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By: Kabul04 (claudio Gomez) e-mail: claustupido@hotmail.com Version: 0.50 ==================================================================== ------------------------Table of Contents--------------------------- ==================================================================== To make it easier for you to go to the section you want just press Ctrl+F and write the title of the section, and on Mac browsers use Command+F. 1. Version history 2. Introduction 3. The basics a. Controls b. VFX c. TIPS 4. Walkthrough a. Reel 1: Ten-million years B.C. b. Reel 2: Viewtiful Heroes, and The Statue of Doom c. Reel 3: Memoir of an Invincible Monster d. Reel 4: Thunder boy lives twice e. Reel 5: Ice edge f. Reel 6: Do Androids dream of Romantic Scene? g. Reel 7: Starship Viewties 5. FAQ 6. Special thanks 7. Copyright ==================================================================== 1. Version history Version 0.5 27th December 2008 Reel 1, Reel 2, Reel 3, Reel 4 (until ACT II) ==================================================================== 2. Introduction Hello gamer, this is my first guide and hopefully not the only one(a useful one). Anyway, let's talk about this viewtiful game. This is the direct sequel to viewtiful joe, and it doesn't disappoint a bit! The game is full of puzzles, some are hard and others easy. The storyline is pretty cool and it will surprise you, but the real new element introduced into this game is that you now get to play silvia, your girlfriend. She is a helpful character but you won't really use her a lot, she is ok. This game also has very high replay value because you get another difficulty (after beating it in adults) and you keep your stats (life, attacks). There are also this 36 chambers that are really hard to get and to complete. Well, enough with the intro, now let's start this. =============================================================================== 3. The basics Ok, first let's talk about the characters: Joe: The main character! He's back to the game, he's funny, friendly and crazy for girls even in front of silvia... Silvia: Joe's Girlfriend now is going to fight next to you, she is very aggressive but lovely and sexy. Jet: He is joe's father, he is the one that put on the reels for each movie. Captain Blue: this one is silvia's father, he was a great hero and fought bravely the villains before joe. a. Now on to the controls : In the menu (when you start the game, and when you are buying upgrades): A button: to choose this option. B button: to cancel or go back to the screen that was before. Control Stick: Switch between the options in the screen. Control pad: Same as the control stick Start button: same as the A button. Now in the gameplay (when fighting androids and stuff): A button: Jump (you can double jump when you are transformed into viewtiful Joe/ sexy silvia) B button: Zoom in or Zoom out (that's a special VFX you'll get later on) Control Stick: Move to the left or to the right, you'll dodge if you go up/down Y button: Punch! X button: just a kick. Z button: changes between silvia and joe. L button: Everything will go slow. this is for both silvia and joe. R button: With joe, you'll go super fast (this is called mach speed). With Silvia it will appear a REC sign in the screen, and every attack you make will repeat twice (be careful because if you have REC activated and you get hit, you'll get hit three times as well) C-Stick: The same as B button, the difference is that, in order to zoom in, you have to tilt it up, and to zoom out tilt it down. b. The VFX (all the special attacks or powers) are these: Slow (L button): Your attacks are stronger, you can dodge, return or just watch bullets, this will also be very helpful in some puzzles. Zoom (c-stick tilt up and down/ B button): this will make the camera close in to you, making common enemies be scared of you. In this VFx all your attacks are stronger and faster (and they also change visually). This zoom in is also used to make a "ground pound", that is if you are in the air and zoom in. And if you zoom in and try to jump you will start spinning to the direction you selected, making damage to the enemies. Joe unique VFX: Mach speed (R button): You are super fast. So fast that if you attack an enemy, two things will happen: first, you can get ignited, burning the enemies or making you invulnerable to fire. And second, making a lot of Joes appear in the screen hitting everything in sight (you can upgrade this so that 6 other Joes appear in the screen). Silvia unique VFX: REC (R button): a "REC" sign will appear on screen, but you won't see any change in the enviroment (nothing is slow/fast or no close up). But once you get to hit something (an enemy to be more specific) your attack will repeat twice, making tons of damage! is very useful to make a lot of damage to enemies but be careful not to get hit because the "REC" power will also repeat the damage made to you. c. TIPS Ok, now some tips!: -If you alternate punch and kick you'll make a long combo (very cool to watch) that's very useful when hitting enemies with high HP (try to alternate faster the X button and the Y buttonso that you make the combo faster). -Hold the A button when jumping will make you jump higher, and use double jump also (only when transformed into viewtiful joe/ sexy silvia). -If you see a box behind, destroy it by using mach speed and hitting things in the same area (you must be close to the box, I mean it must be seen in the background while you are hitting stuff). -To get a good rank, always try to dodge the enemy attacks, and hit with Slow and if there are more enemies keep hitting them without letting go slow. -If you fire silvia's pistol in slow, the bullets will grow huge, by the way the bullets don't repeat twice with REC, only the attacks with your body (kicks/punchs). -There is a very useful attack for joe only, that consists of using all three VFX powers (zoom in, Slow and mach speed) and holding the Y button (punch), this will make a super strong combo that makes devastating damage. -If you have the VFX bar full, when changing with silvia hold Z and check out