------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------ULTIMATE MUSCLE: THE KINKUMAN LEGACY----------------------------- ------------------------------------Legends vs New Generation----------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ultimate Muscle: The Kinkuman Legacy - Legends vs New Generation Nintendo Gamecube Release Date : June 6 2003 FAQ Written by : Sniper33 Version 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *NOTE: You can use the Ctrl+F function of your browser to easily navigate this FAQ. 0. Updates 1. Intro 2. Voice Actors 3. Characters Bios 4. The Basics of Ultimate Muscle 5. Special Moves 6. Items 7. Exclusive Items 8. Match Types 9. Game Modes 10.Secrets of Ultimate Muscle (Hidden Characters, etc) 11.Created Characters 12.FAQ's 13.Links 14.Credits, Contact Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0. Updates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------- 6-21-01 ------- -CAW Added ------- 6-13-01 ------- -Meat's bio added to the character bio section. -Vocie Actors fixed. -Secrets section fixed and updated. -Added a Faq section. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Intro ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This file is Copyright 2003 to me (Sniper33). If you would like to use this file, just ask me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Character Voice Actors ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wayne Grayson: Checkmate - Jeager - Brocken Jr Addie Blaustein: Wally Tusket Frank Frankson: Terry Kenyon Ted Lewis: Kevin Mask - Doc Nakano Marc Thompson: Kid Muscle - Ramenman - Eskara Mike Pollock: Meat Eric Stuart: Dik Dik Van Dik - Mac Metaphor - King Muscle Sean Schemmel: Bone Cold ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Characters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kid Muscle Power - 930,000 Origin - Planet Muscle -------------------------------------------------------------- He is the son of the legendary wrestler, King Muscle. Being the son, he inherited the power of Ultimate Muscle, which can only be unleased when his sense of justice has reached its peak. With that, it helps him survive many life threatening situations. Meat Power - 500,000 Origin - Planet Muscle -------------------------------------------------------------- Meat has gone through many ventures through out his long long life. He was once the trainer of the most famouse wrestler of all time, King Muscle. After all the years, he is still training, but now he is training King Muscle's son, Kid Muscle. Years from now, Meat will still be training, but by then, he will most likley be training Kid Muscle's kid. Terry "The Grand" Kenyon Power - 1,050,000 Origin - Texas ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid Muscle's dear friend has a hot temper that goes well with his tender heart. His families legendary technique and their persistence is the Ultimate Muscle of these Texan family. Wally Tusket Power - 910,000 Origin - Ireland ------------------------------------------------------------ Although hairy and unrefined, he is a genius when it comes to battle techniques and battle theories. Unfortunately, compassion for his opponents keeps him from achieving his true potential. Dik Dik Van Dik Power - 1,000,000 Origin - Unknown ---------------------------------------------------------------- His cold and stuff personality, coupled with his intense fightering spirit, allowed him to graduate at the top of the class. His gracefulness and precise moves are this young bucks strongest points, while his weakness is not having enought stamina, and a cocky attitude. Kevin Mask Power - 1,170,000 Origin - UK --------------------------------------------------- The son of the infamous Robin Mask, Kevin Mask is an ex dMP member. What drives him is his hatered for his father Robin Mask, and his will to suceede. Kevin prefers the company of himself, and dislikes participating in a large group of people. Jeager Power - 1,160,000 Origin - Germany -------------------------------------------------------- Although an orphan, Jeager followed his parent's wish for him to become Broken Jr.'s student. Under strict and intense training, he eventually became a superhero. His only vice being to honest. Checkmate Power - 1,210,000 Origin - Unknown -------------------------------------------------------- A heroic king, a knight with powerful legs, and an indestructible fort... Using these three pieces, this wrestler fights according to the situation. He is a fighting machine with no emotion when it comes to defeat. King Muscle Power - 950,000 Origin - Planet Muscle -------------------------------------------------------------- Born into the Royal Muscle family of Muscle Planet, he was blessed with a muscular body. Using the power of Ultimate Muscle, he and his friends have survived many intense battles. After restoring peace on Earth, he became the 58th King of Muscle Planet. Terryman Power - 950,000 Origin - Texas ------------------------------------------------------ King Muscle's ultimate partner was part of the "The Machineguns" as a tag team member. His persistence and intense temperament have enabled him to win numerous matches. Ramenman Power - 970,000 Origin - China ------------------------------------------------------ Chinese traditions spanning over 4000 years live within this battle technician. Although he used to side with the evil villains, he realized the importance of friendship during the significant battle he fought with King Muscle. Buffaloman Power - 10,000,000 Origin - Spain ------------------------------------------------------ With a staggering amount of power at 10,000,000 Power, his battle against King Muscle was the turning point at which he became a member of the Muscle League. Robin Mask Power - 960,000 Origin - UK ---------------------------------------------------- A legendary hero with an iron mask whose skillful techniques and fighting style resembles that of the most gallant English knight, he is an ex-champion of the Chojin Crown. Brocken Jr. Power - 900,000 Origin - Germany -------------------------------------------------------- A member of the German Brocken family, he is a hero known for the skull symbol he wears and for becoming a superhero after severe and intense training. He is legendary for being a teacher of the fighting arts. Sunshine Power - 7,000,000 Origin - Africa ------------------------------------------------------- The heavyweight of the evil villains whose sole purpose in life is to crush the Muscle League. Many of his friends and colleagues have become superheros, but he continues to fight without straying from his evil ways. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. The Basics of Ultimate Muscle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ================================================================================================= Controls ================================================================================================= This is a description of all the buttons on the Gamecube controller, and their functions while playing the game. ============== Basic Controls ============== Control Stick - Walk Tap Control Stick B Button + Control Stick - Dash B Button - Guard B Button (Timed to opponent's attack) - Counter A Button (Timed to opponent's attack) - Escape Graple X Button - Jump C Stick (Tag Team & Battle Royal) - Change Target C Stick (Tag Team) - Tag Partner ======= Attacks ======= A Button - Attack A Button (hold) - Power attack A Button (consecutively) - Combo Attack A Button (consecutively) -> A Button (hold) - Power combo attack A Button (mid-step) - Dash attack A Button (mid-jump) - Mid-air attack A Button (near downed opponent) - Mat attack A Button (hold near downed opponent) - Powerful mat attack ======= Grapple ======= Y Button (difers on whether it is executed from the front or rear) - Throw Y Button -> X Button - Throw Up Y Button -> X Button (hold) - Throw up attack Y Button -> A Button (hold) - Hammer throw Y Button (mid-jump) - Mid-air throw Y Button (hold mid-jump) - Homing Mid-air throw Y Button (opponent bouncing back from Hammer Throw) - Counter throw Y Button (mid-step) - Step throw ================== Special Techniques ================== L Button + A Button - Level 1 Special Attack L Button + Y Button - Level 2 Special Throw L Button + R Button - Level 3 Finishing Moves L Button + R Button - Tag Team Combination ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Special Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kid Muscle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Kid Muscle Heel Drop - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Kinniku Buster - L Button + Y Button (front) Alphabet Soup De Loop - L Button + Y Button (back) Invert Kinniku Buster - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- Muscle Millennium - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King Muscle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Mega-fire Punch - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Kinniku Buester - L Button + Y Button (front) Elemental Mixer - L Button + Y Button (back) Kinniku Driver - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- Muscle Spark - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terry "The Grand" Kenyon ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Texas Draw - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Spinning Toe Hold - L Button + Y Button (front) Double Brain Crush Suplex - L Button + Y Button (back) High Voltage Vexer - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- Texas Clover Hold - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Terryman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Texas Draw - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Texas Condor Kick - L Button + A Button (mid-jump) Texas Clover Hold - L Button + Y Button (front) Calf Branding - L Button + Y Button (back) Calf Branding - L Button + Y Button (hold) Level 3 ------- Spinning Toe Hold - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wally Tusket ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Megaton Drop Kick - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Tombstone Pile Driver - L Button + Y Button (front) Stepover Tusk Hold - L Button + Y Button (back) Salmon Splash - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- Ice Rock Driver - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ramenman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Leg Lariat - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- 100 Game Winning Streak - L Button + Y Button (front) Standing Camel Clutch - L Button + Y Button (back) Spinning Camel Clutch - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- The Great Wall Drop - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dik Dik Van Dik ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Antler Fist - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Mid-air Antler Fist - L Button + A Button (mid-jump) Take this! - L Button + Y Button (front) Level 3 ------- Savannah Heat - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffaloman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Special Hurricane Mixer - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Tomahawk Hurricane - L Button + Y Button (front) Buffalo Bash - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- Hurricane Cross Slam - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Mask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Kevin Kneel Kick - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Tower Bridge - L Button + Y Button (front) OLAP - L Button + Y Button (back) Tower of London - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- Big Ben Bash - L Button + R Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robin Mask ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 ------- Robin Kick - L Button + A Button Level 2 ------- Tower Bridge - L Button + Y Button (front) Reverse Tower Bridge - L Button + Y Button (back) Robin Special - L Button + X Button (after hitting opponent in air) Level 3 ------- Robin Unicorn Special - L Button + R Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following items are items that are recived from the capsules that are thrown into the ring during a match. Bomb: Explodes and causes damage to health. Lightening Bolt: Causes wrestler to lose power. Claw Trap: Decreases speed for a short period of time. Golden Mask: Increases power. Silver Mask: Increases health. ? Mark: Random item/effect. KIN Medal: Acquire a coin for the cending machine in Toy Mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Exclusive Items ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each character in the game has a certain exclusive item that pretains to just them, by obtaining these particular items, some health will be restored. When another