Author: Alex H. (SuperTriforce) Date started: September 11th 2015 Date finished: September 12th 2015 Document version: V1.0 _ _ _ _ _ /\ /\| | |_(_)_ __ ___ __ _| |_ ___ /\/\ _ _ ___ ___| | ___ / / \ \ | __| | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __/ _ \ / \| | | / __|/ __| |/ _ \ \ \_/ / | |_| | | | | | | (_| | || __/ / /\/\ \ |_| \__ \ (__| | __/ \___/|_|\__|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__\___| \/ \/\__,_|___/\___|_|\___| Legends vs. New Generation -The Kinnikuman Legacy- ---DISCLAIMER--- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. This FAQ is to be found exclusively on GameFAQs! Questions and concerns may be directed/forwarded to my e-mail address below the table of contents in the introduction section. o-----------------o |TABLE OF CONTENTS| o------o-----------------o-------o |1. Introduction [TC1] | |2. About [TC2] | |3. Overview [TC3] | |4. Characters [TC4] | |5. Unlockables [TC5] | |6. Toys [TC6] | |7. Move Lists [TC7] | |8. Create Mode Types [TC8] | |9. Quotes [TC9] | |10. Changelog [TC10] | |11. Credits/Copyright [TC11] | o--------------------------------o o------------------o |Introduction [TC1]| o------------------o After having purchased a good batch of GameCube games off the internet recently, I decided to start off with this game and thought it was FAQ worthy. A whole day of play was all I needed to write this complete FAQ on it. In case you feel like anything is missing or have found spelling errors, please contact me at: Or you can just send me a message on GameFAQs. To skip ahead to a topic of interest, use your browser's search function (Ctrl + F) and type in the tag listed behind the topic in the table of contents. I hope this FAQ is of use to some of you fellow Kinnikuman/Ultimate Muscle fans! Thanks for reading! o-----------o |About [TC2]| o-----------o Game: Ultimate Muscle: Legends vs. New Generation Platform: GameCube Developer: AKI Corporation Publishers: Bandai, FoxBox Release date: November 22nd 2002 (Japan) | June 17 2003 (North America) Genre: Fighting Players: 1-4 This game is based off the anime and manga titled "Ultimate Muscle". Ultimate Muscle is the sequel to the Kinnikuman manga/anime that aired in the 80s in Japan (hence the subtitle "The Kinnikuman Legacy"). Legends vs. New Generation basically means "Old vs. New". All characters from the original Kinnikuman manga/anime are considered "Legends", whereas characters from the Ultimate Muscle series are called the "New Generation". Ultimate Muscle is a fighting/wrestling game based on the AKI engine. The objective is to knock out your opponent by striking and grappling them. Unlike traditional wrestling games, you cannot pin your adversary. Victory can only be achieved by KO (emptying your foe's energy bar). You earn "KIN Medals" (in-game currency) for winning matches. Depending on the game mode and amount of opponents, the amount of medals you win will vary. For example, in a 1v1 match you will win 1x Medal, in a 2v2 match 2x Medals, and for beating a story campaign/tournament 45x medals. (May also depend on difficulty level being played on) KIN Medals are used to purchase toys in the Toy Mode. More info in the "Overview" section (coming up next). [Match types can be found in the "Versus Mode" part in the Overview] o--------------o |Overview [TC3]| o--------------o IMPORTANT NOTE: The game is riddled with spelling errors (especially the toys)! If some of the names aren't spelt right, appear twice or otherwise seem off, it's the game. I copied things exactly how the game spells them out for me. Mistakes are intentional. Here's an overview on all the different modes the game has to offer: Story Mode: The single player mode. Play all 20 characters in their individual stories. NOTE: Not all characters are available from the start. The story mode segments are the same for every character: 1v1 (Select Opponent) (Select Second) 1v1 (Select Opponent) (Select Second) 2v2 [Tag Match] (Select Opponents) (Select Partner) 1v1 (Select Second) 1v1 (Select Second) It is exactly like this for all 20 campaigns. You receive KIN Medals for every match you win, and a lot of them for beating a campaign. Beating a New Generation characters' campaign will unlock their Legends counterpart campaign. Versus Mode: Duke it out with friends or on your own against the CPU! Match types consist of: -Single (no Second) -Single (w/Second) -Tag Team -2 vs 2 -3P Battle Royal -4P Battle Royal -Watch a match Singles are 1v1 matches. Sometimes a partner will join you in a singles match (your partner being called a "second"). Their purpose is to help you gain levels on your special meter. Tag team matches are technically 2v2, however only one fighter per team can be in the ring while the other is waiting to get tagged in (or for the partner to get knocked out!). Both opponents must be KO'd in order to win. 2 vs 2 is what the name implies: both teams in the ring simultaneously fighting each other. Bot opponents must be knocked out to win. 3P/4P Battle Royal is the basic free-for-all match type. It's everyone against everyone here. Watch a match is pretty self explanatory, namely: Set up the match type, characters etc. and watch the CPU fight itself. Versus Mode also adds some slight customizability options, such as being able to set the match time (3, 5, 10 or 15 mins.), Ring Stage (Random, Tower-, Coliseum-, Alps-, Five Ring-, Arena Mountain-, and Lake Ring), and even the Mat Design (Random, Tower-, Coliseum-, Spider Web-, Warsman-, Arena Mountain-, and Lake Mat). Tournament Mode: Play a Singles or Tag Team tournament alone, or with friends! Both match types offer 8 characters/teams respectively. Not much to say here; you get to make your own tournaments with players and characters of your choice with up to 8 players. Yup, you heard right; technically this mode supports 8 players, but you'll have to pass the controller around depending on who's playing. The champion wins a big KIN Medal prize. (good for farming KIN Medals!) Create Mode: Create up to 40 of your own fighters! Choose from many different parts to make a character! Here are the options for making a character: NOTE: The many different types are listed in the "Create Mode Types" below! Search: [TC8] Char. profile: Name, Personality, Class Set the characters name, personality, and class here. Player profile: Name, Age, Location This is about YOU, the player. This data is to show who created the character. Appearance: Head, Body, Arm, Leg Change the appearance of the body parts by choosing from a huge assortment of parts. You can also choose from 8 different color variations for every single part for more variation! Techniques: Pick your characters Level 3 Special Technique! There are 24 to choose from. (You can look at the move in action by selecting "see skills") After picking one, you will be prompted to rename the technique. You will be given a list of words to choose from to make a name. You can choose 1 to 3 of these words. After creating your fighter, you may choose to view a summary of it, edit it, output a code for it, or delete it. "Code Output" gives you and your friends a code for the fighter you just created so others can have him too! To get a character from a friend, pick an empty character slot (called "Post Card") and pick "Password". Now put in the information you received from the code output! (After entering the character's and your name...) Toy Mode: Spend your hard earned KIN Medals on Ultimate Muscle toys here! You unlock characters after reaching a certain amount of toys, so you better get as many as you can! There are 434 toys to collect, plus 10 extra! (Meaning there are 444 toys to get in total!) Buy: Ultimate Muscle Machine, Regular Machine A/B/C Choose your machine, select the amount of medals you wish to put in, and confirm! You will then be presented with the list of toys you just got (outlining those new to the collection!). Note that for every medal you spend you get 1 toy. So 5 medals = 5 toys, 73 medals = 73 toys etc.. Each machine has its own collection! Ultimate Muscle Machine: 16 toys (+10 extra, info in "Unlockables") Regular Machine A: 153 toys Regular Machine B: 138 toys Regular Machine C: 127 toys View toy: View individual machine collections and toy info. Exchange Mode: Exchange character data via Memory Card. Options Mode: Your basic options screen. These are self-explanatory. Level: Easy, Normal, Hard Sound: Stereo, Mono Screen setting: On, Off (this is for screen smoothing) Auto-save: On, Off Save Load Controller (change controller layouts) o----------------o |Characters [TC4]| o----------------o New Generation: +----------------+---------+--------------+ | Character | Power | Origin | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Kid Muscle |930,000 |Planet Muscle | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Terry Kenyon |1,050,000|Texas | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Wally Tusket |910,000 |Unknown | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Dik Dik Van Dik |1,000,000|Unknown | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Kevin Mask |1,170,000|UK | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Jeager |1,160,000|Germany | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Checkmate |1,210,000|Unknown | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Eskara |1,380,000|Unknown | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Hanzo |1,470,000|Planet IGA | +----------------+---------+--------------+ |Bone Cold |1,500,000|Planet Dokuro | +----------------+---------+--------------+ Legends: +-------------+-----------+--------------+ | Character | Power | Origin | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |King Muscle |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Terryman |950,000 |Texas | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Ramenman |970,000 |China | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Buffaloman |10,000,000 |Spain | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Robin Mask |950,000 |UK | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Brocken Jr. |900,000 |Germany | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Sunshine |7,000,000 |Peru | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Warsman |1,000,000 |U.S.S.R. | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |The Ninja |3,600,000 |Japan | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ |Skullduggery |200,000 |Planet Dokuro | +-------------+-----------+--------------+ Recruit Wrestlers: +-----------------+---------+------------+ | Character | Power | Origin | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Baron Maximilian |1,370,000|Norway | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Dazzle |1,300,000|Indonesia | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |El Kaerun |1,050,000|Mexico | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Ultimanoid |1,200,000|Afghanistan | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Weaponman |1,270,000|Sudan | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Yeti |1,250,000|Nepal | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Coconutman |1,120,000|Samoa | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Crescent Hearts |1,150,000|Greece | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Chihuahuaman |930,000 |Trinidad | +-----------------+---------+------------+ |Pandaman |3,300,000|China | +-----------------+---------+------------+ o-----------------o |Unlockables [TC5]| o-----------------o You can unlock toys, additional story campaigns, and characters. You unlock toys in Toy Mode by spending KIN Medals. Story campaigns are unlocked by beating other campaigns and unlocking characters. Characters are unlocked after certain amounts of toys have been collected. Campaign/character unlocks: King Muscle - Beat campaign as Kid Muscle Terryman - Beat campaign as Terry Kenyon Ramenman - Beat campaign as Wally Tusket Buffaloman - Beat campaign as Dik Dik Van Dik Robin Mask - Beat campaign as Kevin Mask Brocken Jr. - Beat campaign as Jeager Sunshine - Beat campaign as Checkmate Eskara - Collect 100 toys Hanzo - Collect 200 toys Bone Cold - Collect 300 toys Warsman - Beat campaign as Eskara The Ninja - Beat campaign as Hanzo Skullduggery - Beat campaign as Bone Cold Pandaman - Beat campaign with all characters (cannot be used in Story) As you get more toys, you unlock additional toy machines. You can unlock 10 additional toys in the Ultimate Muscle Machine by collecting 434 toys. Additional Create Mode parts also get unlocked after completing all campaigns. o----------o |Toys [TC6]| o----------o An overview of all 444 toys. Regular Machine A: +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | # | Name | Origin | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 1 |King Muscle |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 2 |Grandpa |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 3 |Meat |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 4 |Skull Bozu |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 5 |Robin Mask |England | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 6 |Terryman |USA | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 7 |Ramenman |China | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 8 |Warsman |U.S.S.R. | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 9 |Slab |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 10 |Skullduggery |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 11 |Fiend Magician |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 12 |Beetlebomb |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 13 |Buffaloman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 14 |Brocken Jr. |Germany | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 15 |Shivano |India | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 16 |Beauty Lotus |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 17 |J Steamboard |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 18 |Sunshine |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 19 |Wolfman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 20 |Skyman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 21 |King Muscle (B) |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 22 |The Mountain |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 23 |Dark Vortex |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 24 |Rogue Shogun |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 25 |Starface |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 26 |Mister Tut |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 27 |Curry the Cook |India | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 28 |Mr. P |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 29 |The Ninja |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 30 |Manitoban |Canada | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 31 |Jesse Maybia |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 32 |Dark Shadow |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 33 |Boombox King |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 34 |Tileman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 35 |Teapac |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 36 |King Cobra |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 37 |Khan Man |Mongolia | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 38 |Prince Lou Ow |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 39 |Cubeman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 40 |Junkman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 41 |Atlantis |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 42 |The Sheik |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 43 |Shamibaba |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 44 |PuyoPuyo |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 45 |Crab Base |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 46 |King Muscle (C) |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 47 |Mega Chaos |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 48 |Supreme Von Elrick |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 49 |Specialman |USA | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 50 |Beansman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 51 |Crystalman |Antarctica | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 52 |Barracuda |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 53 |Goricky |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 54 |King Muscle Great |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 55 |Jawman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 56 |Ramenman (B) |China | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 57 |Warsman (B) |U.S.S.R. | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 58 |Oilman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 59 |Spray (Villain) |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 60 |Planetman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 61 |Frilled Neck Lizard |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 62 |Kendaman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 63 |Mister American |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 64 |The Fishers |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 65 |Twist Kid |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 66 |Arm Strong |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 67 |Belinda |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 68 |Watchman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 69 |Springman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 70 |Missionails |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 71 |Brockenman |Germany | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 72 |Eraginesu |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 73 |Snigator |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 74 |Sunshine (B) |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 75 |The Turboman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 76 |Combatman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 77 |Big the Budo |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 78 |Neptuneman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 79 |Mildman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 80 |Abdullah |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 81 |Chie no Wa man |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 82 |Shivano (B) |India | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 83 |Vikingman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 84 |Cyborg SW-26 |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 85 |Amazonman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 86 |Kintaman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 87 |Paper Mummy |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 88 |Scattered Spider Child|Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 89 |Hammerhead |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 90 |Amoiman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 91 |Dangledoom |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 92 |Snakeman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 93 |Big Radial |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 94 |Tree Tree Man |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 95 |Magnitudeman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 96 |Ghoul Knight |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 97 |Pandaman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 98 |Condor |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 99 |Copper Bell man |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 100 |Vance McMadd |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 101 |Diamondman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 102 |RodRodman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 103 |Mapman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 104 |Earthenman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 105 |Buffaloman (B) |U.S.S.R. | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 106 |Supreme Shisa |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 107 |Cyborg Kid |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 108 |Tallman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 109 |The Ball |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 110 |Dark II |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 111 |Flash Balloon |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 112 |Apollo the Giant |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 113 |Lampman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 114 |Khan Man (B) |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 115 |Twist Kid (B) |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 116 |King Muscle (D) |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 117 |Sunshine (C) |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 118 |Snigator (True form) |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 119 |Tell Lamp |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 120 |Poltergeist |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 121 |Personalman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 122 |Ammonites |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 123 |Chanel Man |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 124 |Chabo Kerori |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 125 |Dynamite Piper |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 126 |Chousoku Gon |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 127 |Bazu-ga-ra |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 128 |Kinniu Queen |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 129 |Doc Nakano |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 130 |Okamarasu |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 131 |Dark King |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 132 |Dark Tomahawk |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 133 |Dark Kung Fu |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 134 |Dark Knight |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 135 |Dark Fighter |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 136 |Dark Sumoman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 137 |Dark Bruiser |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 138 |Mister Achilles |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 139 |Planet Vulcan |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 140 |Playerman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 141 |Iron Commando |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 142 |Nachiguron |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 143 |Beetlebomb (B) |UK | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 144 |Shivano (C) |India | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 145 |Cactusman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 146 |Brocken Jr. (B) |Germany | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 147 |Smileman |Kenya | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 148 |Brawlman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 149 |King Muscle (E) |Muscle Planet | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 150 |Robin Mask (B) |UK | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 151 |Forksman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 152 |ICBM |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ | 153 |Rollerman |Unknown | +-----+----------------------+--------------+ Regular Machine B: +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ |No. #| Name | Origin | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 154 |Octopus Dragon |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 155 |Octopus Dragon's Crony A |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 156 |Octopus Dragon's Crony B |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 157 |Octopus Dragon's Crony C |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 158 |Ameragu Chojin Boss |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 159 |Evil Villain A |Space | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 160 |Evil Villain B |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 161 |Harigorasu |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 162 |Moko Alien |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 163 |Ucon |Space | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 164 |Terryman (B) |Texas | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 165 |Doctor Bombay |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 166 |Bermuda III (A) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 167 |Bermuda III (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 168 |Bermuda III (C) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 169 |Hunting |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 170 |Junkman (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 171 |King Ton |Muscle Planet | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 172 |Kinniku Buster |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 173 |Double Leg Suplex |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 174 |Baro Special |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 175 |Romero Special |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 176 |Cobra Twist |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 177 |Mexican Rolling Clutch Hold |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 178 |Tower Bridge |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 179 |Shiva Buster |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 180 |Boston Club |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 181 |Brain Buster |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 182 |Robin Mask (C) |UK | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 183 |Buffaloman (C) |U.S.S.R. | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 184 |The Ninja (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 185 |Rogue Shogun (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 186 |Keyman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 187 |Sawman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 188 |Neptuneman (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 189 |Sunshine (D) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 190 |Neptune King |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 191 |Beetlebomb (C) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 192 |Terryman (C) |Texas | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 193 |Kendaman (B) |Denmark | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 194 |Gold Mask |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 195 |Silver Mask |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 196 |Sunshine (E) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 197 |Shivano's Father |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 198 |Shivano (D) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 199 |Iron Sweat |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 200 |Shivano's Teacher |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 201 |King Muscle (F) |Muscle Planet | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 202 |King Muscle (G) |Muscle Planet | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 203 |Beetlebomb (D) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 204 |Sosumi (B) |Japan | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 205 |Snigator (D) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 206 |Super Phoenix |King Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 207 |Zebra |Nambia | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 208 |Sergeant Kinnikuman |Muscle Planet | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 209 |Fiend's Symphony |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 210 |Manhattan Drop |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 211 |Chaos's Guillotine |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 212 |Chain Ultimate Match |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 213 |Great Haven Brawl |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 214 |Great Ucon |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 215 |Dark Pasta |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 216 |Dark Buffalo |Space | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 217 |Dark Knight |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 218 |Dark Reign |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 219 |Dark Bear |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 220 |Dark Zumo |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 221 |Dark Diablo |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 222 |Dark Emperor |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 223 |Fried Innards |Muscle Planet | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 224 |Big Body |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 225 |Mariposa |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 226 |Mammothman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 227 |The Hawkman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 228 |Mister VCR |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 229 |Pinchman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 230 |King Muscle VS Bufalloman (A) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 231 |King Muscle VS Buffaloman (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 232 |Warsman VS King Muscle |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 233 |Warsman VS King Muscle (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 234 |King Muscle VS Rogue Shogun |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 235 |King Muscle VS Snigator |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 236 |Rogue Shogun VS King Muscle |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 237 |Skyman VS Terryman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 238 |Neptuneman VS Starface |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 239 |Robin Mask VS Jawman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 240 |100 Ton King |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 241 |Meat (B) |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 242 |Terryman (D) |Texas | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 243 |Golemman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 244 |Mystery Partner |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 245 |Shivano (E) |India | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 246 |Great Emperor Mixer |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 247 |Mr. P (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 248 |The Hunter |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 249 |Leapardon |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 250 |Heavy Metal |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 251 |Mister Tut (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 252 |King Muscle (H) |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 253 |Shocadile (E) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 254 |Diablo Prince |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 255 |Haniwa Diablo |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 256 |Cobra Diablo |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 257 |Diablo King |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 258 |Bang Diablo |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 259 |Meat (C) |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 260 |Kendaman (C) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 261 |The Hawkman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 262 |Master of Chojin Haven |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 263 |Phoenixman |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 264 |Thief George |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 265 |Strongman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 266 |Soldierman |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 267 |Powerfulman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 268 |Cannon Bowler |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 269 |100 Ton King |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 270 |Buffaloman (D) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 271 |Terryman (E) |Texas | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 272 |Sunshine (F) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 273 |Robin Mask (D) |UK | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 274 |Terryman (F) |Texas | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 275 |Dikkiman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 276 |King Muscle (I) |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 277 |Phoenixman (B) |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 278 |Zebra (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 279 |Soldier (B) |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 280 |Big Body (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 281 |Mariposa (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 282 |Parthenon |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 283 |Robin Mask (E) |UK | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 284 |Buffaloman (E) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 285 |Warsman (C) |USSR | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 286 |Great Emperor Mixer (B) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 287 |Bikeman |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 288 |The Ninja (C) |Unknown | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 289 |Robin Mask (F) |UK | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 290 |Thief George (B) |Mexico | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ | 291 |Sergeant Kinnikuman (C) |Planet Muscle | +-----+------------------------------+--------------+ Regular Machine C: +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ |No. #| Name | Power | Origin | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 292 |Diablo Cross |41,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 293 |Robin Mask's Father |760,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 294 |The Ninja (D) |3,600,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 295 |The Vice |7,210,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 296 |Barracuda (B) |960,000 |England | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 297 |Warsman (D) |1,000,000 |U.S.S.R. | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 298 |Hydra King |12,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 299 |New Vortex |2,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 300 |New Shivano |10,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 301 |New Sunshine |7,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 302 |King Muscle (J) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 303 |Muscle Great (B) |950,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 304 |Doctor Bombay |780,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 305 |Shivano (F) |10,000,000 |India | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 306 |Sunshine (G) |7,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 307 |Motorman |4,600,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 308 |Bikeman (B) |12,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 309 |Ramenman (C) |970,000 |China | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 310 |Diablo Cross (B) |41,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 311 |Diablo Cross (C) |41,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 312 |Warsman (E) |1,000,000 |USSR | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 313 |Ramenman (D) |970,000 |China | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 314 |Warsman (F) |1,000,000 |USSR | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 315 |Terryman (G) |950,000 |Texas | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 316 |Brocken Jr. (C) |900,000 |Germany | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 317 |King Muscle (K) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 318 |Warsman (G) |1,000,000 |USSR | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 319 |The Hawkman (C) |5,200,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 320 |100 Ton King |10,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 321 |The Vice (B) |7,210,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 322 |Ghost Town Super Phantasm |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 323 |Warsman VS The Vice |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 324 |Super Phoenix VS Big Body |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 325 |King Muscle (L) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 326 |Khan Man (C) |970,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 327 |Robin Mask (G) |960,000 |UK | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 328 |Diablo Cross (D) |41,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 329 |Robin Mask(H) |960,000 |UK | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 330 |Sosumi (C) |800,000 |Japan | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 331 |Brocken Jr. (D) |900,000 |Germany | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 332 |Brawlman (B) |28,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 333 |Neptuneman (C) |28,000,000 |England | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 334 |Neptuneman (D) |28,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 335 |Missileman |920,000 |North Pole | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 336 |Bulldozeman |800,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 337 |Woolman |760,000 |New Zealand | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 338 |King Muscle (M) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 339 |Terryman (H) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 340 |Khan Man (D) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 341 |Robin Mask (I) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 342 |Warsman (H) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 343 |Brocken Jr. (E) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 344 |Buffaloman (F) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 345 |Sosumi (D) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 346 |Beetlebomb (E) |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 347 |Queen of Haven |100,000,000|Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 348 |Shivano's Mom |300,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 349 |Cementer |2,800,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 350 |Beetlebomb |830,000 |UK | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 351 |Sosumi |800,000 |Japan | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 352 |Brocken Jr. (F) |900,000 |Germany | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 353 |Terryman (I) |950,000 |Texas | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 354 |Warsman (I) |1,000,000 |U.S.S.R. | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 355 |Robin Mask (J) |960,000 |UK | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 356 |Beetlebomb |830,000 |UK | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 357 |King Muscle (N) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 358 |King Muscle (O) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 359 |King Muscle (P) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 360 |King Muscle (Q) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 361 |King Muscle (R) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 362 |King Muscle (S) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 363 |Meat (D) |500,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 364 |Nachiguron |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 365 |Red Chrub Kid |13,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 366 |The Neo |3,800,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 367 |Za Sanzoku-n |2,500,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 368 |The Ninjaman |3,200,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 369 |Za Umibo-zun |3,600,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 370 |Ucon Shyousuke |950,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 371 |Skullduggery Grandma |20,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 372 |King Muscle (T) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 373 |Meat (E) |500,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 374 |Specialman |650,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 375 |Partheon (B) |15,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 376 |Ramenman (E) |970,000 |China | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 377 |Yamaka-n |9,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 378 |Prince Ghoul |500,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 379 |Kareiyasu |8,300,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 380 |Power |10,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 381 |Chaos Knight |5,300,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 382 |Gangarian |3,800,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 383 |The Best Army |1,200,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 384 |Buffaloman (G) |10,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 385 |Prism-man |52,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 386 |Prism-man (B) |52,000,000 |Antarctica | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 387 |Mysterious Partner 2 |86,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 388 |Meat (F) |500,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 389 |Nachiguron |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 390 |Rogue Shogun (C) |15,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 391 |Rogue Shogun (D) |15,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 392 |Subway Boss |2,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 393 |Shocadile |4,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 394 |King Muscle (U) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 395 |Beetlebomb |830,000 |UK | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 396 |Ramenman (F) |970,000 |China | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 397 |Shivano |10,000,000 |India | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 398 |Phoenixman |100,000,000|Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 399 |Sergeant Team |1,080,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 400 |Sergeant Kinnikuman |1,080,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 401 |Samson |41,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 402 |Diablo Cross |41,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 403 |The Omegaman |86,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 404 |Grandpa (B) |650,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 405 |Meat (G) |500,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 406 |King Muscle (V) |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 407 |Robin Mask (K) |960,000 |UK | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 408 |Mammothman |78,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 409 |The Samurai |28,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 410 |Phoenixman |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 411 |Phoenixman |100,000,000|Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 412 |Belinda |100,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 413 |Neptuneman |28,000,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 414 |Prince Lou Ow |950,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 415 |Catchman |46,000,000 |USA | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 416 |Great Hurricane |65,000,000 |Pacific Ocean | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 417 |Fishingman |74,500,000 |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ | 418 |30th Commemorative Medal |Unknown |Unknown | +-----+--------------------------+-----------+--------------+ Ultimate Muscle Machine: +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ |No. #| Name | Power | Origin | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 419 |Kid Muscle |930,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 420 |Terry Kenyon |1,050,000|Texas | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 421 |Kevin Mask |1,170,000|UK | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 422 |Dik Dik Van Dik |1,000,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 423 |Wally Tusket |910,000 |Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 424 |Tyrannoclaw |1,180,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 425 |Checkmate (A) |1,210,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 426 |Checkmate (B) |1,210,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 427 |Kid Muscle (B) |930,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 428 |King Muscle |950,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 429 |Meat |500,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 430 |Brocken Jr. |900,000 |Germany | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 431 |Jeager |1,160,000|Germany | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 432 |Hydrazoa |1,070,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 433 |Eskara |1,380,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 434 |Road Rage |1,040,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 435 |Kid Muscle |930,000 |Planet Muscle | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 436 |Terry Kenyon |1,050,000|Texas | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 437 |Wally Tusket |910,000 |Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 438 |Dik Dik Van Dik |1,000,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 439 |Jeager |1,160,000|Germany | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 440 |Kevin Mask |1,170,000|UK | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 441 |Checkmate |1,210,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 442 |Eskara |1,380,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 443 |Hanzo |1,470,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ | 444 |Bone Cold |1,500,000|Unknown | +-----+----------------+---------+--------------+ o----------------o |Move Lists [TC7]| o----------------o Basic Controls: (Type A) Attack - A Guard - B Grapple - Y Dash - tilt Control Stick + B Jump - X Special - L LV3 - R Support - Z Tag - C-stick Power Throw - A Capsule Shoot - B Attack List: (King Muscle) Jab: A / Dash -> A Hook: Jab -> A Rolling Kick: Hold A Dragonfish Blow: Hook -> Hold A Drop Kick: Mid-jump A or Hold A Stomp: Opponent Down + A Throw Up: Opponent Down + Hold A Grip List: (King Muscle) Shoulder Throw: Opponent's front, Stick Neutral + Y Oklahoma Stampede: Opponent's front, Stick Neutral + Hold Y Kanuck Suplex: Stick towards opponent + Y Front Suplex: Stick towards opponent + Hold Y Body Slam: Dash -> Y Cobra Twist: Opponent's rear, tilt Stick + Y Back Drop: Opponent's rear, Dash -> Y Rope Hang: Facing rope, Stick towards opponent + Y Rolling Thigh Hold: Opponent grounded, Jump -> Y Jumping Neck-Breaker Drop: Opponent jumping, Jump -> Y Throw Up: Y -> Hold X Jumping Neck-Breaker Drop: Throw Up -> Hold X Hammer Throw (Tackle): Y -> Hold A or Y -> tilt Stick + Hold A Shoulder Throw: Front Hammer Throw -> Y "52 Lock" Special: Rear Hammer Throw -> Y Special Technique List: (King Muscle) Mega-Fire Punch: Power LV1, L + A Kinniku Buster: Power LV2, Opponent's front, L + Y Elemental Mixer: Power LV2, Opponent's rear, L + Y Kinniku Driver: Power LV2, Throw Up, L + Hold X Muscle Spark: Power LV3, L + R Evade List: (King Muscle) Knockdown Blow: Timed with opponent's attack, B Escape: Timed with opponent's hold, A Counter (Rope): Just before touching rope, X Mid-air Evade: Top of Throw Up, X Break Fall: Timed with landing on mat, X NOTE: All lists are from King Muscle, but the moves are generally universal. The specials are different for every character, but the inputs are the same! It is recommended you get familiar with all the different specials. NOTE (2): For a list of all level 3 techniques, go to the "Create Mode Types" at [TC8]. o-----------------------o |Create Mode Types [TC8]| o-----------------------o Personalities: (First/Second Item lists are identical) Personalities don't change the gameplay of your character from what I've seen, so it seems to be entirely cosmetic. +-------------------+--------------+ | First/Second Item | Third Item | +-------------------+--------------+ |Heaven Demon |Slow Moving | |Roughneck |Liar | |Strong Chance |Weak Hit | |Fast Moving |Timid | |Big Eater |Thin Shadow | |Rich |Ugly | |Brag |Timid | |Careless |Disliked | |Bossy |Shady | |Outgoing |Henchman | |Orthopedic |No Guts | |Hardworker |Lonesome | |Hot-tempered |Snow Bunny | |Patient |Bad Character | |Aggressive |Ignorant | |Hopeful |Negative | |Moody |Acrophobic | |Skillful |Pacifist | |Good Luck |Simple | |Brawler |Weak Power | |Heroic |No Friends | |Curious |No Fortitude | |Fear |Pale | |Strong Willed |Poor | |Merit |Unsociable | |Coldhearted |Unlucky | |Invincible |Clumsy | |Discretion |Rookie | |Worry |Really Weak | |Intellect |Lethargic | |Sly |Indecisive | |Sincere +--------------+ |Orthodox | |Daredevil | |Slugger | |Tough Guy | |Strongman | |Reckless | |Cool-headed | |Strong Intent | |Shy | |Genius | |Spontaneous | |Brave Leader | |Dodge | |UnexpectedWall | |ThrowSpecialty | |Popular | |Hot Blooded | |Beauty | |Veteran | |Poker Face | |Really Scary | |Hates to Lose | |Vain | |Simple-minded | |Rash | |Conspicuous | |Nice | |Friendly | |Beautiful Bride | |Adaptable | |Cold-blooded | |Wild | +-------------------+ Class: Same thing as with the personalities, this seems to be cosmetic. +------------+-------------+ | First Item | Second Item | +------------+-------------+ |Justice |Superhero | |Wicked |Monster | |Cruel |Phantom | |Demon |Martian | |Perfect |Beast | |Idol |Knight | |Robot |Soldier | |Loser |Warrior | |Ghost |Master | |Ancient |King | |Psycho |Prince | |Lone |Leader | |Pseudo |Ninja | |Mysterious |Student | |Universe's |Machine | |Underworld's|Hitman | +------------+-------------+ Techniques: All 24 level 3 techniques used by all 24 individual characters. 01: Muscle Millennium 02: Texas Clover Hold 03: Ice Rock Driver 04: Savannah Heat 05: Big Ben Edge 06: Red Rain of Pain 07: Pile Driver Stallion Style 08: Ultimate Scar Buster 09: Wasabi Wallop 10: Muscle Spark 11: Spinning Toe Hold 12: The Great Wall Drop 13: Hurricane Cross Slam 14: Robin Unicorn Special 15: Red Rain of Pain 16: Gate of Darkness 17: Double Claw Screw Driver 18: Ninja Web 19: Spider Thread 20: Mad Crush Hammer 21: Implant Bomber 22: Shadow of Darkness 23: Super Shot 24: Giant Panda Deathlock Technique Names: You have to rename the technique. You can pick up to 3 words from this list. Ice Red Rain Ultimate Attack Implant Bash Slam of Great Wall Spider Thread Crash Clover Savanna Style Gate The Giant Shoot Shadow Cross Unicorn Super Screw Spark Spider Spinning Special Speed Hurricane Wasabi Texas Death Deathlock Toe Drop Driver Double Claw Ninjitsu Buster Stallion to Smash Hammer Heat Big Pain Ben Hold Bomber Pile Driver Darkness Muscle Mad Millenium Web Lock Rock and Wallop o------------o |Quotes [TC9]| o------------o These are the random quotes you get every time you start up the game: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Without a little heart you can never be a true wrestling superstar." "Never fight to be a champion. Always fight to keep the peace!" "Without heart you can't be a true superstar." "The ultimate special move... otherwise known as... the Kinniku Buster!" "We've been blessed with an ultimate fighting ability, and we must always use it for the good of humanity!" "As a successor to the Muscle throne, the power of "Ultimate Muscle" resides within me!" "With my rice I liked to have some cow cow cow. It tastes so very good, I don't know how how how. It's my favorite form of chow chow chow. Wow oh wow oh wow... eat now!" "Good old cow and rice: Fast, good, cheap and time tested!" "Friendship is like the mighty redwood! When it fills out to its full size it's beautiful and practically indestructible! But it's gotta go through a lotta harsh seasons to get there." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ o----------------o |Changelog [TC10]| o----------------o September 11 2015: *FAQ started September 12 2015: *Finished FAQ September 15 2015: *Fixed FAQ formatting *Minor fixes June 19 2016: *Updated e-mail address *Minor fixes o------------------------o |Credits/Copyright [TC11]| o------------------------o First and foremost, thanks to Yudetamago for creating Kinnikuman! AKI Corporation - For developing this game. Bandai & FoxBox - For publishing the game. CJayC - For GameFAQs. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Copyright 2015-2016 Alex Hilber