the different attacks depending on the amount of VFX you are going to spend. -If an enemy is giving you a hard time buy the "Take 2" item! it will revive you in the precise moment you die. Extremely useful. ==================================================================== --------------------------WALKTHROUGH------------------------------- ==================================================================== 4. Walkthrough Now let's start the Walkthrough. Everything starts with a movie showing what happened in the first Viewtiful Joe, then when they show you the ending of the game, they tell you that the game has just started. So the game starts where the first one ends. After watching that cutscene you'll see the title with Joe to the left and silvia to the right. Now the fun begins, you are heading to earth and everything is destroyed, when you land, the emperor starts to talk to you, and says that you are not the one he's looking for, then you'll see captain blue getting transformed into a blue oscar. After that he will say the same thing every villain says: I'll get the "insert thing here (in this case the rainbow oscars)" and rule the world and finally his ship sucks you. ======================================================================= a. Reel 1: Ten-million years B.C. ACT I It starts after they left you stranded in a Jurassic Park world. Joe and Silvia fall and they realize their V-watches don't work, they try to transform but nothing happens. Now you have control! right after you start an enemy will go directly to you, making you enter the tutorial (you can't skip it), just do it: Punch (Y button), Kick (X button), low kick (tilt the control stick down and press the X button), uppercut (tilt the control stick down and press the Y button), Then start the dodge, tilt the control stick down to dodge the enemy's first attack, then tilt it up to dodge the second attack, this will make him dizzy, if you hit him now (you must) he will almost sure get destroyed by one hit. Then press the Z button to change to Silvia, and they will give you another enemy to practice, press the START button to end the tutorial. Anyway, back in the real game, grab the first 4 film reels, hit the box on top (if you want to get a hamburger) and then the other 4 reels. This reels will raise your VFX bar, allowing you to use your VFX powers for more time. After that a small cutscene will appear, kill those three androids things (a piece of cake). Keep going and getting all the reels, you'll find a new enemy, he is like a octopus looking robot, just jump and hit him, is really easy. Destroy the boxes but don't destroy the Big Purple/Red one, jump on top of it and then jump again to get more reels! After continuing and getting mroe reels, you must kill again androids but just 2. You'll realize that 1 of them has a shield, to defeat him just hit and he'll try to attack you, quickly dodge and hit him until he dies. The other enemy is also new but is a piece of cake, he throws bones, just hit him. After killing both and going right, a cutscene will appear, and a tank will jump out of a waterfall, now into the tutorial of using the VFX powers! Hold down the L button to slow, and avoid bullets (WARNING: this will consume VFX). Hold the L button again and wait until the bullet is close enough to hit it, you'll make it go back to the tank, damaging it Enemies will come out of the tank and one will try to hit you! dodge it by tilting the controller stick down, after dodging let the stick go, make it all slow and PUNCH, enjoy what happens. Now that there's no tank, just some enemies in front, get all the reels and if you haven't missed one, before getting to the cutscene of the logs and the SLOW word coming out of them, you should have already 50, making the VFX bar increase. Now press Slow to make the "dam" blow up, just hold it until it blows. After that you'll have to cross to the other side of the waterfall jumping from log to log, don't be scared to fall, actually, I suggest you go down, because there are reels, enemies and money at the bottom (the reels are in all the leaves to the left and others are to the right on top of the purple box). Go back up and get the reels that are on the way to the other side, by timing and jumping from log to log. Once you get to the other side the mission will be finished, and three enemies will appear (one behind you and two in front of you), kill them Go right and Hold slow until a floating platform with a propeller in the bottom, jump on top of it and let go slow, so that it goes up. Get all the reels on the way up. You should have 19 after getting to the top. Now after going right, you'll see a cinematic of an UFO dropping two new green enemies. How to kill them? If you hold slow they will fall and will be an easy prey for your attacks. After killing them, the UFO will go to the background, just go to the right until you see a metalic-rocket-platform, jump on top of it and Hold SLOW. Until you see an small explosion finish. you have finished the first part of the reel 1!. Save the game, get some power ups. Suggestions: Get Lives! you are weak if you don't want lives the get the AIR combo for Joe and Silvia or the Sliding, Don't Buy boomerang or Yamarashi (it's useless). Now Joe/Silvia must go on. ACT II You should have 30 film reels by now (before getting the first in this area). After defeating an enemy and continuing to the right, you'll get a mission: kill 2 androids, kill them, get points and continue to the right. When you get to the bridge you'll see a cinematic that closes it because there is a rock that is pressing a button back to the left. Go back now. The first two platforms are safe spot for those hot rocks falling into the area. Time it right and get to the first step of the three-stepped ladder, there you won't get hit, jump and get more to left, so that you are next to the Big Rock laying on the floor, then press down, slow and do an uppercut (punch). The rock will go back to the volcano, and the bridge is now down again! lets continue to the right! Some enemies will appear before you get to the bridge, kill them for money. In the middle of the bridge a mission