character obtains the items, their health will slight regainn itself. Beef Bowl - Kid Muscle/King Muscle Peanuts - Terry Kenyon Fish - Wally Tusket Antler Fist - Dik Dik Van Dik Feather Earring - Kevin Mask Skull Symbol - Jeager Chess Piece - Checkmate Star - Terryman Cup of Noodles - Ramenman Buffalo Horn - Buffaloman Cane - Robin Mask Commander Hat - Brocken Jr. Sun Symbol - Sunshine Eggs - Created Character's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Match Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is a list of the different match types that are included in the game. *Note: After each match that you have, you will recive a set amount on KIN Medals. That of which can be used in Toy Mode. -------------------------------- Singles Match (one-on-one match) -------------------------------- -With Second: Your second character provides help to your wrestler, they either distract the opponent, or throw useful items into the ring. -Without Second: Its just a one on one Raw fight, between two wrestlers. Rules ----- -Beat on your opponent until his health meter is empty. -When/If time runs out, the fight will be considered a tie (regardless of health). ---------------------------------------- Tag Team Matches (2 vs 2 tag team match) ---------------------------------------- -Tag Format: This is a match where you and your partner take turns squaring off in the ring. -2 vs 2: A match where both wrestlers are in the ring duking it out (which makes for a total of 4 wrestlers in the ring). Tag Team Specials can be used here. Rules ----- -To win, you must drop both opponents health meter to empty. -When/If time runs out, the fight will be considered a tie (regardless of health). ------------------ Battle Royal Match ------------------ -3 or 4 wrestlers square off in a match where the last man standing is the winner...Trust No One. Rules ----- -Make every ones heath drop down to nothing. -When/If time runs out, the fight will be considered a tie (regardless of health). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Game Modes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -Story Mode: In this mode you take control of your favorite wrestler through their own story. -VS Mode: This mode allows you to go one on one with the computer, or with a friend. Matches that are included are- Single, Tag, 2 vs 2, 3 Person Battle Royal, 4 Person Battle Royal. -Tournament Mode: This is a tournament format battle where a maximum of 8 characters may participate. You can chose to do a singles tournament, or a tag team tournament. -Create Mode: This is a mode that allows you to create your very own wrestler. You can create up to 40 characters, and then have them fight it out against the muscle of Ultimate Muscle. -Toy Mode: This is the mode where you use your hard earned KIN Medals. With each medal that you have recived, you get a muscle figure. There are over 400 figures for you to collect, with certain amounts giving you something a little extra. There are 4 vending machines that you can access, one for Ultimate Muscle, and 3 for Kinnikuman/M.U.S.C.L.E. Figures. After you bought figures, you can then view them in the view toy part of this mode. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. Secrets of Ultimate Muscle (Hidden Characters, etc) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Here is where you can find out how to unlock different things in this excellent game. ---------- Characters ---------- Eskara -> Collect 100 Toy Figures Hanzo -> Collect 200 Toy Figures Bone Cold -> Collect 300 Toy Figures Warsman -> Beat STORY MODE with Eskara Ninja -> Beat STORY MODE with Hanzo Skullduggery -> Beat STORY MODE with Bone Cold Panda Man -> Beat STORY MODE with everyone ---------------- Vending Machines ---------------- *You start off with these vending machines: Ultimate Muscle, Machine A Unlock Machine B - Unlock Eskara Unlock Machine C - Warsman ------- Figures ------- You can unlock an extra 10 characters (which are located in the Ultimate Muscle Machine), making a total of 444 figures. To unlock the extra 10 figures, you need to get every other figure that there is to collect (433). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. Created Characters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --------------------------- Created By: ????? Dark Badness I: +uLH'T(M*#?w@x^zZ * = a block # = VIII roman numeral @ = VI roman numeral ^ = dot in middle position --------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. FAQ's ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1Q. Can I use this FAQ on my site? 1A. Depends, you would have to first e-mail me and ask if it would be alright. 2Q. How many figure's are there to collect in Toy Mode? 2A. There are initaly 433 figure's, but after you get 433 figures, another 10 are unlocked to collect. 3Q. How often do you update this faq? 3A. I will try to update as often as I can, and as long as I got info for it. 4Q. Are the Vocie actors in the game, the same one's from the show? 4A. Yes, the same voice talent from the show do the voices for their selected character. 5Q. How would you rate this game out of 10? 5A. I would have to rate it either a 7 or 8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13. Links ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are a handful of some of my favorite links, and links that helped me out. So when you have time, be sure to check out these links. AKIA (American Kinnikuman Information Archive: http://jk.ixystems.com/akia/ GameFaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com Cheat Code Central: http://www.cheatcc.com Snopes (Urban Legend Page): http://snopes2.com/index.html Resident Evil Central: http://www.recentral.vze.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 14. Credits/Contact Info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------- Thanks to: ---------- Bandai AmoiMan (from AKIA) - Skullduggery Unlocking WarsmanandRamenmanrule (from AKIA) - Wally/Sunshine/Buffalo Man Origin itsamike (Mike Pollock) - Meat's Bio, Eskara V.A. ------------ Contact Info ------------ E-mail: aureliohc@aol.com (Give it a good subject title, otherwise your email might be deleted) ***NOTE: DO NOT SEND ME ANY JUNK MAIL*** Do not steal this and use it on any site without my permission. All it takes is to simply ask me, and if I give the thumbs up, then feel free to use it. If you got any questions or comments, be sure to tell me tell me. - Sniper33