 points on this wave.Enjoy it while it lasts. Ollieing over the outriggers is the only thing that might give you trouble here.Make sure to aim for the edges of them.You just have to barely jump it. Sunset goals Score 70,000 points Do three 3 trick combos Do one 20 second barrel Do 10 grabs on one wave To do three 3 trick combos just do a basic snap,air,floater three times.When going for a 20 second barrel you must tap the b button often to stay in the barrel,also try not to go too deep,its worth more points but harder to stay in. Witches Rock Storm goals score 75,000 points Perform 2 special tricks on one wave Spray 4 of the large birds Surf the wave in the croc infested waters Witches rock is a dark stormy wave filled with crocs,wave peaks,and hard to find photographers.To surf the wave in the croc infested waters you must be very carefull.It helps to surf in the flats and then come back to the sweet spot.Do this until you reach the end of the wave. Night goals Score 80,000 points Do three 6 trick combos Kickflip over 3 severed cow heads Execute a two handed grab over 3 wave peaks There are two goals here that might give you trouble.First airing the wave peaks can be a struggle because when they finally form you might not be in a good pos- tion to air them.Try to stay close to the barrel and learn when they form then two hand grap over them.Kickfliping over the 3 cow heads is pretty hard because you must be lined up just right.Remember to use the cstick and prepare ahead of time kickflip them.Look for the stars in the dark. Teahupoo Midday goals Score 90,000 points Do five 3 second barrels on one wave Do 3 special tricks on one wave Right hand grab over three boats AH Teahupoo reminds me of Pipeline with its big heavy wide waves.The boats are the only problem here.There are several of them on the wave so dont give up if you miss one or two.Use the wave to help you do this one. Sunrise goals Score 100,000 points Do a 12 trick combo Find and scare the high flying bird Surf the Entire 40,000 point difficult wave Finding the bird is one thing but finding a way to scare it is quite another. Its easy if you get enough air quickly i use the L+B grab and take off just near the barrel.The bird is on the normal wave on the far left of the screen. If you want to do this goal make it your first one. Todos Santos Morning goals Score 110,000 points Do six 1 second floaters on one wave Perform 5 special tricks on one wave Shoot the rocks Photos 8 Man you talk about a big wave.Todos Santos is a monster!Just staying on the wave is a challenge.But shooting the rocks is the hardest goal here.You must keep up your speed to survive this one the wave is very fast and will close quickly. Bob and weave your way through the gauntlet of rocks. Sunset goals Score 120,000 points Do three 9 trick combos Do 20 grabs on one wave Surf the Monster wave to the end Dont get fancy on the monster wave dont even do any tricks.Just try to stay on! When doing the 20 grabs on one wave,try to do as many airs while you can while up in the air. Antarctica Morning goals Score 130,000 points Perform 7 special tricks Surf the Entire Whale Wave Surf through the ice cavern Ah,chilly Antarctica.The only goals here that might get you trouble are The 7 specials and the surfing through the whale wave.When doing the 7 specials do all special floaters they are quick.When doing the whale Wave treat it much like the Witches rock crocs. Sunrise goals Score 140,000 points Do two 12 trick combos on one wave Ollie 4 polar bears Shoot the glacier area The last stage is a pretty easy one.The glacier area should be treated like all the other rock areas you have faced.Congrats on finishing pro tour mode. Cheats/Unlockables COMING IN LATER UPDATES! ******************************************************************************* Legal Stuff This document is Copyright (c)2004 Chris Bugaj. This document and all it's parts were written only for the use and viewing on Any and all other websites, publications, or individuals are prohibited to publish, reproduce, or sell this FAQ in any way, shape, or form. If you find this FAQ or any part of it on any other site or in any other publication than the ones listed above, please let me know immediately.Email ******************************************************************************* Credits I would like to thank gamefaqs for this wonderful site, my wife Dottie for putting up with my gaming habit,fastkilr for his epic greatness,and dynamic touch he brings to all things video games and Rockstar Sandiego/Atari for making this great game.A very special thanks to LivingNightMare185 for his help.Without him i couldnt have got it accepted.Other thanks to Killa 1 and people on the faq help board.A Surfer for being my main contributor.Be on the look out for his faq for the xbox version! *******************************************************************************