appears and you must kill again 3 enemies (there two octopus robots that are not necessary to kill but do it to get some money). After passing the bridge, you'll see a "shoot me sign with the silhouette of a human in black, to get money transform into silvia and shot it. To get more money from them, shoot them without using any VFX power. After destroying all of them, continue to the right and another mission! Watch the volcano and hold down Slow before the moment it's going to erupt, making the rock fly through the air holding a button in front of you. Now back to the under the bridge area. Three enemies there, one with the key to the next area! Kill 'em all. Get the key and get all the reels, to get the ones behind the platforms and next to lava just jump really low and before you get to touch the lava jump again low (tap quickly the A button). If you get burn run to the right and lay next to a water sprout. Now continue and hit the Big rock so that it lets you continue (crouch and hit Punch with Slow On). Mission Finished onto the next area! after going into the bridge to shielded enemies will jump and destroy it! kill them both and then a third enemy will appear with a key, destroy him and get the key, go to the right, another shielded enemy will appear, dispose of him. now hold Slow to get the propeller-platform thing down. jump on top of it and let go slow so that it goes up again. Get the reels that are on top and open the door. In the next area a new enemy will appear, this one is a bit tough. He uses lasers at the beginning, run away from him, they are avoidable with the slow but it consumes VFX so just jump back, until he changes weapons. He will now use two handguns! just stand in front of him and when he starts swinging his weapons hold slow, if you punch the bullet it will go horizontally, if you kick it, it'll move in a diagonal way. After returning him a bullet (hitting him with it), he will get dizzy, now is your chance! Slow and punch/kick it until it dies! after that get the green ball that is shining in a platform. MACH SPEED Tutorial! piece of cake, just hold the R button and hit him until all the boxes in the background are destroyed. Now a bomb will hit you and you'll see that you can put out fire! Then you'll see that if you ignite yourself you become invulnerable to fire. After that tutorial make the enemy follow you a bit to the left so that you can see a box on the background and kill him with mach speed. Go back to the right and get those reels (you can kill the triceratops, they give you hamburgers), after passing two of the green dinosaurs (triceratops) you will see a new enemy, a green android with a red globe on his back, just use mach speed until he falls. Continue to the right and get all the reels, go down and you'll see two enemies (one with some forceps or pincers, this one is almost the same thing as the other ones, no need to really explain his attacks, just dodge and hit). Now there is a platform that doesn't go up, you have to jump on top of it and use mach speed! Be carefull with the flames on top (get all the reels!). Just use mach speed and let it go between both flames and then when the top one stops use mach speed again to go to the top. Now we'll see another volcano trying to erupt with a rock blocking it, hold slow when you see is about to erupt and now a bunch of rocks will fall onto the lava, use them as platforms, but be careful, the rocks continue falling on top of the ones that already fall. In the middle of the area there is a punch sack, hit it to get money. Continue to the right, and be careful because this rocks jump on fire, if you use mach speed, you will out out the fire on them, do that to get the reels on top of some of them. After that you'll encounter another blue android with laser weapons and handguns, kill him to get the key. In this one you must kick his bullets, so that you return them in a diagonal way. And that's it! area finished. Save and power up. Buy anything but Voomerang , shocking pink, Yamarashi and desperado, you won't need them in the whole game probably. If you can get mach speed 2 get it, it's awesome. ACT III You are getting closer to the boss! Anyway, kill the four enemies using mach speed (if you want to destroy the boxes on the background), and get all the reels, destroy the Shoot me thing on top of the entrance with silvia and proceed to the right. Once you enter kill the enemies and if you go further a mission will start! continue to the right, don't forget to double jump to check the reels on the above zone. You'll see on the right area that you have to plug a cable (do an uppercut with slow activated) after plugging the cable a cutscene will show you that a wheel thing that is next to you will activate, what you have to do is jump inside of it and using correctly the mach speed get it to be in Good for about 4 seconds. And that's it. In the next room jump on top of the doorframe you just entered and double jump to get 2 more reels. You are now in a very hot area where flames go up and burn you, here you must defeat 6 enemies. Just continue and kill them on the way to the right, also get the reels! There are 5 on top of the door to the right (you must double jump very high from the last platform. In the next room... first boss! (mini boss actually). A Drill machine with an android driving it! So at the start he will drill his way through the floor and disappear get all the reels in that moment and then get ready to fight. What you have to do is this: when the mud comes out from right to left, hold slow after he goes out (when he is in the air) and if the drill is going out vertically hold mach speed when the drill is coming out. After he is out, he will drop 3 enemies that are going to fight you, dodge them and try to hit the drill-machine with these enemies by making them dizzy, holding slow and punching them in the direction of the drill-machine. if he is still alive the wait until he turns red, in that moment hold slow because he is going to shoot you a bullet, just jump and return it to him by hitting the bullet. Repeat this until he dies. By the way you should have 43 reels by now. Area finished! Save the game and get power ups! I haven't mentioned this but Sliding is very useful when getting V-points because this will allow you to move faster while in slow. ACT IV Now the real thing, the big boss. After getting all the reels you will have your VFX full, and after passing the center you will enjoy a cutscene, funny. A dinosaur (Big John)will appear screaming to you. Joe and Silvia will ignore his introduction. He will get angry and now fight time! He starts by attacking you with his tail, dodge it by tilting the control stick up and holding it. After dodging get close and hit him with slow and mach speed (hold L and R at the same time). If he spits fire just get close and crouch or jump out of his range. He also jumps to the background and calls for helicopters to attack you by dropping explosive barrels. After this, he returns and attacks you by crouching and jumping with his mouth open, be careful because this attack is impossible to dodge with slow, you have jump out of his way. Oh, and if he says "artillery". Some tank bullets will try to hit you from the background. Anyway after repeating this you'll get him. Then you'll hear them talking about the results and where are they going now. Then Jet (joe's dad) after talking a bit will change the reel. By the way you just got your first rainbow oscar. Reel 1 finished!!! ======================================================================= b. Reel 2: Viewtiful Heroes, and The Statue of Doom ACT I This reel starts with a cutscene of Joe/Silvia driving a car (Six machine) at high speed in a desert, it finishes quickly when Joe/silvia jumps out of the car. Get the reels and before passing the second step you'll see a cinematic of a slot totem that throws 4 enemies, kill them and now onto this totem thing. Help yourself hitting the same thing three times by using slow. If you get three V you'll get the key to the next area, if you hit the three hamburgers you'll get a hamburger, the three G signs will give lots of coins (money!) and the yellow skull with the red explosion behind makes you damage. After opening the gate, you'll have to get another key to open the next door, go up and get the reels. After killing the many enemies you'll get the key, you should have by now 35 reels. In the next room, you will find a puzzle. Ok, this room has at its bottom water, and it's divided by a small wall that you can easily jump, your objective is to put the statue that is on the left side of the wall, on top of the thing with the red and blue balls that is on the right side of the wall. To do this, first you have to use mach speed, this will make the water go up, then at normal speed hit the statue to make it go to the right side, kicks help a lot. After putting it on top of the thing grab the Green shiny ball and learn the basic s of the VFX power "REC". Tutorial time No need to explain this one. Now a thing with the numbers 1,2 and 3 will come from up and you have to use REC to destroy it, before using REC, make Joe destroy the box behind with mach speed. And also grab the reels on the top right area of the room. After grabbing them you should have one more VFX section (A Total of two, including the bigger one you always have) and 14 more reels. Now REC the thing with Silvia and to the next room. This room has some enemies (get the reels first!), at the right final area there is a blue enemy with laser weapons, to kill him really fast make the other enemies try to hit you so you can dodge them, and then slow and all enemies will become very easy targets. Now a Squared Rock will fall and destroy the path you were walking on. Once down, get the reels and get the purple box on the background, then change to silvia, wait until the Spiked zone gets covered by the trapdoor and hit the red button using REC and SLOW at the same time. This will make three Squared rocks fall on top of the trapdoor, quickly jump them and go to the top right area, finishing the mission. The next part is really is, just kill the octopus robots and then jump into the platform, hold SLOW and go up! get all the reels, you should have 38 reels by now. When you go down to the right a mission will start, kill the enemies, use mach speed to hit the box on the background, and after killing like 8 enemies a new enemy will appear, it's an android with a pink scythe! To kill him just watch where his first attack is going (up or down), avoid it and then quickly dodge into the next direction it attacked, in other words, if the attacks up, dodge by tilting down and after dodging the first attack, tilt the control stick up. And that's it, if a big Warning sign appears in front of him run, because he'll make a slice attack that cannot be dodged without slow. After repeating this process you'll eventually kill him, and proceed to the next area, oh and if you want to open the box on top change to silvia and carefully use REC and SLOW on it (kicking it of course) but be really careful not to get hit while using REC. Next room, hamburgers! if you got hit pretty hard you can now recover and after that a boxing sack, hit it to get money. Now you'll jump into a wagon. And area finished. Ok, save and power up. ACT II In this next area is really hard to get all the reels. What you have to do is that when there are reels under you (in another rail) tilt the control stick down and press A (jump) and you'll go down. There are 61 film reels in this area. If you got them all you should have 49 reels with three VFX bars (including the one you begin with) Now fighting time, its again Big John (the dinosaur) but now he is driving a tank. He is very easy. He throws barrels at you, slow down and kick them to hurt him. Be careful when he throws the barrels bouncing they are a little hard to kick. He also jumps at you trying to bite you, after that he will turn red (stay completely to the left) and rotate like a beyblade. Finally he will leave the area and you'll have to evade some rocks. Then the process repeats. ACT III Right at the beginning three enemies will appear (easy ones), kill them and proceed, you'll see a cutscene where a lighting won't let you pass and a thing will start rolling to the right of the lighting. Change to Silvia and shoot the thing (in slow) so that the green triangle fits in the other triangle that is exactly on top of the thing. When you hit the thing, the lighting will disappear and a door at the end of the area will open, continue with caution because there are hanging axes that can hit you and throw you to the lava (don't be on a rush, get all the reels and hit the boxing sack to the right, you can go back left and hit the thing again so that the door re-opens). Before entering the door with the green arrows pointing up, you should have 4 VFX bars and 22 reels. In the precise moment you enter the next area something will lock on to you, it's the eye thing on the background (you can't kill it) so continue to the right avoiding getting hit by that and destroying all the enemies on your path, at the right part of the room, there is a bomb, what you have to do is move it to the center and when the SLOW sign appears hold Slow (it will blow the floor and you will be able to proceed to the next zone. Now, first kill all the enemies and get the reels, after getting all the reels (you should have 43 so far) and killing everything (the final enemy is the android with the pink scythe) go up and next to one of the jars (better the one to the right or to the left), hold mach speed and hit one until you get ignited then go to the others and hit them until all four jars are in fire, then the door will open (for a limited amount of time). In the next room, you'll see four snake pillars (the first one broken) and some enemies (kill them and get the reels) here you'll be introduced to a new type of enemies, the android nurses! what you have to do is concentrate in one of them, dodge her attacks and after dodging hit her with slow until her shield disappears, making the rest of the nurses targets for your slow attacks. After killing you'll see a cutscene where the first statue drops a big blue ball and the fourth statue is missing one (pretty obvious what to do). But before moving it, jump on top of the ball and get the four reels in the top part of the room, then jump on top of the ball again and move it by running on the opposite direction you want to go and holding mach speed (to go faster) when you get under the statue jump off the ball, stay next to it, crouch... slow... and Uppercut! Cutscene! A bomb will fall from the fourth snake statue, move it to the left side, and make it explode by passing it through one of the fire pillars that falls from the snake mouth, then put it in front of the first statue and wait until it explodes, hold slow of course. Everything destroyed! proceed to the right and get all the reels (after entering the next room you should have 16). New room, New mission, get the key! Kill the enemies that appear in front of you and get the reels that are in the way, on top of the staircase, a common enemy will appear and he will have the key (a green yellowish statue), kill him, get it and get close to the green yellowish altar to continue. ACT finished! Save time and buy power ups! If you had a hell of a time in this reel, buy a Take 2, this precious item activates in the precise moment you die, reviving you with your life full and in the same place you died. Useful. ACT IV Boss time! enjoy the cutscene where the yellow oscar falls in front of you, then the statue that is on the background will get closer angry, the video continues as the statue keeps talking to you. The statue is a very sleepy statue, you'll realize that in the video. After the video the fight will start, get all the reels and then get ready to fight. He has four basic attacks, first he may throw an orange ball to you, he can also do a stomping attack (he will move his torso and head back and then hit you hard), he also transform into a flying snake (it will be flying on the background and when it gets close to you, a drill sound will be heard and in that moment hold slow and dodge his attack, you can hit his orange ball after his drilled head attack finishes. After the third attack, he will transform back to the normal form and he will start sleeping, jump and hit him in the back and in the face! (because he will wake up and start hitting the ground). He can also shoot you a beam thing that you can dodge just by jumping. Repeat the process and he's a goner. Reel finished!! Enjoy the narrator talking and the video of Jet changing reels. Save the game! and NEXT FILM! as for power ups, like i told you, don't waste money on: Voomerang, shocking pink, yamarashi, desperado or Ukemi. There is no need for these for now. Buy mach speed, VFX turbo CHARGER (this one is incredible), Lives! and some "take 2" if you want. ======================================================================= c. Reel 3: Memoir of an Invicible Monster ACT I You start in a futuristic city jumping out of a hole making a sexy pose , anyway some enemies will appear with new looks (police androids), they are the same as the shielded ones before. Kill them and get the reels. Continue to the right and you'll get to see a cutscene where you will be trapped by two lightings on both sides, and an airplane will appear. Just go for it! get all the reels and then get ready to fight! It will shoot you with its machine gun, jump on top of it or try to return the bullets by kicking them. He will then drop 3 enemies, make them go dizzy, SLOW and try to punch them so that their bodies hit the plane. After destroying the plane, it will crash into the antenna and you'll be free. A green shiny ball will fall in front of you, grab it and ZOOM IN/OUT power tutorial! Finish the tutorial (you can also press the B button instead of the c-Stick). After that proceed to the right, grab all the reels (in the final right part of the room) and then go back to where the Shoot me sign where. Change to silvia, shoot it to get money (without slow to get more) and after that stay under the traffic light thing, zoom in and jump (you can do this with Joe or Silvia, and no need to use SLOW). A vehicle will then stop and some enemies will jump out of it (new enemies but these are the weakest). Then a common android will come and he will have the ticket to enter the vehicle. Kill him and go up, Don't enter the vehicle yet, jump on top of the traffic light and then jump on top of the vehicle, there are some reels if you double jump on top of the vehicle. There is a L.I.V. inside the vehicle. Continue and a new mission will start, jump and get all the reels, to get the ones that you cannot reach with your double jump, use an enemy to get them by doing this: stay exactly under the reels, make an enemy try to hit you (you must be under the reels), dodge his attack and them make an uppercut (crouch and punch with slow), this will make him fly upwards and as he touches the reels, this will make them come to you. After that, Change to silvia and in the first tunnel where the cars come out, jump and zoom in in the air, so that you enter in the ladies room. If you change into Joe inside enemies will appear. After killing the enemies a 1,2,3 thing will appear inside the bathroom, stay under it, zoom in, REC and jump with silvia. this will activate another 1,2,3 pillar on the outside. As you leave the bathroom a car will crash, and more enemies will appear, kill 'em. After disposing of them, jump between the two 1,2,3 pillar things, change to silvia, use REC and Zoom in and kick. The door will open. Proceed! You are in a dark area now, walk to the right carefully and getting all the reels. After killing all the enemies continue going up and getting all the reels. In the top of the building you should have 3 VFX bars and 8 film reels. Go back down and stay next to the Red lever, crouch and uppercut it with slow. This will make two scythe enemies appear behind and in front of you, destroy them and go up, on top of the building a common enemy will show up in front of you, stay under the gap between the two electrified cables and dodge the enemy attack so that he gets dizzy, then crouch, SLOW and uppercut him, this will make him conduct the electricity between the cables, keep holding slow until the tower finishes going up. And mission complete! Now the Airplane revenge! this time it transformed into a mecha-anime with legs robot/plane. It's easy anyway. He has the same attacks as before just that he makes them in other ways, he fires missiles (when he does this, get close and hit him while hitting the missiles), he uses a flamethrower (jump it), he uses machine guns also, he tries to kick you, he throws some forceps that grab you and make you damage, just dodge them or hit them to destroy them. Everytime you are going to attack him, use the Zoom in, Slow, Mach Speed, punch super combo. Repeat and he will get OWNED. First ACt finished!! Save the game and power ups! ACT II You start in an engine area with a lot of gears, jump to the top of the gear behind you and get the reels on top. Proceed to the right and you'll find a yellow gear, just make it go downn by jumping on the right side of it, and in the air zooming, making a ground pound attack. Continue going down killing all the enemies on your path and getting all the reels, after a while going down, you find again the gear that you hit on the top part, move it to the right by hitting it in SLOW, and it will fit into a gears mechanism. Zoom in next to the yellow gear zoom in and press kick continuously until a cutscene happens. A laser/ handguns blue android will appear behind you, kill him, and go up. Watch out for the cogs that are rolling downwards. All cogs can be destroyed (except the huge ones) but the yellow ones give hamburgers. Once you get to the top, an enemy will appear (the one with the red hood and the pink scythe) kill him and continue, be careful with the moving gears with spikes. Now go to the elevator and it will start going down rotating. DO NOT USE MACH SPEED, use only SLOW or no VFX power at all. try to get all the reels. If you got them all, you should have 4 VFX bars and 22 reels When you finally reach the bottom of the building, three android nurses will receive you, fight them as i told you before: make one try to hit you, dodge her attack and hit her until she loses her shield and becomes a target, then without letting go slow chase the others. Be careful with their new attack, they will make a piramyd and then split, one will be at one side and two of them to the other side, they will throw a volleyball ball at you, to avoid this hit the one that is alone with slow and zoom in, she will lose her shield and she will be vulnerable. After killing the three of them proceed to the right. Kill then the android with the pink scythe to get the key and go to the right. Now into a room with the conveyor belt and presses. Kill the enemies and get the reels before doing anything else, there are hidden reels under the conveyor belts, to get them simply slide before jumping into them (crouch and kick), the reels are on both sides of the conveyor belt. Be careful with the presses, and get the reels on top of them. If you got all the reels of this area, you should have 5 VFX bars and 16 reels. So, to complete the mission, to pass through the ventilated tunnel without being sucked use mach speed. on the other side, there is a red lever, activate it by jumping on top of it and zooming in in the air. Now the circular metalic thing that was on the beginning must be rolled so that it stay on the vaccumed area. After it goes through the ventilated tunnel, and gets dropped to the right, you must push it more to the right, so that it stays right in front of a hole with a red triangle on top of it, now crouch and punch (uppercut). Once placed on the hole, a white light will appear in one of the six slots. Ok, so what you have to do is make the white light move to the top spot (the one with the red triangle on top). You must know that to move the light to the right you must hit it from the left, and vice versa. The strength of your attacks will affect how many spaces will the light move, if you want to move it just one space hit it normally without using any VFX power. If you want to move it to spaces, use SLOW and hit the thing, and to move it three spaces change to silvia and use REC. After moving the light three times to the top space, you will have to fight again Sgt. Big John... it's getting repetitive now. Anyway, he is on his tank machine, and he does the same attacks as the fight in the mines, the only differences is that he starts doing barrel rolls in many directions so be careful. To kill him, you can do many things: Return the bullet he fires at you, return the barrel he throws at you, or wait until he breathes fire, get close and use Zoom in + Slow + Punch combo. The last one makes devastating damage. Repeat process until you get him and ACT II finished. Save and get power ups. ACT III You'll start in a huge room with lots of reels, and the purple rainbow oscar next to you, you can't grab it, the oscar will just fly avoiding you, so get all the reels without paying attention to the oscar. A suggestion: destroy the two electrified boxes on top with silvia because once the boss battle begin that can make you damage. After making the proper preparations follow the oscar until a cutscene appears. After the cutscene, you'll be ready to fight. This boss is really easy, he has a small variety of attack: he can hit you with his tongue, just crouch or dodge by tilting the controller stick up depending on his tongue direction, then Slow, zoom in and punch (you will be able to land just 3 hits). After that lasers will prevent you from moving freely, he will repeat the tongue attack, just keep hitting the thing. He will also try to recover by jumping to one side of the room, and going to the top area of that side, to prevent him from recovering, just follow him, and when he stops (or before) jump and hit him with the zoom in + Slow + Punch attack (it's called Slowz-RHOH btw, i forgot to mention it before but i was saying the same thing so not really a problem). Anyway if you manage to prevent him from recovering, Doctor Kraken will drop a hamburger and you can recover instead of him. The "strongest attack" is the one where three pinball bouncing things will appear on top of you, then Camo Leon will jump, rotating at high speed, becoming some sort of a ball, Just hit him at the beginning with a SLOW kick, and he will start to bounce between the pinball things, after that he will fall dizzy... HIT HIM. Just a reminder: Doctor Kraken will be on the background firing A lock-on laser and missiles at you , hit the missiles and they will go back to him, the laser is just impossible to return. Repeat the process and he will be pwned. ACT III finished! This reel had only three acts! That means towards the next reel! save and get some power ups. ======================================================================= d. Reel 4: Thunder boy lives twice ACT I Here everything starts in a asian-style place. Go to the right and get the reels, before you reach half of the bridge, enemies will appear and the first mission of the reel will start, same enemies you have always fought, so just practice your skills (use mach speed if you want to get a box that is on the background to the right). After finishing the first mission, get the reels under the bridge, just find the broken area of the bridge (it doesn't have rails and the floor looks a bit destroyed), jump and "zoom in" in the air so that you ground pound that area, no need to use slow. After getting all the reels, go to the right and onto the next mission! You just have to kill 10 enemies, piece of cake. By the way There is a box behind the blue curtain, and it has L.I.V. Anyway, once you finish the mission, jump to the roofs (not the ones on the top, just the normal ones), because a horde of enemies will appear (invulnerable) and will be moving on the floor. This will make a new mission start. What you have to do is: first: Destroy the ninja statue on top with a jump+zoom in+slow on top of it. Second: change to silvia, and REC+kick the three 1,2,3 things. A TIP to make it easier: the one on the top just "zoom in" in the air and use REC, but the ones to the sides wait until the altar thing goes to one of the side, because in that moment the enemies with spikes will not be next to the altar. Ok, so now you did the mission and a new enemy will appear, this is probably the hardest common enemy in the game. THE NINJA! His attacks are fast and at the beginning very unpredictable (he makes four hits in a row which you must dodge all in order to make him dizzy). Here's the thing: if both of the first attack start going down the combination will be like this: down, down, up, down. (I' telling where he is going to attack, not where you have to tilt your stick). If he starts down and then up the combination is: down, up, down, up. That's all the combinations I think, if there's another mail me. Repeat the process and he is dead. Then proceed to the right, three enemies will appear, two normal androids and another ninja. (use mach speed if you want to get the box on the background). Then go to the roofs and destroy the boxes to get reels and money. Now you'll see some guillotine things that are constantly moving, just use Slowz-RHOH to destroy them with one punch, and get the reels, also kill the octopus androids and get to the spring. Jump on top of it and use SLOW+ZOOM IN in the air and hold SLOW. Cutscene, and now a quite hard part. Get the reels, but watch for the Laser blue guy (I suggest you kill him first, it's really easy with the Slowz-RHOH, you don't even have to return the bullet to him). Well, what you have to do here is dodge enemies attacks to make them dizzy and uppercut them to hit the UFO. To put out the fires, just kill the androids and they will drop a bucket of water, move it to where the fire is and destroy them making a lot of water come out and extinguish the fire in its surroundings. After destroying the UFO, jump up to the right and continue, get the hamburger on the top (inside the box) and continue until enemies appear more ninja! hit them with mach speed if you want to get the boxes on the background, both have money. Kill the enemy and go right, you won't be able to continue because a giant statue will come from the background to fight you! is really easy, he'll fight you with his hand, his attacks are very simple: fires a laser that goes through all the floor while the hand moves on top (if you touch it you will get hit), here you just can dodge, just make small jumps when the laser gets close to you. After that the hand will just try to smack you while the statue fires missiles at you, hit the missiles so they go back to the statue and you make damage to it. After that the hand will throw 2 ninjas at you. Repeat the missiles part to kill the statue and get the GIANT key (by the way, the three boxes on the top area have hamburgers and you must get on top of the hand to get them *when it is trying to smack you in the missile part*). AND if you open the door to the right with the key... ACT I finished! Save the game and get some power ups, you must have the VFX turbo charger (so start saving) and if you have it, then get more lives or mach speed. ACT II You start in an asian-style house. Your mission is to get a key, first jump and get the reels on top (you won't be able to get the ones that are higher, never mind that), then continue killing enemies, until you reach the door and finally a black android with a scythe will appear with the key. continue and kill the enemies in the next room, then hit the yellow year with mach speed to get the boxes on the background. Now, to make it spin just zoom in + mach speed and use kick a while until a ladder descends from the roof. Go up and another mission (a bit tricky). First kill the two enemies that'll get out of the door to the right, and then go left and hit the brown lever with the two red squares WITHOUT TOUCHING THE GREEN THING (to hit the lever just jump on top of it, and use "Zoom in" in the air to ground pound it), this will make all the rooms move, by the way, don't mind the enemies, kill them if they annoy youbut they will keep coming out of that freaking door. As i was saying... now make the green thing stay on top of a hole (it won't be able to get through, but just make it fit the hole, then jump on top of it and "zoom in" in the air to ground pound it, making it go down (Without SLOW, only zoom in) then move it to the right until it gets magically to its place. Go back up, and hit the lever again twice, making the rooms go back to the starting position, then go right into the other room and hit the other lever by staying under it, zooming in and jumping, go left and hit the sword that is stuck on the wall with a SLOW kick. then you can stay where the sword was, change to silvia and hit the SHoot me thing to get money. Go down and try to get all the reels on the way down. Once you go down, lots of enemies will appear, including 3 ninjas and other stuff. After killing all of them, go back left and move the sword (just run on the left side of it to move it to the right, and use mach speed). Put it right under the entrance to the 3 rooms-that-move area, crouch next to it and SLOW uppercut it. If you make it correctly, the sword will get stuck on the entrance to the upper area, if didn't then move it back right under the entrance. Once you get it to get stuck on the entrance, stay under it and use zoom in + Jump to make it enter the 3 rooms area. Now move the sword to the room of the left and use the lever once to make go through the hole on the floor and then move it to the right until it gets in its righful place. Then go back and use the lever twice to go back to the first room, enter the first room (the one to the right) and use the lever twice, now go left and up and hit the mirror that is chained on top of the room (with a SLOW attack). Hit the lever and move the mirror to the left room and repeat the process said before. After all three relics are in place, a new door will open and you'll be able to go to the right, in this new room with 6 torches (3 lit), 2 enemies will appear (kill 'em) and stay between the torches, make Joe use mach speed until he ignites, then quickly change to silvia and kick the torches that aren't lightened with REC activated. Mission complete. Next room! a ninja will jump out of nowhere to fight you, just destroy him as you had destroyed everything in the whole game and go to the right to find more torches! Stay betweem them, hit one torch with Joe so that he ignites and then quickly change to Silvia, Zoom in, REC and KICK (the spinning kick attack), and mission accomplished. Now, once you enter the next room, an enemy will fall in front of you (android with scythe) and two octopus will go down to kill you... you know what to do with them. Go up by jumping into the green branches, just hit the A button when you see he touches the branches, you can wait a bit, but you'll almost instantly fall from them. Once up, you'll have to hit a giant bell 108 times, don't do it yet, go to the right without killing any enemies and destroy the box on the top right area, it will drop a Red Jar that makes your VFX bar infinite, now Hold slow and dodge one enemy so that he becomes "TARGET", hit him and start hitting every enemy in the room until they disappear, this will give you tons of money (if your infinite VFX runs out, there is another one to the left, this is the last room of this act, so don't think about saving the jar for the next room). Once you kill all the enemies, go for the bell and hit it 108 times (still without letting go slow because this gives you more points, if you did it correctly you'll have 99999 V-points to buy stuff from the power up store. So you finished the act II and now time to save and as i said before to power up whatever you want hehe, get the VFX turbo charger if you still don't have it, you can also get all the lives and the rest is up to your likes (just don't waste on yamarashi). ACT III ======================================================================= 5. FAQ Nothing here yet ======================================================================= 6. Special thanks -To victor because he helped me with some difficult words. -To Capcom because they created this viewtiful game. -To you who read, I mean if there were no readers I don't think i would have written this. (incomplete) ======================================================================= 7. Copyright This guide may not be published or reposted in whole or in part, without my permission. If you want my permission send an email to the address in the intro.